A flower for the enemy

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Human Rights in Europe Human Rights in Europe between Ideal and Reality. Rights and Challenge for Students in the 21st Century by means of Poetry, Arts and Music.

A flower for the enemy - musical in one act -

Characters Francesca (F) = Angelica (A) = Marco (M) = Antonio (Ant) = Paolo (P) = Giuseppe (G) = Nonna (N) = The two German soldiers The Petty Officer The neighbor (V) = Luigi (L) = Achille (Ac) = Luca (Lc) = Maria (Ma) = Pino (Pn) = A displaced person (Sf) = Cesare (C) = Mario (Mr) =

The protagonist friend Francesca The protagonist partisan friend friend of Mark Father of Francesca Grandma (Soldato1-Soldato2) Hubert (SOT) neighbor Francesca The cloth merchant friend Joseph assignee of farm son of Achilles Achilles wife and mother of Luke carpenter's helper the man who rummages through the rubble man wire system man against the regime

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1 ° SCENE Characters: Cesare (friend of the fascist regime) and Mario (against the regime and friend of the Allied Forces). Set: A square. Props: A bench.

Mario and Cesare, who are of opposing fractions, enter the set. They look agitated and preoccupied. As soon as they see each other, they greet and start discussing. MARIO (enthusiastically ) – Hi, how are you? CESARE – Hi! ..so and so.. MARIO – Oh, Did you hear the news? C (worried and angry) - No, why? What’s happened? M – Do you really not know yet ? Italy has signed an armistice with the allied forces! Fascism is falling! Now we are free! C(Caesar is silent but in the meantime he gets nervous) – What are you saying? You are lying as usual! M(stands up) – Hey!! I’m not a liar! It’s true! I also heard that Mussolini was killed! C(stands looking stupified and for a moment speechless) – And do you call this good news? It’s terrible! (putting his hands in his hair) We are finished! M(remains speechless at Ceasar’s reply) – Hey! you are just reckless! Go away! (gesticulating). (Background music after the exit of Mario).

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2°SCENE Characters: Francesca and Angelica (friend of Francesca’s), Officer, Soldiers 1 and 2. Set: the same square as before. Props: A bench. (Francesca is already sitting on the bench and singing).

I would like INTRO: 4/4 tempo 76 bpm: | E- | C | E- | C | EC I would like to think EC that the war is really about to end. EC I would like to dream EC of days on which I won’t be scared of death. D C I’d like to hear my father laughing A- B- C D C/E D/F# And not miss my mother so badly… EC I’ like to see EC my friends strolling carefree down the street... EC I’d like to dream EC Of a day without bombs or resentment D C I’d like to be able to laugh with you, A- B- C D C/E D/F# without fearing you will vanish and I won’t see you anymore. G D ED C G/B I’d like to know that everything I feel inside, was not just A- B- C D C/E D/F# an immature dream, but the reality in my future G D ED C G/B I’d like not to be here anymore, or perhaps, who knows whether this maybe the price to pay ABC D C/E D/F# C C if I don’t want to suffocate,the Life that’s inside and around me… ……………………………………

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EC I’d like to think, Ebut I don’t know. (Angelica arrives, taps Francesca lightly on the shoulder while Francesca rises the head and looks at her smiling) FRANCESCA - Angelica… ANGELICA – Francesca!… (they hug each other and then sit down) FRANCESCA – how are you! ANGELICA – I’m quite fine, and you? FRANCESCA – I’m fine, I’m fine..but..did you hear the news? Italy has surrended to the Allied Forces ..but…hmm..Do you believe the war is over? ANGELICA (shaking her head and looking sad) – Hmmm…I don’t think it’s over... F – Are you sure? A – Yes. I don’t think so. F (sighs with the arms folded) – Hmm..probably you’re right..but it would be wonderful… My Father spoke about that today at home. A – But why? Do you know more about it? F – Yes, Paolo told me that the Germans won’t go away. It’s us who’ll have to leave. A – Oh!! No!! I don’t want you to go. F – I don’t want to go either! (they hug each other) (The musicians come up – a patrol of German soldiers enter and approach the girls harassing them: Soldier 1 approachs Francesca pointing his rifle at her and touches her face. She withdraws immediately; as soon as Angelica sees the angry face of the soldier, she approaches her friend to protect her looking determined but not arrogan; the girls start shouting demanding to be left alone; the soldiers jerk nervously and in the meantime enters the Officer).

Officer (in a peremptory tone) – Stop it! What‘s going on here? You have some orders to execute! (He then casts a glance at the girls and orders them to leave) You, too! Go away! (Francesca takes Angelica by the arm and tries to take her away but Angelica stands still staring at the Officer who returns the glance and repeats his order to the girls to leave.) I said go away!(The two girls run off and he turns again to the soldiers) Stand in attention! March! ! 1( one ),2 (two),1,2… (the three soldiers exit ) Quanti soldati ci sono? Due o tre?

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3°SCENE Characters: Francesca, her Grandmother and her Father (Giuseppe). Set: the kitchen in Francesca’s home. Props: a table with a tablecloth, bottles, cutlery and plates. (Francesca and her Grandmother are already on the set laying the table). GRANDMOTHER (in a sweet but inquisitive tone) – Francesca, what’s happened? Are you worried? Somebody told me that strange things have happened today! When on your face no smile appears Grandmother What’s wrong with you, come on, tell me, Francesca, tell me, you know it well that I can tell, if you’re not well, if you’re suffering inside, when on your face no smile appears. They’ve told me that something has happened, something that makes you shiver inside, come on, tell me, don’t be afraid, you know you can be safe with me. Francesca Granny no, what you know, what they’ve told you, is not true, it’s nothing, nothing serious, only soldiers, German soldiers, who have asked us for information. Granny: You know, I love you. Francesca: Yes, I know, that’s what I feel, Granny: You can be sincere with me, Francesca: Yes, I know. I have always been. Both in Chorus: For nothing in the world our real love, could ever disappear on my part, the love that lives and breathes inside us, it’s a gift from heaven and will never end……will never end. Grandmother What’s wrong with you, come on, tell me, Francesca, tell me, you know it well that I can tell, if you’re not well, if you’re suffering inside, when on your face no smile appears.

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(Gandmother and granddaughter hug each other and then start laying the table again; Father enters frowning and deeply preoccupied. He greets Francesca and his mother, who greet him back and then take a seat at the table). Grandmother- Good evening, Giuseppe! Francesca- Good evening, Dad Grandmother- Giuseppe, what’s the problem? You seem thoughtful…..hmm, very worried. Francesca - (fearing that her father might have heard of the incident with the soldiers) Yes, dad! What’s wrong with you? Father - (looking worried, he gets to the table) – The situation is very serious! Grandmother - (worried) Oh, why? What else has happened? Father – Ten people were killed at San Gallo Castel’s! (After a few minute silence , Francesca and her grandmother take each other by the hand facing down) And only because they celebrated the surrender of italy to the Allied Forces! (he interrupts himself again) We must go away! We can’t stay here anymore! We have no option! Francesca (desperately) – No Dad! I think this isn’t a good idea! Please listen to me! I can’t leave! I don’t want to run away and lose Angelica and my friends! Grandmother (supporting Francesca) - Giuseppe, please be quiet! Are you sure that there isn’t any other way? Father – Yes, mum,I’m sure! There’s no other way! The situation is really unsustainable. Francesca – No! I won’t do it! Father – Francesca, stop it! I‘m firm! I’m determined! (Francesca runs out of the room looking sad, her grandmother follows her after a little while. Father remains seated at the table, puts his hands in his hair and looks down).

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SCENE 4 Characters: Angelica, Francesca, Marco, Antonio and Paolo Set: the home of Angelica Props: 5 chairs, table, some knick-knacks (home decoration objects)

(Angelica recalls the scene with the soldiers and the look of the German officer and sings a song solo) I won’t ever forget I won’t ever forget the way you looked at me, those eyes full of pain, with no more tears to shed. This is a sign that love isn’t but a fleeting memory, if it’s staying alive inside an enemy, there must be time left to hope. Who knows why it showed compassion, it showed respect, who knows why… All prisoners of the insane ideas of the powerful, victims and executioners of the guilty and the innocent. But those eyes chained to a soldier’s uniform, begging me to forgive them for each of their sins, the crime of being born under the Nazi umbrella, of being a slave of History and of Nietzsche’s reason, of the dark side of every human being… I won’t ever forget, the way you looked at me, those eyes full of pain, with no more tears to shed. .

(End of music and sound of a knock at the door. Angelica approaches the door and hears somebody knocking again quietly) A – Who is it? Francesca – It’s me, Francesca, open! A (opens the door and lets Francesca in) –But what are you doing here? At this time?!

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F – I must speak to you. My father has decided to leave Nettuno, as I feared.... A – So suddenly? F – Yes, my father said that they have executed 10 people just because they were celebrating the yield... Can you imagine that? .... Just think.... what if it was the same soldiers we met today who have killed them... (While fear is rising between the two girls, there’s a knock at the door) F – But who can it be now? A – Perhaps it’s Paolo… (They knock again) A – Who is it? Paolo – It’s me, Paolo.... A – (Turns to Francesca) It’s Paolo…Yes, yes, come on in, (Paolo enters and Antonio is with him) Oh, it’s you, Antonio! Come in... Sit down.... (they greet each other and she turns to Antonio) This is Francesca, my best friend... Antonio (To Francesca) – Hallo! (Paolo greets Francesca, they take a seat but there’s another knock at the door) A – Who is it? Marco – It’s Marco. A –Come in! M – (Enters and greets) Good evening… (while still holding the boys’ hands tight, he is surprised to see Francesca there who looks astonished too; they sit down and exchange looks that bring to surface memories and feelings which blossomed years ago). Paolo looks at Angelica seeking to find out if he can trust Francesca and speak openly A – Yes, yes…she’s one of us...you can speak openly P - ... Well, do you remember that Jewish family that had taken refuge in the caves under Romana street? ALL TOGETHER: - Yes, of course! So what? P –This is exactly the moment for us to do something... If it can be done (Angelica stands up)

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If it can be done, if it’s possible to help Those who are in need, if it can be done, (They all stand up and come to the front of the stage)

We can bring them water, food and clothing, those who are in need, if it can be done. ……………………………….. If it can be done, if it’s possible to help Those who are in need, if it can be done, We can bring them water, food and clothing, those who are in need, if it can be done. (Antonio) But we must be cautious that Noone in the world knows that We are helping a Jewish family, (Antonio and Paolo) Poor and innocent victims of a folly. (Chorus) If it can be done, if it’s possible to help Those who are in need, if it can be done, We can bring them water, food and clothing, those who are in need, if it can be done. (Paolo) Well, then, we’ll meet up in two days, me and Antonio are going there very soon. (Paolo and Antonio) We’ll take food, water and clothes to them, and you can meet us bringing some blankets there. (Chorus) If it can be done, if it’s possible to help Those who are in need, if it can be done, We can bring them water, food and clothing, those who are in need, if it can be done. If it can be done, if it’s possible to help Those who are in need, if it can be done, We can bring them water, food and clothing, those who are in need, if it can be done If it can be done, if it’s possible to help Those who are in need, if it can be done, We can bring them water, food and clothing, those who are in need, if it can be done.

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Antonio – Ok, then, are we all in? M and F - Yes (together and still looking at each other) A – How many of them are there? P – The two parents with the little girl… And then, as well as providing them with the essentials, it is necessary to check on the movements of the Germans, so as to help our Partisan friends to organise their escape… A – All right, let’s do so! Antonio – Now we’re going because it’s already late. See you the day after tomorrow! Bye, friends! (They all bid each other goodbye) M – Now I’m leaving, too. So, see you… ( he greets Angelica, then Francesca and he stops from a moment to look at her, then he takes her hand and says addressing both the girls) I warn you to be careful, it’s risky, make sure you hide the food and the other things very carefully, otherwise you are in danger of getting caught! F – Don’t you worry, Marco (he holds her hand tight for a second and then lets go of it while caressing it) we will be careful…and beware you, too…I beg you… Marco nods and exits

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SCENE 5 Characters: Francesca (F), Grandmother (GM) and Father (Giuseppe-G). Set: The kitchen of Francesca’s home. Props: a table with a tablecloth, bottles, cutlery and plates . (Francesca re-enters her home) G- Well, mum, have you finished preparing the things for our departure? GM – Yes, everything is ready … (Francesca returns at home looking scared and nervous) F – Good evening … G - Francesca! Where have you been!? F – I was at Angelica’s... G - (With a decisive and imperative tone) Let’s go! Pack up your things cause we must leave! F – But how?! Right now?! And where are we going? G – Aah, don’t try to fool me, Francesca!! I’ve been clear enough, haven’t I?!! I won’t discuss it anymore!! We’re going to Formia, to some acquaintances who are land owners… so, hurry up; we must leave the soonest… (Francesca is about to cry realising that she won’t be able to see Marco again or help the Jewish family) GM - Francesca, wait for me, where are you going?… (Grandmother exits to try and calm Francesca down, while Giuseppe remains seated and shakes his head)

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SCENE 6 Characters: Marco, a female neighbour of Francesca’s (N), Angelica. Set: Francesca’s neighbourhood. Props: objects that can be found in the street

Two days later, Marco finds himself near Francesca’s home to see her again, to greet her and to find out what they would be able to take to the Jewish family that afternoon to help them. He knocks but noone opens. The neighbours appear. N - It’s no use knocking again ... there’s nobody home... they’re gone! M – But when? How? I saw Francesca the other day and she didn’t say a thing! N – Yesterday morning. M- Do you happen to know where to? N – No, I’m sorry...they haven’t told me anything… (Marco is singing) Now that you Nighttime, it’s getting dark inside me, you run and time flees with you. Fire is burning my skin. Anger is killing imagination, then rising in a cry of pain, while dust is covering my heart. Now that all that’s left of you is the idea, of days spent together, of touching your skin, Now that all that’s left of you is a trail, a shadow of life slipping away, And then I’m still here without knowing why, looking for you everywhere, just standing here, like a child that has no idea, what the world will be like without you. Light is simmering in your eyes, you brighten my life and you know not what to do, you awake a world inside me, you give a reason to everything, but how can I stand it, opening my eyes and having you not here by me. Now that all that’s left of you is the idea,

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of days spent together, of touching your skin, Now that all that’s left of you is a trail, a shadow of life slipping away, And then I’m still here without knowing why, looking for you everywhere, just standing here, like a child that has no idea, what the world will be like without you. ……………………………. Now that all that’s left of you is the idea Marco is shocked and brokenhearte nods goodbye and leaves. While walking away, he comes across Angelica; they greet each other. M – I have just been at Francesca’s, but there was nobody there; a neighbour told me they are gone she knows not where to… A (surprised and sad) – But how come they’re gone? She had mentioned to me the other day that she would be forced to leave the country but I never thought that could happen so soon ... M – Now, do you know where they have gone to? A – Unfortunately no ... But we can find it out, let’s ask Giuseppe’s assistant. M - Right! Let’s go! (they head for the carpentry) A – Now that I’m thinking about it ... what do you want from Francesca ? M – You know, there was a while that I did not see Francesca till the other day, when I saw her at tea, I was stupified and I recalled all the moments with her, ... we hung out together since we were kids … and for a moment I felt like seeing her, talking with her, finding out how she was, how she was doing… A –Are you interested in Francesca? M (Marco remains speechless for a short while but recovers soon) - Perhaps… ( His facial expression is half-stupified, half-scared). A – But listen, do you know anything about Paolo? Will he be there too today? M – Yes, definitely, he will be there, too! (The two exit the scene)

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SCENE 7 Characters: Paolo, Antonio, Marco, Angelica, a German officer, a Jewish girl. Set: the square Props: a few benches, some bundles of wood and, hopefully, an old wheelbarrow and other things…

Paolo, Marco, Angelica, Antonio have just met up at the square. P – The Germans are about to arrive ... we have to warn the Jewish family! All – Let’s go! ( they are heading for the cave; the little girls comes out of the cave and just then the German patrol appears) German officer - Where are your parents? Jewish girl - (remains silent) German officer - Go ahead, speak! Bring them here!!! (The four kids arrive; Marco approaches the German man and in the meantime Paolo and Antonio Marco intervene; one of the two Germans shoots and his bullet goes straight at Paolo and kills him instantly; another bullet is fired at the German Officer Hubert, who had just been shouting out at Angelica to take away the Jewish girl; Hubert is hit and drops lifeless on the ground; with two bodies lying on the floor and Antonio, Marco and Angelica looking horridied, the light on the stage fades out: effects of lightning and explosions are followed by the disembarkment during which images of bombarding are projected) * projected images of bombarding

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Characters: Giuseppe(G),Achille(Ac) Francesca(F), Luca(Lc), Maria( Mr), Luig(L) Set: several locations Props: textiles and fabrics G (looking down in sadness) – Thank you for the hospitality you have shown us.. I am very grateful to you .... this is a very difficult period for us… Ac - Giuseppe! (pats him on the back) It’s out duty to help those who are in need, so don’t worry about it! G – Thank you ... I will never forget you! Lc (offering her hand to Giuseppe) – Hello, Mr Giuseppe, do you remember me? I’m Luca. G – Hello, Luca, pleased to see you again! Lc (turns to Francesca) – You must be Francesca! (smiles at her) welcome to our home! F – Thank you! (she shakes her head looking sad) Lc – Come, I will show you around our farm .... would you like that? F – ( remains silent for a moment and then replies looking down) O.K.! (the two of them start walking away from the others) Lc - Look…(points ahead) that is the vineyard, further down there are the olive trees. We produce the finest olive oil in the area .... And how about you? I know you’ve also got fine olive oil... F – Yes, but… lately it’s been a little difficult. Lc – I know… do you like it here?… you know, this area is very peaceful – fortunately ...Come on, we’re going this way, there are more things I would like to show you; I think you would like to live here (takes Francesca by the hand but she refuses). Lc (insisting) – Do you miss your town? Your friends? F – Yes, a lot .... most of all Angelica, my best friend.. you know, my hometown is Nettuno and I’ve

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always imagined my future there ... and still do. (The two remain silent until a voice is heard calling them from far away) Ma - Girls!!! Come here! (change of set; Luigi, a textile merchant arrives bringing fabrics to the mother of Luca) Ma - Luigi! L - Maria! I have brought you the textiles you ordered, at last! Ma - Oh! How nice! (notices Francesca in the distance) Francesca, come and see! ( Francesca slowly approaches Maria, Luca’s mother) L - Oh! What a beautiful girl! ( looking at Maria) Are these your friends from Nettuno? Ma – Yes. L ( looks at Francesca) – I am from Nettuno, too, you know? Well. To tell you the truth, not exactly, I live inbetween Anzio and Nettuno and in a few days I’m going back to my family... I have heard that the situation is quite serious (looking at Luca’s mother). F - Quite... we were forced to escape. L - Really? Oh, my God! But now I have to go the soonest, I can’t wait, I must go immediately!!! Goodbye, Mrs Maria! Goodbye all!( he leaves hurriedly). F (follows Luigi and stops him) – Excuse me, Mr Luigi! Aspetti, wait a moment! ... Could you take me with you? L – But, how? You have just arrived! F – I know but I must go back ... please!! L – My girl, take in mind that this won’t be an easy trip..(gesticulating) and then, your family, your father, what will they think of it? F – It doesn’t matter, they will understand, I’m sure, I beg you, take me with you! L – O.K, as you wish. Let’s go!

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(Francesca runs to Luca’s mother who stands still at the sideline of the stage) F - Mrs Maria, I beg you, tell my father that I am going back to Nettuno. Ma – May God be with you!(waving)

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SCENE 9 Characters: Luigi (L), Francesca (F), a homeless man (Hl), Pino (Pn) Set: the square Props: two backpacks? Luigi and Francesca have arrived in Nettuno. F – I’ll be eternally grateful to you ... now I can go on alone ... thank you, thank you so much! L – Take care, girl! Be careful… (they shake hands) F – Thank you... good luck to you, too (she looks back while Luigi exits the stage and sees that Nettuno is devastated)

Never could I… Never could I stand, this terrible pain, what I see is destruction, of any form of love, in my eyes and in my soul, despair soars, and who knows where you are, love, where you are, where you are Never could I believe that, you’d be here with me no more , Never could I think that, I’d have to live without you. In this world without heroes, we are ourselves our own story, in these times without an age, you are freedom to me. Where are you, where are you…. I cannot stand, the laments and the pains, I need you, love, where are you, where are you...

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Never could I believe that, you’d be here with me no more , Never could I think that, I’d have to live without you. In this world without heroes, we are ourselves our own story, in these times without an age, you are freedom to me. Where are you, where are you….

(Francesca looks preoccupied and upset when she notices a homeless man (Hl) (whose home has been taken by the Germans) who is digging with naked hands among a pile of rubbish to find food. He finds something and eats it greedily. Suddenly a voice is heard and Pino, the assistant of the carpenter enters).

F - Pino! (runs towards him and hugs him) Nice to see you! (with hesitation and embarrassment and then with determination) Excuse me, I’m looking for Marco, do you know where I can find him? Pn - Francesca! Don’t you see how Nettuno has been ruined? How would I know!... (sighs)…I don’t know.. try the carpentry workshop, perhaps he’s there. (spotlight on the door) F – Yes, right!(putting the hand on the forehead) Thanks, Pino! Francesca runs to the carpentry SCENE 10Characters: Marco(M), Francesca(F) Set: Carpentry (Francesca sees Marco’s shoulders while he is arranging the tools and she knocks at the door gently. Marco turns and looks at her with surprise. He exclaims.) M -Francesca, you’re already back! F (smiles and says) – Yes, for a while now! M – How did you manage to return?!

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F – I was given a lift by a merchant who lives near Anzio… M – I’m happy you are back... God, you can’t imagine how happy I am!! (They stare at each other for a moment and then hug each other tight)

Never could I…(reprise) Mucical INTRO (Marco) Never could I think that, I could be without you, (Francesca) Never could I think that, there’d be life without you. (together) In this world without heroes, we are ourselves our own story, in these times without an age, you are freedom to me. You are with me, forever…

SCENE 11Characters: Angelica(A), Francesca(F), Marco(M) Set: outside the cave Props: flowers and two crosses

(The two friends hug warmly and then the three of them find themselves in front of two graves)

M – The war, how vain and absurd it is!....we fight to do our duty believing we are defending our own land, our Homeland… in the name of faith, of an idea, with an aim of getting the best of all, but in the end? In the end, everyone loses … victory or defeat is all the same. What’s left is only destruction and death, death and destruction… And why all this? Why don’t we stop what we can avoid, even in the last minute? A – We’ ve been unfortunate…most of us haven’t been given a choice… and those who have chosen have sacrificed their lives to help the others, in the name of liberty, in the name of justice…

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M - Right.. Life…perhaps the only thing that this war has taught us is that we’re all equal before death… and that there is no party membership or belief that could ever justify the horror of war… each human being has a right to have a place on this earth, the right of being respected, the freedom to choose and live in peace;…PEACE…how distant it seems to be now, it sounds absurd and out of tune in this desolation. It seems impossible to ever start again…bury the death and start again … (Francesca leaves the flowers on Paolo’s grave and the grave of the German soldier and then the three of them take each other’s hand) M - …start again, but in a new way…one that will not include the word war, torture, suffering, exclusion, depression, racism…; because those who are dead, wouldn’t have died in vain, because those who have survived would have a genuine hope. It is necessary to appreciate the dignity and the liberty of human beings and to have respect for the others… only in this way we will be able to say: all this will never happen again!!!

(A poem is recited by an actor who enters the stage and then, at each strophe of the following song all the actors enter the stage holding hands) Poem: For decades stays humanness supressed By a blanket of hatred harmony is now lost. He who is different in any context is cursed For futile motives the grudge rises fast. But what makes your interlocutor different? His colour or his culture, I doubt it. There’s no reason to create unnecessary friction Inside, we can all be pure and miti (I don’t understand, sorry) Everyone must have life, love and liberty I want the right to be an individual I remain silent and offer a white flower to the enemy The world is wonderful because everyone’s your friend A flower for the enemy A flower for the enemy, for him who is a slave of his own identity, a prisoner of cruel madness. A flower for my friend, for whom liberty struggles and cries a flower for the world to come. A flower for my enemy,

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for whom I will mourn a white flower that won’t wither. A flower for my friend, for him who’s not here anymore , a flower for the world to come. (only vocals and clapping hands) A flower for the enemy, for him who is a slave of his own identity, a prisoner of cruel madness. A flower for my friend, for whom liberty struggles and cries a flower for the world to come

The END Authors:

G.Casentini and V. Rotondo (Nettuno Team)

Translation from Italian to English: S. Soubassi (Greek Team)

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