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Executive Summary
from Food Savvy | Impact 2020 | Hubbub, Norfolk County Council, Suffolk Waste Partnership | Food Waste
Building on Strong Foundations
Year Two of Food Savvy has built on the learning and foundations of Year One:
Developing the Food Savvy brand and messaging, continuing to add content to the FoodSavvy website and create shareable social media assets. Honing promising campaigns and interventions from Year One to increase their reach and impact.
Building awareness through communications, to combat food waste and the most commonly wasted foods.
Developing new local partnerships and a network of supporters who are committed to delivering the message.
Generating authentic stories from the public and local influencers.
Targeting messaging at high wasting households.
The Best Made Plans
2020 has been a year for change.
We began the second year of Food Savvy making headway against the project vision. In March 2020 COVID-19 bought a national lockdown.
We adapted our plans. On-the-ground events were put on hold and we dialled up our digital communications to respond to the food experiences of the nation. This response was informed by national polling. Both ‘halves’ of the year are reflected in this report. 2
Headline Impact 2019-2020 Actitvities and Reach
Year two of our seven year strategy has made great headway against our ambition during a challenging year:
Six campaigns with 50 collaborations and 20 events.
8,292 local members of the public engaged at events and workshops.
7,115 local visitors to the Food Savvy website. Four and a half times the number of local visitors to the site in year one.
The Food Savvy newsletter acquired a 43% increase in local sign ups from Year One, totalling 453 sign ups.
Reach of 1.8 million on Twitter and Instagram with 629 unique contributors.
Press ‘Opportunities to see’: National press: 58.7million, local press 9.1 million.
Brand recognition up by 2% compared to 2019.
69% of those signed up to Food Savvy campaigns and communications say that Food Savvy has helped them to reduce waste. The average by which respondents reduced their food waste was 20.3%.
Cumulative reach over the First Two Years
Since its inception in 2018, the Food Savvy collaboration has:
Run 15 campaigns, exhibited at 70 events and collaborated with 100 organisations and influencers.
Engaged 21K people at events and workshops.
Attracted 8,704 local visitors to the Food Savvy website.
Had 358 local individuals sign up to the Food Savvy Challenge and mailing list.