ESPP Takes Florida “The field trip to Florida was certainly a highlight of my winter break. I was very excited to take part in interviewing Lake Placid locals and trying to construct a plausible plan for improved transportation in and around the town.The panel of regional planners, councilors, and professionals to which we presented was certainly helpful and served as a great culmination of the trip.” — ESPP Concentrator
Announcing the 2015 Wintersession Trip Graduate School of Design professor Richard Forman will lead the next January trip to the Sevilleta Field Station, operated by the University of New Mexico and located in central New Mexico (60 miles south of Albuquerque). Concentrators will explore the diverse ecological and biological landscape of the American Southwest. The station lies at the junction of several major ecosystems, and researchers have access to a broad diversity of habitats, including the Chihuanhuan Desert grasslands and shrublands; Colorado Plateau shrub-steppe; juniper savanna; the riparian Rio Grande corridor; and more. The field trip will run on approximately January 14-21. More information will appear on our website soon.
In January 2014, fifteen concentrators traveled to the Archbold Biological Station, located seven miles south of Lake Placid, Florida, for a week of ecological studies on humanimprinted areas and land-use planning. Led by professor Richard Forman (pictured bottom left), Research Professor of Advanced Environmental Studies at the Harvard Graduate School of Design; James McCarthy, Agassiz Professor of Biological Oceanography (top, center); and Alicia Harley ’08, the students visited a variety of habitats; evaluated competing land uses; and developed a land-use plan for a changing Highlands County, Florida landscape, which was later presented to a group of local townspeople.
Dear Alumni: It is with great pleasure that I write to you today in our Second Alumni Letter. I would like to thank you once again for participating in our alumni survey. As mentioned in the last Alumni Letter, this information was very useful as we undertook an internal review of the concentration last spring. The Board of Tutors used the data from the survey, on people’s career trajectories and post-graduate education, to formulate a recommendation to modify the requirements for an ESPP degree. While students will still be required to satisfy core requirements in the physical, biological, and social sciences and mathematics; the number of those courses has been reduced. Also, in consultation with their faculty advisor, concentrators will develop an individual plan of study for a series of advanced courses around a particular field of specialization. Through their field of specialization, students will develop expertise in a particular field of study relating to the environment. In their senior year, students will undertake a capstone project in which they conduct an in-depth examination of a particular environmental issue consistent with their field of specialization, applying skills and knowledge gained in their courses and tutorial experiences. For students wishing to be considered for honors, the capstone project will consist of a two-semester senior thesis. In addition to the reduction in the concentration requirements, we also reduced secondary field requirements in Environmental Science and Public Policy. This spring, we launched a new Secondary Field in Energy and Environment. If you are interested in more information on our new requirements or secondary fields, please visit our website. I am also pleased to announce plans for a ESPP alumni reunion event. We hope that you will join us for this event. We are considering the potential date of March 27-28, 2015. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the online poll (see right). More details on this event will be forthcoming–be sure to visit our website and facebook page for updates. I hope to see many of you at our alumni event in 2015!
Paul Moorcroft, Chair On behalf of the ESPP Board of Tutors
ESPP Alumni Event Our first ESPP alumni reunion will involve panel discussions with ESPP alumni, students, and faculty about contemporary environmental issues, as well as time for more personal discussions and conversations. Please visit the following link to participate in the poll:
Connect With Us Be sure to “like” the Environmental Science & Public Policy Facebook page to learn about events, read articles, and to stay connected to the program. We are also on LinkedIn, with a special group just for ESPP alumni, faculty and current students. Connect with us to network with other ESPP alumni. Photo (above, left to right): ESPP senior thesis writers Ethan Addicott, Jun Shepard,Valerie Shen, Emma Lucken, Hannah Morrill, Kristen Wraith, and Basil Williams.