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Founded in 2001 by GK VanPatter and Elizabeth Pastor, Humantific is an internationally recognized, pioneering SenseMaking & ChangeMaking Consultancy working with organizations around the world. While today many innovation consultancies remain focused on new product/service/experience creation by making sense of user behaviors, in contrast Humantific helps clients with a much wider range of change, innovation and transformation challenges. Humantific recognizes that many challenges facing organizations, societies and ultimately planet earth cannot be solved by creating more products and services. Since its founding Humantific has been working on the other side of that realization that is rapidly emerging in the global marketplace. Humantific believes SenseMaking has become the 21st century fuel for ChangeMaking! To learn more about Humantific services email: programs (at) humantific (dot) com Our books: Innovation Methods Mapping: DyMystifying 80+ Years of Innovation Process Design and Rethinking Design Thinking / Making Sense of the Future that has Already Arrived...can be found here: https://www.innovationmethodsmapping.com https://www.rethinkingdesignthinking.org