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Women Share their Planned Parenthood Stories

“I had a botched abortion in Atlanta’s Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. The doctor left the dead fetus inside and I needed immediate medical attention. For the health of women, please defund Planned Parenthood.” Kayla

“The Planned Parenthood clinic I had my abortion in told me my “fetus” was 7-8 weeks and, being only 15 years old, I didn’t know what that meant. Afterward they told me I was actually 10-12 weeks. I got very sick and was vomiting directly after the procedure, the room was spinning and I could barely stand. They pushed me out the door with a plastic bag for my trip home. I had severe pain and hemorrhaging afterward but was too embarrassed to go for help. I suffered with very serious depression and emotional issues for 20 years after.” Maya

“I was 17 years old—the lady at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Council Bluffs, Iowa told me I could go to Women’s Services clinic in Omaha, Nebraska to get the procedure. My boyfriend at the time was 23 or 24 and I was told not to mention that or he would get into trouble. I don’t feel like they really had my best interest in mind. From what I understand, they still give young girls the same advice. I was devastated by that abortion and my life spiraled downward.” Jasmine

“I was 15 years old when my mother and I returned to Planned Parenthood after the contraceptive they provided months earlier failed. I was told I was 11 weeks pregnant and that my pregnancy was a “clump of cells.” I was told to hurry to make an appointment if I wanted an abortion because at 12 weeks, the price would be higher. I was not given any counseling of any kind whatsoever. Today, I deeply regret my abortion.” Sydney

Statements from women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. More statements and stories of abortion experiences can be read at www.abortiontestimony.com

Jim Sedlak, American Life League

Planned Parenthood (PP) has been venturing into the telemedicine world for some time. Its Heartland affiliate in Nebraska and Iowa pioneered the development of telemedicine abortions in 2008. The procedure at that time required a woman to be in a PP medical facility in order to get, and take, the abortion pill after a web-cam consult with an abortionist perhaps hundreds of miles away. In 2014, Planned Parenthood Care was launched which allowed a person to talk to a PP clinician over the Internet from home. That was expanded in 2015 to Planned Parenthood Direct, which allowed for consultation, getting a prescription, and ordering birth control pills, among other things—again, all from home. In its 2018-2019 Annual Report, Planned Parenthood Federation of America stated it provided telemedicine abortions in 16 states and other telemedicine services in 17 states. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, PP has been growing these services— which it now calls telehealth and is expanding its telehealth services to all 50 states in 2020.

So, what is telehealth at Planned Parenthood?

PP says:

Telehealth services vary from health center to health center, but you may be able to get services such as birth control, STD testing and or treatment, gender-affirming hormone therapy, PEP, PrEP, and emergency contraception (the morning-after pill). Counseling or education information may also be available.

PP also says:

“You may be able to get a medication abortion—the abortion pill—through telehealth.” (Telehealth abortions are currently banned in 19 states) “If so, during your telehealth visit, your nurse or doctor will give you all of the information you need to use the abortion pill at home. Then you’ll go to your local health center to pick up the medicines (SIC) you’ll need.”

TIME.com ran a story in April 2020 about this escalating PP telehealth program. The lead paragraphs in the story focused on telehealth abortions. It presented this scenario that involved PP Hudson Peconic in New York State:

When an emergency responder in one of the New York counties hardest hit by COVID-19 recently found out she was pregnant, she decided that it wasn’t the right time to have a child. So between a busy schedule of helping patients, she made an appointment for PP’s new telehealth service, requested an abortion, and attended an initial counseling session—all while sitting in an ambulance. Once she completed her virtual visit through the organization’s app, the first responder’s ambulance swung by her local PP clinic so she could pick up the pills needed to end her pregnancy.

This woman, whose daily job is dedicated to saving lives, decided to kill her own child and PP happily provided her with the murder weapon. We know by the testimonies of hundreds of staff that have left Planned Parenthood that this emergency responder, once she called PP, was speaking with individuals who are trained to sell abortions. There was no real counseling or trying to solve any of her perceived reasons not to give birth to this already living human being. The abortion industry calls this new strategy of pushing chemical abortions “at-home” abortions or “self-managed” abortions. These at-home abortions are not something simple—according to the National Institutes of Health: one out of five has adverse effects; one out of six involves hemorrhaging; and one out of 17 will require surgery to complete the abortion. They are often violent and can require immediate transport to an emergency room.

Planned Parenthood must be stopped.

Full citations for this publication can be found at: humanlife.org/pp/pp-citations

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