The Local - March 2020

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Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram for community news and info Issue No 71• A community newspaper for Newcastle’s suburbs • March 2020

Call for crossings

The NSW Shadow Minister for Active Transport has joined the call for traffic improvements on Brunker Road, as the NSW Opposition seeks community feedback on school safety concerns. Jo Haylen visited the pedestrian crossing near Mandalong Road with Newcastle MP Tim Crakanthorp and local resident Gary Rosevear to issue the call for flashing school zone lights to be installed on the busy street. The pedestrian crossing is in the middle of a school zone, and is used by students of Adamstown Public School. “So far during this survey I’ve received a lot of feedback from parents who feel that there is a lack of safe crossings near our schools,” Mr Crakanthorp said. (continued page 5) At left: Newcastle MP Tim Crakanthorp and Shadow Minister for Active Transport Jo Haylen cross Brunker Rd with local resident Gary Rosevear

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Matters All editorial, advertising and distribution enquiries to Mark Brooker by email: mark@ or ph 0455 210 000 Mail: PO Box 130 Lambton, 2299 Office: 51 Howe Street, Lambton (appointment only) Founder & publisher: Mark Brooker

Advertising bookings for the April issue close on Friday 13 March The Local is lovingly produced and carefully hand delivered each and every month to more than 21,000 residential letterboxes and businesses in Adamstown, Adamstown Heights (parts of), Broadmeadow, Hamilton, Hamilton East, Hamilton North, Hamilton South, Jesmond (parts of), Merewether (parts of), Lambton, North Lambton, New Lambton & New Lambton Heights. You can find back issues of previous editions and check out the latest community news and information at: or on our Facebook page @thelocalnewcastle. If you enjoy receiving The Local in your letterbox each month please support the businesses you see advertising on these pages. Without their support your local paper could not and would not happen. Pretty simple really...

....and here’s some fine print

Readers, advertisers and community groups are encouraged to contribute to The Local with news items, community events and any matter of general interest to residents of the area. In contributing news items the contributor accepts that such information may or may not be published in print and/or online using websites and social media channels at the sole discretion of the publisher. No guarantee of publication is ever implied by this invitation to contribute. Except where noted otherwise, all information, photographs, text and images, within The Local is subject to copyright. Material may not be reproduced and/or distributed in whole or part in any form without the prior, explicit consent of the publisher. The Local is printed on Australian-made paper using up to 55% recycled fibre. The Local is 100% recyclable. Please do recycle it, but only after you’ve read it!

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Page 2 > The Local > March 2020

with Mark Brooker Publisher of The Local

Antisocial media A good reputation takes years of good dealings and good deeds to build, but it can be torn down in a matter of minutes. I recently read a post that had been shared on a popular community Facebook page that cast a small retail business in a nearby suburb in a very bad light. The post accused the business operators and staff of very poor customer service and discrimination based on disability. I won’t name the business or the page here but I’m sure many readers would be aware of the post. The business operators copped a tirade of online abuse as well as direct threats in their premises in the days since it was posted. The impact on their business has been significant. The post was shared many thousands of times. And while the original post has since been deleted from Facebook it’s still out there, and will remain so. The business operators have sought legal advice and will be pursuing the original poster for damages. I’m guilty as I’m sure many others are of assuming the post was correct. It’s so easy when you don’t know the people involved to assume it’s correct and mindlessly hit ‘share’. I’m pleased to say I didn’t though. I makes you think about the old ‘two sides to every story’ story. This has never been so true as since the advent of social media. We all need to resist the temptation to wave our digital pitchforks around online without the facts. Get the whole story before you jump to judgement. It hurts businesses, the livelihood of business owners and staff to do anything less. Bricks and mortar small business is a tough game to be in today. They add colour and identity to our local communities. Please support them often and sing their praises whether online or off.

Merry Mellows calls for members The smell of the greasepaint, the sound of footsteps treading the boards, the lure of applause, the fun of dressing up, and the joy of singing. Do thes thoughts excite you? Then maybe your skills and talents are just waiting to blossom with the Merry Mellows theatrical group. Merry Mellows is a group of retired women, brought together by a mutual love of theatre, friendship and the uplifting joy of singing. The not for profit group began 11 years ago to provide opportunities for active aging, enhancing the social, musical, cultural, health needs and wellbeing of members and the community.

Each year Merry Mellows put on one major performance in order to fund the free performance of small plays at various venues. These venues include aged care facilities, church and friendship groups and clubs such as Probus, U3A and View Clubs.

Merry Mellows also perform free of charge at fundraisers for various organisations such as The Heart Foundation, Alport Group and the Mission to Seafarers.

If you are recently retired and are wondering what activities to take on in this new and exciting chapter of your life, then, consider joining the Merry Mellows. They welcome women singers, actors, set designers, directors or just those who need a wonderfully warm and supportive group of like-minded new friends. If you are interested in joining or would just like to go along to a rehearsal contact Julianne McLeod on 0414 612 912.





4961 0011 The Local > March 2020 > Page 3

$1 million special business rates on offer

More than $1 million in funding will be made available to attract people to the City’s business precincts this year under City of Newcastle’s Special Business Rate (SBR) Expenditure policy. Businesses, not-for-profits and community groups in Hamilton, New Lambton and Wallsend are invited to apply for funding for events and activations under the first round, which is open until Sunday 8 March. Funds will range from $4,000 to $15,000 for successful applicants in these precincts and be followed by two additional rounds later in the year, with the second focused on the inner city and the third open to Wallsend, New Lambton, Hamilton and city centre. “The City of Newcastle welcomes all creative and innovative ideas to

activate local business precincts,” Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said. “We know that competition among applicants results in the best possible outcomes for our businesses and commercial centres. Last year, the Special Business Rate program dispersed more than $820,000 for a bumper schedule of 15 events, activations and promotional initiatives across the city. “This year, I’m delighted that more than $1 million will be available.” Special Business Rates are collected from commercial property owners in designated areas of the city for the promotion, beautification and development of the SBR precincts of City Centre, Darby Street, Hamilton, Mayfield, New Lambton and Wallsend.

City of Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatalia Nelmes

Tim Crakanthorp MP State Member for Newcastle

'Fighting for our fair share'


Here to help Office: Hunter Street, Newcastle Phone: Email: Tim Crakanthorp M @crakanthorp

Page 4 > The Local > March 2020

2 Cromwell St, New Lambton PHONE: 4952 3341 All major health funds

Call for crossings

(continued from front page) “Installing flashing lights in this school zone is something that can be easily done by the Government and can have an immediate effect.” Close to 300 responses have been received from the survey since it opened at the start of the school year. The responses will be used to lobby Newcastle council and the State Government. The School Safety Survey is open until 13 March. It can be completed at newcastle.





Rain eases pressure

Water restrictions in Newcastle suburbs have reverted to Level 1, after recent rain provided a welcome boost to the region’s dams. Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said “It has been a welcome relief to receive some much-needed rainfall, after months of severe drought conditions in the Lower Hunter,” Mrs Pavey said. “While local dams haven’t made a full recovery, they are in better shape than they were, having lifted 10 per cent to more than 62 per cent capacity in just over a week. “Although this is a positive step in our drought’s really important that we all continue to use water wisely and save it wherever we can.” Level 1 water restrictions permit outdoor watering before 10am and after 4pm with a trigger nozzle hose and washing of vehicles with a bucket, trigger nozzle hose or pressure cleaner. Restrictions on sprinkler use and hosing hard surfaces remain in place. Hunter Water’s Acting CEO Graham Wood encouraged the community to continue the great savings made since the introduction of water restrictions. “Since the start of Level 1 water restrictions, locals have reduced consumption by 20 per cent compared with what we expected given these weather conditions. “Whether it’s by reducing showers to 4 minutes, fixing leaks around the home or waiting for a full load before doing washing, we can all continue to play our part and conserve our precious resource.”







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86 Elder St, Lambton Phone: 4957 1274 The Local > March 2020 > Page 5

Letters to

Response to last month’s letter

In the last issue, Jasmin Carman urged us to write to our local MPs about climate change. I did this, twice. My local Federal member has signs in her office window urging us to talk about climate change. In my correspondence I asked exactly what effect it would have on Australia’s climate if the Prime Minister immediately declared a ‘Climate Emergency’. Following my second letter (my first was ignored), a pleasant staffer from Ms Claydon’s office rang and we spoke for a long time, but I still did not find out the effects

of declaring a Climate Emergency. I was provided with a lot of motherhood statements and, what appeared to me, talking points from a Labor climate change policy document. She did, however, admit that an earlier declaration of a Climate Emergency would not have prevented the bushfires. Perhaps Ms Carman can shed light on what the Prime Minister could have done since August 2018 to prevent the bushfires in November 2019. If she can convince me that he, personally, could have prevented the disastrous bushfires,





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Page 6 > The Local > March 2020

then I will listen. Even his opposition won’t stretch such a ridiculously long bow. In the meantime, Ms Carman, you can forget about a petition. Petitions can no longer be conducted online, but must have real signatures from real people. That means that all politicians now have to get out and about in their communities to elicit those signatures. That certainly ain’t gonna happen! Brian Agland - Hamilton

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History’s lessons unheeded

I write in reply to your contributor, Jasmin Carman who wrote urging electors to write to their local parliamentary members about climate change and the bush fires. Apart from acknowledging that bush fires are ‘a natural occurrence in our country’, her letter lacks from reporting the facts about bush fires relying, instead, on her passion for her subject and an appeal to authority - ‘I urge you to...get the right facts from the right people’. Well, that fact is that Australia will continue to burn because we have lost the will to properly manage the forests. Major bush fires have occurred in 1851, 1926, 1939, 1944, 1967, 1974-75, 1983, 1993-1994, 2009, with numerous Inquiries set up to examine the causes and find ways to mitigate the risks. The Victorian Stretton Royal Commission of 1939 reports thus, ‘it appeared the whole State was alight on Friday, 13 January 1939’ with wikipedia reporting that [in NSW] The fires burned from the… South Coast, across the ranges inland to Bathurst, while Sydney was ringed by fires which entered

the outer suburbs, [and fires]... raged towards the new capital at the Adelaide Hills...’. The second Stretton Royal Commission into the 194344 Victorian fires brought about the (CFA). The following report from 1851 is revealing. As in all of the worst fires, the temperatures, conditions and behaviour of the fires mirror our current disaster, but do so decades before atmospheric CO2 begins to rise. However, like this fire season, very dry conditions, extreme high temperatures and an ignition source (whether deliberate, accidental or natural), were the major factors. (Wikipedia) ‘…the air which blew down from the north resembled the breath of a furnace. A fierce wind arose, gathering strength and velocity...until about noon it blew with the violence of a tornado… wrapp[ing] the whole country in a sheet of flame...By eleven it was about 47 degrees in the shade… The hot north wind was so strong that thick black smoke reached northern Tasmania creating a murky mist…[all] was consumed by the rushing fire leaving a quarter of Victoria in a heap of

desolate ruins...The intense heat could be felt 32 km out to sea where a ship came under burning ember attack…’ The 1939 RC found that the fires, like our current season where 183 people have been charged with arson in NSW, were due to human behaviour- campfires etc - and that the ‘fires were ‘allowed to burn “under control” as it was falsely and dangerously called’. What is needed is that State Governments re-enact all the findings of our previous Royal Commissions including reducing fuel loads. In doing so, we would be in a better position to save life, properties and our beautiful bush and not have to ask our volunteers to put at risk their own lives for what we pay governments to manage. I urge Ms Carman to get ‘the right facts from the right people’ and write to her local member about the need for proper and effective forest management policies. Diane King - Adamstown

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262 Brunker Rd Adamstown Phone: 4957 5470 The Local > March 2020 > Page 7

Is your letterbox feeling lucky?

If one of the letterboxes pictured above is yours, you’ve won a $30 shopping voucher from one of three great local retailers. Phone us at The Local on 0455 210 000 by Friday 13 March to confirm your address and choose your prize. There’s a $30 voucher for Jarrett’s Quality Meats at Lambton, a $30 voucher for Q’s Books at Hamilton and a $30 voucher for Spar Express Lambton to

choose from. First in best dressed with choice of vouchers. The vouchers must be claimed by 13 March and redeemed at your chosen retailer by 31 March. Congratulations to the residents of 21 Belford St, Broadmeadow and 36 Grandview Rd New Lambton Heights who each received a $30 voucher last month.

Sonia Hornery MP State Member for Wallsend

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I will continue to stand up for the issues that are important to you. 67 Nelson Street, Wallsend Telephone: 4950 0955 • Fax: 4950 0977 Email: Web: Page 8 > The Local > March 2020

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Making legal easy y

The Local > March 2020 > Page 9

The Local Quiz

Congratulations to last month’s quiz winner, Ian Healey of Waratah. Your prize is on its way. Last month’s mystery photo was the Newcastle Basketball Stadium at Broadmeadow. This month’s quiz questions are below. You’ll find the answers within the pages of this issue, except of course for the mystery photo answer. Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Send your quiz answers by email to admin@ with ‘The Local Quiz’ in the subject line or post them to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by Friday 13 March for a chance to win a $50 open order to spend at your choice of one local business that has advertised in this issue.

At Elder Street, Lambton ates ■ Wills and Deceased Est l Disputes Wil ■ ey orn Att ■ Powers of ion ■ Criminal Law ■ Probate ■ Family Provis or we Appointments at our office urs -ho offer mobile and out-of appointments to suit you. -Smith,

Principal solicitor, Chris Hill Accredited Specialist in Wills & Estates.

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Lambton The

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Here to

HELP with Elaine Abery of Unravelling Red Tape

The roundabout way Dear Here to Help

A family member hired a car from a well-known company. There was a minor incident and the car hire company sent us a bill for the damage. The bill was very high. I showed photos of the damage and the bill to the authorised dealer for the car brand,



who provided me with another, substantially cheaper, quote. I contacted my insurer, who was happy to cover the damage, but needed to talk to the car hire company directly. I rang and emailed the car hire company and asked them to deal with my insurer. Nearly eighteen months later, the car hire company is still refusing to speak to the insurer. They are ringing us day and night, threatening us if we don’t immediately pay their bill. Sometimes bureaucracies are stuck in the same gear, spinning their wheels on the same road. Trying to deal with the gear-spinners just does your head in. It can feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall. That’s when it’s time to do an internet search of the company. You are looking for a customer advocate, any other channel to interact with the company, or even the CEO and/or their executive assistant. In this case, we wrote a letter to the CEO who admitted the issue had been going on for far too long. He cancelled the bill. Perhaps he also looked at the way that section of the car hire company dealt with customers.

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Accredited DVA Provider Visit our website for more information The Local > March 2020 > Page 11

Book Review sponsored by Q’s Books

WE WANT YOUR BOOK REVIEW! Review any book in 200-250 words If you see yours on this page we will give you


to spend at Qs Books!




@QSBOOKSHAMILTON Page 12 > The Local > March 2020

The Heat of the Moment:

A Firefighter’s Stories of Life and Death Decisions

by Sabrina Cohen-Hatton Reviewed by Aaron Goldbird

There are two competing strands in Sabrina CohenHatton’s The Heat of the Moment. Moment. The 2019 release is part memoir and part popular psychology. The personal recollections trace an arc from dangerous encounters during a period of teen homelessness, entrepreneurial strategies selling the Big Issue, parenthood, postgraduate research, and the mixed reactions to pursuing a career as a fire fighter in a heavily male dominated fire service. We are also given an introduction to the author’s PhD research focussing on decision making under extreme pressure, by way of the mainstays of the last decade of pop psychology books: intuitive versus rational decision making, decision traps, cognitive biases, and their effects on determinations of personality and character. These two strands are sewn together through the use of mostly autobiographical examples illustrating psychological principles. This was often successful but after a while the reader might notice a repetitive formula along the lines of the job interview commonplace: Situation, Task, Action, Result. The two strands don’t always hang together and depending on your taste you may think the author over does it with either the personal narrative or the psychological research. Despite this it is well worth a read for the sometimes exciting, infuriating or inspiring anecdotes from the author’s admirable life and for her considerable expertise in the sciences of decision making. Is there a book you would like to review? Please get in touch with us at Q’s Books email: au

Have you heard?

2050 2030 2018







Hearing loss is on the rise

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THAT WAS THEN This is now

with Lachlan Wetherall

No. 2 Fighter Sector, New Lambton When is a school not a school? When it’s a vital part of Australia’s wartime defence. When Japan entered World War 2 in December 1941 with the bombing of Pearl Harbour, Australia faced a real threat of aerial attack, and a radar defence system was urgently needed to monitor enemy aircraft movements. A radar commenced service at Shepherds Hill in Newcastle in January 1942, and with the establishment of many other radar stations including Ash Island in the Hunter River and Tomaree Head at Port Stephens, a central

Healing on the Spiritual Path – the medicine of the future? Diagnosis “incurable.” How can it be that decades of depression, severe allergies, chronic back pain, decades of asthma, or over forty years of migraines simply disappear? Can an invisible power achieve things which conventional medicine (still) can’t explain? A lecture given by Dr Michael Epple physician and phsychotherapist on the topic “Healing on the Spiritual Path through the Teaching of Bruno Groening” will be held at: Sunday 29 March at 11.00am - 12.30pm University of Newcastle, ATC Building, Room ATC210

Entry is free, but donations are appreciated. For further information go to: or call Linley Anderson Ph 0402 248 391 Page 14 > The Local > March 2020

headquarters was needed to collate information and direct operations of allied aircraft interceptions. Consequently, on 10 March 1942, the Minister for Education announced with deliberate vagueness that New Lambton Public School was required “to be used for other purposes” and that students would be distributed over Lambton, Adamstown, Hamilton, and Cardiff schools. The school became the site of RAAF No 2 Fighter Sector, the principal coordination and control unit for radar defence operations in the Williamtown and Newcastle area. The RAAF occupied the three main school buildings, erected temporary buildings in the playground and converted the headmaster’s residence into the unit HQ. Twenty-four hour operations commenced on 29 March 1942 with 134 staff, including 69 from the Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force (WAAAF). The school also became the training base for other radar sector units and at its peak in August 1943 had a total of 268 personnel. In December 1944 the RAAF transferred operations from New Lambton to the radar station at Ash Island, and in early 1945 handed the school back to the Department of Education. The senior boys and girls returned to the school, but necessary restoration and repairs carried out during 1945 meant that the infants’

classes did not return until the following year. The resumption of all classes at the New Lambton site and remembrance of its important war time role was celebrated with a grand “Back-to-school” gala day on 27 April 1946. Information for this article came from Peter Muller and John Hutchison’s book “RAAF Base Williamtown, The First 50 Years”. You can view more details at At right: aerial photo from September 1944, showing a number of temporary buildings erected by the RAAF in the school playground. Below: A commemorative plaque in the foyer of the school

Volunteers needed!


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The Local > March 2020 > Page 15

VET Chat by Dr Fiona Wallace of New Lambton Veterinary Clinic

Itchy dogs

Itchy dogs are unhappy dogs. Excessive licking chewing and scratching is disruptive for the family but also very uncomfortable for your furry friend. In my early vetting years the problem was easily and frequently solved with “The Needle” – it seemed like every second animal was in need of this remedy, or else a bottle of little white pills of the same drug that we had carefully counted out in pre-prepared orange vials, ready for the next victim. This wonder drug was cortisone, and it usually worked like magic to ease the inflammation and discomfort felt by our itchy patients. Unfortunately, cortisone has widespread and potentially dangerous side effects, especially when used for prolonged periods or in high doses. These days we have a different approach to treating itchy

patients, and some much safer remedies that we can use. In particular, there is a new drug called cytopoint (lokivetmab) which uses monoclonal antibody technology – not only does it stop itching very effectively in most dogs, but it is so specific in its action that it can be used safely in dogs of all ages and even if they are receiving other medications. Before we treat the itch specifically, we always check that your dog is up to date with an effective flea/tick preventative (the newer preventatives also treat mites). Also, it is important to treat yeast or bacterial infections that gain access to damaged skin and make things worse. This may be done topically (by using a medicated shampoo) or sometimes with a course of antibiotic tablets. Cytopoint works in my experience in over 80% of itchy dogs. Where an alternative is required, it is worth trying antihistamine medications, although these don’t work as well in dogs as in people. That aside, it is worth trying several different ones as one might work better than another in your dog. Another newly developed drug called apoquel often works when cytopoint does not. Medicated shampoos have an important role in settling itches. Choose a shampoo that contains aloe vera and or oatmeal and make sure you soak your dog for a good ten minutes with each bath. If all else fails we can still use cortisone. Topical creams are useful, and with problem scratchers who won’t respond to anything else, carefully controlled administration of low doses of cortisone can sometimes be the only path to a happy itch free canine.


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Ask us h


126 Lambton Rd, Broadmeadow • 4952 8809 • Enter from Perth Rd (rear of Rovert Lighting) • Follow us on

Page 16 > The Local > March 2020


Matters by Ronnie Wall of Wall Legal, New Lambton

Help for first home buyers

The First Home Loan Deposit Scheme is a Government initiative to support eligible first home buyers. Under the Scheme, the Government provides a guarantee that will allow first home buyers to purchase a home with a deposit as little as 5% without the need to pay lender’s mortgage insurance. The guarantee is not a cash payment nor is it a deposit for the home loan. First home buyers must obtain a loan to purchase a residential property through a

participating lender, who will make an application for the buyer to participate in the Scheme. The Scheme is only available for owner occupied homes and not for investment purposes. Thresholds also apply to the value of the property. Applicants for the Scheme must be Australian citizens, permanent residents are not eligible. Eligibility is also based on the taxable income of a single or couple. Couples must be married or defacto. Other persons buying together, such as siblings, parent/child or friends, are not eligible. If eligible, buyers may utilise the Scheme in conjunction with other Grants and stamp duty concessions. There are a limited number of places in the Scheme, with 10,000 made available this financial year. Another 10,000 will be available from July 2020. Approval to participate in the Scheme will depend on eligibility of the purchaser and the property, as well as availability of the Scheme. Once all of the places in the Scheme are exhausted, buyers must wait for the next allocation, a waiting list is not held. More information can be found at Disclaimer: This article is provided for information purposes only. The contents should not be relied on as legal or financial advice

Wall Legal is a small general legal practice offering affordable, personalised service for each individual client, with fixed fees for most matters. ➤ Retail Leases ➤ Sale & Purchase of Business ➤ Enduring Powers of Attorney & Guardianships ➤ Wills & Estates ➤ Conveyancing ➤ Home visits available

9 Alma Road, New Lambton • PHONE: 4957 7055 EMAIL: • WEB: The Local > March 2020 > Page 17

FITNESS Matters with Ali & Dan Marshall of Corefit Newcastle

For the sake of a new decade Think back to where you were in early 2010. What were you doing with your life? How did you look and feel? Chances are that some parts of the 2020 experience for you feel like yesterday, while other parts feel like a distant memory. You see…the entering of a new decade is a big deal. It’s not as easy to shrug off as the start of simply a new year. Because you can see how much life changes in

a decade a lot more clearly. For those who’ve neglected their health and fitness long-term, the turn of a decade can truly be life changing. There comes a point in time when being out of shape and unhealthy is less about vanity and discomfort and more about imminent disease…or even being unable to do the things you’d dreamed of doing. Even if you’re not there yet, living in a body that is exhausted and that you’re not proud of is a painful daily experience. But that choice always belongs to us. You could look back on the 2020 you in 2030 and long for your youth and health…or you could spend the next decade becoming the strongest, fittest, and healthiest you’ve ever been – no matter where you are as you’re reading these words. Nothing in this life is guaranteed to us, but we can control our own choices, behaviours, and outcomes Aside from outside incidents, we can control our physique, our health, and even our happiness. What are you going to choose in 2020? If you want to check out what we do here at CoreFit, then why not check out our five day free group fitness trial at

exercise - nutrition - mindset

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Page 18 > The Local > March 2020

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Matters by Jonathon Mannion CFP® Senior Financial Adviser at Sandringham Wealth

As a woman, you get less super...Why?

our system is set up. We can either wait and hope for changes at government level or each of us can do something about it. This article isn’t long enough to address potential solutions, but if you are looking for ways to reduce the gap, please head to www.sandringhamwealth., and check out the extended article and video. Finally, as a dad and husband, I know how tricky it is to juggle work, family and personal time. With that in mind, I now have two evening appointments available each week via video conference at 7:30pm on Monday and Tuesday evenings. To book the date and time that’s most convenient, please head to the website where you can book online.

The information contained in this article is general in nature and does not constitute personal financial advice. We will not accept liability for any loss or I’m going to wade in on something a bit contentious, damage, including without limitation to, any loss of the gender Super gap. Studies show that women retire profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. You should with about 42% less super than men seek personal financial advice prior to acting. I started reading research on the gender super gap last year, cause and effect. As the stereotypical numbers guy, I opened up a fresh excel sheet and started to analyse the numbers. It was quite confronting. Some of the reasons for the gap are that women: • Tend to have more time out of paid work to care for children or parents • Tend to do more part-time work once they return to paid work • Experience lower pay courtesy of the gender pay gap The gender pay gap is well known and well documented. The gender super gap, less so. Neither is well addressed. Call Jonathon Mannion CFP®, Why is closing the gender super gap important? Senior Financial Adviser Women over 55 are the fastest growing cohort of TODAY! homeless people in Australia. In 2012, 38% of single elderly women in Australia lived in poverty . Super is EMAIL: a big part of our retirement plans. Less super, whether PHONE: 0422 691 769 as a couple or single person means a less comfortable ADDRESS: 36 Kemp Street, The Junction retirement. More worry about money. If you’re going to retire worry free, the super gap needs to be WEB: addressed, and the sooner the better. Authorised representative of Crown Wealth Group Pty Ltd ABN: 22 603 037 510, AFSL No. 494274. Sandringham Wealth Pty Limited The gender super gap is an issue because of the way ABN: 79 630 545 489, Corporate Authorised Representative No. 127367


The Local > March 2020 > Page 19


Matters with Sara Knight of The Gut Clinic


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0425 794 305

Page 20 > The Local > March 2020


Fasting has become quite popular lately despite being utilised around the world for centuries. There are lots of promises around the benefits of fasting as well as many different approaches. Fasting is defined as “the ability to meet energy requirements largely or exclusively from the body’s reserves without endangering health.” Essentially, you are using your body’s existing energy stores, instead of food, without causing any harm or damage. Quite the opposite, done well, fasting has been shown to: • Promote weight loss • Help to prevent cancer • Optimise brain function • Increase energy, especially at the cell (mitochondria) level • Supports autophagy - a cellular housekeeping to recycle used cellular components and clear debris • Supports cardiovascular health - lowers blood pressure Fasting can also be used a means to support digestive repair by giving the digestive system a break from digesting and absorbing food. There are a few different ways to fast so experimenting is a good idea to find which suits you best. A few to consider: 1. Alternate day fasting - where you consume little to no calories every other day. 2. 5:2 - consuming 500-600 calories two non-consecutive days of the week and eating healthy the remaining 5 days 3. 18:6 or modifications thereof - where you fast for 18 hours of the day, eating all necessary foods in a 6-hour window. Fasting is not for everyone so it is best to seek professional support if you are diabetic, on medications that need to be taken with food, have thyroid issues, osteopenia/ osteoporosis, and/or sarcopenia. Also, fasting is not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with adrenal or other endocrine issues, liver or kidney issues or a history of eating disorders. There are many benefits to fasting that are worth exploring. Equally so, fasting done poorly can be quite harmful if not dangerous. Therefore, please do your research and get the help you need to ensure that you get all the benefits without the harm.


Matters by Anthony Piggott

of Piggott’s Pharmacies: Blackbutt, Branxton, Hamilton, Lambton and Merewether


Antibiotics are medicines used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Many bacteria are now resistant to commonly used antibiotics. Infections caused by these antibiotic-resistant bacteria are difficult to treat. Wise use of antibiotics can help to slow down the spread of antibiotic resistance. Many illnesses are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. These illnesses are called infections. Antibiotics can only be used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics interfere with the growth and function of bacteria, but do not affect viruses or other micro-organisms. Bacteria can develop resistance to an antibiotic. If this happens, infections caused by the bacteria can no longer be successfully treated with that antibiotic. Some bacteria have now become resistant to most of the antibiotics in common use. Examples of resistant bacteria are methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin‑resistant enterococci (VRE) and multi‑drug‑resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Infections caused by these resistant bacteria are very difficult to treat. It is very important to use antibiotics correctly. Antibiotics can only be used to treat bacterial infections. They do not work against viral infections such as the


Samaritans Shop

We invite you to pop in and grab a bargain. We run four quality recycled clothing stores.

common cold, most sore throats, most sinus infections, most coughs, acute bronchitis and the ‘flu’. Viruses and bacteria are completely different types of microorganisms. When an antibiotic is taken for a viral infection it: • has no effect against the virus. It will not help a viral infection get better faster or stop it spreading to others • may allow the growth of resistant bacteria. Then, the antibiotic will not work when it is really needed.Bacterial infections that are resistant to antibiotics are a lot more difficult to treat and may not be curable • may cause side effects such as stomach upset, diarrhoea and thrush • may cause an allergic reaction. If antibiotics are used often, and when there is no need for them, the growth of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics increases. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is spreading. In the future, many of our common antibiotics may not work. There are a number of simple things that you can do to help reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance. Use antibiotics wisely • Do not ask your doctor to prescribe antibiotics. Instead, ask how best to treat your symptoms. Remember that most coughs, colds, sore throats and runny noses are caused by viruses, which cannot be killed by antibiotics. Many minor bacterial infections will also clear up on their own and do not need antibiotics. • Carefully follow the instructions for taking antibiotics. Take them for as long as you have been told to, even if you feel better. Sometimes, your doctor may give you a repeat prescription for a second course of antibiotics. Always ask your doctor whether you need to use the repeat. • Never share antibiotics with family or friends. • Do not use antibiotics left over from a previous infection, or old prescriptions for antibiotics, without first checking with your doctor.

Donations of clothing, manchester, bric-a-brac and other collectible items are always welcome! You can deliver items directly to any of our Retail Stores. STORES & OPENING HOURS

HAMILTON - 4961 5233 | 19 Beaumont Street, Hamilton MAYFIELD - 4960 9015 | 131 Maitland Road, Mayfield WALLSEND - 4951 5779 | 145 Nelson Street, Wallsend BOOLAROO - 4958 2307 | 15 Main Road, Boolaroo

Monday–Friday: 9am – 4.15pm Saturday: 9.30am – 1pm The Local > March 2020 > Page 21

AGE Matters with Joseph McCarthy

connected to your community and living in your own home. You choose the services and support suited to your lifestyle. The Government gives the funding to the approved Home Care Provider of your choice to manage on your behalf. The provider will give you a monthly statement of what funds have been received, what items have been spent from these funds and what balance is carried forward to the next month.

The funding for your Home Care Package provides great flexibility to help you meet your goals. For example, you could spend money on Home Services like cleaning, laundry, ironing, gardening and mowing, pet care, cooking your favourite recipes or house maintenance. Or Health Services like assistance with showering, hair and beauty, qualified massage and other therapists to assist with relaxation and pain management. Or Technology that includes monitoring, home sensors and pendants, or accessing and training with a smart phone There are four different levels of federally funded Hom Homee or tablet. Wellbeing services include exercise programs, accompanying you on trips, shopping, movies or Care Packages to help meet your needs to continue transport to appointments or places you want to go, like living independently at home. To access a package a a swim at Merewether Ocean Baths. representative from the Aged Care Assessment team will come to your house to discuss your current care needs Accessing a package might feel a bit daunting, but and determine the most appropriate level to meet them. NovaCare’s Home Care experts are here to help you navigate the aged care system. Call 1300 363 654. If things change down the track, you can have another assessment so you may access additional support. Your They can even help you register and book an assessment package assists with long-term support to stay active, through My Aged Care.

CEO of NovaCare Community Services

Using Home Care Packages to live your way

Page 22 > The Local > March 2020


with Cheryl Shaw of Dogoverboard

Walk your dog safely

Walking your dog is a pleasure and great bonding for dog and owner. However be very cautious about the type of lead you use, as some can be very dangerous to the dog and handler. Retractable leads are popular with some dog owners believing that they give their dog some sense of freedom. Dogs on retractable leads are not at all under the control of the walker. The dog is doing its own thing. The dog becomes the master on a retractable lead. Most dog owners don’t realise the problems and serious injuries to both the dog and walker caused by using a retractable lead. Retractable leads allow the dog to learn pulling behaviour as the dog knows that pulling on the lead will extend the distance from the owner. Because the dog is not under the control of the owner, the dog can get

The fun and healthy place for dogs






into all sorts of trouble particularly meeting with other dogs. Quick movements to other dogs can be interrupted as aggressive posture and the other dog may decide to defend itself. This will create a problem for owners trying to separate dogs as the long lead will get very tangled. Often owners get bitten when intervening. Other problems arise when owners give too much lead length which allows the dog to wander haphazardly any where. The dog can do circles around a person or object in its path. The lead can tangle around people’s legs and even knock them over. Jerking or jolting on the lead when pulling the dog back can cause injury to the dog’s neck and back and even lacerations to the trachea. Serious hand injuries to owners are very common. The long thin rope style leads are very dangerous particularly to the walker. The lead has been known to cause cuts, deep gashes and rope burns. There are instances of people having fingers amputated due to pulling on the thin lead. It is common for leads and locking buttons to break which results in injuries to the walker from burns and whip lash. If the handle is dropped, dogs will be freaked out by the noise and immediately run in panic. The dog will think that it is being chased by the noise of the handle hitting the ground behind the dog. If you must use a retractable lead, you should keep a close eye on the dog. These leads should be reserved for walks far away from roads, crowds of people and other dogs. Train your dog to walk beside you on a fixed length lead and both dog and owner will enjoy the walk.






The most comprehensive dog care centre in NSW!

Professional Grooming Doggy Day Care Puppy Creche Puppy Pre School Bathing Heated Indoor Swimming Exclusive collars, leads, jackets and beds Phone 4957 8500 Open 7 Days 10 William Street Adamstown Follow us on /Dogoverboard The Local > March 2020 > Page 23

TRAVEL Matters by Ian and Sue Roberts

of Memorable Destination

Help head off tourism crisis

The future of Australia’s regional areas is on a knife edge - and only travellers can save it. We don’t mean to sound melodramatic about this, but there’s no sense sugar-coating it. Spooked by months of alarming drought and bushfire coverage on both traditional and social media, huge numbers of Australian and overseas holidaymakers have cancelled visits, tours and future plans to visit down under. As travellers have dried up and bookings withered for months to come, Australia’s tourist, accommodation,

recreation and hospitality industries face an unprecedented crisis - especially in regional areas. Some of these areas - often not even affected by the bushfire season - are already looking like ghost towns. First, jobs are lost; then businesses close; families leave; support services shut; school enrolments drop etc. As usual, Australians have been quick to help victims of tragedy. But, as the bush is renewing, the devestation of our tourist industry poses a very real threat to the economies of these regions. In response, a $20 million campaign, dubbed Holiday Here This Year, hopes to encourage Australians to holiday in their own backyards and get behind the tourism industry. This is being backed by State tourism bodies and numerous social media campaigns like Roadtrip for Good; Empty Esky, Buy From the Bush and Book Them Out. Some of these campaigns encourage people to book holidays now and take them later; buy goods online; or travel to regional areas and buy local produce. The idea is that if you want to help these regional communities, then book a stay in a region; eat at a local pub; take a tour; and fill your eskey or bags with regional goodies. Follow Ian and Sue at www.memorabledestination. com and on Instagram at @memorable_destination; @ memorable_travels; and @memorable_ hotels

We love kid’s feet! The experienced, friendly and caring podiatrists at Lambton Foot Clinic are more than happy to help your kids with any foot woes: • Growing Pains • Ingrown Toenails • Tripping and Falling • Heel Pain • Foot Pain • In-toeing • Flat feet • Prescription Orthotic Inserts • Footwear advice

• Now next door to Elder Street Practice at 94 Elder St Lambton • Phone 4952 6910 • •

Page 24 > The Local > March 2020

Local news from another time... From Miners’ Advocate and Northumberland Recorder of Saturday 4th March 1876

From The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate of Thursday 6th March 1930

From The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate of Tuesday 12th March 1878

The Local > March 2020 > Page 25

Local Community Group Notices CHILDREN & FAMILIES DYNAMITES MUSIC Is a program run by Grace Presbyterian Church for children aged 0-5 with their mums, dads or carers, all welcome. We have fun singing, dancing, playing, crafting and eating morning tea. We start the morning with free play in our main area from 9.30am. The music program runs from 10-10.30am. Following our organised program we have morning tea and another session of free play. There is also a related craft activity for all. We are on Wednesday mornings 9.30am during school terms. 6 Callistemon Close, Warabrook, $5 per child or $10 for 2 or more. Check us out on facebook ‘Dynamites Warabrook’, phone 4023 8455 or NEWCASTLE & HUNTER TOY LIBRARY Newcastle and Hunter Toy Library is calling all ‘kids at heart’ to become regular volunteers to assist with the running of the Toy Library sessions on Saturday mornings. The Toy Library is a terrific service based at New Lambton Library and run entirely by volunteers. We are also seeking new members to join our committee. Contact newcastletoylibrary@gmail. com for more information about joining our enthusiastic team. For more information search @newcastleandhuntertoylibrary on Facebook.

COMMUNITY EVENTS ART & JEWELLERY MARKET Newcastle Buddhist Centre Hamilton is holding an Art and Jewellery Market with quality new and pre-loved items available on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th March from 7.30am to 3pm each day. At The Meditation Centre 47 James St, Hamilton. Entry to courtyard via Murray St. For any enquires or donations please phone Marilyn on 0417 676 008. Email your notice to or post it to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by 15th of the month. Notices may be edited or omitted due to space limitations. Page 26 > The Local > March 2020

COMMUNITY EVENTS JANE AUSTEN SOCIETY HUNTER meets every two months for talks by members and guests, discussion and special events. First meeting for 2020 is a special event as part of the Newcastle Fringe Festival, Saturday 21 March from 3pm, at DAPA Theatre Hamilton, in Beaumont St next to the Exchange Hotel. There will be a short and sharp presentation of ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’, one of a series of fun meetings where several members give their assessments of Jane Austen spinoffs, prequels, sequels and other Austen phenomena. There will also be some fast-paced interactive quizzes. All are welcome to this public presentation, which will be preceded by tea and coffee from 2.30pm. Regular meetings are held at Ethnic Communities Council John Gebhardt Centre, 2a Platt St Waratah. Entry $5, supper included. For details about our exciting program for 2020, register for our newsletter: find us on Facebook, contact 4929 1353 or NEWCASTLE INSTITUTE Next Event: Dr Simon Longstaff AO FCPA Executive Director Ethics Centre “Ethical Failures - Banks, Bushfires and Billionaires”. Dr Longstaff is Executive Director of The Ethics Centre, cofounder of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, and has been named one of the True Leaders of the 21st century by AFR BOSS magazine. Wednesday, March 10 at 6pm Souths Leagues Club $10; Members free; Full time students - gold coin. Enquiries to Robert Logan 0418 390033. For more information on Newcastle Institute go to:

COMMUNITY GROUPS NEIGHBOUR AID VOLUNTEERS Hunter Multicultural Communities is seeking volunteers to assist seniors with transport to medical appointments or shopping. If you would like to help call Gayle Grayson on 0425 090 670

Local Community Group Notices COMMUNITY GROUPS LAMBTON RESIDENTS GROUP Residents of Lambton area are welcome to come along to our monthly meeting. You too can be a part of some exciting and worthwhile initiatives and projects for our local area. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month commencing at 5.30pm at Lambton Bowling Club. No RSVP needed. For more information email: or call Nicola on 0402 949 854.

SENIORS GROUPS MEREWETHER SEASIDE PROBUS CLUB The club meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Souths Leagues Club, Llewellen Street, Merewether at 10.30am. New members are very welcome. Contact: Jacki jackijeayes@hotmail. com or 0409167002 or Linda thou50@westnet. or 49 636093

NEW LAMBTON SENIOR CITIZENS & PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION Make new friends while enjoying a warm and caring fellowship as well as to partake in the fun games of bingo and chats over a cuppa. Where? The New Lambton Seniors Assocation, located at the New Lambton Community Centre, 14 Alma Road, New Lambton. Handy to bus stops! Contact Barry Hoare on 4963 4631. THE JUNCTION COMBINED PROBUS CLUB Probus South Pacific stands for Friendship, Fellowship and Fun. If these ideas appeal to you why not join our Probus Club. We are looking for New members and we meet on the first Monday of each month at St. Augustine’s Church Hall in Windsor Street Merewether 9.45am. For details contact the Secretary, Lyndie Barrkman on 0419 410 248 or

SENIORS GROUPS LAMBTON SENIORS GROUP Offering friendship and support for over 55s. Meet at the Anglican Church Hall, Morehead St, Lambton, every Thursday at 9am for Canasta, or other card and board games till 12.30pm. Phone Don 4952 8590 or Nola 4952 3685 for further details. New people always welcome. ADAMSTOWN COMBINED PENSIONERS Seniors. Are you stuck at home? Would you enjoy some company but don’t have any transport? Would you like to play carpet bowls, euchre or dominoes on a Thursday or bingo on a Friday? Well come along and join us at the Adamstown Combined Pensioners Association. We pick and drop you back home for only $5 in the following areas: Adamstown, The Junction, Hamilton, Lambton, Kotara, Garden Suburb, Waratah and Georgetown. We also have monthly bus trips to many interesting places. Ring us on 0431 303 524. MEREWETHER RSL DAY CLUB COFFEE POT The club meets every Friday from 10am till 2pm at St Augustine’s Church Hall, Merewether, from Friday 7th Feb. All welcome. Transport can be arranged. For further details please contact Carole on 0411 418 578, Bev on 4963 7540 or John 4962 2668. ADAMSTOWN MENS PROBUS CLUB The Club meets at 9.45am on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Newcastle United Sports Club. For enquiries and further information contact David on 0432165878. Email your notice to admin@hunterlocal. or post it to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by 15th of the month. Notices may be edited or omitted due to space limitations. The Local > March 2020 > Page 27

SUPPORTING THE FIGHT AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Survivor’s R Us Incorporated is a not-for-profit charity and benevolent institution that supports the fight against domestic violence, homelessness and unemployment. If you need our services please contact us on phone 4953 7108 or mobile 0477 702 151 You will find us at Unit 1/3 Ranton St, Cardiff Web: Email: Page 28 > The Local > March 2020

Local Trades and Service Directory




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Page 30 > The Local > March 2020

ANTIQUE PRAM Navy, with pillows and mattress. $200 p/up only. Ph 0415 959 791 CHANDELIER Four light chandelier $50. Pick up New Lambton Ph 0415 959 791 GOLF BUGGY Refurbished battery-driven golf buggy, MGI Superlite 500i, blue, push button controls, speed switch, 4th wheeel, bucket loop, storage seat, umbrella holder, 2 spare wheels. $350 Ph 0415 675 171 HONEY Local, raw, pure, organic honey straight from the hive, no heating, no added sugar or syrups, just the good stuff straight from the bees. $12 per kilo Ph 0423 050 778 MOBILITY/DISABILITY AIDS Wheelchair black/silver, brand new $350; walker red/black, 9 months old, exc. cond. $75; Rollator black/silver, 18 months old, also can connect a walking stick to it $125; over toilet chair with splash bowl exc. cond. $50 Ph 4957 2924 PIANO Mignon piano & stool, good condition, $100, pick up Hamilton. Ph 0428 654 064 SMOKER Wanderer 2 burner smoker, new still in a box, stainless steel, sell for $35 Ph 0423 050 778

FREE FLOOR TILES four boxes of cream floor tiles 400 x 400 Ph 4952 2575 OLD TOOLS Heavy, old, metal tools, view New Lambton Ph 0466 643 847 TV CABINET Timber, 5 shelves, glass door, 2 cupboard doors. Good condition p/ up Hamilton South Ph 4961 1430


LALIQUE PENDANT A blue glass, heart-shaped Lalique pendant was lost in the New Lambton shopping area in early February. Great sentimental value. $50 reward offered for its return. Ph 0426 800 262


SEWING MACHINE Electric sewing machine in good second hand condition wanted to buy Ph 0408 005 611


Gentle Flow Yoga •

Chair based Yoga Beginners Yoga • General Yoga

Suitable for seniors and anyone wishing to improve wellbeing and feel the benefits of yoga. Balanced class incorporating breath awareness practices, stretching, strengthening, relaxation & meditation. Class locations with easy parking at New Lambton Scout Hall, 4 Fleet St & Lambton Parish Hall, 18 Morehead St. Begin or revisit your yoga journey - inquire now.

Michelle Pirie 0400 790 479

Dip. Yoga teaching IYTA Yoga Australia & International Yoga Teachers’ Assoc. member THEATRE TRIPS Sydney: War Horse, 9 to 5 The Musical. Newcastle: The 39 Steps – Chess - The Musical. Details & bookings - Don Ph 4952 8590

Local Classifieds... NOTICES


BABYSITTING Reliable and responsible 14 yo female looking for babysitting jobs. Ages 3 to 10. Available weekdays from 4pm and anytime on weekends. Your house only in local area. Phone Shayla Ph 0411 341 672 CARPENTER Affordable Reliable Carpentry Fully licensed with ABN. For your local carpentry & maintainance jobs. From small repairs to renovation. Call, message or email for a free measure and quote mytchalthompson@gmail. com Ph 0403 599 468

LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Just like the classifieds in other newspapers except they’re free and they work!

KASZAZZ SCRAPBOOK AND CARD CLASSES Make new friends while you learn the techniques to make beautiful albums for your precious photos or make cards for special events. Call Ruth for details on 4952 6209 LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS Email


Eric Loi

GGUITAR UITAR & BAS BASS TUITION All styles & levels Studio in New Lambton Registered Creative Reggi Kids provider HSC Music 0419 642 096 Email: PEST CONTROL Guaranteed. Average home $150, units and town houses $80, Lake Macquarie, Newcastle and Hunter Valley areas. German Cockroaches a specialty. Ph 0418 637 990

Something to sell or to tell? Try our FREE Local Community Classifieds. They work! Name _____________________________ Address ________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________ Write the wording of your advertisement below. (Max. 25 words please) Text: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Classification (eg. For Sales, Notices, Garage Sales, Wanted etc):__________________

Complete this form and post it to: ‘Local Classifieds’ PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 or email: admin@ by 15th of the month. We reserve the right to not publish advertising considered inappropriate or not in the spirit of the free classifieds offer. Private party ads only. For business classifieds advertising please email The Local > March 2020 > Page 31

ts) want you to

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PIGGOTT’S PHARMACY LAMBTON 117 Elder Street, Lambton Phone: 4957 3630

Page 32 > The Local > March 2020

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