Healthcare Resources 2019

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H E A LT H C A R E R E S O U R C E S W N C . C O M

Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Dental Care, Cancer Treatment, Urgent Care, Acupuncture, Rehab/Therapy, Eye Care, Orthopaedics and More

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PICTORIAL DIRECTORY 4–16 A Pictorial Guide to Health and Wellness Providers

Health &Wellness

Resource Guide


CarePartners Health Services

an touch someone’s life. Restoring life again. them to walk and live a normal individual’s independence by helping a safe, engaging of their own homes. Providing Caring for patients in the comfort comfort and they can feel connected. Bringing environment for older adults where CarePartners offers ones when they need it most. peace to patients and their loved Home Health North Carolina: Rehabilitation, the following services in Western Services. Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Care, Hospice and Adult Care

Every day brings a new opportunity to

68 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC 828-277-4800

Chinese Acupuncture & Herbology Clinic PROVIDE Acupuncture clinic invites you to revitalize

RS & RESO medicine . their licensed URCES of combined medical experience, Joshu your health. With their breadth your health issues a treat to better Herr, 4 Convenient Locations: resources in order ms,medicine, Chinese Acupunc herbal AeStheticS acupuncturists share their collective • Reynolds Their care includes acupuncture,ture & Herbolog . Asheville • Waynesville • Sylva through Chinese medical care. y Clinic Josh has 18 as well as other adjunct and nutritional guidance, years of experienc cupping, lifestyle adjustments, health Lonnie Lassi e working with spirit deserve equal attention. and condition that mind, body, diverse Board Certified ter, md musculoskeletal s. He specialize techniques. They strongly believe s inresults, clinical the areas to achieve superior pain, fertility, Board Certified : Family Medicine they continue sports stroke rehabilitaof medicine. With this comprehensive approach, : Wound Medicine tion, and rehabilitation. His studies in China levels. Serving the and Surgery focused Patients while supporting healing on all foothills on have described stroke listener, sensitive, family medicine, for more than 15 years providing 828-258-9016 He sees patients solution oriented him as a good care, medical primary care, advanced and empower 369 Montford Avenue in Asheville weight loss 828-698-3335 ing. and Henderso services. Aesthetic and hormone wound Asheville, NC | 828-258-9016 nville. ashevilleacupunctu optimization 369 Montford services include microneedling Avenue, Asheville 206 Chadwic Botox, Juvederm and chemical k Avenue, Henderso products. , peels, plus Obagi 206 Chadwick Avenue nville and PCA 828-894-3494 Hendersonville, NC | 828-698-3335 Junie Norf Advanced Wellness Institute Chinese Acupunc leet, maed, l ture & Herbolog .ac 2881 NC 108 ASSiSted Hwy y Clinic living Junie has provided Columbus, E Carolina comprehensive NC Acupuncture and Village Care has travelled & Chinese Medicine care personalized The state-of-th Center through China for 19 years. Medicine. Her She studying Classical appointments. e-art center offers 60 spacious, private a centered, experience asfor this service Located within the campus and Chinese Gong instructor suites with calming, andcare a Qiadults on quality, compassionate self-care oriented The communi an intermediate or permanenof Carolina Village, luxurious The Family Health Centers provide healing. Junie specialize and brings get wellapproach patients residents ty help to is 828-258-9016 trained s welcome t are in basis headache to can neurological primary care with board-certified physicians s, migraines children. Their828-698-3 conditions, provider to when space is available. no additional expense.use physicals, musculosimmunizations, therapies and implement 335 of services, including annual and keletal headache offer a range individualized The staff partners with medication stay well. Theyashevillea 369 Montford health, apain. assistance are behavioral care plans. includes a theater your consultations, Avenue, Nursing, personal 206 Chadwic available room, lounge chronic disease management, pharmacy k Avenue,testing,Asheville and spa, daily in a pleasant family atmosphe care, Other services onsite include laboratory Hendersonville 828-692-6275 activities and clinic and AyurVedic wellness. re that ext 243 special events. diagnostic testing. pulmonary andAnn Wolm X-Ray, bone density and cardiac patients. an,forl.established Chineseeach weekday ac available 600 Carolina Acupunc A morning walk-in sick clinic is ture & Herbolog Village Road location. at the 206 Asheland Avenue y Clinic Hendersonville, Heather Introducing Dr. Sydney Hendry Ann has 22 years experienc Glen at Arden NC educator. Ann e as an Acupunct Heather Glen woods focusing on has also undertaken Internship urist and gynecology personalized Assisted Living allows 206 Asheland Avenue and the treatment s in China joined the clinic you to live attention to independently Glen is an active, your health Asheville and in 2004 and works with of pain. Ann Asheville, NC needs. A part while 48-reside also offering with bathing, of Ardenwo patients in nce communi health, but her Hendersonville. She specialize ods CCRC, 828-258-8681 maintenance. grooming and dressing, ty with services that Heather skills extend 828-258-9016 include assistance Medicine. housekeeping into all realms s in women’s partnered withHeather Glen’s Health of Chinese 828-698-3335 Services team and laundry, and medicatio physician whether for s, residents, ashevilleacupunctu 369 Montford short or long-term and families is led by a registered nurse n also provides for Avenue, Asheville 206 Chadwic a full schedule care. Heather Glen’s a truly personalized approach k Avenue, Resources 2019 Healthcare comfortable, Addiction of social, cultural, Henderso nville caring 828-687-7 treAtment community and recreation 321 al programs Pavillon . HeatherGlenRetire . A Center for .com the Treatmen 103 Appalach Audiology t of Alcoholis ian Blvd. Pavillon is . m and Other a nonprofit Arden, NC Drug Addiction residential center Mountains s near Tonya Bartl 160-acre campusLake Lure, providing located in the foothills ey, ma, ccc and education provides the confidenttreatment for adults over of the Blue Ridge Tonya Bartley -a the age of 18. of individua iality and serenity Services include: ls suffering Communicationreceived her Bachelor from alcoholism so needed for the The of Science in family education detoxification, residentia Disorders therapy and other drug University. sessions, continuin l treatment In 1996, she from Bowling Green Wilmington, program, extendedaddictions. State received her from the Universit g care, NC, and a sober MA living facility outpatient services in Greenvillcare, graduate studies, y of Akron in Akron, in Audiology for men in Greenvill 828-694-2300 Ohio. During e, SC and Mrs. Bartley at the Oberlin her e, SC. Clinic in Oberlin,completed two externship Children’s Medical s: Ohio Center in Akron, and at the providing complete has been caring 241 Pavillon Adult dAy Ohio. Mrs. for patient’s audiological Place Bartley S hearing health services to Mill Spring, 828-692-0353 both adults CarePartne erviceS. NC and children. since 1996, rs Adult CarePartners Care Servi m ces 303 South comprehensivePACE (Program of All-inclus Church Street healthcare program ive Care and social services Hendersonville, that provides for the Elderly) is a Deborah NC unique a wide range health and deliver for seniors. The medical Biggert, of personaliz and necessary care staff ma, ccc are designed Deborah Biggert ed medical -a, faaa and treatment monitors changes in to offers comprehe their patient’s s. Their therapy also provide improve functioning evaluations nsive for nutritious meals/sna and keep each and wellness their recreation state-of-the-art adults and children, and hearing participant programs cks in a social strong al 100% hearing therapy and active. digital setting aids. Ms. Biggert new friends. graduate of programs are the designed to to promote healthy choicesThey from Northwes University of Iowa and is a 1989 help patients and stay active 828-213-8442 certified by tern University in 1991. received her MA and make the She is nationally TTY: 800-735-2 Association American Speech-Language 962 (ASHA), licensed Audiology. of NC, and in audiology Hearing 286 Overlook is a Fellow by the state Road of the American 20 Academy of 828-692-0353 Asheville, NC m 303 South Church Street Hendersonville, NC

Western North Carolina’s premier Chinese

The Family Health Centers

DIRECTORY LISTINGS 20–46 Directory of Health and Wellness Providers & Services





Visit our searchable online directory with provider website links at



Acupuncture.................................................................6, 20 Addiction Treatment...................................................14, 20 Adult Day Services........................................................6, 20 Aesthetics..........................................................................20 Assisted Living............................................................20, 22 Audiology.....................................................................4, 20 Behavioral/Mental Health..................................6, 9, 28, 41 Blood Donation/Blood Drives................................18-19, 21 Brain Training/Neurofeedback....................................17, 21 Breast Program...........................................................10, 46 Cancer Care/Services.................................................. 10, 21 Cardiology.........................................................4, 12, 21-22 Caregiver Support....................................................... 21, 22 Chiropractors..............................................................22, 23 Dentistry......................................7-8, 13, 14, 16, 22, 24-27 Diabetes Education...........................................................28 Emergency Services.................................Inside Front Cover, 3, 11, 46, Back Cover Family Practice.......................................Inside Front Cover, 3, 11, 28, Back Cover Gastroenterology...............................................................29 Hearing Aids................................................................4, 30 Home Health/Home Care......................................6, 30, 31 Hospice & Palliative Care.......................................6, 30, 31 Hospitals.................................................Inside Front Cover, 3, 10, 11, 46, Back Cover LASIK Surgery................................................. 5, 31, 34, 37 Massage Therapy.............................................................. 31

5 LenSx® Laser for Cataract Surgery 19 Saving a Life Has Never Been Easier 23 Space Age Neck and Back Pain Relief




Neurology.........................................................................32 Neuroscience/Spine Center...............................................32 Nursing Homes..........................................................32, 33 Nutritional Supplements...................................................32 OB-GYN....................................................................32, 46 Ophthalmology.................................................5, 32-36, 37 Optometrists............................................................... 36-38 Orthopaedics...................................................... 2, 4, 38-40 Pain Management.........................................................3, 40 Pediatrics..............................7, 8, 9, 10, 14-15, 26-27, 40-41 Pharmacies .......................................................................48 Physical Therapy/Rehab.....................................2, 6, 22, 40, 41-44, Inside Back Cover Physician Assistants..........................................................44 Podiatry............................................................................44 Prosthetics & Orthotics....................................................41 Radiology.........................................................................47 RN Patient Advocates ......................................................45 Skilled Nursing.......... 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, Inside Back Cover Speech Therapy............................ 43, 45, Inside Back Cover Sports Medicine................................................................39 Stress Management........................................................... 14 Surgical Services................................................... 45, 46, 47 Urgent Care..........................................................12, 42, 46 Urology.............................................................................46 Wellness Programs......................................................14, 46 Women’s Health...................................................10, 32, 46 1


Magazine Staff Publisher Brett Hulsey

Advertising Brett Hulsey Katie Cornwell Operations Jocelyn Hunsader Design/Production Lyndsey Simpson Photography Robin Reed Photography FastCat Studio

Givens Estates Health Center

Copyright 2019 Hulsey Media, Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent from the publisher. Mention of any product or practice does not constitute endorsement by Healthcare Resources.

WANT ADDITIONAL COPIES OF HEALTHCARE RESOURCES? If your practice, business or organization would like to distribute copies of Healthcare Resources please call for delivery. Find Providers For:

Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Dental Care, Cancer Treatment, Urgent Care, Acupuncture, Rehab/Therapy, Eye Care, Orthopaedics and More



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“ST. LUKE’S HOSPITAL PAIN CENTER has enabled me to manage migraines successfully without so many medications. I was able to immediately get an appointment.” – Lillie Stott, Columbus, NC



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and hospital teammates are committed to providing exceptional care and treatment right here, close to your hometown.

48 Hospital Drive, Suite 2A Columbus, NC 28722

Health &Wellness

Resource Guide

Appalachian Shoulder Specialists Dr. Suzanne Hall is the only Fellowship Trained Shoulder Specialist in Western

North Carolina whose practice is entirely devoted to shoulders. This extra expertise creates a very different experience for those in need of shoulder care. The visit begins by really listening to you. Family or friends are encouraged to come as an extra pair of eyes and ears. The exam is thorough and tests are only ordered when necessary. Diagnoses are clearly explained. Whenever possible, nonoperative treatment is tried first. When surgery is needed, gentle techniques are used to minimize pain, speed healing, and maximize results. After surgery, you are instructed in home exercises which can usually be done without physical therapy. Early treatment gives the best chance of a great recovery. 1027 Fleming Street, Suite B Hendersonville, NC 828-697-1944

Appalachian Shoulder Specialists

Asheville Cardiology Associates For more than 40 years, Asheville Cardiology Associates and Mission Heart has been a regional leader in heart care and cardiac services. Their award-winning staff maintains years of specialized clinical experience and is committed to high quality and superior outcomes. The physician team delivers a team-oriented approach to the treatment and diagnosis of cardiology conditions with a high level of technical expertise. Their physicians are board certified in their respective cardiac specialty, and many are also members of numerous state and national committees of the American College of Cardiology. Asheville Cardiology Associates is committed to clinical excellence as well as providing a compassionate care environment, and they are dedicated to decreasing the incident of heart disease in the region, improving treatment processes for all patients, and staying on the national forefront of cardiology research. 5 Vanderbilt Park Drive, Asheville 828-274-6000

Biggert’s Hearing Instruments Your sense of hearing is a vital link to your world. It is a source of pleasure,

information, and communication. A hearing assessment by a qualified audiologist is an important step in learning more about your hearing capabilities. If you have a hearing loss, there is something you can do to take control of the situation. Hearing loss should not get in the way of enjoying your life. Biggert’s Hearing Instruments offers a wide range of hearing instrument options and utilizes many different hearing aid manufacturers to meet the needs of each individual. A daily drop-in clinic is available from 11:00-11:45 AM for minor hearing aid repairs and service. To learn more, visit their website. 303 South Church Street Hendersonville, NC 828-692-0353


Healthcare Resources 2019

Carolina Ophthalmology, PA

Considering Cataract Surgery?

When It Comes To Your Eyes, Take A Good Look At The Surgeon

id you know that the human eye is the second most complex organ in the body? Therefore, when it comes to your eyes, it is important to choose a qualified physician for all your eye care needs. Dr. Jonathan Fritz and Dr. Pooja Sethi are board certified ophthalmologists and experienced cataract surgeons. Significant advancements in cataract removal can have a very real impact on your vision. If you’re anticipating cataract surgery, here are three innovations offered by Drs. Fritz and Sethi.

1. Laser Cataract Surgery Carolina Ophthalmology is the only practice in WNC that performs this bladeless, more precise cataract removal surgery. The LenSx® Laser provides accurate, real-time measurements before and during the procedure. It also reduces recovery time and decreases trauma to the eye.

2. The ORA™ System This technology is exclusively available at Carolina Ophthalmology. It makes lens selection possible during cataract surgery, resulting in more reliable post-operative vision.

3. Premium Intraocular Lenses (IOL) An intraocular lens replaces the natural lens removed during cataract surgery. Premium lenses can correct astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. In addition their outcomes are often comparable to LASIK. The new Tecnis Symfony® IOL is the first and only lens that provides quality continuous vision so patients can see clearly at near, intermediate, and far distances.

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Technology continues to evolve as it relates to cataract surgery and improvements in intraocular lenses allow us to customize the procedure to each individual’s needs. Dr. Fritz and Dr. Sethi also provide general ophthalmology examinations and treat a wide variety of eye conditions such as corneal issues, glaucoma, dry eyes, and diabetic eye disease. To learn more or to schedule a consultation contact Carolina Ophthalmology at 828-693-1773.

Clayton H. Bryan, md Mark A. Joseph, md Robert I. Park, md Christina H. Choe, md Jonathan P. Fritz, md Raj N. Patel, md Pooja Sethi, md Thomas C. Perraut, md 55

Health &Wellness

Resource Guide

CarePartners Health Services Every day brings a new opportunity to touch someone’s life. Restoring an

individual’s independence by helping them to walk and live a normal life again. Caring for patients in the comfort of their own homes. Providing a safe, engaging environment for older adults where they can feel connected. Bringing comfort and peace to patients and their loved ones when they need it most. CarePartners offers the following services in Western North Carolina: Rehabilitation, Home Health Care, Hospice and Adult Care Services. Neighbors Helping Neighbors.

68 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC 828-277-4800

Chinese Acupuncture & Herbology Clinic Western North Carolina’s premier Chinese medicine clinic invites you to

revitalize your health. With their breadth of combined medical experience, their licensed acupuncturists share their collective resources in order to better treat your health issues through Chinese medical care. Their care includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, lifestyle adjustments, and nutritional guidance, as well as other adjunct techniques. They strongly believe that mind, body, and spirit deserve equal attention. With this comprehensive approach, they continue to achieve superior clinical results, while supporting healing on all levels. 369 Montford Avenue Asheville, NC | 828-258-9016 206 Chadwick Avenue Hendersonville, NC | 828-698-3335

The Family Health Centers The Family Health Centers provide quality, compassionate care for adults and children. Their board-certified physicians are trained to help patients get well and stay well. They offer a range of services, including annual physicals, immunizations, chronic disease management, pharmacy consultations, behavioral health, a headache clinic and AyurVedic wellness. Other services onsite include laboratory testing, X-Ray, bone density and cardiac and pulmonary diagnostic testing. A morning walk-in sick clinic is available each weekday for established patients. Introducing Dr. Sydney Hendry at the 206 Asheland Avenue location. 206 Asheland Avenue Asheville, NC 828-258-8681


Healthcare Resources 2019

reate Working Together to C

Sm iles for a Lifetim e

4 Convenient Locations: Asheville • Waynesville • Sylva • Reynolds Mountain Great Beginnings Pediatric Dental Specialists and Great Smiles Orthodontic Specialists are a team of highly trained specialists dedicated to providing a positive patient experience with the convenience of five locations across Western North Carolina. The pediatric dentists at Great Beginnings received additional education and training to specifically care for the restorative and preventive dental needs of infants, children, and teens. The comfort of Great Beginning’s young patients is paramount, and advanced treatment options like sedation are available for the young or anxious dental patient. When it comes to orthodontic treatment, Great Smiles makes the process family-friendly with full orthodontic services—including esthetic treatment options such as clear braces or Invisalign—for children, teens and adults. Patients always have convenient access to top-notch care with eight experienced doctors, 24/7 emergency care, and locations in Asheville, Reynolds Mountain, Sylva and Waynesville. The scope of the doctors’ impact on the community reaches far beyond the office with their continual commitment to philanthropy and bettering the lives of all families in WNC through community outreach and service. The doctors and staff of Great Beginnings and Great Smiles live the practice mission of “Working together to create smiles for a lifetime”.

William L. Chambers, DDS, MS, PA, Diplomate; Angela P. Baechtold, DDS, MS, PA, Diplomate; Ryan J. Haldeman, DDS, MS, PA; Douglas B. Pratt, DDS, PA, Diplomate Stephanie S. Chambers, DDS, MS, MSD, Diplomate; Laura P. Hogue, DDS; Anthony Paul Blackman, DMD, MSD; Stephen G. Chadwick, DDS, MSD, MPH

Health &Wellness

Resource Guide

Hendersonville Pediatric Dentistry A lifetime of healthy smiles starts on day 1. At Hendersonville Pediatric Dentistry,

Dr. Andrew McKenzie and his team are ready to provide you and your child with high-quality pediatric dental care in a professional, comfortable and personalized setting. Their goal is to create a lasting relationship that promotes excellent oral health. Dr. McKenzie is an active member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the Henderson County Dental Society and the North Carolina Pediatric Dental Society. He has privileges at Pardee Hospital in Hendersonville and McDowell Hospital in Marion. Dr. McKenzie and his team invite you to call or stop by for a visit and begin your child’s journey to a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. 689 Blythe Street Court, Suite B Hendersonville, NC 828-696-2227

Jonathan L. Lowry, dds Dr. Jonathan Lowry and his team are committed to providing you with the best

dental care possible with new, state-of-the-art technology. They want you to feel comfortable in their office and to provide you with a very positive dental experience. You, as a patient, and your care and comfort are their primary goals. Dr. Lowry provides a wide range of dental services such as implant placement and restoration, crown and bridge, root canals, mild sedation and cosmetic procedures. Their Dental Savings Plan is an excellent option for patients without dental insurance to continue receiving optimum care! They believe that each individual, with proper treatment and care, can have a beautiful, healthy smile that will last a lifetime. 905 Oakland Street Hendersonville, NC 828-693-6465

Laurel Park Family Dental Care Striving to meet their commitment to excellence, Drs. Kevin and Savannah

Daugherty at Laurel Park Family Dental Care will provide you with honest, quality comprehensive care. Patients of all ages are welcome in this family friendly environment. Their goal is to make every patient feel comfortable as an individual, while creating a healthy and functional oral environment. Their entire staff will work with you to make sure all of your dental needs are met. Now accepting new patients.

1700 Old Village Road Hendersonville, NC 828-693-5190


Healthcare Resources 2019

Quality Matters...

With over 60 years of ongoing care, Hendersonville Pediatrics, P.A. is committed to providing quality, state of the art, compassionate healthcare for the children of WNC. The staff is committed to serving families of all social and economic backgrounds. The physicians and staff have bilingual abilities and excel as pediatric clinicians. Hendersonville Pediatrics, P.A. continues to modernize their practice using the latest technologies including a fully electronic medical health record and patient portal.

Meet The Doctors:

They are currently accepting new patients and offer newborn care, well-child check-ups, sick visits, sport physicals, immunization updates, asthma management, ADHD and behavioral management. Please call ahead to make an appointment or an after-hours visit.

Dustin B. Alderson, m.d. Robert T. Duffey, m.d. Ann E. Farash, m.d.

Derek Moss, m.d. Veresa T. Myers, m.d.

Kristen C. Neil, m.d. Anne B. Smith, m.d.

Hendersonville Pediatrics, P.A. is pleased to offer on-site behavioral health screenings and treatment services for children from newborn to 18 years of age. Common concerns Lauretta Stombaugh, d.o. Katherine Swain, m.d.

include temper tantrums, oppositional behavior, anger episodes, toileting or bed wetting difficulties, sleep problems, picky eating, anxiety or stress. We commonly treat ADHD, depression, family conflict, school problems, sibling or peer difficulties, and many more conditions.

Ora J. Wells, m.d.

Ronald Buell, pa-c.

600 Beverly Hanks Center Hendersonville, NC 828.693.3296 157 Medical Park Dr. Brevard, NC I 828.884.3440

Health &Wellness

Resource Guide

Mission Breast Program This team of experts has a deep and broad knowledge base combined with years of experience treating breast conditions and breast cancer. Just as important – the robust team specializes in providing individualized, and coordinated, multidisciplinary services for each patient, and are committed to a passionate culture of quality breast care. When it matters most, you are not alone. Now providing care in two locations. Call today for more information or to schedule an appointment. SECU Cancer Center 21 Hospital Drive Asheville, NC Hope Women’s Cancer Center 100 Ridgefield Court Asheville, NC 828-213-2500

Mission Children’s Hospital Kids deserve care as special as they are. Mission Children’s Hospital, the only

children’s hospital in WNC, offers inpatient, outpatient and outreach services. Inpatient services include pediatric and adolescent care as well as neonatal and pediatric intensive care. At Reuter Outpatient Center, families can access a full range of pediatric specialty services in a convenient, kid-friendly setting, plus general pediatric care is available in multiple locations throughout WNC. Outreach teams support the region, offering dental and asthma services, injuryprevention education and assistance for families with special needs. Find detailed information online about all of their services and locations. 509 Biltmore Avenue

11 Vanderbilt Park Drive Asheville, NC 828-213-1740

Pardee Cancer Center Pardee Cancer Center, located in the state-of-the-art Henderson County Health Sciences Center, is the only comprehensive cancer center in Henderson County, and has been accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer since 1996. The entire cancer team is located under one roof, enhancing the patient’s experience and providing the community with the best in cancer care for generations to come. Medical and radiation oncology, infusion, nutrition, pharmacy, research, survivorship and palliative care have easy access to one another, elevating the level of care you receive, while nurse navigators guide you every step of the way throughout your journey. 805 Sixth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC 828-694-4300 10

Healthcare Resources 2019

A healthy community is a happy and growing community.”

- Dr. Grey Tilden, Family Medicine The heart of a community isn’t a place, it’s the people. It’s our connections to each other and to all that it means to call this place our home. Our home is changing. It’s growing. And we at Pardee continue to grow right alongside you and your family. We continue to expand our expertise and accessibility, so we can be right here for you every day in order to help you live your best life. That’s what community is all about. People sharing the best they can do, so we can all be the healthiest and happiest we can be.


Health &Wellness

Resource Guide

Pardee Cardiology Associates Pardee Cardiology Associates is ACC chest pain accredited and provides complete, patient-centered care using advanced technology to diagnose and treat heart and vascular conditions. They offer a wide array of cardiac services that include diagnostic testing and screening, minimally invasive procedures to treat blockages that cause heart attacks, a full-service and state-of-the-art catheterization lab, cardiac rehabilitation, and heart health education and exercise programs. The Pardee cardiology team is dedicated to providing advanced cardiac services to ensure you receive the highest quality heart and vascular care available. 709 North Justice Street Hendersonville, NC 828-697-7377

Pardee Orthopedic Services Pardee Orthopedics consistently provides the highest in quality care, most recently recognized for excellence by Healthgrades with a five-star designation in hip fracture treatment and spinal fusion surgery for 2018, and America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Orthopedic Surgery in 2016. Our orthopedic team of providers from Southeastern Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, EmergeOrtho: Blue Ridge Division, and Appalachian Orthopaedics have lead the way to this award-winning orthopedic care, serving the Hendersonville, Fletcher, Asheville and Waynesville communities. 800 North Justice Street Hendersonville, NC 828-696-1000

Pardee Urgent Care Pardee Urgent Care is available in three convenient locations for when you need immediate treatment for non-life-threatening conditions. Services include adult and pediatric medical care, minor surgeries, digital X-ray services, laboratory draws and testing, minor orthopedic and wound care, sports physicals, and flu vaccinations. For more serious or life-threatening injuries or illnesses, visit the Emergency Department at Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice Street, Hendersonville, NC 28791. 212A Thompson Street Hendersonville, NC 828-697-3232 2695 Hendersonville Road Arden, NC 828-651-6350 3334 Boylston Hwy. Mills River, NC 828-694-8100 12

Healthcare Resources 2019

Health &Wellness

Resource Guide

Pavillon – A Center for the Treatment of Alcoholism

and Other Drug Addictions

Pavillon is a nonprofit residential center located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge

Mountains near Lake Lure, providing addiction treatment for adults over the age of 18. The 160-acre campus provides the confidentiality and serenity so needed for the intensive therapy and education of individuals suffering from alcoholism and other drug addictions. Services include: detoxification, gender specific residential treatment program, extended care program, family education sessions, continuing care for discharged patients, outpatient services in Greenville, SC and Wilmington, NC and a sober living facility for men in Greenville, SC. 241 Pavillon Place Mill Spring, NC 28756 828-694-2300

Peace of Movement Leslie Carey is a stress management facilitator specializing in sessions for those seeking relief from general anxiety. Learn how to calm yourself and break negative patterns, improve the inner dialogue you have with yourself and develop realistic steps to help soothe thoughts that trigger headaches, nervousness, and panic attacks. Services also include Reiki, Reiki Instruction, Hospice energy work, One-on-one guided mediation. By appointment only. Youth treatments available.

514 7th Avenue East Hendersonville, NC 512-975-0631

Reid & Reid Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics The mission of Reid & Reid Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics is to establish

a mutual relationship of trust and appreciation with patients while providing the highest quality of dental and orthodontic care. Dr. Richard’s pediatric dentistry side of the office is set up with young patients in mind, keeping it kid-sized and kid-friendly! He is certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Alison provides comprehensive orthodontic care for children and adults of varying ages and needs. She has completed 3 years of additional training beyond dental school to acquire the expertise to provide orthodontic care. In addition, Dr. Alison completed the process of Board Certification by the American Board of Orthodontics. 685 Blythe St. Ct., Suite B Hendersonville, NC 28739 828-696-2245 14

Healthcare Resources 2019

Providing comprehensive and compassionate care for children of Western North Carolina since 1980.

Dedicated to Providing the Most Individualized and Up-to-Date Healthcare for Your Children.

Terry C. Childers, MD, FAAP

Margaret Goodwin, MD, FAAP

Mark T. Jackson,

We believe that every child deserves easy access to a pediatrician, so our doors stay open every day except Christmas. From our early morning walk-in clinic to weekend and holiday hours and until the phones stop ringing in the evenings, we are available when your child needs it the most.


Contact Us to Make an Appointment Today!

Carol A. Long, MD, FAAP

Brian P. O’Donnell, MD, FAAP

Karen J. Walter, MD, FAAP

Mountain Area Pediatrics Associates, PA 500 Centrepark Drive | Asheville 828-254-4337

Health &Wellness

Resource Guide

Richards Dental Care Their philosophy is to help each patient achieve the highest level of dental health

that is appropriate for them, recognizing that not all patients have the same needs or desires. Combining modern technology and thorough examinations, they are able to provide dental care in a comfortable atmosphere. Their dentistry combines function, appearance, longevity and comfort. They strive to put a smile on every person they are privileged to treat. Accepting new patients for thorough, complete and preventive dental care. Richards Dental Care utilizes modern laser technology, comprehensive care, a treatment room for same-day Cerec crowns, and takes the time to listen to your concerns, desires and needs. 101-A Chadwick Square Court Hendersonville, NC 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 828-696-3337

Rockcliff Oral and Facial Surgery Oral and maxillofacial surgery requires additional years of hospital-based

surgical and anesthesia training after graduation from dental school. As oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Drs. Parworth, Logan, Hayes, Burgon, Warburton & Consky manage a wide variety of problems relating to the mouth, teeth and facial regions. The Doctors practice a full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery with expertise ranging from dental implant surgery and wisdom tooth removal to corrective jaw surgery. They can also diagnose and treat facial pain, facial injuries, and fractures. The staff is trained in assisting with Intravenous (IV) sedation in the state-of-the-art office setting. Rockcliff has been providing care for Asheville and Western NC since 1980. 4 Medical Park Dr | Asheville, NC 902 Fleming St | Hendersonville, NC 828-255-7781

Williams Family Dentistry Providing patients of all ages with quality, comprehensive and cosmetic dentistry

with a gentle touch is what you will find with Drs. Bill and Kari Williams. They believe that a patient’s oral health, function, and esthetics are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Visit their expanded state-of-the-art facility. New patients and emergencies welcome. Insurance filed and Care Credit accepted. In-network with Delta Dental, Metlife, and Aetna.

3272 Hendersonville Road Suite A Fletcher, NC 828-681-8888


Healthcare Resources 2019

A Balanced Brain Changes Everything

Home Training Now Available!

Painless, Non-Invasive Treatment for Brain Regulation

Neurofeedback is a Safe, Drugless Approach to Symptoms Related to: • ADD-ADHD • Learning Challenges • OCD-Tics • Autism• PTSD Asperger’s • Insomnia • Dementia• Migraines Alzheimer’s • Anxiety • TBIConcussions • Depression

Asheville Brain Training has helped my daughter turn things around in school and socially. She is able to maintain her focus longer, maintain friendships, and is doing better in school. - G.O. Dr. JoJo knows his stuff! He can zero in on what's needed for you or your child and help to improve memory, anxiety, depression, traumatic brain injuries, ADHD and more. Thank you for helping my patients and my family. - Dr. A.H. The services we have received for our daughter for Focus and Emotional Regulation has been nothing short of transformative! The program feels deeply individualized and Dr. Yonce's dedication and passion shines through! - C.R.


Locations in Asheville, Columbus, NC & Greenville, SC

Call Our Office to Schedule a FREE Consultation With Dr. Yonce, or Visit to Get a Certificate for Our Services.

YOUR BLOOD saves lives in YOUR COMMUNITY We are your local, non-profit blood center Proudly serving:

Formerly Park Ridge Health

225 Airport Rd Arden, NC

825 Spartanburg Hwy Hendersonville, NC

“Saving a life has never been easier,” said TBC President and CEO Delisa K. English, who believes donors will be able to give more frequently because of the new location. “Donors will find the new center a warm and welcoming space to donate, while listening to music or watching a movie. Until now, many donors have had to donate on our blood mobiles, or perhaps drive to our Hendersonville Donation Center.” The Blood Connection has opened a new blood donation center at 225 Airport Road in Arden, NC. The state of the art facility is not your typical clinical environment. It’s modern, yet warm and welcoming. Donors will enjoy the homey ambiance as they save local lives.

TBC’s newest fixed donation site represents another milestone for North Carolina. TBC first began supplying blood products to North Carolina in 2011, and in 2014, the Hendersonville Donation Center opened in Henderson County. While continuing to serve communities in Western NC, the regional blood bank based in Greenville, SC, expanded services last year to include Wake, Durham and Orange Counties, and most recently, opened a Raleigh donation center. TBC’s newest donation center in Arden will expand its ability to collect and distribute lifesaving blood products in Western NC, giving Asheville residents an option closer to home. Donating blood is a simple and easy way to help someone in need says English. “Blood is a lifeline during an emergency and so important for patients who need long-term treatments, and many of us know someone who will need it during our lifetime.

When a Mission Health patient receives a blood transfusion, this blood comes from The Blood Connection. Therefore, local blood donations truly make a difference to friends and neighbors in the local community.” The Blood Connection provides blood products to more than 40 hospitals in SC, GA, and NC, and blood is urgently needed every day. But only about five percent of the eligible population donates. Surgery patients, accident victims, patients with cancer and newborn babies all count on the local blood supply. TBC’s Arden Donation Center is asking the community to help it meet the daily needs of hospitals by coming in to donate blood. All blood donations are needed, especially platelet donations. Every day, accident victims, patients with cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell disease and other illnesses need lifesaving transfusions. TBC’s mission is to ensure all hospital partners have the blood supplies needed for patients at any given time. Blood donors must be healthy, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be 17 years old or 16 with written parental consent. TBC encourages both whole blood and platelet donations.

Blood Donation Center 225 Airport Road Arden, NC 28704

Hours of Operation Monday-Friday 7 a.m.–7 p.m.

Saturday–Sunday 7 a.m.–5 p.m.

Donors can schedule an appointment by visiting, or by calling 828.585.8060. To reduce donation time, donors can also use TBC Express to complete an online health history questionnaire in advance:



Joshua Herr, ms,

Board Certified: Family Medicine Board Certified: Wound Medicine and Surgery

Chinese Acupuncture & Herbology Clinic Josh has 18 years of experience working with diverse health conditions. He specializes in the areas of musculoskeletal pain, fertility, stroke rehabilitation, and sports medicine. His studies in China focused on stroke rehabilitation. Patients have described him as a good listener, sensitive, solution oriented and empowering. He sees patients in Asheville and Hendersonville. 828-258-9016 369 Montford Avenue, Asheville 828-698-3335 206 Chadwick Avenue, Hendersonville

Junie Norf leet, maed,

Chinese Acupuncture & Herbology Clinic Junie has provided comprehensive and personalized Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine care for 19 years. She has travelled through China studying Classical Chinese Medicine. Her experience as a Qi Gong instructor brings a centered, calming, and self-care oriented approach to healing. Junie specializes in neurological conditions, headaches, migraines and musculoskeletal pain. 828-258-9016 369 Montford Avenue, Asheville 828-698-3335 206 Chadwick Avenue, Hendersonville

Ann Wolman,

Chinese Acupuncture & Herbology Clinic Ann has 22 years experience as an Acupuncturist and educator. Ann has also undertaken Internships in China focusing on gynecology and the treatment of pain. Ann joined the clinic in 2004 and works with patients in Asheville and Hendersonville. She specializes in women’s health, but her skills extend into all realms of Chinese Medicine. 828-258-9016 369 Montford Avenue, Asheville 828-698-3335 206 Chadwick Avenue, Hendersonville

Addiction Treatment.  Pavillon

Serving the foothills for more than 15 years providing family medicine, primary care, advanced wound care, medical weight loss and hormone optimization services. Aesthetic services include Botox, Juvederm, microneedling and chemical peels, plus Obagi and PCA products. 828-894-3494

Assisted Living   Carolina Village Care Center

828-692-6275 ext 243

Heather Glen Assisted Living allows you to live independently while also offering personalized attention to your health needs. A part of Ardenwoods CCRC, Heather Glen is an active, 48-residence community with services that include assistance with bathing, grooming and dressing, housekeeping and laundry, and medication maintenance. Heather Glen’s Health Services team is led by a registered nurse partnered with physicians, residents, and families for a truly personalized approach whether for short or long-term care. Heather Glen’s comfortable, caring community also provides a full schedule of social, cultural, and recreational programs. 828-687-7321


286 Overlook Road Asheville, NC

103 Appalachian Blvd. Arden, NC

Tonya Bartley, ma, ccc-a

Tonya Bartley received her Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders from Bowling Green State University. In 1996, she received her MA in Audiology from the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio. During her graduate studies, Mrs. Bartley completed two externships: at the Oberlin Clinic in Oberlin, Ohio and at the Children’s Medical Center in Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Bartley has been caring for patient’s hearing health since 1996, providing complete audiological services to both adults and children. 828-692-0353

303 South Church Street Hendersonville, NC

Deborah Biggert, ma, ccc-a, faaa

Deborah Biggert offers comprehensive hearing evaluations for adults and children, and 100% digital state-ofthe-art hearing aids. Ms. Biggert is a 1989 graduate of the University of Iowa and received her MA from Northwestern University in 1991. She is nationally certified by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA), licensed in audiology by the state of NC, and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology.

CarePartners PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) is a unique and comprehensive healthcare program that provides a wide range of personalized medical and social services for seniors. The medical staff monitors changes in their patient’s health and deliver necessary care and treatments. Their therapy and wellness programs are designed to improve functioning and keep each participant strong and active. They also provide nutritious meals/snacks in a social setting to promote healthy choices and their recreational therapy programs are designed to help patients stay active and make new friends. 828-213-8442 TTY: 800-735-2962

600 Carolina Village Road Hendersonville, NC

Heather Glen at Ardenwoods

A Center for the Treatment of Alcoholism and Other Drug Addictions

Adult Day Services.  CarePartners Adult Care Services

Advanced Wellness Institute 2881 NC 108 Hwy E Columbus, NC

The state-of-the-art center offers 60 spacious, private suites with luxurious appointments. Located within the campus of Carolina Village, residents can use this service on an intermediate or permanent basis with no additional expense. The community is welcome when space is available. The staff partners with your primary care provider to implement individualized care plans. Nursing, personal care, therapies and medication assistance are available in a pleasant family atmosphere that includes a theater room, lounge and spa, daily activities and special events.


Pavillon is a nonprofit residential center located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near Lake Lure, providing treatment for adults over the age of 18. The 160-acre campus provides the confidentiality and serenity so needed for the therapy and education of individuals suffering from alcoholism and other drug addictions. Services include: detoxification, residential treatment program, extended care, family education sessions, continuing care, outpatient services in Greenville, SC and Wilmington, NC, and a sober living facility for men in Greenville, SC. 828-694-2300 241 Pavillon Place Mill Spring, NC

Lonnie Lassiter, md


303 South Church Street Hendersonville, NC Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Blood Donations / Blood Drives.  Blood Connection

Cancer Care/Services  Pardee Cancer Center

828-233-5301 828-585-5060


Community Blood Donation Centers The Blood Connection is the sole provider of blood to WNC hospitals. Donating blood is safe and easy, and one donation can save up to 3 lives. A new state-of-the-art facility is now open in Arden and donors will enjoy a homey ambiance as they save local lives. Donors can schedule an appointment online, by phone or can use TBC Express to complete a health questionnaire in advance: 825 Spartanburg Hwy, Hendersonville 225 Airport Rd, Arden

Brain Training/Neurofeedback.  Dr. JoJo Yonce Asheville Brain Training

Searching for a safe, non-invasive, drug-free and effective way to help his daughter, diagnosed with ADHD, Dr. Yonce discovered EEG neurofeedback. Since then he has studied, trained and devoted himself to helping children and adults with ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, insomnia and memory loss through neurofeedback and related Brain Training and Brain Health Therapies. 828-375-0002

Locations in Asheville, Columbus, NC & Greenville, SC

Pardee Cancer Center, located in the state-of-the-art Henderson County Health Sciences Center, is the only comprehensive cancer center in Henderson County, and has been accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer since 1996. The entire cancer team is located under one roof, enhancing the patient’s experience and providing the community with the best in cancer care for generations to come. 805 Sixth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC

Cardiology.  Asheville Cardiology Associates–Hendersonville

Asheville Cardiology Associates and Mission Heart is a regional leader in heart care and cardiac services. Their award-winning staff maintains years of specialized clinical experience and is committed to high quality and superior outcomes. The physician team delivers a team-oriented approach to the treatment and diagnosis of cardiology conditions. Their physicians are board certified and many are members of numerous state and national committees of the American College of Cardiology. They are dedicated to decreasing the incident of heart disease WNC, improving treatment processes for all patients, and staying on the national forefront of cardiology research. 828-693-5010

691 Blythe Street Hendersonville, NC


PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Cardiology cont. Pardee Cardiology Associates

Caregiver Support.  Land of Sky Regional Council

Pardee Cardiology Services is ACC chest pain accredited and provides complete, patient-centered care using advanced technology to diagnose and treat heart and vascular conditions. They offer a wide array of cardiac services that include diagnostic testing and screening, minimally invasive procedures to treat blockages that cause heart attacks, a full-service and state-of-the-art catheterization lab, cardiac rehabilitation, and heart health education and exercise programs. The Pardee cardiology team is dedicated to providing advanced cardiac services to ensure you receive the highest quality heart and vascular care available. 828-696-7377

709 North Justice Street Hendersonville, NC

The National Family Caregiver Support Program

The National Family Caregiver Support Program was established to help family caregivers care for their loved ones at home for as long as possible. This program provides information to connect caregivers with resources; counseling, support groups and education; limited funding for respite; and short-term and one-time-only services to caregivers residing in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania counties. 828-251-6622

339 New Leicester Hwy., Suite 140 Asheville, NC

Chiropractors.  Christopher M. Kiefer, bs, dc

Board Certified Chiropractor Chiropractic College: Palmer College of Chiropractic Undergrad: Eastern Illinois University Dr. Kiefer has been serving the Hendersonville area since 2002, and was one of the first to bring Spinal Decompression to Western North Carolina. He provides a gentle approach to comprehensive care that includes Spinal Decompression and Kinesio Taping.


Kiefer Family Chiropractic 705 Kanuga Road Hendersonville, NC

Joseph M. Silva, bs, dc, ccsp

Board Certified: Chiropractic Physician Board Certified: Chiropractic Sports Physician Advanced Certification: Motor Vehicular Trauma

Undergrad: California State University Sacramento New College of California, San Francisco San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, CA Chiropractic College: Life Chiropractic College, CA Post Doctorate: Logan College of Chiropractic, Chesterfield, MO 828-696-2455

Henderson Chiropractic & Sports Care, PC 503 Kanuga Road Hendersonville, NC

Dentists - general dentistry.  Corry Brown, dds

Predental: Clemson University, Clemson, SC Dental School: University of Maryland Baltimore, MD

Heather Glen at Ardenwoods is an active, 48-residence assisted living community. Here, we blend the opportunity for activity and involvement with support and assistance. Our focus is on our residents’ personal needs and choices whether for short or long-term care, allowing them to live at their highest level of independence.

Offering comprehensive dental care for all ages. Full mouth restoration including: crowns, bridges, implants, porcelain veneers, root canals, extractions, partials and dentures. New patients welcome! 828-692-1210 713 Oakland Street, Hendersonville 828-665-7000 1215 Smokey Park Hwy, Candler

Kevin Daugherty, dmd

Comfortable, secure and worry-free.

103 Appalachian Blvd. Arden, NC 28704 (828) 687-7321 22

Laurel Park Family Dental Care

Dr. Kevin Daugherty, a graduate of the University of Louisville School of Dentistry, takes a comprehensive approach to dentistry. Dr. Daugherty focuses on each patient’s overall oral health. Whether it’s restoring your smile or keeping it healthy, the team at Laurel Park Family Dental Care is ready to help. 828-693-5190

1700 Old Village Road Hendersonville, NC Healthcare Resources 2019

Kiefer Family Chiropractic

New Non-Surgical Treatment For Neck and Back Pain


ain from sciatica, herniated discs, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, relapse or failure following back surgery, face syndromes and all types of back pain has been relieved by a relatively new, nonsurgical treatment known as Spinal Decompression. Discovered by NASA More than ten years ago, NASA began to notice that astronauts who went into space with back pain came back without it. They found that the decompression experienced during the anti-gravity state relieved back pain. “When gravity is removed, all pressure is taken off the spine and discs, and a negative pressure is created,” explains Dr. Chris Kiefer, a Hendersonville chiropractor who treats patients with Spinal Decompression. “This negative pressure actually sucks the herniated material back into the disc and allows it to heal, resulting in the reduction or elimination of pain.” No Pills. No Surgery. Spinal Decompression relieves pain by relieving the pain source without surgery and without medication. For treatment, patients are fitted with a specialized decompression harness and lie comfortably at an angle. An advanced computer program simulates an antigravity effect on the back, encouraging the herniated material to return to its normal

position. Patients describe the treatment as a gentle, painless intermittent pulling on the back. Many patients fall asleep during treatment. Available in Hendersonville Spinal Decompression has been clinically proven to relieve the pain and symptoms associated with herniated and/or bulging discs. Even in extreme cases and after failed surgery, Spinal Decompression has a remarkable 86 percent success rate and no side effects. Currently, this treatment is available in Hendersonville from Dr. Chris Kiefer. To learn more about Spinal Decompression, see a demonstration and find out if you are a candidate for it, contact Dr. Kiefer’s office at the number below.

Call today to learn more by scheduling a consultation and demonstration of the decompression unit. For more information on spinal decompression, contact:

705 Kanuga Road Hendersonville, NC 28739



Dentists - general dentistry cont..  Savannah Daugherty, dmd

Four Seasons Dental

Predental: BS Chemistry, Wake Forest University Dental School: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC

Laurel Park Family Dental Care

Dr. Savannah Daugherty is a general dentist and provides excellent dental care in a family friendly environment. A graduate of the University of Louisville School of Dentistry, Dr. Daugherty recently relocated to Hendersonville as a team member at Laurel Park Family Dental Care. New patients are welcome! 828-693-5190

1700 Old Village Road Hendersonville, NC

Dr. Lee is a native of Western North Carolina. She is a member of the North Carolina Dental Society and the American Dental Association. She is dedicated to her patients, takes time to listen to their needs, and is committed to providing the highest quality of care. 828-692-8939

Jonathan L. Lowry, dds, pllc

Predental: Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC Science in Biology, Magna Cum Laude Dental School: UNC School of Dentistry Chapel Hill, NC, Board of Governor’s Scholar


Changing Lives.

506 Park Hill Court, #3 Hendersonville, NC

New patients welcome! Welcoming new patients, and providing comprehensive dental care to all ages. Insurance filed and Care credit accepted. For more information, please visit their website. 828-693-6465

905 Oakland Street Hendersonville, NC

Joshua C. Merrell, dds, ficoi

Predental: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Dental School: University of North Carolina School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC Offering comprehensive dental care for all ages. Full mouth restoration including: crowns, bridges, implants, porcelain veneers, root canals, extractions, partials and dentures. New patients welcome! 828-692-1210 828-665-7000

713 Oakland Street, Hendersonville 1215 Smokey Park Hwy, Candler

Pete Richards, dds, magd

Master Academy of General Dentistry Complete Restorative Dentistry Predental:BS Biology, Lenoir-Rhyne University, Hickory Dental School: DDS, Emory University School of Dentistry, Atlanta, GA Accepting new patients for complete and preventive dental care. Utilizing modern laser technology, comprehensive care, same-day Cerec crowns, and the time to listen to your concerns, desires and needs. 828-696-3337

101-A Chadwick Square Court Hendersonville, NC

Danielle Rowland, dds Academy of General Dentistry Four Seasons Dental

Predental: B S Animal Science, NC State University, Raleigh Dental School: DDS, UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill

828.436.0472 24

Dr. Rowland is an active member of the Academy of General Dentistry and has a strong commitment to advanced training and education in an effort to provide the best quality dental care to her patients. 828-692-8939

506 Park Hill Court, #3 Hendersonville, NC Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Kari Williams, dmd, pa

Dentists - general dentistry cont..  Scott Sahf, dds

Caring for Patients of All Ages With a Gentle Touch

Dr. Kari Williams completed her doctorate from the Medical University of South Carolina and a two year hospital dentistry residency at the University of Virginia. Dr. Williams practices comprehensive dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. New patients and emergencies welcome. Insurance filed and Care Credit accepted. Innetwork with Delta Dental, Metlife, and Aetna.

Quality You Can See Cosmetic and General Dentistry

Experience a real difference at Dr. Sahf & Team Dental Care, with services so meticulously performed most are backed with a three-year warranty. Patient reviews consistently cite Dr. Sahf’s thoroughness, the entire staff’s gentle and caring approach, and a comfort-focused office environment. New patients welcome; expert coordination with insurance and Care Credit financing. 828-692-2130

120 Chadwick Square Court, Suite B Hendersonville, NC

Thomas F. Tomlo, dds, pllc


Dentists - oral surgery.  Eric Burgon, dds, md

Board Certified: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery National Dental Board of Anesthesiology

Comprehensive Family Dentistry

Dr. Tomlo provides his patients the very best dental care available and remains knowledgeable about the latest advancements in dental technology. He frequently attends continuing education lectures, seminars and training sessions. He has received advanced training in ceramic reconstruction, implant restoration, cosmetic and laser dentistry. 828-692-3204

831 North Justice Street Hendersonville, NC

Bill Williams, dmd, pa

Pre-Dental: Brigham Young University Dental School: University of California, San Francisco Med School: University of North Carolina School of Medicine Residency: University of North Carolina School of Dentistry Specialty: Oral Surgery Rockcliff Place Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 828-255-7781 4 Medical Park Drive Asheville, NC

Alexander Consky, dds, md, mph

Caring for Patients of All Ages With a Gentle Touch


Board Eligible: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Providing comprehensive and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Bill Williams completed his doctorate from the Medical University of South Carolina and a two year hospital dentistry residency at the University of Virginia. New patients and emergencies welcome. Insurance filed and Care Credit accepted. In-network with Delta Dental, Metlife, and Aetna.

Williams Family Dentistry 3272 Hendersonville Road, Suite A Fletcher, NC

Williams Family Dentistry 3272 Hendersonville Road, Suite A Fletcher, NC

Pre-Dental: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Dental School: SUNY Stony Brook, New York Med School: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Residency: University of North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill 828-255-7781

Rockcliff Place Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 4 Medical Park Drive Asheville, NC

Care For Your Smile Regular dental visits are essential to make sure oral health problems — from tooth decay to oral cancer — are detected and treated in a timely manner. Caring and qualified, Drs. Merrell and Brown and their exceptional team are dedicated to your oral health, comfort and confidence. From regular cleanings and exams to advanced restorative treatments, all your needs can be met at one of their locations.

Merrell Family Dentistry 713 Oakland Ave, Hendersonvillle 828-692-1210

Candler Family Dentistry 1215 Smokey Park Hwy, Candler 828-665-7000 25

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Dentists - oral surgery cont. Samuel Hayes, dds

Board Certified: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Pre-Dental: Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI Dental School: Indiana University School of Dentistry Residency: David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, CA Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Rockcliff Place Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 902 Fleming Street Hendersonville, NC

Great Smiles Orthodontic Specialists

Great Smiles provides orthodontic treatment to children, teens, and adults in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Dr. Ryan Haldeman and Dr. Stephanie Chambers are dual trained in both pediatric dentistry and orthodontic services. 828-274-8822 828-785-5825 828-586-9333 828-407-4034

Alison C. Reid, dds, ms

William H. Logan, III, dmd

Orthodontics for All Ages Board Certified: American Board of Orthodontics

Board Certified: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Pre-Dental: Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA Dental School: University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA Residency: University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX Fellow: American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. 828-255-7781

Rockcliff Place Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 902 Fleming Street Hendersonville, NC

Larry Parworth, dds, ms

Board Certified: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery National Dental Board of Anesthesiology Pre-Dental: University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Dental School: University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Residency: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Specialty: Dental Implants and Reconstructive Surgery 828-255-7781

Rockcliff Place Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 4 Medical Park Drive Asheville, NC

R. Eric Warburton, dmd, md

Board Certified: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery National Board of Medical Examiners Pre-Dental: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Dental School: University of Nevada, Las Vegas Med School: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Residency: University of North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 828-255-7781

Rockcliff Place Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 4 Medical Park Drive Asheville, NC

Dentists - orthodontics.  Steve Edney, dds, ms, pa Orthodontics for Adults and Children

A graduate of Loma Linda School of Dentistry, specializing in orthodontics, Dr. Edney offers state-of-theart digital diagnostic equipment for excellent treatment and diagnosis. The practice offers two convenient locations in Hendersonville and Columbus. Insurance accepted. Call today for a free consultation and exam. 828-696-1662 828-894-0195 26

689 Blythe Street Court, Hendersonville 69 Shuford Road, Columbus

10A Yorkshire Street, Suite C, Asheville, NC 94 N. Merrimon Avenue, Suite 102, Asheville, NC 37 Crestview Heights, Sylva, NC 50 Bowman Drive, Waynesville, NC

Predental: University of California at San Diego Dental School: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill Residency: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Dr. Reid offers the latest in orthodontic treatment for children and adults in a relaxed and friendly environment. A thorough orthodontic evaluation is provided at no charge. 828-696-2245

685 Blythe Street Court, Suite B Hendersonville, NC

T. Luke Roberts, dmd, msd Orthodontics for the Entire Family

A native of Spartanburg, SC, Dr. Roberts founded Blue Ridge Orthodontics with a commitment to caring, personalized and state-of-the-art orthodontic treatment for each patient. BRO is now the largest orthodontic practice in Asheville. Call for a free consultation.


1915 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC 1714 Old Village Road, Hendersonville, NC 4 Market Street, Suite 4204, Brevard, NC

Megan G. Schuler,

dmd, msd

Orthodontics for the Entire Family

Dr. Schuler is a graduate of the University of Georgia. She has been with the practice since 2016 and loves helping her patients transform their smiles. Call for a free consultation.


1915 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC 1714 Old Village Road, Hendersonville, NC 4 Market Street, Suite 4204, Brevard, NC

Tyler Twomley,

dds, msd

Orthodontics for the Entire Family

Dr. Twomley is a graduate of LSU in Baton Rouge. He focuses on changing your smile to a healthy, straight, beautiful one. Call for a free consultation.


1915 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC 1714 Old Village Road, Hendersonville, NC 4 Market Street, Suite 4204, Brevard, NC Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Dentists - pediatric dentistry.  Great Beginnings Pediatric & Orthodontic Dental Specialists

Dentists - periodontists.  Greg S. Fertik, dds, ms

Predental: Williams College Dental School: University of North Carolina Residency: Periodontics–University of North Carolina Over 20 years experience in providing all periodontal treatment options including dental implants, laser assisted periodontal therapy and cosmetic periodontal procedures. He is a certified LANAP provider, using a less invasive alternative to traditional gum surgery.

Great Beginnings provides preventive and restorative dental care to infants, children, teens and special needs patients in a warm and anxiety free atmosphere. 828-274-9220 828-586-9333 828-454-9156

10B Yorkshire Street, Asheville, NC 37 Crestview Heights, Sylva, NC 50 Bowman Drive, Waynesville, NC

Andrew S. McKenzie, dds 828-693-7533 828-232-1900

Hendersonville Pediatric Dentistry

Andrew Harrell, dds

Predental: University of California, Berkeley Dental School: University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio Residency: Pediatric Dentistry - University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio Dr. McKenzie is a specialist in pediatric dentistry providing high quality care to create lasting relationships and excellent oral health. Now accepting new patients. 828-696-2227

689 Blythe Street Court, Suite B Hendersonville, NC

Richard B. Reid, dds 828-693-7533 828-884-7150

Predental: UNC-Chapel Hill Dental School: UNC-Chapel Hill Residency: University of Alabama - Birmingham Dr. Harrell offers his patients the most advanced & reliable treatment through diligent awareness of the latest technological, scientific & clinical advancements. He is an active member of the American Academy of Periodontology, the Southern Academy of Periodontology, the Academy of Osseointegration & the NC Society of Periodontists. 200 B Beverly-Hanks Center, Hendersonville Market Street, Brevard

Glenn J. Shefter, dds

Board Certified: American Board of Pediatric Dentistry

Predental: Hampden-Sydney College, Farmville, VA Dental School: UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill Residencies: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH Dr. Reid is board certified in pediatric dentistry and provides dentistry for infants, children and adolescents in a friendly and positive environment. Accepting new patients. 828-696-2245

200 B Beverly-Hanks Center, Hendersonville 100 Executive Park, Asheville

685 Blythe Street Court, Suite B Hendersonville, NC

Predental: Virginia Polytechnic Institute Dental School: University of North Carolina Residency: Periodontics–University of North Carolina Over 20 years experience in providing all periodontal treatment options including dental implants, laser assisted periodontal therapy and cosmetic periodontal procedures. He is a certified LANAP provider, using a less invasive alternative to traditional gum surgery. 828-693-7533 828-884-7150

200 B Beverly-Hanks Center, Hendersonville Market Street, Brevard

FOURGeneral, SEASONS DENTAL Cosmetic and Preventive Dentistry Dr. Lee, Dr. Rowland and their team at Four Seasons Dental are dedicated to making your experience gentle, thorough and professional. We take pride in the quality of our work and we take care of our patients as if they were our own family members. We are dedicated to our community of patients and would be honored to welcome you to our dental family.

CALL US AT 828-692-8939 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. We see emergencies and new patients quickly. We also have early morning and late evening hours for those who need to see a dentist outside of normal business hours. We look forward to meeting you soon.


Monday & Friday: 8am-5pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7am-7pm

506 Park Hill Court, #3 Hendersonville, NC 28739 828-692-8939



PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Diabetes Education.  The Diabetes Center – Mission Health

Mission Health Diabetes Center offers a collaborative approach coordinating care both in and out of the hospital. Their center offers education and support for adults and children diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, as well as women with gestational diabetes. The program at Mission is recognized for excellence by the American Diabetes Association, and includes a team of nationally certified diabetes educators. They offer a diabetes self-care course, as well as individual consultations to meet specific patient needs in areas such as nutrition, exercise, foot care and more. The team provides individual insulin pump training and conducts a free support group every month. 828-213-4663 1 Hospital Drive, 3rd Floor Asheville, NC

Family Practice   Lisa J. Broyles, md

Board Certified: American Board of Family Medicine Med School: UNC Chapel Hill Medical, Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University Residency: U niversity of Tennessee, Knoxville Family Practice With a strong clinical background, certification in functional medicine and a passion for community-based care, Dr. Broyles has a special interest in full spectrum care for newborns to older adults. Saluda Family Medicine 828-749-0149 1347 Ozone Drive, Ste. 2 Saluda, NC for accuracy. Phone or email me Please review your ad

Healthcare Resources Ad Proof 2018

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PhySician aSSiStantS. Mike Bradey, pa-c

Physician Assistant-Certified

phySician aSSiStant pRogRaM: Medical University of South Carolina ceRtiFication: National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) Fellow: American Academy of Physician Anita Assistants-AAPA Patient Resources

Team Manager

Foothills Medical Associates Our on-site Patient St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate Resource Team is here to 828-894-5627 801 West Mills Street Columbus, NC help connect you with the right physician. WeMark are committed Genero, pa-c to Assistant-Certified caring for youPhysician – mind, body and spirit.

It’s time to

phySician aSSiStant pRogRaM: Northwestern University, Boston,.MA feel whole ceRtiFication: National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA)

855-774-LIFE (5433) 828-894-3718 28

Rosenberg Bone & Joint Hendersonville St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate Formerly Park Ridge Health 89 West Mills Street, Suite A Columbus, NC

Janet Howell, pa-c

The Family Health Centers - Arden The Family Health Centers welcome new patients at their Arden location near the intersection of Hendersonville Road and Long Shoals Road. They are an independent, physician-owned practice dedicated to long-term relationships with their patients. They work with most insurance carriers, including Medicare. They offer many in-house services, including lab work, X-ray, diagnostic ultrasound, pharmaceutical counseling and other services that can reduce the time and money you invest in your care. 828-258-8681

2161 Hendersonville Road Arden, NC

The Family Health Centers - Asheville

The Family Health Centers welcome new patients at their downtown location on Asheville’s South Slope.They are an independent, physician-owned practice dedicated to long-term relationships with their patients. They work with most insurance carriers, including Medicare. They offer many in-house services, including lab work, X-ray, diagnostic ultrasound, pharmaceutical counseling and other services that can reduce the time and money you invest in your care.


206 Asheland Avenue Asheville, NC

OrthOPaedicS . The Family Health Centers - Hominy Valley ThomasnewR.patients Cadier, mdHominy , faaosValley location The Family Health Centers welcome at their

Board Certified: Orthopedic Surgeryand Sand Hill in Candler, just west of the intersection of Smokey Park Highway Road. They are an independent, physician-owned practice dedicated Med School: Stritch School of Medicinetoatlong-term Loyola relationships with their patients. They workUniversity with mostMedical insurance carriers, including School, Chicago, IL Medicare. They offer many Rin-house services, including lab work, X-ray, diagnostic eSidency: Emory University Hospitals, ultrasound, pharmaceutical counseling andAtlanta, other services GA that can reduce the time and money you invest in your care. Specializing in joint reconstruction. Also providing sports medicine, particularly with equestrian sport athletes, and general orthopedics. 828-258-8681 828-894-3718

Rosenberg Bone & Joint 1219 Smokey Park Hwy St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate Candler, NC 89 West Mills Street, Suite A, Columbus

Karen Goodale, pa-c Brian J. Rosenberg, md

Board Certified: Orthopedic Physician Assistant Program: Surgery Gannon University, Erie, PA Certification National Commission Certification of M ed School: :University of LouisvilleonMedical School, Physician Assistants Louisville, KY : : University American Academy of Physician Assistants RFellow eSidency of Louisville, Louisville, KY Specializing in direct anterior hip replacement, custom-fit knee replacement, replacement arthroscopy. Providing primary joint care with extensiveandexperience andAlso providing sports medicine and general orthopedics. training in dermatology, nephrology and orthopedics. Rosenberg Bone & Joint 828-894-3718 St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate Advanced Wellness Institute 89 West Mills Street, Suite A, Columbus 828-894-3494 2881 NC 108 Hwy E Columbus, NC Family Practice.

Jeffrey do do JeffreyViar, Viar,

Board Board Certified: Certified: Family Family Practice

Med School: University of Health Sciences, Med School: College University of Health Sciences, of Osteopathic Medicine College of Osteopathic Medicine Kansas City, MO Kansas City,Regional MO ReSidency: Spartanburg Medical Center Residency: S Spartanburg, partanburg Regional Medical Center SC Specializing inSpartanburg, Family CareSC from infancy to adults

Specializing in Family Care from infancy to adults. Foothills Medical Associates 828-894-5627 St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate Foothills Associates 801 West Mills Medical Street, Columbus 828-894-5627 St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate Pain management. 801 West Mills Street, Columbus

Javid Baksh, do

Healthcare Resources 2019

Board Certified: Anesthesiology


Gastroenterology   Norman R. Clark III, md

Board Certified: Gastroenterology Premed: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Med School: Ben Gurion University, Israel/Columbia University, New York Residency: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN Fellowship: Wake Forest University Medical Center 828-696-3099 828-883-9600

Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology

A Division of Digestive Health Partners

1032 Fleming Street, Hendersonville 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard

Board Certified: Gastroenterology Premed: St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN Med School: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Residency: Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, HI Fellowship: Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC 828-696-3099 828-883-9600

Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology

A Division of Digestive Health Partners

1032 Fleming Street, Hendersonville 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard

Andrew I. Rackoff, md

Donald R. Varner, Jr., md

Premed: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Med School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH Residency: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Fellowship: University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

Premed: NC State University, Raleigh, NC Med School: Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC Residency: USAF Medical Center, Keesler AFB, MS Fellowship: Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center

Board Certified: Gastroenterology 828-696-3099 828-883-9600

Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology

A Division of Digestive Health Partners

1032 Fleming Street, Hendersonville 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard

Board Certified: Gastroenterology 828-696-3099 828-883-9600

Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology

A Division of Digestive Health Partners

1032 Fleming Street, Hendersonville 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard

Your Digestive Health Specialists Serving Western North Carolina with locations in Hendersonville & Brevard At Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology, a Division of Digestive Health Partners, PA and Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology Endoscopy Center, we deliver quality care and professional services with a committed focus on our patients. With an expert team of providers, we promote improved and prolonged health care through a range of services tailored to our patients’ well-being. We strive to support a healthy community.

Providing colon cancer screening Physicians Board Certified in Gastroenterology

Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology

A division of Digestive Health Partners, PA and

Carolina Mountain Gastroenterology Endoscopy Center

1 032 Fleming Street, Hendersonville 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard 828-696-3099 828-883-9600




Tonya Bartley, ma, ccc-a

Mrs. Bartley is a 1993 graduate of Bowling Green State University. She received her MA in Audiology from the University of Akron. During her graduate studies, Mrs. Bartley completed two externships: at the Oberlin Clinic and at the Children’s Medical Center in Ohio. Mrs. Bartley provides complete audiological and hearing aid services to both adults and children. At Biggert’s Hearing Instruments, all sizes of hearing instruments are available, along with wireless connections to household devices. 303 South Church Street Hendersonville, NC

Deborah Biggert, ma, ccc-a, faaa


Ms. Biggert is a 1989 graduate of the University of Iowa and received her MA from Northwestern University in 1991. With more than 26 years of experience, Deborah Biggert continues to receive extensive specialized training in the newest digital hearing aid technology to keep her patients hearing their family and friends in all environments. All sizes of hearing instruments are available, along with wireless connections to the TV, phone, computer and music. 303 South Church Street Hendersonville, NC

Home Health/Home Care.  CarePartners Home Health Care

For Seasons Home Care is your answer to help with life’s simple daily routines and activities. They can assist with bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, mobility, light housekeeping, laundry & grocery shopping. From an hour a day to around the clock care, Four Seasons Home Care is here to support you and your loved ones. Services are available to those living in private homes, independent or assisted living facilities, skilled nursing facilities, or any place an individual calls home in Buncombe, Henderson and Polk Counties.


735 Sixth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC

Griswold Home Care

Since 1982, Griswold Home Care has been referring caregivers who provide nonmedical in-home care. When a Griswold-referred caregiver arrives, you’re doing more than ensuring premium care for you or your loved one-you’re gaining peace of mind. The Griswold Golden Rule: Only caregivers they would use in their own home are referred to you, and they can be placed within 24 hours. Hourly (2 hr. minimum), livein and overnight care packages available at affordable rates. They are available right now to help you! Private pay and long-term care insurance accepted. Griswold Home Care—Delivered with heart. 828-348-0988

Serving Buncombe and Henderson Counties

Home Helpers/Direct Link

CarePartners Home Health and Private Duty services provide nursing, therapy, social work, and personal care to patients throughout the region. Their experts drive over a million miles each year to care for patients in the comfort of their homes, assisted living facilities and rest homes. They can assist you with everything from 24-hour nursing to everyday tasks like shopping and preparing meals. Their Home Health Skilled nurses and clinical staff as well as physical, occupational and speech-language therapists provide continuing care in your home. Available without a physician referral, their Private Duty home services include skilled nursing and personal and companion care. 800-627-1533 – Home Health 828-277-4777 – Private Duty

Four Seasons Home Care

68 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC

Making life easier with one-on-one in-home personal care for a few hours a week or 24/7. Highly trained and experienced dementia caregivers providing the most effective method of home care services for your family’s unique situation. Direct Link medical alert systems also offered. Call for a free in-home consultation.


550 Fleming Street Hendersonville, NC


Yancey’s Community Hospice Since 1982

828-682-9675 30

Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Hospice & Palliative Care.  CarePartners Hospice and Palliative Care

When you or someone you love is facing a terminal illness, CarePartners Hospice Services is there to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to the patient and their family. Whether in their 27-bed inpatient Solace Center or in the comfort of your home, hospice care physicians, nurses and staff work to improve the quality of their patients’ lives, helping them to live their last days, weeks or months as free of pain and other distressing symptoms as possible. Give them a call at 828-255-0231 or ask your health care providers if CarePartners is the right choice for you or your loved one. Offices are located in Buncombe, McDowell, Transylvania and Macon counties. 828-255-0231

68 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC

Four Seasons—The Care You Trust

When you or someone you love is facing a serious illness, Four Seasons will be there to provide compassionate care. Completely person-centered, Four Seasons is dedicated to helping you and your loved one make the most of your lives, together. Four Seasons is a nationally recognized innovator in the delivery of co-created care for people with a serious illness. For 40 years, Four Seasons has provided access to the best advancements in care at the right place and the right time. Four Seasons is committed to providing exemplary palliative and end-of-life hospice care to anyone in need, regardless of their ability to pay. Services include: Care Navigation, Home Care, Palliative Care, Hospice Care, Bereavement Support and Clinical Research. Serving Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Polk, Swain and Transylvania counties.

A trusted guide makes all the difference.

All too often we hear from patients and caregivers "I wish we would have called sooner." Don't wait another day to get the care and support you deserve.

571 South Allen Road Flat Rock, NC

Call to learn more. (866) 466.9734

Yancey Hospice & Palliative Care provides compassionate care for individuals and their families living with a life-limiting illness through quality medical, emotional, spiritual, and social support. Recognized as a Hospice Honors Elite recipient, they provide expert pain and symptom management, 24 hour on-call specialized nursing care, prescription medications for terminal diagnosis, and medical equipment and supplies. Offering assistance with social services as well as family and volunteer support, education, and training. From palliative care to bereavement and grief support, Yancey Hospice & Palliative Care gives you the care you need and deserve. Accepting Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Serving Yancey, Mitchell, and Madison Counties.

Care Navigation. Home Care. Palliative Care. Hospice Care. Bereavement Support. Clinical Research.


Yancey Hospice & Palliative Care


LASIK Surgery.  Asheville Eye Associates

856 Georges Fork Road Burnsville, NC

As one of the leading eye care centers in North Carolina, Asheville Eye Associates has provided expert eye care to the region of Western North Carolina for over 50 years. One of their most popular ways to correct vision is with a procedure called LASIK, which is used to treat low to high levels of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK has quickly become the procedure of choice for most patients because of quick recovery and fewer side effects. A number of finance options and affordable payment plans are available. Contact Asheville Eye Associates today to find out if Laser Vision Correction is right for you. 828-258-1586

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Massage Therapy Haru Smith, bctmb, lmbt #362, cmmp, cr Board Certified: Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Education: Academy of Clinical Massage, Sisters, OR St. Louis University, School of Medicine University of South Florida, College of Medicine, Tampa Fl Haru Smith has a National Board Diploma in Advanced Orthopedic and Massage Therapy. She specializes in Rehabilitative Clinical/Medical Massage, Structural Rebalancing, Pain Reduction and Management.

By appointment only

828-696-7860 Haru’s Progressive Body Therapy, LLC 131 Four Seasons Mall, Hendersonville, NC



Neurology  Mission Neurology

Board Certified: Obstetrics and Gynecology

Fellow: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Med School: Indiana University School of Medicine Residency: Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, IN Recognized by her peers as one of the Best Doctors in America for 5 consecutive years, Dr. Das is double board certified in OB/GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine. She specializes in urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, minimally invasive hysterectomy, and menopause.

An Affiliate of Mission Health

Providing both inpatient & outpatient services, Mission Neurology has state-of-the-art treatment for injuries & illnesses of the brain, spine & nervous system. At Mission Hospital, there is a team of experienced doctors & nurses working together to care for patients based on their individual needs. Whether you suffer from a movement disorder, stroke, epilepsy, tumor or muscular dystrophy, their team approach ensures expert diagnosis & treatment. All of their neurology physicians are adjunct faculty for the Asheville Campus of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. 828-213-9530

890 Hendersonville Road, Suite 200 Asheville, NC

Neuroscience / Spine Center  Mission Spine Center

Board Certified: American Board of OB/GYN

2695 Hendersonville Road, Arden 7 Vanderbilt Park Drive, Asheville

Nursing Homes  Flesher’s Fairview Health & Retirement Center

Fellow: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Med School: East Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville, NC Internship: Medical University of South Carolina Residency: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 828-687-3800

3016 Cane Creek Road Fairview, NC

Nutritional Supplements  Standard Process Whole Food Supplements

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Med Degree: Wake Forest University School of Medicine Internship: University of Virginia Internal Medicine Program at Carilion Hospital, Roanoke, VA Residency: Wake Forest University Eye Center Fellowship: Fellowships in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus at Eye Consultants of Atlanta, Scottish Rite Office in Atlanta, GA


Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology & Cataract Surgery Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Combining chiropractic care with nutritional supplementation can enhance recovery by calming the inflammatory reaction to reduce swelling. Since 1929, Standard Process has been dedicated to providing nutrients as they are found in nature. The complex formulas are all whole food based, third party-tested for the highest purity, and have proven results. Since 2002, Dr. Kiefer has been dedicated to providing a gentle approach to comprehensive, chiropractic care.


705 Kanuga Road Hendersonville, NC

Med Degree: Duke Medical School Internship: Dartmouth University Residency: Duke University Eye Center 828-258-1586

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Vitreous and Retina Diseases, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Tears & Detachments Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Fellow: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Med School: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA Internship: Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX Residency: Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX


Hendersonville OB-GYN Associates, PA 27 Doctors Drive, AdventHealth Campus

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

W. Zachery Bridges, Jr., md

Victoria M. Arcara, md, facog Board Certified: American Board of OB/GYN


Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Thomas L. Beardsley, md

Available at Kiefer Family Chiropractic Christopher M. Kiefer, BS, DC


Hendersonville OB-GYN Associates, PA 27 Doctors Drive, AdventHealth Campus

Ophthalmology. Alice L. Bashinsky, md

Family owned and operated since 1964, offering long-term care for adults and others with challenges that prevent them from living independently. The center provides quality medical, rehabilitative and assisted-living services in a caring, homelike setting. Residents choose from spacious suites, private units and semi-private units, surrounded by mountain views. At Flesher’s, it is a family serving families. Call today for more information and a tour. 828-628-2800

Hendersonville OB-GYN Associates, PA 27 Doctors Drive, AdventHealth Campus

Kathryn F. Patten, md

Convenience plays an integral factor when making decisions regarding your health. Offering a full continuum of care in a single, convenient location, spanning two floors and more than 30,000 square feet, they connect those suffering from neck and back pain directly to an experienced and equally innovative team of surgeons. Their approach begins with a consult with a fellowship-trained physiatrist who works to appropriately diagnose and provide personalized solutions for each patient’s needs. Depending on the diagnosis, and should more invasive treatments be required, they will coordinate with team members at the Carolina Spine & Neurosurgery Center to discuss your options. 828-274-2225


Med Degree:Emory University School of Medicine Internship: Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas Residency: Emory University School of Medicine 828-258-1586

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Christina H. Choe, md

Ophthalmology cont. Clayton H. Bryan, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Oculoplastics and Ocular Oncology Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Glaucoma Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Med School: UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC Internship: UNC, Chapel Hill, NC Residency: Richmond Memorial Hospital, Columbia, SC Fellowship: SC Eye Institute, USC, Columbia, SC

800-624-6575 828-693-1773

Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Hendersonville, NC Asheville, NC

Med School: Univ. of IL at Chicago College of Medicine Internship: MacNeal Hospital, Berwyn, IL Residency: Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor, MI Fellowship: Scheie Eye Institute, Philadelphia, PA 800-624-6575 828-693-1773

James D. Crandall, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Fellowship Training: Glaucoma Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Stephen J. Capps, md, mph

Board Certified: American Board of Ophthalmology Med School: University of Arizona, School of Medicine Internship: USC School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA Residency: LSU Eye Center, New Orleans, LA

Med School: Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University Internship: University of Virginia Internal Medicine Program at Carilion Hospital, Roanoke, VA Residency: Medical College of Georgia Fellowship: Emory University Eye Center, Atlanta, GA

A native of North Carolina, Dr. Capps specializes in sutureless cataract surgery, eye trauma, complex glaucoma and anterior segment eye disease 828-693-0747 828-667-9696

Laborde Eye Group 630 Fifth Avenue West, Hendersonville Asheville, Spruce Pine, Burnsville, Columbus

Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Hendersonville, NC Asheville, NC


Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Celebrating More Than 50 Years of Service Flesher’s Fairview

A Family Serving Families

Health & Retirement Center

Flesher’s Fairview Health & Retirement Center

3016 Cane Creek Road Fairview, NC

offers long-term care for older adults and others with challenges that prevent them from living independently. The center’s well-earned reputation is one of providing the highest quality medical, rehabilitative and assisted-living services in a caring, homelike setting. Residents choose from spacious suites, private and semi-private units, surrounded by splendid mountain views. At Flesher’s, it is a family serving families. Call today for more information and a tour.

Family Owned and Operated Since 1964




Ophthalmology cont. Jonathan P. Fritz, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Cornea and External Disease Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Pre Med: Southwestern Adventist College, Keene, TX Med School: Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA Internship: John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth, TX Residency: University of SC, Columbia, SC

800-624-6575 828-693-1773

Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Hendersonville, NC

Med School: West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, WV Internship: Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA Residency: West Virginia University School of Medicine Fellowship: Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA 800-624-6575 828-277-8233

Robert P. Laborde, md

Board Certified: American Board of Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Vitreo-retinal diseases, eye surgery Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Jeffery B. Goldstein, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery & Comprehensive Ophthalmology Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Med Degree:Duke University School of Medicine Internship: Tucson Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona Residency: Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia Fellowship: Emory University Eye Center, Atlanta, GA 828-258-1586

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Med School: LSU School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA Internship: Charity Hospital, New Orleans, LA Residency: Tulane Medical Center, New Orleans, LA Fellowship: Charles Retina Institute, University of Tennessee Medical School 828-693-0747 828-667-9696

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Cataract Surgery, Corneal Diseases, Corneal Transplants & LASIK Fellowship: Refractive Surgery, Corneal Diseases Fellow: American Board of Ophthalmology

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Glaucoma, Comprehensive Ophthalmology & Cataract Surgery Med Degree: Duke University School of Medicine Internship: Medicine at Duke University Medical Center Residency: University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Asheville Eye Associates 2311 Asheville Hwy, Hendersonville

Med Degree:University of California, San Diego, CA Internship: Mercy Hospital Residency: The Casey Eye Institute Fellowship: The Moran Eye Center, University of Utah 828-258-1586

Edward K. Isbey, III, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Tears & Detachments Fellow: American College of Surgeons & the American Academy of Ophthalmology Med Degree: University of Virginia Medical School Internship: Roanoke Memorial Hospital Residency: University of Virginia Fellowship: St. John’s Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem

Med Degree:UNC School of Medicine Internship: Medical College of Georgia Residency: Duke University Eye Center Fellowship: Refractive Surgery, Corneal and External Diseases and Corneal Transplants at Duke Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin



Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Hank Johnson, md

Michael Oswald, md

Premed: Clemson University, Clemson, SC Med School: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston,SC Internship: Carolina Medical Center, Charlotte, NC Residency: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Fellowship: Columbia University, New York City, NY

Med Degree: Louisiana State University School of Medicine Internship: University of Tennessee-Chattanooga Residency: Sinai Hospital & Louisiana State University

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma & Diabetic Eye Disease Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Cornea, External Disease and Refractive Surgery


Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

W. Copley McLean, Jr., md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Cataract Surgery, Corneal Transplants & Corneal Diseases Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology


Laborde Eye Group 630 Fifth Avenue West, Hendersonville Asheville, Spruce Pine, Burnsville, Columbus

Damien C. Macaluso, md

William L. Haynes, md


Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Asheville, NC

Looking Glass Eye Center 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard


Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Ophthalmology cont. Robert I. Park, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Retina, Macula, Vitreous Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Med School: Albany Medical College, Albany, NY Internship: Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA Residency: New York University Medical Center Fellowship: Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston, Tufts University 800-624-6575 828-693-1773

Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Hendersonville, NC Asheville, NC

Raj N. Patel, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspeciality: Retina, Macula, Vitreous Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

800-624-6575 828-693-1773

Med School: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA Internship: Reading Hospital & Medical Center, Reading, PA Residency: Tulane University, New Orleans, LA Fellowship: University of Chicago, Chicago, IL Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Hendersonville, NC Asheville, NC Columbus, NC

Thomas C. Perraut, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Pre Med: Emory University, Atlanta, GA Med School: University of Louisville, KY Internship: Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Chester, PA Residency: University of Louisville, KY 800-624-6575 828-894-3037

Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Columbus, NC

Pooja Sethi, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology

Med School:Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA Internship: Reading Hospital & Medical Center, Reading, PA Residency: Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 800-624-6575 828-693-1773

Carolina Ophthalmology, PA Hendersonville, NC

Brian E. Smith, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Cataract Surgery, Comprehensive Ophthalmology & Medical Eye Diseases Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Med Degree: Medical College of Georgia Internship: Medical College of Georgia Residency: University of Virginia 828-258-1586

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

A Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Providing Comprehensive Care For More Than 25 Years In The Following Areas: •A dmissions 7 Days a Week, 24 Hours a Day •O ur Own In-house Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy 7 Days a Week • Orthopedic Rehabilitation Program • Neuro Rehabilitation & Stroke Recovery • Cardiac Recovery Program • Infection Resolution Program • Outpatient Rehabilitation Services • Respite Care

THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: The Laurels of GreenTree Ridge 70 Sweeten Creek Road, Asheville 828-274-7646

The Laurels of Hendersonville

290 Clear Creek Road, Hendersonville 828-692-6000

The Laurels of Summit Ridge 100 Riceville Road, Asheville 828-299-1110

Call and Arrange Your Personal Tour. 35

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Stephanie Ann Brien, od

Ophthalmology cont. Cameron M. Stone, md

Board Certified: NC State Board of Optometry Subspecialty: Comprehensive Eye Care, Identification & Treatment of Ocular Disease, & Contact Lens Fittings

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Fellowship Training: Vitreo-retinal diseases Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology


Med School: The Medical College of Virginia School of Medicine Internship: Internal medicine at The Medical College of Virginia School of Medicine Residency: Emory University School of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine


Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Med School: The Pennsylvania College of Optometry Dr. Brien professional experience includes comprehensive eye exams and hard-to-fit contact lenses, as well as co-management of glaucoma and post-cataract surgical patients. Dr. Brien joined Asheville Eye Associates in 2013. 828-258-1586

Rachel Davis, od

Board Certified: NC State Board of Optometry Subspecialty: Comprehensive Eye Care, Identification & Treatment of Ocular Disease, & Contact Lens Fittings

Alan Verm, md

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Cornea and Refractive Surgery Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Premed: Davidson College, Davidson, NC Med School: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX Internship: Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga, TN Residency: Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL Fellowship: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 828-693-4161

Looking Glass Eye Center 215 Thompson Street, Hendersonville

Med School: Indiana University’s School of Optometry Dr. Davis specializes in primary eye care for children and adults. She has extensive experience in general eye care, identification of ocular diseases, and contact lens fitting. Dr. Davis joined Asheville Eye Associates in 2015 828-258-1586

Board Certified: NC State Board of Optometry Subspecialty: Comprehensive Eye Care, Identification & Treatment of Ocular Disease, & Contact Lens Fittings

Board Certified: Ophthalmology Subspecialty: Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology & Strabismus Fellowship: Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology Med Degree: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Residency: Duke University Eye Center Fellowship: Baylor College of Medicine & Duke University Eye Center Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Daniel Yoder, md

Doctor of Optometry Degree: The Pennsylvania College of Optometry Dr. Krempecki specializes in primary eye care for children and adults of all ages. Dr. Krempecki has extensive experience with general eye care and identification of ocular diseases. Licensed by the North Carolina State Board of Optometry, Dr. Krempecki joined Asheville Eye Associates in 2017. 828-258-1586

Board Certified: NC State Board of Optometry Subspecialty: Comprehensive Eye Care, Identification & Treatment of Ocular Disease, & Contact Lens Fittings

Premed: John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR Med School: Duke Medical School, Durham, NC Internship: Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital Residency: Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL Fellowship: Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL


828-258-1586 36

Looking Glass Eye Center 215 Thompson Street, Hendersonville 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard

Shannon Ardaiolo, od

Board Certified: N.C. State Board of Optometry Subspecialty: Comprehensive Eye Care, Identification and Treatment of Ocular Disease, and Contact Lens Fittings Med School: University of Alabama School of Optometry Dr. Ardaiolo’s professional experience includes comprehensive eye exams and hard-to-fit contact lenses, as well as co-management of glaucoma and post-cataract surgical patients. Dr. Ardaiolo joined Asheville Eye Associates in 2018. Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

R. Benjamin Meade, od, ms

Board Certified: Ophthalmology, Subspecialty: Retina Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology 828-693-4161 828-884-7320

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

John Krempecki, od

Robert E. Wiggins, Jr., md


Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Med School: State University of NY College of Optometry Dr. Meade specializes in primary eye care for children and adults. He has experience with general eye care, identification and treatment of ocular disease, contact lens fitting, low vision examinations, and the applications of lenses. 828-258-1586

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin

Craig Poole, od Blue Ridge Eye Care

Providing routine vision care and consultation, corrective eyewear, and treatment of ocular disease. Blue Ridge Eye Care will work with you to diagnose your vision problem and suggest the best treatment option for your eyes. Offering a wide variety of contacts, lenses, and frames that can be tailored to suit your medical needs and fashion preferences. 828-698-3423 176 Four Seasons Mall Hendersonville Healthcare Resources 2019

Leading Eye Care Since 1961

Trust Your Eyes to The Experts


rust your eyes to the experts. For more than half a century, Asheville Eye Associates has been known throughout Western North Carolina for leading-edge eye care. Our highly skilled physicians, available in nine locations throughout the region, include every sub-specialty of ophthalmology and deliver the most advanced medical and surgical eye care for all of your eye care needs from routine and pediatric eye exams to cataract surgery, eye plastic surgery and management of macular degeneration, retinal tears and detachments and diabetic eye disease. Our fully-accredited and licensed ambulatory surgical center, dedicated exclusively to eye surgery, consistently achieves high patient satisfaction ratings for medical care and surgical outcomes. Call us today to schedule your appointment at one of our offices or satellites in Asheville, South Asheville, Hendersonville, Clyde, Sylva, Franklin, Hayesville and Boone NC. We look forward to partnering with you for your optimal eye health. At Asheville Eye Associates, our mission is your vision.

Cameron M. Stone, MD is a board certified, fellowship trained retina specialist who treats diseases such as macular degeneration and retinal tears or detachments.

Asheville Eye Associates 8 Medical Park Drive Asheville, NC 28803

828-258-1586 800-531-EYES(3937)



Optometrists cont.  Jeffery P. Schultz, od

Board Certified: Orthopedic Surgery Premed: University of the South, Sewanee, TN Engineering: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA Med School: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Internship: Methodist Hospital, Memphis, TN Residency: Campbell Clinic of Orthopedic Surgery, Memphis, TN

Board Certified: NC State Board of Optometry Subspecialty: Comprehensive Eye Care, Identification & Treatment of Ocular Disease,

Med School: Southern College of Optometry Dr. Schultz specializes in primary eye care for children and adults. He has extensive experience with general eye care, low vision services, identification of ocular diseases, contact lens fitting, and the application of lenses. Dr. Schultz joined Asheville Eye Associates in 2009. 828-258-1586

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin


Suzanne E. Hall, md

Fellowship Trained, Shoulder Specialist

Julie E. Tullock, od

Board Certified: NC & TN State Boards of Optometry Subspecialty: Comprehensive Eye Care, Identification & Treatment of Ocular Disease


Med School: Southern College of Optometry Dr. Tullock focuses on primary eye care. She is a specialist in contact lens fitting, identification of ocular diseases, and the application of lenses. Dr. Tullock and her family spent time abroad when she worked in a mission-sponsored eye clinic in Saipan, Micronesia, in the South Pacific.

Asheville Eye Associates Asheville, Hendersonville, Sylva & Franklin


Premed: Davidson College, Davidson, NC Med School: University of SC School of Medicine, Columbia, SC Internship: University of TN, Dept. of Surgery, Memphis Residency: Campbell Clinic, University of TN, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Memphis, TN Fellowship: University of VA, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Charlottesville, VA

Dr. Williams has been practicing optometry for children and adults of all ages for 26 years. He has extensive training and experience in the application of lenses for the correction of visual deficiencies, and contact lens fitting. He diagnoses and treats eye disease and injury, and provides pre-screening and counseling for surgical candidates.



Board Certified: Orthopaedic Surgery

Premed: Davidson College, Davidson, NC Med School: Duke University Medical School, Durham, NC Internship: Duke University Medical Center, Dept. of Surgery, Durham, NC Residency: Duke University Medical Center, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Durham, NC Fellowship: New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA

Premed: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Med School: Duke University Medical School, Durham, NC Internship: Medical University of South Carolina Dept. of General Surgery, Charleston, SC Residency: Medical University of South Carolina Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, Charleston, SC EmergeOrtho | Blue Ridge Division 800 Fleming Street, Hendersonville



EmergeOrtho | Blue Ridge Division 800 Fleming Street, Hendersonville

Thomas R. Cadier, md, faaos

Abby Maxwell, md

Med School: Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University Medical School, Chicago, IL Residency: Emory University Hospitals, Atlanta, GA Specializing in joint reconstruction. Also providing sports medicine, particularly with equestrian sport athletes, and general orthopedics.

Premed: Duke University, Durham, NC Med School: New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY Internship: Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA Fellowship: MedStar Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Board Certified: Orthopedic Surgery

Board Certified: Orthopedic Surgery


EmergeOrtho | Blue Ridge Division 800 Fleming Street, Hendersonville

Edward G. Lilly, III, md

Werner C. Brooks, md

Board Certified: Orthopaedic Surgery


Appalachian Shoulder Specialists 1027 Fleming Street, Suite B, Hendersonville

Board Certified: Orthopaedic Surgery

Primary Eye Care

Looking Glass Eye Center 215 Thompson Street, Hendersonville 188 Medical Park Drive, Brevard

Board Certified: Orthopaedic Surgery Med School: University of Massachusetts Residency: Bronx Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, NY Fellowship: Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute, New York, NY Advanced techniques in shoulder care including Arthroscopy, Rotator Cuff Repairs, Shoulder Replacement and Reverse Shoulder Replacement and nonoperative techniques.

John M. Hicks, md

J. Hooper Williams, od

828-693-4161 • 828-884-7320

DePaolo Orthopedics 3 B McDowell Street, Asheville

Rosenberg Bone & Joint St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate 89 West Mills Street, Suite A, Columbus


DePaolo Orthopedics 3 B McDowell Street, Asheville Healthcare Resources 2019

Work Your Health. Not Your Bones.

Charles J. DePaolo, MD, Abby Maxwell, MD & Sarah Beth Spainhour-Reese, PA-C

Walk-Ins Welcome Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 10:00 am Call for Wednesday evening availability.

Regular Appointment Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Same-Day Appointments Available

Dr. Charles J. DePaolo and Dr. Abby Maxwell, orthopedic surgeons, specialize in sports medicine, joint reconstruction, shoulder, hip, and knee arthroscopy and joint replacement. Proudly offering comprehensive on-site physical therapy, aquatic therapy, and workers compensation programs to get you moving comfortably again.

Specializing In:

•N on-operative Treatment of Common Orthopedic Problems • Shoulder, Hip & Knee Arthroscopy • Shoulder, Hip & Knee Replacement • Fracture Treatment

Physical Therapy

• Pre- & Post-operative Therapy • Balance & Gait Training • Work Evaluations • Fit for Duty Testing

Aquatic Therapy

• Sport Specific Programs •B alance Training • Aquatic Treadmill

Contact Us Today & Get Back in the Game! 828-225-1920 3 B McDowell Street Asheville, NC 1135 North Main Street Marion, NC @DePaoloOrthopedics



Orthopaedics cont..  Mission Orthopedics Asheville Orthopaedic Associates

Board Certified: Orthopaedic Surgery Premed: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Ma Med School:SUNY Health Sciences Center at Brooklyn, NY Internship: St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY Residency: New York Orthopaedic Hospital, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, NY Fellowship: Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

An Affiliate of Mission Health

This team of experienced specialists in orthopedic care work together to provide patient-centered, collaborative care for athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, weekend warriors, and beyond. With multiple convenient locations in Asheville, Arden, Franklin, Clyde, Spruce Pine, and Marion, they offer the latest procedures, techniques and treatments in comprehensive care for a wide variety of orthopedic needs, including elbow, hand, hip, knee, joint, shoulder and sports-related injuries. Same-day appointments are available. For more information or to make an appointment, call or visit the website. 828-782-9330

310 Long Shoals Road Arden, NC

Mission Orthopedics Brevard Orthopaedics

Providing patient-centered care and treatment plan options including occupational and physical therapy services in one, convenient location, Mission Orthopedics Brevard Orthopaedics offers access to orthopedic care to fit your busy schedule. Drs. Angus Graham and Mark Lemel treat a variety of orthopedic conditions including shoulders, knees, ankles, hips, feet, and hand. Proudly serving Transylvania County Schools and Brevard College Athletics, Mission Orthopedics Brevard Orthopaedics also works in tandem with an elite, community team of sports medicine professionals. 828-884-2055

316 Chestnut Street Brevard, NC


EmergeOrtho | Blue Ridge Division 800 Fleming Street, Hendersonville

Pardee Orthopedic Services

Pardee Orthopedics consistently provides the highest in quality care, most recently recognized for excellence by Healthgrades with a five-star designation in hip fracture treatment and spinal fusion surgery for 2018, and America’s 100 Best Hospitals for Orthopedic Surgery in 2016. Our orthopedic team of providers from Southeastern Sports Medicine and Orthopedics, EmergeOrtho: Blue Ridge Division, and Appalachian Orthopaedics have lead the way to this award-winning orthopedic care, serving the Hendersonville, Fletcher, Asheville and Waynesville communities. 828-696-1000

800 North Justice Street Hendersonville, NC

Brian J. Rosenberg, md Board Certified: Orthopedic Surgery

Med School: University of Louisville Medical School, Louisville, KY Residency: University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Specializing in direct anterior hip replacement, custom-fit knee replacement, joint replacement and arthroscopy. Also providing sports medicine and general orthopedics. 828-894-3718

Rosenberg Bone & Joint St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate 89 West Mills Street, Suite A, Columbus

Pain Management.  Haru Smith, bctmb, lmbt #362, cmmp, cr Board Certified: Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

Biltmore 828-412-5330

Black Mountain 828-357-9050

Canton 828-492-1480

Downtown/North Asheville 828-785-1412 Enka-Candler 828-633-6287

Fletcher 828-209-0928

Fairview 828-338-0707

South Asheville 828-490-4308

Waynesville 828-246-6566

Weaverville 828-484-9415

Locally Owned by a Physical Therapist. We Accept All Insurances, Referrals & Walk-ins.


Education: Academy of Clinical Massage, Sisters, OR St. Louis University, School of Medicine University of South Florida, College of Medicine, Tampa Fl Haru Smith has a National Board Diploma in Advanced Orthopedic and Massage Therapy. She specializes in Rehabilitative Clinical/Medical Massage, Structural Rebalancing, Pain Reduction and Management. 828-696-7860 By appointment only

Haru’s Progressive Body Therapy, LLC 131 Four Seasons Mall, Hendersonville, NC

Pediatrics.  Hendersonville Pediatrics, P.A.

With over fifty years of ongoing care, Hendersonville Pediatrics, P.A. is committed to delivering comprehensive and compassionate primary care to children and young adults throughout the region. Accepting new patients. On-call physicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information or to make an appointment, call or visit the website.


600 Beverly Hanks Center, Hendersonville Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Pediatrics cont..  Hendersonville Pediatrics, P.A.

Givens Estates



Hendersonville Pediatrics, P.A. is pleased to offer on-site behavioral health screenings and treatment services for children from newborn to 18 years of age. Common concerns include temper tantrums, oppositional behavior, anger episodes, toileting or bed wetting difficulties, sleep problems, picky eating, anxiety or stress. They commonly treat ADHD, depression, family conflict, school problems, sibling or peer difficulties, and many more conditions.

157 Medical Park Drive, Suite A, Brevard

Physical Therapy / Rehab Services.  Carolina Village Rehabilitation Located within the campus of Carolina Village, comprehensive programs in physical, speech and occupational therapies help residents and patients maintain the highest level of function, independence and quality of life. Specializing in aquatic therapy, orthopedics, stroke, cardiac and pulmonary rehab, pain management, dementia, incontinence and techniques to improve low vision, balance and strength. Residents have priority access on an intermediate and permanent basis, but the community is welcome for short-term rehab when space is available. 828-692-6275 ext: 260

600 Carolina Village Road Hendersonville, NC

Givens Estates Health Center provides Western North Carolina residents with all of your short-term rehabilitation needs. Enjoy comfortable accommodations in their five-star rated community as their caring and knowledgeable team provides services specially designed for your orthopedic, cardiac, and stroke recovery 7 days per week. Their comprehensive and integrated therapy is your quickest path to home.

2360 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC

Will Hagan

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Mills River Physical Therapy has been providing quality physical therapy care to western North Carolina since 2001. They pride themselves on providing one on one treatment to address a wide variety of conditions such as musculoskeletal pain, weakness, sports rehabilitation, and fall risk assessments. Call today so they can help you become pain free. 828-890-0040

Mills River Physical Therapy, Inc. 4687 Boylston Hwy Mills River, NC

Skyland Prosthetics & Orthotics Pippa Dolen, president

Shaun Dolen, vice president, cp

Angella Polson, cfm

Jason Siegler, cp, boco

Brad Schepers, co

Clay Ashley, cof

Artificial Limbs Diabetic Shoes Lower Extremity Bracing Spinal Bracing Corrective Footwear Foot Orthotics Mastectomy Garments Compression Hosiery

Everything for your feet, even if you don’t have any 3845 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, NC

Mark Herndon, c.ped, cfo

828-684-1644 Fax 828-684-0648 41

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES The Lodge at Mills River

Physical Therapy / Rehab Services cont. Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation

Health & Rehabilitation

This state-of-the-art health and rehabilitation provider combines physical, occupational and speech therapies with psychological, social and nursing expertise to speed recovery of knee and hip replacements, sports injuries and strokes. They also offer a cardiac recovery program. Their two therapy gyms feature state of the art equipment. Wireless internet is available building wide for your convenience. The skilled nursing wings enjoy a reputation of excellence in the community. The goal at Hendersonville Health and Rehabilitation is to provide quality, compassionate care in a friendly and professional environment. Call for a tour.

A complete array of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services and a host of gracious amenities are provided in this new facility in Mills River. The cardiac, orthopedic, swallowing and neurological intervention programs help patients resume activities after a stroke, heart attack or surgery including fracture and joint replacement. Respite care is also available.


Madison Health & Rehabilitation

104 College Drive Flat Rock, NC

The Laurels

Award-winning and premier skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers, The Laurels offer comprehensive medical care in beautiful surroundings. Guests enjoy nutritious cuisine and a full social calendar. Inpatient and outpatient therapy services available daily. The Laurels accept Medicare, Medicaid, private pay and most insurances. Call today for more information and to schedule a tour. 828-274-7646 828-692-6000 828-299-1110

70 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC 290 Clear Creek Road Hendersonville, NC 100 Riceville Road Asheville, NC

Life Care Center of Hendersonville Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation

Short-term rehabilitation services include an in-house team of physical, occupational, and speech therapists who perform careful screenings and evaluations to determine each individual’s needs and monitor progress. All members of the interdisciplinary team work together to tailor a plan in coordination with the patient and the family’s goals to return the patient to their highest possible level of functioning. All insurances accepted. Respite services available. 828-697-4348


400 Thompson Street Hendersonville, NC



5593 Old Haywood Road Mills River, NC

Helping You Heal With Compassion and Expertise

Madison Health & Rehabilitation, a SanStone Community, is Mars Hill’s premier skilled nursing facility. For short-term rehabilitation or long-term skilled nursing care, physical, occupational and speech therapies as well as dementia/cognitive therapies are provided for inpatient and outpatient stays. The experienced care in a cheerful environment is distinguished by superior medical resources, innovative technology and the dependable staff of skilled healthcare specialists. Call or visit to take a tour.


345 Manor Road Mars Hill, NC

Stepping Stone Rehab, Inc.

At Stepping Stone Rehab, Inc., they realize that the healing process is unique to each individual. With that in mind, their therapists provide a complete, personalized, handson approach to physical therapy in which the patient is an active participant. They specialize in orthopedics, balance, neurological and complete pelvic floor dysfunction, including incontinence, pelvic pain and colorectal dysfunction. They are a locally owned outpatient physical therapy facility, operated by Julie A. Rollins, PT. Please call for an appointment or visit their web site for more information. On-site massage therapy and nutrition counseling services available. 828-692-1176 Fax 828-692-2109

Stepping Stone Rehab, Inc. 538 North Oak Street Hendersonville, NC



Healthcare Resources 2019

Get Back on Your Feet Inpatient and Outpatient Short-Term Rehabilitation

Five-Star Five-Star Quality Quality Care Care Rated Rated by by the the Centers Centers for for Medicare Medicare and and Medicaid Medicaid When Whenyou youor oraaloved lovedone oneneed need short-term short-termrehabilitation rehabilitationbecause because of ofan anillness, illness,injury,or injury,orsurgery, surgery,Life Life Care CareCenter Centerof ofHendersonville Hendersonvillehas has everything everythingneeded neededto toget getyou you better betterfaster. faster.....including includingthe the highest highestrating ratingaahealthcare healthcare facility facilitycan canreceive. receive. The Thein-house in-houseteam team of ofskilled skilledphysical, physical, occupational, occupational, and andspeech speech therapists therapistswork work together togetherto to support supportyou youin in your yourrecovery recoveryevery every step stepof ofthe theway. way.

Tours ToursAlways AlwaysAvailable Available Stop Stopby byanytime anytime or orcall callfor foran an appointment. appointment.

828-697-4348 828-697-4348 400 400Thompson ThompsonStreet Street Hendersonville, Hendersonville,NC NC28792 28792

at Lake Pointe Landing 37

PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Janet Howell, pa-c

Physical Therapy / Rehab Services cont. StoneCreek Health & Rehabilitation

Physician Assistant-Certified

Rehabilitation and Long-term Care

Stone Creek is a 120-bed skilled nursing facility that specializes in short- term rehabilitation and long-term care. The staff is dedicated to helping you heal with compassion and expertise. An interdisciplinary team of on-site physicians, speciallytrained nurses and therapists (respiratory, physical, occupational and speech) plan and implement the personalized plan of care with the latest equipment and technologies in a cheerful environment. 828-252-0099

Physician Assistants.  Mike Bradey, pa-c

455 Victoria Road Asheville, NC

Physician Assistant Program: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Certification: National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) 828-894-5627


Foothills Medical Associates St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate 801 West Mills Street Columbus, NC

Mark Genero, pa-c Physician Assistant-Certified

Physician Assistant Program: Northwestern University, Boston, MA Certification: National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA)


Rosenberg Bone & Joint St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate 89 West Mills Street, Suite A Columbus, NC

Foothills Medical Associates St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate 801 West Mills Street Columbus, NC

Susanne Wise, pa-c Physician Assistant-Certified

PA Program: St. Francis University, Loretto, PA Certification: National Committee on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) Specializing in the treatment of osteoporosis and general orthopedics.

Physician Assistant-Certified

Physician Assistant Program: Medical University of South Carolina Certification: National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) Fellow: American Academy of Physician Assistants-AAPA



Rosenberg Bone & Joint St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate 89 West Mills Street, Suite A Columbus, NC

Pamela B. Stover, dpm Board Certified: American Board of Podiatric Medicine

Premed: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Med School: Barry University, Miami Shores, FL Residency: Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Dayton, OH. Diabetic Wound Care and Limb Salvage, Forefoot and Rearfoot Surgery. 828-697-1343

InStride Hendersonville Podiatry 600 Fifth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC  Prosthetics & Orthotics

Feet Hurt? We Can Help! Pamela B. Stover, DPM Medical and Surgical Treatment of Diseases, Wounds, Injuries and Deformities of the Foot and Ankle. No referral necessary with most insurances. Accepting new patients of all ages. 44

Call Today for an Appointment!


600 Fifth Ave West, Hendersonville NC (Across from Economy Drugs.)

Healthcare Resources 2019

PROVIDERS & & RESOURCES RESOURCES PROVIDERS RN Patient Advocates.  Karen Sanders, msn, rn, ahn-bc, hwnc-bc

Board Certified: Advanced Holistic Nurse; Health and Wellness Nurse Coach BSN: Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA MSN: University of NC, Chapel Hill, NC Forty years of nursing experience in multiple leadership and clinical positions in multiple healthcare settings. Karen’s passion is to help patients and families negotiate our complex, silo-driven, dysfunctional healthcare system and find the holistic healthcare and support they need. RN Patient Advocacy NC, PLLC 828-778-8882 Home, Facility and Hospital Visits, WNC Phone Consultation, Locally and Nationally

Skilled Nursing  Carolina Village Medical Center

600 Carolina Village Road Hendersonville, NC

Life Care Center of Hendersonville Compassionate Skilled Nursing Care

Life Care Center is an 80-bed skilled nursing facility that offers rehabilitation, respite and long-term sub-acute care that addresses the residents’ mental, emotional and spiritual needs. In addition to a comprehensive array of therapies, the gracious, secure setting includes the comforts of home and many extras: transportation to outside medical appointments, on-site beauty/barber shop, ice cream parlor, wi-fi and activities. 828-697-4348

All Around Therapy provides speech therapy services to children of all ages. They coordinate with doctors and other agencies to meet the specific needs of each child and his or her family. All Around Therapy improves communication by treating children with Autism, ADD/ADHD, Hearing Impairments, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Reading and Spelling difficulties and more. Evaluation and treatment can be provided in English or Spanish. For more information call or visit the website. 828-329-6186 English 910-476-8169 Español

1530 Haywood Road Hendersonville, NC

Surgical Services.  James Holleman, md Board Certified: General Surgery

The Medical Center, located within the campus of Carolina Village, has 58 Medicare-certified private rooms and is five-star rated by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, consistently scoring highly on surveys from the NC Department of Health Service Regulation. Carolina Village residents have access to this service on an intermediate or permanent basis at no additional expense. The community is welcome for short-term rehab when space is available. Personal care, therapies and medications are provided and each patient’s condition is monitored 24/7 by healthcare professionals. 828-692-6275 ext 260

Speech Therapy.  All Around Therapy

400 Thompson Street Hendersonville, NC

Med School: University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill Residency: Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC Fellow: American College of Surgeons Providing a full range of general surgical procedures, including endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures and breast biopsies. 828-894-3300

St. Luke’s Surgical Associates St. Luke’s Physician Network Affiliate 44 Hospital Drive, Suite 1A, Columbus

Mission Surgery – Transylvania

An Affiliate of Mission Health Mission Surgery – Transylvania specializes in general, thoracic and laparoscopic surgical care. They strive to offer the best in the constantly evolving surgical techniques while providing the highest standard of care. Their highly experienced general surgeons offer a wide spectrum of skills, including many of the newer minimally-invasive techniques. Marco Chavarria, MD and the entire staff are committed to your health and comfort during your visit. Call today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about their practice and how they can help you with your surgical needs. 828-862-6368

89 Hospital Drive Brevard, NC

Improving Communication One Child At A Time. Our therapists provide speech therapy services to children of all ages. We coordinate with doctors and other agencies to meet the specific needs of each child and his or her family:

Autism • ADD/ADHD • Hearing Impairments Cerebral Palsy • Down Syndrome Evaluation and Treatment Can Be Provided In English or Spanish For more information call or visit the website. 828-329-6186 (English) • 910-476-8169 (Espanol)


PROVIDERS & RESOURCES Urgent Care.  Pardee Urgent Care

Pardee Urgent Care is available in three convenient locations for when you need immediate treatment for non-life-threatening conditions. Services include adult and pediatric medical care, minor surgeries, digital X-ray services, laboratory draws and testing, minor orthopedic and wound care, sports physicals, and flu vaccinations. For more serious or life-threatening injuries or illnesses, visit the Emergency Department at Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice Street, Hendersonville, NC 28791. 828-697-3232 828-651-6350 828-694-8100

212 A Thompson Street, Hendersonville 2695 Hendersonville Road, Arden 3334 Boylston Hwy., Mills River

An Affiliate of Mission Health

Mission Health’s MyHealthyLife™ Wellness Services is here to support you on your wellness journey with a variety of services, therapies and classes, and is committed to providing the highest quality care for you. They strive to be your partner in your journey to wellness every step of the way. They offer a variety of services to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being to awaken the body’s capacity for wellness. Treatments offered include massage therapy and acupuncture. 828-213-8250

275 McDowell Street Asheville, NC

YMCA Population Health Programs

Urology.  Mission Urology – Transylvania An Affiliate of Mission Health

Mission Urology – Transylvania provides comprehensive urological treatment services and sexual health counseling to men and women. They provide their patients with the latest, most effective, procedures and treatment available in an atmosphere of caring and compassion. Gregory Carter, MD, Aleece Forsnight, PA-C and the dedicated team of providers and clinicians at Mission Urology – Transylvania use the model of an “ideal micro practice” in order to keep patients and families better informed about their healthcare via close contact with their provider. They are dedicated to your health and well-being. Call today for more information. 828-883-5858

Wellness Programs.  MyHealthyLife™ Wellness Services

87 Medical Park Drive, Suite A Brevard, NC

People in our community face very real health challenges. But they don’t have to face them alone. The Y is a Medicare provider and offers chronic condition support programs to help manage and prevent type 2 diabetes, regain strength after cancer treatment, prevent dangerous falls, and manage arthritis through physical activity. The Y, which partners with several Medicare Advantage and supplement plans, also offers nutrition programs, plus social, fitness, and club opportunities to keep bodies and minds sharp. Locations in Asheville, Arden/Fletcher, Black Mountain, Enka/ Candler, Hendersonville, Marion, and Woodfin. 828 251 5910

Women’s Health.  Jennifer McAlister, md, facs

Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Breast Surgeon

Thrills. Spills. And Emergency Care.

Relive your youth knowing we always have your back.

Dr. Jennifer McAlister has over a decade of experience as a board-certified surgeon, specializing in breast surgery. As the only female fellowship trained breast surgeon in Western North Carolina, Dr. McAlister evaluates and manages patients with breast pain, benign lumps and cysts, abnormal mammograms, and those with breast cancer. She treats each patient as an individual, and educates and empowers them to make the best health care decisions.

AdventHealth Physician Services NOW Provided by


Pardee Breast Surgery 805 Sixth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC

Mission Women’s Care

At Mission Women’s Care, they understand each season of life brings change. They also know that over the course of her lifetime, a women’s healthcare needs change. Their providers specialize in caring for the particular needs of women throughout their entire lifetime. Their services include obstetric and gynecological care including birth control, Pap smears, menopausal symptoms, hormone replacement and bladder issues, as well as minimally invasive gynecologic surgery to help with bleeding, pain or urinary issues. They are now accepting patients at all of their convenient, women’s care locations. To find a provider in your area, visit

Western Carolina Women’s Specialty Center

Emergency Care ER Nurse Navigators Orthopedics Injury Care Emergency Surgical Care

An Affiliate of Mission Health

The physicians and staff of Western Carolina Women’s Specialty center are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care for women who are experiencing gynecologic problems. They respect your privacy and will work with you to develop a treatment plan that meets your specific needs. They offer full diagnostic and therapeutic care for women suffering from breast problems, abnormal pap smears, menopause problems, fibroids as well as problems related to bladder and bowel control and prolapse of the vagina. Call today for more information or to make an appointment. Hendersonville Formerly Park Ridge Health



2100 Ridgefield Boulevard Asheville, NC Healthcare Resources 2019

Mission Surgery Mission Surgery has served western North Carolina since 1981. The core principal of our operating philosophy is to treat our patients as we would our own families, and we are committed to making your experience with us as pleasant as possible. Providing abdominal, bariatric, breast, colorectal, endocrine, hernia, laparoscopic and oncology care with recognition from the American College of Surgeons, right here in western North Carolina. 14 Medical Park Drive Asheville, NC 828-252-3366


We’ve got you covered! On-Site Licensed Pharmacists • Open 7 Days a Week Prescriptions Filled While You Shop • In-Store Vaccinations • On-Line Ordering Use Your Advantage Card at the Ingles Pharmacy Counter for Fuel Points Accepts Most Insurance



Healthcare Resources 2019

feel the compassion of whole-person care.

It’s time to feel your best. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. To be centered. And supported. To feel the power of a world-class health care network coming together to help you take control of your health. It’s time to feel whole. 855-774-LIFE (5433)

Hendersonville Formerly Park Ridge Health

Formerly Florida Hospital

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