Thesis Program | Huldajons | 2015

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Beyond structure: (in)formed finding of new shell morphologies

Thesis project 2015 BY:

Hulda Jonsdottir stud:


Tutor: Paul Nicholas CITA studio


CITA_spring 2015

Content Abstract Field of Interest / Aims Contextualize and references Shell structures Physical vs Digital Shell design

Methods of investigation Notional site conditions Use/Notional program What kind of light Research Methods

Project timeline Bibliography Appendix

student : Hulda J贸nsd贸ttir

06. 02. 2015

"a) we have a sense for aesthetics b) we have the right to use it c) we are allowed to mention our opinion d) and that we can find and express it in our projects." Inspiration for Heinz Isler during his studies that followed him throughout his life time work.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Abstract

Abstract Many things are important to a designer alongside structure. Current set of tools we focus on finding optimal structural forms unrelated to the light and spatial or aesthetic qualities of the shell. How might I introduce these other design performances to those tools and how can I through my research look at the relationship and dependency between those? I will focus on informed finding of shell morphologies through investigations of light through spatial division and materiality, using a notional site and notional program with parameters that are an informative guide through the project. For me light is beyond structure.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Field of Interest / Aims

The focus of this project is to extend the form finding and designing of shell structures by including the controlled performance of light. This project will examine the implications for space making, structure and materiality. This will be developed through three categories: a) Creation of, distinction between and passage through space b) Integration of light and structural thinking through perforations c) Control of material specifications for variable light transmission

The project aims to explore the transmitted light inside various scaled spaces in shell structures and introducing an aesthetic understanding through material translucency and patterning. Looking at

a) space b) skin c) material

Shell structures Shell structures are constructed systems described by three-dimensional curved surfaces, in which one dimension is significantly smaller compared to the other two. They are form-passive and resist external loads predominantly through membrane stresses. Form-passive : does not significantly, actively change its shape under varying load conditions, unlike form-active structural systems such as cable or membrane structures. Shell structures can be constructed as a continuous surface or from discrete elements following that surface. Shells are structurally and materially efficient. They are thin, light weight structures that can span large spaces with little material.

Shell from discrete elements following a continuous surface by Philippe Block

Continuous shell by Heinz Isler

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Contextualize and references

Los Manantiales Restaurant in Mexico by FĂŠlix Candela

Designing shell form There are three types of geometries for shell structures. Freeform shells, generated without looking at structural performance. Mathematical or geometrical shells, described by analytical functions. Convenient shells for further analytical calculations and their ability to describe a shell shape for fabrication purposes, (hyperboloids, ellipsoids and hyperbolic or elliptic paraboloids).

Form-found shells will be my focus in this project. They are natural, hanging shapes associated with funicular structures of Antoni Gaudi, Frei Otto and Heinz Isler, but also 'strained' grid-shells that feature bending stresses. Their final shape is the result of obtaining a state of static equilibrium. Explorations will take place in the digital world, through form finding with spring systems, which is a form-active systems that find the shape of a form-passive shell structures. Physical testing of the digital world for evaluation and feedback.

Freeform shell - higher degree polynomials (NURBS)

Mathematical shell - hyperbolic paraboloid

Hooks law : <as hangs the flexible line, so but inverted will stand the rigid arch> That is, a hanging chain in pure tension and free of bending, inverted and it obtain the equivalent arch that acts in pure compression.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Contextualize and references

Form found shell through computational modeling by Philippe Block

Form found shell found through physical prototype by Frei Otto

Design parameters for form found shells Antoni Gaudi, Frei Otto and Heinz Isler, are some of the most important precedents that worked with Hooks law and transferred it to 3D thinking with hanging physical models. The problem is that the parameters they work with are all only structural including Boundary condition, Gravity, Elasticity and Anchor points. As a designer, these are the things we can change to generate new shapes but we can not be limited to such matters. These methods do not consider other equally important architectural parameters such as light. The digital approaches we have today are particle spring systems like

-Catenary spring system by Axel Killian -Kangaroo for Grasshopper developed by Daniel Piker -Rhino VAULTS by Block Group.

Rhino VAULT by Block Research Group

The problem is that these tools do not bring any more options to the design. Even though they are faster and more precise they have the same limited sets of design parameters

Catenary system by Axel Killian

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Contextualize and references

Kangaroo by Daniel Piker

Personal explorations : Hanging silk

The problem of integrating light

In my research I am interested in the light to be considered in the design of the shell and to use the curved surface of the shell to control the quality of the light transmitting through. Heinz Isler (1929-2009) - continuous concrete shells. Isler worked with hanging models to form find the optimal shape for his concrete shell structures.. Isler was very interested in the elegant shapes he could create. In that he was very successful. His perforations are simply holes in the shell, where it is structurally possible, and they only let direct light through. Not the quality of the light nor the amount of light coming through is controlled.

Philippe Block designs very interesting shell structures where perforations are structurally considered in the form finding process but they are not considered in terms of light quality nor in terms of spatial quality within the shell. Philippe Block Group

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Contextualize and references

Heinz Isler - (1986)

Potential of integrating light

I will look at how I might be able to go beyond the structural performance and design shells where the spatial distribution and spatial quality is considered. Further more, the perforating is not only structurally considered but also qualitatively.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Contextualize and references

Stuttgart 21 station by Ingenhoven Architects and Frei Otto

Potential quality of light Eladio Dieste (1917-2000) the great Uruguayan engineer, is a master in masonry vault structures. He is not only investigating forms constructed with masonry but focuses on the various possibilities of letting in light. For example, overlapping and perforating vaults using the tools available to him at the time. He designed compression vaults that act as structural shells and as spatial enclosures with such construction of great strength, longevity, and beauty. I am interested in Dieste's sensitive touch and the dialog he creates between light and space. He can design specific atmosphere with the manipulation of the masonry, allowing light to flow into the space. It is about the synthetic thinking that occurs between the geometry of the shell and the way the space is lit. The quality of light and its capacity to capture various shadows of various height.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Contextualize and references

Christo Obrero Church | Eladio Dieste. Atlรกntida, Uruguay 1958-60)

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Field of Interest / Aims

Field of interest

This will be developed through three categories: a) Creation of, distinction between and passage through space b) Integration of light and structural thinking through perforations c) Control of material specifications for variable light transmission

Space a) Creation of, distinction between and passage through space. I will develop a range of shells with new morphologies, that are performing according to various defined light conditions. I will focus on the spatial separation and the idea of traveling through space with light as a guide. I will use a notional program to identify various light conditions needed in different situations. I will analyze the design of local spaces within the shell morphology development and light distribution.

Problem : It is difficult and clunky to introduce an internal subdivision to shells. In the Isler example there is not even an intent to do so. The shell is laying on top of another little building where all the smaller functions are squeezed together. The shell does not provide a single other function to the building. No environmental separation not a more complex building program nor does it have a light consideration.

Heinz Isler - Highway service area (1968) Germany

The star shell structure by Andrew Kudless + Riyad Joucka starts to become an interesting way to consider how one shell becomes a nested series of spaces in various hierarchy and scale. How can one travel through such space is an investigation where light and shadows can come as a design parameters.

Andrew Kudless + Riyad Joucka - Star shell Detour Hong Kong 2012

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Field of Interest / Aims

Creation of space Rauchamp by Le Corbusier

Distinction between Demarcation of light, creating a specific area. Block Group

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Field of Interest / Aims

Passage through space Photograph by Balázs Máté

Skin b) Integration of light and structural thinking through perforations Exploring the potentials for form finding of perforated thin shell structures, not only for structural optimization and material reduction but rather for aesthetic and light explorations in a form found space. The light coming through the perforations is not considered qualitatively. I want to explore the various design possibilities through designing the shell according to specific parameters for the desired light. Digital form finding with spring systems. Looking at designing a spatial quality through perforating a form found thin shell structures. Locally controlling amount of perforation and distribution. The density of the shell to indicate path and program distribution focusing on the design of the structural method of the shell and density of light coming through but not investigating how the light can be designed, controlled or vary within space and time. Personal explorations using form finding through spring systems.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Field of Interest / Aims

Personal project

I will use methods of digital palatalization and physical exploration of materiality and tile patterning to understand how they behave in various conditions. Sylwia Anna Sieminska - Thesis project at Manitoba University 2014

inska st

e world of architectural creation, inevitably poses quesility and freedom while in a search for an “arrived-at” n techniques are often filled with precise descriptions of y rarely allow moments of unpredictable variation. The r a flexible masonry architecture will lay in the in-between nd freedom over both materials, and building processes.

estigate the relationship between material and form, as iques and processes of form-finding through “self-formd assemblies. A particular interest will be given to asual elements, such as masonry brick, arranged and asa way that they act in concert as a field rather than as advantage of the field is its flexibility and sensitivity to itions of the world. The field therefore, becomes the main ation of form. The analyses of the field and its limitations will ultimately lead to an architectural proposal, which will ogy and techniques of form-finding developed during the applying it to an actual architectural constructions.

ut architecture people tend to think big, as a whole buildeing imagined. People rarely imagine a singular element emselves such as a wall, a floor, or a roof. Even less atthe materials that form the architecture. In my thesis I make through materials, studying their natural qualities form, and to include these studies into my thinking about

forms and patterns give us an insight into the relationmaterial and the form. For example, sand dune patterns wind, but also by the specific characteristics of the sand, eight, that allow for the formation of the pattern. The cregly correlated to the material’s structure, qualities, physiwell as the physical conditions of the world such as gravn and compression forces, loads, etc. This correlation is aterial and presents opportunities in formal explorations hitectural creation. This thesis will focus on precisely this loration.

Translucency explored through the materiality, that informs the tiling pattern depending on the amount and quality of light desired to transmit into the design space.



c) Control of material specifications for variable light transmission Testing the development of the aesthetics of shell morphologies in relation to tiling patterning and material translucency and behavior. Understanding the behavior of the material as a dynamic recursive tiling pattern responding to the surface curvature. For example; flat geometry = bigger square tiles, curvy = small triangulated tiles. Inspired by Sylwias Sieminska.

Recursive tiling - digital example

The changing thickness of tiles generates various translucency creating different light conditions.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Field of Interest / Aims

Detail of a thin translucent marble tile in the Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill 1963

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Notional site

NOTIONAL SITE CONDITIONS + SPATIAL IMPLICATIONS The site for the project is not a specific geographical location, but exemplified through possible scenarios related to the design parameters. Program and the following factors will form the boundaries of the architectural investigation on notional site : Scale Light conditions Material use I have chosen to focus on spacial situations for sports performance as my notional program. Where various sports need very different light conditions and atmosphere, There is a long tradition of shells being used at sport venues at various scales. I will use three strategically chosen sports programs to provide the conditions for lighting that will drive my light research. The sport scenarios will be chosen strategically in order to express different possibilities of the systems. .

What are the spatial/activity distinctions that underpin these sports and how might they be created by means of light? - Spatial definition - demarcation of areas with light, for example a fencing hall, boxing, tennis court or running track.

- Controlling focus area - diffused transition. For example dart or bowling where the focus is on the target not the player. - Designing light through patterning the skin of the shell, creating an ambiance within space. For example: swimming pools, spa and multi-activity halls for dance or yoga.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Notional site

Spatial definition

Controlled focus area

Skin patterning

Method summary

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Methods of investigation


Tool finding and setup Analyze existing methods - testing their limits Physical model making and 3D printing Photographing and critically analyze my exploration Developing tools - ray tracing + form finding Testing against notional site and programs Merging of paths Documenting and development of portfolio Rendering and other visualizations Creating an proposal for architectural application

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Timeline






CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Bibliography

Bibliography Jurgen Joedicke, Shell Architecture; documents of modern architecture, 1962, Alec Tiranti Ltd. London Sigrid Adriaenssens, Philippe Block, Diederik Veenendaal and Chris Williams, Shell structures for architecture, form finding and optimization, 2014, Routledge, London and New York Natallia Sørensen, Petter N. Haug, Nordic Light, interpretations in architecture, 2011, Clausen Grafisk, Denmark BLOCK Research Group, "Projects." ETH Zurich DARCH, Web: Proff. Mark West, "CAST :: Research." CAST-University of Manitoba Web: David p. Billington, "The Art of Structural Design - A swiss legacy." Princeton University Art Museum. Web:

"Heinz Isler: A Few Important Things." Build Blog RSS,


And the whole of internet

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix


Work I did previous to this thesis program and during its development, that inspired and guided the focus of this thesis project

Reproduction of known methods for physical form finding -Physical form finding hanging fabric models



Testing method using a square piece of fabric

Experimenting with fabric. Silk has more flexible fibers and therefore falls better into shape with gravity in such a small scale. This method is a known for physical form finding. Heinz Isler uses this method for his studies. The fabric is allowed to deflect into naturally occurring funicular geometry.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix

Reproduction of known methods for physical form finding - Physical form finding hanging plaster models

Silk dipped into plaster and hung up to dry. Elegant thin shell once it is dry. As I understood the breaking lines in the curvature depends on the edge condition of the fabric. These are first experiments that need development. But the idea is achieved nonetheless and the shape was found, and flipped over as a scaled model of a shell. According to professor Mark West "Scaled physical models are excellent tools for developing and predicting practical techniques for full scale fabric form-work construction. Based on 15 years of research experience, we have found that whatever we can build in scaled working models can be constructed at full-scale."

Looking closely at the models, analyze them critically and understand their qualities. Material thickness and translucency.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix

Another method of doing physical form finding is with chain-mail. The chain-mail is not a square sheet, therefor creates various degree of funicular shapes.

Details - form finding with hanging chain-mail

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix

With this model I am experimenting with a large sheet of chain-mail that is not square and not evenly knitted, by pulling it up in random places creating a more complex shape through physical form finding.

Form finding is a forward process in which parameters are directly controlled to find an 'optimal' geometry of a structure which is in static equilibrium with a design loading. The parameters imposed to control the form finding process are : -Boundary conditions, support, external load: -Topology of the model and: -Internal forces, and their relationship to the geometry. To the right, catalog of spatial separation with form finding techniques of spring systems. Demonstration on how, with the same starting mesh, I can produce various spaces having the boundary and the support as my parameters. With various anchor points I can start to create spacial separation where the spatial division can be either physical by taking down one point, a whole side or more of the mesh. Also an internal spatial division can be achieved by anchoring down one point in the middle. Creating a single point, column like, separation. Interesting investigation but still limited within the structural parameters of the spring system method.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix

anchors - on the boundary 20m

10m anchors - on the boundary - inside the vault 20m

4 anchor points 0 anchor edge 4 sides open

2 anchor points 1 anchor edge 3 sides open

1 anchor points 2 anchor edge 2 sides open

Personal project on vault studies with spring systems

vaults and anchors

generating spaces, differenciating spaces

0 anchor points 3 anchor edge 1 sides open

Structural analysis of shells

Weight : 44.809 kg

Force flow lines

Deflection mapping Max deflection : 3,455mm

Weight : 761..120 kg

Force flow lines

Deflection mapping Max deflection : 0.629mm

Structural analysis of shell structures through kangaroo spring system and millipede structural analysis tool for grasshopper.

Thickness : 10 cm Material : concrete Forces : only self weight

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix

Perforating a shell structure

Weight : 32.774 kg

Force flow lines

Deflection mapping Max deflection : 7,295mm

Weight : 541.320 kg

Force flow lines

Deflection mapping Max deflection : 34 mm

Exploring perforations and its deflection reaction. Here we can detect the weak areas of the structure and we see the deflection of form found shell is so significantly perforated. Problems here is a lack of optimal form, more interesting would be to work with the mesh, design it and perforate, before it finds its form. Then the results would be structurally optimized. For more accurate results and visual comparison, important to unify the color range of the collection of analysis.

This exploration is also looking at perforations and its deflection reaction. It show us the weak areas of the structure and we see the deflection is significantly smaller when the perforations are smaller and more evenly distributed. Next step is to perforate it before the mesh finds its form to include the perforations in the structural optimization process.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix

Max deflection : 5,29 mm

Max deflection : 5,97 mm

Max deflection : 6,48 mm Exploring perforation with triangulation Weight : 43.2756 kg Weight : 36.5994 kg Weight : 25.7165 kg

Two selected perforation patterns. Very little difference is between the full vault and the evenly perforated vaults. In order to have bigger openings, more thickness of material will be required unless the perforations are taken into account as one of the initial parameters of the optimal structural form found . Having the perforations not repetitive but based on external parameters such as sun or air flow would be an interesting investigation that was not carried through here.

CITA | kadk | fall 2014 | Appendix

Weight : 66.7646 kg

Force flow lines

Max deflection : 1,39 mm

Weight : 36.5994 kg

Force flow lines

Max deflection : 5,97 mm

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