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Confirmation Bias
The tendency to search for or be partial to information that confirms or aligns with these pre-existing beliefs and principles.
Affinity Bias
A person’s predisposition to gravitate toward those with whom they share a connection. This type of bias leads people to push away or block out those who are different.
Attribution Bias
This type of bias is the predisposition to attribute an individual’s successes or failures to personal shortcomings instead of factors outside their control
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Refers to unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender. Typically this stems from an unconscious bias and inaccurate connection between a person’s ability and traditional views of their gender
Workplace Scenario
Believing that someone is a ‘good fit’ for your team because you are both 32 and from IITs.
Workplace Scenario
When a new peer gives you advice on a difficult task you tend to ignore it but you apply the same advice when it comes from a senior leader
Workplace Scenario
For a factory worker position, you do not want to hire a woman worker because she might not be able to handle the tough job
Workplace Scenario
You give a poor rating to a colleague in your team because she is mostly late in her tasks, ignoring the fact she is a single parent.
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By Siddhartha Sachar