El Lissitzky & the Constructivist Perspective

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IHGFEDCB ronIZYXWV htruoyetaci lnoevahuoy fsnoitnibmo nirtsdnaslo korbnunanir

ABCDEFGHIJ UVWXYZInord nicateyourtho gyouhaveonly combintionsfr bolsandstring erinanunbroke

JKLNOPQRST dertocommu oughtsinwritin ytoformcertain romthesesymgthemtogethenchain. but

SRQPONLK ummocotre nitirwnisthgu iatrecmrofot mysesehtmo -htegotmeht tub .niahcn

IHGFEDCB ronIZYXWV h t r u o y e t a c i taht ereh ees UOY ntoonenvacath elb hgu uoo hy t m yb yllacinahcem fresttn o i t n i b m o el xis-ytnewt fo nirtsdnaslo korbnunanir

YOU see here that t thought cannot be r mechanically by ma of twenty-six letters

the pattern of represented aking combinations s of the alphabet.

fo nrettap eh detneserpe snoitanibmoc gnik .tebahpla eht fo

si egaugnaL na tsuj naht oitom evaw snaem erem ecnerefsnart

Language is than just an a wave motion mere means transference.

more acoustic n, and the of thought .

erom citsuoc eht dna , thguoht fo

t yaw emas eht nI citpo na tsuj naht prup emas eht rof citra-non ,evissap seog eno nrettap rettap detalucitra

In the same way ty than just an optica for the same purpo passive, non-articu pattern one goes o articulated pattern

ypography is more al wave motion ose. From the ulated lettering over to the active, n.

erom si yhpargop noitom evaw l eht morF .es gnirettel detal ,evitca eht ot rev .

erutseg ehT si egaugnal .tnuocca

The gesture o language is t account.

of the living taken into

gnivil eht f otni neka





yad eht pu .sruoh ru ruoh rehton noisuffe tn


edivid evah f-ytnewt otni ton si erehT gavartxe rof .sgnileef fo

have divided into twenty-f There is not a for extravage of feelings.

d up the day four hours. another hour ent effusion

yad eht pu .sruoh ruo ruoh rehton noisuffe tn

nrettap ehT ni semoceb eht ,esicnoc rpmi ylprahs

The pattern o becomes inc concise, the sharply impri

of speech creasingly gesture inted.

hceeps f ylgnisaer erutseg .detn

tsuj si tI pyt htiw

It is just t with typo

the same ography.

emas eh .yhparg

einapmocca era UOY p detnirp yb sdrawno fi ot deniart ylbrepus ,ylkciuq dlefi cfiiceps .yaw sti gnisol

YOU are accompanied onwards by printed pa superbly trained to fin specific field quickly, p losing its way.

d from your first day aper, and your eye is nd its way about in this precisely, and without

yad tsrfi ruoy morf si eye ruoy dna ,rep siht ni tuoba yaw sti tuohtiw dna ,ylesicer

uoy tsac uoY of eseht otni t htiw repap ecnedfinoc ht nailartsuA aremoob sih

You cast your into these for paper with th confidence a Australian thr his boomeran

r glances rests of he same as the rows ng.

secnalg fo stse emas e eht s swo .g

p raelc rof ksa UOY o nac esohT .seye nialp morf rehtegot

YOU ask for clear pa eyes. Those can on together from plain

atterns for your nly be pieced elements.

ruoy rof snrett deceip eb yl .stnemele

t fo stnemele ehT — latnoziroh eht alucidneprep eht / lanogaid eht C evruc eht

The elements of th

the horizontal — the perpendicular the diagonal / the curve C

he letters are:


:era srettel e |

t era esehT itcerid-enil s nialp eht itanibmoC ziroh eht ni eprep dna .snoitcerid udorp senil uougibma( lp eb nac tI tnemngila ht fo segde sah ti neht )tser( tceffe decalp eb sah ti neht tiga( tceffe t era esehT argopyt fo

These are th line-directio the plain su Combinatio in the horizo and perpen directions. T lines produc (ambiguous It can be pla alignment w edges of the then it has a effect (rest). be placed d then it has a effect (agita These are th of typograp

he basic ons on urface. ons occur ontal ndicular These two ce the right s) angle. aced in with the e surface, a static . It can diagonally, a dynamic ation). he axioms phy.

cisab e no sn .ecafr rucco sn latn ralucid owt eseh thgir eht e .elgna ) ni dec eht hti ,ecafrus citats nac tI ,yllanogai cimanyd .)noit smoixa e .yh

erla era UOY gnimocrevo rager hcihw -sserprettel rup sa )epyt sserpretteL .tsap eht

YOU are alrea overcoming t which regard letterpress-p type) as pure Letterpress b the past.

ady the prejudice ds only printing (from e typography. belongs to

yd ecidujerp eh ylno s morf( gnitnir .yhpargopyt ot sgnole

hp ot sgnoleb erutuf ehT p lacinahcemotohp lla ot si gnitniap-ocserf remrof

The future belongs to pho to all photomechanical pr former fresco-painting is

otogravure printing and rocesses. In this way the cut off from typography.

dna gnitnirp eruvargot eht yaw siht nI .sesseco .yhpargopyt morf ffo tuc

bo evah UOY p cinagro na tibihxe stecaf inu larutcurts

YOU have obs an organic pa facets exhibit structural unit

served that in attern all the the same ty.

ni taht devre eht lla nrett emas eht .y

redoM rgopyt ivorpmi utcurts

Modern typogra improvin structur

n aphy is ng its ral unity.

si yhp sti g .ytinu la

taht si ti woh ees nac UOY ap-hceeps dna -thguoht ot igiro sngised lacihpargopyt :era

YOU can see how it is that w to thought- and speech-pat typographical designs origin are:

where new areas are up tterns, there you find new nating organically. These

pu era saera wen ereh wen dnfi uoy ereht ,snret esehT .yllacinagro gnita

taht si ti woh ees nac UOY ap-hceeps dna -thguoht ot igiro sngised lacihpargopyt :era

vda nredom eop nredom

modern adve modern poet

ertising and try.

dna gnisitr .yr

dluohs UOY ht retirw eht hw stneserp aer saedi sih eht hguorht eht hguorht

YOU should d the writer tha presents wha his ideas reac through the e through the e

demand of at he really at he writes; ch you eye and not ear.

fo dname yllaer eh t ;setirw eh t uoy h ton dna ey .ra

pargopyt eroferehT scitpo fo snaem yb etirw eht fo erutseg .saedi

Therefore typograph by means of optics w gesture of the writer ideas.

hical form should do what the voice and r does to convey his

dluohs mrof lacih eht tahw scit seod retirw eht fo .s

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