Room with a view - Issue 3

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Room with a view Issue 03 | 2015

How Secure Is Your Talent?

Candidate vs Customer Experience...

What’s the Difference?

Room with a View........03/2015

Table of Contents 01




What Is New...

How Secure...

& The Team

in Talent Resourcing

Is Your Talent?




Candidate vs Customer...

Recruitment Market...

New IHG Global Internal...

Experience... What’s the difference?

Overview and insights

Careers Website




Upcoming Initiatives

for Quarter 2

10 Room to Grow & Have Your Say

Room with a View........03/2015

Welcome! Welcome to the third edition of Room with a view, our quarterly newsletter from the talent resourcing team. It’s been a busy second quarter with our team filling our highest volume of roles yet. The talent resourcing team has now been established for nine months and during this time we have been exposed to additional training, visits to our regional properties as well as exciting new hires for the hotels.

Andrew Morley Director, Talent Resourcing

Jenny Milner

Anna Statham

Manager, Talent Resourcing

Consultant, Talent Resourcing

Kat Davidson

Ian Jones

Consultant, Talent Resourcing

Consultant, Talent Resourcing


Room with a View........03/2015

What Is New in Talent Resourcing? Talent Resourcing Visits

AuA HR Conference

In June both Kat and Jenny had the opportunity to visit

The AuA HR team had their annual HR conference in

Holiday Inn Sydney Airport, Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley,

mid April at InterContinental Sydney Double Bay. The

Crowne Plaza Newcastle and Crowne Plaza Terrigal.

Talent Resourcing Team was invited to dinner on their

The hospitality provided by all of the hotels was

final night to meet the entire HR team in the AuA

overwhelming, we were greeted by heads of

region. Anna Statham was also flown down from

departments and we were able to try some of the

Brisbane to meet everyone.

delicious food and beverage offerings in some of the hotels. We spent time with General Managers and key hiring managers from the four hotels we visited. The TR team saw the properties first hand, both front of house and heart of house. This gave us additional confidence to represent the hotels and establish stronger relationships with the heads of departments and understand further the needs of each hotel.

April AuA HR conference. You can just see Ian Jones in the background.

The Talent Resourcing team visiting Crowne Plaza Newcastle

Amp Your Profile Training At the April AuA HR Leaders conference we rolled out a LinkedIn Amp Your Profile training to strengthen our employer brand through great online profiles. The HR leaders are now working with their leadership teams within the hotels so that we have a strong representation of IHG and our people on LinkedIn for all prospective candidates to see.


Room with a View........03/2015

What Is New in Talent Resourcing? (cont.) Quarterly Newsletters to Talent Pools

Hotel School Alumni

Following on from our success with the CRM campaign

Throughout June we have been reaching out to the

for chefs, we sent our first newsletter to potential

major Hotel Schools across Australia & New Zealand,

front office leaders. This campaign played a big role

and identified how we can communicate the great

in us growing our Talent Pool in this space and re-

opportunities at IHG to their alumni. We have begun

engaging with our passive candidates. To view the

to promote our roles through their careers pages and

full campaign please click here.

social media to target a new audience of hospitality qualified potential candidates.

Chef Talent Pool Communication In May we sent out our quarterly Chef Update

Sourcing for Unique Roles

to our Talent Pool of Chefs. Please click here

In May we placed a Chef De Partie by the name of

for the newsletter.

Shaon Sen at InterContinental Adelaide. Shaon is from Bangalore in India and was granted a regional work visa for Adelaide. With no contacts, family or friends in Adelaide, her General Manager in India reached out to a number of hotels in Adelaide including Colin McCandless via LinkedIn. We interviewed Shaon and through this process we offered Shaon the role. In June she left India for the first time and started her new life in Adelaide and a new career at InterContinental Adelaide.


Room with a View........03/2015

How Secure Is Your Talent? In the past few months we have seen a significant increase in other organisations targeting our talent! In some cases blatantly and aggressively. As the market tightens and new developments become a reality, the competition for talent is only going to become more and more challenging. The rise of social media especially LinkedIn, Facebook and others make it so much easier for top talent and specialists in our industry to be identified — for example Concierges who have been tempted away with better salaries and more regular hours. How do we prevent this occurring? Shut down our social media? Unlikely! Encourage people to want to stay, grow and develop within IHG is going to be more effective. As the saying goes: “The grass is often not greener”. In many cases these new jobs may be rather mundane and offer no long term progression. Think about what you can do to ensure your teams are not distracted or tempted by these opportunities as they know they are already working in an environment they love to be part of. One tool to guide you and your teams is the The Employer Brand Book 2015 on Merlin (via Our People > Employer Brand) — this is a great resource to share with all your colleagues.


Room with a View........03/2015

Candidate vs Customer Experience What’s the Difference? Taleo/eCareers, IHG People Tools, SHL, myHR, careers.

It may help to think about what you or your customer — IHG has a vast array of tools and platforms

would expect, and conduct the hiring process in the

to help us secure great talent for our hotels. This can

way you would look to delight a customer. Candidates

all be undone by delivering an inferior Candidate

have a huge influence over their friends and other

Experience (CX). Communicating with all applicants

potential talent and any negative insight can quickly

is a fundamental and mandatory requirement. Every

deter potential talent from seeing IHG as a great

single applicant must have a timely response, whether

place to develop a career. uses

they are to be considered further or if they are not

reviews from candidate and employees to see which

suitable and receive an email (via eCareers) to advise

are the companies to aim for, just like tripadvisor and

them. You may have experienced being a candidate

other travel and hotel review sites.

yourself and not getting any response is the most

Just keep in mind — every candidate is a potential

frustrating experience.

customer and every customer could be a potential candidate! The Employer Brand Book 2015 will also help guide you.


Room with a View........03/2015

Recruitment Market Overview & Insights The mantra of retaining talent and being an employer of choice is nothing new, but is there more talk than action? The most important element in retaining talent is understanding what is important to employees. We know the reality and appreciate that we must be competitive with packages and benefits. However, I hear over and over again that people are passionate about this industry and it runs through their veins. The people I meet who have left for other industries have one thing in common — they miss it! So how can we step out of the box and take a different approach to retaining key talent? Yes, of course we need to ensure our offering is current, tailored and competitive with other industries — but we also need to start to think a little differently.

Six Ideas to Get You Started: 1

Build personalised employee career paths.

Can we look at all the other skills, competencies,

This means looking at your employee base and

abilities and experience first and finally mobility,

developing career paths that work for them

rather than the other way around? Are we

and your organisation.

currently actively ignoring talent? Change the order of your selection criteria and you may find

Early on people want to know what opportunities

there’s a bigger talent pool.

lie ahead for them. This could be additional responsibility, a promotion or entirely different


experiences. Be clear and consistent in your

are developing all our available resources.

Go against the norm.

Unconscious bias means that we hire people who

We can be flexible in this industry! There’s a belief

are ‘like us.’ The reality for your organisation may

in hospitality that it’s too hard to be flexible

be that you are underutilising women, indigenous

— that working from home or part-time is not for

people, mature-aged employees etc.

us, nor is job share.

Are you prepared to address these complicated

Due to this resistance to move into ‘the future’ we

issues head on? Are you prepared to provide a

are losing great people. We can do this; someone

program or opportunities? As a business we need

just needs to lead from the front, could this be

to understand that if we create a diverse

your organisation?


Diversity is good for business and makes you an attractive employer. We need to make sure we

message about career opportunities.


Develop all your available talent.

workforce then we appeal to a diverse world, which is good business.

Don’t allow mobility to be a stop sign to promotions. In hospitality we prioritise mobility to such an extent that we exclude some great talent. Yes, we need people to be mobile, yet why don’t we look at cases on an exception basis?


Room with a View........03/2015

Recruitment Market Overview & Insights (cont.) 5

Work with the new generations and don’t live in the past.


Yes that’s how we have always done it, but does

Engage your team, seek out real consultation. If you have a major initiative get your best people working on it. Research proves that people stay

that really work today? We have a complex

with organisations that listen to them, so ask for

workforce, so what is it they expect? Do Gen Y

your team’s input and implement ideas that they

employees need something different from

can be a part of.

baby boomers?

Be genuine in your interaction with your team

There is no point in expecting the different

and your desire to have them involved in the

generations to work in the same way. Listen to

direction of your organisation. People will feel

what these generations want — find out what’s

more engaged with organisations that they

important to them and then you have a chance

feel genuinely value them.

to engage them in your business. Don’t fight it, let’s embrace it!

Source: The Hospitality Magazine, March 2014

New IHG Global Internal Careers Website We have just launched our revised internal careers website — just go to Merlin, click on ‘Our People’ then click on ‘Internal Careers’ to take you to all roles including those only open to current IHG colleagues. Check out this link.


Room with a View........03/2015

Hires for Quarter 2 In quarter 2 the talent resourcing team filled 60 roles. The majority of roles were filled in both NSW and Victoria seeing the largest volume in Rooms Division. ›› Culinary: 7 roles

›› General: 2 roles

›› Engineering: 1 role

›› Human Resources: 2 roles

›› Food & Beverage: 12 roles

›› Rooms Division: 25 roles

›› Finance: 3 roles

›› Sales, Marketing & Revenue: 10 roles

Where are our 2015 hires coming from? Q2 Source Mix — All Hires

Q2 Source Mix — External Hires 38% 28% 19% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

27% 20% 20% 15% 10% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1%

Online Advertising — SEEK Referral LinkedIn Recruiter Headhunt Talent Pool Database Online Advertising — Google Online Advertising — Indeed

Internal — moved to property Online Advertising — SEEK Internal — promotion within property Referral LinkedIn Recruiter Headhunt Talent Pool Database Online Advertising — Google Online Advertising — Indeed

›› 60 placements were made in Q2, 32 of which were external ›› Online advertising remains the highest source of hires, with 44% of external hires from

this medium ›› 28% of external hires in the quarter were proactively sourced via LinkedIn, Talent Pools, the Taleo Database and

recruiter referrals ›› We have seen an increase in referrals as a source from 21% in Q1 to 28% in Q2, as we develop stronger referral

relationships both within IHG and the hotel industry


Room with a View........03/2015

Upcoming Initiatives Send talent our way

As we continue to recruit for your businesses we will look at ways to add value to your business. Some of the

As we grow our talent pools for all areas of your

initiatives we are currently undertaking include:

business, the best candidates are always referrals from you!!! We ask you to keep your eyes and ears open for

›› Duty Manager Video

talent and send them all our way.

Our sourcing and innovation specialist went down to InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto and filmed

Should you wish to refer anyone please send an email

three duty managers from Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza

to with

and InterContinental brands. The video captured

›› Name

their motivation, inspirations and career progression

›› Contact details

with IHG. Once this video is completed we will embed it into our seek ads and other social media

›› Location and department or role they will be

ads to attract front office professionals.

suitable for

›› Duty Manager Referral

This is a structured referral programme targeted at duty managers and up. We will look to our current front office staff to access their already established professional networks. Referral candidates are highly engaged, are a great source of hires and stay longer in the business because they have a personal connection within the organisation.


Room with a View........03/2015

Room to Have a Great... We have great stories about chefs who have changed careers. Nathan comes to

Aaron comes to Crowne Plaza

InterContinental Sydney from

Melbourne after completing a

the Holiday Inn Sydney Airport,

six-month short term role as the

where he has been employed

Accommodation Coordinator

as the Executive Chef in charge

for the recent G20 summit.

of Food & Beverage. During this

Before this role Aaron had been

time Nathan has demonstrated

working at The Grand Hyatt

a strong knowledge of Marketboomer, HACCP, E-tivity

Melbourne for 14 years in a myriad of roles including:

along with a solid understanding of hotel operations.

Front Office Manager, Assistant Manager at Front Office and Concierge. During this time Aaron has developed a

Nathan has completed a Bachelor of Business

strong knowledge of the Front Office environment, the

(International Hospitality Management), and is also

guest experience, hotel policies and procedures along

currently completing a Logistics diploma at TAFE. Prior

with a solid understanding of hotel operations.

to joining IHG, Nathan held a number of Head Chef positions around Sydney.

Aaron has completed a variety of internal training programs at Hyatt, focusing on management, the guest experience and building financial acumen.

Have Your Say

Please feel free to send us any feedback you have on this newsletter. Our key aim is to keep you up to date with recruitment activities and share initiatives and wins with you. If you have other information that you would you like to hear about when it comes to recruitment, then just email us at


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