JIPE Student Toolkit

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Toolkit for Students

We request students review this toolkit in its entirety before upload ing their submission on JIPE.ca.



Revised: February 2024

Land Acknowledgement Humber College is located within the traditional and treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit. Known as Adoobiigok [A-doe-bee-goke], the “Place of the Alders” in Michi Saagiig [Mi-Chee Saw-Geeg] language, the region is uniquely situated along Humber River Watershed, which historically provided an integral connection for Anishinaabe [Ah-nish-nah-bay], Haudenosaunee [Hoeden-no-shownee], and Wendat [Wine-Dot] peoples between the Ontario Lakeshore and the Lake Simcoe/Georgian Bay regions. Now home to people of numerous nations, Adoobiigok continues to provide a vital source of interconnection for all.   Listen to an audio recording of Humber’s Land Acknowledgement (https://humber.ca/indigenous/truth-reconciliation-audio-video)

Table of Contents From the Editorial Desk


Section 1. About JIPE


About The Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education . . . . . . . . . 5 Who We Are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Why You Should Publish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Note for Contributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Submission Expectations for Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Section 2. Types of Submissions


Suggested Submission Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Suggested Submission Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sample Published Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Creative Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Section 3. Resources and Quick Guides


Registering with JIPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Uploading Your Submission Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Exporting high-resolution graphs from Excel or Google Sheets. . . . . 16 Make Your Submission Accessible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Contact Us!


Read the JIPE Submissions Handbook to learn about the entire workflow process

From the Editorial Desk Problem-solving. Creativity. Data literacy. Did you know that, according to Fast Company, these are three of the most sought-after skills by employers? If you’ve been participating in research, you most likely have these skills in your repertoire. But are you wondering, “How do you actually showcase that you have these skills?” This is where we come in: We at Humber Press, Office of Research & Innovation (ORI), publish research and innovation insights through the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE). By getting your research and project-related findings published in JIPE, you gain the opportunity to share your skills and knowledge with the world (and maybe just a little bit of bragging rights!) And, if the research is timely and includes relevant keywords, it might just get highlighted and published in a platform such as a BBC Worklife article. Yes, that’s precisely what happened with one of our JIPE authors. We created this student-edition JIPE supplement to help you get started with the publishing process at JIPE. Believe us, your research and insights are worth publishing! Questions? Drop us a note at humberpress@humber.ca We look forward to receiving your submission soon. JIPE Editorial Team

The power of discoverability An author who published in JIPE Vol4 Issue1, was interviewed and featured in the BBC, What “upskilling” means for the future of work.

Watch the video: Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) welcomes submissions from students (https://youtu. be/cXSrAss-gWk)


Section 1. About JIPE

About The Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education

Do you use Google?

The Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is an online, openaccess journal for peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed papers that mobilize knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. Students, research assistants, administrative and support staff, Humber Alumni, emerging and experienced researchers, and everyday and accomplished innovators, in short, all submissions in alignment with JIPE’s mandate are welcome. There is no fee for submission or publication.

Who We Are JIPE is published by Humber Press, Office of Research & Innovation (ORI), Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning. Humber College ITAL is a leader among Canadian polytechnics in applied research. ORI helps faculty and student research teams engage in phenomenondriven research with industry and community partners, solving specific, real-world problems. The Humber Press team is dedicated to sharing stories of every step of the researcher’s journey—from the time when an idea is just a spark of curiosity to the formation of a research question to the exploration of new areas of knowledge to the dissemination of the final research results.

humberpress.com • humberpress@humber.ca

You are on your way to doing applied research! Dear students, do not hold yourself back from considering yourself to be a part of the research and innovation community.

What are “peerreviewed” and “non-peer-reviewed” papers? Peer-reviewed: These are papers that have been evaluated by experts in the field before publication. Non-peer-reviewed papers: While they are still informative, they have not undergone the peer-review process. They are evaluated by JIPE’s editorial team for their validity and reliability.




Why You Should Publish Starting the journey to becoming a published author brings many benefits, such as: y y y


Adding your voice to meaningful conversations in your field. Sharing what you know with other curious thinkers. Sharing observations and key learnings from your participation in projects such as faculty projects, capstone projects and COIL projects (you get the idea!). Getting recognition for your hard work.

Plus, at Humber Press, we make sure your papers reach a wider audience online. Being a published author with JIPE has many more perks: Check out our Social Media platforms: https://lnk.bio/ HumberResearch

y y y y

You can insert the link to your article on your resume. Share your work easily on LinkedIn and other online platforms. Boost your chances of getting a job by showing (bragging) you’ve published in an academic journal. Get a chance to be published in our illustrative and award-winning magazine SPARK.

We think these extra advantages give students and research assistants an added benefit, not only in their studies, but also in their careers.

Note for Contributors JIPE is an open-access journal that uses the Creative Commons license. The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The names and email addresses entered in the journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. The articles published in this open journal are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).





Submission Expectations for Students When submitting any type of paper to JIPE or any other academic journal, it’s important that your work is thoroughly reviewed and presented. This means that regardless of how you’ve conducted your research or participated in an enquiry-based experiential-learning project, you need to present your methods and findings clearly. Your article should start with an overview to frame your work, followed by a concise description of your methods. Then, share your results and discuss what they mean in the conclusion. As an author, you’re expected to uphold the integrity of the paper you submit and the work/research/findings presented in the paper. This means reporting real, honest data, avoiding any form of plagiarism, and being transparent about any potential conflicts of interest. Not doing so could lead to the retraction of your paper and a public notice about the retraction. Please note: JIPE will not accept already published papers or papers submitted, but not published in other journals.

Submit anytime! We accept submissions at any time.

Ready to submit? Register for an account with JIPE and follow the instructions when you submit. To understand the Editorial Process, read Chapters 4 to 5 in the JIPE Submissions Handbook for complete details.

What do you need to submit? Have your paper set up in a Word document, and be sure to include a title, abstract of 250 words max, keywords for SEO, author(s) names in the order you’d like it to be published. Please read Chapter 6 in the JIPE Submissions Handbook for complete details.

Abstract inspiration Here are some great abstracts to jump-start your creativity: Regenerative Revolution: How Canadian Polytechnics are Leading the Charge (https://jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/article/view/133) Advancing Post-Admission Academic Language Support at a Canadian Polytechnic Institute (https://jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/ article/view/153) Indsights: A Window into the Indigenous Economy (https://jipe. ca/index.php/jipe/article/view/151)

humberpress.com • humberpress@humber.ca

Read the JIPE Submissions Handbook




Section 2. Types of Submissions Below are suggestions of submission categories available to students (i.e. COIL, capstone projects, course projects, research-related participation, etc.). If you’re curious to learn about peerreviewed categories, the complete list is here: Chapter 3 in the JIPE Submission Handbook (https:// issuu.com/humber_ research/docs/jipe_ handbook/15).

Please take note of the category your submission falls under. This will be required when you upload your submission on JIPE.ca. Don’t worry; we’ve got you—information on how to register and upload your submission is available in Section 3. It is important to note: The word count does not include author metadata (names, information about all the authors, etc.), figures, multimedia appendices, tables or references.

Suggested Submission Types A) Innovation spotlights: 2500–3500 words B) Essays: 1500–2500 words C) Book reviews: 1500–2500 words D) Presentation summary: 1500–2500 words E) Expression of Interest: 300-500 words



See next page for full description.



Suggested Submission Types A) Innovation spotlights: 2500–3500 words Innovation spotlights shine a light on new ways of doing things, or tools that work well or save time, money and/or energy (think sustainability!). They also show evidence that proves how well these new tools work. This can be anything from a new way of teaching, an “aha” moment of discovery, or participation in a project led by experts that materialized in new learnings that could benefit communities and businesses. Innovation spotlights should include a brief review of the most relevant literature to situate the approach.

B) Essays: 1500–2500 words The primary purpose of an essay is to advance a new idea, summarize a development, or initiate or engage in discussion. They may be narrower in scope. Essays may experiment with style, tone, and voice. A strong essay will start a new and interesting conversation.

C) Book reviews: 1500–2500 words Reviews of books are considered for publication, depending on the relevance of the book for the journal readership. These reviews should present a summary of the book as well as a thoughtful reflection on the book’s strengths and weaknesses. The review highlights how this book has impacted your learning and/ or research and innovation experience in school.

D) Presentation summary: 1500–2500 words Presentation summaries are brief summaries of presentations given at conferences as part of the publication of conference proceedings. For reference, please take inspiration from JIPE Volume 2, No. 1 Special Issue: Proceedings of the Polytechnics Canada 2019 Annual Showcase (jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/issue/view/3)

E) Expression of Interest (EOI): 300-500 words These brief submissions serve as precursors to more extensive research. Authors express their intent to explore a topic, sparking curiosity and inviting dialogue. This submission can be the “Abstract” of the paper you intend to work on.

humberpress.com • humberpress@humber.ca




Sample Published Papers If you’re interested in reading research papers that have been written in collaboration with research assistants, we suggest that you review the following for inspiration:

Demystifying Organizational Health: What is it and Why Does it Matter? (https://jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/article/view/159/81)

Breaking Binaries – The Brookfield Sustainability Institute: Positioning Polytechnics as a Thought Leadership Strategic Bureau https://jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/article/view/157/79

Learning In The New Digital Era: Are Polytechnic Education Institutions Up For The Challenge? Are There Lessons To Be Learnt From Sun Tze’s Ancient Text “The Art of War” (https://jipe.ca/index.php/jipe/article/view/155/77)





We accept one-minute videos

Creative Approach As JIPE is a knowledge dissemination platform that reaches a global audience, we encourage you to incorporate creative elements in submissions to facilitate effective communications. We welcome submissions that include images and visual data storytelling approaches. Such elements enhance the reader’s engagement with and understanding of the material. Examples of additional components include but are not limited to pictures, field notes, figures, tables, graphs and illustrations. We also welcome inclusion of no more than two videos per submission (each no longer than two minutes). As JIPE is an electronic publication, including streamlined video content can shed further light on your project and/or research study. Think of: y y y y

Videos Graphical abstracts Data visualization (e.g., Tableau) 3D models

humberpress.com • humberpress@humber.ca

“One picture is worth a thousand words.” –Albert Einstein




“Our dreams may seem impossible, but our creativity can turn them into reality.” — Malala Yousafzai

Have fun with your data visualization!

The Importance of Visual Storytelling Learn about the importance of visual storytelling Visual Storytelling: What Is It? Why Is It Important? (https://www. wearecognitive.com/blog/why-is-visual-storytelling-important)

Make Your Data Visual Statistics Canada provides a helpful tool on how to best display your data Data Visualization: Best Practices (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/8926-0005/892600052022001-eng.htm) Make your data accessible: Data Visualizations, Charts, and Graphs (https://accessibility.huit.harvard.edu/data-viz-charts-graphs)





Section 3. Resources and Quick Guides The following are quick reference guides:

Registering with JIPE Uploading Your Submission Files Exporting high-resolution graphs from Excel or Google Sheets Make Your Submission Accessible

Interested in developing your research story? Check out Humber Press’ 1-hour video workshop (https://youtu. be/vroyxA-fNB0) designed to help you in your storytelling journey. Our team shares various techniques and tools for crafting powerful narratives, creating visuals, and ensuring accessibility. We hope you’ll enjoy this resource and share it with your colleagues and friends. Whether your story is an article, research and innovation story, social media post, or blog post, our team at Humber Press is here to help you in your storytelling journey! Visit humberpress.com/resources to find valuable resources on how to create impactful visuals and graphs/tables.

humberpress.com • humberpress@humber.ca




Registering with JIPE Step 1. Registration Page 1.

Select the ‘Register’ button from top-right corner (accessible from any JIPE page).


You can create or connect your ORCID ID to your JIPE account.


Fill out your information.


Select ‘Yes, I agree to have my data collected and shared according to the privacy statement.’ If you wish to be notified of new publications or announcements, please check this item. If you wish not to be notified, do not select it.


Once you register, you’ll receive an email confirmation (you may need to check your spam or junk folder); please confirm your email address to finalize your JIPE registration.


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Uploading Your Submission Files Have your submission files ready to upload. You can submit your data sets, charts, graphics, etc., as separate files when you upload your manuscript to JIPE—you must indicate file kind. 1.

Select the ‘Add File’ button or ‘Upload File’ link. Select the files you want to upload.


Select/Indicate file kind (i.e. Article Text, Other, etc.).



humberpress.com • humberpress@humber.ca




Exporting high-resolution graphs from Excel or Google Sheets The following instructions below are interchangeable for Excel and Google Sheets. To save high-resolution images from Tableau, you’ll need to zoom into your graph/ chart and take a screenshot. 1.

Right-click on your graph or chart


Select the ‘Save as Picture’ option from the drop-down menu.


In the Save panel, under ‘Save as Type,’ select SVG or PDF. Save file.

You can also submit your data/charts as a separate Excel document when you upload your manuscript to JIPE.








Make Your Submission Accessible Ensuring your document is accessible promotes inclusivity, allowing a diverse audience to access and benefit from your information.

Quick tips to make your submission accessible: Use clear heading structure (e.g. heading 1, heading 2, etc.)

“Accessible design is good design—it benefits people who don’t have disabilities as well as people who do.” —Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Microsoft

Images include alternative (alt) text. Hyperlinks have Meaningful Names. Diagrams/graphs have high contrast. Diagrams/graphs are clearly labelled. Colour, in tables or diagrams, is not the only means of conveying information; add a secondary representation using texture, line style or text. Tables Use a simple table structure. Use table for data only, not layout formatting. Specify header rows. Ensure header column titles are unique (no repeating titles). Avoid split or merged cells. Avoid nested tables and blank rows/columns/cells.

Additional Accessibility Resources

Accessible by Design: Inclusive Content Development Tips Building Accessible Tables Microsoft: Video: Create Accessible Tables Perkin’s Creating an Accessible Table in Word Links and Hypertext

humberpress.com • humberpress@humber.ca


Research. Write. Get published in JIPE! Not sure where to start? Here are some resources to help you get started on your research paper writing journey: y Concordia University: How to write a research paper y Butte College: How to start (and complete) a research paper y University of Wisconsin – Madison: Writing a research paper For more resources, check out the JIPE resources page!

“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.” — Neil Gaiman

Contact Us! Anju Kakkar, MBA, IMBB™ Managing Editor, Humber Press, Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) humberpress@humber.ca

Saran Davaajargal Editor, Humber Press Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) humberpress@humber.ca



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