Vendors of the Year 2014

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CONTENTS Editor’s note




Preferred Recruitment Websites


Click here to apply

Preferred Recruitment Firms


Attracting new possibilities

Preferred Compensation and Benefits Consultants


The business of benefits

Preferred Employee Insurance Vendors


The cost of safeguarding staff

Preferred Employee Healthcare Providers


Nurturing wellness at work ON THE COVER: Art direction: Fauzie Rasid; Photography: Stefanus Elliot Lee –

Preferred Succession Planning Consultants


Putting the ‘success’ in succession

Preferred Relocation Vendors


On the road again

Preferred Relocation Consultants


Shifting towards new mindsets

Preferred Serviced Apartments


Much to write home about

Preferred Management Training Providers


Follow the leader

Preferred Sales Training Providers


The art of selling success

Preferred IT Skills Training Providers


Loading new avenues of learning

Preferred Training Venues


The best location for learning

Preferred HR Outsourcing Providers


En route to automation

Preferred HRMS Vendors


The perfect symphony of HR and IT

Preferred LMS Vendors


Leading a learning culture

Preferred Payroll Vendors


The pressures of pay day

Alphabetical listing of all companies


1_Contents_VOTY14_sub.indd 1


2014 I


2/12/2014 9:07:06 PM


GAINING AN EDGE Regional Editor

Rebecca Lewis

HR technology, training and coaching, mobility

Senior journalist

Aditi Sharma Kalra

and more, there is increased competition


Akankasha Dewan

Singapore, we’ve come right through the other

between these service providers for HR


Jerene Ang

side of the GFC and have economically been in a

professionals’ business. Regional art director

Shahrom Kamarulzaman

Senior designer

Fauzie Rasid

Regional marketing executive

June Tan

2014 has been an interesting year. It’s fair to say that over the past few years in

strong position. Unemployment is virtually non-

Competition, you’ve told us, is one of your

existent, GDP growth has stood at around 4% and

top concerns, as is the need to innovate and

industries and outside business are still drawn to

stand out from the crowd. You need to ensure

the city state.

HR leaders continue to see the value of tapping

But the year certainly hasn’t been without its challenges. Low unemployment means a

into your wealth of knowledge and experience. Thankfully, nearly every vendor we spoke

Regional directors

Karen Boh

tighter labour market, making it more difficult

with this year has the customer’s ever-changing

year-on-year for businesses locally to find top

needs at the forefront of their minds, and you

Yogesh Chandiranani

talent. Economic growth is set to slow to about

are all incredibly aware of the need to do more

Jaclyn Chua

3% in 2015, and while efforts to entice businesses

with less.

to Singapore are ongoing, numerous labour restrictions and EP qualifying salary changes

response to this annual survey – in its ninth year!

have made it less desirable for some industries

– and to see some familiar names in the ranks, as

to stay and grow in Singapore.

well as quite a few new ones.

In the past 12 months, we’ve seen various

Thanks to all the HR professionals who took

government legislation come to fruition,

part in our survey, and congratulations to all of

including the Fair Consideration Framework and

the vendors in the 2014 rankings. We appreciate

the Jobs Bank, which aims to create a “fair” hiring

your continued support.

environment for local talent. We’ve also seen the Employment Act undergo numerous amendments – mostly regarding employee protection, standards and benefits, sick leave, overtime pay and

Naomi Cranswick

It has been fantastic to have such a strong Audience manager

Yang Kai Lin

Regional producer

Kenneth Neo

Regional head of event services

Yeo Wei Qi

Regional finance director

Evelyn Wong

Group editorial director

Tony Kelly

Group managing director

Justin Randles

compliance – and the ever-tightening labour market has meant a wealth of HR issues have


shot to the top of businesses’ agendas. Now, everyone is asking questions such as: How do we keep people on board? Can we boost engagement? Can we make staff more productive? How can we ensure employees stay fit and healthy? Can we focus more on upskilling to ensure our talent pipeline is strong? Oh yes, and the most important question – can we do all of this while still containing our costs? These changes to Singapore’s landscape are no doubt affecting the vendors featured in this year’s Vendors of the Year rankings. As Singapore maintains an increased awareness on things such as employee health and wellness

Vendors Of The Year is published annually by Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd. Printed in Singapore on CTP process by Sun Rise Printing & Supplies Pte Ltd, 10 Admiralty Street, #06-20 North Link Building, Singapore 757695. Tel: (65) 6383 5290. MICA (P) 178/08/2010. Subscription rates are available on request, contact the Circulation Manager by telephone: (65) 6423 0329 or by email to: COPYRIGHTS AND REPRINTS. All material printed in Human Resources is protected under the copyright act. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without the prior written consent of the publisher and the copyright holder. Permission may be requested through the Singapore office. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in Vendors Of The Year are not necessarily the views of the publisher. Singapore: Lighthouse Independent Media Pte Ltd 100C Pasir Panjang Road, #05-01, See Hoy Chan Hub, 118519 Tel: +65 6423 0329 Fax: +65 6423 0117

(with a strong focus on work-life balance),

Hong Kong: Lighthouse Independent Media Ltd 1F Wui Tat Centre, 55 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: 852-2861-1882 Fax: 852-2861-1336

Rebecca Lewis editor




2_EdsNote_VOTY14_sub.indd 2

To subscribe call: (65) 6423 0329 or go to:


2/12/2014 9:11:35 PM

Investment in

Our Story


Charterhouse is a well-recognized executive search firm with footprints in Asia, Australasia and the Middle East. Formed in 2003, Charterhouse offers professional and bespoke contingency and retained search services across a variety of industrial sectors. We understand that great people are at the heart of every successful business. It is this belief to invest in our team at Charterhouse that we are able to provide our clients with professional, specialised and tailored executive search services.

Our Services Charterhouse is an established brand but what distinguish our brand are our people and the clients whom we have partnered with. Our foundation is based on providing the best recruitment service to our clients and candidates through our recruitment consultants who are responsible, experienced, and are specialists in their own fields.

Our Specialisations Charterhouse offers specialist recruitment services within the following fields: Human Resource Accounting & Finance Sales and Marketing Information Technology (IT) Banking & Finance Engineering Supply Chain

• • • • • • •


Biotechnology & Life Science

Financial Services

Chemicals Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

Power, Energy & Utilities Semiconductor Consumer Electronics


IT&T Media & Entertainment Public & Non-Profit Organisations

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Property & Construction

Retail & Luxury Goods

To find out more about what Charterhouse can do for you, please call us at (65) 6435 5600 or email


IT’S TIME TO REVEAL THE TOP VENDORS OF 2014! Welcome to the ninth annual Human Resources Vendors of the Year – your guide to the best HR service providers in Singapore, as voted by senior HR professionals. It has been a rather turbulent year for HR

more changes in Singapore, vendors and

How do these rankings work?

professionals. From recruitment struggles

consultants who provide relevant services to

Lighthouse Research employed an online

to mobility concerns to management and

the HR function have been in high demand.

questionnaire and surveyed its database of

leadership training, there has been a lot for the function to consider. Thanks to numerous new recruitment

For this year’s HR Trends Survey – which

personnel, in Singapore to gather their views

trends as well as the listings of preferred

and perspectives for this report.

legislation and guidelines, along with

vendor rankings – we partnered again with

changes to re-employment of older

Lighthouse Research.

workers, shifts in C&B strategies to align with changing CPF guidelines, and many, many




4-5_Methodology_VOTY14_sub.indd 4

HR professionals, as well as top management

we use to gather information on local HR

The results are seen throughout this special edition magazine.

This large database of HR professionals in Singapore is constantly being updated, giving us the most recent perspective of HR professionals as possible.


29/11/2014 12:36:06 PM


Ensuring quality recipients and respondents


The survey was sent to 17,723 professionals. The majority of respondents were


high-level HR individuals, with more than 86% of them holding at least a managerial role. Of the total respondent base, over one fifth were CEOs, managing directors or Top management – CEO/MD – 13%

general managers within their organisation.

Top management – GM – 3%

Companies of various sizes – from SMEs to MNCs – were well represented in this

HR – 84%

survey. Respondents were also well spread out across industries, with HR professionals from major and local international banks, FMCG companies, property and construction, IT and telecommunication firms, government, travel and tourism


participating in the survey. The Vendor of the Year awards The awards cover a total of 597 companies,

Agriculture/ Mining - 1%

Healthcare – 5%

Arts & Entertainment – 1%

IT & telecoms – 13%

and those nominated for more than one

Automotive – 2%

Logistics – 5%

award category have been mentioned in the

Business services – 16%

Marketing Agency – 7%

respective nominated categories.

Consumer products – 7%

Media Agency – 3%

The award categories are:


Preferred Recruitment Websites


Preferred Recruitment Firms


Preferred Compensation and Benefits Consultants


Preferred Employee Insurance Vendors

Education – 3%

Property– 7%

Energy utilities

Retail – 3%

& Government – 9%

Travel – 10%

Financial services – 9%



Preferred Employee Healthcare Providers


Preferred Succession Planning Consultants


Preferred Relocation Vendors

100-250 – 21%


Preferred Relocation Consultants

250-500 – 15%


Preferred Serviced Apartments

500-1000 – 13%

Preferred Management Training 10. Providers

Over 1000 – 14%

Less than 50 – 23% 50-100 – 14%

11. Preferred Sales Training Providers 12. Preferred IT Skills Training Providers 13. Preferred Training Venue


14. Preferred HR Outsourcing Providers 15. Preferred HRMS Vendors 16. Preferred LMS Vendors 17. Preferred Payroll Vendors Domestic responsibility – 40%

The survey questionnaire was hosted online

Regional/International responsibility – 60%

with a unique URL for each individual. This served as a quality control measure, ensuring that each survey was completed by a genuine HR decision-maker or influencer in Singapore.


4-5_Methodology_VOTY14_sub.indd 5

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:51:28 PM



Employment Practices, has also had an impact on how firms hire both offline and online. “With Singapore being a meritocratic society with a diverse workforce, balancing this poses one of the largest challenges for the human My, what a long way recruitment has come.

small, as they seek to recruit and retain these

resources industry today,” says Chew Siew Mee,

While the days of traditional recruitment

technology savvy millennials.”

country sales manager for

aren’t gone, technology and social media

As employers also find it more difficult to

It also means organisations must revamp

have completely transformed how we find and

their traditional recruitment practices, for

match the right talent, we may see a demand for

attract talent – and today is the era of the

example, taking social recruitment into account

more insightful candidate information to ensure

digital native.

to open up more effective channels.

the right hire, she adds.

Google recently named Singapore as the

“Employers’ requirements may move

Sheldon Anthony Fernandez, managing

number one adopter of mobile in the world – and

director of jobsDB Singapore, in second place

from just hard skills to soft skills. Mismatch

it’s something recruiters and HR cannot afford

yet again this year, says these challenges are

between jobs and skill sets can happen in all

to ignore.

compounded by the fact that employers are


Couple that need for social and mobile recruitment with a wealth of legislative changes to how employers can legally find and recruit talent – not to mention the ever-tightening

dealing with huge gaps in talent, skills and employee expectations. “We face the growing challenge of having

Preferred Recruitment Websites 1.


jobsDB Singapore

too many graduates and too few jobs that are

talent market – and you’ve got an increasingly

perceived by Gen Y graduates as befitting of

challenging role.

their qualifications and ambitions,” he says,



adding that based on its HireWatch survey, 38%


Jobs Bank

“The age of digital and advent of social media has created a knowledge-based

of people believe there will be fewer jobs in

economy where efficacy through technology


will become even more paramount,” says

This is an interesting statistic, given the


CareerBuilder Singapore



Serene Lam, managing director of CareerBuilder

recent launch of the Jobs Bank, which



Singapore, in fifth place this year.

currently shows more than 60,000 jobs





“With this phenomenon is a new generation

available. This tightening of employment

who have grown up with the internet. This also

policies to ensure local job seekers are fairly

poses a challenge for organisations, large and

considered, as well as TAFEP’s Guidelines on Fair




6_Intro_RecruitmentWebsites_VOTY14_sub.indd 6


29/11/2014 7:47:55 PM


Sheldon Anthony Fernandez

Chew Siew Mee

jobsDB Singapore

"LinkedIn counts executives from all 2013 Fortune 500 companies as members and its corporate talent solutions are used by 92 of the Fortune 100 companies." LinkedIn

Winning the number one spot again, JobStreet.

This year, jobsDB Singapore has focused on

Crossing the 50 million member mark across

com is proving itself as the online recruitment

growing a stronger team internally to ensure it

Asia Pacific in 2014, LinkedIn has solidified its

portal to beat. Chew Siew Mee, country sales

offers a comprehensive and intuitive platform

position as a leading online recruitment and

manager, said 2014 has been a year of true

for positions in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia,

talent solutions business.

innovation for the company.

Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

“Besides giving our website a facelift, we

Managing director Sheldon Anthony

Launched in 2003, the platform connects professionals, job seekers and employers

also introduced several innovative features that

Fernandez said its business strategy was to

worldwide with more than 332 million

allow candidates to enjoy a smarter way of doing

focus on three main points – people, process

members. According to the company’s website,

a job search,” she said. “For example, candidates

and performance. This dedicated focus on both

professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a

are able to compare themselves with other

internal and external stakeholders means it can

rate of more than two new members per second,

applicants before applying for a position to know

better provide “ job seekers and employers with a

with more than 75% of new members joining

how they would fare.”

comprehensive and intuitive platform to find the

from outside the United States in Q3 2014.

These adaptations – and the creation of’s mobile app – have allowed it

right roles for them and realise their potential”. Its services include its Job Alerts, which

Additionally, there are more than 39 million students and recent college graduates on

to better cater to the increasing number of job

send relevant job listings to email inboxes from

LinkedIn, which is the company’s fastest growing

seekers and employers using smartphones to

their chosen industry and function (as well as a


search for jobs and source talent. The company

new “search by salary” function), a resources site

claims it is the first online job site in the region

and a newly launched mobile application.

to allows users to update CVs from their smartphones. “Users will also be notified on the status of their job applications via the mobile app, such as when a potential employer views their resume or requests for an interview.” Moving forward, she identifies the biggest

“As of August 2014, resumes that were deposited with jobsDB Singapore have grown 22% from the past year and the number of registered members increased by 20%,” he said. “Despite the tight job market, jobsDB is proactively spearheading activities that are of value.

“LinkedIn counts executives from all 2013

Fortune 500 companies as members and its corporate talent solutions are used by 92 of the

Fortune 100 companies,” the website states. “More than four million companies have LinkedIn company pages [and] in the third quarter of 2014, mobile accounted for 47% of unique visiting members to LinkedIn.” With a truly global focus, LinkedIn is

challenge being managing a diverse staff base.

"These processes aim to provide job

available in 23 different languages. The business

“Employers will also face the challenge

seekers and employers alike with up-to-date

itself has 6,000 full-time employees with offices

of managing a multi-generational workforce,

insight that is relevant to career search and job

in 30 cities worldwide.

especially with Singapore’s ageing population

market trends. We are progressively investing in

and plans to extend the retirement and re-

developing our internal talent, our technology,

employment age.”

and our services in ensuring we match.”


7_RecruitmentWebsites_VOTY14_sub.indd 7

2014 I


3/12/2014 12:25:32 PM


"At Monster, we don't just sell better jobs, we help promote better lives. Because, in the end, a better job is about much more."

"The aim of the Jobs Bank is to facilitate online job matching between local job seekers and employers." Serene Lam

Jobs Bank

CareerBuilder Singapore


The Jobs Bank, administered by the Singapore

On 16 September, 2014, JobsCentral, a

“Our goal is to help you make the most of

Workforce Development Agency (WDA), is a

Singapore-based recruitment portal, integrated

the 80 or 90 years you have on this planet by

new addition to the Vendors of the Year rankings,

into CareerBuilder Singapore, allowing the

connecting you to the real world opportunities

after launching this year to provide a free

platform to remain the fl agship recruitment

that can help you achieve your goals and realise

service to all Singapore-registered companies

portal with the same features retained, but with

your dreams.”

and local individuals (Singapore citizens and

the added offerings and global resources from

permanent residents).

CareerBuilder, its parent company.

That is the message greeting job seekers and employers when they click onto the online

The aim of the Jobs Bank is to facilitate

Serene Lam, managing director, said

recruitment portal. With more than 200 million

online job matching between local job seekers

this shift provided even greater support to its

people registered on the Monster Worldwide

and employers.

corporate clients and job seekers.

network and with operations in more than 40

Employers in Singapore are now required

“Corporate clients can continue to rely on

countries, Monster prides itself on pioneering

to advertise for available positions paying less

JobsCentral’s strong distribution network of

the business of digital recruiting after launching

than S$12,000 a month on the Jobs Bank for two

approximately two million job seekers for their

in 1994.

weeks, before they can offer those roles to a

talent acquisition requirements,” she said. “On top of that, they can now complete their


In 2014, Monster unveiled a new strategic approach to including job aggregation, and

HR ecosystem from acquiring to hiring to tracking

a deeper expansion into the small business

Fair Consideration Framework, which is

of the progress of suitable candidates with our

market, the website states. This is part of

supported by the Jobs Bank.

suites of ready HR solutions – CareerBuilder One,

Monster’s vision to help people find better

Talent Network and Broadbean.”

jobs and its promise to help people get more out

This is in line with the Ministry of Manpower’s

“This will help reinforce expectations for employers to consider Singaporeans fairly for

She added the company had also maintained its campus-oriented offerings such

job opportunities,” the websites states. Additionally, the Jobs Bank allows third party entities such as employment agencies, private

as the BrightSparks scholarships portal. “With the launch of Talent Network in March

of work. “But the workplace has evolved – people expect more control; people seek more perspective; people crave more enrichment. And

job portals and companies that offer outsourced

2014, we have now closed more than 30 clients

so we've evolved. We've broadened our lens to

human resources services to advertise on behalf

within a short time span of six months. This is

be more than just a job board,” the website reads.

of their clients.

an amazing result, which is also an indication to

“At Monster, we don't just sell better jobs, we

us that the HR industry is open and welcome to

help promote better lives. Because, in the end,

declare on the Jobs Bank the companies which

relevant technology that helps to ease their pain

a better job is about much more. A better job is

they are advertising for.”

points,” Lam said.

a better experience; an experience that leads to

“These third party entities will have to

Despite being a big year for the company,

better possibilities, better opportunities, better

Lam said she expected the introduction of Jobs

relationships, better perspectives – all working

Bank by WDA to create competition and impact

together to improve life along the way.”

its recruitment business. “Having a new product line also means we

As the company seeks strategic ways to expand its offerings, it has taken steps to

will need to expand our talent pool to meet

ensure it has the processes, technology and

the market demands. With the tight labour

infrastructure to deliver the highest level of

market, finding the suitable candidate within the

service and support to customers.

stipulated timeline may also be a challenge for us, as with all other companies.”




8_RecruitmentWebsites_VOTY14_sub.indd 8


29/11/2014 1:23:35 PM


implementing government policies, as well as


providing key public services”.

With important core values, Singapore’s public service sector has a mission to “safeguard

With jobs across the economic

the independence, sovereignty, security and

Careers@Gov is a government-owned

development, security and external relations,

recruitment portal for jobs across Singapore’s

social development and administration and

public services sector – a sector that plays

corporate development sectors, Careers@Gov

shape Singapore's future, forge a common vision

a key role in the economic growth, progress

prides itself on offering a range of opportunities

among Singaporeans and transform the vision

and stability of Singapore, “by formulating and

for graduates and experienced professionals.

into a reality,” the website reads.

prosperity of Singapore”. “We work with the elected government to

"For HR practitioners, we remain committed to offering a complete suite of recruitment solutions that deftly tackles the ongoing challenges of the human resources field." George McFerran


Maneck Mohan

Since its launch in 2006, STJobs (previously

eFinancialCareers, a Dice Holdings Inc. service,

Over the years, the number of jobs on Recruit.

ST701 Jobs) has been an engaging, trusted

is the world’s leading financial services careers

net has grown from four million to eight million,

and relevant online portal to job seekers and

website, and the place to go for financial careers

making the company the largest job site in Asia.

employers in Singapore.

and talent.

With more than 50,000 employers on its

eFinancialCareers provides finance

Maneck Mohan, CEO, said the company had had a great year, with increased traffic of 120% to

portal – roughly 30,000 jobs at any one time –

professionals with the latest job opportunities,

the online portal in the past 12 months. It has also

the jobs span across industries such as oil and

career information and invaluable industry

increased by 767% in new user sign-ups per day.

gas to finance, in an array of part-time and full-

insights they need to maximise their potential,

time positions.

said global sales and marketing director George

now powering more than 1.5 million job searches


per day,” he said. “Our biggest challenge is to

“Users have the benefit of our job matching technology which matches suitable jobs

The site connects them to roles within

“Our company is experiencing rapid growth,

make sure each and every single one of the eight

based on credentials, qualifications and work

many of the world’s most respected financial

million jobs in our search index is of high quality

experience – or what we term as the STJobs


and that we filter out any expired, spammy or

profile completeness,” the website states. In addition, its resume scan allows an

“Through its recruitment solutions, eFinancialCareers provides financial services

junk job advertisements.” When looking at the HR and recruitment

“intuitive CV parsing system” to dispatch a

recruiters a vital competitive edge by enabling

industry, Mohan said one of the major trends

person’s particulars into templated fields,

them to source the highly qualified professionals

it had noticed was companies putting more

cutting down the time it takes to put personal

they need to achieve their strategic ambitions –

investment into developing their own careers

information online.

quickly and efficiently.”

websites to attract talent directly, hugely

The website also has a robust resource

eFinancialCareers offers local websites

impacting how people find new jobs.

centre, with interview tips and a job seeking and

in 19 markets across North America, Europe,

resume guide for job seekers, and other services

Asia Pacific, and the financial centres of the

the requirement for local companies operating

and workplace success stories for employers.

Middle East.

in the city-state to consider Singaporeans

“For HR practitioners, we remain committed

“The other notable change in Singapore is

for skilled job vacancies before turning to

to offering a complete suite of recruitment

candidates from abroad; talent acquisition has

solutions that deftly tackles the ongoing

become even more challenging.”

challenges of the human resources field,” the website reads. “We pride ourselves in offering a balance of quality and quantity in our job positions, while delivering the ultimate online user experience.”


9_RecruitmentWebsites_VOTY14_sub.indd 9

2014 I


2/12/2014 8:37:46 PM



candidates and clients to deliver the right quality of service and hire.” Indeed, over the next five years, most recruitment vendors expect to see a consolidation of players where only the fittest and most competitive firms will survive. “There will also be heightened emphasis and appreciation for a consultative quality approach versus a ‘spray and pray’ approach,” Norton predicts. Preferred Recruitment Firms (roles under $5,000)

2014 has been a year of massive change for

among most recruitment vendors nominated for

employers in Singapore, who not only have

the category this year.

had to deal with a tight labour market, but also

Andrew Norton, regional managing

have had to accommodate a host of new hiring

director of PageGroup, agrees on the need for

legislations introduced by the government this

recruitment vendors to enhance their recruiting


strategies and focus all their efforts on becoming


Recruit Express


Kelly Services Singapore


Adecco Personnel




Achieve Group


Robert Walters


Page Personnel


RecruitPlus Consulting




GMP Recruitment Services

Preferred Recruitment Firms (roles $5,000-10,000)

as competitive as possible if they wish to


Robert Walters

Framework, which has called forth for the need

effectively take full advantage of such increasing


Kelly Services Singapore

for HR divisions in companies to consider local

reliance of clients on their services.

Take for example the Fair Consideration

talent before offering the position to foreign

“Talent remains a key asset to any

candidates in Singapore.

organisation looking to grow and companies




Michael Page

realise and value that they need to invest in this


Recruit Express

Act has alerted recruiters to a whole new range

function in order to have the right talent in their


Achieve Group

of compliance issues when it comes to dealing

business,” he says.

Besides this, the Personal Data Protection

with client and candidate personal data.

“With this, they also look to streamline their


Adecco Personnel


Capita Randstad

Such rapid shifts in the local recruitment

vendors/business partners like us who not only

market have presented several opportunities

can assist them to recruit across most functions,


and challenges for recruiting agencies in

but also able to value-add to the process by

10. Talent2


ensuring we spend quality time with both our

“The recruitment industry may be matured, but as HR takes on a more strategic role in

Preferred Overall Recruitment Firms

the organisation and is more involved with the

Preferred Recruitment Firms (roles over $10,000)


Recruit Express


Page Executive


Robert Walters


Robert Walters

their human capital than mere manpower





vendors,” says Ng Yan Ching, senior director


Kelly Services Singapore



business, companies are increasingly working with recruitment firms as partners in managing

of Recruit Express, which emerged as the top




Kelly Services Singapore


Achieve Group


Achieve Group

companies to play, but we will have to provide


Adecco Personnel


RGF Singapore

more value-add services to our clients too.”




Recruit Express






HRnet One

overall recruitment firm this year. “There is certainly a role for recruitment

Ng’s observation on the growing role and dependence of recruitment firms in companies’ recruitment strategies is a general consensus




10_Intro_OverallRecruitmentFirms_VOTY14_sub.indd 10

10. GMP Recruitment Services


2/12/2014 9:17:52 PM


Ng Yan Ching

Recruit Express

Toby Fowlston

Robert Walters

Andrew Norton


To accommodate to changes in recruitment

Having established a strong foothold in

PageGroup is a recruitment consultancy

priorities, Recruit Express has focused on

Singapore’s recruitment industry over the past

specialising in the recruitment of permanent,

building its database to include the most

15 years, Robert Walters has continued to see a

contract and temporary positions.

relevant and popular pool of candidates for

sustained growth of its contracting business over

its clients.

the past 12 months.

“More employers are turning to hiring

“We kept our business model simple and

“To support recruitment at all levels, we have three operational brands: Page Personnel focusing on junior to mid-level recruitment,

temporary and contract staff – not just as an

focused on areas where we have the most

Michael Page on mid to senior-level recruitment

interim quick-fix, but as a viable avenue to hire

expertise and can offer the best recruitment

and Page Executive on executive recruitment,”

permanent staff by converting ‘tried and tested’

services,” said Toby Fowlston, managing director

said Andrew Norton, regional managing director

temps/contract employees,” said Ng Yan Ching,

of Robert Walters Singapore.

of PageGroup.

senior director of Recruit Express. She added that along with increasing the

“We have no investment in new business

As the regional hub for its Southeast Asian

areas and our strategy is very much focused

operations, the company’s Singapore office

number of such contingency workers in its talent

on doing what we know best and ensuring we

has also led the group’s expansion across the

pool, the company also upgraded its internal

deliver a world-class service to our clients/

region. The company has invested heavily in the

computer systems to improve the efficacy of the


development of its own people and PageGroup’s

search for candidates in its database. “As much as it sounds like a cliché, people

The company provides specialist recruitment services for professionals across

L&D team is widely regarded as a market leader in the industry.

are indeed our assets and so the company has,

all levels, on both permanent and contract or a

PageGroup’s specialised training

as in past years, invested heavily on the training

temporary basis, in disciplines such as banking

roadmap consists of 18 courses and more

and development of our very own consultants.”

and financial services, accounting and finance

than 50 workshops covering sales, personal

and human resources, among others.

development, management and leadership

Such efforts did pay off for the recruitment firm, as the past 12 months saw the company

The company’s management strongly

successfully fulfilling some special projects with

believes success in recruitment comes from

several clients for bulk temporary/contract staff

working in partnership with its clients.

placements given on very short notice. “By and large, we have maintained, if not

As such, the organisation places the utmost importance on understanding its clients’ cultures

exceeded, our past year’s performance,”

and resourcing strategies to ensure it operates

she said.

as an extension of the clients’ own businesses.

Looking to 2015, she said the government’s

“One of our new initiatives this year was to

training/coaching. The company’s focus and expertise on digital marketing has given it industry leading acquisition, and has made it one of the top 25 socially engaged companies on LinkedIn. “PageGroup faces the challenge of recruiting in a market where clients have internal pressure to recruit internally and are limited by

continued tight rein on the hiring of foreigners

address the shortage of local candidates – which

would make it unlikely for the labour crunch to

led us to launch our ‘Balik Kampung’ campaign

“Furthermore, PageGroup has been the

ease any sooner.

– targeting at Singaporeans living and working

‘hunting ground’ for other recruitment firms and

overseas,” he said.

in-house recruitment teams as we hire and train

She predicted more and more sectors would continue hiring temps and contract staff, and demand for them would increase significantly.

“Our unique selling proposition is our extensive global candidate network – where we

budget constraints,” he said.

only the best quality consultants.” Looking to 2015, the organisation anticipates

can actively tap into and help our clients source

it will continue to face external pressure with

for Singaporean candidates who are seeking

clients learning to be more sophisticated and

opportunities or looking to come back home.”

acquiring more and more available options in the way they recruit talent into the business.


11_OverallRecruitmentFirms_VOTY14_sub.indd 11

2014 I


2/12/2014 9:13:52 PM


Your Skills

Switch your career with PageGroup Established in the UK in 1976, PageGroup has grown to become one of the world’s bestknown and most respected recruitment consultancies. With operations in 35 countries, PageGroup provides specialist recruitment services and career opportunities through three key brands: Page Executive, Michael Page and Page Personnel. At PageGroup, we have a proven track record in our ability to retain some of the most talented individuals in the industry and are proud that 100% of our directors in Asia have been promoted from within. Our Consultants are trained and developed to the highest standards and rewarded within a results-driven and well-rounded culture. Career progression and remuneration are performance-based and our long term investment in existing and developing markets mean that a career with PageGroup could see you running your own team in any one of 34 countries. The recruitment industry is a fast-paced, exciting and often challenging business, and PageGroup will always have vacancies for individuals looking to excel in this environment. If you think you have got what it takes to join our team, please visit or contact Diana Low at 6533 2777 /


Mark Hall

Kelly Services Singapore

Chris Mead

Joshua Yim


Achieve Group

Kelly Services Singapore has worked in

Hays regards the quality of its employees as its

Achieve Group attributes its nomination in

partnership with some of Singapore’s largest and

key strength in the provision of its services, and

2014’s Vendors of the Year awards to fulfilling its

most respected companies and key government

aims to continue to develop the best people in

clients’ requirements and basic expectations by

agencies. Over the past year, the recruitment

the industry into recruiting experts.

maintaining speed and accuracy in delivering the

company has enjoyed continued expansion and

“We are determined to be recognised as the

right candidates to all its customers.

organisational growth. It combined its various

global industry leader for the way in which we

city offices into a one-stop career and talent

train and develop our people – not only in the

Achieve Group is now embarking on a much

solutions centre in the heart of Singapore’s

quality of the provision we offer, but also in the

more customer-centric IT system that will enable

central business district in March.

way we build a culture that truly supports and

it to serve its customers better.

The company’s new centralised operations

encourages learning, networking, knowledge

At its corporate headquarters in Singapore,

“We are excited at the prospect of rolling

and recruitment centre has brought all of Kelly’s

creation and sharing,” said Chris Mead, regional

out the new system next quarter as it will help us

specialist brands and practice groups together

director of Hays.

screen and manage candidates more effectively

under one roof, streamlining its operational

Internally, the company ensures it provides

and enhance our ability to deliver the best-fit

activities through a shared services model. This

its employees with sufficient opportunities to

candidates to our clients,” said Joshua Yim, chief

has allowed greater focus on the firm’s customer

grow professionally and supports flexible work

executive officer of Achieve Group.

service, business agility and innovation.

practices and offers employees incentives to

“Over the past 12 months, we continued to

“We are also delighted to share that this year

stay. This dedicated focus on its people has

we experienced one of the lowest rate of staff

grow our business revenue in double digits from

paid off in the past year with the company’s staff

turnover in all our years in business.

a single digit GDP environment,” said Mark Hall,

numbers increased to 116 in total in 2013, and

vice-president and country general manager of

placements were up 21%.

Kelly Services Singapore. “Our specialist recruitment division, which

Hays is also the most followed recruitment

“At the beginning of 2014, we wanted to improve some of our internal systems, including our HR engagement programme. We

company in the world on LinkedIn and the 22nd

implemented new practices to better engage

provides recruitment in areas of expertise,

most followed of all organisations worldwide,

our people and I believe the low staff turnover is

including IT, finance, engineering, life sciences,

with 753,799 people following it globally.

the positive outcome of these changes.”

human resources, supply chain and procurement

“We are proud to be setting a new and

While he did not foresee many challenges

and corporate professional has grown

very high benchmark for service – and for the

specifically for 2015, he acknowledges the

significantly in leaps and bounds and is one of

continual improvement of this service. As an

company’s main one is to recruit great leaders

the key denominators for market share growth

example of this, we were awarded the ISO

to lead its companies both locally and abroad,

in Singapore.”

9001:2008 certification for a management

serving the growing client and market needs.

Kelly Services anticipates that in the near

system conforming to world-leading standards.

He said currently the company ran many

future, re-employment of workers beyond the

“This certification proves our systems

training programmes to cultivate motivated,

age of 67 may allow organisations in Singapore

stand apart in the Asian market and sets a new

inspired and passionate individuals within its

to continue tapping on older colleagues’ wealth

standard for other recruiters to aspire to.


of knowledge and experience. This may open a

“In addition, we source the most suitable

“I believe in the theory that if you treat

new source of talent for organisations because

candidates for our clients’ vacancies. Our

your people well, they will, in turn, treat your

they may actively target this group of workers

operational system (one touch) is the most

customers well. If your employees feel cared for,

when recruiting.

sophisticated in the market and it allows us

they will take care of your customers. I believe

to perform Google-powered searches on the

these are some of the areas we have done well

a premium on work-life balance, so employers

specific competencies of an assignment or an

in, resulting in customers being happy with

will need to look at providing flexible working

individual characteristic of a position.”

our services.”

“However, mature-age workers may place

arrangements for them,” he said.


13_OverallRecruitmentFirms_VOTY14_sub.indd 13

2014 I


2/12/2014 8:40:46 PM

16_Recruitmentunder$5K_VOTY14_sub.indd 16

4/12/2014 3:04:04 PM


Femke Hellemons

Francis Koh

Adecco Personnel


Michael Smith


Adecco is a leading human resource and

Encompassing local and international

To drive greater flexibility for firms to achieve

staffi ng service solutions company offering

placements, contract and temporary staffing,

competitive advantages in the banking and IT

a comprehensive range of services that

outplacement and payroll services across all

space, Randstad has invested in 10 specialist

include temporary and contract staffi ng,

industry sectors, Capita’s highly personalised

consultants within these areas focused purely on

permanent recruitment, outsourcing, leadership

services are aimed towards finding the right

placing contract professionals.

development, career management and

talent for its clients.

outplacement. In Singapore since 1985, Adecco

Its service offering is split into corporate and

“In line with this focus, Randstad has actively sold the benefits of return-to-work mothers and

has continued to modify its specialty staffing

specialised divisions. The corporate divisions

mature workers to our client base in order to

divisions to meet the ever-increasing needs of

comprise of the outsourcing and business

help companies address their talent shortages,

Singapore’s sophisticated workplace.

support practices that focus on contract and

while also sharing the benefits of contract work

temporary staff, while the specialised divisions

with the Singapore employment market,” said

a year of continued growth for Adecco

focus on the engineering, banking and finance,

Michael Smith, country director.

Singapore. It has been an important year in the

technology and healthcare industries.

“2014 has been a big year with big changes,

implementation of new strategies, attraction and

“We are continuing to develop our clientele

It has also rebranded its IT business to Randstad Technologies, which highlights

engagement of top talent as well as refinement

base,” said Francis Koh, managing director. “2014

the capability to full outsourcing and staff

in the delivery of specific client recruitment

has been quite a fruitful year for new clients in

augmentation in the IT domain. .

needs,” said country manager Femke Hellemons.

the government and healthcare sector.”

In 2014, Adecco Singapore made some key

Koh said any challenges were mainly due

“We believe that sourcing the best talent for our clients is a multi-stage process to ensure

organisational changes, with the restructuring of

to the introduction of new measures to tighten

that our shortlist covers all possible candidates

the permanent, temporary and contract teams

the inflow of foreign talent. He also predicted

in the market,” he said. “We also believe that

into a dedicated permanent recruitment and

increased competition for local talent.

in order to make a correct match you need to

staffing services division. Launched in July 2014,

“Recruitment firms will have to work harder

understand the job, the company and the boss

this was designed with the vision of growth and

to seek quality candidates and also offer value-

the candidate will be reporting to. Hence, in all

efficient delivery via a distinct structure that

added consultancy services to both employers

our interactions with our clients, we mandate

segments recruiters and accounts by function.

and job-seekers in addition to recruitment work.”

meeting the line manager.”

staff – has resulted in a low turnover rate," said

GMP Recruitment Services

Dennis Liang, CEO and chairman. “And although we have not had any low

Incorporated in 1991 as a recruitment firm

points in the past year, recruitment is a highly

offering placements for technical personnel

competitive business and we are continuously

in manufacturing, GMP has since evolved

seeking ways to improve ourselves. One

into a regional multi-industry enterprise

of the ways is seeking the shortest time

with specialised business units such as GMP

possible in supplying our clients with the talent

Recruitment, GMP Banking, GMP Technologies,

they require."

GMP International, GMP Consultancy and GSI Executive Search. “GMP’s core value is ‘family’ and our proDennis Liang

He believes the company’s continuous effort to reach out to job seekers through creative marketing campaigns has positioned GMP

family working environment – coupled with our

as one of the more active recruitment agencies

understanding of the necessity to develop our

in the market.


15_OverallRecruitmentFirms_VOTY14_sub.indd 15

2014 I


3/12/2014 3:12:50 PM


Ng Yan Ching

Mark Hall

Recruit Express

Kelly Services Singapore

Femke Hellemons

Adecco Personnel

Established in 1996, Recruit Express has

Kelly Services Singapore’s breadth of services,

Over the past year, Adecco has continued to

maintained its position as the leading staffing

national reach, global brand recognition and

identify and implement online strategies for

solutions provider in this category.

tenure of seasoned success in the past 35 years

both clients and candidates and has enjoyed

has earned respect and recognition from HR

continued success in its use of social media

practitioners throughout the region.

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

“With our vast network of resources, extensive databases and defined recruitment processes, we have been successfully bridging

Over the past year, the company has

and its own company blog.

talented job seekers of the highest calibre

successfully placed 8,000 candidates, which

to employers who only want the best in their

comprised 90% Singaporeans, 5% PR and 5%

digital media, and more candidates turning to

teams,” the company’s website stated.

foreigners, demonstrating this competence.

technology for their career needs, Adecco has

The recruiting company has 400 permanent

“We never take this recognition lightly, and

Recognising the increased use of social and

adopted several new methods through which

committed consultants from various professional

our service excellence approach demands that

to attract talent. These include the optimisation

backgrounds and disciplines who are based in

we think innovatively to find the right talent

of its web and digital platforms, a revamped

several offices in countries such as Singapore,

supply chain solution for each of our customers

website and also participating in a virtual career

Sydney, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei,

– no matter what size,” said Mark Hall, vice-

fair with one of Adecco’s job board partners.

Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok.

president and country general manager of Kelly

The company’s clients include government agencies, small and medium private enterprises as well as multinational corporations.

Services Singapore. The company prides itself on understanding

The company has also intensified its outreach efforts, with a consistent presence at networking events, joint events with its partners

its clients and their specific requirements. It

as well as career talks and career fairs – in an

“We are blessed with clients who have

ensures to the best of its capability that it works

attempt to showcase its expertise from the

supported us these many years, and our team

closely with them to meet their business needs,

chamber of commerce to education institutions.

of consultants, many of whom have been with

while providing them with valuable, highly

“As we believe that the integration of

the company for numerous years, who, with their

customised HR and recruitment solutions.

education and training for candidates is a key

heightened sense of urgency, readily put in the

“Ultimately this is also a direct result of

part of the Adecco talent acquisition strategy,

extra hours or go that extra mile to find good

Kelly’s own seasoned and tenured consultants

an improved learning and development strategy

candidates for the clients,” said Ng Yan Ching,

who demonstrate on a daily basis the passion,

has also been reviewed and implemented,

senior director of Recruit Express.

energy and commitment to genuinely help our

with a specific training roadmap and ‘train

clients to win,” he said.

the trainer’ programmes introduced,” said

The main challenge the company will face in 2015 is ensuring it remains competitive

“It is often the case that should we not be

and productive amid the recent changes in

able to find a solution we will work with our

Singapore’s recruitment laws.

client partners to find out who can. This is the

“We believe the labour crunch will persist and with rising operation costs we have to

Femke Hellemons, country manager of Adecco Singapore.

difference between being a trusted partner or run-of-the-mill recruitment resume sender.”

improve our productivity in order to maintain, if not exceed, our service delivery to our clients.”




16_Recruitmentunder$5K_VOTY14_sub.indd 16


2/12/2014 8:32:03 PM

AD_Template.indd 17

29/11/2014 7:12:29 PM


Capita believes it’s only through establishing the

placements and the organisation has also done

right connections, networks and people that a

more search assignments in 2014.

company will build valuable human capital. Capita’s philosophy is aimed at ensuring each person gets an opportunity to achieve their individual career goals and lifetime objectives. Over the past year, it has kept pace with

Francis Koh


Joshua Yim

Francis Koh, managing director, believes rising candidate expectations will bring challenges for the industry in Singapore in 2015. “We expect candidates to be more selective of the roles offered to them, especially for

expansion plans in Singapore, Malaysia and the

candidates with niche skills. We will strive to

region. Its outsourcing team has also expanded

bridge these expectations ... and provide both

to fulfil the growing demand for contract staff

parties with an accurate view of the market.”

Toby Fowlston

Achieve Group

Robert Walters

Andrew Norton

Page Personnel

According to Achieve Group’s CEO, Joshua Yim,

In the past 12 months, Robert Walters has

In the past 12 months, PageGroup has continued

the company’s Singapore business has grown

invested heavily in local talent, particularly hiring

to strengthen its offerings across its three

tremendously, and the company has hit its year-

from the industries that individuals recruit within.

brands: Michael Page, Page Personnel, and

on-year growth and revenue target of 25%.

This has seen a significant increase

He said the Singapore market had been experiencing phenomenal manpower needs because of the tighter foreign labour policies

to 13 disciplines having established two teams

commitment to hire and develop local talent.

focusing on engineering and customer service

According to Toby Fowlston, managing

and low unemployment rate, which had been

director of Singapore, attracting and retaining

reflected in the company’s growth.

the best talent will be the top priority in the

“We are very happy to be able to fulfil

Singapore market over the next few years.

our mission of helping our clients’ businesses

He anticipates hiring managers will have to

to grow while helping candidates find good

target Singaporean talent working abroad and

employment opportunities,” he said.

encourage them to move back to Singapore.

“With offices in Malaysia and Hong Kong

Page Executive. The group has grown from 11

in revenues and has deepened the firm’s

He highlighted, therefore, that compensation

roles. With more diversified offerings, it believes it’s in a better position to service its clients. As the regional hub, the Singapore office has driven the doubling of its growth and presence in Southeast Asia. Additionally, its teams have both retained existing and won new global clients. PageGroup’s regional managing director Andrew Norton admitted one of the company’s

now, we will likely venture to another country

and benefits as well as talent management

biggest challenges was recruiting in a market

next year and open a new office there as part of

specialists will play an even more critical role for

where clients had internal pressure to recruit

our regional expansion programme.”

the businesses in the nation in the near future.

internally and were limited by budget constraints.

Noting the continual rise of economic

“We foresee the local talent pool will remain

He identified a number of unique

growth in Asia and the growing demand

tight and that competition for Singaporean

characteristics that defined PageGroup as one of

for talent acquisition services, he remained

candidates will further intensify, especially with

the leading recruitment consultancies, including

optimistic with regards to manpower needs.

companies coming into Singapore as well as

its employment of non-commission, salaried

growing areas in some industries,” he said.

professionals, who are encouraged to work as a

“I don’t foresee major threats to our industry over the next five years, as I believe that talent

“This means employers and hiring managers

acquisition services will still be in great demand

will need to offer more competitive pay rates and

in the Asia Pacific.

manage these carefully.

“Even as technology in the form of online job

“On the macro-economic environment level,

team instead of competing for commissions. Teams are rewarded for establishing successful long-term relationships with both clients and job seekers. It also employs specialist

portals and social media sites like LinkedIn have

we are experiencing a lot more turbulence and

recruitment consultants for each job sector it

emerged in recent years, they are not a major

challenges in other parts of the world as seen


threat. There is still a lot of value-adding that

in current global events (conflicts in the Middle

recruitment agencies can bring to the table, such

East, the Ebola virus outbreak), and this may

on their specific industry and is able to offer

as interfacing and candidate screening.”

potentially have an impact on Singapore.”

expert advice to employers and job seekers.”




18_Recruitmentunder$5K_VOTY14_sub.indd 18

“This ensures every consultant is an expert


3/12/2014 3:14:35 PM


Chris Mead

Adrian Tan

RecruitPlus Consulting


Dennis Liang

GMP Recruitment Services

In 2014, RecruitPlus Consulting prioritised its

Hays is one of the leading recruiting experts

industry practices, forcing every single recruiter

in qualified, professional and skilled people. It

As a one-stop partner for its clients, GMP is

to become a domain expert. It also currently

operates across the private and public sectors,

able to provide a holistic approach to solving

leverages on numerous tech offerings to improve

dealing in permanent positions, contract roles

its clients’ HR needs. The company’s specialist

its efficiency in processes such as sourcing. It

and temporary assignments.

divisions are equipped to search for suitable

has automated credit collection, and is focused

Its deep expertise across a wide spectrum

candidates both locally and internationally. Such

on its employee engagement levels and

of specialised industries and professions has

services have made GMP one of the largest


made it appear in these rankings every year.

staffing and HR consultancies in Singapore.

“We had a record-breaking month in June

The past year has seen Hays continually

Dennis Liang, CEO and chairman, predicted

and we are on track to end the year on the

improve its business operations, making them

the increased focus on productivity in the

highest profitability since 2004,” said Adrian Tan,

more efficient and effective to enhance its

Singapore market would lead to an increase in

managing director of the company.

services. Such improvements include the further

demand for niche skills.

He admitted, however, that keeping attrition levels in the company low and retaining

deployment of technology in its operations. “As a market leader in candidate attraction,

“Recruiters will constantly need to be up-to-date with and have a good and solid

competent existing talent would be an inevitable

sourcing and management, our goal is to

understanding of all industries and job roles to

challenge in the year to come.

overcome this issue by recruiting skilled and

scout for the right talent as companies will look

experienced professionals for our clients,” said

to recruitment agencies to help fill those ‘hard-

Chris Mead, regional director of Hays.

to-fill’ roles rather than generic ones,” he said.

“We are looking at creative ways to balance an individual’s goal and company so they won’t be burned out after a year, which is very common in many of our competitors. “Ultimately it’s the people that will be

“This will remain our core focus for the year ahead.” With economic activity picking up

“Additionally, in light of the shrinking labour force, there will be a need for innovative ways to engage the mature workforce as well as the

significant in any form of professional service

dramatically in numerous industries, he noted

untapped women talent, encouraging stay-at-

business and we will identify their pain point at

an increased demand for talent in the Singapore

home mothers to return to the workforce.”

work and explore means/ways to resolve them

market. He revealed it was currently witnessing a

in the most ideal manner.”

candidate-driven market and a rise in salaries.

challenge for the company would be searching

“Companies are also becoming aware

for talent in accordance to the recent changes in

He credited the company’s nomination to its

In the next five years, he said the key

ability to deliver results and its industry centric

that they need to pay an increment to those

nature, and predicted a growing dependence on

moving on from their current roles. Salaries have

social recruiting and big data in the industry over

remained competitive as the shortage of HR

productivity and employee engagement within

the next five years.

candidates continues,” he said.

the company. Such improvements are necessary

“Mobile is the way to go for job seekers and

“In terms of demand, as always, HR

employment laws within Singapore. “Another challenge would be to improve on

for economic sustainability.

employers have to design their outreach that fits

business partners with strategic experience are

the screen of your mobile phone.

in high demand and we have noticed a huge

good staff is important for the growth of the

“Application forms will be obsolete and

“Also, attracting, developing and retaining

increase in the need for change managers and

company. Human capital is what moves GMP

replaced with interactive games to attract and

organisational development consultants who

forward and, hence, constant improvement is

sublimely stoke your interest.”

can assist and advise on business changes,


streamlining and creating efficiencies.”


19_Recruitmentunder$5K_VOTY14_sub.indd 19

2014 I


2/12/2014 7:15:22 PM

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Chris Mead

Mark Hall

Toby Fowlston

Robert Walters

Kelly Services Singapore


The most preferred firm for recruitment between

Maintaining its second place ranking in this

“HR departments are prioritising roles in the

$5-10K again this year is Robert Walters, which

category, Kelly Services launched its new career

compensation and benefits area as there is a

provides specialist recruitment services for

site in May this year. This career portal keeps

shortage of these candidates and companies are

professionals across all levels on a permanent

its customers aware of new job opportunities

seeing the benefits of finding new and innovative

and contract and temporary basis. In Singapore,

in nearly every discipline and industry. Since

ways to reward their staff, as well as attracting

industries the company has recruited for include

its launch, the company has more than 2,500

and retaining them,” observed Chris Mead,

retail, marine and semiconductors.

members registered and more than 60,000 job

regional director of Hays.

The need for collaboration was high on the company’s agenda this year. “In 2013, we came out with ‘the power of one’

views. Commenting on the year’s business

“Companies are taking longer to recruit, but are being more competitive and will pay a high

achievements and low points, Mark Hall, vice-

salary for the right person even if it’s above their

initiative, where each division/team was given

president and country general manager of Kelly


a day off during their core hours to give back to

Services Singapore, said adapting to the manual

He does acknowledge, however, that 2014

the charity organisation of the team’s choice,”

procedure of posting jobs onto Singapore’s new

has been a positive year for the HR industry in

said Toby Fowlston, Robert Walters’ managing

Job Bank had been a challenge for the company,


director of Singapore.

and had somewhat impacted productivity.

Both permanent and temporary/contract

“The idea of this project was to enhance

“Some continued challenges that Kelly

teamwork, encourage employees to give beyond

and all recruitment companies will face in 2015

professionals are switching roles. New and

just money, but through personal participation

will relate to the Ministry of Manpower’s Fair

exciting opportunities have also emerged within

and time. Our staff has since run marathons to

Consideration Framework and the Personal Data

global multinational corporations.

raise funds, organised a room makeover for one

Protection Act.”

of the kids under the Make A Wish foundation,

He added traditional recruitment methods

positions have increased in the market as more

“In a competitive and people-based industry, our continued success depends entirely on

and packed food for the needy at the Willing

in the industry were now trending towards

maintaining a high performance culture. We are

Hearts soup kitchen – just to name a few.”

redundancy. As such, he said, it remained

therefore committed to recruiting, developing

essential for recruitment firms to continue

and retaining the best talent in our industry.”

Robert Walters’ recruitment process outsourcing business, Resource Solutions,

to capitalise on the power of social media

has also achieved significant success both in

and networking and use new approaches for

employees with opportunities to grow

Singapore and the region.

candidate search instead of the traditional way

professionally. It supports flexible work practices

of attracting and identifying candidates.

and offers employees incentives to stay with

In September 2014, it announced its new partnership with Sanofi in Singapore, acting as

“Technology is changing the way people

the recruitment process outsourcing provider

interact and this includes the ways in which

(RPO) for Sanofi’s Singapore business.

recruitment firms interact with candidates.

“We strongly believe that success in

“We have seen dramatic shifts as more

The company ensures it provides its

Hays. “Together with the expertise of our staff and management team, our clients and candidates receive Singapore’s leading recruitment service

recruitment comes from working in partnership

people are aggressively using social media. It

– and through continuous improvement we’ll

with our clients.

will be interesting to see how recruitment firms

ensure this will continue in the future.”

“Robert Walters places the utmost importance on understanding our clients’

work with this versus the traditional recruiting methods.”

cultures and resourcing strategies to ensure we operate as an extension of their own business.”


21_Recruitment$5-10K_VOTY14_sub.indd 21

2014 I


2/12/2014 7:14:01 PM


Andrew Norton

Michael Page

Ng Yan Ching

Recruit Express

Joshua Yim

Achieve Group

Michael Page is one of PageGroup’s three

With specialisations in banking and finance,

Founded in Singapore, Achieve Group is a

operational brands, accompanied by Page

retail, healthcare and life sciences, among

multi award-winning organisation and HR

Personnel, and Page Executive.

others, Recruit Express has established a strong

outsourcing partner for local conglomerates and

foothold in Singapore’s recruitment industry.

multinational corporations within the Asia Pacific

“The market today is drastically different with shorter economic cycles and an increasingly

“We are humbled by this nomination for the


diverse workforce,” said Andrew Norton, regional

eighth consecutive year,” said Ng Yan Ching,

managing director of PageGroup.

senior director of Recruit Express. “This is an

talent acquisition expertise, servicing corporate

affirmation that what we are doing for our clients

clients across diverse industries.

“PageGroup has adapted to that with new tools, including advertising on social media to

must be right – delivering quality candidates to

gain access to the greatest number of quality

them in the shortest turnaround time.”

candidates to match with our clients’ business requirements.”

She stressed, however, that Singapore’s

The company was built on the strength of its

“It is a sophisticated process, which the Achieve Group has perfected over the last two decades, making the brand synonymous with

labour crunch will undeniably bring challenges

accurately matching the right people to the right

for the recruitment industry. With the

organisation within the shortest time possible,”

recruitment consultants for each job sector that

government’s continued tight rein on the hiring

the company’s website states.

it covers. This ensures every consultant is an

of foreigners, the labour crunch is unlikely to

expert on their specific industry and is able to

ease any time soon.

The company employs specialist

offer expert advice to both employers and job seekers.

In the next few years, she expects the unemployment rate to remain low. She warns

“Each year more and more job seekers and

of the need for recruitment firms to work as

Achieve Group’s CEO Joshua Yim attributes its nomination in this category to the company’s ability to fulfil its clients’ requirements and basic expectations through speed and accuracy. He adds that with the firm’s ISO 9001:2008

employers also engage PageGroup as a result

partners in managing companies’ human capital

certification, it is imperative it lives up to these

of a personal referral. This is a testament to the

than as mere manpower vendors.

high standards of quality.

high level of professionalism and service that

This is especially because HR departments

“Through these precise placements, we

has established Michael Page as a market leader

today have become more mature, directing

have enabled our clients’ businesses to achieve

in the professional recruitment sector.”

their efforts more towards becoming strategic

greater heights of success by having the right

business partners to the company.

talents onboard,” Achieve Group’s website said.

The recruitment company also prides itself on its homegrown management expertise and

“More and more sectors are turning to hiring

“In partnering our clients, we listen closely

a structure that champions profit share and

temps and contract staff. On top of that, our

to their needs, which are continually evolving

promotion from within.

government has worked very hard to attract

as their business grows. To fulfil those changing

more world-class events, including sporting

needs, we have since expanded our service

events, to be held here.

offerings to include new business entities such

“Such events, inevitably, require massive contingency manpower support. Recruitment

as HR consulting, with other exciting plans in the pipeline.”

companies specialising in providing such a workforce will have an exhilarating time ahead.”




22_Recruitment$5-10K_VOTY14_sub.indd 22


29/11/2014 3:37:04 PM


Femke Hellemons

Adecco Personnel

Francis Koh

Michael Smith



Adecco Singapore is part of the International

Francis Koh, managing director of Capita, credits

In August 2013, Randstad launched its Singapore

Adecco Group – a Fortune Global 500 company

the company’s nomination to its employees,

construction, property and engineering business.

and a global leader in HR services. Adecco

acknowledging their importance in building an

Group delivers an unparalleled range of flexible

effective and dynamic organisation.

staffing and career resources to clients and

“I believe our nomination is an

The business now has 10 specialist heads and is the largest non-boutique engineering business in the market, focused purely on

associates. It was created in 1996, following the

acknowledgement of the excellent service

addressing the acute shortage of engineering,

merger of Adia (Switzerland) and ECCO (France),

delivered by our dedicated consultants,” he says.

construction and property talent in Singapore.

two leading personnel service firms with complementary geographical profiles. Adecco will celebrate 30 years in Singapore

“Our clients have recognised our efforts

Michael Smith, country director of Randstad,

to expand Capita in line with their business

warned the increased focus on hiring locals amid

goals and is also an opportune response to the

slower economic growth will exacerbate the

in 2015, where it has a range of specialty staffing

increasing manpower requests by our clients

local manpower crunch, and SMEs will be the

services delivered through divisions in corporate

in growing industries like the healthcare and

most negatively affected from this.

functions, engineering, information technology,

technology sectors.”

life sciences and banking and financial services. “As the Singapore economy has grown, Adecco has continued to modify its specialty staffing divisions to meet the ever-increasing

The company places significant importance

“The last challenge will be to ensure that turnover remains low. As a mainly permanent

to its relationships with its clients, viewing its

focused recruitment organisation you don’t have

clients’ successes as its own.

a huge amount of assets – your assets are your

“Our relationships with our clients go beyond

people – and if they leave, typically relationships

needs of Singapore’s sophisticated workplace,”

delivery,” the company’s website states. “We

said Femke Hellemons, country manager of

understand the importance of obtaining the right

Adecco Singapore.

talent to charter our client’s growth. However,

is always changing and in this environment of

it is not just about getting talents, but about

rapid growth my advice to my people is to feel

contributing to our clients’ business objectives.”

‘worried, but safe’.”

Adecco has continually set itself as a force in strategic workforce solutions through managed services programmes and RPO offerings. This

To build strong relationships, the company

and profit go with them,” he said. “Furthermore, the recruitment landscape

By this he means his employees cannot

expertise has positioned its comprehensive

aims for its consultants to understand the needs

afford to become complacent, but they can feel

approach in a manner aligning with the changing

of each specific industry and bring in relevant

safe knowing “they work for a company with a

needs of today’s market.

networks to connect clients with top talent.


Talent2 provides services covering the full

infrastructure that ‘future proofs’ our clients,”

range of multi-process human resources

said Ken Wong, Talent2’s global general

outsourcing (MPHRO) offerings, delivering

manager operations, payroll.


services to 30 countries from 36 offi ce locations in APAC. In the past year, it has invested in its

and customer service can be enhanced; and

shared service operations in Kuala Lumpur and

providing value-added services to support our

Manila, especially in the area of continuous

clients with their transformational journey.”

improvement, 6 Sigma and customer service. It has also transitioned all of its hosting to

In the past year, it has seen an increase in compliance and data privacy requirements,

the cloud, allowing it to provide more flexibility,

plus an increased desire for formal contracting

security and performance for its clients.

and performance management processes.

“Talent2 continues to focus on our threeKen Wong

“We are also investing in the standardisation of delivery so automation

year strategy of building out software and

“The key challenges for 2015 and beyond is compliance and security."


23_Recruitment$5-10K_VOTY14_sub.indd 23

2014 I


3/12/2014 3:15:27 PM


Andrew Norton

Page Executive

Toby Fowlston

Chris Mead

Robert Walters


Michael Page is a leading professional

Over the past year, Robert Walters has remained

Aiming to maintain its position as one of the

recruitment consultancy specialising in the

committed to its corporate social responsibility

leading recruiting experts in Asia, Hays has

recruitment of permanent, contract and

projects. It has actively participated in its annual

continued to build a balanced and sustainable

temporary positions. It is one of PageGroup’s

Global Charity Day where the company involves

business over the past year.

three operational brands, along with Page

all its employees in various fundraising activities

Personnel and Page Executive.

and events.

The group operates in more than 30

“Last year the funds we raised as an office

“At Hays, we believe the right job can transform a person's life and the right person can transform a business,” the company’s website

countries. First established in London in 1976, it

were donated to Make a Wish foundation and

stated. “We're passionate about connecting our

has been bringing job seekers and employers

this year we have appointed the National Cancer

candidates with the right job for them.”

together for more than 30 years.

Centre of Singapore as our beneficiary, where

“Talent remains a key asset to any

The company’s business strategy focuses

we hope our donation will be able to help further

on three key areas, the first of which involves

organisation looking to grow and companies

their efforts in cancer research,” said Toby

driving business growth by replicating its proven

realise and value that they need to invest in

Fowlston, Robert Walters’ managing director of

business model.

this function in order to have the right talent in


their business,” said Andrew Norton, regional

To boost productivity of its employees, and

managing director of PageGroup. “With this, they also look to streamline their

“This growth will take place via new teams in our existing office and the establishment of

to promote fitness and wellbeing within the

new specialisations,” said Chris Mead, regional

office, Robert Walters Singapore also recently

director of Hays.

vendors and business partners like us who not

invested in the Globetrekker™ Challenge.

only can assist them to recruit across most

Globetrekker™ is an innovative virtual workplace

was working on involved making current

functions, but also able to value-add to the

team activity.

business operations more effective by enhancing

process by ensuring we spend quality time with

The goal is for employees to walk 10,000

both our candidates and clients to deliver the

steps per day for eight weeks in a team of five

right quality of service and hire.”

along a monitored virtual trek.

He added Singapore’s recently implemented

The challenge combines new technologies,

He added the second key area the company

them through means such as the further deployment of technology in its processes. The company also aims to prioritise its efforts in developing its people and

Fair Consideration Framework, which came

including a rewards system and online

acknowledging its people are the organisation’s

into effect in August this year, has posed some

engagement platforms such as educational

key strength in the provision of its services.

challenges as the company strives to hire more

gamification and social media to achieve real

local talents.

health solutions in the workplace.

It has also required some companies to

“We also sponsored the SCC Rugby

relook at their workforce strategies.

“Together with the expertise of our staff and management team, our clients and candidates receive Singapore’s leading recruitment service,

Academy, which gives us the opportunity to give

and through continuous improvement we’ll

back and support the development of children’s

ensure this will continue in the future,” Mead

and youth rugby in a club affiliated way to one of


the oldest and most established sports club in Asia,” he said.




24_Recruitmentover$10K_VOTY14_sub.indd 24


29/11/2014 2:47:12 PM


Emmanuel White


Mark Hall

Kelly Services Singapore

Joshua Yim

Achieve Group

In 2014, Hudson further expanded its service

Having been in Singapore for 35 years, with

“As an organisation that firmly believes in

offerings into six practices which specialise in

offices across the island, Kelly Singapore prides

progress and the pursuit of excellence in our

roles that cover security in ICT, cloud computing,

itself for securing nearly 8,000 placements in

work, the Achieve Group constantly evaluates its

IT sales, luxury goods, corporate finance and

Singapore in 2013. While the business is proud

strengths and seeks improvements in order to

banking and financial services.

of its many achievements in recent years, 2014

deliver the best possible product and service to

has seen Kelly have a record individual billing

its clients,” Achieve Group’s website states.

“We are also now working more closely with our local clients, thanks to 17 years of hiring in

from a single placement – S$219,000 – which

Singapore and supporting them through the

demonstrates “our ability to do complex senior-

accurately matching the right people to the right

Fair Consideration Framework,” said Emmanuel

level search assignments”.

organisation within the shortest time possible.

White, regional director, Asia, Hudson. “We continue to offer recruitment process

Commenting on the challenges the company encountered this year, Mark Hall,

The brand name is today synonymous with

The company credits its employees’ ability to listen closely to clients’ evolving needs.

outsourcing services to a few key strategic

vice-president and country general manager

“To fulfil those changing needs, we have

accounts, while our talent management team

of Kelly Services, cited the implementation of

since expanded our service offerings to include

has doubled and is now servicing APAC-wide

an increase in qualifying salary levels for local

new business entities such as HR consulting,


professionals, among others.

with other exciting plans in the pipeline,” it states.

As part of scaling up its operations

“From 1 January 2014, the qualifying salary

Achieve Group’s strategies have proven

in the year to come, White explained the

for new employment pass (EP) applications has

successful. Over the past year, it achieved its

company would be on the lookout for talented,

increased from S$3,000 to S$3,300, in line with

business target of 25% year-on-year growth and

experienced and passionate individuals to join

rising salaries in Singapore,” he said.

also reopened its Hong Kong office, providing

its internal team. The company also aims to

“EP and S Pass applications are now under

enhance efficiency levels of its processes to

increased scrutiny and companies which are

keep delivering high standards to its clients.

highly dependent on foreign talent, particularly

Part of this will be done by bundling its

solid testament to its efficiency, according to the company’s chief executive officer, Joshua Yim. “I do see an ongoing trend in which some

in the banking and finance industry need to look

recruitment consultants transition to become

comprehensive talent management services

at new and innovative ways to overcome the

internal recruiters. Companies approach

with its executive recruitment business to enable

challenges posed by tighter employment

recruitment consultants in the industry and

clients to further assess, locate, develop and

pass criteria.”

hire them as internal recruiters to take the

retain the best talent for their businesses. “Despite the growth of social media, the

He predicted that with the elections due

Singapore talent pool has become harder

initiatives to help locals find employment, in

to access, and there is a growing need for

line with policies such as the Fair Consideration

companies to use recruitment agencies to locate


the best possible talent for their organisations,” he said. “We are also seeing an increase in

recruitment work in-house.”

in 2016, there may be further government

“We are seeing many obvious signs this year with the introduction of Jobs Bank, visa restrictions for foreigners, special incentives to

discussions on maximising employee retention,

hire Singaporeans who have been economically

while requests for candidate assessment

inactive or were unemployed for more than

services have grown substantially.”

three months as well as measures promoting entrepreneurship,” he said.


25_Recruitmentover$10K_VOTY14_sub.indd 25

2014 I


2/12/2014 7:10:26 PM


RGF Singapore

RGF is the global brand of Recruit Holdings,

specialist and executive recruitment teams to

the world’s fourth largest HR and recruitment

cater to the demand in these high potential

services company and the largest in Japan.

growth areas. It has also increased its spend in

For more than 54 years, it has provided HR and talent acquisition services, including executive recruitment, talent market mapping,

In addition, it has also tweaked its service offering to fit clients’ needs and to keep engaged

recruitment and payroll services.

with passive, but opportunistic job seekers. “Finally, we have dramatically picked up

demands, RGF has adapted and is focusing

collaboration with our offices in Southeast Asia,

on increasing our reach, quality and speed to

China, Hong Kong, India and Japan to ensure we

source and assess talent,” said Jason Dacaret,

give our clients access to a larger qualified talent

managing director of RGF SEA.

pool and our candidates more career choices

Specifically, the group has expanded its

Ng Yan Ching

better reach into passive candidate pools.

senior to staff level specialists, contract “In line with the market situation and

Jason Dacaret

mobile, technology and other tools to give it a

and opportunities.”

Michael Smith

Recruit Express


Catherine Yeow

HRnet One

With a tag line of, “we don’t just match, we

2014 has been a productive year for Randstad,

Since 1992, HRnet One has been a recognised

deliver”, Recruit Express provides temporary,

which has not only increased its average

brand within the human capital management

contract, permanent and payroll outsourcing

productivity per head from 7,000 to 22,000,

industry. Adding value at every stage, the

solutions, specialising in retail, information and

but also upped staff numbers by 30%. It also

company provides end-to-end solutions ranging

technology, and banking and finance sectors.

achieved a record turnover of 3% in staff across

from talent acquisition, talent retention to talent

It remains committed to creating an ideal

90-plus heads. But ensuring turnover levels

management and development.

platform for clients and candidates to meet, thus

remain low will be a challenge in the year to

facilitating the hiring success for all its clients. At

come, said country director Michael Smith.

the same time, it opens doors to enable qualified talents to further enhance their career growth. “The last 12 months saw us successfully

“As a mainly permanent-focused

Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Singapore,

amount of assets. Your assets are your people,

Malaysia, Thailand and Korea.

and if they leave, typically relationships and

clients for bulk temporary/contract staff

profit go with them.”

Yan Ching, senior director of Recruit Express.

countries and 10 cities across Asia Pacific –

recruitment organisation you don’t have a huge

fulfilling some special projects with several placements given on very short notice,” said Ng

The company has 500 consultants and more than 300 partners, and operates in eight

He also cited many value-added activities it did for clients in the past year. .

“We map the market to provide candidates outside social media sources,” said Catherine Yeow, general manager of Singapore, Thailand and Korea. She identified that in the next five

“In one such project, we delivered close to

“We have a customer engagement

300 headcounts within a week for a client who

programme whereby every temporary/

needed these temporary staff members to be

contract and permanent placement we make

“HRnet One’s talent management and

deployed at various sites for a project that ran for

is independently audited to gauge client and

development solutions help organisations

three weeks. By and large, we have maintained,

candidate satisfaction."

with mid management development, talent

if not exceeded, our past year’s performance.” When asked about possible challenges, Ng

Looking to 2015, he observed HR would

years, demand for temporary and contract placements would rise significantly.

profiling for succession planning, career

be given a greater voice in the boardroom,

transition management and other human capital

identified the labour crunch would persist and

particularly for service-based organisations,

concerns,” the company’s website stated.

with rising operation costs, the company would

attributing the trend to a greater alignment

have to improve its productivity to maintain, if not

between business and talent strategies.

exceed, its service delivery to clients.




26_Recruitmentover$10K_VOTY14_sub.indd 26

“Upon understanding our clients’ issues, our consultants will customise and propose targeted solutions.”


3/12/2014 3:07:58 PM



Companies across Asia Pacific have been

“Met with increasing pressure to deliver

looking to grow their compensation and benefits

value and growth, our clients faced the need

strategies – not just in range, but also in the

to maximise the employee value proposition to

scope and depth of each offering, as evidenced

attract, engage and retain the brightest talent.

at Human Resources’ Benefits Asia Interactive

At the same time, they faced increasing cost

year’s list, differentiates itself with a flex wellness

2014 conference.

pressure to do more with less,” said Mercer’s

marketplace that enables employers to shift the

ASEAN managing director Lisa Sun.

goal of benefits from treatment to prevention.

Increasingly, they are realising the benefits that lie in better C&B – stronger employee

ConneXionsAsia (CXA), a newcomer to this

Jeremy Andrulis, CEO of Southeast Asia for

“CXA puts the ‘fit’ in benefits,” says Rosaline

proposition, greater engagement, and

Aon Hewitt Consulting and managing director of

Koo, founder and CEO. Indeed, all of the finalists

better retention of talent – and about 40% of

its Singapore operations – which came in fourth

do just that quite well.

organisations in the Asia Pacific region are now

place – agreed.

investing 20% of their payroll towards this, a

“The employer brand has emerged as a

Towers Watson study found.

Preferred Compensation and Benefits Consultants

strategic differentiator for companies to attract

Our list of contenders this year from the

as well as engage and retain talent.”

field of compensation and benefits was marked

As a result, innovative solutions were top-




Towers Watson

by companies that listened to their clients,

of-mind for this year’s contenders, ranging from

made use of technology to reduce costs and

mobile applications to cloud-based HR systems


Hay Group

paperwork, and strengthened their region-

and flexible wellness packages. Others, such as


Aon Hewitt Singapore

centric offerings.

HR Business Solutions Asia (HRBS), have worked

Organisations are faced with a tight

on building their depth of knowledge through

economy, so they are looking to optimise their C&B spend, while trying to cater to various

the launch of regional and sectoral surveys. “Listening to our clients’ needs helped us

employee needs. The companies who have

strengthen a foothold across the industries

addressed this have put themselves in a strong

of luxury and casual retail, sourcing, and

position. Proving this, Mercer continues to

manufacturing,” said Elaine Ng, managing

occupy top spot from last year.

principal and founder of HRBS.




28_Intro_Compensation&Benefits_VOTY14_sub.indd 28


HR Business Solutions Asia




Carrots Consulting




HRnet One




29/11/2014 4:32:44 PM


“As businesses grow more global and borders easier to transverse, individual and fragmented benefit plans in each market no longer make financial or long-term strategic sense.”

“Hay Group has been advising clients on global reward issues. Our suite of pay productised services puts this experience at the client’s fingertips.”

Lisa Sun


Towers Watson

Hay Group

What Mercer did right over the past year, as in

Getting results from your reward programmes

Hay Group, ranked the third most preferred

the previous, was listen to clients. “They had a

means having the right reward strategy, smart

consultant for compensation and benefits, has

critical need to maximise the employee value

design and effective execution, says Towers

had a busy year. In its research, it found that a

proposition, to attract, engage and retain the

Watson on its website.

lack of partnership between line management

brightest talent. At the same time, they faced

To do this, in the past year, the company

increasing cost pressure to do more with less,”

strengthened its global benefits solutions by

said Lisa Sun, Mercer’s ASEAN managing director.

establishing a benefits brokerage operation in

In turn, Mercer developed a range of new solutions to meet these needs, which makes it

and HR teams was stifl ing the effectiveness of the business. Further, 68% of HR directors said that

Singapore, in the process moving from fourth to

dealing with day-to-day enquiries from line

second this year.

managers was taking up to one-third of

the most preferred consultant for compensation

“Our clients are increasingly looking for

and benefits. For example, its benchmarking and

solutions that have both global consistency

benefits review service helps clients to set up a

and local relevance,” said the company’s recent

new suite of mobile applications that aim to

benefits programme from scratch, or its off-the-

media release.

empower both HR and line managers, and help

shelf health benefits plan, enabling Singaporebased companies to adopt flexible schemes. The past year also saw the formalisation

“As businesses grow more global and borders easier to transverse, individual and fragmented benefit plans in each market

their time. It responded innovatively by launching a

them make better decisions by providing access to HR data. These included the Grade A Job and Price A

of the relationship between Marsh and Mercer,

no longer make financial or long-term

Job apps, which look to empower line managers

going to market under Mercer Marsh Benefits.

strategic sense.”

to quickly and easily view the level of a job

“This launch aligns our benefits experts

The global network of rewards consultants

internally to ensure we are able to provide clients

at Towers Watson has been ranked as the

with the best that both firms have to offer.”

second best preferred for its ability to “integrate

Several of Mercer’s new offerings in 2014

compared to others in their team, as well as determine the job pricings for an employee. “For 60 years, Hay Group has been advising

reward and talent strategies to focus client’s

clients on global reward issues. Our suite of pay

made use of technology to ensure cost savings

investments on employee engagement,

productised services puts this experience at the

and ease-of-use for clients. Clearly, innovation

productivity, and, ultimately, the bottom line,” as

client’s fingertips,” said the company’s website.

ranks high on its list of priorities. “We believe

provided on the website.

solutions that applied in the past will no longer

Hay Group’s website also makes a special

For the next three to five years, the company

note of the company’s PayNet database of

work as there are rapid changes in Asia, severely

projects overall global growth for business to be

total remuneration and employee benefits

impacting the human capital landscape.”

“moderate and divergent on a country basis”.

which it says contains more than seven million

One of these major changes, said Sun, was

It has also identified a number of new

the huge upsurge in companies’ demand for

technologies having the potential to enhance

workforce analytics, an area to watch out for.

productivity on a global scale.

individual records from more than 13,000 global organisations.

Another is the renewed government focus on top management pay. In May this year, the Monetary Authority of Singapore issued a revised Code of Corporate Governance, with implications on executive remuneration practices. “We see ourselves helping clients develop effective executive compensation plans, linked to their talent strategy, aligned with corporate governance, and which create long-term shareholder value.”


29_Compensation&Benefits_VOTY14_sub.indd 29

2014 I


29/11/2014 4:38:28 PM


Coming in fourth place is Aon Hewitt Singapore,

Aon Hewitt Singapore

explore cloud-based solutions and targeted

individuals to secure a better future through

talent applications. There is also a bigger focus

innovative talent, retirement and health

on driving more workforce productivity.

solutions”, in the words of Jeremy Andrulis, CEO

Taking this forward, Aon Hewitt will focus

of Southeast Asia for Aon Hewitt Consulting and

on helping clients make informed decisions

managing director of its Singapore operations.

by analysing data, “to predict outcomes which

“We deliver comprehensive solutions that anticipate our client’s needs and achieve

enable HR to lead the business”. Andrulis affi rms a greater emphasis is also

meaningful results. Moreover, we have world-

anticipated on analysing the “return on rewards”,

class experts who deliver meaningful insights

to drive financial wellness for employees,

and exceed expectations.”

“by analysing all rewards data to develop

These insights have focused on the Jeremy Andrulis

Clients are investing in HR systems that

which seeks to “empower organisations and

individualised rewards packages for employees”.

changing industry landscape.

“As trade borders dissolve and the world globalises, Deloitte member firms’ clients are demanding consistent and high-quality service across borders.” Johan Grundlingh

Elaine Ng

HR Business Solutions Asia


Carrots Consulting

Deloitte recently set a Guinness world record

Established in 2000, Carrots Consulting has

2014 has been an eventful year for this C&B

in the backdrop of the company’s large-

grown swiftly and is now rated one place higher

consultant, with a host of new surveys.

scale change management activity, where

in this year’s rankings. The company adopts a

800 employees from 10 locations in SEA

total reward approach, where its key offerings in

compensation survey, Hong Kong construction

had the “most people making paper aircraft

C&B, include job evaluation, pay benchmarking,

industry compensation survey, and are about

simultaneously in multiple locations”.

short and long-term incentive plans, benefits

“We successfully launched the Myanmar

to launch the VBA for our C&B effectiveness

While this was an exercise to launch its

course, as well as the marketing services

global 2020 strategy, the company continues

industry survey,” said Elaine Ng, managing

to provide audit, tax, consulting, and financial

principal and founder of HR Business Solutions

advisory services to public and private clients

Asia (HRBS). “At HRBS, we are constantly

spanning multiple industries.

listening to clients’ needs."

Its SEA practice brought together the

design, performance scorecard design and implementation, and others. To add to this, the company has introduced a new key service offering called e-Enablement. “Through this offering, we partner with our clients to help them move our recommended

benefits of global strength and local delivery

designs to an online platform and automate

foothold across luxury and casual retail and

when Deloitte member firms in Brunei, Guam,

these services,” said CEO Johan Grundlingh.

sourcing and manufacturing sectors, There has

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,

been increased competition, but this is usual,

Thailand and Vietnam joined together in 2007.

This listening ear helped it strengthen its

said Ng, adding clients prefer HRBS’ one-stop

“As trade borders dissolve and the world

He also shares the past year has seen it diversify its customer base and regional footprint. Owing to these strengths, he is

service, using a regional hub model via its offices

globalises, Deloitte member firms’ clients are

confident of future growth. He also credits

in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing.

demanding consistent and high-quality service

Carrots’ “cutting-edge expertise and vast span of

across borders. The formation of Deloitte

its internal knowledge base”.

Ng anticipates the HR industry will become

However, as with most industries, he

more challenging as companies continue to

Southeast Asia is one way this level of service

focus on cost efficiency.

can be delivered in the current environment,”

anticipates challenges such as the availability of

says the website.

experienced talent, and an increase in business

“As clients’ needs evolve with the increasingly fluid and volatile job markets, their

This collaboration comprises 250 partners

costs, as the key areas to tackle for 2015. He points out the talent crunch has been

work requires more justification in a shorter

and 6,000 professionals, enabling the company’s

period of time. Providing tailored solutions in a

staff to offer greater breadth and depth of

rampant, and companies have been “slow to

timely manner will become even more crucial.”

service to its clients across the region.

materialise productivity improvements”.




30_Compensation&Benefits_VOTY14_sub.indd 30


3/12/2014 3:08:52 PM


"The PwC experience is our commitment to maintain our distinctions through building relationships and creating value." Catherine Yeow C


HRnet One

Rosaline Koo


PwC China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan

HRnet One has put up a strong showing, up

The final vendor to make it to this year’s listing

work together on a collaborative basis helping

one rank, to tie in eighth position. The company,

of C&B consultants is ConneXionsAsia (CXA) – a

organisations and individuals create the value

which offers services in search, placements,

new inclusion – which has developed Asia’s first

they are looking for. This year, the firm has tied

consultancy and assessment tools, looks to add

flex wellness marketplace, enabling employers

in eighth and is down two spots from last

value at every stage of the cycle with its end-to-

to shift the goal of benefits from treatment

year’s rankings.

end solutions.

to prevention.

PwC’s mandate is to provide organisations

In the past year, this human capital

with the advice they need, wherever they may

consultant has added payroll outsourcing and

be located.

contracts, as well as temporary placements to

“Our highly qualified, experienced

“CXA puts the ‘fit’ in benefits,” says Rosaline Koo, founder and CEO. Employers in Singapore are burdened

its portfolio, said Catherine Yeow, HRnet One’s

with worsening employee health, escalating

professionals listen to different points of view to

general manager for Singapore, Thailand and

healthcare costs, unappreciated benefits, and

help organisations solve their business issues

Korea. This is timely considering the past 12

complex benefits administration.

and identify and maximise the opportunities they

months have seen an increased demand for

seek. Our industry specialisation allows us to

contract and temp placements.

help co-create solutions with our clients for their sector of interest,” says the company’s website. What distinguishes PwC from other firms?

“At HRnet One, we believe in working alongside our clients in an enduring partnership towards successful closure. We listen, we

CXA’s platform empowers employee choice, improves workforce health, and simplifies benefits administration while controlling premium increases, she says. She takes the example of single employees

“The PwC experience, which is our commitment

connect and we identify the best solutions for

or those with spousal coverage, who can

to maintain our distinctions through building

our clients.”

channel the money currently spent on wasted,

relationships and creating value.” The website defines the PwC experience as encompassing four distinct behaviours – investing in teams and client relationships;

Fuelling HRnet One's success is a team of

duplicated benefits into prevention and wellness

consultants committed to providing high service

services such as gym memberships, health


screening and weight management.

“Drawn from a broad spectrum of industries,

“All claims are electronic, with real-

sharing and collaborating; putting ourselves in

our consultants possess the right combination of

time status updates visible on the web and

our clients' and each other’s shoes; and focusing

business, consultancy and search expertise.”

mobile apps.” This reduces in-house benefits

on client value and on enhancing the value of our people. PwC believes businesses in Singapore are well placed to leverage on technology.

Another advantage the company has, is it “maps the market to provide candidates outside

administration, a reason why clients prefer CXA. Since launching in March, CXA has signed up

of social media sources”, says Yeow. However,

six large clients and plans a dozen more by year-

she admits social media will prove to be a

end. It has also acquired Pan Group, Singapore’s

challenge for the company to tackle come 2015.

largest home-grown broker.

Another trend she believes the coming year

The challenge for CXA lies in finding the

will bring is the “retained business will go down,

right talent to match the company’s robust

while contracts and temp business will go up”.

growth. “We will also need to accelerate our partnership distribution models with banks and insurance companies across Asia, while being mindful of competitors potentially copying our business model.” She estimates workplace wellness benefits will increasingly be used as an employee engagement tool, and as a competitive differentiator in Asia’s war for talent.


31_Compensation&Benefits_VOTY14_sub.indd 31

2014 I


29/11/2014 4:53:30 PM

AIA Untitled-3 1

AIA 29/11/2014 7:40:19 PM



The need to protect the health and boost the wellness of staff is imperative to building a happy and productive workforce, but it’s undoubtedly a huge concern for HR professionals cost-wise. As clients’ needs continuously change,

This is where the old adage, “prevention is better than a cure” comes into play. “We’re committed to encouraging organisations to focus on wellness initiatives

offer end-to-end HR transformation, and the formalisation of the relationship between Mercer and Marsh for employee health and benefits.

– a healthier, happier and more engaged staff

“As for future trends, the need to prevent will

corporate insurance providers need to offer

strength will benefit our clients in numerous

flexible and cost-effective solutions which

ways, including higher productivity, lower

allow businesses to seek improvements to their

absenteeism, and ultimately, cost containment

priority for organisations, and we foresee that

insurance premiums, but also contain costs.

for healthcare claims and insurance premiums,”

more and more organisations will be looking to

says Aviva Singapore CEO Nishit Majmudar.

focus on embedding preventive care measures

Melita Teo, chief corporate solutions officer at AIA Singapore, says there will also be a higher

However, he admits getting employers to

premium placed on company medical benefits

embed these preventative measures “could

when MediShield Life kicks in next year.

be a challenge” because it involves “a shift

“Clients will seek to minimise duplication of coverage in medical insurance benefits, while recognising the need to provide comprehensive

in mentality about the role they can play to influence healthy employee behaviours”. Innovation is also a running theme in the

remain high on HR’s agenda, Majmudar says. “Cost containment should become a top

in the workplace to tackle this problem.” Preferred Employee Insurance Vendors 1.

AIA Singapore



employee benefits schemes to promote staff

industry, with it high on Mercer's agenda, says


Aon Consulting (Singapore)

loyalty and ensure greater welfare and optimal

Lisa Sun, ASEAN managing director.




Prudential Assurance Company Singapore


The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company


AXA Singapore




Jardine Lloyd Thompson


Pan Group

coverage for their staff,” she says. To combat this, AIA – in first place again

“We believe solutions applied in the past will no longer work, as there are rapid changes

this year – continuously develops areas of

in Asia severely impacting the human capital

collaboration and works to engage clients to

landscape,” she says.

innovate better solutions to take care of staff. Aviva, in second place, agrees that medical

She adds several of Mercer’s new offerings make use of technology for greater efficiency

costs will rise in the coming years, meaning cost

and effectiveness, including cutting-edge

containment will be high on HR’s agenda.

offerings such as partnering with Workday to


33_Intro_EmployeeInsurance_VOTY14_sub.indd 33

2014 I


3/12/2014 3:11:27 PM


Nishit Majmudar

Melita Teo

AIA Singapore


Corine Cheong

Aon Consulting (Singapore)

With more than 50 years of experience in

Aviva takes second place yet again this year,

providing employee benefits and group

after launching a new wellness programme to all

What are the biggest issues facing human

insurance services to companies in Singapore,

group insurance clients in March 2014.

resources leaders today? Is there a smarter way

AIA offers services across protection, health and corporate wellness for employees.

The composite insurer, general insurance

to provide healthcare? Can claims processes

and asset management business, now offers

be made simpler? Why can’t quality healthcare

Fit&Well, which consists of an online portal as

be affordable? These are the questions Aon

to be both customisable and cost-efficient to a

well as offline activities for health and wellness,

Consulting seeks to answer, and the ones they

level that HR professionals this year voted the

says Aviva Singapore PCEO Nishit Majmudar.

ask their clients every day.

AIA’s comprehensive packages have proven

company in the number one spot again.

These include online activities such as

Showing a huge jump from eighth place

“As the preferred employee insurance

obtaining wellness tips, guides and recipes,

in 2013, Aon is a leading global provider of

vendor voted by HR professionals since 2006,

access to various weight trackers and social

risk management, insurance and reinsurance

we are committed to putting customers’ needs

communities to set fitness goals. Offl ine activities

brokerage, as well as human resources and

at the heart of everything we do,” says Melita

include health talks and helping clients with

outsourcing services.

Teo, chief corporate solutions officer.

nutrition tips.

“We adopt a proactive approach in assisting

“This value-added benefit provides

Through its health and benefits arm, Aon provides employee benefits consulting,

our corporate clients to better manage their

employers with a free tool to increase

wellness, data analytics, flexible benefits

employee insurance programmes.”

engagement and welfare for employees and, at

consulting and worksite marketing.

Over the past 12 months, these solutions

the same time, boost the fitness level of staff.”

have expanded and strengthened, with an

He adds its activities this year prove the

enhancement of offerings to the SME market. For example, the company has launched the

“This year, the focus of our business is to improve the user experience while enjoying

company continues to be a market leader in the

benefits,” said Corine Cheong, executive director

employee benefits and healthcare space.

of Aon Hewitt Health & Benefits.

AIA Comprehensive Employee Benefits (CEB)

“We’re an appointed insurer for Medisave-

Flexi-Elite Plus, giving a robust range of plans

approved Integrated Shield plans as well as for

inefficiencies for the longest time with not much

and coverage for Singapore’s SMEs.

the national long-term care scheme, ElderShield.

being done. Aon Health & Benefits collaborated

And we were the pioneer insurer in Singapore to

with major insurers in Singapore and embarked

wellness, AIA Vitality – a science-backed

offer car insurance online directly to consumers,

on two major client initiatives – World Class

wellness programme – is also accessible and

changing the marketplace thereafter.”

Broking (WCB) and Aon Care.”

For a better journey towards health and

affordable for employees in Singapore with a

In the group insurance space, the company

membership fee of just $3 per month. “AIA Singapore is the first and only insurer to pay AIA Vitality members as they get healthier, paying them up to three times the total annual

“The industry has been experiencing

The new WCB model transforms the

continues to protect the Singapore Armed

services Aon provides and how it carries out

Forces’ servicemen and their dependants.

insurer recommendations and selection.

As for challenges in 2015, he says rising medical costs will continue to be an issue.

membership fees – up to S$108 a year,” Teo says.

“Cost containment should become a top

This is among other benefits and rewards,

priority for organisations,” he says. “In 2015, we’re

Designed as a holistic one-stop solution, Aon Care is the only touchpoint insured members interact with. Healthcare providers, insurers, processes,

such as discounts from gym memberships,

committed to encouraging organisations to

and support – they’re all fully integrated into Aon

airfares and health screening packages.

also focus on wellness initiatives – a healthier,

Care, meaning no more multiple party

happier and more engaged staff strength will

co-ordination or “confusing runarounds”.

“AIA is constantly developing areas of collaboration and engaging our corporate

benefit our corporate clients in numerous ways,

clients and partners to innovate better solutions

including higher productivity, lower absenteeism,

just about technology. It’s about improving

that help businesses take greater care of

and ultimately, cost containment for healthcare

members’ experience.”

their employees.”

claims and insurance premiums.”




34_EmployeeInsurance_VOTY14_sub.indd 34

“While it’s innovatively built, Aon Care isn’t


3/12/2014 2:15:25 PM


"We are fully committed to treating our customers fairly in respect of product development, sales and advisory services." Dr Khoo Kah Siang

Lisa Sun


Prudential Assurance Company Singapore

The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company

Up from seventh place in 2013, Mercer puts its success down to a concerted effort to listen

One of the top life insurance companies in

The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company

to clients' changing needs. Lisa Sun, ASEAN

Singapore, Prudential Singapore is an indirect

is dedicated to providing complete insurance

managing director, says that met with increasing

wholly owned subsidiary of UK-based

solutions to its businesses and employees.

pressure to deliver value and drive growth,

Prudential plc.

its clients were faced with the critical need to

The company has been present in

“We provide holistic insurance solutions that range from group medical, general,

maximise the employee value proposition to

Singapore for more than 80 years, serving the

portable and business insurance to asset

attract, engage and retain the brightest talent.

people’s financial needs and protection to bring

management strategies,” said Dr Khoo Kah

solutions to customers through a multi-channel

Siang, CEO (Singapore). Over the past 12 months,

distribution network. This includes product

the company has championed “little changes,

offerings in protection, savings and investments.

which change life for the better” such as the

“At the same time, they faced increasing cost pressure to do more with less,” Sun says. “Additionally, as our recent research with the World Economic Forum highlighted, companies are waking up to the accentuated need for employers to invest in the education, career development and wellness of their employees.”

As at June 30, 2014, the company had more than S$26.5 billion funds under management. On its website, Prudential states customers will be provided with a comprehensive

live great corporate wellness programme, which encourages organisations to preach the importance of health and wellness to staff. Through a strong formula (a healthy

explanation of the plans and products proposed

employee = a happy employee = a productive

developed a range of new solutions, including

to them; recommendations based on their

employee = a healthy company) the programme

maximising benefits effectiveness through

unique financial needs and circumstances;

delivers expert advice, and more, to support

Mercer Marsh Benefits’ new benchmarking and

regular communication so they stay informed

employees' best intentions for healthy living.

benefits review services and offering choice

about any developments to their policy and a

in benefits to cater to employees of different

commitment to listen to their feedback.

To address its clients’ needs, Mercer

profiles and life stages, to name a couple. “We found that increased ill employee health is not only driving higher medical costs,

“We are fully committed to treating

“In an evolving economic environment with lean and ageing manpower resources, more companies are exploring having a portable

our customers fairly in respect of product

medical benefit plan to complement their group

development, sales and advisory services.”

hospital and surgical plan so as to provide some

it is also causing a decline in both employee

form of continuity of medical coverage when the

engagement and commitment to the workplace

employees retire or leave the employment. “There is no single plan that fits all and

and is associated with increases in absenteeism

we will work with companies to identify their

and employee turnover rates." With regards to data, Sun adds Mercer

objectives and conduct a health fact-find which

iknow offers a platform to quickly diagnose

includes the budget the companies have set for

issues and provide direction for clients.

their employee benefits.”

AXA Singapore On its corporate website, AXA states its

society” via a number of solutions, including a

mission is “to help customers live their lives

robust array of corporate business solutions for

also provide an easy and efficient administration

with more peace of mind by protecting

businesses and their employees.

programme to manage your staff medical

them, their relatives and their property against risks, and by managing their savings and assets”. In the business of protecting people,

“Employees are one of the greatest assets to your business,” the website reads. “Take care of their wellbeing with AXA’s

“In addition, our group medical solutions

claims.” Its solutions range from group term life, critical illness, hospital and surgical and

array of employee health and benefits insurance

personal accident insurance, to group Smartcare

AXA aims to leverage its skills, resources and

solutions, which include group medical and

Entrepreneur and “SME Made Easy” plans for

risk expertise to build a “stronger and safer

personal accident coverage.

smaller businesses.


35_EmployeeInsurance_VOTY14_sub.indd 35

2014 I


29/11/2014 4:11:46 PM


"Our priority is providing clients with the confidence they need to prosper. Behind every policy we write is our commitment to deliver what matters most to them."

"Pan is renowned in the industry for superior customer service, strong processes and dedication to quality." David Lum


Jardine Lloyd Thompson

Pan Group

AIG is a world-leading property-casualty and

Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) is an insurance

In February 2014, Pan Group – a 21-year-old

general insurance organisation serving more

placements, health risk management, insurance

Singapore-grown employee benefits brokerage

than 70 million clients worldwide.

advisory, insurance programmes and claims

– was acquired by ConneXionsAsia (CXA), a then

management company.

one-month-old technology start-up which built

AIG Asia Pacific Insurance has been serving the Singapore community since 1953, and is

Over the past 12 months, David Lum, CEO of

the end-to-end employee benefits platform,

one of the largest general insurance companies

JLT Specialty Asia, says the insurance broking

mentioned in this year’s Vendors of the Year

in Singapore, offering innovative solutions

business continues to remain competitive.

preferred compensation and benefits

to the changing needs of individuals and

“So, besides providing the core offerings

corporate clients.

of insurance design, placement, advisory and

“As an AIG company, we take on our clients’

specialist category. The move was made with the expectation of

administration, we have started to provide health

disrupting the S$3.75 billion employee benefits

challenges and goals,” the website states. “Our

risk management and launched our technology

industry in Asia, as its clients are now able to

priority is providing clients with the confidence

platform, BenPal Information Portal.”

leverage their existing insurance and healthcare

they need to prosper. Behind every policy we

This is a flexible, in-house benefits and data

spend to get integrated flexible benefits,

write is our commitment to deliver what matters

management system, which can be deployed in

workplace wellness and benefits administration

most to them.”

a range of configurations, depending on which

through CXA’s brokerage.

Its strengths, the company website reads, include its own experienced talent who have

specific system features may be required. As well as new offerings such as this, the

Pan Group comprises of Pan Resources and PanFlex and has retained its name, management

the know-how to assess vulnerability and

company has continued to grow, particularly in

team and 70 staff, as well as founding CEO

underwrite the most complex risks; the ongoing

the employee benefits insurance business.

Young King Chew.

development of new and industry leading

“Our growth stems organically and from

products and services – as well as tailor-made

new businesses. We aim to be one of the top

solutions – and “an unwavering commitment to

two insurance broking firms in Singapore (by

customer service excellence and to supporting

revenue) within the next two years.”

our clients”.

This is a challenge the company could be

Focused on group insurance since 1993, Pan developed the first e-claims portal in Asia. The website states the company is “renowned in the industry for superior customer service, strong processes and dedication to

on its way to achieving, considering its stable

quality – values which the tireless Young brought

workforce with a turnover rate of less than

to Pan from her experience in banking and

10%, and a 98% client retention rate. But these

MAS supervision”.

successes don’t come without challenges. “The HR industry has become more

Pan has earned a loyal following of more than 800 clients comprising large multinationals,

knowledgeable and sophisticated. As a

institutions as well as small and medium

result, expectations of our service levels are


much higher.”




36_EmployeeInsurance_VOTY14_sub.indd 36


29/11/2014 4:35:25 PM

Get fit, get well, get covered. Now thereÕs yet another reason to choose Aviva, your market leader in employee insurance! Apart from providing comprehensive and customisable solutions to your organisation, weÕre also offering FREE health and wellness support for your staff. Introducing Fit&Well Ð a complimentary health and fitness programme specially designed for our corporate members! With an online portal supported by health talks, fitness classes and other onsite activities, itÕs a platform of value-added benefits that empowers your people to care more about their well-being.

Email us at today.

Terms and conditions apply. This advertisement is not a contract of insurance. This information is published for general information only and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person.

Aviva Ltd 4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2, Singapore 068807 ¥ ¥ Company Reg. No. 196900499K


NURTURING WELLNESS AT WORK Health expenditure and needs were among one of the primary focal points for the Singapore government and local businesses this year. Employers are worried about the health of their workforce – and the impact it can have on productivity and the bottom line – but many don’t have the data they need to implement and support a robust health and wellness programme. Lisa Sun, ASEAN managing director of Mercer, which emerged second in this category this year, says this is a growing concern. “To cater to employees of different profiles and life stages, we saw a growing trend where more Singapore-based companies were adopting flexible benefit schemes that provided employees with benefits they valued, while addressing critical business issues such as diverse workforce needs and employee engagement,” she says. She explains increased ill employee health is not only driving higher medical costs, but is also causing a decline in employee engagement and commitment to the workplace, and is associated

system built on reliability and professionalism

with increases in absenteeism and employee

that can support and handle the challenges

turnover rates.

ahead, such as the introduction of MediShield

the worsening health of their workforce and

Life next year.”

escalating healthcare costs, but have insufficient

Ultimately, this has a negative impact on workplace productivity and financial

Dr Khor Chin Kee, CEO of Parkway Shenton,

“Three quarters of firms are concerned about

ROI data to support wellness programmes that

adds that an increased focus on local healthcare

can improve employee health and reduce claims

issues is also being led by HR professionals, who

costs over time,” says Rosaline Koo, founder and

changing protection needs, clients will continue

are becoming more proactive at handling health

CEO of ConneXionsAsia.

to seek improvements in their insurance

issues of staff.

performance. “With healthcare costs increasing and ever-

premiums,” says Melita Teo, chief corporate

“Human resources practitioners are also

solutions officer at AIA Singapore, in first place

more discerning as they are better informed

this year.

about health, disease prevention and

Teo predicts with the rise of medical costs in Singapore, there will also be a higher premium

management,” he says. “Hence, they are looking more for innovative

placed on company medical benefits when

and cost-effective measures from their medical

MediShield Life kicks in next year.

service providers to address these issues.”

Clients will seek to minimise duplication of

(CPF) Board launched the Retirement and Health

recognising the need to provide comprehensive

Study to collect information on the needs of

employee benefits schemes to promote staff

Singaporeans, a report by ConneXionsAsia found

loyalty and ensure greater welfare and optimal

a majority of companies locally also expressed

coverage for their staff, she says.

interest in implementing flexi-benefits to improve




38_Intro_ EmployeeHealthcare_VOTY14_sub.indd 38


AIA Singapore




Raffles Medical Group


Aon Consulting (Singapore)




Parkway Shenton


MHC Asia Group

While Singapore’s Central Provident Fund

coverage in medical insurance benefits, while

“It is thus critical we have in place a robust

Preferred employee healthcare providers

the health of their staff.




The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company


NTUC Income


29/11/2014 4:04:29 PM


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Melita Teo

Lisa Sun

AIA Singapore


Dr Joseph Soon

Raffles Medical Group

Claiming top spot this year, AIA Singapore

In response to the increasing pressure felt by its

Serving more than 9,000 corporate clients

offers an extensive range of group insurance

clients to deliver value and drive growth, Mercer

through its panel of clinics, Raffles Medical

products to meet its clients’ life needs, as well

has developed a range of new solutions over the

Group has maintained collaborative relationships

as a comprehensive range of employee benefits

past year to address these new demands.

with major multinational corporations and

solutions, which include term life, accidental

These include greater choice in benefits,

death and dismemberment, medical, dental,

better HR metrics and analytics, and a new

critical illness and long-term disability products.

flexible health benefits plan, among others.

“We adopt a proactive approach in assisting

“In 2014, Mercer was able to strengthen

government agencies in their corporate wellness programmes. “With the ever-evolving healthcare needs of corporate companies, Raffles Medical

our corporate clients to better manage their

our consulting teams with talent from across

will continue to support them in managing

employee insurance programmes,” said Melita

the world, bringing valuable experience,

healthcare costs and improving the health,

Teo, chief corporate solutions officer at

perspectives and a broad scope of expertise

wellbeing and productivity of their employees,”

AIA Singapore.

to the firm,” said Lisa Sun, ASEAN managing

said Dr Joseph Soon, general manager of

director of Mercer.

Raffles Medical.

In the past 12 months, AIA has continued to strengthen its position in the market through

She added several of Mercer’s new offerings

“The growing interest in workplace safety

proactive engagement and collaboration with

in 2014 made use of technology for greater

and health, workplace health promotion and

corporate clients. It has also strengthened its

efficiency and effectiveness, providing its clients

designated workplace doctors programmes by

internal operational processes and broadened

with increased cost savings and ease of use.

HR practitioners will also offer fresh and deeper

the capabilities of its team so it remains relevant

The company is also looking forward to

and reliable to meet its clients’ evolving needs as

developing more innovative cutting-edge

well as industry standards.

offerings that address the complexity of its

In the employee health sphere, AIA offers

clients’ evolving needs in the coming year.

AIA Vitality, “a science-backed wellness

“In Singapore, we service a large number

collaborative opportunities with companies for us.” He observed the Singapore economy had continued to improve since 2010 and many companies were beginning to embark on more

programme that works with your employees to

of multinational and domestic clients across a

specific healthcare services in the areas of

make real changes to their health”.

range of market segments and industry sectors,”

occupational health and workplace safety as

Sun said.

their needs evolved.

This is aligned with the government’s Healthy Living Master Plan, making healthy living

“Over the years, this diversity of experience

He stated, however, that mitigating issues

easily accessible and affordable to employees

and deep understanding of the marketplace

such as rising healthcare costs and maintaining a

with membership fees of $3 per month.

has enabled us to tackle issues in a proactive

productive workforce was still key to many

manner and to develop comprehensive end-to-

HR practitioners.

“We will continue to proactively collaborate and engage our clients and partners to further

end products and solutions addressing critical

strengthen our reliability and resilience, to

client needs.”

“Healthcare costs will continue to rise given the manpower crunch in the healthcare industry,

instil confidence in our clients, innovate better

which will inadvertently have an impact on

solutions and keep us on the path of sustainable

companies using healthcare services,” he said.

growth,” Teo said.

“It is therefore important for employee healthcare to be managed in an integrated manner for a comprehensive corporate solution.”




40_EmployeeHealthcare_VOTY14_sub.indd 40


29/11/2014 6:00:50 PM


Nishit Majmudar

Corine Cheong

Aon Consulting (Singapore)


Dr Khor Chin Kee

Parkway Shenton

Aviva is a composite insurer with life, general

Parkway Shenton provides its corporate clients

“This year the focus of our business is to improve

insurance and asset management business lines

with a wide range of healthcare services –

the user experience while enjoying benefits,”

in the employee benefits and healthcare space.

from general practice, aviation medicine and

said Corine Cheong, executive director of Aon

In March, it launched a wellness programme,

Hewitt health and benefits. As the company’s

Fit&Well, a free tool helping employers increase

client base grew, out-of-the box initiatives

engagement while boosting fitness levels.

psychiatry, executive health screeners, accident and emergency to air evacuation services. “With more clients taking an interest in their corporate and employee health profile,

surrounding interests of its clients continued to

“One way in which we’re helping our

evolve. Cheong also attributed Aon’s nomination

corporate clients is by helping them embed

Parkway Shenton collaborates closely with them

to the company’s professionalism, client-focus

wellness initiatives within their organisation – for

in their corporate health promotion activities,”

solutions and its ability to leverage on the market

example, our corporate clients benefit from our

said CEO Dr Khor Chin Kee. “More customised

locally and regionally.

Fit&Well programme for free, which includes

programmes are being introduced, aimed at

access to an online portal and also offl ine

improving employees’ health and productivity.”

“Aon health and benefits collaborated with major insurers in Singapore and embarked on

activities in their offi ce premises,” said Nishit

two major client initiatives – world class broking

Majmudar, CEO of Aviva Singapore.

(WCB) and Aon Care,” she said. “The new WCB model transforms the services we provide to clients and the way in which we carry out insurer recommendations and selection.” While Aon’s consultants focus on the needs

As medical costs continued to rise, he said cost containment would be more of a priority. “In 2015, we’re committed to encouraging organisations to focus on wellness initiatives. “Healthier, happier and engaged staff

In 2014, the company further developed its clinic network, as new clinics opened around Singapore to provide greater access to residents and staff of corporate clients. Contracts with key ministries and statutory boards were also awarded to Parkway Shenton for services covering primary care, health

of clients, its centre of excellence specialises

benefits our clients with higher productivity,

screening, vaccination programmes and pre-

solely in broking benefits, ensuring a focus on

lower absenteeism, and cost containment.

employment in 2014.

the benefits providers and detailed knowledge

Getting employers to focus on preventive

of the market. This, she explained, guaranteed

initiatives could be a challenge, as it needs a

taking care of employee health and focusing

that market reviews would be thorough,

shift in mentality about the role they can play to

more on being more proactive in managing it.

transparent and matched to clients’ objectives.

influence healthy behaviours.”

They’re looking for a more holistic approach.”

MHC Asia Group MHC is a leading third party administration

“HR practitioners are looking beyond simply

"MHC’s mission is to connect the healthcare players together and empower the patients and payer for the services with information so they can make informed choices."

company, which helps businesses, major insurers and medical providers improve their

companies enabling employers and employees

medical claims processing, efficiency and

to spot health trends within the company.

workforce productivity by eliminating the need for paper work. Being the first web-based medical claims

“Healthcare is fragmented and the patients and different players in the health industry are disconnected from each other,” MHC’s

The company allows corporate clients and insurers to manage escalating healthcare costs by reducing the administrative cost of healthcare. The information made available by MHC’s

system in Southeast Asia, the company has

website states. “MHC’s mission is to connect

systems aims to empower and enable them

successfully linked up a network of 1,000 clinics

the healthcare players together and empower

to focus on long-term preventive measures

in Singapore and 550 clinics in Malaysia.

the patients and payer for the services with

to keep their employees and insured

information so they can make informed choices.”

members healthy.

MHC also generates extensive reports for


41_EmployeeHealthcare_VOTY14_sub.indd 41

2014 I


3/12/2014 3:33:39 PM


"We are committed to redefining the standards of our business so that we truly differentiate ourselves and earn the trust of our key stakeholders."

"Today, people in Singapore look to NTUC Income for trusted advice and solutions when making their most important financial decisions." Dr Khoo Kah Siang


The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company

AXA’s mission is to help customers live their lives

NTUC Income NTUC Income was established in 1970 to provide

with more peace of mind by protecting them,

“At Great Eastern Life, we champion little

their relatives and their property against risks,

changes which change life for the better,” said Dr

“Today, people in Singapore look to NTUC

and by managing their savings and assets.

Khoo Kah Siang, Singapore CEO of Great Eastern

Income for trusted advice and solutions when

Life Assurance Company.

making their most important financial decisions,”

With this mission to protect, it believes it has a responsibility to leverage its skills, resources

The company provides holistic insurance

affordable insurance for workers in Singapore.

NTUC Income’s website stated.

and risk expertise to build a stronger and

solutions that range from group medical,

safer society.

general, portable and business insurance to

made different. Our social purpose is to make

asset management strategies.

insurance accessible, affordable and sustainable

“To achieve this mission, we are committed

Commenting on the challenges the

to redefining the standards of our business

“As a social enterprise, NTUC Income was

for all. Putting people before profits, we strive to

so that we truly differentiate ourselves and earn

company is likely to face in 2015, he says

the trust of our key stakeholders,” AXA’s

increasing cost pressure on Singaporean

website stated.

companies will translate into tighter employee

and partners provide life, health and general

benefits budgets for many companies.

insurance to serve the protection, savings and

AXA believes the three attitudes clients

The company aims to rise to this challenge

most expect from an insurance and financial services company in exchange for their vote

by providing a service-oriented proposition

of confidence are being attentive, reliable

which in turn provides better value for money. He anticipated rising healthcare costs, a

and available.

create and maximise value for customers.” The company’s wide network of advisers

investment needs of two million customers across all segments of society. According to the website, NTUC Income had more than $31.3 billion in assets under

mature local workforce and an older retirement

management in 2013. Its financial strength and

others in the consumer research we conducted

age would continue to be the areas which

diversified investment portfolio is reflected by its

across markets, regardless of their level of

employers would focus on in the next five years.

strong credit ratings which underpin the delivery

“These three attitudes stood out from the

maturity. They are at the heart of our actions and

In line with the above concerns, he predicted there would be shifts in the market towards

our commitments to clients.”

of its commitment to customers. “We have always placed the interests of our

product development that dealt with the

customers first. We are a co-operative where,

integrity, team spirit, professionalism, innovation

medical needs and income protection of an

quite simply, people come before profits. This is

and pragmatism.

ageing workforce.

our DNA and this is how we are made different.”

The company’s core values include

“AXA teams across the world embrace five

“Moving ahead, as more regulatory

values that we are not willing to compromise

changes take effect, there will even be more

on under any circumstance. Our values are

unprecedented evolution of the HR industry,

reflected in the daily attitudes and behaviour

which will require new HR competencies and

of our people around the world,” the

skill sets.”

website stated.




42_EmployeeHealthcare_VOTY14_sub.indd 42


29/11/2014 3:58:38 PM

There’s no substitute for perspective. To manage your mobility program effectively, you need more than standard reports. That’s why our expert advisors consider every angle, then integrate innovative technology and superior data to create custom mobility solutions that reflect your company’s unique context. To experience the AIRINC difference, register for a free consultation at

The world’s trusted source for workforce globalization



A study earlier this year by Right Management

companies for leadership development

and “agility” in its talent management to help

found that across 13 countries and 24 industries,

for almost a decade, also looks to apply a

organisations make better talent decisions

business and HR leaders echo the same talent

customised approach to developing the pipeline.

quickly, across all aspects of an employee’s

management challenge – having a lack of skilled talent for key positions.

In joint third place is Korn Ferry, which utilises

life cycle.

its four dimensions of leadership and talent –

HR professionals and line managers express

“We can expect a continual effort

competencies, experiences, traits and drivers – to

by companies to focus on learning and

an increasing need to invest in their bench

draw a picture of the individual qualities that drive

development, especially for middle

strength, while ensuring the troops are ready for

performance and engagement.

management executives,” Linda Teo, country

action when a succession opportunity presents itself – be it contingent or planned.

Towers Watson also points out that today’s workforce is more agile than ever, being

The ranking of the most preferred

manager of ManpowerGroup Singapore, told us.

accustomed to working anywhere at any time.

consultants in succession planning is a highly

“And as the global work environment

contested one, as companies do what they can

continues to change, so do employee needs

to build leaders and strengthen their pipelines to

and skills,” which is where its strengths lie in

ensure they never lose out on talent.

succession planning.

Preferred Succession Planning Consultants 1.

Hay Group



All contenders on this list have displayed an


Korn Ferry

display pragmatic solutions for succession, as

appetite for customised solutions, deep-rooted


Towers Watson

well as impressive thought leadership to back

in research. Take the example of McKinsey’s



this up.

Innovation Campus, launched in partnership with 4.

DDI-Asia/Pacific International

In this year's ranking, the top consultants all

Mercer, for example, uses its proprietary

Singapore’s Economic Development Board.

online tool to create customised talent

“It is emblematic of our commitment to


Right Management Singapore

management solutions that can also be

delivering ground-breaking knowledge to help


Heidrick & Struggles

scaled, as well as a new HR analytics and

companies in Singapore and across Asia address

PACE O.D. Consulting

metrics platform.


their toughest challenges.” 7.

Beeson Consulting

Hay Group, which has studied the best




44_Intro_SuccessionPlanning_VOTY14_sub.indd 44

Or DDI, which incorporates “flexibility”


3/12/2014 2:09:55 PM


"Our succession planning work is completely collaborative, so there is a proper fit with clients’ strategies, goals and culture."

"Performance, engagement and culture are all driven by a deep understanding of people." Lisa Sun

Hay Group


Korn Ferry

In the top spot is Hay Group, which works in the

Mercer uses a proprietary online tool called the

A proper succession strategy extends beyond

areas of CEO succession as well as selecting and

Human Capital Connect to create customised

the C-suite, says the website of Korn Ferry.

developing future leaders.

talent management solutions tailored to its

“Our powerful diagnostic methods create a

clients' business and talent imperatives. Not only

more complete view of the internal and external

study on the Best Companies for Leadership

does this help decision-making for succession

pipeline, and reveal how the organisation’s

which identifies the leadership practices that are

plans, it can be scaled to broader populations.

succession process is – or is not – producing the

For the past nine years, it has published its

being utilised by the best global organisations. According to this year’s survey, listed on

“Research indicates the average CEO is in the position for fewer than five years. Mercer

leaders it needs. We then help clarify, enhance, design and build a more sustainable process.”

the company’s website, 80% of the top 20

services help HR manage a critical ‘asset’ of the

companies had established clear career paths

organisation, while reducing business risk through

provide a macro-level view of the talent supply

for their employees, compared with only 48% of

actively managing the internal executive labour

to give organisations insight into whether they

all other companies.

pool,” says ASEAN managing director Lisa Sun.

have the talent they need to fuel growth and

Similarly, 80% of the top 20 best companies

Mercer leverages its new HR analytics

The company employs analytical tools to

drive business performance.

for leadership were well ahead of their peer

and metrics platform, Mercer iknow, its Human

groups by providing career development

Capital Connect tool, and its succession

the future leadership pipeline. The firm’s website

experiences for their organisation’s highest

planning consulting services to help clients rise

explains how its products and solutions are

potentials and ensuring the company had the

to the leadership challenge.

powered by “four dimensions of leadership

right people with the right skills when needed to fill the most critical roles.

“Mercer's succession services help companies ensure they have a pipeline of

This also helps identify any weak spots in

and talent”. “Performance, engagement and culture are

ready now candidates to take up key leadership

all driven by a deep understanding of people.

in the right jobs – sustained success depends

positions when they become available, adding to

The Korn Ferry four dimensions of leadership

on a ‘pipeline’ of talent. Succession planning

organisational stability and business continuity.”

and talent provide a complete picture of the

“It is not enough just to have the right people

ensures that you have leaders for the future as

It also invests in thought leadership in the

well as the present. Hay Group’s approach is

talent management space, helping contribute

underpinned by in-depth experience of what it

to clients' ability to better shape their strategic

takes to create a succession plan that succeeds,”

direction for their businesses.

said the consulting firm’s website. Succession planning never ends, it goes

Some of the company’s published works in this field include, “Creating value through

individual qualities that drive performance and engagement.” It catalogues these dimensions as competencies, experiences, traits, and drivers – defining them as “the most potent facets of talent”.

on to say. “When it’s working right, it creates a

people”, “Global nomads” and a chapter

system for identifying, assessing and developing

in “Leadership in Asia: Challenges and

the criticality of succession planning, as it found

an organisation’s talent so it is geared up for

opportunities” published by the Singapore

that 87% of executives would like to be CEO. In

future priorities.

Ministry of Manpower. As for the future,

addition, when asked if C-level jobs were more,

Sun believes companies are increasingly

or less desirable than five years ago, 59% of

collaborative, so there is a proper fit with clients’

realising a “one-size-fits-all” approach in talent

executives responded that the top jobs were

strategies, goals and culture.”

management has not been delivering value.

more appealing today.

“Our succession planning work is completely

A recent study by the company pointed to

“They have begun investing time and resources in defining their workforce segments, based on demographics, tenure, skills and performance. This segmentation allows companies to have a more focused and customised approach to talent management.”


45_SuccessionPlanning_VOTY14_sub.indd 45

2014 I


3/12/2014 2:13:03 PM


"Now is the time to get ahead of potential talent gaps and evaluate where the business is expected to grow or shrink over the next three to five years."

"We offer clients deep expertise – across every major sector and function – as well as cutting-edge analytical tools and broadbased capability building programmes." Victor L. Magdaraog

Towers Watson


DDI-Asia/Pacific International

This global professional services company

Armed with a mission to “help leaders make

makes an entry at third spot. It helps

distinctive, lasting and substantial improvements

“There is still some misconception that talent

organisations improve performance through

in performance, and build a great firm

management is too complicated to bother

effective people, risk, and financial management.

that attracts, develops, excites and retains

with; that implementing a talent management

The company’s website points out that

exceptional people”, McKinsey is equal

strategy is daunting – but it is not!”

today’s workforce is more agile than ever, being

fourth as the most preferred succession

accustomed to working anywhere at any time.

planning consultant.

And, as the global work environment continues to change, so do employees’ needs and skills. “Now is the time to get ahead of potential talent gaps and evaluate where the business is

McKinsey’s fl agship business publication,

McKinsey Quarterly, turns 50 this year, proving

guide our clients to take those small steps.” DDI provides services in talent acquisition,

how strongly the company leans towards

leadership, development and succession

thought leadership.

management, and approaches talent

expected to grow or shrink over the next three to

The company’s website says the ASEAN

five years, how the composition of the workforce

region has the world’s third largest labour force,

may change, and what the implications for

and 67 million consumer households, a number

sourcing new talent needs are,” the website said.

that could double by 2025.

Towers Watson believes an organisation's

This is the belief of Victor L. Magdaraog, DDI's vice-president, who adds: “It is our job to

As a result, McKinsey supports its clients

management with a view to giving firms the flexibility to make better talent decisions quickly. “We can develop a blueprint that will help clients understand the capacity and capability of talent at all levels to meet current and future

talent management strategy and investments

across six offices in Southeast Asia. McKinsey’s

must align with broader business goals and

Singapore office, founded in 1998, “offers clients

realities. The website states Towers Watson can

deep expertise – across every major sector and

business strategy to talent strategy, and goes

provide the guidance, tools and capabilities to

function – as well as cutting-edge analytical

one step further by building threads from these

help companies make the right decisions for the

tools and broad-based capability building

into the company’s talent services and tools.


programmes”, as listed on the website.

“We believe that a well-defined employee

The McKinsey Innovation Campus was

business needs,” he said. He explains how the team tightly connects

“Our approach covers all aspects of an employee’s life cycle – hiring, onboarding,

value proposition (EVP) is increasingly important

launched in 2012 in partnership with Singapore’s

development, career progression and retention

as cost pressures and the talent shortage

Economic Development Board.

– so organisations can move people where

become more acute. This EVP should articulate

“It is emblematic of our commitment to

how an employer is unique, offers a great

delivering ground-breaking knowledge to help

workplace, and why the company attracts and

companies in Singapore and across Asia address

retains great people,” noted recent research.

their toughest challenges.” The campus hosts centres for training,

they will have the biggest impact, and can successfully transition leaders." He says firms are competing to capture emerging markets and with globalisation showing no signs of slowing, they don't have

solution development, innovation and capability

a choice, but to also bring talent management

building. It also includes the Asia hub of the

beyond borders.

McKinsey Centre for Government, and the sustainability focused Green Campus.

“Investing in their talent will continue to be a key focus area as organisations need enough people with the right skills, experience and motivation to ensure succession. “We will need to be prepared to have those conversations with our talent management partners and be able to support their global plans with consistency, regardless of location or language.”




46_SuccessionPlanning_VOTY14_sub.indd 46


29/11/2014 5:56:09 PM

S U C C E S S I 1O9/3/2014 N P L12:21:13 A N PM N


Global Leadership Forecast 2014|2015 Linda Teo

Right Management Singapore

Find out what the world is saying about leadership.

A provider of talent and career management workforce solutions, Right Management, within the ManpowerGroup, has more than 3,500 staff in 50 countries. “Right Management has resources in place to solve workforce

Gen de r

ize yS an p m Co

management challenges and help companies grow talent, reduce costs, and accelerate performance,” said Linda Teo, country manager of ManpowerGroup Singapore.

workshop and e-learning platforms. “We can also deploy our employee engagement surveys in two to three different platforms to allow greater flexibility to accommodate clients with

High-Potential St

Teo comments on how the firm’s clients enjoy greater involvement in the way they participate in the company’s programmes, beyond the usual

evel der-L Lea

career management, and workforce transition and outplacement.

atu s

The company’s capabilities span six categories – talent assessment, leader development, organisational effectiveness, employee engagement,

13,124 Leaders 1,528 HR 2,031 Organizations 48 Countries

different budgets and requirements.” The company has recently taken up various new initiatives, such as collaborating with some of the world’s best leadership development, talent


tr y




“These new partnerships will provide our clients with a wider range of

In d

assessment, and employee engagement solutions providers. innovative talent development solutions and programmes to help them rise above the ongoing human capital development challenges.”

Gene ratio n

Heidrick & Struggles “Successful companies execute strategy and drive outstanding performance through executive leadership,” says the Heidrick & Struggles’ website.

Be one of the first to receive the report!

“Our executive leadership consulting experts work in partnership with the world’s most successful organisations to design and execute leadership strategies that help them adapt to and thrive in an ever-evolving global business landscape.” The team at Heidrick & Struggles looks to support companies, be it when they are undergoing a significant transition or need alignment


between leadership strategies and overall business objectives, by offering an integrated solution for leadership needs. The company’s website says: “Our approach to leadership consulting is a journey, not an event, therefore we have developed long-term relationships with many of the leaders with whom we’ve worked.” In Singapore, Heidrick & Struggles has more than a decade of experience, providing a suite of leadership solutions. The company recently launched a new executive assessment tool that assesses the primary leadership styles that executives use, and the degree to which they are able to flex to other styles. It will be first introduced in the United States and Canada, and to the rest of the world in 2015.


47_SuccessionPlanning_VOTY14_sub.indd 47

2014 I


29/11/2014 5:54:06 PM


PACE O.D. Consulting "Apart from offering the entire suite of OD solutions, PACE has innovated new OD products and solutions. We also expect increasing complexity faced by the workforce, hence, the need to keep pace with OD needs." Singapore-founded PACE is an organisational

should be addressed by training, from those that

development solutions provider beyond the

should be addressed by other interventions.”

traditional confines of training services, the company’s CEO Dr Lily Cheng tells us. Its services are bucketed under “consulting, coaching, and constructs”, all of which includes leadership development, executive coaching, 360-degree assessment tools, and an organisational development (OD) engine. “Apart from offering the entire suite of OD

through the publication of its in-house knowledge. “We have also successfully exported PACE OD solutions to MNCs across Asia.” In the past year, it has seen the HR landscape change in terms of higher demand for

solutions, PACE has innovated new OD products

the realisation of the strategic role that HR plays

and solutions,” Cheng said.

in supporting business objectives.

One of these is Lean OD, a series of

There has also been a stronger leverage of

90-minute topics related to organisation

technology in learning, for example, using apps

development, to equip line managers and their

and iPads, she says.

functional teams, to learn together and apply the learning to real work situations. Another is the OD Engine, an online system that narrows in on performance discrepancies

What’s next for this solutions provider? Cheng predicts higher demand for customisation and contextualisation. “We also expect increasing complexity

between the current level and desired level,

faced by the workforce, hence, the need to

and connects them to specific organisational

keep pace with OD needs.” In line with growing

development interventions.

technology needs, she anticipates a push

“The OD engine is capable of distinguishing the components of performance problems that

Lily Cheng

Besides the new tools, PACE, in the past year, has worked hard to build its credibility

towards tapping technology for increasingly virtual teams across geographies.

Beeson Consulting Access to best-practice expertise, practical,

"For a major financial services firm, we worked with the CEO and board to orchestrate a CEO succession process, that culminated in the selection of a new CEO and resulting transition plan."

action-oriented solutions and a consultative, customised approach – this is the value proposition offered by Beeson Consulting. Succession planning and top talent development are one of the key services it offers, which is inclusive of designing systems for promotion criteria, talent assessment, as well as

“to enhance the skills of senior executives”. A

approach – working first to understand the

career planning strategies.

case in point was when it designed a series of

client's needs and objectives and then crafting

one-on-one executive coaching engagements

customised solutions.”

The website lists an example: “For a major financial services firm, we worked with the CEO

to enhance executives’ leadership capabilities at

and board to orchestrate a CEO succession

an international consumer products company, as

that delivers the solutions, explaining on the

process, that culminated in the selection of a

shared on the website.

website: “Since our consultants have worked

new CEO and resulting transition plan.”

Beeson Consulting differentiates itself in the

The company also provides leadership development and executive coaching services




48_SuccessionPlanning_VOTY14_sub.indd 48

The company is also proud of its team

in corporate settings, they understand what

sense “we never attempt to apply ‘cookie cutter’

is required to move beyond concept to

solutions. Rather, we pursue a consultative



29/11/2014 5:53:34 PM

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© 2014 Right Management. All rights reserved.

MPS_HumanResourcesAd_003.indd 1

11/10/14 10:57 AM



When “work” isn’t a place, but a thing you can

Similarly, the survey found other trends such

“Mobility is an industry of constant change

do from anywhere, mobility, and all the

as growth in assignments, package component

and those companies willing to adapt will thrive,”

relocation efforts that come with this, creep

changes and the increasing importance of

he says. “Sustainable relocation policies will

higher and higher on the priority list for HR.

emerging markets were in the spotlight.

need to address traditional challenges and those

In fact, the United Nations estimates almost

While China and Africa are highlighted as

that extend beyond the normal and mundane.”

3% of the world’s population (somewhere around

“hot destinations”, other businesses have proven

214 million people) now live and work outside

borders are coming down all around the world as

such as social and political unrest – may not

their home country. This has the UN debating

they expand into countries such as Myanmar.

have been a focus in the past, but should now

whether migration should be included as one of

In fact, the number one vendor, Crown

its millennium development goals, while at the

Worldwide – which began its focus on Africa

same time, on the ground level, HR professionals

in 2013 – has expanded to include Sri Lanka,

and mobility managers are already seeing this

Kazakhstan, Mauritius, Maldives and Seychelles.

in practice, and expect to see mobility volume increase in the next two years.

But even without these global challenges, all this year’s vendors have noticed a shift in

While, within all this change cost

For example, he says, market volatility –

be addressed. He adds policy customisation is another area which will evolve. “Today, policies are built to support an entire workforce. In the future, there will be stronger emphasis on creating policies customised by the assignee,” he says. “The future will always be uncertain, but

Singapore, with legislative changes such as

management remains high on the agenda,

the Personal Data Protection Act and the Fair

companies that can anticipate and adjust are best

the 2014 Global Mobility Survey from Santa Fe

Consideration Framework.

prepared to succeed in the world to come.”

Relocation Services – in second place again this

Because of this continuing war for talent,

Preferred Relocation Vendors

year – expects to see less of a focus on cost-

Paul Sullivan, regional director at Crown

cutting and more on quality.

Worldwide, says outsourcing will also remain an


Crown Worldwide

important aspect of the industry.


Santa Fe Relocation Services

“The overall attitude has changed from straightforward cost reduction in previous

“Outsourcing is a continued trend in the HR

years to better cost management today,” says Bill Cain, Santa Fe Relocation Services GMS

ongoing trend, as organisations try to streamline

managing director.

and redefine HR functions,” he says.

“It has become more important to focus on

Andy Morris, director of Singapore and

making the assignment work; there comes a

Malaysia for Allied Pickfords, says this constant

point where cost reduction starts impacting the

change is something relocation vendors have no

effectiveness of your mobility programme.”

choice, but to be vigilant about.




50_Intro_RelocationVendors_VOTY14 _sub.indd 50


Asian Tigers Mobility




Allied Pickfords Singapore


Nippon Express


Brookfield Global Relocation Services


UniGroup Relocation

industry which we have observed and will be an


3/12/2014 3:10:25 PM


Award Winning Services

2014 Destination Services Provider of the Year 2014 Best Vendor Partnership of the Year Relocation | Moving | Immigration | Records Management

Santa Fe Singapore T: +65 6398 8588 E:


"The programme will be tailored to meet the needs of each transferee and their family in terms of the specific country/city location." Paul Sullivan

Bill Cain

Crown Worldwide

Santa Fe Relocation Services

Asian Tigers Mobility Asian Tigers Mobility is an end-to-end

Coming in first place yet again in this category is Crown Worldwide, which provides complete

Staying strong in second place this year is

relocation service, ensuring the best moving and

relocation services for multinational companies

Santa Fe Relocation Services, a growing global

destination service for your transferee’s needs.


mobility service which manages clients in 56

Last year, Crown Worldwide expanded into Africa with coverage in nine cities and seven

countries across six continents. Bill Cain, GMS’s managing director, said the

Through its network of 30 offices in 14 countries and territories, Asian Tigers Mobility has connections with services globally in its

countries, and this year the expansion continued,

year had seen a changing business environment,

network of preferred partners to support all

with a foothold in Sri Lanka.

which had prompted many companies to

relocation needs.

Paul Sullivan, regional director, said this now allowed the business to service Kazakhstan,

focus more on strategic planning and return on investment.

Mauritius, Maldives and Seychelles.

“Given this shift, we have adopted a

“In addition, we will be celebrating our 50year anniversary in 2015,” he said. The past 12 months, understandably, have

“The programme will be tailored to meet the needs of each transferee and their family in terms of the specific country/city location.

consultative approach towards our customers’

Services can be provided on an ad-hoc basis or

mobility programmes,” he said.

bundled for a total solution,” its website states.

“We use a combined understanding of our

Additionally, its services offer a single point

been busy for the company, as it deals with

customers’ business, their relocating employees

of co-ordination to streamline communications

incredible growth on top of various legislative

and the objectives of the business to gain a

and reduce the number of people you and your

changes in Singapore.

complete overview of requirements, which in

transferee need to contact.

“With the announcement of the Personal

turn, enables us to design a programme and

The company’s service pledge to commit

Data Protection Act (PDPA), we have

service that perfectly balances the needs of all

to communication with clients, actively deliver

implemented new measures to ensure we


leading mobility solutions, understand individual

respect and protect the Data Privacy of our

As part of this, Santa Fe developed “perfect

clients at all levels,” Sullivan said. “Crown is adopting a global approach of protecting the data either to the higher of the EU or local standards.” In 2015, Sullivan said challenges for the business and the relocation industry would

compromise, and support clients through

benefit from consistent service across the globe.

knowledge and skill development has ensured

This, in turn, “allows our customers to focus

it has remained in a strong position – third again

on their business, rather than managing multiple

in this year’s rankings – with HR and mobility

suppliers and spending time explaining their


business needs”.

include ongoing cost-cutting measures, the

needs, drive costs down without service

relocation”, in which it ensures its customers

Other new initiatives include a collection

“These values along with our vision to have a meaningful and positive impact on every

localisation of assignments and reductions in the

of destination super guides for clients and their

partnered transferee, has allowed us to share in

overall relocation package.

assignees, which offers detailed information for

success and provide a simple and effective route

all locations worldwide, such as immigration

to world-class mobility solutions,” the website

processes, property prices and schooling


options. The company also launched The Academy Online, a video-based learning portal for all staff of the Santa Fe Group. “This aims to foster communication and sharing of ideas across borders and developing stronger, better informed people with more to offer our clients.”




52_RelocationVendors_VOTY14_sub.indd 52


2/12/2014 8:13:56 PM



“Relocation has a lot of moving parts. It's our

and have also won the Relocation Company of

job to keep them moving as one,” states the

the Year award by FEM," said MD Kenneth Kwek.

front of Cartus’ website. Cartus, which derives

promise to clients in guiding their relocation

art of making maps and planning – provides

journey; we help map their future in every move

logistical support for relocation for international

they make,” the websites reads.

assignments for corporate clients. With nearly 3,000 employees, the company

Kenneth Kwek

“Our name reflects Cartus' leadership and

its name from the word “carte” or “charta” – the

“Like mapmakers, we help our clients chart new courses and reach new heights. And we,

works with clients to assist more than 165,000

too, are constantly exploring: building on secure

transferees, expatriate assignees, and members

foundations, moving in new directions, and

each year across more than 165 countries.

breaking new ground to become even better at

"We are a leader in the relocation industry

all we do.” Allied continues to develop technology

Allied Pickfords Singapore

innovations to meet its customers’ evolving needs, and to simplify the moving experience. Allied Pickfords Singapore takes out fifth

iPads which improve the customer experience,

integrated relocation provider.

expedite the inventory process, while at the

Despite economic challenges, Andy Morris, director of Singapore and Malaysia, said it had continued to forge ahead by expanding its global footprint to Qatar in March. “In addition, we have been fortunate in Andy Morris

“Our in-home surveyors are equipped with

place as the moving arm of SIRVA, a globally

same time making the information easier to access and securely store. “Through proactive decision-making, foresight and active risk mitigation, we managed to navigate ourselves out of some low points and

having secured many new customers globally

now, our business prospects into the future are

and locally.”

extremely bright and positive.”

On the ground, in the know With more than 200 locations, Crown has the local presence and experience to support your teams, where and when you need it. Crown service offerings include: s /N !SSIGNMENT 3UPPORT s )NTERNATIONAL $OMESTIC 3HIPMENT s 0OST !RRIVAL /RIENTATIONS s (OME 3EARCH s 0ARTNER 3UPPORT s )NTERCULTURAL 3ERVICES

Tel: +65 6861 6818

Go knowing


53_RelocationVendors_VOTY14_sub.indd 53

2014 I


2/12/2014 6:53:34 PM


"Everyone who moves to a new location would like to do so successfully and without undue care. Our job is to provide all the support and backup needed."

"We help our clients improve their return on relocation spend and enhance their HR teams’ strategic, businesspartnership role." Nita Ng

Nippon Express

Brookfield Global Relocation Services

A new entrant to this year’s rankings, Nippon

UniGroup Relocation UniGroup Relocation provides premier

Express comes in at sixth place as a provider of

Brookfield Global Relocation Services (Brookfield

relocation services across a network of more

a comprehensive range of logistics and moving

GRS) is a global mobility management

than 1,000 service centres in 180 countries

services, with connections to the world’s largest

company, designing and delivering domestic

across six continents.

global logistics networks, trained personnel and

and international relocation and assignment

IT systems.

management services, “so you and your

a wide range of services such as international

Established in 1937, Nippon Express is

In seventh place, the company offers

employees can focus on more important tasks,

and domestic moves, commercial and

Japan’s leading logistics and transportation

while we take care of relocation details”.

logistic relocations, data and equipment

company, and has expanded its operations

As a division of Brookfield Asset

relocation, storage, home search, destination

worldwide, offering land, sea and air transport

Management, the company is headquartered

services, settling-in assistance, home and

services, tailor-made to best suit its clients’

in New York and Toronto, but has offices in Asia,

school search, tenancy management and

everyday needs.

Europe, North and South America.

expense management.

“To give one example of the global scale

“We help our clients improve their return on

This year, the company acquired Sterling

of our operations, our worldwide infrastructure

relocation spend and enhance their HR teams’

Relocation, allowing it to even better guide

includes more than 2.7 million square metres of

strategic, business-partnership role within

transferees along every step of the journey.

logistics space in Japan and 1.6 million square

the company by leveraging our specialised

metres in the rest of the world,” its website reads.

expertise, innovative technology and global

response to our customers’ ever-changing

resources,” says its website.

needs for relocation and moving services both

As well as offering strategic support through its comprehensive IT systems, the company’s

Through a comprehensive suite of services

global logistics are supported by an array of staff

designed to meet the evolving needs for the

with global experience.

mobile nature of the workforce, Brookfield

The company slogan is “with your life”,

“The acquisition of Sterling reinforces our

in the US and around the world,” said Nita Ng, general manager. “Sterling provides UniGroup with a full range

GRS states it can “handle your specific needs,

of integrated relocation services, destination

meaning its mission is to “respond to the trust

whether they are domestic or international

services, assignment management, immigration

placed in us by society and our customers

in scope”.

and supply chain management services to better

by offering comprehensive, top quality

meet our customer needs.”

logistics support”.

This means clients will have access to a

“Everyone who moves to a new location

commonly branded global network of service

would like to do so successfully and without

providers operating under a common service

undue care. Our job is to provide all the support

level agreement.

and backup needed to make your move safe and speedy as well as systematic and smooth.”




54_RelocationVendors_VOTY14_sub.indd 54


29/11/2014 5:44:20 PM



Two key trends have emerged from this year’s

“Outsourcing is a continued trend in the HR

Relocation, agrees on the importance of

rankings of preferred relocation consultants –

industry which we have observed, and will be an

harnessing the true potential of global mobility

an increased dependence on relocation as a

ongoing trend as organisations try to streamline

technology and adds that strong reliance on

talent attraction and retention tool, and the need

and redefine HR functions,” he says.

online support is a trend the industry will see

for consultants to leverage on technology to

This trend also resonates with Vivian Lee,

improve their relocation processes.

director of operations for Singapore at SIRVA

The first stems partly from the changes

for the next few years as technology transforms how we live and work.

Worldwide Relocation & Moving, who suggests

“It (technology) becomes an important focus

in employment policies implemented by the

such a redefinition involves HR resources being

that they review business and practices to adjust

Singapore government – particularly the

moved out of traditional roles and becoming

and support employees to enable businesses to

introduction of the Fair Consideration Framework.

more involved in the needs of the business.

grow. Exploration includes global versus local

“With tighter employment policies set by the

“They (HR) are becoming highly developed

policies, localisation, and sustainable ways to

government, there will be a lot of emphasis in

strategic, financial and analytical business

manage how policies need to adapt to support

hiring locally and companies will, in turn, have to

partners who utilise their technical capabilities to

modern family dynamics.”

formulate a stronger talent retention strategy to

impact the landscape of the organisation.”

stay competitive,” says Bill Cain, GMS managing director of Santa Fe Relocation Services.

Indeed, to leverage on this increased reliance on mobility as a talent retention tool,

“Therefore more organisations are linking

almost all vendors stressed the importance of

global mobility with talent management,

building such efficient technological solutions

providing employees with the future skills and

which enhance relocation processes.

experience necessary to align with the changing

“With today’s mobile workforce, the need for

business and socio-economic landscape of the

targeted, location-specific information is critical,”

global economy.”

Lee says.

Paul Sullivan, regional director of Crown

To meet this evolving need, SIRVA has

Worldwide, 2014’s top relocation consultant,

created technologies such as an online portal

echoes that talent attraction and retention will

and a mobile app that fosters a self-service

be a continuous challenge for organisations. He

model and aligns with customers’ mobile

views this challenge, however, as having positive

lifestyles over the past year.

consequences for the industry.




56_Intro_RelocationConsultants_VOTY14_sub.indd 56

Nita Ng, general manager of UniGroup

Preferred Relocation Consultants 1.

Crown Worldwide


Santa Fe Relocation Services




Brookfield Global Relocation Services


Fragomen Worldwide


SIRVA Worldwide Relocation & Moving


Asian Tigers Mobility


The Family Movers




UniGroup Relocation


29/11/2014 5:41:39 PM


Paul Sullivan

Crown Worldwide

Bill Cain

Santa Fe Relocation Services

Taking top spot is Crown Worldwide, a relocation

Kenneth Kwek

Cartus Cartus prides itself on being able to expertly

and international moving services company

When asked for possible reasons for the

guide its clients through thousands of

which provides international household goods

firm’s nomination this year, Bill Cain, GMS

relocation programmes, large and small, unique

transportation, temporary accommodation and

managing director of Santa Fe Relocation

and complex.

pre-view trips, among others.

Services, elaborated on the organisation’s core

“Our tag line, ‘Go Knowing’ describes exactly

commitment and dedication to its clients.

The company offers services such as “consulting solutions for relocation, intercultural

how we assist organisations when it comes to

“Santa Fe seeks to be advocates of our

relocating their employees,” said Paul Sullivan,

customers’ best interests as we work with these

assignment compensation services, global

regional director of Crown Worldwide.

important organisations to foster continuous

destination services and government relocation

improvement globally. Santa Fe is also the only

services,” said managing director Kenneth Kwek.

“Also, by having both relocations and moving

training and language solutions, international

services under the same roof, Crown is able to

relocation and moving company to hold three

engage our clients at many levels, depending on

ISO accreditations: ISO 9001 – quality, ISO 14001

employed nearly 3,000 employees – more than

their requirements.”

– environmental and ISO 27001 – information

800 of whom are based in EMEA and APAC –

security and data protection.”

with offices worldwide. It also assists more than

When asked about his predictions for the industry over the next five years, he said

Cain observed that over the past year, more

According to Cartus’ website, it has

165,000 transferees, expatriate assignees,

he remained confident outsourcing would

organisations had linked global mobility with

and members each year across more than

remain a continued trend in the HR industry as

talent management, providing employees with

165 countries.

organisations tried to streamline and redefine

the future skills and experience necessary to

Cartus’ clients include companies with

the HR function across industries.

align with the changing business and socio-

established domestic or international relocation

economic landscape of the global economy.

programmes, and those which are aggressively

“In addition to the Employment Pass Framework introduced in 2013, we saw

“With organisations anticipating growth in

the introduction of the Fair Consideration

assignment activity over the next 12 months,

Framework, which has further reiterated

attention has turned to how to supply the

Singapore’s stand on a ‘locals first’ policy.

demand for candidates,” he said.

“Talent attraction and retention will be a continuous challenge for organisations.” Sullivan added that in the mid-term future, the industry was also likely to see an increase in activities throughout the regions, especially in rapidly developing countries such as Myanmar.

Looking to 2015, he stated there would be a

recruiting talent to make their mark in global business. The company also deals with organisations facing workforce management issues such as requiring intercultural, language or management

lot of emphasis in hiring locally and companies

training. These hail from a variety of industries,

would in turn have to formulate a stronger talent

including finance, tech, manufacturing and

retention strategy to stay competitive.

technology, and consumer goods, among others.

“We have noticed there is an increase in the

“Ideally equipped to lead, Cartus is ready

number of companies localising their expats by

to help your business – whenever, wherever

offering one-way assignments via a lump

your relocation programme is headed,” its

sum payment.”

website states.


57_RelocationConsultants_VOTY14_sub.indd 57

2014 I


29/11/2014 5:41:17 PM


It has its own knowledge centre which

Brookfield Global Relocation Services

researches the challenges facing the mobility industry today, and brings its client the latest

Offering the latest innovation in global mobility

our clients’ talent and mobility programmes with

trends in industry thought-leadership and

outsourcing, Brookfield Global Relocation

industry leading ideas, insights and tools,” the

information to help them succeed.

Services (Brookfield GRS) helps clients reduce

company’s website states.

Brookfield GRS also prides itself on

“And we are obsessed with the daily details

admin costs while improving data integrity. “We provide the strategic vision to enhance

that affect every moment of every move.”

remaining committed to protecting the environment, health and safety of its people, its customers and the communities in which

"We provide the strategic vision to enhance our clients’ talent and mobility programmes with industry leading ideas, insights and tools."

it operates. “To date, our supplier partners alone have delivered upward of 185,000 lbs of food, providing over 140,000 meals to people in need.”

"We conduct frequent surveys of both our clients and partners to make sure we are consistently delivering industry leading services." Mark Buchanan

Fragomen Worldwide

Vivian Lee

SIRVA Worldwide Relocation & Moving

Fragomen Worldwide is dedicated exclusively to

Asian Tigers Mobility Staying committed to quality is a key focus area

providing immigration counselling and services,

In 2014, SIRVA continued to develop technology

for Asian Tigers Mobility, a leading provider of

and has been in operation since 1951.

innovations to meet customers’ evolving needs.

international relocation solutions.

The company has 42 offices and commercial

This included an online portal and a mobile

“With 30 offices in 14 countries and

centres throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia

app that fosters a self-service model and aligns

territories; a combined annual turnover of more

Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, with a team of

with customers’ mobile lifestyles.

than US$115 million, backed by more than

more than 2,200 employees worldwide.

“In addition to creating industry changing

“We have structured our firm specifically

1,500 full-time dedicated professional staff, we

technology, SIRVA strengthened our core

represent one of the strongest relocation groups

to support all aspects of global immigration

offerings and platforms to help clients connect

in Asia,” the company’s website reads.

services, including strategic planning,

to new cities, new customers and new revenue

compliance, government relations, reporting,

streams,” said Vivian Lee, director of operations

standards set by its management team, each

and case management and processing,”

for Singapore.

of Asian Tigers Mobility’s offices follows strict

said Mark Buchanan, partner for Asia, at Fragomen Worldwide. “This broad profile is evident in every facet of our organisation – from our practice model to our proprietary technology.” He attributed the company’s nomination to

To guarantee it maintains high performance

The company also focused on recruiting

procedures focusing on continual improvement

prominent industry talent for key positions to

through customer feedback, technology and its

drive its business forward.

staff ’s innovative and passionate commitment.

“Through proactive decision-making,

“We conduct frequent surveys of both our

foresight and active risk mitigation, we managed

clients and partners to make sure we

to navigate ourselves out of some low points and

are consistently delivering industry leading

its excellent customer service, and its dedication

now our business prospects into the future are

services. This also allows us to identify potential

towards ensuring each client receives optimal

extremely bright and positive.”

issues early and eliminate the possibility

value for the cost of their immigration services. Over the past 12 months, Fragomen

Looking to 2015, she said navigating through global economic uncertainties and the impact on

Worldwide has continued to expand and grow significantly, increasing its headcount to 90 from

that they become major problems,” the website stated.

the client base would be key areas of concern. “While others may perceive this as

20 in 2008. The company also inaugurated its

a challenge, SIRVA looks at it more as an

Malaysia office in October 2014.

opportunity to define clearly our value proposition.”




58_RelocationConsultants_VOTY14_sub.indd 58


2/12/2014 8:28:32 PM


9/26/14 8:41 AM


"Every move was treated like our very own, which meant that excellent packing standards and VIP treatment became almost a trademark in moving with us."

"TheMIGroup is committed to staying on top of industry trends, researching issues and accessing information to gain insight into HR and mobility challenges." Nita Ng

The Family Movers


UniGroup Relocation

With more than 27 years of experience, The

Handling more than 17,000 relocations a

With regional headquarters in Hong Kong and

Family Movers is dedicated to safely and

year, TheMIGroup is a privately held global

offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Singapore,

efficiently relocating its clients’ belongings and

relocation outsource company with a focus on

Japan, Malaysia, and various other countries,

items with minimal stress and hassle.

service delivery excellence through flexibility,

UniGroup Relocation is uniquely positioned to

technology, process management and supply

serve the needs throughout Asia Pacific and

chain management.

around the world.

“Every move was treated like our very own, which meant that excellent packing standards and VIP treatment became almost a trademark

According to the company’s website, it

“Like our mission statement, we are a team

in moving with us,” The Family Movers’

operates from 11 offices with locations in the

focused on delivering superior service to every

website states.

Americas, Asia Pacific and EMEA.

customer, every time without compromise

Recently, the company was brought under the umbrella of UniGroup UTS.

“TheMIGroup can handle a move from/to anywhere in the world under the guidance of our

“In 2001, UniGroup Worldwide and UTS

highly trained relocation managers,” the

International formed an alliance to offer clients a

website states.

single-source global move management service. “Their innovations and technologies are both

The company’s staff also develop and

or excuse,” said Nita Ng, general manager of UniGroup Relocation. “Clients’ satisfaction on our services have been reflected in the recent survey results of 96.5% where we have achieved the targeted

publish articles for their clients and HR

rating, with clients saying they would use

endorsed and proven in the corporate world with

professionals and source relevant articles and

us again.”

major contracts from multinationals around

publications in areas of global human resources

the world.”

management, global mobility management,

reliable and trustworthy business partner,

industry trends and the legal/tax environment.

and for conducting its businesses with a

This umbrella group now has regional service centres situated in strategic locations

“TheMIGroup is committed to staying on

She credited the company for being a

personalised touch.

worldwide, providing its multinational clients

top of industry trends, researching issues and

with all of the efficiencies and benefits of a

accessing information to gain insight into HR and

been recognised and acknowledged as a top

uniform master agreement and intercontinental

mobility challenges.”

user at the FIDI Academy, a leading reference

control, along with the added benefit of a

The organisation also prides itself on

regional and local contact network worldwide. “With a number of the world’s most

its flexibility to work with its clients’ unique programmes and policies, as well as the ability

UniGroup Relocation Singapore has also

for quality training within international moving companies. “FAIM, the governing body that regulates

prestigious corporate accounts and a combined

to recommend international moving best-

and oversees the moving industry’s standards

turnover of over US$3 billion, coupled with a

practices and cost-effective solutions, despite

and procedures, has constantly and gradually

network of nearly 450 UTS partners in more than

the size of the corporation.

been adapting strict and stern accreditation

a 100 countries linked across six continents, we

and auditing practices to ensure quality and to

can officially declare that we have the globe

keep up with the fast-paced relocation industry.

covered to provide our valuable customers a

Nevertheless, UniGroup Singapore has renewed

seamless international relocation experience.”

the FAIM PLUS certification,” Ng said.




60_RelocationConsultants_VOTY14_sub.indd 60


29/11/2014 5:36:35 PM

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10/28/13 11:46 AM



In recent years employee mobility has risen on the agenda of organisations worldwide, as firms grow and work becomes less of a noun and more of a verb. HR is working to make mobility a strategic imperative, with the buy-in of the top leadership. At the same time, there’s a real need to ensure employees are comfortable and taken care of when they and their families travel to or relocate to a new country on assignment. In fact, comfort and convenience have both featured among this year’s list of preferred serviced apartments, topped once again by

travelling with families, Somerset-branded

on Pickering, offers a similar belief in going

Frasers Hospitality. In addition, a shift towards

serviced residences are ideal,” said Tan Boon

green. “Our extended-stay guests not only

sustainability has led many to eco-friendly

Khai, regional general manager for Singapore

enjoy staying or attending events at such an


and Malaysia.

iconic property, but they also appreciate all our

Treetops Executive Residences has gained

Frasers Hospitality introduced an

environmental and sustainable efforts.

e-concierge service for all of its serviced

three spots from last year to land in fourth place,

residences in Singapore, and is also working to

with its prime focus on “green elements” in a

and recycling chutes in every room have left a

enhance user experience on its website.

constant bid to improve the quality of living.

very positive impression.”

“Even little details such as the dual refuse

“Apart from upgrading the apartment

Tonya Khong, area general manager for Southeast Asia, says it constantly looks at

interiors, we have upgraded the indoor air

traveller reviews to identify areas it can improve

filtration system which helps to remove

on. “The proliferation of social media has

harmful dust particles and bacteria. Readings

Preferred Serviced Apartments 1.

Frasers Hospitality


Far East Hospitality

provided us with additional platforms to engage

have shown that the indoor air quality in

travellers and respond more promptly

our apartments is much better as compared


The Ascott Limited

to feedback.”

to outdoor air,” said general manager


Treetops Executive Residences


Pan Pacific Serviced Suites


Great World Serviced Apartments

Tay Hock Soon.

Third-ranked The Ascott Limited offers three brands of serviced residences to cater to

Great World Serviced Apartments is also aware of “contributing towards sustainability

the different lifestyle needs of its residents.

of mother Earth,” where in the past year it has


City Developments Limited (Le Grove)

residences offer business executives an

conducted a feasibility study to reduce energy


PARKROYAL on Pickering

exclusive environment, the Citadines apart’hotels

consumption, as explained by general manager

provide independent travellers the flexibility to

Henrietta Chong.


Park Avenue Hotels & Suites


Global Residence

“While the premier Ascott-branded serviced

Gino Tan, general manager for PARKROYAL

choose the services they require. For guests




62_Intro_ServicedApartments_VOTY14_sub.indd 62


29/11/2014 5:14:36 PM


"We are committed to constantly delivering innovations that bring value to our customers." Tonya Khong

Tan Boon Khai

Frasers Hospitality

Far East Hospitality

The Ascott Limited

An ambitious target to double its global

Far East Hospitality, up one place from last year,

This Singapore brand pioneered Asia Pacific’s

inventory to 30,000 over the next five years has

is a regional hospitality owner and operator with

first international-class serviced residence

led Frasers Hospitality to maintain its top spot in

a portfolio of nine brands of hotels, serviced

with the opening of The Ascott Singapore in

the list of preferred serviced apartments.

residences and apartment hotels.

1984. Today, Ascott operates seven properties

The company specialises in serviced and

These brands include Adina Apartment

hotel residences, and full service for short, mid

Hotels, Medina Serviced Apartments, The

as well as long stays.

Marque Hotels, and The Quincy Hotel. The

“Frasers Hospitality’s intrinsic understanding of the importance of quality service, and its appreciation of the unique needs of business

with more than 800 units in prime locations in Singapore. “The Ascott Limited has grown to be the

company has recently acquired four new hotels

world’s largest international serviced residence

in Europe under the Adina brand.

owner-operator, with over 36,000 serviced

“We now own and operate a combined

residence units in more than 80 key cities across

travellers is what sets it apart,” says Tonya

portfolio of more than 13,000 rooms, under

over 20 countries in Asia Pacific, Europe and the

Khong, area general manager for Frasers

our management, across 80 hotels and

Gulf region,” declared Tan Boon Khai, regional

Hospitality in Southeast Asia.

services residences in eight countries, with

general manager for Singapore and Malaysia, at

more in our development pipeline,” says the

The Ascott Limited.

Over the past year, the company has introduced an e-concierge service for all four of its serviced residences in Singapore providing an

company’s website. Established in 2013, Far East Hospitality is

The company offers three brands of serviced residences – Ascott, Citadines and

interactive go-to source for information on the

a 70-30 joint venture between Far East Orchard

Somerset. While the premier Ascott-branded

city’s transportation, security, places of worship,

Limited (a listed company under Far East

serviced residences offer business executives an

embassies, local attractions and dining options.

Organization) and The Straits Trading Company

exclusive environment, the Citadines apart’hotels

Limited. In the same year, Far East Hospitality,

provide independent travellers the flexibility to

company’s website has also begun with a view

through its wholly owned subsidiary Far East

choose the services they require. For guests

to improve user experience. Along similar lines,

Hospitality Investments (Australia), completed a

travelling with families, Somerset-branded

she says it constantly analyses traveller reviews

50-50 joint venture with Australia’s Toga Group.

serviced residences are ideal.

Groundwork for the enhancement of the

to identify areas it can improve on.

Far East Organization supports community

“With three brands in over 80 key cities

projects that contribute to inspiring and

worldwide, Ascott’s global presence allows us

provided us with additional platforms to engage

improving lives – from charities and non-

to be the preferred choice for HR practitioners,”

travellers and respond more promptly to

profit organisations for the underprivileged to

he said. “They only need to work with one party

feedback,” she says.

education and youth programmes to initiatives

to take care of all their accommodation needs

that strengthen the family framework.

wherever their executives travel.”

“The proliferation of social media has

With a strong foundation in place, she looks forward to an increasing demand for serviced

“Led by the belief that the places we

Ascott is proud of the convenient location

residences in the years to come. She attributes

live, work and play in are important factors

of its serviced residences, in prime areas near

this to a surge of corporate relocation activity by

that inspire progress and success, Far East

the CBD. The apartments come fully furnished

international companies.

Organization is committed to constantly

and equipped with amenities such as kitchen

delivering innovations that bring value to our

appliances, washing machine, cable television,

conditions and shrinking budgets will continue

customers, and creating functional, versatile

and others.

to bring about a game-changing approach

living spaces that will improve and inspire better

to corporate travel. With it, we anticipate

lives,” says the company’s website.

“The realities of recessionary economic

“Business executives do not have to worry about the hassles of moving when they stay

better awareness of the advantages of

with us. As a pioneer with three decades of

serviced apartments, both from a cost and

experience, we understand the relocation needs

lifestyle perspective.”

of our residents.”




64_ServicedApartments_VOTY14_sub.indd 64


29/11/2014 5:32:58 PM


Treetops Executive Residences "We empower our staff so they can go the extra mile to provide personalised services for our guests. In addition, on-the-job training coupled with a friendly teamwork culture allows our staff to perform well and do even more for our guests." “Apart from upgrading the apartment

Tay Hock Soon

as compared to the base year set in 2007”, he

interiors, we have upgraded the indoor air

shares. Besides the green focus, Treetops places

filtration system which helps to remove harmful

a special emphasis on its employees, who Tay

dust particles and bacteria. Readings have

says are “the essence of a company”.

shown the indoor air quality in our apartments is Jumping three spots to take fourth rank this year is Treetops. It creates differentiation in

the first of its kind for a serviced apartment

elements” – for example, misting treatment

in Singapore. electric water heaters installed in each apartment

programmes, and others.

with an energy efficient centralised system that

the quality of living for our guests,” says general manager Tay Hock Soon.

their best. Compared to the industry average, our staff retention rate is much higher.” The reason behind this? “We empower our

This allowed Treetops to replace individual

organic bathroom amenities, recycling “Treetops seeks to continuously improve

environment for our employees so they can give

It has also installed a Tri-Gen System,

the industry through its focus on the “green instead of fogging, smoke-free apartments,

“It is essential to cultivate a conducive work

much better as compared to outdoor air.”

staff so they can go the extra mile to provide personalised services for our guests. “In addition, on-the-job training coupled

provides a continuous hot water supply.

with a friendly teamwork culture allows our

These initiatives “allowed Treetops to

staff to perform well and do even more for

reduce an astonishing 50% of its energy usage

our guests.”

destinations across Asia, Oceania and North

Pan Pacific Serviced Suites

America, the website highlights. “Each property provides an invigorating

With serviced suites across China, Thailand

customers and guests as we continually engage

blend of the best that the Pacific has to offer.

and Singapore, Pan Pacific Hotels Group believes

the environment and communities where

The service and traditions of the east combine

corporate responsibility involves doing what

we operate”.

with the creativity and personality of the west to

is right for its stakeholders. Its company

Headquartered in Singapore, Pan Pacific

website explains this as “building and ensuring

Hotels Group has a portfolio of more than

meaningful relationships with our associates,

30 hotels, resorts and serviced suites in key

provide refreshing experiences that leave you feeling restored and rejuvenated. “Being owners of assets ourselves, we are committed to create returns and enhance asset value for our hotel partners, while our size allows

"Being owners of assets ourselves, we are committed to create returns and enhance asset value for our hotel partners, while our size allows us to be flexible and responsive to potential growth opportunities."

us to be flexible and responsive to potential growth opportunities.” Pan Pacific Hotels and Resorts is a founding member of the Global Hotel Alliance, the world’s largest alliance of independent hotel brands.

Experience Great World! Experience The World! Great World would like to say Thank You for voting us as your preferred Serviced Apartments for the past 8 years. For more information please visit our website: or contact us at: (65) 67220 7766 or


65_ServicedApartments_VOTY14_sub.indd 65

2014 I


3/12/2014 1:10:01 PM


Great World Serviced Apartments "We have completed our Go Green movement by conducting a feasibility study to reduce energy consumption in our building. We have reduced our utility usage by more than 30%, thus reducing our carbon footprint and passing on these savings to our customers." Henrietta Chong, general manager of Great

from last year, has demonstrated an evolving

World Serviced Apartments, says its team is

portfolio to align with the needs of its residents.

“constantly improving our hardware to keep it digitally friendly and relevant to the current market, as well as unfailingly keeping our

This trend, she says, made it rethink the

internal stakeholders engaged and encouraging

company’s inventory, to which it has now added

them to continuously upgrade themselves”.

one-bedroom apartments.

“As a global corporate citizen, we are

Some of the other services it offers include a

cognisant of our responsibility to make socially

one-stop service desk for all residents’ requests,

acceptable and environmentally responsible

pet-friendly apartments, complimentary shuttle

business decisions,” she says. These values are

services, and residents’ activity programmes,

important to the company in the coming years as

among other things.

it explores projects that are contributing towards the sustainability of Mother Earth, she says. “We have completed our Go Green

On the HR front, Chong observes that HR is looking to outsource more functions, given the manpower crunch, and will get

movement by conducting a feasibility study to

creative in its processes with both internal and

reduce energy consumption in our building.

external stakeholders.

“We have since substantially reduced our

Henrietta Chong

“In recent years, corporate tendencies are towards hiring singles or couples.”

“Likewise at Great World Serviced

utility usage by more than 30%, thus reducing

Apartments, we are embarking on newer

our carbon footprint and passing on these

and fresher ideas to make it a desirable

savings to our customers.”

workplace so that we are able to compete for

The company, which has moved up a rank

and retain talent.”

City Developments Limited (Le Grove) Next on the list is a Singapore-listed property and hotel conglomerate, involved in real estate development and investment, hotel ownership and management, facilities management and the provision of hospitality solutions, as listed on

"City Developments Limited is a socially responsible corporation that is fully committed towards environmental sustainability and has been taking the lead in shaping Singapore’s environment since the 1990s."

the company’s online profile. “City Developments Limited (CDL) has been

responsible corporation that is fully committed

water features and landscaping, a swimming

Singapore’s property pioneer since 1963,” it

towards environmental sustainability and has

pool and a fully equipped gym.

says. The website lists the company’s current

been taking the lead in shaping Singapore’s

network at 400 subsidiaries and associated

environment since the 1990s.”

companies, managing both residential and

In 2013, the company marked a milestone by

investment properties in 88 locations across

celebrating 50 years.

25 countries.

Le Grove, CDL’s serviced apartments, offer

CDL describes itself as a “socially




66_ServicedApartments_VOTY14_sub.indd 66

a variety of facilities such as a residents’ lounge,

“Every apartment in Le Grove has the unmistakable mark of refined taste and quality,” says the website. In addition, the service staff offer a range of services that include housekeeping, linen services, concierge, 24-hour security, hourly shuttles and more.


3/12/2014 1:11:17 PM

GWSA_Ad_210x280(H)_02a_FAC.indd 1

5/11/14 5:17 pm


"Through the years, Park Avenue has established a reputation for good service and has earned the trust of our customers."

"Our ultimate goal is to offer quality, comfort and impeccable services to our clients. Through these efforts, a family atmosphere is created within the residential areas."

Gino Tan

PARKROYAL on Pickering

Park Avenue Hotels & Suites

The features at PARKROYAL on Pickering have

Global Residence Describing itself as “the one-stop solution for

become “more integrated and invisible, being

Established in 1998, Park Avenue is a full service

all your accommodation needs in Singapore”,

there without compromising the amenity or

hospitality brand offering both “comfortable

Global Residence is the subsidiary of Winsta

sense of luxury of the hotel”, says general

living spaces” and “efficient work environments”,

Holdings, an investment holding company for a

manager Gino Tan.

according to its website.

group of companies which specialise in student

The architectural design of the hotel

The hospitality arm of United Engineers

differentiates this property.

hostel and service apartment businesses.

Limited, Park Avenue was conceived with the

“Our ultimate goal is to offer quality, comfort

comfort of business travellers to Asia in mind,

and impeccable services to our clients. Through

crowned at the prestigious Business Traveller

says its website. The company has moved up

these efforts, a family atmosphere is created

Asia Pacific Awards 2014. The highly prized

from its rank of eighth last year.

within the residential areas,” says the company’s

“Our iconic hotel-in-a-garden was recently

architectural design of PARKROYAL on Pickering

“This simple quest born in 1998 has been

website, a newcomer to the rankings.

has also earned our Singapore hotel several

diligently worked upon. As a full service

accolades on the international stage.”

hospitality brand, we embrace the essence of

cost-effective service apartments without

good service, not just in how we serve you, but

compromising on quality and comfort for

what we offer you with.”

its clients.

Travellers and stakeholders are more environmentally conscious today, and it’s more of a drawcard when they discover hotels are

A theme resounds in all the Asian gateway

sustainably designed. “Feedback from our extended-stay guests has been very positive. They not only enjoy

The company’s focus is on managing

“We are a fast expanding company that

cities where it has built a presence, which the

seeks to assist our corporate clients in solving all

website describes as “a relentless pursuit to see

their accommodation issues in Singapore.

things from your perspective”.

staying or attending events at such an iconic

With a vision to be Asia’s serviced

“Our apartments are fully furnished, with amenities such as refrigerator, washing machine,

property, but they also appreciate all our

hospitality provider of choice, Park Avenue

kitchenette, etc, as you might find in your

environmental and sustainable efforts. Even little

“always endeavours to see things from our

own home.”

details have left a very positive impression.”

guests’ perspective”.

However, he admits the tight labour market is a challenge.

Its service credo is: “Your kind of space, the way you should enjoy it.”

“There will be challenges from a recruitment

Says the website: “Through the years,

The website also cites that all apartments have security as well as CCTV surveillance systems, and are conveniently located near MRT stations and public transport facilities.

and talent-retention point of view, as new hotels

Park Avenue has established a reputation for

“The perks of service apartment living

clamour to attract talent with higher

good service and has earned the trust of our

include housekeeping services (minimum twice

pay packages.”

customers. Against this favourable backdrop,

weekly) as well as a front desk to answer any

Park Avenue sets our sights on further local and

enquiry you might have.”

At the same time, he cites a study in which hospitality and recreational services sectors

overseas expansion.”

What differentiates it from the crowd is its

have been described as the most desired career

quality policy, which focuses on “the ultimate

for more than half of Singaporeans.

goal of offering quality, comfort and impeccable services to its residents”.

“That is heartening for us considering the labour crunch we are facing as a nation. “With more hospitality properties being built in Singapore in the coming years to cater to our booming tourism industry, incoming talent will be attracted to not just better pay packages, but also the opportunity to work with an organisation that sets itself apart from others.”




68_ServicedApartments_VOTY14.indd 68


29/11/2014 5:22:01 PM

Now Defining Global Living in Singapore Our Serviced Residences in Singapore Ascott Raffles Place • Citadines Mount Sophia Somerset Bencoolen • Somerset Liang Court • Somerset Orchard

Ascott Raffles Place Singapore

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From the spacious exclusivity of Ascott, to the vibrancy of independent city living at Citadines, or the pampering touches for the family at Somerset, there is a serviced residence designed to make you feel at home. Because life is about living.

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Enjoy Ascott’s Best Rate Guarantee | | +65 6272 7272

With three award-winning serviced residence brands, we welcome you to enjoy our renowned hospitality in more than 200 properties in over 80 cities spanning more than 20 countries across Asia Pacific, Europe and the Gulf region.

Ascott HR ad-210x280-oct2013-HiResFA.indd 1

3/12/2014 12:39:32 PM


29/11/2014 7:21:30 PM



Organisations based in Singapore and the

e-learning will be difficult. People still need to

executives will continue to press HR for greater

region are growing and expanding – in size, across

learn from and support each other.”

accountability over the returns on learning and

location and in capabilities – faster than ever

Ronald Tan, executive director of SIM, in

development investments.”

before thanks to a strengthening economy and

second place, agrees there will be more of a

the world’s focus being placed on Asia. But the

focus on individual learning, but this is something

management staff, a key obstacle in the coming

demand for companies to expand not only puts

training providers have to support and nourish.

years will be within the HR function itself.

pressure on talent demands, but also on firms to

“Individual learners will become more

As well as dealing with training general

“One area of concern would be in developing

responsible for their learning and development as

HR practitioners to be able to deal with the ever

their roles in organisations will become blurred,”

changing environment their business counterparts

he says. “Competition in this industry will become

are experiencing,” Tan says. “Hence, the need

even more intense as organisations refocus their

for HR practitioners to be more focused on

difficult is that alongside tighter manpower issues,

training expenditure towards assessing ROI to

transformational type of training is crucial.”

the way people learn is changing.

business outcomes.”

provide capable leaders to manage the changes. Because without the right leaders in place, a successful workforce is not sustainable. What makes this challenge even more

“In the training industry, we can expect

Linda Teo, country manager of

changes to the way people learn,” says Kwek

ManpowerGroup Singapore, which operates Right

Kok Kwong, CEO of NTUC LearningHub, in fourth

Management, in joint sixth place, adds there will

place this year.

be a continual focus on learning and development

Preferred Management Training Providers 1.

Singapore National Employers Federation


Singapore Institute of Management

at the middle management executive level, and


DDI-Asia/Pacific International

we will move more to (electronic) e-learning and

clients are looking for more innovative leadership


NTUC LearningHub

rapidly to (mobile) m-learning. Perhaps not 100%,

programmes to ensure the return on training is

but a blended fusion of all C, E and M learning.”

more immediate and tangible.

“From the traditional (classroom) c-learning,

He adds that as the attention span of adult

“We also expect the HR function to be


Singapore Management University


Singapore Workforce Development Agency

learning gets shorter, managers want to learn in

more technology driven with the increased use


Right Management Singapore

bite-sized portions and are therefore becoming

of applications, HRIS systems and cloud HR


Korn/Ferry International

more independent in their learning, having no issue

solutions,” she says.


Center for Creative Leadership


Kaplan Professional

searching for the information they need online. “But we know that for long courses, pure

“There will be a greater emphasis on data analytics to measure all HR initiatives; and C-suite


71_Intro_ManagementTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 71

2014 I


29/11/2014 5:09:29 PM


Stephen Yee

Ronald Tan

Singapore National Employers Federation

Singapore Institute of Management

Victor L. Magdaraog

DDI-Asia/Pacific International

“Quality and relevancy are the two key points

The Singapore Institute of Management

The biggest challenge for employers today is

of a better service to the HR community,” said

group (SIM) offers its services through three

understanding that talent management and

Stephen Yee, assistant executive director and

educational brands – SIM University, SIM Global

all its aspects are not too bothersome to deal

senior director of training.

Education and SIM Professional Development.

with, says Victor L. Magdaraog, DDI-Asia/Pacific

Coming in two places higher than 2013

Ronald Tan, executive director of SIM,

International’s vice-president.

to take out this year’s top spot, the Singapore

oversees the SIM Professional Development

“But our job at DDI is to guide our clients to

National Employers Federation (SNEF) provides

as one of six business units under his charge.

take those small steps which will lead us to the

that quality and relevancy in a management

It offers an array of short executive training

ultimate goal.”

training capacity by offering services from

programmes for working executives and

training and consultancy and tripartite advisory

professionals, as well as customised in-company

development and succession management

to HR consultancy, government scheme

training programmes to companies in the various

consultancy, which has jumped up one spot in

management and compensation and benefits.

fields of leadership, management and human

this year’s rankings in this category.

In the past 12 months, Yee said while the

resource development.

type of business and services it had been

“We have become even more focused in our

DDI is a global talent acquisition, leadership

Leadership is undoubtedly a priority for local companies, and DDI’s expertise extends across

working with had remained more or less the

offerings in the past 12 months as businesses

helping businesses to define how leaders will

same, it had increased its number of courses by

are beginning to request for very specific

succeed in their business, diagnose strength and

10% – boosting knowledge around various new

requirements in terms of ROI for spending on

development gaps and develop and transform

legislations and regulations.

staff training,” Tan said.

leaders across all levels, while measuring the

“The main areas of focus will be in the

“In fact, it calls for alignment of training

Personal Data Protection Act and in the

programmes to their business objectives over

Employment Act as well.”

and above learning objectives.”

SNEF has also “aggressively promoted” a

A challenge over the past year has been the

impact and results. “Organisations are competing to capture emerging markets and with globalisation showing no signs of slowing, they don’t have

government scheme called WorkPro, which

competition, with many providers cutting across

a choice, but to also bring talent management

assists companies in Singapore for age

all areas of soft skills and knowledge training,

beyond borders,” he said.

management, flexi-work arrangement and job

but one of the biggest challenges is one the

redesign, and has attracted more than 1,000

industry knows well – business owners deciding

a key focus area as organisations need enough

companies to the scheme.

whether to send employees for training versus

people with the right skills, experience and

requiring them to contribute to the daily business

motivation to ensure succession.”

“We also achieved a good number of KPIs for training – gross revenue, we trained more

“Investing in their talents will continue to be

operations, said Tan.

than 20,000 PMEs in a year and offered more

“Another would be to justify not just the time

than 20 new courses in a year,” he said.

aspect, but ROI that leads to attaining some business outcomes after training takes place.”




72_ManagementTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 72


29/11/2014 5:18:28 PM


"Our pedagogy of ‘knowledge-applicationempowerment’ is exciting clients and participants from Asia and the world."

"This will also help companies strengthen their capabilities, remain competitive, and contribute to stronger economic growth for Singapore."

Kwek Kok Kwong

NTUC LearningHub

Singapore Management University

Singapore Workforce Development Agency

Jumping up one place in this year’s rankings is NTUC LearningHub, a training consultancy that

A premier university in Asia, the Singapore

“For Singapore’s workforce to remain

offers training classes, workshops, e-training

Management University (SMU) is internationally

competitive and employable in today’s fast-

solutions and examinations.

recognised for its world-class research and

changing workplace, they must have both

distinguished teaching.

knowledge and skills that are relevant, current

As the capabilities and learning avenues for employees grow, CEO Kwek Kok Kwong said the

Established in 2000, SMU’s mission is to

and sought after by employers.”

business had grown alongside them, offering

“generate leading-edge research with global

more e-learning and m-learning opportunities.

impact and produce broad-based, creative and

WDA’s website, explaining how the organisation,

entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-

which partners with government agencies to

based economy”, its website states.

help companies and individuals strengthen

“More and more people are tech-savvy, and they have devices that enable them to learn on the move,” he said, adding that with the

As part of its offerings for management

introduction of the Personal Data Protection Act,

training, the SMU Executive Development

training in this area is another development to

(SMU-ExD) is dedicated to international talent

“support greater awareness and compliance to

development in an Asian setting.

the PDPA regulations”. Kwek said the business had just gone

“Our pedagogy of ‘knowledge-application-

This is the sentence which greets you on

their capabilities, helps workers advance in their careers by offering skills-based training. “In turn, this will also help companies strengthen their capabilities, remain competitive, and contribute to stronger economic growth

empowerment’ is exciting clients and

for Singapore,” it reads, adding it works with

participants from Asia and the world; helping

employers, industry associations, the union and

them succeed in effecting positive behaviour

training organisations to develop professionals

corporate governance and is looking at the next

changes and improve business performance,”

and executives.

S-curve to deliver even greater social impact to

reads the website.

through a growth spurt and was now stabilising. It is now focusing on strengthening its

the workforce. “The Singapore economy is ever-changing

SMU is uniquely equipped to provide this

Supporting this mission is STEP, or Skills Training for Excellence Programme, which was

support drawing on the breadth and depth of

launched by the Ministry of Manpower and WDA

and technology is ever-evolving. Sometimes, we

the business school – plus five other schools

to help professionals, managers and executives

catch the right wave and sometimes we don’t.

all specialised in issues of business and

update their skills.

“These are part and parcel of the risk in running any business and we take it in good stride.” He added he believed the business had been nominated by HR professionals this

management in Asia. SMU Executive Development engages

Aimed at entry level managers to seniorlevel executives, this programme helps

eminent academic faculty, experienced business

by broadening the knowledge of business

consultants and leadership coaches.

operations, skills-deepening in occupational-

Additionally, SMU provides professional

year because of their belief of “service from

programmes for continuous learning across all

within” and its focus on collaboration and good

fields in specially designed programmes for

corporate governance standards.

busy working professionals.

specific skills, and more.


73_ManagementTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 73

2014 I


29/11/2014 5:09:01 PM


300 service locations in 50 countries. “Our

Right Management Singapore

clients now enjoy greater involvement in the way they participate in our programmes,”

Right Management is a new addition to the 2014

Teo said. “We incorporate new technologies

rankings. It offers talent and career management

to engage and help clients practise their

workforce solutions within the ManpowerGroup,

leadership development.”

and it designs and delivers solutions to align talent strategy with business strategy. According to Linda Teo, country manager of

Linda Teo

This year, the business has collaborated with some of the world’s best leadership development, talent assessment and employee

ManpowerGroup Singapore, its capabilities span

engagement solutions providers to give clients

across six categories, and the business has more

a wider range of solutions and programmes, “to

than 3,500 employees working out of more than

help them rise above ongoing challenges”. solutions that accelerate your talent and

Korn/Ferry International

business strategies. We do this by anchoring – not just aligning – to your organisation’s strategy,

Korn Ferry is a “single source for leadership

leaders who can tackle the business challenges

and talent consulting services to empower

of the present, while also creating successful

businesses and leaders to reach their goals”.

strategies for the future,” it reads.

According to its website, its mission is

It claims that while most businesses have

mission, culture and purpose.” It says the benefit of an effective development programme is evident when you consider the differences in quality of executive

to design, build, attract and ignite talent,

some kind of programme in place to develop

leadership can explain as much as 45% of an

which it does, in part, through its focus on

leaders, too often the focus is on acquiring skills,

organisation’s performance.

leadership development.

which can easily become obsolete in today’s

“Few factors have such a direct impact on an organisation’s long-term growth and success as the quality of its leadership. We help develop

rapidly changing business environment. “At Korn Ferry, we collaborate with you to create adaptable and relevant development

“For myriad reasons, there is a welldocumented gap between vision and execution. Developing leaders can be one of the driving forces in closing this strategy execution gap.”

DEVELOPING PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONS Roffey Park is an internationally renowned leadership institute based in the UK and Singapore. With over 65 years’ experience of leadership, organisational development, human resources and coaching, we provide executive education and research to many of the world’s leading organisations. We offer tailored development programmes, management consultancy, coaching, open programmes, qualifications and research services. Our qualifications are accredited by the University of Sussex. Our clients in Asia Pacific include Civil Service College, Changi Airport, DHL and Sentosa. Visit our website to find out more or telephone +65 6549 7841 Roffey Park Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, 3 Temasek Avenue, Level 34 Centennial Tower, Singapore 039190 Company registration 201015595E




74_ManagementTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 74


29/11/2014 5:04:38 PM


Center for Creative Leadership The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) offers

“The increased importance of Asia in the

Steeped in more than three decades

its leadership solutions to a global audience

world economy and the central role played by

of research and practical know-how, CCL’s

across North America, Europe and Asia. In the

Asian managers – as a result of global expansion

leadership coaching can help managers

Asia Pacific region, CCL’s Asian institute for

and integration – provided the impetus for the

master new attitudes and behaviours through

international leadership has been delivering

establishment of CCL’s Asia facility based in

individual, team and group-focused leadership

programmes in Asia since the 1980s.

Singapore,” states its website.

coaching solutions. The coaching services are grounded in CCL’s

"The increased importance of Asia in the world economy and the central role played by Asian managers provided the impetus for the establishment of CCL’s Asia facility based in Singapore."

developmental model of assessment, challenge and support, offering high quality assessments, a commitment to proven leadership development methods, rigorously trained coaches and a confidential and safe environment for growing as a leader.

Kaplan Professional "Our team of learning and curriculum development specialists are constantly challenging the learning boundaries with new and refreshing approaches that engage our trainees." Kaplan Professional, part of Kaplan Learning

trend in clients seeking more innovative and

Institute, is an authorised Workforce

personalised training with a focus on creating a

Development Agency Continuing Education

sustainable learning outcome.

Training (CET) Centre, which offers a suite

“As such, our team of learning and curriculum

of WSQ courses to help individuals and

development specialists are constantly

organisations improve productivity and gain a

challenging the learning boundaries with new and

competitive edge.

refreshing approaches that engage our trainees.”

Kaplan also has two other business units,

As for challenges from the past year, he said

Kaplan Higher Education, which provides

clients, having experienced success through

full-time and part-time diplomas, bachelors

working with them previously, now have higher

and postgraduate degrees; and Kaplan

expectations and demand more in-depth

Financial (part of Kaplan Learning Institute),

analysis and contextualised training content.

which provides professional qualifications in accountancy and finance. Leon Choong, executive vice-president, said in the past 12 months it had noticed a

“This is a challenge we enjoy as it is very rewarding to see whole teams learning together and being equipped with new skills and mindsets.”

Leon Choong


75_ManagementTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 75

2014 I


29/11/2014 4:58:23 PM

Thank You

WE ARE HONOURED TO BE VOTED AS A TOP 10 TRAINING PROVIDER. Your vote renews our dedication to provide best-in-class expertise and practical experience to improve sales performance and customer management excellence. MHI Global, leveraging the power of five great brands:

www . mhiglobal . com



Relevance of training modules and ensuring

towards ROI. Ronald Tan, executive director

return on investment were the biggest themes

at Singapore Institute of Management,

qualms searching for information and learning

to emerge from this year’s preferred sales

says individual learners are becoming

from the internet,” he says.

training providers.

more responsible for their learning and

All our contenders have worked hard to build depth within their courses, keeping up with

development needs. To support this, Amy Bey, acting executive

But all these training providers are investing time and effort to keep pace with the changes. For example, Dale Carnegie Training

changes to various legislation and customer

director at the Marketing Institute of Singapore,

has commissioned research on employee

requirements. At the same time, clients have

has found a significant rise in the number of

engagement trends.

asked for clarity in ROI, besides just fulfilling

SMEs signing up for training courses.

learning needs.

“In the face of challenging market

“We are actively working with companies to improve the level of engagement of their

conditions, it has become evident, especially for

employees via training to boost productivity,”

offers is important. We have been established

SMEs, to realise that short-term investment in

says managing director Melvin Liew.

for more than 20 years and also have a tripartite

marketing is necessary to achieve sustainability

presence,” explains Stephen Yee, assistant

and long-term gains.”

“The breadth of the programmes that SNEF

executive director and senior director of

Preferred Sales Training Providers

But a common barrier to training

training, at top-ranked Singapore National

commitments, comments Leon Choong,


Singapore National Employers Federation

Employers Federation.

executive vice-president at Kaplan Professional,


MHI Global


Singapore Institute of Management


Marketing Institute of Singapore


Singapore Workforce Development Agency


Kaplan Professional (part of Kaplan Learning Institute)

Gregory Moore, managing director for Asia at MHI Global, applauds companies for their focus on ROI. “Gone are the metrics such as ‘number

is operational constraints. “We work closely with our clients to create flexible training programmes which may be conducted on their premises or broken up

of training sessions conducted’ or ‘number of

into shorter segments, delivered over a longer

people trained’. These have been replaced by

duration,” he says.

effectiveness measures such as ‘how has the

Kwek Kok Kwong, CEO of NTUC Learning

knowledge acquisition led to a change

Hub, adds vendors have to cope with


NTUC LearningHub

in behaviours?’”

the attention spans of adult learners


Dale Carnegie Training


Beacon Consulting

As a result, competition in the industry is expected to become more intense as organisations refocus their training expenditure

becoming shorter. “They learn in bite size. They are also becoming more independent and they have no

10. Singapore Management University


77_Intro_SalesTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 77

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:35:29 PM


Gregory Moore

Stephen Yee

Singapore National Employers Federation

MHI Global

Ronald Tan

Singapore Institute of Management

MHI Global is the largest dedicated salesJumping to first position this year is Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) – up

performance company in the world. It provides insight, expertise and training

Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) stands steady in third place, offering its services through

five places from last year’s ranking. Over 2014,

solutions that help drive profitable sales

its three educational brands: SIM University

the organisation has aggressively promoted a

by providing customers with management

(UniSIM); SIM Global Education (SIM GE); and,

government scheme called WorkPro that assists

strategies, adjacent centres of excellence,

SIM Professional Development (SIM PD).

companies in Singapore for age management,

strategic analysis and decision-making tools,

flexi-work arrangements and job redesign.

and proprietary research focused on codifying

which offers a vast selection of short executive

the best practices of the world’s top

training programmes for working executives

sales organisations.

and professionals. It also provides customised

“We got more than 1000 companies on board for the scheme,” said Stephen Yee, assistant executive director and senior director of training. SNEF’s business and services have

“Our vision hasn’t changed: we still seek to

of leadership, management and human

globally. Our mission hasn’t changed: to help our

resource development.

customers grow profitable sales,” said Gregory

an increase of 10% in the number of courses in

Moore, managing director of Asia. “What has changed is that five powerhouse

“We achieved a good number of KPIs for

in-company training programmes in the fields

be the undisputed key resource to sales leaders

remained the same as the previous year, albeit the areas of training and consultancy.

SIM PD is the professional development arm,

sales-performance companies (Miller Heiman,

In the past 12 months, SIM has become more focused on its offerings, as businesses are beginning to exhibit very specific ROI requirements for their spend on staff training. “This calls for alignment of training

training – such as gross revenue, training of more

AchieveGlobal, Huthwaite, Impact Learning

than 20,000 PMEs in a year, and offering more

Systems, and Channel Enablers) now form the

programmes to their business objectives over

than 20 new courses in a year,” he said.

largest dedicated sales-performance company

and above learning objectives,” said executive

in the world – MHI Global.”

director Ronald Tan.

Going forward, the main areas of focus will be the Personal Data Protection Act and the

Previously, customers had to work with each

Employment Act.

In the same time period, SIM saw more

of these businesses separately, but now as MHI

companies sending their employees to the

Global, the value customers seek is available

institute’s annual conferences and seminars,

guidelines like the flexi-work arrangement and

under one roof. Its solutions are driven by MHI

such as the Learning Series Platform.

the re-employment from 65 to 67 years.”

Research Institute, which provides insights into

“We have confirmed a few tripartite

Besides training, SNEF is also working

global trends and best practices.

towards research and HR matters through its

“2015 will be about leveraging our combined

Looking to the future, he is of the view HR practitioners need to focus more on transformational training. “The changing role of HR practitioners

involvement in the National Wages Council’s

strength and deepening our relationships

salary and wage recommendations, and as

with clients. Our approach never has been,

– from administration to organisational

an advisory on HR issues for all companies,

and never will be, about what products we

development – requires more attention for them

including SMEs.

can sell our customers – it has been, and will

to add value to the business.”

He explained SNEF’s quality and relevance

always be, about what challenges we can help

were the two key points that defined its service

them overcome, and how we can help them

to the HR community.

accelerate growth,” he said. “You’ll see more technology, more post-

“The breadth of the programmes that SNEF offers is important. We have been

training focus on embedding skills, tools and

established for more than 20 years and also have

processes, and an unbeatable focus on ROI

a tripartite presence.”

which customers are demanding today, but which the market is ill-equipped to provide.”




78_SalesTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 78


29/11/2014 6:33:56 PM


said Amy Bey, acting executive director.

Marketing Institute of Singapore

MIS has continued to develop quality courses, besides its exclusive partnership with

Providing executive training and L&D solutions is

Google, Econsultancy UK, and University of

Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS) in fourth

Technology, Sydney.

place. 2014 saw an increase in MIS’ clientele

a success with the local enterprises. We are

government schemes.

planning to explore similar opportunities within

“In the face of challenging market

Amy Bey

“Our recent workshop in Myanmar was

among SMEs, driven by greater awareness of

the region, particularly Sri Lanka and China.”

conditions, it has become evident to realise that

“Being the national body for sales and

short-term investment in marketing is necessary

marketing in Singapore, we have always strived

to achieve sustainability and long-term gains,”

to be at the forefront of training regionally.” security and social services,” says the company’s

Singapore Workforce Development Agency

online profile. WDA’s current focus is to support sustainable and productivity driven growth

Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) was established in September 2003, with a clear mission to champion workforce

In the following years, WDA significantly expanded the CET infrastructure. According to its website, this now includes

through CET. The website points to WDA’s various partners, including employers, industry

development by enhancing the employability

five career centres, 40 CET centres, a national

associations, the union, and training

and competitiveness of Singapore’s workforce.

Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications

organisations, in its vision to develop relevant

framework covering nearly 30 industries, and the

skills-based training accessible to the

Institute for Adult Learning.

entire workforce.

The agency began with the three main objectives of keeping training relevant, strengthening the Continuing Education and

“More than 3,000 courses for skills

“In the push for inclusive growth, WDA

Training (CET) infrastructure and helping workers

upgrading are available from various industries,

continues to help low-wage workers who require

find jobs.

ranging from tourism, healthcare, education,

assistance to adapt to a fast-changing economy.”


79_SalesTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 79

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:32:38 PM


Leon Choong

Kwek Kok Kwong

Kaplan Professional

NTUC LearningHub

Melvin Liew

Dale Carnegie Training

Sixth-ranked Kaplan Professional, part of

Having just gone through a growth spurt, NTUC

Founded more than a century ago, Dale

Kaplan Learning Institute, is an authorised

LearningHub (LHUB) is now stabilising and

Carnegie Training has evolved through its

Workforce Development Agency Continuing

finishes in seventh place as a preferred sales

belief in the power of self-improvement to a

Education Training (CET) centre. It offers a suite

training provider.

performance-based training company with

of Workforce Skills Qualifications courses to

LHUB provides training consultancy, training

offices worldwide.

help individuals and organisations improve

classes and workshops, e-training solutions and

productivity and gain a competitive edge.

examinations, and is now evolving to e-learning

training in the areas of effective communication,

and m-learning.

leadership, presentations and sales.

Over the past 12 months, the organisation has noticed a trend in clients seeking more

“More and more people are becoming tech

The organisation now provides corporate

“Dale Carnegie Training has commissioned

innovative and personalised training with a focus

savvy, and they have devices that enable them

research on employee engagement trends, and

on creating sustainable learning outcomes.

to learn on the move,” said Kwek Kok Kwong,

is actively working with companies to improve


the level of engagement of their employees via

“Our team of learning and curriculum development specialists are constantly

Data protection training is another area

challenging learning boundaries with new and

it has developed to support awareness and

refreshing approaches that engage our trainees,”

compliance of the recent regulation.

said Leon Choong, executive vice-president.

“As we stabilise and strengthen our

This approach has helped it build strong

corporate governance, we are now looking at

relationships with HR practitioners over

the next S-curve to deliver even greater social

the years.

impact to the workforce,” he said.

“We believe in being a partner that supports our HR clients’ learning and development

One of the challenges most businesses face today is talent retention.

goals. By listening to their training needs

“Talent is always sought after, especially in

training to boost productivity,” said managing director Melvin Liew. The company is headquartered in New York and is represented in all 50 states of the US and in more than 80 countries. “More than 2700 instructors present Dale Carnegie Training programmes in more than 25 languages. Dale Carnegie Training is dedicated to serving the business community worldwide. In fact, approximately eight million people

and contextualising courses that suit their

a tight labour market. So we work hard to keep

have completed Dale Carnegie Training,” the

organisations, we are able to deliver

our talent by offering them fair wages, attractive

company’s website said.

tangible results.”

welfare schemes, healthy hygiene factors, and

He added its greatest challenge was dealing

career prospects.”

with clients’ higher expectations and more in-

The tightening of the labour force also

depth analysis of training content. “This is a challenge we enjoy as it’s very

as one of the preferred sales training providers,

leads to companies looking for people who are

crediting the “delivery of consistent, high-quality

innovative and productive, and are able to help

impactful training for our clients”.

rewarding to see teams learning together and

the company embrace technology solutions,

being equipped with new skills and mindsets.”

simplify processes and help produce more

He pointed out HR is no longer a support

On the back of these factors, Liew expressed confidence in his company emerging

with less.

function, but a key management responsibility as organisations begin to focus on talent management. Against this backdrop, he anticipates more focus on customised training content for specific industries and to help trainees learn and apply the knowledge.




80_SalesTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 80


29/11/2014 6:30:25 PM


Beacon Consulting Beacon Consulting takes pride in being able to provide organisations with a holistic and integrated approach towards ensuring there is transfer of learning to the workplace. From conceptualisation to content design

"We recognise that every organisation is unique, with different needs and objectives. By taking a holistic approach to meet these needs, we offer our services in an integrated fashion."

and from delivery to application back at the workplace, the company always aims towards

unique, with different needs and objectives. By

out the niche that helps them maintain a

achieving a significant return on investment for

taking a holistic approach to meet these needs,

competitive edge.

its clients.

we offer our services in an integrated fashion

“Our team of highly qualified professionals listen to our clients, identify their needs and develop customised interventions to meet those needs,” the company’s website stated. “We recognise that every organisation is

– setting strategy, implementing solutions and evaluating their effectiveness.” The company partners with its clients

“Tapping on more than a decade of industry experience and functional expertise across various sectors, Beacon Consulting offers innovative solutions that yield new insights, drive

to develop customised solutions to address

results and make organisations

their most pressing issues and carve

more successful.”

Singapore Management University Singapore Management University (SMU) is

based economy. “SMU education is known

courses across SMU and all fields, especially

internationally recognised for its world-class

for its highly interactive, collaborative and

developed for busy working professionals.

research and distinguished teaching.

project-based approach to learning, and for its

Established in 2000, SMU’s mission is to

These include courses such as the

technologically enabled pedagogy of seminar-

executive certificate in leadership and people

generate leading-edge research with global

style teaching in small class sizes,” the

management, and the BCA-SMU advanced

impact and produce broad-based, creative and

website reads.

management programme on productivity and

entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-

SMU specialises in continuing education

leadership development. “To create and disseminate knowledge,

"To create and disseminate knowledge, SMU aspires to generate leading-edge research with global impact as well as to produce broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-based economy."

SMU aspires to generate leading-edge research with global impact as well as to produce broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledgebased economy.”


81_SalesTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 81

2014 I


2/12/2014 7:07:26 PM



The great commonality among the preferred IT skills training providers this year is they are working to embrace new technologies, and incorporating them in new ways of learning. To remain competitive, companies have to adopt new technologies and trends, such as cloud computing, big data, analytics and BYOD, noted Franky Espehana, general manager of

our offerings, as businesses are beginning to

University of Singapore, sums up this blend with

New Horizons Computer Learning Center

request for very specific requirements, in terms

the acronym MOSAIC to remind themselves of

of Singapore.

of ROI on staff training. It calls for the alignment

today’s technology drivers.

“Hiring staff to help companies implement these technologies is still difficult because there are not many who have attained these skills or are certified.” Another case is the Singapore National Employers Federation, which in the past year, has aggressively promoted a government

of training programmes to their business objectives over and above learning objectives.” Relevance and employability also ranked

mind when we strive for game-changers in

to developing local talent in line with the

our organisation.”

government’s focus on increasing productivity. Janet Ang, managing director at IBM Singapore, believes in a greater integration of IT

companies in age management, flexi-work

and HR in the coming few years.

“We achieved more than 1000 companies on

“HR experts are also expected to embrace technology more than ever before in light of an

board the scheme,” said Stephen Yee, assistant

ageing workforce and the continual knowledge

executive director and senior director of training.

drain in organisations.”

A key theme that has emerged is customisation, where training providers are

Adds the CEO of NTUC LearningHub, tech-savvy, and they have devices that enable

solutions to their needs.

them to learn on the move. From traditional to E-learning and rapidly to mobile learning;

of participants. Also at the Singapore Institute

perhaps not 100%, but a blended fusion of all.”

said: “We have become even more focused in


COMAT Training Services


NTUC LearningHub


New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Singapore


Singapore National Employers Federation


Eagle Infotech Consultants


Avantus Training


Singapore Workforce Development Agency


Singapore Institute of Management


Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore


IBM Singapore

classroom learning, we will move more and more

one-day courses to target the specific needs of Management, executive director Ronald Tan

Preferred IT Skills Training Providers

Kwek Kok Kwong: “More and more people are

keen to work directly with companies to tailor Eagle Infotech Consultants now offers more

need to keep the MOSAIC technologies in

highly for most training providers, with a view

scheme called WorkPro, which assists Singapore arrangements and job redesign.

“This stands for mobile, open, social, analytics, internet of things and cloud. We

Lim Swee Cheang, director and CEO at the Institute of Systems Science, National


83_Intro_ITSkillsTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 83

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:28:32 PM


"Higher productivity can only come through proper staff training and automation. Office workers will feel the need to upgrade themselves."

"We pride ourselves on our innovations, our desire for continuous improvement, and the ability to perceive the needs and wants of each individual." Kwek Kok Kwong

COMAT Training Services

NTUC LearningHub Standing in second place is NTUC LearningHub

COMAT holds an intrinsic belief that every

(LHUB), a training consultancy offering classes,

individual has a potential to be realised.

workshops, e-training solutions and exams.

“Betterment of society through

“Our company has just gone through a

New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Singapore New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Singapore offers training and certifications in IT, office applications, business skills and multimedia.

advancement of its basic unit, empowerment

growth spurt and we are now stabilising. As

through continuous learning – upon these

we stabilise and strengthen our corporate

axioms we were founded, and today proudly

governance, we are now looking at the next

specific requirements in development or

uphold,” says its website. This belief has

S-curve to deliver even greater social impact to

customisation of programmes to meet their

contributed to COMAT ranking number one in

the workforce,” said CEO Kwek Kok Kwong. LHUB

training needs,” said general manager Franky

this category for the second consecutive year.

is now evolving to e-learning and m-learning.

Espehana. New Horizons has introduced new

COMAT offers an array of courses in three

“From traditional (classroom) c-learning,

“We can assist organisations who have

programmes and certifications for technologies

areas – IT and business management; safety and

we will move more and more to (electronic)

launched by partners such as Microsoft, Cisco,

health, environment and quality; and leadership

e-learning and rapidly to (mobile) m-learning,

Oracle, EC-Council, and Novell. They've also

and professional development. These are led by

perhaps not 100%, but a blended fusion of all.”

developed new big data certifications.

its team of experienced and motivated trainers. However, its intention goes beyond training and certification, while adhering to globally

The attention spans of adult learners are

He credits its close relationship with its

getting shorter, and they learn in bite-size.

partners in giving it flexibility to provide a variety

“Learners are also becoming more

of options for upgraded training courses. He also

accepted quality standards. The website adds:

independent and they have no qualms in

said its account executives “are qualified to give

“COMAT provides a holistic experience, focusing

searching for information and learning from the

sound consultation on the training needs”.

on generation of inductive environments for

internet. But for long courses, pure e-learning

stimulating philosophical thoughts.

will be difficult. People still need to learn from

trend in IT and business skills training in line with

and support each other in long courses.”

the push for higher productivity.

“We pride ourselves on our innovations, our desire for continuous improvement, and the

He added there were uncertainties in every

Over the next five years, he sees a positive

“Higher productivity can only come through

ability to perceive the needs and wants of each

business, given the ever-changing economy and

proper staff training and automation. Office

individual. Customised approaches for varying

evolving technology.

workers, managers, engineers or administrators, will feel the need to upgrade themselves.”

needs, we conjure solutions tailored to fit.”

“We achieved more than 1000 companies

Singapore National Employers Federation

on board the scheme. We also achieved a good number of KPIs for training – gross revenue,

Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF)

trained more than 20,000 PMEs in a year, and

has gained three spots this year. It provides

offered more than 20 new courses in a year,” said

services in training and consultancy, tripartite

Stephen Yee, assistant executive director and

advisory, government schemes’ consultation,

senior director of training.

research on HR matters, HR consultancy and compensation and benefits. In the past year, SNEF has aggressively

“We have confirmed a few tripartite

promoted a government scheme called

guidelines, like the flexi-work arrangement and

WorkPro, which assists Singapore companies in

the reemployment from 65 to 67 years old.”

age management, flexi-work arrangements and Stephen Yee

In the future, its main areas of focus will beon the PDPA and the Employment Act.

job redesign.

Quality and relevance are the two key points for SNEF’s service to the HR community.


85_ITSkillsTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 85

2014 I


3/12/2014 3:12:01 PM


"Training will be the culture of most companies, as employers see the benefits that lie in it."

Eagle Infotech Consultants

"We have been recognised for our ability to be a life-long training partner and mentor for every individual, led by a dynamic management team."

Avantus Training

"We work with various partners to develop relevant skills-based training that is accessible to all in the workforce, whether young or old, from rank-andfile to professionals and executives." Singapore Workforce Development Agency

Avantus Training remains strong in fourth place Soaring from seventh to fourth spot this year

this year, with its promise to “deliver world-

“A catalyst and champion of workforce

is Eagle Infotech Consultants, a provider of

class services that develop the potential of an

development,” is how Singapore Workforce

courses in workforce skills qualifications (WSQ),

organisation or an individual to the maximum”, as

Development Agency (WDA) describes itself on

information and communications technology

listed on the company’s website.

its website. This newcomer to the rankings aims

(ICT), as well as soft skills. It shares the spot with Avantus Training. In the past year, Eagle “attracted more SMEs and many new companies through further channels of marketing, and retained them

Avantus Training started from the need to

to enhance employability of both employees and

develop a skilled pool of technology talent for

job seekers, and help workers advance in their

the community, while keeping abreast of the

careers and lives through skills-based training.

constantly evolving IT landscape. “Since then, we have been recognised for

WDA believes that for Singapore’s workforce to remain competitive and employable, it

through excellent training and services”, explains

our ability to be a life-long training partner and

must have both “knowledge and skills that are

the company’s profile.

mentor for every individual, led by a dynamic

relevant, current and sought after by employers”.

As a result, it now offers more one-day courses to target the specific needs of participants. The team at Eagle is proud of its “excellent

management team with manifold strength and chest of experiences in the training industry.” Avantus is an authorised training centre and training partner for many technology vendors,

This will help companies strengthen their capabilities, remain competitive and contribute to stronger economic growth for Singapore. “We work with various partners, including

training, flexibility and services,” which it

which include “the leading technologies in the

employers, industry associations, the Union,

believes has enabled it to deliver to the needs

IT industry”.

and training organisations, to develop relevant

of HR practitioners and remain one of the most preferred. In the coming year, Eagle expects to tackle business challenges such as the “increase in operational costs and rental of premises,” and emerge stronger. “Training will be the culture of most

“This distinction requires that we meet

skills-based training that is accessible to all in

stringent standards of training quality, and that

the workforce, whether young or old, from rank-

our trainers are subjected to periodic training

and-file to professionals and executives.”

updates and innovative training delivery.” The training facility at Avantus is well-

One of its recent initiatives is the CET 2020 – World of Opportunities Masterplan designed to

furnished with 10 computer training rooms

provide a forward-looking blueprint to support

ranging from six-seaters to 40-seaters, and a

the restructuring of Singapore’s economy.

companies, as employers see the benefits that

multi-purpose room which can be used as a

lie in it.”

35-seater seminar room. “The design of each training room caters

“WDA will work closely with sector lead agencies, employers and unions to co-develop medium-term manpower and skills plans

for conducive and effective learning. A spacious

for each key sector in order to support

lounge area is catered for students’ relaxation

industry growth and productivity efforts,”

and discussion during break-time.”

said the company.


87_ITSkillsTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 87

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:28:12 PM


Ronald Tan

Lim Swee Cheang

Singapore Institute of Management

Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore

Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) has

Janet Ang

IBM Singapore IBM Singapore is a new entrant making its mark as one of the preferred IT skills training

jumped through the ranks from 10th to joint fifth

ISS at the National University of Singapore (NUS)

providers. It has a host of offerings – smarter

this year. Ronald Tan, executive director of SIM,

has been around since 1981, but is a newcomer

workforce technology (such as talent analytics

attributes this to more focused offerings.

to these rankings. It provides graduate

or leadership assessment), smarter workforce

education, professional development courses,

science (for example, predictive hiring), services

offerings in the past 12 months as businesses

consultancy and research services; with the

such as full learning outsourcing, and social

are beginning to request for very specific

objective to “develop infocomm leaders, and

collaboration technology.

requirements in terms of ROI for spending on

drive business and organisational innovation”,

staff training. In fact, it calls for an alignment of

says director and CEO Lim Swee Cheang.

“We have become even more focused in our

training programmes to their business objectives over and above learning objectives,” he says. The SIM Group offers services through

The institute’s specific capability is in the

“IBM has proven expertise in HR technology and is a recognised leader in behavioural and cognitive sciences. Our research is second-

fields of IT-enabled innovation and productivity

to-none, as well as our own approach to

and enterprise IT.

HR strategy, people development, career

its three educational brands: SIM University

This year it has introduced new practice

development and performance enablement

(UniSIM), SIM Global Education (SIM GE) and SIM

areas in agile, enterprise business analytics,

across our 400,000-strong workforce,” said IBM

Professional Development (SIM PD).

enterprise social business and service innovation

Singapore’s managing director Janet Ang.

Through SIM PD, its professional

and design.

development arm, SIM offers a vast selection

“We have also embarked on senior

The previous year marked the launch of a comprehensive workforce engagement

of short, executive training programmes for

executive programmes and updated seminars

solution called Talent Suite to cater to a wider

working executives and professionals, as well as

on technology, innovation,and management that

array of services, ranging from recruitment to

customised in-company training programmes in

establish ISS’ thought leadership. These events

performance management.

the fields of leadership, management and human

continue to be well attended by industry leaders

resource development.

and technology influencers.”

In the past year, SIM saw more companies’

It has also expanded its range of service

Most recently, IBM launched a talent and change practice based on its HR analytics and talent insights solutions, aimed at providing

involvement in sending employees to its annual

innovation and design courses after it was

organisations with real-time employee insights,

conferences (Annual Management Lecture) and

appointed one of the 16 Continuing Education

workforce planning and reporting capacity, and

seminars (Learning Series Platform).

and Training (CET) partners, in line with

strategic HR and change-management expertise.

However, Tan says open enrolment

Singapore Workforce Development Agency’s

Moreover, the company has localised

programmes remain a challenge as competition

launch of its enhanced Service Excellence

its smarter workforce and talent and change

has always been intense, with many providers

competency framework.

division, “redeploying expertise to serve existing

in the market across all areas of soft skills and knowledge training.

He added that post-course surveys found that more than 90% of course participants were

At the same time, he believes HR

able to apply skills at work, given more job

practitioners will want to work with SIM, as “we

responsibilities and received a salary increment.

provide a wide selection of topic domains and

“We use an acronym, MOSAIC, to remind

and potential clients in Singapore and the wider ASEAN regions”, she said. However, she noted there had been a slower than expected uptake of software-asa-service solutions in the ASEAN marketplace,

most importantly, the reliability aspect on high

ourselves of today’s technology drivers:

where “emphasis on data residency and private

quality assurance of the training programmes

mobile, open, social, analytics, internet of

cloud continue to inhibit local companies from

we offer”.

things and cloud. We need to keep the MOSAIC

accessing the latest technology innovations”.

technologies in mind when we strive for gamechangers in our organisation.”

With this in mind, she said there was a continued need for market education on cloud, analytics, mobile, security and social.




88_ITSkillsTraining_VOTY14_sub.indd 88


29/11/2014 6:25:21 PM



Perhaps it is an indication of companies’ needs

temporary as a training venue. According to

innovation and entrepreneurial activity among

to continually switch things up and provide a

a recent survey from Regus, 86% of staff say

staff. In fact, 95% of workers in Hong Kong and

new environment for training that none of last

reliable technology is what they’re looking for

96% in Singapore believe collaborative offices

year’s training venues are repeated again in this

in any workplace or training venue, as well as a

provide value for money.

year’s rankings.

safe and aesthetically pleasing environment.

2013 was the first year we included training

Employees also cited an office environment

“This makes it an ideal breeding ground for innovation (72%) and entrepreneurial spirit

venues in Vendors of the Year, and this year

which “guaranteed safety for belongings” as a

(73%), all of which are key features of excellent

we have definitely noticed many more training

key feature.

employees,” the report stated.

providers being used by HR professionals in

“Workers globally agree the key feature of

Singapore to host meetings, presentations,

an ideal work environment is highly functional

training sessions or otherwise.

ICT, highlighting the need to remain productive

Coming in at top spot is Seminar Room, a venue provider dedicated to corporate training with rooms to lease for a variety of purposes. But while HR is looking for the basic necessities for training and learning, it is also clearly looking for something more, given that

Preferred Training Venues 1.

Seminar Room


Singapore National Employers Federation

professional environment that is well served by


Hotel Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay

transport links.”


PARKROYAL Hotels & Resorts


Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore


Singapore Management University

and connected at all times,” the report stated. “But they also require a smart, safe and

A separate Regus survey also found that as the corporate world becomes increasingly

venues such as hotels, country clubs, universities

diverse and volatile, business leaders are calling

and for-rent training rooms made the cut.

not only for more collaboration among team


Raffles Marina

members, but also within the physical space


Civil Service College


Orchid Country Club


NTUC LearningHub

As well as this, it has also got to take into account the needs and desires of employees, who are looking for certain things from their office environment – whether permanent or

they learn in. Collaborative workspaces are believed to be good value, breed efficiency and inspire


89_Intro_TrainingVenues_VOTY14_sub.indd 89

2014 I


2/12/2014 7:35:52 PM


"Our experienced meeting planners are able to customise a full suite of meeting packages to ensure your meetings are a success."

"A good seminar is so much more than just having an excellent speaker."

Stephen Yee

Singapore National Employers Federation

Seminar Room

Hotel Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay

Seminar Room LLP is a seminar and training venue provider in Singapore which offers high-

SNEF has been offering various corporate

From gala dinners to annual general meetings,

class seminar rooms at affordable prices for

courses since its inception in 1980, reads the

the Hotel Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay’s

consumers and corporates. Located in Bugis, the

website, and its most popular courses – such as

facilities can accommodate every need of the

convenient rooms are equipped with full facilities

the Employment Act, Termination and Dismissal

modern professional.

at no extra cost to clients, its website states.

and the Safety Committee Members Training –

Launched in 2011 and a new entrant in this

are still being offered today.

year’s category, Seminar Room has more than

These training courses are “constantly being

Ideal for workshops, seminars or conferences, its website states the hotel’s meeting rooms are lit up by natural light and

200 regular corporate clients holding their

reviewed, with new courses being introduced to

are fully air-conditioned. The rooms themselves

seminars, classes and meetings there.

meet market demands”, the website reads.

also have space in the foyer, which can hold up

The facility offers a range of rooms from

The SNEF Training Institute comprises the

theatre-style for up to 60 people, classroom-

Corporate Training Centre (CTC) and Executive

style for workshops for up to 42 people, meeting

Development Centre (EDC).

or boardroom-style for up to 20 people or

CTC focuses on “providing practical and

to 40 delegates and overlook the Lion City and Singapore River. Its state-of-the-art executive boardroom is located on level seven and caters to events

conference-style for larger group conferences

quality training” at affordable rates for SNEF

such as executive board meetings, training

or AGMs.

members, with its purpose being to help

workshops, AGMs and multimedia presentations.

“A good seminar is so much more than just having an excellent speaker,” states the website.

companies build up core competencies among their employees.

“At Seminar Room, we realise this too, and

The public workshops include SNEF core

“The executive boardroom features its own private pre-function area which is ideal for small group break-out sessions, morning and

moreover, being speakers ourselves, we share

programmes in HR and industrial relations and

afternoon tea breaks, working lunches or post-

the common challenge of getting the perfect

other soft skill programmes such as business

conference drinks to unwind after your meeting,”

venue for our workshop.

writing, communication, financial management,

said the website.

“At the end of the day, we have to weigh

customer service, general management, IT, team

out the benefits and decide the perfect training

building and safety and health.

room that will suit our participants while having all the necessary facilities.”

The EDC offers programmes and seminars to

“No matter what your requirements are, with a mirage of well-equipped meeting rooms and items, our experienced meeting planners are able

help CEOs and senior executives lead the process

to customise a full suite of meeting packages to

of continuous improvement in their organisations.

ensure your meetings are a success.” host a range of training and corporate events

PARKROYAL Hotels & Resorts

or meetings. Gino Tan, general manager of PARKROYAL

In this year’s rankings, we have combined

on Pickering, said the hotel had won numerous

the nominations for both PARKROYAL Hotels

awards this year, including its iconic hotel-in-

& Resorts – PARKROYAL on Pickering and

a-garden recently being crowned Best New

PARKROYAL on Beach Road – to place the

Business Hotel in Asia Pacific at the Business

hotels and their training venues services in

Traveller Asia Pacific Awards 2014. The design

third place.

of the hotel also earned more accolades, such

With six meeting rooms at PARKROYAL on

Gino Tan




90_TrainingVenues_VOTY14_sub.indd 90

as the gold winner at the FIABCI World Prix

Pickering and seven at PARKROYAL on Beach

d’Excellence Awards 2014 in the Hotel Category,

Road, the hotels are fully equipped with the

and was recognised with multiple awards at the

space and latest technologies and amenities to

2014 International Property Awards – Asia Pacific.


2/12/2014 7:31:57 PM


"I’ve got you covered with a team who lives to please, taking all the worry out of managing your event."

Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore

"These are complemented by classrooms which allow flexible furnishing to suit your unique layout requirements."

Singapore Management University

"Be it in our expansive atrium or outdoors; nothing compares with our excellent reception and the grandeur of the marina in the backdrop."

Raffles Marina Despite being a boaties’ haven, the Raffles

In September this year, the Traders Hotel

Singapore Management University’s unique

Marina has taken out the joint fourth spot

Cuscaden Road was the first to rebrand as Hotel

pedagogy involves a seminar-style approach

with corporate professionals as an arena for

Jen Singapore as part of a wider rebranding

which allows greater contact between student

meetings, seminars and training sessions.

exercise globally.

and lecturer, “and our seminar rooms are

Following the launch of Hotel Jen Orchardgateway Singapore, this brings the number of Hotel Jen room keys in Singapore to

With all the trappings of a prestigious

customised to achieve this purpose”, the

country club, Raffles Marina allows businesses to

website reads.

add an extra dimension to their event, whether a

SMU’s seminar rooms are available for

seminar, product launch or dinner and dance.

more than 1,000, “catering to a new ‘Jeneration’

bookings, as well as the networked seminar

of independently minded business and

rooms, which are all fully equipped with high-

nothing compares with our excellent reception

leisure travellers”.

speed LAN ports.

and the grandeur of the marina in the backdrop,”

The hotel’s website – written from the point

These are complemented by classrooms

of a person, “Jen” – states it has flexible function

which allow flexible furnishing to suit your

and meeting rooms, which can accommodate 10

unique layout requirements.

to 300 people, which are suitable for meetings, seminars and social gatherings. “I also promise professional event

Seminar rooms are available within the School of Business, School of Accountancy, School of Information Systems and School of

“Be it in our expansive atrium or outdoors;

states the website. However, for a more corporate setting, the Marina offers a well-equipped business centre with rooms such as the theatrette, Bridge Rooms, or 15 different boardrooms for business events. These are equipped with audio-visual

management, delicious catering and state-of-

Economics and Social Sciences, and have a

equipment, stationery, projectors and

the-art audiovisual equipment as standard,”

maximum capacity of 50, 60 or 70 people.


states the website. Featuring a sophisticated design and flexible set up, the meeting and function rooms have

These buildings also offer networked seminar rooms and classroom settings in the same buildings with similar-sized capacity.

moveable partitions to shape great spaces – big or small. “I’ve got you covered with a team who lives to please, taking all the worry out of managing your event,” Jen says. “My spectacular break-out spaces can be customised, and I have an impressive suite of gadgets and gizmos to keep business ticking along.”


91_TrainingVenues_VOTY14_sub.indd 91

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:15:04 PM


"CSC’s facilities are open to outside parties for lectures, seminars and other events."

"Its core values are a play on the word SMILE – shared responsibility, mutual respect, iconic service, learning and ‘enjoy Orchid’." Kwek Kok Kwong

Civil Service College

Orchid Country Club

NTUC LearningHub

The mission of the Civil Service College (CSC)

A leader in golf and hospitality, the Orchid

“Personal development today is more than just

Singapore is to develop people for a first-class

Country Club’s mission is: “Bringing a quality

skills training,” says NTUC LearningHub on its

public service, it says on its website.

lifestyle to our guests. Making a difference with

website. “It offers useful alternative methods

our passion.”

compared to coaching and mentoring too.”

CSC was inaugurated as a statutory board under the Public Service Division, Prime

Its core values are a play on the word SMILE

With integrated techniques, theories and

Minister’s Office, in October 2001, and as the

– shared responsibility, mutual respect, iconic

behavioural concepts, the organisation – whose

public sector’s core institution for training,

service, learning and “enjoy Orchid”.

mission is to “be the leader in continuing

learning, research and staff development, it

The facilities available for corporate use

education and training” – aims for effective

provides officers from across the public service

include the Grand Ballroom/Jade Suite for larger

personal development and optimises individual

with opportunities to learn and share knowledge,

corporate functions and the Emerald Suite,

performance of employees through progressive

network and develop a service-wide ethos and

which overlooks the golf course and Lower

personal development, which also improves

shared perspectives.

Seletar Reservoir, making it a great spot for

business performance.

Aside from this, CSC’s facilities are open

meetings and training sessions.

to outside parties for lectures, seminars and

The Tea Garden Foyer allows an al

Its range of training sessions and seminars include problem-solving techniques, effective

other events that bring “new insights and fresh

fresco option for meetings and the theatrette

communication and engagement, personal

perspectives on strategic issues relevant to the

gives businesses a space to hold talks, do a

effectiveness, office IT skills, soft skills,

public sector”.

presentation or host a seminar.

workshops for organisations with mature

Apart from the auditorium and atrium, CSC

The theatrette has all the audio-visual

offers IT rooms, training rooms, seminar rooms

equipment needed for business purposes.

and syndicate rooms to businesses.




92_TrainingVenues_VOTY14_sub.indd 92

workers, essential communication and writing programmes and executive and leadership workshops.


29/11/2014 6:13:00 PM



This year’s most preferred HR outsourcing

can be enhanced; and providing value-added

include employability of senior Singaporeans,

provider Mercer has developed a range of

services such as HR consulting to support our

recruitment in line with the Fair Consideration

solutions to keep its clients’ needs in mind. And

clients with their transformational journey,” says

Framework and continued growth of social

what is one of the most pressing needs their

Ken Wong, global general manager operations,

media. These trends help the company drive

clients face?

payroll, at Talent2.

efforts to serve its clients better.

“Increasing cost pressure to do more with

New legislation and changes in the labour

“We place great importance on

less,” says Lisa Sun, Mercer’s ASEAN managing

market have also played a part in driving

understanding our clients and their specific

director. This thought has driven this year’s set of

changes in the outsourcing industry, in many

requirements, and work closely with them to

HR outsourcing providers to develop solutions

cases, creating more demand for these services.

ensure we meet their business needs, while

to effectively automate all or part of their clients’ HR processes. “The challenge today is about innovation.

“The tightening of the labour market has driven higher demand for outsourcing as their usual business,” says Kevin Low, senior

will no longer work as there are rapid changes

director at Virtual HR.

landscape,” she says. As a result, several of Mercer’s new offerings

Besides MNCs, he finds micro-SMEs and SMEs opting in for payroll and HR services. On a similar note, Lau Foon Wah, senior

in 2014 made use of technology for greater

manager at UIC Asian Computer Services,

efficiency and effectiveness to provide clients

anticipates greater management receptiveness

with increased cost savings and ease of use.

to outsource the payroll function. He also

Second-ranked Talent2’s strategy is to “future-proof” its clients. It has embarked on a three-year strategy of building software and infrastructure for this aim. “We are investing in the standardisation of delivery so automation and customer service

HR and recruitment solutions.”

companies seek new ways to grow and sustain

We believe solutions that applied in the past in Asia severely impacting the human capital

providing them with valuable, highly customised

expects greater demand for internet-based applications in the year to come. Over at fifth-ranked Kelly Services (Singapore), Mark Hall, vice-president and country general manager, says the key trends expected to take shape around the industry

Preferred HR Outsourcing Providers 1.





Tricor Singapore


Virtual HR


KCS Payroll Express


Kelly Services (Singapore)


Chio Lim Stone Forest






UIC Asian Computer Services


93_Intro_Outsourcing_VOTY14_sub.indd 93

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:11:38 PM


"Outsourcing corporate administration, compliance and business support functions to our specialists removes your company’s administrative burden." Lisa Sun

Ken Wong



Tricor Singapore

Top-ranked Mercer offers talent solutions across

With 36 offices across Asia Pacific, delivering

Experts in corporate structuring and advisory

the HR spectrum, including tools for employee

services to 30 countries, second-ranked Talent2

functions, Tricor Group’s services include

benefits, HR metrics and analytics, diversity and

covers the full range of multi-process human

executive search and human resources

inclusion, manpower planning, among a host

resources outsourcing offerings.

consulting, payroll and management consulting,

of others.

These include three major types of solutions

“In Singapore, we service a large number

– Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) payroll system,

of multinational and domestic clients across a range of market segments and industry sectors,” said Lisa Sun ASEAN managing director.

flexi-managed service, and managed service. In the past 12 months, Talent2 rolled out the new PeoplePay software and service offerings

This diversity of experience and understanding of the marketplace has enabled the company to tackle issues in a proactive

among others. Tricor Group, a member of The Bank of East Asia Group, is a global provider of integrated business, corporate and investor services. “As a business enabler, Tricor provides

in Australia and Singapore, and is targeting

outsourced expertise in corporate

Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan for early 2015.

administration, compliance and business

It continued to invest in its shared

support functions that allows your company

manner and develop comprehensive end-to-end

service operations in Kuala Lumpur and

to concentrate on what you do best – building

products and solutions that address

Manila, especially in the area of continuous

business,” said the company’s website.

clients’ needs.

improvement, Six Sigma and customer service.

The past year saw the formalisation of the

“We transitioned all of our hosting to ‘the

“Outsourcing corporate administration, compliance and business support functions

relationship between Marsh and Mercer in the

cloud’ – allowing us to provide more flexibility,

to our specialists removes your company’s

area of employee health and benefits, going to

security and performance for our clients,”

administrative burden.”

market under the Mercer Marsh Benefits name.

said Ken Wong, global general manager

Sun explained that Mercer Marsh Benefits had expertise in flex and benefits administration

operations, payroll. These initiatives are part of the company’s

outsourcing and employed a best-in-class team

three-year strategy of building software and

with extensive industry knowledge.

infrastructure to “future-proof” its clients.

“We recognise that we are an extension of our clients’ employee administration arm and

Wong is confident in the company’s capability for success.

partner with HR to understand their business,

“We know Asia Pacific from a culture,

Tricor’s country website cites that Tricor Singapore was set up in October 2004, with the acquisition of parts of the business and expertise from PricewaterhouseCoopers. “Our experience gives us a thorough understanding of the markets in which we operate and enables us to serve clients with any services they may need in respect of setting up

process, compliance and controls perspective.

their operations in Singapore and maintaining

Sun has a clear agenda for the coming year.

In HR and payroll, we own our own software – for

them thereafter.”

“We are focused on helping clients solve

Singapore and over 20 countries across

challenges, objectives and benefits plans.”

their toughest business challenges, including

the region.”

employee engagement, cost containment and taking over their employee transactional administration so they can focus on strategic talent issues.”




94_Outsourcing_VOTY14_sub.indd 94


29/11/2014 6:11:11 PM


"More and more companies from around the world are partnering with KCS. We know that if we look after their success, our own will follow." Kevin Low

Virtual HR

Mark Hall

KCS Payroll Express

Kelly Services (Singapore)

Besides solutions for payroll and HR outsourcing,

As part of KCS’ continued growth strategy in

Virtual HR also provides services in HR process

the Asia Pacific region, Payroll Express was

Kelly Services holds an enviable reputation of

transformation and compensation and

acquired by KCS in January 2013. It is a leading

working in partnership with some of Singapore’s

benefits consultancy.

independent corporate services company

largest and most respected companies and key

in Asia, specialising in corporate accounting,

government agencies to provide individual and

stakeholders’ success and positive experiences,”

corporate secretarial, payroll solutions, trust and

personalised services.

said senior director Kevin Low.

wealth advisory services.

“Business achievements to us means

He goes on to explain the company’s achievements this year. “The exciting areas for us were the successful launch of our series of MasterClass

It offers industry experience and expertise

The company’s solutions in outsourcing and consulting include recruitment process

from its 470 experts based in 15 locations in Asia,

outsourcing, business process outsourcing,

as listed on the company’s online profile.

contingent workforce outsourcing, career

“We are large enough to handle any size

transition and executive coaching, and a host

and Knowledge Networking for our customers,

of project, but small enough to ensure that

and the HR and business communities. These

every assignment is based on personal trust

were very well received.”

and commitment – a combination rarely seen in

centralised recruitment hub take shape,

business today,” it cited.

combining its various city offices into a one-stop

The knowledge spectrum at such events covered the implications of the Personal Data

The company’s professional team in

of others. The past year saw the company’s new

career and talent solutions centre.

Protection Act, changes in the Employment Act,

Singapore is able to provide advice and solutions

emerging employment of seniors, leadership

for clients in the areas of HR and payroll services,

and practice groups together under one roof,

transition, and compensation strategies for SMEs

corporate restructuring, and more.

streamlining operational activities through a

and the social service sector. These aligned with the changes in national

“We provide HR advisory services to help you shape and strengthen your compensation

It brings all of Kelly’s specialist brands

shared services model. “This allows greater focus on customer

policies in the past 12 months, and he said the

and benefit schemes to give you an edge in the

service, business agility and innovation,”

tightening of the labour market had driven a

increasingly competitive market for recruiting

said Mark Hall, vice-president and country

higher demand for outsourcing.

and retaining talent,” explained the website.

general manager.

“Usual HR solutions and strategies cannot

“More and more companies from around the

cope with the changes. In tandem with this new

world are partnering with KCS. We know that if

landscape, we have restructured our service

we look after their success, our own will follow.”

offerings to meet the changing demands.” This includes the introduction of bespoke HR systems co-developed with the company’s

He also pointed out the company’s new career site, which launched in May 2014. “This career portal keeps our employees aware of new job opportunities in nearly every discipline and industry.” Over the past 12 months, Kelly Services

customers, and HR process transformation

continued to grow revenue in double digits, and

services to empower SMEs to respond to the

produced new milestones in terms of a record

opportunities in their markets.

individual billing from a single placement.

“Bespoke solutions enable systems to map

“We never take this recognition lightly, and

to business needs without sacrificing the intrinsic

our service excellence approach demands that

workflow and IP of individual companies.”

we think innovatively to find the right talent supply chain solution for each of our customers – no matter what size.”


95_Outsourcing_VOTY14_sub.indd 95

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:09:55 PM


Chio Lim Stone Forest RSM Chio Lim is a public accounting entity offering assurance and tax services, while Stone Forest is the umbrella name under which

"This makes us the prime choice for internationally active businesses across diverse organisation types."

the business advisory and business support services operate. “Together, we are the largest

administration needs of businesses in Singapore,

team of experienced professionals have earned

accounting and business advisory group outside

China and other Asian countries”, as listed on

us the reputation of being Singapore’s leading

the big four in Singapore,” said its website.

PayrollServe’s website.

provider of web-based, cloud-based and fully

PayrollServe is the payroll and HR

Its solutions include HR administration and

administration services division of Chio Lim

consulting, employee self-service, and benefits

Stone Forest. The company “specialises in

administration outsourcing, among others.

meeting basic to complex payroll and HR

“PayrollServe’s cutting-edge solutions and

"Our commitment to client satisfaction strengthens and extends our relationships."


"We bring together selected human resource and finance processing activities of government agencies."


managed payroll and HR services and solutions. “This makes us the prime choice for internationally active businesses across diverse organisation types and industries.”

"HR practitioners have faith in UICACS in its commitment to focus on improving on the flexibility and comprehensiveness of its software." UIC Asian Computer Services

Accenture is a global management consulting,

Vital, a department of the Ministry of Finance,

technology services and outsourcing company

is an outcome of the public sector’s efforts to

UIC Asian Computer Services (UICACS) is

with more than 305,000 people serving clients in

aggregate common services within the public

a provider of HRMS solutions, including

more than 120 countries.

sector to leverage economies of scale and

modules on electronic flexi-benefits, payroll

improve efficiency and effectiveness.

and employee self-service. The company also

The company’s website credits “the Accenture way” as a unique way of doing things.

“Vital is the government’s largest backoffice specialist. Our suite of offerings includes

“It’s how we innovate, collaborate,

operates turnkey projects to build interfaces between its HRMS and ERP systems.

operate and deliver value – for our clients, our

financial services, human resource services,

shareholders and our business communities

payroll and claims, learning and development,

great insights and experiences in developing

around the world.”

travel management and credit management

customised interface programmes to interface

services,” the company website reads.

PAYmaster with these ERP systems,” said Lau

The company deploys a “high performance

“We bring together selected human

business” strategy to use its expertise in consulting, technology and outsourcing to help

resource and finance processing activities of

clients achieve performance at higher levels.

government agencies.”

“We have extensive relationships with the

By pooling together such functions, the

“These projects have helped UICACS gain

Foon Wah, the company’s senior manager. The past year has seen the company increase its customer base for payroll outsourcing, and grow extensively with

world’s leading companies and governments

company aims to bring costs down and achieve

customers across the banking and finance,

and work with organisations of all sizes –

greater efficiency for customers, while delivering

manufacturing, and quasi-government sectors.

including 91 of the Fortune Global 100 and more

better services.

than three quarters of the Fortune Global 500,” as listed on the website. “Our commitment to client satisfaction strengthens and extends our relationships.”

“As a government department, Vital understands your requirements and constraints.

electronic leave system, web payslip system,

We can complement your strengths with our

and electronic claim system,” he said.

public sector-wide experience,” it said. “By transferring these functions to Vital,




96_Outsourcing_VOTY14_sub.indd 96

“Companies implemented more internetbased applications from UICACS, namely

“HR practitioners have faith in UICACS in its commitment to focus on improving on the

we promise you a hassle-free transition. While

flexibility and comprehensiveness of its software

Vital takes care of your non-core business

to maintain its standard of being one of the most

processes, you can stay focused on your

flexible and comprehensive payroll and HR

strategic functions.”

software providers in Singapore.”


2/12/2014 7:48:22 PM



Amid HR moving from being a transactional

Charles Liaw, managing director at Times

In fact, iqDynamics, a new entrant in this

function to a transformational one, it is important

Software, adds: “HRIS technology trends are

year’s rankings, hopes to raise awareness

to credit the enablement of this shift to

changing and challenging vendors to come up

about this.

technology solutions that automate and simplify

with next-generation solutions for employers

foundational HR processes.

and employees. Mobile apps technology is

and others in the industry that enterprise

absolutely the future of HRMS.”

software is not just built for and used by large

SAP, which has maintained its number one spot as the most preferred HRMS vendor, says the

This may also help companies achieve other

HR industry will need to become more strategic

aims that are good for workforce productivity,

and data-driven in light of the increasingly diverse

says Peter Lee, sales director at Info-Tech

and flexible workforce of the future.

Systems Integrators.

“HR must be consulted in business planning and it must drive strategy at the board level,

“Companies nowadays have started to emphasise more on work-life balance.

“We want to educate both our customers

international enterprises,” says Lim Say Ping, the company’s director.

Preferred HRMS Vendors 1.



UNIT4 Asia Pacific

which requires more power and tools to do so,”

Moving forward to web-based and cloud

says Shyam Prasad, vice-president, cloud and

computing will help employers achieve



lines of business, SAP Southeast Asia.

that direction.”



HR ownership towards technology solutions is a resounding theme for vendors this year. “Instead of relying on the company’s IT department to provide the computing infrastructure to deploy HR-based software

Rachel Swee, managing director at Ready Software, says adding “employee self-service applications” to this list ensures reduced data entry work. In addition to all this, HRMS vendors are

applications, HR departments can now approach

working hard to offer solutions targeted at small

cloud vendors directly,” says Ho Chee Tiong,

and medium enterprises to help them raise their

regional sales director for UNIT4 Asia Pacific.

game to match larger counterparts.


Sage Asia


Times Software


Info-Tech Systems Integrators






Ready Software


97_Intro_HRMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 97

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:08:10 PM


"We offer innovative and adaptable technology focused on the consumer Internet experience and cloud delivery model." Shyam Prasad

Ho Chee Tiong


UNIT4 Asia Pacific


Standing tall at the top of the rankings is SAP,

Jumping three places to emerge second

This provider of enterprise cloud applications

once again. SAP SuccessFactors has a wide

this year is UNIT4 Asia Pacific, a provider of

has worked its way from sixth to third this year.

variety of services on cloud and on-premise

people-centred enterprise software for

platforms, designed to connect people strategy

services organisations.

to business strategy – from core HR to recruiting,

The company brings to market cloud ERP

compensation, learning and social collaboration

and business applications designed to meet

with SAP Jam, among others.

specific vertical market requirements, helping

“HR practitioners trust SAP SuccessFactors because of great technology and a global legacy. The technology is complete, beautiful

Workday provides enterprise cloud applications in the fields of human capital management (HCM), payroll, financial management and analytics. “We offer innovative and adaptable

customers embrace change simply, quickly and

technology focused on the consumer internet

cost effectively.

experience and cloud delivery model. Our

The group incorporates a number of

applications are designed for global enterprises

and flexible enough to start anywhere –

leading software brands, including UNIT4

to manage complex and dynamic operating

optimising the workforce today and preparing for

Agresso, its fl agship ERP suite for mid-sized,

environments,” lists the company’s online profile.

tomorrow,” says Shyam Prasad, vice-president,

and large services-intensive organisations, as

cloud and lines of business, SAP Southeast Asia.

well as UNIT4 Prosoft HRMS, a best-of-class HR

founders got together to “sell user-friendly

management software.

enterprise cloud applications for HR and

In the past year, SAP SuccessFactors announced a series of global customer wins

“Our business is consistently evolving

Founded in 2005, the website says the

finance”, and by 2009, the company had more

across various industries, including Danone,

and we ensure that we remain ahead of

than 100 companies across 46 countries using

Cirque du Soleil, and Continental AG; as well

the technology curve to meet new user

Workday as their cloud platform for HR

as publicly shared customer successes from

requirements,” said Ho Chee Tiong, regional

and finance.

Kawasaki Motors, The Timken Company, and

sales director.

Jo-Ann Stores.

He added it enhanced the flexibility of

In 2013, the company’s new offering was launched in big data analytics to redefine “how

the Prosoft HRMS solution to provide customers

organisations unify multiple sources, sizes

become the fastest-growing cloud company at

a platform to improve the delivery of their

and structures of data with Workday data

scale with 39% growth. With 38 million enterprise


to deliver insights for critical workforce and

Overall, SuccessFactors helped SAP

users, SAP has the largest enterprise community of cloud users in the world.

He believes ERP software today should be designed for people and flexibility, as the

Prasad explains the plan for the journey ahead. “Like many cloud-based solutions, SAP SuccessFactors will need to ensure that

financial decisions”. “We provide our customers highly

evolution of social, mobile, analytics and cloud

adaptable, accessible and reliable applications

(SMAC) are changing the way customers and

to manage critical business functions that enable

organisations are doing business.

them to optimise their financial and human

“We are seeing a shift with a demand

companies have the same level of support as

for strategic modules to improve the quality

they grow their cloud investment.”

of human resources services such as talent

capital resources.”

management, recruitment, appraisal and training.”




98_HRMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 98


29/11/2014 6:07:48 PM


"Oracle delivers the industry’s most complete, flexible and global technology foundation to help companies simplify how they manage people."

"We understand the needs of the small and mediumsized business community and offer a broad and comprehensive range of localised solutions." Charles Liaw


Sage Asia

Times Software

“Engineering for extreme performance and

A leading supplier of accounting and business

Despite the challenging economic conditions,

efficiency, while engineering out IT complexity

management software, and related products

Times Software has continued to grow steadily,

and cost,” is how Oracle describes the

and services, to small and medium-sized

and finished strongly in the rankings for

experience it provides to its customers on the

businesses, The Sage Group comprises market-

preferred HRMS vendors.

company’s online profile.

leading businesses throughout Europe, North

The company offers a range of open and integrated business software and hardware

America, South Africa, Asia and Australia. Its Asia operation manages businesses

systems solutions and is the leading provider of

throughout Asia, India and the Middle East,

software for e-business, as well as the world’s

with a regional HQ in Singapore, and offices in

second largest software company, as listed on

Thailand, China, India, UAE and Saudi Arabia.

the website. “Oracle delivers the industry’s most

“Sage Asia understands the unique requirements of various countries throughout

An international software and consultancy company, Times Software specialises in software development, project implementation, and solutions to support payroll and HRIS. It also provides a variety of web-based modules such as e-leave, e-HR, e-recruit, e-payslip, e-appraisal and e-training, among others.

complete, flexible and global technology

Asia, Middle East and India such as multi-

foundation to help companies simplify how they

currency, non-English languages, taxation,

technologies into our products (iOS, Android,

manage people,” it reads.

statutory reporting needs and local business

Microsoft Windows) for a wider range of

practices,” lists the company’s Asia website.

application, access and ease of usage for our

“With Oracle human capital management cloud service and Oracle talent management

Sage Asia works closely with its local

cloud service, you can realise the promise of

business partners, local/international

the cloud to meet the demands of your human

development partners, and alliance partners to

capital and talent strategy.”

meet client requirements.

Oracle Singapore, a wholly owned subsidiary

The company delivers easy to use, scalable

of Oracle Corporation, was established in 1988

and customisable applications through its

offering 100% internet-ready platforms, tools

portfolio of leading solutions.

and applications, along with related consulting, education and support services. “Oracle Singapore continues to build momentum as leading local businesses – from large corporations to small-and-medium

Its products support accounting, operations,

“We have incorporated various IT

clients anywhere, any time,” said managing director Charles Liaw. Expanding its range of offerings over the past 12 months, Times Software now also provides regional HRIS and payroll solutions. He says the company’s software is userfriendly, and a cost-effective investment. Backed by reliability and excellent after-

customer relationship management, and the

sales support and consultancy, he is confident

specialised needs of accounting practices,

of the organisation being viewed favourably as a

distribution and manufacturing.

preferred vendor.

“We understand the needs of the small and

“Times Software will continue to grow

enterprises – seek to harness the power of

medium-sized business community and offer

despite challenging market conditions, and we

the internet and select Oracle’s leading-edge

a broad and comprehensive range of localised

will continue to focus on our clients’ business

platform technologies and e-business suite to

solutions, from entry level products for start-up

needs and expectations.”

meet their needs.”

businesses to more sophisticated products, including Sage ERP X3, Sage ERP Accpac, Sage CRM, Sage UBS, among many others.”

In the years to come, the company will strive to create breakthroughs for new sales peaks. “We will ensure our software products evolve according to the vibrant IT trends and are always a step ahead among our competitors. We will also focus on talent management in order to continually build a strong team to meet our business strategic goals.”


99_HRMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 99

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:04:36 PM


"We strive to build value for our investors by delivering innovative solutions that enable our customers to attract top talent and retain happy employees that drive their bottom line." Peter Lee

Lim Say Ping

Info-Tech Systems Integrators



iqDynamics is a newcomer this year, offering

SilkRoad is another new entrant, and a leading

Info-Tech Systems Integrators offers One

enterprise software solutions. The company

provider of cloud-based, end-to-end HR

Database integrated HR solutions for a time

also provides enterprise, infra and IT managed

solutions helping customers to find, attract,

attendance system, payroll software, HR

services, as well as cloud computing services.

develop and retain the best talent.

software, employees’ self-service portal, and an e-appraisal module, among others.

It celebrated 20 years, at the same time as HRiQ users in APAC reached the 60,000 mark. “HRiQ Human Capital Management Solution

“We transformed from a traditional client

“We strive to build value for our investors by delivering innovative solutions that enable our customers to attract top talent and retain happy

server-based system to a web-based integrated

modules are constantly being upgraded and

employees that drive their bottom line,” says the

system and enhanced our user interface,

reinforced. In the last 12 months, our recruitment

company’s website.

features and functionality in order to stay

management, talent profiling, and succession

relevant. We also deployed auto-update on

management modules have achieved additional

“an innovative, self-service HRMS that allows

critical changes and maintained high levels of

adoption by customers,” said director Lim Say Ping.

companies to track their diverse workforce

“It is our belief enterprise software solutions

customer responsiveness,” said Peter Lee, sales director, about its achievements in the past year.

should be accessible to all companies and all

SilkRoad’s HRMS, called HeartBeat, is

effectively”. “The SilkRoad HRMS solution supports

employees at all times; have a highly integrated

employee and manager self-service, benefits

encouraging companies to move forward in the

and secure flow of data and information; and,

enrolments, and time-off balances and accruals.”

automation of HR solutions and giving grants to

most of all, easy to use. We built and developed

assist SMEs in implementation. As a result, its

HRiQ Human Capital Management Solution upon

HR management software is the employee and

business has grown by 20%.

these cornerstones of our belief.”

manager self-service.

He said the Singapore government was

In 2015, the company seeks to educate

However, challenges include new players

One of the features of the SilkRoad HRMS

“It allows employees to access, review and

in the industry and competitive pricing by other

customers that “enterprise software is not

update critical HR data quickly and accurately

market players, highly demanding customers,

just built for and used by large international

– anytime and anywhere, from requesting time

and high costs of running business.

enterprises; HRiQ is an example of an enterprise

off to completing open enrolments. Manager

software that is built to help local medium-

self-service empowers managers and takes

challenges will only make us stronger and we

sized companies manage their employees and

the burden off HR teams for events such as

will definitely perform better in 2015,” he says.

information just as large enterprises would”.

promotions, job changes or terminations.”

ReadyClaim eClaim system, ReadyPayAdvice

and employee self-service applications,” said

ePayslip, and others.

Rachel Swee, the company’s managing director.

“However, we are confident that such

Ready Software

In addition, the company also provides

She expects the company to continue

Ready Software was founded in October 1993

services such as payroll processing and

developing more applications as it moves

and is a major player in the provision of payroll,

leave administration.

towards next year.

human resources and fixed assets management software and services.

“With our core competence, expertise and experience, we develop software, web-based

It provides software applications to

solutions and related services that meet

However, “shortage of staff ” is likely to be a challenge in this endeavour. As more companies opt in for employee

customers ranging from multinational and

customer needs. The consistent design of

self-service systems, such as the ones

public-listed companies to small and medium

all Ready Software products makes it

provided by Ready Software, she is of the

enterprises, across industries.

user-friendly and comprehensive,” lists the

view that HR practitioners will prefer to work

company’s website.

with them, owing to a “wide range of human

Some of them include ReadyPay payroll system with e-submissions, ReadyStaff human

In the past year, the company has worked

resources system, ReadyLeave eLeave system,




100_HRMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 100

towards a “development focus on web-enabled

resources web-enabled applications that are user-friendly.”


3/12/2014 3:09:48 PM



In today’s fast-moving and competitive

learning, collaboration and knowledge

local workforce to upskill and take on more roles

business environment, strong learning

management,” Nott says.

at a faster pace than ever.

programmes are critical.

Shyam Prasad, VP of cloud and lines of

This means new information needs to be

business for SAP Southeast Asia, has a slightly

learned as quickly as possible – which comes

management systems (LMS) not only help

different view about what will be the number one

just as much from LMS as it does from strong

guide learning for staff across all sectors

priority within HR in the coming months.

leadership managing the learning process.

Learning programmes and learning

of your workforce, but if administered and

“The single largest workforce transformation

“HR will also need to address a growing

managed properly, they can boost retention and

today is the growth of the contingent workforce

lack of leadership that exists within many

engagement, helping you build a better-skilled

– defined by anyone not on the full-time payroll.

organisations worldwide,” Prasad says.

employee base even faster.

“The contingent workforce goes beyond

“Recent research from SAP found only

just freelancers; it encompasses agencies,

one-third of employees believed their leaders

to prove they can contribute to an organisation’s

contractors, seasonal help in retail, and part-time

are prepared to lead a diverse workforce – a

competitive edge and bottom line, learning

developers of large technology projects.”

total especially low in Asia Pacific (27%). HR

As HR professionals face increasing scrutiny

becomes even more important if HR wants a

He says HR professionals will be defined by

departments will be increasingly challenged

seat at the management table, says Glenn Nott,

their understanding of how contingent labour

to incorporate a revamped training and

vice-president and general manager of Asia

integrates with their existing talent management

development structure within organisations to fill

Pacific at Skillsoft.

environment – their total workforce.

the leadership void.”

“Over the next few years, learning will be

Ho Chee Tiong, regional sales director at

driven by technology, and the speed by which

UNIT4 Asia Pacific, says with a growing focus on

this is adopted is dependent on how quickly

customer demand and experience, the industry

organisations can implement technology

will see a shift from traditional ERP systems,

Preferred LMS Vendors 1.



UNIT4 Asia Pacific

into their learning culture and workplace,”

including HR software, towards “an innovative

he says.

approach that combines social as well as cloud



technologies and user-led design”.




Cornerstone OnDemand



Incorporating learning through mobile applications or big data can help firms better understand how employees learn and develop. For learning vendors, this can also help

“Customers today also expect rapid and easy access to information using their own smartphones and other mobile devices. Mobility

ensure they are providing platforms that go

will be at the centre of organisations’ tech



beyond basic employee management.

implementations coupled with the other aspect




Saba Software



“There will be demand for learning and talent management systems to become integrated and provide social and informal

of cloud and analytics.” Additionally, with foreign manpower policies continuing to tighten, pressure mounts on the


101_Intro_LMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 101

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:45:41 PM


"Learning administrators can efficiently manage all the catalog objects, learners, and related resources from a centralised system." Shyam Prasad

Ho Chee Tiong


UNIT4 Asia Pacific


Coming in first place, SAP SuccessFactors has a

UNIT4 is a leading provider of people-centred

From the data centre to the cloud, Oracle not

wide variety of cloud services and on-premise

enterprise software for services organisations.

only eliminates the complexity that stifles

platforms designed to connect people strategy

The company brings to market cloud

business innovation, but also engineers in speed,

enterprise resource planning (ERP) and

reliability, security and manageability. According

business applications designed to meet

to its website, this allows a “integrated stack of

and lines of business at SAP Southeast Asia,

specific vertical market requirements, helping

best-in-class hardware and software products”.

said in the past year SAP SuccessFactors had

customers embrace change simply, quickly and

made a number of key improvements to its HR


to business strategy. Shyam Prasad, vice-president of cloud

technology solutions.

The group incorporates a number of the

The Oracle Learning Management is an enterprise learning management system which allows organisations to manage, deliver

world’s leading software brands, including UNIT4

and track training participation online or in

Presentations – “a powerful new way to quickly

Agresso, its fl agship ERP suite for mid-sized

classroom-based environments.

help deliver more accurate and engaging

and large services-intensive organisations, as

presentations” – and an expanded vision for

well as UNIT4 Prosoft HRMS, a best-of-class HR

need in the most appropriate delivery mode,

learning management, including the release of

management software, among other services.

managers can “automate key business flows –

These included SuccessFactors

quick guides, programmes and partnerships with Coursera,, OpenHPI, and Udacity.

Ho Chee Tiong, regional sales director, said the business was constantly evolving.

“Overall, SuccessFactors helped SAP

“We ensure that we remain ahead of

become the fastest-growing cloud company at

the technology curve to meet new user

scale, with 39% growth,” he said.

requirements,” he said.

“With 38 million enterprise users, SAP has

“We additionally make sure we enhance

While learners can find the learning they

from order processing to training delivery; from performance appraisals to training assessments – and keep tabs on their team’s learning and development”. According to its website, OLM is the best way for its customers to improve workforce

the largest enterprise community of cloud users

the flexibility of our Prosoft HRMS solution and

performance, ensure partner channel sales and

in the world.”

provide our customers with a platform where

service readiness and increase revenue through

they can work with us to improve the delivery of

training product sales to customers.

In 2015, he said, like many cloud-based solutions, SAP SuccessFactors would need to

their services.”

ensure companies had the same level of support as they grow their cloud investment.

Its recent updates to its HRMS platform for the Singapore market allows for new strategic

“The company will also need to ensure that

modules to be added, such as manpower

“Executives can measure the effectiveness of learning activities and ensure alignment with organisational objectives. “Learning administrators can efficiently

its HR solutions continue to fully address the

and additional forms to allow for effective

manage all the catalog objects, learners, and

total workforce – consisting of both full-time

HR processes.

related resources from a centralised system.

and contingent labour – in an organised and

“Organisations across the world are embracing social, mobile, analytics and cloud

consolidated manner.”

“In sum, turn learning into a business advantage with Oracle Learning Management.”

solutions as part of their efforts to modernise

In the next five years, he predicts the industry as a whole will become more strategic

and deliver consumer-grade experience to

and data-driven.

their users. “UNIT4 has made great strides in the last

“HR must be consulted in business planning and it must drive strategy at the board level,

12 months to implement strategic industry

which requires more power and tools to do so.

standards to meet key industry benchmarks. “These allow organisations to spend more

“So the future of HR is no HR, meaning HR will no longer exist for its own sake. HR will

time adding value to their HR information system

evolve to become the enabler of business goals

for greater productivity and efficiency.”

and executives’ objectives.”




102_LMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 102


29/11/2014 6:45:17 PM


Workday “Training how you want it, when you need it” is

"Our goal is to maximise the ROI and adoption of Workday applications by delivering training and education that is relevant, comprehensive, timely and cost-effective."

what greets you on Workday’s website, after the statement: “Your people matter the most.” An on-demand financial management and

training and education that is relevant,

by connecting students to their training

comprehensive, timely and cost-effective,” the

environment to participate remotely.

human capital management software vendor,

website states. “We strive to accommodate all

Workday offers intuitive, self-service features to

learning styles, so that you can decide how and

help employers effectively organise staff and pay

when you’ll learn.”

their global workforce. “Our goal is to maximise the ROI and adoption of Workday applications by delivering

"Organisations can ensure compliance, accelerate employee performance, engage the entire workforce, and support organisational goals."

Learn on demand is also a cost-effective option to supplement instructor-led options. “On-demand training is available

Its applications allow customers to help

anytime, providing system administrators with

employees learn in person, with instructor-

immediate access to specific training,” the

led classroom trainings, and learn virtually

website reads.

"Unleashing the power and potential of your global talent base goes beyond just hiring the right people for the right job." Glenn Nott

Cornerstone OnDemand



Cornerstone OnDemand is a cloud-based talent

In Singapore since 1975, Accenture is a leading

Over the past 12 months, Skillsoft has further

management software solutions company with

organisation in providing management

enhanced its redesigned LMS, Skillport, so it

more than 15 million users across 191 countries.

consulting, technology and outsourcing services.

now offers more features which enhance the

Among its unified talent management

With more than 305,000 employees, and

solutions, Cornerstone OnDemand aims to

offices and operations in more than 200 cities

formal, informal and collaborative learning with a

move beyond traditional LMS, with its tools

in 56 countries, the company reported net

visual interface that is intuitive to use and allows

to build and develop leaders from one

revenues of $30 billion for fiscal 2014.

learners to tailor their experience by choosing

centralised system. “With Cornerstone Learning, organisations

learning experience. It does this by connecting

According to the website, its four growth

content that best matches their needs.

platforms – Accenture Strategy, Accenture

Glenn Nott, vice-president and general

can ensure compliance, accelerate employee

Digital, Accenture Technology and Accenture

manager of Asia Pacific, said the company had

performance, engage the entire workforce, and

Operations – are the innovation engines

also brought on the new Welch Way leadership

support organisational goals,” states its website.

“through which we build world-class skills and

programme, expanding its learning content and

capabilities; develop knowledge capital; and

solutions, including its online books collection,

training, virtual learning, exams, certifications,

create, acquire and manage key assets central

leadership videos, business, IT and desktop skills

and compliance content for training and

to the development of integrated services and


developing employees.

solutions for our clients”.

It allows employers to deliver instructor-led

According to the website, Cornerstone

To enhance its global offerings, it has

“Unleashing the power and potential of your

Learning improves training development and

global talent base goes beyond just hiring the

delivery, increases employee engagement,

right people for the right job,” the website reads.

accelerates performance and allows full integration with the Cornerstone Suite. “Cornerstone Learning empowers talent

German, Spanish and other languages.

“Our services help global HR organisations

“We have recently acquired SumTotal, a leading provider of flexible, next-generation

increase operating efficiency and improve

HR solutions to 3,500 customers and 49 million

workforce performance by improving processes,

users worldwide,” he said.

with personalised training programmes,

speeding implementation and increasing ROI on

collaborative learning initiatives and certification

HR and talent management.”

paths ensuring that coursework actively

continued to localise its content in Chinese,

He said 2014 had been a year of growth and further expansion in India and China. In 2015, the challenges will lie in

addresses specific competency and skill gaps,”

“determining and prioritising which territories

the website reads.

and technologies that will drive growth.”


103_LMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 103

2014 I


2/12/2014 8:08:49 PM


"The SilkRoad LMS is accessible anytime, anywhere. It offers dynamic learning catalogues that are customisable to reflect employees’ specific training demands." Francis Wang


Saba Software

Teo Teong Ho


SilkRoad provides end-to-end talent

Saba Cloud leverages machine learning

“It is our belief that enterprise software solutions

management solutions powered by social,

to provide intelligent and personalised

should be accessible to all companies and all

mobile, analytic and cloud technology across

recommendations to help employees, managers

employees at all times, have a highly integrated

all aspects of people management – from

and HR find the information and expertise they

and secure flow of data and information, and

recruitment, onboarding, performance, learning

need to lead and be successful, says APAC

most of all, easy to use,” said Lim Say Ping and

and HRMS.

alliances manager Francis Wang.

Teo Teong Ho, directors of iqDynamics.

Its learning tool, SilkRoad Learning

“This includes our suite of intelligent talent

“We built and developed the HRiQ Human

(GreenLight), aims to ensure employees receive

management products that cover recruiting,

Capital Management Solution upon these

the training they need to be as productive

compensation, learning, performance,

cornerstones of our belief.”

as possible.

succession and planning.”

Its website states SilkRoad Learning

Saba’s Learning@Work unifies its secure

New to the rankings this year, iqDynamics offers enterprise software solutions such as

(GreenLight) is an award-winning learning

and scalable LMS with virtual classrooms,

HRiQ Human Capital Management Solution,

management system, which drives strategic

assessments, social, collaborative, mobile and

StudentLink School Management Solution,

talent initiatives by developing talent in an

intelligent capabilities on a single platform.

MembersLink Club Management Solution,

engaging format while saving time, reducing

“Deployed by thousands of customers of all

costs and reinforcing compliance.

sizes, Learning@Work is the foundation for many

“The SilkRoad Learning LMS is accessible anytime, anywhere. Easy to use, it offers dynamic

infra and IT managed services, as well as cloud

learning programmes,” the website states.

computing services.

“Saba clients enjoy a significant competitive

The system helps businesses lower the

The company also provides enterprise,

of the world’s most dynamic and successful

learning catalogues that are customisable to reflect employees’ specific training demands.”

and more.

Over the next few years, iqDynamics hopes

advantage through superior regulatory

to educate its customers and others in the

compliance, training e-commerce, extended

industry that enterprise software is not just built

risk of compliance breach, lower training costs

enterprise, leadership development, on-the-job

for and used by large international enterprises,

and facilitate employee training by allowing

training, and other learning activities.”

but also for medium-sized companies managing

managers to track and report on training

Wang said in the past year, HR professionals

development, while giving them the flexibility to

in Singapore and across APAC were starting

create and manage virtual training.

to look for fully integrated talent management

Its benefits include the maximisation

their employees and information just as large enterprises would. “The advantages and the value that an

solutions, rather than just “best of breed

enterprise HR solution such as HRiQ can

of results “by delivering highly targeted

solutions, hosting behind the firewall and solving

contribute to their organisations and businesses

training focused on strategic initiatives” as

a specific problem”.

highly outweigh all initial investments,” Lim said.

well as easy configuration to fit different

He said this evolution to cloud-based

brands and consistency with integrated

services would continue in the years to come.

just as, if not more, secure and accessible as on-

“But simultaneously, we predict a lot

premise enterprise solutions, and at much lower

online and classroom training through a central administration.

more innovation by smaller companies who

“Cloud computing and cloud HR solutions is

investment outlays.”

will leverage modern cloud technologies to dramatically change the way companies handle the complex processes in their HR departments.”




104_LMS_VOTY14_sub.indd 104


29/11/2014 6:43:04 PM



role of the HR function may be contributing to this increased reliance on technology. “The availability and advancement of analytics and cloud has changed how HR departments function,” he says. “Instead of relying on the company’s IT department to provide the computing infrastructure to deploy HR-based software applications, HR departments can now approach cloud vendors directly.” Shyam Prasad, vice-president of cloud and lines of business, SAP Southeast Asia, further implies this increasing dependence is due to the altering nature of professionals today. “The single largest workforce transformation today is the growth of the contingent workforce – The rapid enhancement of payroll software has led to more efficient payment processes

expense claims and check their payslips ‘on the

defined by anyone not on the full-time payroll. The

move’ with a web-enabled mobile device.”

HR industry will need to become more strategic

He anticipates a greater emphasis on total

and data-driven in light of the increasingly diverse

for HR, but it has also put pressure on vendors

payroll/HRIS solutions in the future, where data

to continually upgrade their products to serve

will be centralised with high security and privacy,

clients better and remain competitive.

and accessible by the employee remotely

of it, but will evolve to become the enabler of

While UIC Asian Computer Services

without any system architecture constraints.

business goals and executives’ objectives.

(UICACS) has increased its customer base for

Peter Lee, sales director of Info-Tech

payroll outsourcing in the past year, senior

Systems Integrators, highlights this trend of

manager, Lau Foon Wah, predicts “increased

enhancement is also being driven by local

competition” is a key concern for the future.

government policies, which are encouraging

Charles Liaw, managing director of Times

and flexible workforce of the future.” He says HR won’t simply exist for the sake

Preferred Payroll Vendors

companies to go forth with further automation of




Times Software

Software, has also observed the same, and

HR solutions. Additionally, grants are also being


UNIT4 Asia Pacific

noticed the future of management systems

offered to small and medium-sized enterprises


Sage Asia

is changing.

which implement such systems.

“HRIS technology trends are changing

In the coming years, Lee also sees more





and challenging vendors to come up with

companies moving to cloud computing systems

next-generation solutions for employers and

to manage core employee data, benefits


UIC Asian Computer Services

employees,” he says.

administration and payroll, along with more


Info-Tech Systems Integrators



“Mobile apps technology is absolutely the future of HRMS. “Employees can access their leave, submit

enhancement and functionality. This resonates with Ho Chee Tiong, regional sales director of UNIT4, who adds the changing

10. MYOB


105_Intro_Payroll_VOTY14_sub.indd 105

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:39:45 PM


Shyam Prasad

Charles Liaw


Ho Chee Tiong

Times Software

UNIT4 Asia Pacific

Retaining its position in first place is SAP. With

“We market and distribute TIMES payroll/

According to Ho Chee Tiong, regional sales

38 million enterprise users, SAP has the largest

human resource solutions based on the latest

director of UNIT4, the company’s flexible and

enterprise community of cloud users in the

leading technologies,” said Charles Liaw,

comprehensive full suite of HR solutions have

world. Shyam Prasad, vice-president of cloud

managing director of Times Software. Examples

contributed to its nomination this year.

and lines of business, SAP Southeast Asia,

of such solutions include payroll outsourcing

credited the company’s nomination in

and HRIS cloud computing systems.

the category to its great technology and

He admitted the past year had proven to be

global legacy. “The technology is complete, beautiful and flexible enough to start anywhere – optimising

company being an established and reputed

of legislation changes in employment and

brand for more than 26 years.

the workforce today and preparing for

“However, with our effective business strategic plans and staffing strategies, we

“The company has a strong history of

applications and solutions, has led to the

challenging, especially with the implementation labour regulations.

tomorrow,” he said.

UNIT4’s excellent customer support, and innovative approach to providing HR-based

have been able to make ourselves one of

“Through our solutions, our customers change and innovate at higher speed and lower cost,” the company’s website states. Over the past year, Ho revealed the

leadership in the HR technology industry,

the HRIS market leaders by improving our

company’s business had evolved consistently,

which has been strengthened within SAP. With

support services.”

and it had focused on ensuring it remained

approximately 27 million subscription seats

He said a key focus for the company next

globally, SAP SuccessFactors has helped HR

year would be to ensure its software products

professionals in Asia use their talent effectively

evolved according to the vibrant IT trends and to

to compete on a global scale.”

always be a step ahead of its competitors.

ahead of the technology curve to meet new user requirements. “We additionally make sure that we enhance the flexibility of our Prosoft HRMS solution and

Commenting on how the HR industry is

This included building on its talent

likely to alter in the next five years, he predicted

management policies to continually build a

they can work with us to improve the delivery of

HR would need to address a growing lack

strong team to meet its business strategic goals.

their services,” he said.

of leadership that exists within many

“In view of the demand from local and

organisations worldwide. “Recent research from SAP found that only

provide our customers with a platform where

“Our recent updates with regards to our

overseas organisations in adopting and

HRMS platform for the Singapore market allows

promoting work-life, and to have a vibrant

for new strategic modules to be added such

one-third of employees believed their leaders

business continuity model by working from

as Manpower and additional forms to allow for

are prepared to lead a diverse workforce – a total

home during disease or atmospheric crisis, there

effective HR processes.”

especially low in Asia Pacific (27%),” he said.

is a propensity to consider and invest on HRIS

“HR departments will be increasingly

cloud services or subscribing to Software-as-a-

challenged to incorporate a revamped training

Service (SaaS),” he said.

and development structure within organisations, to fill the leadership void.”




106_Payroll_VOTY14_sub.indd 106


29/11/2014 6:39:24 PM


"We believe we are unrivalled in our focus and knowledge of the small business community."

Sage Asia

"We adhere to a focused strategy, help customers to better run their own organisations, and contribute to the betterment of our communities."

"ADP gives you multiple payroll payment solutions options for paying your employees, while offering you cost savings and security."



Sage delivers easy to use, scalable and

“Oracle’s business spans the globe, with

ADP is a comprehensive global provider of

customisable applications through its portfolio

operations in 145 countries and 115,000

cloud-based human capital management

of leading solutions.

employees worldwide,” reveals the company’s

solutions that unite HR, payroll, talent, time,


tax and benefits administration, and a leader in

According to its website, Sage’s products support accounting, operations, customer

Customers rely on Oracle’s comprehensive,

business outsourcing services, analytics and

relationship management, and the specialised

modern and secure portfolio of enterprise

needs of accounting practices, distribution and

and industry applications. Oracle offers choice


and flexibility to meet customers’ needs,

insights, and cutting-edge technology have

“Bagging multiple industry awards, Sage

including SaaS applications for human capital

transformed human resources from a back-office

EasyPay is a leading payroll and human resource

management, customer experience, and more.

administrative function to a strategic business

management software that has been well

compliance expertise. “Our unmatched experience, deep

The company remains committed to refining

advantage,” the company’s website reveals.

used and trusted by over 10,000 businesses

business practices and to employing state-of-

ranging from SMEs to MNCs,” the company

the art technology to increase efficiency, reduce

65 years in business, served 620,000 customers

website reads.

excess and create opportunity.

in 125 countries, and counted 15 years of having

“As global and local business landscapes

Over the past 12 months, ADP celebrated

“The technology industry is critical to global

cloud-based software.

are constantly changing, HR practitioners

progress and prosperity, and Oracle consistently

today demand a system that is not just reliable

leverages our technology leadership to benefit

prides itself on providing faster, easier payroll

and efficient, but also configurable, intuitive

society. We adhere to a focused strategy as

that unlocks insights, improves compliance

to use and able to handle ad-hoc and

we manage our business, help customers

and drives toward comprehensive human

unexpected cases.”

to better run their own organisations,

capital management.

Sage has five specific cultural building blocks for all its operations: agility, innovation, trust, integrity and simplicity.

and contribute to the betterment of our communities,” the website reads. The company’s enterprise-level solutions

According to its website, the company

ADP has more than 60 years of experience as a provider of global payroll services for companies of all shapes and sizes.

“We believe we are unrivalled in our

support all types of cloud-based scenarios,

“ADP gives you multiple payroll payment

focus and knowledge of the small business

including public, private and hybrid clouds.

solutions options for paying your employees,

community. We deliver this through common

including electronic pay card option while

principles which shape everything we do and the

offering you cost savings and security.”

way we do it.”


107_Payroll_VOTY14_sub.indd 107

2014 I


29/11/2014 6:37:40 PM


"HR practitioners have faith in UICACS in its commitment to focus on improving on the flexibility and comprehensiveness of its software." Peter Lee

UIC Asian Computer Services

Info-Tech Systems Integrators

Ken Wong

Talent2 Talent2 provides services covering the full

Having partnered with key IT vendors such

Info-Tech Systems Integrators prides itself

range of multi-process HR outsourcing

as Microsoft, HP, Dell, Lenovo, IBM, Cisco, CA,

on the reliability, usability and responsiveness

offerings. It delivers services to 30 countries

Symantec, VMware, APC and Novell, UIC Asian

of its system. According to the company

from 36 office locations across Asia Pacific. In

Computer Services (UICACS) delivers robust

website, Info-Tech has implemented more

the past year, Talent2 continued to invest in its

IT solutions and services to its corporate and

than 5,000 biometric systems for 1,500

shared service operations in Kuala Lumpur and

government customers.

Singapore companies in the construction,

Manila, especially in the area of continuous

engineering, marine, manufacturing, retail and

improvement, 6 Sigma and customer service.

“HR practitioners have faith in UICACS in its commitment to focus on improving on the

biomedical industries.

It also transitioned all of its hosting to

flexibility and comprehensiveness of its software

“In service industries, it is critical to

“the cloud” – allowing the company to provide

to maintain its standard of being one of the most

understand what customers really want and

more flexibility, security and performance for

flexible and comprehensive payroll and HR

how we as a company will help them to manage

its clients.

software providers in Singapore,” said Lau Foon

such needs and requirements,” said sales

Wah, senior manager of UICACS.

director Peter Lee. “Info-Tech is always open

three-year strategy of building software and

to suggestions and evaluates feedback from

infrastructure that ‘future proofs’ our clients,”

customers to improve our system.”

said Ken Wong, global GM operations, payroll.

The company’s sales and engineering consultants work closely with customers to understand their requirements. To achieve

Regarding its performance in the past year,

this, they undergo intensive training to get the

Lee said Info-tech had transformed from a

necessary accreditation with their partners.

traditional client server-based system to a web-

In the past year, it has increased its overall customer base for payroll outsourcing, including

interface, features and functionality.

ISEA type I and II and conformance to other

With government grants giving support to business grew by 20%.

internet-based applications from UICACS,

“Other than service level, understanding

namely the electronic leave system and/or web

about customer requirements is a key point to

payslip system and/or electronic claim system,”

success and many of our new customers are

he said.

referrals from our existing loyal customers.”

MYOB MYOB launched in Australia in 1991 as one of the

“More and more clients are demanding a higher standard for compliance, including ISO,

help with the automation of HR solutions, its

“More companies implemented more

The key challenges facing the company in 2015 are compliance and security, he added.

based integrated system, enhancing its user

those in the banking and finance, manufacturing, service and quasi-government sector.

“Talent2 continues to focus on our

industry specific standards, especially in the financial services industry. “As the requirements for compliance and conformance increase, so does the cost and resource requirements for risk management. “This makes keeping our prices at a point that is attractive to our clients a challenge.”

"The client-centric vision of the company remains the same today as it was the day its founders began their quest to empower business owners almost 20 years ago."

first businesses to recognise the unique needs of MYOB maintains a focus on providing quality

SMEs, and equip them with powerful, accessible and affordable business management systems.

support to help companies gain maximum ROI. Today, it caters to clients in Singapore,

“MYOB solutions were aimed at alleviating

“The client-centric vision of the company remains the same today as it was the day its founders began their quest to empower

an increasing administrative burden and giving

Malaysia, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand,

business owners the necessary insights to

and across Asia, delivering solutions to more

run their businesses more successfully,” the

than a million businesses and 10,000 accounting

the business, but it’s the local knowledge and

company’s website states.

practices in the Asia Pacific region.

expertise that delivers the edge for our clients.”




108_Payroll_VOTY14_sub.indd 108

business owners almost 20 years ago. “It’s an international team that powers


2/12/2014 8:05:37 PM





AIA Singapore

34, 40

Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore


Prudential Assurance Company Singapore

Hotel Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay




HR Business Solutions Asia


Raffles Marina


Raffles Medical Group




Accenture Achieve Group

96, 103 13, 18, 22, 25

Adecco Personnel

15, 16, 23



Allied Pickfords Singapore


Aon Consulting (Singapore)

34, 41

Aon Hewitt Singapore


HRNet One

26, 31




IBM Singapore


Info-Tech Systems Integrators

100, 108

Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore (NUSS-ISS)


Brookfield Global Relocation Services

Jobs Bank


jobsDB Singapore



Kaplan Professional

75, 80

KCS Payroll Express



Seminar Room SilkRoad Marketing Institute of Singapore



46 29, 35, 40, 45, 94



COMAT Training Services




Cornerstone OnDemand


Dale Carnegie Training DDI-Asia/Pacific International

80 46, 72

University (SMU)

73, 81, 91

Singapore National Employers Singapore


Workforce Development

Michael Page


Agency (WDA)


52, 57

Singapore Management

MHI Global


Crown Worldwide

72, 78, 88



Civil Service College

Management (SIM)

MHC Asia Group 96

City Developments Limited (Le Grove)

100, 104

7 Singapore Institute of

Mercer Chio Lim Stone Forest


74, 45

53, 57

Center for Creative Leadership

98, 102, 106

13, 16, 21, 25, 95

LinkedIn 8

52, 57


15, 18, 23

CareerBuilder Singapore

99, 107

Santa Fe Relocation Services

Korn/Ferry International 9


Sage Asia

54, 58


11, 18, 21, 24

Saba Software



26 47, 74

Robert Walters

Kelly Services (Singapore) Carrots Consulting


Right Management Singapore

35, 42

Beeson Consulting



34, 41


11, 16, 22, 26

RGF Singapore Jardine Lloyd Thompson

Beacon Consulting

Recruit Express

100, 104





52, 58



15, 23, 26

Ready Software iqDynamics

Avantus Training




Asian Tigers Mobility


8 108

73, 79, 87

SIRVA Worldwide Relocation & Moving Skillsoft

58 103


New Horizons Computer Learning Center of Singapore



Nippon Express


The Ascott Limited


NTUC Income


The Family Movers


NTUC LearningHub

73, 80, 85, 92 99, 102, 107

23, 94, 108

The Great Eastern Life




Eagle Infotech Consultants


Orchid Country Club



Assurance Company

35, 42 60

PACE O.D. Consulting


Times Software

99, 106

Far East Hospitality


Page Executive


Towers Watson

29, 46

Fragomen Worldwide


Page Personnel


Treetops Executive Residences


Frasers Hospitality




Tricor Singapore


Global Residence


Pan Group


UIC Asian Computer Services

Pan Pacific Serviced Suites


UniGroup Worldwide

Park Avenue Hotels & Suites


UNIT4 Asia Pacific

PARKROYAL Hotels & Resorts


Virtual HR

PARKROYAL on Pickering



Parkway Shenton



eFinancial Careers

GMP Recruitment Services Great World Serviced Apartments Hay Group Hays Heidrick & Struggles


15, 19 66 29, 45 13, 19, 21, 24 47


IBC_INDEX_VOTY14.indd 109

96, 108 54, 60 97, 102, 106 95 96 98, 103

2014 I


4/12/2014 11:57:55 AM

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