Human Resources November 2013

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2 8 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 3 I Fo u r S e a s o n s H o t e l , S i n g a p o r e There’s no denying it – locating and attracting the best talent has become a serious problem in Asia. :KLOH 6RXWKHDVW $VLD KDV H[SHULHQFHG UDSLG HFRQRPLF JURZWK RUJDQLVDWLRQV DUH VWLOO VWUXJJOLQJ WR ÀQG WDOHQW ZLWK WKH ULJKW VNLOOV WR KHOS their business expand and develop alongside the rest of the region. 5HFUXLWPHQW ,QWHUDFWLYH ZLWK LWV UHIUHVKLQJ DQG HQJDJLQJ IRUPDW ZLOO HTXLS \RX ZLWK WKH NQRZOHGJH DQG WRROV \RX QHHG WR DFTXLUH the best. Join us at this exciting event to get ahead of the talent competition.

MAIN TOPICS: • Foreign employees vs. local employees • Recruiting with social media

• Candidate sourcing innovation • Selection strategies and techniques

• Diversity and inclusion • Recruitment outsourcing


Joy Roman Head of Talent Solutions APAC 3M

Debbie Rogers HR Director APAC Abbott Nutrition International

Suzie Custerson Head of Recruitment & Resourcing APEA; Head of HR Shared Services, Singapore ANZ

Patrick Ghielmetti VP of HR APAC Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts

D N Prasad Director Google People Services APAC Google

Lau Yin Cheng Cluster Director HR and Organisation Development Cluster Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

Sehr Ahmed Senior Director of HR APAC, Middle East & Africa McDonald’s

Ow Seng Fong Divisional Director National Human Resources Division Ministry of Manpower

Lyn Lee VP of HR Shell Business Service Centres Shell

Subarna Malakar Head of Diversity and Inclusion Asia Thomson Reuters

Amita Chaudhury Global Diversity Director Unilever

CK Mohan Senior Director of HR, Asia Franchise Business Unit Yum Restaurants International

Gold Sponsors

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Register now at: w w w. r e c r u i t m e n t i n t e r a c t i v e 2 01 3 . c o m

Regulars 3 4 6 8 8 9

Ed’s note In the news Hot topic Suite talk Widernet Spacial Awareness

10 HR by numbers 11 Snapshot 12 White paper 46 Up the ranks 47 Shelf life

MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Find your suppliers quickly and easily on page 42

MODERNISING YOUR HR STRATEGIES Are you going into the talent war empty handed? Despite HR professionals being on the front line, not all teams are armed with the same weaponry. Old legacy systems and outdated technology are limiting organisations’ ability to perform efficiently and achieve goals. HR teams can no longer afford to overlook the benefits of people technology.

HR Tech Interactive 2013 will help you better quantify your people decisions to business leaders, and ensure you’re making the correct decisions to boost your human capital strategy to remain competitive. Join other HR leaders from across Asia for a day of insights from leading HR professionals, who are fighting the talent battle alongside you.

MAIN TOPICS • Big data and analytics • HR cloud • Social media and collaboration

• Mobile HR • Collaborating with IT stakeholders

• Next generation recruitment tools • Future-proofing yourself


Eugene Lam HR VP of Applied Global Service/APAC Applied Materials

Srikanth Chandrashekhar HR Director APAC SSO & Operations Bombardier Transportation

Michael Lee CIO Group Information Services Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts

David Long People Services Director APAC DaVita

Amor Villalon Regional HR VP Fujitsu Asia

Gaurav Hirey Regional HR Director APAC GroupM

Sudhi Ranjan Sinha Director & GM, Center of Excellence in Engineering Johnson Controls

Avery Palos VP, Information Services Marina Bay Sands

Malathy Dwaraknath HR Director, Asia Mead Johnson Nutrition

Bernard Seet HR Director, Operations NXP Semiconductors

Ramesh Narayanaswamy Group CIO Singapore Post

Ravi Bhogaraju Head of HR Services & Regional Business Partner for APAC Syngenta

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors


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HumanResources Register:

November 2013 « Human Resources «


News from


Âť Human Resources Âť November 2013

November 2013 « Human Resources «


How to throw a great party As we approach the end of the year, Amos Seah finds out what companies should and shouldn’t do when organising their company celebrations.


» Human Resources » November 2013

November 2013 « Human Resources «



Get into the boss’s head

widernet Working with diverse cultural attitudes


» Human Resources » November 2013

Perspective on regional HR



November 2013 « Human Resources «


Source: Abacus Corporate Travel Practices Survey

10 » Human Resources » November 2013


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November 2013 ÂŤ Human Resources ÂŤ 11

Best companies for leadership – Asia’s top 10 1.











General Electric







10. DHL International

12 » Human Resources » November 2013

What skill would have the biggest impact on overall performance? Having candidate dialogue


Linking performance to development planning


Setting “SMART” goals


Providing coaching


Ensuring fair and equitable evolutions


Holding formal evaluation


Gathering “measuring” performance information


What would bring you home? Family


Home opportunities




The economy


No work abroad


Tax and incentives


Will not return




November 2013 « Human Resources « 13

VITAL STATS Gonzalo Cajade has been with Otis and United Technologies for nearly two decades. Based in Singapore, he is responsible for the HR strategies and initiatives that support the company’s growth, and meeting strategic business goals. His focus lies with the talent agenda, labour relations strategies and building an engaged workforce to support a high-performing and effective organisation.

The relationship between HR and technology is still blossoming, but are employees ready to allow IT to change the way they work? Sabrina Zolkifi finds out what organisations are doing to ensure staff are equipped with the right skills to embrace IT as a key aspect of work.

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BRINGING REAL CHANGE TO YOUR HEALTH Encouraging Singaporeans to take a more proactive role in planning and managing their long-term financial health and healthcare costs has been the cornerstone of my career. The evolving protection needs of Singaporean families are changing with the trend of developing dietary and lifestyle habits that put their long-term health at risk. The Singapore workforce is increasingly exposed to major health risks, including stress, insufficient sleep, lack of physical activity, poor diet, not following medical advice and not taking enough action to reduce or curb behaviours1. However, nearly 90% of Singaporeans feel their employers have an obligation to help them lead healthier lives1. While many employers acknowledge unhealthy behaviour adversely affects their businesses and productivity, they are faced with the bill for employees’ care, rising by 8.5% a year2. In response, more companies are looking to maximise their employee benefits budget and improve engagement and productivity. With this in mind, we launched AIA Vitality in July 2013, a science-backed health and wellness proposition providing Singaporeans with the knowledge, tools and motivation to achieve sustainable long-term behavioural change and attain their health goals. AIA Vitality members enjoy deep discounts from a nationwide network of high quality partners as they get healthier, and it also helps to improve employee health, resulting in boosted productivity and performance. Committed to championing healthy living, AIA Singapore has implemented the programme for its staff as part of its employee benefits programme. THE BENEFITS OF AIA VITALITY Since its launch, we have noted an increase in participation of staff who attend our health and wellness-centric programmes. Along the corridors, we hear staff exchanging notes on how to increase their AIA Vitality Points and peer-to-peer competition on being the first Gold AIA Vitality Status achiever. More staff are also taking an active role in improving their health – there are weekly AIA Vitality Runs at different locations which have seen a steady increase in the number of participants from the various departments. Staff are also creating common health activity groups such as yoga lessons, tracking steps on their pedometers, Zumba and kick-boxing. This has indirectly helped foster a closer working relationship among employees and led to better communication and teamwork in cross-functional work groups. To encourage staff to take a more active role to improving their health, we have seven AIA Vitality Champs to help co-workers engage in the programme, who are in charge of regular communication about the programme. I am heartened to hear conversations among staff about health and fitness because a healthier and engaged workforce helps boost productivity and lower health-related expenditure. What’s more, we already have 19 staff who have achieved the Silver AIA Vitality Status, which is a strong indication of their commitment, by stepping up their participation in fitness activities and embarking on a healthier diet. Almost every employee I speak with tells me they are excited about getting more AIA Vitality Points. One even taught me ways to improve my AIA Vitality Status besides doing physical activity, such as going for my health screenings and logging in my own food diary. “The programme is great. It gives an analytical report on the areas that I need to improve on and I feel very encouraged whenever I see that I’m getting closer to achieving my health goals,” she told me.

Since starting this programme, I too have become a convert. From a person who rarely exercised, I now can’t go without my daily runs or walks. Every healthy choice that I’ve made has not only helped me manage my stress, it has also improved bonding with my family – now they join me in this newly found healthy lifestyle. I am now 2,350 points away from reaching my Gold AIA Vitality Status, and I know it won’t be long before I attain it. Persist in your journey of wellness. Break your unhealthy lifestyle habits, and be the real change in your life. 1 2

Source: AIA Healthy Living Index 2013

Source: “Why managing healthcare costs must be Singapore firms’ top agenda”, Singapore Business

Review, 21 May 2013 This article is contributed by Tan Hak Leh, Chief executive officer, AIA Singapore

AIA Group Limited has partnered with Discovery Limited, innovator of Discovery Vitality – the world’s largest wellness programme with more than five million members worldwide – to offer the sciencebacked wellness programme, AIA Vitality, in APAC. AIA Singapore Private Limited is the first market to launch AIA Vitality as part of its broader efforts to provide customers with innovative products and services which meets their protection and savings needs and motivates and enables Singaporeans to lead healthier lifestyles.

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IT Skills Training ÂŤ FEATURE

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Trainings. Teambuildings. Conferences.

w w

“This teambuilding is the best ĞǀĞƌ ĂƩĞŶĚĞĚ ŝŶ ĐĂƌĞĞƌ ͘​͘ůŝĨĞ͘͟ ʹ EŽǀĂƌƟƐ ^ŝŶŐĂƉŽƌĞ

zŽƵƌ ƐƚĂī ĂƌĞ ůŝŬĞ ĂŶ ŽƌĐŚĞƐƚƌĂ͘ tĞ ŚĞůƉ ŐĞƚ ƚŚĞŵ ƚŽ ǁŽƌŬ ŝŶ ŚĂƌŵŽŶLJ ďĞŚŝŶĚ LJŽƵƌ ŐŽĂůƐ͘ ƌƵŵ ĂĨĞ͛Ɛ ŝŶƚĞƌĂĐƟǀĞ ĚƌƵŵŵŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ůĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ ĂƌĞ ƉƌŽǀĞŶ ŝŶ h^͕ h<͕ ĂŶĚ ^ŝŶŐĂƉŽƌĞ͘ &ƌĞƐŚ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵƐ͗ dƌĂŝŶŝŶŐƐ͕ dĞĂŵďƵŝůĚŝŶŐƐ͕ >ĞĂĚĞƌƐŚŝƉ͕ DŽƟǀĂƟŽŶ͕ Conferences, and more͘ hƐĞ ŵƵƐŝĐ ĂƐ Ă ĐĂƚĂůLJƐƚ ƚŽ ĐŚĂŶŐĞ͕ ĞĚƵĐĂƚĞ͕ ŵŽƟǀĂƚĞ͕ ƵŶŝƚĞ͘ ϭ ĚĂLJ͕ ŚĂůĨ ĚĂLJ ƚŽ ϭ Śƌ͘ ϭϬ ƚŽ ϭϬϬ ƚŽ ϭ͕ϬϬϬ ƉĞŽƉůĞ͘ ůŝĞŶƚƐ ŝŶĐů͘ ƉƉůĞ͕ WΘ'͕ ^ŝŶŐƚĞů͕ ^ŚĞůů͕ ƌĞĚŝƚ ^ƵŝƐƐĞ͕ DŝĐƌŽƐŽŌ ĂŶĚ ŵŽƌĞ͘ &ĞĂƚƵƌĞĚ ŝŶ EE ĂŶĚ ,Z ŵĂŐƐ͘ sŽƚĞĚ ͞dŽƉ ŐůŽďĂů ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶ ĞīĞĐƟŶŐ ŵĞĂŶŝŶŐĨƵů ŚĂŶŐĞ͘͟ ʹ ĂƐ ƉƵďůŝƐŚĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ h͘^͘ ,ĂŶĚŬ ŽĨ ŚĂŶŐĞ͘ Contact us: Singapore, KL +65 6438 8949

Hong Kong +852 5808 0488

Taiwan +886 2 2719 9958

China w w w w w w w w w w

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November 2013 « Human Resources « 31

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Specialist staffing software Choosing Bond Adapt with

in-built Chinese character sets

and the local resources to back up our implementation program was the right decision for us. We have China and Hong Kong branches employing over 70 staff and a far-reaching expansion plan across key Chinese cities. For our business model to work effectively we needed a blueprint system that is easily replicable and


Masahiro Nishimura | General Manager | Faro Recruitment

Importantly, our agency staff needed to instinctively engage with the user experience so Bond’s investment in the complete Chinese version of their industry-standard recruitment software has meant that training is minimised, and our teams can be up to speed in the shortest possible time.

Hays is a global business operating across 33 countries and communication between our 8,000 consultants, candidates and clients via the internet is a key business issue.

multi-lingual capabilities, sophisticated integration options, and social media enablement combined with scalability through a web-based The latest Adapt system brings us

Steve Weston | Group Technology Director | Hays, 2012

delivery model. This provides a platform to enable business options that historically could never be imagined, let alone realised…

Global Vision Connecting people and processes everywhere. Chosen by the world’s leading recruitment organisations for its multi-lingual and multi-cultural capabilities, Adapt enables global businesses to connect their offices and streamline operations – revolutionising the world of recruitment. Feature rich specialist recruitment software, Bond Adapt, is 100% configurable and fully scalable for effective global deployment. By managing the entire placement cycle, Adapt improves productivity, providing global organisations with the right tools to maximise their business performance.

Contact us to find out how Bond Adapt can transform your business. T +65 6809 6171 E One world. One future. Bond International Software November 2013 « Human Resources « 33

34 » Human Resources » November 2013

Creating ‘home-made’ talent “If necessity is the mother of invention, perhaps ownership is the father,” says Caroline Lim, who explains the motivation behind PSA’s learning programmes.

The average frontline leader has been described as unprepared, indecisive, scattered, and scared.



The Talent Management Expert

Money talks: Taking the plunge Talking about salary can often feel like wading into dangerous and murky waters. Here is some much-needed advice on how to deal with one of HR’s most dreaded topics.

38 » Human Resources » November 2013

40 » Human Resources » November 2013

It’s time to get moving Dolly Ng talks about how exchanges and secondment programmes can give your organisation a competitive edge in today’s globalised world.

November 2013 « Human Resources « 41

MANAGEMENT SERVICES To book advertising, contact Karen on +65 6423 0329 or email

Executive Relocation - Moving

Executive Relocation - Moving Healthcare

Executive Relocation - Serviced Apartments

Executive Relocation - Moving HR Solutions Provider

Specialist in Career TransiƟon/ Outplacement since 2000…

Our Value ProposiƟon HRM3 Asia has assisted thousands of non-execu ves, professionals, managers, directors and CEOs through our career transi on programs.

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“…my company made a good choice in selecƟng HRM3 to assist in its restructuring in Asia. Since I have not been in the job market for 20 years…” - American Managing Director, China “I have fully benefited from the career consultaƟon program provided by HRM3. It provides an all-rounded program with advice on my career planning…” - Financial Controller, Singapore Some industry partners

Global strategic partners: • Manufacturing • Petrochemical

• Publishing • IT/ Telco

Recruitment Services

42 » Human Resources » November 2013

• Pharmaceu cal • Banking & Finance

MANAGEMENT SERVICES The CET Academy offers a wide range of indemand and industry-relevant adult training & educa on programmes. These range from Part-Time Diploma, Specialist and Advanced Diploma, to short courses and customised in-company training to cater to specific needs of corpora ons. As a WDA Approved Training Organisa on, we also conduct Workforce Skills Qualifica ons (WSQ) programmes.

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Jessica Seet


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November 2013 « Human Resources « 43

Professional . Personalised . Passionate THE HALLMARK OF OUR TALENT SOLUTIONS


SPECIALISED DIVISION ENGINEERING & TECHNICAL PLACEMENTS The mind of an engineer is the core foundation of every city, infrastructure and building. At Capita, we know the significance of precision when it comes to finding the right skill set and we understand the importance of seeking the right technical specialist in the global marketplace. For a customised recruitment strategy, speak to our consultants today at 6318 9600 or email us at



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44 » Human Resources » November 2013

We are a progressive and dynamic training and educational institution involved in the training of insurance and financial services professionals since 1974. We offer a challenging working environment and learning opportunities and an attractive remuneration package.

Assistant Director (Training) (Singapore)

Job Description Assist Head of Department in: • Identification of training gaps in industry • Planning appropriate training programmes to meet gaps • Identifying appropriate lecturers • Overseeing the smooth operational running of programmes • Interacting with participants and evaluating quality of programmes • Event book planning • Department budgeting and report writing • Covering duties of head of department Requirements • Possess a least five years of related experience • Degree holder and possess qualifications in Learning & Development • Able to write and speak well • Excellent interpersonal skills • Strong in administrative skills If you are interested in this opportunity, please send in your resume and expected salary to: Chief Executive Singapore College of Insurance 9 Temasek Boulevard #14-01, Suntec Tower Two, Singapore 038989 or Email:

November 2013 « Human Resources « 45

WHY SHOULD PEOPLE BE LED BY YOU? So, you’ve worked your way to the top. Now, how can you convince people they should be listening to you? By Rebecca Lewis

46 » Human Resources » November 2013

Pick of the month

November 2013 « Human Resources « 47

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