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Most of Lewes was built in a very different era, with buildings from periods that had their own expression. Many of the Georgian and later period buildings of Lewes are timber frame, often with an outer skin of a newer material of the time- such as mathematical tiles- whose purpose was to create a desirable aesthetic whilst being appropriate for the timber frame buildings beneath. This has resulted in the very particular Sussex vernacular which is so characteristic of Lewes at that time.
Historic And Landscape Context
Evidence base
Through two years of research with our design team and engagement with local experts, we have identified a set of emblematic features of the town drawn from the characteristics of Lewes that have endured the test of time.
This research has been distilled into this detailed study of these emblematic features of Lewesian character- The Lewes Sourcebook. This will be included with the application and form the evidence base for the Design Code. The Lewes Sourcebook is being reviewed with our Design Working Group whose members are drawn from the community of Lewes, including a number of local experts who are well-versed in the deep characteristics of Lewes which are fundamental to the concept of what is “of Lewes”.
Civic and Landmark Buildings
The town’s landmark buildings underpin a sense of civic life, history and and identity; specifically buildings such as Lewes Castle, Harvey’s brewery, Fitzroy Library, Lewes Crown Court, Lewes railway Station, The registry Office and latterly The Depot. Many also play an important townscape role in forming the setting of key public spaces and provide orientation points in when navigating your way through the town.
Industrial Heritage
Lewes’ industrial past from various eras manifests itself in several ways, including large footprint gabled buildings of industrial heritage which present themselves to the river, with an industrial roofline such as the Harvey’s brewery or the Phoenix Ironworks buildings.
On the Phoenix site and along the river’s edge at Cliffe is the distinctive industrial heritage of the riverfront, with buildings built into flood walls. This industrial roofscape with forms and materials is distinct from those seen in the centre of the town, with steep pitches and gable ends on the river.
Town and Downs
The contrast between the distinctly urban quality of central Lewes and its landscape setting plays an important role in the character of the town. This is seen most clearly where the edges of Lewes meet the Ouse, its strong architectural character contrasting poetically with the rawness of of the river, meadows and flood plane beyond.
The presence of the South Downs are a key characteristic of Lewes townscape. Glimpsed views of the Downs appear fleetingly throughout the town and are a distinct part of how Lewes is experienced. The Downs are often seen as a backdrop to wider views, especially from higher elevations, at the end of streets and vistas or framed by the buildings of Lewes.
Riparian landscape
The site is set within the flood plain of the river Ouse. Together with the regular tidal cycle defines the characteristic meadows, mud banks, and river trees. The river edge of the town has a distinct character and condition made up of the muddy tidal foreshore, river bridges, maritime heritage, and the existing flood wall of the Phoenix site.
Conservation area
The Phoenix site adjoins three areas of the Lewes Conservation area; the Cliffe character area, the Lower High Street character area and the Pells and West Street character area (which the site also overlaps).The Malling Deanery Conservation area is in close proximity. The Heritage report accompanying this application includes a detailed study of the significant features of the conservation areas and their relationship with the Phoenix site. The Lewes Sourcebook draws deeply from the key characteristics of the Conservation area , for example the materials seen in Lewes are important to the Conservation a rea’s significance and this is documented.

Plots And Blocks
Vernacular Grid
The vernacular structure of Lewes has resulted in a layered urban grain. This has continued to evolve over time, in response to the needs of the town and the particular conditions of each street. The manner of building right up to the edge of the street is seen throughout the centre of Lewes and has resulted in a series of perimeter blocks between streets, with private gardens within.
The Phoenix masterplan will evolve the existing street grain of Lewes with its strong edges and perimeter blocks.
Strong Definition of Street Edges buildings built up to street edge clearly define street edges, often with building frontages touching the back of footways.
Informal Public Spaces
The townscape of Lewes is characterised by small, often incidental, public spaces. Niches, splayed corners and facade set-backs give rise to a varied, human scale townscape and bring social value with the activities that occur within and around them.
Pedestrian Routes
Narrow back streets, side streets, parallel routes and twittens create an alternative network at a human scale, They are part of the joy of navigating Lewes, often being calmer and generally pedestrian. These routes may or may not have active uses on them.