Human Resources magazine, Hong Kong, Quarter 2, 2017

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HumanResources publisher editor (Hong Kong) journalist regional editor senior journalists bilingual sub-editor sub-editor

Naomi Cranswick Anthony Wong Laura Fransen Aditi Sharma Kalra Jerene Ang Wani Azahar Tracy Chan James Foster

regional art director associate art director graphic designer

Shahrom Kamarulzaman Evisu Yip Samson Lam

circulations executive

Deborah Quek

regional director regional sales managers

regional marketing manager head of production regional producers

regional head of event services regional finance director managing director group managing director

Yogesh Chandiramani Keiko Ko Zoe Lau Carine Chang Bernadine Reyla Chris Chow Isabel Ho Clare Tang Angela Leung Francis Lee Sanna Lun Yeo Wei Qi

Evelyn Wong Tony Kelly Justin Randles

Human Resources is published quarterly by Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd. Printed in Hong Kong by Asia One Printing Ltd. Subscription rates are available on request, contact the Circulation Manager by telephone: (65) 6423 0329 or by email to: COPYRIGHTS AND REPRINTS. All material printed in Human Resources is protected under the copyright act. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the prior written consent of the publisher and the copyright holder. Permission may be requested through the Singapore office. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in Human Resources are not necessarily the views of the publisher. Singapore: Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd 100C Pasir Panjang Road, #05-01, See Hoy Chan Hub, 118519 Tel: +65 6423 0329 Fax: +65 6423 0117

Looking into the future 展望未來

I am excited to announce The Futurist is back for the second consecutive year. It is Human Resources’ annual special edition for HR leaders to share their insights on the future. After getting a warm reception from the local community in its inauguration last June, this year’s edition is as spectacular as last year’s issue. This year, 12 HR leaders from some of the biggest organisations in Asia have expressed their forward-looking and exciting ideas for the future of the function. How technology is going to revolutionise the workplace continues to be a major talking point among HR leaders. I am sure you will find most of the viewpoints raised by the contributors to be inspiring and to be of great value to your talent management strategies. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to all contributors who have taken time out of their busy schedules to contribute to the magazine. All of you should be proud of yourselves as forward-thinkers in taking the lead in transforming the HR function. For Q&A, Laura Fransen talked to Jeff Lam, talent development director at Starbucks, about his unusual path to success in becoming a HR professional and the unique working culture the coffee giant offers. Find out more in this exclusive interview on page 12. This year marked the sixth year anniversary of the introduction of the minimum wage law. The intention of the legislation is to protect grass root workers. I have compiled a “history in numbers” to look at how setting a wage floor has impacted the lives of underprivileged workers. Just around the corner is Training and Development Asia, our annual conference that focuses on learning and talent development. We look forward to seeing you at the event and hope you will be able to get some key insights on enhancing your talent. Enjoy the issue.

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Anthony nthony Wong Editor


我很高興地宣布,《Human Resources》年度特刊 「The Futurist」連續第二年載譽歸來,讓人力資源領 袖與讀者一同分享他們對行業未來的見解。 去年六月出版的第一期「The Futurist」特刊受到 業界的熱烈歡迎,今年同樣得到各人力資源領袖的大 力支持。 今年,來自亞洲一些最大型企業的12位人力資源 領袖對行業的未來表達了具遠見及令人興奮的想法。 科技將如何徹底改變職場,仍然是人力資源領袖 的主要話題。我相信各位撰文的人力資源領袖所提出 的大多數觀點,絕對會對你的人才管理策略帶來非常有 價值的啟發。 我想藉此機會,衷心感謝所有從百忙之中抽空為這 期特刊撰文的人力資源領袖。你們都是引領人力資源行 業轉型、具遠見的思想家,我們為你感到自豪。 在「問與答」專欄中,Laura Fransen訪問了星巴克 亞太區人才發展總監Jeff Lam,了解他成為成功人力資 源管理專業人士的非一般歷程,以及這家咖啡連鎖店巨 頭的獨特工作文化。獨家專訪詳情請閱第12頁。 今年是香港引入法定最低工資六周年,立法的目的 是為了保障基層僱員。我編撰了「歷史數字」專欄,探討 設立最低工資對弱勢僱員生活的影響。 我們專注於探討學習及人才發展的「亞洲培訓與發 展」年度會議即將舉行,我們期待在活動中與你會面, 並希望你能夠獲得一些關於提升人才培育的重要見解。 請細閱今期雜誌。


News from


Working with a bad manager seems to be something almost every worker has to deal with at some point in their career. A recent Glassdoor study revealed what employees in the UK considered the most common “bad boss traits”: 1. Disrespectful (43%) 2. Negative attitude (34%) 3. Lazy (23%) 4. Always talking about himself/herself (16%) 5. Inappropriate humour – 10%. Despite being a pain for everybody, plenty of bad bosses are able to get away with their behaviour. Forty per cent of the participants in the survey said they would try to “ignore” the bad boss. While 15% did say they would complain to somebody higher up, only 5% would proactively “try and get them fired”.

差勁老闆的壞習慣 與差勁的上司合作,幾乎是每位打工人士在職業生涯某個時刻的必經階 段。Glassdoor最近的一項研究揭示英國僱員認為最常見的「差勁老闆特 徵」: 1.不尊重別人(43%) 2.態度負面(34%) 3.懶惰(23%) 4.經常自吹自擂(16%) 5.不適當的幽默(10%) 儘管對每個人來說都很痛苦,但很多差勁老闆都能擺脫他們的壞習慣。 參與調查的人士之中,有40%的人表示會試圖「忽視」差勁老闆。雖然 有15%的人表示會向較高職位的人士投訴,但只有5%的人會主動「嘗試令他 們被解僱」。


A study recently published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that people are much less persuasive over email than they think, as they underestimate the importance of nonverbal cues. The study showed that face-to-face requests were 34 times more effective compared with emailed ones. Yet, when asked to predict the likelihood of their request being successful, people expect similar results for both. According to the researchers, people underestimate their own persuasiveness in a face-to-face conversation, while overestimating it when communicating via email. While admitting that using text-based communication is often more convenient and comfortable than approaching someone in person, the authors point out this could be standing in your way of getting things done.

工作電郵能否助你完成工作? 一項最近發表在《實驗社會心理學期刊》上的研究發現,電子郵件的說服力遠低 於人們的想像,因為他們低估了非語言線索的重要性。 該研究顯示,面對面請求比電子郵件有效34倍。然而,當被要求預測他們的 請求成功率時,人們對兩者的期望結果相似。 據研究人員表示,人們低估了自己在面對面交談時的說服力,而通過電子郵 件進行溝通時卻高估了這一點。 雖然承認通過文字進行溝通通常比親自接觸某人更方便及自在,但作者指 出,這可能會阻礙你完成工作。


» Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017


Does your company have an “exciting vision”? If not, you might have a hard time recruiting young talent. According to a survey from KPMG International, 92% of students rank an organisation’s vision as a top consideration when choosing their first employer. The KPMG “Student Career Preferences Survey” includes opinions of 4165 business and STEM students at some of the world’s leading universities. In addition to an exciting vision, 89% said it was important their future employer makes a positive difference in the world. While pay and benefits remain among the top criteria, 79% said that working for an organisation with a strong sense of purpose was more important than earning the highest salary possible. So if your company keeps losing talent to competitors, it could be time to look beyond monetary compensation and focus on what else you can offer potential new recruits.

高薪不是人才戰的致勝關鍵 你的公司擁有「激勵人心的願景」嗎?沒有的話,可能難以招聘到年輕人才。根 據畢馬威國際的一項調查結果顯示,92%的學生在選擇首位僱主時,會將企業 願景視為首要考慮條件。 畢馬威「學生就業意向調查」訪問了一些世界頂尖大學的4,165位商務及 STEM學生意見。除了激勵人心的願景外,89%的受訪者表示,最重要的是他 們的未來僱主能為世界帶來積極的轉變。 雖然薪酬及福利仍然是首要考慮條件之一,但79%的受訪者表示,在一家 擁有明確目標的企業工作比賺取最高薪酬更重要。 因此,如果你的公司不斷被競爭對手挖角,那麼是時候考慮金錢以外的誘 因,仔細想想可以為潛在新員工帶來甚麼其他額外好處。


When hiring, make sure to look out for discrepancies. More than one in five (21.5%) background checks conducted on job candidates in the Asia Pacific region in 2016 showed inaccuracies in information supplied by candidates, according to a recent report by HireRight. The number is almost three times higher than the discrepancy rate globally (9.7%), but lower compared with the previous year (29%). In Hong globa Kong, the discrepancy rate went down from 26.9% in 2015 to 21.3% in 2016. Kong According A to the report, the decrease follows better awareness of background screening and its impact among candidates – partly because of backg more employers in APAC integrating background screening into their talent acquisition process, and more high-profile cases of CV fraud in APAC being acqui reported in the media. repor

你的應徵者有多誠實? 在招聘時,請務必留意錯漏。根據HireRight最近的一份報告顯示,在 2016年對亞太區求職者進行的背景調查中,超過五分之一(21.5%)由應 徵者提供的訊息資料不準確。 這個數字幾乎是全球差異率的三倍(9.7%),但比上年下跌了 29%。在香港,差異率從2015年的26.9%下跌至2016年的21.3%。 據該報告指,比率下降是由於對應徵者的背景調查意識以及對應 徵者的影響增強,部分原因是更多亞太區僱主將背景調查納入人才招 聘流程之中,以及媒體報導更多轟動的亞太區履歷造假事件。

Q2 2017 « Human Resources Hong Kong «


WORK LIFE » People 人物



Keeping true to the company’s values and culture, Edelman Hong Kong created an open and spacious office space in Wan Chai’s Central Plaza. A large-scale office makeover in 2012 and a few further touchups down the road, Edelman’s office space encourages openness and integration across all teams and levels, breaking down silos and boundaries previously created by walls and dividers. As an integrated communications marketing firm, Edelman’s Hong Kong office has a diverse and specialist team of more than 90 professionals. “Our business is all about team culture, openness and creativity, that’s why we made our office very open with a great sense of shared space,” says Adrian Warr, managing director, Edelman Hong Kong. Edelman worked with an architectural firm to ensure a practical yet creative design. “A lot of companies come up with a design, and then hire a contractor to execute. However, we used professionals to ensure our office was an extension of our ideology and not just a well-designed space,” Warr adds. The office has ten meeting rooms of various sizes to address different needs, some with privacy filters and some without. There are plenty of bean bags, sofas, stools, and even a foosball table in the office to enhance a friendly and balanced work culture. “Edelman is a flat and friendly organisation. Our founder’s principle was that everyone is an account executive. And our independence gives us the


» Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017

秉承公司的價值觀及文化,愛德曼香港在灣仔中環廣場打造了一個寬敞的開放 式辦公空間。於2012年進行了大規模的裝修,並進一步作出調整,愛德曼的辦 公室鼓勵各團隊及職級的員工打破以往由牆壁及間隔造成的隔閡及分界,打成 一片。 作為一家綜合通訊營銷公司,愛德曼香港辦事處擁有一支由90多名專業人 士組成的多元化專業團隊。愛德曼香港董事總經理Adrian Warr說:「我們的業 務全賴於團隊文化、開放性及創意,因此我們打造出一個非常開放的辦公室,擁 有很大的共享空間。」 愛德曼與一家建築公司合作,確保辦事處的設計實用而創新。Warr補充 說:「很多公司構思了一個設計,然後聘請一個承辦商來執行。但我們委託專業 的團隊,以確保我們的辦公室不僅是一個精心設計的空間,更是我們意識形態 的延伸。」 該辦公室設有十間不同大小的會議室,有些會議室設有保障私隱的間隔, 有些則沒有,以滿足不同的需求。辦公室內有大量豆袋、沙發、椅凳、甚至一張 足球桌,以培養友好及平衡的工作文化。 Warr說:「愛德曼是一家平等友好的機構,我們始創人的原則是每個人都


People 人物 WORK LIFE


freedom to be constantly curious. We tried to bring all that to life through the different setups as it helps each member of the team bring out their true creativity. After all, we are a creative business,” says Warr. The office design aligns with the company’s business goals as Edelman Hong Kong’s business strategy is about integration and being “one agency”. Warr explains, “Our Hong Kong ethos is ONE: ONE vision, ONE big family, ONE love. Our office is one big open space with no boundaries, designed for one big team that is unstoppable.”

The center piece as you walk into the office is a big, long wooden bench where the digital and creative team resides. They surround themselves with creativity and stick up story boards, word clouds and ideas everywhere. This area is one of the most active areas of the office with motion and discussions perpetuating their creative energy that transfers across the office. Designed to be a space to open and explore your head to dig for ideas, the Hong Kong room houses a drawing table which is regularly chalked full of doodles and stirring phrases. Like all our other meeting rooms it features a whiteboard wall for running meetings, brainstorming, and jotting ideas down. The two big windows on two sides and our bean bags make it ideal to just relax and swim around for creative inspiration. The Wan Chai room is one of the more private meeting rooms. It still features the whiteboard wall on the right, but it also creates a great space for private client meetings. It is also a popular space for people to isolate in when they really need to have a quiet environment. The pantry is one of the largest and greenest spaces in the office. It features tables that are favourites in the office for group lunches. The pantry also functions as a multipurpose space with facilities like speakers, projectors and a TV. Everything from office wide presentations and seminars to yoga classes and movie nights have been held here. Also noteworthy is the foosball table where the tournament continues as staff vie for the champion title.

是一位客戶主管,而我們的獨立性使我們能夠不斷保持好奇心。我們致力通過 不同的設置將一切融入到生活,以助每位成員發揮創意。畢竟,我們是一家創 意企業。」 愛德曼香港的業務策略在於整合及「一體化」,因此辦公室的設計亦與公司 的業務目標互相配合。Warr解釋說:「我們香港辦公室的精神是ONE:一個願 景、一個大家庭、一種愛。我們的辦公室是一個沒有邊界的大開放空間,專為一 支永不停步的龐大團隊而設。」 辦公室的中心部分設有一張長長的大木凳,這裡是數碼及創意團隊的據 點,他們的周圍環繞著創意作品及粘貼故事板、文字雲及概念。這是辦公室內最 活躍的區域之一,通過行動及討論將他們的創意能量傳播至整個辦公室。 「香港室」設計成為一個開放空間,以激發創意,探索思維。房間內設有一 張經常畫滿塗鴉及攪笑字句的繪畫桌,正如我們所有的其他會議室一樣,裡面 設有一塊白板牆,用於舉行會議、構思及記錄想法。兩邊的兩個大窗戶及我們的 豆袋亦使其成為放鬆及盡情在創意靈感中暢遊的理想之處。 「灣仔室」是較私人的會議室之一。同樣在右邊設有一塊白板牆,但這個 房間亦非常適合於私人會客之用,同時也是員工需要在安靜的環境獨處時的熱 門空間。 茶水間是辦公室中最大及最綠色的空間之一。茶水間設有桌子,是在辦公 室集體午餐的最佳位置。茶水間也作為一個多用途空間,設有揚聲器、投影機及 電視等設施,從辦公室全體演講及研討會,到瑜伽課及電影之夜等,一切活動都 在這裡舉行。另外值得注意的是,足球桌成為員工爭奪冠軍頭銜的戰場。

Q2 2017 « Human Resources Hong Kong «



What is your view of HR as a business function? Our core business really is hospitality, and as such, our other functional areas such as HR, finance, and sales and marketing, need to collaborate and support core operations. That’s our culture within Langham and it’s always been my view as a managing director as well – how can I best support the operation to deliver great hospitality.

如何形容你的管治風格? 講求合作及創意。酒店服務並非一個嚴肅的行業,因此 我的目標是鼓勵我們的員工向客人提供出色的服務, 並為他們提供內部支援。 你在招聘過程中遇到甚麼挑戰?你如何與人力資源管 理部門合力克服這些挑戰? 香港的人才競爭激烈,而且很進取。雖然這是香港的優 勝之處,但在招聘時往往要跟其他服務行業競爭年輕

Shaun Campbell Managing director The Langham, Hong Kong 甘貝賢 董事總經理 香港朗廷酒店

You are the chairman for the Hong Kong Hotels Association. What is the first key objective you hope to achieve in that role and why? The head of the HKHA HR committee is my predecessor who is already very active on a few initiatives. I want to ensure we continue to provide accessible information and knowledge of best practices (both local and global) for many of the sm smaller member hotels – whether that’s formal training tr from guest speakers, or sharing various hygiene, h CSR, engineering, and revenue manage management initiatives within our sub-committees.

人才,而且跟我以前工作過的其他城市相比,香港普遍 缺乏兼職/臨時勞動力。 你對人力資源管理作為一個業務部門有何看法? 酒店服務是我們的核心業務,因此我們的其他部門,如 人力資源管理、財務、以及銷售及市場推廣等,都需要 互相合作以支持核心業務。這是我們朗廷的文化,也是 我作為董事總經理一直抱持的觀點:我如何能夠最好 地支持酒店的營運,為客人提供一流的招待。 你是香港酒店業協會(HKHA)的主席,你希望通過這 個角色實現的第一個關鍵目標是甚麼?為甚麼? 上一任主席是HKHA人力資源委員會的負責人,他已

What wo would you say is the biggest talent challenge in Hong Kong’s hospitality industry? How can the industry best respond? The bigg biggest challenge is it’s quite competitive with so man many options for young talent to find different caree career opportunities. As chairman of HKHA, I in am involved at times with hospitality education forum and I know how actively they are working forums re to reinforce and attract people to the industry. e For example, the Vocational Training Council is curr currently constructing a world-class culinary cent to attract young Hong Kong talent to centre cons consider culinary as a career option.

非常積極地推行一些措施。我希望確保我們繼續為許 多較小型的會員酒店提供無障礙資訊及最佳做法分享 (無論是本地或全球),無論是演講嘉賓的正式培訓, 還是分享我們小組委員會內的各種有關衛生、企業社 會責任、工程及收入管理的計劃。 你認為香港酒店業面對的最大人才挑戰是甚麼?行業 如何應對? 年輕人現時有相當多的不同職業選擇,我們面對的最 大挑戰是人才競爭相當激烈。作為HKHA的主席,我 不時參與酒店服務教育論壇,我知道他們正致力加強 及吸引人才加盟業界,例如職業訓練局正建設一個世 界級的烹飪中心,以吸引香港的年輕人才將烹飪視為 一項職業選擇。

How would you describe your leadership style? Collaborative and creative. Hospitality is not a serious business so I aim to motivate our people to become great providers for our guests, and support them internally to make that happen.

d you think Hong Kong hotels can How do overc overcome the challenge of recruiting and reta retaining housekeeping staff? l to say the most obvious opportunity I’d like her is in creating a permanent and part-time here workforce made up of parents in society that might consider a shorter working week. This has been successful in other countries, and we have tried many campaigns at Langham hotels worldwide to creatively market this in recruitment efforts. We try to recruit responsible and mature talent to complement the base manning the housekeeping.

你認為香港的酒店如何能夠克服招聘及留住客房服務 人員的挑戰? 我認為現時最有效的方式是建立一個由父母組成的永 久及兼職勞動力人口,他們可能會考慮較短的工作週。 這套方式在其他國家已取得成功,我們已在全球朗廷 酒店試行多項活動,具創意地通過招聘來宣揚這套方 式。我們力求招募負責任及成熟的人才,以配合客房管 理的基礎。 你認為本地酒店業未來十年最大的變化會是甚麼? 由於房地產有限,許多新式酒店的規模較小,提供的 餐飲場地亦有限。現時消費者有很多選擇,重要的是,

What are your challenges in recruiting? Hong Kong workers are very competitive and driven. Though this is a real strength for the city, often the recruitment challenge is other service industries competing for young talent, and a general shortage of part-time/casual labour compared with other cities that I have worked in before.


» Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017

What’s the biggest change you foresee for the local hospitality industry in the next 10 years? With limited real estate available, many of the new hotels are smaller and with limited food and beverage venues. It’s important that our larger Hong Kong hotels continue to take the lead on providing great restaurants and exceptional service experiences to remain popular for tourists and local travel markets as consumers have many options to choose from.

規模較大的香港酒店將繼續帶頭提供優質的餐廳及卓 越的服務體驗,以留住遊客,以及保持本地旅遊市場 的吸引力。


EMPOWERING EMPLOYEES TO REACH BUSINESS GOALS What is the one key tool HR needs for effective talent management? From my point of view, there isn’t one ultimate concept or tool for effective talent management. It varies from organisation to organisation, and depends on the strategy of the company, and how goals are defined. It’s extremely important for companies to make sure that employees understand and agree with the business goals. Good performance management and appraisals are some of the most effective ways to set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals for employees that are aligned with the company’s goals and strategy, and measurable through KPIs. Furthermore, the individual goals of the employees should be considered as well. To measure the effectiveness of performance management, HR has to adopt the most advanced platform which allows the translation of employee behaviour into metrics. With a visual analysis, it’s more feasible to achieve effective talent management. What role can talent management systems play in engaging the workforce? Lumesse’s vision is based on the idea that an effective talent management system is not a luxury or an overhead, but a fundamental element that is required to make enterprises successful long-term. Supporting employees to understand and align with the company’s priorities, developing their skills and helping them to achieve goals is a must, as only motivated and engaged employees will go the extra mile. A winning talent management system plays a key role in helping executives to capitalise on business opportunities outside their core competencies and to engage and retain employees within a highly mobile workforce. More importantly, the system empowers organisations to evolve to a people-centric approach. How can companies leverage digitalisation and talent management systems to manage and retain talent? As the world becomes increasingly digital, so does HR. This means more than just replacing your current HR systems. It means employing innovative HR tools and professionals in your organisation and furnishing your workforce with an integrated, easy-to-use platform of services. The workforce is changing and you have the opportunity to equip it with familiar tools and empowering data, while fostering critical digital development among members of your existing workforce. Lumesse’s talent management and talent acquisition solutions help companies do so by providing easy and collaborative tools to transform to a digital network business model. What is the best way for companies to stay in touch with their employees’ needs and wants and ensure they create a good employee experience? The first step should be regular employee appraisals where employees’ needs and expectations are discussed and considered. In addition, an employee survey may be used for measuring employees’ satisfaction, but in many companies this only happens once or twice a year.

A better way is to implement a system that ensures employees can continuously provide feedback and voice their requirements. This is where Lumesse’s new solution comes in. With ETWeb empower, employees have the opportunity to communicate with colleagues and peers in a structured manner. Furthermore, managers can praise and recognise employees according to their performance and development. Do different generations in the workplace require different talent management strategies? If so, how can companies deal with this? Definitely! Millennials already make up most of the workforce in many companies, especially in fast growing industries. As digital natives, these employees are already empowered as consumers, using social networks to research and inform others of their purchasing decisions. This is compelling companies to implement a digital tool to manage them. Two other important factors to consider are to be social and mobile. Only this way can you speak to the heart of Millennials and be one step ahead of your competitors. Lumesse’s ETWeb empower is state-of-the-art, compatible to all mobile devices and offers a platform to be connected within the company and with social networks.

Armin Sommerhuberr Head of business unit talent management,, C Lumesse APAC

For more information, please email 若要索取更多資料,請發送電郵至。

Q2 2017 « Human Resources Hong Kong «


WORK LIFE » HR by numbers 人力資源統計數字

History in numbers: Hong Kong’s minimum wage On 1 May 2017, Hong Kong’s grass roots workers saw their hourly wage rise from HK$32.5 to $34.5, but does it make their life any better?

HK$20 The minimum wage proposed by legislator Tommy Cheung, who represents the catering functional constituency, earning him the nickname “Twenty-dollar Cheung”. The wage was set at HK$28 in 2011.

23.2% Increase in the minimum wage from 2011 to 2017.

75.3% Increase in the wholesale price of a catty of Gai lan during the same period. Rent for private housing has also gone up by 57.7%.

1.08 The number of cups of Starbucks grande latte Hong Kong’s minimum wage earners can buy with their hourly pay, according to the Latte Index.

歷史數字:香港最低工資 2017年5月1日起,香港基層員工的法定時薪從港幣32.5元上 調至34.5元,這樣能改善他們的生活素質嗎?


立法會飲食界功能組別議員張宇人建議的最低工資,為其贏 得「廿蚊張」的稱號。2011年將法定時薪定為28元。






根據「Latte指數」,香港領取最低工資的僱員可用其時薪購 買星巴克大杯Latte的數量。

10 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017

6 The number of years it took for the city’s minimum wage to be higher than the HK$33 proposed by labour representatives in 2011. 法定最低工資上調至超過2011年勞工界代表提 出的33元的所需年期。


People 人物 WORK LIFE


15 minutes with ... 與...的15分鐘訪談

Bessie Chong Director, group training and talent management Esquel Group

Bessie Chong 集團培訓及人才管理總監 溢達集團 你是如何開始從事人力資源管理工作的?

HOW DID YOU GET STARTED WITH WORKING IN HR? I did not receive any formal HR or T&D training beforehand and started my journey in this profession inadvertently. At the beginning, I had the chance to work in a local university, managing and promoting e-commerce projects for the textile and garment industry. In order to let the industry practitioners understand the benefits of the software, I had to do demonstrations and organise training sessions. That’s how I started my training career. This experience helped me a lot in developing training materials and conducting training in an effective way.

我之前沒有接受過任何正式的人力資源或T&D培訓,只是無意中踏足這個行 業。一開始,我有機會在本地一所大學工作,負責管理及推廣紡織服裝行業的電 子商務項目。 為了讓行內從業員了解軟件的好處,我必須進行示範及組織培訓課程,就這 樣開始了我的培訓生涯。 那次經驗教曉我如何以有效的方式編制培訓材料及進行培訓。 你認為培訓及發展工作有何好處? 培訓及人才發展是一項有意義的工作,聽起來可能是陳腔濫調,但事實的確如 此。我們不僅幫助個人在工作中找到意義及發揮潛能,亦協助企業發展。 對我來說,培訓就像表演藝術。我喜歡成為「舞台上」的焦點。你需要吸引 觀眾、與觀眾互動並影響他們,你的表現決定了觀眾未來的表現。 請講述一下溢達集團的學習/辦公室文化?

WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT TRAINING AND PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT? Training and people development is a meaningful job, it may sound cliché, but it is true. We are not only helping individuals to find meaning at work and excelling their potential, but also facilitating the organisation to grow. To me, training is like performing arts. I enjoy the spotlight of getting “on stage”. You need to attract the audience, engage them and influence them. Your performance determines the audience’s future performance.

溢達集團擁有一支由57,000名多元化員工組成的強大團隊,我們秉承企業的5E 文化,以「道德操守、環境保護、開拓求新、卓越理念和學習精神」為宗旨。教育 的宗旨在於「敢於犯錯,迅速學習」。作為一家在傳統行業中的非傳統公司,溢達 集團鼓勵員工創新及挑戰現狀。 我們的董事長楊敏德說過:「如果你至今沒有犯過錯,表示你沒有認真做過 任何事。」 溢達集團擁有強大的學習及開拓文化,我們強調不斷反饋的重要性,並進行 循環學習,評估過程及結果,不斷改進。

PLEASE TALK ABOUT THE LEARNING/OFFICE CULTURE AT ESQUEL? Esquel employs a 57,000-strong diversified workforce and we are united under the corporate 5E culture – ethics, environment, exploration, excellence and education. Education is interpreted as “Dare to err, quick to learn”. As a non-traditional company in a traditional industry, Esquel encourages employees to innovate and challenge the status quo. Our chairman Marjorie Yang says: “If you have not made a mistake, you have not done anything seriously.” Esquel has a strong learning and entrepreneur culture. We emphasise the importance of the feedback loop and conduct cycles of learning, that is, evaluate the processes and results, and make improvement continuously.

你認為香港的人力資源專業人士要怎樣做才能與時並進? 我建議人力資源管理人員不斷挑戰自己,必須跳出固有的思維,創造新的工作方 式。我們公司相信「精益生產」的理念,精益生產的原則在於持續改進,並消除非 增值的流程,意味著我們必須為我們的工作創造價值。 曾得到過最好的職場忠告是甚麼? 我以前的一位老闆曾經說過:「相信自己,遵循你的信念。你不能指望每個人都 理解你,因為你們是處於不同的位置。」這對我來說有重大的意義。 請完成這個句子:我無法想像人力資源管理人員缺乏......創意思維。人力資 源管理人員一向被視為公司政策的門檻之一,一般人認為人力資源管理人員墨 守成規,缺乏創意,我不同意這一點。我認為人力資源管理人員現時需要跳出框

WHAT DO YOU THINK HR PROFESSIONALS IN HONG KONG NEED TO DO TO FUTURE-PROOF THEIR CAREER? I recommend HR professionals challenge themselves constantly. They have to think out of the box and create new ways of working. In our company, we believe in Lean. The principles of Lean are continuous improvement, and the elimination of non value-added procedures, meaning we need to create values in our work.


WHAT IS THE BEST CAREER ADVICE YOU HAVE RECEIVED? One of my bosses once said: “Trust yourself, follow your belief. You cannot expect that everyone understands you because you are in different positions.” That meant a lot to me.

Q2 2017 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 11

PROFILE » Jeff Lam

PROFILE » Jeff Lam 消費者花更多時間在網上購物,這可能對 零售業帶來直接的影響。但星巴克的業務增長 不僅沒有減慢,反而看到持續的增幅。目前,我 們在中國及亞太區擁有七千多家門店。現時, 我們預計數字將會在未來五年內增加一倍。

In the long run, you can’t have the company strategy change faster than the growth of its people. 從長遠來看,公司的策略變化速度 不能比人員發展速度更快。

問:人力資源管理如何確保星巴克能夠在這樣 一個瞬息萬變的環境中持續滿足需求? 我們必須保持靈活敏捷,以應對不斷變化的市 場需求。其中一個方法是採取一套平等、沒有 階級之分的組織架構,這使我們能夠快速演 變,適應任何商業環境。 我們的合作夥伴是另一個關鍵因素,因為 企業的發展速度與人員的發展速度必須保持 同步。從長遠來看,公司的策略變化速度不能 比人員發展速度更快,正是這個原因,我們在 兩年前改變了我們的績效及發展方式,以便我 們的合作夥伴能夠隨著公司的不斷進步而更 好地成長及發展。

Q What role does HR play in ensuring Starbucks continues to meet the demands of such a dynamic environment? As an organisation with high aspirations, we have to stay agile to respond to changing market needs. One of the things that enables us to do that is operating in a flat, non-hierarchical structure. This allows us to evolve quickly and adapt to any business climate. Our partners are another key factor, since the organisation can only evolve as fast as the people. In the long run, you can’t have the company strategy change faster than the growth of its people. That’s why two years ago, we changed our performance and development approach to better enable our partners to grow and develop as the company continues to evolve. Additionally, for us to respond to the dynamic business needs, we also have to be more agile in our goal setting. A lot can change in the retail world over three months, hence, we’re advocating for partners to have a quarterly catch-up with their managers to discuss goals, among other things.

Q You said Starbucks changed its performance and development approach. Can you elaborate? It’s an approach that works without ratings. We replaced a scheduled rating with an ongoing dialogue. This really goes hand in hand with our open culture in which we encourage partners to have one-on-one meetings with managers or leaders. 14 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017


The quarterly catch-up is part of the approach, and in addition, most partners will have weekly or biweekly meetings with their managers to discuss any business-related topics, issues or ideas as soon as possible. The new approach enables managers to align on priorities with partners, easily share feedback and help leaders recognise excellence within the company.

Q Some might say we already have too many meetings, how would you respond to that? I think it’s about the quality of the meeting. It’s also about the duration. If you are having a one-on-one, it doesn’t have to be a prolonged meeting. But it should really focus on the work someone’s doing and the support they need from their manager.

Q You’ve moved away from ratings completely, but there are studies that suggest ratings actually help motivate people. I’ve also heard people say they love ratings because they tell them where they stand. But that makes me wonder whether they’re having the right coaching conversation with their managers – are they receiving the right feedback? Overall, I wouldn’t say a no-ratings approach is for everyone. There are companies that need that structure. But for a company like us, having a rigid process doesn’t seem to fit into our culture, as we want to emphasise the ongoing conversations with partners.

要定立更靈活的目標。零售業可以在三個月 內出現很大的變化,因此,我們主張合作夥伴 就業務目標及其他業務與他們的上司進行季 度會議。 問:你表示星巴克已改變績效及發展方式,可 以詳細說明一下嗎? 那是一種沒有評級的方式,我們以持續對話取 代定期評級。這跟我們的開放式文化密切相 關,我們鼓勵合作夥伴與上司或管理層進行一 對一的會談。 季度會議是其中一部分,此外,大多數合 作夥伴每週或每兩週都會跟他們的上司進行 一次會議,盡快討論任何與業務有關的議題、 問題或想法。 新方式使管理人員能夠與合作夥伴協調 處理優先事項,輕鬆分享反饋意見,並幫助管 理層發掘公司內部的卓越人才。 問:有些人可能會說,我們已經有太多會議, 你有何回應? 我認為問題在於會議的質量。如果是一對一的 會議,那無需很長時間,應重點討論個人的工 作,以及需要上司提供甚麼支援。 星巴克進行很多一對一的會議,我認為這 方面是非常獨特的。此外,對我們來說,這對 於協調及支持合作夥伴的發展非常有效。結合 更正式的季度會議,有助於推動業務發展。 問:你已完全摒棄評級制度,但有很多研究指 評級制度實際上有助於鼓勵員工? 我也聽過有人說他們喜歡評分,因為這讓他們 了解自己的定位。但我不禁想知道,他們有否 與上司進行恰當的培訓對話?他們有否收到準 確的反饋意見? 總括來說,我不會說沒有評級的方法適用 於所有人,有些公司是需要這種架構的。但對 於像我們這樣的公司來說,僵化的流程似乎並 不適合我們的文化,因為我們想強調與合作夥 伴的持續對話。

Jeff Lam« PROFILE 問:你認為人才管理領域會有怎樣的變化? 我會說我們會想回到基礎,而不是發明一些新 的事物。麥肯錫研究人員廿年前宣稱「人才爭 奪戰」正式展開,使人才管理實踐開始引起了 大家的關注。一開始我們試圖建立大量的相關 的流程及系統,但經過這麼多年,我們現在發 現這些方式對實現我們所需沒有真正的幫助。 因此,我們已開始看到一些企業撤走這些 流程的趨勢,並重新將焦點放在對話之上,因 為真正的重點在於展開有關人才發展的對話、 分享反饋及幫助合作夥伴發展。 問:然而,許多公司正投資新的人力資源技術 以改善人才管理,這聽起來不像是回到基礎。 我不是說數碼化不重要,因為從員工體驗的角 度來看,如果我能夠更容易查看我的訊息及反 饋,那是非常有用的。但數碼系統及流程不能 取代現實生活中的對話及人際交往,兩者必須 並駕齊驅。 問:星巴克是聞名世界的品牌,這種文化的主 要支柱是甚麼? 我們稱全球超過33萬名人員為「合作夥伴」, 而非員工,這基於一個共享成功的基本信念。 這個細小但非常重要的區別,象徵著星巴克 的價值觀。 星巴克的合作夥伴有三大文化特徵。首先 領導是為了服務。各職級的合作夥伴秉承「僕

Q Looking into the future, what kind of changes do you foresee in the talent management landscape? Rather than something new, I would say we will want to go back to the basics. The practice of talent management started to gain traction about two decades ago when McKinsey researchers declared that a “war for talent” was underway, and in the beginning we tried to build a lot of processes and systems around it. But now, after a number of years, we find that they are not really driving what we need. So we’re already starting to see a trend of companies taking away the processes and bringing the focus back to the conversations. Because the core is really about having that conversation about talent development, sharing feedback and helping partners grow.


Q Yet, technology keeps moving


forward and many companies are investing in new HR tech aimed at improving talent management. That doesn’t sound like going back to basics. I’m not saying that digitalisation isn’t important, because from an employee experience perspective, if I get easier access to my information and feedback, that’s very helpful. But digital systems and processes can’t replace real-life conversations and human interaction. They have to go hand in hand.

通過傾聽及關心我們的合作夥伴來提供服務。 當我提出有關合作夥伴的話題,無論是關 於人才管理還是其他方面,企業的最高管理層 都很有興趣聽到更多相關的消息。作為一名人 力資源管理專業人士,沒有甚麼比知道員工是 策略議程的最重要議題更令人鼓舞。 第二支柱是透明度。我們認為,管理層要 得到合作夥伴的信任,就必須要保持真實透 明,並保持雙向對話。因此,整個組織的合作 夥伴都擁有向管理層發聲的權利。 第三是在於多元及包容。我記得在貴雜誌 舉辦的人才管理會議上,我分享了一個馬來西 亞手語門店的故事,那是全球首家由聾人合作 夥伴經營的門店。這故事體現了我們想創造一

Q Speaking of the employee


experience, the Starbucks brand is known all over the world – partly for its working culture. What would you say are the main pillars of that culture? To give you one everyday example of what makes the Starbucks culture such a powerful one, our more than 330,000 people globally are called “partners” – not employees – because there is a foundational belief in shared success. That small, but very important distinction is symbolic of the Starbucks values. Additionally, I see three main cultural traits of Starbucks partners. First, in Starbucks, to lead is to serve. The concept of “servant leadership” is lived

問:這聽起來是一個人比利潤重要的哲學。 我們的使命之一,是「以人為本的方式推動業 績」。我們渴望成為一家與眾不同的公司,我 們亦相信可以做到這兩點。我們有責任鼓勵我 們的合作夥伴、客戶、供應商及同業,以創造 積極的變化,同時實現卓越的財務業績。 從客戶體驗到員工福利,整家公司上下都 擁護創新文化。我們的價值觀體現在我們長期 以來領先業界的員工福利歷史之上,例如今年 四月,我們在中國開創了一個新的先例,為我 們的合作夥伴的一萬多名父母提供全額資助 的重大疾病保險。這項政策顯示出我們履行公 司的責任,並向深深根植於中國文化的家庭價 值觀致敬。

by partners at all levels and embraced by our leaders. In my role, I experience on a daily basis that our leaders aim to serve by listening and caring for our partners. When I bring up the topic of partners, whether it’s about talent management or other aspects, from the very top of the organisation there is an appetite to hear more. As a HR professional, there’s nothing more encouraging than knowing that people are at the top of the strategic agenda. A second pillar is transparency. We believe that for leaders to earn trust from partners, they have to be authentic and transparent, and stay true to having a two-way dialogue. As a result, partners throughout the organisation have a voice with leadership. The third is about diversity and inclusion. I recall at the Talent Management conference organised by Human Resources I shared a story about our Signing Store in Malaysia, the first such Starbucks store worldwide to be operated by deaf partners. Stories like these exemplify that we want to create an inclusive environment with opportunities for all.

Q That almost sounds like a people over profit philosophy. Part of our mission statement is that we are “performance-driven through the lens of humanity”. We aspire to be a different kind of company – and so we believe we can do both. We have a responsibility to elevate our partners, customers, suppliers and neighbours to create positive change, while delivering an exceptional financial performance. I’m proud to work for a company that has such a culture of innovation throughout the organisation, from the customer experience to employee benefits. Our values are evident in our long history of industry-leading employee benefits. For example, in April we established a new precedent in China with a fully sponsored critical illness insurance plan for more than 10,000 parents of our partners. The policy honours family values deeply-rooted in the Chinese culture, and represents our responsibility as a company. Q2 2017 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 15

WHITE PAPER » Leadership 領導才能


Global – Having the right CEO can do wonders for a business. They act as the company’s living business card – portraying its vision, culture andd goals through their actions. Unfortunately, there’s a disconnect between igh what boards think makes for an ideal CEO and what actually leads to a high performance in that role. oject. That’s the conclusion of a 10-year study called the CEO Genome Project. ntiate The goal of the project was to identify the specific attributes that differentiate high-performing CEOs. To do so, researchers looked at more than 17,0000 assessments of C-suite executives, including 2,000 CEOs. ers So what makes a good CEO? After assessing all the data, researchers identified four specific behaviours successful chief executives tend to demonstrate: deciding with speed and conviction; engaging for impact; adapting proactively; and delivering reliably. The researchers agree the behaviours may seem deceptively simple.. The cy”. key, however, is to practise all four all the time with “maniacal consistency”.

全球 - 一位稱職的CEO可以為企業創造奇蹟。作為企業 的門面,他們的行為反映了公司的願景、文化及目標。不幸 的是,董事會認為理想的CEO特質,與實際上能實現良好 業績的特質存在分歧。 這是一項名為CEO基因組計劃的十年研究結論,該 項目的目標是確定能夠區分高績效CEO的具體屬性。為 此,研究人員研究了超過17,000份C級管理層的評估,其 中包括二千名CEO。 那麼一位好的CEO到底有何特質?在評估所有數據 後,研究人員確定了成功行政總裁的四項具體行為表現 傾向:果斷迅速地作出決定、積極帶來影響、主動適應、 並可靠地完成任務。 研究人員同意指這些行為看起來可能很簡單,然而關 鍵在於如何經常「超級一致地」做到這四點。


Hong Kong – Expatriate pay packages in Hong Kong have fallen to a five-year low, but are still the fourth highest in the Asia Pacific region after Japan, mainland China and India. Those are the findings of the latest MyExpatriate Market Pay survey by ECA International. In 2016, the value of a typical expatriate package for a middle manager in Hong Kong was around HK$2,059,600 (US$265,500) per year, indicating a 2% drop in US dollars terms over the past five years. In the same year, a complete package for an expatriate middle manager in China was worth around HK$2,191,900 (US$282,500) on average, showing a decrease in the gap between the expatriate packages typically offered in Mainland China and Hong Kong in USD terms. According to the study, rental prices in popular expatriate neighbourhoods in Hong Kong have been declining, while the rising cost of living and increased pollution in China make it more challenging for companies to attract international talent there.

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香港 - 根據ECA International最新公布的「 駐外僱員市場薪酬調查報告」顯示,香港外派 員工薪酬待遇水平跌至五年來的最低點,但仍 緊隨日本、中國大陸及印度之後在亞太地區排 名第四。 2016年,香港中層管理人員的一般外派薪 酬待遇每年約為港幣2,059,600元(265,500 美元),在過去五年按美元計算下跌2%。 同年,中國外籍中層管理人員的整體薪酬 待遇平均約為港幣2,191,900元(282,500美 元),顯示以美元計算中國大陸與香港為外籍 人員提供的薪酬待遇差距收窄。 據研究顯示,受外籍人員歡迎的香港地 區房租一直下降,而中國的生活成本上漲及 污染加劇,使當地企業在吸引國際人才方面 面對更大的挑戰。



W HY H UM AN RES OURC ES IS A P E OP LE ’S J OB 䉉⃤⁉␪幖䀟䴰䖕㞾杫㝋⁉䠓⽴⃫ As with almost any function in an organisation, the use of technology can transform how companies operate and what they can achieve. Professionals in human resources need to understand the potential use of technology, its relevance and be able to adapt it swiftly to help advise the business accordingly and to drive business outcomes. Take recruitment as an example. Many organisations with an overseas presence are using technology to reduce the cost of hiring. United Overseas Bank Hong Kong is no exception. The bank makes use of Skype and FaceTime to interview candidates at the preliminary stage of the hiring process. This allows the bank to widen its potential talent pool and is convenient when the bank is interviewing overseas candidates. Technology is also used for various human resources initiatives within the organisation. Last year, UOB launched a new and interactive intranet portal to strengthen employee engagement in its offices and branches across the world. In Greater China, the bank also engages its employees through a WeChat enterprise account. This ensures employees obtain timely information while they are on the go. However, while technology can be used to improve processes and to broaden the reach of employee engagement programmes, it cannot replace entirely the people skills of human resources professionals. After all, strong communication skills are essential for success in the relationship-driven sector. The bankers should be able to convey complex fi nancial and market information in a way that is easy for clients to understand and apply to their businesses. Personal interaction still plays an important role in employee engagement and team building. The bank organises regular town halls and interactive face-to-face forums with senior management, as well as team-building exercises and festive celebrations to enhance the connection and trust between employees. Building trust starts at the individual level. It is like a drop of water in a pond which then has a ripple effect. Th rough character, competency and consistency, trust is built with others, across teams, in the marketplace and with the community. By creating the right balance between the human touch and technology, human resources professionals can help a company attract the right people, keep them engaged and be more competitive.

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CHRISTINE IP CEO – GREATER CHINA, UNITED OVERSEAS BANK 要在全球化村莊中蓬勃發展,人力資源管理專業人員 必須準備好接受新技術及無國界工作環境。 科技無疑提升了工作效率,人力資源管理專業人 員必須與時並進,善用最新的技術來完成工作。 以招聘為例,許多擁有全球業務的企業正運用科 技來降低招聘成本。 香港大華銀行集團也不例外。在招聘過程的初步 階段,該銀行運用Skype及FaceTime跟候選人進行面 試,這樣可以節省候選人的時間,尤其是那些來自海外 的求職者無須遠道而來參加面對面的面試。 該銀行亦鼓勵候選人提交影片,以增加受聘的 機會。 科技亦令銀行的員工可靈活在家工作,或在海外 匯報工作。 儘管科技在各方面影響著工作環境,但我相信它 是無法取代人的互動。 人力資源管理是關於人的工作,當同事需要輔導 或諮詢時,沒有任何科技能夠取代人的互動。 畢竟,對於受情緒困擾或需要生活及職業輔導的 員工來說,坐下來跟同事傾訴是最佳的解決方法。 沒有任何科技能夠取代人與人之間的聯繫及信 任,正如廚師與機器所烹調的食物,食譜雖然相同,但 卻有不一樣的感覺。 在全球化的工作環境下,有很多機會與來自不同文 化背景的同事合作。 人力資源管理專業人員必須保持開放的態度,學 習其他文化的傳統及禁忌,並要時刻保持尊重。 許多研究指出,科技的興起將取代某些工作職 能,但不要忘記它也增加了對人才的需求。 以銀行業為例,科技的興起,意味著需要更多網 絡安全專業人員及其他資訊科技人才來管理各種系 統。


BE OPEN TO A LL CO ME R S ℕ冔ᾜ㑡 DEBBIE MANNAS GROUP HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCES, WALLEM 人力資源管理人員必須確保在未來的人才招聘過程中 仍堅持文化包容的理念,否則會面臨失去人才領導者 角色的風險。 正如我們所見,民族主義趨勢日益增長,令到一些 政府最近在歧視及政治正確等議題上因噎廢食。 一些事例顯示,企業領袖紛紛照辦煮碗,從「不要 說/做,否則我們會被起訴」的文化演變成「一切都是 我們國家領導人批准的」文化。 諷刺的是,歷史告訴我們,吸納各種新思維及新 方式才能取得更大的進步、創新及發展。 因此,人力資源管理人員必須抵抗民族主義的浪 潮,並一改以往以偏概全的做法。為了企業,實際上是 為了國家利益,我們必須在文化上具有包容性,並鼓勵 我們的團隊接受合作及意見分享,必須將多元化及包 容性(D&I)政策視為必要的人才策略,而非只為履行 企業社會責任(CSR)的其中一個要求。 我注意到在一些亞洲國家,招聘廣告經常要求求 職者具備特定的語文能力,即使該職位很少會用到該 語言,反而不太重視解決問題、創意及溝通等較難得 的技能。 同樣地,某些文化背景的人會被認為「懶惰」,單 單看到他們的名字,便會將他們的履歷丟棄。另一方 面,一些來自英語母語國家的人,即使其英語能力強差 人意,但仍有可能會被聘請成為老師。 若果被認定存在偏見,人力資源管理人員將無法 擔當吸引人才的角色。優秀的求職者會轉為聯繫企業 中其他職位較高的人士,或者更糟的是投奔競爭對手 的懷抱。我見證過來自多元文化背景、才華橫溢的人才 選擇加入能夠展示出開放及包容態度的組織,將未能 做到這一點的企業拋諸腦後。 為建立未來的團隊,我們必須知人善任。我們要 繼續致力在招聘過程中拋開對種族、性別、年齡、宗 教、性取向等的標籤,力求做到一視同仁。 簡而言之,除非你是用六天創造出這個世界並在 第七天休息的人,否則最好不要嘗試按自己的形象來 建立團隊。你的生意成功與否,取決於你能否包容所 有人。

When it comes to talent acquisition, HR practitioners must purposefully ensure culturally inclusive hiring continues into the future or risk losing their place as talent protagonists. As we have seen, an increasing trend toward nationalism has recently led to some governments throwing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater when it comes to bias and political correctness. Some anecdotal evidence points to business leaders following suit, swinging from a “don’t say/do it or we will get sued” culture to an “anything goes because our nation’s leader is OK with it” culture. Ironically, history tells us that with an influx of new minds and new ways come huge strides in progress, innovation and growth. Therefore, HR must resist the nationalistic bandwagon and evolve past generalisations. For the sake of business, and indeed, national interests, we must be culturally inclusive, and drive our teams to embrace collaboration and idea sharing. D&I initiatives must be seen as a talent imperative, not just a CSR box to check. In a number of Asian countries, I have noticed an insistence on specific language skills in job ads, even if the role requires very little comprehension of that language; rather than worrying about rarer skills such as problem solving, creativity and communication. Similarly, certain cultures are considered “lazy” and their CVs discarded just by looking at their names. On the flipside, someone from a native English speaking country may be hired as a teacher, even if their English is appalling. If branded as biased, HR will lose its place as a talent attractor. Good candidates will instead contact others higher up in the organisation, or worse – reach out to a competitor. I’ve witnessed talented individuals from diverse backgrounds gravitate towards organisations that display openness and inclusivity, leaving organisations that don’t, behind. To build teams for the future, we must be agnostic towards all else but talent. Until we can look past the stereotypes that ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc, conjure up, we will continue to see a push for such identifying data to be left off applications, forcing the issue. In short, unless you created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, it’s best not to attempt to create teams in your own image. Your business depends on you being open to all people.

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FUTUR E BY D E SI G N ⁴宼宗䠓㝈ゞ ℕ嬞␒㢹ℕ

Millennials are already here – time to get ready for Generation Z. A few years ago, I used to ask at the end of meetings with all the team members if they had any questions or suggestions – 99% of the time the team had no questions or suggestions, so I assumed they had nothing to share. I was wrong. They had lots of questions, lots of things that they wanted to tell me and share. I was just using the wrong platform. A few months ago we started to use an anonymous communication platform. I received lots of messages from the team; we maintained conversations; they raised concerns – the end result being a much better team. E-chat is a must-have platform and not a “nice-to-have”. At Sands China, we do not offer a job, but a lifestyle, so we need to have the culture, the technology and platforms that support it. HR works to be a team that supports the company, which shapes the reality of today and the future, supports innovation, develops the culture, attracts, retains and develops talent so we have the best team structures.

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千禧一代已安身立命,準備迎接Z世代。 幾年前,每當會議結束,我總會問團隊成員,有沒 有任何疑問或建議,通常大家都說沒有,我便想當然的 以為他們沒甚麼可分享。 但我錯了,他們其實有很多疑問,有很多想告訴 我,願意與我分享的事情,只是我用錯了平台。數月前, 我們開始使用匿名的溝通平台,收到了很多他們的想法 及建議;我確信只要保持對話,了解及解決問題,團隊 將變得更出色。 時下,網上聊天(E-chat)已成為一個必備的平台, 而非僅僅是「錦上添花」。在金沙中國,我們提供的不 只是一份工作,更是一種生活方式,因此我們需要建立 相匹配的文化、技術及平台。 人力資源團隊協助公司把握當下塑造未來,支持公 司的創新,發展企業的文化、吸引、培養及留住人才,讓 公司擁有最好的團隊架構。



How do we do this?


We do it by using a leadership approach based on coaching principles, plus: • Innovation based on design thinking and start-up models. • Continuous improvement based on Scrum and Kaizen principles. • Visual management and working spaces based on neuroscience findings. • A culture that allows us to embrace three different generations at the same time (and we are getting ready to embrace a new one) through technological tools, platforms for dialogue, development of specific projects, rotation between jobs, different learning platforms, and the like. We are the architects of the HR strategies. We work with departments bringing the latest developments in the HR field. We zoom out with them and we work together on the planning, monitoring the implementation and measuring the outcomes of HR.

此外我們: •

以設計思維 (design thinking)及雛型實踐 (startup models)進行創新改革。


根據大腦運作的科研理論 (neuroscience),制定


理論不斷改進。 視化管理及打造工作空間。 展、工作輪換、不同學習平台等,以建立可以同時適 合三代人的文化(我們正準備好迎接新一代)。 我們是人力資源管理的戰略規劃師,通過與各部 門緊密合作,推動人力資本管理的最新發展:一同擴大 視野、規劃、監督執行進度及評估人力資源管理成效。 我們已為Z世代作好準備 這是一個不知道甚麼是電視頻道,只知道Netflix、 YouTube及Google的一代人。 而我們有很多要與他們共同學習,並提前做好準 備,因此,我們建立了「創新及生產力中心」,這是一個 由千禧一代參與設計的工作空間及工作模式,為迎接Z 世代作好準備。 我們投放大量資源以建立人力資源數據中心,千 禧一代的團隊成員正在其中擔任重要角色,負責挖掘數 據、提出解決方案及新方法。而我們深信Z世代的趨勢 將很快呈現,大家都為他們的加入做好準備。 千禧一代及Z世代重視資訊、激勵及聯繫,他們擁 有更好的資訊、追求新生事物及情感豐富,在金沙中 國,我們盡情體現這一切。 我們現在就開始做規劃設計,整裝待發,迎接Z世 代的加入。

We are now getting ready for Gen Z. Th is is the generation that doesn’t know what a TV channel is – this is the Netfl ix, YouTube and Google generation. We will have so much to learn with them and we want to be ready. We have created the Innovation and Productivity Centre , where the physical space and the working methodology are being shaped with the input of Millennials and for Gen Z. We are investing big on a HR data centre and our Millennial team members are playing a vital role in mining the data and proposing solutions and new approaches. We are confident that we will be able to see trends that will allow us to be ready for Gen Z. Millennials and Gen Z value information, stimulation and connection. They are well-informed, evolved and empathetic, and at Sands China, we want to be the reflection of all of this. We are designing today to be the future of Gen Z.

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JASON WHITE HEAD OF APAC, MANNAZ 商業世界正在轉變,人力資源管理的角色亦隨之而變。 數碼顛覆可以帶來進步,但其中一個副作用是增加不 確定性。儘管企業面對不確定性已是身經百戰,但技 術發展的規模及速度使數碼化變成這樣一股具破壞 性的力量。 急速的變化,意味著一些企業尚未了解數碼顛覆 可以為其公司帶來甚麼潛力。 以大數據為例,某些公司會將其交予IT部門處理, 往往缺乏明確的目標。即使企業認真對待數碼化,但 許多公司仍採取乏善可陳的策略,使得他們更難以有 效地優化投資。 數碼顛覆的另一個影響,是多速企業的不斷發 展,當中不同的業務以不同的速度創新。 零售銀行業務就是一個例子。櫃檯服務等方面的 發展速度大致相同,但在開發及實施與客戶「智能」生 活同步的純數碼產品方面卻取得了巨大進步。 人力資源部門要細心留意多速業務的需求,以支 持當前及未來的領袖。他們需要接近業務,以接收預 示必須改變的訊號。正如積極快速發展企業的其他部 門一樣,人力資源部門不能固步自封。 當然,挑戰在於不僅要通過變革來支持當前的領 袖,更要發掘及培養未來的領袖。 人力資源管理及技術開發所面臨的問題是,由於 目前的變化速度,他們不知道要培育怎樣的人才。 解決的方法是培養領導能力及多元化學習,幫 助人才培養技能,以迅速適應環境、學習、及對改變 持開放態度,並明白兩個月前作出的決定未必適用於 今天。 此外,未來領袖最有價值的資產之一,是能夠保 持冷靜,細心思考。在管理不同的業務模式時,看似 是一種有組織的混亂,而謹慎有助領袖及企業取得 成功。

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The world of business is changing, and the role of HR is changing with it. Digital disruption can bring advancement, but one of the repercussions is an increased level of uncertainty. Although businesses are no strangers to dealing with uncertainty, it’s the sheer scale and speed of technological development that makes digitalisation such a disruptive force. That same rate of change means some organisations are yet to understand the potential that digital disruption can bring to their organisation. Take big data, for example. In certain companies it is something that is left to the IT department to deal with, often without clear objectives in mind. Even though companies are taking digital seriously, many have a lacklustre strategy in place that makes it harder for them to effectively optimise their investment. Another effect of digital disruption is the burgeoning reality of the multi-speed organisation, in which different parts of the business innovate at different speeds. The retail banking business is one example. Aspects such as counter services remain practically the same, but enormous strides have been made when it comes to the development and implementation of purely digital products that are in sync with customers’ “smart” lives. Human resources departments can support their current and future leaders by being sensitive to the needs of a multispeed business. They need to be close to the business to pick up on the signals that precede necessary change. Like any other part of a dynamic fast-evolving company, HR cannot keep doing things the way they have always been done and expect to keep up. Of course, the challenge lies in not only supporting current leaders through changes, but also identifying and developing the leaders of the future. The issue that HR and L&D are facing is that because of the current rates of change, they do not know which reality to develop people for. The solution here is to develop for leadership and learning versatility – helping talent develop the skills to quickly adapt, learn, be open to change, and recognise that a decision made two months ago may no longer be relevant today. Additionally, one of the most valuable assets future leaders can possess is the ability to calm down, be still and be thoughtful. It’s here that, when managing across different business models in what might seem like a form of organised chaos, mindfulness can help the leader, and the company, succeed.

Enabling real achievement Facilitating real change



CR E AT ING A P OSI T I V E C A NDID AT E E X PERIENCE IS FUND A MEN TA L ␄憯䯜㬄䠓㷑分冔汣毦㞾杫攄 The big shift in HR practices in recruitment is the renewed focus on candidate experience. As much as a candidate tries to make the best impression in an interview – it is equally imperative to provide a recruitment experience to candidates that goes beyond just the job they are interviewing for. Th is is a critical factor in building and maintaining employer branding and attractiveness in the growing market of potential talent. I consider candidates as our customers. As they say, “one customer well taken care of could bring more value than thousands of dollars’ worth of advertising”. In the same way, if we create a positive customer-centric experience during the recruitment process, candidates will remember and talk about it among peers, and word of mouth in building brand attractiveness is a powerful weapon. In the growing competition to attract and retain talent, in my opinion, the future is about building and maintaining a brand that people want to work for. Th is starts from the very fi rst interaction with an applicant or a potential candidate and continues throughout the experience and journey that we offer them. Technology has already enabled the shift towards a candidate-focused experience. With the evolvement of AI, it will continue to facilitate the journey across the spectrum, from responding to applications and queries from a wider international market, sharing timely feedback, online assessments which candidates can take in their own space/ time for convenience, through to the conclusion stage. For employers, it allows tracking of a fair selection process, getting feedback from candidates about the recruitment process and experience – all the while ensuring the candidate engagement and experience. Candidates, the Millennials and Gen Y in particular, are increasingly more conscious of company and workplace culture, degree of flexibility and autonomy in roles and work-life balance as influential factors in determining the kind of organisations they want to work for. Therefore, HR practitioners like ourselves need to take the lead to revamp the approach to recruitment in view of boosting the attractiveness of the employer brand and which reflects the culture and values of the company. It’s not only in the reviewing of the process, but a shift in the mindset.

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人力資源管理在招聘方面的重大轉變,是重新注重求 職者的體驗。正如求職者會盡量在面試時留下最好的 印象,僱主亦有必要為求職者提供超越其應徵工作的 招聘體驗。 這是在不斷增長的潛在人才市場中建立及維護僱 主品牌及吸引力的關鍵要素。 我將求職者視為我們的客戶。俗言有云:「一個 得到貼心服務的顧客,可以比數千元的廣告帶來更多 的價值」。 同樣地,如果我們在招聘過程中營造出以客戶為中 心的積極體驗,求職者會記在心中,然後跟朋友提及, 而口碑是建立品牌吸引力的有效武器。 吸引及留住人才的競爭愈趨激烈,我認為未來的 關鍵在於建立及維護一個令求職者嚮往的品牌。 這從與申請人或潛在候選人進行的第一次互動 開始,並延續至求職過程中我們為他們提供的體驗及 旅程。 科技可以令體驗變得更加以求職者為中心,隨著 人工智能不斷進步,它將繼續推動整個行業的發展, 從回應來自更廣泛國際市場的職位申請及查詢、分享 及時反饋、方便求職者在自己的空間/時間進行網上評 估、以至結果階段。 僱主能夠從中監督公平的篩選過程、獲取求職者 對於招聘過程及體驗的反饋、同時確保求職者的參與 及體驗。 求職者,尤其是千禧一代及Y年代,愈來愈意重視 企業及職場文化、公司靈活性及職位自主性、以及工 作與個人生活的平衡,以作為其選擇僱主的重要考慮 因素。 因此,像我們這樣的人力資源管理從業者需要帶 頭改革招聘方式,以提升僱主品牌吸引力,並反映出公 司的文化及價值觀。 不僅是調整過程,而且是要改變思維方式。



JENNIFER VAN DALE HEAD OF ASIA EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE, EVERSHEDS 關於人工智能(AI)、機器學習及自動化對職場影響 的討論及爭辯在2017年大幅增加。 撇開自動化會否導致失業的爭論,AI及機器學習 為人力資源部門,尤其是大型企業的人力資源部門提 供了眾多的機遇。AI正結合至軟件及系統,以支援從 招聘(自動篩選履歷)、以至離職後關係(舊僱員關 係)的整個就業過程。 因應具體的人力資源管理角色及職級,人力資源 管理人員每天的工作包括安排候選人與幾位面試官會 試、獲取同事對升職候選人的意見、或者在績效考核 過程中整理及評估360度的反饋。 AI正正可以分擔安排面試時間及數據記錄等耗時 的任務,例如,AI軟件可以整理資料及預備會前簡報, 使參與者能夠專注於關鍵決策及行動要點。 另一個有助人力資源管理的發展,是自然語言處 理技術在過去一年的顯著進步。想一想在購物及零 售網站上與chatbots聊天,或者我們如何使用Siri及 Alexa。這些應用程式用途廣泛,但不是特別深入,因 此在人力資源管理環境中不是特別有用。 隨著我們將其引入我們企業的工作流程(及怪 異模式)來優化機械助理,它可以用來回答有關內 部政策、程序及「我們如何...」等類型的問題,例如 HR.IBM已在入職過程中使用「增強智能」來回答新 員工的查詢;Expedia的員工可以使用AI工具來檢查 招聘廣告,以便在發布之前清除無意識的偏見語言。 通過綜合及處理更多資訊,AI還可以聯繫傳統 上各自為政的部門。例如,它可以追蹤員工的培訓進 度,並將其同時反饋給學習與發展及合規部門,幫助 他們識別培訓差距,並為未來的培訓環節作好計劃。 同樣地,薪酬評估可以更短的時間,更容易地考慮到 多個數據點。 這些應用程式不僅可以分擔人力資源管理人員 繁瑣的工作,使其能夠專注於更多策略性的工作及目 標,AI更可以通過數據互通聯繫以往各自為政的部 門,體現何謂團結就是力量。

2017 has seen a marked increase in discussions and debates on the effect of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automation in the workplace. Setting aside debate about whether automation will result in job losses, AI and machine learning present numerous opportunities for the human resources sector, particularly in large organisations. AI is being integrated into software and systems that support processes across the entire employment period, starting with the hiring process (automated cv screening) to the post-employment relationship (alumni relations). Depending on the specific HR role and level, the day can be fi lled with tasks such as scheduling a candidate to meet with several interviewers, getting comments from colleagues on a promotional candidate, or collating and assessing 360 degree feedback during an appraisal. Time-consuming tasks such as scheduling and logging data are exactly where AI can help. For example, AI supported software can collate information and prepare a pre-meeting briefi ng, allowing participants to focus on the key decision and action points. Another development that can assist HR are the incredible advances in natural language processing in the past year. Th ink of chatbots on shopping and retail websites, or how we use Siri and Alexa. These applications are broad, but not particularly deep, and therefore not especially helpful in the HR context. After we optimise an assistant by introducing it to our organisation’s workflows (and quirks), it can be used to answer questions about internal policies, procedures and, “How do we ...?” type questions that usually go to HR. IBM for example, is already using “Augmented Intelligence” to answer queries from new comers during the onboarding process. Expedia employees can use an AI-supported tool to review job adverts to weed out language demonstrating unconscious bias before posting them. By synthesising and processing more information, AI can also integrate functions that have traditionally been stuck in silos. For example, it can track employee training and feed it back to both Learning & Development as well as Compliance, helping them identify gaps and plan for future sessions. Similarly, salary reviews can take account of multiple data points more easily in a fraction of the time previously needed. Not only can these applications free up HR from these activities to focus on more strategic work and goals, by sharing data across traditional silos, AI allows an organisation to be greater than the sum of its parts.

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In the past decade we have witnessed technology change many fields dramatically. HR is on that path, with the technology of the future looking set to impact HR functions and the employee journey. The emergence of social media and sites such as LinkedIn have already changed the landscape of talent attraction. But they are also changing the search process for quality candidates. Artificial intelligence will soon allow companies to match the profiles of their existing top performers to find like-skilled candidates, and allow recruiters to see what candidates are looking for in their job search. Technology has also led to more analytics in the talent acquisition process. In the future that analysis can assist with embedding new talent into an organisation. In terms of training, enhancements in virtual reality, which will take e-learning platforms and internal chat systems to the next level, are on the horizon. But just as current technologies haven’t replaced traditional classroom training, new HR technologies will mainly act in support of current practices. Indeed, as new technologies permeate HR departments, HR professionals need to keep the necessity and importance of the human connection front of mind. When considering the pros and cons of technology in the workplace, it is important to bear in mind the wants and needs of the future workforce. There is no denying the new social media world. People build relationships differently and there are a growing number of platforms to openly discuss topics. Line managers are being asked to integrate their private lives with their work lives, with Facebook requests being just one example. HR professionals may need to guide employees through this. The current workforce believes a career is an accumulation of experiences. HR professionals need to think about how they can provide this for their employees to motivate and retain them. They must also be aware of global issues, and where they can, learn from overseas experiences. The world is so interconnected now, you cannot operate within a single market or with a single market mindset. There are different challenges for local HR teams compared with those faced by their international counterparts. There is more movement within the workforce in Asia and there is a mixture of cultures here. These challenges are balanced out by the low taxes and relatively simple employment laws. However, Asia is maturing and the organisations that are managing that change competently are those that are global in nature, have close relationships with their global counterparts, and leverage their international counterpart’s experiences.

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A DA P T IN G TO C H A N GE 懸㍘崙⒥

REINA CHENG MANAGING DIRECTOR, HONG KONG, MORGAN MCKINLEY 過去十年,我們已見證科技徹底改變多個領域,人力資 源管理亦走在這條道路上,而未來的技術將影響人力資 源管理部門及員工之旅。 社交媒體及LinkedIn等網站的出現,已改變吸引人 才的方式,同時亦正改變發掘優質候選人的過程。人工 智能快將能夠幫助企業將現有表現最好的員工檔案進 行匹配,以尋找具備類似技能的候選人,並幫助招聘人 員了解候選人的求職要求。 科技也為人才招聘過程提供更多的分析,分析將可 幫助新員工融入一家企業之中。 在培訓方面,虛擬實境的進步,會將電子學習平台 及內部聊天系統提升至一個新的水平。但正如目前的科 技還沒有取代傳統的課堂培訓,新的人力資源管理技術 仍將主要作為目前慣常做法的支援。 的確,隨著新技術滲透人力資源管理部門,人力資 源管理專業人員必須保持及重視人與人的聯繫。 考慮將科技應用至工作環境的利與弊時,要牢記未 來勞動力的願望與需求。 不能否定新的社交媒體世界,人們透過社交媒體建 立不同的關係,並且有愈來愈多可以公開討論話題的平 台。網絡經理需要將他們的私人生活與他們的工作生活 結合起來,Facebook的請求僅僅是一個例子。人力資源 管理專業人員可能需要在過渡期間為員工提供指引。 現今的勞動力認為,事業是經驗的積累。人力資源 管理專業人員要考慮如何為員工提供這些經驗,以激勵 及留住他們。 他們還須留意全球性的問題,以及在哪裡可以汲取 海外經驗。現今世界如此緊密聯繫,你不能局限於在單 一的市場或採用單一的市場觀念來運作。 本地人力資源管理團隊所面對的挑戰,有別於其 國際同行。亞洲的勞動力流動性更大,而這裡也結合了 不同的文化。 低稅率及相對簡單的勞工法例抵銷了這些挑戰。然 而,亞洲市場正步向成熟,而有能力應對變革的企業都 具備全球化視野、與其全球同行有著密切的關係、並善 用其國際對手的經驗。

As a global professional

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䉉⃤⁉␪幖䀟䴰䖕厖幖宙䭠㐏扷朏 梏嬐㢃余ⵕ▗⃫

Technology has brought comprehensive changes to the way companies operate and is now integral to every department – especially HR. BT has a strong history of investment in HR technology and we host a global portal for all our HR systems, processes and policies. Over the years, HR technology has brought significant improvements to businesses. Gone are the days when HR systems were only used to hold employee data, payroll and recruitment information. These days, HR departments don’t even have to create their own recruitment software. HR functions can now connect cloud-based HR systems to social networks to acquire talent in competitive markets. We have entered a new wave of HR technology and the role and function of HR continues to change and evolve. Business leaders are requesting real-time employee insights “on the go” and HR departments need to be ready to meet this demand in real-time. This is particularly important as HR technology is no longer a simple tool just to make HR processes more efficient, but also used by different teams within an organisation to make strategic decisions. According to BT’s 2016 Mobile Multiplier Study, nearly 80% of employees want to work either remotely or from home, via technology. Without this capability, dissatisfaction levels will rise and they may eventually consider leaving the company. Employees also need accurate and reliable information in real-time and on-demand to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively – so technology has an important role in equipping people with the tools that allow them to do their job easily. HR and IT functions need to keep helping each other to identify gaps in employee working patterns that require attention, whether via changes in processes, systems or tools. Close collaboration between HR and IT departments also allows both teams to be aware of employee usage behaviour and how data security threats can be avoided well ahead of time, by finding the right tools that serve the desired workplace requirements. In the future, HR leaders need to focus on building digital HR strategies and roadmaps. There are lots of HR systems, products and apps available in the marketplace, which allow leaders to focus on productivity, employee engagement, innovation, team work, collaboration and coaching.

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USHA BAIDYA VICE-PRESIDENT, HUMAN RESOURCES, ASIA PACIFIC, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA, BT 科技為企業經營帶來了全面的改變,現已成為每個部 門,尤其是人力資源部門的重要工具。英國電訊一向 相當重視在人力資源技術方面的投資,並建立了一個 全球平台來整合我們的所有人力資源管理系統、流程 及政策。 多年來,人力資源科技為企業帶來了顯著的效益, 使人力資源管理系統的用途不再僅限於儲存員工數 據、工資單及招聘訊息。 今時今日,人力資源管理部門甚至不必自行開發 招聘軟件。人力資源管理人員現時可將雲端人力資源 管理系統連接至社交網絡,以便在競爭激烈的市場中 吸納人才。 我們已進入人力資源科技的新浪潮,人力資源管 理的角色及職能將不斷轉變及進步。企業領袖要求「隨 時隨地」得到即時的員工分析,而人力資源部門要作好 準備即時滿足這一需求。 這方面的發展尤其重要,因為人力資源科技不再 單單是一個提升人力資源管理效率的簡單工具,而是 成為企業內不同團隊用於作出策略決定的重要工具。 根據英國電訊2016年的《移動化增效》研究發 現,近80%的員工希望可以透過科技遠程或在家工作。 無法做到這一點的話,員工的不滿度將會上升,最終可 能會考慮離開公司。 員工亦需要隨時隨地得到準確可靠的即時訊息, 以便高效地完成任務,因此科技在裝備人員、讓他們能 夠輕鬆完成工作方面發揮重要的作用。 人力資源管理與資訊科技部門要不斷互相合作, 通過流程、系統或工具的轉變,合力找出需要注意的員 工工作模式差距。 人力資源管理與資訊科技部門之間的緊密合作, 亦可讓兩個團隊了解員工的使用行為,以及如何預先 避免數據安全的威脅,通過尋找合適的工具來建立理 想的工作場所。 未來,人力資源領袖需要著重建立數碼人力資源 管理策略及路線圖。市場上有許多人力資源系統、產品 及應用程序,讓管理者能夠專注於生產力、員工參與、 創新、團隊合作、協作及輔導方面的工作。


TECHNOLOGY – THE KEY TO HR 䭠㐏ʟʟ⁉␪幖䀟䴰䖕䠓杫攄 With the implementation of cloud technology and mobile applications, I believe the daily operation of the human resources departments, recruitment and training will be very different from what we are currently experiencing.


Daily HR operations


The use of cloud technology means that the future human resource information system (HRIS) can be easily accessible to HR staff from anywhere through a mobile device with an internet connection. HR practitioners should be on the lookout for the technology available for HR and the relevant suppliers of the technology. With more and more information being stored in the HRIS in the cloud, big data can be analysed by using workforce analytics.




The process for talent acquisition and talent management will turn digital in the near future. Millennials are technology savvy and active in social communities. I think recruitment through linking with social communities will become more popular. Conducting recruitment through a mobile application will be a future trend. There will be less need for interviewing in person as it can be done online through a webcam on a computer or on a smartphone. Things such as job applications and interview resultchecking can also be done through mobile devices. The screening function in the apps or computer programme with selection criteria can be used to process job applications faster and easier with a systematic record. Information on a preferred candidate or those who do not suit the job description can be stored in the cloud with linkage to the job application apps or computer programme systematically for easy identification.

隨著雲端技術及手機應用程式普及,我相信人力資源 管理部門的日常運作、招聘及培訓將會變得與目前大

輕易透過手機,在任何地方上網接通人力資源資訊系 統(HRIS)。 人力資源管理人員應積極尋找可用的人力資源管 理技術及相關的技術供應商。 隨著愈來愈多的訊息儲存在雲端HRIS,通過勞動 力分析便可分析大數據。 招聘 在不久的將來,人才招聘及人才管理的過程將變成數 碼化。 千禧一代精通科技,並活躍於社交平台,我認為通 過社交平台來進行招聘會變得更受歡迎。 通過手機應用程式進行招聘將會是未來的趨勢, 應徵者無須親身出席,通過電腦的網絡鏡頭或智能手 機便可在網上進行面試。 申請職位及查詢面試結果等流程也可以通過手 機完成。 具備篩選功能的應用程式或電腦程式提供有系統 的記錄,可以更快更輕鬆地處理職位申請。 合資格求職者或不符合職位要求的候選人資料可 以儲存在雲端,並有系統地連接到職位申請應用程式 或電腦程式,以便識別。 培訓 跟招聘一樣,培訓也將變成數碼化。有賴雲端技術,知識 共享變得比以往更容易,通過手機自學將變得更普及。 虛擬實境技術將廣泛應用至一般商業培訓之中。 運用科技,培訓導師及學員將能夠跟進每個人的 學習效果及學習進度。通過將個人學習進度訊息連接 至HRIS,個人培訓記錄便可自動更新。

Training Like recruitment, training will also be digitalised. With cloud technology, knowledge-sharing has become easier than ever. Self-paced self-learning on mobile devices will become more popular. Technology on virtual reality will be adopted widely in common commercial training Making use of technology, trainers and trainees will be able to keep track of every individual’s learning effectiveness and learning progress. By linking information on an individual’s learning progress to the HRIS, the training record of individuals can be updated automatically.

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I N NOVATI ON C HALLENGES F OR HR ⁉␪幖䀟䠓␄㜿㒠㎿ Companies increasingly call for innovation to stimulate growth, update business models, increase performance and appeal to customers. The logic is simple: companies need to innovate to stay current, compete and create value and many are grappling with the realisation that “what got us here will not take us forward”. Hence, the need to engage employees and create processes conducive to business innovation overall. Enter HR. As the custodian of people strategy and processes, HR has a tremendous opportunity to hire capable, diverse people with ideas and the capacity to think “out of the box”. HR is also the custodian of organisation design, and is often put in charge of corporate culture. People, organisation and culture is all it takes to foster innovation. So why isn’t there more innovation about? Because the very aspects that offer HR tremendous opportunities offer significant challenges:

LELIA KONYN HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS, SHUN SHING GROUP 為刺激增長、更新商業模式、提高業績及吸引客戶,企 業對創新的需求愈益增加。 原因很簡單:企業需要創新,以保持與時並進、競 爭力及創造價值,因為很多人都明白:「以往的成功因 素不能帶領我們向前邁進」,因此,必須加強員工參 與,並創造有利於企業整體創新的流程。 回到正題:人力資源管理。作為人才策略及流程管 理者,人力資源管理人員掌握聘請有能力、多元化、有 創意及「跳出框框」人才的大權。人力資源管理人員也 是組織架構設計的管理者,往往負責建立企業文化。人

1. Once diverse people are hired, they are integrated Integration means embracing the company culture and the way things are done. Fitting in. Divergent ideas challenging the status quo are suppressed or watered down. The comfort of groupthink sets in.

才、組織架構及文化是推動創新的必備元素。 那麼為何未見有更多的創新呢?因為人力資源不 但在多方面擁有巨大機遇,同時亦面對巨大的挑戰: 1. 多元化的人才獲聘後會被同化 同化意味著遵從公司的文化及做事方式,融入其中,

2. Hierarchies, size, complexity


Most companies are systemically not built to facilitate, sustain or nurture innovation. Few are the hierarchies in which bosses’ ideas, decisions or processes can be questioned and debated openly and consistently as a process. Matrix organisations increase complexity: numerous functions, business units and locations often operate in silos with poor co-ordination, information flow and slow decision-making.


3. Culture


Corporate culture defines the acceptable way to act and work within an organisation. Complacency, lack of process to speak up and debate, fear of making mistakes in a blame culture, change aversion, endless emails and meetings are not conducive to innovation.


2. 階級、規模、複雜性 資大多數公司的組織架構並不是為了適應、支持或培 育創新而建立的。在較少階級的企業,老闆的想法、 決策或流程可以作公開質詢及辯論,並成為一項持續 的流程。 矩陣式架構增加了複雜性:許多部門、業務單位

3. 文化 企業文化決定了在企業內部可接受的行事及工作方 式。自滿、缺乏表達意見及辯論的機會、害怕在責怪文 化中犯錯、討厭改變、無休止的電子郵件及會議均不

• •

So what can HR do? Identify the inherent challenges in the organisation and devise a plan to overcome them. Work with the board, CEO or region head to create separate units for innovation, populating them with a multiplicity of talent, disciplines and generations. Formalise high-up sponsorship and accountability for innovation.

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利於創新。 那麼人力資源管理人員該怎樣做? •找出企業內部的固有挑戰,並制定計劃克服這 些挑戰。 •與董事會、行政總裁或地區負責人合作,建立獨 立的創新部門,為他們招募來自不同領域、不同 世代的多元化人才。 •為創新制定高層贊助及問責制度。




About Talent Fishers ”At Talent Fishers, our vision is to Change Lives – of people and organisations. Is recruitment simply pushing a resume found in a database through a few clicks and key words? For some it is. But it should not be. Talent Fishers is specialised in recruitment and HR consulting in Asia and most of our clients are international groups. We deal with corporate DNA confronting different cultures, markets, specicities... and we love it! Our vision: we are eager to change your life for the better! The Talent Fishers Group covers the whole of Asia through operations in China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, ...

關於Talent Fishers 在Talent Fishers,我們 的使命是改變人及企業 的生活 招聘是否單純透過 點擊及搜尋關鍵字從數 據庫中找出履歷表?有些 時候的確如此。 但不應該如此。 Talent Fishers專注 於在亞洲提供招聘及人 力資源諮詢顧問服務, 而我們大多數的客戶是 來自外國,我們要應付面 對不同文化、市場、專業 的企業文化...而我們樂 在其中! 我們的願景:我們渴 望令你的生活變得更好! Talent Fishers的服 務涵蓋中國、香港、新加 坡、泰國、越南…

Many business leaders believe that Asia will spearhead the global economic growth for decades to come. Organisations from around the globe are hoping to get a slice of the Asian market, making it one of the hottest destinations for top talent. Talent Fishers was set up in 2007 in China to cater to a growing demand from foreign-invested companies for human capital solutions in Asia. When conducting a cross-cultural search, matching candidates to the right position is not enough. We don’t only fi nd the right candidates, we are here to advise clients on the best practices for Asian markets. The mission of Talent Fishers is changing people’s lives by offering them better career and better responsibilities, and we change a company’s future by finding the right people for the right roles, enabling the company to better develop. With the use of the latest technology such as databases, job boards and social networks, a huge amount of time is being saved in extracting

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許多商界領袖認為,亞洲將會在未來幾十年成為全 球經濟增長的領頭羊。全球各地的企業都希望在亞 洲市場爭一席位,使該地區成為爭奪頂尖人才的熱 門之地。 Talent Fishers於2007年在中國成立,以滿 足外資企業對亞洲人力資本解決方案日益增長的 需求。 在進行跨文化人才搜索時,將候選人與合適的 職位進行配對是不夠的。我們不僅幫助企業尋找合 適的候選人,更為客戶提供針對亞洲市場的最佳做 法建議。 Talent Fishers的使命,是通過提供更好的職業 及更好的工作來改變人們的生活,並通過尋找合適的 人才擔任合適的職位來改變企業的未來,使企業得到 更好的發展。 通過運用數據庫、招聘板及社交網絡等最新 技術,大大節省了收集合適候選人數據的時間,但 Talent Fishers致力將服務提升至另一新水平。 我們認為,與候選人進行深入的對話,可以大大 提升他們的成功機會,而這些新技術無法幫助顧問更 好地了解候選人。 我們的顧問會向候選人詢問相關的問題,以了解 他們的專業背景,並發掘他們的真正潛力,以及他們 的真正需求。 在進行人才搜索時,了解企業亦同樣重要。每家 公司都有不同的文化、DNA及歷史,我們綜合所有這 些因素,在適當的時間將符合該公司文化及DNA的人 才進行配對。 有時,最出色的人才未必是在特定時間最適合具 體職位的最佳人選。 為使我們的顧問能夠深入了解候選人,會面通常 是最佳的溝通方式。話雖如此,但虛擬實境等技術容 許身處不同地方的個人進行深入的會談,我認為這將

data on suitable candidates, but Talent Fishers is committed to taking things to the next level. We believe having in-depth conversations with our candidates puts them in the best position to be successful, and these new technologies are not able to help consultants understand candidates better. Our consultants ask candidates the right questions to learn about their professional backgrounds and fi nd out who they really are and what they really want in life. When conducting a search, understanding the organisation is just as important. Every company has a different culture, DNA and history. We combine all those factors to match an individual who fits in with the organisation’s culture and DNA at the right time. Sometimes, the most talented individual might not be the best fit for a specific role at a specific time. For our consultants to get to know the candidates, a faceto-face meeting is often the best way to communicate. With that being said, I believe technology such as virtual reality will bring a huge impact to the executive search landscape by allowing individuals to hold in-depth conversations without having to be seated in the same room. I hope with VR technology, I will be able to interview candidates from overseas with the same quality of interaction as we have sitting in the same room. In today’s business world, people are more prone to move to explore another culture. As a result, I foresee top talent from different backgrounds gathering to work in an expertise hub. There will be different expertise hubs set up around the world and I think Hong Kong is an interesting place for financial services-related functions to set up an expertise hub.

會為人才搜索領域帶來巨大的影響。 我希望將來能夠借助虛擬實境技術,以無異於面 對面互動的方式與海外候選人進行面試。 在現今商業世界中,人們更嚮往探索另一種文 化。因此,我預料來自不同背景的頂尖人才將匯聚至 一個專業知識中心一同工作。 世界各地將成立不同的專業知識中心,我認為 香港是金融服務相關行業建立專業知識中心的理想 地點。

Contact us at: 聯聯繫我們:

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A VIS ION FOR THE F UTU R E 㢹ℕ嬥捝 Many employers have recognised the importance of employee wellbeing and work-life balance as key strategies to improving employee engagement, loyalty and retention. Employers are increasingly searching for innovative offerings to address their employees’ demands; and employees are asking more and more for choice and benefit programmes that meet their personal and family needs. One such new and exciting offering to the region is vision care. According to Euromonitor’s 2016 Eye Health Indicator Analysis, Hong Kong has the highest rate of nearsightedness – difficulty seeing far away – in Asia, impacting 76% of the population or 5.6 million people. While having an ancillary vision offer is quite common in other parts of the world, it has recently become available locally as a low-cost, highly valuable option employers can add to their benefit suite.

ERIC LAM REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT, ASIA, VSP VISION CARE 許多僱主都意識到,員工福利及工作與生活的平衡,是 提升員工參與度、忠誠度及保留率的重要策略。 僱主愈來愈積極尋求創新產品服務以迎合員工的 需求,而員工亦要求更多能符合個人及家庭需求的選 擇及福利計劃。 其中一個引入地區的嶄新而令人興奮的方案是視

Employee health


A vision scheme provides access to annual comprehensive eye examinations and fashionable eye wear at little to no out-ofpocket costs for your employees. With a comprehensive eye exam, you get more than just a standard vision test, you also get a thorough check of your eye health. Through a comprehensive eye examination, a registered optometrist can check for signs of chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

顯示,香港人患有近視的比率是亞洲第一,當中有76% 的人口(560萬人)患有近視。 雖然在全球其他地方提供視力保健服務是非常普 遍,但現時才引入本地,成為僱主可以增加至其員工福 利政策的一項低成本、高價值選擇。 員工健康 視力保健計劃提供年度綜合眼科檢查及時尚眼鏡,員 工只須自支極少費用、甚至免費享用。



A vision scheme can also help address issues that impact employees’ quality of life and productivity. According to a 2008 report by US-based vision advocacy group, The Vision Council, poor vision results in 32 times more productivity lost than absenteeism. Digital eye strain is an example of a condition that impacts your staff. Per the Vision Council, more than 87% of adults report using digital devices more than two hours a day, yet many people neglect to care for their eyes, which can have unintended health consequences and impact work productivity.

檢查眼睛的健康狀況。通過全面的眼科檢查,註冊視 光師可以檢查糖尿病、高血壓及高膽固醇等慢性病 症狀。 工作效率 視力保健計劃也可以幫助員工解決影響生活質素及工 作效率的問題。根據美國視力保護宣傳組織美國視力 協會2008年的報告指出,視力不佳所導致的工作效率 下降比率,是缺勤的32倍以上。 「數碼眼疲勞」是影響員工工作的一個例子。根 據美國視力協會表示,超過87%的成年人每天使用數

Vision care schemes


Vision care schemes can play a major role in employee benefit programmes. Although many companies offer an annual health screening programme, a comprehensive eye examination is a good supplementary piece. In addition to making your employee package more competitive and helping to retain valuable employees, a thorough vision care scheme can increase employee health awareness, leading to a healthier and more productive workforce.


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視力保健計劃 視力保健計劃可以在員工福利計劃中發揮重要作用。 雖然許多公司提供年度健康檢查計劃,但綜合眼科檢 查是一個很好的附加項目。 除了令員工薪酬福利更具吸引力,並有助保留寶 貴的員工外,全面的視力保健計劃還可以提高員工的 健康意識,打造一個更健康、更高效的職場環境。

SEE YOUR WORLD CLEARLY Good vision is important. Now, you have an opportunity to protect your employees’ eyes with a vision scheme that includes a comprehensive eye examination — a better way to keep their vision healthy for a lifetime.

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AIA Vitality: the first step to business success AIA Vitality健康程式: 企業成功的第一步 In a time when the war for talent is ongoing, the prevalence and demand for good benefits across Asia are growing. Especially in mature markets such as Hong Kong, employee benefits offerings are evolving fast. For companies looking to stay relevant and attractive to current and future talent, it is critical to listen to what employees have to say, and offer innovative programmes, while being aware of the challenges of their implementation and delivery. On 11 May, AIA was proud to sponsor the Employee Benefits Asia 2017 Conference, which helps employers improve awareness of the options, challenges and solutions available to them when it comes to providing the optimum benefits package to their employees. The event saw nearly 200 HR professionals gaining insights into some of the 36 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017

正值人才爭奪戰時期,亞洲地區對完善福利政策的 普及及需求日益增加,尤其在香港這類成熟市場,僱員 福利產品正迅速發展。 對於希望與時並進以吸引現有及未來人才的企

biggest C&B trends through a series of keynote presentations, case studies and panel discussions. Delivering one of the presentations was Peter Crewe, chief executive officer (designate) at AIA Hong Kong and Macau. He spoke to the delegates about helping employees achieve longer, healthier and better work lives, and the role both companies and service providers can play in achieving this. “All of you can craft the future of your employees. It’s how you collaborate with vendors and business partners that can make a difference,” he said. He pointed out the importance of working with the right partners for employers to get the best and most cost-effective solutions for their staff. Additionally, he explained how AIA was working with stakeholders to keep the cost of medical benefits manageable.

業,最重要的是聽取僱員的意見,並提供創新的計劃, 同時留意實施及執行時所面臨的挑戰。 友邦保險致力幫助僱主了解其可能性、挑戰及 解決方案。於5月11日,該公司誠意支持由《Human Resources》雜誌主辦的「亞洲僱員薪酬福利會議 2017」,當日有近二百位與會者出席,通過一系列主題 演講、案例分享及小組討論,了解薪酬福利的一些主要 趨勢及挑戰。 友邦香港及澳門候任首席執行官顧培德先生亦為 演講嘉賓之一,他向與會者分享活出更長壽、更健康及 更美好人生的心得,以及企業與服務供應商在當中所 扮演的角色。 他說:「你們所有人都可以塑造僱員的未來,重點 在於如何與供應商及商業夥伴合作。」 他指出僱主與合適的合作夥伴合作,為僱員提供 最好及最具成本效益的方案的重要性。此外,他解釋 了友邦保險如何與持份者合作,以維持穩定的醫療福 利成本。


他說:「福利計劃的成本不斷上升,作為僱主及服 務供應商,我們有責任控制成本。」 友邦保險幫助降低成本的其中一個方法是一反傳 統,將焦點從以往單純處理治療後的醫療索償,擴展至 關注疾病預防。 其最新的工具之一「AIA Vitality健康程式」為企業 提供健康參與計劃,協助他們鼓勵僱員保持健康。

“The costs of benefit programmes are escalating. As an employer and service provider, we have a responsibility to control that cost,” he said. One of the ways in which AIA is helping keep costs down is by looking beyond the traditional core focus on post-treatment medical claims by also looking at prevention. One of its newest tools is AIA Vitality – a wellness engagement programme for corporates that allows them to support employees in staying healthy. The science-backed employee health and wellness programme delivers innovative employee benefits with a focus on health and wellness. It allows employers to offer knowledge, tools and motivation in the form of rewards to staff to encourage healthier living. The programme provides a win-win-win situation, as the employer, employees and the insurer all benefit from healthier people with lower medical bills. Improved employee productivity and engagement offer an even stronger rationale for introducing the programme.

During one of the panel discussions, Thomas Lee, chief corporate solutions officer at AIA Hong Kong and Macau, also elaborated on the important role that employers play in promoting workplace well-being. Therefore, in conjunction with AIA Vitality, AIA has also launched the “Healthiest Workplace”, a survey among employees and employers across four pilot markets to assess organisations’ status quo with regards to employee health and wellness. The Healthiest Workplace survey results put companies in a good place to reflect on their employee wellbeing strategies and identify areas with room for improvement. Every business wants to thrive, but true success is only possible with the help of highly engaged, motivated and productive employees. Healthy living lies at the foundation of such a workforce, and evaluating and addressing the current health of your workforce are the first steps towards business success.

這項建基於科學的健康計劃提供以健康及保健為 重點的創新僱員福利,讓僱主向僱員提供知識、工具及 獎賞,以實踐更健康生活。 該計劃創造了一個三贏的局面,僱員的健康提升, 讓僱主、僱員及保險公司都可以從較低的醫療費用中受 益。僱員的生產力及參與度提高,為該計劃的推行提供 了更加有力的理由。 於其中一個小組討論上,友邦香港及澳門首席團體 業務總監李滿能亦闡述了僱主於推廣健康工作環境上所 擔當的重要角色。 因此,為配合「AIA Vitality健康程式」,友邦保險 還推出了「最健康工作環境」調查,訪問了四個試點市場 的僱員及僱主,以評估企業僱員目前的整體健康狀況。 「最健康工作環境」調查結果有助企業全面反映其 僱員福利策略,並了解需要改進的地方。 於其中一個小組討論上,友邦香港及澳門首席團體 業務總監李滿能亦闡述了自身處理壓力的經驗。他進一 步講解僱主於推廣健康工作環境上所擔當的重要角色。 每家企業都希望茁壯成長,但只有在高度參與、積 極及高生產力的僱員幫助下,才能取得真正的成功。健 康生活是建立強大工作團隊的基礎,評估及重視僱員目 前的健康狀況是企業成功的第一步。

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Highlights from Employee Benefits Asia


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短暫休息之後,的近律師行營運總裁Andrew Keith首先在台上討論僱員獎勵及福利,以及其重要 性。之後,來自友邦保險、克諾爾制動系統有限公司 及喜利得的專家進行有關僱員健康如何影響業績的 小組討論。 小組成員討論了壓力的本質,以及良好的壓力管 理如何幫助企業實現業務增長。 小組討論結束後,克諾爾制動系統亞太區香港/ 台灣/新加坡人力資源部主管及亞太區組織發展經理 廖明慧繼續在台上接受獨家專訪,分享如何打造一個 理想的職場環境。 與會人士享用午餐過後,賽輝洋行有限公司人力 資源及行政部副總裁Josephine Lee接受另一場獨家 專訪,談到聯繫員工的秘訣。

After the discussion, Sadia Liu, head of human resources – HK/TW/SG and organisation development lead – AP at Knorr-Bremse Asia Pacific, remained on stage for an exclusive interview on creating a workplace that talent wants to belong to. Delegates enjoyed a lunch break and were welcomed back with another exclusive interview with Josephine Lee, vice-president of human resources and administration at CFL Enterprise, who talked about healthy recipes for an engaged workforce. Kevin Jones, Hong Kong country manager for Aetna International, also presented a case study on cost-effective innovations in the industry. Next on stage was Cecilia Deasy, regional consulting leader for CXA Group. Among other things, she talked about the possibilities medical technology brings and said: “We’re aiming for a shift from reactive and sick-based policies to proactive and preventive ones.” During the second panel discussion of the day, experts from Deacons, Schneider Electric, 40 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017

Avery Dennison and CFL Enterprise shared their ideas on formulating expatriation programmes. In response to a question from the audience, they spoke about some of the challenges with repatriation. They agreed that often, the challenges can be similar to those faced when sending the employee on the expat assignment. After a short networking break, Julien Lauden, co-founder of Fit Eat In, shared practical advice and insights on integrating fitness and nutrition programmes into your working environment. He said that in Hong Kong’s busy working culture, companies need to give employees permission to take care of themselves. The final speaker of the day was Syed Asim Hussain, co-founder of Black Sheep Restaurants. He started of by thanking the room, saying that HR are the unsung heroes of the corporate world whose work often goes unappreciated, before addressing the topic of creating commitment among employees in the restaurant/ food industry with high turnover rates.

Aetna International香港區經理Kevin Jones 亦分享了行內一個具成本效益的創新案例。 接下來的演講嘉賓是CXA集團區域諮詢主管 Cecilia Deasy。除主題外,她還談到醫療技術帶來的 可能性,並表示:「我們的目標是將政策從生病時才作 出反應,轉變為主動預防。」 在當日的第二輪小組討論中,來自的近律師行、 施耐德電氣、Avery Dennison及賽輝洋行有限公司 的專家分享對制定外派計劃的想法。 他們回答來自與會者的一個問題,談到外派人員 回流的一些挑戰。他們都同意,與派遣員工接受外派 任職時所面臨的挑戰往往很類似。 經過短暫的交流及休息之後,Fit Eat In聯合創辦 人Julien Lauden分享了將健身及營養計劃結合到工 作環境中的實用建議及見解。 他表示,在香港忙碌的工作文化下,公司需要讓僱 員好好照顧自己。 當日最後一名演講嘉賓是黑羊餐廳聯合創辦人 Syed Asim Hussain。 他首先感謝在場的與會者,並表示人力資源管理 人員一直默默耕耘,是企業世界的無名英雄。之後, 他談到在流失率高的餐飲/食品行業中留住員工的 話題。

CAREERS » Personal development 個人發展

uptheranks Tracking HR’s industry moves 跟蹤人力資源行業動態 Who: Janet Man From: McDonald’s To: Schneider Electric Starting May 2017, Janet Man is Schneider Electric’s new vice-president of talent management. Her priority lies with building a strong and diverse pool of high potential talent who can succeed to top leadership positions, as well as creating opportunities for them to get to know their senior leaders and vice versa. She and her team will focus on supporting the business by identifying digital disruptors who are able to lead change and innovation in the organisation. Most recently, she was the senior director of talent management at McDonald’s. She continues to be based in Hong Kong.

Who: CY Chan From: Hong Kong Broadband Network To: Hong Kong Broadband Network As of 1 April 2017, CY Chan has been promoted to head of talent engagement and corporate social investment and co-owner at Hong Kong Broadband Network. He joined the company in 2012 as manager for talent management and has worked his way up the ranks. As part of his key responsibilities, he will oversee talent-related operations, drive talent engagement and culture, and uplift talent quality and branding to ensure business success. Additionally, he will promote corporate social investment initiatives both within and outside of HKBN. 人物:陳振宇















顛覆者來支持業務。 她之前是麥當勞人才管理資深董事。她繼續在香港工作。

personalgrowth WHY LEADING HR IN ASIA IS A MUST FOR YOUR CAREER Asia has always been a lucrative destination from a commercial point of view. For HR leaders, Asia offers a number of experiences and opportunities for growth and experimentation. Let’s hear from HR leaders why working in Asia has been so memorable and important to advancing their careers. Having spent nearly six years in Singapore, Renee van der Burg recently returned to the Netherlands. She cites her time as HR leader for NXP Operations as teaching her valuable insights. What makes Asia a “not-to-be-missed” experience? “The ever-present sense of urgency, the focus on performance and getting results, the dynamic energy and spirit, and the can-do attitude that is so characteristic for the region,” she says, adding that these made her a better HR leader. Giorgio Davidoni has been vice-president of human resources for Lilly China since October 2010. Asia is the third continent he has worked in, and he admits that sometimes Western colleagues ask him: “How is it working with Chinese people?” His answer always is: “There is no difference. Human beings are human beings everywhere.” But you need to pay attention to the details, he affirms. “If an American and a Chinese person are thirsty, you know what to do – you need to give them water. To the American, however, it is better to give a big glass with ice and water. To the Chinese, a small cup with hot water. He shares that his experience in China has been great. “Learning to operate in a fast-moving economic system has helped me to learn different skills and better understand the ‘small details’ that make the difference. This brings me more opportunities to help local talent grow as world leaders,” he says.

42 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017

帶領 亞洲人力資源業 務為何成為 職業生涯 不可或缺的經驗 從商業角度來看,亞洲一直是一個有利可圖的地區。而對於人力資源領袖來 說,亞洲也為發展及實驗提供了豐富的經驗及機遇。聽聽人力資源領袖講述在 亞洲工作對於發展其職業生涯的難忘及重要之處。 在新加坡工作將近六年,Renee van der Burg最近回到荷蘭。她指在 NXP Operations擔任人力資源主管期間,學習到很多寶貴的見解。 甚麼原因使亞洲成為「不容錯過」的經驗?她說:「從未有過的緊迫感、重 視業績及結果、積極的能量及精神、以及『可以做到』的態度,都是該地區的特 色。」她補充指,這使她成為更好的人力資源領袖。 Giorgio Davidoni自2010年10月起擔任禮來中國人力資源副總裁。亞 洲是他工作過的第三個洲,他承認有時來自西方國家的同事會問他:「與中國 人合作感覺如何?」他總是回答說:「沒有區別,哪裡的人都是一樣。」 但他表示,一定要注意細節。「如果一個美國人和一個中國人覺得口渴, 你知道該怎麼辦:給他們水。然而,對美國人來說,最好是給他一大杯冰水,但 對中國人來說,要一小杯熱水。」 他分享表示在中國獲得很好的經驗。他說:「學習在迅速發展的經濟體系 中運作,有助我學習不同的技能,並更好地理解何謂『差之毫釐,謬之千里』, 這讓我有更多機會幫助當地人才發展成為世界領袖。」

Good reads to improve your business life 提升職業生活的好書

Cliffhanger: HR on the precipice in the future of work PageUp People Sylvia Vorhauser-Smith and Karen Cariss S$ 18 PageUp’s CEO and co-founder Karen Cariss and Sylvia Vorhauser-Smith, vice-president of global research, have co-authored Cliffhanger: HR on the Precipice in the Future of Work. The book is an insightful blend of current research, forecasts from global HR thought-leaders, and findings of three PageUp Talent labs. The authors, together with various HR contributors, discuss where HR stands in the future of work, and share first-hand insights on how HR needs to rethink, reframe and reorganise its contribution to benefit from the changing realities of the new digital frontier. Some topics include disruption and the future of work, technology widening the chasm, people and relationships, the business of HR, and insight through innovation.

shelflife 閱讀人生 Pick of the quarter

Bookmark this! Organisations must foster a culture of innovation in a physical habitat that rewards experimentation and failure, and provide access to the resources people need, and individuals must bring an attitude of confidence and drive, knowledge, expertise and imagination to channel their creativity into innovations that benefit the organisation – page 196.

PageUp行政總裁兼聯合創始人Karen Cariss及全 球調研副總裁Sylvia Vorhauser-Smith共同撰寫了 《Cliffhanger: HR on the Precipice in the Future of Work》一書。本書結合了當前研究、全球人力資源 思想領袖的預測、以及PageUp三間人才實驗室的發 現,為讀者提供精闢的見解。 作者與不同人力資源貢獻者一起討論了人力資源 管理在未來職場的定位,並分享對人力資源管理人員 需要如何重新思考、重新編制及重組其貢獻,以受益於 不斷變化的新數碼化領域的第一手見解。 敗,並提供人員所需的資源;而個人必須憑藉信 金句收藏




What To Do When Machines Do Everything

Technology is rapidly transforming the way we work. As a result, today’s business leaders have two options – to be swallowed up by the ongoing technological evolution; or to ride the crest of the wave to new profits and better business. What To Do When Machines Do Everything: How to Get Ahead in a World of AI, Algorithms, Bots, and Big Data is an essential guidebook to succeeding in the next generation of the digital economy. Written by business and technology expert practitioners, it helps business and HR leaders understand the full extent of technology’s impact on the way we work and live, and adopt a strategic model for winning in the new economy with the help of real-world case studies, data and insight.

Bookmark this! The more technology enhances us, the more it creates the opportunity for a human touch. When the computer does what it does well, it allows us to focus more on what we do well: being empathetic, building relationships and making sense of complex situations – page 145.

科技正迅速改變我們工作的方式,因此今時今日的 商業領袖有兩個選擇— —被科技的持續演變所吞 噬,或者乘著浪潮爭取新的利潤及更好的業務。 《What To Do When Machines Do Ever y thing: How to Get Ahead in a World of A I, Algorithms, Bots, and Big Data》是幫助企 業在下一代數碼經濟中實現成功的天書。由商業及










Q2 2017 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 43

Photography: Fauzie Rasid

Wiley Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig, Ben Pring S$ 39.20


Anthony Wong dissects the overtime culture of Hong Kong.

44 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2017

Does your boss expect you to stay late every day? I hope not, but apparently some bosses in Hong Kong think working overtime is something employees should do – if they don’t they are considered irresponsible and bad teammates. In a viral online blog post, a manager complained about a new joiner refusing to do overtime. She said the employee, a mother with a four-year-old son, has to leave the office at 6pm to cook dinner for her son. She added the whole team needed to do overtime and the mother leaving on time was not fair. The manager didn’t receive much sympathy from having to handle a “bad” employee. Instead, several respondents blasted her for being a bad boss who encourages an overtime culture, and called her company a toxic workplace. supp the mother saying no to overtime “I support work. When bosses expect employees to stay late, it is going to make working days longer and longer,” r wrote one reader of the post. Conflic icts between employees and managers over working ho hours are nothing new – Hongkongers don’t wo in working hours at 50 hours a week lead the world for nothing. The m more worrying issue for me is: has ov working overtime become a cultural norm in Hong Kong office ces? Febr In February this year, Japan decided to tackle the wo overtime working culture by introducing the premium Friday camp campaign, encouraging employees to leave the 3p on the last Friday of each month. office at 3pm The ca campaign has been a disaster so far, with The Japane Japanese Times reporting only 3.7% of Tokyo emplo area employees leaving work early on the last Friday in March. TokyoTokyo-based public relations firm Sunny Side Up even offere offered bonuses to push workers out of the door, but still nob nobody leaves. no the Japanese way. In the Japanese “It is not working cul culture, we work so hard and work so many n hours and nobody takes off early,” Ryuta Hattori, head of the comp company’s global communications department, said in an in interview with the BBC. So, it lo looks like we are moving towards the w with managers having the mindset Japanese way, that employ employees who do not work overtime are bad. Destro Destroying this overtime culture starts from the K bosses should be responsible for top. Hong Kong saving their organisations from the overtime culture by taking th the lead in saying no to overtime work.

是時候解決加班問題, 而非解僱員工 Anthony Wong講解 香港加班工作文化。 你的老闆是否希望你每天加班工作?我希望不是。但顯 然香港一些老闆認為,員工加班是應份的,否則會被視 為不負責任及缺乏團隊精神。 在一篇網上流傳的網誌中,一名經理抱怨一位新入 職員工拒絕加班。她表示該員工是一位育有四歲兒子的 媽媽,必須下午六時準時下班,回家為她的兒子做飯。 她補充表示,整個團隊都需要加班,而這位母親準 時下班是不公平的。 這位經理在處理這名「壞」員工的問題上沒有得 到太多的同情,相反,有多位人士留言炮轟她是一個 鼓勵加班文化的壞老闆,並稱她的公司是一個有毒的 工作場所。 其中一名讀者留言道:「我支持該名母親拒絕加 班。當老闆期望員工加班時,只會令工作時間變得愈 來愈長。」 員工與管理者對於工時的爭論並非甚麼新鮮事, 香港人以一周工作五十小時而成為全球工時最長的地 區並非浪得虛名。 而我更憂慮的問題是:加班是否已成為香港辦公 室的常規文化? 今年二月,日本決定推出「優質星期五」活動,鼓 勵員工每月最後一個星期五於下午三時下班,以解決 加班工作文化。 然而迄今為止,該活動可謂是一敗塗地。據《日本 時報》報導,只有3.7%的東京地區僱員在三月份的最 後一個星期五提早下班。 東京公關公司Sunny Side Up甚至提供獎金來鼓 勵員工下班,但還是沒有人願意離開。 該公司的全球通訊部門負責人Ryuta Hattori在 接受英國廣播公司採訪時表示:「這不是日本的方式。 在日本的工作文化中,我們賣命工作,而且工作很長時 間,沒有人會提早下班。」 管理者認為不加班的員工是不好的,看來我們正 朝著日本的方向發展。 摧毀這種超時工作文化要從上而下,香港的老闆 應先要以身作則,向超時工作說不,將公司從超時工作 文化中拯救出來。

Photography: Evisu Yip

Time to sack the overtime – not the workers


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