The Local - September 2021

Page 1

Stay saf be a locael,

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Armed with the vax

• Issue No 89 • Newcastle’s favourite community newspaper • September 2021 •

26 year old Ryan of Mayfield receives his first COVID-19 vaccination from Anthony Piggott.



For local pharmacist Anthony Piggott, the message regarding COVID-19 could not be simpler or clearer. According to Anthony “If you’re over 18 you should get the vaccine.” “The best way for us to come out of lockdown and enjoy more social connection in the community across spring and summer is for as many as possible to be vaccinated.” Anthony told The Local. continued on page 5

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Matters All editorial, advertising and distribution enquiries to Mark Brooker By email: mark@ or ph 0455 210 000 Mail: PO Box 130 Lambton, 2299 Founder & publisher: Mark Brooker

with Mark Brooker Publisher of The Local

Advertising bookings for October issue close on Friday 17th September The Local is lovingly produced then carefully hand delivered each and every month to more than 11,000 residential letterboxes and businesses in Lambton, North Lambton, New Lambton, New Lambton Heights, Broadmeadow, Hamilton North, Jesmond and Kotara. You can find back issues of The Local and check out the latest community news and information at: or on our Facebook page @thelocalnewcastle. If you enjoy receiving The Local in your letterbox each month please support the businesses you see advertising on these pages. Without their support your local paper could not and would not happen. Pretty simple really...

....and here’s some fine print Readers, advertisers and community groups are encouraged to contribute to The Local with news items, community events and any matter of general interest to residents of the area. In contributing news items the contributor accepts that such information may or may not be published in print and/or online using websites and social media channels at the sole discretion of the publisher. No guarantee of publication is ever implied by this invitation to contribute. Except where noted otherwise, all information, photographs, text and images, within The Local is subject to copyright. Material may not be reproduced and/or distributed in whole or part in any form without the prior, explicit consent of the publisher. The Local is printed on Australian-made paper using up to 55% recycled fibre. The Local is 100% recyclable. Please recycle it, but of course only after you’ve read it!

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Page 2 > The Local > September 2021

Loving local

In many ways the best practices for avoiding COVID-19 transmission are the same practices that keep our local community shopping precincts alive and vibrant. Stay with me here. I’m not suggesting the pandemic has been good for local economies, not by any stretch. But I do remind myself that shopping locally and shopping purposefully are key not only to staying out of harms way, but also key to keeping our local shopping villages tenanted and trading. Like many, I dutifully tune in at 11am daily to hear the Premier, the Chief Health Officer and the Police Commissioner give us the day’s stats. Avoid crowds, shop quickly and keep to your neighbourhood wherever possible they say. We hear about new exposure sites in the Hunter. Thankfully, at the time of writing at least, there are fewer each day. As I listen I’m struck, more often than not, by how many of these new hotspots are in the big retail shopping centres. My local grocery store, my local fruit and veg, my local bottleshop haven’t once made the list. Your local baker and your local cafe doing a thriving trade in takeaways probably don’t get mentioned either. That’s great news for these retailers and their families and for you and me and our families. Of course there are many local retailers and service providers who aren’t able to open their shops to us. Some have quickly pivotted to on online only presence. Others due to the nature of their offering have simply shuttered their business and hope they can ride out the storm. We could all give some thought to how we support these businesses to help them through that ride. Does your hairdresser offer gift certificates that you can buy now and use later? Is your favourite local restaurant now offering a grazing box for a dine at home experience? Please stay home. And when you must shop, shop locally.

No barrier holding Jimmy back New Lambton’s Jimmy Ivory wasn’t going to let a hearing impairment get in the way of achieving his career goals. This year, the 30-year-old will graduate from TAFE NSW Tighes Hill with a Diploma of Nursing and move straight into a placement as an enrolled nurse at John Hunter Hospital. The achievement is the latest chapter in the story of how TAFE NSW has played a major role in the former plumber turned healthcare professional’s career path. Jimmy’s hearing impairment was identified at age three. Now he has a cochlear implant, wears a hearing aid and uses lip reading to understand what people are saying. His first experience at TAFE NSW was as a teenager when he completed a Certificate III in Plumbing. After spending time in the construction industry, he realised it wasn’t what he wanted to do long-term. Instead, his desire to help others led him into the disability sector where he worked for several years before deciding to become a nurse. Jimmy eased himself into the career change, becoming an Assistant in Nursing by studying a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance. That was the stepping stone he needed to start his Diploma of Nursing last October. Jimmy said the support he received from his TAFE NSW teachers and support staff had made it possible for him to achieve his dreams. “I was fortunate to have a notetaker who sat with me in classes, and the teachers have been excellent in making sure I have all the assistance I need,” Jimmy said. Acting Head Teacher Allied Health and Nursing Studies Lynelle Jenkinson said Jimmy’s dedication to his studies and the positive way he overcomes adversity is inspiring.

“TAFE NSW has been there for Jimmy at each stage of his career progression,” Ms Jenkinson said. “He was a worthy recipient of a Hunter TAFE scholarship award which recognised his commitment to overcoming any challenges on his learning journey. “He is also a leader, mentoring other students in both the Health Services Assistance and Nursing courses.” “I’m now thinking about going to university and becoming a registered nurse,” he said. He is keen to encourage others who may be hesitant about making a career change because of personal challenges. “For anyone who thinks they are too old to study or they have too many challenges to overcome to try a new career - just give it a go,” he said.

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The Local > September 2021 > Page 3

Marching Koalas are calling

by Daisy Smart Marching Koalas beat their drums to the thundering rhythm of the Newcastle spirit. Formed by Geoff Lynch in 1892, the band has a rich history of captivating the masses all over the world. From Rose Parade to Warwick Castle, to Vienna and to China. Peta-Jayne, a member since 1995 and Publicity Officer for Marching Koalas, recalls her time with the band, speaking of both gaining confidence and friendship when she got involved all those years ago. “The confidence you get from performing and the life long friendship that you make. I was a shy teenager and it really brought me out of my shell. And I see a lot of kids now joining and a year later it’s like ‘wow’ they are very confident now,” she recounts with a wistful smile. “We had members that married each other,” she goes on to say, “and their children also joined the band.” Fondly calling them “little koala children.” Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 a few members have been lost. And now the band is seeking new members to join their ranks, having recently lifted the

Sonia Hornery MP State Member for Wallsend

I will continue to stand up for the issues that are important to you. 67 Nelson Street, Wallsend Telephone: 4950 0955 • Fax: 4950 0977 Email: Web: Authorised by Sonia Hornery MP. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.

Page 4 > The Local > September 2021

age limit. Anyone from the age of twelve can join, even if you don’t know how to play an instrument. The band accepts Creative Kids vouchers. Peta-Jayne makes it known that they are following necessary precautions to keep the children and instructor safe in the face of COVID-19. “If we can get through that, we can get through anything.” “We got a COVID-19 plan through the Council directives,” she says, “We got the QR code for families to sign in. At the moment, we do practice outside, due to restrictions, so we socially distance and we have to wear masks when we are not playing.” The Marching Koalas rehearse every Tuesday, lockdown restrictions allowing, and are currently preparing for their upcoming performances at ‘Relay For Life’ and the Stroud Festival this October. For more details go to

Armed with the vax continued from page 1 Anthony’s other message was one of congratulations to the local community for getting out and getting the jab. “We have now passed the 50% mark for first vaccinations in Newcastle. While this is a good start we have a way to go to reach the vaccination levels that will make lockdowns a thing of the past. Make an appointment today!” Anthony said. According to the World Health Organisation, like any vaccine, COVID-19 vaccines can cause mild, short term side effects, such as a low-grade fever or pain or redness at the injection site. Most reactions to vaccines are quite mild and go away within a few days on their own. More serious or long-lasting side effects to vaccines, though possible, are extremely rare. The benefits to the individual, their family and the community of being fully COVID-19 vaccinated, far outweigh the possibility of serious side effects. You can make an appointment now for your COVID-19 jab at the mass vaccination hubs being operated by NSW Health, at your GP or any of the many local pharmacies offering the service.












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86 Elder St, Lambton Phone: 4957 1274 The Local > September 2021 > Page 5

Letters to

Why I joined Jesmond Lions (part II)

A year or so before I retired from a very hectic job, as an Executive Assistant, I knew I had to think about all those hours of retirement. A friend from WA sent me a DVD of “Lions – Two Hands” so I took the punt and registered my interest on line. I was lucky that the EO of Lions Australia asked me to attend a couple of Clubs, for their dinner meetings, to see community Clubs at work. So first up, straight from work, I attended a Jesmond Lions Club (JLC) dinner. Of more than 30 members in attendance, nearly all shook my hand and welcomed me to have a nice night. They had an update on projects, had dinner, laughed, did raffles… the noise and laughter appealed. After a year I put my administrative/organisations skills to use. So five years later I am in my fourth year as Treasurer, attended numerous BBQs for

Here to help

Bunnings, Hunter Schools, Parks and Wildlife, Multicultural days and more. I attend our nominated school for Breakfast Club, ANZAC Day celebrations and Election Day BBQs and whatever else they need. I am also involved in ordering and delivering our delicious and recognised Lions Christmas Cakes and Puddings to various venues around our area. JLC has been involved in large community programs such as Samaritans Youth Hostel in Wickham and BreastScreen NSW at Waratah. We have members committed to the clean-up of The Cycleway at Jesmond, once a month and often attended by Wallsend sitting Member, Sonya Hornery. I live in an over 55s village and each Monday morning at 6.25am I collect bottles and cans, to recycle, from nominated residents who kindly support JLC. We have raised more than $6000 in 3 years and saved a load of useless land fill. Other residents knit booties for JHH NICU, care teddies for local hospitals, all under the JLC brand. In the Club I have met a diversity of members, some with a massive knowledge of Lions, its ethics, objectives and understanding of International projects. Our members commitment to the Hunter Wetlands, at Shortland, is the pride of our Club. Check out our Facebook page, Jesmond Lions Club. Do you have some time and enthusiasm to contribute to your community in these ways or a desire to improve life in our suburb. Maybe? Then give Lions a go. Come to a dinner meeting and see if we have something to interest you. Phone Alan on 0412 414 751 or Doris on 0408 434 337 or email our Club: and we’ll contact you. Lynne Lee - Jesmond Lions Club

Authorised by Tim Crakanthorp MP. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.

Do you have news or a viewpoint you’d like to share with our readers? We welcome letters on topics of local interest. Please send to PO Box 130 Lambton 2299 or email to au by 15th of the month.

Tim Crakanthorp MP State Member for Newcastle


for our fair share”

Office: 414 Hunter Street, Newcastle Phone: 4926 1126 Email:

Page 6 > The Local > September 2021

Students’ lockdown love the Hunter Bible Church Unichurch congregation put together care packages for each and every student in the colleges affected by the strict lockdowns. And yes, in case you’re wondering they include every Uni student’s core staple, Mi Goreng noodles. “It’s a small thing we can do to help the students locked down in their rooms on the campus we really care for.” said one of the members of Hunter Bible Church. In a time when the headlines can be a little depressing, and the only certainty is uncertainty, it’s nice to know there’s still such a thing as a good news story, especially in our backyard.

It was only a matter of time before the Delta strain of COVID19 made its way up the M1 to Newcastle. From a party a Blacksmiths Beach it has reached out across the city, disrupting the lives of hundreds of thousands of Novacastrians as we plunge into lockdown together. Nowhere have the ripples of lockdown been felt more than at our very own University where an outbreak continues to be managed in the Callaghan residential colleges. In this dark and uncertain time for the students, it’s refreshing to see that the students of the colleges, might be isolated, but they’re not alone. With permission from College administration, a group of non-resident students from

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The Local > September 2021 > Page 7

The Local Quiz

Congratulations to last month’s quiz winner Simone Wright of North Lambton. Simone has won a $25 voucher to spend at Piggott’s Pharmacy. Last month’s mystery photo was the former grandstand at Jesmond Park. This month’s quiz questions are below. You’ll find the answers within the pages of this issue, except of course the mystery photo. Question 1 What now occupies the site of the former New Lambton Mechanics’ Institute? Question 2 What percentage of the eligible population in Newcastle have received a first COVID-19 vaccination? Question 3 In what year was the Marching Koalas formed? Question 4 What does the PSA in PSA test stand for? Question 5 In which local playground would you find the climbing equipment pictured at right?

Send your quiz answers to au with ‘The Local Quiz’ in the subject line or post them to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by Monday 14 September for a chance to win a $25 gift voucher* to spend at any Piggott’s Pharmacy store in Newcastle and the Hunter. *Not redeemable on prescription medicines

We love kid’s feet! The experienced, friendly and caring podiatrists at Lambton Foot Clinic are more than happy to help your kids with any foot woes: • Growing Pains • Ingrown Toenails • Tripping and Falling • Heel Pain • Foot Pain • In-toeing • Flat feet • Prescription Orthotic Inserts • Footwear advice

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Page 8 > The Local > September 2021

Plea een p se note th ostpo e ned d Council e ue to l the p ection ande mic.

has b

Hi, my name is

Mark Brooker


I’m seeking your vote at the election for Ward 3 Councillors for the City of Newcastle on December 4. Where’s Ward 3 you ask? Ward 3 includes all the suburbs where The Local is home-delivered. If you got this copy of The Local from your letterbox you live in Ward 3.

✔ If you want local representation without party politics

If you want to see Ward 3 get its fair share

✔ If you want your community to have a truly independent voice on Council


Vote Mark B for Ward 3 on Saturday December 4 To advertise in TheWritten Local calland Mark on 0455 210 The Local > September 2021 > Page 9 authorised by000 Mark Brooker 48 Robinson Avenue, Lambton 2299

Art Mania Studios...your happy place

Art Mania Studio at Wallsend is a creative community hub offering a place to relax, unwind, meet friends and find yourself through art. This supportive and inclusive space offers a wide variety of classes, workshops and block courses catering for busy lifestyles, different income levels, all age ranges, backgrounds and abilities. Art Mania Studios’ mission is to teach a variety of art skills that make your heart sing, build confidence and explore who you are, all within a supportive and inclusive environment. The team at Art Mania Studios ensures that disability is not an inability to create. “We are passionate about removing barriers to creativity.” Bek Scalley of Art Mania Studios said.

“Our classes are inclusive. We offer individualised programs for students living with life challenges and disabilities.” Bek added. Art Mania Studios have also created the Business Development Support program which is designed to mentor and support students on the NDIS who are plan managed or self-managed.

They offer mentoring and support to develop your skills and can even arrange art exhibitions and support you in the sale of your art. For more information on how Art Mania Studios can bring out the artist in you go to www., phone the studios on 4955 0509 or call in to 12 Council St, Wallsend.

At Art Mania Studios we are passionate about making art accessible for everyone!

On NDIS? We can offer: Instruction in a variety of art forms such as pottery, glass fusing, painting, mosaics, journaling, drawing & resin

One-on-one art support Creative group activities Artist-trained support workers

Individually-tailored programs Call 49 55 0509 or email Page 10 > The Local > September 2021








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Speech professionals at home in Lambton

Valerie Gent of Let’s Eat! Feeding Therapy (left) and Michelle Batey of Early Start Speech Pathology at their Morehead St Lambton premises

Having set up their own boutique speech pathology practices Michelle Batey and Valerie Gent over a number of years have brought them together under one roof recently in Lambton. Valerie’s practice Let’s Eat Feeding Therapy focusses solely on feeding difficulties and fussy eating with a strong multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Valerie says the most common question asked is why do speech pathologists working in the field of feeding. “Isn’t speech pathology just about pronunciation and stuttering” they’ll ask. “The truth is we work across a

broad range of of areas related to communication and swallowing in babies, children and adults.” Valerie said. Michelle’s practice Early Start Speech Pathology supports children with speech sound difficulties, language delays, late talkers, children with stuttering concerns, learning difficulties including dyslexia and reading/ writing difficulties as well as children with developmental disabilities and Autism. Early Start also works with adults who have swallowing, voice and language concerns. Each practice can be contacted via their respective websites below or call in at 33a Morehead Street, Lambton.

Let’s Eat! Feeding Therapy & Early Start Speech Pathology have relocated to the local area of Lambton…

We’re two speech pathology businesses working together to support infants and children with feeding and communication difficulties.

Valerie Gent of Let’s Eat! Feeding Therapy and Michelle Batey of Early Start Speech Pathology

We’re locals with strong reputations and our experienced team of therapists are excited to be working within the Lambton community. | 33a Morehead St, Lambton | Page 12 > The Local > September 2021

Is your letterbox feeling lucky?




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choose from. First in best dressed with choice of vouchers. The vouchers must be claimed by 10 September and redeemed at your chosen retailer by 30 September. Congratulations to the residents of 11 Gwydir Road New Lambton and 64 Elder Street Lambton who correctly identified their letterbox and each claimed a prize last month.



Lic #: 94942C

If one of the letterboxes pictured above is yours, you’ve won a $30 shopping voucher from one of three great local retailers. Phone us at The Local on 0455 210 000 by Friday 10 September to confirm your address and choose your prize. There’s a $30 voucher for Jarrett’s Quality Meats at Lambton, a $30 voucher for Q’s Books at Hamilton and a $30 voucher for Spar Express Lambton to

PHONE: 0467 682 017

The Local > September 2021 > Page 13

Prostate cancer awareness September is ‘Prostate Cancer Awareness Month’. A time for men and their loved ones to think about a cancer that currently affects 230,000 men in Australia who are living with or beyond prostate cancer. Sadly this figure is estimated to rise to 372,000 by 2040. So what can men do to protect themselves? Luckily, it’s not all doom and gloom! Firstly it is very important to know your risks and family history. Men with a family history of prostate cancer have double the risk of a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Those in regional and rural areas of Australia have a 24 per cent higher risk of death. So it is advisable to talk to your GP. Whilst there is no population based screening available for prostate cancer, it is recommended that men aged 50 and over talk to their GP about getting a simple blood test to check their ProstateSpecific Antigen (PSA) levels. A higher than normal reading doesn’t necessarily mean you have prostate cancer, but it can indicate that further investigation is required. Those with a family history should have this conversation when they reach 40 years old. We are blessed in Newcastle with excellent health care

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Principal solicitor, Chris Hill Accredited Specialist in Wills & Estates.

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facilities which not only help with diagnosis, but also many forms of treatment including surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. An early diagnosis can understandably have much better outcomes.

But what can men do, apart from talk to their GP? The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) advise men to maintain good sleep habits, enjoy daily physical activity, eat fruit and veggies, confide in their mates, enjoy all or most things in moderation, don’t smoke, start something new, know their family health history and laugh often. If anyone reading this wants to talk to someone about prostate cancer they can pick up the phone and call the two Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses at Calvary Mater Newcastle Nancy on 4014 4652 or Tracy on 4014 4656. Evidence based information can also be found on the PCFA website: The PCFA run a program called MatesCONNECT (phone 1800 22 00 99) where men can ring and connect with trained volunteers who have experienced prostate cancer. They don’t give medical advice, but provide an understanding of what to expect and give an insight into living with prostate cancer. Locally, there is the Hunter Prostate Cancer Support Group that meets, COVID permitting, the second Tuesday of every month. For details please ring Brendon Young on 0437 403 651. So make September the month that you think about your health and chat to your GP if anything in this article raises concerns for you.

Book a obligation free consultation today. Call 4958 4336

- Custom made, designer window furnishings To advertise in The Local call Mark on 0455 210 000

The Local > September 2021 > Page 15

Here to

HELP with Elaine Abery of Unravelling Red Tape

To do… or not to do?

Dear Here to Help, I often wonder who in government comes up with some of the ideas that get rolled out and have such a big impact on people and their lives. I also often wonder why or how these ideas were able to go ahead and if there’s any way that they could have been stopped. You would not be on your own with these thoughts. These ideas are called “public policy” and there are a few stages of public policy to consider. First, someone comes up with an idea. Second, that idea is researched, preferably by consulting a broad range of community and industry groups. Third, the idea is announced. Fourth, government staff work to make that idea happen. Fifth, legislation is created or the decision is finalised some other way. Often, the first step involves a particular industry group approaching government with their idea.

Sometimes, like Jobkeeper, government comes up with the idea in reaction to special circumstances. The second step involves government or political staff researching how to implement the idea. Again, government usually, but not always, talks to some industry groups - ideally, a broad cross-section of industry groups. And again, ideally, government takes on board their input. However, when government wants to be seen to act quickly and decisively, sometimes it does not take on board industry feedback. This happened with Jobkeeper – many of its shortcomings were predicted by industry groups. These first two steps are always the easiest time to either halt, or redirect more appropriately, a public policy idea, so that it fulfils its purposes for the community. Once the idea is announced, it can be a bit like a snowball and hard to stop as it gains momentum. However, in the first two steps is that the idea has not been announced yet. So many people do not understand how much work goes into stopping, or redirecting, an idea that has not been made public. This often makes it hard for industry associations to demonstrate value for money to members when they stop, or redirect, these ideas at such an early stage. After all, it never happened, so what’s the problem, some may ask. As the public policy progresses through the third to fifth steps, it becomes harder and harder to turn the idea around, to make it work better for the Australian community as a whole. It can become a bit like a runaway snowball. The best time to stop, or change, a public policy idea, is early in its life. The earlier, the better. So remember to start your advocacy efforts early in the life of an issue – before the snowball has started rolling. With persistence, you can succeed.

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The Local > September 2021 > Page 17

THAT WAS THEN This is now

with Lachlan Wetherall

New Lambton Mechanics’ Institute

In 19th century coal mining towns, reading materials were an unaffordable luxury for many. For this reason many townships established a Mechanics’ Institute, where for a small annual subscription members could borrow books, newspapers and periodicals. In New Lambton at a public meeting in September 1891, a committee was elected to establish a Mechanics’ Institute. Initially they used a room in the council chambers, but were eager to obtain their own building. In 1899, after considering five possible sites, the committee applied to the government for land in Regent St opposite the public school. Their request was granted and construction

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commenced in April 1901. The building opened in September and Ralph Snowball’s photo justly recognises the substantial fund-raising efforts of the women in the committee. With a spacious reading room in a new building, membership increased rapidly. When the Hand of Friendship Hotel on Regent St closed in 1906, the Institute purchased the large hall behind the hotel, dismantled it, then re-erected it behind their existing building. The hall was officially opened in April 1909, and for decades following was a well-used venue for social, political, religious, community and family events. The provision of reading material by the Institute continued, but that role was to change after the formation of Greater Newcastle Council. In 1949 council began negotiations with mechanics’ institutes in Newcastle “with a view to taking them over for the establishment of free libraries.” In New Lambton this offer was tersely rebuffed by the Institute secretary who wrote, “We are in a sound financial position, and giving the residents of this suburb a satisfactory and efficient service.” But the in the long run a paid subscription model could never compete with a free library service. In 1972 council purchased the Institute’s land and constructed New Lambton branch library, opening it in September 1973. The Mechanics’ Institute may be gone from the site, but its function of providing reading material remains in place. You can view these photos and more details at

Providing professional friendly dental care for the whole family. Your support of our practice enables us to provide volunteer services to the National Dental Foundation to continue to help people in our local community in need.

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Phone Jon on

0400 603 545 Page 18 > The Local > September 2021

Above: New Lambton Mechanics’ Institute, 21 September 1901. Photo by Ralph Snowball. Hunter Region Library. Below: New Lambton branch library now occupies the site of the Mechanics’ Institute.


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Monday - Saturday: 7am - 3pm Sunday: 8am - 3pm • Located in Kotara Homemaker Centre next to Domayne and the Kids fenced playgound • To advertise in The Local call Mark on 0455 210 000

The Local > September 2021 > Page 19

Book Review sponsored by Q’s Books


Review any book in 200-250 words If you see yours on this page we will give you


to spend at Qs Books!




@QSBOOKSHAMILTON Page 20 > The Local > September 2021

Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel

Station Eleven was one of the most original, intriguing and well-told stories I have read. The plot revolves around a flu that kills over 99% of the global population and, despite being written in 2015, it’s amazing how relevant the story is in today’s world. I have read many dystopian, apocalyptic novels, but none so subtle, and Station Eleven gives a totally fresh perspective. Half of Station Eleven is set before the virus, following a movie star and his three ex-wives, and half the next 20 years post-virus, following the “traveling symphony” who travel, performing music and Shakespeare with the motto “survival is insufficient.” The unique, non-linear unfolding of the story gives a snapshot into the lives lived pre and post virus. Mandel’s imagining of the world after the collapse of civilization was totally immersive and thoughtprovoking. The large cast of characters are believable and complex, and the sometimes-unexpected connections between them gives an interesting and engaging focal point. I gasped, shocked, when I read the line: “Of all of them there at the bar that night, the bartender was the one who survived the longest. He died three weeks later, on the road out of the city.” From that point on I knew the book would be a wild ride. I was not disappointed. A highly recommended read for those who like well written, unique stories that have depth, and authentic characters. Review by Alexa Stuart Is there a book you would like to review? Please get in touch with us at Q’s Books email:


Matters by Dr Stuart Edser

Principal Psychologist at Newcastle Psychology & Health

Covid-19 Delta strain

After last year’s challenge with Covid-19, many people understandably thought that we might be through the worst of it. Then along came 2021 and along came Delta. More transmissible. Infects the young and the old and the in between. There have been deaths. Scary stuff.

community had been forgotten and we had to work it all out again. Of course, a lot has changed medically and scientifically in a hundred years, so in many ways, our brush with a serious pathogen has been made easier. One of the silver linings of the pandemic has been the way we have pulled together. We noted how the world’s scientists came together, put aside who got there first, shared data, published results, ran concurrent testing regimes and helped each other to get across the line in creating brand new safe and effective vaccines. Perhaps there has never been as much co-operation in science as there has been with Covid-19. And then there’s us. Of course, there’s always a few who want to do things their own way, but for the most part, Australians, all very different, have pulled together unimaginably on this one. We’ve listened to our public health authorities, and we’ve been relieved that our politicians have also listened to them and taken a scientific approach over a political one. And right to grass-roots local communities, we’ve masked up, socially distanced, washed our hands, sanitised, checked in and out with our QR codes, and when the going got tough, we stayed at home. If you think about it, that’s pretty amazing. A large group of people, accepting a common goal, and using the same strategies to achieve it.

We haven’t had a health scare like this in over a hundred years. Much of what was learned a century ago in the Wouldn’t it be great if we could harness that kind of energy in the future to resolve other problems?

Dr Stuart Edser’s

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Dr Stuart Edser


Counselling Psychologist T: 4952 9777 A: 20 Kendall Street Lambton E: W: Medicare Rebates available through GP

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The Local > September 2021 > Page 21


Matters by Anthony Piggott

of Piggott’s Pharmacies: Blackbutt, Branxton, Hamilton, Huntlee, Lambton and Merewether

Weight and health

People who are overweight or obese tend to have higher blood pressure and higher blood cholesterol levels than others, and are more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes or a stroke. The main way to lose weight and improve health is to change eating habits and increase physical activity. Some simple guides for checking body weight, and the amount and distribution of body fat are: • Body mass index (BMI) – a measure of weight for height, calculated by weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared (kg/m2). • Waist circumference – a measure of fat around the abdomen (stomach). People who are overweight or obese have too much body fat. Fat around the waist (‘apple shape’) is more of a health risk than fat around the hips and thighs (‘pear shape’). Overweight and obese people are more likely to develop a range of medical conditions such as: • high blood pressure • heart disease • high blood cholesterol • some cancers • diabetes type 2 • stroke • joint problems (e.g. osteoarthritis, gout) • gallstones • sleep apnoea • asthma and other breathing problems. Being overweight or obese can also lead to social problems (e.g. low self-esteem) and can make many activities more difficult. Causes of weight gain Most people put on weight because they eat and drink more energy from food than their body needs or uses. The ‘spare energy’ they eat and drink builds up in their body as fat. The amount of energy in food is measured as kilojoules (kJ) or calories. The amount of energy your body needs depends on a number of things, including age, gender, your genetic makeup and how active you are. Self care The best way to reach and keep to a healthy weight, is to: • have ‘healthy eating’ habits, to reduce energy intake (eat less calories or kJ of food) • do ‘regular physical activity’ to use up energy. Page 22 > The Local > September 2021

Weight loss should be gradual (e.g. 1 kg per month) to make sure fat is lost, rather than muscle or water, and to reduce the chance of putting weight back on. Healthy eating Healthy eating means balancing the food you eat, to get the amounts of energy and nutrients that your body needs. • a healthy, balanced diet means: • eating a wide variety of healthy foods every day • eating mainly vegetables, legumes and wholegrain foods (e.g. wholegrain/wholemeal breads, cereals, pasta, rice, quinoa, couscous) • eating moderate amounts of fruit • eating moderate amounts of lean meat, fish, skinless poultry, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds • eating moderate amounts of reduced-fat dairy foods (e.g. milk, yoghurt, cheese) • eating small amounts of oils and fats. Fat supplies twice as much energy as carbohydrate or protein, so eating less fat is an important way to reduce energy intake. Polyunsaturated or mono-unsaturated oils and fats are the best oils and fats to eat • eating small amounts of sugars and salt • drinking enough fluid every day to satisfy your thirst and to keep your urine ‘light-coloured’ (unless a doctor advises you not to). It is best to drink plenty of water and limit other drinks. To control your weight: • limit the amount of high energy foods and drinks you consume. High energy foods include high fat, high sugar and highly refined foods (e.g. pastries, pies, pizzas, hamburgers, chips, cream, creamy sauces, butter, sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, soft drinks, fruit juices). • limit foods and drinks high in salt. Do not add salt to food. • limit alcohol. Have no more than two standard drinks a day. • eat smaller portions, eat slowly and stop eating when comfortably full. • have a planned, regular eating pattern of meals, or meals and mid-meals. Physical activity Physical activity uses energy, and regular exercise or physical activity will use up fat and build muscle. Your body shape will change, even if you do not lose weight. • Start slowly by using everyday events to increase your activity (e.g. take the stairs; park the car 10 minutes away from work). • Do active things you enjoy and will want to continue. • For general health and wellbeing, do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week. To lose weight, you may need to do more physical activity. • For general health and wellbeing, do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week. To lose weight, you may need to do more physical activity. If you have not exercised for a while, check with your doctor before starting.


Matters by Ronnie Wall of Wall Legal, New Lambton

Supporting lockdown affected tenants

COVID-impacted residential tenants who cannot meet their rent payments may be eligible for assistance under The Residential Tenancy Support Package. Eligibility includes loss of employment, work hours or income due to COVID restrictions, or you had to stop working because you or other members of your household become ill with COVID, you have experienced a reduction in the “take home” weekly household income of 25% or more, but you have continued to make payments of at least 25% of your rent payments.

Eligible tenants who are facing difficulties meeting their rent payments will be protected from eviction for rental arrears during the moratorium period from 14 July to 11 September 2021. A landlord may continue to seek termination in other circumstances, such as the sale of the property, with the usual notice periods to apply. Landlords will also be restrained from taking action, including eviction, against a commercial tenant who breaches their lease for reasons related to the impacts of COVID-19. Not all breaches are protected, only those relating to economic impact resulting from the pandemic. This would include failure to pay rent or outgoings or failing to open for business. The tenant must meet the criteria of an “impacted lessee” which is one who qualifies for one or more of the available Grants and also meet the turnover test during the 2020-21 financial year. More information is available from Government Agencies such as Services NSW and NSW Fair Trading. Disclaimer: This article is provided for information purposes only. The contents should not be relied on as legal or financial advice.

Wall Legal is a small general legal practice offering affordable, personalised service for each individual client, with fixed fees for most matters. ➤ Retail Leases ➤ Sale & Purchase of Business ➤ Enduring Powers of Attorney & Guardianships ➤ Wills & Estates ➤ Conveyancing ➤ Home visits available

9 Alma Road, New Lambton • PHONE: 4957 7055 EMAIL: • WEB: To advertise in The Local call Mark on 0455 210 000

The Local > September 2021 > Page 23

VET Chat by Dr Fiona Wallace of New Lambton Veterinary Clinic

Blood tales

I had a great friend from Vet School who was fond of tall tales – so much so that even I, who know her well, could never be entirely sure how much of her story was true and how much told for effect! She has been a horse vet for many years now and one tale that haunts me to this day was about a midnight call-out to a horse who had cut itself running through a fence. It’s natural for pet and horse owners to panic when they see blood, and blood also has a tendency to get over everything, so often owners’ estimates of blood loss are exaggerated. At midnight after a long day our friend spoke to the fairly laconic horse owner and assessed the situation to be something that could perhaps

wait for a few stitches in the morning. The horseman was happy with her assessment – he had rung and got professional advice after all – but as an afterthought Vet Tess reassured him that horses have a lot of blood but if it gets to half a bucket lost that’s when he would need to call her back. Sure enough within 10 minutes the phone rang again – the bucket was half full!! - and Tall Tales Tess was in her car and out to the farm in minutes to save the pony’s life! Blood has some remarkable properties, one of which is to turn from the oxygen delivering infection fighting liquid that it is into a solid clot to stop bleeding where necessary. This process is complex and starts with little cell fragments called platelets which block up gaps and then cause a gluey protein call fibrin to be produced to help the bleeding stop. A blood clot is the result of a cascade of proteins that turn liquid blood into clots. It’s like magic – although unfortunately it can happen by mistake inside the body – in which case it is called a thromboembolism. Blood also contains white cells, the infection fighters of our bodies. These little cells have the ability to recognise self from non self (an Australian vet called Peter Doherty was the first to realise this in the 1970’s) and also to be very lethal to invading viruses and micro-organisms, either directly (T cells, neutrophils and macrophages) or indirectly via antibodies that they produce.

NEW LAMBTON VETERINARY CLINIC Loving care and attention with cutting edge technology and expertise… we are your best friend’s best friends!

Puppy Preschool enrolm now bein ents g taken! 126 Lambton Rd, Broadmeadow • 4952 8809 • Enter from Perth Rd (rear of Rovert Lighting) • Follow us on

Page 24 > The Local > September 2021


Matters with Ben Hutton of Brightside Physio

Easing the ‘workfrom-home’ blues

If you’re someone working from home and struggling with pain or stiffness – this article is for you. You might be working from a laptop on a cluttered dining table with a 5-year-old yelling maths questions in your ear (like me right now). Or maybe you’ve got the old familiar neck pain plus headache, or the lower back is giving you hell. If this sounds like you - read on for some gold-plated strategies:

1. Move

Inertia is a killer. If you’re stuck in the same position for long stretches of time it has a bunch of anti-health

outcomes. So - set an alarm for every hour, stand up and stretch, shake it off, do the macarena, 5 push-ups and then get back to work. 30 seconds will do. Walk at lunch. Walk before work. Walk after work. Movement is king.

2. Workstation first aid

Ideally, get a sit-stand desk, a proper chair and a separate keyboard (if you’re using a laptop). If not, try to stick to some basic principles: Feet supported, hips just above knees. Knees at 90 degrees. Eyes looking slightly down on mid-screen. Mouse and keyboard at elbow level.

3. Get stretchy

The bits of our body that get stiff and tight when we sit for a long period are the bits that need more attention. Your upper back and the front of your hips are likely to be key stiff bits that need a stretch. Lie on your back on a rolled-up towel (lengthwise) for 5-10 mins then do 2 mins of hip flexor stretching. If you want to do more, try calf and hamstring stretches and maybe some neck and shoulder wiggles to give them some WD40. As they say in the ads, ‘if pain persists…’ see a good physio. If you’re experiencing pain or stiffness, we can help and we want to give as many folk relief as we can. It’s the best job in the world. To start getting your pain and stiffness reduced, book online at to get brighter.



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The Local > September 2021 > Page 25


Matters with Mel Burgess of Love Parenting


Lying is something that I’ve noticed can very quickly escalate a parent into quite the state of alarm. Maybe you can relate to having your head completely run away with you as you overthink what that lie you just picked up on ‘means’ about you as a parent, about about child, about your child’s life trajectory. From that headspace it is hard to see that children lying is developmentally appropriate as they learn about truth by playing around with how it works. What they need from us is support to learn how to get their needs met without the lies and if we are all

flared up in a shame party it gets very difficult for us to manage that. Children, just like adults, lie to avoid getting in trouble, to be allowed to do something, to fit in with others, or to make someone happy / avoid hurting their feelings. I bet you can probably relate to lying under these circumstances even as an adult. There is also the more child-like trait of lying just for fun when they are incorporating their imaginative world into their reality. Children’s minds are naturally imaginative and reality and fantasy can be really blurry while they are young. What is important is that they grow up knowing it is ok to get caught in a lie and that what is important is that the truth gets told eventually. Kids who feel that they are loved and accepted unconditionally lie far less than those who don’t have that security. There’s lots to supporting kids to advocate for their needs without resorting to lying but there’s a start for you. Get in touch if you would like to work through what you specifically have going on at your place. Fill out the enquiry form on the Love Parenting website and I’ll be in touch. -Mel


● refresh your perspective ● consolidate what you know ● add in evidence-based strategies


● leave with customised plan

● Fitzroy Rd, Lambton ● Page 26 > The Local > September 2021

Lambton The

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Close Wednesdays for fishing! PHONE:

4956 2400 The Local > September 2021 > Page 27

Local Community Group Notices CHILDREN & FAMILIES HOME-START FAMILY SERVICES Home-Start is a voluntary service offering support, friendship and practical help to families with at least one child under 5 where the parents are experiencing difficulty in their parenting roles or are under stress. For information about volunteering or Home-Start services ph 4952 9488 or go to:

HOBBIES & INTERESTS NEWCASTLE FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Are you interested in knowing more about your family history or history in general? The NFHS is a vibrant, active group which runs courses, events, workshops & excursions as well as offering expert assistance with researching your family history. Visit our website au or drop in to the Mechanics’ Institute at 68 Elder Street, Lambton, which is open Saturdays from 10am until 3pm & Thursdays 1-3pm. You will be made very welcome.

COMMUNITY GROUPS NEWCASTLE MEN’S SHED Newcastle Men’s Shed is now open at 99 Beaumont Street Hamilton, next door to Westpac. The shop front is open weekdays 9am to 2pm. New members are welcome. For more information phone 0498 365 207 or email



LADIES PROBUS CLUB OF NEW LAMBTON Are you recently retired or semi-retired and looking for a friendly group of ladies to share activities and social outings with? Our Club has vacancies for new members. Our monthly activities include active and interesting Walks, Book Club, Movies/Theatre/Shows, Day Trips, Birthday Lunches and a monthly meeting with Guest Speaker on the fourth Monday at Central Charlestown Leagues Club. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of please contact Eileen at au or on 0428 991 184.

LAMBTON RESIDENTS GROUP All residents of Lambton area are welcome to come along to our monthly meeting. You too can be a part of some exciting and worthwhile initiatives and projects for our local area. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month commencing at 5.00pm at Lambton Bowling Club. No RSVP needed. For more information email: lambtonresidents@gmail. com or call Nicola on 0402 949 854.

BEL AIR VIEW CLUB Bel Air View Club meets on the third Monday of each month at South Leagues Club 46 Llewellyn St Merewether at 10.30 am. Visitors and new members are warmly welcomed to join us for friendship and interesting guest speakers and to help us support the Smith Family’s Learning for Life program helping young Australians to succeed at school. For further information please phone Gillian on 4963 5655.

Readers are encouraged to check with organisers that events/meetings are proceeding as advertised here. Social distancing may require events to be postponed or cancelled. To have a free community notice published in next month’s issue of The Local email your details to admin@ or post to PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 by 15th of the month. Notices may be edited or omitted due to space limitations. Page 28 > The Local > September 2021


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The Local > September 2021 > Page 29

Local Classifieds... FOR SALE


DRUMS Bongo, ceramic, African talking drums and variety of others. For enquiries Ph 0423 050 778

PHYSIO MASSAGER Physio massager for sale $70 Ph 0431 610 116


AIR MATTRESS Queen size, 203 x 152cm, never been used, $80 Ph 0431 610 116 BACK MASSAGER Back massager with heater for sale $40 Ph 0431 610 116

GUITAR Yamaha 12 string, model FG630, collectible item. Price $585 Ph 0423 050 778 GOLF BUGGY ‘King Caddy’ Platinum Pro, current model, includes lithium battery and charger, near new condition, retails at $1000 plus, sell for $500 Ph 0415 675 171

CAMERA Pentax K10D SLR digital, excellent condition. With Sigma 18-50mm lens & 55-220mm lenses. Operating manuals and Lowepro padded bag. $420 Text/ph 0413 288 237 CAMERA Pentax K1000 Asahi non-digital with extra Koboron 28-105mm lens. Working order, one owner $280 Text/ph 0413 288 237

MOTORCYCLE JACKET Waterproof motorcycle jacket, breathable, “Rivet” rainlock. $50 O.N.O. Ph 4957 7470

LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS They’re free and they work. Send us yours today!

LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS They’re free and they work. Send us yours today!

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Page 30 > The Local > September 2021


























TOOLS ETC. Tools, garden tools, toolboxes, rod and reel combos, fishing gear and various items. Prices start from $5 Ph 0421 003 693

FREE TABLE & CHAIRS Unpainted table and four chairs on wheels, free Ph 0431 610 116

NOTICES ANIMAL TRANSPORT Fetch Pet Transportation and Dog Walking will take small and medium size animals to vets, groomers, kennels etc and home again. Also dog walking. Ph 0479 042 656 CAR DETAILING Finding it hard to clean your car? Call Nate’s Detailing. Small cars wash & vacuum $30, small cars polished $40, large cars wash and vacuum $50, large cars polished $50. Hydrophobic coating included. Call Nate’s Detailing Ph 0423 736 125 CARPENTER Affordable Reliable Carpentry Fully licensed with ABN & insurance. For your local carpentry & maintainance jobs. From small repairs to renovation. Call, message or email for a free measure and quote Ph 0403 599 468 CLEANER My name is Carol-Anne, I’m a hard working and reliable cleaner with references. I’m looking for work in the local area $35.00 p/h . Ph 0403 340 592 LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS They’re free and they work!

Local Classifieds... NOTICES


JAZZ YOUR GARDEN GARDEN CARE & WEEDING We specialise in garden, path and driveway weeding, garden mulching and plantings, general garden tidying. General liability insurance to $10M. Call or text Nathan for a quick quote Ph 0448 173 084 MILITARY MODELLING I am looking for people in the Lambton and New Lambton area who do military modelling and may be interested in starting a modelling group. Looking for 40 years and older but any age really if you are interested. Please call Jon Ph 0421 654 655 PEST CONTROL Guaranteed. Average home $150, units and town houses $80, Lake Macquarie, Newcastle and Hunter Valley areas. German Cockroaches a specialty. Ph 0418 637 990

RUBBISH REMOVAL House, shed and back yard. All rubbish removed and tidied up. Reasonable honest rates. Phone Ian Ph 0432 201 121


GARDEN MAINTENANCE Help wanted with weeding and spraying small areas of large yard approx. once a month at Adamstown. Phone answer Ph 4957 4758 service ORCHID GROWER Wanted orchid grower experienced in breaking up bulbs wanted for 3 pots of white orchids Balkus Luarth variety, Adamstown area. Reply answer machine. Ph 4957 4758 SEAMSTRESS Seamstress wanted to make simple adult dresses. Call Nettie Ph 0419 295 150

WANTED TO BUY OLD BOTTLES Glass or clay bottles including demijohns. One or more to add to my collection. Call Neil on Ph 4957 5220

Something to sell or to tell? Try these FREE Local Community Classifieds. They work! Name _____________________________ Address ________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone ________________________ Email______________________________________________________________________ Write the wording of your advertisement below. (Max. 25 words please) Text: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Classification (eg. For Sales, Notices, Garage Sales, Wanted etc):__________________

Complete this form and post it to: ‘Local Classifieds’ PO Box 130, Lambton 2299 or email: admin@ by 15th of the month. We reserve the right to not publish advertising considered inappropriate or not in the spirit of the free classifieds offer. Private party ads only. For business classifieds advertising please email To advertise in The Local call Mark on 0455 210 000

The Local > September 2021 > Page 31

We’re taking bookings for the AstraZeneca vaccine. COME ON NEWCASTLE… LET’S GET TO 70% AND BEYOND! Book your jab at a clinic, with your GP, at any Pharmacy or… ONLINE WITH US AT


PIGGOTT’S PHARMACY HAMILTON 83 Beaumont Street, Hamilton Phone: 4961 3179

PIGGOTT’S PHARMACY MEREWETHER 400 Glebe Road, Merewether Phone: 4969 1978

PIGGOTT’S PHARMACY LAMBTON 117 Elder Street, Lambton Phone: 4957 3630

Page 32 > The Local > September 2021

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