yrevE noitnevni si tra ni elgnis a ni tneve on sah ,emit .noitulove
Every invention in art is a single event in time, has no evolution.
yrevE noitnevni si tra ni elgnis a ni tneve on sah ,emit .noitulove
Every invention in art is a single event in time, has no evolution.
egassap eht htiW tnereffid emit fo emas eht fo snoitairav desopmoc era emeht ,noitnevni eht dnuora
With the passage of time different variations of the same theme are composed around the invention,
egassap eht htiW tnereffid emit fo emas eht fo snoitairav desopmoc era emeht ,noitnevni eht dnuora
With the passage of time different variations of the same theme are composed around the invention,
semitemos erom ,deneprahs
sometimes more sharpened,
semitemos erom ,deneprahs
sometimes more sharpened,
semitemos erom ,denettafl
sometimes more flattened,
semitemos erom ,denettafl
sometimes more flattened,
.deniatta rewop lanigiro eht si modles tub
but seldom is the original power attained.
.deniatta rewop lanigiro eht si modles tub
but seldom is the original power attained.
retfa ,llit no seog ti revo demrofrep gnieb siht ,doirep gnol a semoceb tra fo krow -citamotua os sti ni lacinahcem taht ecnamrofrep sesaec dnim eht eht ot dnopser ot ;emeht detsuahxe
it goes on till, after being performed over a long period, this work of art becomes so automaticmechanical in its performance that the mind ceases to respond to the exhausted theme;
retfa ,llit no seog ti revo demrofrep gnieb siht ,doirep gnol a semoceb tra fo krow -citamotua os sti ni lacinahcem taht ecnamrofrep sesaec dnim eht eht ot dnopser ot ;emeht detsuahxe
it goes on till, after being performed over a long period, this work of art becomes so automaticmechanical in its performance that the mind ceases to respond to the exhausted theme;
emit eht neht a rof epir si .noitnevni wen
then the time is ripe for a new invention.
emit eht neht a rof epir si .noitnevni wen
then the time is ripe for a new invention.
,si tcepsa ”lacinhcet“ dellac-os ehT dellac-os eht morf elbarapesni ,revewoh ton od ew erofereht dna tcepsa ”citsitra“ .ylthgil snoitaicossa esolc ssimsid ot hsiw
The so-called “technical” aspect is, however, inseparable from the so-called “artistic” aspect and therefore we do not wish to dismiss close associations lightly.
,si tcepsa ”lacinhcet“ dellac-os ehT dellac-os eht morf elbarapesni ,revewoh ton od ew erofereht dna tcepsa ”citsitra“ .ylthgil snoitaicossa esolc ssimsid ot hsiw
The so-called “technical” aspect is, however, inseparable from the so-called “artistic” aspect and therefore we do not wish to dismiss close associations lightly.
dethgis-trohs si tI eht taht kniht ot ]...[ enola enihcam ot latnemadnuf si eht fo gnignahc eht mrof dna ecnaraeppa .sgniht fo
It is short-sighted to think that the machine alone [...] is fundamental to the changing of the appearance and form of things.
dethgis-trohs si tI eht taht kniht ot ]...[ enola enihcam ot latnemadnuf si eht fo gnignahc eht mrof dna ecnaraeppa .sgniht fo
It is short-sighted to think that the machine alone [...] is fundamental to the changing of the appearance and form of things.
remusnoc eht si tI ]...[ senimreted ohw sih yb egnahc eht yad-oT .stnemeriuqer ,elcric worran a ton si ti tub ,reyal reppu niht a .sessam eht ,�llA“
[...] It is the consumer who determines the change by his requirements. To-day it is not a narrow circle, a thin upper layer, but “All�, the masses.
remusnoc eht si tI ]...[ senimreted ohw sih yb egnahc eht yad-oT .stnemeriuqer ,elcric worran a ton si ti tub ,reyal reppu niht a .sessam eht ,�llA“
[...] It is the consumer who determines the change by his requirements. To-day it is not a narrow circle, a thin upper layer, but “All�, the masses.
ehT aedi
The idea
ehT aedi
The idea
hcihw eht sevom -ot sessam dellac si yad .msilairetam
which moves the masses today is called materialism.
hcihw eht sevom -ot sessam dellac si yad .msilairetam
which moves the masses today is called materialism.
,sworg ecnednopserroc ]...[ srettel fo rebmun eht tnuoma eht ,sesaercni dna no nettirw repap fo ,sllews pu desu lairetam llac-enohpelet eht neht nehT .niarts eht seveiler htworg rehtruf semoc snoitacinummoc eht fo esaercni dna krowten fo emulov eht ni neht ;noitacinummoc .nedrub eht sesae oidar
[...] correspondence grows, the number of letters increases, the amount of paper written on and material used up swells, then the telephone-call relieves the strain. Then comes further growth of the communications network and increase in the volume of communication; then radio eases the burden.
,sworg ecnednopserroc ]...[ srettel fo rebmun eht tnuoma eht ,sesaercni dna no nettirw repap fo ,sllews pu desu lairetam llac-enohpelet eht neht nehT .niarts eht seveiler htworg rehtruf semoc snoitacinummoc eht fo esaercni dna krowten fo emulov eht ni neht ;noitacinummoc .nedrub eht sesae oidar
[...] correspondence grows, the number of letters increases, the amount of paper written on and material used up swells, then the telephone-call relieves the strain. Then comes further growth of the communications network and increase in the volume of communication; then radio eases the burden.
fo tnuoma ehT si desu lairetam era ew ,gnisaerced .gnizilairetamed
The amount of material used is decreasing, we are dematerializing.
fo tnuoma ehT si desu lairetam era ew ,gnisaerced .gnizilairetamed
The amount of material used is decreasing, we are dematerializing.
ruo fo ngis a si .emit
is a sign of our time.
ruo fo ngis a si .emit
is a sign of our time.