HFakhry_ NY/P Fall 2010

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Huwayda Fakhry

NY/P 2010 Critics: Dahlia Roberts, Thomas De Monchaux, Patrick O’Connor

Projects Throughout the semester I have explored the idea of anxiety in an urban setting. the way people interact within the environment by isolating specific moments and resulting behavior. With each project I have attempted to create obstructions of and orientation in order to understand how the resulting experience is mollified relentless environment.

I examined observing the the senses within the

Shirt By reassembling the classic oxford shirt into an apparatus that divides both visual and Aural sensory perception, the user becomes hyper-aware of his environment, specifically perceived hazards such as vehicles, construction zones, foot traffic and a host of other unforeseen variables.

Collage of device in use in the site

Diagram of Shirt transformation into Module

mapping experienced hazards

Chair The lc4 chaise lounge provides a kit of parts for an investigation of moments of disorientation in the garment district of New York. The lost tourist is forced to reconsider his trajectory. The reconfigured chair creates an autonomous system of filtration, operating according to the volume of foot traffic.

Reinterpreted LC4 chaise lounge

Plan view of individual entering mechanism

Diagrammatic collage exploring alternate routes within one square block

Model depicting relationship between individual trajectories at an intersection in the garment district

Room After observing couples on the highline, NYC, a taxonomy of behavior was created tracking the public, private and Intimate. Each of the couples existing within a specific realm of activity but overlapping constantly, I reformed Georges Perec’s idealized room to include these specific zones of interaction and situated the newest iteration within the Diane von furstenberg Diamond penthouse.

Elevation of A single Transformation

Axon diagram of transformations

Park In Bryant Park, I explored the idea of residual surveillance. By tracking the movement of the park furniture as well as aggregate waste, refuse, I inferred on time of day and the physical remnants of activities observed. This process speculation on the surveillance in which the occupants of the park themselves

patterns and behavior based allowed for were engaged.

axon of table movement over 8 hours

Axon of Bryant Park Plan and elevation of surveillance site

Model/Diagram of surveillance fields of subject

Diagram of inferred activity of subjects

Elapsed surveillance patterns within site according to behavior

Atelier Part 1 In the first portion of the atelier project I explored the research methods employed in the room assignment to further understand the systematic requirements for implementing a programmable space within an already programmed site. This led to an exploration of circulation and spatial relationships along a Public/Private axis.

Lincoln Center site plan including outline of occupiable space within new intervention

Planar view of occupiable space

Program diagram exploring both public/private as well as circulation. Above, Collage diagram relating program to site

Inside section of intervention Above, detail

Photographic catalog of public/private qualities within the model

Atelier Part 2 After developing a programmatic logic for the atelier at Lincoln center, I reintroduced the concept of intimate space when placing the intervention in paris. intimate space was devoid of activity and used to connect public and private zones. The final iteration explored endless fluctuation within the program by introducing the ‘thread’ as a mobile feature in the space.

Diagram exploring relationship between circulation and type of space

Plan view of model exploring circulation according to program

Diagram of cause and effect: thread and circulation

Initial model exploration

Model Iterations

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