TThee sm Th smart HR professional’s blueprint for workforce ce strategy
拆解人力資源管理者 者 事業發展之謎
HK$55 / Q2 2015
Y o u rc o r p o r a t ep a r t n e r sf o rCa rL e a s i n gSe r v i c e
♦E x t e n s i v ea n di n t e r n a t i o n a l e x p e r i e n c ei nc o r p o r a t ec a rl e a s i n g ♦Co mp r e h e n s i v e , r e l i a b l e , e a s ya n df r i e n d l ys e r v i c e s ♦Br a n d n e wa n dP r e o wn e dc a r sa t c o mp e t i t i v er a t e s ♦On efi x e dmo n t h l yp a y me n t sc o v e r sa l l c a rr e l a t e de x p e n s e s ♦De d i c a t e dc u s t o me rs e r v i c ep e r s o n n e l f o re a c hc o r p o r a t ec l i e n t ♦Of fi c i a l i mp o r t e dc a r s , s e c u r i t y , ma n a g e me n t &b a c k u pc o mmi t me n t
April - June 2015 « CONTENTS
28 Is it time for an HR upgrade? 人力資源管理是時候升級嗎?
In this ever-changing job market, Jerene Ang delves into how HR leaders can develop their own careers and skill sets to ensure they are at par with environmental changes. 在這個瞬息萬變的就業市場,Jerene Ang探討人力資源領袖如何發展其事業及技 能,以確保能夠緊貼環境轉變。
Features 12 Q&A 問與答
Len Jillard, CPO and corporate VP at McDonald’s APMEA, enlists family/ friends, flexibility and future as the components of a perfect EVP. 麥當勞亞太、中東和非洲地區人力資源及企業副總裁Len Jillard, 主張家庭/朋友、 彈性及未來,作為員工價值。
16 Time for HR to get social
人力資源管理是時候走進社交平台 How can HR leaders harness the full potential of social media to enhance employer branding and recruitment? Akankasha Dewan explores.
Akankasha Dewan探討企業如何利用社交平台促進品牌宣傳和招聘工作。
22 Re-looking at recruitment 從新審視招聘
Jerene Ang explores the various ways in which recruitment has evolved to meet the needs of the new generation of Millennial talent. Jerene Ang 探討招聘政策如何改變,以迎合千禧世代的求職者。
ON THE COVER: Art Direction: Shahrom Kamarulzaman; Photography: Stefanus Elliot Lee using Nikon D810 – www.elliotly.com
Opinion 32 Learning & Development 學習與發展
Cassandra Cheng, head of learning and development at OCBC Bank, speaks about the philosophy of growing one’s own leadership timber.
華僑銀行培訓及發展主管Cassandra Cheng分享,培養內部人才的理念。
34 People Issues 人事問題
In a ca case study, G. Thiyagarajan, regional HR director for Danfoss APA, shares technology helped bring down the company’s recruitment costs by 70%. how te 丹佛斯亞太區區域人力資源管理總監G. Thiyagarajan 講述如何利用科技把公司 丹佛斯 的招聘成本降低達70 %。 的招聘
Regulars Re
3 4 6 7
Ed’s Ed note 編者的話 In the news 新聞 Suite talk 管理層訪談 Spacial awareness 特別焦點
8 HR by numbers
9 Snapshot 快拍 39 Shelf life 閱讀人生
Any suggestions or tip-offs for Human Resources? Email aditis@humanresourcesonline.net 對《Human Resources》有任何建議﹖ 請電郵至aditis@humanresourcesonline.net。
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong «
9:19 AM
regional editor senior journalist journalist bilingual sub-editor contributors
regional art director senior designer circulations executive regional directors
regional marketing manager regional producers
regional head of event services regional finance director group editorial director group managing director
Aditi Sharma Kalra Akankasha Dewan Jerene Ang Tracy Chan George Avery Susan Chen Cassandra Cheng G. Thiyagarajan Shahrom Kamarulzaman Evisu Yip Deborah Quek Karen Boh Yogesh Chandiramani Jaclyn Chua Naomi Cranswick Lei Ching Yew Darren Beck Sharissa Chan Nikita Erpini Kenneth Neo Jenilyn Rabino Yeo Wei Qi Evelyn Wong Tony Kelly Justin Randles
Human Resources is published quarterly by Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd. Printed in Hong Kong by Asia One Printing Ltd. Subscription rates are available on request, contact the Circulation Manager by telephone: (65) 6423 0329 or by email to: subscriptions@humanresourcesonline.net COPYRIGHTS AND REPRINTS. All material printed in Human Resources is protected under the copyright act. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the prior written consent of the publisher and the copyright holder. Permission may be requested through the Singapore office.
Candid conversations 真誠對話
Following our first-ever edition of Human Resources magazine in Hong Kong, we were proud to host the inaugural Talent Management Asia conference in the city this past quarter. Bringing together nearly 150 HR directors under one roof for two consecutive days was no mean feat, but the agenda of talent management initiatives and challenges within the region was a compelling factor in driving these leaders to action. Through presentations, in-depth case studies and panel discussions led by thought leaders and CHROs, a consensus emerged about collaboration in its various forms. For our team at Human Resources, to be able to pick at the collective HR minds through such conferences, is indeed an enviable position, one that we will continue to leverage throughout this year as we bring to you a series of conferences on themes such as employee benefits and healthcare, HR technology and recruitment. Another engaging conversation in the past quarter was with the new chief people officer at McDonald’s, Len Jillard, who moved to Asia nearly nine months ago to lead HR across Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. For him, there are three things that constitute the employer value proposition – family and friends, flexibility and future. Each one, he says, is an offering that can be tweaked per the needs for each generation, which is what makes it so unique. Take the case of “flexibility”. “For a mum, it means the ability to get her kids off to school and then come to work part-time, with flexible hours, and to be back home when the kids come home. Career flexibility is another one, where you’ve got to be able to do what you want to do,” he said. I am sure these three principles will echo with many of you as you look to elevate your roles and the HR function to the next level. Enjoy the issue.
繼我們在香港Human Resources Magazine 的創 刊號,我非常自豪,在過去的三個月,我們在香港創辦 了第一屆Talent Management Asia conference。 把超過150位人力資源管理總監集合在一起,進 行兩天的研討會,絕對不是易事,人才管的程序和挑戰 等主題,成為了這些總監共聚一堂的契機。 透過由人力資源總監主導的演講、個案研究和座 談會,參加者以不同的方式達成共識。 對於Human Resources的團隊,能夠透過研討 會向多位人力資源總監討教是令人羨慕的經歷。 我們 會繼續努力,在今年為你們帶來一系列不同主題的研 討會,如員工福利與健康保障,人力資源總管理的科 技和招聘。 另一個引人入勝的話題是,麥當勞的首席人力資 源官Len Jillard,在九個月前調任到亞洲,領導亞太地 區,中東及非洲的人力資源工作。 對於他,員工價值有三方面:家庭/朋友、彈性 及未來。每一個價值都可以因應不同世代的員工的需 要調整。 以彈性為例,對一位媽媽來說,那代表她能夠有 時間送孩子上學,然後做兼職,到孩子放學的時候能夠 回家照顧他們。職業彈性的另一方面,代表你能夠從 事想做的工作。 我肯定你們會對這三點產生共鳴,促使你們把人 力資源管理工作帶到新的境界。 好好享受這一期。
Photography: Stefanus Elliot Lee using Nikon D810 – www.elliotly.com; Makeup & Hair: Michmakeover using Make Up For Ever & hair using Sebastian Professional – www.michmakeover.com
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To subscribe call: (65) 6423 0329 or email: subscriptions@humanresourcesonline.net
Aditi Sharma Kalra Regional editor 區域編輯
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong «
News from humanresourcesonline.net esonline.net
A new report from Bersin by Deloitte listed 10 predictions for HR in 2015, the first of which is that engagement, retention, culture and inclusion will all remain front-burner issues. Companies will look to simplify their performance process to a more development and “coaching-oriented” one. Alongside, HR is expected to review w the work environment and advise business leaders on how to simplify work. Corporate learning is expected to take on increasing importance, as big data analytics and mobile learning apps gain prominence. Recruitment, on the other hand, is more likely to be led by referrals, talent communities and internal talent mobility than third-party agencies. The study anticipated internal talent mobility to drive longer tenures and more productivity, by encouraging incentives that force managers to let peoplee shop for new jobs internally, instead of pinning all their cards on a promotion. Finally, it predicted companies reducing the number of HR generalists, and nd replacing them with a fewer number of senior HR business partners.
人力資源今年預測 德勤旗下Bersin一份最新報告就2015年的人力資源行業趨勢列出十項預測,聯 繫、留住員工、文化及包容仍然是最關切的問題。 企業將簡化其績效評估過程,轉向更重視發展及「培訓主導」,此外,人力資 源部門將檢討工作環境,並就企業管理層如何簡化工作提出建議。 隨着大數據分析及流動學習應用程式成為大趨勢,企業培訓將變得愈來愈 重要。另一方面,企業將主要透過推薦、人才社區及內部人員調動,而非轉介機構 來進行招聘。 該研究亦預測,內部人員調動將有效留住員工及提升工作效率,可透過獎勵 鼓勵管理層讓員工尋找公司內部更合適的職位,而非只寄望升遷。 最後,該報告亦預測企業將縮減人力資源部門人手,並由少數高級人力資源 業務合作夥伴所取替。
Due to the physical danger, unpredictability, negative psychological effects, tight deadlines or high expectations, some of the most stressful jobs of 2015 with their median salary (US$) are firefighters ($45,600), enlisted military personnel ($28,840), military generals ($196,300), airline pilots ($98,410) with police officers ($56,980) rounding up the top five, in a new report by CareerCast. In sixth to 10th place are actors ($46,070), broadcasters ($60,070), event co-ordinators ($45,810), photo journalists ($42,530) and newspaper reporters ($37,090). On the opposite end of the scale some of the least stressful jobs with their median salary are hair stylists ($22,770), audiologists ($69,720), university professors (tenured) ($68,970), medical records technicians ($34,160) with jewellers ($35,350) rounding up the top five least stressful jobs. These are followed by medical laboratory technicians ($47,820), seamstress/tailors ($25,590), dieticians ($55,240), librarians ($55,370) and forklift operators ($31,150) in sixth to 10th place.
2015年十大壓力最大及最輕鬆工作 根據美國CareerCast公司最新發表的一份報告顯示,由於人身安全、無法預計 的負面心理影響、或緊迫的時限及高期望,2015年首五位壓力最大的工作及其 平均薪酬(美元)分別是消防員($45,600)、現役軍人($28,840)、軍事將領 ($196,300)、機師($98,410)及警察($56,980),而第六至第十位分別是演 員($46,070)、廣播從業員($60,070)、活動統籌人員($45,810)、攝影記者 ($42,530)及報章記者($37,090)。 而十大最輕鬆的工作及其平均薪酬為髮型師($22,770)、聽力學家 ($69,720)、大學教授(終身職位)($68,970)、醫療報告技術人員 ($34,160)、珠寶商($35,350)、醫療實驗室技術員($47,820)、裁縫 ($25,590)、營養師($55,240)、圖書管理員($55,370)及叉車操作員 ($31,150)。
» Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
Want the best people to work for you? Then get ready to hiree only those who you would be willing to work for. This, Mark Zuckerberg says, ys, is the secret to sifting out top talent during recruitment. In a town hall with employees and partners, he was asked ked about how he recruits the best people. “I would only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person,” was his response. “This rule has served me pretty well,” he said. “I think as long as you have that as your rule for picking the people you work with, you’re not going to go wrong.” How do you know when it is the best time to delegate? This was another question posed to Zuckerberg. As a general rule of management, he believes: “If you get someone who’s really good on your team, they’re going to need the ability too fully exercise their creativity and capacity, or else they will not have the biggestt impact.” At Facebook, he says he does this by keeping the team “as small and flexible as possible”.
朱克伯格聘請頂尖人才的祕訣 想聘請最優秀的人才?聘請你願意為其效力的人。朱克伯格表示,這是在招聘過 程中篩選出一流人才的祕訣。 在員工及合作夥伴大會上,朱克伯格被問及如何招聘合適的人。 朱克伯格回應說﹕「我只會聘請我願意為他效力的人。」 「這套原則一直很有效。」他說﹕「只要你跟從這個原則來甄選員工便不會 出問題。」 如何得知何時才是進行委派的最佳時機?這是朱克伯格被問到的另一個 問題。 作為管理的大原則,他認為﹕「如果能找到出色的團隊成員,他們需要擁有能 夠充分發揮其創意及才能的機會,否則他們無法展現影響力。」 他表示,他盡量保持Facebook團隊「小而靈活」來達到這一點。
There is no greater way to keep employees feeling loved than to have a healthy and supportive working relationship with them, according to Virgin Pulse’s latest survey of 1,000 full-time employees in the US and Canada. Three in every five respondents said the employer-employee relationship affected their focus and productivity at work positively. Another important engagement driver was found to be the work itself, with more than half of respondents stating that “interesting and challenging work” was the top reason they loved their company, beating out the company’s mission (38%). From the report, employees also wanted their managers to show support in maintaining a work-life balance, as stated by 40%. In addition, almost one-third expressed their preference for “free programmes and resources supporting my wellbeing”, and the same number programm also wished wishe for “on-site gyms, fitness classes or health club reimbursements”. Another Anoth not-so-secret to employee happiness was found to be good co-workers, cited by 40% of the respondents as the top reason they loved co-worker company. Two-thirds said this had a positive impact on their focus and their com productivity at work. productiv
如何令員工感覺受重視 如何 維珍脈動最新的調查訪問了1,000位來自美國及加拿大的全職僱員,結果顯示沒 維珍脈動 有甚麼比 有甚麼比與員工保持良好及互相支持的工作關係更能令員工感覺受重視。 五 五分三的受訪者表示僱主與僱員的關係影響他們工作時的集中力及生 產力。 而 而工作本身是另一個重要的聯繫關鍵,過半數受訪者表示「有趣及具挑戰的 工作」 工作」是他們喜歡自己公司的首要原因,高於公司使命(38%)。 報 報告又指,40%僱員亦希望管理層支持工作與生活保持平衡。此外,近三分 一受訪 一受訪者表示希望享有「免費健康課程及資源」 ,以及「內部健身室、健身課程或 健身會 健身會藉報銷」 。 一如所料,40%受訪者表示好的同事是他們喜歡公司的另一重要因素,三分 二人 二人表示這有助提升他們工作時的集中力及生產力。
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong «
Taha Bouqdib President, CEO and co-founder TWG Tea Taha Bouqdib 主席、行政總裁兼創辦人 TWG Tea
well, it would be an achievement and if someone failed doing a task, it would be an opportunity to learn. A strong leader stands with his team, not on the sidelines giving out orders. This is how you build a strong team.
What gets you back in the groove after a tough day at work? My favourite way to de-stress is to spend time with my wife and son, watching a movie, cooking, or going on a holiday. Delving into antique shops and wandering flea markets around the world allows me time for myself to collect my thoughts. However, I also take solace in my tea tasting room where I can experiment with different tea blends.
茶一直在我的生命中佔非常重要的地位,尤其我生於摩 洛哥,茶是當地社交生活的重要部分。 無論你走到哪裡,不管你是家人、朋友、還是業務 夥伴,每個人都隨時以一杯薄荷茶來歡迎你,甚至可以 說茶一直存在於我們的血液裡。
我信奉放手政策,由團隊為自己的日常工作負責,讓他 們盡展所長,發揮創意。 我個人認為,如果一個人在一方面表現出色,那 是一項成就;如果一個人任務失敗,那會是一次學習 的機會。 一個出色的領袖會支持他的團隊,而不是發號施 令,這樣才能建立強大的團隊。 辛苦工作後如何放鬆自己? 我的最佳放鬆方法是陪伴我的太太及兒子、看電影、下
How do you keep your staff motivated? It is necessary to recognise your staff’s achievements, what they have done and are doing to add to the success of the company, and to reward them so that they are motivated to keep up the good work. I also believe that spending time with family and having a work-life balance is key for positive morale and the success of the company. We encourage our staff to take time off especially after they have worked long hours.
廚、或者去度假。 到世界各地的古董店及跳蚤市場逛逛讓我能夠整 理我的思緒,而我的茶室亦能令我放鬆,我可以在茶室 裡嘗試調配不同的茶。 如何保持員工的士氣? 要認同員工的成就,他們有甚麼貢獻、以及如何推動公 司成功,並相應對他們作出獎勵,這樣就能令他們保持 士氣,繼續努力工作。 我亦認為,有更多時間與家人相處及保持工作與生 活的平衡,是保持士氣及推動公司成功的關鍵。我鼓勵 我的員工放假,尤其長時間工作之後。
Where does the HR function stand at TWG Tea? I am very strict about the company’s know-how and product quality but in terms of human resources, I am quite flexible, allowing team members to thrive in what they do best. I believe that the company will benefit from letting employees find their own place in what they do best rather than forcing them into a position that does not suit them. The secret is that people work best at what they love.
TWG Tea的人力資源管理政策是甚麼? 我對於公司的專業技術及產品質素控制很嚴格,但對 於人力資源管理,我的處理手法比較靈活,讓團隊自行 發揮所長。 我認為公司給予員工發揮的空間,比強迫他們擔 任不合適的崗位更有效,只要是自己喜歡的工作,自然 會做到最好。 人力資源管理如何為企業增值? 人力資源管理策略最重要的一點是給予員工培訓及
What inspired you to set this business up? Tea always had a very important place in my life, especially growing up in Morocco where tea is a very important component of the social life. Everybody is always welcomed with a cup of tea with mint wherever you go, whether you are family, friends or business partners. We could almost say that tea has always been in my blood!
How can the HR function add more value to the business? One of the most important aspects of our HR strategy is the training and flexibility offered to our employees. Good training is the key to a long and successful career and it is important our staff fully understand and enjoy our products to be able to pass this excitement on to our clientele. We also believe that people are best at what they love, and we encourage internal moves for them to discover different aspects of the company.
What’s your take on leadership? I believe in a hands-off approach by allowing my team to take up the challenge of being responsible with their day-to-day activities – to have them shine and be creative with their thought processes. I personally feel that if someone did something
You’ve been in this industry for two decades now. What do you love about it? I love the tea business because I don’t feel like I am working; it is my hobby and my passion. All those years in the tea industry and I don’t see it as work. Tea is a lifestyle.
» Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
自由。 良好的培訓是長遠職業發展成功的關鍵,員工必 須充分了解及喜歡我們的產品,這樣才能感染我們的 客戶。 我們亦認為,只要是自己喜歡的事就會做到最好, 我們鼓勵內部員工調動,讓他們發掘公司的不同面貌。 你從事這個行業已廿年,有甚麼最吸引你的地方? 我喜歡茶業是因為我不覺得自己在工作,這是我的嗜好 及所喜愛的東西。從事茶業這麼多年來,我從來不將其 視作一份工作,茶是一種生活方式。
People 人物 WORK LIFE
SpacialAwareness A FEELING OF NOSTALGIA AT SCHSA’S HQ 懷舊長者安居協會總辦事處
The Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA) headquarters at Oi Man reflects its mission – to enhance the living quality of the elderly in the community. Scenes from Hong Kong in the 1960s and 1970s are incorporated into the design, creating a blended atmosphere of professional and nostalgia, where one can “find the new in the old, seeing the beauty in the old”. The office design has won SCHSA two awards from the 2014/15 International Property Awards. The open office concept creates a professional, forward-thinking environment, allowing staff to work quickly and comfortably with adequate wireless technology support. “In today’s busy work environment, the workplace arrangement is a strategic business tool to support emerging work practices and it enhances employee communication, productivity and business performance,” said Kittee K. Y. Leung, senior manager of human resources and administration at SCHSA. SCHSA staff can often experience tense, high-pressure situations, especially at the 24-hour emergency call and care centre. Therefore, the office has been designed to help their comfort with a spacious open cafeteria, and a rest room with a TV and massage machine. Employees have personal workstations to decorate and showcase their personality. During the opening of the headquarters, a wall was dedicated to employees to express their feelings, which has become a showcase area. “When staff are engaged and happy with their environment, they are likely to stay and have less problems with absenteeism and sickness.” When undergoing the office refurbishment, Leung said the “human factor” was very important. Despite limited space and resources, offices should be designed creatively to engage employees and allow them to work comfortably without boundaries. “The company’s mission, vision and values needs to be considered so the visual appearance can reflect its company’s identity.”
長者安居協會愛民總辦事處體現其提升長者社區生活素質的宗旨。 採用香港六、七十年代的設計風格,打造專業而懷舊的氣氛,「從懷舊中發現 新事物,回顧昔日的光輝」。 辦公室的設計為長者安居協會贏得2014/15國際房地產大獎的兩個獎項。 開放式辦公室的概念營造出一個專業、具啟發性的工作環境,而完善的無線 技術支援亦讓員工能夠快捷舒適地工作。 長者安居協會人力資源及行政管理高級經理Kittee K. Y. Leung說﹕「在現今 繁忙的工作環境,辦公室的設計是支持繁重工作的關鍵,並提升員工溝通、工作 效率及表現。」 長者安居協會有時要面對緊急的情況,尤其是24小時呼援及關懷服務熱線 中心。 因此,辦事處提供寬敞的開放式食堂,以及配備電視及按摩機的休息室,讓 員工舒緩壓力。 辦公室內,員工亦有個人工作空間,可以隨意佈置以展現個人風格。此外,總 辦事處辦公時間內,員工可在意見牆寫下自己的感受,這亦成為一個展覽區。 Leung說﹕「當員工對工作環境感到投入及滿意,便會更加願意留下來,減少 缺勤及病假的情況。」 在裝修辦事處時,Leung表示「人情味」尤其重要。儘管空間及資源有限,但 辦公室的設計應具有創意,藉此聯繫員工,讓他們隨心所欲地舒適工作。 Leung說﹕「我們協會的願景、宗旨及價值觀亦要考慮其中,令辦事處的外觀 能夠反映我們協會的形象。」
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong «
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WORK LIFE » HR by numbers 人力資源統計數字
Pay trends in HK Base salaries at senior and top management levels in Singapore emerged 10% higher than those in Hong Kong. Executives at the top of the hierarchy in Singapore had an average base pay of US$586,000 a year, compared to around US$445,000 a year in Hong Kong. For production and manual work, base salaries in Hong Kong were found to be around three times those in China. “It’s worth noting that the income tax environment in Hong Kong is more favorable than that of China, adding to take-home pay and therefore making Hong Kong more attractive in that sense,” said Sambhav Rakyan, data services practice leader, Asia Pacific at Towers Watson.
Percentage by which base salaries in production and manual work are expected to increase in China.
Base salaries for production and manual work in Hong Kong are three times those in China.
新加坡高級管理層的基本薪酬水平較香港高10%。 新加坡高級行政人員一年的平均底薪為586,000美元,而 香港約445,000美元。 生產及勞動階層方面,香港的底薪是中國的三倍左右。 韜睿惠悅亞太區數據服務主管Sambhav Rakyan說:「 值得一提的是,香港的所得稅及薪俸稅率較中國優惠,因此 令香港更具吸引力。」
香港生產及勞動階層人員的底薪是中國的三倍。 Source: Towers Watson 2014/2015 Global 50 Remuneration Planning Report
» Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
Average senior and top management pay in Hong Kong.
$445,000美元 香港高級管理層人員的平均薪酬。
People 人物 WORK LIFE
15 minutes with ... 與...的15分鐘訪談
Carole Le Meur
Vice president of HR, Asia Pacific Baxter Healthcare WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST HR JOB, AND WHY DID YOU CHOOSE HR AS A PROFESSION? I started my career with Procter & Gamble in pharmaceuticals as a sales and marketing manager for seven years. I then shifted to being a partner in executive search, supporting companies in the FMCG and healthcare industries. In those two experiences I was exposed intensively to talent acquisition and learnt the skills required to be a HR business partner. Being able to influence organisations, people and culture was a key driver for me to move to HR.
in a flexible environment, plan and adjust, while always keeping centred and having a clear long-term direction. WHAT IS THE BEST CAREER ADVICE YOU HAVE RECEIVED? I remember two. The first one was when I was in my twenties. At that time, I was working with a vice-president of marketing in the hotel management industry in the US, and she told me that to be successful in my career, I needed to have a good partner in my life. A few years later I realised what she meant. My husband has been a fantastic support all those years. We have three children, and he gave me the flexibility to be available to grow. The second one was when I joined the HR function. A headhunter once told me it was critical for HR leaders to be compatible with the business leaders they work with, as the two impact each others’ careers significantly.
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? I enjoy having the power to influence the long-term evolution of a company through the selection of the most appropriate talent for today and tomorrow. I also value creating the frame to build a healthy culture where employees enjoy coming to work, growing talent, and shaping HR to become true business leaders.
HOW DO YOU THINK THE HR FUNCTION WILL EVOLVE IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS? It will get more effective in being able to identify and grow talent. It will continue to outsource transactional activities, and will gain a better understanding of what has to be managed locally in markets and what has to be run at a global level. With increasing complexity, I believe seniority and experience in HR will become much more important and valued.
CAN YOU DESCRIBE A REGULAR WORKDAY AT YOUR COMPANY? As a HR leader, my days are filled by people whom I meet in different forums: interviews, business reviews, personal development discussions face-to-face, teleconferences, etc. Travelling is also an intimate part of my job, so I have learnt to operate
IS THERE ANYTHING YOU FEEL HR CAN DO BETTER TO PLAY A BIGGER ROLE IN ORGANISATIONS? I am a strong advocate of HR being a business function and would encourage HR to sit at the business table to intimately understand the needs of leaders and the company.
Carole Le Meur 亞太區人力資源管理副總裁 百特醫療用品有限公司 你的第一份人力資源管理工作是什麼,你為何選擇投身人力資源管理?
我在P&G (寶鹼)的要藥劑部開始我的事業,擔任市場及銷售經理達七年。然後
第二個是當我加入人力資源管理的工作,一位獵頭顧問告訴我,人力資源管 我享受能透過尋找合適的人才協助公司的長遠發展。 我也很重視建立良好的公司文化,令僱員享受工作。我也很享受培育人才,把 人力資源管理者打造成企業領袖。
你認為未來五年人力資源管理會有什麼變化? 人力資源管理將能夠更有效地尋找與培訓人才。業務式人事活動將會繼續被外 判,人力資源管理者需要了解在地區層面與全球層面不同的人才需求。
作為人力資源管理領袖,我每天都會花大量時間參與不同的會議。我會參與面 試,公司業績匯報,關於個人發展的討論,有時會議是面對面的,有時是透過視 像電話。 我也經常出差,所以我必須懂得靈活變通,好好計劃我的工作,每時每刻朝
你覺得在什麼方面人力資源管理可以做更好,在機構中能有更大的發揮? 我大力支持人力資源管理參與企業的發展。人力資源管理者應該參與有關企業 發展的會議了解管理層和公司的需要。
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong «
WHITE PAPER » Leadership 領導才能
HR PROFESSIONALS ARE INCREASINGLY UNHAPPY WITH THEIR CAREERS 人力資 源管 源管理人員愈來愈不滿其職業 Global – HR leaders are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs, in part, because they believe HR is being perceived as a less important function to tthe business. That was the key finding of Harvey Nash’s 201 2015 Global HR survey, which analysed more than 1,000 HR professionals from 30 countries. Th The survey found the proportion of HR professio professionals who claimed to be “very satisfied” in their role dropped from 37% in 2013 to 32% in 2014. There was also a 3% decrease in the number of respondents who w were happy with how HR was perceived (61% to 58%). In addition, 444% of HR professionals stated they were planning to chang change jobs in the next two years. The past year has also witnessed a 7% drop in d t ’ belief b li f that th HR has an important role to play in the respondents’ organisation. HR professionals who were senior, female and those living in Switzerland or the Nordics, were identified to be more likely to be happy with the HR function.
The top three issues HR is focusing on today 人力資源管理現時面對的問題
Ageing workforce
Getting the right skills
招聘 勞動力老齡化 獲取合適的技能
Source: Harvey Nash’s 2015 Global HR survey 資料來源:Harvey Nash 2015年全球人力資源管理調查 全球─Harvey Nash 2015年全球人力資源管理調查發現,人力資源領袖對自己的 工作愈來愈感到不滿,部分原因是他們認為人力資源管理部門被視為對企業不太重 要的部門。 該調查分析了來自30個國家的1,000多位人力資源管理人員。 調查發現,表示對工作「非常滿意」的人力資源管理人員比例從2013年的37% 下降至2014年的32%,對於人力資源管理的形象感到滿意的受訪者比例亦下跌3%( 從61%下跌至58%)。 此外,44%人力資源管理人員表示他們打算在未來兩年轉行。 過去一年,認為人力資源在企業擔當重要角色的受訪者人數亦減少7%。 高層、女性及居於瑞士或北歐的人力資源管理人員,對人力資源管理工作的滿 意度較高。
China – On average, income levels are set to increase by 5% in 2015 for professionals in Hong Kong. That was the key finding of ECA International’s latest salary trends survey, which found the figure to be higher than the 4.5% increases that local employees received last year. However, after inflation is taken into account, wages will rise 1.3% on average in Hong Kong – the third lowest “real” salary increase in the region after Macau and Japan. Pay rises in Mainland China were found to be considerably higher than in Hong Kong, with respondents planning to reward their staff with an 8% salary increase, led by employers in Guangzhou. The survey also found companies in Taiwan and Singapore are anticipating raising salaries in 2015 at the same rate as they did last year (4% and 4.5% respectively). 10 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
中國─ECA International最新的薪酬趨勢調查發現,香港專業人士於2015年的平 均收入水平將上升5%,高於今年本地僱員薪酬的4.5%升幅。 然而計算通脹後,香港平均工資上升1.3%,是區內繼澳門及日本後,「實際」工 資升幅倒數第三的地區。 中國內地的薪金升幅較香港為高,當地受訪者有意為員工加薪8%作為獎勵,以 廣州的僱員薪金上升幅度最高。 該調查亦發現,台灣及新加坡的企業有意在2015年按同樣幅度(分別為4%及 4.5%)增加僱員工資。
SUCCESSFULLY MANAGING CHANGE WITH AN IT ROLLOUT Companies spend millions on new IT systems often without budgeting enough for the change management process; and then wonder why staff don’t or won’t use the new systems. This always leads to a dip in employees’ performance and morale. Without end user consultation, especially with those who use it daily, companies will end up with systems that make it difficult for staff to complete their daily tasks easily. At its worst, confused users may end up entering wrong data, which can cripple a company’s performance. Success in realising the perceived business benefits and return on investment is wholly dependent on planning change management activities alongside the IT rollout. Get it right the first time – otherwise it could extend your programme by 12-plus months and easily cost millions of dollars to rectify.
3. Business change • Jobs – although it may not mean headcount reductions, tasks and roles will inevitably change. Do the assessment in advance, as well as communicate job changes sensitively as they will unsettle all the teams impacted. Manage the emotional impact early – don’t ignore it or leave it for last, as staff will imagine the worse without positive intervention. • Organisation structure – role changes could mean team changes. You may also find that various roles are now defunct and new ones created. • Business processes and policies – conduct an impact analysis on processes and policies which have to change or could be improved. You may be surprised as to just how many may have to change.
Back to basics A new IT system can impact some or all of the following: • Staff jobs. • Organisation structure. • Business process and internal policies (especially for shared services). • IT systems, software and hardware (may need to upgrade or change platforms).
4. Change journey • Recruit and support internal change agents – choose them wisely as they are your ambassadors and champions. Often they can also be your trainers and testers. Try to make sure they are your best people, as they are your linchpins; your local teams will be as strong as these people. • Get external change experts to advise, mentor and train the change agents. Anna Tan has successfully helped companies transform their business with IT rollouts for the past 18 years, and has indeed won various awards! Contact us for consultancy, advice, training or help.
The four essential elements to successful change management 1. Training • Effective training materials take time to develop – plan three days of preparation for each one-day workshop (use a professional rather than someone from IT, otherwise it’s going to be too technical). • Localise training into employees’ mother tongue for complex systems – users will learn and retain information easier and quicker rather than struggle and misunderstand instructions. • Use relevant examples of the current system and how this maps across to the new system – this helps users make the correlation. • Don’t forget to train staff in the changes to business processes and policies. • Consider a train-the-trainer programme to cascade training onto all teams. This will also give you the added benefit of using them as testers for usability and UAT (user acceptance testing). • Produce quick reference guides and one-page cheat sheets to pin on desks. • Keep training close to the go-live date or give refresher sessions to retain learning and reinforce new modes of behaviour. • Better still, run business simulation trainings the week before with the full end-to-end system so users can start to embed the new behaviours in a “real” business environment rather than being thrown in the deep-end at go-live. This also gives IT a chance to test that all the new hardware, software and infrastructure works together. 2. Communication • All messaging needs to include: what the change is, why it is needed, when it is happening and what it means for the employees. • Stakeholder mapping – know who has vested interests and keep them onboard. • Communication plan (aligned with the IT rollout) – you can’t communicate too much. Most people forget, or just may not have absorbed the previous communication.
PHASE 1 Kick-off change team Localise and align change management strategy, approach and plan with global and regional. • Develop stakeholder map and communications plan. • Start establishing relationships with all key stakeholders to understand issues and concerns. • Recruit and get ready local change agents. •
PHASE 2 Market preparation Prepare market to identify tasks and resources, and provide training to conduct these activities. • Continue to support local change agents. • Start change readiness assessments. • Internal and external communications and resolving issues and concerns, and mitigating risks. •
• •
Training Train the trainers. Localise training materials and agree to training plans. Align and work with markets to identify any role changes, and map current roles to new roles. Check and resolve any compliance issues. Continue communications and engagement.
• •
Go-LIVE and BAU Training in new system processes. Consider business simulations to continue practice and confidence. Cut-over and go-live support – preparation and alignment. Prepare and align user support and transition to BAU (business as usual). Celebrate programme completion.
Find out more at www.wentworthpeople.com.sg or write to anna.tan@wentworthpeople.com
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 11
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PROFILE » Len Jillard
Len Jillard
Chief people officer & corporate VP McDonald’s APMEA 人力資源及企業副總裁 麥當勞亞太、中東和非洲地區
Catering for change 迎合轉變
Art Direction: Shahrom Kamarulzaman; Photography: Stefanus Elliot Lee using Nikon D810 – www.elliotly.com
Q Having started behind the counter of a restaurant, what made you stay for another 43 years? People ask me how I can stay with one company for so long, certainly in today’s world that’s unique. But many of our people have been at McDonald’s for their whole career. I describe my time here as many careers within one. McDonald’s provides different opportunities to try new things, as long as the individual is committed to be open to them. Each step of the way – the training, development, coaching and mentoring has been first class. Anything you lack from a functional perspective, they shore up through training. That’s so unique about the McDonald’s culture, that moving here from Canada has been a fairly easy transition. There are nuances in culture and country, but at the end of the day, it is still the same “McFamily”.
Q How did you get into HR from the storefront? My background is from the operations side. While in university, I worked here part-time, mainly to continue playing hockey. It was great because McDonald’s provided me flexibility, which no other parttime job offered. After university, I went full-time as a restaurant manager, and after a couple of years, moved to the training function.
VITAL STATS Len Jillard is a 43-year veteran at McDonald’s. He started as a crew person, working his way up in training, operations and management positions before taking up the role of CPO at McDonald’s Canada. In November 2014, he moved to Singapore to lead the HR team for APMEA region. Len Jillard效力麥 當勞43年,最初任 職服務員,然後從 培訓、營運及管理 崗位步步晉升,最 終成為麥當勞加 拿大人力資源總 裁。2014年11月, 他調往新加坡,掌 管亞太、中東和非 洲地區的人力資源 團隊。
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I then moved back into operations, and later into the service side which deals with the owner-operators and franchises. That was a big step because from running corporate restaurants to dealing with independent business people required a different skill set to influence them. I got an opportunity out of the blue to move to Mexico, right after the peso crashed, which I call my real-life MBA. To go in and support the business that had been devastated overnight, was fascinating. After three years, I moved back to Canada to handle a fairly large geography, and then moved on to become chief people officer, after the CPO retired. I always had a lot of passion behind the people part of the business, understanding that nothing gets done if you don’t have the people motivated, trained and engaged. I firmly believe in being an HR business partner. If you’re just going to be a transactional HR leader, you are not providing the full value you can to the business. I got a call for this APMEA role last summer, so I talked to the boss, meaning my wife. She said it would be a good thing, and it has been very exciting. The diversity, differences and number of countries here are in different stages of growth, and it is pretty cool to be part of that. Asia is positioned for incredible growth in the years ahead.
問 從餐廳服務員做起,是甚麼原因令你留在 麥當勞43年? 有人問我為何可以留在一家公司這麼多年,在 現今世代尤其罕見,但我們公司有很多人將整 個職業生涯奉獻給麥當勞。 我會形容在這裡的日子是在同一個職業 裡經歷不同的生涯,麥當勞提供很多不同的機 會,只要你願意,便可以嘗試很多新事物。 培訓、發展、訓練及指導,每一個步驟都 提供一流的資源,你需要甚麼技能,他們都可 以為你提供培訓。 麥當勞的文化很獨特,從加拿大調到這 裡相當容易適應,國家及文化之間有細微的 差異,但歸根究底,仍是同一個「麥當勞大 家庭」。 問 如何從前線投身到人力資源? 我曾經從事營運方面的工作。大學的時候, 我在這裡兼職,方便我繼續打曲棍球。麥當 勞的工作時間很有彈性,是其他兼職工作比 不上的。 大學畢業後,我成為全職餐廳經理,數年 之後,加入了培訓部。之後又回到營運部,後來 調到服務部,負責與業主運營商及特許經營商 協調。從經營餐廳到與獨立商家打交道,需要 不同的協調技巧,是一個大躍進。 剛發生比索危機後,我意外地得到調往墨 西哥的機會,我將這次機會稱為現實生活的工 商管理碩士課程。參與及支持一夜間被摧毀的 業務,是一次難得的經驗。 三年後,我回到加拿大,負責處理更大範 圍的業務,然後在原任人力資源總裁退休後, 升任人力資源總裁。 我一向很熱衷於人事方面的業務,我明白 員工沒有足夠的熱誠、培訓及參與的話,一切 都不會成功。我堅持成為一位人力資源業務合
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“It’s very important that we operate our business ethically. There are things which can be done which might be easier, but that doesn’t make them right.”
經營良心企業是非常重要的, 雖然可以採取捷徑,但並不是 正確的做法。
我於去年夏天接到這個亞太、中東和非洲 地區職位的任命,我告訴我的老闆(即我的妻 子),她說這是一件好事,這一直是一項令人 興奮的工作。 這個地區有多個不同的國家,處於不同的 發展階段,我有幸能參與其中,亞洲未來數年 的發展將會非常耀眼。 問 「麥當勞大家庭」的價值觀如何助你過渡 麥當勞的核心價值與我的個人價值觀很吻合, 令我可以安心留在這裡工作。 對員工的承諾是首要重點,不只用口說, 更要實踐到日常工作中。 經營良心企業是非常重要的,我們的經 營方式是公開及透明,雖然可以採取捷徑, 但並不是正確的做法。因此,回饋社會是很 重要的。我一直參與麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基 金會,這對於我的妻子及孩子也是一件重要 的事情。 此外,這跟個人價值觀很吻合,因此公司
Q What are the “McFamily” values that helped you make the transition between these roles? The core values of McDonald’s align very much with my personal values, and that makes it easy to stay. The commitment to our people is first and foremost. It’s not just about talk, but about living it in what we do daily. It’s very important that we operate our business ethically. Our approach is open and candid. There are things which can be done which might be easier, but that doesn’t make them right. So giving back to our communities is important. I have gone through my career being involved with Ronald McDonald House Charities, and it’s an important thing for my wife and kids too. Again, there’s that alignment with personal values, which makes our company values universal. That doesn’t mean they are perfect, but what the values do is lead us. We expect them to be followed in actions and behaviours. They enable and empower people in our restaurants and offices to make decisions, using them as their filter. In making the transition here, the people have been terrific – so welcoming, open and friendly. However, it doesn’t diminish in any means the diversity and culture that exists in Asia. You have to be open and receptive to experience it, have fun with it and learn from it. There are nuances within each culture that you have 14 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
to be aware of. I always ask questions to help me understand why they do things a particular way.
Q After having relocated here, what
are your priorities for this region? I have two goals, the first of which is under the umbrella of our people – engagement and education. Engagement is at the front of the counter, with the customer. So we will look at how we engage employees there to embrace the brand, and how important what they do at the front of the counter is. Tying in with that is the education bit, something where we are really starting to gain traction in Asia. We have long been recognised for our development and training systems. When someone sees McDonald’s on a resume, they know the candidate is bringing in a skill set, particularly in retail and other customer-facing businesses. They know our candidates our welltrained, know how to deal with customers and situations, and have got a strong sense of teamwork, self-discipline and commitment. So the education piece is how we provide more opportunities for them, whether they stay with us for a year or a career. Let’s train and teach them as best as we can. If they stay with us, that’s great because that will set the foundation for their future growth. If they choose to go
領行動及養成習慣,讓我們的餐廳及辦事處員 工能夠以這些價值觀為指標作出抉擇。 這裡的員工都很好,對我很熱情、接受
享受及從中學習。必須了解每種文化的細微 差別,我經常問問題,以助我理解他們處事的 特定方式。 問 調任到這個地區,你的首要任務是甚麼? 我有兩個目標,首先是人事方面──聯繫及教育。 聯繫在於前線員工與顧客的交流,因此我 們要思考如何令前線員工重視品牌,以及他們 在前線的行為如何影響品牌。與之配合的是教 育,我們開始在亞洲落實這方面的發展。 我們的發展及培訓制度一向備受肯定。一 看到麥當勞員工的履歷,便知道這名求職者擁 有一定的技能,尤其在零售及其他客戶服務方 面。他們知道我們的員工訓練有素、懂得如何 應付顧客及不同情況、並擁有很強的團隊合作 精神、自律、有承擔。 因此不論員工在我們這裡任職多久,我們 的培訓都為他們提供更多的機會,我們竭力為 他們提供最好的培訓及教導。 他們繼續效力我們公司的話,這將會為 其今後的發展奠定基礎,是一件好事;如果他 們選擇離開的話也沒有關係,我們希望他們 將來回望過去,會認為在麥當勞的日子是最好 的經歷。我們正與學校、學院及大學合作,以 得到認可。 我們的第二個重點是運用工具及經驗,確 保我們找到最出色的人才。到了2030年,勞動 市場將出現巨大轉變,因此必須找到尋找發展 機會的人才。除了培訓及發展,亦要了解他們 希望在公司得到甚麼職業發展機會。
Len Jillard « PROFILE 問 專注職業發展是你未來的員工價值主張? 我們的員工價值主張主要基於三方面:家庭/ 朋友、彈性及未來。 首先,家庭/朋友是社會的組成部分,我 們公司舉辦各類活動以促進關係,以及讓員 工的家屬對他們在麥當勞的工作及發展有更 多的了解。 彈性分為不同方面。對一位媽媽來說,那代 表她能夠有時間送孩子上學,然後到這裡做兼 職,到孩子放學的時候能夠回家照顧他們。職業 彈性是另一方面,代表你能夠從事想做的工作。 例如,我在最近的一次高爾夫球賽期間, 與一位在我們餐廳兼職的年輕女孩交談。等待 開賽的時候,我問她大學主修哪一科,她說金 融。我問她為甚麼不考慮畢業後加入麥當勞? 她看著我笑。我告訴她,我們是一家大公司, 有很多金融方面的人才,亦需要很多會計,我 將我的名片給了她。 這令我發現我們沒有好好展現公司所提 供的機會。 談到未來,將有很多尋找職業發展機會的 千禧世代。事實上,新加坡50%麥當勞餐廳經 理都由服務員做起。 我們的員工價值主張有趣之處,是能夠因 應麥當勞四個世代員工的需求而作出調整。 問 你打算如何更好地展現員工價值主張為有 潛力的內部員工所提供的機會? 外在方面,最近獲人力資源顧問公司Aon Hewitt(怡安翰威特)選為新加坡「最佳僱 主」是一個機會。 我們公司的其中一個優勢是我們很謙虛, 與此同時,我們亦要為我們的成就感到驕傲, 並更多地向外宣揚。你慢慢會看到更多積極的 外部宣傳以提升我們的知名度。 內部方面,在於為員工提供更多機會,以 及與他們建立對話,我很欣賞中國及新加坡地 區的做法。 問 總部最近為公司店舖員工推出新福利,例 如學費報銷,你是否打算在這個地區推行? 每個國家及其需求各有不同,我們沒有計劃這 樣做,但我們一直不斷嚴格評估每個市場的情 況、有甚麼問題需要解決、以及確保我們是強 大而團結的企業公民。 我們考慮每個社區的情況,以及如何能夠 迎合需求,並透過教育來加強這方面的能力。 這裡的團隊非常了解每個市場的具體問題,這 又回到我們的員工價值主張。 問 作為一個快餐品牌,麥當勞經常受到質疑, 你如何向員工灌輸健康的教育? 我們正努力進行這方面的工作,從供應鏈的角 度教育員工,讓他們了解我們食品的來源,以 及食品的政策。 我們一向符合及高於政府的要求,我們亦可 透過我們的優質品牌故事進行內部及外部宣傳。 我們很多培訓涵蓋食品安全方面,包括 新員工入職培訓,當然亦包括餐廳內部的業 務培訓。
somewhere else, that’s fine too, because we want them to look back fondly and say their best experience was at McDonald’s. We are working with schools, colleges and universities towards accreditations. The second big thing for us will be about the tools and experiences we will apply to ensure we are getting the brightest talent. By 2030, the workforce dynamic will change so dramatically, that it is important to find the individuals looking for growth opportunities. Besides training and development, this will need to focus on opportunities to go down whatever career path they want in the organisation.
Q Will that focus on developing careers define your EVP going forward? Our EVP is underpinned by three things actually – family/friends, flexibility and future. The first, family/friends, is a social component. Various activities are held to encourage bonding and for employees’ families to learn more about their career and development opportunities at McDonald’s. Flexibility has different parts to it. For a mum, it means the ability to get her kids off to school and then come to work parttime, with flexible hours, and to be back home when the kids come home. Career flexibility is another, where you’ve got to be able to do what you want to do. For example, at a recent golf tournament, I was talking to a young lady working part-time at our restaurant. Waiting to tee off, I asked what she was studying at university, to which she replied, finance. I asked, why not join McDonald’s after you graduate? She looked at me funny. I told her, we are a big company, we have lots of finance people and we need accountants, and requested her to keep my card. The learning for me in that was that we don’t do as good a job as we could in explaining the opportunities that exist in the company. When it comes to the future, we’ve got the Millennials who are just looking for opportunities to build their career path. In fact, 50% of all McDonald’s restaurant managers in Singapore began their career as a crew member. What I find very interesting about our EVP is that we are able to adjust it for the needs of all four generations that work at McDonald’s.
Q How do you plan to communicate better the possibilities the EVP offers to potential and internal candidates? Externally, the recent Aon Hewitt recognition, as “best of the best” in Singapore, helped generate conversations. One of our strengths as a company is we are very humble. At the same time, we need to be more proud and loud of the great things we do. Over time, you’ll see more proactive external communications to create more awareness. Internally, it is about reinforcing opportunities for staff and creating that dialogue with them. I am very impressed with the way China and Singapore are doing that.
Q Recently HQ announced new benefits for company owned store employees, such as tuition reimbursement. Do you have those planned for this region as well? Each country and the needs within it are different. We don’t have a big plan to do this, but what we do on an ongoing basis is strictly assess what is happening in each market, what we need to address, and ensure we are a strong and committed corporate citizen. We reflect on what needs to happen in each community, and that’s simply what’s needed in order to be relevant. The education work we have done reinforces that. The teams here are very much on top of the particular issues in each market, and it comes back to the EVP.
Q The company is often questioned because of the nature of the fast-food industry. Is there something you do to educate your employees on wellness? Here’s one of those opportunities we are getting better at – to educate our staff from a supply chain perspective, in terms of where we source our food, and the policies that exist within that. More often than not, we meet or exceed government requirements. And we should be able to tell that through our quality story, not just internally, but externally as well. A lot of our training covers awareness of the food safety perspective, both at the time of orientation and certainly the business practices within the restaurant. Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 15
FEATURE » HR Technology 人力資源管理科技
現在是人力資源管理 走進社交平台的時候
Social media is here to stay and revolutionise the way HR works. Akankasha Dewan calls out the need for HR leaders to maximise its potential to increase the effectiveness of their recruiting and branding efforts. 使用社交平台已經成為主流,並且將會為人力資源管理的運作帶來革 命性的變化。Akankasha Dewan 向人力資源管理領袖請教社交平 台在加快招聘效率和建立品牌形象方面的潛力。
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HR Technology 人力資源管理科技 « FEATURE ven though sites such as Facebook and Twitter have been around for about a decade, it has now become hard to imagine a life before social media. Bosses are increasingly acknowledging the role social media has to play in enhancing HR processes and priorities. Innovative companies are mining connections on social networking sites. Brands are maintaining their reputation online, and watching how their own talent is interacting on public platforms. They are also leveraging on social media to create talent communities that engage passive candidates and promote their brand. A 2013 survey by JobStreet found more than 80% of Malaysian employers strongly believe social media tools can be used to drive business prospects. More than 90% of the 900 Singapore employees agree. Clearly, social media is here to stay, and influence the way HR works. “Social media has given HR an opportunity to demonstrate how it contributes to the organisation in an even bigger way,” observes Sue Olivier, regional talent development director for Ogilvy & Mather (Asia Pacific). “We now know what people think about the organisation, what they say about it and what the most important issues are to people working in their company. If we pay attention, it gives us a more informed view on managing our people.” Indeed, HR professionals today can benefit from using social media in a plethora of ways, increasing the function’s value as the strategic business partner. “From improved communications to external recruiting and even increasing employee satisfaction, social media allows HR to align to both the real-time and predictive environment, contributing to better strategy and tactics when it comes to employee retention, company brand-building and overall business revenue,” says Sabrina Jaksa, head of HR for Asia Pacific at Hootsuite.
Using social media as a recruitment tool Recruiting stands out as a great example of how the HR function can utilise social media – especially in the Asia Pacific region. The 2013 Kelly Global Workforce Index found 67% of respondents prefer searching for jobs using social media over traditional methods such as newspaper advertisements, online job boards or recruitment companies. Thailand and Indonesia were identified as the top two countries in the world to embrace social media when looking for jobs, coming in at 79% and 70%, respectively. More than half of the Asia Pacific respondents (56%) had also been contacted about a potential job via social media, compared with 41% in the Americas and 38% in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. “Social media has democratised hiring. Suddenly, you have so much more information at your fingertips – a global database of candidates,” Olivier says.
然Facebook 和 Twitter只面世約十年,但 今天我們已經很難想象沒有社交平台的生 活。老闆越來越重視到社交平台在促進人 力資源管理工作所扮演的角色。 創新的公司都透過社交平台與客戶和不同的持份 者建立關係。品牌在網上建立形象,觀察他們的人才如 何在公共平台與公眾交流。 他們也利用社交平台吸引被動的組群宣傳其品 牌。 JobStreet 在2013年的調查顯示超過80 %的馬來 西亞僱主相信社交平台能為他們的生意帶來機遇,在新 加坡則有90 %的僱主這麼認為。 很明顯社交平台已經成為主流,並影響人力資源 管理的運作。 「社交平台給予人力資源管理機會,為公司帶來更 大的貢獻。」Sue Olivier亞太區奧美集團區域人才發 展總監說。 「現在我們可以了解大眾對公司的想法,人們如何 談論公司和僱員認為在公司服務,他們最關心的事情是 什麼。只要我們細心留意,社交平台可以給我們很多有 用的資訊去管理我們的人才。」 毋容置疑,今天的人力資源管理可以透過社交平 台得到很多方面的幫助,加強其作為公司策略性合作 夥伴的作用。 「從改善溝通到進行對外招聘甚至加強員工工作 上的滿足感,社交平台讓人力資源管理可以有效掌握實 時和預期的環境,更有效提供關於挽留人才,建立公司 形象和增加盈利的策略。」Sabrina Jaksa 亞太區人力 資源管理主管說。 使用社交平台作為招聘的工具 招聘人才是人力資源管理如何利用社交平台的成功例 子,特別是在亞太地區。 Kelly Global Workforce Index 在2013年的調查 中發現,67%的受訪者,比起傳統的求職方式如報章上 的廣告,網上招聘和人才招聘公司較喜歡使用社交平台 尋找工作。泰國和印尼是全球最喜愛使用社交平台找工 作的國家,分別有79%和70%的人表示相比傳統的求 職方式,他們較喜歡利用社交平台找工作。 超過一半來自的亞太區的受訪者 (56%) 曾經透過 社交平台接收關於招聘的資訊,在美國是這數字是41% ,在歐洲,中東和非洲是38%。 「社交平台使招聘變得更開放。你可以掌握更多的 資訊,就像擁有一個全球性的應徵者資料庫。」Olivier 說。 「現在僱主收到應徵者的求職信後,都會利用社交 平台了解其背景。」 她說透過社交平台,由誰來宣佈人選已經不是一小 撮人的專利,招聘過程從而變得更開放。 現時不只是人力資源管理部門,其他部門以及世 界各地的人士都可以透過社交平台發放信息包括招聘 相關的資訊。 「越來越多人能夠參與招聘,這使公司內部的招聘 者大幅增加。」她說。
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FEATURE » HR Technology 人力資源管理科技 “Today, pretty much all candidates get checked out instantaneously on social media the moment you have had a look at their CV.” She explains the recruitment process has been further democratised in terms of who can announce the availability of vacancies for a specific position. In current times, not just HR, but representatives from any function, anywhere, can put out communications of all kinds on social media – including those for recruitment. “Many more people have access to performing functions such as recruitment. You now have a bigger pool of internal recruiters,” she explains. Despite these advantages, Jaksa warns HR leaders that social media hiring cannot be used to replace face-to-face recruitment completely. Instead, a synthesis of the two is what essentially leads to optimal results. “While digital recruitment provides a more interactive outreach, the hiring process still requires a certain level of offline interaction, such as face-to-face interviews for recruiters to make the best hiring decisions,” she believes. Olivier agrees, and adds face-to-face recruitment is actually integral for some organisations – especially those in the services industry. “As a service industry we rely on our people to deliver and improve our services, and you can’t recruit people from a distance without being able to assess the fit. “In addition, our industry tends to be informal and personality based. Ultimately, there is no substitute for the face-to-face discussion.”
Judging a candidate’s social media profile But for bosses to effectively judge a candidate using their social media profile, they should keep in mind certain behaviours or values which differentiate between a good profile and a bad one. In a recent survey by CareerBuilder, 51% of American employers, who had researched job candidates on social media, said they had found content that caused them to not hire the candidate. Social media accounts with provocative or inappropriate photographs or information made up the highest percentage of unsuitable job candidate profiles online (46%). More than four out of 10 (41%) employers also cited they had rejected job candidates because their profiles featured them drinking or using drugs. Additionally, 36% of bosses had passed on candidates because they had posted messages which had bad-mouthed their previous company or fellow employees. “How we judge a candidate’s social media profile is dependent on the context,” Olivier says. She advises hiring managers need to ask themselves about the type of expectations they have from the role and subsequently from the candidate.
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Savvy about social: Judging a candidate’s social media profile is dependent on context.
雖然社交平台帶來很多好處,但Jaksa警告人力資 源管理者,社交平台上所收集到關於應徵者的資訊,無 法完全代替與求職者面對面的面試。 兩者的混合使用將能帶來最佳的效果。 「利用數碼世界的資訊作招聘,能令過程變得更 互動,但招聘過程始終需要面對面的面試,幫助招聘者 作出最好的決定。」她說。 Olivier也同意Jaksa的看法。 她補充面對面的面 試對某些行業是必須的,特別是服務性行業。 「服務性行業是依賴人去執行和改進的行業,你無 法在沒有和求職者會面的情況下決定那人是否合適。」 「再加上我們的行業是要給予人輕鬆友好的感覺, 從業員的性格也非常重要,所以社交平台是無法代替與 求職者面對面的面試。」 如何審視應徵者的社交平台履歷 當老闆審視應徵者的社交平台資訊,他們必須要留意應 徵者的某些行為或價值觀,來分辨好或壞的履歷。 CareerBuilder 最近的調查顯示美國51%的僱主 都有透過社交平台了解求職者,而他們都有在社交平台 發現令他們不想聘用某求職者的資訊。 社交平台上放了偏激或不恰當的言論與照片是令 僱主卻步的主要原因 (46%)。 超過四成的僱主(41%)說拒絕求職者的原因是因 為求職者在社交平台上分享了他們喝酒或濫藥的情況。 另外有36%的僱主表示求職者在社交平台說他們 的前公司或前同事的壞話,是他們不獲聘用的原因。 「我們如何審視應徵者的社交平台履歷,是基於他 們的背景。」Olivier說。 她建議招聘者在審視應徵者的社交平台履歷前, 必須清楚關於職位的要求和對應徵者有什麼期盼。 「大部分人對高層的職位都有高要求。不同的行業 和不同的公司對在社交平台上什麼是可以接受的行為 有不同的見解。」
HR Technology 人力資源管理科技 « FEATURE
精通使用社交平台:如何審視求職者社交平台的履歷, 是基於他們的背景
「但有一些行為是各行各業都不能接受的,包括對 僱主的不敬,分享不恰當的資訊和照片或不清楚什麼該 分享或不該分享。」 Jaksa也同意Olivier的看法。 「招聘者應該審 視求職者的社交平台是否端莊穩重。這很重要,因為 一個人在網上的發表的言論和行為可以反映其性格。 」她說。 但她警告過分挑剔也不是好事。 「招聘者不應該因為僱員或求職者在社交平台上 不活躍就認為他們能力有限。其實這並不代表他們對 科技一竅不通,他們可能是因為私隱問題,所以隱藏其 社交平台。」 回應Jaksa的說法,Olivier說招聘者要細心留意 求職者的社交平台,求職者越來越精明,有些求職者會 刻意在社交平台分享某些資訊,來在招聘者心中建立 好的形象。 「雖然社交平台提供了很多關於求職者的資訊, 但我們不能單憑它下定論。」Olivier說。 「在求職者的社交平台有60個認可他能力的留言, 不代表他比其他求職者強,這只代表他比較善於利用 社交平台來使自己的能力獲得肯定。」 學習有效使用社交平台 隨著求職者越來越精明地使用社交平台去宣傳 其技能,招聘者有足夠的能力去分辨資訊的真確 性嗎? 答案是否定的。根據Jobvite在2014年有關利用社 交平台作招聘的調查,82%的招聘者認為他們用社交 平台作招聘的技巧只在能夠使用或以下。 「能否準確看清楚一個人的性格是人力資源管理 者的老本行,但我認為人力資源管理者對科技有更多的 認識能使他們對求職者作出更準確的判斷。」 Olivier說。 「在眾多的資料當中, 人力資源管理者必須判斷那
“More senior roles tend to carry higher expectations. The type of industry and organisation will also dictate what is deemed ‘acceptable’ personal social media posts and behaviour. “Warning signs in a candidate’s social media behaviour (regardless of industry) would include rants against employers, posting inappropriate photos or a general lack of judgment in what is publicly shared.” Jaksa agrees, and adds: “Overall, recruiters should assess the candidate’s social media decorum. This is particularly important as the types of content posted and online demeanour are reflective of a person’s personality. She warns, however, of the dangers of being over-critical. “Recruiters should not totally discount the capabilities of employees or candidates who seem to have a lack of social media presence. It doesn’t mean that they are not digitally savvy – they may just be guarding their privacy.” Echoing Jaksa, Olivier says recruiters should be careful when looking at candidates’ profiles because candidates themselves have become more savvy about what they want visitors to their profile to believe. “Although social media gives you a lot more information about people, we’ve learnt that you cannot judge a book by its social media profile only,” Olivier says. “Sixty endorsements on a candidate’s social media profile doesn’t mean they are 60 times better than another candidate – it just means they are more savvy about getting endorsements.”
Learning how to use social media effectively But with this added layer of complexity accompanying social media recruitment, are HR professionals today sufficiently skilled to accurately judge candidates through their online profiles? Apparently not, according to Jobvite’s 2014 Social Recruiting Survey, which found 82% of recruiters believe their social recruiting skills to be only “proficient” or less. “Being a good judge of character comes with the territory for HR practitioners. But I do think we can all benefit from being more media savvy,” Olivier says. “In the sea of available information, HR leaders need to decide which sources should be their priority and how they can best access it to gain information and insight, and to inform their talent approach and practices.” Jaksa agrees, and adds the need to educate HR professionals on using social media is made even more compelling because social media in itself is constantly evolving. “This means HR practitioners need to keep their skill sets updated through regular training sessions and online engagement in social,” she says. Social media training should, she stresses, be provided to not just HR personnel but all employees, as it can help make them great brand ambassadors of their companies. “Employees can be great brand ambassadors on social media platforms once they are empowered with relevant
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FEATURE » HR Technology 人力資源管理科技 social media skills and knowledge. If they know why employer branding matters, then you will get their engagement. “Also, by monitoring social conversations around the business on a regular basis, HR and business leaders can evaluate and shape the organisations’ employee engagement strategy to ensure the company’s culture is aligned with employees’ needs.”
Overcoming the risks of social media But this training remains essential, not only to ensure better usage of social media and increased staff engagement, but also to overcome the risks inherent in using such tools. “Social media is unforgiving and instant,” Olivier warns. “Anything negative can be picked up, re-tweeted and re-posted. “How, and how fast you act, points to your brand values as a company – do you ignore the situation or handle it immediately?” As such, she advises any organisation with an active social media presence to have policies which constantly monitor content online. The responsibility for this should be undertaken, she adds, between HR and the corporate communications divisions – especially on people-related issues. “The final danger is probably inadvertent poor judgment from employees who post on social media – with or without company sanction,” she says. Jaksa highlights learning how to manage social media accounts is even more integral because companies do not have much control over the type of content posted online. “All you can do is provide good guidelines and hope they will do the right thing.” She adds that to deliver key business goals in the digital era, HR and business leaders need to look beyond the confines of social media as a marketing tool. Instead, they need to plan a unified social media strategy across different departments within the entire organisation. “It is only through adhering to a social business structure that enterprises are able to truly capitalise on social media capabilities.” Such an approach to social media networks is advisable, especially because the proliferation of these networks is only going to increase in the future. “We can expect even more social media talent tools in the future, leading to more choice, but also to the need for discernment in terms of functionality and value-add to your organisation,” Olivier predicts. “Practitioners will see the value of educating themselves about using social media and become more discerning about how they use it. “This will create opportunity for social media savvy HR practitioners who embrace new technology and are always on the lookout for new ways in which to make it work for themselves and their people.”
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些資料來源最可靠,如何得到最有用的資料和決定他們 的人才招聘方向。」 Jaksa也同意Olivier的看法。她補充教育人力資源 管理者如何使用社交平台作招聘用途是一個引人入勝 的題目,因為社交平台也不斷地在進化。 「這意味著人力資源管理者必須定期更新社交平 台的知識和使用社交平台。」她說。 她強調社交平台的訓練不應該只限於人力資源管 理部門,全公司的僱員都要參與,因為透過社交平台, 所有的僱員都能成為公司的品牌大使。 「當僱員掌握了使用社交平台的技巧,他們都能成 為公司的品牌大使。如果僱員明白宣傳品牌的重要性, 他們將投入其中。」 「此外透過監控關於公司在社交平台上的言論,人 力資源管理領袖和公司管理層能更有效打造人士管理 政策,確保公司文化迎合僱員的需要。」 避免使用社交平台的風險 社交平台的訓練非常重要,不單可以更有效使用社交平 台和增強員工歸屬感,還能避免使用社交平台的風險。 「在社交平台發表的言論就像潑出去的水-難以收 回,而且信息傳遞的速度很快。」Olivier說。 所有負面的言論都會很快被在不同的社交平台 分享。 「你的反應有多快,如何反應,將會決定你品牌的 價值。你該即時應對還是置之不理?」 她建議所有有使用社交平台的公司,應該制定處 理負面評價的政策和經常監控網上的言論。 這責任應該落在人力資源管理和企業傳訊部門手 中,特別是與人相關的事情。 「最後一樣要注意的是,僱員不懂分辨什麼應該在 社交平台公開,無論內容有或沒有經過公司審查都會帶 來損害。」她說。 Jaksa強調學習如何監控社交平台日趨重要,因為 公司管理層無法控制在網上發表的資訊。 「你只能做的就只有提供好的社交平台使用指引, 然後盼望僱員會遵從。」 她補充在數碼的年代要達到商業目的,人力資源管 理領袖和公司管理層不能只把社交平台當做銷售工具 看待。他們需要制定一套統一,適用於所有部門的的社 交平台政策。 「企業要真正開發社交平台的潛力,他們必須堅持 社會化商業的模式。」 從這個方向發展社交平台是可取的,因為這些平台 會隨著時間變得更龐大。 「我們可以預測到未來將會有更多與社交平台相 關的人才招聘工具,選擇會越來越多,人力資源管理者 必須懂得分辨那些工具能為公司爭取最大的利益。」 Olivier說。 人力資源管理者會看到學習使用社交平台的價值, 他們會變成越來越精明的用家。 「這會為精通社交平台的人力資源管理者帶來機 遇。他們熱愛新科技,尋找新的方法為自己和其他人創 造機會。」
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FEATURE » Recruitment 招聘
As the Millennials become the majority in the workforce this year, companies are adapting their recruitment strategies to hire this generation more effectively. Jerene Ang looks at how hiring strategies have evolved and the challenges recruiters are facing as they seek out the desired skill sets. 隨著千禧世代投入勞動市場,公司紛紛制定針對這個世代的招聘政策。 Jerene Ang 探討招聘政策的改變和招聘者在尋找合適的僱員時所面對的挑戰。
t is predicted that by this year, Millennials will make up the majority of the workforce. With each generation being slightly different from its predecessors, recruitment strategies are being tweaked to cater to this generational shift. Karen Tok, CEO of ScienTec Consulting in Asia, says: “To attract Millennials, it is critical to embrace their traits of high energy, tech-savviness, outspokenness, impatience for change and growth – and channel them into the right job functions.”
New trends in recruitment Dion Groeneweg, Mercer’s region lead for HR transformation and workforce planning and analytics, is of the opinion the biggest disruptor today is technology. “The biggest change for organisations is in the way they interact with Millennials. The use of social media is on the
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據預測千禧世代將會成為未來勞動市場 的骨幹。 每一個世代都和其前輩有所不同,招 聘政策需要改變來迎合不同世代的需要。 Karen Tok, ScienTec Consulting 在亞洲的行政 總裁說:「要吸引千禧世代,必須掌握他們精力旺盛,精 通科技,敢於發言,對改變和成長缺乏耐心的特點,然 後幫他們安排合適的工作崗位。」 招聘新潮流 美世區域人力資源改革與勞動力規劃及分析總監Dion Groeneweg認為,現時招聘者面對最大的障礙正是 科技。 「公司作出最大的改變就是如何與千禧世代接觸。 社交平台的使用日漸重要,很多公司都使用LinkedIn
Recruitment 招聘 « FEATURE 去宣傳他們的招聘計劃。一些科技公司會發展遊戲去 測試求職者使用科技的能力。」他說。 美世在亞洲的人力資源顧問Shai Ganu同意 Groeneweg的看法。他補充預測性的招聘方法逐漸 普遍,即透過遊戲或求職者的社交網站來嘗試了解他 們是否適合。 施耐德電氣亞太及中東地區人才管理總監Shalini Bhateja指出,當機構日趨複雜,招聘過程中的持份者 會增加,特別是招聘高層職位的時候。 招聘時所面對的挑戰 根據Glassdoor的招聘前景調查,48%的招聘者覺得 市場上缺乏合適的求職者。 Bhateja同意要找合資格的僱員不是容易的事。特 別是在招聘高層的職位時。 雖然千禧世代表面上與其他世代沒有太大的差別, 但Grace International 集團人力資源總監May Lo指 出,千禧世代有其獨特之處。 「我的看法是千禧世代在某些方面和其他世代沒 有差別,他們都要求有穩定的工作,工作需具挑戰性和 期望在一家好的公司服務。我們也留意到千禧世代的一 些特點,我們會嘗試去迎合他們的需要,但我不想只為 迎合他們而改變現有的政策。」 Groeneweg補充,千禧世代的入職過程為招聘帶 來挑戰,因為他們有較高的期望。 「他們第一天上班就要求一切都已經為他們準備 妥當。但入職過程應該是在第一天上班前就展開。公司 必須提不斷接觸僱員,令他們覺得受重視,因為從獲聘 用到上班,可能長達兩個月。」 美世東南亞國家聯盟資訊方案解決及業務主管 Godelieve van Dooren認同Groeneweg的說法她說: 「這不是一個合理的要求,但千禧世代卻不那麼認為。」 她建議機構必須加快外招聘的過程,以留住最佳 人選。 「有一家大型的互聯網公司,要求求職者通過八 輪的面試,在進行面試的時候,最好的人才可能已經被 競爭者挖走。」 van Dooren 認為公司,特別是在人才競爭激烈的 行業,必須在整個招聘的過程中,與求職者保持聯繫, 以避免失去他們。 「馬來西亞的招聘市場是瘋狂的。那是一個競爭激 烈市場。招聘者經常投訴求職者在招聘程序還沒完成, 就被競爭者挖走,更甚的是,獲聘用的人在上班的第一 天不知所終。」 最吃香的的技能 招聘的趨勢正在改變,公司正在尋找擁有哪些技能的 人才呢? Lo 說她要精通科技的人才。 「我們的工作主要與營運有關,所以僱員必須對科 技有認識。」 她說。 她明白要招聘精通科技的人才不是不容易的事情, 因此公司非常願意提供相關的訓練,這也帶到了她希望 求職者擁有的另一個技能-適應能力。
rise and there are a lot of companies using LinkedIn to drive their recruitment. Some tech companies are building games to assess people’s capabilities in certain technical areas,” he says. Shai Ganu, Mercer’s market business leader for talent consulting in Asia, agrees, adding that predictive hiring is catching on, that is, “looking at gamification concepts or social media presence to try and get a sense of whether the person would work out in the organisation.” Shalini Bhateja, Schneider Electric’s director of talent management for Asia Pacific and the Middle East, points out that as organisations become more matrixed, there is an increase in the number of stakeholders in the recruitment process, especially when recruiting for more senior roles.
Challenges in recruitment According to Glassdoor’s Recruiting Outlook Survey, 48% of hiring decision makers feel there is a shortage of qualified candidates for open positions. Bhateja agrees that it can be difficult to find someone with the right qualifications, especially when hiring for senior roles. Catering to the needs of each generation, and not just Gen Y, is another challenge faced by recruiters. Despite feeling that Millennials are not that different from other generations, May Lo, group HR director at Grace International, notes traits of Millennials that set them apart. “Things like job security and to be challenged at work, to work for a good company, applies across the generations. However, we also take note of certain traits of Millennials and we try to cater to those. Obviously, I don’t want to change the policies because of them.” Additionally, Groeneweg says the onboarding process for Millennials can pose a challenge as this workforce generally has higher expectations. “They expect everything to be ready and working from day one when they arrive at the office. But the onboarding needs to start even before the first day at work. Companies need to prepare touch-points to keep their candidates warm throughout, given that it can take up to two months from when they are selected to when they join.” Godelieve van Dooren, Mercer’s market business leader for ASEAN for information solutions, agrees and adds: “These are not unreasonable requests as it’s what this generation is used to.” She is also of the opinion organisations have to speed up their decision-making process in order not to lose out on the best candidates. “One of the larger internet companies has eight rounds of interviews before a candidate is hired. However, the best candidates might be snatched by competition in that time.” van Dooren also feels that companies, especially those in competitive markets, have to be in contact with candidates throughout the recruitment process so as not to lose the connection with the candidate. “Malaysia is madness when it comes to hiring. It is a very
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FEATURE » Recruitment 招聘 competitive market and you find that between rounds of interviews, companies complain about their candidates being snatched or even worse, people not showing up on their first day of work.”
The sought-after skills With so many new trends in recruiting, what are the skills companies seek in candidates that make it worth overcoming these challenges? Lo points out she looks for technical skills. “For roles that are very operational-based, there will be skills that are a given – you must have the technical knowledge,” she says. However, acknowledging that attracting candidates is not an easy feat, she says the company is willing to train candidates, which brings the conversation to the next skill she looks for – adaptability. “But having said that, even if you don’t have the technical knowledge, because we acknowledge that it is not easy to attract candidates, we are willing to train. “We always prep the person joining – we say that if it’s a new industry, you need to have a change of mindset, you need to be adaptable because this is definitely not going to be what you are used to.” Agreeing that adaptability is an essential skill in today’s world, Bhateja adds: “We are now in a VUCA environment and it’s very unpredictable. Business models are changing fast and to be successful in that kind of environment, the first thing you need is learning agility.” In addition to that, she sums up three other important skills while recruiting – role fit, leadership fit and culture fit. “These are three things to look at not just for the Millennial generation, but across generations. You absolutely have to look at all three.” van Dooren also notes that more organisations are seeking candidates who have potential in the area of global mobility. “Apart from great candidates with soft skills and technical skills, increasingly organisations say candidates need to have worked in different locations. So that is the ideal candidate in this connected, multicultural world. “They want someone to lead a multicultural team, able to move around easily, not only within Asia itself, but also to communicate with the headquarters, which may have different cultural perspectives.”
「即使你對科技不了解,我們願意提供訓練,我們 明白道要招聘精通科技的人才並不容易。」 「我們會對新加入的僱員說,想象你加入了一個全 新的行業,你必須調整你的心態,你需要適應新的事 物,因為工作肯定不會是你以前接觸過的。」 Bhateja認同適應能力是現今職場上必備的技能。 她補充:「我們處於 VUCA的環境即volatillity(易变 性)、uncertainty(不确定性)、complexity(复杂 性)、ambiguity(模糊性),營商環境變幻莫測。營商 模式正在迅速改變,要在這環境成功,你第一樣要學的 就是靈活變通。」 她也歸納出另外三樣重要技能-與你的崗位、公司 管理方針、文化配合。 「這三樣技能不單千禧世代適用,所有世代的僱員 都適用。你一定要了解以上三點。」 van Dooren也指出越來越多公司在尋找能適應在 全球不同地方工作的人才。 「除了軟技巧和科技的知識,越來越多機構在尋找 願意在不同地方工作的人才,這些人才在現時連貫及多 元文化的世界最為理想。」 「他們想要能夠帶領一支來自不同文化背景的隊 伍的人才。那人能在不同地方工作,不只限於在亞洲。 他要能夠與多元文化的總公司聯繫。」 招聘方法 Groeneweg指出一個測試求職者是否適合公司文化的 好方法。「我知道有一家公司把所有級別的僱員集中在 一起,然後要求求職者向他們作講解。求職者通常有20 分鐘去解決問題然後有十分鐘作匯報。 」
Recruitment methods Pointing out a good way for testing a candidate’s cultural fit, Groeneweg shares: “One organisation I know about brings together people from all levels and makes the candidates present to them in order to test their skills. “They usually get 20 minutes to solve a problem and 10 minutes to present the solution.” A lot of this fit also relies on the candidate’s personality. With regards to recruiting based on personality, Bhateja
Too many steps? One of the larger internet companies has eight rounds of interviews, but the best candidates might be snatched away by then.
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Recruitment 招聘 « FEATURE 是否適合的公司文化,與求職者的性格有莫大的關 係。Bhateja留意到越來越多僱主使用心理統計學,針 對求職者的性格的作招聘。 「從前心理統計學大多用於僱員發展,現在也在招 聘時使用。」 「市場上有多種性格評估工具。僱主可以利用這些 工具,讓求職者完成一個電腦測試,來了解其性格。」 但她指出僱主不能完全依賴這些工具,必須配合其 他評估工具來決定求職者是否適合。 「你必須把評估的結果和面試的表現作比較,現在 很多機構都採用這個方法。」 她建議最佳使用心理統計學的時機是在招聘過程 進行到大約一半的時候。 「舉例說你有六位求職者,在第二或第三個面試 後,我們可以引入心理統計學。」 「評估的結果可以幫助面試官提問,澄清評估結 果裡不清晰的部分,這樣你就可以更全面地去了解求 職者。」 「我認為當要做一個重要招聘決定的時候,這是一 個很好的方法。」 當使用性格評估做招聘,招聘者經常有這麼一個 疑問-被動還是主動的招聘方式較適合? 依Lo的看法,性格評估兩者都適用,但用於主動 招聘較容易。 她的見解是,主動招聘是求職者主動聯繫僱主尋 找機會,他們很清楚他們應該怎麼做,要具備什麼技 能,因此性格上的特徵未必會展現出來。 被動招聘則比較具挑戰性,因為當事人可能無意 換新的工作,相對於主動要求面試的求職者,他們不會 想分享太多。 她說要吸引被動的求職者,人力資源管理部門要清 楚職位的要求,這樣他們才能清晰向求職者說明,這是 你的工作要求和工作範圍,這是你的技能,然後向求職 者指出公司將提供培訓,支援他技能上的不足。只有透
太多步驟?有一家大型的互聯網公司設了八輪的面試, 但跟多優秀的求職者都在面試過程中被競爭者搶走。
observes there has been an increase in the use of psychometric testing. “Psychometric testing was previously used for development, but now it is also used for recruitment. “Basically, there are various tools available in the market for personality assessment. Using those, a person will take a computer-generated test, which provides a report on their personality type.” However, she notes that that cannot be solely relied on to ascertain a candidate’s fit and it has to be used in conjunction with other tools of assessment. “You have to match these findings up with the structured interviews that have been done, and putting the two together, you can use that for recruitment and many organisations are doing that today.” She suggests a good time to use psychometric testing is in the middle of a series of interviews. “For example, you might typically have six interviews for any role. After the first short-list, and after the second or third interview, we can introduce a psychometric assessment. “There will be areas that will help the next set of interviewers to pick up from the questions and clarify areas in the report and, hence, you are able to judge the person better. “I think that’s something good to do when making critical recruitment decisions.” When it comes to recruiting based on personality, here’s another frequently asked question – active recruiting or passive recruiting? In Lo’s opinion, it is a mixture of both with active recruitment being a little easier. Her reason being: “The person is already looking so they will know what to expect. Technically, personality doesn’t come in as much there because they already have the skill sets and they know what to expect.” She notes that passive recruiting may be more challenging as the person may not be willing to move from their job. She says to attract a passive candidate, “HR needs to know the job description well because only then can you tell that person, ‘these are your job demands and duties and these are your skills’ and then identify the skill gaps that they would receive training in. Only then can you point out what they will gain from joining us”. Adding that, “if the person does not have the knowledge of this job or industry, we can only rely on personality assessment because if they are able to change and adapt their mindset, then it can work”. Bhateja agrees that both passive and active recruiting are effective depending on the role. However, she feels that neither are the best recruitment method. In her opinion, the best method is proactive recruitment. “Even if you don’t have a role open, as a business leader, I’m not saying only HR, but also as a business leader, you should know people outside the company so that if a role opens, these could be some people who we could approach.
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FEATURE » Recruitment 招聘 “I think that passive and active, people would use it as and when needed. The more important one is proactive recruitment, what we call talent mapping. “You should have mapped the market and know who are the people in the market who could fit into these roles if needed. I think that is most effective.” Another query that comes to mind is whether to engage an agency or do it in-house. To this question, Lo answers: “We do it in-house firstly because the department heads have more ownership. “On top of that, they are able to then compare an external candidate against what we would call an internal candidate, meaning an existing staff who you might want to promote for career progression and career growth.” Bhateja says that Schneider Electric uses a mix of both inhouse recruiting and engaging recruitment agencies and notes that each has its own pros and cons. “For in-house, the positive thing is that the people doing the recruitment understand the company better and are able to explain about the company. But the problem with in-house is scale. How much can you scale? How many resources will you have? What kind of expertise do you have? “If you look at recruitment agencies, they can scale their experts, the downside is that you pay them a lot and they might or might not be able to understand your business.”
The future of recruiting After discussing the different trends, challenges and ways of recruitment in the VUCA environment today, we can be sure there will be more new trends to come in the near future. One of the trends is the shift to mobile, as expected by respondents of the Glassdoor Recruiting Outlook Survey, where in the next one to two years, an average of 26% of job applicants will come through mobile devices. Feeling the same way, Groeneweg says: “I think it’s about being mobile-friendly. Gen X and Gen Y want to be able to apply for a job on their smartphones. They don’t want to fill up big forms, instead they want something quick and fast. It’s the mobile-first generation.” According to Ganu, another trend is “thinking about your talent pool a bit more differently”. “That includes things like referrals and secondments,” he goes on to explain. This means to let employees accept offers to work for competitors instead of fighting them, allowing employees to gain more experiences and skills which would be an asset should they come back to the company. “It’s also good to have a structured alumni network because that tends to be a pool that might come back and if they don’t come back, then at least they are likely to recommend who to hire,” he says. van Dooren agrees and adds: “We call them boomerangs. If you throw a boomerang well, which means if you’re a good employer, they will come back.”
過這種方式人力資源管理部門才能向求職者指出他們 轉到新的工作會得到什麼益處。 她補充說如果求職者對行業或工作沒有認識,那 招聘者就只能依賴性格評估,如果求職者的性格是偏 向願意改變和適應,那就有合作的機會。 Bhateja同意取決於職位的要求,被動和是主動 的招聘都是有效的招聘方法。但她覺得兩者都不是最 佳的招聘方法,她心目中的最佳的招聘方法是進取式 招聘方法。 「即使你公司現在沒有空缺,但作為一個領袖,我 不單指人力資源領袖,任何公司的領袖都應該有良好的 人際網絡,當公司出現空缺,他們能第一時間,主動出擊 去找有潛力的人選。」 「被動和是主動的招聘是當有逼切需要時才使用。 進取式招聘方更為重要,我們稱之為人才路線圖。」 「你要掌握市場的脈搏,了解在人力市場上有什麼 適合公司的人才。這是最有效的招聘方法。」 另外一個招聘者經常遇到的問題,是應否聘用求 職公司還是內部處理招聘事務。 Lo的答案是:「我們會先在內部處理,因為這樣能 給部門主管們參與更多。」 「這樣部門主管們可以比較外來的求職者與內部 的求職者,即公司有意晉升的在職員工。」 Bhateja 說在施耐德電氣,聘用求職公司和內 部處理招聘事務,兩者都會採納,每個方案都有其利 與弊。 「我認為內部處理招聘事務,好處是招聘者對公司 有較深入的認識,能清楚向求職者解釋公司的背景。」 「但問題是規模有限。公司可以投放多少資源?多 少人手?以及應該委任哪些人處理招聘事務。」 「如果聘用求職公司,他們有好多招聘專家,但弊 處是他們收費昂貴而且對公司業務了解不夠深入。」 招聘的前景 討論了在VUCA的環境,招聘的趨勢和挑戰後,我們可 以肯定在不久的將來,會有更多新趨勢。 其中一個新趨勢就是手機平台的發展,根據 Glassdoor的招聘前景調查,在未來一到兩年,平均 26%的求職申請是透過流動通信設備發放。 Groeneweg也認同這是未來的趨勢。她說: 「X 和 Y 世代都希望用智能手機申請工作,而不想填寫一大堆 申請表格。他們要的是快捷的方式,他們是以流動通信 設備為先的世代。」 Ganu 說另一個新趨勢是從新的角度去看待你的 人才。「這包括介紹和臨時調任。」他說。 臨時調任的意思是不極力挽留員工,任由他們到競 爭者的公司工作,讓他們學習更多的技能和累積更多的 經驗再回到原來的公司服務。 「擁有一個前僱員的網絡是十分有用的。前僱員 可能會考慮回巢,即使他們不會來,也會介紹別人。」 他說。 van Dooren也同意,她說:「我們稱回流的員工為 迴力標。如果你把迴力標扔得準確,代表你是一個好僱 主,他們會回來的。」
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ILLUMINATING THE PATH FOR TALENT MANAGEMENT Erik Schmit, VP and general manager APAC at Lumesse, casts light on HR trends across Southeast Asia, and solutions for firms to make better talent management decisions.
照亮人才管理道路 Lumesse亞太區副總裁兼總經理Erik Schmit透視東南亞地區的主要人力資源管理趨勢,以及提供解決方案以助企業作出 更好的人才管理決策。 When leading pharmaceutical and chemicals company BASF required specialist training for its business areas, even as a face-to-face approach was costly, Lumesse jumped in to implement standardised learning content for its 6,400 employees. Additionally, we developed materials in collaboration with product and training experts, agencies and translators, for employees to access even on mobile devices. The result was improved efficiencies and cost savings for the firm through e-learning. Not only did the cloud solutions make training flexible, but also improved user experience for employees, through audio, rich graphics and media libraries. This experience was testament to our commitment in bringing forward local, customised solutions for global companies, for their talent management issues.
醫藥及化學公司龍頭BASF需要就各方面業務進行培訓,即使面對面的方式所費不 菲,Lumesse仍為其6,400名員工提供統一的學習內容。 此外,我們與產品及培訓專家、廣告公司及翻譯員合作製作教材,讓員工透過流 動設備獲取教材。 透過電子學習,有效為該公司提升效率及節省成本,雲端技術不但令培訓變得更 靈活,影音材料、富媒體圖像及媒體庫亦提高了員工的用戶體驗。這次經驗,正好印 證我們為全球企業帶來度身訂造的人才管理解決方案的承諾。 行業最近趨勢 在東南亞,尤其在香港,企業以高速發展。要配合發展,企業採用強大的資訊處理及 管理系統處理所有顧客相關的數據。因此,人力資源管理部門不太受到重視。但最近
RECENT TRENDS IN THE FIELD In Southeast Asia, and Hong Kong in specific, organisations have grown at an incredibly fast pace, putting in place strong management information systems for customer-related data. As such, the HR function has not so much been a top priority. But recent trends, from collaboration to click-and-swipe applications and big data, suggest companies have realised if they don’t put a strategic focus on their biggest asset, the talent, over time their competitive position will be in danger. Particularly in creating transparency in talent management, they are keen to implement solutions that enable more collaboration. We also see a lot of organisations looking to move from a distributed, heterogeneous environment to a single platform to manage all of their HR data in an integrated manner. That would allow them to make better decisions, based on real-time workforce data.
的趨勢顯示,從協調點擊滑動應用程式再到大數據,可見企業已意識到,如果不重視 人才這個重要資產,長遠來說會危及其競爭力。 尤其在人才管理透明度方面,它們積極實行解決方案以促進合作。我相信合作能 結合團隊的力量,以便更有效地善用公司的人才。我們亦看到很多企業從分佈式、獨 立的環境轉變為單一的平台,以便綜合管理所有人力資源數據。這樣便能根據員工工 作能力相關的即時數據,作出更好的業務決策。 LUMESSE聚焦亞洲 營運超過25年,Lumesse在亞洲的首個辦事處於十年前成立。我們的目標是成為首 屈一指的解決方案供應商,為企業解決人才管理問題。 我為我們在亞洲發展方面有長遠目光而感到自豪,並秉承建立本地化業務的宗 旨。這樣,我們在地理上能夠貼近我們的客戶,並能輕易為他們提供本地支援及項目 管理服務。
LUMESSE’S FOCUS ON ASIA Having been around for more than 25 years, Lumesse’s first Asia office opened a decade ago, with a vision is to be the number one solution provider helping companies deal with their talent management issues. I am proud we took a long-term view by opening our operations in Asia early, and stuck by our mantra of building a localised business. This way, we are close to our customers geographically, to provide them local support and project management. Not only does this give them the ability to implement our solutions smoothly, but also fine-tune them as and when required. In the year to come, our number one priority is to further leverage our understanding of the local specifics. We will help organisations implement solutions to drive better talent management through creating transparency, and getting an adequate view of their employee bench strength. We are also always on the lookout to bring new and innovative technology to our customers to further help to achieve their goals. Based on our strategy of localised offices, our customers will continue to benefit from geographic proximity, and local implementation, project management and support, including on-premise installation.
這不僅讓他們能夠順利實施我們的解決方案,亦可在有需要的時候作出微調。 未來一年,我們的首要任務是進一步善用我們對亞洲當地具體情況的了解。我們 將幫助企業實行解決方案,透過增加透明度來推動人 才管理,以及幫助它們充分了解員工的長處,以配合 他們的業務發展策略。 我們亦一直發掘創新的技術, 進一步幫助客戶實現其目標。根據 我們本地辦事處的策略,我們的客 戶將繼續受惠於地理的優勢、以及 本地化策略、項目管理及支援,包括 內部部署。
This article is contributed by Erik Schmit, Lumesse VP and general manager APAC
To discuss and know more, contact Tenny Leung at +852 2890 0315 or tenny.leung@lumesse.com, or visit us at www.lumesse.hk. 想了解更多,請致電+852 2890 0315或電郵至tenny.leung@lumesse.com 聯絡Tenny Leung,或瀏覽我們的網站www.lumesse.hk。
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FEATURE » Leadership 領導能力
In this ever-changing job market, HR leaders spend most of their time trying to help employees develop their careers while often overlooking their own career development. Jerene Ang delves into how HR leaders can develop their own careers and skill sets to ensure they are at par with environmental changes. 在這個瞬息萬變的就業市場,人力資源領袖花大部分時間來協助員工 發展事業,卻往往忽略了自己的職業發展。Jerene Ang探討人力資 源領袖如何發展其事業及技能,以確保能夠緊貼環境轉變。
art of driving organisational processes is ensuring the organisation has a solid succession pipeline, and as such, HR leaders play a big part in developing their employees’ careers But how are they developing themselves to stay relevant? According to a study by IBM in 2013, HR should be moving towards using analytics to manage talent and working with other functions in the firm to find new value and capabilities. Peter Hatt, regional head, HR for ASEAN at Standard Chartered Bank, believes in the past three years, HR has helped leadership teams make better decisions by building capability around business intelligence tools and analytics. “HR needs to continue on this journey using evidencebased data insights, including techniques such as predictive analysis to help line managers make good people decisions and help understand the ‘pulse of the organisation’,” he says. Lau Yin Cheng, cluster director (for the HR and OD cluster) at Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), agrees.
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要推動企業發展,其中一部分是確保企業擁 有穩固的晉升渠道,因此很多人力資源領袖 積極為員工制定職業發展道路。 但他們又如何發展自己的事業,以保持領先優勢? 根據IBM 2013年的《新時代期望:全球高級管理 層對人力資源長的見解》研究表示,人力資源領域的發 展應走向透過分析數據管理人才,並與企業其他部門合 作,以尋求新的企業價值及能力。 渣打銀行東盟人力資源區域主管Peter Hatt認為, 在過去三年,人力資源部門透過商業情報工具、數據洞 悉及分析,幫助領導團隊作出更好的決策。 他說:「人力資源需要繼續透過經驗證的數據分 析,包括預測分析等技術,幫助部門經理妥善作出人事 決策,以及了解『企業脈搏』。」 新加坡資訊通信發展管理局數據總監(人力資源 及企業發展數據)Lau Yin Cheng同意,並指人力資源 與企業其他部門的合作愈來愈緊密。
Leadership 領導能力 « FEATURE 「人力資源領袖必須能夠協調各個部門,以便更有
“HR leaders need to be able to pull together the various functions to better enable the business outcome, be it for organisational restructuring, mergers and acquisitions or a switch in strategy that requires new capabilities.” Hatt observes another way that HR has evolved lies in the maturing of the HR business partner models. “HR professionals have been spending more of their time understanding business needs to help shape the people agenda, and less time on transactional HR activity,” he says.
Think you’re competent enough?
效地實現企業目標,包括企業架構重組、參與合併及收 購、或發展新能力以改變策略。」 Hatt指,人力資源管理的另一個演變,在於人力 資源業務合作夥伴模式漸趨成熟,有助推動可持續業 務成果。 他說:「人力資源管理人員已花更多時間了解企業 的需求,以助改變人事政策,花更少時間在業務式人事
根據IBM的「解構人事方程式:善用人員分析數據提升 業務成果」,少於20%企業現時能夠運用預測分析數據 來解決人事問題。 此外,該報告指超過40%企業現時只局限於採用 基本人力資源報告。 Facebook印度及東南亞人力資源主管Shweta Shukla對此表示,對話比指標更重要。 她說:「Facebook不會每月進行大規模的人力資 源業務指標檢討。」 「相反,我們與管理層進行定期對話,就當前的情 況為他們提供有價值的相關見解。」 「這樣與業務更息息相關,如果只是指出『損耗率 達5%』,但不提供任何見解,你認為對他們有何幫助? 我們只會完全迷失在數據中,數據亦變得沒有價值。」 她表示,作為人力資源主管,人力資源領袖需要具 備的另一項技能是能夠提出合適的問題。 「很多時候,你擔任一位導師的角色。我不是說你 要懂得回答所有問題,但你要能夠提出合適的問題,並 根據從其他業務學到的知識提出見解。」 她提出的另一項技能是專注提供解決方案──要解 決問題而非按本子辦事。 她說:「不斷拋出政策來回應員工的問題,是擺脫 向你尋求意見的人的最佳方法,很容易便會這樣做。」 要能夠向業務領袖提出合適的問題及解決問題, 當然少不了對業務的深入了解。 她說:「很多在這裡工作的人都懂得如何完成自己 的工作,但要脫穎而出,關鍵在於了解你的持份者,以及 了解他們對你的期望。」 除了解業務外,她認為人力資源領袖亦要有綜合 能力。 「每次對話都會得到關於業務及人員的不同資訊, 要能夠將這些資訊綜合起來,並應用到你的業務上,向 他們展示其價值,並找出可能的解決方案。」 Hatt同意,並說:「人力資源領袖愈來愈需要考 慮其對更廣泛層面的貢獻,而非只著眼於他們的專業 領域。」 Lau亦認為人力資源管理人員必須了解業務,他總 結了人力資源管理人員的所需能力。 「第一,較企業本身更了解業務;第二,較經理更了 解員工;第三,較其他人更了解自己。」 根據Shukla,與其成為深受喜愛的人力資源管理 人員,人力資源管理人員反而應「以員工及業務目標為 中心,然後提出合適的問題,不應偏向任何一方。」
According to another report by IBM, less than 20% of organisations are currently able to apply predictive analytics to address people issues. Moreover, more than 40% of organisations are limited to basic HR reporting capabilities. On this, Shweta Shukla, Facebook’s head of HR, India & SEA, says that more important than metrics are the conversations they generate. “In Facebook, we don’t conduct massive HR business metrics reviews every month. Instead, we have regular conversations with our leaders, where we bring in relevant insights valuable for them in the current context,” she says. “That’s a much better way of engaging your business because if you show things such as ‘attrition is 5%’ without any insight then what do you want them to take away from this?” She reflects another skill HR leaders need is to be able to ask the right questions. “A majority of the time, you play the role of a coach. I’m not saying you should have the answers to everything, but you should have the ability to ask the right questions.” Another skill she brings up is to be solution focused – solving problems instead of throwing policies at them. “It is very easy for you to fall into this zone of throwing policies at people in response to their questions; it’s the best way to get rid of those seeking your views,” she says. It goes without saying that to be able to ask the right questions, a deep knowledge of the business is needed. “Most people working here know how to get their jobs done, but the part about being exceptional lies in knowing what your stakeholders expect from you,” she says. In addition, she feels that an HR leader has to be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together. “In every conversation you get different pieces of information about the business and its people. You should be able to connect the dots and go back to your business, show them the value and identify possible solutions.” Hatt agrees and says: “Increasingly HR leaders need to think about their contributions at the franchise-wide level, not just their domain expertise.” Lau also thinks it is important for HR professionals to know the business, summing up what HR professionals need. “One, know the business better than the business itself. Two, know the people better than their managers. And three, know yourself better than the others.”
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FEATURE » Leadership 領導能力 According to Shukla, instead of being the most well-loved HR person, HR professionals should “put people and business objectives in the centre. Then, ask the right questions, instead of moving in any one direction”. “As an HR business partner you have to be the voice of reason and rationality. Deep employee trust is only generated if you display objectivity in all your interactions,” she says. If the competencies mentioned above look all too familiar, Hatt says: “I think the competencies required haven’t changed significantly. It is more that we just have to get better at them.”
Take ownership of your own career Now the skills and competencies are all laid out, what should HR professionals do to move up the career ladder? IDA’s Lau advises: “My personal philosophy is that as an HR professional, focus on enjoying your job and delivering value, then the promotions and recognition will come.” In his opinion, HR should “focus on what is in the best interests of the organisation and its people”. On the topic of career progression for HR leaders, he says: “I feel it takes both sides, one is the individual having the interest and desire to contribute. On the organisation’s side, it’s really about creating the environment to allow people with the aspirations to want to learn.” Shukla is also of the opinion HR professionals have to take ownership of their careers. Hence, when she has discussions with people in her team about their career growth and development, she usually starts from their career goal and works backwards. “We want everyone to have a career vision and a lot of conversations are centred around that. So most of my discussions are about the career goal they have in mind and then working backwards from there,” she says. Hatt is also of the opinion HR professionals should be the drivers of their own careers. Frustrated when he hears people complaining about their job, he advises: “If you don’t like what you are doing, then do something about it. “We are in the driving seat for our own careers. The organisation can help you manage your careers and give you opportunities, but we must take ownership of our own careers – no one else can do this for you.”
Specialist or generalist? Shukla is of the opinion there is no set path to success and that being a specialist and a generalist can lead to success. “You can succeed both ways because gone are the days where you needed to be a generalist to succeed. Deep expertise is equally valued and functional leadership is very valued too.” An often overlooked aspect about career progression, she points out, is leadership. Her advice is to be very open about these things, “because at the end of the day, a lot of your career growth is dependent
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她說:「作為一位人力資源業務合作夥伴,你需要 非常客觀,因為你代表理性及公平的聲音。只有在所有 處事上表現出你的客觀性,才能深得員工的信任。」 以上提及的技能似乎太耳熟能詳,Hatt說:「我 認為所需的能力並沒有顯著改變,只是我們要更好地 掌握。」 掌握自己的職業生涯 具備技巧及能力,人力資源管理人員如何攀升職業階 梯? 新加坡資訊通信發展管理局的Lau建議說:「我 個人的理念是,作為一位人力資源專業人員,要專注 享受你的工作,並提供價值,然後便會得到晉升機會及 認可。」 他認為,人力資源管理作為一個輔助部門,應「專 注於企業及員工的最佳利益」。 對於人力資源領袖職業發展的話題,他說:「我認 為在於雙方,個人方面,要對工作有熱誠,並願意作出 貢獻;企業方面,要營造一個可以啟發員工學習意欲 的環境。」 Shukla亦認為人力資源管理人員要掌握自己的職 業發展。 因此,當她與團隊成員進行有關職業晉升及發展 的討論,通常會從他們的職業目標入手,並討論如何達 成目標。 她說:「我們希望每一位員工都有職業發展願景, 很多對話都是圍繞這一點。我很多時候會與他們討論他 們心目中的職業目標,然後討論如何達成目標。」 Hatt亦認同人力資源管理人員要掌握自己的職 業發展。 當聽到有人抱怨自己的工作,他會覺得很懊惱,他 建議說:「如果你不喜歡自己現時的工作,那就選擇另 一份工作。」 「我們掌握自己的事業,公司能助你發展事業及提 供機會,但我們必須自行掌握自己的職業生涯,沒有人 可以代你這樣做。」 專才還是通才? Shukla認為,沒有一條保證成功的道路,專才及通才一 樣可以成功。 「兩種方式都可以成功,不一定要樣樣精通,深厚 的專業知識及業務領導才能同樣重要。」 她指出,領導才能對職業發展的重要性經常被 忽視。
Leadership 領導能力 « FEATURE
她建議要持開放的態度,「畢竟,很多發展需依靠 你的領導才能及專業知識。」 回顧她的事業發展,她說:「我知道自己一直在進 步,不只因為我了解自己的專業,亦因為我不斷提升自 己的領導能力,包括我如何綜合各方面、如何影響及幫 助我的業務主管作出更好的決策。」 Hatt同意,並說:「人力資源管理人員在人力資源 及以外的領域都有很多發展機會。」 「你可以成為通才,發展成功及具滿足感的事業, 不論是成為全球、區域或國家層面的人力資源業務合作 夥伴,還是成為一個地區的人力資源主管。」 「與此同時,你可以作為專才發展成功的事業,不 論是在人才招聘、績效、獎勵及福利、人力資源服務、員 工關係、人力資源危機管理、人才及培訓、或人力資源 數據分析等領域。」 他亦認為,人力資源管理人員可以在日後接掌高級 管理層職位。 他說:「在人力資源領域,我們處於優先的位置, 往往可以宏觀及獨特的角度觀察事物。」 「這是其他角色無法給予的機會及視野,我認為人 力資源管理人員能獲取晉升高級管理層所需的寶貴技 巧及重要經驗。」 展望未來 經過對能力及職業發展路徑的討論,Shukla對未來發 展有一些建議。 Shukla指出,了解業務及成為業務合作夥伴的概念 仍然重要,這方面仍要更多努力。 她說:「需要與企業合作的概念仍然不變,但仍有 發展的空間。」 「我認為我們所作出的決定,不論是關於架構、 人員、還是引進新項目,最重要是提出適當的問題及 適當的數據,幫助管理層在正確的時間作出正確的決 定。」 此外,她亦很期待科技對未來企業文化所帶來的 影響,不只對高科技企業,對金融服務及消費品企業 亦一樣。 她說:「即時溝通的重要性顯而易見,會直接影響 決策的質素,企業架構及決策過程亦決定一家企業能否 適應數碼及社交媒體世界。」 「數碼轉型討論中,愈來愈多有關工作架構及決策 過程的問題,人力資源部門可以擔當非常關鍵的角色, 幫助企業解構及處理這些轉變,未來是屬於能夠破解 這個密碼的人。」
on the leadership skills you possess, along with your subject matter expertise”. Reflecting on her career, she says: “Every day I know that if I am growing, it’s not just because I understand my own discipline, but it’s also because I am developing my leadership skills. How am I connecting the dots, how am I influencing and helping my business leaders take better decisions.” Hatt agrees and says: “There are many opportunities for HR professionals within HR and outside of HR. “You can have very successful and fulfilling careers going down the generalist route, whether it is being an HR business partner at a global, regional or country level or becoming a country head of HR. “At the same time, you can have a very successful career going down the specialist route whether it is in talent acquisition, performance, reward and benefits, HR service delivery, employee relations, HR risk management, talent and learning or HR data analytics.” He also feels it’s possible for HR professionals to take up C-suite roles later in their careers. “In HR, we are in a privileged position in that we often get to see things at a macro and franchise-wide level,” he says. “There are not many roles which can give you this opportunity and visibility and I think HR practitioners can gain valuable skills and critical experiences that are required at the C-suite level.”
Looking towards the future After this discussion about competencies and career paths, Shukla has some suggestions for the way forward. Shukla points out the concept of knowing the business and being a business partner is expected to remain, with more to be done in that aspect. “The concept that we need to partner with our business has not changed, but there is still room for evolution,” she says. “My learning is that the decisions that we took, whether it’s about structure, or the people in it or introducing new programmes, it was about helping leaders make the right call at the right time by asking the right questions and putting the right data in front of them.” In addition, she is also passionate about how technology will impact the culture of the organisation in the future, not just for tech companies, but also for financial services organisations as well as consumer goods companies. “The significance of real-time communication is evident as it directly impacts the quality of decisions being made by your workforce. Organisation structures and decision-making processes also impact how well an organisation is able to adapt to the digital, social world,” she says. “There are increasing questions around work structures and decision-making hierarchies making their way into the digital transformation discussion. HR can play a very pivotal role in decoding these changes and helping organisations deal with it. The future belongs to those who can hack this.”
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OPINION » Learning & development 學習與發展
Banking on internal talent
The philosophy of growing one’s own timber comes to life through a slew of leadership development programmes for high potentials and graduates. CASSANDRA CHENG Head of learning and development OCBC Bank
華僑銀行 透過為高潛力人才及畢業生提供大量領袖發展計劃,體現培養內部人才的理念。
Cassandra Cheng 培訓及發展主管 華僑銀行
Pick and choose: Identified talent is put through a fast-track route towards assuming bigger responsibilities. 挑選:識別人才是承擔更大職責的快速途徑。
We view talent management and succession planning as key
focus areas vital to the success and future growth of the company, and have a dedicated team tasked to drive talent management. Talent management is a management-level agenda for us. At the group level, we hold an annual strategic talent review meeting chaired by the group CEO, along with core management members, to review leadership bench-strength, succession planning and discuss development plans for key talent. At the business-unit level, each business head holds at least two talent reviews annually to evaluate talent development progress, as well as create action plans to ensure strong leadership bench-strength. Finally, at the HR level, we have a process to put identified talent through a fast-track route for them to assume bigger responsibilities, through stretch assignments, which include overseas postings, job rotations and career progression. Their performance is tracked to ensure they possess the potential to take on senior management roles in the future.
功及未來發展至關重要,並建立一支專門團隊來負責 人才管理業務。 人才管理屬於我們管理級別的業務範疇,在集團 的層面,我們每年舉行一次策略人才評審會議,由集團 行政總裁主持,核心管理層參與,以檢討管理能力、晉 升規劃及討論關鍵人才的發展計劃。 在業務部門層面,每位業務主管每年至少進行兩次 人事評審,以評估人才發展進程,以及制定執行計劃以 保持管理實力。 最後,在人力資源管理層面,我們會為甄選出來 的人才提供快捷晉升途徑,透過外展任務,包括海外調 派、崗位調動及職業發展,給予他們更大職責。 我們會跟蹤他們的表現,以確保他們擁有在未來 擔任高級管理職務的潛力。 提拔人才 為發掘華僑銀行內部高潛力的人才,不同業務部門的人
Putting a finger on talent To ensure high-potential talent within OCBC is brought to the surface, a talent review council within the different business units holds at least two meetings a year, deliberating on the performance and growth potential of such talent. Other factors taken into consideration include the employees’ core values, motivations and aspirations. We also adopt a structured hiring approach to identify young highpotential talent to join OCBC Bank. Our Post-Graduate Management Associate Programme (PGMA) targets highly qualified individuals with a
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才評審委員會每年至少舉行兩次會議,以評估人才的表 現及發展潛力。 其他考慮因素包括員工的核心價值觀、上進心及 願景。 我們亦採取完善的招聘方式,以發掘高潛力的年輕 人才加入華僑銀行。我們的研究生管理人員計劃以擁 有碩士學歷、在銀行及非銀行領域擁有二至六年工作經 驗的高質素人才為目標。 這是很特別的,因為我們認為,他們在非銀行領
Learning & development 學習與發展 « OPINION
域的工作經驗可以為我們帶來價值,例如,我們有公務 員、心理學家及工程師出身的員工。 這些人員會接受為期18個月的入職培訓,包括輪 流擔任不同職位、負責項目及國際業務,以評估他們的 領導能力及潛質。 如今,已有很多人員成功從非銀行行業轉任華僑銀 行的管理層職位。過去十年,超過250名員工透過我們 的研究生管理人員計劃加入華僑銀行。 在2012年,我們推行名為華僑銀行青年銀行家計 劃的新方案,以有意加入銀行業的應屆畢業生為目標。 過去一年,我們為這些年輕的銀行家提供大量學 習及發展技能的機會,讓他們可以在職業生涯中脫穎 而出。他們的表現及領導能力,會由各所屬的經理及導 師進行評估。 計劃推行至今,有大約60名年輕銀行家加入我們 銀行,我們期望今年七月會有額外45位候選者加入。我 們會繼續在未來12至18個月,對每個團隊中表現最出 色的30%學員進行評估,然後從中挑選合適人選接受 通識業務及領導能力培訓。 去年,這些年輕專業人員加入華僑銀行的不同部 門,包括集團消費者金融服務、集團投資銀行、及集團 營運及技術等部門。 此外,我們完善的實習生計劃每年亦歡迎約100 位大學本科生參與,以作為發掘高潛質應屆畢業生的 自然平台。 我們接收來自三間本地大學的本科生參與實習計 劃,包括新加坡國立大學、南洋理工大學及新加坡管 理大學。 該計劃讓他們能夠深入了解這個行業,以及獲取實 際工作經驗。表現優異及符合我們銀行文化及價值觀的 實習生,會在畢業後獲聘。 在2014年,我們聘請了約60%實習畢業生。 建立實力 我們吸引年輕人才的另一個方式,是在2012年推出的
Masters degree with two to six years of work experience in both banking and non-banking fields. This is unique as we believe in the value of their transferable skills from their non-banking work experience. For instance, we have had scholars from the civil service department, as well as psychologists and engineers take part. These associates undergo an 18-month induction programme, including job rotations, project assignments and international assignments to be assessed on their leadership and potential qualities. Today, many of them have transitioned successfully from non-banking industries to leadership positions in OCBC Bank. Over the past 10 years, more than 250 employees have joined us through our PGMA programme. In 2012, we started a new initiative called OCBC Young Bankers Programme, targeted at fresh graduates keen to embark on a banking career. Over a 12-month period, we give these young bankers plenty of opportunities to learn and develop their skills to excel in their career. They are assessed on their performance and leadership qualities by their respective managers and mentors. About 60 young bankers have joined us since commencement and we are expecting another 45 candidates to join us in July this year. We will continue to assess the top 30% of each cohort for another 12 to 18 months before we short-list them for broad-based functional and leadership development. Last year these young professionals went on to join various divisions in OCBC Bank, including group consumer financial services, group investment banking and group operations and technology. In addition, our structured internship programme opens our doors to about 100 undergraduates per year, serving as a natural platform to identify high-potential fresh graduates. We take talent in as undergraduate interns from the three local universities – National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University. The programme then allows them to gain insights into the industry and to get hands-on experience with real-time projects. Interns, who perform well and show a strong fit with our culture and values, are offered jobs with the bank upon their graduation. In 2014, we offered jobs to about 60% of our graduating interns.
未來領袖計劃。這個計劃專為35歲或以下、流動性高( 能夠出任外派職位)、以及能夠在未來五至十年出任高 級管理職務的人員而設。 我們為每位人員提供度身訂造的發展計劃,包括 調派海外職位、接觸審計、工商銀行及信用卡等不同職 務、以及由華僑銀行的高級管理層團隊、甚至行政總裁 擔任導師。 對我們來說,人才管理是一個漫長的旅程,亦是多 年來的核心管理實踐。我們完善及積極的人才發掘及發 展過程,已為我們培訓出優秀的內部人才、以及能夠協 助銀行未來發展的領袖。 現時,幾乎所有高級管理層職位空缺都由內部培 訓的人員升任,他們對銀行擁有強烈的歸屬感及深厚 的知識,是銀行在新加坡及區內大展拳腳的關鍵。
Building bench-strength Another way to engage with our younger talent is the Future Leaders programme launched in 2012. It is specifically for those aged 35 years and below, mobile (able to take on overseas postings), and have the potential to succeed senior management roles in the next five to 15 years. Each one has a tailored development plan that includes an overseas posting, exposure to different job functions such as audit, commercial banking and credit, and will be mentored by a member of OCBC Bank’s senior management team or even the CEO. For us, talent management is a long-term journey, and has been a core management practice for many years. Our structured and diligent process of identifying and developing talent has yielded a strong pool of internal and ready leaders who are helping to grow the company. Today, almost all of our senior management vacancies are filled with talent groomed internally. They have strong engagement and institutional knowledge about the organisation which are key in driving our expansion in Singapore and the region.
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 33
OPINION » People issues 人事問題
Using technology to enhance talent management
Leveraging technology in recruitment not only helped bring down costs, but it also reduced hiring time, writes G. Thiyagarajan, regional HR director for Danfoss APA.
使用科技改善人才管理 丹佛斯亞太區區域人力資源管理總監G. Thiyagarajan說利用科技去招聘管理層不但能降低成本還能 省時間。
Continuous innovation in
information communication technologies has 地進步,為人力資源管理 brought complex challenges and opportunities for 者帶來挑戰和機遇。 HR practitioners. Danfoss APA’s regional HR team 丹佛斯亞太區域的 embraced these changes with a positive mindset, 人力資源管理部門抱著 and the results have been fascinating. 正面的態度來迎接改變, In 2012, Danfoss APA spent almost one 極力提升工作的效率和效 million Danish Kroner (DKK) on executive searches, 能。結果令人鼓舞。 and the average cycle time was very long. In 在2012年,丹佛斯 2013, this cost was halved to DKK 444,000, with 亞太區花費了差不多100 an improvement in cycle time. In 2014, cost was 萬丹麥克朗去招聘管理 reduced to DKK 270,000 – meaning a reduction 層,花在招聘的時間相當 Click to connect: The power of social media helped reduce by 70% in just two years, with 50 days as the 長。在2013年招聘成本 the average cycle time for recruitment to about 50 days. average cycle time for 2014. This, despite us doing 點擊連接-利用社交平台可以把招聘的時間下調到50天. 下調一半至444,000克 more recruitment in numbers and seniority in 2014 朗,花在招聘的時間也 compared with the previous years. 減少了。在2014年,招聘成本進一步下調到277,000克 What we did differently was post all vacancies on social media and 朗,即在兩年間下降了70%,招聘時間也下調到50天。 encourage employees to do the same. We used the power of networking. 值得關注的是,在2014年我們招聘的管理人才數量都 給往年多也較資深。
Speak your mind through technology Danfoss is aware it is important to provide an avenue for employees to share their views without fear or favour. We have created a website called WOYM – short for “What’s On Your Mind” – a platform for employees to express their views or post questions for management without revealing their identity. Danfoss also carries out two other surveys to know the barometer of the organisation, one on performance management and the other on employee perceptions (EPS). As a result, the rate of voluntary resignation in the APA region has dropped from 19% in 2010 to below 10% in 2014. Additionally, the participation rate in EPS has increased from 76% in 2011 to 78% in 2013.
能得到今天的成果,是因為我們把空缺放上不同的 社交平台等。我們利用社交網絡的力量。 使用科技暢所欲言 丹佛斯很重視為僱員提供渠道發表他們的想法。我們 開啟了一個叫 WOYM的網站,即 「 What’s On Your Mind」,讓員工匿名發表意見與向管理層提問。 丹佛斯為了解公司的情況,進行兩項調查,績效管 理的調查和僱員對公司看法的調查。經過公司的一番努 力,亞太區地辭職率由2010年的19%下跌到2014年的 不到10%。僱員對公司看法調查的參與率也有2011年 的76%提升到2013年的78%。
Talent development Danfoss’ web-based competency assessment tool comes in handy for people managers to map the competencies needed for each position in their team, based on which, they can plan for their development. Technology has helped Danfoss offer more than 1,100 online training programmes, as well as manage the process online – from registering for training to conducting it as well as maintaining records. As a result, at least 20% of our talent needs have been fulfilled via internal promotions. This journey has been very exciting, and we’re committed to using technology more actively to support employees to achieve greater heights. 34 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
發展人才 丹佛斯的能力評估的工具是一個網上系統,讓管理層, 輕易為每一個職位設定技能要求,為每位下屬設定發 展計劃。 我們利用科技,提供了超過1,100個網上訓練課 程。我們也用科技監察訓練課程,從登記到上課以及處 理記錄。公司最少20%的人才需要,都透過內部晉升解 決。使用科技的旅程充滿刺激,也令人滿足。我們致力 使用科技去支援僱員,令公司業務更上一層樓。
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OPINION » Unconventional wisdom 不一樣的智慧
An oft-forgotten way to energise team morale At an unlikely place and time, George Avery, director of people operations and culture, global business services, Asia Pacific, IBM Singapore, finds a surprising way to energise team morale.
經常被遺忘的提升團隊士氣方式 在不太可能的時間地點,IBM亞太區薪酬及福利總監George Avery發現一個意想不到的方式來提升 團隊士氣。
最近,我們下班後舉行了一次聚會,歡送一位離職 的同事。我們很多人在過去幾年與他在不同國家共事, 他將轉到巴西工作。舉辦這類活動的時候,很多非我們 直屬團隊的人都會參與,我們便開始互相介紹。
The right foot forward: A group charity outing can do wonders to rebuild employee morale. 踏出一步:一個團隊的慈善活動,對提升員工士氣,有意想不到的效果。
At a recent after-work outing, I had an interesting experience in morale and engagement. We had gathered to celebrate a colleague’s move to the Brazil office, and as it happens with such events, many people who showed up weren’t directly on our team. As we introduced ourselves, we realised we knew each other via email or frantic instant messages, but had not met face to face. “Oh, you are so-and-so. I’ve seen your name for a long time.” As the night went on, we had food and beverages, but the most interesting thing was we didn’t really discuss work. I’m lucky enough to work for a very multi-cultural organisation, and we had discussions about the best rugby team (a passionate South African claimed this one), the best football team (with a number of Brazilians, there wasn’t much of a debate), the best island to go on holiday (no consensus), and so on. We shared stories and laughter and, at one point, I remember thinking: “We all needed some time together just to relax and have fun.” At the end of the night I walked back to the office to dial into a late call, and I did so with a feeling of invigoration in my spirit that I didn’t realise I needed until this had happened. When I saw my colleagues in the office the next day it looked like each of them might have had a similar experience. This seemingly simple event had not only lifted our spirits, but improved the team’s attitude and atmosphere While we spend so much time trying to think of ways for teams and people to feel connected, we need to remember the power of these personal interactions. The point is, we never want to infringe on people’s personal time more than our work environments already do, but once in a while a group charity outing, community service or even just a happy hour can do wonders to re-energise morale. Sharing these non-work related experiences with colleagues can build bonds and provide additional perspectives that can keep people moving forward together.
我們發現,很多人已透過電郵或瘋狂的即時訊息認 識,但從未碰過面。「噢,你是某某,我認識你的名字很 久了。」當晚,我們品嚐美酒美食,但最有趣的是,我們 沒有認真談論過工作。 我有幸在一家非常多元文化的公司工作,我的同事 來自世界各地,跟每位同事的對話內容都各有不同。我 們討論哪個國家的欖球隊最出色、哪個國家的足球隊最 出色、以及哪個島嶼最適合度假等等。 我們分享故事及笑聲,記得當時我在想:「我們需 要這類活動,需要一些時間一起放鬆及玩樂。」 驚喜之夜 有時這類活動很尷尬,往往會不停查看手機,但在一個 美好的星期三晚上的數小時,我們坐在一起,享受共聚 的時光。聚會結束後,我因為要跟一位同事通電話而返 回公司,突然察覺自己變得精神充沛。 第二天當我看到公司其他同事時,發覺彼此似乎都 有類似的感覺,並留意到大家的互動變得更積極,團隊 亦朝氣勃勃。看似簡單的活動不但提升士氣,更改善團 隊的關係及氣氛。 並非另類團隊活動 在這個日益流動及社交化的社會,我們花很多時間聯繫 團隊及員工,但我們不要忘記,這些非常個人化互動的 力量及影響。 關鍵是,我們並非想佔用員工工餘的私人時間,但 偶然一次團隊慈善活動、一次社區服務項目、甚至一次 簡單的歡樂時光,可以創造重新激勵員工士氣的神奇 效果。與同事共享這些與工作無關的體驗,能夠建立友 誼,並以另一種方式為員工充電,共同邁步向前。
36 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
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21/7/2015 6:48:23 PM
Upwardly mobile 向上流動 « OPINION
Are you appreciating the success in failure?
Authentic leadership embraces failure and weakness, which encourages the power of vulnerability. SUSAN P. CHEN
Director of HR for Asia Pacific, Visa Worldwide, author of The Success of Failure Susan P. Chen Visa Worldwide 亞太區人力資源管 理總監 The Success of Failure的作者
你懂得從失敗中學習成功之道嗎? 真正的領袖應欣然接受挫敗和其弱點,從而加強面對逆境的能力
Authentic leadership implies leading
others with the full understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses and values. But how does it relate to failure? Simply put – authentic leadership embraces failure and weakness, which in turn, encourages the power of vulnerability. In a TED Talk, Brené Brown spoke about what separates people who hold a strong sense of “worthiness” from those who don’t. It turns out what separates them is a clear sense of courage and the ability to embrace vulnerability. Having such courage means having the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others, as we can’t practise compassion with others if we can’t treat ourselves kindly. As a result of authenticity, people are willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were – which you absolutely have to do to lead with influence. In an organisational context, being an authentic leader means to lead without trying too hard to be a leader. Authentic people have the willingness to say, “I am wrong” or “I am sorry” first, and are willing to invest in a relationship that may or may not work out. They build trust through honest relationships with team members, and are generally positive people who promote openness, and improve performance.
To lead or not: Authentic leadership implies a full understanding of your values. 如何成為領袖:真正的領袖清楚了解自身的價值。
真正的領袖要清楚自身的長處,弱點和價值觀。但這與面對挫敗 有什麼關係呢? 真正的領袖可以簡單理解為懂得欣然接受挫敗和弱點,具有面對 逆境的能力的人。 在一個TED講座中,Brené Brown說明了自尊心強和弱的人的分 別。自尊心強的人較有勇氣,有較強面對逆境的能力。 有勇氣代表一個人有同情心,懂得善待自己與他人,如果我們不 懂得善待自己,我們不能同情別人。 真正的領袖應懂得放棄成為理想中的自己,成為真實中的自己, 你必須做的這點才能成為領袖。 在管理的層面,真正領袖不應過分刻意表現自己得領導者地位。
How to lead in times of failure Leaders don’t get to lead only in good times, but also in times of failure – be it a personal failure or team defeats. The first time when such reflection hit me in the face was when I was called out by a direct report as being impatient and too direct in my feedback to the point of limiting others to be the best they could. I think about that moment every time I reflect on my leadership style going forward. I continue to embrace a style as to who I am, but nowadays I openly ask others to speak up instantly if my style is counterproductive to the situation. With that in mind, I end with an encouragement for you to reflect on your authentic leadership with a few questions: • How are you allowing your team the room to celebrate failure? • How are you mentoring and coaching your team through imperfections? • What story of failure are you willing to share? Authentic leadership requires you to look deep within yourself to connect with not only your strengths, but also your limitations – connecting your head with your heart.
真正的領袖要勇於承認錯誤。他們願意與下屬建立關係,即使他 們知道下屬不一定會領情。 真正的領袖通過與下屬的真誠相對,建立信任和良好得關係。他 們都是思想開放正面的人,努力改善表現。 如何在逆境中領導 領袖不單在順景的時候領導,在面對逆境也要站出來,無論是個人或 團隊的失敗。 第一次令我有這樣的覺悟,是一份批評我沒有耐心,過分直接指 出下屬的過失,令他們不能全力以赴的報告。 每當我反思我的管理手法,我都會回想那個時刻。 我會繼續我的領導方式,但如果我的做法於事無補,我會勇於接 受別人的意見。 我提出了以一下的問題,總結我對領袖的看法。希望能鼓勵你反 思你對真正領袖的想法 •
真正的領袖需要自我深切反省,了解自己的強處,明白自己得極限,結 合你的理性與感性。
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 37
CAREERS » Personal development 個人發展
uptheranks Tracking HR’s industry moves 跟蹤人力資源行業動態 Who: Jean Liu From: Didi Dache To: Didi Dache China’s Didi Dache has appointed Jean Liu as president. She joined the company as COO in August last year, leaving her post as MD of Goldman Sachs’ principle investment area in Asia. In that role, she spearheaded Didi Dache’s new business, Didi Black, and managed the company’s PR and branding as well as its government relations and human resources. “We welcome more world-class talents to join us as we continue to build a world-class enterprise,” said Cheng Wei, the company’s founder, chairman and CEO. Liu added: “As China’s largest mobile-based transportation platform, we have the dream to transform the way people communicate and offer high quality, efficient and affordable options of commuting to people around the world.”
Who: Srikanth Chandrashekhar From: Bombardier Transportation APAC To: Pall Corporation APAC Srikanth Chandrashekhar has moved to Pall Corporation to head talent management across APAC. In this role, he is responsible for organisational development, performance management and learning and development, including leadership hiring and development. In 2015, he is working on organisational talent reviews. “My priorities for this year include successfully completing the reviews for the region, hiring some of our critical sales leadership in APAC, as well as the consolidation of our social media footprint for talent acquisition, namely via LinkedIn, Twitter, Glassdoor, and others,” he told Human Resources. 人物: Srikanth Chandrashekhar 從: 龐巴迪運輸 (亞太區)
人物: Jean Liu柳青
至: 頗爾公司(亞太區)
從: 滴滴打車
Srikanth Chandrashekhar調任到頗爾公司(亞太區),擔任人才管理總監。他上
至: 滴滴打車
一個職位是龐巴迪運輸 (亞太區) 的人力資源管理總監,他也曾經在EMC和霍尼韋爾
Didi Black。 柳會主力管理公司品牌,人力資源管理和與政府建立關係。 「我們歡迎世界級人才加盟,幫助我們成為世界級的企業。柳青正是我們要尋找 的人才。」滴滴打創車辦人公司主席及CEO程维說。
在2015 年他將審查公司人才的使用。「我今年要優先處理的是完成區域的人才 審查,為亞太區招聘銷售的領導人才,加強使用社交平台作招聘用途,包括LinkedIn, Twitter, Glassdoor 還有其他。」他說。
柳補充:「很感謝滴滴打車的支持者。我要特別感謝程维在這半年來對我的支 持與信任。」 「作為中國最大,以流動電話為主的運輸平台,我們的夢想是改變人們溝通的方 式,為世界各地的人提供高效,高質,價錢合理的通勤方法。」
personalgrowth WHY HR SHOULD TAKE UP MENTORSHIP ROLES Mentorship within the HR function can come in a number of forms, each one helping to raise the level of intelligence for the team, writes Aditi Sharma Kalra.
為何人力資源管理要參與指導? Aditi Sharma Kalra 指出有好幾種方式,人力資源管理者可以參與指導角色,每 一種都有助提升團隊的智慧。
The queen of talk shows, Oprah Winfrey, believes nobody “makes it in the world without some form of mentorship”. Bill Gates has often credited Warren Buffett as his mentor, acknowledged with a right-back-at-you by Buffett himself. Research by Penna in the middle of last year found that one in every five employees in the world is currently not mentoring others or being mentored, but they would like to be. Here’s an opportunity for HR to run with – and to build a stronger team within itself. At its base, mentoring is about sharing experiences and expertise, but it helps to keep in mind the mentor and mentee need not have identical skill sets. Putting together a mentor-mentee team of an HR generalist and specialist, for example, can be a good way to fast-track learning within each of the HR’s functional areas. It requires no additional resources, albeit the time commitment, but most importantly, it can help to capitalise on the greatest asset any organisation has – its employees’ knowledge. Not only can this help raise the collective level of HR intelligence, but the experience of being a mentor will instigate more patience and empathy.
清談節目金牌主持奧花雲費,說在缺乏指導的人無法成功。比爾蓋茨經常說華倫 巴菲特是他的良師益友,而巴菲特也視蓋茨為良師益友。 Penna去年年中的調查發現,全球每五位僱員當中就有一位沒有接受指導或 給予指導,而他們都希望可以接受或給予指導。這是人力資源管理者,利用公司 內部的資源壯大團隊的好機會。 基本上,指導是經驗和專業知識的分享,指導者與接受指導的人不一定有相 同的技能。由一名人力資源管理的通才當一名人力資源管理專才的導師,可以是 學習人力資源管理不同方面的捷徑。 儘管指導花時間,但不需要任何額外的資源,而最重要是可以利用公司本身 的優勢-員工的知識。 在人力資源管理部門內,找導師和接受指導的員工,大概只在跨國大企業才 可行。較小型的公司可以引入夥伴計劃,讓共同職能的同事分享經驗。這樣有助 提升團隊的智慧。員工可以透過作為導師培養耐心和同理心,這兩樣特質在今天 的辦公室裡買小見小。
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24/7/2015 11:58:38 AM
Good reads to improve your business life 提升職業生活的好書
shelflife 閱讀人生
Instead of functioning as another lethargic HR self-help guidebook, Winning the War for Talent provides new ways to improve the effectiveness of recruitment processes. Author Mandy Johnson outlines the “Highfliers 7-step System” to recruiting and retaining great talent, a ‘how to’ guide of people practices that produced extraordinary business results. She also explains three “secret weapons” of ggreat hiring: recruitment as a sales Pick pprocess, speed recruitment, and hiring of the ffor o attitude but training for skill. The quarter bbook o discusses issues such as corporate aattitudes, attit at t the involvement of line managers, salaries and effective measurement, and details sa an unconventional but impressive approach to improving training operations within a company.
Mandy Johnson Wiley S$30.49
No excuses: How you can turn any workplace into a great one Jennifer Robin, Michael Burchell Wiley S$26.62
The authors reveal the most common excuses managers use for why they can’t create a great workplace, such as leadership, employees, environment etc. Poking holes in every such excuse, the authors explain that if managers lead people properly, they can interrupt their negative thought patterns and instead create lasting change. Filled with real-life case studies, including Coca-Cola, Whole Foods, Zappos and Accenture, the book shows that great workplaces are more successful than others because of the power of trust. The authors claim that after reading this book and implementing the practices presented here, readers should actually have fewer apologies to make for why their businesses aren’t functioning well.
有別於一般長篇大論的人力資源自我提升指 南,這本書提供了提高招聘效率的新方法。作者 Mandy Johnson總結了招聘及留住出色人才的 「七步法」,是一本實現優秀業績的人事業務「 天書」。 作者亦介紹了成功招聘的三大「絕招」:採用 類似推銷的模式進行招聘、當機立斷、以及著眼 於求職者的態度並提供技能培訓。該書探討有關 企業態度、直線經理參與、薪酬及有效測量等問 題,並詳細介紹一家企業如何以非一般的高效方 式來提升培訓業務。
Bookmark this! Local candidates are always the best fit for a position. This is because they have already demonstrated that they like living somewhere. Those who relocate are higher risk because they often find that they, or their partner or
about time, energy, or skills, you are ultimately dealing with habits. Habits take time to change, and once they do, they persist indefinitely. Even a manager’s reliance on a subset of skills can be considered a habit, and learning new skills involves the same process of changing routinised behaviour. It is worth taking a minute to consider how to change workplace habits, because they are incredibly powerful. The first thing we need to do in order to change habits is to realise they exist! (Pg. 78)
本地求職者永遠是最佳的選擇,因為他們已表現 出他們對某個地方的喜愛。那些外派人員的伴侶 或孩子離鄉背井,面對尋找新學校、醫生、銀行及 其他聯繫的壓力,往往討厭外派的地區,因此存 在較高風險。(第90頁)
不論你的藉口是時間、精力、還是能力,最終的原因 都是習慣。習慣需要時間來改變,一旦改變了,便會 一直堅持。即使是一位管理層依靠已有的技能也是 一種習慣,而學習新技能可以改變慣常工作模式。工 作習慣有巨大的影響力,如何作出改變是值得深思的 問題,而改變習慣的第一步就是認清其存在。 (第78頁)
作者揭示了管理層對於無法 打造理想工作環境最常用的 藉口,例如領導能力、員工、環 境等。作者戳破每個藉口,解 釋如果管理層管理人員得當的 話,便能打破他們的消極思維 模式,從而創造持久的變化。 引用真實生活例子, 包括可口可樂、Whole Foods、Zappos及埃森哲,該 書展示良好的工作環境能建立 Photography: Fauzie Rasid
Wiinning Winning i the th he war for talent: How to attract and keep the people who make your business profitable
their children, hate the area, or that it’s too stressful finding new schools, doctors, bank and other contacts away from their established family and friends’ network. (Pg.90)
深厚的信任,較其他因素更有 成效。作者聲稱,看罷此書並
Bookmark this! Whether your excuse for not getting started is
實行書中提出的建議,讀者應 可減少業務失敗的機會。
Q2 2015 « Human Resources Hong Kong « 39
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22/7/2015 10:51:40 AM
Words of advice for my younger self If you could go back in time, would you do everything the same, asks Aditi Sharma Kalra.
The best part about growing in your career is that no matter how far you have come, you will always have an experience to share. Since joining work at the age of 20, I have been shaped by my managers, colleagues, company cultures, and working environments (in that order). If I could go back in time and do things again, I might do things much the same, but some nudges in the “right” direction would sure have done me good. Thinking back, this is probably what I would have advised my younger self.
給年輕的自己的職場 心得 Aditi Sharma Kalra 問自己,如果能 時間倒流,她會否有不同的辦事方式?
成長最美妙的部分就是不斷進步,無論你走了多遠, 你都能和同路人分享你的經驗。 我二十歲入行,從事寫作至今,我的事業受我的 經理、同事、公司文化和工作環境影響。如果能時間 倒流,我想我不會改變我的辦事方式,但有一些提示,
1. Stand up for yourself and your views A yes-man syndrome pervades many workplaces today, and is the best way to curb new ideas and enthusiasm. If you disagree with someone’s views in a meeting, don’t hesitate to share your point of view. If you feel like you are being bullied, report it to your manager immediately. Many years ago, I was talking to business communication expert Shari Harley, who told me: “Everyone around you treats you the way that you train them to treat you.” Being candid is the base for any great relationship – it gives you a voice at work, but is also what people associate you with.
肯定會更好。 回想這些年來,我對年輕的自己有以下的建議。 1.堅持己見 現今的辦公室充斥著唯命是從的人,抹煞了工作的創意 和熱情。如果你跟別人意見不合,不要猶豫,說出你的想 法。如果你被欺凌,一定向上司反映。多年前一位企業 傳訊專家Shari Harley告訴我,別人怎樣待你取決於你 怎樣訓練他們。 坦白是良好關係的基礎,奠定你在辦公室的位置, 建立別人對你的想法。 2. 從你老闆的觀點出發 現出你已經準備好學習。新技能與經驗是你工作上的
3. Don’t hesitate to build relationships Reality TV is replete with contestants affirming: “I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to win.” Throughout my career, I’ve managed to make some wonderful friends at work, without sacrificing on my ability to win. Having a support system at work is good for you in so many ways – a tea break with them keeps you going on the long, rainy afternoons, and catching up with them is the reason you end up coming to work before time. Besides, taking the time to know your colleagues helps you work more effectively on projects, after you understand the competencies each of you brings to the table.
好友。 如果你身在一個能令你發揮所長的環境工作,要做 好分內事並不難。 3.建立關係 “我是來贏比賽,不是來交朋友。”這是真人騷常有 的對白。 在我的職業生涯中,我交到了一些很好的朋友,也
40 » Human Resources Hong Kong » Q2 2015
好處-跟他們喝杯茶可以幫你渡過漫長的下雨天,了解同 事的近況是你提早上班的原因。 了解同事使你能更有效地和他們合作,因為你明白 他們每人在團隊中的角色。
Photography: Stefanus Elliot Lee using Nikon D810 – www.elliotly.com; Makeup & Hair: Michmakeover using Make Up For Ever & hair using Sebastian Professional – www.michmakeover.com
2. Work hard to fill in your boss’s shoes A good manager will always groom you to be just as good as him or her. And, that can only happen if you’re ready to learn as much as possible. New skills and experiences are your best friends at work. Being good at your job is usually not the hard part, if you’ve got an environment that allows you to be productive.
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