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Racial Targeting: Abortion in Black America

According to the National vital Statistics Report, the total number of deaths in Black America from the thirteen leading causes in 2014 was 237,359.

Based on an analysis of data from the Guttmacher Institute's "Induced Abortion in the United States" fact sheet, there was an estimated 259,336 abortions in Black America in 2014. How can abortion, something Planned Parenthood claims to be "liberating," cause so many Black deaths?

Below are the thirteen leading causes of death in 2014 and their relationship to abortion in Black America:

Heart disease: 73,095 - Abortion kills 3.5 times as many Blacks as heart disease

Malignant Neoplasms: 69,090 - Abortion kills 3.7 times as many Blacks as cancer.

Cerebrovascular Disease: 17,088 - Abortion kills 15.1 times as many Blacks as strokes.

Accidents (unintentional injuries): 14,135 - Abortion kills 18.3 times as many blacks as accidents of all kinds.

Diabetes Mellitus: 13,435- Abortion kills 19.3 times as many Blacks as diabetes.

Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease: 9,934 - Abortion kills 26.1 times as many Blacks as lung disease.

Assault (homicide): 7,903 - Abortion kills 32.8 times as many Blacks as all homicides.

Alzheimer's Disease: 6,567 - Abortion kills 39.4 times as many Blacks as Alzherimer's disease.

Septicemia (pathogens): 6,386 - Abortions kills 40.6 times as many Blacks as blood poisoning.

Influenza and Pneumonia: 5,611 - Abortion kills 46.2 times as many Blacks as pneumonia and the flue.

Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis: 3,103 - Abortion kills 83.5 times as many Blacks as liver disease.

Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide): 2,426 - Abortion kills 106.8 times as many Blacks as suicide.

Abortion took 21,977 additional Black American lives in 2014 - more than all thirteen "leading" causes of death combined.

The Tuskegee Institute documents a total of 3,446 Negroes lynched by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) between 1882 and 1968 (86 years). When compared to the 21 million Black lives taken by abortion from 1967 to 2017 (50 years), abortion in Black America has killed 6,094 Black Americans for every one Black American lynched by Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

I just keep hearing the words of Cecile Moore, President of an NAACP chapter, at the 1965 meeting of the Council of Philadelphia’s Anti-Poverty Action Committee. She condemned a Planned Parenthood program as “replete with everything to help the Negroes commit race suicide.”

- Walter Hoye, President and Founder of Issues4Life Foundation and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition

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