SU Elections 2015: Meet the Candidates

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CONTENTS Student Exec Candidates

3 - 23

[article] STV explained


Union Council Candidates

26 - 38

Activities Exec Candidates

39 - 41

[article] Why Vote


[article] How to Vote


STUDENT EXEC The Student Exec team consists of the President and four Vice Presidents who each have their own areas of responsibility. Each have their own jobs to do but must also spend a lot of time working together as a team. As trustees, the Student Exec are responsible for setting the direction of the Union for the year they are in charge, and making day-to-day decisions about how the Union is run. If successfully elected to one of these roles they will have a budget to control and campaigns which they will be responsible for.

* Please note all candidate manifestos are displayed exactly as submitted. Pictures have been included where individuals were able to attend the candidate briefing.

DILARA CHANGIS PRESIDENT   ABOUT YOU Since I realized that education is key to success I have grasped every educational opportunity that has been open to me. During my time here at the University of Huddersfield I have been student ambassador engaging with new students and staff. Working with the Students’ Union marketing team has provided me with the unique opportunity to work with students on a number of events, building relationships with them and understanding their needs. I am willing to explore all students’ issues, getting out there and talking to you, making sure your voice has been heard by all staff and decision makers.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I believe there is something for everyone here at the University of Huddersfield, so students can enjoy their time here and participate fully in university life, taking advantage of our amazing environment and facilities. The Students’ Union can enable students to get the full value out of their degree course. I am highly determined to create a positive future for students. If I become the president of the Students’ Union I will make sure you leave university with plenty of experience to move forward with confidence and follow your hopes and dreams, whether you are a home or international student.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Increase student car parking facilities by building a better relationship with Kirklees council so they can share their car parks and give us more land • More job fairs and opportunities for part-time work • Provide smoking shelters around the university • To display students’ work in Student Central, especially in the Student Union area. We have some amazing talented, art, fashion, graphic design, illustration, costume design, textile, and architecture students, as well as sports teams and societies. Let’s celebrate their talents and achievements through more pictures and displays. • To improve options for student accommodation, working closely with private landlords


SHAH ISLAM PRESIDENT ABOUT YOU I have been with the Students’ Union for a long time and have experience working with students. I am always active in student programmes and experiences and enjoy being able to make a change for the better.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE I would work closely with the university and the students’ union to look at key issues and solve them in a way which benefits and suits students. One key issue I would look at is the cost of students graduating. I will work to see how these costs can be reduced and to what extent can students be able to receive free of cost graduation.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I believe that with my experience I would be able to make changes for positive reasons and allow students to have a positive experience of university life. I want to have the chance to be able to create something which students remember and value whilst at university

MIKE MCGOUGAN PRESIDENT ABOUT YOU There is one main reason I want to be your Students’ Union President and that is to actually make change happen! I am currently your VP Education and Deputy President of the Students’ Union and I think that there is little doubt in anyone’s mind that this year’s executive have achieved so much through handwork and dedication taking monumental steps ensuring that authentic student voice is heard. I am an open minded, out spoken, zealous individual who genuinely believes that students here at Huddersfield deserve the best, and will fight to achieve this.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND This year I have been relentless in ensuring that students get what they are entitled to, forcing the issue at university committees and guaranteeing the right outcome for students. I feel this has been extremely impactful and it is because of this I want to carry on forcing the issue at a higher level as your President. My year in office, has allowed me to build a wealth of knowledge, experience and working relationships which as President I will utilise to ensure authentic student voice is not just heard, but acted upon.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • I want to work with local transport companies and the university to work on a more accessible campus. This will guarantee issues such as car parking is actually dealt with. • I want to work on creating more flexible event space around campus to ensure our students can showcase their talents. For example lobbying the university to make sure that the plaza is fixed, automatically creating a usable large outdoor event space making events such as graduation special. • I want to carry on working on improving student’s employability; I want to achieve this by working on the Students’ Unions volunteering opportunities streamlining them to fit every subject area in the University.


SABINA HUSSAIN VP EDUCATION ABOUT YOU I am currently a final year Law student who always strives to achieve the best for myself and the best for others. I love a challenge, working under pressure and ensuring that justice is achieved in everything I do. (Sorry Law Degree there). I am a confident little firecracker and operate a 0% tolerance policy, which makes me a perfect candidate for the Education role. My main goal for the year would be to actually listen to student concerns and I feel my degree has prepared me to effectively tackle student issues in a professional, informed and well-structured way.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • I would like to lobby the university to invest in Lecture Capture for all students and staff. So during exam period students can reflect on previous lectures thus improving teaching and learning at the university. • I want to remove ALL current library fines, and implement a new scheme where students only get charged when another student has requested the book. This is a logical way to avoid unnecessary, unavoidable library fines. • I want personal tutors to be more effective, I want to carry out an investigation on the effectiveness, ratio and quality of personal tutors from both student and staff prospective


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I want to make sure that students enjoy university life alongside achieve everything they set out to do through our education system. I am inspired to change education’s accessibility, outcome and delivery at university level. In a university striving to be one of the best, is it acceptable for university systems to be down? In an era where we pay £9000 tuition fees is it acceptable for us not to have a point of contact to go to when we need some to talk to, ‘because their busy with their research’? No, so let me fight to change that!

ZAINAB NADAT VP EDUCATION ABOUT YOU I am currently a final year Accountancy and Finance student and Vice President for the ‘Friends of Al-Shaam’ charity society, on campus. My role involves; leading meetings, organising and running events, liaising with new members and ensure all proceeds reach the suitable charities. I have participated in various events and worked with a number of students, communities and organisations. One of our most successful events was the ‘Mount Snowdon Trek’, raising over £10,000 to feed suffering families in Syria. As VP, I gained experience, allowing me to push strategic decisions within the society, which will aid me in achieving a better academic university experience for students on campus.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND Standing in the election will present the opportunity for me to make the big changes. Being a student myself has allowed me to evaluate where the students experience at university can be improved. As VP of Education, I will have the opportunity to raise any academic issues you have to the University and to ensure we continue enhancing our successes and build upon new opportunities. I believe I am a reliable, passionate and ambitious individual who has great integrity and is willing to be pushed outside of my comfort zone

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE If I was elected as VP of Education I will encourage the Students Union to be more about the students. As students, we spend a huge amount on fees, alongside the continual running of our lives, independently. I believe that for all the effort we put into our education we should be given a little back, such as; a FREE GRADUATION. I believe it is the students that build the university and its reputation. With our hard work and efforts we have pushed the University of Huddersfield to be awarded ‘University of the Year’.

So, let’s collectively make that change!


TEVIN NYANSIMERA VP EDUCATION ABOUT YOU I am currently a second year BSc Architectural Technology student as well as the current Art Design and Architecture School Representative. Over the past year, I have dedicated my time, energy and effort to ensuring that the university teaching staff were aware of any issues that the students within the school have faced and that appropriate actions are taken accordingly. During my time in office, I have worked closely with the current VP Education Michael McGougan on a number of policies including the university-wide peer mentoring scheme currently in its pilot stage.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Among other things, as your VP Education, I will focus on the following; More careers, industry placement and graduate employer seminars, especially in May/June time after hand in period. • Ensuring Wednesday afternoons remain free of lectures so students can take part in sports and society events by working with the university to develop timetables suitable to this. • Ensure students have a say in the development of the new building being developed for the Schools of Law and Music through student led focus groups and ensuring students are consulted on what they would like in the building


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND As your VP Education, I will strive to ensure that you gain the most out of your time here at the university; the resources, the systems, the teaching staff and everywhere else possible. As the University changes, I believe that the users should have a say in how the university grows and evolves, especially with the new building being built soon. I also feel that some new students find it difficult to adjust to university life, and so, I will also help spearhead the new peer mentoring scheme being implemented across the university soon.

IVAN ROBLES VP EDUCATION ABOUT YOU • 2nd year Computing and Business student


• Captain of the basketball, the highest performing team in the university

• I believe that students should have easy access to past papers

• Born and raised in the Philippines studied in Macclesfield College

• Students should have a water dispenser on every floor of the library

• Organised, determined, empathetic

• Students deserve a simpler way to deal with extenuating circumstances

• Best sushi chef in HD1

• Staff do their best to teach and encourage us, but sometimes university policy (e.g. paperwork) gets in everyone’s way. • No glove no love.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • A contingency for when Unilearn is down, this is particularly stressful on submission dates • Special arrangements for people who participate in BUCS fixtures and societies on Wednesday and miss lectures etc. • More formal structure for course reps; provide support and guidance so that they can be more effective • A quick and easy way to provide feedback for individual lectures, perhaps an optional and very simple questionnaire with a comments box


CHLOE WHITE VP EDUCATION ABOUT YOU As a 3rd year Psychology with Criminology student, I have been more than heavily involved within the SU over the last 3 years working as a student staff member; in fact, you’ve probably already seen my face smiling at you! From being on the front line of the SU and talking to students over the last 3 years, I have a pretty good idea what you guys’ like and don’t like about the University experience. So armed with my loud voice, colourful clothes, and occasional bad singing, I’m prepared to be, and want to be, your voice that makes a difference.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Standards policy for assignment and exam feedback: Improve awareness of exam feedback availability; as well as individualised, quality feedback on all assignments. • Module fairs: School wide open days for modules with lecturers to provide clarity on the work load, relevance, and interest before having to decide. • Lobby the University to review all modules to ensure that employability and transferable skills are embedded within the curriculum. • Work and build upon the amount of support/training available to Course Reps.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND Students want to come to university to further themselves; simples. However, this doesn’t just have to be academically. I believe that students need more options and flexibility to shape their degree the way they want to. I believe in giving students more opportunities to learn transferable, real world skills that employers look for. University should not just be a place where you hand over £9000 a year to simply learn to pass an exam. University should be a place where students can build up a repertoire of knowledge, experience and skills; as well as passing those exams

JORDAN AIRD VP STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABOUT YOU After being elected VP Student Activities this time last year, I’m now standing for re-election as I strive to build on what I’ve already achieved in this role. I’m passionate about widening participation within student activities; from hosting the biggest Fresher’s this University has ever seen, giving students the opportunity to perform alongside #1 selling artists, to helping develop volunteering opportunities available to students. I understand the full spectrum of this role and I’ve thrived in delivering it.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND For the first time we have over 100 student activity groups! Not content with that, I have also helped these groups form stronger relationships. Furthermore I’ve used the Activities Quality Mark, an accreditation scheme I implemented to support development and reward achievement, to encourage more collaborative work amongst our groups than ever before. I’ve proven over the past 8 months that I’m the right person to lead Student Activities. The experience I’ve gained and the relationships I’ve built gives me the platform to make an even bigger impact next year, particularly in securing more funding.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Develop sponsorship guidance for our student activity groups – providing initial training and year round support to aid our groups seek out, secure and manage their sponsorship agreements. Further to this, I will work alongside sponsors to develop better relationships, improve communication and manage expectation • Work to improve the benefits in our partner bar and venues – re-establishing much missed social aspects of the Students’ Union through improved facilities, discounts, and increased event space. • Increase engagement of under-represented groups – breaking down barriers to participation, and ensuring our Students’ Union is supporting and engaging these groups with inclusion campaigns targeted towards them. • To vote for the candidate with the experience, passion and track record for improving Student Activities;


DEAN FORD VP STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABOUT YOU I have been part of a team lead and ran actives during cadets and I understand the amount of paper work. One of the experiences that I could bring to this job is what I learnt cadets gave me though was Time management, Determination and the ability to organize things on the spot. Equally though I have a creative side with me studying Games Design, so I would really like to bring my creative skill to the table to make things a bit more interesting.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • I want to help Societies get the most out the University to get the equipment and event they want for their member to give them the whole university experience and the funding they need to do it. • I want to work with the university to arrange events to bring as many companies down to the university to get them involved with the students and their studies. • I would also make Fresher, Carnage and Varsity something which is open for student input. So event are made for the students and so they are made for the largest diversity of this University.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I think this position is an important role in the University for many student because it help them to get a more whole experience. This is because it’s connect to the societies and I think that it’s important all the student in the university that go to society get as much out of them as they can. I find this position a very important one because it helps to get everyone involved in the university; more importantly it help people to bond and make friends quickly. I stand for a More Whole University Experience for Student.

ELLIS FLETCHER- HEELEY VP STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABOUT YOU My name is Ellis Fletcher-Heeley, I am vicecaptain of women’s football so I know all about working hard and organization. My proudest achievement was working with individuals with special needs in America for three summers, this experience touched my heart, changed me as a person and made me never be afraid of doing whatever it takes to help an individual. I’ve loved my time at Huddersfield and although student life has been amazing, I know this is not the case for everyone and within my role I will try and improve this for as many people as possible.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I want to run for VP Activities because I want to make sports, societies and activities for everyone. I want the opportunity to improve long standing events and to offer new and exciting opportunities to showcase sports and societies. I will always listen and make myself available if needed, for happy chats or to listen to new ideas. I enjoy helping people and making a difference. This year me and my captain have transformed our sports club and I want to offer the same help to anyone in any sports club or societies.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • I promise to listen to all societies, hold regular forums and try to accommodate for space and funding needed. I will look over past funding granted and how it was received by each society. • Wednesdays are made for sport, I will keep pushing for Wednesday afternoons free! As a victim of this myself I know how stressful it is to be unable to play. I also will try to further promote more involvement in sport. • I want to promote more activities in university, including more live music events. So many universities have bands and other performers, so why shouldn’t we


SAMMY GRUNSELL VP STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABOUT YOU Hey guys, my name’s Sammy and I’m running for the role of VP Student Activities. I’m currently a third year music student, as well as being Captain of the University’s Women’s hockey team and I may possibly have served you a drink in Revs, depending if you were sober enough to remember. In my spare time I also volunteer for Girlguiding UK as a Rainbow leader and as an assistant in a local junior infant and nursery school, as well as helping run music classes for babies and toddlers with a national organisation.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • I believe there is a need for more performance and exhibition opportunities to be offered to students, showing off the talent that the students of this University have to offer. • I’d like to set up a scheme in which the SU supports students to go through coaching and umpiring qualifications, encouraging more students to get involved with the running of their clubs. • I’d also like to further develop the Universities’ already positive approach to celebrating multiculturalism, in the hope of increasing inclusiveness, and helping integrate a wider audience across the University.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND Throughout my time at University, I have always been part of either a club or society, and although I feel that both have had a hugely positive impact, I have experienced issues that I feel could be improved upon, which, if addressed, would help other students to have just as good, if not better experience than I have. I would also like to increase female representation within this area of the SU, particularly as there hasn’t been a women in this role for quite a while!

CONNOR HICKINBOTTOM VP STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABOUT YOU I have been in love with sport for my entire life, it brought me to Huddersfield to study Sports Journalism and it has given me lifelong friends and a family in the Rugby team. Being the current Social Secretary for the University Rugby Union team has given me experience in organising events and trips for an ever demanding set of individuals. I am a hardworking individual that is always determined to achieve the best in anything I set out to do. I would not be the person I am today if it was not for the societies I joined on my very first week of university. I met my best friends and people I can now very easily class as family.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I want to stand so I can help more students to feel how I have felt in my time here at Huddersfield. To help each and every club progress further in their achievements, hitting their goals and most of all to make sure that everyone is enjoying what they are doing.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE I want to achieve a real voice for the societies and teams of the University, for them to really feel that they have a voice amongst the SU and to be that voice for them. For the Sports Teams I hope to help them reach all of their goals not just for that season but for the future as well, doing this by making sure each team is receiving the best quality of coaching they can possibly get, making sure we go into Varsity with no other thoughts other than winning. The Sports Teams and Societies for me are the most important thing for the University, they are the face of who we all are. I want to make sure that they get all the support they need.


FRAN TAYLOR VP STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABOUT YOU I’m a farm girl from Greater Manchester.. I have 5 llamas, 6 goats, 6 horses, 7 donkeys, 8 sheep, 10 cats, a pet turkey and a mule. I’m in my final year at University studying Criminology and will be graduating at the age of 20. I started off as Vice Captain this year for University of Huddersfield Rugby Union FC Women’s Section but soon took over the role of President, managing the section and liaising with the men’s team aiding us to all work as one club.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Focus on sporting campaigns - I want to concentrate on campaigns such as This Girl Can; promoting women in sport and bringing female sports closer together. Another example is the Kick It Out campaign aiming to increase awareness of diversity and respect players from all backgrounds. • Support smaller societies - I want to give more support and attention to smaller societies and sport clubs, whilst maintaining the current bonds that have been built up over previous years. Making my role more purposeful and creating a personal contact between myself and all student activities. • Facilities - I would like to also make sure that sufficient facilities are available for sports teams and societies, and to help provide an alternative for when facilities are unavailable.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I’m standing for the role of VP for Student Activities because through my time as a committee member of Rugby Union I’ve learnt how important it is to ensure a good relationship between the SU and students from both societies and sports clubs. I want to improve this relationship and be a more prominent voice for student activities. I’ve learnt how important SU support is and I’d like to offer my support and guidance, whilst regularly checking in on societies and clubs making sure they’re happy and running efficiently.

BECKY TURNER VP STUDENT ACTIVITIES ABOUT YOU As a final year BA(Hons) Drama student, I spend most of my days in a darkened studio making strange noises to fellow course mates and call it development. But, I get to do what I love in exchange for a snazzy bit of paper with my name on it. When I’m not churning out essays or acting like the fool for the enjoyment of others, you can find me working up a beetroot-faced sweat in the gym, shooting some pool or tutting loudly at the fact Spider-Man is potentially getting another reboot (don’t get me started…).

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND As current VP for HUPDA, I know how challenging it is to run a society. It’s difficult to get your voice heard when so many people are shouting. Want your say in how activities are run here at Huddersfield? I’ll help you shout louder. Do you need a definite first point of contact for any queries, funding issues or a boost in promoting your sport or society? Don’t worry, I got this. I’m ridiculously enthusiastic, can talk about pretty much anything to anyone and have endless listening capabilities.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Places: We’re a University that boasts topnotch facilities, yet some groups’ rooms and pitches for practice are still being double-booked. This needs changing. • Funding through fundraising: Encourage fundraising for all activity groups and make it easier to do so by adding a permanent fixture in the SU which can be hired out by groups for a day to do basic fundraising activities. • ‘Give It A Go’ Week Mash-ups!: Adding an interesting twist to GIAG week. How about swapping sports or societies completely for an hour or so? You get to learn something new, meet new people and potentially more people to rally at your next event.


GEORGE GILL VP COMMS & ENGAGEMENT ABOUT YOU I’m a 21 year old third year, studying Music Technology & Popular Music. I thrive in taking leadership roles, and this is reflected in being the manager of one of the union’s sports teams, and a school rep in union council. I would describe myself as a confident, outgoing, highly ambitious leader who enjoys getting involved wherever possible to make a change. My time here has taught me that student involvement and interaction is vital in shaping a vibrant, wellconnected Union. This is why I feel that I am the right candidate to become the next VP Communication & Engagement Officer.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Create a local community strategy brand, “HudLinks”, to improve the links between the university and the local community. This will help give students the work experience that they need to get their desired jobs. • Revamp the university’s portal system. If elected, I will be holding student consultation meetings to gather ideas from students so we can improve the portal together. This links up with my last pledge. • Create a central focus for all student media, where all kinds of student media can be posted, such as union events and sports team coverage.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND More and more ways of communication are being developed, which is essential to a student’s involvement with the union. Currently, the university’s portal system is rather inadequate, and does not meet our university’s high standards. Furthermore, I also understand the importance of employability to a student, and believe that we, as a SU, do not take full advantage of the potential links with companies in the local community. I believe I am the right person to bring a sense of unity between our students through improved communications, both on the union’s portal site, and on our community links. My manifesto pledges reflect these.

GRANT HOLMES VP COMMS & ENGAGEMENT ABOUT YOU I’m a third year fashion communication and promotion student, as well as the current president of the LGBTQ society. As my course would suggest, I have a passion for media and communications, and my work with LGBTQ has allowed me to help and include those who might not otherwise have been as engaged with university life and the SU. I have a pet Tortoise called Victor… terrible name I know. Personally, I’m friendly and approachable… and a bit loud! But above all i’m passionate about what I do.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I’ve always said that university is much more than your degree. More than ever it’s the opportunities you seize that put you at the top of your game, so opportunities are something I want to make sure every student has. I also believe that student life can always be better, whether that’s through societies, events or simply by being in the know about whats going on at uni. It’s one of my core beliefs that everyone should be included, and that we have a responsibility to help and engage with our community.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • HudMedia: I believe that T’Hud, RadioHud and more recently HudTV would be stronger as a more integrated and cohesive group under the student led HudMedia umbrella. By integrating the three more closely with the SU, they can fuel each other and give students a real opportunity to engage with uni and the SU. • Enabling Students: More visible opportunities for volunteering and skill development in the SU. By providing more engaging information, I want to enable Huddersfield student’s to take their time at uni to the next level, improving their employability and CV’s. • Student Skills Exchange: Essentially a university LinkedIn, allowing students to find each other based on skills, getting involved with projects to build portfolios and their connections.


CANDICE ZHOU VP COMMS & ENGAGEMENT ABOUT YOU Hi! My name is Candice Zhou and I’m from the beautiful country China. I am an international student and I’m studying Events Management. At present I’m on my placement year working for the University International Office as liaison between the university and international students. My job is to help hosting international student events. My placement has contributed to my personal growth a lot, I have shown myself to be committed, self-motivated and determined in achieving my goals. I’m also sociable and compassionate and I believe these skills will help me to relate to a range of students.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE These are the main things I want to bring along the position of VP Communication and Engagement:

• FREE GRADUATION! As students we already spend a lot on tuition fees and living costs. I believe that every student on campus should have a graduation ceremony paid for. • I believe that engagement starts with student media and if elected I’d work to ensure the equipment and the facilities of the student media outlets meet the highest standard. • I would also like to build a bridge between home and international students by promoting engagement in cross-campus events.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND Having a chance to study and work in the UK has taught me a lot about the importance of community integration and how essential communication between people is. I believe that being a student is no longer just getting academic education but also receiving a reallife knowledge of how community functions via different extra curriculum activities and volunteering. I used to be a member of Salsa society and this precious experience helped me to connect with different people I wouldn’t have met otherwise! Therefore, I believe the SU to be a perfect place for students to socialise and share their experiences.

ALYSIA FORD VP WELLBEING & EQUALITIES ABOUT YOU I am the current Vice President Wellbeing and Equalities and have embraced every aspect of this year with enthusiasm and drive. I am approachable, passionate and genuinely dedicated to making students’ lives better here at Huddersfield. Alongside this I am the scrum half in the Rugby Union women’s team and part-time agony aunt! I like to think of myself as the person, that if anyone is experiencing issues of any sorts, they know they can come to me irrelevant of time or place. I love helping people, and it really is what I’m most passionate about.

WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND This year I have headed up improving the University’s Stonewall rating; ensuring equality amongst all students. Introduced a text messaging service to the SU Advice Centre; improving efficiency and ensuring students can always access the help they need. And responded proactively to students needs through introducing the University as a guarantor scheme and ensuring students have access to funding when SFE fails. I want to continue to make the changes that really matter to you. As your current VP Wellbeing and Equalities, I have accumulated a substantial level of knowledge, vast experience and strong working relationships within the SU, University and externally. Being in this position I understand exactly what this role needs in order to be effective and successful.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE • Rate Your Landlord An online exclusive platform for students to share reviews and experiences of Landlords, increasing transparency and creating a fair deal for students. • Developing social policy. Collect and use statistics from all wellbeing services within the university and SU, responding proactively to the most frequently occurring issues through social policy, effective use of SU resources and external agencies. • Celebrating diversity and equality through more impactful campus-wide, outward facing liberation and awareness campaigns, ensuring a clear student focus with achievable aims.


BRIGHT JUSTICE VP WELLBEING & EQUALITIES ABOUT YOU I am Bright Justice Asogu and I’m currently a postgraduate student having just finished studying for a Leadership Certificate at Oxford University. I’m a people’s person, a good listener, and a professional person with values and believes that change is possible under the right circumstances. I believe that people should stand up for themselves and I’m an advocate for change and development, I like to voice and effect change in any little way I can. I believe to be able to represent a wide range of students due to being a home student and of African descent.

WHAT YOU WANT   TO CHANGE As VP Welfare & Wellbeing, I will work on the following and other policies: • Free Graduation Policy! I will make the university and SU together to cover ALL costs of graduation for ALL students. • I will perfect communication between university staff and the SU on all Welfare & Wellbeing issues such as health, safety and finance. • I will cut down the amount of campaign SU carries out annually, and only focus on issues that matter. I will ensure that all campaigns are result oriented and based of student ideas.


WHY YOU WANT   TO STAND I am standing for VP Welfare & Wellbeing to firstly help students and to be an advocate of all students in the Student Union. I believe that the SU could represent students better for such as international or mature students groups. Therefore, I’m standing because I feel that my life experience and a unique understanding of student issues would make me the best candidate for the role.


to choose those individuals that you feel best represent you.

For example, the General Election that is taking place this May – make sure you are registered to vote at – uses First Past the Post. Under this system you choose your favourite candidate and the one with the most votes wins with all other votes counting for nothing.

But what happens if your favoured candidate is eliminated? If your preferred candidate is eliminated or has enough votes already to be elected then your vote is transferred to another candidate in accordance with your instructions. This system is repeated until there is a clear winner.

We’re not a fan of wasting so many votes though, so in our elections we use Single Transferable Voting (STV) which lets you rank your favourite candidate.

What’s this mean? It means that in hotly contested positions, such as VP Student Activities, second, third and even fourth preferences can have a big swing on the final result of the election. So it is very important to choose who you would want to represent you should your favoured candidate not win thus ensuring your voice is ultimately heard.

Rank your favourite When it comes to voting you rank your preferred candidates in number order. This means that candidates have to work harder to convince you to vote for them while you get




UNION COUNCIL Union Council is a group of students, who are elected each year, who come together to create policy, make change and campaign for a better student experience. The roles are all part-time commitments which are taken on alongside a student’s studies. Some have a specific focus, such as Women’s Rep, others have a more wide ranging portfolio of responsibilities. All the positions offer a significant level of responsibility and experience with successful candidates being paid a £400 honorarium for their service.

* Please note all candidate manifestos are displayed exactly as submitted. Pictures have been included where individuals were able to attend the candidate briefing.




ABOUT YOU Im James and i am a first year student studying Popular Music Production. As you can see from my course, I am a very musical person. I am active on social media and I love to stay connected with people and interact with them; i think this would be a perk with being on the union council. Also, when it comes to ideas and thoughts, i am very creative and i love to see a good outcome.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE If i am elected, I want to be able to give and ensure that all students around me have optimal experience at Huddersfield. In my first year, I have heard many stories and i, myself have been hit with few problems and hurdles that i have found difficult to cope with as a student. I would love to be the person who says “i helped do this, i helped achieve that”, i feel i can achieve that by using the skills and knowledge i have to help others.


ABOUT YOU I am a first year politics student at the University. I have lived in West Yorkshire for all my life and I have spent the last two years learning within Huddersfield, so it is fair to say I know the city well. I am the secretary of the Socialist Student Society and have some experience in running organisations within the university. I was also the welfare officer at Huddersfield New College and learnt a lot in that role about how things should be run. I have a dog as well who, unfortunately, will not be campaigning with me.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE The ‘cost of living crisis’ is thrown around by politicians, but students are hit harder than most due to our lack of representation in Parliament. Grants and loans are almost entirely absorbed by rents, students need a basic standard of living better than what we already have. In my time I hope to achieve: • Cheaper prices within the Student Union shop and University facilities connected to the Student Union. • Ensure that rented accommodation affiliated with the University is affordable. • Maintain a living wage for student workers who work for facilities connected to the Student Union





ABOUT YOU I have been to Indonesia in a global community development and outgoing exchange programs with AIESEC and the interns were from China , Korea , Japan , Russia , Germany , Ecuador , New Zealand. So I have a background about different cultures and the British culture of course . Besides , I already have the Arab culture . that’s why I know how to deal with people with different thoughts . Also , I am a course representative, and one of the organizers of the Christmas party , and I have been chosen to be in between the 5 student panel members .

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE As I am very organized and have a good time management , i want to spend this spare time to gain benefit for myself , colleges and all the students rather than having entertainments anywhere else . Consequently , I will be giving my contact details to everyone while talking to them , so they can contact me anytime . Also I am very interested in organizing culture trips and events as well.


ABOUT YOU Hi, I’m Niall, a First year Politics student from Doncaster. I am extremely active in my local area in terms of campaigning along side pressure groups in order to save vital services in the community. Being from a working class mining background I know exactly what it means to pull together as a community to achieve things for the people. A trait I believe will put me in a good position working within the SU. I’m also a bubbly and approachable character who enjoys mixing in different social circles.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE If elected I want to look into: • I am keen to work with SU Council and the University to see if there could possibly be some price reductions in the SU shop. It seems unfair that the same products are cheaper in local supermarkets. • I would also like to see the introduction of Gender Neutral Toilets, something that has benefited the LGBTQ community in other UK universities. • I want to bridge the communication gap between students and lecturers to develop a more personal academic relationships and to prevent students from being a number on a spreadsheet.






ABOUT YOU Hello, my name is Gabriela and I’m a Biochemistry student with having completed a placement year. A fun fact about me is that I am originally from the Cayman Islands which are only 259 km2 and located north-west of Jamaica, south of Cuba and I have English and Panamanian heritage (¡hola!). Huddersfield is a change but I enjoy all aspects of Yorkshire life and try to take advantage of everything the university has to offer. Besides my studies I’m a member of Anime/Asian Film Society, Sci-Fi/Fantasy Society, Afro-Caribbean Society, RadioHud, Feminist Society and Engineering Society to name a few.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I want to stand for the following reasons: • I want university students to feel safe within the university campus but also in Huddersfield town itself. I would promote student safety schemes on nights out. • I want to campaign for having more vegetarian meal options available in the SU shop and campus cafés. • I spend a lot of time in Applied Science Building and I strongly feel that those disabled toilets should be finally fixed! • I want to promote SU council outreach because I believe that every student should know HOW they can voice their concerns!


ABOUT YOU Hello, my name is Jonathan and I’m a second year Psychology student. So far my involvement in the Students’ Union, consists of being a project leader on the very progressive HarvestHud last year, as well as being a committee member on the Psychology society. I’m a passionate and dedicated individual, who wants the student experience to be filled to the max! I’m also very approachable and I work as a Student Associate at iPoint in Student Central Building if you fancy a chat!

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE Here is what I am proposing: • A peer mentor scheme, where students can reach out to student mentors - whether it is just getting around campus or having someone to have a cuppa with. In turn, mentors, who will be students themselves, would gain experience that contributes to their CV. • Student life can be expensive and I know I’m guilty of overspending sometimes! I feel that there should be facilities in Student Central that provide microwaves, kettle etc. to cater to students who would like to bring in their own food to keep costs low.




ABOUT YOU My name is Daniel Stevens, previously a first year rep and currently an open place rep. I am a sociology student and have aspirations of achieving a PHD in my area of study, to put it simply I love being a student and never want to stop. I’m from Hartlepool, a small town in the north-east, not a Geordie though like, whyaye man, give us a vote. Love Huddersfield university and being here, even if you all miss out the word “the”.


ABOUT YOU my name is muhand alajil from libya 19 years old doing first year

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE try to help students by any way i can do that .

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE Currently I am working on passing a policy which will target drug abuse amongst students in Huddersfield and help some of the most vulnerable students in difficult situations we have, this work will continue if I am re-elected. I also want to spend more time examining issues of equality and ensuring that this university allows equal opportunities for anyone from any background. I will also endeavour to ensure policies put forward to the student voice module will be taken seriously and all effort is put into ensuring what students want is given all the effort possible to make happen.



ABOUT YOU I am Dung Le (Scott), originally from Vietnam, and currently a 2nd year student in contemporary art. My Art Practices are quite diverse but they are always based on Cultural and Political Events. Besides my study, I have shown myself to be self-motivated, committed and determined in achieving my goals, come what may. I have also demonstrated negotiating and organising skills, a sense of responsibility and my capacity to work hard under pressure. I am able to relate to a wide range of people.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE There are 3 main things I want to bring along the position International Representative: • Increasing the number of international students to get involve with SU’s events and volunteering. Developing links with international society presidents. • Making better connection between home and international students on campus. Promote international society events to home students. • Making better friendship between home and international outside campus. Build a home stay/travel/teaching volunteering board and site to help everyone discover the World.



ABOUT YOU I am from the city of Berkeley, California. I am a 21 year old Mexican-American, and I am in Year One studying Marketing and Business Finance. I am very social and an easy person to get along with. I love going out and meeting new people – especially people from other countries who can teach me a little something about their culture. I think that travel is very important in broadening someones’ perspective. I am new to the UK, and very excited to live here in Huddersfield. Ready and willing to soak in all that I can before graduating.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I want to be the voice of all international students concerns, needs and wants. On a daily basis in between classes, I over hear students voicing their opinions and concerns to each other about our Uni. Some about different ways to integrate international students with the British students a little bit better as it can be quite intimidating to make friends outside of the ISC. Many international students don’t have the confidence to voice their ideas or concerns. On the other hand, some don’t have the tools to effectively do so. If elected, I will strive to do just that.


ABOUT YOU I am quite a bubbly person and I enjoy making people happy. Helping others is a second nature to me. I am very opinionated, and I like that to be known. I am fairly responsible, and when taking charge of a situation when need be, I am not somebody who will shy away. Currently, I am a Second year student rep for Interior Design and I find myself all over the place on a monthly basis. Studying as an International student here at Huddersfield for a year already, I have definitely figured out both the pros and cons of being one.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I want to get past International week, and events - which although are quite nice, I feel don’t fully offer the best of International students. I want to challenge stereotypes and encourage people to educate themselves about different cultures, before jumping to conclusions. I also want to help tackle any problems that International students have when they first arrive to the UK without anybody feeling uneasy or judged.


ABOUT YOU My name is Princess Peace Anyanwu, a second year Nutrition and Public Health student (B.Sc.), School of Applied Sciences. Back in my country as a student nurse, I was an active member of the Students’ Union and held the national representative post for one year. Therefore, I participated actively at various school meetings and conferences held in the country. I held the course representative post during my foundation programme with the International study centre, University of Huddersfield, I was also an International representative with the International Committee, School of Applied Sciences, and have been the school of applied sciences representative since last year. One thing am sure about myself is that am fun to be with.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE If I’m re-elected, I will keep information on issues arising from my school and give feedback to the unions’ council and the school board meeting. I will contain to maintain a high level representation with the outputs of all staffstudent committees within the school of applied sciences and maintain regular contacts with all chairs. I will continue to support in achieving realistic goals in decision making, assist in the planning and organisation of course representative meetings, maintain a constructive courteous attitude with the people being represented and the SU. I will continue to serve as point of contact for school and respond proactively to issues raised by students.





ABOUT YOU Hi, I’m Hoang, currently on placement at the University, studying Pharmaceutical Science. During my time at the University I have been heavily involved in sports as well as societies, thus I understand the responsibility of leadership and having to stand and represent for the community. I would like to bring these skills to become more involve and become your voice as School Of Applied Science representative.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE Firstly - I would like to become your voice, and find innovative solutions to whatever concerns you may have. Secondly – to introduce a new peer-to-peer workshop and seminar to help student with assignment and placement or anything in between, making connection with your seniors is just as important as making connection with lectures. By Communicating with your seniors they will be able to give you guide/tips on assignments, exams and finding placements. Thirdly – I would like to put in place an open research seminar for students who may want to learn how to search for relevant materials.



ABOUT YOU My name is Dorota. I am a First year Business undergraduate mature student. This year I am a course representative for Business Studies group and I take an active part in Panel and School Board Meetings. I am confident in raising and solving problems reported by students and presenting innovative ideas. I enjoy organising events such as up-coming students’ debate on sustainability. Can-do and friendly attitude helps me in contacts with Lecturers, Head of School Department and of course students.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I will organise inter-department activities and events that will motivate students to collaborate with each other. I will encourage students to bring all the ideas they may have and I will support them all the way to bring those ideas to life. I will awake students’ creativity as well as help build students’ confidence. I will promote placements amongst the Second year students and will organise debates with specialists in your fields of interest.



ABOUT YOU My name is Taras and I am studying Marketing. I was born in Ukraine and moved to the UK five years ago. I attended college for two years then had a gap year, during which I worked in a pharmacy that gave me great deal of experience in meeting different people it also enhanced my communication skills, it could at times be a very demanding job. I also have a lot of experience in dealing with official bodies i.e. Home office, UK Border agency etc., which I believe is a valuable asset to have.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I want to lobby three following matters:

First one is to create more scholarships available to wider number of students in all years of studies. My second focus is creating a hub within business school for students from different courses to come up with joint projects. I want to improve social space of Business School in general. Third matter I would like to concentrate on is to make originality reports of assignments submitted via Turnitin available to students. Some educational institutions offer this straightaway after the work was submitted so students are aware of the plagiarism report for their submissions.


ABOUT YOU As an Adult Nursing student, I am passionate about being an advocate for those in my care, as well as being holistic in my approach; these I feel are qualities I carry throughout every aspect of my life. I am an energetic and dynamic, but approachable, person who understands the importance of listening to the needs of others and acts on matters arising. Having previously worked in management and administrative roles, I am assertive and I feel I have the leadership and organisational skills needed to flourish and succeed in the crucial role of School Rep.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I plan to uphold effective communication links between the large network of Course Reps and the Students’ Union though collaboration via regular meetings and email contact, so as to always be up-to-date and aware of the changing viewpoint of students. I endeavour to continue working on projects initiated by the previous School Rep as I believe continuity, maintenance of high standards and building on previous accomplishments is the key to a happy and successful student body. I aim to bring about positive change, directed by the needs and popular demand of YOU; the students!!





ABOUT YOU I was born in Kenya, raised in Zimbabwe, lived in Japan for 5 years. I also lived in Egypt for 3 where i was inspired by the rich history of the land. I have keen interest in world issues because in many ways i am a produce of different diverse backgrounds and in one way or another they too have great impacts on all of us. I have a passion for organising events because i enjoy making friends, listening and creating good working relationships. I am an organised, confident, decisive individual who would thrive well under pressure.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE The international events that happen in campus should be attended by at least some members of the SU so that there can be more interaction with other societies as well as international societies. There needs to be some form of social activities in the SU as this would encourage conversation with other students. Instead of students sitting around the SU during the day especially home students who may go home after lectures and don’t at most times interact with other students as most events happen after 5pm. I have great ideas that i would love to bring if elected.



ABOUT YOU I am a chatty, approachable, and determined second year sociology student, with my main interests in my course being issues around gender and gender identity. I enjoy hockey, watching American sitcoms on Netflix and baking. I’ve been on council as an open place representative this year and this has given me a lot of experience with engaging students, forming policies and constructing arguments in council, all of which I have enjoyed and am excited at the prospect of doing it for another year.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE If I am elected I would like to create a ‘LGBTQ handbook’ which will be a booklet that will help raise awareness of lgbtq identities and support for lgbtq individuals. In this handbook, there will be definitions of lgbtq identities, websites and phone numbers of charities and organisations which offer welfare and support. Lastly it should promote committee members of the lgbtq society as the society has a very positive effect on lgbtq students and this would help those who want to do so, get more involved in the universities lgbtq community.




ABOUT YOU I’m a final year Music Journalism student hoping to continue onto post grad studies. This year I’ve taken on many responsibilities on top of my studies - being the elected women’s representative, the deputy editor of the student magazine, T’Hud and president and founder of the Feminist Society. Gender equality is something I’ve always been passionate about and I’m excited to use within my role.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I want to continue my good work as Women’s Representative by maintaining responsibility within this role. I want to encourage society committee training to diminish the risk of sexism on campus. I also want to continue the journey to creating a safety zone on campus, a place for any student to go to be safe


ABOUT YOU Equal rights are something I feel ridiculously passionate about, and they turn my usually laid-back attitude into something much more powerful. I love talking to new people, listening to other opinions and ideas and aim to find a silver lining from all aspects of life. I am currently the Store Representative at my part-time job but don’t just find organising formal ideas enjoyable, I also enjoy organising a good party. If you want change to happen quickly and effectively with no tolerance to violence, I’m your girl.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I have already begun a petition/idea for the University to scrap profit on sanitary products, and even encouraging them to give them out for free as we await the ‘Tampon Tax Ban’. No matter what your issue may be, I will look into it. My ultimate achievement from being elected would be the chance to speak to as many females as possible and offer them the piece of gratification that somebody is standing for their cause. This post would not just be about me, I would simply be a Voice for every single female across campus.



ABOUT YOU Hi! My names Christina Shevill and I am running for students with disabilities representative. I am currently students with disabilities representative this year and would love to have the chance to carry on my good work. I realise that disabilities come in many shapes and forms, learning, mental, chronic illness, and physical. These can be both visible and invisible. I myself suffer from a chronic illness and a learning disability.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE This year, I want to continue my good work. I improved the information provided by the Students’ Union on mental health. Next year, I want to work on a disabilities guide for students, with tips and helpful locations around University. I also want to carry out a survey on the University to see how disability friendly it is and supply these results to the Students’ Union.


ABOUT YOU I am a 19 year old adult student nurse, and a single mother. I had my daughter; Sophie, when I was 17 years old and came straight to university at the age of 18 with a new-born child. It was important to me that I followed on with my studies and be seen as a positive example for the people in a similar situation to myself. I am extremely passionate about my course rep position and my role on the School Learning and Teaching Committee as I think it is imperative to advocate for my fellow students, to enable us to have a powerful impact on the university.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE 1.Encourage development and progression for those students who have dependents, and help enable them to achieve their maximum capability. 2. Those who require help should feel comfortable asking for it, and I want to ensure that the services are there and known. 3. Make the university more appealing for prospective students with dependents, and develop more services that will aid every student. 4. Childcare facilities on campus. 5. Organise more family oriented groups and events. 6. To advocate for my fellow students and allow their voices and ideas be known.





ABOUT YOU My name is Aqeelah and I am a second year Law student. I’m currently a Student Affairs Officer for the Islamic Society on campus. My role is to ensure all society members have a voice on campus, and that their voices are heard. The role has enabled me to gain valuable experience and given me the ability to recognise and resolve student issues. Alongside my duties in ISoc I have also been elected as a Huddersfield NUS Representative to represent our SU on national level.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE If I was elected as a BME Representative: • I want to encourage more Black and Ethnic minority groups to get involved with the Students Union and run in the future elections. I believe that greater representation is a key to community cohesion. • I would hold regular meeting with students to be able to understand their concerns issues they are facing better. • I would like to establish a recruitment helpline for BME students to help them progress into the fields they want to work in. I believe that education is our passport to the future and we must prepare it today!


ABOUT YOU My name is Bright Aghogho Ovbiovbio and I’m studying Transport and Logistics Management. Besides my extensive life experience outside university I’m also currently the President of the Nigerian Student Society and because of my role I’ve had many opportunities to meet people of different ages, cultures and nationalities. As a mature student myself I’m aware of the issues that these students face while being in university. I’m standing for the position of Mature Student Representative because I believe I’m qualified for this role and would be able to help mature students to overcome challenges they face.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE If elected these are the areas I would look into: • Use of IT is a serious issue among mature students. I would try to encourage closer relationship between students and tutors so that they can identify areas where they need help in their IT skills. • I would actively encourage mature student to take part in different extra curriculum activities on campus with their ‘younger’ peers. I believe this would contribute to the overall cohesion of the student community and encourage mature students to overcome social anxiety.


STUDENT ACTIVITIES EXEC Student Activities Executive is a subcommittee of the Board of Trustees which makes decisions regarding ratification, the allocation of grant funding, and the Activities Quality Mark results for all clubs and societies. It is chaired by VP Student Activities and is made up of one other Student Exec Officer, two members of Students’ Union staff, and two students directly elected by societies and sports clubs.

* Please note all candidate manifestos are displayed exactly as submitted. Pictures have been included where individuals were able to attend the candidate briefing.




ABOUT YOU I am a second year Sociology and Criminology student, who is also the course rep for the second year. I have been the SAE societies rep for the past academic year excelling in my role. I am confident and keen to socialize with as many students as possible. I maintain a high standard in my studies and in both my jobs at the SU shop and Venue bar at Storthes Hall.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I plan to work alongside with the Exec’s to cast attention on to societies and give them the recognition they deserve. To do this I will ensure the society type varsity is continued next year. I hope to make it easier for societies when applying for funding and hope to secure extra funding for societies. Especially the societies that have shown extra interest in charity work and showcase their achievements more on social media, such as a regular blog by me as a societies rep working one on one with the societies.


ABOUT YOU I’m Hannah and I study Marketing in my first year and I’m a member of Huddersfield Uni Snow Sports Inc, (otherwise known as HUSSI). The role of SAE rep needs to be someone who is friendly, approachable, who is committed and dedicated to different societies. Someone who is outgoing, vocal, and has a great understanding of different people and is good at supporting them in everything they do. They also need to be someone who is good at making decisions and is engaged with the SU with a good understanding of how it works. I believe I have all the requirements to be an SAE rep.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE We achieve such great things and deserve to be represented properly. If elected i’ll sit down with any team or club should they have any questions or need support. The SAE committee needs someone who is going to ask all the right questions about where the money is spent. The SAE committee needs someone who is going to question key decisions that effect societies. The SAE committee needs someone who is going to represent societies completely. If you want someone who believes in these principles and is passionate about sports clubs, then vote for Hannah Hilton for SAE sports rep.



ABOUT YOU I am a hard working Marketing student in my second year of study. I have had a passion for sport since I was little, being part of a football team for 9 years of my life and also swimming competitively for club and county. Sport is one of my true loves, with it playing such a vital part of my life. I was the first year course representative, am now the water polo captain and the university SAE Sports Representative and so I have had experience leading sports and also working in a team to get the best possible outcome.

WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE I have some fresh ideas for the new term, with the most obvious being to increase communication. I feel a Facebook page with all committee members for Sports teams is vital in sending out the desired message, whilst allowing an easy access for myself to be contacted by you. Another idea I have is an event called “Super Teams’, which as well as being an enriching and fun experience would encourage many people to get involved with the Sports clubs of the University. Most of my other policies from last year will still stand as well.


WHY VOTE?    BECAUSE IT’S TIME TO CHOOSE    WHO LEADS YOUR STUDENTS’    UNION, THAT’S WHY.  THE WINNERS OF THESE ELECTIONS WILL BE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE NEXT ACADEMIC YEAR; THEY WILL SET THE DIRECTION FOR THE STUDENTS’ UNION OVER THE NEXT YEAR AND FOR YEARS TO COME. It’s your right and responsibility as a student at the University of Huddersfield to choose who should lead your Union. Because we’re a democratically-led organisation we run on the principle that every single member is eligible to vote in a free and fair election process. Put the candidates through their paces Before making your selection make sure you read their manifestos. If something you care about isn’t covered or you disagree with something then you have the opportunity to ask the candidates the tough questions at Question Time – Tuesday 3 March, 17:30 in the Students’ Union. This is also your chance to find out who they are, what they believe in and what they want to change. They are running for a job like no other,

and this is a job interview like no other. Make sure you do your part and put them through their paces. Get involved and have your say The Students’ Union Elections are one of the most exciting parts of being at University. Remember, those who get elected will make important decisions on your behalf and represent your views. This is why it’s important to use your vote so the people you support get elected to drive your Union forward. It’s decision time Campaigning has already started and it’s time for you to make your choice on who is your next student representative. Voting is open for three days, 9–11 March, so get ready as it’s time to vote.


HOW TO VOTE    (IT’S SUPEREASY)  STUDENTS’ UNION ELECTIONS ARE ALL CONDUCTED ONLINE THROUGH OUR WEBSITE AND OPERATE USING THE SINGLE TRANSFERABLE VOTE SYSTEM. ALL YOU NEED TO VOTE IS YOUR UNIVERSITY LOG ON DETAILS - IT’S THAT EASY. When you get onto the voting page you need to rank your candidates in order of preference. If you want to learn more about the voting process, check out our guide on page 24.

• BME Rep

Being a member First of all, it’s really important to remember that you must be a member of the Students’ Union to vote in any election. If you’ve opted out and want to change your mind, you can do so by following the instructions on our website at

Positions restricted to specific members: • School Rep (you must be a member of the relevant School)

But what elections can I vote in? Because we’re running a number of elections at the same time, it can be confusing on who can vote on what positions. The Union’s Constitution (Byelaw Six) sets out that student representatives should be elected only by the students they represent, where we have the technology to do so. Positions all members can vote for: • Student Exec Roles (President and all the VPs) • Union Council Open Place • LGBT Rep • Students with Disabilities Rep • Part Time Students Rep


• Students with Dependents Rep • Mature Students Rep

• International Students’ Rep (you must not define the UK as your permanent residence) • PGT Rep (you must be enrolled on a postgraduate taught course) • PGR Rep (you must be enrolled on a postgraduate research course) • Sports Rep on SAE (you must be a member of a Sports Club) • Societies Rep on SAE (you must be a member of a Society) • For Women’s Rep (you must be registered with the University as a women) If you are unable to vote in any of the restricted elections but feel you should be able to (e.g. you self-define as a woman but have not been able to change your gender on the University records), contact us immediately and we will be able to add you into the group who can vote.


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