Undiscovered Typography

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Undiscovered Ty po g r a p h y observation| type

Undiscovered Typography U r b a n | Ty p e

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Individual Anatomies



Rotate and crop




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Negative Space

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Discovered Alphabet




Typography can be found in the most unusual places, even when it is not intentional. Throughout this discovery i will explain the basic rules when looking for undiscovered letterforms within an urban or rural area. Searching hard and Seeing beyond the obvious can result in found letters in many everyday objects surrounding us within our

environments, often hidden and

an object for example a ladder. while

difficult to find. Its about

focusing on specific parts like lines

observation, It is important to keep

and angles the object begins to

an open mind regarding how a

transform into a more detailed shape

letter should look if you are searching

revealing hidden letter forms.

within an unconventional medium. This is how the idea of looking for Being able to recognise specific

letters that were unintentionally

shapes of letter forms allows us to

created, through constructed or

focus on key elements that make up

naturally made shapes exising in our

the letters we are searching for

environment were discovered.

Example: Lines / Angles and Curves. Try to observe the hidden type within

Wayne W Dyer “change the way you look at things and the things you look at change�

I n d i v i d ua l A n ato m i es Typography basics on individual anatomies Understanding the fundamental principles and concepts of typography is the first step to being a successful typographer. The most basic componet of typography is the letter, and each letter of the alphabet is difinguishedby its uniquwshape, or

letterforms this technical guide. includes definitions for and illustrations of the indivdual parts that composeletterforms, as well as the boundaries by which letterforms are delineated. Use this guide to help you grasp a detailed understanding of individual ataomeis.

a B ow l

T he bowl is curved section of a closed structure, this is found in many letterforms.


C ro ss ba r The crossbar is a horizontal or diagonal stroke that joins two stems of a letter.

V c rotc h

This is the internal meeting point of the downwards strokes forms the crotch.

Spine Anytime you see curved lines that exists in the center of a letter, that curves is known as the spine.

h i St em

All straigh, vertical or near vertical lines in letterfroms are known as stems.

S h o u ld e r

if a letter has an additional leg, then the curves at the beginning of the leg is the shoulder.

A p ex Angles is formed and the lines meet at the top point, the angle is known as apex.


o C o u n t er

The negative space that exists within these enclosed spaces is known as the counter.

R i v e rs i d e c o u n t ry pa r k The letter ‘G’ Found within a tree trunk. Gillingham | Kent.

Rotat e a n d c ro p Tips to keep in mind When photographing the undiscovered letters at first glance you will not always see a self contained letter within its

identified however the use of cropping


Ive come across undiscovered letters

and rotating was required inorder to develop the correct structure that was needed for the particular.

and had to use these useful tips to This is where the importance of rotat-

help reconstruct them. Particular. ive

ing and cropping comes into play.

come across undiscovered letters and

The next two pages will contain

had to use these useful tips to help

examples of how letters have been

reconstruct them.

w ei g h t letter’s relative amought of blackness independent its size. Letterforms come in all shapes and sizes, large, small ,thick and thin all of these components

extra bold and hairline.

contribute to weight.

remember that these letterforms will

weight is the reative darkness or l

When we are looking for letterforms in the public spaces, it is important to also come in different weights as well.

ightness of the charcters which

This particuclar letterform has a very

results from the thickness of the

thin weight that i found at Riverside

strokes. A given font might have many

Country Park F

different weights such as light,bold

N egat i v e S pac e Looking on the negative side It becomes to easy to see letters formed from objects with objects. What about the space around those objects? This space is called negative space and this is also useful for finding hidden letterforms. When looking for letterform within this piece, it was important for me

to addres the negative space. i soon found.....only by looking at the space around the physical object was able to find this letterform.

Discovered Alphabet

Now look around you. What else in your environment is more than meets the eye?

it exists, the way it decays , all are beautiful.When apprecicated, the world becomes a much more exciteng place to live.

Using this refined and creative mindset, what can you discover? This exsprience has taught me to appreciate the small things in my environment. Someone has designed everything that is around us. the way

Conor Brian Hudson Project: Undiscovered Typography | Urban Type

| Student initiated major project | 12/13

Typefaces : Helvetica Neue | heronic | Bebas | Times New Roman Camera:

Nikon D300

` TM

conor hudson (typography) Undiscovered typography

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