$4.99 USD APR 2020
Humps N Horns April 2020
On The Cover - Colten Jesse wins the 15/15 Bucking Battle in Kansas City, Missouri with an 89.50 point effort on Lil 2 Train (Jane Clark / Gene Owen).
Photo by Phillip Kitts / Avid Visual Imagery
Humps-Horns.com ¡ 4 ¡ April 2020
HUMPS N HORNS® BULL RIDING MAGAZINE PO Box 34172 Fort Worth, TX 76162 325-500-BULL (2855) www.humps-horns.com
Publisher/Owner stacie@humps-horns.com
Terry Blake
Editor in Chief/Owner terry@humps-horns.com
7 Miniature Bull Riders
Young Guns Battle It Out in Lockney, Texas
20 Cowboy Protection Association
Trying to Save the Heritage of Cowboy Protection Already A Great Year in 2020
28 Tucker Aaron
CIRCULATION circulation@humps-horns.com
FEATURE STORY WRITER Barbara Pinnella barbara@humps-horns.com
24 Colten Jesse
Andy Gregory Director of Photography andy@humps-horns.com
Laying the Foundation for a Great Legacy
Also In This Issue Bull Pen 20 Classifieds 45 Country Kitchen 15 Inspiration Point 8 Livestock Layovers 44 Outside the Arena
Practice Pens
Real Time Pain Relief for Real People 12 Talking Bull w/ Brayden 7 Through My Eyes 10 Where’s the Beef 40 Humps-Horns.com · 5 · April 2020
Georgia Akers Justin Felisko Barbara Pinnella Keno Shrum
Andy Gregory Phillip Kitts Kelly B. Robbins Andy Watson
Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine reserves the right to alter, edit or reject all advertisement or editorial for it’s content, clarity, and/or length. Viewpoints expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine. No material may be reprinted or reproduced without first obtaining permission from the publisher and/or editor in chief. All advertisement, editorials, letters, and press releases are accepted with the understanding that the representative, advertiser, and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents of submitted material. Not responsible for errors or omissions in any advertisement. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine will not assume responsibility for any late publication due to the printer, the USPS, or an act of God. Under no circumstances will Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine be held liable for acts of privacy, plagiarism, copyright, or trademark infringements. Material submitted for publication becomes the property of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine and will not be returned unless prior arrangements are made. USPS #022-617 Periodicals Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine, PO Box 34172, Fort Worth, TX 76162. ISSN1554-0162. Publication Number 022-617. ©All rights reserved. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine 2015
Letter from the Editor
COVID - 19! Who would have ever thought that something most people had never even heard a month or so ago has now wreaked havoc around the globe. Hats off to PRCA, PBR, and other associations for doing the best they can to keep everyone safe while also trying to maintain some sense of normalcy. As you are well aware, things are changing fast with the status of events. I know the heart of most bull riding fans is a desire to do all we can to help support the industry during these difficult circumstances - health and economic.
I would encourage you to make sure and confirm whether an event is still being held or not before you venture out to the arena. We sincerely hope this issue of Humps N Horns will provide a respite from the challenges that we are now experiencing as we try to determine how we can move forward with our families, businesses, and so forth. Do all you can to be vigilent and keep your family safe but also remember that, by God’s grace, we don’t have to cower in a spirit of fear. Until next time, Terry
Humps-Horns.com · 6 · April 2020
Talking “Bull” with Brayden
Photos by Phillip Kitts / Avid Visual Imagery
Hi my name is Brayden “Hollywood” Brown and I am a miniature bull rider. Today I’m going to talk about my trip to Lockney, Texas for the first MBR event of the 2020 season. So let’s get into it. In round number one on Friday night we got things started with Tate Gregory on who rode Spanky for 68 points. A great ride here on a new bull that we have never seen before and this bull had some nasty belly rolls. Sawyer Roth rode Gus for 72.50 points. We have seen Gus a lot. He has been on tour longer than any bull and gives an honest score every time. However, in the Peewee Division no one was better than Boston Gage who rode One Eyed Jack for 78 points. Boston had a great ride here even though he got out of position a couple of times, he gathered this bull back up and put up big numbers.
In the Junior Division, AJ Hatchett rode Trigger for 74 points. In my opinion this should have been the round win. This bull was kicking over his head and doing everything he could to get AJ off his back and AJ handled Trigger like a champ. Parker Crenshaw rode Mickey Blue Eyes for 76.50 points. Parker is your defending Junior Division World Champion and he kicked things off with a respectable score for the year. Evan Morrison on Ferdinand was the best for 77.50 points. This bull was not the rankest in the pen, but Evan manhandled him to the 8. In the end this was a awesome score to kick off the season. In the Senior Division, Alonzo Reid rode Elijah for 74 points. This kid is new to the MBR and if he keeps making rides like this, he will be here a while. Ryder Carpenettie rode Festus for 72 points. Ryder’s bull didn’t have his best day but at the same time Ryder got off the side. This may not have been the best score but it will help him in the average for the year end. I had a reride on Bones for 81.50 points. Continued on Page 32
Humps-Horns.com · 7 · April 2020
Inspiration Point
to experience any moment-by-moment assurance of our hope? This is a question which troubles many Christians and deserves study.
by Keno Shrum
The Search for Assurance It seems one can hardly turn on the news without seeing Coronavirus all over the headlines. Many are taking precautions, which I think is a great idea. However, some have allowed fear to consume their thoughts and as such are concerned about their stance with God. Maybe you’re one of these people. Someone who is asking yourself, if the worst case scenario were to happen, how can I be assured that I am right with God. My mind goes to an article I read some time ago which I’d like to share with you now. The Search For Assurance by Paul Earnhart It was a discussion between preacher friends. We were wrestling with the question of how confident Christians ought to be, moment by moment, about their salvation. Some were arguing for an absolute assurance, others for a more cautious one. There is perhaps no concern which weaves its way so pervasively through the history of God’s people as does the desire for assurance in one’s relation ship with God. Christians seem to vacillate between two contrasting themes of Scripture— assurance (I John 5:3) and warning (I Corinthians 10:12). The subject of assurance has been hotly debated down through the centuries, especially in the Calvinist - Armenian controversies. Are all who have been converted to Christ unconditionally assured of their eternal salvation, or is the life of a Christian one of probation in which his relationship to God is conditioned on faithfulness? Nothing is more clearly established in Scripture than the possibility of apostasy. As certainly as the wicked can turn and be saved, so can the righteous fall and be lost (Ezekiel 18:21-26). A Christian’s fellowship with his Father is dependent upon an ongoing spirit of obedient faith (Romans 11:19-22; I Corinthians 15:1-2; Colossians 1:22-23; Hebrews 3:6,14). Does this mean that we must live our lives in daily uncertainty about our relationship with God? Are we never, on this account,
The evidence of Scripture on this matter is unequivocal. The heavenly Father clearly intends for His children to know assurance. The cry of “Abba, Father” is a cry of joy and confidence which comes from being sons, not slaves, of the living God (Romans 8:15). Paul affirms that the very essence of the kingdom is “righteousness, peace and joy” (Romans 14:17) and names “love, joy and peace” as among the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22). It goes without saying that there cannot be peace without assurance, and no joy without peace. The apostle Paul himself is a great illustration of the confidence a Christian may have of his relationship with God. In the final hours of his life, he confidently affirms that “there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give to me at that day” (II Timothy 4:8). In his heart there was a certainty about his destiny, an assurance of his salvation. It may be objected that the case of Paul, as an apostle, is different than our own. It should not be. As a sinner, he was saved by the grace of God just as you and I must be. Having no righteousness of his own (Philippians 3:9), he was “justified by faith in Christ” (Galatians 2:16). There are only two ways to be justified before God—by my own perfect righteousness or by God’s grace. Since all men have sinned (Romans 3:10, 23; Ecclesiastes 7:21), seeking to find peace with God through our own righteousness is a dead end street. Confidence in our salvation and the peace it produces can come only from God’s grace and assured promises. It is what God has done, not what we have done, which gives assurance of salvation. We are justified by faith—looking up to God, not to ourselves (Romans 3:21-26). Does this mean that we no longer have to be concerned about sin in our lives? To the contrary, the person who truly trusts in God as Father has never before fought sin so ferociously nor hated it so intensely (Romans 6:1-14). True faith works the will of God (Romans 1:5; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26). True love keeps the commandments of Christ (John 14:15). Any failure to please our Savior will bring grief (II Corinthians 7:10) and result in penitent confession (I John 1:9). But what if I am deceived and sin ignorantly? A single-minded will to do God’s will (John 7:17) and a genuine love of His truth (II Thessalonians 2:10) are an absolute defense against deception. If we trust in God with a whole heart, all that we yet need to know of His way will be revealed to us (Philippians 3:13-15). It is our task to bring to our Father a true heart. It is His task to redeem His trusting child, and He is liable “to
Humps-Horns.com · 8 · April 2020
do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). But what if I study God’s word and do all I know to do to serve Him and still can’t find peace in my heart about my salvation? Remember that “if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things” (I John 3:19-20). Put confidence in His promises, not your feelings. God intends that the heart of every humble child of His be guarded by a peace which passes understanding (Philippians 4:7). The assurance of our hope comes to us moment by moment as we live our lives in faith. But it is not an assurance which is arrogant, cocky or heedless. No true servant of God, trusting Him, loving Him, ever dealt fast and loose with temptation or sin. The same one who said that nothing “shall be able to separate us from the love of God” also said, “I buffet my body and bring it into bondage lest after I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected” (I Corinthians 9:27). The assurance of God is a holy confidence joined to a sober vigilance, in order that what we now assuredly hold, by His grace, may never be lost. If you’d like to visit more on this subject, then please, “Come and let us reason together...” (Isaiah 1:18) In His Love, Keno
Subscribe today online or by phone www.humps-horns.com 325-500-BULL (2855)
Humps-Horns.com · 9 · April 2020
Grace Is... In salvation we are forever restored to right standing. Grace given us is irrevocable from the Fathers standpoint. What He gives us is pure liberty to live our lives and He never turns His back on us. If turning His back on us was ever an option He’d have never given His Son as a sacrifice in order to redeem our spirit to His. There is some responsibility that comes along with the Grace given but even if we fail to be obedient, His Grace is not taken off the table and that has a way of making us breath easy. Our ways don’t change His ways. A lot of threats of losing our salvation placed on believers if we don’t have our lives worked out in a moral way keeps people thinking wrongly about themselves. The perfection is freely given in the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ (never taken back) and that is the good news of the Gospel. The parable of the prodigal son is a perfect demonstration of what the truth of Grace is. When the son asked for his inheritance the father willingly gave it to him knowing he was not mature enough to rightly handle it but he gave it anyway. He never wavered when the son came back with a warped idea of how to reconcile (the son wanted to be a servant) and the father proved to him that he was a son all along and ignored the sons false view of himself as a servant. (Luke 15:11-32) This might help you look at it through a different set of eyes. If you have a son nothing he could ever do can change the fact that he is your son. You can’t control your son, only guide him. It’s always his
decision to follow your advice or not to but his behavior doesn’t change whose son he is. Either what was done in the Fathers heart at the cross and in the resurrection was forever valid or we’re following a fraud. Sonship is a gift to us. (John 1:12) The New Testament is given for instruction so that we might mature with what has been given to us, but the threat of it becoming invalid comes from humans who don’t understand what Grace really is. Father is continually speaking to our hearts to guide us but He doesn’t control our will. From the beginning He has let people do it their own way until repentance (a change in thinking) had it’s effect on them. Grace has everything to do with responsibility being given to us and the fact that He is the one Who covers Us. We don’t cover Him. Father is not a magician who pulls things out of His hat to entertain our disobedience, but He won’t throw in the towel either. He’ll reveal to us of areas in our life that need attention and provide the means to do so. His Spirit is the means we have to work out the places He reveals to us. If His heart is for us to live an abundant life don’t you think that He’d cover our areas of lack and give us time to choose His ways. I will continue to ask Him to show me where I’ve missed and then I’ll keep going forward with Him knowing that as His son I can’t miss and neither will you. Not because of us but because of Him. Jesus Loves You! Cody Custer April 17-18-19 Fort Dodge, IA Contact Johnny Hopkins 515-571-6922 for information
Here are some 2020 Schools where I’ll be an instructor. I’ll add more as they are scheduled.
May 8-9-10 Saginaw, Tx Contact Cody Custer 580-729-1962 for information
Humps-Horns.com · 10 · April 2020
June 4-5-6 Sayre, OK Contact Trinity Fellowship 580-928-2345 for information or visit www.justasyouare.com Click on Camp of Champions Icon for registration forms & info
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ingredients like menthol, arnica, or trolamine salicylate. Other great ingredients to find on the ingredient label are willow bark, capsicum, emu oil, turmeric extract, and magnesium oil. #3) Heat Therapy Humans have been using heat to relax their muscles for centuries, and it is still one of the most effective ways to find relief. Heat therapy loosens up the muscle fibers and promotes circulation, which helps relieve tension. You can try heat therapy by applying a heating pad or compress. But taking a hot bath or shower is also a good method. When it comes to treating muscle tension, avoid cold therapy. The body’s natural response to cold is to tense up, which may aggravate your muscle tension even further.
10 Tips to Reduce Muscle Tension Muscle tension is a feeling of tightness or pressure in a specific muscle or group of muscles. It can affect people of all ages and is often accompanied by pain, soreness, and a restricted range of motion. While tension can affect any muscle in the body, it is most common in the muscles of the back, neck, and shoulders. Persistent muscle tension in the neck and upper back can cause intense headaches. What Causes Muscle Tension? Muscle tension can be caused by several different factors including: • Anxiety and stress • Poor diet • Lack of exercise • Certain illnesses like the flu or cold 10 Home Remedies to Reduce Muscle Tension We have found 10 of the best home remedies to help you relieve and prevent muscle tension. #1) Stay Active A great way to prevent muscle tension is with regular exercise. If you stay active and condition your muscles for activity, they are less likely to develop tension after a day of hard work or sport. You don’t need to make the exercise intense. In fact, pushing yourself too hard can trigger muscle tension. Light exercise that strengthens and stretches the muscles is enough to keep them supple and healthy. #2) Topical Pain Relievers Topical pain relief lotion is another great option for muscle tension. Topical medications provide relief without causing the systemic side effects of oral drugs. They may be in the form of a spray, gel, and cream and are applied directly to the skin. Many topical pain relievers work to provide relief in the exact area you are experiencing pain. Look for a topical reliever that contains
#4) Massage Massage relaxes the muscles, increases circulation, and relieves tension, and it also helps relieve pain and soreness. Often, it triggers the pain relief response from the brain, causing it to release natural chemicals that reduce pain and tension. Certified massage therapists have experience and training when it comes to working on muscle tension. They will be able to identify the different areas of your body that need work. However, giving yourself a massage during bouts of muscle tension can help as well. #5) Nutrition Nutrition is the foundation of a healthy body. For many people experiencing muscle tension, the root cause can be caused by a lack of certain nutrients. If you deal with muscle tension, you may need to talk to your doctor about checking your levels of vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and potassium. #6) Stress Management Psychological triggers like anxiety and stress are some of the most common causes of muscle tension. Feeling anxious or stressed causes our muscles to tighten up, leading to soreness, pain, and tension headaches. Stress management and relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and tension. You can try controlled breathing, meditation, stretching exercises, or consciously letting your mind rest from topics that worry you. #7) Acupuncture Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that has shown to be effective for things like pain and muscle tension. One randomized study published in the British Medical Journal concluded that acupuncture can do more to relieve pain and tension in the neck than conventional massage. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into different trigger points. When the trigger point is stimulated, it activates the nervous system in a way that relieves pain.
Humps-Horns.com · 12 · April 2020
You could also try acupressure as an alternative. Acupressure works on the same principles as acupuncture, but instead of inserting needles, the practitioner applies pressure to the trigger points. #8) Rest While activity and exercise can be important steps toward preventing muscle tension, your muscles also need enough rest. Some people overdo it at work, others might overdo it at the gym. Either way, muscle tension can come from not resting your muscles enough. If you are dealing with muscle tension, stay in tune with your body and avoid pushing it to extremes. On your next day off, try relaxing as much as possible to give your muscles a break. #9) Ergonomics and Posture Muscle tension can also be caused by poor posture and ergonomics when performing various tasks. If you are looking to correct your posture, evaluate your back’s positioning when engaging in activities. Do you slouch when you sit or stand? Do you curve your neck downwards when using your mobile phone? Do you tend to lean to one side when you stand? When it comes to correcting ergonomics, the process is similar. Does your office chair provide adequate support? How are things positioned around the desk? Do you hunch your shoulders? Do you have to reach out to use your keyboard or mouse?
You may need to talk to a chiropractor or a physical therapist. Also there are handy apps or devices available that evaluate your posture, give you tips, and even track your progress. #10) Sleep Getting a good night’s rest is important for muscle health since our muscles receive the best rest and rejuvenation during sleep. If you don’t get the sleep you need, it could lead to muscle tension. Here are some questions to ask yourself: Is your mattress right for you? Is it too firm or too soft? How are your pillows positioned? Do they put you in a position that causes stress to your muscles? Is your sleeping position causing any troubles? Do you feel pressure or tension in any muscles or joints? Published by Real Time Pain Relief Real Time Pain Relief not only cares about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products but also about the people who buy them. We hope this article becomes a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. For over 20 years, Real Time Pain Relief has provided family safe pain relief made with Nature’s Ingredients. From the useful information in our articles to our highquality products, we hope you feel better and pass it on!
Humps-Horns.com · 13 · April 2020
Alan De Souza rides in the Semi-Finals round of RFD-TV’s The American. Photo by Kord Etbauer / Courtesy of RFD-TV.
Cranberry and Cream Cheese Salad INGREDIENTS
• • • • • • • • •
1. Drain pineapple, saving syrup. Add water to syrup to make 21/2 cups. 2. Place 11/4 c syrup mixture in sauce pan and bring to boil. 3. Dissolve 1 pack strawberry gelatin in boiling syrup mixture and then add 1/2 of drained, crushed pineapple and 1/2 of cranberry sauce. Pour into 12 x 7 dish and chill until firm. 4. Beat cream cheese with sugar until smooth. Gradually beat in evaporated milk and vanilla. 5. Soften unflavored gelatin in cold water. Heat to dissolve and blend into cheese mixture. Pour over firm cranberry layer and chill until firm. 6. For the third layer, boil remaining 11/4 c syrup mixture and dissolve remaining pack of strawberry gelatin. Add remainder of crushed pineapple and cranberry sauce. 7. Chill until room temperature and then pour over firm cream cheese layer, and chill until firm. 8. Cut into squares and serve over pretty lettuce.
20 oz can crushed pineapple (2) 3 oz packs strawberry gelatin 16 oz can whole cranberry sauce 8 oz creem cheese, softened 1/4 c sugar 1 c evaporated milk 1 t vanilla 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1/4 c cold water
Send us your favorite recipe to bullnews@humps-horns.com
Humps-Horns.com · 15 · April 2020
Submitted by Susan M.- Three Rivers, TX
Outside the Arena with...
Jay Daugherty By Georgia Akers
Interviewer’s comments: Anyone who has been around the sport of rodeo and the PBR knows Jay Daugherty. He is an asset to the sport. I caught up with him on his way to his daughter’s ballet performance. Definitely different than wrangling bulls and their owners. Please tell us about your background in bull riding and about you? I grew up around rodeo and racehorses. My father and brother both rodeoed and I competed at the amateur level in team roping and saddle broncs. I worked for the PRCA for several years and was in charge of the geographical circuit events before starting with the PBR back in 2000. I ended my career with the PBR as the Senior Vice President of Competition before I took on my role as Executive Director for the ABBI. What is ABBI? The ABBI has been around for nearly 15 years, originating from the old Rodeo Stock Registry of Bob Tallman’s. American Bucking Bull, Inc. (ABBI) is the largest bucking stock registry and the third largest cattle registry in the world with over 200,000 registered animals. ABBI was created to record and preserve the pedigrees of the world’s premier bucking bull livestock. The competitive structure consists of several bull divisions that are often in conjunction with Professional Bull Riders. The events are Classic, Maturity, Derby, Futurity, Yearling, Junior Futurity and Cowgirls Futurity. The ABBI World Finals takes place in Las Vegas, NV in conjunction with PBR World Finals and pays out $1.5 million to the bulls alone, over $3M for the year.
program showing the buyers and other breeders proven genetics and in return makes those animals worth more than those that are not DNA’ed. The registration papers on the bulls goes back 5 generations so that a prospective buyer can see from whom the bull comes from in the bucking bull world. How does a stock contractor register/join ABBI? There are several ways they can become a member: -Fill out a breeder application that can be found online at www. abbinow.com Registration/Download forms. Send that in with a payment. -Sign up directly online www.abbinow.com member login/ ABBI membership in blue box -Call the office directly at 719-242-2747 Membership prices: $135- standard; $190- Premium (allows you to research the database) After they become a member they can order DNA kits at $3.00/kit through the ABBI online store or over the phone. They can log in to their membership to register animals online, print out registration receipt and send in DNA kits for $50.00/ head (new member or birth year pricing) or fill out the paper application and send in the DNA kits which cost $60.00/head.
What are the advantages for stock contractors of having their stock registered?
Tell us about the competition events for the bulls.
It increases the value of everyone’s breeding program when you can actually have the DNA verification to back up your entire
We try and offer an outlet for every aged bucking bull during the entire season and we have a Yearling, Futurity, Derby, Classic
Humps-Horns.com · 16 · April 2020
and Maturity classes to give the breeder as much opportunity to showcase their animals and earn as much as they possibly can with their animals at each stage of their lives. We also have a Junior and Cowgirls Futurity classes and as with all of our classes we provide regular season and Finals bonuses for each and every class we compete with. Our top 2-year-old Futurity winner has a chance in Vegas alone to earn over $70K and our Classic bulls will compete for nearly $500,000 that week in November in Las Vegas. For each level, the bonus is a trailer. • The Yearling is for one year old bulls. They are bucked with a 14 pound dummy for four seconds. • The Futurity is for two year old bulls. They are bucked with a 24 pound dummy for four seconds. • The Derby is for three year old bulls and they are bucked with a rider for 8 seconds. • The Classic is for three to four year old bulls and are also bucked with a rider for 8 seconds. • The Maturity is for bulls four years or older who are bucked with a rider for 8 seconds. How does a bull make it to the Classic Finals in Vegas? We take the top 35 Classic bull money earners as well as the top 5 Wild Card winners that come out of the Real Time Velocity Finals that first weekend of the ABBI / PBR World Finals. We are changing up how we crown the World Champion Classic bull this year by awarding the bull with the highest accumulative averaged score of their top 8 outs through the Finals and that bull will be the World Champion Classic and receive a $100K bonus. The reserve champion will receive a $50K bonus. The Finals Classic Champion event winner will be determined off of just their 2 outs in Vegas and that winner will also receive a check for $100K. This year there has been a change in the prize money at the Finals. What is the change? We have increased our sanctioning fee per bull, per event to $100 per competition. Taking half of that and creating year end prize pools for the classes that we can then turn around and pay it all completely back to our members. Do you do drug testing on the bulls? We do random drug testing at various events all year long and have been doing so for several years and will continue to do so. Has a stock contractor ever been banned from events? In other words what policing action is necessary? Yes, there have been a few contractors on both the ABBI and PBR that have had
to be dealt with from a disciplinary board. It is not very common to happen but when a situation arises, we deal with it immediately. Our main focus is the well-being of the animals first and foremost. You have ABBI events and ABBI sanctioned events. What is the difference? I have around 7 to 8 events that we produce alone under the ABBI and I have tried to give everyone in the entire country and opportunity to compete with their animals at other events that we sanction with our name but are run by other organizations and their rules. We are just allowing current ABBI members with registered competing animals the chance to earn money in their local area that cannot otherwise go and travel thousands of miles outside of their area.
Humps-Horns.com · 17 · April 2020
If someone was interested in sponsoring an ABBI event, what are the requirements? I am always looking and open to speaking with companies looking to be a sponsor of the ABBI and can structure a wide variety of opportunities for them. We are a tight bunch and support those companies that support us.
Who has been your favorite bull? Why? There are so many great bulls that I have seen over the last 18 years here and it’s hard to pick just one but I always liked Mossy Oak Mudslinger for his consistency and look and being able to always perform but there really are so many out there to pick just one.
ABBI is starting to expand in other stock registry. Please tell us about the expansion? We are an animal registry focused on bucking bulls but have the ability with our staff and DNA company to do everything from bucking horses to show steers and lambs. We started the American Bucking Horse Registry last year along with the American Fighting Bulls and will now be starting SSR the Show Stock Registry for all those folks who compete with their Show animals. We also have expanded into Canada, Australia and will be launching Brazil and Mexico soon for the bucking bulls. Who do you predict to be Bucking Bull of the Year? I don’t like to speculate on that and just look forward to seeing the best animal show their abilities all the way through the Finals. I always look forward each year to crowning those champions and seeing the enjoyment on the stock contractor’s face. (Interviewer’s comment-very diplomatic answer!)
Humps-Horns.com · 18 · April 2020
Sage Kimzey (top) and Joao Ricardo Vieira (bottom) were co-champion bull riders of RFD-TV’s The American. Photo by Kord Etbauer / Courtesy of RFD-TV.
Humps-Horns.com · 19 · April 2020
By Kelly B. Robbins
Michael Griffin is a bullfighter with a grateful heart and a passion and a vision for the sport he has lived for 31 years. In August of 2017, with his sights set on retirement, Michael participated in the Doxa Extreme Rodeo in Alex, Oklahoma. He was drawn by the $30,000 prize money being offered. Unfortunately, he was gored by a bull and severely injured. Near death, he went through three surgeries and three blood transfusions. He has now had six surgeries and still faces one more surgery. Michael is grateful to be alive. While spending 14 months recovering with his wife, Laurie, at their home in Waxahachie, Texas, Michael was able to reflect on his career as a bullfighter and study the declining state of cowboy protection. This led to the birth of the Cowboy Protection Association. The website states: “The Cowboy Protection Association, LLC was founded to showcase the ability to save a fallen bull rider. With the re-emergence of freestyle bullfighting, and with stock contract futurities, cowboy protection has all but been forgotten. The association has created a format to produce fair protection matches and provide an equal playing field.”
Michael and Laurie Griffin
Humps-Horns.com · 20 · April 2020
“I love the history of bullfighting,” Michael revealed. “I realized that there was nothing much, no association for the cowboy life savers. The Cowboy Protection Association is designed for the protection guys. I’m trying to merge old style and new style bullfighting. I gathered a bunch of the guys and founded the Cowboy Protection Association. Skipper Voss, regarded by many to be one of the greatest bullfighters ever, has endorsed my ideas.” “I came from a rodeo family,” Michael shared. “Growing up, I was around the best of the best rodeo clowns. I went to Rex Dunn’s Bullfighting School twice, when I was 13 and 14 years old. I later started working for Dave Martin’s Championship Rodeo. Things really took off for me in 1995. I have fought bulls in 48 states and three countries. With the Cowboy Protection Association, I’ve designed a total package to give back to the industry that took care of me.” “My goal is to protect and save the heritage and history of cowboy protection,” Michael explained. “The Cowboy Protection Association is not just a contest. We’re teaching our bullfighters how to protect themselves, and how to get to the next level. I have provided a platform that is open to any bullfighter, that gives the protection guys a chance to learn and grow and build a credible portfolio for the future.” “We have set up a format and judging system geared towards the old way of cowboy protection,” Michael said. He went on to quote his website: “We have established our own judging system, that consists of four veteran judges. The criteria established by the association will consist of over 200 years of combined experience. Our number one goal is to create a fair opportunity to improve and highlight the true spirit of cowboy protection at its finest.” “I have everything trademarked. I was able to do that because we made it a sporting competition. Everything is centered toward saving the cowboys. Every event is aligned with the USBF (United States BullFighting), which enables the freestyle bullfighters to earn points towards the BFO (BullFighters Only) standings. Every event is also aligned with the WCRA (World Champions Rodeo Alliance), where each place can earn points towards qualifying for the big money competitions.” “When I started this thing, I had no money in my pocket,” Michael admitted. “I have some amazing friends and God just kept opening doors. I have some wonderful sponsors, and God just keeps opening wide the hanger door that gives me the opportunity to do what I’m doing.”
Humps-Horns.com · 21 · April 2020
Skipper Voss
“Our events offer better bull riding,” Michael shared. “If you are having a competition to protect bull riders, you have to have bull riding! We have 30 bulls for every event, and they are mean bulls. They will try to hook you if you fall off. We’re bucking bulls that are rejected by some of the other venues because they are too mean or too hard to handle. This gives the bull riders the chance to improve their reaction skills, and it gives the cowboy savers some really good experience. We have some real exciting bull riding! There are no entry fees, $2500 added money, and we pay the top four places.” “Each event has three two-man protection teams,” Michael continued. “These events give the protection guys a chance to grow. They give the freestyle bullfighters a platform, and they give the fans as much excitement as they can handle! There is also a concert at each event. This year we have Kris Gordon doing the concerts.” “The fans are the most important thing,” Michael said. “Without the fans, we have nothing! We want to make sure the fans are thoroughly entertained. At $15.00 a head and children under 10 years old free, we’re selling family memories at a great price!”
“We are accomplishing a couple of significant things with each event. We’re taking the history of the rodeo clowns and bullfighters and teaching that and passing that on to the next generation to save what we’ve got. We are also introducing old style ways to the fans and teaching them what we are looking for from the bullfighters and how we score them. Our system gives every team an equal opportunity to win.” The next Cowboy Protection Association event is March 28 in Bridgeport, Texas. This is part of the Skipper Voss “Let’s Get Western!” tour 2020. Then on April 11, they will be in Bowie, Texas. April 25 will find them in Jacksboro, Texas. On May 9, they will be back in Bowie, Texas. I asked Michael what he wanted folks to know about the Cowboy Protection Association. “Just this,” he answered. “John 15:13 says, ‘There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ That is what we are all about.”
Humps-Horns.com · 22 · April 2020
By Barbara Pinnella
Photos by Phillip Kiitts / Avid Visual Imagery
Colten Jesse Already A Great Year in 2020 The talented Colten Jesse has a lot of great things going on in his life right now. As of this writing he is currently sitting ninth in the PBR world standings, and in Kansas City the end of February, his 89.5 was enough to give him his first 15/15 Bucking Battle victory. “That victory felt good, it felt right,” he said. “I have been in three of the four 15/15’s this year, and I have ridden for 7+ seconds in the other two. I just forgot about that, and made
it work in Kansas City. Win or lose, you can’t dwell on what’s happened in the past.” On a personal note, things are also going Jesse’s way. He is recently engaged to the lovely Deven Riggins. In fact, when we spoke, he was driving to Oklahoma to get the last of his belongings, then heading back to Texas to move in with his fiancé. They have selected a wedding date; May 1st of 2021. Bull riding is all Colten has ever wanted to do. He got on his first sheep when he was three or four, and said that the desire has always been there. His father Todd, grandfather, and uncle all rode bulls, and Todd was also a roper, but there was never any pressure to follow in the family boot prints, as it were. “They always told me that I could do whatever I wanted to do. But whatever I did, we would do it 110%. I did stop riding for a while, back when I was eight or nine, somewhere in there. I didn’t ride anything. Instead, I started playing Little League football, and started roping. “I think my dad wanted me to grow a little bit. Because of the stock that I was getting on, he kind of wanted to take care of me. I feel that it worked out pretty well. I made the decision to go back. My buddy and I were actually going to some junior rodeos and entering the team roping. “One day at a rodeo we ended up pulling a check in the team roping, but stuck around and watched the age group I would have been in. I don’t think anybody rode that day. I told my Colten with his dad, Todd Jesse.
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dad that I wanted to enter the next one, and he dang sure called my bluff! He went ahead and called in. Luckily, all the stuff I had still fit me. I ended up winning, and ever since then it’s just been right back to it.” When he was riding on his permit, Brennon Eldred took the younger Jesse under his wing and would enter him in rodeos and organize his schedule. Then Colten got his card and traveled with Brennon, and good friend Joseph McConnel. He rodeoed for about two years, and did quite well. In 2016, his rookie year in the PRCA, he won the Prairie Circuit Finals Rodeo, the Helldorado Days Rodeo, and the Lea County Fair & PRCA Rodeo Xtreme Bulls. He was fifth in both the Resistol Rookie bull riding standings, as well as the Prairie Circuit bull riding standings. “I came to the PBR towards the end of the 2017 season,” Colten told us. “I actually had planned on rodeoing all year that year, and I ended up getting hurt early in the year. I came back and went to a few rodeos, then just decided to buy my PBR card. I don’t think I have been entered in a pro rodeo event since.”
The PBR runner-up for the 2018 Rookie of the Year, Colten offered up several reasons as to why he was drawn to the PBR. “The bulls are good! And the schedule – I went to pro rodeos for one year and during the summer I was gone for two or three months. That was all fun and whatnot, but I do enjoy the PBR; getting to go on the weekends and then getting to come back home. Especially now, since I’m about to get married, it’s nice in that sense. “The PBR is where I’ve always wanted to be, and it is where I always planned on heading. Growing up I never really looked at winning a PRCA title, I always looked at winning a PBR World title.” Colten also competed in the Global Cup, riding for Team USA Wolves, a team made up of Native Americans. 2020 was the second year for the Wolves, and Jesse has been on the team both years. He is Potawatomi on his mother, Michelle’s side, and mainly Seminole and Creek on his dad’s. “Last year, being the first year, it was really fun. It was a new experience for all of us, really. We were pretty young, and just being able to represent our native heritage, it was pretty special.
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Even though we didn’t put on a good performance at all this year, it’s still a cool deal.” More often than not Colten continues to go down the road with Eldred. He also travels with Jess Lockwood and his brother Jake, but Jess is out of commission for the time being. Colten feels that the injuries that are sustained are mainly the luck of the draw. “Anything can happen in this sport. I don’t think it is really the quality of the bulls now. Yes, they buck hard, but there are just so many of them now that buck. Like the injury to Jess, that was a pretty freak deal, I felt like. A lot of guys have gotten hurt, but you just have to do your job to the best of your abilities. Stuff is gonna happen sometimes.” Jesse has not been exempt from injuries, either. Last year he dislocated his shoulder, and while he didn’t necessarily need surgery, he made the decision to have it anyway. “I spoke with Dr. Tandy (Freeman), and he told me that it would be better for myself in the long run if I wanted a long career, so I went ahead and had it fixed. I was out about five months. I wanted to give myself the best possible chance. I didn’t want to be trying to ride and have my shoulder fall out, or have to change my riding style and have to carry my free arm real low,
like I’ve seen some guys do.” As far as keeping himself in good riding shape, Colten has always worked out a bit. After the shoulder surgery he took those workouts more seriously, starting to try to build more muscle. He also believes in a lot of stretching, and feels that probably more than anything, the stretching really helps him. But he tries to work out about five days a week. “I sometimes get on practice bulls as well, but it’s been kind of hectic here lately, with me trying to move all my stuff. I’ve been here, there, and everywhere, so I haven’t had a chance to get on practice bulls, but when I can I like to; I enjoy it.” When asked if he eventually wanted to raise bucking bulls, he laughed. “It seems like a bunch of guys go that route. I always said I don’t want any. But I believe that I’ve got enough friends that are in it a lot deeper in the bucking bulls than I would be and know a lot more about it than I do, so I’d probably just go like, half interest in something. “Now practice bulls are a little bit different. I wouldn’t mind having some good practice bulls and taking them to an open bull riding down the road when I’m not gone on the weekend.
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I feel like I would enjoy that.” Understandably, Colten hasn’t had much spare time available to him of late, but should that occur he does have things he likes to do. “I do like to rope, but I haven’t done that in a little while. I play guitar. If I have 20 minutes to spare, I’ll pull out my guitar and play on it for a bit. I used to mess around with some leather work; I used to go golfing all the time. There’s a lot of things that I do.” And is there a PBR cowboy who doesn’t want to get on Bruiser? Haven’t found one yet, and Colten is no different. “I’ve been wanting to get on him ever since I turned 18 and I haven’t gotten my shot yet. If he’s not everybody’s favorite, he should be. He’s the total package. But I want all the best ones; I want to ride the best.” Things are all headed in the right direction for Colten. Humps N Horns Bull Riding Magazine want to wish him continued good luck for the rest of the season, and congratulations to he and Deven on their engagement!
Humps-Horns.com · 27 · April 2020
Humps-Horns.com · 28 · April 2020
By Phillip Kitts
Tucker Aaron
Photos by Avid Visual Imagery
Every sport has a big personality that puts a smile on faces and draws the best out of people. Rodeo and bull riding is no different. When you talk to the older generations of rodeo, you often here the name Freckles Brown, Lane Frost and others. Amongst the top people in bull riding today, you hear people talk about guys like Chase Outlaw, Keyshawn Whitehorse and Ezekiel Mitchell being the high energy group that brings the best out in others. The MBR even has a few electric personalities that just seem to brighten the day. Included in this group are some young bull riders who have embraced the skills of riding bulls as well as being a role model and mentor to those around them. Introducing Tucker Aaron, a 13-year 8th grade bull rider from Goddard Junior High in Midland, Texas. Now Tucker is much more than a whale of a bull rider. This young man has so much personality and energy he just seems to make a whole room light up and get the most out of each day.
Getting to know Tucker, and really understand his zest for life and his pleasure of friends and family, would probably take years. However, there are some things that define who he is as a young man. Tucker lives with a big family that includes his mom and dad plus 2 brothers and a sister. Home life when away from the rodeo road is plenty busy for him, he spends his time hanging out with his favorite person (his mother) as well as playing sports. He competes in track, as a pole vaulter, and also plays quarterback in football. When not competing in other sports, Tucker spends plenty of time watching PBR and other rodeos. When asked what his favorite event is outside of bull riding, he chuckles and says “barrel racing”, this may be a shock to some but not so much for others. Like any other modern day young man, he spends plenty of time playing X-Box and other video games. Something that Tucker is proud, and fills some of his free time, is that he has been teaching himself to play guitar and has become pretty good at it. Talking about his potential interests, outside of the arena, Tucker
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Tucker with his mom, Lana.
early age on sheep, calves, or steers, Tucker only got his start about three years ago when a friend invited him to a rodeo. That was all it took for him to commit to becoming a bull rider. Now every chance he gets he is looking for another shot! Getting to events is somewhat of a family affair as his travels always include his mother “his personal hero” and his dad who coaches and helps him prepare to ride. In his short career, Tucker has used his bull riding hero, Chase Outlaw, as inspiration when drawing some of the toughest bulls the MBR has to offer. Rank bulls like Airtime and Hammer Down are just a couple of the tough matchups Tucker has faced in competition. When Tucker was asked what his ritual is for getting ready for a bull ride, he just keeps it simple, have a Monster Energy Drink, Stretch, and say a prayer. Tuckers says when times get tough, he relies on faith and good old country music to get himself recentered. His go to artist is Zach Bryan. One thing that is obvious about Tucker’s role in the MBR is that he has developed into both a leader and supporter for many of the youngsters. Spending time with him at an event, you can see the younger and older kids alike gravitate to the cheeky smile and mischievous look he always seems to have. The thing is, no matter how much of a jokester he can be, there is a powerful impression of politeness and humble behavior that, obviously, makes a big impression on the others around him. When he is asked what it means to be such a big influence his answer represents his personality, “It is cool being a role model to others but it is just as important to stay humble and set the right example.”
feels that his future may include some time in the military and the Navy to be specific. Part of this influence probably comes from his brother who is currently a Seabee. The impressive part to this answer is much like his bull riding ambitions his sights for the military are big. When asked what he would do in the military his calm response is, “Being a Seal would be cool”.
The fact is that his great demeanor is equally matched by his list of big performances. In 2019, Tucker earned his way to Las Vegas for the MBR last chance qualifier where he was able to qualify for the MBR finals. Leaving Las Vegas, he found himself securely in the top 10 in the world.
Then there is the bull riding side, and this is where the personality and energy really show through. Tucker has been a member of the MBR for a couple of years and competes in several other organizations, as well, including the IMBA. Although many young bull riders start at a very
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His bull riding career has not come without its knocks where, in April 2019, Tucker faced the reality of a rough sport. While riding bull #528, he found himself in quite the wreck. The result was a broken jaw which required plates and screws to put him back together. In his three years of being a bull rider, he exclaims that this is the worst wreck he has been in but probably will not be his last. So, what does the future hold for a young man with his heart in all the right places and his actions setting a good trend for others? Well, the first step is to keep getting better. He plans to keep his trend of getting on 8 to 10 practice bulls a week and working hard at improving his abilities. He hopes this will afford him another trip to the MBR Finals and a shot at his first gold buckle. After that, he has his sights set on even bigger accomplishments, as he has the desire to feel the warm lights of the NFR in the Thomas and Mack Arena as well as the spotlight of competing in the PBR World Finals at T-Mobile Arena.
understands that being a professional is much more than buckles and pay checks. The true success and honor come with how those who look up to you view your actions. Tucker Aaron is one of those who, at 13 years old, already has built the foundation for a legacy, as the years pass by the legacy will be much more than being a great bull rider, it will be one of a ROLE MODEL.
When it comes down to it, there is nothing to stop this young man from accomplishing these goals. The thrill of it will be Tucker and his buddies from the MBR opt for some new animals to ride at the Leral’s Arena in seeing a young man who deeply Lockney, Texas.
Humps-Horns.com · 31 · April 2020
Continued from Page 7
My first ride was on Bones as well, but he flipped over right out the gate, thankfully on my left leg. I got a reride on him and made it work. Cade Chatham was better than any of us when he rode Rattler for 85 points. This was a spectacular ride. The bull had a lot of up down and impressed me for his first time on tour. In round number two there were not as many rides but the ones that covered were awesome. Kicking off round two in the Peewee Division we have Bryson Culpepper on Bull Dozer for 75 points, but the best was Sawyer Roth who rode Orville for 75.50 points. This is a wirey bull that has some nasty belly rolls and Sawyer had to earn this one. In the Junior Division, Carson Rodrigue rode Boo for 72 points. This is not the best bull but Carson still handled him like a champ. Parker Crenshaw was ready to take on Hitman and got it done for 78.50 points. Parker tried Mustache but took the reride after the bull stopped. The reride worked out and he covered for big numbers. Damien Krushall rode Buckwheat for 71 points. It was not the best out for the bull, but every piont counts. In the Senior Division it was Jay Rodrigue on Ace In The Hole for 77.50
points who took the win. Jay was almost bucked off about three times but gritted it out and it paid off. On to round three let’s kick it off with the Peewee Division. We had three fantastic rides in the Peewee Division and my brother, Brock Brown, was one of the best. He got it done on Otis for 80 points. Christopher Jackson, Jr. rode One Eyed Jack for 81 points. This was one of the best rides of the entire of the event and this
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bull threw some nasty moves to test Chris. Another one of the highest scores of the event was the one, to not only win the round, but the event. He was the only cowboy to go three for three and that young man’s name is Sawyer Roth. Sawyer matched up with Fred for a whopping 85 points. This was the second best ride of the whole event and Sawyer had to earn this one. Fred threw some nasty belly rolls and was kicking over his head. Sawyer not only earned the event win but after that ride, he deserved it. In the Junior Division, Hoss Davis rode Mudslinger for 79 points. This is a turn back bull that spins to the right into Hoss’s hand but does not have any kick which dropped the score. Hoss still got a pretty good score and some crucial average points. To be the best you have to beat the best and Evan Morrison was the best aboard Cruella for 87.50 points. This was the highest score of the event. Cruella turned back away from Evan’s hand and was cranking it. Evan controlled his free arm well and got the round win and the event win too. In the Senior Division, Cade Chatham rode Black Bart for 85.50 points. This year in the Senior Division the riders have some pretty tough competition, the bulls are rank. Cade did his job and got it done for his second round win of the event and his first event win of the year.
Thank you for reading I look forward to writing to you next month. To find out more about me go to my Facebook page @ BraydenHollywoodBrown. Thank you, Brayden Hollywood Brown
Photos by Phillip Kitts / Avid Visual Imagery
Humps-Horns.com · 33 · April 2020
Emergency#: 314/677-0072
June 6 Location: Altamont, IL Effingham County Fair Performance Time: 7:30 pm Added Money: $1000 Entry Fees: $60 Books open: May 25 5:00 pm Phone: 573/823-2569 Text Producer: Rafter 7P Rodeo Productions Emergency#: 314/677-0072
Date: Be sure to watch the website for information and updates to the schedule. NFPB Merchandise is available on-line! T-shirts, caps, sweatshirts, hoodies and coats. Check often for additions. www.NFPBullriders.com
Coming Events
April 18 Location: Alexandria, MN Performance Time: 6:00 pm Added Money: $7,000 Entry Fees: $100 Books open: April 12 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 320/226-1487 Producer: Triple B Rodeo Emergency#: 320/226-1487
May 15 Location: Hibbing, MN Hibbing Memorial Arena Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $10,000/Buckle Entry Fees: $80 Books open: May 3 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 320/226-0949 Producer: Great Frontier Bull Riding Co. Stock: Troy Meech Emergency#: 320/226-0947
May 23 Location: Kinmundy, IL 3-C Arena Performance Time: 6:00 pm Added Money: TBA Entry Fees: TBA Books open: TBA Phone: 618/267-1782 Producer: Crain/Scates Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 618/267-1782
May 23 Location: Arcadia, WI Taysom Arena Performance Time: 6:00 pm Added Money: $1000/Buckle Entry Fees: $70 Books open: May 18 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
May 30 Location: Carmi, IL White County Fairgrounds Performance Time: 4:00 pm Added Money: $1000 Entry Fees: $70 Books open: May 18 5:00 pm Phone: 573/823-2569 Text Producer: Rafter 7P Rodeo Productions
June 25 Location: Allison, IA Fairgrounds Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $2500/Buckle Entry Fees: $80 Books open: June 22 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
June 25 & 26 Location: Sullivan, MO Meramec Community Fair Performance Time: TBA Added Money: $1000/Night Entry Fees: $70 Books open: June 15 5:00 pm Phone: 573/823-2569 Text Producer: Rafter 7P Rodeo Productions Emergency#: 314/677-0072
June 27 Location: Antigo, WI Fairgrounds Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $5000/Buckle Entry Fees: $100 Books open: June 22 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
July 2 Location: Stoughton, WI Fairgrounds Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $5000/Buckle Entry Fees: $100 Books open: June 29 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
July 4 Location: Bagley, WI Ballpark Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $5000/Buckle/$500 Bounty Bull/Bronze Statue Entry Fees: $100 Books open: June 29 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
July 15 Location: Monroe, WI Fairgrounds Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $3000/Buckle Entry Fees: $80 Books open: July 8 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Humps-Horns.com · 34 · April 2020
Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
July 16 Location: Waseca, MN Waseca County Free Fair Performance Time: 7:30 pm Added Money: $2500/Buckle Entry Fees: $80 Books open: July 5 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 320/226-0949 Producer: Great Frontier Bull Riding Co. Stock: Troy Meech Emergency#: 320/226-0947
July 17 Location: Rice Lake, WI Fairgrounds Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $15,000/Buckle/Pro-Max Vest from Phoenix Performance Entry Fees: $100 Books open: July 8 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
July 18 Location: Sacred Heart, MN Performance Time: 6:00 pm Added Money: $4000/Buckle Entry Fees: $80 Books open: July 5 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 320/226-0949 Producer: Great Frontier Bull Riding Co. Stock: Troy Meech Emergency#: 320/226-0947
July 25 Location: La Valle, WI Saddle Club Performance Time: 7:00 pm Added Money: $3000/Buckle/$1000 Bounty Bull Entry Fees: $80 Books open: July 20 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 608/412-0799 Producer: CC Bucking Bulls Emergency#: 608/412-0799
July 25 Location: Flora, IL Performance Time: 7:30 pm Added Money: $1000 Entry Fees: $70 Books open: July 13 5:00 pm Phone: 573/823-2569 Text Producer: Rafter 7P Rodeo Productions Emergency#: 314/677-0072
July 29 Location: Montevideo, MN Chippewa County Fair Performance Time: 6:30 pm Added Money: $3000/Buckle Entry Fees: $80 Books open: July 19 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Phone: 320/226-0949 Producer: Great Frontier Bull Riding Co. Stock: Troy Meech Emergency#: 320/226-0947
Ride hard and God bless. We will see ya down the road!
! m E ‘ k c u B Let’s
RESULTS Big Gun Bucking Bulls Springtown, Texas March 7, 2020
YEARLING BULLS Owner Bull Score 1. 2H Bucking Bulls / J&L 909 43.25 2. Risen Cattle Co. 9 X 1 42.25 3. Big Guns Bucking Bulls 19-4 40.25 4. Cooper / Scarborough / Ross / Barcuch / Mullen 973 39.00 5. Klores / Gonzales 192 38.25 6. Stormy Foster 949 38.00 7. TK Bucking Bulls 89 35.25 8. Virgil Partin 0319 33.50 8. Colby Simmons 936 33.50
FUTURITY BULLS Owner Bull Score 1. Outlaw Bucking Bulls 845 44.00 2. 4M Ranch 816 43.75 2. Klores / Gonzales 181 43.75 4. 2H Bucking Bulls / MTZ 812 43.00 4. Bucking Bulls / Rocking M 475 43.00 6. Stacy Hatcher 817 42.50 6. 4G Ranch / Leschyshyn 848 42.50 6. Neil Beckman F3 42.50 9. Terry Starnes 1813 42.25 9. Cooper & Sons Cattle Co. 839/C 42.25
YOUTH FUTURITY Owner Bull Score 1.Big Guns Bucking Bulls 829 43.00 2. Chayden Stephenson 110 42.75 3. Chayden Stephenson 48 37.75 4. Brianna Medecalf 8R 30.00
WOMEN’S FUTURITY Owner Bull Score 1. Storie Sharp 825 42.25 2. Wall Street Cattle 815R 42.00 3. Trista Jackson 802 41.25 4. Shellie Starnes 802 37.25 5. Storie Sharp 809 37.00 6. Kennedy Wylie Bucking Bulls 801 32.00 7. Ramond Henry / Coy 83 24.00 DERBY BULLS Owner Bull Score 1. 01 Cattle Co. / JD Dunn E2-3 44.25 2. Brianna Medecalf 77 43.25 3. 4M Ranch 714 43.00 4. Just For Kicks 730 42.75 5. Raymond Henry 2357 42.50 6. G3 Rodeo Livestock 73 42.25 7. Holmes Jackson Walker 105 41.00 8. Mark Cunningham 95 40.75 9. Just For Kicks 16 38.50 10. 01 Cattle Co. / JD Dunn E21 37.50 TEXAS 85 Owner Bull Score 1. 4G / Ryan Tage 806 85.00 2. 2H Bucking Bulls / J&L 49 84.50 2. Outlaw Bucking Bulls 872 84.50 4. 5AR Cattle Co / McCombs 007F 83.00 5. Raymond Henry CMC8 82.50 6. 4G / Gadots 878 81.50 7. Lidgard / Beers 8948 81.00 8. Just For Kicks 8121 80.50 8. Just For Kicks 83 80.50
Humps-Horns.com · 35 · April 2020
Humps-Horns.com · 36 · April 2020
Humps-Horns.com · 37 · April 2020
National Professional Bull Riders Association News
nyon Bass ampion - Ca h C s a ex T , le 2020 Kingsvil
If you missed the Kingsville, Texas event…it was the “Hottest 8 Seconds of 2020”!! Coors Light brought the National Professional Bull Riders to the J.K. Northway Coliseum again this year for a 2-day event on February 21st & 22nd. This was our 20th year anniversary for this bull riding and we would like to thank all of our sponsors for continuing to support us. We appreciate each one of them. Some have been with us for 20 years and others are new but one thing is for sure the fans love to come out and cheer for not only the bull riders but their sponsors too!! Here’s a list of sponsors for this years’ event: Coors Light, Neessen Chevrolet Buick GMC & Dodge Jeep Ram, Cavender’s, Farmers Exchange, 1st Community Bank, Whataburger, KFTX 97.5 Real County, Ricardo Ranch &
Canyon Ba
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Feed, 94.7 Jalapeno Country, Sensible Care EMS, KingTV69, Kris Communication, Kingsville Chamber of Commerce and City of Kingsville.
Sage Seay - Kingsville Bull Fight
Humps-Horns.com · 38 · April 2020
As with our January event, we had both veteran bull riders along with the young guns working to make a name for themselves…and both made it to the pay window. We are fortunate to have a following that feels they have an equal opportunity and a chance to get to that pay window each and every time. Both nights were filled with thrills and spills and the Monsoon Silver Buckle was awarded to the high money winner of the 2-day event. And it was close…veteran bull rider Robson Aragao, Forney, TX took home $2,168 for the weekend but it was 16-year-
old Canyon Bass, Johnson City, TX that was able to put $2,538 in his pockets along with receiving the Monsoon Silver Trophy Buckle. Congratulations Canyon!! South Texas Freestyle Bull Fights were in the house both performances. The fans love this event because the coliseum is up close to all the action and there is not a bad seat. Sage Seay, Hackberry, LA had two good nights, was number 1 in the average with a 163 and took 1st place. Congratulations to Sage!! Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus, the Galveston County Fair & Rodeo has been cancelled so we will not have the Hitchcock event on April 17th. Will keep you updated for the next event on June 12th & 13th in Refugio, TX. Hot h JH 714 Red es to work wit
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Humps-Horns.com ¡ 39 ¡ April 2020
Photos courtesy of William Kierce kiercephotography.com
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date
Added $
Call-In #
WEEKLY EVENTS Fri / Sat Fort Worth, TX
Fri / Sat
Fort Worth, TX
PRCA/Stockyards Championship Rodeo Billy Bob’s Texas
MARCH Mar 27-28 Mar 28 Mar 28 Mar 28-29
Lincoln, NE Enid, OK Bridgeport, TX Alexandria, LA
PRCA Xtreme Bulls PRCA Xtreme Bulls Cowboy Protection Association Tour PBR Velocity Tour
APRIL Apr 3-4 Apr 3-4 Apr 3-4
Lawton, OK Ivins, UT Alva, OK
Apr 3-4 Apr 3-5 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 5 Apr 11 Apr 11
Rochester, MN Sioux Falls, SD Bakersfield, CA Fredonia, PA Fort Worth, TX Cleveland, TX Bowie, TX Lebanon, MO
EC 48 hrs prior to perf
Humps-Horns.com · 40 · April 2020
PRCA Xtreme Bulls PBR Touring Pro Division Alva Bull Battle V Bullriders of America / Extreme Bull Riding Tour PBR Unleash the Beast Tour PBR Velocity Tour BullRide Mania Tuff Hedeman Bull Riding Tour Backyard Bull Riders Cowboy Protection Association Tour PBR Touring Pro Division
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date Apr 17 Apr 17-18 Apr 17-19 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 22 Apr 22-23 Apr 24-25 Apr 24-26 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 25 Apr 25
Location San Luis Obispo, CA Marshfield, MO Billings, MT Grand Forks, ND Harrisburg, PA Alexandria, MN Clovis, CA Wharton, TX Del Rio, TX Albuquerque, NM Prescott Valley, AZ Hot Springs, AR Wichita, KS Jacksboro, TX
MAY May 1-2 May 2 May 2 May 8-9 May 9 May 9 May 13
Uvalde, TX Fredonia, PA Egypt, TX New Town, ND Cassville, MO Bowie, TX Redding, CA
Added $
Call-In # 417-830-3264
George Paul Memorial Bull Riding
$1,000 $2,000
501-545-0156 817-694-9426
EC 48 hrs prior to perf 4/25 call/text
717-334-7724 979-282-1754
Humps-Horns.com · 41 · April 2020
Assn/Event PBR Velocity Tour Buck Wild Series PBR Unleash the Beast Tour PBR Velocity Tour BullRide Mania Winter Finals NFPB PBR Touring Pro Division PRCA Xtreme Bulls PRCA Xtreme Bulls PBR Unleash the Beast Tour PBR Touring Pro Division Bullriders of America PBR Velocity Tour Cowboy Protection Association Tour
PBR Touring Pro Division BullRide Mania Bucking in the Bottom Bull Bash PBR Touring Pro Division PBR Touring Pro Division Cowboy Protection Association Tour PRCA Xtreme Bulls
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date May 15 May 15 May 15-16 May 16 May 22-23 May 23 May 23 May 29-31 May 30 May 30
Location Guthrie, OK Hibbing, MN Danville, IL Decatur, TX Shipshewana, IN Arcadia, WI Kinmundy, IL Danburry, CT Sheridan, WY Carmi, IL
Added $
Call-In #
$10,000 $10,000
5/3 4/1
6-9pm 320-226-0949 www.rafterzrodeo.com
$1,000 TBA $7500
Assn/Event PBR Velocity Tour NFPB RZR Pro Bull Riding Tour PBR Touring Pro Division PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB NFPB RZR Pro Bull Riding Tour PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB
YOUTH BULL RIDING EVENTS APRIL Apr 4 Apr 4 Apr 10-11 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18-19 Apr 24-26 April 25 Apr 25 Apr 25-26 Apr 26
TBD Alva, OK West Plains, MO Abilene, TX Greenwood, AR Refugio, TX Lenapah, OK Snyder, TX Magnolia, AR Canadian, TX Whitney, TX
MAY May 9 May 16 May 23
Pineville, LA Snyder, TX Whitney, TX
Tu-Th prior 9am-9pm 3/1 1pm
Tu-Th prior 9am-9pm 4/13 6-9pm
682-500-2575 580-465-7673
Text / Call
Tu-Th prior 9am-9pm 4/1-15 Sunday prior to event 5-9pm
903-754-1034 620-391-2069
Tu-Th prior 9am-9pm
$2,000 $6,000
Sunday prior to event
Subscribe today online or by phone www.humps-horns.com 325-500-BULL (2855)
Humps-Horns.com · 42 · April 2020
Built God Tough Roughstock Series IMBA / Alva Bull Battle V IMBA/ Ozark Family Rodeo Built God Tough Roughstock Series IMBA TCJBR South Region Tumble I Rodeo Mini’s Buck School TCJBR West Region Built God Tough Roughstock Series IMBA/ Jr NFR / Jr American TCJBR Central Region
Built God Tough Roughstock Series TCJBR West Region TCJBR Central Region
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date Location May 23-24 Refugio, TX
Added $
Call-In #
Assn/Event TCJBR South Region
BUCKING BULL EVENTS APRIL Apr 4 Apr 11 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 18 Apr 25-26
Stephenville, TX Vinita, OK Tulare, CA Attica, KS Hurricane, UT Duncan, OK
MAY May 2 May 9 May 15-16 May 16 May 23 May 23 May 23 May 30
La Junta, CO Decatur, TX Decatur, TX Reno, NV Granbury, TX Attica, KS Elko, NV Vinita, OK
4/18-4/25 4/20-4/27 4/27-5/4 4/27-5/4 5/4-5/11 TBA EC 5/8
ABBI 417-529-8453 ABBI Sanctioned goldcoastbuckingbulls.com ABBI Sanctioned / GCBBA Text / call 620-243-3043 ABBI Sanctioned ABBI Sanctioned / WSBBA ABBI
620-243-3043 Text / call
ABBI Sanctioned ABBI/ American Heritage South ABBI / (Derby / Classic) ABBI/ American Heritage West ABBI ABBI Sanctioned ABBI / WSBBA ABBI / Evolution Bull Competitions
Events highlighted in yellow have ads in this issue of Humps N Horns for more information.
Humps-Horns.com · 43 · April 2020
Practice Pens
JACKSONVILLE, NC - Aleck Barnard, Elite Cowboy Rodeo Assoc., Onslow Rodeo Arena, 6pm Every Other Sunday, Call First, 910-381-8597
NEW MARKET, AL - EC Hunt, 5:30pm Sun., 256-683-8169 BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, Anytime, Call First, 870-307-9923 CONWAY, AR - Mark Lindsey, Ride & Shine Cattle Company, Anytime, Call First, 501-730-4557 ELFRIDA, AZ - D Davis Bucking Bulls, 4pm Sat., Call First, 520-642-3737 LINCOLN, CA - B Bar Ranch, B Bar Indoor Arena, Rain or Shine, All Rough Stock, 916-206-4059 MARYSVILLE, CA - PacWest, 5pm Wed., Steers & Bulls, Call First, 530-751-6643 FRESNO, CA - Toro Bravo Arena, Thur. by appt., Call First, 559-577-2445 ELIZABETH, CO - Tuff Garcia, Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Mon., Rain or Shine, 970-846-0788 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO - Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Wed., Apr-Nov., 970-846-6828/3354 ALDEN, IA - Circle C Rodeo, 6pm Wed., Rain or Shine, Call for alternate dates 641-373-3625
Do You Have a Livestock Layover or Practice Pen? List it for FREE in the Classifieds.
WOODBINE, IA - Tom & Kristina Kelley, every Sun. (weather permitting). Beginner - rank bulls. Call 712-5922493
Call our office at 325-500-BULL (2855)
KENDALLVILLE, IN - B Bar A Bucking Bulls, Heidi Speicher, 7pm Every Thur, Call First, 260-564-5864/Troy
For More Information on listing your facilities
JACKSONVILLE, IL - Lazy C Rodeo, 10am-3pm Sun., Rain or shine, Call First, 217-245-8280
Humps-Horns.com · 44 · April 2020
CHANDLER, OK - JAM Bulls, 2pm Sun., 7pm Wed., Call First, 405-570-9010 SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hour notice, Rain or Shine, 307-461-1741 EAGLEVILLE, TN - BF Cattle Company, 2pm Sun., Jackpot, Call First, 615-336-4313 EMORY, TX - Oakes & Greene’s, 7pm Wed., 903-348-8630 LORENA, TX - Rocking S Ranch, Tue., Jackpot, Call First, 254-716-0779 MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, 4pm Sun/6pm Wed., $5 at the gate to ride as many as you want, 817-223-3692 SIMMS, TX - Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 7pm Every Other Thur., 903-543-3025 PETROLIA, TX - Norris Dalton, 7pm Wed., 940-733-3020 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, Call First, 940-393-3730 NOCONA, TX - 4x Arena, Call First, 501-944-1907 STEPHENVILLE, TX - Young Arena, every Sunday 2:30pm (rain or shine). $5 at gate to ride as many as you want or to watch. Variety of bulls - beginners to rank. Young Arena Facebook page or call Mike Young 254-967-2313 NOCONA, TX - Locke Bucking Bulls, Call First, 940-872-0733
Livestock Layovers BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, White River Rodeo, 870-307-9923
CLASSIFIEDS Livestock Layovers RAYMOND, IL - Randy Littrell, Shop Creek Cattle, 217-556-0551 MARYSVILLE, KS - Gary Hershey, 4H Bucking Bulls and Marysville Sale Barn, Call First, 785-292-4952 LAKE CHARLES, LA - Keith Strickland, Deep South Rodeo Genetics, 337-304-1493 SALEM, MO - Hwy 32 & 72, Salem Livestock Auction, 573-729-8880 HELENA, MT - Jim Horne, Bull Horne Ranch, 406-459-5706 FERNLEY, NV - Nathan Pudsey, Circle P Bucking Bulls, 775-750-2168 CLAYTON, NM - Justin Keeth, Lazy J 3 Bucking Bulls, 575-447-0877 BETHESDA, OH - 15 Miles off I-70, TCB Ranch, 304-281-4530 SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hours notice, 307-461-1741 BOX ELDER, SD - Gus “Duane” Aus, Lazy Heart O Ranch, 605-923-3426 BUCHANAN, TN - Parsons & Milam 731-642-8346 CLARKSVILLE, TX - Brian Agnew, BA Livestock, 903-669-9189 DUBLIN, TX - Mike Godfrey, Godfrey 4X Cattle, 817-235-2852 MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, JC Knapp Rodeo, 817-223-3692 MIDLAND, TX - Ted Norton, Norton Bucking Bulls, 432-413-8433 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, 940-393-3730 SIMMS, TX - Near I-30 Texarkana, Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 863-381-2799
Livestock Layovers
CHEYENNE, WY - Floyd & Ann Thomas, TTnT Ranch, 307-778-8806
WINNERS RODEO SUPPLY - Gary Leffews Dare to Be Great DVD $45.00 or I am Hot DVD $35.00-free shipping. Also some remaining Hotman and Lostroh bullropes plus all other bullriding gear. Gold Buckle Rodeo Supply rodeo@wk.net 320-328-4000 Dealers wanted !!
Free bull riding tips on Facebook at Gary Leffew Bullriders Only. 14 World Champions and counting! Learn the guru’s winning techniques: Bull riding drills and mental tricks for a smokin’ hot career! FMI and to register for school, visit
RENOWNED HIGH QUALITY BULL ROPE DickCarrBullRopes.com, PO Box 18, Elk City, OK. 73648, 1-580-225-3208, Be Blessed. Custom Bull Ropes www.jwebullropes.com John Eddleman 575-388-3346
2020 Schedule Annville, PA- Apr 3-5 Monahans, TX - Apr 8-12 Brighton, CO - May 15-17
call JD FORD to sign up 720-989-7092
Greenville,TX - June 10-14 (R&B incl) Elgin, IL - Oct 2-4 Tonopah, AZ - Oct 16-18
Humps-Horns.com · 45 · April 2020
PROFESSIONAL QUALITY BULLROPES Raymond Branch, Custom Braider Maker of World, NFR, & PBR Champion Bullropes Strictly custom-braided to your specifications. (928) 289-9611 www.mypqb.com
Western Wanderings CHAPS I wear a pair of bat-wing chaps They’re leather, old and worn They keep my legs from getting cut My jeans from getting torn.
“I want you to have my lucky coin,” He said, with a gleam in his eye. “My grandad gave that coin to me, right before he died.”
I need them ‘cause I ride my horse From dawn to dusk most days I punch them cows and chase ‘em down Through cactus, brush and sage
He slowly stood and unbuckled his chaps, took them off, and said, “Take these, too. You’re a real good hand, and you’ll wear them well, “I’m really quite proud of you.”
My chaps are stained as dark as dirt The fringe hangs loose and free The pocket holds a small gold piece A lucky coin for me
My old cowboy grandad then said with a grin, “I hope you are up to the test “Cause tomorrow I’m hangin’ up my spurs Time to give these old bones a rest.”
Around the campfire years ago My grandad looked at me Then handed me a dollar coin That was dated 1853.
So I strapped on grandad’s old, worn chaps He was cowboy through and through I started to feel about ten feet tall Cause I’m a cowboy too.
By Kelly B. Robbins