Innovation Process Design: Overcoming Common Missteps

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The ReReThinking Series

Innovation Process Design: Overcoming Common Missteps By GK VanPatter Co-Founder, Humantific

In our recently authored Innovation Methods Mapping book, we conducted an architectural analysis of fifty innovation process models spanning an 80+ year period. Building on that work we wanted to share with friends of Humantific some lessons learned in reference to innovation process assessment and design. With marketplace interest in cocreation continuing to rise, what we are seeing today is that some organizations set out to master, adopt or adapt an existing innovation approach and others seek to create one internally. While the research shows that there is no one perfect way to create an effective innovation, cocreation approach, there is a growing body of knowledge spanning many decades, from which we can draw insights. Without this historical awareness, typical missteps tend to occur as wheels are reinvented and already - transcended, historical missteps are repeated. Methodology missteps can be costly and undermine positive energy around innovation in any organization.


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