$4.99 USD JUN 2019
Humps N Horns June 2019
On The Cover - The bull riders from the MBR showcased their talents at the Chris Shivers Invitational II in Jonesville, Louisiana.
Photo by Phillip Kitts / Avid Visual Imagery
Humps-Horns.com ¡ 4 ¡ June 2019
HUMPS N HORNS® BULL RIDING MAGAZINE PO Box 34172 Fort Worth, TX 76162 325-500-BULL (2855) www.humps-horns.com
Publisher/Owner stacie@humps-horns.com
Terry Blake
Editor in Chief/Owner terry@humps-horns.com
ADVERTISING ads@humps-horns.com
20 Bobby Dykes
The Man With the Best Seat in the House
24 Dalton Krantz
Barbara Pinnella barbara@humps-horns.com
28 Stormy Wing
Another Promising Young Gun
Accepts Doctor’s Advice and Says It Is Time to Retire
30 Miniature Bull Riders Take Jonesville By Storm
Also In This Issue Bull Pen 20 Classifieds 45 Country Kitchen 15 Inspiration Point 14 Livestock Layovers 44 Outside the Arena
Practice Pens
Real Time Pain Relief for Real People 12 Talking Bull w/ Brayden 7 Through My Eyes 8 Where’s the Beef 40 Humps-Horns.com · 5 · June 2019
Andy Gregory Director of Photography andy@humps-horns.com
CONTRIBUTORS Georgia Akers Justin Felisko Barbara Pinnella Keno Shrum
Andy Gregory Phillip Kitts Kelly B. Robbins Andy Watson
Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine reserves the right to alter, edit or reject all advertisement or editorial for it’s content, clarity, and/or length. Viewpoints expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine. No material may be reprinted or reproduced without first obtaining permission from the publisher and/or editor in chief. All advertisement, editorials, letters, and press releases are accepted with the understanding that the representative, advertiser, and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents of submitted material. Not responsible for errors or omissions in any advertisement. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine will not assume responsibility for any late publication due to the printer, the USPS, or an act of God. Under no circumstances will Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine be held liable for acts of privacy, plagiarism, copyright, or trademark infringements. Material submitted for publication becomes the property of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine and will not be returned unless prior arrangements are made. USPS #022-617 Periodicals Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine, PO Box 34172, Fort Worth, TX 76162. ISSN1554-0162. Publication Number 022-617. ©All rights reserved. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine 2015
Letter from the Editor In the words of a country song, “it’s sweet summer time” and rodeos and bull ridings are in full swing. I encourage you to make some memories with your friends and family; take a road trip to an event you haven’t seen before. It’s always a fun way to visit some new parts of our great country, experience new cultures, explore some of the local sights, and enjoy the greatest sport on dirt. We are excited about the June issue of Humps N Horns. I think you will find some intersting articles from our team and we hope you truly enjoy reading them. One of our goals is to introduce you to some of the folks who work behind the scenes to make these bull riding events a success and this month we have the opportunity to introduce you to Bobby Dykes who is the man behind the out gate at the PBR Unleash the Beast events. It seems like a small job but I promise you it’s important to make sure it’s done right to prevent injury to both the bull rider and the animal athlete. Trust me, I’ve been to events before where the gate was opened for the bull to leave while the guy was still riding him! We also like to give you a chance to meet some of the up and coming riders, as well. This month we are happy to present an article on Dalton Krantz. I first saw his name on the pages of our magazine back in January where he was at the top of the Bullriders of America season standings. We saw him in Oklahoma where he did really well at the Bull Riders Inc. Finals and then on to the L.J.
Jenkins Tour Finals in Joplin, Missouri where he was riding bulls with a cast boot on his leg and no spur. Since then he has been climbing the ranks of the PBR through the Touring Pro Division events and his debut on the Unleash the Beast tour in Billings, MT. It will be fun to watch this young man’s career. For all you dads out there, Happy Father’s Day! It’s not always easy being a dad and our society today doesn’t always seem to honor or respect the role of a father as it has in the past but I will guarantee you that it is worth the effort. Thanks for being there for your children and doing all you can to influence the next generation. Until next time, Terry
Humps-Horns.com · 6 · June 2019
Talking “Bull” with Brayden The bull did not have its usual trip but it was a great bull ride. In the 15-17 division, the only qualified ride was Chris Villanueva and he rode Chacho for 88 points to win the round. The people moving on were Parker Crenshaw, JW Nunn, John Crimber, Dax Reed, Chris Villanueva, and Tucker Shanklin.
Hi my name is Brayden Hollywood Brown and I’m a miniature bull rider. Today we’re going to talk about my trip to Uvalde for the Cactus Jack PBR. I will recap the PBR and the Mini Jack. Let’s get into it. I don’t know what was up but there were some great riders and a lot of them bucked off. J.B. Mauney showed up but was still nursing a injury, Jess Lockwood made his debut back to competition, Joao Ricardo Vieira, Jake Lockwood, Emilio Resende, and Denner Barbosa. I think that the bulls weren’t rank enough for them. In round one of the PBR, Denner Barbosa rode Eight Ball for 84.50 points and Jess Lockwood rode Hospitality Tent for 84.50 points. I think he should have been a little bit more on points but over all a great bull ride. Adriano Salgado rode Captain for 85 points. The round winner was Eduardo Aparecido who rode California Mudder for 88 points. This was a great bull ride; going into his hand. This was a practice pen bull ride for Aparecido.
In round 2 of the PBR Adriana Salgado rode Black Night for 86 points . Alan de Sousa rode Diamond Cutter for 86 points. Chance Lopez rode California Mudder for 87 points to win round number 2. It was the round winner bull from round one and another great bull ride from Chance. Although he only had one qualified ride, he finished fifth in the event. During intermission the top two riders in each division of Mini Jack Riders got to ride in the PBR. JW Nunn and Parker Crenshaw both bucked off but the time went to Parker Crenshaw so he got the buckle. In the end JW Nunn won the event.Dax Reed rode his way to 85 points. In the end John Crimber rode Airtime for 90 points to win the average! Chris Villanueva rode his bull to the whistle for 88 points to win the 15-17 age group. In the championship round of the PBR there were no qualified rides but Adriano Salgado was in the lead at the time so he won the event. With 60.50 World points and over $8,000 he went home with a smile on his face. Thank you for reading I look forward to writing to you each month to find out more about me go to my Facebook page it is @ BraydenHollywoodBrown Thank you, Brayden Hollywood Brown
The next morning they had a short devotion and then it was the mini bull riders turn to draw our bulls. In the 9-11 age group, I had Black Magic but was bucked off when he went to the left and I got tipped into my hand. Parker Crenshaw was bucked off by Tazz at the whistle. The only qualified ride was JW Nunn who rode Winston for 76.50 points for the round win. In the 12-14 year olds, Damian Krushal rode Spinner for 81.50 points for third place. Dax Reed was second in the round on the bull Big Tex for 84.25 points. John Crimber rode Houston for 85 points for the round one win.
Brayden Brown on Black Magic at the Cactus Jack Foundation Mini Jack Invitational in Uvalde,Texas. Photo by Shelly Lynn Photography
Humps-Horns.com · 7 · June 2019
The Last Will Be First I read something that made me think. Some “spiritual” people don’t want the truth of the Gospel message to be as simple as the “Finished Work of Christ”. That would mean that those less spiritual will reap the same benefits as them even though the others haven’t put in the “extra” work. Jesus settled it with supernatural authority so we never have to question it’s validity. I seem to remember reading a parable dealing with that very issue. “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, he did the same. And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’ And when evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius.
Now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more, but each of them also received a denarius. And on receiving it they grumbled at the master of the house, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’ So the last will be first, and the first last.” (Matthew 20:1-16) It’s in the Fathers hands as to how He treats His children and He chooses to treat us equal. Jesus Loves You! Cody Custer
Humps-Horns.com · 8 · June 2019
Subscribe today online or by phone www.humps-horns.com 325-500-BULL (2855)
MBR rider at the Chris Shivers Invitational II in Jonesville, LA. Photo by Phillip Kitts / Avid Visual Imagery.
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Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include: • Joint pain and stiffness • Fatigue • Fever • Joint swelling • Loss of appetite • Weight loss The inflammation that occurs in the synovium can also develop in other areas of the body and lead to additional symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, about 40 percent of people that have rheumatoid arthritis develop symptoms that do not affect the joints. Instead, symptoms may affect the lungs, skin, heart, or other organs.
Dealing with rheumatoid arthritis? Here are 6 tips to get some relief! What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling, stiffness, and painful joints. Unlike osteoarthritis, it is not caused by wear and tear to the joints. Instead, it is considered an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system attacks the body by mistake. Typically, when the immune system kicks in, it does so to fight bacteria or a virus that might lead to an infection. The cells released fight the pathogen to prevent you from getting sick. But with an autoimmune disorder, bacteria or a virus is not present. The immune system mistakenly attacks the cells. With rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system attacks the synovium, which is the lining around the joints. The result is inflammation, which leads to pain and stiffness. Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis often come and go. For example, a person may experience a flare-up of symptoms for a few weeks or longer. Symptoms might then decrease or completely resolve for a period and come back later. Remission time without symptoms can vary widely.
Causes and Risk Factors The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, certain factors increase a person’s risk of the disease. Risk factors include: Age: Although rheumatoid arthritis develops at all ages, it is more common as people approach middle age and older. Gender: Women develop rheumatoid arthritis up to three times as often as men according to the CDC. Smoking: Some research indicates that smoking increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Obesity: The more overweight a person is, the higher their risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. 6 Tips to Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis may include various medications to ease inflammation. It’s essential to see a doctor for appropriate treatment to prevent complications that may affect other areas of the body. In addition to medical treatment, there are some self-help and at-home treatments that can ease symptoms including: #1) Eat Anti-inflammatory Foods According to the Arthritis Foundation, there is no one diet that treats or cures rheumatoid arthritis. But, certain foods may help decrease inflammation in the body. Foods that may help include fruits, fish, olive oil, and vegetables. Decrease foods that promote inflammation, such as fried foods and foods high in sugar. #2) Use a Pain-Relieving Bath Bomb Rheumatoid arthritis often causes pain in many joints. One way to target several joints at one time is to soak in a warm tub with a pain-relieving bath bomb. Bath bombs that contain arnica are an excellent option to ease discomfort. Other great ingredients to look for are chamomile, willow bark, turmeric, and wasabi extract.
Humps-Horns.com · 12 · June 2019
#3) Exercise Gently It would seem that exercise may not ease joint pain, but according to Harvard Medical School, studies have shown that regular exercise can decrease fatigue and improve range of motion for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Take precautions to avoid jarring exercises that may stress the joints. Instead, do activities, such as walking, water aerobics, and yoga. Ask your doctor about what type of exercises are best for your situation. A physical therapist is also a good resource for specific exercises to ease the pain. #4) Use Heat Heat can be a great natural way to ease pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Since pain is often widespread and may affect several joints at the same time, you may have to rotate the heating pad. Also, it may be helpful to take a long warm shower or sit in a whirlpool. Try to incorporate warming techniques into the day, especially in the morning when joints may be particularly stiff. For example, place your clothes in the dryer before getting dressed. #5) Apply a Topical Pain Relief Lotion The Arthritis Foundation recommends using a topical pain relief lotion to ease the pain of arthritis including
rheumatoid arthritis. When choosing a lotion, select one with ingredients such as menthol or trolamine salicylate, which help decrease pain. #6) Consider Assisted Devices As Needed During symptom flare-ups, it might be helpful to use certain assistive devices. For example, tools, such as grab bars may make it easier to do things around the home. Shoe inserts may also be useful to provide extra support for the feet. The added support can help mobility if the joints are unstable. Using braces and splints on painful joints may also ease pain and give the joints a chance to rest.
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Humps-Horns.com · 13 · June 2019
Inspiration Point
The great victory led him to make an ephod of gold and this symbol of God’s power and victory became a SNARE. How quickly Gideon began to worship the blessing of God instead of the God of the blessings. The blessing of God became a snare for Gideon. How about you? What in your life has become a SNARE? Is there something in your life that God has blessed you with that has stolen your heart?
by Keno Shrum
Beware of the SNARE The gold earrings that Gideon had asked for weighed about fortythree pounds—and that didn’t include the crescents and pendants, the purple robes worn by the Midianite kings, and the ornaments hung around the necks of their camels. (Judges 8:26) Gideon, the reluctant leader, led the people of Israel to great victory. God had called him a mighty man of valor while he was hiding in fear. God told Gideon He could use him to deliver the nation of Israel from the oppression of the Midianites. God did exactly what He said He would do and Gideon became a mighty man of valor. I am sure you have heard the statement, to the victor go the spoils. I believe that is how it is said. The verse above tells us that they collected 43 pounds of gold. This didn’t include all of it but it did represent the spoils of victory.
This story, like a lot of stories in the Bible doesn’t really have a happy ending. I believe it is a warning for all of us. Success could be your snare. God’s blessings could become your snare. If you have turned your eyes, and your pursuits to other (g)ods it is time to put your focus and your passion back where it belongs. “Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle.” After all, there may still be some land mines scattered around! -Andrew Bonar Guest article written by Jon Haley, Hallmark Baptist Church - Fort Worth, Texas
God had called Gideon to deliver His people because they had began worshipping Baal. They had done exactly what they were not supposed to do, they had other gods before the true God. They did exactly what their parents and grandparents had done. The patter of the nation of Israel was to worship the gods of the culture that surrounded them and then get in deep trouble and cry out to God. God would then rescue them and then they would go back to having other gods besides the one true God that had delivered them. Surely this would not be the case of this reluctant leader. Surely Gideon would keep God as his priority. Gideon went from hiding trying to get enough food to eat to the respected leader of the nation. He went from poverty to power. He went from obscurity to the fame of a king. He went from nothing to something. He would definitely continue to follow and pursue GOD, wouldn’t he? Then Gideon made it into an ephod and set it up in his city, Ophrah. And all Israel played the harlot with it there. It became a snare to Gideon and to his house. (Judges 8:27) At this point the man of faith led the people into idolatry; for Gideon made an ephod, and the people “played the harlot” with it (v. 27, nkjv). This meant that they stopped giving their true devotion to the Lord and used the ephod for an idol. In Scripture, idolatry is looked upon as prostitution (Isa. 50:1-3; 54:6-8; Jer. 2:1-3; 3:lff; Hosea 2; James 4:4; Rev. 2:4). Gideon may have made the ephod as a representation of Jehovah, to “help the people” in their worship, but a good motive can never compensate for a bad action. He knew it was wrong to make an idol (Ex. 20:4-6). Bible Exposition Commentary (BE Series) - Old Testament
Humps-Horns.com · 14 · June 2019
Slow Cooker Pulled Pork INGREDIENTS
• • • •
1. Place the pork tenderloin in a slow cooker 2. Pour the root beer over the meat. 3. Cover and cook on low until well cooked and the pork shreds easily, 6 to 7 hours. 4. Drain well. 5. Stir in barbecue sauce. 6. Serve over hamburger buns.
1 (2 pound) pork tenderloin 1 (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle root beer 1 (18 ounce) bottle your favorite barbecue sauce 8 hamburger buns
Submitted by Liza M. - Birmingham, AL
Send us your favorite recipe to bullnews@humps-horns.com
Humps-Horns.com · 15 · June 2019
Outside the Arena with...
H.D. Page By Georgia Akers
Okay trivia fans, Mossy Oak Mudslinger, Brutus, Margy Time, Stone Sober, Sweet Pro’s Long John and Sweet Pro’s Bruiser: What do they all have in common? Answer: They come from one of the most awesome and successful stock contractors- The Pages. I know my partner Cody Hebert and I have bought heifers from the Pages due to their program. One had been pasture exposed to Bruiser. Now with pasture bred you are not sure. I do not think I have ever wished for anything more and how happy I was when the cow had a little bull calf that looked just like his dad. He is still growing so we will have to see if he lives up to the family bloodlines. I had an opportunity to corral H.D. Page and interview him. This is a man who is constantly busy and on the go with the best bulls in the business. Thank you H.D. for giving me some of your time.
Tell us about the family background. How did you get into raising bucking bulls? I got my start as a bull rider. Eventually we (My dad Dillon and myself) starting putting sets of females together and raising our own. Dillon oversees the entire ranch including all the farming and will jump in a truck to haul bulls to a rodeo or bull riding when needed. My sister, Johna Page Bland, runs the office and is in charge of most everything behind the scenes from registering calves to putting together the sales. My role is the cattle themselves. That includes starting the calves, hauling to events, choosing the breeding bulls etc. We have been in the business for over 30 years. What about your children? Any future stock contractors? I have one stepson age 23 and two daughters 19 and 14. Cash
Humps-Horns.com · 16 · June 2019
is an avid hunter and is working on his real estate license. He helps us at the ranch and goes to a few events. Kenadea is in school at Oklahoma University and is an aspiring model. Karley is going into the 8th grade this year and is interested in anything sports related: bulls, horses, basketball, track. She is game for it all. What bull was the foundation of your bloodline/herd? We really look at our females as the foundation on our program. Our original set of heifers came from Larry Kephart. The first set of calves off those cows were sired by Super Dave. The first live calf we ever raised on the ranch was 01, the sire to Mossy Oak Mudslinger. Tell us about you and your background? I rode bulls and was extremely passionate about it but couldn’t stay healthy. Bucking these bulls is as close to that as I have been able to come as far as the adrenaline rush goes. I cannot really imagine doing anything else. You have raised some of the greatest bulls. What do you think has caused your success on a regular basis?
The quality of animals we have to work with, but that comes from the work everyone here puts into this. We have made a lot of sacrifices to get to this point. We don’t do a lot of things other people do. It is a full time job. These animals are our lives. When do you start bucking the bulls? What is your training program? We try to start in the beginning of the year with the yearlings. We will show them the arena without bucking them a time or two and then we buck them with a dummy a number of times before our Yearling Bull Sale in June and prepare them for their futurity careers. At what age can you tell if you have a really special bull? At times you know the first time you buck them as yearlings. At other times it takes them time to mature. It just depends on the bull. What do you look for to determine if they will be special? They have to have the kick, speed and ability to get off the ground with their front end. Plus they have to do it all right in the gate area. That’s the criteria the judges are looking for and what makes one really good. What makes one great is more about their heart. How many days a year are you traveling with the bulls? We are gone nearly every weekend and sometimes to multiple events.
Humps-Horns.com · 17 · June 2019
What is the logistics of traveling with a trailer full of bulls? What plans have to be made? On days where we are traveling more than one day, we try to keep it down to 12 hours on the truck. We then stop and let them out to eat, drink and sleep for the night. Choosing a spot to layover depends on the route, weather, etc. If the weather is bad, we prefer to find a covered spot to lay over such as a sale barn. It is a safe bet. Fellow stock contractors are a great help when a spot to lay over is needed. How much does the cow’s bloodline enter into having a great bull? We believe that it is as important as what the bull’s sire is. Our entire program has been built off a select few female lines. You have various partners on your bulls. Do you select the bull for the partner? What are the terms? At times, mostly it is based on their budget. The majority of our partnerships come from people buying into our ½ interest yearling bulls at our yearling bull sale. As a partner, they can expect their bull to be treated as an individual and as he evolves in his training and hauling, he will be evaluated each time they buck. We work hard from the time we start these calves to learn their individual personalities and understand what each needs to be successful. We also want to know when they are not going to meet the standards of competition.
Our partners are responsible for the event entry fees while we are responsible for the care and training. We split the winnings 50/50 What bull that you have had has really stood out and why? We have been blessed with a bunch of standouts, but I think Sweetpro’s Bruiser has been our biggest standout. Mossy Oak Mudslinger, Sweetpro’s Long John and Shepherd Hills Tested are others that have really stood out Which bull had/has the most personality? What was/is he like? Bruiser for sure. He makes it pretty fun to walk in the barn in the morning to hear him talking at you. He makes my job easy because he truly likes his. How do you choose the names for your bulls? I usually do not name them until I am familiar enough to find a name that fits them. Partners also enjoy naming them and in those cases I am happy to go with that. Sometimes their names mean a lot to them! If someone was interested in getting into this business, what advice would you give them? Get around some people who are successful and watch how they feed, handle and interact with their cattle. Study what is working and base what you purchase off of that quality of cattle and adjust to fit your budget.
Humps-Horns.com · 18 · June 2019
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... g n i c u trod
Bobby Dykes
By Kelly B. Robbins
The PBR has sure come a long way since it’s humble beginning in 1992, where 20 visionary bull riders met together in a crowded Arizona motel room and each put up $1,000 to start the Professional Bull Riders. Their goal was to offer bull riding, the most popular event of a rodeo, as a standalone sport. They wanted the fans to be able to see the best of the best riders and bovine athletes compete. They also wanted to offer more prize money to the bull riders. Since then, it has grown into an international organization, holding over 300 events at three different levels in the United States, paying out over $200 million in prize money. They also hold events in Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Australia.
There are many folks who work for the PBR behind the scenes, staging these events and helping the PBR to move like the welloiled machine that it has become. Humps N Horns would like to introduce you to one of the cowboys who help to make the PBR the success that it is. Meet Bobby Dykes. Bobby operates the arena out-gate, where each bull exits after the eight second buzzer sounds. “I work the out-gate, my main job during the event,” Bobby shared. “I also keep up with the bull load orders, to make sure the right bulls are loaded into the chutes at the right time. I keep in touch with Jerome Robinson for the re-ride bulls, too. We don’t want to show a bull running off on television!” “I’ve been with the PBR for six years. But I’m only working part time for them now,” Bobby revealed. “I work for IMS Productions out of Indianapolis, who provide services for CBS Sports. I drive their production equipment truck to all the PBR events. After getting the truck set up, I then go to work for the PBR, helping set up the chutes, check-in the bulls, and generally get ready for the event. I also help train the new guys. I enjoy it because I’ve got the best seat in the house.” “I live in a hole-in-the-wall town called Crane, Missouri,” Bobby said. “I was born and raised in Willard, Missouri. I rode bucking broncs and bulls in high school. I was then a bull fighter for many years.” Bobby recently started working for Shorty Gorham’s American Freestyle Bullfighting as the out-gate man. “I love watching those bull fights,” Bobby declared. “If I was 20 years younger and a few pounds lighter, I would love to step back out in the arena and fight those bulls.” When Marco Eguchi rode Spotted Demon for 94 points to win the event title at the 2018 PBR Unleash the Beast
Humps-Horns.com · 20 · June 2019
World Finals in Las Vegas last November, he was knocked out cold before he could get off the bull. He fell to the ground and didn’t move. Bobby’s bullfighting training and instincts took over, and he immediately ran from his position at the out-gate and laid across Marco’s body, so Spotted Demon couldn’t step on him until the bullfighters got there. “When it happened, I just reacted,” Bobby said. “I stay really alert on that gate. It was just a reaction. When I play it over in my head, it gives me cause for pause.” “I’m very blessed to still be involved in this business after 30 years,” Bobby continued. “I work with the best group of guys out there every weekend. It makes you step your game up that much more. It’s a family. It’s my road family. We look out for each other. It keeps things in check.” “I’ve also got two boys at home. Wyatt is 19 years old and Garrett is 15 years old. My boys are the most important thing my life. Garrett is learning to fight bulls, and I have the privilege of helping him to train. The folks around bull riding treat my boys like they are family too. Frank Newsome gave Garrett a vest to wear. He told him not to bring it back without some dents in it! My son absolutely loved it.”
Bobby Dykes with sons, Wyatt and Garrett.
“I think the best part of my job is just being around the folks who make up the sport,” Bobby reflected. “I really enjoy watching some of the zanier cowboys interact with the fans. It really makes a difference that folks get to meet and greet the bull riders they look up to so much. These guys know where they come from and are very appreciative of the fan support of our sport. Most of these guys grew up riding bulls. I’ve watched some of today’s big-name riders when they were kids riding calves.”
Bobby Dykes with Flint Rasmussen. Photo courtesy of Bull Stock Media.
“The worst part of my job is when a cowboy gets hurt. Losing Mason was really hard. He was a friend of the family and lived not far from us. He was over to the house right before Christmas. I worked with his dad in the summers. I have to say that my hat is off to PBR CEO Sean Gleason for the excellent way he handled the whole situation, especially trying to protect Abby. He really stepped up and handled it with class.”
Humps-Horns.com · 21 · June 2019
Bobby Dykes goes over some of the details of the Mason Lowe Invitational in Cassville, Missouri with the safety man Stu Crow (above), Brady Sims and Chase Outlaw (top right) and Lucas Teodoro (bottom right). “My boys and I are going to work the Mason Lowe Invitational this weekend (May 11, 2019) in Cassville, Missouri.” This PBR Touring Pro Division event is being held at the Bill Hailey Arena and is being presented by Heald Pro Bulls and Motiv8 Sports Group. This event is to honor Mason and his family and celebrate his love and passion for the sport of bull riding. Chase Outlaw, Mason’s best friend and current number two bull rider in the world, will be competing. “Bull riding is a sport where every weekend we are making history,” Bobby concluded. “Each cowboy is writing his own story each week. I really like being around the bulls, too. They all have different personalities, just like people. I hope to start raising some bulls again soon. I’d like to stay involved with bull riding as long as I’m physically able.”
Humps-Horns.com · 22 · June 2019
BULL RIDERS - Make sure you plan to enter the WildThing Championship Bull Riding in Gallup, New Mexico! The event will be held on July 12-13 and call in for entries is June 27. Over the past 14 years, anyone who has made the whistle gets a nice check with a guaranteed $10,000 to first place. You can see their ad on page 3 for more details. Photo by Becenti Photography
Another Promising Young Gun -
Dalton Krantz By Barbara Pinnella
Photos by Olivia Erenberger Photography
Nineteen-year-old Dalton Krantz is one of very few involved in the sport of bull riding that can proclaim he has experienced rodeo even before he was born. You might even say he rode barrel horses before bulls. His mother Robbie was a barrel racer and she was roughly eight months pregnant with him while still competing! To take it one step further, Robbie briefly involved herself in another aspect of the rodeo game. “My mom’s been on a few bulls when she was younger,” Dalton told us. “I don’t know why she did it; she is just tougher than the rest, I guess. So, it kind of started with her. And we’ve always been involved in rodeo. My uncle has done the Wild Horse Races, I’ve always been around it. Two weeks after I was born, I was at a rodeo watching it. I got into the bull riding side of it and I loved it.” He said that his parents are supportive of his decision, and have
been behind him since he started at the age of five. His first time getting on something was also a bit different. Rather than getting on a sheep as is often the case, he climbed on a little roping steer. “They were roping it, and pinned it up against the fence and I climbed on. We threw a little rope on it, just a lead rope, and they told me to just try to stay on. That was the beginning. I first competed when I was about six at a hometown deal in Dayton. I was getting on calves.” Billings, Montana was the first time that Krantz competed in a televised PBR event, the Billings Invitational. That is also the time in his young bull riding career that stands out the most for him. He had been watching the PBR for as long as he can remember, so this was an especially pivotal moment for him. He earned that spot in part because of a great showing and subsequent victory in a Touring Pro event at Fort Worth. “Just being on the Unleash The Beast tour, that is something I have always wanted to do since I was a kid. So being able to be on it already has been a thrill for me. I wasn’t really nervous about it. I have also been on the Velocity Tour and I love those. They have been really good for me so far. I don’t think I have gone to one yet and not placed.” Dalton had already proved he could be successful before those PBR events, however. In 2018 he won the Bull Riders of America title, which is a Midwest bull riding tour. He was also their Rookie of the Year.
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Photo courtesy of Bull Stock Media.
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His mother is not the only one who is tough. Just a week after his win in Fort Worth, Krantz broke his left fibula at another Touring Pro event, this one in Rainsville, Alabama. Not only did it not bother him, he went on to ride at L.J. Jenkins Bull Riding Tour Finals held in Joplin, Missouri with a cast on his leg. For his efforts he received a qualified ride.
Weekend Bull Fest in Shipshewana, Indiana. In the past, Dalton has driven to all of the events, but that looks as if it will change.
Like any young man in the sport of bull riding, Krantz has both short and long-term plans for his future.
Dalton described himself as someone who is easy-going and likes to have a good time, and he is living his dream right now. The next time you see him at an event take a moment to say hello to this personable young man. You won’t regret it. Humps N Horns Bull Riding Magazine wishes him all the best in what certainly looks to be a long career.
“As of now I want to be in the top 35 consistently for a season or two. Long term is to have three or four World titles.” There is not much that Dalton does other than focus on bull riding. When he is not riding bulls at an event, he is home working at honing his craft. There is a place near to where he lives that has some bulls that he can use as practice bulls.
“I think I’ve decided now that if the events are more than 10 hours away, I’m going to start flying to them, but if they are less than that, I will drive.”
While on the road locally he travels with some of his buddies. He works with them as well, helping them to branch out and get to the point that he is. He told us that there are a lot of young guys coming out of his area in Iowa. When asked who he would hand-pick to get on, there was no hesitation. “Bruiser,” he said. “He is really flashy and has a lot of air time. I just like how he bucks; I think he fits my style – he’s real wild. I like it when it gets wild.” Even though he might go to a local bull riding beforehand, his next scheduled event will be the PBR Memorial Day
Humps-Horns.com · 26 · June 2019
Some action from the BullRide Mania Finals in Harrisburg, PA. Photo by Casey Martin Photography
Wing Accepts Retirement as Best Decision for his Future By Justin Felisko
PUEBLO, Colo. – Stormy Wing finished walking up the seemingly endless staircase inside The Pit in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with an angry snarl on his face. Wing’s pent up frustration about bucking off Lil Deacon (6.79 seconds) in Round 3 of the 2017 Ty Murray Invitational provided all the energy he needed to storm up the stairs to the makeshift locker room.
“Would you rather be 88 or would you rather go be 94 points?” Mauney growled at Wing. This was not a question. “That is the bull you pick,” he continued. One of the greatest bull rides of the last decade may not have happened if not for a nudge from one of the legendary bull riders of all time.
The Dalhart, Texas, cowboy huffed and puffed his way toward his chair where two-time World Champion and close friend J.B. Mauney was sitting close by.
Wing, secure with the confidence of one of his idols in his corner, would go on to select Bruiser and ride the D&H Cattle Company bovine athlete for a career-high 95.25 points.
“I was pissed off,” Wing recalled this past weekend. “I am climbing up to the top of those damn stairs being a little pouty baby and Mauney was sitting there. He told me, ‘Blow that shit off. You were trying your ass off.’”
“That was the rankest ride I probably ever made,” Wing said. “He is a World Champion bucking bull. That son of a gun is so big and so fast, but he doesn’t feel strong. He spends so much time in the air that it is (like a flash) of light. From when I nodded to when the whistle blew, thinking back about it feels like a split second. Yet there was a whole ride in between there. That is one of the coolest bulls.”
Wing began to settle down as he pulled out the piece of paper for the championship round draft. The veteran bull rider would often go to Mauney for advice, and on this sunny Sunday afternoon in the Land of Enchantment, he was perplexed. Should he take BC Circular Insanity, or should he go ahead and try to channel his frustration and select World Champion Bull SweetPro’s Bruiser? Mauney was aghast that Wing even asked the question.
To this day, the ride ranks 23rd all time, tied with Mauney’s herculean 95.25-point ride aboard Bushwacker. They are the only two rides to be scored over 95 points in the last 10 years. “It is right up there with them,” Mauney said in Albuquerque. “That was rank as shit. I feel like I just went 94.” Event namesake Murray – a nine-time World Champion and PBR co-founder – still believes Wing’s ride was one of the greatest all time. “That ride can be any bull rider in the history of the sport’s marquee ride,” Murray said. “That was everything bull riding is supposed to be. That was an athletic bull doing things that don’t seem possible for an animal that size to do, and that was a cowboy’s bull rider doing everything a bull rider should ever do, from the attitude to the perfect form to the ‘going at it all’ mentality. “It was poetry. When we talk about this
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sport, that is what it is. That is perfection. You are not going to see a ride better than that. Look up the greatest bull rides of all time, and you won’t see them any better than that ride, that bull, that day, that moment and that crowd. Any bull rider in the world would be proud to have that as their No. 1 bull ride.” It’s an epic ride that Wing won’t be able to attempt to eclipse. The PBR’s Unleash The Beast is set to return to the site of one of Wing’s greatest athletic accomplishments this weekend for the Ty Murray Invitational, presented by Isleta Resort & Casino. However, Wing will not be competing following a serious head injury he sustained on March 23 in Kansas City, Missouri, attempting to ride Sun Country. After a series of meetings with neurologists and Dr. Tandy Freeman, Wing has decided to announce his retirement from the sport of professional bull riding at their recommendation. “As the result of an injury with bleeding in the brain sustained at the PBR event in Kansas City in March, Stormy Wing has been advised by neurologists with expertise in treating professional athletes with head injuries and concussions that continuing to ride bulls or participating in other collision activities places him at a high risk for additional, potentially catastrophic, damage,” Freeman said. Wing said he trusts Freeman’s diagnosis, and that he was not going to go against the recommendation of his doctors no matter how hard a decision it is to step away from the sport and career he loves. “Your brain is not something to mess with,” he said. “I sit here and think about it, there is no way humanly possible that I can go into an Unleash The Beast event knowing I have damage on my brain and guarantee myself I won’t get hit in the head. There is no way. These are the rankest bulls in the world. It came down to the fact that I have had to accept it. “It’s been hard, but there is no need for people to feel sorry for me. They shouldn’t. I did this for 25 years (since my first calf at 4 years old). When I was there, I gave it my all. I tried. Not everybody can say they went to eight PBR Finals.” Wing concludes his 10-year career 143-for-571 (25.04%) with 10 90-point rides, three event wins and two 15/15 Bucking Battle victories to go along with those eight World Finals qualifications. The tough-as-nails cowboy, of course, would love to continue
riding, but he understands head injuries are something that need to be taken seriously. “(This retirement) ain’t by my choice,” Wing said. “It ain’t by Tandy’s choice. It is one person. It is God’s choice. That is all I can say. God wants me to do something different because I am not going to go against the doctors’ orders.” Freeman recommended Wing see Dr. Alan Martin, a Dallas-based neurologist following the wreck that sent him to the hospital for two days. Wing met with Martin four weeks following his injury in Kansas City, and he informed Wing that a brain scan showed he was still at risk for further injury if he continued to ride bulls. Wing, who says today that he feels fine and has no lingering symptoms from Kansas City, was hopeful he could sit out for a year and ride with a helmet, but Martin and Freeman explained that even then one more hit to his head could have life-threatening consequences. “(Martin) said it could be as little as someone slapping you or it could take a semi-truck hitting you,” he said. “Whatever it is, I could die. That was the deal-breaker. Wing does not want to put his daughter Suede Marie in that position, nor any of his loved ones. Therefore, he is slowly coming to terms with his decision to walk away from the sport he loves.
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“We would be having a different conversation right now if it was just me, if I was a single (guy) without any kids” Wing said. “Suede changes it. I won’t do that to her or to my family to where they would have to deal with that.” Murray said he is proud of Wing being able to walk away from the sport to focus on his family. “I am as proud of him as I was when I watched him make that ride on Bruiser,” Murray said. “It is bred into a bull rider to have that intestinal fortitude of, ‘I don’t quit no matter what.’ Not only are you born that way, but you train yourself that way every day of your life. It makes sense how hard it is for somebody to say, ‘Okay, it is time for me to get off the train.’
It was the only time Bushwacker and Wing met up, but he sure would have loved to have gotten another crack at him, especially if Bushwacker was still bucking in 2017 during his standout season. Wing’s ride aboard Bruiser in 2017 was the beginning of what would be a career year. The Texas cowboy had qualified for the PBR World Finals seven times before he conquered Bruiser, but never before did he ride like he did in 2017 following that season-changing 8 seconds. Just before he was spurring his way to victory in Albuquerque, the No. 33-ranked bull rider had been flirting with the premier series cutline.
“I am so happy that he is doing that. If Tandy tells you that, you can take it to the bank. This allows him to be remembered for rides like Bruiser that time in Albuquerque instead of that guy that should have got off the train a long time ago.”
Wing then won the Tulsa, Oklahoma, 15/15 Bucking Battle in August with an 89.5-point ride on Wired Child to kick off the stretch run to the 2017 PBR World Finals, where he would ride Red Bandana for 90.25 points to finish the World Finals in eighth place – also a career-high.
Wing made his premier series debut on January 30, 2010, at the Tampa Invitational and picked up the first qualified ride of his career with 85.5 points on Legacy.
He concluded 2017 a career-best ninth in the world standings after setting personal marks for qualified rides (23), riding percentage (29.87%) and event wins (two).
Four years later, on September 26, 2014, Wing got his long-awaited first victory at the Kawasaki Strong Battle at the Bay in Oakland, California, with a 90.75-point ride on Mr. Bull.
“That was the best year of my career,” Wing said. “The only regret I have is I thought of myself being a World Champion. I wanted to be a World Champion. Not because that was my goal for a long time, but because I had another World Champion in J.B. Mauney sitting there telling me, ‘Whenever you are on your game, and you are riding like you can, you can be better than all of us.’
“The win that I really enjoyed (the most) was the first one,” he said. “It was a while ago, but I rode Game Over for 87.75 points then Rudolph (86.5 points) of Julio Moreno’s and Mr. Bull. That is the same weekend I was able to get on Bushwacker for a $50,000 bounty. He jerked me down and put a big ole knot on my head.”
“I know I could have been a World Champion. Not being able to do that is the only thing I resent. Other than that, as far as what
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I have done and people I have met and the relationships I built, places I have seen, no. I have no regrets.” Wing achieved one of the next best things outside of a World Championship or a World Finals victory later that year. Less than a week following the World Finals, he put forth an even greater performance with the weight of the United States on his back at the inaugural PBR Global Cup in 2017. Wing teamed with 2016 World Champion Cooper Davis to lead the Americans to victory in Edmonton, Alberta, with a Hulk Hogan-esque performance for the red, white and blue underdogs. The second-oldest member of Team USA that year went 3-for-4 to win the $50,000 individual aggregate title, contributing 40% of the Americans’ total score inside Rogers Place. “Everybody on this team has been a star player, but Stormy really stepped up and, just like all year long, he has been riding amazing,” Davis said in Edmonton. “I don’t know if he will be a guy next year to look out for a world title, but if he keeps riding like this he may be.” Wing was close to flawless in Edmonton with 82.5 points on Rat Trap, 88.25 points on Red Bandana and 87 points on Ulterra’s Night Vision. Team USA coach Justin McBride echoed Davis’ sentiment. “We talk about Cooper always being the team captain, but Stormy was really the spark for that team,” McBride said. “Everybody kind of rallied around Stormy because he was riding so good. He was probably the biggest factor in us winning it. Cooper has the credentials going into them, everybody looks to him, and he has that gold buckle. You have to have a guy like Stormy. The guy that isn’t the biggest name on there that isn’t the one that everybody is looking at that rises up to the occasion and does that.” McBride added that Wing can walk away from the sport knowing he had a lasting impact with all he achieved. “Stormy was always such a momentum guy,” McBride said. “You would see these huge rides out of him. You might see him buck off several in a row, but when he was on and he was feeling it, he could ride anything. He was always really exciting to watch. He had that great little bitty body style and he would move his feet. “He led his team to winning the Global Cup. He made the PBR World Finals a bunch of times. He rode Bruiser. He had some great career highlights for a kid from the panhandle of Texas.” Wing, though, humbly did not want to make that Edmonton victory about himself. Just like he always wanted to credit his buddies for his success, the same is the case when it comes to the Global Cup. He did his part, yes, but it was an overall team effort for the United
States, he said. “I was telling myself not everyone gets asked to be on Team USA, or any of them for that matter,” Wing recalled. “I felt honored and happy to be representing the good ol’ people of the USA. I had been riding pretty good and Cooper and McBride selected some pretty good (riders). “It was fun. We had an excellent group of guys, make no mistake about it. It was a team deal and it took all of us to get it done. We did. I’ll never forget it.” Wing has slowly begun to transition to the next phase of his life. He is temporarily back at home in Texas working with his dad and grandfather on their cattle and some of the family’s colt race horses for an upcoming June sale. The third generation cowboy is hopeful to stay involved in the Western way of life in some capacity and is beginning to look into what those opportunities may be with the help of the Western Sports Foundation. The Western Sports Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the overall success of Western sports athletes by advancing their health and well-being. The foundation provides medical, life counseling and financial resources to meet immediate needs and prepare athletes for life beyond competition. “The Western Sports Foundation, along with the educational efforts of organizations like the Ty Pozzobon Foundation, has spurred greater awareness and conversation about head injuries. Stormy’s decision to take care of himself following the diagnosis of a neurologist he was referred to, shows the system is working,” said Sean Gleason, CEO, PBR. Wing jokes that he will most likely not become a “badass horse trainer” but does hope to start roping a bit and learn how to further train horses. He also is using the Western Sports Foundation’s recentlylaunched career and education program to explore additional career options and avenues. Wing donated to the non-profit organization in the past, and it has helped him feel a little bit more at ease about receiving some monetary assistance as well since his injury. The Western Sports Foundation will continue to be a resource for Wing, and will connect him with neurologist Dr. Anthony Alessi in Connecticut if he needs an appointment in the future. He remains thankful for the WSF, the PBR, Dr. Freeman and all the fans that have been checking in on him in the past month. “I absolutely appreciate it,” Wing said. “I appreciate Tandy. It has been one hell of a ride. I have to thank the PBR, and I can’t thank everyone enough for the support.” Article and photos provided courtesy of PBR.
Humps-Horns.com · 31 · June 2019
Article and photos by Phillip Kitts Avid Visual Imagery
On April 24th and 25th, the town of Jonesville, Louisiana was overcome by an invasion of bull riders. Whether they were ready or not, this small south east Louisiana town was about to see the faces and names of some of the top youth bull riders in America. No, it was not the PBR, but it was the one and only Miniature Bull Riders presented by the PBR (MBR). Chris Shivers and the Leal family hosted Shivers Invitational II event at the C Bar Ranch just outside of the town of Jonesville. Over the last couple of years, the MBR has taken the youth bull riding to an entirely new level. Most all PBR fans have seen them take the stage at the elite levels of professional bull riding and they have become a major attraction at these big events.
In Jonesville, the entire show was all about the undersized cowboys and the oversized try of the MBR riders. Over the course of two days and three performances, 120 rides took place. The format for this event had a performance on Friday April 24th, the second performance on the morning on April 25th and the final performance during the evening of April 25th. Performance 1 saw some of the regular names plus some new names on the top of the leader board. In the Peewee, Division Kade Hays set the top mark with a 72-point ride while Noah Lee and AJ Hatchett tied with 77 points in the Junior Division. In the Senior Division, Ethan Winckler was the only one to make the whistle with a 76-point ride.
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In performance number 2, Evan Morrison set the pace for the Peewee Division with a 69.5-point ride. In the Junior Division, Parker Crenshaw won the round with a 76.5 on his bull. The Senior Division saw the familiar name of Hagen Braswell take the round with a 76.5. The Peewee winner in the final round was Austin Young with a 66.5-point ride while the Juniors’ Noah Lee was the only competitor to cover his bull with a 78-point score. Round three Senior winner was Hunter Maxwell with a 75.00 on his final bull. The three-bull average came down to more than just winning rounds. Evan Morrison took the average in the Peewee Division with 138.00 points from covering two out of three head. Noah Lee scored 155.0 on two of three head to win the Junior Division. In the Senior Division, Hagen Braswell won the average on two out of three bulls for a total of 148.00 points. At the end of the 2-day event this group of young athletes had put in a ton of heart and effort! Yet another MBR event ended with lots of great storylines and amazing memories!
Humps-Horns.com · 35 · June 2019
National Professional Bull Riders Association News
The South Texas town of Refugio invited the National Professional Bull Riders to participate in a Cinco de Mayo weekend celebration with bull riding and a ranch rodeo on May 3rd & 4th. Despite the torrential flooding rains Texas was experiencing, the NPBR bull riding was completely dry under cover at the John O’Brien Arena in Refugio, TX. Terry Starnes, announcer from Glen Rose, TX, kicked off the weekend at the 7:30pm performance with a patriotic opening and prayer along with a little pyro action. Accomplished barrel man, Shotgun Rodney Gaston from Magnolia, TX, was center arena to entertain the fans and Chase White, Ft. Worth, TX and Clint Lott, Waco, TX did an outstanding job protecting the bull riders. Young gun…Kyle McDaniel put two 8 second rides together for an average score of 166 to take home 1st place with Yorny Burgos Acosta close behind with an average score on two of 165.5. Here are the results for the Friday performance: 1st 2nd 3RD 4th
Kyle McDaniel Yorny Burgos Acosta Jonathan Brown Hudson Williams
Ft. Worth, TX San Antonio, TX Houston, TX Midlothian, TX
166 on 2 165.5 on 2 87 80.5
Hudson Williams on Three of Hearts Bulls came to buck… and Saturday night proved each bull’s athletic ability to buck but Yorny Burgos Acosta was mentally and physically prepared to ride both his bulls to secure the number 1 spot for the second performance. Here are the results for the Saturday performance: 1st 2nd 3rd
Yorny Burgos Acosta Mike Lee Hudson Williams
San Antonio, TX 150 on 2 Ft. Worth, TX 83.5 Midlothian, TX 76.5
At the end of the night, the Monsoon Silver Trophy Buckle was awarded to Yorny Burgos Acosta for the Refugio Tour Champion. Congratulations Yorny and enjoy your new buckle. Thank you to William Kierce, Kierce Photography, for providing photos and thank you to Monsoon Silver for supporting the NPBR. We appreciate you both. NEXT EVENT: BRYAN, TX – THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th - $2,000 ADDED
Kyle McDaniel rides Youngster on his way to the win for the first night of the NPBR tour stop in Refugio, Texas.
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1. Kyle McDaniel 2. Yorny Burgos Acosta 3. Fletcher Jowera 4. McKade Harvey 5. Shane Semien 6. Rodrigo Melgar 7. Tres Garcia 8. L.C. Hennig 9. Hudson Williams 10. Brett Garza 11. Donald Francis 12/13. James Harper 12/13. Max Castro 14. Jaron Sheehan 15. Mike Lee 16. Jonathan Brown 17. Troy Garcia 18/19. Colby Scallion 18/19. Ouncie Mitchell 20. Tyler Werner 21. Chris Crouch 22. Gunner Conklin 23/24. Canyon Bass 23/24. Matt Sustaita
$ 3,032 $ 2,969 $ 2,457 $ 2,070 $ 1,682 $ 1,638 $ 1,634 $ 1,581 $ 1,513 $ 1,459 $ 1,276 $ 1,228 $ 1,228 $ 1,058 $ 1,027 $ 839 $ 819 $ 638 $ 638 $ 635 $ 491 $ 273 $ 204 $ 204
Mike Lee makes 8 on Slick Willie and claims a second place finish in Refugio, Texas.
As of June 1, 2019
Yorny Burgos Acosta rides Sling Shot as he claims the victory on the second night of the NPBR tour stop in Refugio, Texas.
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Photos provided courtesy of Casey Martin Photography
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*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date
WEEKLY EVENTS Fri / Sat Wichita, KS Fri / Sat Fort Worth, TX Fri / Sat Fort Worth, TX JUNE Jun 1 Jun 1 Jun 1 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 6 Jun 7 Jun7 Jun 7 Jun 7-8 Jun 8 Jun 8 Jun 8 Jun 11 Jun 14 Jun 14-15 Jun 14-15 Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 21-22 Jun 22 Jun 22 Jun 22 Jun 22 Jun 26
Great Falls, MT Altamont, IL Newman Grove, NE Gladewater, TX Sisters, OR Union, OR Elizabeth, CO Livermore, CA Decorah, IA Deadwood, SD Odessa, TX New Hampton, IA Crownsville, MD Weatherford, TX Motley, MN Bismarck, ND Perkins, OK Comstock, NE St. Roberts, MO Williston, ND Allison, IA Reno, NV Sheridan, WY Sullivan, MO Binford, ND Malvern, AR Vinita, OK Mondovi, WI Greeley, CO
Added $
Mon Thur Thur
6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm
Call In #
316-204-2624 254-371-7343 254-371-7343
Club Rodeo Stockyards Championship Rodeo Billy Bob’s Texas
$1,000 $2,000
573-823-2569 712-374-6053
EC 48 hrs prior to perf
Humps-Horns.com · 40 · June 2019
PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB BOA PRCA Xtreme Bulls PRCA Xtreme Bulls PRCA Xtreme Bulls PRCA Xtreme Bulls PRCA Xtreme Bulls BOA PBR Touring Pro Division PBR Touring Pro Division BOA BullRide Mania PRCA Xtreme Bulls NFPB PBR Touring Pro Division PBR Touring Pro Division BOA BOA PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB PRCA Xtreme Bulls PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB PBR Touring Pro Division BOA PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB PRCA Xtreme Bulls
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date
Jun 28 Jun 28-29
Diller, NE Rocksprings, TX
Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 30
Mona, UT Butler, PA Cody, WY
JULY Jul 2-4 Jul 4 Jul 4 Jul 4 Jul 5-6 Jul 5-6 Jul 6 Jul 6 Jul 9 Jul 10 Jul 11 Jul 11 Jul 11 Jul 12
Calgary, AB Osage, IA Bagley, WI Lancaster, CA Grinnell, IA McHenry, MD Amarillo, TX Stoughton, WI Corning, IA Memphis, MO Adel, IA Elgin, OR Laramie, WY Cortland, OH
Jul 12-13 Jul 13 Jul 13 Jul 13 Jul 15-16 Jul 16-17 Jul 17 Jul 17 Jul 18 Jul 18 Jul 19 Jul 19-20 Jul 19-20 Jul 20
Gallup, NM Marshalltown, IA Santa Maria, CA Antigo, WI Jackson, WY West Plains, MO Salinas, CA Monroe, WI Waseca, MN Grand Junction, CO Red Oak, IA Thief River Falls, MN Springdale, AR Bedford, IA
Added $
Call In #
Assn/Event BOA PBR Touring Pro Division
$28,000 Purse $1,000
6/5 8am lanefrostchallenge.com EC 48 hrs prior to perf 717-334-7724
Lane Frost Challenge BullRide Mania PRCA Xtreme Bulls
EC 48 hrs prior to perf
$1,000 $10,0001st Place
EC 48 hrs prior to perf
PRCA Xtreme Bulls BOA NFPB PBR Touring Pro Division BOA BullRide Mania PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB BOA NFPB BOA PRCA Xtreme Bulls PRCA Xtreme Bulls BullRide Mania
WildThing Championship Bull Riding
$3,000 $2,500
7/8 7/7
6-9pm 6-9pm
608-734-3469 320-226-0949
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BOA PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB PBR Touring Pro Division BOA PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB NFPB PBR Touring Pro Division BOA PBR Touring Pro Division PBR Touring Pro Division BOA
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date
Added $
Jul 20 Jul 20 Jul 20 Jul 20 Jul 20 Jul 22-23 Jul 24 Jul 24 Jul 25 Jul 25 Jul 25-27 Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 26 Jul 26-27 Jul 27 Jul 30 Jul 30 Jul 30 Jul 31 Jul 31
Sacred Heart, MN Manchester, WI Flora, IL Spanish Fork, UT Shartlesville, PA Cheyenne, WY Bedford, PA Owensville, MO Troy, PA Clarinda, IA Big Sky, MT Atlantic, IA Rochester, MN Mendon, IL Estero, FL La Valle, WI Brainerd, MN Central City, NE Dodge City, KS Springfield, NE Montevideo, MN
$4,000 $2,500 $1,000
7/7 7/15 7/8
EC 48 hrs prior to perf
$1,000 $1,000 $1,000
EC 48 hrs prior to perf
$3,500 $3,000
7/14 7/21
6-9pm 7-10pm
320-226-0947 573-470-6888
$3,000 $3,000
7/22 7/14
6-9pm 6-9pm
608-734-3469 320-226-0947
BUCKING BULL EVENTS June Jun 1 Keenesburg, CO Jun 1 New Albany, MS Jun 8 Palestine, IL Jun 13-15 Duncan, OK Jun 15 Big Island, VA Jun 21 Colome, SD Jun 22 Nunn, CO Jun 22 Trementon, UT Jun 29 Bordertown, OK Jun 29 Merced, CA July Jul 6 Palestine, IL Jul 6-7 Monte Vista, CO
Time 6-9pm 6-9pm 6:30pm
Call In #
320-226-0949 608-734-3469 573-823-2569
NFPB NFPB NFPB PRCA Xtreme Bulls BullRide Mania PBR Unleash the Beast BullRide Mania NFPB BullRide Mania BOA PBR Touring Pro Division BOA NFPB NFPB PBR Touring Pro Division NFPB NFPB BOA PRCA Xtreme Bulls BOA NFPB
717-334-7724 7/15 6pm 573-823-2569 EC 48 hrs prior to perf 717-334-7724
TBA TBA 5/27-6/3 6/3-6/9 6/3-6/10 TBA TBA 6/10-6/17 6/7-6/21 TBA 6/17-28
618-263-8163 719-588-9979
Humps-Horns.com · 42 · June 2019
ABBI / Buckers Unlimited ABBI / Blue Collar Bucking Bull ABBI / Cody Skees ABBI American Heritage ABBI/ Backyard Buckers ABBI / MBBA ABBI / Buckers Unlimited ABBI / WSBBA ABBI Futurity Series Finale Gold Coast Bucking Bulls ABBI / Cody Skees ABBI / Shane Burris
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice Date
Jul 7 Jul 12 Jul 13 Jul 20 Jul 20 Jul 20 Jul 27
Fort Worth, TX Colome, SD Archdale, NC Roundup, MT Concord, NC Ault, CO Belton, TX
YOUTH / MINI BULL RIDING Jun 1 Terrell, TX Jun 1 Cheyenne, WY Jun 2 La Porte, TX Jun 8 Gordonsville, VA Jun 8 Greybull, WY Jun 8 La Porte, TX Jun 15 Jourdanton, TX Jun 21-22 Jasper, TX Jun 22 Odessa, TX Jun 22 Pampa, TX Jun 22 Terrell, TX Jun 22 Whitney, TX Jun 29 Decatur, TX Jun 29 Pampa, TX Jul 3-4 Lane, OK Jul 6 Big Sky, MT Jul 9 Laramie, WY Jul 13 Gordonsville, VA Jul 13 Terrell, TX Jul 14 La Porte, TX Jul 14 East Helena, MT Jul 20 Jourdanton, TX Jul 20 Pampa, TX Jul 26-27 Evanston, WY Jul 27 Whitney, TX Jul 31-Aug 3 Idaho Falls, ID
Added $
Call In #
6/17-24 6/24-7/1 6/24-7/1 7/1-8 7/8-14 TBA 7/8-15
Assn/Event ABBI Classic ABBI / MBBA ABBI American Heritage East ABBI / MBBA ABBI / Backyard Buckers ABBI / Buckers Unlimited ABBI
817-296-4766 IMBA/ Scott Ranch Series Junior World Finals Champ. BR- Rocky Mtn Region M-W 6-10pm 936-524-8269 TCJBR Southeast Region 6/3 540-569-0606 IMBA Junior World Finals Champ. BR- Rocky Mtn Region M-W 6-10pm 936-524-8269 TCJBR Southeast Region TCJBR South Region IMBA Entries postmarked by 6/10 TCJBR West Region Entries postmarked by 6/8 TCJBR Panhandle Region 6/17 817-296-4766 IMBA/ Scott Ranch Series 6/16 5-9pm 254-715-5402 TCJBR Central Region 6/24 940-453-2364 $1,000 Cowboy Youth Bull Riders Entries postmarked by 6/15 TCJBR Panhandle Region Entries must be postmarked by 6/24/19 IMBA Major Event Junior World Finals Champ. BR- Rocky Mtn Region Junior World Finals Champ. BR- Rocky Mtn Region 6/3 540-569-0606 IMBA 7/8 817-296-4766 IMBA/ Scott Ranch Series M-W 6-10pm 936-524-8269 TCJBR Southeast Region Junior World Finals Champ. BR- Rocky Mtn Region TCJBR South Region Entries postmarked by 7/6 TCJBR Panhandle Region Junior World Finals Champ. BR- Rocky Mtn Region 7/21 5-9pm 254-715-5402 TCJBR All Regions
Junior World Finals Champ. BR- Rocky Mtn Region Events highlighted in yellow have ads in this issue of Humps N Horns for more information.
Humps-Horns.com · 43 · June 2019
Practice Pens
JACKSONVILLE, NC - Aleck Barnard, Elite Cowboy Rodeo Assoc., Onslow Rodeo Arena, 6pm Every Other Sunday, Call First, 910-381-8597
NEW MARKET, AL - EC Hunt, 5:30pm Sun., 256-683-8169 BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, Anytime, Call First, 870-307-9923 CONWAY, AR - Mark Lindsey, Ride & Shine Cattle Company, Anytime, Call First, 501-730-4557 ELFRIDA, AZ - D Davis Bucking Bulls, 4pm Sat., Call First, 520-642-3737 LINCOLN, CA - B Bar Ranch, B Bar Indoor Arena, Rain or Shine, All Rough Stock, 916-206-4059 MARYSVILLE, CA - PacWest, 5pm Wed., Steers & Bulls, Call First, 530-751-6643 FRESNO, CA - Toro Bravo Arena, Thur. by appt., Call First, 559-577-2445 ELIZABETH, CO - Tuff Garcia, Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Mon., Rain or Shine, 970-846-0788 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO - Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Wed., Apr-Nov., 970-846-6828/3354 ALDEN, IA - Circle C Rodeo, 6pm Wed., Rain or Shine, Call for alternate dates 641-373-3625
Do You Have a Livestock Layover or Practice Pen? List it for FREE in the Classifieds.
WOODBINE, IA - Tom & Kristina Kelley, every Sun. (weather permitting). Beginner - rank bulls. Call 712-5922493
Call our office at 325-500-BULL (2855)
KENDALLVILLE, IN - B Bar A Bucking Bulls, Heidi Speicher, 7pm Every Thur, Call First, 260-564-5864/Troy
For More Information on listing your facilities
JACKSONVILLE, IL - Lazy C Rodeo, 10am-3pm Sun., Rain or shine, Call First, 217-245-8280
Humps-Horns.com · 44 · June 2019
CHANDLER, OK - JAM Bulls, 2pm Sun., 7pm Wed., Call First, 405-570-9010 SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hour notice, Rain or Shine, 307-461-1741 EAGLEVILLE, TN - BF Cattle Company, 2pm Sun., Jackpot, Call First, 615-336-4313 EMORY, TX - Oakes & Greene’s, 7pm Wed., 903-348-8630 LORENA, TX - Rocking S Ranch, Tue., Jackpot, Call First, 254-716-0779 MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, 4pm Sun/6pm Wed., $5 at the gate to ride as many as you want, 817-223-3692 SIMMS, TX - Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 7pm Every Other Thur., 903-543-3025 PETROLIA, TX - Norris Dalton, 7pm Wed., 940-733-3020 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, Call First, 940-393-3730 NOCONA, TX - 4x Arena, Call First, 501-944-1907 STEPHENVILLE, TX - Young Arena, every Sunday 2:30pm (rain or shine). $5 at gate to ride as many as you want or to watch. Variety of bulls - beginners to rank. Young Arena Facebook page or call Mike Young 254-967-2313 NOCONA, TX - Locke Bucking Bulls, Call First, 940-872-0733
Livestock Layovers BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, White River Rodeo, 870-307-9923
CLASSIFIEDS Livestock Layovers RAYMOND, IL - Randy Littrell, Shop Creek Cattle, 217-556-0551 MARYSVILLE, KS - Gary Hershey, 4H Bucking Bulls and Marysville Sale Barn, Call First, 785-292-4952 LAKE CHARLES, LA - Keith Strickland, Deep South Rodeo Genetics, 337-304-1493 SALEM, MO - Hwy 32 & 72, Salem Livestock Auction, 573-729-8880 HELENA, MT - Jim Horne, Bull Horne Ranch, 406-459-5706 FERNLEY, NV - Nathan Pudsey, Circle P Bucking Bulls, 775-750-2168 CLAYTON, NM - Justin Keeth, Lazy J 3 Bucking Bulls, 575-447-0877 BETHESDA, OH - 15 Miles off I-70, TCB Ranch, 304-281-4530 SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hours notice, 307-461-1741 BOX ELDER, SD - Gus “Duane” Aus, Lazy Heart O Ranch, 605-923-3426 BUCHANAN, TN - Parsons & Milam 731-642-8346 CLARKSVILLE, TX - Brian Agnew, BA Livestock, 903-669-9189 DUBLIN, TX - Mike Godfrey, Godfrey 4X Cattle, 817-235-2852 MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, JC Knapp Rodeo, 817-223-3692 MIDLAND, TX - Ted Norton, Norton Bucking Bulls, 432-413-8433 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, 940-393-3730 SIMMS, TX - Near I-30 Texarkana, Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 863-381-2799
Livestock Layovers
CHEYENNE, WY - Floyd & Ann Thomas, TTnT Ranch, 307-778-8806
WINNERS RODEO SUPPLY - Gary Leffews Dare to Be Great DVD $45.00 or I am Hot DVD $35.00-free shipping. Also some remaining Hotman and Lostroh bullropes plus all other bullriding gear. Gold Buckle Rodeo Supply rodeo@wk.net 320-328-4000 Dealers wanted !!
Free bull riding tips on Facebook at Gary Leffew Bullriders Only. 14 World Champions and counting! Learn the guru’s winning techniques: Bull riding drills and mental tricks for a smokin’ hot career!
RENOWNED HIGH QUALITY BULL ROPES - From $400, 1-580-225-3208, DickCarrBullRopes.com, PO Box 18, Elk City, OK. 73648, Be Blessed.
FMI and to register for school, visit
Custom Bull Ropes www.jwebullropes.com John Eddleman 575-388-3346
2019 Schedule Ferris,TX- June 5-9 (incl R&B) Egan, LA- June 12-16 (incl R&B) Rock Hampton, Queensland Australia- June 22-23 June 29-30 Floyd, VA- July 19-21 Ferris, TX Aug 1-Sept 1 (30 Day clinic) NewPort, WA-September 20-22 Ferris, TX- September 25-28 (incl R&B)
PROFESSIONAL QUALITY BULLROPES Raymond Branch, Custom Braider Maker of World, NFR, & PBR Champion Bullropes Strictly custom-braided to your specifications. (928) 289-9611 www.mypqb.com
Humps-Horns.com · 45 · June 2019
Western Wanderings cowboy morning Sometimes in the morning, just before dawn When the sun starts winking its eye The dew looks like sparkling diamonds And colors splash wild in the sky There’s quite a chill in the morning air Smoke curls from a fire almost dead Time to add wood and stir up those coals And watch flames dancing yellow and red The fire crackles loudly and licks at the wood As the coffee now boils in the pot It’s cowboy coffee after all Strong, black, thick and hot I sit and watch the sun slowly rise Enjoying a cup of my brew Somewhere a turtle dove coos his soft call Announcing a day that’s brand new
By Kelly B. Robbins
Check out our new look and try some of our new coffees! Use promo code “postcard” for 15% off your next order at mangotreecoffee.org
Books Open July 16 - 23
Books Open July 16 - 23
Friday, July 26 7:00pm (MT)
Saturday, July 27 7:30pm (CT)
Artesia Horse Council Arena
Ward County Arena