The Local - August 2019

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Issue No 64• A community newspaper for Newcastle’s suburbs • August 2019

Kid’s war on food waste

David Sivyer from FoodCycle shows Byron, Wilson, Phoebe and Lilah from St Therese's Primary School how the new bins work.

St Therese’s Primary School, New Lambton has partnered with Feedback Organic Recovery to help curb school food waste whilst reducing landfill and allowing students to be instrumental in a greener future. The Feedback FoodCycle School’s Program was launched in late July, with St Therese’s Primary School the inaugural school to trial the solution. Aimed at closing the loop between food production and waste, Feedback’s FoodCycle is a local, community solution, which turns food waste into compost and then uses it to grow organic, nutritious food. This sustainable method of ‘Food-Growing-Food’ has seen a range of Newcastle cafes and restaurants jump on board in a subscription-based system. Their food waste is collected in specialised bins and repurposed on site, at local urban farms across Newcastle. FoodCycle founder David Sivyer says he has also launched a local domestic service of food waste collection, but St Therese’s will be the first school to take part. “I’m so excited to take the FoodCycle program into schools,”says David. (continued on page 6)










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Matters All editorial, advertising and distribution enquiries to Mark Brooker by email: mark@ or ph 0455 210 000 Mail: PO Box 130 Lambton, 2299 Office: Suite 8/12 Alma Rd New Lambton Founder & publisher: Mark Brooker

Advertising bookings for September issue close on Thursday 15th August The Local is lovingly produced and carefully hand delivered each and every month to more than 21,000 residential letterboxes and businesses in Adamstown, Adamstown Heights (parts of), Broadmeadow, Hamilton, Hamilton East, Hamilton North, Hamilton South, Jesmond (parts of), Merewether (parts of), Lambton, North Lambton, New Lambton & New Lambton Heights. You can find back issues of previous editions and check out the latest community news and information at: www. or on our Facebook page @ thelocalnewcastle. If you enjoy receiving The Local in your letterbox each month please support with the businesses you see advertising on these pages. Without their support your local paper could not and would not happen. Pretty simple really...

....and here’s some fine print

Readers, advertisers and community groups are encouraged to contribute to The Local with news items, community events and any matter of general interest to residents of the area. In contributing news items the contributor accepts that such information may or may not be published in print and/or online using websites and social media channels at the sole discretion of the publisher. No guarantee of publication is ever implied by this invitation to contribute. Except where noted otherwise, all information, photographs, text and images, within The Local is subject to copyright. Material may not be reproduced and/or distributed in whole or part in any form without prior and explicit consent of the publisher. The Local is printed on Australian-made paper using up to 55% recycled fibre. The Local is 100% recyclable. Please do so, but only after you’ve read it!

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Page 2 > The Local > August 2019

with Mark Brooker Publisher of The Local

Procrastination North Korea. There. I wrote it. [Holds breath, waits for a firm knock at the door]. I went to sleep last night hoping that a topic for this month’s column would come to me by the morning. It usually does. Last night it didn’t. All that came to me this morning was that I should open with the words ‘North Korea’. It’s now a few hours later and I still have no idea why ‘North Korea’ came to me, nor how this column will end. If I’m never heard from again, remember you read about it here. I’m a terrible procrastinator. Always have been. I have an entire month to put each issue of The Local together. An entire month that is, in between family stuff, part-time work, some rest, some recreation and some exercise. I’m not complaining here about being too busy. No one wants to hear that. Truth be told I’m not that busy at all. I just don’t make the best use of the time I have. Especially early in the month, when the deadline to get The Local to the printers is far, far away. This month has been a five week turnaround from print deadline to print deadline instead of the usual four weeks. I really should have knocked this one out with time to spare. But no, here I am within a couple of hours of my print deadline and I’m still tapping away. I’m a firm believer in, and living proof of, Parkinson’s Law, which says that ‘work expands to fill the time available for its completion’. Doesn’t matter how much time I have, I’m compelled to finish the job right on deadline, never sooner. Is that the time? Oh dear, I’ll be back next month [Crosses fingers still waiting for that knock at door]

Lending a mate a hand

(L to R) Colin Manton of New Lambton with Tracy and Jamin from Dulux at Lambton and Col’s good mate Mark Horton Colin Manton’s house was in desperate need of painting. After being struck down with Guillian Barre Syndrome, a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves, Col is in a wheelchair, at least for now, and in not about to attempt housepainting. Enter one of Col’s good mates ,Mark Horton, who is always lending a helping hand. One day he said “Col, leave it to me”. He gathered a small team of willing painters and contacted Dulux Trade Centre in Lambton to see how they might help out too.

After explaining the situation to Jamin and Tracy from Dulux were eager to do what they could. They provided 44L of house paint and 4L of decking paint free of charge. Not only did painters, Mark and Michael, paint the house, they took care to ensure the house was properly prepped and any issues were fixed. This prep work paired with the Dulux paint will mean the house is bound to stay looking picture perfect for years to come. In his working days, Colin was a sheet metal worker and played rugby league in his youth. Mates

from work, league and family friends came around for two ‘working bees’ to speed up the process. As life has it, of course the rain came on these days so the painting occurred between showers and beers. Kindness is something we may take for granted, however it is greatly appreciated in times of need. Colin is lucky to have great mates who are always willing to help. In addition to his mates, Colin is extremely grateful to Dulux Lambton for their generosity.

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Commemorative plaque unveiled at LHS

Lambton High School was the proud recipient of a commemorative WWII tablet last month, honouring Australian and New Zealand personnel who served in the battles of Greece and Crete. The battles were fought in April and May of 1941 as Allied forces tried to fight off Italian and German invasions. Almost 600 Australians died in the two battles. 1000 were wounded and more than 5000 were taken prisoner. Last year the Greek ambassador donated several marble tablets to RSL NSW, with one being passed on to the Lambton-New Lambton (L to R) Lambton-New Lambton RSL sub-branch members George RSL Sub-branch and Lambton Brown, Klaus Jovanovic and Grahame Hall with Lambton High High School chosen as an School Principal Gary Bennett at the unveiling of the plaque appropriate place for mounting due to the school’s close relationship prominent position near the school for his assistance and invitation for with the sub-branch. library, with the sub-branch sub-branch members to attend the The tablet has been placed in thanking principal Gary Bennett unveiling.

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Page 4 > The Local > August 2019

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Apply now for events funding

Businesses, not-for-profit organisations and community groups are invited to apply for around $900,000 in funding as part of a program designed to attract more people into particular business areas of Newcastle. Funding will be provided through an Expression of Interest process for projects or events in or surrounding the City Centre, Hamilton, Wallsend and New Lambton. Funding of up to $500,000 for a single project or event in the Newcastle CBD is possible under the new program, with smaller grants of up to $15,000 available for events that are staged in Hamilton, Wallsend and New Lambton. “It’s going to be very exciting to see what the new funding program generates in terms of ideas for new projects and events in the City CBD and some of our smaller commercial areas,” City of Newcastle CEO Jeremy Bath said. “Newcastle has long been Jeremy Bath, CEO considered the creative capital of Australia, and now we are City of Newcastle putting money on the table to turn these ideas into events that activate local business areas. “The funding is drawn from a special levy that commercial ratepayers in the city and parts of Hamilton, Wallsend and New Lambton pay. For the past decade the community had limited visibility of how the money was being spent. From 2011 to last month, the City provided more than $8 million funded via the special levy to three Business Improvement Associations (BIAs) and two local chambers of commerce. A review last year revealed major problems with the model, resulting in one BIA voluntarily suspending itself and City of Newcastle terminating the funding agreements of Newcastle Now and Hamilton Chamber of Commerce due to significant governance breaches. A new model was adopted by Council in May after it decided that BIAs in Newcastle, Mayfield, Hamilton and Wallsend should receive no more than $100,000 annually. Expressions of Interest applications for the new funding are open now and close on Friday 9 August.











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86 Elder St, Lambton Phone: 4957 1274 The Local > August 2019 > Page 5


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St Therese’s Primary School, New Lambton has partnered with Feedback Organic Recovery to help curb school food waste whilst reducing landfill and allowing students to be instrumental in a greener future. The Feedback FoodCycle School’s Program was launched in late July, with St Therese’s Primary School the inaugural school to trial the solution. Aimed at closing the loop between food production and waste, Feedback’s FoodCycle is a local, community solution, which turns food waste into compost and then uses it to grow organic, nutritious food. This sustainable method of ‘Food-Growing-Food’ has seen a range of Newcastle cafes and restaurants jump on board in a subscription-based system. Their food waste is collected in specialised bins and repurposed on site, at local urban farms across Newcastle. FoodCycle founder David Sivyer says he has also launched a local domestic service of food waste collection, but St Therese’s will be the first school to take part. “I’m so excited to take the FoodCycle program into schools,”says David. (continued on page 6)

School food waste war (continued from page 1)

“Ultimately, all the food waste that we collect from cafes, houses and now schools, is used to grow local

Sonia Hornery MP State Member for Wallsend


I will continue to stand up for the issues that are important to you. 67 Nelson Street, Wallsend Telephone: 4950 0955 • Fax: 4950 0977 Email: Web:

Page 6 > The Local > August 2019

For a limited time receive a second pair of glasses free with your initial purchase.

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A letter to

Dog owners, consider this...

Following on from your anonymous correspondent from Adamstown in the June issue – with whom I agree with 100% and a slight detour from dogs on/ off leads, but following in the vein that dog owners needs to be more responsible. Could all dog owners consider their neighbours especially if their dog is a barker? And could they take this one step further and seek out their neighbours to enquire if when they are away from their homes does their dog cause disruption to the neighbourhood

by barking and barking? Even when they bark and they are home – seek out your neighbours and ask if it is concerning them – be aware of your dog barking and potential impact on your neighbours. Taking this again a step further, dog owners need to consider that they could have neighbours who are old, sick, terminally ill, or on shift work, have a young baby or basically do not like their time at home disrupted by a dog that never stops barking or barks madly if someone walks past their from yard/door.

If I played loud music intermittently day and night the police would be called to my home – so to me continual intrusion into homes by noisy dogs is no different but avenues for resolution are by far very different. So if dog owners could take all into account when owning a dog, and take on board the comments from the previous contribution from the previous correspondent and have respect for the people who share the neighbourhood with them. Name & address witheld, Lambton


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The Local > August 2019 > Page 7

Is your letterbox feeling lucky?

If one of the letterboxes pictured above is yours, you’ve won a $30 shopping voucher from one of three great local retailers. Phone us at The Local on 0455 210 000 before Friday 16 August to confirm your address and choose your prize. There’s a $30 voucher for Jarrett’s Quality Meats at Lambton, a $30 voucher for Q’s Books at Hamilton and a $30 voucher for Spar Express Lambton to

choose from. First in best dressed with the choice of vouchers. The vouchers must be claimed by 16 August then redeemed at your chosen retailer by 31 August. Just one of the three lucky letterboxes was claimed last month. Congratulations to the residents of 29 Russell Rd New Lambton who received a $30 voucher.

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Page 8 > The Local > August 2019

Adamstown playground renewed

Local families looking for outdoor fun can mark Adamstown’s new playground down as a fantastic place for the kids to play. Also known as Laneway Park, the $150,000 facility on Muraban Street between Fletcher and Moira Streets, was opened recently by Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes as part of the City’s annual playground replacement program. Also known as Laneway Park, the new playground includes an extra wide stainless-steel slide, clock, musical chimes, mountain ramp, rope net climber and double swings. “I’m delighted to open this new playground,” Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said at the official opening attended by students from St Columba’s Primary School in Adamstown. “The design, which was selected

The new and improved Laneway Park has proved to be a hit with local families already by the community, is versatile enough to suit toddlers up to primary school-aged children and makes for a great new addition to the suburb. “Fletcher Street Reserve takes the total number of playgrounds replaced by the City in the past four years to 15 across 11 different suburbs, equating to more than $5

million worth of fun, new facilities for the community,” Councillor Nelmes added. Under the annual renewal scheme, the City’s Parks and Projects teams completely overhaul outdated equipment, replacing them with more modern materials that meet rising standards and service expectations.


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The Local > August 2019 > Page 9

The Local Quiz

Congratulations to last month’s quiz winner, Susan Burbridge of Hobart Rd, New Lambton. Your prize is on its way. Last month’s mystery photo was taken at New Lambton South Public School. This month’s quiz questions are below. You’ll find the answers within the pages of this issue, except of course for the mystery photo. Question 1 Where in Adamstown would you find Laneway Park? Question 2 When do entries in the Lambton Photographic Competition close? Question 3 Which local school is helping reduce food waste by adopting the Feedback FoodCycle Program? Question 4 What is the name of the artisan market that returns to Lambton Park in August and November? Question 5 In which local park would you find the memorial picture at right?

Send your quiz answers by email to admin@ with ‘The Local Quiz’ in the subject line or post them to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by Friday 16 August for a chance to win a $50 open order to spend at your choice of one local business advertising in this issue.

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Page 10 > The Local > August 2019

Calling all shutter bugs Lambton Residents Group is pleased to advise that the first ‘Living in Lovely Lambton’ photographic competition is now accepting entries. Organiser of the competition, Mary Webster said “It’s another way Lambton Residents Group thought we could celebrate and record what living in Lambton is like.” “You don’t have to be a Lambton resident to enter, but your images must depict an aspect of life in Lambton” Mary added. Experienced photographers and novices, young and old are warmly invited to submit their 12 x 8s in colour or black and white. Categories include juniors (up to 15 years), adults (16 to 60 years) and seniors (60 years and over) and a people’s choice award. A variety of prizes will be awarded in these categories. As well as satisfying the objective of depicting life in Lambton the judges will be looking at camera skills, artistic impression, quality and presentation of entries. Entries close August 22. For more details see page 36 of this issue or contact Mary Webster on 0407 495 623.


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The Local > August 2019 > Page 11

Home-Start volunteers graduate

(L to R) Val Watson funding and projects officer at Home-Start, with new volunteers Sandy Dorse, Jamie-Lee Boyle, Stephanie Roman, Stephanie Zidar, Marilyn Yeend and Janine Thompson, and Home-Start Australia CEO Michelle McDonell

Local fundraisers hit goals BIGGEST MORNING TEA

Hamilton Meals on Wheels volunteers had a very successful Biggest Morning Tea in May. The 30 people who attended enjoyed an abundance of sandwiches, cakes and slices made by the volunteers. A fabulous raffle raised much of the total amount. A $100 WISH Gift Card very generously donated by Kathleen and George McIntyre of Dotcom Property was won by Stephen Eyre of Cardiff. Special mention must be made of Mavis Ross, an 89 year old volunteer who sold at least two thirds of the raffle tickets. We are very grateful to the businesses in Hamilton and Broadmeadow who were generous in their support. Everyone was magnanimous in Page 12 > The Local > August 2019

their involvement in the other fundraising activities – bingo, a guessing competition (the number of Tiny Teddy biscuits in a jar) and a brain teaser. The total of $1027.00 included $275.00 donated on-line. Thanks to everyone who supported the event – this is an amazing result for a small group which thought if we raised $500.00 we would be happy. This is a cause close to so many hearts.


A big thanks to all participants involved in the Yoga for Cancer Fundraiser at Merewether Golf Club on Monday July 22, raising $420 for the Cancer Council. The Golf Club provided a wonderful space with a beautiful green

Home-Start marked the graduation of a number of new volunteers for its home visit program. Home-Start is a not for profit organisation that coordinates volunteer home visits to local families with children under 5 years old. The volunteers offer practical parenting skills and friendship to improve the outcomes for those in difficult or stressful situations. If you would like to become a Home-Start volunteer or have questions regarding the program contact Michelle or Val on 4952 9488 or email

Send your fundraising news to outlook. Everyone’s time, support and effort has helped make a difference! As well as raising funds for a good cause, Michelle from Gentle Flow Yoga says the event was also inspired by feedback from students in some of her regular yoga classes that have felt yoga has been an important part of their self care and exercise program during and after cancer treatment. “I feel it’s important to bring awareness to the benefits people can experience when going through difficult times, tools to help cope, in addition to the well known benefits of strengthening and stretching as a regular part of exercise.” Michelle said.

Park and Ride stays The Park and Ride service from McDonald Jones Stadium to Newcastle CBD will continue until at least June 2020 with a family friendly tweak, starting the afternoon service to the stadium earlier to support parents who need to pick their kids up from school or childcare. City of Newcastle has kept the service running since Transport for NSW ceased funding the service earlier this year. During that time current and prospective passengers have been surveyed on cost, preferred running times, and barriers to use. Lord mayor Nuatali Nelmes said Park and Ride plays an important role in freeing up around 200 car parks in the city centre each day by giving commuters a convenient and affordable alternative to driving and paying for all day parking. “We’ve heard from the community and the message is clear; Park and Ride is making the daily commute easier for more than 1,000 regular weekly users, keeping cars out of the CBD, and should be continued.” Councillor Nelmes said. “For a person who switches from parking in the city each day to using the Park and Ride express bus from Broadmeadow, they will be on average $900 a year better off.”

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The Local > August 2019 > Page 13

Here to

HELP with Elaine Abery of Unravelling Red Tape Our new regular monthly coulmnist Elaine Abery hopes to help the local community unravel red tape and find simple solutions to real life problems. Who knows? She may even help you to change the law...

BYO supermarket containers: solved

I’ll just say upfront that I used to design federal legislation. Zzzz, you say? I know, that puts some people to sleep. I love the challenge of finding the desired outcome, then designing the simplest legislative solution to enable that outcome. Sometimes, though, I find that people are scared of the law, so don’t use it as well as they might. This happens when people see the law as limiting, rather than as an enabler. Take the supermarket deli containers debate, as recently discussed by correspondents to The Local. Let’s have a go at solving it. First things first, what is the purpose? In a more environmentally aware world, we are moving away from single-use plastics. For store owners, happy customers are returning customers. If customers want to BYO containers, let’s find a way to make that happen –safely and legally. What other issues interact with our purpose? As far as I understand, there are two major interactions. First, ensuring customers are charged correctly for the


Samaritans Shop

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Page 14 > The Local > August 2019

quantity (weight) of product purchased. Second, food safety and preventing food contamination. Let’s start with the weight issue. I confess that I don’t understand this issue. For as long as I can remember, weighing apparatus has been able to “zero” with a container on it. I have watched supermarket staff place (disposable) plastic containers on the scale, press “zero”, then fill the container and charge for the product only (not the container). Solution – ensure scales have the ability to “zero” with a range of containers. The food safety issue is more complicated. Again, with dedication, we can find a solution. We want to minimise the risk of food safety problems, such as salmonella, and be able to trace the origin of any problem. Where a customer introduces a food safety problem, we must remove the opportunity for crosscontamination. This is the same issue as BYO cups for cafes. Simple solution – update procedures to ensure all staff are trained in reducing cross-contamination. Utensils (e.g. tongs, spoons) should not touch the customer’s containers. If touch occurs, the utensil should be immediately cleaned. (This ensures the possibly contaminated utensil does not touch the pile of ham/ salad bowl from which other people are served.) More complex solution - draw up a waiver agreement, have the customer sign it and log an entry each time the customer brings their own container. This is a small outlay for the store – a standard legal agreement and a simple IT system (or excel spreadsheet). It is always useful to liaise with the local environmental health officers to let them know of the changes and check that they are happy with the updated procedures. Result – no legislative change required. I would love to see the fantastic new Ritchie’s IGA New Lambton run this as a pilot and become the first official “BYO container” store in Australia. If you have an everyday problem just begging for a simple, real world solution send it to “Here to Help” via: and let’s see what we can achieve. Donations of clothing, manchester, bric-a-brac and other collectible items are always welcome! You can deliver items directly to any of our Retail Stores. STORES & OPENING HOURS

HAMILTON - 4961 5233 | 19 Beaumont Street, Hamilton MAYFIELD - 4960 9015 | 131 Maitland Road, Mayfield WALLSEND - 4951 5779 | 145 Nelson Street, Wallsend BOOLAROO - 4958 2307 | 15 Main Road, Boolaroo

Monday–Friday: 9am – 4.15pm Saturday: 9.30am – 1pm

Win tickets to Model Show Planes, trains and automobiles of the miniature variety are returning to the Newcastle Jockey Club, with the Our Town Model Show back – bigger and better than ever before. The beloved family event will be held on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August and will feature intricate models of warplanes, classic cars and tall ships which are sure to fascinate young and old. “We’re really excited for this year’s event,” show organiser Jim Riley said. “I think the adults find the models just as interesting as the kids, so we can’t wait to see the smiles on the little ones’ faces.” This year’s event is presented by the Our Town Scale Modellers Association and the Our Town H.O. Model Railway Club, and will be open from 9am to 5pm on the Saturday and 9am to 4pm on the Sunday. A free bus will also run from Broadmeadow train station to the Darling Street site. Adult entry is $15, a child is $5 and a family pass (2+3) is $35, while children under 5 are free. Proceeds will go to Benwerrin RFS.

18th & h t 17 T

S U G U A 019 2

The ever-popular Own Town Model Show returns to Broadmeadow this year with something for all model enthusiasts The Local has five family passes valued at $35 each to give away. To enter text “Our Town Model Show” and your name to 0455 210 000 before Monday 12 August. Winners will be advised by telephone and their names will be published next month.


ADMISSION: Adult $15 • Child $5 Family (2 Adults + 3 Children) $35 • Child under 5 FREE FREE BUS available from Broadmeadow Train Station

Presented by Our Town Modellers Association in conjunction with Our Town H.O. Model Railway Club Inc. In support of the Rural Fire Service, Benwerrin Station The Local > August 2019 > Page 15

Feeling oversubscribed? Listen up

Above: Alana Dagwell and Laura Jackel, the creators of the Oversubscribed podcast

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Phone Jon on 0400 603 545 Page 16 > The Local > August 2019

By day they are a social media consultant and a freelance writer, but after hours Alana Dagwell and Laura Jackel are busy mums with a passion for podcasts. To indulge that passion and empathise with busy mums everywhere they have just launched Oversubscribed, a podcast for women who are hellbent on squeezing the most out of life. Produced by Mel Sargeant at the Newcastle Podcast Station, it came to fruition after discussions between the pair about how busy life can be. “We started Oversubscribed because we often feel overwhelmed by juggling parenting, work, fitness and just life at age 40,” Alana said. “We felt there wasn’t a podcast targeting women of our age and stage that was relaxed and relatable, so we started one ourselves.” The first series was launched in July and includes eight episodes on topics such as beauty, parenting, fashion and long-term relationships. Each week the women discuss their chosen subject honestly and interview relevant industry experts. Oversubscribed can be found in the Apple Store or on their website,

Art Bazaar back to Lambton, twice Hunter Arts Network (HAN) is excited to be holding Art Bazaar at Lambton Park on two dates this year. The artisan market will be returning to Lambton Park on Sunday 25 August and Sunday 17 November. The highlight of the August event will be the 60 Hunter Arts Network members, who are all local creatives and makers. Art Bazaar has been running every year since 2002 with high quality, original, and unique handmade items, cementing its reputation as the premier showcase of the Hunter region’s vibrant art community. “The event was first held in Lambton Park in 2015 and has proved to be such a popular venue that we keep coming back.” HAN committee member Margo Humphries said.

Come and let the local creatives delight you with the wonderful variety of goods on offer. With everything from watercolours to pottery and jewellery, to leather work, leadlight and ceramics available, it’s the perfect place to get that headstart on Christmas shopping while supporting local artisans.

There will also be food vans and live music, so why not create a day of it and kick back in beautiful Lambton Park? Plenty of car parking is also available in the park surrounds. For more information visit www.

The Local > August 2019 > Page 17

THAT WAS THEN This is now

with Lachlan Wetherall

Drain plane

Over the years, I have seen some strange things in the concrete stormwater drains that traverse our suburbs, but nothing compared to what the residents of Broadmeadow witnessed 75 years ago. At that time, the area now occupied by Hunter Stadium and the Harness Racing Club was an aerodrome. The government had reserved the land for aviation purposes in 1923, but it was little used until the formation of the Newcastle Aero Club in 1928. In 1939, with the outbreak of war, the club’s aircraft were used by the RAAF for training purposes, while a new military airfield was being constructed at Williamtown.

On 10 August 1944 Broadmeadow received an unscheduled military visitor, as the newspaper reported the following day … Forced down in a storm, a DC47 Army transport plane, with 25 men on board, skidded 200 yards on a wet runway, hurtled through a fence and then crashed into a stormwater channel at Broadmeadow aerodrome. The pilot (broken nose) and radio operator (head injuries) were the only people hurt, although all the others sustained a severe shaking. In addition to the crew of four, the transport carried 21 members of United States bombing crews coming to Sydney on furlough. North of Newcastle the transport ran into the storm, and the pilot decided to attempt a landing at Broadmeadow. When he put down he was unable to control the plane on the wet runway. As it neared the channel, the plane slewed and it went in, nose first. The accident was the seventh in two years involving the storm water channel, and this highlighted the unsuitability of the site as an airfield. After the war, commercial aviation commenced at Williamtown in 1947, and in 1961, the Aero Club moved to Rutherford. District Park reverted to its original purpose of public recreation, and the roar of aeroplane engines was replaced by the roar of sports fans. You can view these photos and more details at www.

Wall Legal is a small general legal practice offering affordable, personalised service for each individual client, with fixed fees for most matters. ➤ Retail Leases ➤ Sale & Purchase of Business ➤ Enduring Powers of Attorney & Guardianships ➤ Wills & Estates ➤ Conveyancing ➤ Home visits available

9 Alma Road, New Lambton • PHONE: 4957 7055 EMAIL: • WEB: Page 18 > The Local > August 2019

Sightseers crowd around after a US Douglas 47 aircraft crashed into the stormwater drain at Broadmeadow in 1944. Photo from the archives of Royal Newcastle Aero Club.

Below: the same view today looking towards Broadmeadow and Australia Rds at Broadmeadow.




Lic #: 94942C


PHONE: 0467 682 017

The Local > August 2019 > Page 19

Theatre classic a fundraiser for Home-Start Home-Start Newcastle will be holding a fundraiser at Newcastle Theatre Company later this month to continue to fund its volunteer service. As a not for profit organisation Home-Start assists local families with children under 5 years old with practical parenting skills and friendship to improve outcomes for those in difficult or stressful situations. The fundraiser will be held at the 23 August preview performance of Arthur Miller’s classic A View from the Bridge, a searing drama of love and revenge played out on a powder keg of justice, labour and betrayal. A View from the Bridge is a landmark work from one of the greatest playwrights in history. It’s a story of love and revenge against the backdrop of 1950s Sicillian immigration to New York. The story is just as devastating, thrilling and passionate today as it was then and not to be missed. Home-Start Newcastle’s fundraiser will be held the night before the first public performance. Tickets are $35 with drinks and nibbles at 7.15pm, before the performance. These special tickets must be purchased through Home-Start Newcastle and can be done by contacting Val Watson on 0414 547 781 or email funding@ The full season of A View from the Bridge runs from 24 August to 7 September and includes evening an matinee performances. Tickets can be booked through

‘A View from the Bridge’ is as devastating, thrilling and passionate a story as it was when first performed in the 1950s

Support local families, local theatre while having a great night out!




by Arthur Miller A searing drama of love and revenge played out on a powder keg of justice, labour, immigration and betrayal, A View from the Bridge is a landmark work from one of the greatest playwrights in history. WHEN: Friday, August 23rd 2019 at 7.15pm WHERE: Newcastle Theatre Company, 90 De Vitre St, Lambton A VOLUNTEER HOME VISITING SCHEME

TICKETS $35 ▯ Join us for a drink & nibbles before the performance and try your luck in our 200 club All proceeds going to Newcastle Home-Start Volunteer Home Visiting to help local children & parents. Page 20 > The Local > August 2019

Humans of Newcastle by Melissah Comber

Maria Martin founded a charity dedicated to helping survivors of domestic violence after some life-changing experiences of her own

Maria Martin

Maria Martin believes she is on this Earth for a reason. In the last decade she has left an abusive relationship, been robbed at gunpoint, fought cancer and built a not-for-profit organisation from the ground up. Cardiff’s Survivor’s R Us was born just two and half years ago with the vision of putting a myriad of support services under one roof. Maria’s cancer diagnosis was her turning point. “I thought, you know what, I’ve been through all this crap, I’m going to be strong now and I’m going to make a difference,” she said.

“I’ve been left here to do this, I believe that.” Last financial year the service helped 8500 people in a range of ways – such as counselling, a foodbank, their op shop and even just providing a hot shower – reaching out to all corners of the community, beyond those who have experienced domestic violence, including low income families, the unemployed and the homeless. What’s astounding is that it is all achieved off the back of volunteers and without any government funding. The generosity of the community has allowed Survivor’s R Us to triple their floor space and expand their offerings, which now includes taking hot meals to those who are struggling throughout the entire Hunter region, while the takings from their op shop and own fashion label, SRU Design,

help cover ongoing expenses. Maria said that at the end of the day everyone involved just wants to help. “We should not have people out on the street,” she said. “We want to follow peoples’ journeys because you need support all the way. “If we can just make that little bit of difference we’re doing what we’re meant to do here.” Survivor’s R Us are always seeking support to be able to help more people. To get in touch email survivors@ ----------------------------------------Do you know a ‘Human of Newcastle’ whose story we should tell? Email au

The Local > August 2019 > Page 21


History with Phil Warren

metres to the west in an area known as ‘the triangle’. Hamilton Station was opened in 1872 and was later directly connected to Broadmeadow and on to the southern line to Gosford in 1883. In its early days it was located on the ‘private’ line from Honeysuckle Point to East Maitland. Competing with the river trade was a key objective of the formation of a private company to build a railway line from Newcastle to West Maitland.

Hamilton Station the survivor

Hamilton Station dates from the very early days of The Great Northern Railway with the Platform 1 buildings, on the Hamilton side, being constructed in 1873 and then altered in 1898, while the Platform 2 buildings also date from 1898. The buildings are indeed survivors as they have maintained their usefulness while many changes have occurred over the years such as becoming a main line station in 1883, the end of the steam era, the period of exclusive diesel services and then the electrification of the line between the former Newcastle Station and Central (Sydney). Over the level crossing, to the west of Platform 1, sits the no longer in use signal box that has had its early importance superseded both by new technology and the many changes to the rail network. Known as Hamilton Junction signal box it controlled the main lines, the level crossing gates and access to the nearby electrical substation and mechanical depot sidings. Up until 1924, the signal box also controlled the entry and departure (by locomotives) to the now long gone Hamilton locomotive depot, situated about 400


Samaritans Shop

We invite you to pop in and grab a bargain. We run four quality recycled clothing stores.

Page 22 > The Local > August 2019

Hamilton Station as it looks today The job was started however the entrepreneurs couldn’t raise the capital to complete the line. They gave it to the NSW Government who funded the completion of the project, with a shorter route from Honeysuckle to East Maitland, that was opened in March 1857 by Governor Denison who called upon the crowd to give three cheers for the “Great Northern Railway”. The name was popular and was adopted when the line finally stretched from Sydney to the Queensland border some 30 years later after the completion of the bridge over the Hawkesbury River in 1889. Surrounded by ever newer structures, the survivor, Hamilton Station is classified as a heritage building, and who knows what changes will occur in the latter half of its second century.

Donations of clothing, manchester, bric-a-brac and other collectible items are always welcome! You can deliver items directly to any of our Retail Stores. STORES & OPENING HOURS

HAMILTON - 4961 5233 | 19 Beaumont Street, Hamilton MAYFIELD - 4960 9015 | 131 Maitland Road, Mayfield WALLSEND - 4951 5779 | 145 Nelson Street, Wallsend BOOLAROO - 4958 2307 | 15 Main Road, Boolaroo

Monday–Friday: 9am – 4.15pm Saturday: 9.30am – 1pm

Above and below: Ralph Snowball’s photographs of Hamilton Station in 1906 (UoN Cultural Collections). The buildings on both platforms, which remain to this day, are hertitage listed.

At Elder Street, Lambton ates ■ Wills and Deceased Est l Disputes Wil ■ ey orn ■ Powers of Att ion ■ Criminal Law ■ Probate ■ Family Provis or we Appointments at our office urs -ho offer mobile and out-of appointments to suit you. -Smith,

Principal solicitor, Chris Hill Accredited Specialist in Wills & Estates.

122 Elder Street Lambton 700 ph: 4956 1902 or 0422 113 email: admin@appletonlaw web: The Local > August 2019 > Page 23

THANK YOU TONI SAXON But it’s Newcastle that she loves. Her 33 years at Piggott’s Pharmacy Blackbutt have allowed her to meet so many fantastic, lifelong friends. Toni also has enjoyed engaging with her customers in conversation as they too have wonderful stories to tell, and says ‘Community Pharmacy is about knowing your customers’. Toni also belongs to a group of wonderful women called the ‘Leopard Ladies’ who raise money for local charities and get a great kick out of knowing they are helping different groups throughout our Community, including being one of the first groups to donate to Got Your Back Sista. The Piggott Family and all of your friends through Piggott’s Pharmacy wish you all the very best in your retirement.

On Saturday 13th July we celebrated Toni Saxon’s over 33 years of working at Piggott’s Pharmacy Blackbutt with a Farewell Morning Tea. Toni will be familiar to many of the New Lambton residents after working at Piggott’s Pharmacy Blackbutt since March 1987. Many customers were surprised to learn of Toni’s retirement commenting that she does not look so old, but Toni started working in Pharmacy in the week that decimal currency was introduced in February of 1966! Working in numerous Pharmacies in Newcastle and London during the 70’s, Toni had a break from work to raise 2 lovely daughters and she now also has 2 beautiful granddaughters with whom Toni enjoys spending as much time as possible with during these precious years. Along with husband, of 46 years, Terry, and Toni loves to travel and has been lucky to travel to many wonderful countries around the world.

Retirement beckons!



58 Orchardtown Rd, New Lambton • 4957 2474

83 Beaumont Street, Hamilton • 4961 3179

Page 24 > The Local > August 2019

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YOUR LOCAL TRUSTED HOME SLEEP TESTING AND SLEEP APNOEA SERVICE Piggotts Pharmacy Blackbutt is focused on making health easier for everyone; including preventative health management. Our team know healthy sleep is critical in the management of overall health and well-being. We have partnered with BOC Healthcare in providing high quality sleep testing and therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea for your patients. Our experienced sleep therapist will ensure your patient receives a high standard of therapy for obstructive sleep apnoea.

We offer the following services and benefits; ♥ Home sleep studies reported by reputable Sleep Respiratory Physicians ♥ We offer an extensive range of sleep therapy products with competitive pricing ♥ Treatment introductions/programs, trial machines and ongoing support for patients ♥ Therapy support and management plans for existing CPAP users ♥ We discuss relevant outcomes and recommendtions from the Sleep Study Report

*Additional $40/ $20 concession; equipment fee for each study.



117 Elder Street, Lambton • 4957 3630

400 Glebe Road, Merewether • 4969 1978 ♥

The Local > August 2019 > Page 25

Book Review sponsored by Q’s Books

WE WANT YOUR BOOK REVIEW! Review any book in 200-250 words If you see yours on this page we will give you


to spend at Qs Books!




@QSBOOKSHAMILTON Page 26 > The Local > August 2019

The Hospital by the River: A Story of Hope by Catherine Hamlin

This is the life story of gynaecologists Catherine and Reg Hamlin who left Australia in 1959 on a three year contract to establish a midwifery school in Ethiopia. Catherine, now aged 95, still lives in Ethiopia. Even though the Hamlins were very religious I didn’t think this factor dominated or diminished the novel in any way. The novel not only explains the history of Ethiopia from 1959 to 2000 when they lived there, but also obstetric fistula which was an “academic rarity” in Australian medical training. The book explains what obstetric fistula is and how it can be prevented, however, due to remoteness, poverty, tribal and religious beliefs many challenges needed to be overcome. Catherine tells patient stories from their work. Due to lack of education and cost women weren’t being treated, but after a few years the word spread and demand was so great a specific Fistula hospital was established (by the river) in the capital Addis Ababa. From harrowing stories there were great life improvements. I have no medical knowledge but I enjoyed the book because of the moving subject and improvements made over the decades as a result of their dedication. It was interesting that some Fistula patients became workers in the hospital and some actually went on to bear further children. Within the medical profession both Catherine and Reg Hamlin were recognised for their work. Is there a book you would like to review? Please get in touch with us at Q’s Books email:


Matters by Anthony Piggott

of Piggott’s Pharmacies: Blackbutt, Branxton, Hamilton, Lambton and Merewether

Sprains and strains Sprains and strains are injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments. They are very common sports injuries, but can also happen during normal daily activities. Correct treatment gives the best possible recovery in the shortest possible time. Injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments are called soft tissue injuries.

Muscles A strain occurs when the fibres of a muscle or tendon are stretched too far and torn. A strain is usually due to heavy lifting, working a muscle too hard or a sudden movement. It causes muscle pain, muscle weakness and sometimes swelling. A strain may also cause some bleeding, which can lead to a haematoma (blood-filled swelling) in the muscle. A ‘corked thigh’ (often called a ‘corky’) is a haematoma in the thigh muscle.

A sprain causes pain, swelling and bruising around the joint. A sprained joint may also be hard to move. First aid 1. Follow the RICE first aid plan for the first 48–72 hours (2–3 days) after a soft tissue injury. If any part of the hand is injured, remove rings from fingers immediately, in case swelling occurs. • Rest the injured person and the injured area, to avoid further damage. • Ice the injured area for 15 minutes every 2 hours for 24 hours, then for 15 minutes every 4 hours for the next 24 hours. Ice reduces pain, swelling and bruising. You can use ice, a pack of frozen vegetables, or a cold pack. Do not apply it directly onto the skin – wrap it in a damp cloth. • Compression – apply a firm, wide, elastic bandage to reduce swelling and bleeding, and to support the injured area. The bandage should extend well above and below the injury. It should not be so tight that it cuts off the blood supply. • Elevation – raise the injured part, to reduce swelling and bleeding. Elevation is most important in the first 24–48 hours and while applying ice. 2. Seek medical advice for ongoing care. Medicines Always ask a doctor or pharmacist for advice about medicines for pain relief. Medicines that may relieve pain due to a soft tissue injury include: • paracetamol – relieves mild to moderate pain. Paracetamol is available as tablets, capsules, mixtures and suppositories • anti-inflammatory pain relievers (e.g. ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac) – relieve both pain and inflammation. They are available as tablets, capsules, mixtures, creams and gels. Always check with a pharmacist or doctor before using anti-inflammatory pain relievers • liniments, heat rubs, cooling rubs – can help reduce pain and stiffness. Avoid use in the first 48–72 hours following injury or while the injury is still swollen or warm.

Tendons Tendons join muscles to bones. Inflammation of a tendon is called tendonitis. Tendonitis causes pain and tenderness near a joint. Tendons are surrounded by a protective sheath. Inflammation of the tendon sheath is called tenosynovitis. Tenosynovitis causes pain, swelling and sometimes a grating feeling or crackling sound when the joint is moved. Tendonitis and tenosynovitis are often caused by a strain or by overuse of a tendon (e.g. due to repeated Self care - recovering from injury movements). • As pain and swelling reduce, gently and gradually Ligaments increase your movement. Ligaments join bones to bones to create strong and • You may need to support the injured area with stable joints. A sprain occurs when ligaments (and strapping or bandaging. other tissues that hold a joint together) are stretched • Most strains and sprains take 1–6 weeks to heal. Ask too far and torn. This usually occurs if the joint is a Pharmacist, doctor or physiotherapist for advice. twisted, pulled or stretched too far (e.g. sprained ankle). The Local > August 2019 > Page 27

AGE Matters with Joseph McCarthy CEO of NovaCare Community Services

See me. Know me.

Meaningful Ageing Australia has recently launched the ‘See Me Know Me’ initiative. Their CEO IIsa Hampton has said that this initiative was aimed to make older people feel valued as individuals and to promote spending time with loved ones. Meaningful Ageing Australia is the national spiritual care and ageing peak body and it has recently conducted an online survey of 1000 Australians over the age of 65. Some key issues identified by the survey were that 42% of respondents felt the people they were closest to did not understand their identity, while 56% of participants reported they would feel more content about their

Page 28 > The Local > August 2019

spiritual needs being understood if their loved ones or support services asked them more frequently about their experiences and life stories. Another key finding from the survey was the top concern when considering ageing was the lack of government and aged care support. This issue was followed by not being able to do the things they love, losing their freedom, becoming a burden on family members and feeling less connected to people that matter. The greatest source of hope for 62% of respondents was being with people that they care about, followed by their children at 61% and grandchildren at 60%. Another 49% of respondents identified that their greatest source of hope was found in interacting with elements of nature, including gardening, watching the sunset or walking outside. If you want to know more about this initiative have a look at If you need assistance to stay at home, whether it’s just a little or maybe much more, make contact with an organisation that is interested in you with people who want to know what gives you purpose, so you can live your way. Please call NovaCare on 1300 363 654 for a free confidential discussion.

VET Chat by Dr Fiona Wallace of New Lambton Veterinary Clinic

Pet first aid - part 2

The more you as a pet owner know about treating minor ailments the better it is for your pet, and after a dramatic in-clinic stitch up this week, I want to talk about bandaging. Every vet has a story to tell about phone calls where owners believe that their pet is bleeding to death, and when it presents at the clinic it is just a torn toe nail (totally understandable panic on the owners’ behalf if they have never seen this happen before!). Conversely many vets also have a reverse story, and last week was one such case – our patient had been wandering around a building site and found (we think) some corrugated iron or sheet metal – he had severed the back of his

foot right through the digital artery and despite a heroic attempt at bandaging by his distraught owners the artery was still pulsing when he arrived at the clinic. Bandages are applied for several reasons – to protect wounds from the environment, to discourage licking, to support a sprain or strain, to prevent the pet moving its leg, or, as in this case, to help staunch bleeding. Make sure you have bandages at home in case of emergency! You are welcome to come and get some from us if you wish. Bandages should have a contact layer (usually a thin, non stick material – we use Melolin), then an absorbent layer (such as cotton wool), and then an outer layer (we use coflex and elatoplast). In the case of an emergency bleed, quickly pop a good thickness of padding around the area and bandage tightly (the padding will protect the leg), then get to us ASAP. If the wound is not actively bleeding, clip the coat away and clean it free of dirt, blood and debris as well as you can. Apply iodine ointment, then a melolin patch, then padding and then the bandage. Don’t bandage too tightly as the foot below the bandage may become swollen and sore. Also have some sticky bandage overlap the top of the bandage and stick to the coat as this will help stop it slipping off. If you would like a practical lesson in bandaging please let us know!


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Ask us h


126 Lambton Rd, Broadmeadow • 4952 8809 • Enter from Perth Rd (rear of Rovert Lighting) • Follow us on

The Local > August 2019 > Page 29

FITNESS Matters with Ali & Dan Marshall of Corefit Newcastle

How being strong makes life better

Remember back in the day when doing cardio was all the rage? As you may be aware, the strength movement has exploded over the past decade. We always tell our clients that cardio is great for your heart but not really for changing your body. Basically, cardio alone will make you a smaller version of the shape you already are. And if changing the shape of your body and shedding fat is something you desire, then weight training is where it´s at!

But there are even more incredible benefits to being strong: • It improves your hormonal balance. If you’re struggling with fat loss, energy, cravings, and more, this is so important! • It boosts your confidence. Trust me on this one! How you look transforms but so does how you FEEL! • It protects your bones. Strength training actually increases bone density, decreasing your risk for many age-related diseases. • It decreases your risk of injury. When you’re strong, you can more easily complete daily tasks like bending and lifting. • Your posture will improve. Enough said! You’ll have less pain and good posture just looks better! • You can rely on yourself. Whether you need to store a suitcase overhead on a plane or carry in 8 grocery bags at once, having physical independence and not asking anyone for help is an incredible gift to give yourself. The key to getting all of the amazing benefits related to strength training, however, is doing it properly and progressively. And that just happens to be our specialty here at CoreFit. So, if you’re ready to transform from the outside in, let’s chat. Contact us at and we’d be happy to help you out.

exercise - nutrition - mindset

Providing professional friendly dental care for the whole family. Your support of our practice enables us to provide volunteer services to the National Dental Foundation to continue to help people in our local community in need.

Suite 2/74-84 Tudor St, Hamilton • P: 4962 4300 E: W: Page 30 > The Local > August 2019


Y New Lambton Park & Mayfield West ¨ 4088 7483



with Cheryl Shaw of Dogoverboard

Doggy come home

Losing your dog can be devastating! Does your pet wear a collar with a tag for identification? By law, dogs must wear an ID. You need to provide all the necessary contact information on your dogs’ collar for anyone finding your dog to be able to reunite you both. It is important that the information is always kept up to date. Check the tag, is the information current, can you or others easily read it? It is very important that dogs wear their identification; way too often dogs escape from their yards and take themselves out and about and never return to their owners. It is important that if you move or change your phone number you get a new tag for your dog. If you are to move house, make sure to also change the microchipping details.

Dogs that are storm or firework-phobic often flee their safe home environments and run scared and frantic, often covering a lot of territory as they run. It is amazing how many dogs turn up to Dogoverboard without their owners. It’s okay if we know the dog, but for those with no ID, it is a big problem. Another option to a tag is the embroidered collar, where the name of the dog and the contact number is stitched into the webbing material of the collar. If your dog goes missing, always start by checking around your home and surrounding streets, check with the local vet as well as the RSPCA. Many dogs end up at the RSPCA every year and unfortunately some do not get back to their owners. Fines apply for the recovery of any dog taken to the pound, so having your dog wear a tag can help reunite you both and avoid a fine. Another help in locating lost pets is via the power of social media and posting on lost pets sites. Sometimes when people find a dog, they quickly become attached and will think about keeping it themselves. A tag may deter someone from keeping your dog. Most people are kind Samaritans and know that the dog and owner should be reunited as quickly as possible to minimise stress and an owner’s broken heart. Remember always leave your dog’s collar on; you never know when an opportunity to escape could present itself.

Dogoverboard The fun and healthy place for dogs

The most comprehensive dog care centre in NSW!

Professional Grooming Doggy Day Care Puppy Creche Puppy Pre School Bathing Heated Indoor Swimming Exclusive collars, leads, jackets and beds Phone 4957 8500 Open 7 Days 10 William Street Adamstown Follow us on /Dogoverboard The Local > August 2019 > Page 31


Matters by Jessica Benson of Newcastle Legal

Revenge Wills & disputed Wills Making Legal Easy WILLS, PROBATE & WILL DISPUTES ➤ Personalised Wills typically between $298 to $798 ➤ Power of Attorney & Enduring Guardian $75 extra ➤ Home visits @ $110 within 5 km range ➤ Capacity assessment when needed typically $165 ➤ Fixed price probate representation ➤ Specialist advice on family provision claims

Call 1800 003 004 for an appointment 17 Beaumont St, Hamilton T: 1800 003 004 E: W: Page 32 > The Local > August 2019

Blended families are increasingly common. We are drafting an increasing number of Wills that make provision for children that are “hers/his, mine and ours”. We have also had clients seeking advice after discovering their long-term partner has changed their Will without telling them, cutting them or their biological children out. In one case this occurred after our client developed dementia and did not have capacity to change her own Will. It is tempting for clients to make what has been called a ‘Revenge Will’ cutting out their partner and his/her biological children. For blended families a “mutual will” is often appropriate. That is where partners in effect contract with each other not to secretly change their Will to cut the other (or their children) out. In making a Will the primary principle is that you have “testamentary freedom” to gift your estate as you like. There may be good reasons for leaving someone out of a Will. The law requires that you consider the “needs” of your spouse or former spouse, de-facto spouse, children or someone who has been dependent on you. The test is whether these people need further provision for their “proper maintenance, education or advancement in life” such that the Court should interfere with the Willmaker’s wishes. In making that decision the Court considers a claimant’s income, assets, relationship, any “disentitling” behaviour and competing claims by others. The skill with which your Will is drafted and the advice you receive can be critical in protecting your wishes for who shares in your estate. Similarly if you need to challenge a Will where your needs have not been considered properly, you need the advice of a good lawyer knowledgeable in this area of law.


Matters with Sara Knight of The Gut Clinic

Sleep - getting it right

Although we don’t actually know why we need to sleep, we know we need it. And we definitely notice it when we don’t get quality sleep. Ask any parent of a newborn! During sleep our bodies will rest, recover and repair. It is also the time for the brain to consolidate memories. We equally know that lack of quality sleep leads to fatigue, decreased coordination, impaired judgement, poor mental clarity and increased emotional sensitivity as we parents often see in our children after a poor night’s sleep. So how do you know you are getting quality sleep? Simply ask yourself the following questions: Do I wake most mornings feeling refreshed? Do I have the energy to get through my day with ease and grace? If you answered yes, then you are most likely getting the quality sleep that supports the repair and recovery processes. If you answered no, then you need to consider taking steps to improve your quality of sleep. Some ideas include: Aim for around 8 hours of sleep each night, and go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on the weekends. This routine will improve sleep quality over time. Decrease your screen time before bed–preferably 1-2 hours. The blue light from phones and tablets actually stimulates your brain preventing restorative sleep. Create a sleep routine – same 405 things you do every night to trigger your brain and body to slow and rest. Reading a book, having a cup of calming herbal tea, a warm shower, and gratitude practices are all great sleep promoting activities. Decrease stimulation before bed –intense exercise less than 2 - 3 hours and eating a heavy meal before bed are two common stimulating activities that may prevent you from falling asleep easily. Work to the premise of “Fix the Day to Fix the Night”– decreasing stress, getting outside in the sun, and exercising are all day time activities that promote quality sleep at night. Finally, address any medical conditions that may prevent you from restorative sleep, such as sleep apnoea. Unfortunately, it has been shown that chronic poor sleep can lead to diabetes and obesity. Whether you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep, getting quality sleep is a priority for everyone. Creating a routine and creating optimal pre-sleep conditions is the best way to allow the body to do what it does naturally – sleep to heal, restore and recover.


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The Local > August 2019 > Page 33

TRAVEL Matters by Ian and Sue Roberts

of Memorable Destination

Tourism at a tipping point?

It remains divisive, but the question of whether mass, packaged tourism has reached its tipping point continues to boil. The negative effects of too many tourists visiting somewhere at once is playing out widely on the world stage. Obviously, tourism is a massive source of global income, employment and prosperity - a central plank of many economies. And, responsible travel and hospitality firms have been introducing measures aimed at reducing mass tourism damage as much as possible. Just as obviously, however, the current tourism system - where mass visitor numbers keep rising each year - is unsustainable. It threatens to ruin many of the very attractions that

mass tourism wants to see. Fatal cruise ship and bus accidents in Venice, Hungary, Norway, Portugal and the Mediterranean have caught public attention recently, as have protests on the waterways of Venice and the streets of Barcelona. However, it was the Dutch who really caused the world to sit up and take notice this year when they decided to stop encouraging tourism in favor of managing current visitor numbers. To stem the flow of mass tourism into Amsterdam, officials limited Airbnb rentals; promoted outlying districts as alternatives; banned new tourist shops; and outlawed so-called ‘beer bikes’. At Venice, the lagoon ecosystem is struggling to handle ever-growing tourism and cruise ships. These ships have also reduced the effectiveness of the city tax imposed for overnight stays. Across Italy, hordes of day-trippers arriving along the Cinque Terre coast are putting pressure on its picture-postcard towns. It’s a similar story at the Greek island of Santorini; the medieval town of Kotor in Montenegro; Dubrovnik in Croatia; Prague; Easter Island in Chile; Iceland; Cairo; Banff in Canada; Scotland’s Isle of Skye and Bali. And because of damage to the ruins of Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail, the government of Peru has been forced to introduce a daily limit of 2,500 tourists. Follow Ian and Sue’s travels on www. or on Instagram at @ memorable_destination, @memorable_travels or @ memorable-hotels.

The community’s own Rescue Helicopter is there for you 24/7 Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help ensure that nobody ever pays to be assisted. 1800 155 155 |

Page 34 > The Local > August 2019


Matters with Jono Allan

Reality TV with ‘purpose’

There’s an extraordinary bloke living in New Lambton whose efforts to improve the environment are set to make an impression on the national stage. When James McGregor is not helping develop world leading solar thermal-power technologies you will find the electrical engineer, entrepreneur, former soldier and chief executive of Blue Tribe Company producing his own lifestyle-reality TV show. James’ vision for the show is simple: take a successful television building show format and give it a “purpose” by incorporating sustainable housing ideas. “It’s a lifestyle-reality TV show with an environmental purpose,” he says. His 30-minute pilot episode of Renovate or Rebuild was released on YouTube recently; check it out and I’m sure you’ll find it refreshing - don’t worry, it won’t

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make you feel guilty! James has worked hard to limit jargon in the show. He has instead focussed on healthy and comfortableliving building ideas with a positive impact on the environment, which we can all incorporate into our own rebuild and renovate plans. By focusing not on ‘wants’ but on ‘needs’, James hopes to incorporate green products into mainstream building ideas. If you’re not too sure about the difference, look up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs on Google – it’s very interesting. Unsurprisingly, James is currently in negotiations with Channel 9 for a full series and assures me an episode of his show will include a renovate or rebuild project in the Newcastle area. What single piece of advice does he have for those about to embark on a rebuild or renovate project? “Stop and take five minutes to think about the simple things to make your home comfortable and healthy, then think about free energy from the sun, introducing natural light, and bringing fresh air into the house.” So, how come someone with no experience in the TV industry suddenly decided to produce their own reality show? Simple. It all stems from a passion for the environment and a desire to share ideas. Now that matters. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing and hearing a lot more about James McGregor from New Lambton very soon.




➤ Communicate better with colleagues or clients ➤ Deliver more effective speeches and presentations ➤ Be confident ➤ Become a better leader … YOU NEED ALPHA TOASTMASTERS! At Toastmasters you can develop your communication and leadership skills in a safe and friendly learning environment. COME ALONG AND SEE WHAT TOASTMASTERS CAN DO FOR YOU… We meet every Monday night at the Alder Park Sports Club, 132 Bridges Road, New Lambton Arrive 6pm for a 6.15pm start. All welcome! FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT The Local > August 2019 > Page 35



• JUNIOR - 15 YEARS & UNDER • ADULT - 16 TO 60 YEARS • SENIORS - 60 YEARS & OVER • PEOPLES CHOICE Photographs to depict any aspect of life in Lambton and to be submi�ed as 12” x 8”(30cm x 20cm) print - in colour or black and white

Entries close 5pm Thursday August 22, 2019

Judging will include but not be limited by the following: camera skills, ar�s�c impression, print quality and presenta�on, mee�ng the objec�ve of the compe��on which is to show any aspect of life in Lambton.

Entry forms available for Lambton Nextra Newsagency or by email Mary on or phone 0407 495 623 Page 36 > The Local > August 2019

From Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners’ Advocate of Tuesday 18 August 1890

From Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners’ Advocate of Monday 7 August 1950

From Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners’ Advocate of Saturday 4 August 1888

From Newcastle Sun of Thursday 6 August 1925

Local news from another time...

The Local > August 2019 > Page 37

Local & Live entertainment this month The Bennett

Fri 16

Hi-Fi Days

Mon 12 Ryan McMullan

Fri 23


Wed 14 Live N Local

Fri 2

Kaitlyn Simm

Fri 30


Fri 16

Holly Mae

Fri 16

Bowie Unzipped featuring Jeff Duff

Fri 23

Austin Mackay

Sat 17

The Black Sorrows

Fri 30


Exchange Hotel Sat 3

Saddle Up! Country Party

Fri 9


Sat 17

90s vs 00s House Party

Sat 24

Dirty Deeds - The AC/ DC Show

Lambton Park Hotel Fri 2


Sat 3

The Humm Duo

Sun 18 Lazy Sunday Lunch with The Black Sorrows

Fri 9

Danny & Jake

Tue 20 Lambton High School

Sat 17

DLove Duo

Fri 23

Brien McVernon Duo

Wed 21 Peter Asher & Albert Lee Fri 23 Woodstock 19 50th Anniversary Sat 24

Richard Clapton

Sun 25 Richard Clapton

Hamilton Station Hotel Fri 2

Tue 22 Belmont High School

Fait Accompli

Sun 4 Natalie Henry & Friends Wed 7 Spacehawke, Ridgemont High, Not Good Not Bad, 67 Expansion Sat 10

Torment and Terror

Wed 14 Lifelock (Singapore) Thu 15 A Big Night of Rock Fri 16

Honest Crooks

Sat 17


Wed 21 Hot Mulligan and Columbus Fri 23

Black Whiskey and Rose Carleo

Fri 30

As I Destruct (SA)

Hotel Jesmond Fri 2

Dos Eager

Fri 9

Jackson Broadway

Sat 24

Dan Mani

Fri 30

Dean Kyrwood

Sat 31


Lizotte’s Fri 2 ABBASBACK Sat 3 Vince Jones Sun 4 Kiki Dee (lunch) Wed 7 Live N Local Thu 8 Whitebridge High School Music Showcase Fri 9 Mitch Capone sings Elvis Presley Sat 10 1979 The Hits

Sun 25 ADTC Wed 28 Live N Local Thu 29 Warners Bay High School Fri 30

Jade Holland

Sat 31

The Beatnix

Sun 11 Arrebato Ensemble (lunch)

The information on this page was correct at time of printing. Please check all details with the respective venues. Page 38 > The Local > August 2019

Local & Live entertainment this month Nags Head Hotel

Fri 2

Joel Procter

Sat 3


Fri 9


Sat 10

Anthony Lee

Fri 16

Ryan Daley

Sat 17

Mike Vee

Fri 23

Zane Penn

Sat 24

Greg Bryce

Fri 30

Jake Davey

Sat 31

Pap & That

Fri 16 TK Vibes Sat 17 Kaitlyn Simm, Winny Blues Duo Fri 23 Mark Wood Sat 24 Paula & Owen, John Larder

Wed 14 Heart Open

Fri 30

Paula & Owen

Sat 31

Brent Murphy, Prahlad

Wed 21 Michael Dolce - Master Class

Northumberland Hotel Fri 2

Craig Thommo

Fri 9

Michael Peter

Fri 16

Dean Kyrwood

Fri 23

The Instigators

Fri 30


Fri 2

A View From The Bridge

Sun 4 John Larder, Hurricane Fall

Fri 9

The Amigos


Sat 10

Hot Fox

Sun 25


Wed 28


Sun 11 One Man Dan, Fish Fry & Pow Wow

Fri 30


Sat 31

2pm, 8pm

Fri 2 Sat 3 Fri 9 Sat 10

Aaron Hood Nano, Jack Evans Holly Mae Madelyn, Michael Peter

Sun 18 Mick n Josh, Steve Edmonds

Fri 23

Binlids + P..S EME + Space Boozies

Thu 29 The Wicko Jam Night Fri 30

One World

Sat 31

Ron Knight & The Daze Band

Wed 7 Big Riles & M.C.Sabby D

Sat 24

Northern Star Hotel

Sat 17 Sunhill Drive, The Lamplighters


Newcastle Theatre Co.

Directed by Janet Nelson and Howard Rawlinson


Wickham Park Hotel Sat 3 Sneaky Freakers, Riff Raff

By Arthur Miller

Fri 16

Young Peoples Theatre The Hundred and One Dalmations By Dodie Smith Adapted by Glyn Robbins Sat 3

2pm, 7pm

Sat 10


Sun 11


Sat 17

2pm, 7pm

Venues: would you like your local and live entertainment listed here for free? Email The Local > August 2019 > Page 39

Local Community Group Notices CHILDREN & FAMILIES NEW LAMBTON GUYS & DOLLS PLAYGROUP New Lambton Guys & Dolls Playgroup is looking for new members! We are a group for parents, carers, babies and children up to school age to meet and socialise. First two sessions free! Uniting Church, 48 Regent St New Lambton, Mondays 9:30-11:30am. Just turn up or email DYNAMITES MUSIC Is a program run by Grace Presbyterian Church for children aged 0-5 with their mums, dads or carers, all welcome. We have fun singing, dancing, playing, crafting and eating morning tea. We start the morning with free play in our main area from 9.30am. The music program runs from 10-10.30am. Following our organised program we have morning tea and another session of free play. There is also a related craft activity for all. We are on Wednesday mornings 9.30am during school terms. 6 Callistemon Close, Warabrook, $5 per child or $10 for 2 or more. Check us out on facebook ‘Dynamites Warabrook’, phone 4023 8455 or NEWCASTLE & HUNTER TOY LIBRARY Newcastle and Hunter Toy Library is calling all ‘kids at heart’ to become regular volunteers to assist with the running of the Toy Library sessions on Saturday mornings. The Toy Library is a terrific service based at New Lambton Library and run entirely by volunteers. We are also seeking new members to join our committee. Contact newcastletoylibrary@gmail. com for more information about joining our enthusiastic team. For more information search @newcastleandhuntertoylibrary on Facebook. Email your notice to: admin@hunterlocal. or post it to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by 15th of each month. Notices may be edited or omitted to fit available space. Page 40 > The Local > August 2019

COMMUNITY GROUPS LAMBTON RESIDENTS GROUP Residents of Lambton area are welcome to come along to our monthly meeting. You too can be a part of some exciting and worthwhile initiatives and projects for our local area. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month (excluding January) commencing at 5.30pm at Lambton Bowling Club. No RSVP needed. For more information email: lambtonresidents@gmail. com or call Nicola on 0402 949 854.

HOBBIES & INTERESTS MEREWETHER HISTORICAL SOCIETY You don’t have to live in Merewether to be a member, or a guest, of the Merewether Historical Society, just have an interest in the history and events of the area and a desire to meet like minded people. The society meets at 2pm on the second Tuesday each month (third in November) in St Augustine’s Parish Hall, Winsor St Merewether. A guest speaker attends each each meeting and afternoon tea is provided. A warm invitation is extended to everyone - it is a place where “Friendships are made with a common purpose”. Enquiries 0412 925 918 or email secretary@ NEWCASTLE IMPROVISED MUSIC ASSOCIATION INC. (NIMA) We are a not for profit jazz association formed in 2009. The driving goal of NIMA Inc is philanthropic, aiming to support local musicians so that they can showcase their skills and repertoire. We stage live jazz performances every Tuesday night at the Grand Hotel, corner of Church and Bolton Sts Newcastle. Doors open at 7.30pm. Grab a delicious pub meal upstairs then join us in the basement. Entry is $20 for adults $15 senior/concession and $10 for NIMA members. We regularly have musicians from around Australia and overseas playing. For more information go to

Local Community Group Notices HOBBIES & INTERESTS


JANE AUSTEN SOCIETY HUNTER Registrations are now open for the Jane Austen Society Hunter’s third one day conference, Saturday 7th September 10am-4pm, Harbourview Function Centre. With the overall theme of Jane Austen: ‘In Sickness and In Health’, it is sure to be popular and pre booking is required. There is a full program of engaging speakers and activities, including Walter Mason, Joanna Penglase, Dr Sara Fernandes, Zoe Dorrity and Cerilea Baker. Dramatic interludes will be provided by a troupe of actors and there will also be a fun quiz in the Conference theme. For information and to be placed on the email list to receive registration forms, contact Margaret or 4969 5778. You can also purchase raffle tickets for the chance to win a place at the conference (or your registration fee refunded) tickets available now $2 each or 3 for $5.

ANTIQUE BOTTLE & COLLECTORS CLUB If you would like to know more about our club please come along to one of our meetings, held on the second wednesday of each month Feb to November, Minmi Progress Hall, Woodford St Minmi 7.30pm, to see what we do. Phone Tom 0418 403 910 or 4957 5220.

ALLIANCE FRANCAISE DE NEWCASTLE The Alliance Francaise de Newcastle and event sponsors Newcastle Film Society and Hunter Imaging Group announce the next 2019 French Friday Film. On Friday 16 August, The evening begins at 6pm with our Little French Market stallholders offering delicious treats and French themed gifts. At 7pm step into Event Cinemas luxurious VMAX screening room to view NonFiction, starring Juliette Binoche. Our new home is Event Cinemas Kotara at Westfield Kotara Rooftop, Cnr of Northcott Drive and Park Avenue. Tickets $12 per adult, $8 concession. All films have English subtitles, show your Alliance Francaise or Newcastle Film Society membership card at the ticket counter. For further information go to or call the cinema 4952 0900. Email your notice to: admin@hunterlocal. or post it to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by 15th of each month. Notices may be edited or omitted to fit available space.

NEWCASTLE SPINNERS AND WEAVERS GUILD INC. Meets 1st Saturday and 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Masonic Centre, Cromwell Street, New Lambton 10.00am-2.00pm. Beginners very welcome. For more info Ph: 0490 110 542, email KNIT & NATTER Meet new people, make new friends at knit & natter every Monday. Meet at Mayfield Church of Christ, cnr Werribi St & Gregson Avenue at 9.30am. All ladies welcome. Phone Lyn for information. 4952 9324

SENIORS GROUPS MEREWETHER SEASIDE PROBUS CLUB We are looking for new members. Come and join us at our Monthly Meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of each month commencing at 10.30am At Merewether South Leagues Club, 46 Llewellen Street. Contact Jacki on 49 611714 or leave a message or email: NEW LAMBTON SENIOR CITIZENS & PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION Make new friends while enjoying a warm and caring fellowship as well as to partake in the fun games of bingo and chats over a cuppa. Where? The New Lambton Seniors Assocation, located at the New Lambton Community Centre, 14 Alma Road, New Lambton. Handy to bus stops! Contact Barry Hoare on 4963 4631. The Local > August 2019 > Page 41

Local Community Group Notices SENIORS GROUPS LAMBTON SENIORS GROUP Offering friendship and support for over 55s. Meet at the Anglican Church Hall, Morehead St, Lambton, every Thursday at 9am for Canasta, or other card and board games till 12.30pm. Phone Don 4952 8590 or Nola 4952 3685 for further details. New people always welcome. THE JUNCTION COMBINED PROBUS CLUB Probus South Pacific stands for Friendship, Fellowship and Fun. If these ideas appeal to you why not join our Probus Club. We are looking for new members to join us at the Junction Combined Probus Club. We meet on the first Monday of each month at St. Augustine’s Church Hall in Winsor St, Merewether at 9.45am. For details contact the Secretary, Lyndie Barrkman on or ph 0419 410 248

NEWCASTLE PROBUS CLUB Our club is seeking new members. We hold our meetings at 9.30am on the 4th Tuesday of the month at South Leagues Club, Llewellyn Street Merewether. For further information about our clubs activities and contact details, please visit our website: RSL COFFEE POT DAY CLUB MEREWETHER Looking for something to do on a Friday? RSL Coffee Pot Day Club Merewether meets at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Windor St Merewether between 10am and 2pm. We offer morning tea, luncheon, guest speakers, games, entertainment, light exercise, mental stimulation, bus trips and a general all round good time. Transport can be arranged if needed. For further information contact Bev Bennett on 4963 7540 or Carole Seymour on 4957 8495. All welcome. Email your notice to: admin@hunterlocal. by 15th of the month... Page 42 > The Local > August 2019

SPORTING CLUBS LAMBTON PARK TENNIS CLUB It is easy to book and pay for a court at our club. 1. Just Google “lambton park tennis” and click on “Lambton Park Tennis Club-NSW-Australia” ( 2. Fill in the date and time you want to book. 3. Click on “Register”, fill in your details and create an account. 4. Click on “Sign up”. 5. Book and pay for your court - and you are all set. Next time you book it will be just a few keystrokes.We even have complimentary racquets and balls which any hirer can use if you don’t have your own. Any problems phone 0401 193 411. WESTERN SUBURBS JUNIOR CRICKET CLUB Registrations now open for Western Suburbs Junior Cricket Club’s upcoming season. We cater for boys and girls aged 5 to 17. Mid-week formats for 5-12 yr. olds. New Saturday formats for 9 to 12 yr. olds. 10 - 16 yr. girls only competition on Friday nights. Registration can be done on-line: then follow links. Further enquiries E-mail: info@ or got to: www.westernsuburbs. Closing date for registrations is 31 August. CARDIFF HOCKEY CLUB Have you ever thought about playing hockey? Don’t know how to play? Don’t worry. Our club caters for those new to the sport and those that may have played before and wish to get back into the game. We are looking for both males (14+) and females (13+) to join our teams.nWe are also looking for a female goalkeeper. We will provide fitness and skills training every week, free of charge. Eligible players under 18 can use their $100 Active Kids voucher to reduce fees. Adults who have not played before may also be eligible for a discount. All training and games are held at the International Hockey Centre at Broadmeadow. Our club focuses on having fun and enjoying the sport of hockey. For more information email

SUPPORTING THE FIGHT AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Survivor’s R Us Incorporated is a not-for-profit charity and benevolent institution that supports the fight against domestic violence, homelessness and unemployment. If you need our services please contact us on phone 4953 7108 or mobile 0477 702 151 You will find us at Unit 1/3 Ranton St, Cardiff Web: Email:

The Local > August 2019 > Page 43

Local Trades and Service Directory



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Local Classifieds... FOR SALE

BATHROOM WARE Bath, Modena 76 ltrs $350. Vanity, Harmony 900 x 500 $250. Both unused. Ph 0407 573 188 BEDS Double bed iron frame, gold colour, complete with slats. Also as new Chirorest mattress used for 2 weeks as guest bed. Receipt and warranty available $300 Ph 0484 596 343


DYSON VACUUMS DC41 upright and DC23 barrell reconditioned, as new, 1 year guarantee on parts and labour. Call Braith on Ph 4952 2352 FAN HEATER Ronson fan heater, adjustable, thermostat, oscillation, as new, purchased May 2019 $35. Ph 0411 095 400 GOLF BUGGY BATTERY As new, 6 months old. Only used 4 times. Cost $170, sell for $100. Ph 4952 9817 or 0404 495 324

CABBAGE PATCH KIDS Two adorable Cabbage Patch girls. Excellent condition, no papers. Lots of clothes. Pick up New Lambton area. Selling as pair only. $120 each or nearest offer. Must sell asap. Contact Karina Ph 0402 586 876

HONEY 100% pure raw organic honey straight from the bee hive $12 per kg. Ph 0423 050 778.

COMPOUND BOW Left handed, PSE Mach 4 Elite, 50 to 70lb, new string, good condition $160 o.n.o. Ph 4957 7470

LADIES BIKE Excellent condition. Too big for me. Never ridden. Must sell asap, $120 or nearest offer Contact Karina Ph 0402 586 876


MASSAGER Casada Maxiwell III massage unit. 45.5 x 32.5 x 12.5cm. Weight 3.5kg. As new, still in box, pick up Adamstown $150 Ph 0411 261 046 PAINTING TRESTLES Galvanised iron trestles - 2x3.2m and 2x1.5 m 2 planks sell $200. Ph 0414 572 379 PIANO Kawai piano, good condition, tan colour K719387. Includes stool and some sheet music $650 o.n.o. Ph 0420 855 511 TOWEL RACKS 2 black towel racks, never used, paid $80 each, sell $50 each. Ph 4952 4489 TRY LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS They’re just like the classifieds in other publications except they’re free and they work!

Something to sell or to tell? Try our FREE Local Community Classifieds. They work! Name _____________________________ Address ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Email_______________________________________________________________________ Write the wording of your advertisement below. (Max. 25 words please) Text: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Classification ( ie For Sales, Notices, Garage Sales, Wanted etc):__________________

Complete this form and post it to: ‘Local Classifieds’ PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 or email: admin@ by 15th of the month. We reserve the right to not publish advertising considered inappropriate or not in the spirit of the free classifieds offer. Private party ads only. For business classifieds advertising please email The Local > August 2019 > Page 45

Local Classifieds... WANTED TO BUY



DYSONS WANTED Vacuums or otherwise. Any model working or not. Drop off or we can collect Ph 4952 2352

BRAITH’S PRODUCTS Cleaning products, greeting cards, washing detergent, sprays, dog cleaning products. All locally manufactured in North Lambton. Free local delivery. Phone Braith Ph 4952 2352 HOME SWAP WANTED I have a 2 bedroom Dept of Housing villa in private area (Adamstown), no stairs, close to shops etc. Wanting to swap for similar in New Lambton area Ph 0421 178 901 IRONING SERVICE $2 per item, minimum 10 items. Pick up and delivery within 5km radius of Broadmeadow. Kathy Ph 0439 584 384

TAI CHI Take control of your health. There’s a class near you. The Tai Chi Centre. Email: web: Ph 0410 181 498

LAMBTON HIGH SCHOOL CLOTHING Wanted to buy. Boys shirts XS/S, G.C (blue) Ph 0412 671 117. OLD MUSIC CASSETTES Storage drawers, carry cases. Vintage Hi Fi units, portable cassette radios and tape decks. Ph Ian 0406 620 144 TECH DRAWING/ DRAFTING EQUIPMENT Old drawing and drafting equipment wanted also hand tools, power tools. Will be looked after and used. For details contact Braith Ph 4952 2352 TREADMILL Pensioner would like to purchase a reasonably priced treadmill. Ph 4952 9791


EXERCISE BIKE Repco ‘Sport’ model. First to call it’s yours for free. Pick up Wallsend Ph Bob 4951 5563 OVERLOCKER Brother overlocker, old but still working, all fixtures plus cottons included margaretpetch@


BABY SHAWL White hand knitted baby shawl. Lambton Park/New Lambton area. Ph 0411 110 418

NOTICES BRAITH’S SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS Specialising in vacuum cleaners, also household goods, heaters etc. Out of warranty only, in warranty refer to manufacturer. Ph 4952 2352 Page 46 > The Local > August 2019

IRONING Need help with ironing? Drop off my house New Lambton in morning, pick it up in afternoon. $25.00 level basket. Call Lyn Ph 0432 174 618 MASSAGE At home with Kellie, feeling stressed, tired or just need some time to relax. 1/2 hour $25, 1 hour $50. Ladies only please. Call 0439 448 588 MATHS TUTORING Child struggling with maths at school? Qualified maths teacher, tutoring K-10, $50/hour lesson in Lambton. Ph Ian 0428 207 986. PEST CONTROL Guaranteed. Average home $150, units/town houses $80, Lake Macquarie, Newcastle and Hunter Valley areas. German Cockroaches a specialty. Ph 0418 637 990 RELAX AND MEDITATE For everyone over 15. New Lambton Community Centre, 14 Alma Road New Lambton. Every Sunday from 8.30 to 9.30am. Sessions are free of charge, sessions. Ph 0416 193 005

T’RIFFIC TOUCH REMEDIAL MASSAGE Offers remedial massage 1 hr $59 and Reiki $69. Fully qualified. Health fund rebates. Phone Sue Ph 4952 2352


Community Preschool Inc. Now taking enrolments for 2020 • Ages 3-5 years

• Professional,qualified and experienced staff • Work in partnership with families • Provide school readiness programs • Implement sustainable practices • Fun and educational activities • Strong community connections 184 LAMBTON RD, NEW LAMBTON PHONE 4952 4228 TRY LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS They’re just like the classifieds in other publications except they’re free and they work! Email: by 15th of the month.

Local Classifieds... NOTICES





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Solution to crossword on page 43 E

























































































Chair based Yoga Beginners Yoga General Yoga Suitable for seniors & those seeking to promote wellness. Breath awareness, stretching, strengthening, relaxation & meditation. Feel the benefits. Classes Mondays at Merewether Golf Club King St, ADAMSTOWN Classes Tuesdays at Henderson Park Hall, ADAMSTOWN Classes Fridays at St Johns Church Hall, LAMBTON Small group bookings available. Inquiries or further details: Michelle Pirie 0400 790 479 (Dip. Yoga Teaching IYTA) Yoga Australia & International Yoga Teachers’ Assoc. member LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Have you got something to tell or something to sell? Try Local Classifieds. We reach more than 21,000 local homes every month. Email:

Be paid to deliver your local newspaper around the neighbourhood and stay fit too!

The Local, your free monthly letterbox delivered newspaper, requires reliable, energetic locals, who just love walking, to join the team that gets our community news into letterboxes each month. You must be available to do the deliveries around the end of each month. 2-4 hours walking required depending on area involved. Good rates paid per 100 letterboxes. We will be looking for additional walkers in coming months as The Local expands into some new delivery areas. If you think you may be who we are looking for please email: (Previous applicants are welcome to reapply)

The Local > August 2019 > Page 47

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Page 48 > The Local > August 2019

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