Human Resources Online, Singapore Q4 2021

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BEST CORPORATE HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS This category recognises the best corporate a reduction in absenteeism due to poor healthcare providers, including, but not employee health, and/or to an increase in limited to, hospitals, clinics, health screeners productivity due to the partnership. and other healthcare providers capable of W I N N E R S treating employees with speed and precision. FULLERTON HEALTH GOLD These firms add meaningful value and cost SILVER IHP savings for their corporate clients through BRONZE SINGAPORE MEDICAL GROUP (SMG) initiatives and efforts that directly lead to

FU L L E R TON H E A L T H Founded in 2010, Fullerton Health is a leading vertically integrated healthcare platform that serves clients through over 500 healthcare facilities, and a large global network of healthcare providers across nine markets in Asia Pacific, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong SAR, China, and Australia. Its value proposition is the integration of healthcare service offerings with customised management and advisory capabilities. It delivers affordable and accessible care for all in Asia Pacific. Services provided cover managed care and network management services, primary care, diagnostics, specialty, and ancillary care.

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IH P Integrated Health Plans (IHP) is a leading independent health and wellness benefits administrator. With an industry track record of more than 25 years, it provides comprehensive services in medical benefits, flex, wellness, and workplace health programmes. IHP provides access to the full range of primary care, specialist, and hospital services, and has in recent years expanded to cater to emerging needs in mental health, eye care, and the needs of employees with young families. Further, IHP is also an appointed national programme manager for the Health Promotion Board’s SME Health+Programme.

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S IN GA P OR E M E D I C A L GR OUP (S M G) Incorporated in 2005, Singapore Medical Group (SMG) is a public-listed organisation with a network of private specialist providers across diverse medical disciplines, and complementary diagnostic imaging and health screening services. With a vision to become Asia’s best healthcare network, it embarked on a rapid expansion in 2013 and has continued to expand beyond Singapore with a presence in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia. It has four established pillars: aesthetics, diagnostic imaging and screening, oncology, and women’s and children’s health, and is committed to providing patients with experienced doctors and proven technology.

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