M Arch Portfolio

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Huwayda Fakhry M Arch I / 2010

Huwayda Fakhry

NY/P 2010 Critics: Dahlia Roberts, Thomas De Monchaux, Patrick O’Connor

anx-i-ety noun

1. painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill; fearful concern or interest 2. an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with it


haz-ard noun di-rec-tion noun dis-po-si-tion noun res-i-due noun in-cor-po-ra-tion noun ad-ap-ta-tion noun

haz-ard noun

1. a source of danger 2. a chance event

Informed by the pattern of the Dior La Cigale dress, the classic oxford shirt was reassembled into an apparatus that divides both visual and aural sensory perception. the user becomes hyper aware of his environment, specifically perceived hazards such as vehicles, construction zones, foot traffic and a host of other unforseen variables.

Newly realized oxford shirt. highlighted module.

Diagram of Shirt transformation into Module. volume and shape were created through layers by cutting, folding and sewing the shirt like the skirt of the La Cigale form,

Collage of experienced hazards. One square block of orchard street between delancey and Broome.

Di-rec-tion noun 1. the line or course on which something is moving or is aimed to move or along which something is pointing or facing 2. a channel or direct course of thought or action The LC4 Chaise lounge provides a kit of parts for an investigation of moments of disorientation in the garment district of new york. the lost tourist is forced to reconsider his direction. The reconfigured chair creates an autonomous system of filtration. operating according to the volume of foot traffic.



Explored trajectories of motion within one intersection. Time frame,4 seconds.

model of individual trajectories overlaid with elevation of sidewalk.

Reinformed LC4 chaise. secondary mechanism repeats the footwork and visual disturbances associated with the lack of direction experienced by many tourists.

collage diagramming alternative routes within one square block, between 34th and 35th on 7th ave. Potential areas of confusion or disorientation can be exacerbated based on the density of the crowd at a given moment.

Plan view of mechanism. entry by an individual.

Dis-po-si-tion noun 1. the tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances 2. prevailing tendency, mood, or inclination After observing couples on the highline, NYC, a taxonomy of behavior was created tracking the public, private and intimate dispositions. Each of the couples existing within a specific realm of activity but overlapping constantly, I reformed Georges Perec’s idealized room to include these specific zones of interaction and situated the newest iteration within the Diane von furstenberg Diamond penthouse.

exploring spatial relationships within a defined capacity.

by changing the topology of the existing area, and redefining the function of the bedroom, a need for new programatic conditions emerged.

Axonometric diagram of room transformation and overlapping patterns of behavior within reformed room. Top line, public behavior visible to others on the highline. Middle, intimate behavior between occupants. Bottom, private behavior of individuals. Cross hatching represents overlapping conduct that occurs in all three zones.



1. something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated or after the completion of a process 2. remainder; rest; remnant

In Bryant Park, I examined the idea of residual surveillance. By tracking the patterns and movement of the park furniture as well as aggregate waste, refuse, I inferred behavior based on time of day and the physical remnants of recorded activities. This process allowed for speculation on the surveillance in which the occupants of the park themselves were engaged.

Plan view of aggregate zones of surveillance. time frame, 8 hours.

Plan of bryant park with detailed view of table movement over 8 hours. The mobility of the furniture within Bryant park allowed for the possibility of a constantly evolving, self-sustaining program within the site.

Top, plan and elevation of site. Left, six confirgurations based on observed activities throughout the day. Right, time elapsed surveillance zones for recorded behavior over 8 hour period.



1. to unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole 2.

to give material form to

In the first portion of the atelier project I explored the research methods employed in the room assignment to further understand the systematic requirements for incorporating a programmable space within an already programmed site. This led to an exploration of circulation and spatial relationships along a Public/Private axis. A system was developed

that included two features; every space must share both public and private elements with the public domain increasing as the area is multiplied.

Lincoln Center site plan including outline of occupiable space within new intervention. extrusions within facade blacked out.

Above, planar view of intervention. Below left, plan view exploring relationship between public and private. Below right, plan. By structuring a skin based upon previous diagramtic research, a variety of spaces were extruded in either direction, within the building and outwards, creating spatial variety that was later programmed according to systematic logic.

above, collage relating program/site to intervention. below, program

diagram relating space across public/private boundaries and sightlines.

Above, model section of extruded space. Below, detail of section.

Visual catalogue of public/private relationship within model.



1. the tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances 2. prevailing tendency, mood, or inclination After developing a programmatic logic for the atelier at Lincoln center, I reintroduced the concept of intimate space when adapting the intervention within the Opera Garnier in paris. intimate space was devoid of activity and used to connect public and private zones. The final iteration explored endless fluctuation within the program by introducing the ‘thread’ as a mobile feature in the space.

Collage of model introduced into Opera house. Circulation and subsequently program are both dynamic due to the compliance of the thread.

Diagram exploring relationship between circulation and unique type of space. Intimate space was reinterpreted as a connective realm void of programmable activity.

Above, systematic requirements of threading explained. A representing intimate space,B public and C private areas of activity. Below,abstract opera garnier; circulation diagram of model.

Diagram of cause and effect: thread and circulation

top and bottom final model with thread. center, model halved to explore section.

Model Exploration, part one. Public/private tested with opacity and density of mesh. Structural element, wood.

Model Exploration, part two. Circulation and density both tested with wire and bristol. three iterations of one logic.

* All definitions from Merriam-Webster’s.

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