Human Resources, Hong Kong - Q1 Jan-Mar 2015

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The smart HR professional’s blueprint for workforce strategy

HK$55 / Q1 2015

Usha Baidya HR vice president for Asia, Middle East & Africa at BT Global Services 亞洲、中東和非洲地區人力資源副總裁 英國電訊全球服務部

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16/4/2015 4:19:58 PM

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We all love to see a return on our international assignments. That would be getting somewhere. If your program has an ROI destination, you’re heading in the right direction – creating stronger links between mobility and talent – by ensuring assignments with long-term goals are measurable. Crown World Mobility’s consulting practice helps you develop the tools to make it happen – creating a pool of candidates, setting up a manager/assignee career planning process, post-assignment support. On every aspect of your program, we’ll share our experience and help determine a profitable strategy. Why not take the first step and visit our Mobility Perspectives insight series at



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January - March 2015 « CONTENTS

COVER STORY 12 Q&A 問與答 Usha Baidya, HR vice president for AMEA at BT Global Services, talks about connectivity and collaboration being the keys to a healthy organisation. 英國電訊全球服務部亞洲、中東和非洲地區人力資源副總裁Usha Baidya談及聯繫 與合作是打造健康企業的關鍵。

Features 16 Getting the blend just right 恰到好處的結合 Akankasha Dewan finds out how corporate learning can blend the best of outsourced and in-house training. Akankasha Dewan探討企業如何結合外包及內部培訓的獨特優勢。

22 Balancing the bling and the bucks 平衡工作與薪酬 With the spotlight on the rewards team to match both cost and workforce needs, Aditi Sharma Kalra uncovers the compensation outlook for 2015. 隨着焦點落到獎勵團隊能否制定符合成本及人員需求的策略,Aditi Sharma Kalra 發掘2015的薪酬前景。

28 Relocation done right 合適調配


With globalised corporations, Akankasha Dewan analyses how mobility managers can effectively move large volumes of talent. 隨著企業變得全球化,Akankasha Dewan分析人員調配經理如何有效調動大量 人才。

Opinion 32 Learning & Development 學習與發展 As Fuji Xerox Hong Kong celebrates its 50th anniversary, HR director Eliza Ng outlines the engagement efforts which have helped keep staff on board. 適逢富士施樂(香港)有限公司50周年誌慶,人力資源部總監伍雪芬講述其員工參與 計劃如何令員工保持敬業樂業。

ON THE COVER: Art Direction: Evisu Yip; Photography: Emil Tse –; Digital Imaging: Stefanus Elliot Lee –



36 Unconventional Wisdom 不一樣的智慧 Franziska Huggenberger, BASF’s head of regional recruitment for Asia Pacific, shares tips on creating an authentic employer for new recruits. BASF亞太區招聘主管Franziska Huggenberger分享為新聘人員打造真正僱主形 象的心得。




3 4 6 7

Ed’s note 編者的話 In the news 新聞 Suite talk 管理層訪談 Spacial awareness 特別焦點

8 HR by numbers


9 Snapshot 快拍 39 Shelf life 閱讀人生

Any suggestions or tip-offs for Human Resources? Email 對《Human Resources》有任何建議﹖ 請電郵至。

Q1 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong «

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17/4/2015 11:54:35 AM

25 June 2015 | Hotel ICON, Hong Kong


The Asia Recruitment Awards 2015 is the only regional awards programme in Asia dedicated to recognising and celebrating the very best recruitment and talent acquisition work. With a panel of judges comprising senior HR directors from companies like McDonald’s, Dairy Farm, American Express, Vertu and DHL, the awards acknowledge companies from around Asia-Pacific leading the way in talent acquisition strategy and execution, raising recruitment standards and inspiring excellence.

For more details on entry submission, table reservation and sponsorship opportunities, please visit


regional editor senior journalist journalist bilingual sub-editor contributors

regional art director senior designer circulations executive regional directors

Aditi Sharma Kalra Akankasha Dewan Jerene Ang Tracy Chan Eliza Ng Prakash Satagopan Franziska Huggenberger Corinna Cheang Shahrom Kamarulzaman Evisu Yip Deborah Quek Karen Boh Yogesh Chandiramani Jaclyn Chua Naomi Cranswick

regional producers

Darren Beck Sharissa Chan Nikita Erpini Kenneth Neo Jenilyn Rabino

regional head of event services regional finance director group editorial director group managing director

Yeo Wei Qi Evelyn Wong Tony Kelly Justin Randles


Human Resources is published quarterly by Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd. Printed in Hong Kong by Asia One Printing Ltd. Subscription rates are available on request, contact the Circulation Manager by telephone: (65) 6423 0329 or by email to:

The journey begins 旅程開始 The HR function has changed tremendously in the past few years, which have led to its practitioners pretty much re-writing their job descriptions. We, at Human Resources, have been tracking these changes for close to a decade, through our print editions for Singapore and Malaysia, and our daily online HR Bulletin. Today, it is our pleasure to bring to you Human Resources’ print edition exclusively for Hong Kong. This inaugural edition is our passionate endeavour to help you navigate the world of HR. As with everything we do, we promise to deliver content that is relevant, timely, and rewarding for the local HR community. Earlier this year, financial secretary, John C Tsang, presented the Budget, emphasising on sustainability, and the development of home talent. Fittingly, our launch issue addresses how HR and line leaders can skill organisations to leverage the city’s tremendous opportunity for growth. On the cover is Usha Baidya, who heads HR for BT Global Services across AMEA. She tells us about the HR focus on “creating a healthier organisation.” Healthier companies adapt to change better and quicker, she explained. At Lighthouse, everything we do is multimedia - a collective of print, digital and live events to bring you the latest in HR across the region. So in April this year, our signature two-day conference, Talent Management Asia comes to Hong Kong. It has taken a lot of effort and late nights from the team to put together this edition of the magazine, as well as the series of bespoke events coming up throughout this year. But it has been a joy to bring them to life, and we look forward to your feedback. Join us in raising a toast to the Human Resources community, and do enjoy the issue.

人力資源管理過去數年經歷巨變,使其從業員不得不 重新審視自己的工作職務。我們的新加坡及馬來西亞 版《Human Resources》雜誌、以及網上人力資源通 訊,近十年一直追蹤這些轉變。 今天,我們很高興推出專為香港而設的《Human Resources》雜誌。我們盡心打造這本創刊號,務求在 人力資源管理世界中為你導航。 一如以往,我們承諾為本地人力資源管理社區提供 息息相關、及時及實用的內容。 香港財政司長曾俊華較早前公布的財政預算案,強 調企業可持續發展、以及本土人才發展的重要。我們的 創刊號亦同樣強調人力資源及部門領袖如何提升企業 能力,把握香港的巨大發展機遇。 我們的封面故事主角是BT全球服務部AMEA地區 人力資源副總裁Usha Baidya,她表示人力資源管理的 重點在於「建立一個更健康的企業」,因為較健康的企 業能更好更快地適應轉變。 Lighthouse結合出版、網絡及現場活動等多媒 體,為你提供區內最新人力資源管理資訊。因此今年四 月,我們為期兩天的大型會議「亞洲人才管理會議」將 移師香港。 我們的團隊盡心盡力地完成這期雜誌,以及今年 將舉辦的一系列特別活動。我們很享受當中的過程,並 期待你的意見。 讓我們一同慶祝《Human Resources》的誕生, 並請細閱本期雜誌。

Photography: Stefanus Elliot Lee using Nikon D810 –; Makeup & Hair: Michmakeover using Make Up For Ever & hair using Sebastian Professional –


COPYRIGHTS AND REPRINTS. All material printed in Human Resources is protected under the copyright act. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the prior written consent of the publisher and the copyright holder. Permission may be requested through the Singapore office. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in Human Resources are not necessarily the views of the publisher. Singapore: Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd 100C Pasir Panjang Road, #05-01, See Hoy Chan Hub, 118519 Tel: +65 6423 0329 Fax: +65 6423 0117 Hong Kong: Lighthouse Independent Media Ltd 1F Wui Tat Centre, 55 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: 852-2861-1882 Fax: 852-2861-1336

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Aditi Sharma Kalra Regional editor 區域編輯

Q1 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong «

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News from

JAN-MAR HONG KONGERS PREFER MOVING TO US US, SINGAPORE The United States and Singapore are the top two destinations to shift to for residents in Hong Kong. That was one of the key findings from the International Movers Study by UniGroup Relocation, which polled the global moving patterns of its 260,000 customers for a year. While the United States was both the top origin and destination of people moving into and out of China and Hong Kong, Singapore was the top Asian destination for people from Hong Kong. Outside of Asia, UK, Australia and France topped the list of origins and destinations for Hong Kongers, while Western European countries like Germany, Netherlands, and France were more popular for China. However, moves from the US to China dropped by more than 22% since 2013, likely attributed to the political and social environment in Hong Kong, along with the recovery of the US economy. Top destinations to relocate to and from Hong Kong are: United States, Singapore, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, France, The Philippines and Taiwan.

港人首選移民美國、新加坡 美國及新加坡是港人移民的首兩位熱門地點。 這是UniGroup Relocation「國際移民研究」的重點發現之一,該公司過去 一年研究260,000名客戶的全球移民模式。 雖然美國是中國內地及香港人首選的移民目的地,但新加坡是港人移民的首 選亞洲地點。 亞洲以外,英國、澳洲及法國亦是港人移民的熱門國家,而德國、荷蘭及法國 等西歐國家較受中國內地人士歡迎。 然而,從美國移民中國的人數自2013年起下跌超過22%,可能是受到香港的 政治及社會環境、以及美國經濟復甦等因素影響。 港人首選的移民熱點分別是美國、新加坡、英國、加拿大、澳洲、中國、日本、 法國、菲律賓及台灣。


OFFICE LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN MORE STRESSFUL HERE Manpower shortage is putting immense pressure on professionals in Hong Kong, as it is the top trigger of stress, revealed a study by Regus. Canvassing responses of 22,000 professionals in more than 100 countries, 28% of respondents in Hong Kong believed a shortage of staff is the most stressful element of their job, 8% higher than the global average. Scarce manpower was also the top contributor of stress in Singapore (27%), Japan (24%), USA (23%), and Taiwan (22%). Unreliable/obsolete technology (26%), and lack of exercise and unhealthy eating (25%) were the other contributors to the high stress levels of professionals in Hong Kong. Over half of the global workforce (53%) also said they are closer to burning out than they were just five years ago. Many workers believed one way of easing the tension associated with demanding jobs was a break from the main office – at least for some of the time. A majority of global respondents (74%), and 66% of Hong Kong professionals agreed that working from another location was also a good stress reliever.

香港職場壓力創新高 Regus的研究指出,人手短缺令香港在職專業人士承受巨大壓力,成為主要壓力 來源。 研究訪問來自100多個國家的22,000位在職專業人士,當中28%香港受訪者 認為人手短缺是工作的最大壓力來源,較全球平均水平高出8%。 人手短缺亦成為新加坡(27%)、日本(24%)、美國(23%)及台灣(22%)地區的 主要工作壓力來源。 不可靠/過時的技術(26%)、以及缺乏運動及不健康飲食(25%)亦是香港在 職專業人士的壓力來源之一。 超過一半 (53%)的全球在職人士亦表示,他們較五年前承受更大的壓力。 很多僱員認為,舒緩高要求工作壓力的方法之一是離開辦公室,至少離開一 段時間。 大部分全球受訪者(74%)及66%香港在職專業人士認為,在其他地點工作亦 有助舒緩壓力。

» Human Resources Hong Kong » Q1 2015

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Lack of talent for open positions is causing sleepless nights, as the 2015 Glassdoor Recruiting Outlook Survey found this as the top recruiting challenge for hiring managers. Almost one-third (29%) of respondents said they did not see enough candidates when filling a position, while 24% don’t actively use social media to recruit talented candidates. An inability to track factors that influence candidates to apply was also a key challenge identified by a fifth of the respondents. More than half of recruiters said that ‘passive recruiting’ has been less effective in attracting candidates with high qualifications in 2014, especially for large (69%) and mid-size (70%) companies. Another 51% indicated that candidates have grown wary of emails from networking sites and respond at a much lower rate. They also found that candidates respond to recruiter emails and phone calls at a much lower rate. Nearly a third (32%) of hiring decision makers admitted their company’s approach to advertising jobs is among the most outdated elements of their company’s recruitment process.

2015年最大招聘挑戰 Glassdoor招聘展望調查發現,人才缺乏是招聘經理面對的最大挑戰。 近三分一(29%)受訪者表示,他們進行招聘時找不到足夠的合適候選求職 者,而24%人很少使用社交媒體招聘合適人才。 五分一受訪者亦表示,無法追蹤影響求職者求職意欲的因素,亦是一個主 要挑戰。 過半數招聘者表示,「被動式招聘」在2014年難以吸引較高學歷的求職者, 尤其是大型(69%)及中型(70%)企業。 網站的電郵很警惕,回應率較低 另有51%人表示,求職者對來自社交網站的電郵很警惕,回應率較低。 聘人員的電郵及招聘電話的回應率較低。 研究亦發現,求職者對招聘人員的電郵及招聘電話的回應率較低。 %)招聘決策者承認,他們公司的招聘廣告策略是其公司招 近三分一(32%)招聘決策者承認,他們公司的招聘廣告策略是其公司招聘過 最不合時宜的元素之一。 程中最不合時宜的元素之一。

HALF OF HONG KONG BOSSES NOT READY FOR GEN Z Employers in Hong Kong need to rework their human capital strategies if they wish to integrate younger employees in their workforce. According to Randstad’s new survey, only 50% of staff in Hong Kong believe their bosses are prepared to meet the demands of Generation Z employees. This was a concern, as the next generation of workers – aged between 14 to 19 years – dominate social commentary in Hong Kong. The generation typically looks for rapid advancement opportunities, while 75% of existing staff expect them to demand a better work-life balance. To successfully integrate them, employers need to understand them better while balancing their needs with that of other generations. Two-thirds of current employees in Hong Kong acknowledged that Gen Zs are technology savvy and will be essential in driving innovation, but less than half (47%) stated they can learn a lot from Gen Zs on the use of technology. This percentage was far behind their regional counterparts in India (86%), China (75%), Malaysia (74%), Singapore (68%), New Zealand (63%) and Australia (62%).

過半香港僱主未準備好迎接Z世代 有意招聘年輕僱員的香港僱主要重新調整其人力資源管理策略。 根據Randstad的最新調查顯示,只有50%香港僱員認為他們的僱主作好回 應Z世代僱員需求的準備。 14至19歲的僱員成為香港社會熱門話題,引起關注。 新世代僱員一般期望快速的升遷機會,75%在職僱員要求工作與生活的更 好平衡。 要成功令這類僱員融入企業,僱主須更好地了解他們,並且在他們與其他世 代僱員的需求之間取得平衡。 三分二香港在職僱員承認Z世代精通科技,對推動創新至關重要,但只有不 到一半 (47%)人士指他們可從Z世代員工身上學習使用科技。 這比例遠低於印度(86%)、中國(75%)、馬來西亞(74%)、新加坡(68%)、紐西 蘭(63%)及澳洲(62%)等區內地區。

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Ken Lee MD for Hong Kong & Macau, and executive VP of commercial, Asia Pacific DHL Express 李植興 亞太區商業高級副總裁暨香港及澳門董 事總經理 DHL Express

You’ve been with DHL Express for almost 18 years, how has the company changed since? For 18 years, our guiding principles have been respect and results. We treat everybody with the utmost respect, without compromising attainment of the highest standard of results.

people to manage. They soon sent me to Hong Kong, which is one of our three global hubs.

你服務DHL Express近18年,公司期間有甚麼轉變? 這18年間,我們一直秉承尊重及追求結果的理念,我們 給予每一個人最大的尊重,同時實現最高標準的結果。

Since you like working with people, how would you define your leadership style? I am pretty situational in my leadership. For instance, situations with tight deadlines need me to be more directive. I also believe in showing the world coherence. When we close doors for management meetings, everybody speaks up. But when we walk out of it, whether it is my idea or someone else’s idea that we accepted, we only go for that one idea. We respect teamwork.

你如何從一位業務經理晉升為董事總經理? 在我求學及服務National Service時,我發現自己喜歡 與人打交道,因此我決定加入DHL,業務經理的角色要 跟外面的顧客及內部的員工打交道。 大約一年後,公司委派我負責新加坡樞紐中心的運 作,令我最興奮的是我要管理百多人的團隊。很快他們 便將我調到香港,是我們全球三大樞紐中心之一。 既然你喜歡與人打交道,你如何形容自己的領導風格? 我的管理方式會因應環境而靈活應變,例如處理緊急 情況,我需要較命令式。

DHL has received a lot of recognition under your leadership. What’s your advice here? Awards may be given by external bodies, but they are won by your people. With DHL being in the service industry, our product is our delivery service. Once in a blue moon, we may have uncontrollable factors such as bad weather delaying a plane. In such cases, it comes down to the attitude with which you manage your customers and explain the situation to them. I can’t follow every courier around the country and see how they serve the customers. So it’s important they feel motivated before they step out.

我亦認為要保持一致,我們閉門進行管理會議時, 每一個人都可以發表意見;但走出會議室後,不論我們 通過的是我還是其他人的意見,我們都只會實行這個意 見,我們尊重團隊合作精神。 DHL在你的領導下獲得很多認可,你有何建議? 獎項是由外界給予的,但這全靠你的員工。DHL是服務 行業,速遞服務就是我們的產品。有時我們可能會遇 到無法控制的事情,例如惡劣天氣導致航班延誤,在 這種情況下,一切取決於我們應對顧客的態度及如何 說明情況。 我無法跟在全國每一位快遞員背後看他們如何 服務顧客,因此最重要是他們面對顧客時要保持良好 心態。

Having joined as a business manager, how did you progress to become managing director? Throughout my school days and my time in the National Service, I realised that I enjoy working with people. So when I decided to join DHL, my role of a business manager was a hybrid of dealing with customers externally and people internally. When about a year later, the company asked me to run the Singapore hub, what excited me most was that I would have close to a hundred-plus

How do you keep them motivated every time? We have programmes such as employee of the year and employee of the month. But we also have regular appreciation weeks to recognise effort, and express our gratitude towards every staff at DHL. Our appreciation week involves things such as a buffet spread, with the senior managers putting on aprons and serving our people.

如何令他們每次面對顧客時都保持良好心態? 我們有不同的獎勵制度,例如年度最佳員工及月度最 佳員工,我們亦有定期的感謝周,來表揚每一位DHL員 工的努力,以及表達我們對他們的感謝。我們感謝周的 活動包括舉行自助餐,高級管理層會穿上圍裙服務我 們的員工。 任職DHL期間,你最喜歡的工作是甚麼?

In your tenure with DHL, what have you en enjoyed most about your job? My answer is still, the people. If one day you wake up and you dread going to work, I think it would be tim time that you changed your job. More often than not not, when you stop enjoying the company, it has got more to do with the people than the success of the company. Money is one factor, but if so, you can always finnd a job that can pay you more.

我的答案仍然是人。如果有一天你醒來,對上班感到害 怕,那麼你是時候轉工。當你不再享受在一家公司工作, 最大的原因往往是因為人而非公司。 金錢是一個因素,如果是因為錢的原因,你總能找 到一份人工更高的工作。 你如何看待人力資源部門? 人力資源部門是支持企業的重要部門,因為要了解企 業及其需求,才可為員工提供支持。然而,我不認為提 高員工士氣的責任在於人力資源部門,這是每一個人 的責任。

Wh is your view of HR as a business What fun function? HR has to be in the business to support the bu business. Because only when you understand the bu business and know its needs can you support the pe people. However, I don’t believe that motivating pe people is HR’s function, it is everybody’s function. While HR can help to administer processes, it is each specific function we have to look at in ter terms of addressing any concerns or areas of im improvements.

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人力資源部門可以幫助管理流程,但處理任何問題 及進行改進方面,我們要依靠每個部門。

20/4/2015 12:50:52 PM


People 人物 WORK LIFE

SpacialAwareness LINKING THE OFFICE TO SUCCESS 為辦公室連接成功

LinkedIn’s Hong Kong office is “the collective personality of everyone who works here”, says Hari Krishnan, LinkedIn’s managing director of APAC and Japan. Its office space in the vibrant Hysan Place in Causeway Bay aims to connect the creativity of its employees through great design. “Spanning over 10,000 square feet, the office was created for our employees, who provided input into the design, particularly when it came to infusing ‘local flavours’ such as the naming of meeting rooms – Wan Chai, for example,” he said, adding Chinese motifs were used in the design of the common areas such as the pantry, based on employee suggestions. With the company’s core value of “relationships matter,” the office space was carefully constructed to embody the five cultural tenets of transformation, integrity, collaboration, humour, and results. “Besides featuring an open concept floor, the space has various activity areas, including a snooker table, ping pong table and an urban farm,” he said. “While using these spaces when taking a break from their work schedules, our people also use these areas to get to know one another better.” After all, he added, great work spaces help promote culture. “Our spacious common area is a place for staff to relax or collaborate, and is often where new ideas are born from casual conversations.” However, he’s quick to add that although the office design does help improve productivity, that’s not the main reason behind the layout. “It’s not just about productivity. We encourage our employees to think big, whether it’s about their professional careers or a solution to add value for our members and clients.” For other companies looking to resdesign their working space, he suggests thinking about how you can create an inherently local feel “that reflects a global theme” – making the space relevant to the country the employees work in. “Just as importantly, listen to your employees’ suggestions so you can create an environment that reflects their needs – this will enhance the sense of ownership and belonging in your team.”

LinkedIn亞太及日本區董事總經理Hari Krishnan表示,LinkedIn的香港辦公室 「結合了所有員工的集體個性」。 LinkedIn的香港辦公室位於繁華的銅鑼灣希慎廣場,旨在透過出色的設計 結合員工的創意。 他說﹕「佔地超過10,000平方呎,辦公室是為員工而設,當中採用他們提供 的意見,特別是加入一些『本地元素』,例如將會議室命名為『灣仔』。」他補充 指,茶水間及廚房等公共空間的設計亦根據員工的建議加上中國圖案。 秉承該公司「關係最重要」的核心價值,辦公室的佈局經過精心設計,體現轉 型、誠信、合作、幽默及結果五大文化信念。 「除了採用開放空間的概念,辦公室亦設有不同的活動區,包括一張桌球 檯、一張乒乓球檯及一個城市農場。」他說﹕「除了在工作期間用作休息用途,這 些空間亦是我們員工互相加深認識的地方。」 他補充說,最重要的是好的工作環境有助促進文化。 「寬敞的公共空間是員工放鬆身心及交流的地方,而新的想法亦往往在閒 談中湧現。」 然而他很快補充指,雖然辦公室的設計有助提升效率,但這不是設計背後的 主要原因。 「不只是為了效率,我們亦鼓勵員工發揮創意,無論是對自己的職業生涯,還 是為我們的會員及客戶增值的解決方案。」 對於其他正考慮重新設計其工作空間的公司,他建議他們考慮如何建立一種 能「反映全球主題」的本地感覺,令空間更配合員工工作的國家。 「聆聽員工的意見同樣重要,這樣就能打造一個迎合他們需求的環境,有助 加強他們對你團隊的擁有感及歸屬感。」

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WORK LIFE » HR by numbers 人力資源統計數字

Working up long hours Long working hours are the number one cause for dissatisfaction among Hong Kong’s workforce, in a new survey. Additional reasons include “low income or slow salary increment” (28%) and “high levels of stress at work” (21%). Three out of four respondents said they work overtime every week, resulting in an average working week of 47 hours. Per the study, that is 18% more than the standard in advanced economies, “where 40 working hours or less per week is a fairly well-established norm.”


of Hong Kong employees say “long working hours” is the biggest cause of dissatisfaction.


hours is the average working week in Hong Kong, 18% more than the international standard.


一項新調查顯示,「工作時間長」是香港打工人士對工作的最 大不滿。 其他原因包括「收入低或增薪緩慢」(28%)、以及「工作壓 力大」(21%)。 四分三受訪者表示,他們每周都要加班,每周平均工作時 數達47小時。 根據研究顯示,這相比發達經濟體的標準工時高出18%, 這些經濟體「每週工作40小時或以下是一個相當普遍的 標準」。






out of 10 is the overall rating by local employees on the state of their work-life balance.


本地僱員對工作與生活平衡 整體評分(以10分為滿分)。

Source: MassMutual Asia


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People 人物 WORK LIFE


15 minutes with ... 與...的15分鐘訪談

Wolfgang Lirk

Director of HR for Asia Pacific Waters China WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST HR JOB? I already had my first HR job in my time at university. During semester breaks I worked as an intern for an international chemical company, and my job was to recruit graduates. It was a great experience, with the chance to interact with hiring managers and candidates across Europe. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE HR AS A PROFESSION? In my second internship, I worked for a fascinating HR director, who has been my mentor for many years and has become a close friend. He had a major impact on developing my passion for human resources. Besides, I like the variety of challenges you face in HR, and that you can operate in an intriguing environment, with a mixture of business and personnel issues. WHAT PART OF HR DO YOU ENJOY MOST? Talent management. I believe that an effective talent management process is crucial for the success of any organisation. Especially in Asia where the talent shortage will continue for the next five to 10 years, building the competency base and talent pipeline will be crucial.

HOW CAN HR ENABLE ITS OWN PROGRESS TOWARDS THIS? HR needs to use a more data-based approach to its processes such as recruiting and talent management, to better demonstrate the benefit it can bring. Also, understanding the business and establishing a trustful relationship with senior management is key to acting as a strategic partner for decision makers. WHAT IS THE BEST CAREER ADVICE YOU HAVE RECEIVED? It may sound simple, but it has served me well throughout my career as well as private life: Be open and tolerant, always willing to learn new things and enjoy what you are doing, and don’t take yourself as too important. CAN YOU DESCRIBE A REGULAR WORKDAY FOR YOU? I normally browse through my emails before breakfast to check if any emergencies happened overnight (which do occur occasionally when you work in a global firm). Once at work, I’ll prioritise my tasks for the day, and then get on the phone or into meetings. I spend 70% to 80% of my day with my HR team as well as my peers in the management team to coach them through HR issues and projects. Towards the end of the day, I try to clear out my emails. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? Every day and every situation is different. In addition, the variety and complexity of the work and business environments across Asia, as well as the cultural diversity, makes HR a very exciting field to be in.

HOW DO YOU THINK HR WILL EVOLVE IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS? In many organisations in Asia, HR is still undervalued and has to go through a transformation. The understanding of the value HR can create for the business needs to be developed with local leaders, but Asia is progressing very fast in this.

YOU’VE WORKED ACROSS ASIA WITH A FOCUS ON CHINA. WHAT MAKES THE HR ROLE UNIQUE TO THE REGION? That would be the unique opportunity for HR in this part of the world to really develop into a key driver and to make a difference when building organisations and businesses. You can hardly find that anymore in other regions.

Wolfgang Lirk








此外,了解業務、以及與高級管理層建立互信關係是作為決策者策略合作夥 我讀大學時已開始第一份人力資源管理工作。我放假時曾在一家國際化工公司當 實習生,負責招聘畢業生,有機會與歐洲各地的招聘經理及求職者接觸,是一個



聽起來很簡單,但令我整個職業生涯以及個人生活受益匪淺:保持開放態度及寬 容,不斷學習新事物,享受現時所做的事,不要自視過高。

為甚麼選擇人力資源管理作為職業? 在我第二份實習工作期間,我跟隨一位出色的人力資源總監,他是我多年的導師,




此外,我喜歡面對人力資源管理的種種挑戰,並在一個結合業務與人事問題 的有趣環境工作。

會發生)。上班後,我會計劃及編排當日的工作流程,然後通電話或開會。 我每天花七至八成時間與我的人力資源管理團隊以及同級別的管理層討論 人事問題及項目,並嘗試在下班前清理我的電郵。

你最喜歡的人力資源管理工作是甚麼? 人才管理。我認為一個有效的人才管理流程是任何企業成功的重要元素,尤其在












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WHITE PAPER » Leadership 領導才能


Hong Kong – Staff in Hong Kong had a good working year in 2014, with most enjoying higher salaries and working fewer hours. A new set of statistics released by the city’s Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) showed that in May – June 2014, Hong Kong employees earned a median monthly wage of HK$14,800, a 5.3% increase from the same period in 2013. This increase was seen across all industries, age groups and genders. Professionals from the manufacturing industry saw the highest wage increase of 7.5% and employees between 15-24 years old received the biggest amount of pay rise (7.1%). “In May – June 2014, the 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentile monthly wages of Hong Kong employees were $8,000, $10,500, $23,000 and $37,600 respectively,” the report stated. “They were 4.1%, 5.0%, 4.1% and 3.9% higher than the corresponding figures in May – June 2013 respectively.” Men in the city saw a 4.6% increase in monthly wages (from $15,800 to $16,500) whereas women saw a 4.5% rise (from $12,200 to $12,700). The median weekly working hours for both men and women, however, decreased. Standing at 45.9 hours, male professionals’ median weekly hours decreased by 4.3% compared to 2013. On the other hand, women’s median weekly hours were 43.4 hours in 2014, 2.1% lesser than the previous year.

Monthly wages of Hong Kong employees in 2014 香港僱員2014年月薪 Male 男性

HK$ 16,500 (+4.6%)


Female 女性

HK$ 12,700 (+4.5%)


Source: Hong Kong’s Census and Statistics Department 來源:香港政府統計處 香港 —— 2014年對香港僱員來說是愉快的一年,大部分人享有更高的薪酬,而工 時減短。 香港政府統計處公布的最新統計數據顯示,香港僱員於2014年5至6月期間的月 薪中位數為14,800港元,較2013年同期上升5.3%。 這個增幅見於各行業、年齡層及性別。 製造業專業人員的薪酬升幅最高,達7.5%,而15至24歲的僱員加薪幅度最大 (7.1%)。 該報告指:「2014年5至6月期間,香港僱員月薪第10個、第25個、第75個及第 90個百分位數分別為$8,000、$10,500、$23,000及$37,600。」 「分別較2013年5至6月期間的相應數字高4.1%、5.0%、4.1%及3.9%。」 香港男士的月薪升幅為4.6%(從$15,800升至$16,500),而女士的月薪升幅為 4.5% (從$12,200升至$12,700)。 然而,男女僱員的平均每週工作時數下跌。 男性專業人員的平均每週工作時數為45.9小時,較2013年減少4.3%。 另一方面,女性專業人員的平均每週工作時數為43.4小時,較前一年減少2.1%。

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Leadership 領導才能 « WHITE PAPER

95% OF COMPANIES DON’T THINK THEIR HR PERFORMANCE IS UP TO PAR 95%企業認為其人力資源部門表現未達標 Global – Lacking the right capabilities to meet business needs, the HR function today is in need of massive reskilling. Deloitte’s third annual Global Human Capital Trends report found that HR’s performance as a function has shown no signs of improvement since 2014. Of the 3,300 HR and business leaders in 106 countries polled, only 5% rated their organisation’s HR function as “excellent” – the same percentage as last year. Additionally, just 30% of business leaders believed HR has a reputation for sound business decisions, while only 28% felt that HR is highly efficient. Slightly more than a fifth (22%) of respondents acknowledged HR is adapting to the changing needs of their workforce. Similarly, 20% felt that HR can adequately plan for the company’s future talent needs. “To put it bluntly, HR is not keeping up with the pace of change in business,” the report stated. The capability gap of HR leaders in Asia was found to be -30. Within Southeast Asia, that gap increased to -38. When it came to accountability for providing innovative solutions and programmes, only 10% of HR and business leaders thought that their organisation’s HR was excellent. While 12% felt their organisation was excellent in “preparing HR staff to deliver programmes aligned with business needs,” only 11% thought it was excellent at “providing HR staff with appropriate training and experiences.” “Perhaps because of these dim views of HR’s performance, we found an increasing trend of CEOs bringing in non-HR professionals to fill the role of CHRO,” the report stated. Indeed, it was found that two in every five (40%) CHROs today are from other parts of the business. The biggest challenge facing the HR function currently was engaging employees, listed by 87% of HR and business leaders, an increase from 79% in 2014. More than half (60%) of respondents admitted to not having adequate programmes to measure and improve engagement, indicative of a “lack of preparedness for addressing the issue”. The report also suggested ways in which companies can tweak their HR functions to make up for the current shortfalls. One of these suggestions was to design HR to “deliver solutions”, not just on the administrative side, but also ones which are able to resolve “critical business issues”. Another way was to embed HR specialists into the business, instead of locating them in central teams.

Respondents’ views of HR’s capabilities in providing innovative solutions 受訪者對人力資源部門提供創新解決方案能力的意見 1% 10%

Excellent 優秀 46%


Adequate 滿意 Weak 弱 N/A 不適用

Source: Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends 2015: Leading in the New World of Work 來源: 德勤會計師事務所「全球人力資本趨勢2015: 帶領新時代的工作」 全球 —— 由於缺乏合適的能力以滿足業務需求,現時的人力資源部門需進行大量 再培訓。 德勤會計師事務所第三份年度全球人力資本趨勢報告發現,人力資源部門的表 現自2014年起沒有提升的跡象。 報告訪問了106個國家的3,300位人力資源及商界領袖,只有5%人認為其公司的 人力資源部門表現「優秀」,與去年的比例相同。 此外,僅30%商界領袖認為人力資源部門能夠作出良好的商業決策,僅28%人認 為人力資源部門的工作效率高。 稍為超過五分一(22%)的受訪者認為人力資源部門正在適應員工不斷改變的需 求;同樣地,20%人認為人力資源部門能為公司的未來人才需求制定合適的計劃。 該報告表示:「說穿了,就是人力資源部門沒有跟上業務轉變的步伐。」 人力資源領袖在亞洲的能力差距為-30,在東南亞,差距擴大至-38。 至於提供創新解決方案及計劃的能力方面,僅10%人力資源及商界領袖認為其 公司的人力資源部門的表現優秀。 而12%人認為其公司在「培訓人力資源人員來提供符合業務需求的方案」方面 表現出色,僅11%認為其公司在「為人力資源人員提供適當的培訓及經驗」方面表 現優秀。 該報告表示:「或許是由於看淡人力資源部門的表現,我們發現愈來愈多行政總 裁聘請非人力資源專業的人士擔任人力資源總裁。」 事實上,該調查發現現時五分二(40%) 人力資源總裁是來自其他業務部門。 87%人力資源及商界領袖認為,人力資源部門目前面對的最大挑戰是聯繫員工, 較2014年上升79%。 過半數(60%)受訪者承認,缺乏合適的程序來衡量及提升聯繫,表明「缺乏解決 這個問題的準備」。 該報告亦建議,企業可調整其人力資源部門,以彌補目前的不足。 建議之一是由人力資源部門「提供解決方案」,不只在行政方面,而是能夠解決 「重要業務問題」。 另一個方法是將人力資源專家納入業務部門之中,而非安排他們在中央團隊。

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PROFILE » Usha Baidya

Usha Baidya

HR VP for Asia, Middle East & Africa BT Global Services 亞洲、中東和非洲地區人力資源副總裁 英國電訊全球服務部

The art of connecting 聯繫的藝術


Q You stepped into your new role in November last year. What are some things high on your agenda for 2015? There are a few things both from a BT Global Services (BT) perspective and an HR perspective in creating a healthier organisation. We’ve done a lot of research on how healthier companies adapt to change better and quicker, and we’re focusing on strengthening our leadership capabilities. The big ticket items for me are around engagement, leadership and our overall investment in our senior leaders. My focus is really on creating more energy around the business.

Art Direction: Evisu Yip; Photography: Emil Tse –; Digital Imaging: Stefanus Elliot Lee –

Q Having just moved to Hong Kong, have you noticed differences about working in BT here versus the UK? I thought I’d notice more of a difference, but I must say that moving from one country to another, the culture within BT is quite similar. The transition hasn’t been a challenge in that respect – the same passion and energy is very visible in the Hong Kong office. One difference is that it’s even more of a cultural melting pot, but the culture is still quite similar in the business. I think it’s quite positive that the transition hasn’t been such a challenge. There’s something that links us all together.

Q Within BT, I understand HR has a big focus on technology. What sort of advances has BT seen in recent years? We are investing in HR technology. This year we will launch a new HR home, a

VITAL STATS Usha Baidya is responsible for managing human resources for BT Global Services across the AMEA region. She has been with BT for seven years and shifted to Hong Kong in November 2014 in her first role outside the UK with the business. She has had 15 years of experience in HR. Usha Baidya負責 處理英國電訊全球 服務部在亞洲、中 東及非洲地區的人 力資源業務,她效 力英國電訊七年, 並於2014年11月 調任香港,是她首 次出任英國以外地 區的職務。她擁有 15年人力資源管理 經驗。

global portal for all our systems, processes and policies in one place. We’re making it easier for the business to do business with HR, and setting ourselves up with a structure that allows us to achieve business growth. If I link it back to creating a healthier vibe – improving efficiency by bringing our experts together – one of the things we are looking at is our HR operating model and making sure that all our employees have clear and instant access to HR shared services across the globe. This frees up our strategic HR business partners to partner with the business.

Q How will this rollout change how BT manages and shares information? Years ago, often it would be that line managers would have to go through HR to get information. So it’s really exciting to think that performance data, recruitment data or annual leave data will all be in one portal to access directly. Technology is enabling us to work differently. We launched it in the UK in December and will launch in AMEA and the US later this year. It’s a huge investment, and it makes us very clear about our role, and the ability of line managers to access information at their fingertips.

Q What are some of the difficulties in rolling out something this big? The engagement with the business and HR community. One of the things we’re known for as a function is our change

問 你在去年十一月接任新角色,2015年有甚 麼重要計劃﹖ 我們會從英國電訊全球服務部的角度及人力 資源的角度來建立一個更健康的企業。我們很 多的研究證明,較健康的企業能更好更快地適 應轉變,我們亦會著重加強我們的領導能力。 我想我最主要的工作是圍繞聯繫、領導能力、 以及我們對高級管理層的整體投資,專注於提 升企業的活力。 問 剛調至香港,在這裡工作跟在英國有甚麼 不同﹖ 我原以為會有很大的差別,但即使是從一個地 方調到另一個地方,英國電訊集團的內部文化 仍頗為相似。適應並不是一個問題,香港辦事 處擁有一樣的熱情及活力,唯一的分別是香港 是一個文化大熔爐,但業務文化頗為相似,當 中有些東西將我們連在一起。 問 我知道英國電訊集團的人力資源部門非常 重視科技,集團近年有甚麼發展﹖ 我們正投資在人力資源技術方面,今年將推出 新的人力資源平台,是一個集我們所有系統、 流程及政策於一身的全球網站,務求令業務部 門與人力資源部門的合作變得更容易,並建立 一套架構幫助我們達成業務增長。 至於建立更健康的環境、團結我們的專 家以提升效率方面,人力資源運作模式會是我 們的重點之一,並要確保所有員工都能夠簡 單直接獲取全球人力資源共享服務,亦給予 策略人力資源業務合作夥伴更多空間與業務 部門合作。 問 這項轉變對英國電訊集團管理及分享資訊 將會有何影響﹖ 很多年前,部門經理往往需要通過人力資源部 門來獲取資訊。現時能夠通過一個平台直接

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PROFILE » Usha Baidya 獲取業績、招聘或年假數據,真的令人相當振 奮,科技改變了我們的工作方式。 我們於十二月在英國推出平台,並計劃於 今年稍後推行至AMEA地區及美國,這是一項 重大投資,亦令我們的部門角色更清晰,以及 讓部門經理更輕易獲取訊息。 問 推出這樣龐大的計劃有甚麼挑戰﹖ 我認為在於跟業務部門及人力資源社區的合 作。我們這個部門以變革管理能力見稱,並確 保與業務部門不斷保持聯繫,在獲取訊息方 面,英國的初步反應正面,而我們的變革溝通 在當中起了作用。 問 要管理這樣一支龐大而多元化的員工隊 伍,你如何確保每一個人都同步﹖ 我們要確保每一個人都明白這個策略,我們在 能夠鼓勵及培養團隊的管理層身上進行投資, 這樣他們便能清晰地傳達英國電訊集團的目 標及策略,然後在他們的團隊中付諸實行。 我未來數月的著眼點在於確保我們的管 理層能夠培訓及發展員工才能。 我們又於2015年一月成立英國電訊集團 學院,不但讓員工有清晰的自我發展及職業 路向,亦讓員工互相合作,接觸自己領域的專 家或甚至公司內部其他專業人士,未來的發 展令人期待。

management capabilities and making sure we engage the business continually. The initial feedback from the UK has been positive in terms of access to information, and our change communication has helped on this journey.

and diverse workforce, how do you ensure everyone is on the same page? One of the things we focus on is making sure everyone understands the strategy. We’ve invested in leaders who are able to inspire and develop teams. We’ve found that if we invest in them, they are able to articulate BT’s purpose and strategy. They can then roll that out within their teams. The focus for me over the next few months will be making sure our leaders are able to coach and develop individuals. We’ve also launched the BT Academy in January 2015. Having this to give people clarity around not only selfdevelopment and career pathways, but also collaboration, enables them to access experts within their field or even another profession in the organisation. So, there’s some exciting stuff happening.

tools, programmes and communities to help us learn, share, and collaborate. It’s around continuously allowing people to develop their skills and careers as well as connecting the community together. Everyone in BT will be a member of one of 28 professions (that is, a group of people with similar professional skills, experience, and capabilities) and will not be bound by a business unit; it is a global rollout. These 28 professions are grouped around four faculties – customer, technical, business and leadership. It’s an opportunity for individuals to share information. So, if you were in a particular profession, you should be able to get access to an expert. It’s also an exciting way to allow individuals to either map out a career pathway and have informative conversations with line managers for clarity around the capabilities they may need for their next role, or expand knowledge in their current role. We hope this becomes a part of our DNA where people understand we’re encouraging them to not only learn on the job, but also think about their future aspirations.

Q Tell us more about the BT Academy.

Q How does BT’s investment in senior


It is our new approach to learning, to deliver programmes to connect more than 80,000 employees. It’s a combination of

leaders tie into this? We’ve always invested in our senior managers and we’ve extended this


Q When you’re managing such a large

問 可以說多一點關於英國電訊集團學院嗎﹖ 那是我們的嶄新學習途徑,為超過80,000位 員工提供課程,是工具、課程及社區的結合, 幫助我們學習、分享及合作,讓員工持續發展 個人技能及職業生涯,並保持社區聯繫。 英國電訊集團的每位員工會分為28個專 業範疇(每個專業範疇的成員擁有類似的專業 技能、經驗及能力),並且不受業務部門所限。 這是一項全球項目,這28個專業範疇分為客 戶、技術、商業及管理四個學院。 這是員工分享訊息的機會,如果你屬於 某一個專業範疇,你可以直接與專家接觸。 這種方式亦讓員工能夠規劃職業生涯,以及 與部門經理進行實際對話,了解晉升至另一 角色所需具備的能力,或拓展其現有角色的 知識層面。 我們希望這成為我們企業的基因,讓員工 明白我們不但鼓勵他們寓工作於學習,同時亦 考慮到他們的未來發展。 問 英國電訊集團對高級管理層的投資如何配 合這個發展﹖ 我們一向重視對高級管理層的投資,並拓展至 名為領袖挑戰計劃的項目,這只是其中一個專 為高級管理層而設的計劃。我們又為高級管理 層推出先鋒計劃,以及為中級管理層準備具挑 戰性的領袖課程。 過去18個月,管理層經過一至四天的課

及健康的承諾。我們的一些研究發現,健康的 企業較不健康的企業表現更佳。因此,要提

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Usha Baidya « PROFILE 升業績,我們經已從管理層方面著手加強企 業的健康。 問 你如何追蹤進度及衡量英國電訊集團未來 的「健康」﹖ 在我們的員工調查中,我們會詢問學習及發展 相關的問題,藉此了解分享或接收知識所帶來 的發展好處及機遇。隨着員工愈來愈習慣使用 平台,我們應可在未來兩三個季度對這些新措 施進行評估。一切在於聯繫的藝術,超越他們 自身的角色及身處的地域。 所有人都希望自己的問題可以得到即時的 答案或迅速的回應。我們愈多使用學院平台, 愈能看到這些豐富數據及資訊所帶來的成效。 使用愈多,平台上的知識亦隨之增加,這本身 是一種有價值的投資。 問 這將會植根於英國電訊集團的文化,你會 如何形容現時的企業文化﹖ 這個問題問得很合時,我剛踏進這個地區,一 直在思考文化的問題。公司的文化在於創新、

investment with something called the leadership challenge programme. It’s just one of the programmes targeted at senior leaders. We also launched a pioneers programme for first-line leaders, and a challenging leadership in action for our middle managers as well. Over the last 18 months, leaders have been going through this programme for between one to four days, and it’s an investment in terms of the expectation of leaders within the organisation. The reason we’ve focused on leadership is our commitment around performance and health. We did some research which found that healthy companies perform better than unhealthy companies, and so to improve our performance we’ve invested in the health of our organisation from a leadership perspective.


Q How will you track the progress


and measure the “healthiness” of BT moving forward? In our employee survey, we ask questions around learning and development, and so we see the benefits of development and the opportunities that are out there for sharing or receiving knowledge. We should be able to measure these new initiatives in the next two or three quarters as people get more familiar with using the portals. It’s about the art of connecting, beyond the role they’re in or the country they’re in. Everyone wants access to instant answers or a quick response to a question. People want those answers instantly, and the more we use the academy the more we’ll see the effect of this richness of data and information. The more we use it, the more we’ll see the knowledge in that portal will grow, and that itself will be a valuable investment.

要提升公司的健康及業績,唯一的方法是 提供一個可以發揮員工所長的工作環境,因此 我們要保持透明度,確保每位員工了解自己的 角色,以及他們如何在目標及策略層面為公司 作出貢獻,從而營造更健康的企業。 然後是對管理層的投資,我們樂意跟鼓 勵及培養團隊、以及營造出每個人都有機會成 功的環境的管理層合作,英國電訊集團學院的 成立是邁向這個發展方向的一步。 問 多元化及包容對英國電訊集團文化有何 重要﹖ 我認為這是我們一定會堅持的,亦正好解釋 我的角色。 我現時是英國電訊集團AMEA地區管理 團隊中四位女性之一,因此我認為這對於我們 的工作相當重要。對我們來說這是最佳做法, 而英國電訊集團是十大多元化私人企業之一, 因此這絕對是我們全心全意堅持的信念。 問 你從事人力資源15年,你如何看待人力資 源的演變﹖ 人力資源現時是業務管理層的真正盟友,回想

Q And it will become ingrained in BT’s


culture. How would you describe the corporate culture today? It’s probably quite a timely question given that I’ve been quite reflective on culture having just entered this region. The culture is about innovation, it’s about collaboration and it’s about learning, and this is all underpinned by our values. BT’s values are something which we hold strong. When we think about what we need to do in terms of focusing on company health as well as performance, the only way we can do that is working in an environment that brings out the best

據,我認為現時企業及行政總裁都需要人力資 源與他們合作。 能夠做到這一點,是因為我們經已從實際 的角度提升我們的技能。我們與業務管理層真 誠合作,而且在管理團隊中扮演重要的角色, 我認為這是我們在定位上的最大轉變。 問 這是過去五年的主要發展﹖ 是的,我認為行政總裁從那時開始意識到,要 維持及壯大業務發展,必須定立清晰的人才 策略,以及確立文化定位,這對他們營運業務 是不可或缺的,亦是人力資源實際專業知識 的轉變。

in our people. That’s why my focus on creating a healthier organisation is around giving clarity and ensuring each individual knows the role they play and what they’re delivering for BT – from a purpose and a strategy perspective. Then there’s also the culture around investing in our leaders, and I think it’s great to be able to work with leaders who inspire and develop a team, and who create an environment where everyone is given the opportunity to succeed. The launch of the BT Academy is a step in that direction.

Q How much do diversity and inclusion practices play a part in BT’s culture? I think it’s something that we definitely embrace, and it’s exemplified by my role as well. I’m now one of four women who sit on the regional management team within BT in AMEA, so I think in terms of the way that we operate it’s something we live and breathe. It is a best practice for us, and BT is ranked one of the top 10 private organisations in terms of diversity, so it’s definitely something we wholeheartedly embrace.

Q You’ve been working in HR for 15 years. How have you seen HR evolve? HR is now true allies of the leaders of the business. If I think about what I was probably doing 15 years ago which was probably providing data, but not manipulating or exploiting it – I think there’s a demand now from the business and from CEOs for HR to partner with them. To be able to do that we’ve seen a shift in the way we’ve upskilled from a functional perspective. We truly ally with the leaders of the business and we have a critical role to play in a management team, and I think that’s the biggest change from a positioning perspective.

Q That’s mostly really happened in the past five years or so. Yes, and I think in that time CEOs have recognised that to maintain and grow and develop the business, you need to be able to define your talent strategy and set the tone from a cultural perspective. It’s something that’s integral to running their part of the business and that’s been the shift in terms of functional expertise of HR. Q1 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 15

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FEATURE » Corporate Training 企業培訓

How can HR leaders use the best ingredients of both outsourced and in-house training to ensure the learning lasts a lifetime? Akankasha Dewan finds out.

人力資源管理層如何結合外包及公司內部的培訓, 來確保終身學習﹖Akankasha Dewan報導。

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Corporate Training 企業培訓 « FEATURE onducting training in-house or outsourcing it is no longer an either/or decision. HR professionals have long searched for creative solutions for the best training strategies for their staff, and more often than not, many find an integrated approach works best. Why? Because it gets the blend just right. In fact, the 2014 Kelly Global Workforce Index found a blend of training – comprising employer-provided training (48%), mentoring (39%) and outsourced training (23%) – are the most popular in Singapore in terms of career development. “This is not an either/or question,” says Amy Kong, regional director of learning and people development at MSLGROUP Asia. “What we should look at is the desired outcome based on training needs analysis and discussions with the business leader, then look at whether the best source or training or content can be found internally or externally, or both. “Our people – and our training programmes that help them to thrive – cannot be complacent and must transform alongside the business in order for us to succeed.” Indeed, today’s hybrid trainings ensure the unique challenges that arise as budgets tighten and demands increase can be overcome – but they must be adopted while keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each type of training in line with your own learning philosophy. “Employees have to approach their jobs and careers with the perspective that learning, informal or formal, is a continual ongoing endeavour,” Kong says. “Companies can facilitate that by designing training and other development initiatives to encourage that mindset. “It is about lifetime employability and not lifetime employment.”

行內部培訓或聘請外包公司提供培訓已不再是 二選其一,人力資源專業人員一直尋找具創意 的方式,為員工制定最佳的培訓策略,而綜合方式往往 是最好的方法。 為甚麼﹖因為兩者結合恰到好處。 事實上,2014 Kelly全球勞動力指數發現,僱主提 供的培訓(48%)、在職培訓(39%)及外包培訓(23%)的 結合,是新加坡職業發展最常見的。 「這不是一個二選其一的問題。」明思力集團亞洲 區學習及人力發展總監Amy Kong說﹕「我們應考慮的 是,根據培訓需求分析及與企業管理層商討後,所得出 的期望結果,再考慮在公司內外是否能找到最佳的資 源、培訓或內容。」 「我們的培訓計劃幫助員工茁壯成長,但員工不能 自滿,必須與企業一同進步,這樣才能成功。」 事實上,現時綜合培訓能確保解決預算縮減及需求 增加所帶來的獨特挑戰,但採用時必須同時謹記每類 培訓模式的利弊,以配合自己的學習理念。 「僱員工作及發展職業生涯時要養成一個觀念,就 是無論是正式或非正式,學習都是一種持續的努力。」 Kong說﹕「企業可通過設計培訓課程或其他發展計劃, 鼓勵員工建立這套觀念。」 「重點在於終身就業能力,而非終生就業。」 甚麼符合你的需求﹖ 要設計一個綜合培訓策略,首先要分析僱員的工作環境 及企業的具體要求。 牛奶公司南亞區人力資源總監Carol Yong說﹕「大 約三年前,我們進行了一項分析,發現66%僱員在入職 首年便離職。」 「主要原因是難以適應工作環境。在牛奶公司,很 多職位是身兼多職,而且工作節奏急速,新員工在入職

What works for your needs? One of the first elements when designing a hybrid training strategy is analysing the type of corporate environment the employees are working in and its specific requirements. “About three years ago, we did an analysis and we found that 66% of people who join us leave us in their first year,” says Carol Yong, HR director at Dairy Farm South Asia. “The main reason for that is that this environment is not an easy environment to stay in. At Dairy Farm, most roles are multi-tasked and fast-paced, so it’s very natural for new joiners to find their first years quite challenging.” She adds that supervisors and managers, specifically, have to upscale their capabilities rapidly upon joining the industry. “In retail, the person who manages a team has a lot of responsibility on his or her hands. This includes managing not only people, but also products, inventory and housekeeping. So they need to be pretty strong as a manager. “In the areas of leadership development, negotiation and executive coaching, we will leverage on external resources. Outsourcing also helps overcome the tight labour situation, and the time gap needed in recruiting competent people who are able to train well.

首年自然覺得很具挑戰。」 她補充指,加入這個行業的主管及經理級人員尤 其需要迅速提升自身能力。 「在零售業,一個團隊的管理者須肩負很多責任, 要管理的不只是人,還有產品、庫存及內務工作,因此 要成為經理必須擁有相當強的能力。」 「在領導能力發展、談判及行政管理方面,我們會 充分利用外部資源。外包亦有助解決人手緊張情況、以 及招聘合適人才期間的真空期問題。」 「亦可減省為培訓而建設基礎設施的時間,外 包專家亦能提供高質素的服務及達成所有關鍵績效指 標。」 Goodrich Global能力發展及人力資源主管 Wong Wai Meng亦認同依靠外部資源的好處,但他補 充指各行業某些方面太技術性,難以完全外包。 Wong說﹕「我們近80%的培訓是外包,其餘20% 無法外包,因為我們在行內是獨樹一幟,我們有自己的 一套教學大綱。」 「有些情況下,我們無法找到合適的培訓機構, 例如一些核心專利技術知識,並非一般公開培訓課程 常見的。」 這跟瑞信銀行管理層及高級人才副總裁Eileen

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FEATURE » Corporate Training 企業培訓 “Time is also saved in building the infrastructure required to conduct training. Outsourced professional experts are also likely to deliver high standards of service and meet all KPIs.” While Wong Wai Meng, head of capability development and HR at Goodrich Global, similarly acknowledges the benefits of relying on external sources, he adds certain aspects of industries are too technical to outsource completely. “Almost 80% of our training is outsourced, but we can’t outsource the other 20% because we are unique in our industry and we have our own syllabus,” Wong says. “We have certain instances where we find there’s no available service provider who can cover topics, such as some core proprietary knowledge, which is not commonly available within the public training syllabus.” This is something which resonates with Eileen Keng, vice president of leadership and senior talent at Credit Suisse, who adds outsourced providers need to be well established, especially in the topic which they are being engaged for. “If you are a subject matter expert in terms of having many years of research and experience in a particular topic, then you will be the type of provider we would go for,” she says. “The downside of this arrangement is, of course, the lack of organisational context. This means the learning and development team has to make sure the external training providers are aligned with the organisational needs and learning culture through a very close partnership.”

Brewing the best: Mix and match to find the best learning programmes for you.

Keng的看法不謀而合,她補充指,外包培訓機構必須具 有經驗,尤其在他們提供培訓的領域。

The need for alignment and communication But such an alignment between companies and their external trainers is precisely what is lacking today. A study by GP Strategies in 2009 found only 41% of survey participants had a strong alignment with their learning service providers. Additionally, while three in four companies are aligned at the beginning of an engagement, less than half remain strongly aligned throughout the engagement. Poor communication, lack of clearly defined goals and provider flexibility, were found to be the root causes of this alignment drop-off. Keng stresses these factors are integral if HR departments wish to establish a good working relationship with their outsourced providers. “For those programmes which we outsource, we work very closely with our partners, right from the content design stage,” she says. “We ensure their key messages are aligned very closely to what we’re looking out for. We use consistent briefs or outlines when we go out and source for a partner. “This outline is consistent globally to ensure we send the same messages and teach the same topics to our employees worldwide, even if the providers we are using are different in different places.” But merely attempting to align expectations and goals with providers is but the first step – the process is complete only when providers themselves are able to give companies the quality and level of services which are expected of them.

她說﹕「我們需要的是對一個特定議題擁有多年研 究及經驗的專家。」 「當然,這個安排的缺點是缺乏企業背景,因此學 習及發展團隊必須與外包培訓機構保持非常緊密的合 作,以確保能夠配合企業的需求及學習文化。」 講求配合與溝通 然而,企業與外包培訓機構的協調,正是現今企業環境 所欠缺的。 GP Strategies於2009年進行的一項研究發現,只 有41%受訪企業與培訓機構保持緊密的協調。此外,四 分三企業在合作開始時互相配合,但少於一半能夠在整 個合作過程中維持緊密協調。 該研究發現不良的溝通、缺乏明確的目標及培訓 機構缺乏靈活性是導致不協調的主要因素。 Keng強調,如果人力資源部門希望與外包培訓機 構建立良好的合作關係,這些因素都是不可或缺的。 「對於我們外判的課程,我們從內容設計階段開始 與合作夥伴緊密合作。」她說﹕「我們確保他們的關鍵訊 息能夠緊密配合我們的要求,我們尋找合作夥伴時採用 一致的簡介或大綱。」 「這個大綱全球統一,以確保即使在不同地方聘請 不同的培訓機構,我們都是傳遞相同的訊息、以及向全 球員工教授同一主題。」 但盡力與培訓機構達成相同的期望及目標只是第 一步,培訓機構亦必須能夠為企業提供預期的高質素及 高水平服務才算完成整個過程。

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Corporate Training 企業培訓 « FEATURE “Provider inflexibility is a big obstacle to achieving alignment,” the GP Strategies survey stated. Respondents also said the number one reason they would replace a provider was a lack of flexible or responsive service.

Finding the right facilitator


GP Strategies調查表示﹕「培訓機構的靈活性是 達成協調的一大障礙。」受訪企業亦認為,缺乏靈活性 及無法提供合適的服務,是更換培訓機構的首要原因。 尋找合適的講師 缺乏靈活性,往往包括缺乏能夠適應及教授適合參加 者的課程內容的講師。 「挑戰在於識別及尋找擁有合適資歷教授課程針 對的員工的合適講師。」Keng說﹕「如果接受培訓的是 很高級別的員工,我們需尋找一個具備豐富知識的同等 級別講師。」 她補充指,另一個挑戰在於外包講師無法積極運 用及欣賞瑞信銀行內部使用的企業語言。 採用相應的語言有助員工將培訓者使用的例子及

Often, such a lack of flexibility includes the lack of a facilitator who adapts course content and delivery to suit participants. “The challenge is identifying and finding a suitable faculty who has the right level of gravitas and who can speak to the seniority of those employees whom the content is targeted at,” Keng says. “So if it’s a very senior audience, we need a faculty member who can match their level of extensive knowledge.” She adds another challenge is the inability for external facilitators to actively use and appreciate the corporate language that is used within Credit Suisse. Using such language will aid in helping employees to relate with the examples and contexts employed by the trainer. With such challenges, all leaders admit HR divisions need to put in effort and time before choosing the right training provider and facilitator to work with. “If it’s a new training programme, we would have to assess the quality of the training provider,” Wong says. “It does take some trial and error in finding the right trainer. We ask around, we do research on the providers.” Keng agrees and adds that her organisation diligently keeps track of the learning provider’s performance. “We are very careful in the way we select who comes in to deliver the programme and we monitor the feedback that our employees give the facilitator very closely,” she says. “We communicate our expectations very clearly upfront to them and we have very clear standards for them to meet. If the feedback which we receive about them is not very positive, we do take actions to remove them from our faculty.” She adds the large-scale presence of the bank mandates her L&D department has a very comprehensive learning system in place globally. “We have a standard set of questions that we collect feedback on, on all programmes and on all trainers.”

情境套用到自己身上。 面對這些挑戰,所有管理層承認人力資源部門需 投放精力及時間來選擇合適的培訓機構及講師。 「如果是一個嶄新的培訓課程,我們必須評估培 訓機構的質素。」Wong說﹕「尋找合適的講師需要經 過一些嘗試及錯誤,我們到處尋訪,對培訓機構進行 研究。」 Keng表示同意,並補充指其公司會致力跟蹤培訓 機構的表現。 她說﹕「我們選擇課程講師是非常謹慎,並密切監 察員工對講師的意見。」 「我們預先會非常清晰地表達我們的期望,並且 定下非常明確的要求標準。如果我們收到的意見不 太正面,我們會採取行動將他們從講師名單中剔 除。」

Enhancing in-house learning However, Yong reminds us that even with such measures in place to overcome the disadvantages of using external vendors for training, outsourcing training does pose a few risks. “When companies do outsource training, they are likely to face an increase in costs, or a year-on-year increase in service fees. There is also the risk of below expected delivery standards sometimes, and companies might also suffer from a potential loss of confidentiality, such as data related to payroll,” she says. Such reasons are precisely why there is a strong need to simultaneously build internal learning and development teams which can not only conduct training for employees, but also manage external training vendors diligently.

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FEATURE » Corporate Training 企業培訓 “Our L&D team leads programmes such as point-of-sale cashier training and proprietary fresh programmes,” Yong says. “They also work on service and campaign training and lead engagement platforms. This team also analyses the type of external programmes that are suitable to meet our needs. They are involved in management trainee assessment, talent management, and in a lot of group programmes. “A dedicated training department needs to be present, so they take full responsibility and accountability for training employees.” Kong warns us of the need for L&D leaders to work handin-hand with business heads when planning training. “Business leaders typically want to cram as much as possible into a training programme to maximise the employees’ time away from work, but there is a limit to how much knowledge an employee can retain. Avoid the situation where you cover everything and participants learn nothing. “The job of the L&D function is to work with the business leader to strike a balance between maximising the training time and retention of learning.” Wong echoes this, and highlights such an approach is especially useful to small and medium-sized enterprises, such as Goodrich, which has limited resources and budgets for learning programmes. “For us, cost-effectiveness is very important – we may not be able to afford a high-end trainer,” he says.

她補充指,由於瑞信銀行規模龐大,因此其人力資 源部門必須在全球採取一個非常全面的學習制度。 「我們會就所有課程及講師,制定一套標準意見 調查問題。」 加強內部培訓 然而Yong提醒,即使相應的措施能解決外包培訓機構 提供培訓所遇到的困難,外包培訓亦有一些風險。 她說﹕「當企業進行外包培訓,很可能會面臨成本 增加、或逐年上升的服務費。有時服務亦可能低於期 望,又或者遭受薪酬相關數據等機密外洩的損失。」 因此必須同時加強內部學習,以及建立能為員工 提供培訓課程及管理外包培訓機構的發展團隊。 「我們的人力資源團隊負責銷售點收銀員培訓及 嶄新專門技術等課程。」Yong說﹕「他們亦負責服務及 宣傳培訓,以及管理接觸平台,團隊亦分析能滿足我們 需求的外包課程,參與管理實習生評估、人才管理及很 多團隊課程。」 「必須設立專門的培訓部門,全權負責對員工的 培訓。」 Kong提醒指,人力資源主管必須在規劃培訓課程 時與業務主管攜手合作。 「業務主管通常希望培訓課程提供愈多內容愈好, 盡量充實員工離開工作的時間,但員工可以吸收到的 知識有限。要避免涵蓋太多範圍、但參加者甚麼都學不 到的情況。」 「人力資源部門的職責是與業務主管通力合作,在

Invoking leadership participation Keng elaborates on how Credit Suisse’s internal learning strategy relies heavily on the participation of senior leaders. “Running in-house programmes allows for the content to be highly customised to fit the organisational context and issues. It is also highly effective if we can identify internal subject matter expertise of experienced leaders to deliver the training,” she says. “Leaders teaching leaders is a very established and wellreceived delivery format in Credit Suisse. Our high potential leaders have a responsibility to be a part of our learning faculty and they are all very committed to the development of other colleagues in the firm. “Colleagues, on the other hand, appreciate hearing from leaders in the firm so they can contextualise the learning in real-work situations and challenges.” All interviewees unanimously agree that invoking management support is key for any training programme to succeed. “Often, HR and L&D teams organise a lot of programmes, but the senior management often does not know why you’re doing what you’re doing,” Yong says. “They don’t know exactly what needs you are fulfilling. It is very important for them to understand these needs, endorse the approach you have adopted, and be involved in the training programme. They can give motivational talks, and be subject matter experts.”

善用培訓時間與學習之間取得一個平衡。」 Wong同意這個觀點,並強調這種做法對 Goodrich等學習課程資源及預算有限的中小企尤其 實用。 他說﹕「對我們來說,成本效益非常重要,我們未 必負擔得起聘請高級講師。」 提升管理層參與 Keng進一步解釋瑞信銀行內部學習策略如何依重高級 管理層的參與。 她說﹕「舉辦內部課程可制定更切合企業環境及問 題的內容。如果我們能找到豐富經驗的公司管理層進行 專業知識培訓,亦會相當有效。」 「管理層教導管理層的政策在瑞信銀行發展 得十分成熟及受歡迎。能力高的管理層有責任成為我 們的培訓講師,他們亦很積極幫助公司其他員工發展 潛能。」 「另一方面,同事們亦樂於聽取公司管理層的教 導,讓他們能夠將學習應用到實際工作環境及挑戰 中。」 所有受訪者一致認同提升管理層支持是任何培訓 課程成功的關鍵。 Yong說﹕「人力資源團隊經常組織很多課程,但高 級管理層往往不知道你們在做甚麼及為甚麼這樣做。」 「他們不知道你的目標是甚麼,他們必須了解這些 目標、認同你採取的做法、並參與培訓課程,他們可以 給予勵志講座,並成為專題專家。」

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LEADER LED LEARNING – THE NEW FACE OF CORPORATE TRAINING A new era of learning is dawning; an era marked by tight budgets and slashed classroom learning hours, coupled with calls for a new breed of people-centric leaders. The ambition is that such managers will build an engaged workforce and achieve a high performing (perhaps even “sexy”) business that top talent clamours to work for. But why have only a handful of these leaders emerged? Could it be that just being high achievers in their areas of expertise is not sufficient to create true leaders? Today’s volatile global business environment requires leaders to connect with, engage and learn together with their staff. This is the basic premise of leader led learning, which delivers a punch two ways: increasing engagement and reducing external facilitating expenses. A REFRESHING CHANGE Team benefits: • Bite-size learning, supported by those closest to the team, totally relevant and hitting the mark, each time, all the time. Leader benefits: • Recognition as the best in class to their teams, showcasing leadership capabilities • Personal growth and learning new ways to doing things, then sharing this with others • Increase team performance through collaborative learning and sharing

Case study: International Publisher Professional Services This company had been rolling out an annual sales training programme across Asia for years. Feedback scores were great, but did not translate into changed behaviors and downstream results. Taking our advice, the Client switched their approach to leader-led learning. First, we equipped their leaders to become great facilitators. Second, we provided them with all the content. Third, they practiced with a Wentworth consultant in coaching sessions before they delivered to their teams. The impact? Aligned to their regular weekly meetings and integrated into business as usual, ideas generated by the teams as a result of these sessions boosted their performance with immediate measurable results. By passing the programme over to the local leaders, they took ownership with our support.

7. Discover your tipping point - Review and finesse your process after an initial pilot to find out what works best for your company culture. ALREADY HAVE A CULTURE OF SHARING AND OPENNESS? Let’s take it to the next level. Learning driven by dialogue and stories is proven to be the most powerful way of engaging learners, such as sharing stories to illustrate learning points(i.e. a golden nugget during meetings) or a tip of the day. This can be done in newsletters, emails or other written communication channels. 3 Top Tips to remember 1. Not every leader will be a natural teacher, so equip them to facilitate and coach. 2. Allow the team to practice and learn from honest, constructive feedback. Aim for incremental improvements; praise often and reward. 3. Make it safe for people to make mistakes and improve. This is essential to a building a learning culture. Ask us how to implement Leader Led Learning in your business, and shift your training budget to a sustainable, learning culture that your leaders and employees can own and enjoy.

7 STEPS TO CREATING A SUCCESSFUL CULTURE 1. Champion this new approach - Introduce the approach to the business at all levels, and drive it from the top to ensure line managers take this up. 2. Forge great teachers - Identify leaders who will facilitate the leader led learning sessions and equip them with the right skills. 3. Deliver content with ease - Create core learning materials that can be used across the entire business, so your leaders can deliver with confidence. 4. Integration into Business-As-Usual - Decide frequency and fit it into your regular team meeting sessions. 5. Follow through engagement - Use existing business / social media platforms to continue conversations and collaboration online. Gamification is a great way to keep things going! 6. Money talk - Decide how to make the learning measurable in terms of business gains

This article was contributed by Anna Tan, Managing Director, Wentworth People Asia

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FEATURE » Compensation & Benefits 薪酬與福利

It’s that time of the year when most organisations are in the midst of performance cycles. With the spotlight on the rewards team to craft strategies to match both cost and workforce needs, Aditi Sharma Kalra uncovers the compensation outlook for 2015.

又來到大部分企業每年進行績效評估的時候。 隨着焦點落到獎勵團隊能否制定符合成本及人員需求的策略, Aditi Sharma Kalra發掘2015的薪酬前景。

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Compensation & Benefits 薪酬與福利 « FEATURE one are the days where companies had the luxury of tossing up money at the problems they faced. The world before the financial meltdown of 2008-09 was one characterised by excess, while the era since has been often classified as the new normal. Low hanging fruit is harder to come by for organisations, which now have to go the extra mile in most geographies, product lines, or targeting consumer groups. Innovation – be it in the form of newer solutions or newer ways of doing things – is repeatedly proving to be the key source of competitive advantage. The impact of all these developments has not been lost on those in charge of devising the best ways to attract, reward and retain an organisation’s critical talent. HR teams, and their compensation and benefits professionals, have been party to a sea change in their job descriptions. Hay Group’s research on “The Changing Face of Rewards” identified managing costs as the top business challenge in 2010. This theme spilled over as a top driver of rewards as well, which the study identified as external benchmarks, performance management and cost management.

業可以大灑金錢解決問題的時代經已過 去,經歷2008至09年經濟衰退之前,全球 擁有豐厚盈餘,而往後的情況往往成為新 的慣例。 企業要取得成功,必須在地理上、生產線、或鎖定 目標群組方面付出更大努力。而不論是以新解決方案或 新處事方法形式出現,創新都是提升競爭優勢的關鍵。 為企業制定吸引、獎勵及留住重要人才的負責人, 並沒有忽視這些發展所帶來的影響。人力資源團隊、以 及其薪酬及福利專業人員,都已經歷他們職務上翻天 覆地的轉變。 合益集團的「獎勵轉型」研究指出,管理成本是企 業在2010年面對的最大挑戰,該研究指,外在環境標 準、績效管理及成本管理是推動獎勵的最大動力。 這是否成本與薪酬的對立﹖ 剛剛相反,成本與薪酬現時是相輔相承,表示薪酬及福 利專業人員於2015年要繼續專注於界定業務表現及生 產力對企業的影響。 亞洲航空集團獎勵與僱員服務主管Sai Yew Yeoh 談及馬來西亞及整個地區的情況。 他說﹕「隨着貨幣貶值及燃油格價下跌,市場的前

Is it about costs versus compensation?


Rather than being at opposing ends of the spectrum, costs and compensation have emerged as complementary. What that means for C&B professionals in 2015 is a continuing focus on defining what performance and productivity mean to the organisation. Sai Yew Yeoh, AirAsia’s group head of rewards and people services, speaks of the environment in Malaysia, as well as across the region. “With the currency deficit and the drop in oil prices, the market outlook is quite uncertain. Most companies are re-looking at their strategies and trying to minimise costs. Where possible, nice-to-have expenses will have to be worked on,” he says. At the airline, performance of the off-ground staff is measured simply in terms of the number of flying hours. “Our packages are exercised based on productivity. The reason is because our industry is quite volatile, so we try to minimise fixed costs as much as possible.” That entails a greater focus on variable compensation, so that “the more they work, the more they get”. In fact, about two-thirds of the pay for cabin crew and pilot is made up of the variable of flying hours. However, this framework is not without its own share of complexity. With statutory requirements different across countries, each definition of performance varies slightly. Sai Yew takes the example of medical leave, which has various country specific implications impacting productivity. The policy is straightforward in Malaysia and Singapore, where employees are entitled to a certain number of sick days in a year which they cannot exceed, dependent upon producing a doctor’s note.

量減低成本,盡可能採用彈性開支。」 航空公司的機組人員單以飛行時數來進行績效 評估。 「我們的薪酬福利是根據生產力而定,因為我們這 一行業很不穩定,所以要盡量減少固定成本。」 因此該航空公司更專注於彈性薪酬,令員工能夠 「多勞多得」。事實上,機組人員及機師的大約三分二 薪酬是按飛行時數計算。 然而,這個制度亦有其複雜之處,不同國家的法定 要求不同,每個地方對績效的定義亦略有不同。 Sai Yew以病假為例,在不同國家對生產力的影響 亦有所不同。馬來西亞及新加坡的政策很直接,員工每 年可享一定日數的病假,不能超過限定日數,並須附上 醫生證明。 然而,印尼的法律規定無限病假,而日本的員工基 本上是不會請病假的。因此,對生產力的定義及獎賞不 僅按章程,亦要按每個國家的文化而定。 優化獎勵開支 Sai Yew談及的「彈性開支」,意味着善用獎勵開支是 企業2015年的首要任務,而第一步是確認員工真正想 要的是甚麼。 Alstom Asia的團隊一直致力善用福利資金。 該公司的東亞太平洋區薪酬福利總監Joanne S.Y. Chan說﹕「在新加坡及馬來西亞等一些我們經營業務 的國家,醫療及保險的成本上升10%至20%。」 「因此我們正致力了解員工真正想要的福利,我們 透過焦點小組等方式收集數據。」 收集到的意見顯示,雖然員工滿意現時的福利水 平,但他們希望有額外的福利為他們的家人提供更好 更高的保障。

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FEATURE » Compensation & Benefits 薪酬與福利 However, Indonesia’s law provides for unlimited sick leave, while in Japan, it is unusual for employees to take sick leave at all. As a result, what defines and incentivises productivity has to be tweaked not just per statutes, but also the culture in each country.

「我們明白醫療成本會上升,但最重要的是開支可 以換來更好的回報。」 Robert Walters Singapore客戶總監Joanne Chua進一步解釋員工的需求。 「對於提供較多初級專業人員職位的市場,金錢 是更重要的考慮﹔而需要聘請更資深人員的市場,其

Optimising the rewards spend


The “nice-to-have expenses” Sai Yew talks about implies that a better use of rewards spend is a priority for companies in 2015. And the first step to that is identifying what employees really want. Over at Alstom Asia, the team has been looking at making better use of its benefits money. Says Joanne S.Y. Chan, the company’s compensation and benefits director for East Asia Pacific: “Medical and insurance costs are going up by 10% to 20% in some of our own countries of operations, like Singapore and Malaysia. “So we were working to get a better handle of what employees really want in terms of benefits. We were looking at ways to collect data from them through focus groups and such.”

療保險。」 考慮員工最大的需求,可盡量減低風險,並能就獎 勵開支帶來更好的回報。 僱員最想要甚麼 一天(年)到底,員工最重視的仍然是金錢。不論是底 薪、花紅或金錢獎勵,經濟補償將會是2015年吸引及挽 留員工的策略重點。 根據最新的Michael Page調查顯示,超過三分二 的新加坡員工有意於今年離職,加薪是轉工的第二大原 因,而近四分一本地員工認為職業晉升是首要原因。 這個問題源於生活成本上漲,過半數受訪者表示 這是他們的一大憂慮。因此,如果能提供經濟獎勵, 近三分一受訪表示願意留在現時的職位。

“In markets which hire a more mature workforce, we see C&B strategies more focused on the benefits component such as setting up a pension fund or health insurance.” 「需要聘請更資深人員的市場,其薪酬福利策略更著重福利方 面,例如設立退休金或醫療保險。」 – Joanne Chua, account director at Robert Walters Singapore

The feedback it got was that while employees were satisfied with their own coverage levels, they wanted any additional benefits outlay to help them with better and higher coverage for dependents. “We recognise that medical costs will go up, but it’s a matter of getting a better return on the money that we are spending.” Joanne Chua, account director at Robert Walters Singapore, helps to decode employees’ needs further. “For markets with more entry to junior-level professionals, there should be a greater emphasis on the cash component. In markets which hire a more mature workforce, we see C&B strategies more focused on the benefits component such as setting up a pension fund or health insurance.” Perhaps this consideration towards going back to what employees want most will minimise the element of risk, and make for a more responsible way to determine returns on reward spend.

五成五受訪者亦表示有意於未來一年向僱主提出 加薪要求。 事實上,所有跡象顯示薪酬是吸引出國人士回流 的一大主要吸引力,例如新加坡及馬來西亞等人才缺 乏的國家。 另一項由Hays進行的研究發現,如果能獲得加薪 的話,近半數(49%)現時正在海外讀書或工作的新加坡 人士會考慮回國。 加薪不僅吸引到新加坡人回國,三分一回流的中國 人及38%回流的馬來西亞人亦有同意這一點,表明薪 酬是一大主要誘因。 該報告說﹕「有意回流的新加坡人擔心生活及房屋 成本高昂,對於有小孩的家庭來說,提供國際學校教育 是一項具吸引力的薪酬福利。」 Robert Walters Malaysia人力資源經理 Nicholas Fernandez解釋說﹕「根據我們的經驗,一 些公司對為回流馬來西亞人士提供『外籍僱員福利』 持開放態度。而在某方面提供本地僱員福利的公司亦

What employees want most


At the end of the day (or year), all signs point to money as the reigning monarch to rule employees’ minds. The extent

調配津貼。」 Chua補充說﹕「薪金與職位級別掛鉤,聘請經理級

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FEATURE » Compensation & Benefits 薪酬與福利 of financial compensation, be it though base pay, bonus or monetary incentives, is expected to be at the forefront of attraction as well as retention strategies in 2015. Take Singapore, where more than two-thirds of employees are either quite or very likely to leave their current role this year, as reported in a new Michael Page survey. An increase in salary was cited as the second biggest reason for wanting to change roles, beaten off by career progression as the top reason, by close to a quarter of local staff. The issue was sparked by rising costs of living, which more than half said was a big concern for them. In turn, if offered financial rewards, almost a third of respondents admitted they would remain in their current job. Fifty-five per cent also said they were planning to ask their employers for higher compensation within the next 12 months. In fact, signs point to compensation playing a key role in attracting overseas locals back to their home countries, in talent-short countries such as Singapore and Malaysia. Another study, this one by Hays, found that almost half (49%) of Singaporeans currently either studying or working overseas will consider returning to the nation only if they can increase their salary. Singaporeans are not the only ones motivated by increased salaries, as one-third of returning Chinese and 38% of returning Malaysians agree on this count, suggesting salary is a key motivator. “Singaporeans looking to return are wary of the high cost of living and housing. For families with children, international schooling is cited as an attractive inclusion in a salary package,” noted the report. Explains Nicholas Fernandez, HR manager at Robert Walters Malaysia: “From our experience, some companies are open to offering ‘expat packages’ to returning Malaysians. Companies who offer local packages in some form or way may also have additional benefits such as positioning the candidate at a higher end of the salary band or relocation allowances.” Adds Chua: “Compensation will be pegged to the level of the role. Hiring managers also need to be mindful that the tax rate in Singapore is lower than most developed countries. Hence, candidates should also not assume they will earn more than their local counterparts upon return.” In such regions where skilled local talent has been hard to come by, the government has intervened with measures to make it easier to tap into the local workforce, such as Malaysia’s Returning Expat Programme, and Singapore’s Fair Consideration Framework. Increasingly, compensation and benefits professionals, not just in large more established companies, are seeing their role evolving from that of a support system to a real enabler in tapping into the pulse of happy employees at all levels. The best rewards practitioners will likely keep one eye on long-term business strategies, and the other on employees’ needs, for a delicate balance between the bling and the bucks.

Tracing the rewards path: The first step lies in identifying what employees really want. 規劃獎勵路徑﹕第一步是了解僱員最想要甚麼。 人員亦要考慮新加坡的稅率較大部分發達國家低,因 此,回流的求職者不應期望他們的薪酬會較其他本地同 一級別的員工高。」 在本地人才缺乏的地區,政府採取措施令回流人士 更容易投入本地勞動力,例如馬來西亞的「國家人才回 流計劃」,以及新加坡的「公平考量框架」。 不只是大型企業,愈來愈多公司的薪酬及福利專 業人員的角色從一個支援系統,轉變為一個掌握各職 級員工快樂脈搏的真正執行者。 一個最佳的獎勵決策者要著眼於長遠的業務策 略,同時著眼於員工的需求,使工作與薪金之間維持微 妙的平衡。

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HOW WILL YOU ACHIEVE YOUR HR GOALS IN 2015? An attractive global launch pad for multinational corporations (MNCs), Southeast Asia has a lot going for it – a large and young workforce, a resilient GDP with growth rates in the 5% to 8% range, and rich natural resources, to name just a few. But, along with these encouraging factors come talent management challenges that even the most sophisticated organisations find themselves struggling to overcome.

during and after learning. In addition, support action-based learning by combining traditional assessments and formal training with experiential learning as well as coaching and mentoring. Employing these best practices across your talent management functions will allow you to be both responsive at a local level while still taking advantage of global efficiencies facilitated through today’s sophisticated technology solutions.

Top 3 HR goals of 2015 To tackle these challenges, HR professionals are focusing their efforts in several targeted areas in 2015. The top three – according to the recent HR Trends Survey conducted by Human Resources magazine – include improving recruitment, retaining top talent and developing current talent. There are a number of ways that you can address these business critical areas if they are also on your company’s priority list for 2015. 1. How to improve talent recruitment How can you best manage your proactive and reactive recruitment needs in a way that is both cost-effective and localised to reach better quality hires? The right talent acquisition system can ensure that you can connect with the best talent while streamlining the overall recruitment process. State-of-the-art systems that are built for today’s mobile and social world provide innovative methods to create engaging, localised career websites. The sophisticated technology available now allows companies to create a stronger connection with candidates through language and style adaptations that speak directly to candidates’ cultures and interests. Real-time communication capabilities also enable a more efficient recruitment process that results in improvements in time to hire. 2. How to retain top talent Although talent retention is considered business-critical for most MNCs, less than one-third feel that their talent retention strategies are adequate, according to a PageUp research study of businesses in Southeast Asia. While there are multiple reasons why an employee intends to stay or leave, MNCs can use diverse HR policies and practices to minimise the risk of losing top talent, including: • Using a dynamic process to identify future leaders, as well as recognising and rewarding high-performing employees. • Conducting regular reviews to identify individual development needs. • Aligning individual development plans with business priorities. • Conducting employee engagement surveys annually and as-needed. • Creating opportunities to develop strong personal connections with the organisation. 3. How to train and develop your workforce The high ratio of unskilled-to-skilled labor in Southeast Asia creates a significant demand for multinationals to give their employees the workplace competencies they need to develop faster. By developing the capabilities of the existing talent pool, MNCs can build on the talent acquisition investments that they have already made. To ensure that you have a ready supply of skilled talent, use an engaging learning management system that supports your organisation’s specific business needs and also encourages online interaction and social networking before,

This article is contributed by Karen Cariss, PageUp Founder & CEO

Since 1997, PageUp has helped employers worldwide attract, hire, develop, retain, and improve employee performance. Our Unified Talent Management technology helps you optimise your multinational workforce strategy, maximise business impact and continuously improve the return on your human capital investment.

Find out more at or write to

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FEATURE » Executive Relocation 行政調動

As corporations become more globalised, relocating employees successfully has become a key tenet of business growth. But how can HR and mobility managers overcome complications arising from moving large volumes and different types of talent? Akankasha Dewan finds out.

隨著企業變得更全球化,合適的人員 調配已成為企業發展的關鍵原則。但 要調動大量不同類型的人才,人力資 源及人員調配經理如何克服當中的困 難?Akankasha Dewan報導。

oday, relocation has become one of the key watchwords in businesses worldwide. Rather than relying on outsiders to boost growth, companies are focusing on putting the right talent in the right places. According to a 2014 survey by Cartus, 50% of companies expected to see their mobility volume increase for the following two years. Close to two thirds of respondents also said their global mobility programme was critically important to achieving strategic global expansion. Sharing her personal opinion, Sheila Teyu, senior advisor for global mobility at Dell, says there are many invaluable things that one can learn from working in a different country.

時今日,人員調動已成為全球企業的主要口號之 一。企業不再是依靠一個外來人來推動增長,而 是將合適的人放於合適的位置。 根據Cartus 2014年的調查顯示,50%企業預計 未來兩年的人員流動率會上升,近三分二受訪者亦表 示他們的全球人員流動計劃對達成全球策略擴展相 當重要。 戴爾全球人員流動高級顧問Sheila Teyu分享了 她的個人意見,表示在不同國家工作可以學習很多寶 貴的東西。 「首先,你的文化敏感度會提升,以及學到你從未 想過的生存技巧。」

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Executive Relocation 行政調動 « FEATURE 「人員調配機會亦讓我們透過在不同團隊工作中 學習,從而成為更好的團隊成員及業務合作夥伴,擴大 我們的網絡,並建立更強及更有效的溝通技巧。」 調配的演變 根據不同原因調動大量不同級別的人才相當複雜,因此

“Firstly, you learn to be more culturally sensitive, and learn survival skills you thought you never had. “Relocation opportunities also enable us to become better team members and business partners by learning to work in different group dynamics, grow our networks, and build stronger and more effective communication skills.”

必須為調配人員及其家屬提供高質素的體驗。 Talent Mobility Asia創辦人Sean Collins認同調 動重點的轉變,並補充指今時今日的調配經理應肩負 更多的責任。 他說:「看看現時的人員流動,跟10年或20年前 非常不同。」 「以往是較為跨國性的,主要是調派高級人員到海 外,幫助公司在海外建立業務,為所有外籍人員提供的 方案是一致的。」 「現時我們全都走向全球化,人才庫亦變得全球 化,我們將不同的人才調到不同的地方。」 「因此企業要制定靈活的政策,以支援不同類型 的人才,當中包括事業剛起步、希望接觸更多中高級管 理層的人員。」 Teyu同意,並補充指她看到現時調動方案制定流 程的演變。 依靠靈活調動方案 她解釋說:「隨着時間轉變,企業已採取不同的策略來 適應轉變,因為現時更重視法規及成本控制,比以往 更困難。」 「愈來愈多企業正採取更靈活的政策方針,表示調 動方案不再標準化及固定。『非標準』的調動方案是現

The evolution of relocation The complexity in relocating large volumes and different strata of talent for a range of purposes has raised a need to provide a quality experience for relocating employees and their families. Sean Collins, founder of Talent Mobility Asia, acknowledges the shift in priorities, adding a mobility manager today has to shoulder a vast range of responsibilities. “If you look at mobility now, it is very different from what it was 10 or 20 years ago,” he says. “In the past, it was very much multi-national – mainly involving sending senior people overseas to help start up companies in international locations and it was a very onesize-fits-all-expats kind of package. “Now, because we’re all so global, and talent pools have been globalised, we’re getting all different segments of talent moving around. “So companies have to build flexible policies to support all these different talent types – from those who have just started their careers and want some more exposure to the middle and senior management.” Teyu agrees, and adds she has seen an evolution in the process by which relocation packages are approached today.

時的新標準,讓企業可以自行決定是否提供非強制性的 福利(例如語言課程、配偶協助等)。」 她補充指,這類靈活的政策有助減省整體成本(同 時不違反法規),又能滿足員工的需求,因此很有效。 Collins同意,並補充指員工派往的國家對制定這 些方案相當重要。 他說:「企業仍採取常用的外籍人員方案,但現 時只預留給那些能為公司發展提供很大潛力的重要 人才。」 他解釋指,企業現時制定更多低成本的替補方案, 例如就特定國家而設的本地額外福利,新加坡是一個 例子。 「新加坡是很多人嚮往的工作地點,因此企業過 往的本地額外福利方案會就房屋及教育等必需項目提 供重大支持,現時它們會重新考慮哪些才是真正有需 要的支援。」 他補充指,教育等通常是有需要的支援,因為來自 其他國家的兒童難以融入本地學校。然而,房屋津貼等 福利需要重新評估,以決定能否削減。 「住屋是個人的選擇,你可以選擇住在非常昂貴的 市中心,又或者較偏遠的地區來節省金錢。」 克服挑戰 這些靈活的方案亦有助克服一些調配計劃通常遇到的 最大挑戰。

Reliance on flexible relocation packages “Over time, companies have adapted different strategies to accommodate them. Because there is so much focus on compliance and cost-control now, it is not as easy as before,” she explains. “More and more companies are adopting a more flexible policy approach, which means relocation packages are no longer all standard or fixed. ‘Non-standard’ relocation packages are a new standard now, as this gives the business discretion in providing benefits which are not really mandatory (e.g. language lessons, spouse assistance, etc).” She adds such flexible policies are useful because they help cut down overall costs (not sacrificing compliance). Employees, in turn, are happy when they see their concerns addressed through the package. Collins agrees, and adds that the country of relocation plays an important role in customising these packages. “Companies are still using a typical expat package, but they have reserved these now mainly for principal talent, and those which showcase a lot of potential for development,” he says. He explains companies are creating low-cost alternatives today, such as local plus programmes which can be country specific, for example, in Singapore. “Singapore is an attractive place for people to move to,

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FEATURE » Executive Relocation 行政調動 so companies in the past would have provided significant support for housing and education and other aliments on local plus. Now, they’re re-looking at where support is needed.” He adds support is generally needed in elements such as education because it’s difficult to fit an international child into local schools. Factors such as housing allowances, however, are being re-evaluated to see if they can be reduced. “Housing is a personal choice – you can choose to live in a very expensive central area or you could choose to live a little outside the centre and get more value for your money.”

Overcoming challenges Such flexible packages have also helped in overcoming some of the biggest challenges typically associated with mobility programmes. According to the Cartus survey, mobility managers worldwide stated the three biggest challenges causing them to lose sleep were controlling costs (77% of respondents), housing (47%) and compliance-related issues (45%). “A lot of companies are doing the surveys and the ‘voice of the customer’ as they call it, to find out which benefits and allowances are most valued to employees,” Collins says. “That way, they can re-adjust and concentrate on the support that provides the most value and the most impact. Sometimes, the most valuable types of supports are not the most costly. “For example, spouse support is a very low cost item, but can add huge impact to the family. So, companies are trying to re-look at their packages. Things like mobility premiums are being reduced, and cost of living and housing allowances are being revised after looking at more efficient indexes.” Teyu also admits that while cost containment is not a new challenge for global mobility managers, she believes they face constant pressure from the business to cut down on programme costs. She adds managers, however, need to ensure they do not cut costs by sacrificing compliance. “Compliance is definitely one of the biggest challenges. With each country having different tax and immigration laws, I think global mobility managers have a need to be always on the forefront of these regulations to ensure their mobility programmes will meet the necessary compliance requirements for each destination they have moves in,” she says. She explains that in her experience, another challenge is explaining to the business the compliance issues present in international relocations, even on business trips. “All the business tends to see is that this employee has a visa to go, so it must surely be all right to go. “They don’t realise until too late that a business/tourist visa is not always the right type of visa for the work they are doing in that country, and there may be potential tax liabilities under certain countries’ tax laws when they cross over a certain number of days.”

根據Cartus的調查顯示,最令世界各地的調配經 理煩惱的三大挑戰分別是成本控制(77%受訪者)、房屋 (47%)、以及法規相關問題(45%)。 Collins說:「很多企業正進行調查,它們稱之為 『客戶的聲音』,以找出哪些福利及津貼對員工最重 要。」 「這樣它們便可重新調整,集中提供最有價值 及最重要的支持,有時最重要的支持未必是最高成本 的。」 「例如,配偶支援的成本很低,但對家庭有很大 的影響。因此企業正重新檢討其方案,調配獎金等正 削減,並參考更有效指標來對生活及房屋津貼進行調 整。」 Teyu亦承認,雖然成本控制並非全球調配經理 面對的新挑戰,但她認為企業正不斷對削減政策成本 施壓。 然而她補充指,調配經理必須確保他們不會因成本 削減而違反法規。 她說:「法規絕對是最大的挑戰之一,每個國家都 有不同的稅收及入境法例,我認為全球調配經理必須 經常留意這些條例,以確保他們的調配政策符合每個調 派地的法例規定。」 她解釋指,根據她的經驗,另一個挑戰是向企業 解釋國際調配所面對的法規問題,即使是商務出差也 一樣。 「所有企業往往認為只要員工取得簽證,那就沒 有問題。」 「到意識到商務/旅遊簽證並非該國的工作簽證已 為時已晚,而且根據一些國家的稅務法例,工作超過一 定天數要面對潛在的稅務責任。」 因此,調配經理如想盡量減低調派員工到海外所 遇到的法例及成本風險,最重要是充分了解相關的規 定。 她說:「我認為全球調配經理面對的下一個最大

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Executive Relocation 行政調動 « FEATURE Having enough knowledge about the complications involved in overcoming compliance and cost-related issues is therefore, integral, if mobility managers wish to minimise the risks of relocating employees overseas. “Next, I think one of the biggest challenges for global mobility managers out there is also educating the business and making them aware of these compliance risks so we can catch them before they actually leave the country,” she says. “It’s important for HR business partners to actively communicate with global mobility managers when doing any long or short-term international moves to assess any compliance concerns,” she adds.

Crafting in-house relocation programmes

挑戰,仍然是在調派人員出國前令企業理解這些法例 風險。」 她補充說:「進行任何長期或短期的國際調配時, 人力資源業務合作夥伴必須積極與全球調配經理溝通, 以評估任何法例風險。」 制定內部調配計劃 對於承擔不起聘請外判商的企業,Teyu建議制定一套 內部調配方案,保持三個主要元素的完美平衡。 這包括:第一,一套符合當地法例規定的方案, 包括法定及本地勞工法例要求。 第二,企業本身必須同意方案所要求的成本及內 容。 最後,企業要謹慎及積極為外派員工提供最大的 支援。 Teyu說:「作為一家企業,我們認為有責任為外派 人員提供『關心』,即使公司不斷就削減成本向我們施 壓,但作為一位全球調配經理,我們亦必須關心每位員 工的最大利益及體驗。」 Collins補充指,制定一套內部調配方案應謹記公 司的要求及期望,以及調派員工的類型。 「例如對於一位實習生,他們的調派方案跟高級管 理層的方案當然是完全不同。」 他說:「這亦取決於企業的文化。」 有些企業非常慷慨,它們提供很多個人支援﹔其 他企業可能較自由,提倡人員流動,並希望員工把握機 會,為這個體驗作出貢獻。 「最重要的支援是確保取得合適的簽證,並確保妥 善安置員工的家屬。」 「大多數方案的支援核心包括飛行津貼、交通津 貼、以及一些安置員工家屬的臨時房屋等。」 「然後是一些選擇性但相當重要的項目,例如跨文 化培訓、配偶支援、以及為不懂英語或調派地語言的員 工提供語言培訓。」

For those companies who do not have the resources to engage external vendors, Teyu suggests crafting an internal relocation package that strikes a perfect balance between three key elements. This includes, first, a package which meets compliance requirements in the host location, including governable and local employment law requirements. Second, the company and business itself must be agreeable to the costs and contents of said package. The last element involves a mindful and active role by the company to provide the best support to relocating employees. “As a company, we do believe in providing a ‘duty of care’ to assignees, so while the business can keep pressuring us to cut costs, as global mobility managers, we do have to be mindful of the employee’s best interests and experience too,” Teyu says. Collins adds crafting an internal mobility package should also be done keeping in mind the requirements and motivations of the company and the type of employee being transferred. “When we look at an intern, for example, they’re bound to have a completely different package compared to a senior leader. “It also really depends on the culture of the company,” he points out. “Some companies are typically very generous – they do a lot of hand-holding. “Other companies are more laid back and promote mobility and expect their people to put up their hand and grasp opportunities and largely invest themselves in the experience. “The key elements of support are making sure the right visas are in place and making sure the family gets settled in. “The core kinds of support you see in most packages are things like the flight allowance, the shipment allowance and some temporary housing so you at least get the family settled. “Then, you will see some optional but, obviously, quite valuable things like inter-cultural training, spouse support, and language training if they go into a country which doesn’t speak English or their first language.”

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OPINION » Learning & development 學習與發展

Making work a ‘second home’ As Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) celebrates its 50th anniversary, its HR director outlines the employee engagement efforts which have helped keep staff happy and on board. ELIZA NG HR director Fuji Xerox 伍雪芬 人力資源部總監 富士施樂(香港)有 限公司

將工作變成「第二個家」 適逢富士施樂(香港)有限公司50周年誌慶,該公司的人力資源部總監講述其員工參與計劃如何令員工 保持敬業樂業。

Feeling at home: True engagement only comes when employees are in the right environment to play to their strengths. 家的感覺:員工能在合適的環境發揮自己的優勢,才能真正投入工作。

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Learning & development 學習與發展 « OPINION

Established in 1964, Fuji Xerox in Hong Kong (FXHK) is a leading information and communications technology provider specialising in document consultancy. We celebrated our 50th anniversary, a remarkable milestone in 2014. The company provides a full range of knowledge and document management solutions and services from multifunctional devices, production printing systems, document management and workflow software to enterprise print services and business process services. At FXHK, continuous improvement applies not only to its products and services, but also to creating a positive work culture and caring work environment for its employees. We instil love and care, respect and responsibility, communication and harmony elements into our employee engagement initiatives – this is our mission to helping staff regard FXHK as their second home and an interesting place to work. We believe our staff are more willing to offer their discretionary effort at work to achieve a higher productivity and outstanding performance if they can achieve growth and fulfilment in both their professional and personal lives. In line with this commitment, FXHK considers employee wellness a top priority, which is demonstrated through a variety of initiatives and CSR activities to promote employees’ physical, emotional, intellectual and social wellbeing. After all, business sustainability relies on talent, so retention is critical. Every staff member is welcome to participate in employee engagement projects voluntarily, and they are given the flexibility in their arrangements to “think outside the box” and stretch their leadership potential. This process helps build confidence and promotes collaboration. Every year, we engage more than 150 employees in planning and execution, with more than 3,600 people – staff and family members – participating in these programmes. When it comes to work-life balance, this helps increase productivity and improve morale. At FXHK, we have introduced various measures for work-life balance by being more innovative and extending these to family members of our employees. For example, there’s flexibility around volunteering leave for CSR activities; flexible working hours on the day after the 2014 FIFA World Cup finals and children’s graduation leave, as well as things such as parent’s birthday gifts and sponsorship on cultural activities during work-life balance weeks. We also encourage our employees and their family members to contribute to society by actively participating in our CSR activities. Their commitment has strengthened our corporate image as well, in a win-win situation. Additionally, our employee assistance programme provides professional consultation and counselling services for staff and their families. To encourage lifelong learning, we have diversified learning opportunities to enhance employee competencies. Our learning resources include an in-house library, e-learning courses and comprehensive training via the staff professional development programme. Staff can accumulate their individual learning mileage points to exchange for ferry and flight tickets for overseas trips to Europe as a reward for their achievements. We are always willing to invest in our people, as they are our core asset to our success. Management provides full support on resource allocation for these activities, and they walk the talk by participating. With these measures in place, we believe employees can remain passionate about their work and seize every opportunity to grow with Hong Kong for the next 50 years and beyond.

成立於1964年,富士施樂(香港)是一家領先 的資訊及通訊科技供應商,專攻文件管理顧問領域。 2014年慶祝成立50周年,刻下一個重要的里程碑。 該公司提供全面的知識及文件管理解決方案及服 務,包括多功能設備、生產型打印系統、文件管理及工 作流程軟件、以至企業印刷託管服務及業務流程託管 服務。 富士施樂(香港)除不斷提升產品及服務外,亦一直 為員工打造積極的工作文化及關懷的工作環境。我們將 愛心與關懷、尊重與責任、溝通與和諧的元素注入我們 員工參與計劃,務求令員工視富士施樂(香港)為他們的 第二個家及一個有趣的工作地方。 我們相信,只要我們的員工在工作及個人生活上得 到發展及滿足感,他們會更願意在工作上付上努力, 以達到更高的工作效率及出色的工作表現。 為實踐這個承諾,富士施樂(香港)以員工的福祉為 大前提,透過多元化的計劃及社企活動,提升員工的身 心健康、知識、以及社會責任感。企業的可持續發展畢 竟有賴人才,因此留住人才是至關重要。 我們歡迎每位員工自願加入員工參與計劃,他們可 以靈活作出安排,讓他們盡情發揮創意及展現領導才 能,從中建立自信及促進員工之間的合作。 我們每年邀請超過150位員工參與規劃及執行, 超過3,600位員工及家屬一同參加這些參與計劃。 我們明白工作與生活的平衡有助提升工作效率及 員工士氣,富士施樂(香港)採取多種更創新的方式來實 現工作與生活的平衡,並覆蓋至員工的家屬。 例如,參與各種社企活動可自行安排放假、2014 FIFA世界盃決賽後第二天可以彈性上班、子女畢業典禮 假期、以及父母生日禮物、生活與工作平衡周期間的文 化活動贊助等。 我們亦鼓勵員工及其家屬積極參與我們的社企活 動,為社會作出貢獻。他們的參與亦有助加強我們的企 業形象,是一個雙贏的局面。 此外,我們的員工支援計劃為員工及其家庭提供 專業諮詢及輔導服務。 為提倡終身學習,我們提供多元化的學習機會, 以提升員工的能力。我們的學習資源包括公司內部圖 書館、電子學習課程、以及通過員工職業發展計劃提供 的全面培訓。 員工可以累積個人學習里程積分,以換取到歐洲海 外旅遊的船票及機票,以獎勵他們的成就。 我們一直致力投資在員工身上,因為他們是我們成 功的核心資產。對於這些活動的資源分配,管理層全力 支持,並身體力行。 透過這些措施,我們相信員工會繼續保持對工作的 熱誠,並把握每個機會與香港一同邁向另一個50年。

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OPINION » People issues 人事問題

Get prepared to pay for performance Pay for performance will work only if employees understand the rationale for differentiation. PRAKASH SATAGOPAN Business compensation manager, APJ Hewlett-Packard Prakash Satagopan 亞太和日本地區企業 薪酬經理 惠普

為績效薪酬作好準備 要實行績效薪酬制度,必須令員工理解薪酬差異的理由。

Pay for performance is one of the most discussed topics in HR circles, but the devil of this generally accepted pay philosophy lies in the details. How do we execute it effectively and ensure employees understand its rationale? This is where HR managers need to dive in and understand the perspectives that can get it right. Before we talk “pay”, let’s talk “performance”. To measure performance, it’s critical every employee and team are clear about how their performance objectives are set; how their performance is measured, and how they get paid for this. Many times, this activity has to be delivered against a timeline, which in my view, dilutes its essence. However, preparing ahead of time and planning a good communication strategy will ensure all employees sign up to their goals. With the objectives set, it is equally important to be clear on how to measure performance against them, using the “whats” and the “hows”. I categorise the “whats” as goals to accomplish, for which I suggest the SMART philosophy – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. I relate the “hows” to behaviours – how employees go about achieving their goals, be it collaboration, teamwork, leadership or execution. These often cannot be purely measured by metrics, and this is where discussion becomes critical. With this done, every manager needs to calibrate performance of each individual. This is where transparency comes in play to help managers differentiate performance. A bell curve is essential, but there are challenges in implementing it in a small team, in which case peer calibration, which involves relative comparison, may be useful. Next comes a key driver of performance – communication. A structured and regular one-on-one session is essential to ensure an employee is moving in the right direction. Performance results should not come as a shock to employees. Even during a difficult year, a difficult performance decision can be executed well if the communication is clear and honest. It’s clear employees need to be educated about the compensation philosophy - it can’t be avoided. Many firms do this only when it is due, but it really needs to be looked at as a constant evolving journey to educate. Often, a perception is the reality. When employees are educated on the pay philosophy in a transparent way, the trust factor builds up and noise levels go down.

Ready, set, pay: Start strong when educating staff on pay. 各就各位、預備、支薪﹕加強員工對薪酬的理解。

績效薪酬制度是人力資源界最常討論的話題之一,但這套普 遍獲接受的薪酬理念的魔鬼在於細節中。我們如何能有效運用這套理 念,並確保員工明白背後的理由?人力資源經理必須深入了解如何妥 善處理。 談「薪酬」之前,先談「績效」。要評估績效,每個員工及團隊都必 須清晰了解他們的績效目標是甚麼、他們的績效如何進行評估、以及他 們如何按績效獲取薪酬。 很多時候,這些工作必須與時間競賽,我認為這樣會淡化其本 質。然而,提前作好準備及制定良好溝通策略將確保所有員工共同參 與目標。 設定目標外,清晰了解績效評估亦同樣重要,可透過「甚麼」及 「如何」進行評估。我將要達成的目標歸類為「甚麼」,我建議採用 「SMART」理念,即具體(specific)、可衡量(measurable)、可實行 (attainable)、相關(relevant)及時間性(time-based)。 我將行為納入「如何」,即員工如何去達成協調、團隊合作、領導 才能或執行等的目標。這些往往不能單靠測量指標來評估,討論是至 關重要。 完成後,每一位管理層需要花時間評定每位員工的績效水平,當 中須保持透明度。採用拉曲線的方式是必須的,但在小團隊中實行起 來有一定的挑戰,這個情況下,相對比較等對等校正可能有用。 接下來是提升表現的另一個關鍵,溝通。完善及定期的一對一討 論有助確保員工朝着正確的方向發展。 員工應對其績效結果心理有數。 只要有清晰及誠實的溝通,即使在困難時期亦可實行困難的績效 決定。 員工必須了解薪酬理念,這是無可避免的。很多企業有需要時才 這樣做,但企業應視之為一個持續演變的教育過程。 觀感往往反映現實,當員工透過高透明度的方式了解薪酬理念, 便能建立信任,減少不滿。

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16/4/2015 11:58:35 AM

OPINION » Unconventional wisdom 不一樣的智慧

How to avoid disappointing new employees FRANZISKA HUGGENBERGER Head of regional recruitment for Asia Pacific BASF Franziska Huggenberger 亞太區招聘主管 BASF

Create an authentic employer brand so new employees know they’ve joined the right company.

如何避免令新員工失望 建立一個真正的僱主品牌,令新員工知道自己加入了合適的公司。

A while ago, I read 76% of people believe companies lie in their


advertising. Looking at the massive popularity of online product review platforms, it is evident the only opinions people really trust are those of other consumers. Similarly, job seekers spend a lot of time checking with friends and doing due diligence on portals such as Glassdoor before signing a contract or even applying somewhere. So, how can you bridge the gap to your naturally sceptical candidates and turn them into employees who feel they have joined the right place? Over the past two years, I have been working on a global project redefining the employer brand of BASF. Here are a few ideas.


Let real people tell their stories Storytelling may be a marketing buzzword, but it does make sense in employer branding. Instead of smiling models on our recruitment materials, we tell stories of real innovations in the company, portraying the colleagues behind these projects. BASF has recently started showcasing employee ambassadors on its new career website. Candidates can send them messages, ask them for career advice and even live-chat with them. We are starting to see many interested job seekers and very good questions coming in through this channel.


大眾真正信任的只有來自其他消費者的意見。同樣地, 求職者在簽合約、甚至應徵前,會花大量時間向朋友查 詢,以及在Glassdoor等平台進行調查。 那麼,如何解答求職者的合理懷疑,使他們成為你 的員工,並認為加入你的公司是一個正確的決定? 過去兩年,我一直進行一個提升BASF僱主品牌形 象的全球項目,以下有一些想法。

講故事是市場推廣界近十年的流行語,亦適用於僱主 品牌推廣。我們一改以笑容滿面的模特兒當招聘宣傳, 反而講述企業的真實創新故事,描繪這些項目背後的 同事。 BASF最近開始在全新的職業網站介紹員工大使, 求職者可以發短訊給他們、向他們徵詢職業意見、甚至 與他們即時對話,我們看到這個渠道吸引了很多有興趣 的求職者,並收集到很多出色的問題。

Walk in your candidate’s shoes Now that you have the applicant interested, you will want to look not only at your obvious brand interfaces such as a website or your job postings, but also at the experiences they have with recruiters, hiring managers, or while visiting your office. For example, if personal interactions and a caring attitude are at the core of your culture, doing good follow-ups, and giving proper feedback can show that. Furthermore, to help you understand the mindset of your target groups, survey your applicants or follow the social network buzz on Glassdoor, Kanzhun or Naukri. Doing this, and in parallel, keeping tabs on your business’s current and future talent needs, will help you build a business case for investing.

設身處地 雖然吸引到有興趣的求職者,但要注意的不只是網站或 招聘廣告等品牌的門面,亦要重視他們接觸招聘者、招 聘經理、甚至參觀辦公室時的體驗。 例如,透過做好跟進工作,並作出合適的回應,能 反映出你企業的個人互動及關懷精神核心文化。 此外,為了解目標群組的思維,應向求職者進行調 查,或留意Glassdoor、Kanzhun或Naukri等社交網 絡的熱門話題。 透過這個方法,同時配合企業目前及未來的人才需

Consider your current employees It will take much longer than an external brand revamp to make sure what you stand for is expressed in the way your company treats employees. The value of engaging employees in recruitment became evident when we managed to hire up to one-third of new joiners through a referral programme. Building trust with candidates and delivering on your promises is more important than ever, and can make the difference for your talent pipeline and, ultimately, your company’s bottom line.

求,將有助你建立一個商業投資計劃。 關注現有員工 這將比品牌的外在改造需要更長的時間,以確保公司對 待員工的方式能反映公司的主張。 員工參與招聘過程的成效顯著,多達三分一的新入 職者是通過我們的員工推薦計劃所招聘。 與求職者建立信任,並兌現你的承諾較以往更重 要,這能改變你的人才管道,最終提升公司的業績。

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Upwardly mobile 向上流動 « OPINION

Making room for part-timers in the workplace CORINNA CHEANG

Find out how Jetstar's part-time cabin crew programme has helped to attract and retain experienced staff back into the workforce.

Head of people Jetstar Asia Airways


Corinna Cheang 人力資源主管 捷星亞洲航空


When the Jetstar Asia part-time cabin crew programme was introduced in 2009, it was considered a bold move in Singapore's aviation circles. At the time, we were the only local airline offering a part-time work option. The objectives behind it were three-fold – foster a family friendly environment, welcome mothers back into the workplace and allow greater flexibility in the customer service team. The programme was received positively as the airline was able to entice experienced flight attendants from world-class airlines to join us. In that first year, we had 20 part-timers, most of them mothers, aged between 30 to 60. These employees were passionate about flying and committed to the highest standards of service. They were genuinely caring and aimed to put a smile on their passengers' face every time they travelled. They were also keen mentors, always ready to raise the next generation of cabin crew teams. Since then, the programme has continued to make Jetstar Asia a magnet for experienced cabin crew, who are looking for opportunities to rejoin the workforce. The flexibility offers part-time cabin crew the autonomy to manage their work schedules and strive for work-life balance. The flying roster gave back-to-work mothers predictability in their schedules and met the airline’s need to scale support for flights. As a result, we have further enhanced our work culture to be more inclusive of part-time cabin crew. They now have structured medical and insurance programmes and are involved in our employee wellness programmes and staff recognition schemes. We also developed a career progression programme for them. The supportive work environment, fair compensation and job stability offered by the programme, have also stood the test of time and demonstrated relevance and resilience, as our part-time crew have the highest levels of engagement, and are fiercely loyal and committed to delivering the highest levels of service. The Jetstar people team has taken inspiration from this and built the importance of promoting diversity in the recruitment and retention strategy. Due in part to this, Jetstar Asia has earned itself a reputation in the fiercely competitive commercial aviation business. Our efforts to promote greater work-life balance and flexibility at work will continue because we believe a happy and engaged workforce makes happy customers.

Serving up flexibility: Jetstar's programme has helped mothers re-enter the workplace. 提供彈性﹕捷星亞洲航空幫助媽媽們重返職場。

捷星亞洲航空於2009年推出機艙人員兼職計劃,被視為新 加坡航空業的一大創舉,我們是當時唯一提供兼職職位的本地航空 公司。 該計劃有三方面的目標:打造一個家庭友好環境、歡迎升任媽媽 的空姐重返職場、以及讓客戶服務團隊變得更靈活。 該計劃獲得正面的反應,成功吸引有經驗的世界級航空公司空中 服務員加入我們的行列。 計劃推出首年,我們聘請了20位兼職員工,大部分是年齡界乎30 至60歲的媽媽。 這些員工熱衷於飛行服務,並致力提供最高標準的服務。她們 真誠關懷乘客,務求令乘客每次旅程都充滿笑容。她們也是熱心的導 師,時刻準備好培養新一代的機艙服務團隊。 計劃推出至今,不斷為捷星亞洲吸引很多有意重返職場、經驗豐 富的機艙服務員。 靈活的安排讓她們可自行管理她們的工作時間表,保持工作與生 活的平衡。飛行名冊讓重返職場的媽媽可以預計自己的工作時間,同 時滿足航空公司的需求增加對航班的支持。 因此我們進一步加強我們的工作文化,為兼職機艙服務員提供更 大支援。她們現時享有標準的醫療及保險計劃,並納入我們的員工福 利及認可計劃,我們亦為她們提供職業發展計劃。 計劃提供支援工作環境、合理的薪酬、以及穩定的工作,經得起 時間的考驗,並表現出關懷及彈性,令我們的兼職機艙服務員全心投 入工作,提供最佳的客戶服務,並對公司忠心不二。 過去一年,捷星的人力資源團隊從中借鑒,在招聘及員工保留策 略中積極推動多元工作文化。 捷星亞洲能在競爭激烈的航空業成功建立聲譽,部分歸因於這 一點。 我們將繼續致力提倡工作與生活的更大平衡,以及靈活的工作, 因我們相信一個快樂及團結的工作團隊能提供令顧客滿意的服務。

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CAREERS » Personal development 個人發展

uptheranks Tracking HR’s industry moves 跟蹤人力資源行業動態 Who: Alan Couldrey From: Brand Union Asia Pacific To: Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific has announced Alan Couldrey, CEO of Brand Union Asia Pacific, as chief talent officer for APAC. He will also continue his role as CEO of Brand Union Asia Pacific, which he has been in for 5 years. Reporting to Ogilvy & Mather’s Asia Pacific CEO, Paul Heath, he will be responsible for the company’s employee development and training, recruitment of top talent and overseeing the HR function. Couldrey commented, “The key to success for an organisation like Ogilvy is its ability to attract the right talent, to find the right mix of talent for today and the near and coming future, and to challenge, train, stimulate and reward those people with an exciting career that once you pick up you simply can’t put down.”

Who: Yvonne Corpuz From: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi To: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (BMTU) has appointed Yvonne Corpuz, formerly the general manager of the bank’s Asian human resources office (AHRO), for the newly created role of global chief learning officer. “She will lead this function to develop a holistic global learning and development strategy that effectively leverages global leadership programmes and creates integrated learning solutions to build organisational capability that is aligned with business priorities,” a statement said. Assuming her position as general manager of AHRO is John Gerard Williams, a seasoned international HR practitioner with almost 30 years of experience in financial services. Williams will be based in Singapore, while Corpuz will divide her time between Tokyo and Singapore.

人物﹕Alan Couldrey

人物﹕Yvonne Corpuz

從﹕Brand Union Asia Pacific




奧美亞太區宣佈任命出任Brand Union Asia Pacific行政總裁長達五年的Alan

三菱東京日聯銀行任命原亞洲人力資源辦事處總經理Yvonne Corpuz出任新設

Couldrey為亞太區人力資源總裁,Couldrey將繼續擔任Brand Union Asia Pacific


行政總裁一職。 Couldrey將負責公司的員工發展及培訓、招聘高級人員、以及管理人力資源部 門,其直屬上司是奧美亞太區行政總裁Paul Heath。 Couldrey說﹕「奧美等企業的成功關鍵在於吸引合適的人才,要在目前及不久 的將來尋找合適的人才,以及透過具吸引力的職業途徑挑戰、培訓、鼓勵及獎賞這

銀行的聲明表示﹕「她將帶領部門發展一個全面的全球學習及發展策略,有效運 建立綜合學習方案,以建立符合業務首要目標的企業能力。」 用全球領袖計劃,及建立綜合學習方案,以建立符合業務首要目標的企業能力。 John Gerard Williams將接任亞洲人力資源辦事處總經理職務,他是一位經驗 源從業員,在金融服務行業擁有近30年經驗。 豐富的國際人力資源從業員,在金融服務行業擁有近30年經驗。 駐新加坡,而Corpuz將於東京及新加坡兩地奔走。 Williams將長駐新加坡



讚賞的力量 力量

HR leaders can use appreciation to single out those who contribute in meaningful ways towards organisational culture, says Akankasha Dewan.

表示,人力資源領袖可透過 Akankasha Dewan表示

Most HR leaders know the value of appreciation in the office, but there are some employees, who make the office a better one to work in, in ways which go beyond bringing in the biggest amount of revenue. Here are some examples to consider:

大部分人力資源領袖明白讚賞對企業的價值,有些員工並非帶來最龐大的收入 袖明白讚賞對企業的價值,有些員工並非帶 並非帶來最龐 來 大的收入,

1) The most positive worker Job dissatisfaction, rumours, and backstabbing are the most popular hush-hush conversations. In such cases, an optimistic and smiling team member does wonders to lift spirits and encourage camaraderie. 2) The most helpful worker Busy schedules, piling to-do lists and lack of time are challenges which almost all leaders encounter. In such situations, a team member taking time out from their own schedule to help others is a rarity. It’s wise to acknowledge such employees’ efforts, as they serve as a brilliant example of teamwork. 3) The most creative worker Highlight those team members who have attempted to do something out-of-the-box, be it in their work or helping to fix the water cooler when it’s broken. Admittedly not everyone’s ‘creative’ tricks will be successful, but acknowledging their attempts is the first step to creating an innovation culture.

化帶來貢獻的人。 讚賞尋找對企業文化帶來貢獻的人

境 以下是 些例子 但卻能提升工作環境。以下是一些例子﹕ 1) 最積極的員工 對工作不滿、謠言、以及中傷是辦公室最流行的隱秘話題,在這種情況下,一位樂 觀及笑容滿面的團隊成員能提升士氣,增進同事間的友誼。 2) 最熱心的員工 繁忙的工作日程、排山倒海的任務、以及有限的時間幾乎是所有領袖都會遇到的 挑戰,在這種情況下,一位願意從自身工作中抽時間出來幫助其他同事的團隊成 員是難能可貴的。他們是團隊合作的最佳示範,表揚這類員工的努力是明智的 做法。 3) 最有創意的員工 要表揚嘗試發揮創意的團隊成員,不論他的創意是用於工作上,還是修理飲水機 上。雖然並非每個人的「創意」都一定會成功,但表揚他們的努力是打造創新文 化的第一步。

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Good reads to improve your business life 提升職業生活的好書

Pick of the month

Alex Malley Wiley S$27.88

Bookmark this! The more you listen to all of those around you, the better you will become at filtering through the noise to find those nuggets of gold that you can learn from. It comes down to developing a feeling for the environment around you - this is one of the skills you have to develop in your life. - page 28 即使是停學的男生都可以成為行政總裁,這是Alex Malley有關領導才能一書的訊息。 在書的開頭,Malley分享了一封學校校長寫給他

Even a suspended schoolboy can become a CEO. That’s the message from Alex Malley’s book about leadership. At the front of the book, Malley shares a letter written from his school principal to his father, informing him of Malley’s suspension from school in 1978. Fast forwarding 36 years, Malley has a letter from the same principal congratulating him on a TV appearance as the CEO of CPA Australia. This personal journey plays out in the book through intriguing stories, real advice and lessons from mistakes throughout his life - professional and otherwise.

Inside the Crystal Ball: How to Make and Use Forecasts Maury Harris Wiley S$47.03 No future is certain, but some people are certainly better than others at forecasting future outcomes. In this book, Maury Harris, takes readers on a journey to understand how forecasters succeed. Through chapters about best practices, and everyday forecasting issues, Harris’ book brings to life his own experiences to offer advice on how to understand the future. Bookmark this! Reputations are often based on an entrepreneur, marketer, or forecaster “being really right when it counted most”. Our society lauds and rewards

父親的信,通知其父親Malley於1978年遭停學。36年 匆匆過去,Malley收到同一位校長的來信,祝賀他以澳 洲會計師公會行政總裁的身份亮相電視。 他在書中通過有趣的故事、實際的建議、以及從人 生、包括職業生涯及其他方面的錯誤中學到的教訓,講 述這段個人經歷。 圍繞「打造自己的宇宙」以及「成為最好的人」的 主題,這本書有助讀者深入了解一位「赤裸裸」的行政 總裁的職業生涯成功之路。 金句收藏 多點聆聽身邊的人的說話,便能過濾雜質,找到值得借

Bringing Strategy Back: How Strategic Shock Absorbers Make Planning Relevant in a World of Constant Change Jeffrey L. Sampler Jossey-Bass S$36.55 With the world changing rapidly, it’s not hard to see why strategy falls to the bottom of the management agenda. Jeffrey Sampler rummages through the noise to help leaders understand what “strategy” really is. Sampler explains how it all comes down to shrugging off obsolete notions of strategy to re-orientate one’s approach and absorb the shocks they feel during change. Suggesting four new “strategic shock absorbers” - accuracy, agility, momentum and foresight - this book outlines how leaders can withstand even the worst bumps in the road and ensure they remain proactive.

鑒的黃金。這在於感受周圍的環境,這是你人生必修的 技能之一。――第28頁

su individuals. However, such a impressive body of an r research suggests that t these one-hit wonder are usually unreliable sources of advice and forecasts. In other words, they strike out a lot. - page 17

Bookmark this! Imagine you are idling at a busy intersection in Mumbai, waiting for an opening to inch out into the chaotic rush of traffic. When do you move? In this environment, you need a rule to guide your actions. This is what a decision trigger is - a rule that dictates actions and 27 世界瞬息萬變,不難理解策略為何跌至管理議程


的末端。Jeffrey Sampler抽絲剝繭,幫助領袖了

Maury Harris透過本書帶領讀者了解預測者的成功


祕訣。 透過各章節講述的最佳例子,以及日常面對的預 測問題,Harris的書分享了他的自身經驗,為了解未來 提供建議。

Sampler解釋如何拋開過時的策略觀念,重 新確立方向及應對在改變中感受到的沖擊。 本書建議四個「策略沖擊防震法寶」――準確、 靈活、動力及遠見,講述領袖如何在面對最崎嶇 的情況下仍能迄立不倒,保持積極主動。

金句收藏 聲譽往往在於企業家、市場推廣人員、或預測者「在最










Photography: Fauzie Rasid

The Naked CEO: The Truth You Need to Build a Big Life

Focusing on “creating your own u universe” and “be the best person yo can be”, the book helps readers you ggain a insight into the journey of a ssuccessful ucce career from a ‘naked’ CEO.


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In her new role as a manager, Aditi Sharma Kalra looks for ways to manage time better.

Managing tasks and their deadlines is hard. Managing people is harder. But managing myself and my time is the hardest, but it is the key to managing both people and deadlines. This was my biggest learning during my first month in my new role as a manager at Human Resources. We all have 24 hours in a day, out of which we spend about eight to nine hours at our desks, which could go up to 12 hours. Not only is that unhealthy, but it may also be indicative of a need to manage one’s time more effectively. In the past month, I’ve often found myself looking for ways to check things off my task list more efficiently. Here’s what I learnt. 1. Invest 20 minutes in planning your day Instead of starting each day in a whirl, it helps to take out time to structure my day. Doing so, I gained a one-up before the clock got the better of me, and listed out my daily priorities. I also realised it was futile to put more than three to four big items on my to-do list. 2. Start with the most time-intensive activity Starting your morning with the hardest or most time-intensive activity is a good idea, especially if that’s when you’re at your best (which I am). Coming in with a fresh mind was perfect to solve problems that needed the most time and effort. An early start meant I was able to tick off such tasks early in the day, without feeling like I was running out of time to achieve everything else that I had planned. 3. Routines are meant to be broken A routine is great when it works, but it’s even more fun when it needs to be reworked to suit your goals. In the past month, I’ve played around with the way I have managed my work in the AM and PM and realised that a new routine may be in order. I’ll be honest, I haven’t quite grasped what my new routine is yet. It can be overwhelming to step out of your comfort zone away from the tried-andtested work habits that have worked so well for you in the past. But a new year, a new role and a new team are all great reasons to break the monotony and figure out how you can keep doing more of what makes you good at your job, and slowly season it with habits that will make you great. These are just some of my thoughts, and I’d love to hear more ideas from you.

我成為經理第一個月學 懂的東西 剛升任經理一職,Aditi Sharma Kalra 尋找更好管理時間的方法。

處理任務及其最後期限很難,管理員工更難, 但最難的是管理自已及自己的時間,但這是管理人員及 限期的關鍵。這是我出任《Human Resources》經理 這個新角色首月的最大學習課題。 我們每天只有24小時,當中八至九小時花在辦公 桌上,有時甚至長達12小時。這不僅不健康,亦可能表 示要更有效率地管理自己的時間。 在過去的一個月,我不斷尋找更有效率地完成任務 的方法,以下是我所學到的。 1.花20分鐘規劃每天的工作 與其每天一上班便衝鋒陷陣,應花一點時間為一天的 工作做規劃,這有助我善用時間,並列出每天要優先處 理的事項。 我亦明白到,不應將超過三至四件大項目納入工 作日程。 2. 從最耗時的事項開始 每天早上最好先處理最困難及最耗時的事項,尤其當早 上是你狀態最好的時候(對我而言是的) 。早上思維清 晰,是處理最花時間精力解決的棘手問題的最好時候。 愈早開始表示愈早解決這些任務,然後有更多時間 處理其他計劃好的事項。 3. 日常流程是用來打破的 訂下可行的日常流程是好事,但調整次序來配合你的目 標更有趣。在過去的一個月,我嘗試將早上與下午的工 作對調,發現新的流程可能更適合。 老實說,我還未完全確定新的工作流程,改變過往 行之有效的工作習慣是很困難的。 但新的一年、新的角色、新的團隊,這些都是打破 常規、以及找出更有效率處理工作的方法的最好理由, 並逐步變成習慣,將令你表現更出色。 以上只是我的一些想法,我很樂意聽聽更多你的 意見。

Photography: Stefanus Elliot Lee using Nikon D810 –; Makeup & Hair: Michmakeover using Make Up For Ever & hair using Sebastian Professional –

What I learnt in my first month as a manager

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3 - 4 June 2015 Connexion@Nexus Kuala Lumpur

9 - 10 June 2015 Resorts World Sentosa Singapore

18 - 19 June 2015 The Mira Hong Kong

ASIA’S MOST INSIGHTFUL TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE Measuring and ensuring the success of training are among the most challenging tasks encountered by learning and development specialists and HR leaders across the region. This 2 day conference is designed to help all managers and specialists to gain that fundamental edge in crafting a successful L&D program and achieving optimal ROI.

Hear from the senior leaders spearheading quality L&D programmes including: • Dr. Nitin More, Head of L&D APAC, Facebook • Elma Diala-Pangilinan, HR Business Partner & Head for Learning and Org. Development, Nielsen • Tan Ong Jin, Regional HR Business Partner, AXA

KEY AREAS DISCUSSED INCLUDE: • Latest trends in learning & development • Learning technologies & innovation • Employee onboarding • Enhancing ROI of your training

• Transformation & organisational change • Building innovation capacity • Coaching & mentoring

For more details on the expert speaker faculty and agenda, visit

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