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Humps N Horns May 2017
$4.99 USA MAY 2017
On The Cover - This month features a design created by Phllip Kitts with some of the covers from previous issues of Humps N Horns with Volume 1 Number 1 front and center. The Celebrating 20 Years logo was designed by Tom Kauffman, a partner at Kauffman/AVI Promotions. Tom is an Air Force veteran who served in Operation Desert Storm. You can learn more about their design and marketing expertise at www.facebook.com/avibusinessolutions.
Humps-Horns.com ¡ 4 ¡ May 2017
HUMPS N HORNS® BULL RIDING MAGAZINE PO Box 34172 Fort Worth, TX 76162 325-500-BULL (2855) www.humps-horns.com
Publisher/Owner stacie@humps-horns.com
Terry Blake
Editor in Chief/Owner terry@humps-horns.com
Features 10
20 24 30
ADVERTISING ads@humps-horns.com
11 Steps to Relieve Restless Leg Syndrome
Real Time Pain Relief
Tuff Hedeman Championship Bull Riding
Barbara Pinnella barbara@humps-horns.com
Celebrating 25 years for his namesake event
Guilherme Marchi
Andy Gregory Director of Photography andy@humps-horns.com
The 600 Club - Only 1 Member!
A Look Back - PBR World Champions
Andy Gregory Kelly Robbins Barbara Pinnella Andy Watson
Remembering the World Champions from the last 20 years
Also In This Issue Classifieds 42 Country Kitchen
Practice Pens 42 Real Time Pain Relief for
Inspiration Point
Real People 10
Livestock Layovers 43
Through My Eyes
Where’s the Beef
Humps-Horns.com · 5 · May 2017
Keno Shrum Justin Felisko Phillip Kitts
Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine reserves the right to alter, edit or reject all advertisement or editorial for it’s content, clarity, and/or length. Viewpoints expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine. No material may be reprinted or reproduced without first obtaining permission from the publisher and/or editor in chief. All advertisement, editorials, letters, and press releases are accepted with the understanding that the representative, advertiser, and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents of submitted material. Not responsible for errors or omissions in any advertisement. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine will not assume responsibility for any late publication due to the printer, the USPS, or an act of God. Under no circumstances will Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine be held liable for acts of privacy, plagiarism, copyright, or trademark infringements. Material submitted for publication becomes the property of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine and will not be returned unless prior arrangements are made. USPS #022-617 Periodicals Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine, PO Box 34172, Fort Worth, TX 76162. ISSN1554-0162. Publication Number 022-617. ©All rights reserved. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine 2015
Letter from the Editor
Welcome to a special issue of Humps N Horns! This is the first issue in Volume 20 and begins the 20th year of publication. Over the course of the next twelve months, we will take a look back at some of the highlights of the past twenty years in bull riding. We have our first installment in this series with an outstanding article by Kelly Robbins which looks back at the men who have been crowned PBR world champions over the past twenty years. I am grateful for the help of Phillip Kitts and Tom Kauffman with the cover design and a new logo that we will use to commemorate the twenty year history of HNH. We also had a chance to attend the 25th edition of the Tuff Hedeman Championship Challenge bull riding this past month. This event has featured some of the greatest names in modern bull riding history and continued that tradition in 2017.
Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to mention an exciting event that you won’t want to miss - the Bull Riding Hall of Fame Reunion & Induction Ceremonies. They will be held May 19-21 in the Fort Worth Stockyards with a lot of activities scheduled throughout the weekend where you will have a chance to meet some of the lgendary names in the rodeo and bull riding. You can visit the BRHOF website and Facebook page for more information. Until next time, Terry
Although we will take some time to look back, we will continue to provide current updates and photos from the bull riding events, as well. As the summer time nears, it is always a great opportunity to find an event near you and enjoy the bull riding action.
Humps-Horns.com · 6 · May 2017
Humps-Horns.com · 7 · May 2017
Getting Proper Instruction I was at the Jr Rodeo yesterday and saw a dad showing his son some moves to make that were not going to help if the bull bucked at all and the kid was just soaking it in and then goes out there and the bull stayed under him somehow. So many getting wrong information to have a future in the sport. Coaches may be the coming thing, but not a lot will understand the proper mechanics to teach bull riding that will produce success at the higher levels. Choose carefully who you take your info from and don’t be afraid to invest some $ in your future.
It’s not supposed to be a surprise when a guy makes the whistle. If they try to learn on buckers they learn at the start of their riding that mediocre is part of it. Mediocre is a part of the game for sure because the guys who have settled for mediocre pay the bills of the ones who have determined to be Great. Determine to go through the process and give yourself a chance to be Great! Greatness doesn’t just happen it takes hard work and dedication. Do work men!!!!
I saw video of a guy who paid his fees at an open rodeo and flopped off on the corner. He wasn’t ready for the first jump much less the corner. He needs to get real with himself and know that where he is at in his riding is only going to end in disaster or at best wasting his money. His money would have been better spent on a bull riding school of someone who has had success and knows how to teach. Probably has an ego that wants to be known as a bull rider but not necessarily be a winner. Added money isn’t just the money the producer puts in the pot. I see this all the time, guys who don’t even have enough foundation in their riding to leave the chute in enough control to ride a bull that is smooth and will pack you around there if you are in the right position, much less a bucker.
Cody Custer
The other side to that is that so many of the guys putting on schools are guilty of bringing some guy in there with a bunch of born to bucks for these guys to try to learn on. They are learning something alright, that bucking off is a big part of the game. School bulls should be ones that the students get off of and think they are capable and the things they are learning are easy to put into practice.
Humps-Horns.com · 8 · May 2017
someone susceptible to RLS. There are several risk factors that can contribute to whether a person is subject to this condition. In some cases, RLS may be a side effect of medications, and there are various lifestyle and dietary choices that may come with an increased risk of RLS. In addition to that, there are some health conditions where restless leg syndrome is a common symptom. It is estimated that up to 10% of Americans suffer from restless leg syndrome and that about 2-3% of these cases are categorized as severe RLS. This condition can affect people of all ages, but most commonly affects middle-aged and older individuals. PLMS, or periodic limb movements in sleep, is another condition that is commonly associated with restless leg syndrome. With PLMS, the individual may experience involuntary twitching and jerking of the limbs. Once the issue is identified as restless leg syndrome, it is usually possible to manage the symptoms and limit its effect on the life of the individual. While doctors may prescribe various medications to help treat restless leg syndrome, there are ways to find relief without medication. Massage Among doctors and sleep therapy specialists, massage is considered to be one of the most effective ways to find relief from restless leg syndrome. People with restless leg syndrome often experience pain and tension in the muscles of the affected area. In addition to that, RLS patients may also experience involuntary muscle twitching. If your RLS is accompanied by symptoms like pain and tension, massage should help. You don’t even need to go to a massage therapist. In fact, massaging your own legs can be very effective for providing quick relief during a RLS attack.
Restless leg syndrome is a nervous system disorder that causes uncomfortable sensations in the legs that result in the individual feeling an overwhelming need to move their legs. The sensation can vary depending on the person. There are many descriptions of the feeling including throbbing, achiness, pain, numbness, tingling sensations, or a creeping sort of feeling as though insects are moving across the skin. For most people with RLS, the condition is at its worst in the evening time, especially when the body is at rest. Since it commonly strikes at night, many RLS sufferers also have problems with sleep. Due to its connection with sleeplessness, RLS is classified as a sleep disorder. With most cases of restless leg syndrome, the cause is unknown. Researchers believe that there is a genetic component that makes
When you feel the symptoms of restless leg syndrome coming on, start massaging the muscles in the area. Whether it is numbness, pain, tingling, or any other uncomfortable sensation, massage should work to ease the symptoms, especially if you have an effective topical pain relief lotion or cream to apply at the same time. If the sensations are in an area that is hard for you to reach on your own, ask someone to massage your legs. As an additional point, massage can help as a regular form of treatment even when you are not experiencing an attack. You could schedule regular appointments with a massage therapist as a preventative measure. If you do not have the time or money, you could try it on your own. When you are sitting down to watch TV or relaxing after work, gently massage the muscles in your legs to see if it provides any relief.
Humps-Horns.com ¡ 10 ¡ May 2017
Heat and Cold Therapy
Get Moving
Since restless leg syndrome is often associated with aches, pain, and tightness in the muscles of the legs, heat and cold therapy can be a good way to find relief. Some RLS sufferers prefer to use just heat or just cold, but many find that the most effective relief comes from alternating between the two.
Many people that experience restless leg syndrome find that movement is one of the best ways to find relief. If you have RLS, you may have already found this to be true from your own experience. It can be as simple as getting up to walk around for a few minutes or getting up to stretch your legs.
Heat and cold therapy can provide relief for restless leg syndrome in a number of ways. It is great for relieving pain and tension in the muscles, so it addresses some of the primary symptoms of the condition. Also, the sensations of heat and cold can distract your mind from the sensations that are associated with restless leg syndrome.
Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons that restless leg syndrome can be so disruptive to a person’s sleep. If you feel the need to continually get up and move your legs or stretch, you are not going to be able to sleep. However, it can provide relief when RLS prevents you from relaxing late in the day.
If you have a heating pad, this can be a good way to apply heat to the affected area. You can also keep cold packs in the freezer so that they are ready when you need them. While things like heating pads and cold packs are some of the best resources for applying this type of treatment, you do have other options. Many individuals with RLS find that taking a hot shower is a great way to get relief. Some people also like taking a hot bath or letting their legs soak in hot water. As an additional option for heat treatment, some RLS sufferers have expressed positive results from spending time in a sauna. The heat can help to loosen up and relax the body. Exercise Regular exercise is one of the keys to preventing restless leg syndrome attacks. Daily exercise improves the health of your nervous system and works out the muscles that have the most problems. Since RLS is commonly associated with sleep trouble, you want to avoid exercising late in the day, so it is a good idea to make it a part of your morning routine.
While movement can be good for providing relief in the middle of an attack, it is also something that should be considered as a preventative measure. You may find that you spend a lot of time at your desk when you are at work or you may spend many hours in a vehicle. In these situations, you should try to find opportunities to stop what you are doing and move around. If you are seated for more than an hour, you should get up to stretch your legs. If you are in the middle of a long car ride, find somewhere to stop so you can walk around for a few minutes. Long periods of staying in the same position increase the chances of an RLS attack later in the day, so you need to provide your legs with regular movement. Relaxation Techniques Stress can be one of the causes of restless leg syndrome attacks. If you are overstressed, it can trigger the symptoms and it can increase the severity and frequency of attacks. If you have problems with RLS, there are a variety of relaxation techniques that can reduce the frequency and severity of the attacks, and some of these can even help to provide relief during an RLS attack.
The exercise does not have to be vigorous to provide relief for the symptoms of RLS. In fact, some RLS patients experience more problems when they engage in excessive exercise or strenuous exercise. You want to try to keep the exercise early in the day, focus on the legs, and avoid overdoing it. Various leg stretches can be good for preventing attacks and reducing the severity of the symptoms. You can also work on exercises that strengthen the muscles in the area that is prone to RLS symptoms. Even taking a brisk walk once a day can be a good way to prevent restless leg syndrome. You could also try things like squats, walking up and down some stairs, and running in place.
Techniques associated with meditation and controlled breathing can work wonders for managing stress. Many RLS sufferers have also turned to things like yoga and tai chi. Of course, previously mentioned treatments like exercise and massage can be good for relieving stress, so they have that added benefit when it comes to managing your symptoms.
Humps-Horns.com · 11 · May 2017
Supplements Many cases of RLS are associated with deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. For many people, a balanced diet provides them with all of the nutrients that they need, but some people are genetically predisposed to have certain types of vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, which is often the case for people who suffer from restless leg syndrome. If your diet is not providing all of the nutrients that you need, it could affect your health in a number of ways, and with some nutrient deficiencies, restless leg syndrome is a common symptom. Taking a dietary supplement could be a good way to relieve RLS. Iron deficiency often contributes to problems with RLS. If you have an iron deficiency, you could try eating more meat or liver. Spinach and soybeans are also good sources of iron. If you cannot increase your intake of iron, then you may need to consider a supplement. Beyond an iron deficiency, RLS can also be caused by deficiencies in various B vitamins and magnesium. If you are deficient in any of these nutrients, adjustments to your diet could help, but you may need to take regular supplements. Before you start taking any supplements, it is recommended that you consult with a doctor. Sleeping Habits Since restless leg syndrome is also a sleep disorder, it is important to cover the ways that sleep can be improved. Furthermore, a lack of sleep can make your RLS even worse, so it can get you trapped in a cycle of increased sleeplessness that then contributes to more problems with restless leg syndrome. The first point is to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Set a bedtime for yourself, and always make sure that you are in bed by that time. It might be difficult, and the symptoms of RLS might make you want to get up and walk around, but it is important to stay in bed. You also want to avoid taking naps during the day. This can throw off your sleep schedule, and it will only make your problems with sleeplessness at night even worse. Many of the RLS treatments that we mentioned earlier can also be good for bedtime. Instead of getting up to walk around when your legs feel restless, give them a gentle massage. While you are in bed, you could try applying heat to your legs. Getting your daily exercise can also be a good way to make sure you are ready for bed at night. Find a Distraction Another way to get relief from restless leg syndrome is to simply distract your mind from the problem. As was mentioned earlier,
heat and cold therapy provides a sensation that can distract your mind from your restless leg syndrome. In addition to that, you can also try things like topical pain relief lotions to reduce the feelings of restless leg syndrome. If RLS is troubling your mind, try to take your mind off of it with activities like watching television or reading a book. You could also try calling a friend or family member. Having a short conversation with a friend can be a good way to get your mind off the problem, and it might even provide relief that lasts beyond the phone call. The strategy of distracting your mind can also work for when restless leg syndrome is affecting your sleep. The idea is to distract your mind from the feelings in your legs and avoid thinking about your sleep troubles. Topical Pain Relievers There are a variety of topical solutions that can reduce restless leg syndrome attacks. Not all topical pain relief solutions are created equal so it is important to look for the ones that include specific ingredients that are known to alleviate pain. Natural ingredients known to do this are Menthol, Coriander Oil, Roman and German Chamomile, Arnica, MSM, Capsicum, and more. Some solutions contain Aloe Vera and Emu Oil in their ingredients, both of which are nourishing to the skin and aid in faster relief. Emu Oil is a transdermal carrier, which means that it can bond or “match” with the cellular structure of your skin, allowing it and other ingredients included in the formula to travel faster to the afflicted area. Aloe Vera contains a variety of nutrients such as: proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides, and sterols that have been known to relieve pain and heal wounds faster. Before applying a topical pain reliever, check the menthol concentration because many contain high concentrations, which can cause skin irritation and burns. The FDA recommends that topical pain relievers contain a menthol concentration of 3% or less to eliminate the possibility of skin issues. Things to Avoid Restless leg syndrome will affect each person differently. The painful sensations can be different for each person, as well as the frequency and severity of the attacks. Regardless of your specific problems with RLS, there are some things that you should avoid. You want to avoid sitting in the same position for long periods of time. As was mentioned before, movement can be a good way to provide relief. If you have been seated in a chair for a long time, you need to remember to get up to walk around and take a quick stretch. Cutting the caffeine out of your diet can be a good way to prevent
Humps-Horns.com · 12 · May 2017
the problems that you have at bedtime. If RLS is causing trouble with your sleep, then you may want to cut out drinks like coffee, tea, and soda. It is especially important to avoid these drinks in the evening or close to bedtime. You will also want to avoid things like tobacco and alcohol. Regular consumption of alcohol or tobacco can contribute to problems with restless leg syndrome. It is also recommended that you avoid a lot of sugary sweets, fried foods, and processed foods.
Receive a FREE $10 Tube * of Pain Relief
Talk to Your Doctor Restless leg syndrome affects different people in different ways, and treatments that work for one person may not work for others. While there is no specific diagnostic test for restless leg syndrome, visiting your doctor can be one of the most important steps in finding relief. For some people that have restless leg syndrome, the condition is actually a side effect from a medication they are taking. If you talk to your doctor, they might be able to review your medications to find the one that is causing the problem. If a medication is found to be a part of the problem, switching to an alternative can help you get relief from RLS. Your doctor may also be able to diagnose a vitamin deficiency or a health condition that is causing your restless leg syndrome. If that is the case, you might be able to get relief by addressing the vitamin deficiency or health condition that is causing your restless leg syndrome. Your doctor will be able to provide helpful advice. They might have tips for helping you sleep better or they could offer advice about exercise and diet. If you are planning to take a supplement, it is always a good idea to ask your doctor about it first. The doctor may even be able to recommend a specific supplement that is good for your specific needs. At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this article becomes a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information in our articles to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”
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Humps-Horns.com · 13 · May 2017 RTPR Humps HP Vert.indd 1
7/8/16 1:32 PM
Inspiration Point by Keno Shrum
Did You Ever Wonder... I hear a lot of stories about fortune tellers, card readers and people who can predict the future. This leaves me wondering, is there any truth to these things. Are there really people who can look into a crystal ball and tell me what the future holds for me? In fact, as a Bible believer, are these kind of claims even scriptural or something we should be messing around with. I ran across this article, author unknown, on the Lavista Church of Christ website. It’s something to make you stop and say “Huh?”. Did you ever wonder... ... people who make astrological forecasts don’t get rich by shrewd investing in the stock market? It would seem that if they can truly foretell future events they should be able to do quite well. ... people who believe in the “science of healing of the mind” wear glasses? It would seem that if they trust such to cure their own children it would not be asking too much to get them to believe in it for themselves. ... miracle working TV evangelists operate hospitals and clinics? It would seem that they don’t trust their own health to such but are more than willing to seek out the best medical science has to offer when their own health is on the line. ... those who believe that God will abundantly bless each of us materially if we will plant a seed of faith don’t do it themselves? Why do they depend on our generosity when their doctrine teaches that all they have to do is “make a vow” and God will give to them? To find the answers to these and other religious questions, I encourage you to “Come now, let us reason together...” In HIS love, Keno Shrum
Humps-Horns.com · 14 · May 2017
Pork & Bean Cake Cook Time - 45-55 mins
Preheat oven to 350. In blender puree pork & beans and pineapple. Pour into bowl. Add sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla. Mix well. Add flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Mix well.
1-15 oz can pork & beans, undrained 1-8 oz can crushed pineapple-undrained 2 c sugar (may substitute1 1/2 c splenda and 1/2 c sugar for the 2 cups sugar) 1 c vegetable oil 4 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 2 c flour 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp salt
Pour into ungreased 9x13 cake pan and bake for 45-55 minutes. May be very dark or brown on top but inside is still moist. I use cream cheese frosting. (I have used Bush’s maple cured beans with bacon and it gives a really nice maple flavor.)
Given to me by a lady named Faith. Submitted by Bonita Dickinson - Sidney, NE
Humps-Horns.com · 15 · May 2017
, s a n u L s Lo o c i x e M New By Heidi Kitts
Photos by Phillip Kitts/ Avid Visual Imagery
The activities of the Professional Bull Riders Built Ford Tough Series brought more than just the adult big names of bull riding to New Mexico. During PBR week in Albuquerque, the future of the sport of bull riding made their own appearance in the neighboring city of Los Lunas. The Miniature Bull Riders Series hosted young boys and girls from around the nation in Los Lunas for their own tour stop. Competitors from as far as north as Oregon to as far east as North Carolina converged on the small town to test their skills against a top notch collection of bulls. The two-day event did not fail to match the excitement of the pros who were competing a few miles up the street.
Day 1 wrapped up with Tucker Willis scoring 77 points to win the round followed closely by Jase Miller with 76 points. Joao Crimber topped the Junior division with a big 80-point ride while Jayden Batchelor finished second with 77 points. The senior division was topped by Trevor Hebert at 80 points and Travis Wimberly bringing up second with 76 points. Day 2 matched the excitement with Tucker Willis sealing the deal on the average with a 76-point ride and winning both rounds. Jase Miller again matched this score with a 76 and securing the opportunity to ride during the PBR event in Albuquerque. In the Junior division, Brock Poulin put up an 85 to win the round while Ryker Butler came in a close second at 84 points. Seniors division was won by Brayden Kilcrease with 83 points while Lance Lara pulled in a second place finish with 79 points. Joao Crimber won the average in the junior division and Lance Lara took the average in the seniors. With the season going into full swing, Tucker Willis holds a commanding lead in the Peewee world standings, Braxton Thompson holds the lead in the Juniors. Bradlee Miller and Seth Prejeant look to be the real story in the Senior world standings with only 69 points separating them.
Humps-Horns.com ¡ 16 ¡ May 2017
Humps-Horns.com · 17 · May 2017
The Tuff Hedeman Championship Challenge rolled in to Fort Worth, Texas for the 25th annual edition on April 8, 2017. This event, which was held in the historic Cowtown Coliseum, was one of the first stand-alone bull riding events when it began as an invitational bull riding in 1992. On nine different occasions the Tuff Hedeman’s namesake event has been selected as the top event of the year by the world’s best bull riders. The silver anniversary of the Tuff Hedeman Challenge was the next to last stop on the Championship Bull Riding (CBR) tour’s Road to Cheyenne Finals. The field of contestants included several past world champions and National Finals Rodeo qualifiers. Some familiar names may be Neil Holmes, Travis Briscoe, Cody Jesus, Caleb Sanderson, Ben Jones, Sage Kimzey, and Joe Frost.
The format for the event started off with 30 contestants in round 1 with the top 12 scores advancing to the semi-final round. The top four contestants from the semi-final round continue to the final shoot-out round where each rider starts with a clean slate. The first round saw a full slate of 12 men advance to the semi-final round. Several scores were in the high 80’s with Eli Vastbinder who was marked 90 points on High Pockets and Cole Echols, 90.5 points on Jill’s Deal taking first and second places. The semi-final round saw seven riders make the whistle with the top four guys with two scores included Eli Vastbinder (180 points), Joe Frost (177.5 points), and a tie between Caleb Sanderson and Trey Benton (175.5 points). Three of the four made qualified rides in the final shoot-out round and once the dust settled, it was Joe Frost who came out on top with a 91 point ride on Cowbanger, a bull owned by Championship Pro Rodeo, who had been ridden only one time previously when Joe Frost conquered him at the National Finals Rodeo in 2016. When asked about the history of the Tuff Hedeman event and the names who have been named as champions, Joe Frost shared that it is an honor to be included with those who have come before him and it is always provides a little extra incentive to give your best effort. “It’s the best thing when you plan to come do that and then are able to get it done.” Frost, a second cousin to the legendary bull rider Lane Frost, shared what it means to him to share the same last
Joe Frost rides Cowbanger (Cude) for 91 points to win the shoot out round and the event.
Humps-Horns.com · 20 · May 2017
Eli Vastbinder outlasts Cowtown Cartel (Barnett), CBR Bull of the Year, for 90.5 points to lead the semifinal round.
Mike Rawson accepts the first place check for the Bull Team Challenge.
Caleb Sanderson rides Yellow Hair (Hurst Rodeo Ranch) for 88 points in round 1.
Humps-Horns.com ¡ 21 ¡ May 2017
Neil Holmes on Breaking Bad (Hurst Rodeo Ranch) who received a bull score of 45 points. name as Lane and the connection between Lane and Tuff Hedeman. “Him and Lane were like brothers and both of them were two of the best bull riders ever. It does mean a lot that they were so close and it is great to be here and be a part of something like this.” A big part of the Championship Bull Riding tour is the bull team challenge. Stock contractors brought the best of their herds to Fort Worth where Rawson Bucking Bulls came out on top with 280.50 points to claim the $20,000 check. Championship Pro Rodeo / Cude came in second place with 280.15 points to win $12,000, third place was Burleson / Barnett #2 (279.88 points) $8,000, and Harmon Elite Bulls in fourth place with 279.27 points for $5,000. The CBR Finals will be held in conjunction with the Cheyenne Frontier Days on July 24-25, 2017. Photos by Todd Brewer - Instagram @brewerbullphotos Provided courtesy of CBR. Trevyn Armstrong won first place in the Cripple Creek Junior Bull Riding.
Humps-Horns.com · 22 · May 2017
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Guilherme Marchi
Club By Justin Felisko
No one inside Rimrock Auto Arena had to look any further to see the love, joy and passion that 2008 World Champion Guilherme Marchi has for the sport of professional bull riding on Saturday night. Marchi couldn’t hold back the tears any longer as he received a commemorative Montana Silversmiths belt buckle honoring his 600th career ride on the Built Ford Tough Series minutes after riding Shocker for 86.25 points in Round 2 of the Stanley Performance In Action Invitational, presented by Cooper Tires. The 14-year veteran had proudly been wearing his 500th career rides belt buckle all weekend long in Billings, Montana, but becoming the first rider in PBR history to reach 600 rides was emotionally overwhelming. Marchi’s latest accomplishment was another reward for the endless amount of hard work and dedication the 34-year-old has
demonstrated in the PBR since making his BFTS debut on August 6, 2004, in Oklahoma City. “I feel so happy to reach this number,” Marchi said outside of the rider locker room. “I feel like I won a gold buckle again. This is a lot for me. Everything I have done in my career. I know this is hard for everyone, but when we dream hard, and you work hard, anything is possible.” Marchi began his historic night by arriving at the arena at 4:30 p.m. and beginning to rosin his white bull rope, which he was only using for the second time. His infamous grin and vociferous personality out in full force. It wasn’t until 8:15 pm. when the magnitude of the moment began to overwhelm him. Marchi was on the back of the bucking chutes waiting for his turn to ride when he closed his eyes and began to let out deep, deep breathes. Five minutes later, Marchi exhaled again, pumped his chest and let out a big yell. However, Marchi then became silent once he was staring down at Shocker. Three-time World Champion Silvano Alves even asked Marchi why he had become so quiet. Marchi responded, “I have had such a blessed career. I need to thank God for keeping me here and strong. I am 34 years old and
Humps-Horns.com · 24 · May 2017
I am going to be 35 and I still ride. I am glad I push myself hard to still be one of the top bull riders.” Once he got inside the bucking chute, though, Marchi was back at home in a familiar environment that has helped him earn $4.9 million dollars in his career. The pressure may have been weighing on him, but the 8,975 fans in attendance were ready to fuel him past the unridden Shocker (4-0, BFTS / 13-0 overall) as they all rose to their feet. Marchi finished taking his wrap, glanced up at the crowd with a slight grin and then nodded for the gate. The rest was history - even after a judges’ review put the moment on hold for a brief minute. Marchi gritted his way toward the 8-second mark away from his hand with the same determination that will forever be associated with his career. “This took many years on the road. Many years in the PBR,” Marchi said. “I feel what my fans are feeling today too. It is fun because they are there for you. They wanted to see the record broken. “The PBR fans opened their arms for me and I feel like their son today.” Marchi also credited his family and girlfriend for being so supportive of him during his pursuit of history. “My daddy and momma taught me to be thankful for everything because life is hard,” he added. “People is hard, but you need to learn from people and respect people.” Alves gave Marchi a big hug as he exited the arena. “He is the best cowboy,” Alves said. “He is a PBR legend. It is hard for any cowboy to ride 600. He is one of the best of all time and is always in the Top 10. This is very special. The Built Ford Tough Series is the best of the best.” Marchi’s 600th ride comes 4,586 days – 12 years 6 months and 22 days – since recording the first ride of his career (85.5 points on Arizona) in Laughlin, Nevada, on September 17, 2004. It is also only 37 months and a day since Marchi became the first rider in PBR history to reach 500 qualified rides when he rode Pandora’s Pyxis in Phoenix in 2014.
said 600 rides is the third greatest accomplishment of his career behind winning the 2008 world title, and the 2005 Built Ford Tough World Finals. In 2008, Marchi put forth one of the best seasons in PBR history by riding a remarkable 72.55 percent of his bulls (74-for-102), winning five events and posting 13 90-point rides. Marchi’s world title came after three consecutive runner-up finishes and he would once again finish second in the world standings in 2012. Only twice in his career has he finished outside of the Top 10 of the world standings.
“I remember when I reached 500 bulls, I didn’t think about too much,” Marchi said. “It was just kind of normal for me. This means more. There was a lot of pressure.”
Marchi is 600-for-1,068 (56.18 percent) with 51 90-point rides, 24 event wins and three 15/15 Bucking Battle victories in his 14-year career.
2004 World Champion Mike Lee, who earned career ride 500 last year in Billings, is the only other rider to surpass the 500-ride mark with Marchi.
According to ProBullStats, 104 of his 600 rides have come in the championship round and 15/15 Bucking Battles.
Marchi has accomplished everything there is to win in the PBR and
PBR co-founder and nine-time World Champion Ty Murray called the 600-ride mark an “incredible” accomplishment.
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“Guilherme really is a special athlete,” Murray said. “To be able to do something this physically and mentally demanding for this long takes a special person. You have seen guys that can’t do this for two months. They can’t handle the mental aspect of this sport. Let alone the physical.” PBR Director of Livestock Cody Lambert added, “It is huge. There are very few people in the world that have been on 600 bulls that he has qualified on. It means he has had a really long career and he still belongs at this place at the highest-level for all these years. “Right now, he has it going really well and he belongs in the Top 10 (of the world standings). Marchi nearly retired following the 2015 season after tearing ligaments in both his knees and his riding arm in a span of four months. “I almost did retire because of my situation,” Marchi admitted. “I was tired. I was hurt, but when you believe in yourself you can do whatever you want to do.” Three-time World Champion Adriano Moraes called Marchi the “fittest bull rider of all time” and credited his former traveling mate for continuing to strive to be the best. “Guilherme Marchi reaching 600 qualified rides is an impressive number,” Moraes said. “This feat of 600 rides is not for everyone. It
is just for an enduring cowboy like Guilherme. He is a fit, healthy cowboy. This proves being an athlete is worth it. Guilherme at 34 can continue to ride these rank bulls so well –ranker and much ranker than when I rode. “What stands out to me is his age and physical condition. That is why it is a testimony of being healthy and being a true athlete.” Marchi believes he can now ride for possibly another 2-3 years and make a run at 700 rides. “When you put in your mind you are going to retire, that is the time because you are tired and you don’t enjoy it anymore,” Marchi said. “I still enjoy this. I still do this for fun. Maybe next year I retire. Maybe two years. We will see how my performance is. “I could retire at the end of the Finals this year. We will see.” Regardless of when Marchi decides to call it a career, he has once again added another legendary chapter to his future Ring of Honor inductee novel. “I am glad of all the numbers in my career,” Marchi concluded. “I am blessed all of my dreams have come true. “I am one of the best bull riders all time.”
Humps-Horns.com · 26 · May 2017
Article and photos provided courtesy of PBR.
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Looking Back - 20 Years PBR World Champions By Kelly B. Robbins
Humps N' Horns Bull Riding Magazine has been around in one form or another for almost twenty years. It was originally a newspaper format called Humps n' Horns Bull Riding News and was founded by Dave Berry. Since then it has undergone many changes. Keno and Jamie Shrum purchased the magazine in 2011 and changed it from a newsprint format to it's current full color, glossy, magazine format and name. It is now a partner publication of the PBR. Terry and Stacie Blake purchased the magazine in 2015. As HNH enters into it's twentieth anniversary year, we thought it would be fun to go back and revisit the PBR World Champion cowboys for the past twenty years.
May 30, 2015 for a chance at the winner-take-all purse of $160,000. He gamely straddled RMEF Team Elk but was bucked off in 2.30 seconds. 1998- TROY DUNN: Australia's Troy Dunn rode his first calf at age nine in 1976 and began to rodeo professionally in Australia in 1987. After winning the Australian Professional Rodeo Association Bull Riding Championship, he moved to Canada in 1990 and began
Twenty years ago, the PBR was a fledgling organization with just a couple of years under it's gold buckle. Back then the series was called the PBR Bud Light Cup series and the World Champion bonus was $75,000. Since then it has grown to become the premier bucking bull organization in the world, offering a $1 million bonus to the PBR World Champion. 1997- MICHAEL GAFFNEY: Albuquerque, New Mexico is home to this 1997 PBR World Champion cowboy, one of the original founding fathers of the PBR. In order to clinch the gold buckle that year, Michael had to ride all five bulls at the PBR Bud Light Cup World Finals, and he did it, earning $243,251 for the season. Michael's bull riding career included thirteen 90+ point rides. In 2004, he tied the all-time highest PBR score by out-dueling Little Yellow Jacket at the PBR BFTS Nampa, Idaho event for 96.5 points! Michael hung up his spurs following the 2004 season, and was inducted into the PBR Ring of Honor in 2005. He came out of retirement briefly to ride in the J.W.Hart Invitational (better known as “Unfinished Business”) in Decatur, Texas on
Michael Gaffney on Little Yellow Jacket for 96.5 points at the 2004 Nampa BFTS.
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competing in Canada and the United States. Troy was the 1997 PBR Touring Pro Champion and he also won the 1997 PBR World Finals. He had a great season leading up to the 1998 PBR Bud Light Cup Finals and finished as the 1998 PBR World Champion. Troy's career high-marked bull ride of 95.5 points was in 1998 on Rampage in Columbus, Ohio. He retired after the 2005 season and was inducted into the PBR Ring of Honor in 2005. Bloomsbury, Australia is where Troy now spends his time on his 3,000 acre property raising cattle and bucking bulls. 1999- CODY HART: Cody (aka “Wild Man”) won the 1999 PBR Bud Light Cup Series World Championship at Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas. This right-handed rider had a total of 179 qualified rides out of 503 attempts in his PBR career. His career high-marked bull ride came in 1999 in Salt Lake City on Promise Land for 94.5 points! Gainesville, Texas is home to Cody, who happens to have a rather popular PBR bull riding sibling by the name of J.W. “Hit Man” Hart. The two were inseparable as kids, and the two hit the rodeo circuit when Cody was just fourteen and J.W. was seventeen. Cody is now retired from bull riding but remains a huge fan of the “toughest sport on dirt”. 2000 & 2003- CHRIS SHIVERS: Chris is one of the all-time PBR fan favorites. This tough little guy from Jonesville, Louisiana turned pro in 1997 and took the bull riding world by storm, winning the PBR World Championship in both 2000 and 2003. On his way to the championship in 2000, Chris had qualified rides on 41 of 67 bulls, earning a 62.10% riding percentage for the season. In 2003, he became the first PBR World Champion to collect the $1 million bonus. His bull riding career resume is absolutely amazing. This includes 22 PBR Bud Light Cup Series and Built Ford Tough Series wins, 94 90+ point rides (13 in one season-1998), and he qualified for the PBR World Finals 15 times. Chris was the PBR Touring Pro Division champion in 1997 and 2000. He was the first PBR bull rider to earn $1 million in his career in 2001, the first to earn $2 million in 2003, and the first to earn $3 million in 2006. The PBR highest scoring ride was 96.5, by Bubba Dunn on Promise Land in 1999. Chris tied that record, not once but twice, riding Jim Jam for 96.5 points in 2000 and Dillinger for 96.5 points in 2001. This Louisiana cowboy announced his retirement following the 2012 season. He was inducted into the PBR Ring of Honor in 2013. Lillie and Cirildo Leal started Mini Bull Riders in 2010. Chris has partnered with MBR, which promotes the sport of youth bull riding. An invitation to the J.W.Hart Invitational (better known
Adriano Moraes at the PBR World Finals. as “Unfinished Business”) in Decatur, Texas on May 30, 2015 and the possibility of a $160,000 payday lured Chris out of retirement briefly. Chris battled Black Cat for the full eight seconds and a score of 88.5 points, tying J.W.Hart's 88.5 score to split the prize money. 2001, (1994) & 2006- ADRIANO MORAES: This Brazilian bull riding legend and the first three-time PBR World Champion is considered one of the greatest bull riders of all time. He was truly a trailblazer who helped put Brazil on the bull riding map, and has made a lasting impact on bull riding. Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil is home, where Adriano first started riding bulls at age 15, turning professional at age 17. After winning the Brazilian Bull Riding Championship in 1992 and 1993, he moved to the U.S. and joined the PBR. Adriano racked up 29 PBR event wins and had 47 90+ point rides earning $3.5 million in his career, along with his three PBR championships. His high-marked ride was aboard Promise Land in Houston in 2000 for a score of 95 points. Adriano retired after the 2008 season and was inducted into the PBR Ring of Honor in 2009. He has remained active in bull riding, promoting the sport around the world. 2002- EDNEI CAMINHAS: Presidente Alves, Brazil is where Ednei hangs his hat when he's not riding bulls somewhere in the world! The 2002 PBR World Champion has had a passion for riding bulls for over twenty years. His 2002 championship season was accomplished with 52 qualified rides out of 77 attempts for a 67.53% riding percentage. His 2002 earnings were $291,921. This righthanded Brazilian had a career high-marked ride aboard Dillinger in 2001 in Columbus, Georgia for 95 points! Ednei retired from bull riding after the 2008 season, but he keeps coming out of retirement
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2005 & 2007- JUSTIN MCBRIDE: Justin is considered to be one of the greatest bull riders of all time. This tough, two time PBR World Champion has fought back from many injuries since he joined the PBR in 1999, winning 32 career PBR events, a record that still stands. He holds the single season PBR event win record at 8, set in 2007. Justin was the first bull rider to break the $5 million earnings mark in 2008 and is the third highest PBR money winner at $5.1 million. The bull Hollywood gave Justin his career high-marked ride at 95.5 points in Albuquerque in 2001. This versatile cowboy is also a country western singer, debuting his first album “Don't Let Go” in 2007. Justin retired from bull riding after the 2008 season and was inducted into the PBR Ring of Honor in 2009. He is also well known as one of the color commentators for the PBR Built Ford Tough Series telecasts on the CBS Sports Network. The J.W. Hart Invitational on May 30, 2015 in Decatur, Texas (also known as Unfinished Business) brought Justin out of retirement briefly. He rode Oyster Creek but was bucked off in 3.26 seconds.
Kody Lostroh ties for first in the 15/15 Bucking Battle with 89.75 points on Meat Hook.
to ride bulls in various venues. This includes stints just last year in the PBR Touring Pro Division and the BlueDef Velocity Series. 2004- MIKE LEE: Mike, the 2004 PBR World Champion, grew up on a ranch in Paradise, Texas. He started riding steers at the age of ten and was riding junior bulls by age fourteen. Mike continued riding bulls in high school, qualifying for the National High School Finals Rodeo two years in a row, turning professional at eighteen. Mike's extreme dedication, focus and faith have helped him conquer these bovine athletes ever since, qualifying for every PBR World Final since he started in 2002. He was the first PBR rider to win the PBR World Finals and the PBR World Championship in the same year, and he was the first to win the championship without a regular season event win. Career earnings of nearly $4 million prove he is one of the best ever bull riders. In April 2016, Mike rode Tahonta's Magic in Billings, Montana for 86.75 points, becoming only the second bull rider in PBR history to reach 500 qualified rides. To date he has 521 qualified rides to his credit, and is still running around the entire arena following every qualified ride!
2008- GUILHERME MARCHI: 600 is a magic number to this cowboy that hails from Leme, Brazil. Guilherme, the 2008 PBR World Champion, just made his 600 th PBR BFTS qualified ride aboard Shocker in Billings, Montana on April 8, 2017 for 86.25 points. This is an absolutely amazing accomplishment. He was also the first bull rider to reach 500 PBR qualified rides when he rode Pandora's Pyxis for 84 points in Phoenix in 2014. Guilherme has been riding bulls since he was fifteen years old. During his run to the PBR World Championship in 2008, he covered 74 of 99 bulls for a 74.80% riding percentage! He was the PBR reserve champion four times and has 51 90+ point rides. He has earned over $4 million in his career so far, only the fourth bull rider to accomplish that. 2009- KODY LOSTROH: Ault, Colorado is home to the 2009 PBR World Champion. Kody rode his first steer at the age of eight and went on to win the Little Britches National Bull Riding title and three consecutive Colorado State High School Rodeo Association titles. He was the 2005 PBR BFTS Rookie of the Year and has career earnings of over $3 million. Kody rode seven of eight bulls at the PBR World Finals in 2009, edging out J.B. Mauney for the championship, one of the closest races in PBR history. His career high-marked ride was on Troubadour in 2009 in Fresno, California for 94.5 points. Kody retired from bull riding after the 2015 season and now raises bucking bulls at his Shield of Faith Cattle Company in Ault, Colorado. 2010- RENATO NUNES: Brazilian Renato Nunes, the 2010 PBR World Champion, learned his bull riding skills in his hometown of Buritama, Brazil before joining the PBR in 2005. His career in the PBR covered ten years and saw him earn qualifications to ten PBR World Finals, winning the Finals the same year he won the championship. Renato scored ten career event wins, 44 top five finishes, and 87 top ten finishes. He has career earnings of nearly
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$3 million and was well known for his signature backflip from the chutes after every qualified ride. Renato outlasted the infamous Chicken on a Chain in St. Louis in 2008 for his career high-marked ride of 95.75 points. Renato retired from bull riding following the 2015 season. 2011, 2012 & 2014- SILVANO ALVES: Silvano is one of only two bull riders in PBR history to win three PBR World Championships. He is the first cowboy to win back-to-back PBR World Championships in 2011 and 2012. Silvano covered all six bulls in the 2014 PBR BFTS World Finals to win the Finals and clinch the championship, becoming the richest western athlete in history with career earnings of $5.266 million. This native of Pilar do Sul, Brazil is currently the second leading all-time money winner in the PBR, and is a very popular bull rider in both the U.S. And Brazil. He was the 2010 PBR Rookie of the Year and the 2013 PBR Reserve World Champion. His father, Silvano, and his grandfather, Lazaro were both big-time bull riders in Brazil. They started teaching Silvano how to ride bulls when he was thirteen years old. He holds the PBR record of 24 consecutive qualified rides, smashing J.B. Mauney's record of 16 set just one year before. 2013 & 2015- J.B. MAUNEY: Two-time PBR World Champion J.B. Mauney hangs up his bull rope at his ranch in Statesville,
North Carolina when he's not out slaying a giant. As his many fans know, he has battled and conquered a few. The list of his conquests include 2012 PBR World Champion bull Asteroid, 2015 Champion SweetPro's Long John, 2016 Champion SweetPro's Bruiser, contending PBR World Champion bulls Stone Sober, Pearl Harbor, Brutus, and of course, 2011, 2013 & 2014 PBR World Champion bull Bushwacker. J.B. rode Bushwacker in Tulsa on August 17, 2013 for 95.25 points, breaking Bushwacker's streak of 42 buck-offs.J.B. rode his first bull at the age of thirteen. He joined the PBR in 2006 and was the PBR BFTS Rookie of the Year. This tough left-handed cowboy set a record in 2014 for consecutive qualified rides at 16. He has twice ridden all his bulls at the PBR World Finals, in 2009 and 2013. J.B. owns the greatest comeback in PBR history. He began the second half of the 2013 season in tenth place. He went on to win five of the last nine events to win the championship. In 2015, J. B. had a 59.09% riding percentage, fifteen round wins, and eight 90+ point rides, becoming the richest athlete in western sports history. His earnings are $7.22 million-so far. The words “so far” describe some of J.B.'s impressive stats. He has won two PBR World Championshipsso far. He has 73 90+ point rides- so far. He has 30 PBR BFTS career wins-so far, and he has won three 15/15 Bucking Battles- so far! 2016- COOPER DAVIS: Cooper is an east Texas cowboy who won the 2016 PBR World Championship by battling J.B. Mauney and Kaique Pacheco all the way to the PBR World Finals. There he rode four of six bulls and won round five with a 91 point ride on Catfish John, edging out Pacheco by 488 points for the title. Unlike many of today's bull riders, Cooper didn't grow up in a rodeo family. His sister dated bull rider Clayton Foltyn, who got Cooper interested in bull riding. Buna, Texas is where Cooper calls home. As a rookie, Cooper won the PBR World Finals event in 2015, becoming the fourth rookie in PBR history to do so. He was also the 2015 Reserve World Champion behind J.B. Mauney. Cooper has earned over $1.5 million to date. Photos were taken by Andy Watson / Bullstock Media and provided courtesy of PBR.
Renato Nunes has made the only succesful ride on the great bull, Air Time.
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Justin McBride attempts to ride McCoy Ranches’ Bells Blue during the fourth round of the PBR Built Ford Tough World Finals. Photo by Andy Watson.
Unleash the Fury!
The MBRA 2016 Season Finals have been confirmed for May 20, 2017 in Windom, MN. The finals iill feaurre uhe Top 20 Pro and Top 10 Rookie Riders! Champion brckles iill be aiard uo each division iinner along iiuh prize packages from CLG Pro Rodeo Prodrcus. In addiuion, uhe evenu iinner iill receive a CLG gear bag! Any qresuions conuacu 320-226-0947. iii.midiesubrllriders.com
2017 EVENTS…MORE COMING! Feb 3 & 4 Jun 16 July 8 July 13 July 15 July 15 July 19 July 22 July 27 July 29 Aug 1 Aug 5 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 15 Aug 19 Aug 20
Verndale, MN Motley, MN Stoughton, WI * Waseca, MN Edgerton, MN Decorah, IA * Monroe, WI * Manchester, WI * Rochester, MN La Valle, WI * Brainerd, MN Garnavillo, IA* Willmar, MN Chisholm, MN Iron River, WI Austin, MN Owatonna, MN Viroqua, WI * Viroqua, WI *
*Rookie Division only is Sanctioned Visit our website for callin times and details! www.midwestbullriders.com
Photos courtesy of Casey Martin Photography
Humps-Horns.com · 36 · May 2017
Humps-Horns.com · 37 · May 2017
The UBBI has announced changes to this year’s United Futurity League (UFL). The UFL will now host 5 “OPEN” Team Futurity events in 2017. These team events will be held in conjunction with: Spring Spectacular Red River Chute Out Battle of the Bull Battle of the Bull Red Dirt Round Up
April 8 April 22 June 17 July 15 July 29
Locust Grove, OK Ada OK Palestine TX Palestine TX Locust Grove OK
Team participants are NOT required to purchase a UFL franchise or pay a sustain fee. These events are open to ALL UBBI members in good standing. Open futurity team entry fee will be $750 and will be paid back 100%. This will be a “sidepot” and eligible team bulls MUST be entered into the regular UBBI futurity. A minimum of 10 teams will be required to host a team event. With 10 teams paying back 100%, the pot would be $7500 and will pay 4 places: 1st $3000 40% 2nd $2250 30% 3rd $1500 20% 4th $ 750 10% After 10 teams, payoff will be 1 place for every 3 teams entered. In other words, 15 teams would pay 5 places; 18 teams would pay 6 places; 21 teams would pay 7 places, and so on. Team money won WILL NOT for qualifying for the UBBI National Finals. Money won individually in the UBBI futurity WILL count toward qualifying for the UBBI National Finals. Eligible team bulls DO NOT have to be owned by team participant. Anyone can team together, as long as bulls are entered into the UBBI futurity. Team bulls must be disclosed at time of entry into the event. Complete Ground Rules are available at www.unitedbuckingbulls.com
Humps-Horns.com · 38 · May 2017
In an effort to improve it’s two largest paying events the UBBI has introduced changes to the 2017 UBBI Gold Standard Futurity & Black Gold Derby. A number of UBBI members have “Lifetime” positions that have assured them an opportunity to compete for large purses at these events each year. Other members would apply for Lottery positions, allowing them to compete on a year-to-year basis. Since their inception, both of these events were designed to give UBBI members an opportunity to have and use a position to compete with each year, but the last two seasons has seen a decline in participation.
Applications to participate and a 50% deposit MUST be in the UBBI office by Monday, April 3rd by 5pm! There will be a penalty schedule for late applications and entries. If members would like multiple positions and plan to enter multiple bulls, they must submit an application and a deposit for each entry before April 3, 2017. We hope that these changes give value to our two largest paying UBBI events. If you have any questions, please call the UBBI office.
“These events have always held a large amount of value to our UBBI members,” explained Randy Schmutz, general manager of the UBBI. “But we also learned that a large amount of our membership didn’t quite understand the process or the concept. So in 2017, we’re going to allow ALL of our membership to apply for a position to compete at the largest paying events on our schedule!” This year’s event will once again be held in Ada, Oklahoma on May 12th and 13th. This year’s competition will be OPEN to every UBBI member in good standing who would like to enter and compete, but all Lifetime and Lottery position holders will be given first right of refusal to participate and then available positions will be given to all other UBBI members. All UBBI members, including Lifetime and Lottery position holders must send in an application for a position to compete. Entry Fees for the Gold Standard Futurity are $1250, with $1000 going to the purse and $1350 for the Black Gold Derby with $1000 going to the purse. With 150 entries the Gold Standard Futurity will pay $50,000 to 1st place and will pay 30 places. With 100 entries the Black Gold Derby will pay $25,000 to first place and will pay 25 places.
(Left) Bring It Back from 4G/Leschyshyn winning the Futurity at the 2017 Boston Porter Memorial with a 90 point score. Photo by Gautreau
TBR Bucking Bulls’ Buffalo Scott winning the Derby. Photo by Gautreau
Humps-Horns.com · 39 · May 2017
INTERNATIONAL BULL RIDERS 10108 Green Valley Road Union Bridge, MD 21791 Phone/Call In #: (301) 748-0617 Fax: (410) 561-7018 www.GoIBR.com
2017 IBR APPLICATION 10108 Green Valley Road, Union Bridge, MD 21791 (301) 748-0617 Contestant Fee $100 __________ *$20 of membership fees will be for a subscription to HNH Bull Riding Newsâ„¢. Please make sure that your address is correct and that you update the IBR of any change in address throughout the year! DUES MUST BE PAID BY MONEY ORDER OR CERTIFIED CHECK REQUIRED FOR ALL MEMBERS. If under the age of 18, you must have a Parent/Guardian signature, and application must be notarized. Applications WILL NOT be processed without copy of Health Insurance with proof of coverage date, which IS REQUIRED FOR ALL MEMBERS. PLEASE PRINT NEATLY.
Name: _____________________________ Phone: ________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ DOB: ________________ SSN/Tax ID: _________________________ Country of Citizenship: _______________________________________ This is a release of liability. By becoming a member of the IBR you are agreeing to release the IBR and other parties from liability.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________
2017 Schedule SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd, 2017 ~ 7PM UNION BRIDGE, MD $75 EF, 32/10, $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: J-W SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 2017 ~ 7PM UNION BRIDGE, MD $75 EF, 32/10, $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: J-W
2017 IBR AP 10108 Green Valley Road SATURDAY, JULY 29th, 2017 ~ 7PM (301) 7 WESTMINSTER, MD $75 EF, 30/10, $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: IBR
Contestant Fee $
SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th, 2017 ~ 7PM UNION BRIDGE, *$20 ofMD membership fees will be for a su $75 EF, 32/10, Please $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: make sure thatJ-W your address i
SATURDAY, JULY 1st, 2017 ~ 7PM UNION BRIDGE, MD $75 EF, 32/10, $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: J-W
of any change in addre FRIDAY, AUGUST 18th, 2017 ~ 7PM BERRYVILLE, VA DUES MUST BE PAID BYRMONE $75 EF, 30/10, $2000 ADM, PRODUCER: TRIPLE
THURSDAY, JULY 13th, 2017 ~ 7PM EASTON, MD $60 EF, 24/6, $1000 ADM, PRODUCER: ROCKIN R
SATURDAY,REQUIRED AUGUST 19th, 2017 7PM MEMBERS. FOR~ ALL UNION BRIDGE, MD Parent/Guardian signature, and applic $75 EF, 32/10, $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: J-W
FRIDAY, JULY 14th, 2017 ~ 7PM EASTON, MD $60 EF, 24/6, $1000 ADM, PRODUCER: ROCKIN R
$75 EF, 30/10, $2000 ADM, PRODUCER: TRIPLE R
WILL NOT be processed without co SATURDAY, AUGUSTcoverage 26th, 2017 ~date, 7PM which IS REQU KEARNEYSVILLE, WV PLEASE PRI
SATURDAY, JULY 15th, 2017 ~ 7PM UNION BRIDGE, MD $75 EF, 32/10, $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: J-W
Name: _______________________ SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th, 2017 ~ 7PM ROXBURY, PA Address: _____________________ $75 EF, 30/10, $2000 ADM, PRODUCER: TRIPLE R
DOB: ________________ SSN/Ta MONDAY, AUGUST 28th, 2017 ~ 7PM TIMONIUM, MD $75 EF, 30/10, $2000 ADM, PRODUCER: IBR_________ Country of Citizenship:
THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 2017 ~ 7PM LEESBURG, VA $75 EF, 30/10, $1500 ADM, PRODUCER: TRIPLE R
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd,of 2017 ~ 7PM By becomi This is a release liability. UNION BRIDGE, MD to release the IBR and o $75 EF, 32/10, $3000 ADM, PRODUCER: J-W
FRIDAY, JULY 28th, 2017 ~ 7PM LEESBURG, VA $75 EF, 30/10, $1500 ADM, PRODUCER: TRIPLE R
*Call-Ins for shows are the Monday prior* Signature: ____________________ (301)748-0617, 6-7pm
Practice Pens
JACKSONVILLE, NC - Aleck Barnard, Elite Cowboy Rodeo Assoc., Onslow Rodeo Arena, 6pm Every Other Sunday, Call First, 910-381-8597
NEW MARKET, AL - EC Hunt, 5:30pm Sun., 256-683-8169 BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, Anytime, Call First, 870-307-9923 CONWAY, AR - Mark Lindsey, Ride & Shine Cattle Company, Anytime, Call First, 501-730-4557 ELFRIDA, AZ - D Davis Bucking Bulls, 4pm Sat., Call First, 520-642-3737 LINCOLN, CA - B Bar Ranch, B Bar Indoor Arena, Rain or Shine, All Rough Stock, 916-206-4059 MARYSVILLE, CA - PacWest, 5pm Wed., Steers & Bulls, Call First, 530-7516643 FRESNO, CA - Toro Bravo Arena, Thur. by appt., Call First, 559-577-2445 ELIZABETH, CO - Tuff Garcia, Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Mon., Rain or Shine, 970-8460788 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO - Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Wed., Apr-Nov., 970-8466828/3354
Do You Have a Livestock Layover or Practice Pen? List it for FREE in the Classifieds. Call our office at 325-500-BULL (2855) For More Information on listing your facilities
ALDEN, IA - Circle C Rodeo, 6pm Wed., Rain or Shine, Call for alternate dates 641-373-3625 WOODBINE, IA - Tom & Kristina Kelley, every Sun. (weather permitting). Beginner - rank bulls. Call 712-592-2493 KENDALLVILLE, IN - B Bar A Bucking Bulls, Heidi Speicher, 7pm Every Thur, Call First, 260-564-5864/Troy JACKSONVILLE, IL - Lazy C Rodeo, 10am3pm Sun., Rain or shine, Call First, 217-245-8280
Humps-Horns.com · 42 · May 2017
CHANDLER, OK - JAM Bulls, 2pm Sun., 7pm Wed., Call First, 405-570-9010 SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hour notice, Rain or Shine, 307-461-1741 EAGLEVILLE, TN - BF Cattle Company, 2pm Sun., Jackpot, Call First, 615-336-4313 EMORY, TX - Oakes & Greene’s, 7pm Wed., 903-348-8630 LORENA, TX - Rocking S Ranch, Tue., Jackpot, Call First, 254-716-0779 MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, 4pm Sun/6pm Wed., $5 at the gate to ride as many as you want, 817-223-3692 SIMMS, TX - Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 7pm Every Other Thur., 903-543-3025 PETROLIA, TX - Norris Dalton, 7pm Wed., 940-733-3020 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, Call First, 940-393-3730 NOCONA, TX - 4x Arena, Call First, 501-944-1907 STEPHENVILLE, TX - Young Arena, every Sunday 2:30pm (rain or shine). $5 at gate to ride as many as you want or to watch. Variety of bulls - beginners to rank. Young Arena Facebook page or call Mike Young 254-967-2313 NOCONA, TX - Locke Bucking Bulls, Call First, 940-872-0733
Livestock Layovers BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, White River Rodeo, 870-307-9923
CLASSIFIEDS Livestock Layovers RAYMOND, IL - Randy Littrell, Shop Creek Cattle, 217-556-0551 MARYSVILLE, KS - Gary Hershey, 4H Bucking Bulls and Marysville Sale Barn, Call First, 785-292-4952 LAKE CHARLES, LA - Keith Strickland, Deep South Rodeo Genetics, 337-304-1493 SALEM, MO - Hwy 32 & 72, Salem Livestock Auction, 573-729-8880 HELENA, MT - Jim Horne, Bull Horne Ranch, 406-459-5706 FERNLEY, NV - Nathan Pudsey, Circle P Bucking Bulls, 775-750-2168 CLAYTON, NM - Justin Keeth, Lazy J 3 Bucking Bulls, 575-447-0877 BETHESDA, OH - 15 Miles off I-70, TCB Ranch, 304-281-4530
Livestock Layovers
SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hours notice, 307-461-1741
CHEYENNE, WY - Floyd & Ann Thomas, TTnT Ranch, 307-778-8806
BOX ELDER, SD - Gus “Duane” Aus, Lazy Heart O Ranch, 605-923-3426
BUCHANAN, TN - Parsons & Milam 731-642-8346 CLARKSVILLE, TX - Brian Agnew, BA Livestock, 903-669-9189 DUBLIN, TX - Mike Godfrey, Godfrey 4X Cattle, 817-235-2852 MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, JC Knapp Rodeo, 817-223-3692 MIDLAND, TX - Ted Norton, Norton Bucking Bulls, 432-413-8433 DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, 940-393-3730 SIMMS, TX - Near I-30 Texarkana, Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 863-381-2799
Free bull riding tips on Facebook at Gary Leffew Bullriders Only.
Miscellaneous WINNERS RODEO SUPPLY - Gary Leffews Dare to Be Great DVD $45.00 or I am Hot DVD $35.00-free shipping. Also some remaining Hotman and Lostroh bullropes plus all other bullriding gear. Gold Buckle Rodeo Supply rodeo@wk.net 320-328-4000 Dealers wanted !! RENOWNED HIGH QUALITY BULL ROPES - From $400, 1-580-225-3208, DickCarrBullRopes.com, PO Box 18, Elk City, OK. 73648, Be Blessed.
14 World Champions and counting! Learn the guru’s winning techniques: Bull riding drills and mental tricks for a smokin’ hot career! FMI and to register for school, visit www.hotmanrodeogear.org * 2017 School Schedule * pril 28, 29 & 30 ~ Grantville, PA A (contact: Mike Bodick for PA school) May 19, 20 & 21 ~ Great Falls, Montana May 26, 27 & 28 ~ Dayton, Iowa June 7 - 11th ~ Rifle, CO June 23 - 25 ~ Valentine, Nebraska
Humps-Horns.com · 43 · May 2017
PROFESSIONAL QUALITY BULLROPES Raymond Branch, Custom Braider Maker of World, NFR, & PBR Champion Bullropes Strictly custom-braided to your specifications. (928) 289-9611 www.mypqb.com
^-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice
Added $ Open
Call In#
WEEKLY EVENTS Fri / Sat Fri / Sat Fri / Sat Fri / Sat APRIL Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 29
Wichita, KS $500 Oklahoma City, OK $500 night Fort Worth, TX Fort Worth, TX
Mon Wed Thur Thur
6-10pm 9pm 6-10pm 6-10pm
316-204-2624 Club Rodeo 405-309-7724 Cowboys OKC 254-371-7343 Stockyards Champ Rodeo 254-371-7343 Billy Bob’s Texas
Del Rio, TX 40th Annual George Paul Memorial Bull Riding Del Rio, TX 40th Annual George Paul Memorial Bull Riding Wichita, KS
CBR Horizon Series CBR Bull Riding RTPR Velocity Tour
MAY May 5-6 Uvalde, TX RTPR Velocity Tour May 6 Alexandria, LA PBR TPD May 6 Pauls Valley, OK Thunder in the Valley May 12-14 Las Vegas, NV LAST COWBOY STANDING at HELLDORADO DAYS PBR BFTS May 13 Fredonia, PA Rodeo Stock Sale Bullride Mania May 19-20 Elmira, NY PBR TPD May 20 Nocona, TX $1500 5/15 580-276-7151 13th Annual Nocona Bullfest May 20 Windom, MN MBRA FINALS MBRA JUNE Jun 3 Decatur, TX JW Hart Challenge RTPR Velocity Tour Jun 3 Great Falls, MT PBR TPD Jun 3 Newman Grove, NE $2,000 5/29 6-10pm 712-374-6053 BOA/Extreme Bull Riding Tour Jun 3 Union Bridge, MD $3,000 5/29 6-7pm 301-748-0617 IBR Jun 9 Decorah,IA $2,500 6/5 6-10pm 712-374-6053 BOA/Extreme Bull Riding Tour Jun 9-10 Deadwood, SD RTPR Velocity Tour Jun 10 New Hampton, IA $2,000 6/5 6-10pm 712-374-6053 BOA/Extreme Bull Riding Tour
Humps-Horns.com · 44 · May 2017
^-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night (E)EST · (M)MST · (P)PST Information Subject to Change Without Notice
Added $ Open
Call In#
Jun 10 Crownsville, MD $1,000 48 hrs prior to perf 717-334-7724 Bullride Mania Jun 14 New Berlin, IL $2,000 6/5 8am-5pm 641-784-6024 Sangamon County Fair Rodeo 641-344-2566 Jun 16 Motley, MN $2,500 6/5 6-9pm 320-226-0949 MBRA/NFPB Jun 16-17 Bismarck, ND RTPR Velocity Tour Jun 17 Union Bridge, MD $3,000 6/12 6-7pm 301-748-0617 IBR Jun 17 Vinita, OK PBR TPD Jun 24 Binford, ND PBR TPD Jun 30 McHenry, MD $1,000 48 hrs prior to perf 717-334-7724 Bullride Mania Jun 30-Jul 1 Rocksprings, TX PBR TPD JULY Jul 1 Union Bridge, MD $3,000 6/26 6-7pm 301-748-0617 IBR Jul 8 Stoughton, WI $100 7/3 6-9pm 608-734-3469 MBRA Jul 13 Waseca, MN $2,500 6/26 6-9pm 320-226-0949 MBRA/NFPB Jul 13 Easton, MD $1,000 7/10 6-7pm 301-748-0617 IBR Jul 14 Coon Rapids, IA $1,000 7/3 8am-5pm 641-784-6024 Carroll County Bulls & Barrels 641-344-2566 Jul 15 DeWitt, IA $1,000 7/3 8am-5pm 641-784-6024 Clinton County Bulls & Barrels 641-344-2566 Jul 15 Lewistown, MO $2,000 7/3 8am-5pm 641-784-6024 Lewis County Bulls & Barrels 641-344-2566 Jul 14 Easton, MD $1,000 7/10 6-7pm 301-748-0617 IBR Jul 15 Edgerton, MN $3,000 6/26 6-9pm 320-226-0949 MBRA/NFPB Jul 15 Decorah, IA $100 7/10 6-9pm 608-734-3469 MBRA Jul 15 Monroe, WI $100 7/10 6-9pm 608-734-3469 MBRA Jul 15 Union Bridge, MD $3,000 7/10 6-7pm 301-748-0617 IBR
Humps-Horns.com · 45 · May 2017
Justin McBride attempts to ride McCoy Ranches’ Bells Blue during the fourth round of the PBR Built Ford Tough World Finals. Photo by Andy Watson.
PLUS PBR WORLD FINALS • NOV 1-5 IN LAS VEGAS For tickets and information visit pbr.com, or call customer service at (800) 732-1727
PO Box 34172 Fort Worth, Texas 76162 325-500-BULL
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