Activities Quality Mark Information Pack

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Welcome from VP Student Activities Our sports clubs and societies are one of the most important aspects of what we do here at the Students‟ Union! Led by elected committee members, our sports clubs and societies are at the heart of the Students‟ Union due to the amazing amount of hard-work, effort, and commitment that is put into them - providing opportunities for students from all over campus to get involved! Thanks to the dedication our activity group leaders put into running their sports clubs and societies, all Huddersfield students have the opportunity to get involved by joining one of our many activity groups – something which can massively improve their time studying at University. Recognising the massive positive impact activity groups have on student life in Huddersfield, we are keen to ensure that our activity groups are gaining the credit they deserve for their success and commitment to making student life better! The „Activities Quality Mark‟ is an accreditation scheme that has been introduced to support our sports clubs and societies and to identify areas of success and to reward achievement. Good Luck! Jordan Aird VP Student Activities 2015/16

Activities Quality Mark Why introduce it? The Activities Quality Mark is an accreditation scheme aimed at supporting sports clubs and societies through providing opportunities for development, identifying success, and rewarding achievement! The „Activities Quality Mark‟ provides a structured way of assessing student activity groups, highlights areas for improvement, but most importantly allows success to be identified and rewarded! The scheme encourages sports clubs and societies to get involved with a wider variety of activities throughout the year, encouraging groups to step outside of their comfort zones and do things that will benefit larger amounts of our students and even reach out to the community. How does it work? Activity groups can aim for Bronze, Silver, or Gold status through fulfilling the set criteria - which has been broken down into seven key categories. These categories are broken down as follows: Engagement – This category recognises your commitment and engagement with procedures, policies and the democratic structures of the Students‟ Union and additional opportunities provided by the Students‟ Union. Participation – This category recognises your commitment to equality and diversity, in addition to exploring your ability to engage with students and widen participation. Activity – This category recognises your ability to fulfil your activity group‟s own aims and objectives, as well as assessing the quality of opportunities your group provides for students. Community – This category recognises your commitment to the wider local community through volunteering and fundraising opportunities. Committee – This category recognises your ability to effectively complete operational tasks associated with running your activity group. Marketing – This category recognises your ability to promote your own group‟s activities, utilising the marketing resources provided by the Students‟ Union. Finance – This category recognises your ability to successfully plan and manage your budget as well as the steps you take to ensure the financial sustainability of the group. There are four possible levels per category which activity groups may submit evidence for, and within each level there are a number of bullet points. Essentially these bullet points are goals in which activity groups should aim towards to earn their accreditation status.






Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

- All committee members attend Basic Committee Training - Two committee members present at Students’ Union Annual General Meeting (AGM)

- Group holds a stall during Freshers’ Week & Refreshers’ Week - All Committee members present at AGM

Met Level 3 criteria as well as: - All committee members and 20% all none committee members present at AGM - At least 3 committee members attend two or more additional training sessions (i.e. How to Run Committee Elections)

- Group has set up a membership fee. - Group commits to the SU policies on Equality and Diversity as part of the Health and Safety Pack.

- Group maintains membership number in comparison to previous academic year - Group demonstrated support to the SU campaign focused on participation

- Plan of activities submitted as part of the Ratification and Grant Pack. - Aims and Objectives set up as part of the Ratification and Grant Pack.

- Groups holds regular activities for their members directly linked to the group’s aims and objectives - Groups utilises the SU website to sell tickets - Group holds a Give it a Go session as part of GIAG week

Met Level 2 criteria as well as: - Group hosts interactive and engaging activities during Freshers’ and Refreshers’ week - All committee members and 10% of all none committee members present at AGM - Committee members attend one additional training session i.e. How to run committee elections. Met Level 2 criteria as well as: - Group increased their membership by 10% in comparison to previous academic year - Group actively gets involved in SU participation campaign. Met Level 2 criteria as well as: - Group organises a one off big event/campaign targeted at their members - Group organises their own GIAG session outside of GIAG week.

- Group submits plan of opportunities for students to get involved in as part of the Ratification and Grant Pack

- Group participates in one volunteering opportunity* (recorded with the SU*) - Group undertakes a fundraising activity supported by RAG.

- Group participates in more than one volunteering opportunity* - Group actively engages with RAG (i.e. during RAG week)

Met Level 3 criteria as well as: - Group increased their membership by 20% in comparison to the previous academic year - Group sets up and runs their own participation campaign Met Level 3 criteria as well as: - Group provides members with opportunities for personal development (i.e. professional qualifications, workshops, etc.) - Group receives recognition outside the Union or University - Group collaborates with other groups on or off campus. - Group sets up a reoccurring volunteering initiative* - Groups organise a regular (at least once a term) fundraising initiative*

Committee Marketing

- Committee attends 1to-1 meeting with VP Activities. - 50% of members vote in the Committee Elections

Met Level 2 criteria as well as: - Committee provides the SU with evidence of handover documents - 70% of members vote in the Committee Elections

Met Level 3 criteria as well as: - Committee shares minutes/notes from key meetings with their members and the SU - 90% of members vote in the Committee Elections

- Group effectively uses at least one social media platform. - Group uses SU website to promote their event and activities

Met Level 2 criteria as well as: - Effectively engaging with the SU social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - Group produces news stories for one off campaigns and events.

Met Level 3 criteria as well as: - Group effectively engages with Student Media - Group produces creative and innovative marketing campaigns and materials

- Budget request submitted as part of the Grant and Ratification Pack

- Group effectively generates income from membership fees and ticket sales

Met Level 2 criteria as well as: - Group secures sponsorship, including discounts for its members

Met Level 3 criteria as well as: - Group makes the effort to secure external funding through submission of quality bids written in partnership with the SU - Groups generates income through innovative and enterprising activities


- Grant and Ratification Pack; Health and Safety Pack and Committee Notification Pack submitted - Committee Members have been elected democratically with elections being held in term two - Group keeps their website up to date with events and activities - Group has their own unique logo

Scoring Points will be awarded as following: Meeting all the bullet points in a criteria box at level 1: 1 points Meeting all the bullet points in a criteria box at level 2: 2 points Meeting all the bullet points in a criteria box at level 3: 3 points Meeting all the bullet points in a criteria box at level 4: 4 points

Total Score Your overall score will be calculated by adding up the points your group accumulates. Ratification = 7 – 11 points Bronze = 12 – 17 points Silver = 18 – 23 points Gold = 24 points +

Accreditation To ensure all Activities Quality Mark submissions are judged fairly and consistently, the Students Activities Executive (SAE) will meet at the end of each term to approve applications or to propose suggestions on how activity groups can strengthen their application. The judging panel will consist of: Exec Officers: VP Student Activities & VP Communications + Engagement Student Reps: Sports Rep & Societies Rep Staff Reps: Student Activities and Events Manager & Head of Membership Engagement The judging panel will consider each application based on receiving a completed “Activities Quality Mark Application Form” along with the submissions of any relevant/additional evidence to it. Additional evidence could include (for example) recorded attendance levels, photo evidence, screenshots of online activity, etc.

Incentives Not only will achieving Bronze, Silver, or Gold status improve your activity group‟s reputation and ability to recruit new members; there are also a number of other rewards and incentives available to achieve, including: Bronze  Bronze Activities Quality Mark logo to use on all materials for the academic year  Bronze Activities Quality Mark status in all SU materials  Bronze Activities Quality Mark logo on website  Access to student designers/photographer for one hour  £35 towards banners for the group or equivalent marketing material Silver      

Silver Activities Quality Mark logo to use on all materials for the academic year Silver Activities Quality Mark status in all SU materials Silver Activities Quality Mark logo on website Access to student designers/photographer for two hours £75 towards banners for the group or equivalent marketing material £50 towards developmental activities

Gold       

Gold Activities Quality Mark logo to use on all materials for the academic year Gold Activities Quality Mark status in all SU materials Gold Activities Quality Mark logo on website Recognition at the Annual SU Awards Access to student designers/photographer for three hours Bid for up to £500 for developmental activities Prioritised consideration for Freshers‟ week bookings

Contact For advice on how to improve your activity group‟s Activities Quality Mark application, please don‟t hesitate to get in touch with or come and see us at the help desk of the Students‟ Union.

Activities Quality Mark Application Form Your Group’s Details Activity Group: Committee Members: (Names & Student Numbers)

Activity Group Contact Email:

Congratulations on reaching this stage of activity with your group! Applying for accreditation through the Activities Quality Mark demonstrates the positive impact you have been having on your members and the general student population. Please use this opportunity to detail how you believe your activity group has fulfilled the criteria for each category, along with stating what level of criteria you believe your activity group has met for that category and please also provide evidence where possible (Please attach any evidence and reference this within your application).

Engagement This category recognises your commitment and engagement with procedures, policies and the democratic structures of the Studentsâ€&#x; Union and additional opportunities provided by the Studentsâ€&#x; Union. Comments and any evidence...

Level we believe our group has achieved for this category = _____

Participation This category recognises your commitment to equality and diversity, in addition to exploring your ability to engage with students and widen participation. Comments and any evidence...

Level we believe our group has achieved for this category = _____

Activity This category recognises your ability to fulfil your activity groupâ€&#x;s own aims and objectives, as well as assessing the quality of opportunities your group provides for students. Comments and any evidence...

Level we believe our group has achieved for this category = _____

Community This category recognises your commitment to the wider local community through volunteering and fundraising opportunities. Comments and any evidence...

Level we believe our group has achieved for this category = _____

Committee This category recognises your ability to effectively complete operational tasks associated with running your activity group. Comments and any evidence...

Level we believe our group has achieved for this category = _____

Marketing This category recognises your ability to promote your own groupâ€&#x;s activities, utilising the marketing resources provided by the Studentsâ€&#x; Union. Comments and any evidence...

Level we believe our group has achieved for this category = _____

Finance This category recognises your ability to successfully plan and manage your budget as well as the steps you take to ensure the financial sustainability of the group. Comments and any evidence...

Level we believe our group has achieved for this category = ___

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