BaleSlice Instruction Manual

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BaleSlice Bale Slicer

Original Instruction

Dear Customer,

Welcome to the Hustler family!

We’re delighted to know that we can make a difference in your operation and would love to take this opportunity while you’re reading this instruction manual to say a special THANK YOU for purchasing a Hustler!

We hope you enjoyed dealing with us and our business partner(s) and trust that we contributed to make your purchasing journey easy.

Here at Hustler we are on a mission to help farmers and ranchers ‘Achieve More Everyday’ with the ‘World’s Best Livestock Feeding Solutions’. If at any stage you have any queries/questions or even a feel like a chat, our passionate team would value the opportunity to help.

We hope you enjoy your Hustler as much as we do, for many years to come.

Thanks again, hopefully we will meet someday.

Kindest Regards


• Please read this Instruction Manual before you start operating the machine and observe all safety rules contained herein.

• The Instruction Manual constitutes the basic equipment of the machine!

• Please keep this Instruction Manual in a safe place within easy reach of the user and the operator during the whole period of machine use.

• In case this manual is lost or damaged, you should purchase the new copy, by placing an order in the point of sale or at the machine’s manufacturer.

• In case the machine is resold or made accessible to a third party, you should enclose the Instruction Manual together with the Declaration of Conformity for the machine.

• All the rights to this Instruction Manual are reserved by the manufacturer. Copying, processing of this Instruction Manual or any of its part without the manufacturer consent is forbidden.


It is strongly recommended to read and understand this Instruction Manual before starting operation of the hydraulically controlled bale slicer and observe all recommendations contained herein.


Read this Instruction Manual Before start work with bale slice.

This Instruction Manual contains descriptions of all risks which may occur when you do not observe safety rules during machine work and operation. In this Operation Manual safety precautions which should be undertaken in order to minimise or avoid the risks are listed.

This Instruction Manual also contains the rules of proper cutter use and explains what service procedures connected with it should be made. If any information given in this Instruction Manual is incomprehensible, please ask directly the manufacturer for an explanation.


This symbol warns about the risk.

This warning symbol indicates an important information given in Instruction Manual concerning to the risk. Please read this information carefully, comply with the instructions and act with due caution.


User Safety

The cutters with hydraulic drive may be operated exclusively by adults who have familiarized themselves with their operation and who have read this Operation Manual and have suitable qualifications. When operating the cutters you should take all safety precautions, in particular:

• Observe general regulations relating to health and safety at work apart from keeping to the recommendations included in this Instruction Manual.

• Follow the safety instructions of the warning symbols attached to the machine.

• Never permit other persons than the operator to drive the vehicle which operate this cutter and do not allow other people to stay in the vehicle or on the machine during their operation.

• The cutter may be operated only by a person who is authorized to drive a vehicle with the cutter attached, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

• The work-stand of the operator during work with the bale cutter is the cabin of vehicle, to which the cutter is attached.

• Please remember that on this cutter there are a lot of places which can cause personal injury (sharp edges, protruding construction elements etc.). When operating the machine you should be particularly careful when you come near the above critical places, and you absolutely must use personal protective equipment, such as:

• protective clothing,

• protective gloves,

• protective shoes

• Transport of people or objects on the cutter is strictly forbidden.

• It is forbidden to operate the cutter by unauthorised persons who have not read this Operation Manual.

• An operator who operates the cutter with hydraulic drive outside the working place must be equipped with first-aid-kit containing first aid measures together with instructions of their use


• When operating the cutter with dusty materials it is necessary to wear protective clothing suitable for the material being cut and transported, in particular: rubber boots, gloves, coat, cap and halfmask.

• In case of poisoning or infection you should immediately contact the physician.

• When you drive the vehicle with the cutter attached which is not working you should keep safety transport clearance – min. 0.3 m

• Transport speed should be adjusted to the condition of road surface.

• In order to keep suitable control, the cutter should be adjusted to the vehicle in accordance with the recommendations of both the vehicle and the cutter manufacturers as well as the suspension used. Manufacturer's clamping rules are described in chapter 5.1. Cutter installation - in this Operation Manual.

• Please remember that the load of every axle of the vehicle with the cutter attached must not lower than 20% of vehicle's gross weight.

• Never leave the vehicle with the cutter attached on slopes or other terrain inclinations without protecting it against self-rolling downwards. The cutter must be lowered on the ground. You should place wedges under the vehicle wheels.

• Before taking any action connected with preparation, mounting, dismantling or adjustment, you should switch off drive, vehicle engine, vehicle immobilize and wait until all movable machine elements will stop.

• After the first hour of operation you should check the condition of all temporary fastenings, e.g. bolted joints.

• The cutter must be stored on flat, even, paved ground in a place inaccessible for unauthorized persons and animals with drawing special attention to securing knifes of cutting jaw.

• During cutter assembly and disassembly you should take care and be careful about construction elements responsible for fastening with the vehicle.

• Before you start working with the cutter you should check its technical condition as well as vehicle cooperating with it. Vehicle and cutter unit must be in good technical condition. Worn or damaged parts should be immediately replaced by the new ones.

• The cutter must be equipped with all protective shields (if they are provided by the manufacturer) which protect against accessing to movable parts. Covers must be complete and fully efficient.

• The cutter weight suspended on the vehicle may influence the vehicle's driveability. In such a situation great caution should be exercised.

• Keep this Instruction Manual accessible near the cutter. When you loan the cutter you should hand it over in good working and technical condition along with the Operation Manual.

• Before you start using the cutter, you should prepare it in accordance with the recommendations given in section: 5. Device use Cutter installation.

• Lashing to the cutter additional transport means is strictly forbidden.

• It is strictly forbidden to transport the cutter, ready to work, on public roads.

• When you start the cutter for the first time, you should check its functioning.

• Assembly protections of the cutter's bolts, should be only done with the use of typical protection means in the form of cotter pins. Work with other protective means is forbidden.

• On account of natural wear of materials you should obey recommendations described at chapter no. 6.Service and maintenance procedure steps.

• Before you start to work, you should pay special attention to the condition of the cutter's hydraulic system. The cylinder, hydraulic piping and connections must be tight. Worn or damaged parts should be immediately replaced by the new ones.

• During operation the hydraulic piping is under high pressure. When you connect or disconnect the cutter's hydraulic system with the vehicle's hydraulic system, the system must not be under pressure

• Upon receiving the cutter check its technical condition, whether it wasn't damaged.

• Staying under the raised cutter is forbidden, there is a risk of being crushed by construction elements or transported materials.

• It is forbidden to stay close to operating cutter.

• Don't put fingers and limbs between construction elements of the cutter while making adjustments or overhauls.

• The vehicle operator who operates the cutter must pay attention that no one approaches the cutter or stays close to it during operation.


• During turning or reversing, manoeuvring with the cutter, you should ensure suitable visibility for yourself or look for help of a properly trained person.

• It is forbidden for operating personnel to stay between the vehicle and the cutter when the vehicle engine is operating.

• Work on the slopes exceeding 8% is inadmissible.

• During working on slopes you should act with great caution.

• Pay special attention during turns and reversing of vehicle with suspended bale cutter, both during transport and while reversing, especially when people, animals or any objects are close to the vehicle.

• A vehicle operating with the cutter should have a cabin.

• Never leave the vehicle with the engine operating. Before you leave the driver's seat you should lower the cutter on the ground, turn off the vehicle engine, operate hand brake, and take out the ignition key.

• Do not wear unbuttoned or loose-hanging clothes while working, assembling, disassembling or making adjustments. Keep them away from construction elements as they may be caught by them.

• The cutter should be disconnected from the vehicle not earlier than after turning the vehicle engine off and taking out the ignition key.

• After finishing the work it is recommended to clean and wash the bale cutter in the washing station equipped with waste-water treatment plant or sedimentation tank for neutralization of wastewater.

• The cutter should be stored on flat, paved surface under a roof, in places protected against unauthorised persons and animals, with cutting knives protected, to eliminate the risk of accidental injury.

• In case of failure you should immediately disconnect the drive transmitted from the vehicle.

• The cutter operation by the people under an influence of alcohol, drugs or other narcotics is strictly forbidden.

• All service procedures, which need a servicing person to stay near the cutter should be done only with the cutter lowered on the ground and with the vehicle engine turned off.

• The cutter control is only possible from the vehicle cabin to which the cutter is connected, after taking the seat by the vehicle operator. The fork control may be done only from the vehicle cabin to which the fork is connected, after taking a seat by the vehicle operator.

Failure to follow the above instructions could cause risk for the operator and unauthorized persons, as well as to damage the cutter.


Risks Occuring during bale cutter operation:

no. Risk Source of risk (cause)

Excessive strain of the motor system (physical strain)

2 Falling down on the same level (stumbling, slipping etc.)

Work in standing,, forced bent over position, walking, sliding

Possible effects of the risk

Motor system diseases, backbone injuries, strained tendons


Hitting on fixed, protruding and sharp machine parts

4 Hitting by moving objects

Uneven subsoil, disorder – lying and standing objects, communication roads obstructed, slippery surfaces of the siloses

The machine and its environment

Fodder, accidental turf parts, silage falling down from the machine during transportation.

Bruising, dislocations, joint sprains, bone fractures, injures

Body injures, bruising, bumps, bruises, cuts

Protective means

Familiarize with Operation Manual, training at the work station with a consideration of lifting standards during manual transport works, proper weight lifting techniques, using other person's help, devices which make moving easier e.g. hoist, hoisting winch

Suitable protective shoes, even foundation, focused attention, keeping order, familiarizing with the Operation Manual

Proper placing of the machine, safe space to move around, proper organization of work, focused attention, use personal protective equipment – protective helmet, gloves, familiarizing with the Operation Manual

Bruising, cuts

Focused attention, marking of dangerous zone, ban on moving nearby working machine, ban on staying under suspended weightraised machine, wearing personal protective equipment – protective helmet, glasses, familiarizing with the Operation Manual

5 Sharp, dangerous edges

6 Movable machine parts

Protruding machine construction parts, use of manual tools

Movable machine elements, sliding piston rods of hydraulic cylinders, lack of movable parts shielding

Finger and hand injuries, scratches, catching loose clothes on protruding parts

Dragging in, limb injures, crushing of fingers and palms

Personal protective equipment –protective gloves, working uniform buttoned up, focused attention

Ban on moving nearby working machine, focused attention, use of movable parts shields, familiarizing with the Instruction Manual

7 Suspended and standing machine weight, loaded machine weight

Improper assembly, aggregation, bad positioning of the machine, improper operation, leaving the suspended machine on tractor, improper loading of transported feed

Bruising, feet and palms crushing

Focused attention, ban on staying under suspended weight - raised machine, using personal protective equipment - safety boots, safety gloves, safe placing of the machine, using other person's help, using jacks, cranes, familiarizing with the Operation Manual


Micro-climate – changeable atmospheric conditions

9 Noise

Work done in differential weather conditions

Too high revolutions of the vehicle engine, damaged, loose vibrating parts of the machine

Overheating (thermal shock), sun burnings

Irritation, lack of concentration, neurosis

Suitable protective clothing, drinks, creams with filters, taking breaks, familiarizing with the Instruction Manual, vehicle cabin ventilation

Work with the vehicle and the machine in good working order, routine maintenance, proper vehicle engine revolutions, familiarizing with the Instruction Manual

Sign Description Place of attaching


General warning sign warning - a risk of danger

Warning against side squeeze up

The cutter User manual

The cutter

Read the Manual User Manual

Wear protective suit

Moveable machine parts

Don't stand under load

Ban on transporting persons on transport devices

Ban on repairing the device when it is in motion

Ban on lubricating the device when it is in motion

The cutter user manual

The Cutter

The Cutter

The Cutter

The Cutter

The Cutter


The hydraulic driven bale cutter is intended for transporting and cutting bales with feed before they are directly dispensed to farm animals on closed area of private enterprise. Due to the use of automated foil grip, the machine ensures easy and quick workwithout a need of leaving the vehicle's cabin. Loader operator skills are very helpful to fully use the capabilities that this attachment gives. It is important how the bale is grabed, handled and cutted to go safely trough whole process of cutting it.

This is professional equipment for front loaders, telescopic loaders and mini-loaders fitted with standard EURO hitch. Additionally, at the customer request, the machine assembly to the vehicle can be done with the use of the following fastenings: TUZ I, TUZ II, TUZ III, SMS, ISO. Working element of the machine is upper catting jaw of the cutter, equipped with specially designed cutting knives assembly. The assembly cuts bales with feed and grip the bale during transport perfectly well. The cutter has hydraulic control system, which after connection to the vehicle allows to control operation from the vehicle cabin by the operator.

Meeting the requirements concerning machine use, servicing and repairs in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and strict observance of them is the condition of intended use of the machine. The cutter can be operated, serviced and repaired exclusively by the persons who know its detailed characteristics and got familiarized with good practices as far as health and safety at work. The manufacturer has a wide choice of accessories for the loaders, which make transport easier. The manufacturer also offers specialist consultancy concerning the choice of suitable equipment for customer's needs.

All cases of lack of clarity concerning the machine intended use, should be cleared with the cutter's manufacturer. Proper choice of the machine and awareness of its intended use will rise safety at work.


Fig.1 General view - Bale Cutter

The hydraulic driven bale cutters are adapted to co-operate with a vehicle, which has power hydraulic system as a standard of the rear and front fastenings used in agricultural vehicles.

Basic tool fastening systems existing in the cutters are as follows:

• TUZ I, TUZ II, TUZ III, TUZ IV hitch types

• EURO type coupling – as a standard

• SMS hitch

Each cutter is built of two articulated main construction elements. The first element – frame with forks is made of laser cut steel plate, bended and welded into stiff frame. Straight teeth are attached to the frame. The second element – jaw is a movable part of the cutter. It is made of welded steel elements with cutting knifes assembly attached to it. The jaw in its upper part has articulated connection to the frame with forks, and in its lower part (front part) to hydraulic cylinders. Additionally, in the central part of the frame with forks, the cylinder with hooks catching the bale foil is built-in.

The hydraulic system, which after being connected to vehicle, is controlled from the operator's cabin, allows for smooth work of the jaw in the range of 80˚. The cutter's jaw has special construction, which ensures easy bale slitting, and adjusted tooth arrangement allows for reliable and tough work s well as secure protection feed during transport.


Fig. 2 The bale cutter's setting-up with the jaw raised

Equipment and accessories


The basic equipment of the bucket consists of:

• Hydraulic control system with power hydraulic system piping and hoses

• Instruction Manual

• Warranty Card

Hand-held warning-lighting device and triangle marking plate for slow-moving vehicles do not belong to the basic equipment of the cutter. You can buy them at the manufacturer and in the agricultural machines depot for an additional cost. Every cutter user should have a warning-lighting device and a triangle marking plate for slow-moving vehicles in good working order. Ignoring their use during transport and work can result in accident. The machine user is responsible for damages resulting from an accident.


• 1. Linch pin, cotter pin, clip ø 10.5




Bale Cutter Installation

Make sure that all mounting elements of the vehicle and the cutter are matched appropriately to guarantee safe assembly and operation.

In case of the lack of clarity you should definitely contact the manufacturer of the vehicle or the cutter .

As there is a need to connect two cutter systems to the vehicle, the assembly of the cutter should be done in the following order:

i. Assembly of mechanical system of the vehicle and the bale cutter

Depending on the type of fastening system, you should provide original protections. Every time when you assembly the system you should check the wear of connecting elements: bolts and journals.

ii. Assembly of hydraulic system

The bale cutter is equipped with pipes (hoses), which need to be connected to connector pipes of the vehicle power hydraulic system. Please, make sure that the pipes (hoses) are run properly and check hydraulic connectors cleanliness. Connection should be made in accordance with schematic drawing 4

The bale cutter dismantling is carried out in reverse order with exercising special caution during disassembly of mechanical system, which separates the cutter from the vehicle.


Hydraulic control system of the bale cutter

The bale cutter operation is controlled from the vehicle operator cabin. The bale cutter is equipped with power hydraulic system terminals, which after being connected to the power hydraulic system of the vehicle ensure smooth control of its work.

The bale cutter's hydraulic system

In order to make the work easier, its manufacturer equipped the cutter with special control system. In order to make good use of the cutter's functions the following operation steps in a given order are recommended:

1. Raise cutter's jaw

2. Open hooks keeping up the foil

3. Fill the cutter with feed, grab the bale

4. Close the hooks keeping up the foil

5. Pre-clamping – transport to the place of feeding

6. Down motion of jaw – bale cutting and dropping the part of bale

7. Raise the cutter's jaw

8. Drop the rest of bale

9. Open the hooks keeping up the foil - dropping the foil


Sevicing and maintenance procedure steps

All activities connected with the cutter servicing can be done by the operator of the vehicle to which the cutter is attached provided that he is authorised to operate the vehicle. The cutter's servicing is only possible after reading the Instruction Manual.

After work servicing

Each time, after finishing the work, the cutter should be cleaned and placed on flat hardened surface. Then you should make an inspection of connections of parts and assemblies. Worn or damaged parts should be immediately replaced by new or regenerated ones. You should check all screw connections and screw in the loosen ones. All safety signs placed on the cutter should be kept clean.

After Season Maintenance

Includes all operation steps listed in the section entitled: After work servicing. Additionally, the cutter should be stored under canopy on flat hardened surface. It is recommended to place wooden blocks under the cutter. You should make sure that paint cover is tight. If there is no paint in some places you should clean up the areas and apply new protection coating layer on them.

Lubrication of movable connections

Lubrication of movable connections of the cutter is the basic maintenance operation step. All movable parts should be protected once a season with ŁT-42 grease. Clean all connections from dirt and old used grease before lubrication. If you notice any traces of wear, you should definitely replace used parts with the new ones.

Scrapping, the environment

In case of total wear of the machine to the level not allowing for its further use, it should be scrapped. This also concerns routine repairs or replacement of damaged parts. With the aim of doing it, the machine should be carefully cleaned. Drain used oil and pass it to utilization. Then you should disassemble the machine and segregate parts according to the types of used materials. Segregated parts should be passed to the scrap heap or for utilization.

The machine is a fully environmental friendly product. The materials used for its production are recyclable in 98%. Used parts of the machine should be utilized in accordance with local environment protection law. During the whole period of machine use you shouldn't allow for oil leak, which can cause environment pollution.


All machinery manufactured by Hustler in 2023 or later is covered by a 5-year warranty against manufacturing defects for the original purchaser from an authorised Hustler dealership. In the rare event that a defect is discovered, we will repair or replace the product or part at our discretion. To enjoy the benefits of our warranty, simply register your Hustler equipment online at www. and ensure that servicing or warranty claims are processed through an authorised Hustler Dealership (original proof of purchase is required).


- Puck board floors on wagons are covered for 10 years, except for fading and conditions caused by excessive ultraviolet light (UV) or outdoor exposure.

- Components are covered against damage due to manufacturing defects for the original purchaser for a period of 2 years. While we carefully select the highest-quality components for our equipment, the manufacturing of these components is outside our control. These include for example:

> Hydraulic components – hose valve blocks, motors, gearboxes, rams & grease lines

> Chains & bars

> Jack stands & tow eyes.

> Axles, hubs

> Tines

> Electronics – loadcells, Feedlink units, junction box, joysticks, spray controllers, lights, looms, solenoids, GPS systems, flow meter, sprayer valves.

> Bearings, shafts, sprockets & drive couplers.

> Plastic Covers.

> Other components.

- Paint and finish are covered for 1 year (normal wear-and-tear from general use is not covered).

- Wearing parts are covered against faulty workmanship or manufacturing defect for the original purchaser, but not for normal wear, consumption, or expiration. These include:

> Batteries

> Filters

> Tires

> Wear pads

> Brake pads

> Chain slides / guides

> Bushes

> Towing eyes or pins

> Harrow rings & casings

Labour is covered for all warranty repairs including a reasonable allowance for travel time, but mileage is excluded.

Damage or injury due to ordinary wear and tear, neglect, misuse, abuse, alterations, or modifications, accidental or intentional destruction, incorrect maintenance or storage are not covered.

Consequential damage is not covered, including continued use of the product after any defect became apparent to the user.

Damage due to modifications or alterations made to the product.

Hustler Equipment International are not responsible for any impact to business or financial loss due to the failure of machinery or component. This includes but not limited to:

> Personal liability.

> Work contract or agreements

> Revenue in profit.

Machines Manufactured PRE 2023:

> Production

> Increase in a business overhead cost

- Bale feeders, Bale handlers, Sprayers: 2 years warranty if registered. 4-year warranty if registered online.

- Sprayer Electronic Components & GPS: 1 year.

- Combis, Silage Wagons, Tip Trailers & Accessories: 2 years.


Register your warranty online! Scan the QR Code to register your warranty. Or visit

Follow our 3 easy steps:

1. Dealer or end user? Click which applies to you.

2. Follow the instructions and fill out the info required

3. Submit your form!

Note: The machine is NOT covered by warranty until the EUSA Product Registration form and your warranty form is completed!


This record is to stay with the instruction manual and be used as proof of upkeep should a claim be lodged. Hustler requires you to keep track of approx 12 monthly maintenance by having your service provider routinely fill out the log, or by keeping receipts of work done. Routine checks will save ongoing repair costs. Pre-season is the best time for this. Excluded items are wear parts and electric components.

Purchase Date ____________________ Machine serial number ___________


Date of service

Number of bales / hectares sprayed

Signature and Dealer Name


Date of service ____________________

Number of bales / hectares sprayed ___________________________________

Signature and Dealer Name ____________________________________________


Date of service

Number of bales / hectares sprayed

Signature and Dealer Name


Date of service ____________________

Number of bales / hectares sprayed ___________________________________

Signature and Dealer Name ____________________________________________


Grease all nipples

All fastenings tight

Wear parts replaced (bushes, cables etc. are not covered items)

Secure all hoses and clamps

Drive components not wobbly

Wash down + Throughly

Inpect Machine

Chassis/boom Hairline Cracks repaired

General Inspection of construction




Free call: 0800 487 853


After sales: 06 873 9520 1287 Omahu Road Hastings, 4153 New Zealand


Free call: 1800 750 428 6 Ravenhall Way, Ravenhall, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Office: (612)-351-4885 14311 Ewing Avenue South Burnsville, MN 55306


Phone: 01563 481 330 International House, Rowallan Business Park, Southcraig Ave, Kilmarnock KA3 6BQ, United Kingdom


Phone: +33 4 71 59 51 86

Lacombe, 43430 Fay-sur-Lignon, France

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