On the Cover - Cassio Dias has been on a tear throughout the entire 2024 Unleash the Beast season. Here he celebrates at the PBR Unleash the Beast event in Tulsa, OK.
Photo courtesy of BullStock Media
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Welcome to the May issue of Humps N Horns!
Bull riding fans around the globe are filled with anticipation and excitement as we prepare for the close of the 2024 Unleash the Beast season and the PBR World Finals.
Before we head to Fort Worth, Texas and the Cowtown Coliseum and then to AT&T Stadium, there is one more stop in Corpus Christi for the Pendleton Whisky Velocity Tour Finals. This tour finale will give cowboys one more opportunity to earn points towards a berth in the Unleash the Beast World Finals. For those who have their spot secured, it is one more chance to add points in their quest to be crowned the 2024 World Champion Bull Rider.
Not only are the bull riders vying for a world title, the bulls are also doing the same. There is a great race among the cream of the crop as the field comes down to their final few outs at the World Finals.
If it is anything like previous years, it is bound to keep you on the edge of your seat. Stay tuned and we see how it all shakes out.
Until next time,
TerryThere are cowboys. And then there are those who live the cowboy way. Josh Frost might as well run his highlights in black and white. He is old school. His hobby is riding horses and roping. And he just happens to be one of the best bull riders in the world.
Frost continued his pursuit of a fourth consecutive berth in the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo with his third Xtreme Bulls victory this season. Frost eclipsed the competition Saturday night, claiming the average title with 179 points on two head at the George Paul Memorial Bull Riding in Del Rio, Texas.
“It was such a great environment. It was awesome, one of the coolest. They are totally into it,” Frost said. “It was so loud in there you could barely hear the whistle.”
Frost brought the noise with his 91-point ride on Sutton Rodeo’s Schott in the Dark in the short round. The 28-year-old knew when he drew the stock, he had more than a shot in the dark to win the top prize.
“The whole short round there were a lot of great bulls. I don’t know if he was the best, but he dang sure was in the top 3,” Frost said. “It was a really good ride. I had seen that bull a couple of times and always wanted to get on him. He took me right, then he was going left. I wasn’t ever in a perfect position. But, yeah, it worked out.”
Frost arrived at the event No. 9 in the PRCA | RAM World Standings. His goals remain lofty after finishing second in the world standings last season fueled by netting third place at the NFR.
“Yep (I want to win it all). It’s easy to keep my focus. I love riding bulls and not that many people love doing their job. So, the motivation keeps me going,” Frost said. “And I know it’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
What makes Frost unique is his versatility. He has won the Linderman Award four straight years by earning money in tie-down roping, steer wrestling and team roping. He has yet to compete in those events this season as he worked through an injury but will do so next month.
“The plan is to get in the practice pen and get going. I do it because honestly, I love competing and I take a lot of pride in the Linderman Award,” Frost said. “And when I am not riding bulls, I thoroughly enjoy riding a horse and roping calves. It brings me joy. I guess you could say that’s my hobby.”
Article provided courtesy of PRCA Media. PRCA ProRodeo photo by Dave Jennings.
If I’m being honest, y’all should be a bit more careful in who you are allowing to train up your young Bull Riders. Not every guy who could stay on can pass that to the next set of guys. Some have even strayed from what they themselves did to sustain a career.
What I teach is what I did to feed my family for 20 plus years. Just Sayin…. Come see me.
May 11-12-13
Grand Ridge, IL
Call Matt Wright (217) 898-2124
May 17-18-19
Battle Ground, WA
Shaun Roggenkamp (360) 513-6160
June 3-4-5
Camp of Champions Youth Camp (6-17 yrs)
Sayre, OK
Call Trinity Fellowship 580-928-2345
June 20-21-22
Greenville, MI
Call Denny Count for info (269) 208-0794
July 5-6-7
Powell, Wyoming
Call Greg Cheney for info (307) 250-3474
July 8-12
Cody ,WY Nite Rodeo Camp with morning sessions and help at the night rodeos.
Contact Maury Tate (580) 512-1791
July 28-29-30
Youth School 9-16 years old. Cisco, TX
Shaina Dominguez (254) 485-1806
August 9-10-11
Huron, SD
Call Bubba Riddings (605) 941-4702
August 23-24-25
Senitobia, MS
Call Jud Moore (662) 292-3390
October 4-5-6
Bunnell, FL
Call Austin Cody (386) 585-0784
October 18-19–20
Pale Horse Ranch
Big Sandy, TX
Call JRay Bevill (903) 746-9257
November 29-December 1
Danny Custer Memorial New River, AZ
Call Cody Custer 580-729-1962
Next month marks the National Junior High School Finals Rodeo in Des Moines, Iowa, a short three-hour drive from my farm. Our team is excited to be at the event interviewing new faces and catching up with some of our old favorites. One of these is rider Spur McCabe from Casa Grande, Arizona. We first met Spur last December in Las Vegas and he mentioned that he was hoping to qualify for the Iowa event. I caught back up with him for an interview to see if he had indeed checked that goal off his list.
KT: Thanks for chatting with me today, Spur. Can you tell our readers how old you are and how long you have been riding?
SM: I am 14 years old and have been riding bulls for four years.
KT: Where do you go to school?
SM: I do online homeschooling.
KT: What was your reason for being homeschooled?
SM: My siblings and I all rodeo, so it was easier for us to homeschool. I like going online, it makes it a lot easier. I have three siblings and they are all older than me.
KT: What rodeo events do your siblings participate in?
SM: My brother is looking to get into riding bulls, but my two sisters do breakaway roping and they both barrel race.
KT: How does that impact your schedule then?
SM: Well, right now I try to ride as much as I can. We have a bar in the area called the Hitching Post, which is an open bull riding and I ride there. Once the high school circuit starts, though I will be riding in those rodeos every weekend.
KT: Tell me about your experience with the junior high circuit?
SM: I’ve been in the Junior High School Rodeo Association for two years now. I competed in the National Junior High Finals last year in Perry, Georgia.
KT: What do you like better about riding on the junior high and high school circuit as opposed to the rides you do at the Hitching Post?
SM: There is more competition in the junior high school rodeo than the Hitching Post and other bull ridings in our state.
KT: What are some of your highlights this season?
SM: Well, this year I went to one of the bull ridings at the Hitching Post and got on a cool bull named Bulldog. He was turning back to the right for most of the ride, and I ended up scoring a 80 on him. It was a super cool experience this season!
KT: Are you planning on going to the JHSFR this June?
SM: I am sitting pretty good right now; I am 1st at this point in our state. I am hoping to be headed to Iowa.
KT: And how did you finish up your state season last year?
SM: I was ranked first last year going into the JHSFR.
KT: Since you have already turned 14, are you ready to transition into high school bulls?
SM: Yes, I have been practicing on high school bulls for a while, and I really want to try and ride these bigger bulls.
KT: What are you looking forward to with your upcoming events?
SM: I get to do a lot of events because I also rope along with riding bulls. Our state finals are in May, so I am focusing on making it to Nationals for multiple things.
KT: What are some of the other activities outside of riding bulls that you are hoping to do with your time in Iowa at the finals?
SM: I am hoping to make it in the calf roping and the team roping this year as well, so I will be pretty busy with events.
KT: What are some goals you have for the rest of 2024?
SM: I want to qualify for the Junior World Finals and the Junior Patriot this year.
KT: Was last year your first time at the Junior World Finals?
SM: I have been there twice, I got 3rd my first year, and 5th last year because I bucked off my short-round bull at seven and a half seconds.
KT: Let’s move into some fun questions, what the color of your chaps?
SM: Red and teal.
KT: That is a unique combo, what made you select that?
SM: Well, my favorite color is red, and my mom decided to put the teal in there and she made the combo of red and teal.
KT: Favorite sport to watch outside of rodeo?
SM: Football because I like the Arizona Cardinals.
KT: Favorite Book?
SM: The Outsiders
KT: I have read that one, it is pretty good. What about your favorite food?
SM: Pizza
KT: This might be the first time anyone has said that for an answer. Usually, we get steak from you guys. What do you put on your pizza?
SM: I usually like pepperoni on my pizza.
KT: I can agree with that. Alright, last question, what is your favorite place you have bucked bulls?
SM: The Junior World Finals in Las Vegas. It is such a cool experience being out there during the NFR when there is so much stuff going on and I like riding out of state.
KT: Well hopefully we will see you back out there next December.
SM: Yes, Ma’am, I hope so too. Thank y’all for interviewing me.
KT: For more information about junior bull riding, you can check out the National High School Finals Rodeo page or the Yeti Junior World Finals on Facebook. Be sure to look for a new rider featured in our Rider Rundown next month.
Katlin Truelsen is a member of the CAC Media Group and specializes in digital and print media. She is currently a high school junior and lives with her family on a diversified grain and livestock farm in Eastern Iowa.
PUEBLO, Colo. – Cassio Dias is one step closer to winning the world title at the 2024 PBR World Finals: Unleash The Beast.
The 22-year-old has left other riders in his dust this season, racking up six event wins – the most by any rookie in PBR history and just two away from tying the single-season wins record held by two-time World Champions Justin McBride and Jose Vitor Leme – and holding the No. 1 spot in the Unleash The Beast World Championship standings for all but two weeks this season.
He currently leads No. 2 Eduardo Aparecido by 525.33 points.
That number is significant.
With just three events remaining before the PBR World Finals begins on May 9 in Fort Worth, Texas, one rider can earn a
maximum of 501 points if he were to win every subsequent round with a 90-point ride and all three events.
Therefore, Dias has mathematically clinched the No. 1 spot in the standings heading into Eliminations on May 9-12.
At Eliminations, the Top 40 in the UTB standings, plus five invites, will each attempt one bull per round. Out of the Elimination rounds, 20 riders will advance to AT&T Stadium for the Championship Rounds on May 18-19 – the Top 15 in the UTB standings, plus the Top 5 riders in the aggregate that have not already qualified.
Riders who don’t meet either criteria will have to compete in the Ride for Redemption rounds on May 15-16, also at Cowtown Coliseum. There, the 25 contestants not advancing plus 15 invites compete in two additional rounds, with the Top 5 in the
aggregate advancing to the Championship Rounds.
The Championship Rounds start with a clean slate and consist of the 25 qualifiers competing in two rounds per day. At the end of the fourth round, the highest-ranked rider in the UTB standings will be crowned the PBR World Champion.
Current Top 15
1. Cassio Dias
2. Eduardo Aparecido
3. John Crimber
4. Dalton Kasel
5. Alan de Souza
6. Koltin Hevalow
7. Austin Richardson (out)
8. Joao Ricardo Vieira
9. Brady Fielder
10. Caden Bunch
11. Kaique Pacheco
12. Julio Cesar Marques
13. Thiago Salgado
14. Cody Jesus
15. Leonardo Castro
16. Cort McFadden
Incredibly, Dias has also mathematically clinched a spot in the Championship Rounds without ever setting foot in Texas.
With No. 7 Austin Richardson out for the season with a knee injury, the final Top 15 spot belongs to No. 16 Cort McFadden, who has 317 points in the standings. Dias leads McFadden by 1,078.33 points. If McFadden were to sweep the remainder of the regular season (501 points) and all four Eliminations rounds (556 points) with 90-point rides, he would earn 1,057 points. This means that Dias cannot fall out of the Top 15, and you will be seeing him in the Championship Rounds fighting for the world title.
However, some notable riders need all the points they can get to move up into the Top 15 and avoid the Ride for Redemption on May 15-16.
Danger Zone
17. Alex Cerqueira
18. Keyshawn Whitehorse
T19. Daylon Swearingen
T19. Kaiden Loud
21. Wingson Henrique da Silva
22. Felipe Furlan
23. Vitor Losnake
24. Clay Guiton
25. Boudreaux Campbell
T26. Wyatt Rogers
T26. Paulo Eduardo Rossetto
28. Ednelio Almeida
29. Mauricio Gulla Moreira
30. Jose Vitor Leme (out)
31. Bob Mitchell
32. Conner Halverson
33. Sage Kimzey
34. Jesse Petri
35. Marco Rizzo (out)
36. Callum Miller
37. Ezekiel Mitchell
38. Luciano De Castro
39. Andrew Alvidrez
40. Silvano Alves
41. Eli Vastbinder
42. Mason Taylor
43. Braidy Randolph
In the last week, Keyshawn Whitehorse and Kaiden Loud have fallen out of the Top 15, while Leonardo Castro and McFadden have climbed in. Seven-time PRCA bull riding world champion Sage Kimzey has slipped from No. 31 to No. 33, while PBR World Champions Daylon Swearingen and Silvano Alves are also on the outside looking in.
If there’s anything we’ve learned about Dias during this rookie season for the ages, it’s that he’s not one to rest on his laurels, competing week in and week out even while banged up. He’s sure to keep pushing until that gold buckle is locked up, and he’s sure to put on a show now that his spot atop the standings is secure.
Article provided courtesy of PBR. Photos provided courtesy of BullStock Media.
email: bred2buck@gmail.com
“This little light of mine I’m going to let it shine Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine”
You run your hand across the wall, struggling to find the light switch in the pitch-black room. After some searching, your fingers graze the switch and you inwardly celebrate finally finding it. As the switch is flipped, the room is engulfed in light. Every aspect of the room that was hidden is suddenly visible and the darkness, which was once so prominent, is gone — almost like it was never there at all.
Let Your Light Shine
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” — Matthew 5:14-16, NIV
Anyone who has been in a dark room or outside at night knows how powerful a simple light can be. Even one light can change the entire environment. Jesus calls us to let our lights shine. A good way to remember this is to recall the childlike song, “This Little Light of Mine.”
Does this mean we should all go around holding flashlights and shining them everywhere? No, rather it means that we need to show Jesus love and reflect his light in the world.
Shining our lights does not have to be a big grandiose gesture. In fact, sometimes it is the simple everyday things we do and the way we live that show our light to those around us. It could be as straightforward as staying positive when other people
have a negative attitude. Or perhaps, praying for someone who is struggling through a difficult time. When we do these things, we are reflecting Christ and glorifying God.
The Darkness Has Not Overcome It “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” — John 1:4-5, NIV
There is something unique about light and darkness, where there is light there can not also be darkness. If you place a lamp in a dark room, the room is no longer dark but light. The darkness does not overtake the light but rather the light takes the place of the darkness. This can also be true about shining our lights.
When recalling the “This Little Light of Mine” song, the lyrics that talk about hiding it under a bushel is a symbol of sin covering the light. We often make decisions that can hide God’s light from showing in our lives, but when we choose Him, His light shines through us.
In the world, there is goodness and people glorifying God. However, there is also the opposite. There is darkness, suffering and sin. John 1:5 says that the “light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Jesus has conquered death, sin and the world. We, as Christians, do not have to be afraid of the darkness of the world or evil.
With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we always have an opportunity to be a light. We can choose to pursue peace, hope and love in a time when there seems to be none. We can care about others when they might not care for us. We can follow Christ when the world is going the opposite way. Our lights can consume the darkness, but with Christ our lights will not burn out.
No matter the darkness around us or the struggles we are facing, we can show the love of Christ and let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
10 strips bacon
1/3 c light brown sugar, packed
1 pound chicken tenders (approx. 10 chicken tenders)
½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
10 strips bacon
1 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon chilli powder
½ teaspoon black pepper
½ to 1 teaspoon salt
Send us your favorite recipe to bullnews@humps-horns.com
1. Preheat the grill or oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Add onion powder, salt, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, paprika, and pepper into a mixing bowl. Whisk until well combined.
3. Sprinkle the mixture on top of the chicken, then rub each until well coated.
4. Wrap each chicken tender with a bacon slice, then seal the sides.
5. In a mixing bowl, add chilli powder and brown sugar. Stir until well blended.
6. Sprinkle the mixture on top of the wrapped chicken tenders, then press each until well coated.
7. Place then over the grill or inside the preheated oven, then cook for 30 minutes or until the bacon becomes crispy.
8. Remove from the oven and allow them to rest for a few minutes at room temperature.
Submitted by Shawn B. - Chandler, AZCassio Dias! With the PBR World Finals just around the corner, the amazing rookie Dias, will march into the World Finals on top. Cassio grabbed his seventh win, with the record being eight. He also led in 90+ rides with eight. He led overall round wins with 13, and championship round wins with eight. Let’s go back to the beginning of this race, and see just how everything came about.
Albany, NY
Austin Richardson got his third UTB win, and his first since April of 2022. He rode all three bulls, and won the Championship Round with an event-high score of 88.75. This win helped him jump up four places in that World title race, going from sixth into second.
New York, NY
Richardson proved that the phrase when you’re hot, you’re hot was right, by winning his second event in a row. Not only that, but he took over the lead for the World Championship by 20 points, knocking Dias off the top of the heap for the first time this season.
Chicago, IL
Cassio was not going to let another man stay atop the leaderboard for very long. Grabbing his third UTB victory, he set a record. This is the fastest a rider has won three events since 2000, and that is when keeping records started. Three wins in nine events – amazing! And don’t forget, this also keeps him in the lead for that Rookie of the Year contest.
Tulsa, OK
The popular Joao Ricardo Vieira won his first UTB event of the season. Covering all three of his bulls and capping that with a 91.75 score in the Championship Round, Joao made a big move up from 19th to number five in the standings. Dias stayed on top and posted a big score of his own, a 90.75. And must make mention of 18-year-old John Crimber, who also scored big with a 91.5, his first 90+ ride on the tour. He also ended up second in the event.
Houston, TX
After being the only man to go 3-3, Wingson Henrique da Silva captured his first event win. This was also the first time the PBR bucked in the Toyota Center. Wingson delivered a big ride in the Championship Round, and was rewarded with 90 points from the judges.
Sacramento, CA
We saw another man get his first UTB victory in sunny California, and that was Leonardo Castro Ferreira. He covered all four, and to get the event win he ‘only’ needed to cover his bull. He did that, and was in fact, the only rider to do so.
Salt Lake City, UT
Koltin Hevalow got the win in Utah, and once again, this was his first event victory of the season, and the first event held in Salt Lake City. Riding in front of his hometown crowd, Koltin rode two of three of his bulls to get that win. His win bumped him up to third in the World standings.
Los Angeles, CA
There he goes again! Cassio not only wins his fourth event, but put up the highest score seen in two years – a 94.75 with his dance partner, the great Man Hater. Needless to say, Dias remained on top of the leaderboard for the World Championships at the
halfway point of the season. Richardson was still sitting second, but was missing events due to an injury.
Jacksonville, FL
Great riding rookie John Crimber finally got his first UTB victory, when he went 3-3 in Florida. That included a 91 score in the Championship Round. With Austin still not competing, Crimber jumped up into the second spot in the World behind Dias.
Indianapolis, IN
It was Dalton Kasel who proved the best in Indiana, as he went 3-3 there. He was also perfect in Jacksonville, so he is riding a good streak. He moved up to fourth, but it is still Dias, Crimber, and Richardson holding those top three spots in the World standings.
Milwaukee, WI
high score of 90.5, and a lead extension in the race for the Championship. Crimber on the other hand, did not cover a bull on this weekend, and while he remained in second place, Dias climbed further ahead in the standings, with Kasel third and Richardson fourth.
In a rather confusing event, due to travel delays causing 10 bull riders to miss Round 1, rookie Bunch grabbed his second event win of the season. Fielder posted the event high score.
Little Rock, AR
Another perfect weekend for Cassio – 3-3, event win,
Albuquerque, NM
A super event for veteran Eduardo Aparecido, as he rode all four of his bulls, the only man to do so, and came out on top, winning in New Mexico. With the victory, he moved into fourth place in the World standings, with only six events to go in the regular season. Must mention that Dias once again paired up with Man Hater for a score this time of 93.25.
Thiago Salgado got win number one in this premier series event, and went 4-4 on this weekend. He made the huge jump from 29th to 14th place. The top order in the World did not change, although the men behind Dias made up a bit of ground, as Cassio uncharacteristically did not cover a bull.
Sioux Falls, SD
Dias was not going to have another event without a ride,
and rode three of four of his bulls, winning yet another event, his sixth. He scored a 90.5 (his 8th 90+ ride) in the Championship Round, and was now 10-14 in those Championship rounds. While the order stayed the same, both Crimber and Kasel, who sat out his last round, did not make up any ground.
Billings, MT
Aparecido stepped up and won the event in Montana, going 3-4. He moved up ahead of all but Dias, and was now in second place, with the end of the regular season closing in. That said, Crimber dropped to third, and Kasel did not compete, as he was trying to heal up.
Everett, WA
Alan de Souza was the man of the hour, covering all his bulls, the only man to do that. This was his first victory of the season, and he picked a great time to come up with a win. This moved him into the fifth spot for the World. Dias went 0-2, giving Crimber a big chance to move up, and he took advantage of that. The top four for the title were Dias, Aparecido, Crimber and Kasel.
Tacoma, WA
De Souza must love Washington, as he won another event in as many weeks, and once again was the only one to ride all of his bulls. The order for the World standings had not changed, but Cassio’s lead was getting smaller.
Louisville, KY
In the final event of the regular season, Dias was quiet no more, as he grabbed win number seven and increased his hold on the World Standings. He has a 560.5-point lead over Crimber going into the World Finals. Headed into Texas, the top 10 are Dias, Crimber, Kasel, Aparecido, de Souza, Hevalow, Richardson, Vieira, Fielder, and Bunch.
Photos provided courtesy of BullStock Media.
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It’s time for the 2024 PBR Unleash the Beast World Finals! The competition is revving up for the race for the PBR YETI World Champion Bull title. Here are the top ten bucking bulls contending for the championship:
Man Hater has dominated the number one position for most of the UTB season, and it appears he will take that number one ranking into the Finals. His world average is a full point ahead of the number two challenger, UTZ BesTex Legend. Flyin’
Finals. They will buck twice during the Elimination Rounds at the Cowtown Coliseum May 9-12, and once at AT&T Stadium on Sunday May 19.”
I asked Slade Long of Probullstats.com if he thought that Man Hater had the bull championship pretty well wrapped up. He said, “I believe it is possible for any of the top bulls to win the championship due to the format used by the PBR to determine the World Champion Bull. A bull must do really
Wired is in the number three spot, with Red Demon close behind in the number four position. UTZ BesTex Smokestack is solidly in fifth place, but look out because defending 2023 YETI World Champion Bull, Ridin’ Solo is hanging in there tied for sixth place with Mike’s Motive. Big Bank, Preacher’s Kid and Hard Candy round out the top ten.
Riley Gagnon, PBR Director of Livestock explained, “The 2024 PBR YETI World Champion Bull will be the bull with the highest average bull score from their top eight outs in the team season and the UTB season combined, and the best two out of three outs at the PBR World Finals. The top seven bulls going into the Finals will be guaranteed three outs at the
well at the Finals to win the championship. If a bull has three mediocre or bad rounds at the Finals, that could lower his average score considerably. If a bull has three great rounds, that could significantly raise his average so he could grab the title.”
19H Man Hater is currently in first place with a world average bull score of 46.72 points. Man Hater is owned by Gene Owen and Jane Clark. He has had eighteen outs in the combined PBR Teams and UTB seasons and has been ridden twice by the current PBR number one bull rider Cassio Dias. Dias had a monster 94.75-point ride on him in Los Angeles in February, and a 93.25-point ride in Albuquerque in March. Man Hater
Cassio Dias goes the distance with Man Hater (Jane Clark / Gene Owen) for 93.25 points in the Championship Round at PBR Unleash the Beast Tour - Albuquerque, NM.
has not bucked since that out in Albuquerque. I asked Gene Owen if Man Hater is ready for a run at the title. “He’s in the best shape of his life,” Gene revealed. “Man Hater has had a lot of outs in the PBR Teams and UTB seasons. I felt it was best to let him rest until the Finals. I don’t want to sound arrogant, but we have a big lead going into the Finals. I feel that if Man Hater has a couple of solid outs in the Finals, he’ll win the championship.”
118 UTZ BesTex Legend is in second place with a world average bull score of 45.44 points. Legend is owned by Blake Sharp /Chris Utz/ Carey Brothers. Legend has had 21 outs in the combined PBR Teams and UTB seasons and has been ridden twice. Alan de Souza rode him to the buzzer in December 2023 in St. Louis for 88.50 points, and seven-time PRCA World Champion Sage Kimzey rode him this past weekend in Tacoma for 91.50 points. That ride won Legend the YETI “Built for the Wild” Bull
of the Event title. I asked Blake Sharp if he thought Legend could take the championship.
“I think Man Hater has the best shot to win the championship,” he said. “It’s gonna be tough no matter how you look at it, but never say never!”
922 Flyin Wired is in third place with a world average bull score of 45.09 points. Flyin Wired, the 2023 ABBI Classic Champion, is owned by Brandon & Kenzie Stewart of BS Cattle Company/ Tommy Julian. Flyin Wired has had 14 outs in the combined PBR Teams and UTB seasons. He has been ridden four times for an average ride score of 90.56 points. I
Red Demon bucks off Dawson Branton for 47 points at the 2023 PBR World Finals.
R62 UTZ BesTex Smokestack is in fifth place with a world average bull score of 44.66 points. Smokestack, the 2022 PRCA Bull of the Year, is owned by Blake Sharp/ Chris Utz/ Carey Brothers. Smokestack has had 18 outs in the combined PBR Teams and UTB seasons. He has been ridden seven times for an average ride score of 90.50 points. “I don’t feel like Smokestack has a chance to win the championship,” Blake Sharp divulged. “I’ve been resting him and about nine other bulls that are heading to the Finals. The bull riders all like Smokestack and he’ll be ready to give them a good time at the Finals.”
612 Ridin Solo is in sixth place with a world average bull asked Tommy Julian if he thought Flyin Wired has a chance at the bull title. “Well, he’s got an outside chance at best,” Tommy shared.
“Man Hater is so far ahead, he would have to have a couple of really bad outs to lose it.”
A54 Red Demon is sitting in fourth place with a world average bull score of 45.06 points. Red Demon, the high-marked bull of the 2023 PBR World Finals, is owned by Universal Pro Rodeo/ Rachel & Dustin Powell/ Delmas/ Williams. Red Demon has had 10 outs in the combined PBR Teams and UTB seasons. He was ridden only once by Joao Ricardo Vieira for 90 points in February in Jacksonville.
score of 44.53 points. Ridin Solo, the two-time and back-toback defending PBR Champion Bull of the Year, is owned by McCoy Rodeo/ Bill McCarty. Solo has had nine outs in the combined PBR Teams and UTB seasons. He was ridden only once by world number one rider Cassio Dias for 90.75 points in January in Tulsa. Solo is a great bull, and a worthy champion. However, Solo probably will not entertain a championship three-peat this year.
723 Mike’s Motive is tied with Ridin Solo for sixth place with a world average bull score of 44.53 points. Mike’s Motive is owned by Blake Sharp/ High Voltage/ Wetzel/ Knott. This bull is a real work horse! He has had 31 outs in the combined PBR Teams and UTB seasons. He has been ridden nine times for an average ride score of 90.03 points. He is a favorite of the bull riders but has little chance of grabbing the champion bull
title this year. “Mike’s Motive is a 45-point bull,” explained Blake Sharp. It’s going to take 46 plus or 47-point bull scores to overtake Man Hater for the championship.”
These are the top seven bulls heading into the Finals. They will each buck three times at the PBR World Finals. They will buck twice at the Cowtown Coliseum during the Elimination Rounds, and then buck once on Championship Sunday at the AT&T Stadium.
Gene Owen summed up the race for the bull champion heading into the Finals. “I’m trying to stay humble, but also realistic,” Gene declared. “I think Man Hater has the best chance of any of them to win it. It’s ours to lose!”
provided courtesy of BullStock Media
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice
May 3-4 Corpus Christi, TX PBR Velocity Tour Finals
May 3-4 Uvalde, TX $50,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls
May 4 Baxter Springs, KS $1,000 5/1 6pm 918-533-6947 Bull Riders, Inc.
May 9-12 Fort Worth, TX PBR World Finals - Eliminations
May 15 Redding, CA PRCA Xtreme Bulls
May 15-16 Fort Worth, TX PBR World Finals - Ride for Redemption
May 17 Arlington, TX Kid Rock’s Rock N Rodeo
May 18 Buffalo, WY PRCA Xtreme Bulls
May 18 Monahans, TX txt 915-224-9988 West Texas Bull Bash / Bull Team
May 18-19 Arlington, TX PBR World Finals - Championship
May 23 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series
May 24 Decatur, TX $10,000 PRCA Roughstock Challenge
May 25 Evansville, IN PBR Challenger Series
May 25 Brookfield, MO Bull Riders of America
May 25 Palmer, AK PRCA Xtreme Bulls
May 30 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series
May 31 Plainview, NE Bull Riders of America
May 31 Kalispell, MT PBR Challenger Series
May 31-Jun 2 Ocean City, MD PBR Challenger Series
Jun 1 Great Falls, MT PBR Challenger Series
Jun 1 Newman Grove, NE Bull Riders of America
Jun 4 Weatherford, TX PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jun 5 Sisters, OR PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jun 5 Gladewater, TX PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jun 6 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series
Date Location
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice
Jun 6 Union, OR PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jun 7 Decorah, IA Bull Riders of America
Jun 7-8 Deadwood, SD PBR Challenger Series
Jun 8 Filer, ID PBR Challenger Series
Jun 13 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series
Jun 14 Diller, NE Bull Riders of America
Jun 14-15 Bismarck, ND PBR Challenger Series
Jun 15 St. Roberts, MO Bull Riders of America
Jun 20 Reno, NV PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jun 20 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series
Jun 21 Belcourt, ND PBR Challenger Series
Jun 21-22 Mill Spring, NC PBR Challenger Series
Jun 21-22 Sidney, IA Bull Riders of America
Jun 22 Binford, ND PBR Challenger Series
Jun 26 Clear Lake, SD PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jun 26 Greeley, CO PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jun 27 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series
Jun 28 Fullerton, NE Bull Riders of America
Jun 28-29 Archdale, NC PBR Challenger Series
Jun 28-29 Rocksprings, TX $24,000 PBR Challenger Series
Jun 30 Cody, WY PRCA Xtreme Bulls
May 3-4 Duchesne, UT IMBA/JWF/Underground Bull Riders Prod
May 4 Coarsegold, CA 951-719-7886 IMBA / AK Bucking Bulls
May 11 Carthage, MO 5/6 5-10pm 417-229-5537 PYRA / WCMB
May 11 Two Medicine, MT 406-717-4752 IMBA
May 11 Okmulgee, OK 5/5 479-883-7319 PYRA / Jesse James Buckin’ Bulls
May 11 Wingate, NC
IMBA / YBR / Carolina Rodeo Company
May 11 Hugo, OK Mon prior text 903-754-1034 Built God Tough Roughstock Series
May 12 Broken Arrow, OK 5/6 6-9pm 918-519-5169 PYRA / Lazy B-T Mini Buckers
May 18 Natural Dam, AR Sun prior 479-883-7319 PYRA / Jesse James Buckin’ Bulls
May 18 Wingate, NC IMBA / YBR / Carolina Rodeo Company
May 25 Copan, OK PYRA / Midwest Mini Bull Bash Series
May 27 Delaware, OK 918-331-8301 PYRA/WCMB - Wolf Creek Mini Bull Blast
Jun 1 Sheridan, WY
Jun 8 Riverton, WY
Jun 8 Wingate, NC
IMBA/JWF/Underground Bull Riders Prod
IMBA/JWF/Underground Bull Riders Prod
IMBA / YBR / Carolina Rodeo Company
Jun 15 Willcox, AZ $2,500 txt 432-517-0521 PYRA / IMBA
Jun 22 Wingate, NC
Jun 22 Ennis, MT
Jun 23 Delaware, OK
Jun 28-29 Ballard, UT
Jun 29 Whitefish, MT
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice
IMBA / YBR / Carolina Rodeo Company
IMBA/JWF/Underground Bull Riders Prod
918-331-8301 PYRA/WCMB - Wolf Creek Mini Bull Blast
IMBA/JWF/Underground Bull Riders Prod
IMBA/JWF/Underground Bull Riders Prod BUCKING BULL EVENTS
May 3 Duncan, OK
ABBI American Heritage Futurity
May 9 Fort Worth, TX ABBI / Classic PBR World Finals
May 11 Dickinson, ND
ABBI / Northern Buckers Assoc.
May 11 Fort Worth, TX ABBI $1M Futurity Short Round
May 18 Wills Point, TX
ABBI / Claim A Bull
May 18 Fredonia, PA ABBI . NFG
May 18 Monahans, TX txt 915-224-9988 West Texas Bull Bash /Bull Team
May 18 Duchesne, UT ABBI / HDBBA
May 25 Porum, OK ABBI / Jenkins Series Futurity
May 26 Porum, OK ABBI / Jenkins Series BYOR Classic
May 29 Erick, OK ABBI / NBTR Derby / Classic JUNE
Jun 1 Archdale, NC
Jun 1 Osseo, MI
Jun 4 Strathmore, AB
Jun 7 Glen Rose, TX
Jun 8 Watford City, ND
ABBI / Davis Rodeo Ranch
ABBI / K Bar C Beast of the Easr
ABBIC / TFB Ranch Futurity
ABBI / American Heritage South
ABBI / Northern Buckers Assn
Jun 8 Hermiston, OR ABBI / HDBBA
Jun 12 Buchanan, TN
ABBI / K Bar C Beast of the Easr
Jun 15 Wills Point, TX ABBI / Claim A Bull
Jun 19 Erick, OK ABBI / NBTR
Jun 22 Porum, OK ABBI / Jenkins Series
Jun 28 Kildeer, ND ABBI / NBA
Jun 29 Lloydminster, AB ABBIC
Jun 29 Archdale, NC
ABBI / Davis Rodeo Ranch
Do You Have a Livestock Layover or Practice Pen?
List it for FREE in the Classifieds. Call our office at 325-500-BULL (2855)
For More Information on listing your facilities
NEW MARKET, AL - EC Hunt, 5:30pm Sun., 256-683-8169
BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, Anytime, Call First, 870-307-9923
CONWAY, AR - Mark Lindsey, Ride & Shine Cattle Company, Anytime, Call First, 501-730-4557
ELFRIDA, AZ - D Davis Bucking Bulls, 4pm Sat., Call First, 520-642-3737
LINCOLN, CA - B Bar Ranch, B Bar Indoor Arena, Rain or Shine, All Rough Stock, 916-206-4059
MARYSVILLE, CA - PacWest, 5pm Wed., Steers & Bulls, Call First, 530-751-6643
FRESNO, CA - Toro Bravo Arena, Thur. by appt., Call First, 559-577-2445
ELIZABETH, CO - Tuff Garcia, Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Mon., Rain or Shine, 970-846-0788
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO - Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Wed., Apr-Nov., 970-846-6828/3354
ALDEN, IA - Circle C Rodeo, 6pm Wed., Rain or Shine, Call for alternate dates 641-373-3625
WOODBINE, IA - Tom & Kristina Kelley, every Sun. (weather permitting). Beginner - rank bulls. Call 712-5922493
KENDALLVILLE, IN - B Bar A Bucking Bulls, Heidi Speicher, 7pm Every Thur, Call First, 260-564-5864/Troy
JACKSONVILLE, IL - Lazy C Rodeo, 10am-3pm Sun., Rain or shine, Call First, 217-245-8280
JACKSONVILLE, NC - Aleck Barnard, Elite Cowboy Rodeo Assoc., Onslow Rodeo Arena, 6pm Every Other Sunday, Call First, 910-381-8597
CHANDLER, OK - JAM Bulls, 2pm Sun., 7pm Wed., Call First, 405-570-9010
SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hour notice, Rain or Shine, 307-461-1741
EAGLEVILLE, TN - BF Cattle Company, 2pm Sun., Jackpot, Call First, 615-336-4313
EMORY, TX - Oakes & Greene’s, 7pm Wed., 903-348-8630
LORENA, TX - Rocking S Ranch, Tue., Jackpot, Call First, 254-716-0779
MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, 4pm Sun/6pm Wed., $5 at the gate to ride as many as you want, 817-223-3692
SIMMS, TX - Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 7pm Every Other Thur., 903-543-3025
PETROLIA, TX - Norris Dalton, 7pm Wed., 940-733-3020
DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, Call First, 940-393-3730
NOCONA, TX - 4x Arena, Call First, 501-944-1907
NOCONA, TX - Locke Bucking Bulls, Call First, 940-872-0733
WILLS POINT, TX - Austin Arena Bulls, Barrels, & Poles. $10 per ride/run or $25 for all you can ride. Bulls for all ages. 214-7265799
BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, White River Rodeo, 870-307-9923
RAYMOND, IL - Randy Littrell, Shop Creek Cattle, 217-556-0551
MARYSVILLE, KS - Gary Hershey, 4H Bucking Bulls and Marysville Sale Barn, Call First, 785-292-4952
LAKE CHARLES, LA - Keith Strickland, Deep South Rodeo Genetics, 337-304-1493
SALEM, MO - Hwy 32 & 72, Salem Livestock Auction, 573-729-8880
HELENA, MT - Jim Horne, Bull Horne Ranch, 406-459-5706
FERNLEY, NV - Nathan Pudsey, Circle P Bucking Bulls, 775-750-2168
CLAYTON, NM - Justin Keeth, Lazy J 3 Bucking Bulls, 575-447-0877
BETHESDA, OH - 15 Miles off I-70, TCB Ranch, 304-281-4530
SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime w/ 4-6 hours notice, 307-461-1741
BOX ELDER, SD - Gus “Duane” Aus, Lazy Heart O Ranch, 605-923-3426
BUCHANAN, TN - Parsons & Milam 731-642-8346
CLARKSVILLE, TX - Brian Agnew, BA Livestock, 903-669-9189
Your Ad Could Be Here! Call 325-500-2855 for more details
DUBLIN, TX - Mike Godfrey, Godfrey 4X Cattle, 817-235-2852
MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, JC Knapp Rodeo, 817-223-3692
MIDLAND, TX - Ted Norton, Norton Bucking Bulls, 432-413-8433
DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, 940-393-3730
SIMMS, TX - Near I-30 Texarkana, Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 863-381-2799
CHEYENNE, WY - Floyd & Ann Thomas, TTnT Ranch, 307-778-8806
WINNERS RODEO SUPPLY - Gary Leffews Dare to Be Great DVD $45.00 or I am Hot DVD $35.00-free shipping. Also some remaining Hotman and Lostroh bullropes plus all other bullriding gear. Gold Buckle Rodeo Supply rodeo@wk.net 320-328-4000 Dealers wanted !!
RENOWNED HIGH QUALITY BULL ROPE DickCarrBullRopes.com, PO Box 18, Elk City, OK. 73648, 1-580-225-3208, Be Blessed.
Raymond Branch, Custom Braider Maker of World, NFR, & PBR Champion Bullropes Strictly custom-braided to your specifications. (928) 289-9611 www.mypqb.com
A cowboy’s life can be lonely
Out punching cows on the range
Some cowpokes have a companion
That sure brings a pleasant change
He tags along with his cowboy
As they work til each day’s end
For years gone by and ages past
He’s been known as man’s best friend
To travel the trail with his cowboy
And help to round up the strays
Is the perfect life for this cowboy’s pet
As he works away the days
That cowboy’s pet is a prairie-wise dog
He eats his own kills on some days
But Cookie still saves him food scraps from the meal
Which he eats under Cookie’s fond gaze
When the meal is done and it’s time to bed down
He lays down at his cowboy’s feet
He stands guard over his cowboy
Until he’s sure he’s asleep
If there is ever danger afoot
Like a wolf pack that’s on the prowl
The cowboy’s dog gives a warning
With a menacing deep-throated growl
Whether it’s dawn and time to get moving
Or the night watch at two o’clock
You’ll find that cowboy’s companion
At his side to help guard the stock