Typography can be found in the most unusual places even when it is not intentional. Throughout this discovery I will explain the basic rules when looking for undiscovered letterforms within an urban or rural area. Searching hard and seeing beyond the obvious can result in found letters in many everyday objects surrounding us within our environments, often
hidden and difficult to find. It’s
focusing on specific parts like
about observation, It is important to
lines and the negative space the
keep an open mind regarding how a
object begins to transform into a
letter should look if you are searching
more detailed shape revealing
within an unconventional medium.
hidden letter forms.
Being able to recognise specific
This is how the idea of looking for
shapes of letter forms allows us to
letters that were unintentionally
focus on key elements that make
created, through constructed or
up the letters we are searching for
naturally made shapes exising in
Example: Lines / Angles and Curves.
our environment were discovered.
Try to observe the hidden type within an object for example a tree, while
Wayne W Dyer: Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
Understanding the key elements of the anatomies of particular letters and looking into how individual letterforms are structured.
letter ‘S’ has a curve in the center
The following examples
which is known as the spine. This
are letterforms that have
creates the letterform ‘S’. Other
been discovered within the
examples of individual anatomies
environment. In these examples
will be shown within this booklet.
particular elements have been
This Guide includes definitions
highlighted to show how you
Each letter of the alphabet has
and llustrations of the individual
can identify letterforms by their
parts that construct letterforms
its own unique shape and elements which are easily recognised by. For example the
and this will help you to discover letters within the environment.
The negative space that exists within these enclosed spaces.
counter crotch
Internal meeting point of the downwards strokes.
curved lines that exist in the center of a letter.
Angles are formed and the lines meet at the top point.
A horizontal or diagonal stroke that joins two stems.
i stem
All straight, vertical or near vertical lines.
a curved section of a closed structure.
If a letter has an additional leg then the curves at the beginning of the leg is the shoulder.
When photographing the undiscovered letters at first glance you will not always see a self contained
contain examples of how letters
images. For example the
have been identified, however
hightlighted ‘M’ was rotated and
the use of cropping and rotating
cropped in order to create a ‘B’
was required in order to develop
as shown. This is an important
letter within its environment.
the correct structure that was
aspect in discovering various
needed for the particular image.
letterforms as often you will
This is where the importance of
I have found undiscovered
discover objects that can be
letters and had to use these
manipulated to get your desired
useful tips to help reconstruct the
rotating and cropping comes into play. The next two pages will
Letterforms come in all shapes and sizes, thin, small, large and thick all of these components contribute to weight. A given font might have many different weights such as light,bold extra bold and hairline.
When we are looking for
the letter ‘A’ shows a different
letterforms in the environment,
example of a thin weight which
it is important to remember that
has been naturally created by
these letterforms will also come in
the environment. I found that
different weights. A good example
when looking into letterforms and
of this is shown in the letters P
noticing the diferent weights, the
and M. These letters are made
aesthetics of the final image came
from bold, heavy materials suited
to life.
to a particular purpose. However,
What about the space around those objects? This space is called negative space.
can be interesting and often
provided the lines to observe the
emphasises other elements of
hidden letterform. The anatomies
the image. When looking for
need to be considered here when
letterforms within this piece, it
identifying key elements that
Negative space can give a new
was important for me to addres
create the structure of the
the negative space. I found the
dimension to letters by adding a different atmosphere to the objects. The space surrounding the object
letter ‘W’ within a tree with the use of the negative space which
Now look around you. What else can you see in your environment that is hidden beneath the surface?
each letter structure has helped to
way it exists, the way it decays,
identify the hidden letters. Using
all have a purpose in our every
this refined and creative mindset,
day lives. When appreciated, the
what can you discover? This
world becomes a much more
experience has taught me to
exciting place to enjoy and
Here we have discovered new
appreciate the small things in
ways of observing our environment. Learning about the individual anatomies of
the environment, by observing. Someone has designed everything that is around us, the
Name: Conor Hudson Project: Student initated Major Project 2012-2013
Title: Undiscovered Typography | Environment letters Typefaces: Helvetica Neue | heronic | Times New Roman | futura
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UNDISCOVEREDTYPOGRAPHY conor hudson (typography)