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Planned Parenthood: Fraud, Deception, and Death

While Planned Parenthood boasts that abortion procedures at their facilities are safe, evidence exists to indicate that is far from the truth. There is no way to know how many complications from abortion actually occur at Planned Parenthood centers because there are few mandatory reporting requirements for abortion providers,

who are known to often skirt the laws or under-report. The truth about illegal and dangerous operations has been discovered through research and eyewitness accounts as well as gleaned through court documents and newspaper accounts. These known abortion abuses are just the tip of a very large iceberg.

Patient deaths

Tonya Reaves died July 20, 2012, from a hemorrhage caused by a perforation of her uterus during a second trimester abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chicago, IL.

Cree Erwin died July 3, 2016, due to an untreated perforated uterus from a botched first trimester abortion at Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo, MI.

Medical Emergencies

Over 100 documented medical emergencies at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities across the nation from January 2019 through May 2020. For each known incident, many more go unreported and unnoticed.

Violation of State and Federal Laws

In 2015, the release of videos by the Center for Medical Progress showed that Planned Parenthood engaged in numerous violations of state and federal laws. Alleged violations included illegally selling aborted baby remains for profit, altering procedures to preserve fetal organs for resale and HIPAA privacy violations.

Trafficking Aborted Baby Remains

In December 2016, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Special Investigative Panel on Infant Lives referred Planned Parenthood to the Department of Justice after their investigations found probable cause to believe Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby remains broke the law.


External audits show Planned Parenthood affiliates cost American taxpayers over $130 million in waste, abuse and potentially fraudulent overbilling and penalties.

Financial Malfeasance

Closure of the entire Planned Parenthood Golden Gate affiliate for financial malfeasance.

The list goes on...

During the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, several Planned Parenthood affiliates received $80 million in relief funds earmarked for small businesses, even though each Planned Parenthood affiliate represented a multi-million dollar business, and was exempt from the business shutdowns. Public outrage generated calls for them to pay it back.

Abortion sales quotas that, when met, were rewarded with pizza parties.

The widespread non-reporting of child sex abuse.

The participation in sex-selection abortions.

An experimental webcam abortion scam in Iowa resulted in banning the dangerous practice in at least nineteen states.

The documentation that Planned Parenthood specifically targets minority communities, especially Blacks, for abortion.

PLANNED Parenthood has also been caught promoting a number of deceptive statements. It insists abortions comprise only 3% of its services, while they account for 30% of its income.

Planned Parenthood claims to be a “relentless” provider of cancer screenings; however, between 2009-2019, it cut breast cancer screenings by 72%.

Planned Parenthood claims if it is defunded of federal tax revenue, abortions will increase. However, when Texas defunded Planned Parenthood in 2012, abortions decreased in that state by 6.5% the following year.

Through the Freedom of Information Act, some organizations (including Operation Rescue) are compiling documentation of the numerous health code violations that take place at Planned Parenthood abortion centers. Common violations include failure to observe infection control protocols such as hand washing, failure to properly sterilize surgical instruments, expired drugs, dirty facility conditions, lack of emergency plans and equipment, as well as untrained staff. All these create an unsafe environment for women.

It is clear Planned Parenthood presents a danger to the public that at times rises to the level of a criminal enterprise.

- Cheryl Sullenger, Operation Rescue

Full citations for this publication can be found at: humanlife.org/pp/pp-citations

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