2 minute read
Associate Dean's Note
Holiday Greetings,
AU REVOIR 2022! IT WAS another interesting year managing the ups and downs of lockdowns and the COVID-19 health pandemic. Fortunately, we are in a better place and life is getting somewhat back to normal. It is delightful to have the students back on campus, have in-person meetings and embrace a hybrid work environment.
Our achievements could not have been possible without the incredible work of faculty, staff, students, grant agencies and industry & community partners. In addition, we are grateful for the unwavering support of Ginger Grant, PhD., Dean of Research and Innovation, as well as our Humber executive—Ann Marie Vaughan, President; Gina Antonacci, SVP Academic; and Derek Stockley, AVP, Academic.
Thank you, team Humber, for your dedication in making research at Humber even more successful than last year. Humber researchers are curious, creative, and passionate about effecting social and technological changes in our communities and across Canada.
The holidays are time for family and friends, a time to relax and unwind. Let us be mindful of those less fortunate and be generous with our spirit and kindness. May the New Year bring us health and community.
Bienvenue 2023!

Dianna Dinevski, PhD. (abd) Associate Dean, Research & Development