Student Academic Guide

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Student Academic Guide

Welcome We know that academic issues can be a huge cause of stress and the complex web of University regulations can leave you feeling exhausted. In this guide you’ll find advice about all the different processes that may affect you during your time at University as well as some tips on how to avoid falling foul of common academic issues.

Contents Student Academic Guide




Handbook of Regulations




Extenuating Circumstances (EC’s)


Academic Integrity




Disciplinary Procedures






Additional Support




What is the Advice Centre?


Handbook of Regulations The Students’ Handbook of Regulations is produced by the University and brings together the ma jor regulations approved by either Senate or the University Council which affect either students’ courses of study or their personal conduct. Enrolment on a course at the University is deemed to constitute acceptance of the Regulations and the website for the handbook is provided to all students registering on courses at the University. Continuing students should visit the Registry website at the start of each academic year to view any changes to the regulations. The University is committed to supporting its students throughout their study and has developed the Student Regulatory Support Website to provide them with guidance on various aspects of the regulations. Registry website:


Appeals This is a brief outline of the University appeals process and you are advised to consult the Handbook of Regulations or contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre for more detailed information. You may wish to request a review of a decision by a Course Assessment Board which relates to: • • •

progression to the next year of your course the marks which you were awarded for a module the classification of degree which you have been awarded

For your results to be reconsidered you will need to demonstrate that you have grounds for a review, simply disagreeing with a mark will not be sufficient as you cannot challenge the academic judgement of the Board. Before submitting an appeal it is a good idea to speak with the module tutor or course leader to see if your concerns can be resolved informally. There are limited grounds on which you can appeal the decision of the Course Assessment Board and such a review will only be considered in the following circumstances: •


Your performance in the assessed work or examination was adversely affected by illness or other factors which you were unable or, for valid reasons, unwilling to divulge before the assessment board reached its decision. These extenuating circumstances and the reason for their late submission must be supported by medical certificates or other independent evidence

Or •

You can produce evidence demonstrating that there has been an administrative error or other irregularity that has directly affected the mark awarded.

You must submit all evidence you are relying upon to support your appeal as this is your final opportunity to request a review of the decision you wish to challenge. Given the existence of procedures for complaint during the study period, retrospective complaints regarding dissatisfaction with tutoring, supervision or feedback will not be accepted as grounds for appeal. A request for an appeal of a result confirmed by an Assessment Board shall be made using an appeal form (accessible from: and submitted to the Head of Registry’s office as soon as possible and normally not later than 10 working days after the decision of the Assessment Board which is disputed, has been announced.

When submitting your appeal you should make sure that you address the following points: •

• •

Clearly state the grounds for your appeal and the decision you are appealing against Explain in detail the circumstances of your case, it may be helpful to produce a chronology of events Obtain and attach evidence (e.g. Doctors note) to support your claim If you don’t have enough space on the appeals form, attach a separate statement and refer to it on the form

Make clear how any extenuating circumstances affected your ability to complete the work and why these were not brought to the University’s’ attention before Say what you would like the outcome to be (e.g. a chance to do the work again)

Once your appeal has been received by the University the documentation will be reviewed to establish whether you have grounds to appeal and for your case to be considered further. You will be notified of the outcome in writing and if leave to appeal is not granted a full explanation will be provided.

Case Study - Louise Louise had recently received her results. She had been disappointed to find out that she had been referred in some of her coursework and exams and therefore would be capped at 40% when resubmitting the work. Louise visited the Advice Centre to seek out help. Louise had been struggling with some of the academic aspects of her course for a few months and had been referred to the University Disability Support Services in January. Following an initial assessment they had referred her for a further diagnostic assessment to identify any additional learning needs that she may have. The earliest date the assessment could take place was a few months later and this identified a specific learning difficulty and recommended additional support and extra time in exams.

The report was not received until after coursework and exams had been completed by which time it had been too late for any of the recommendations to be implemented. It had also been too late to submit a claim for extenuating circumstances as the deadline had passed. Louise was advised to appeal against the decision of the Course Assessment Board (CAB) on the grounds that she had extenuating circumstances (EC) that for good reason were not submitted to the EC Panel for consideration before the CAB decision was made. The appeal was successful and Louise was granted deferrals in the assessments she had not passed and given the opportunity to re-sit as a first attempt with the appropriate support in place.


Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) This is a brief outline of the University’s procedures and you are advised to consult the Handbook of Regulations or contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre for more detailed information. Extenuating or mitigating circumstances are unforeseen, exceptional or serious issues outside of your control which have affected your performance on your course. They may have prevented you from attending an exam, submitting a piece of coursework by the deadline date or adversely affected your performance in an assessment. There are strict deadlines for the submission of ECs. Other than in exceptional cases, claims and supporting evidence must be received no later than five working days from the missed exam or the agreed submission date for coursework. If you believe that you have been affected by ECs then it is your responsibility to make that claim in writing on an EC claim form and hand it in to your school office. Do not assume that if you have made a tutor aware of your circumstances that they will submit an EC claim on your behalf. You will need to complete an EC form which can be found in the ‘My Details’ section of your student portal pages. You will need to enter a few basic details and select the modules for which you are claiming ECs before printing off the form.


You should then complete the form in full, get a tutor’s signature if applicable, attach all supporting evidence and hand all the documentation in to your School/ Departmental office. It is advisable to keep a copy of all the documentation for your own records. Evidence should be attached to the claim form and must cover the period of assessment to which your claim refers. Evidence should be from an independent third party and ideally someone who knows you in a professional capacity, for example a doctor or counsellor. The documents submitted should be dated and clearly state who and where they are from (e.g. on headed paper or with an official issuing stamp). They should explain not only the nature of the circumstances but how these circumstances affected your performance and the dates when you were affected. They should contain sufficient clarification to explain the circumstances; additional clarification will not be sought by the University although they may seek confirmation that documents are genuine. All documents must be in English (or translated into English and signed by a public authority). All claims will be considered by Registry. They will make a decision, based on the documentation submitted, as to whether the claim has sufficient strength to be given formal consideration by the Course Assessment Board. You will be notified of the decision in writing within ten working days of receipt of the claim in Registry via the School Office. If your claim is accepted the Course Assessment Board will decide on a course of action. It is important to note that if a claim is recognised the board will not try to guess how well you might have performed in different circumstances and raise your marks. If you have failed to pass then the normal remedy would be to

allow you a further attempt. If you have achieved a pass then your mark will be recorded and the Assessment Board will take into account your recognised claim for EC’s when deciding on your classification.

Fit to Sit Policy You should be aware that the University operates a Fit to Sit policy – any student who presents themselves for an exam (or in class test) is declaring that they are fit to sit that assessment and they cannot subsequently claim that their performance in that assessment was affected by existing circumstances or illness. (If you are taken ill during an assessment and have to abandon it before completion, you are advised to obtain a medical note as soon as possible.)

Extensions If the circumstances preventing you from completing a coursework by the given deadline for submission are temporary and/or short term then you should consider whether it may be more appropriate to request an extension. Extensions can be requested at any point up to two working days after the initial deadline but you should continue to assume that the original submission date applies until you receive confirmation and details of the agreed new submission date. If you submit a request for an extension close to the submission date and your request is subsequently refused, the normal regulations regarding late submission of work will apply. Extensions cannot be applied to deadlines set for Tutor Reassessment or work that has been formally referred or deferred by an Assessment Board. The length of an extension will be determined by the School but would normally be limited to a maximum of

10 working days. In very exceptional circumstances, requests for extensions in excess of 10 working days may be considered. Such requests will always require the production of independent supporting documentation (similar to that required for Extenuating Circumstances). To request an extension, you must apply online by completing the Extension request form on the University Portal,

Additonal FAQs “What if I have computer problems and I lose my work before I get a chance to submit it?” The School does not accept computer problems as a justification for the late submission of work. This is because you are expected to back up your work properly so that you never lose your work.

“What if I accidentally submit the wrong version?” Whatever is submitted will be treated as the correct and final version of the assignment – you will not be able to retrieve it and replace it with another version; it is therefore your responsibility to ensure that you submit the correct version.

Academic Integrity This is a brief outline of the University’s procedures and you are advised to consult the Handbook of Regulations or contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre for more detailed information. All students are expected to maintain academic integrity throughout their period of study at the University. The University regards any action by a student which may result in an unfair advantage, such as cheating, collusion, plagiarism or ghosting, as a serious academic offence. Where such conduct is proven this may lead to the application of a disciplinary penalty. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that any work presented for assessment is their own and that the work or opinions of others are appropriately acknowledged. The University provides a software package for completion by all students to support them in understanding accurate referencing and the dangers of plagiarism. Students are expected to complete this test in the early stages of their studies at the University. The University defines a breach of academic integrity as a failure to act in accordance with generally recognised standards of academic behaviour and integrity. Examples of a breach of academic integrity are set out in the Students’ Handbook of Regulations Section 4 Assessment Regulation 3. It is also a breach of Academic Integrity Regulations to fail to safeguard your own work or to make your work available to another student who then uses it and submits it as their own. When an allegation of a breach of the Academic


Integrity Regulations is brought against a student the matter will be referred to an Academic Integrity Officer (AIO). The AIO will have a written report detailing the allegation with supporting evidence from the tutor who has identified the concerns. The AIO will write to the student with details of the allegation and invite them to a meeting to discuss the matter. Students are advised to contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre as soon as they receive this letter so that an Adviser can explain the procedures in detail and help them to prepare for the meeting. The adviser can also support the student at the meeting.

Case Study – Michael’s Story Michael received a letter asking him to attend a meeting to discuss an allegation of a breach of academic integrity, he got in touch with the Advice Centre in order to discuss what would happen and how we could support him. The allegation concerned similarities in a piece of coursework to other sources that had not been acknowledged. The adviser explained that this was plagiarism and explained the misconduct process with him. Michael and the Adviser attended the meeting to discuss the allegation, Michael accepted that the work had not been appropriately referenced but explained that this had not been his intention. The adviser and Michael had indentified that he had some mitigating circumstances which they believed had affected his performance in the coursework. Michael had recently been advised by his tutor to go for a learning needs assessment. He had an appointment arranged for later that week and therefore the Academic Integrity Officer agreed to postpone making a decision on any penalty pending the initial report being forwarded to him. Michael forwarded the interim report which identified learning support needs and the assessment also stated that Michael’s academic performance would have been affected. The Academic Integrity Officer agreed a lesser penalty in view of the circumstances and urged Michael to seek the support of the Academic Skills group in his school.


Attendance The University has an Attendance Monitoring Policy which can be found in the Students’ Handbook of Regulations. All students are expected to attend all timetable teaching sessions and to be available during all term time weeks. When students are unable to attend through illness, personal circumstances or social or religious responsibilities they must report this to their School’s notified contact. This should be done in a timely manner, in advance where possible or within 24 hours of the absence. It is a student’s responsibility to make sure that their attendance is recorded in all timetabled teaching sessions by swiping their identity card in the card readers in each room. If you don’t bring your identity card you will be recorded as absent. A lost card should be reported immediately to your school office and a replacement obtained from the Student Centre. (In most cases this will incur a cost) Students who fail to comply with the expectations of the policy may be invited to an interview with the Dean (or nominee) to discuss the attendance issues. If you do not respond to this invitation or you fail to give a satisfactory explanation for both the absence and the failure to engage with the monitoring process you may be withdrawn from your course. Students who receive a letter from the Dean regarding their attendance should contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre for further advice. Students who swipe into a timetabled session and leave before the session finishes or students who swipe in for another student are likely to invoke


the University Attendance Monitoring Disciplinary Procedures. Penalties under these regulations include withdrawal from the University. If you swipe into a session and are taken ill or have to leave for other reasons before the session is completed you should inform the tutor taking the session before you leave. If this is not possible for any reason you should contact the tutor (or the school office) as soon as possible and explain why you swiped in and did not attend the full session.

Case Study – Andy’s Story Andy came into the Students’ Union Advice Centre in November 2012; he was in his own words “a mess”. Just before starting his final year at University he had lost his father to a long term illness, this had quite understandably affected him, he was living away from home, felt lonely, kept going back home to see his Mum and therefore he had not been regularly attending classes and as a result was falling behind with work. He came into the Advice Centre in a panic. Andy had received a letter from his School asking him to a meeting with the Dean to explain his attendance which it stated in the letter had dropped to 52%. Jillian sat down with Andy who explained what had happened and his non attendance and how he was just about getting back to normal. Jillian arranged to attend the meeting with Andy but also arranged for him to go and see the “Back on Track” service in the University to talk to them about his academic issues. Andy also at Jillian’s insistence went to see his family doctor and attended the student counselling service all of which helped Andy enormously. At the meeting with the Dean, Andy was able to tell the school how he had sought help, and was now attending regularly

and catching up on work, he also explained that he had been given a few extensions by tutors to complete some assignments and how Glenda in “Back On Track” had helped him as had David one of the counsellors who had helped him cope with his bereavement. The outcome of the meeting was positive, Andy had demonstrated he was sorting his issues and hopefully he was now going to finish his final year and graduate. The Dean recommended no further action was taken and reminded Andy to seek help if required. Over the next few months Andy kept popping in to see Jillian, seeking advice or clarification on everyday matters. Jillian also encouraged Andy to join one of the many clubs & societies and as a result he enjoyed a number of activities with FRAG the gaming society making student life even more comfortable.

STOP PRESS: Results day 18th June, Andy came into the advice centre ecstatic, he had secured himself a 2:1 in Politics with History, his Mum was proud and his Dad he was sure would have been too.


Disciplinary Procedures This is a brief outline of the University’s procedures and you are advised to consult the Handbook of Regulations or contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre for more detailed information. The University shall have the right to investigate any allegation of misconduct against a student and may follow disciplinary procedures where it decides that an act of misconduct has been committed. The University expects its students to behave responsibly. Actions which constitute improper interference with the proper functioning or activities of the University or with those who work or study in it, may be deemed misconduct under the disciplinary procedures. Examples of behaviour which may constitute misconduct can be found in the handbook. The policy and potential penalties are wide reaching and students who are notified of an investigation under the disciplinary procedures are advised to contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre as soon as possible to discuss the matter and to receive support in dealing with the issue.

Complaints The student complaints procedure enables students to bring matters of concern about their learning experience to the attention of the University and provides mechanisms through which those concerns may be resolved. The full procedure can be found in the Students’ Handbook of Regulations Section 8. The University takes all complaints seriously and has designed the procedure to be


simple, clear and fair to all parties involved. Students are encouraged to try to resolve matters at a local, informal stage wherever possible. There are trained Conciliators appointed to each School, students are free to approach any one of them for impartial advice and, where necessary, assistance when seeking to informally resolve a complaint. A list of contact details can be found in the Regulatory Support pages of the Registry website. Students are encouraged to seek support from the Students’ Union Advice Centre and at all stages of the complaints procedure a student may be accompanied by a Students’ Union Adviser.

Progression Students should be aware of the University’s ‘50 credit rule’ in relation to progression on their course. Full details of progression regulations can be found in the Regulations for Awards on the Registry website. At all times, progression shall be subject to the provision that it is still possible for the candidate to complete the course within the maximum specified period. Students who are awarded at least 50 credits for the current stage of assessment but who do not achieve enough credits to progress to the next stage may be permitted to return in the subsequent session to retrieve the failed modules. Students who have been awarded 40 credits or fewer shall be deemed to have failed the course and lose any opportunity for further reassessment. (Subject to exceptions for students with validated EC Claims).

If you think that you may not be on course to pass at least 50 credits you should seek advice and support from either the University Back on Track service or the Students’ Union Advice Centre as soon as possible.

Additional Support If you are considering changing course, feel that you are falling behind with your studies or struggling to engage fully, there are services within the University who can help. Back on Track – based in Wellbeing and Disability Services, Student Central level 4, the team are there to offer support when you feel that your studies or University experience is not going as well as it should be. Back on Track drop-in sessions: Mondays, Tuesday and Thursday at 14:00, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 Tel: 01484 472227 E-mail:

Academic Skills Tutors – each School has Academic Skills tutors who are there to support and guide students through their studies. They can help you improve your academic writing style, structure your work appropriately, construct arguments, gain confidence in referencing, finding and evaluating information, or in preparing for exams. Support is also available for numeracy and information technology. You can find a list of Academic Skills Tutors here: contactacademicschools/ Students’ Union Advice Centre – based in Student Central level 5, the Advice Team can offer advice on any Academic Issues and will guide and support you through all areas of the Students Handbook of Regulations. Open: Monday to Friday 10am to 4.30pm, Tel: 01484 473446 Email:

Wellbeing Services – based in Student Central level 4, the team can help with personal issues that you may be experiencing and can offer advice and counselling services. Wellbeing drop-in sessions: Monday to Friday at 11.00am, Tel: 01484 472675, Email: Personal tutor/course leader – if you are not enjoying your course and think that you have made the wrong decision about your choices then in the first instance you should discuss this with either your personal tutor or course leader.


FAQs “What can I do if I am having problems with my course?” You may find that once you start your course, it is not really what you expected. You might not have settled in Huddersfield, or there may be other problems. Talk to your tutor about the problems you are having, as they may be able to help. Drop in to see the Back on Track team based in Student Central level 4, ask at the iPoint. Make an appointment with the Students’ Union Advice Centre, who will explore what’s wrong and consider your options. Working out what the problem is will help you decide what to do next.

“I am thinking of leaving my course, what should I do?” Think it through fully before you take any action. If you are thinking of leaving due to problems not directly related to your course (eg illness, homesickness, or financial problems) you should contact the Advice Centre to explore the possibility of other solutions. If the problem is directly with the course you should discuss this with your tutor initially to see if the issues can be resolved. If you do decide to leave the course you should visit the Students’ Union Advice Centre to talk about the implications for your student funding, housing contract, and future funding if you were to do another course later on. Once you have considered all of this and still want to leave you should contact your School Office to ask how to formally withdraw and you must also inform Student Finance England and the Student Loans Company.


“How do I change to another course at The University of Huddersfield?” If the problem is directly with the course you should discuss this with your tutor initially to see if the issues can be resolved. If you want to discuss other course options you should contact the Back on Track Team, Student Central, Level 4 iPoint.

“How can I transfer to another University?” Look at the UCAS website to see all the courses offered by all UK Universities. Contact the Admissions Tutor of the course you are interested in following. It is probable that you will be required to start the new course from the first year. The Credit Framework in operation at the University of Huddersfield is part of a nationally recognised framework and common to many Universities within the UK. The credit framework enables students to transfer, where necessary, between Universities using the credit achieved at one institution towards an appropriate award at another subject to the approval of the receiving University.

“I want to take time off from my studies” It’s important that you talk to someone as soon as possible. University staff will try very hard to support you though your course if they are aware that there are problems. If you can, talk to your tutor or course leader. Usually your School/ Department has to agree to you taking time out. If this is because of illness, personal or family issues, you would normally have to provide some written evidence of the reason. If you don’t feel ready for this, talk the issues through in a confidential interview with a Back on Track Adviser who can

help you negotiate the best way forward. If you prefer, you could also discuss your situation with a counsellor or chaplain. You should visit the Students’ Union Advice Centre for advice about the implications for your student funding, housing contract, and to work out how you will support yourself financially during your time out. You will need to speak to your School to formally suspend and you must also inform Student Finance England.

“What happens if I hand my work in late?” If you have handed in work late but within 5 days of the original deadline it will be marked but the maximum mark available will be 40%. Outside of the 5 days you will be given a mark of zero for that assessment. This facility does not apply to the submission of assessed work relating to Tutor Reassessment, referral or deferral requirements but does apply to previously agreed extended or renegotiated deadlines.

“What can I do if I am not able to meet the deadline for my coursework?” You may be given a short extension to your deadline if you produce clear evidence for why you are unable to complete your assignment by the given date. You should discuss this with the module tutor. If an extension to the deadline is not possible or will not resolve the problem you should submit a claim for Extenuating Circumstances.

“What can I do if I have been accused of cheating in an exam?” You will be invited to a meeting to discuss the allegation. You should contact the SU Advice Centre to speak to an adviser to go through the allegations and any response you wish to make.

“What should I do if I am being bullied or harassed?” If you are experiencing harassment/ bullying you should contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre. The Advice Centre will provide independent advice, guidance and support to any student who is being harassed. The Advisers will talk through the grievance and outline the options available to you. A course of action will be agreed with you, no action will be taken without your consent. We offer a confidential service. If the agreed action involves a referral (for example to the Counselling Service in Wellbeing Services), this will be done in line with Students’ Union’s Referral Policy.

“I have been called to a Fitness to Practise meeting, What should I do?” The Fitness to Practice regulations apply to students on professional courses such as Nursing and Teaching. If the University becomes aware of a concern about a student they will arrange a meeting to discuss this with you in order to decide if any further action under the regulations should be taken. Make sure you read the Fitness to Practice Regulations. You should call the Students’ Union Advice Centre to make an appointment to see an Adviser who can attend this meeting with you.

“If I make a complaint about the university, will it be held against me?” No. The University’s complaints procedure states that ‘No student bringing a complaint under this procedure, whether successfully or otherwise, will be treated less favourably by the University than if the complaint had not been brought.’


What is the Advice Centre? The Advice Centre is here to give you help and support whilst you are studying at the University Of Huddersfield. If you have a question regarding your academic studies, accommodation, finance or just need general advice about student life. We offer free, confidential and impartial advice and no question is too big, too small or too silly.

Huddersfield Students’ Union Queensgate Huddersfield HD1 3DH

Opening Times: Monday to Friday 10am to 4:30pm

Tel: 01484 47 3446 Email: Web: Twitter: @hudsuadvice



University of Huddersfield Students’ Union Queensgate Huddersfield HD1 3DH @HudSuAdvice 01484 47 3446

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