Course Rep Training Recap 2014/15

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Huddersfield Students’ Union

Course Representative Induction Academic year 2014/2015

Who are your main contacts? • Andy Blunt Course Rep Coordinator

• Mike McGougan VP Education

Training sections 1. Overview of the Students’ Union 2. An understanding of your role as a Course Rep

3. When is an issue a Course Rep issue? 4. Understanding of the support process

Section 1 Overview of the Students’ Union

Overview of the Students’ Union • We are a Charity - not for profit • A member led organisation that is governed by a constitution • Funded in large part by the University, but a completely autonomous organisation • Our Mission is To Make Student Life Better! • Led by Students for Students

The Executive Officers Actually, led by these students • 5 Elected Students - 1 President

Josh SU President

- 4 Vice Presidents

Coco VP Comms & Democracy

Mike VP Education

Alysia VP Wellbeing & Equalities

Jordan VP Student Activities

Section 2 An understanding of your role as a Course Rep

What is a Course Rep? A Course Rep is a student who is elected to represent their fellow course mates by: – Listening to their ideas and concerns – Communicating these to the University through both informal discussion and attendance at Student Panel and Course Committee meetings – Keeping the Students’ Union up to date with developments on their course – Improving their course mates and their own experience at university, while developing their own skills in the process

Expectations of Course Reps • Listen to your fellow Students • Tell the University & Students’ Union what they are saying • Visit the SU to create an Action Plan if you need help

• Attend key Students’ Union events about Education

• Visit the SU to create a Brief before you attend meetings • Attend Student Panel meetings and Course Committees • Feedback to your Students! • Submit your portfolio of activities for a Student Leadership Award in term 3

Section 3 When is an issue a Course Rep issue?

A student hasn’t received their student finance. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO

A student hasn’t received their student finance. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO Refer them to the Students’ Union Advice Centre on Floor 5 of Student Central

You and your course mates have three assignment deadlines all in one week. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO

You and your course mates have three assignment deadlines all in one week. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO But this needs to be done in advance and with a clear agreement from your students that it needs addressing

A group of students on your course have been kicked out of their accommodation. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO

A group of students on your course have been kicked out of their accommodation. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO Refer them to the Advice Centre or HudLets on Floor 5 of Student Central

A few students have two lectures which clash on their timetable. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO

A few students have two lectures which clash on their timetable. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO Explaining the situation to your Course leader and asking for them to help co-ordinate changes

You and your course mates would like to set up a course based society. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO

You and your course mates would like to set up a course based society. Course Rep Issue? YES or NO Either you or someone from your course can come down to the Students’ Union and we can help you set up a society, but it doesn’t have to be you

Section 4 The Course Rep Support Process

The Course Rep Guide Success

Ideas & Issues

Where to Raise


Further Research


Ideas & Issues • Do you or any of your course mates have an idea or issue about any aspect of your Course? – Teaching on your course – Assessment and Feedback – Academic Support – Organisation and Management – Learning Resources – Personal Development

Evidence • Gathering your course mates’ opinion and insight on an issue is important!

• You can’t just say “I think” in a meeting, you need to know that your fellow students agree • It will support your argument when discussing with Academic Staff Members • Having stats to back your argument, comments from students or examples of better practice within the University and/or getting Policy-based arguments together work best

Discuss • You’ll need to raise the issue informally with an appropriate Staff Member as the first thing that you do for any issue

• They might not be aware of the issue and it could easily be resolved without you needing to take formal action, so always give staff an opportunity to fix things first

Further Research • If the issue isn’t resolved you might want to support your argument further with research and policy such as: – NUS Academic Rights Charter – National Student Survey

• SU staff will help you with this – contact Andy Blunt for assistance

Where to Raise • If informal discussions haven’t worked, you might need to raise the issue at the appropriate university committee.

• Student Panels – student led. • SU staff will help you pull together a brief if you would like assistance – so you’re fully prepared. • Sometimes, when an agreement to fix something has been made informally, getting that informal agreement in committee minutes can help guarantee the agreed outcomes for your students

Success! • Tell us about your success! We share all success stories for the world to see to celebrate the great work that you do • Feedback to your course mates – if they’ve asked you to help and don’t know you have done, they might not ask again • If you don’t succeed, what next?

Come to see us! • Course Rep Co-ordinator – Andy Blunt • VP Education – Michael McGougan • Your School Rep • Advice Centre • Student Services

• All of these staff and services are here to support you

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