1 minute read
The State of the Union is Effed


The president addressed Congress, such as it is... saying he still believes in bipartisanship but they have an image problem

The former VP thinks he can pull a fast one.. while Republicans bask in glory...

The party is in great hands, they say at least in their imagination. and this time they’re serious. about having a big impact.

They are back to their old tricks.
Joe Biden says he wants to run again... and to reintroduce himself to voters...

Trump sees himself as larger than life. an untouchable leader but some say his expectations are over-inflated.

But his is a sordid tale with the final chapter yet to be written.

Meanwhile, the NYC Mayor is dealing with a growing problem.

Dead Presidents Deny Having Classified Docs
By Ted Holland, Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network)
SNN resident witch Doctor Sweet Mama Dorite stated that she recently presided over a high-level seance with many dead presidents, attended by members of the Department of Justice, the FBI, CIA and the George Santos Liars Club.
The Purpose of the seance was to contact dead US presidents to determine if there were any classified documents in their possession
FDR, JFK, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Herbert Hoover, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, both of the Adams, Chester Arthur and most others denied having any classified documents.
Richard Nixon replied, “Kiss my ass.”
Thomas Jefferson stated that he had some, but a vengeful slaves burned them.
President Grant said that he also had had some, but after a long weekend of boozing and hanging out with a lady called Miss Kitty he couldn’t find them.
Andrew Johnson ranted about the fact that he should still be president.
Millard Fillmore said he didn’t remember being president.
Teddy Roosevelt said he was on safari with Queen Victoria, and Ronald Reagan sent her an autographed still from his 1939 film, Secret Service of the Air
Crime Spree Morphs Into New Pro Sports League
By Ted Holland, Dispatches from SNN
News Network)
Carjacking is a major crime running rampant in major US cities and small towns. This year there were over 3000 incidents of carjacking