February newsletter 2015

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I Can do ALL things Through CHRIST who Strengthens me!


T.A.G HELPING SEATTLE... ON A MISSION Talk about being on the MOVE! Last year, members of the T.A.G (Transforming A Generation) Ministry went to Galveston, Texas to help hurricane victims who have yet to fully recover. This year, they are branching out farther and are going to Seattle, Washington. How can you help? These teens need your help in financing their trip. Paul needed help him on his missionary journies and OUR kids do too! See Pastor Larry Williams or Miniister Zonerphia Williams for more details.


C O NNEC TT- S EATTLE Mis s io n Dis c o ve r y C a mp s Ava il a b l e : Senior High Ju nior High

Tr ip C o s t : $250 + $50 registration fee

C o s t In c l u d e s : Lod gin g Meals MD T-Shirt Devotional Booklet MD Staff to Set-Up/Oversee Project Some Ministry Supplies Evening Program

Nestled in the beauty of the Pacific NW lies the city of Seattle. The city has a diverse population made up of many ethnic groups and people from all social economic backgrounds. As in many metropolitan locations, there are forgotten and marginalized people who congregate in depressed areas of the city, where circumstances have left them hopeless and in need of relationships.

Yo ur Mis s io n : Your team will help meet the physical and spiritual needs of the Cities poorest residents. Groups, in partnership with local ministries, could : paint and repair homes restore a city park visit the elderly

Ex p e n s e s No t In c l u d e d : Airf are Spending Money Ground Trans. (to, from and during the project) Some Tools for Work Project

Re q u ir e me n t s : Tetanus Shot MD Paperwork (4/3/15) Doctor’s Signature (under 18) Leader to attend PFO

Pa y me n t In f o : Deposits:30 days after Sign-up Phase 1: 3/3/15 Phase 2: 4/4/15

Tr a v e l In f o : Fly into Seattle (SEA)

We e k l y s c h e d u l e : Arr ival Day 4 Work Days Departu re Day

Pro jec t Det ail s : Teams arrive for a leaders’ meeting, dinner, and the first evening program. The workday begins early with breakfast and individual quiet times beginning at 7:30am. Teams depart for the worksites around 9:00 and will minister through service projects. Teams will break for lunch then head back to work until 3:00. Groups will return to the camp to assist in preparing the evening meal, free time, and dinner at 5:30. Evening meetings with a great mix of music and teaching begin at 7:00, followed by small group debriefing at 8:30 and lights out at 10:30. Teams are housed at a local camp that is safe and secure. Breakfast and dinner meals are served at the camp. Lunch will be a PB&J sandwich, fruit, and snack at the worksite.

Pr e - Fie l d Or ie n t at io n : Mission Discovery is committed to mission trip training that prepares you and your team for your Mission Discovery project. The training covers the topics of Team Building, Cross Cultural Communication, Cultural Differences, and Problem Solving. Training dates will be January 23-24, 2015 and February 27-28, 2015. PFO will take place at Mission Discovery’s Camp in Westmoreland, TN. PFO is mandatory for new groups traveling with us and highly recommended for returning groups. PFO is free for one group leader and $15/person for additional leaders. More information will be provided in your trip’s Project Packet.

Mission Discovery Who We Are...

Our Mission To serve Jesus Christ by mobilizing the church to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the world’s poor

Our Staff Mission Discovery utilizes full time and part time staff as well as experienced volunteer staff to provide the best possible mission experience for your group. Senior High and Junior High projects feature great musicians and speakers who can communicate to youth.

Our Funding A portion of the operating expenses at Mission Discovery is generated from our trip fees; however, each year Mission Discovery’s staff raises the additional funds needed to meet financial needs of our organization. Gifts to Mission Discovery are tax deductible. Current financial support comes from friends, churches, fund raising events, and grants. Mission Discovery receives no government funding.

Our History In the past, the mission field was only accessible by a few select people. However, within the last three decades, there has been an explosion of interest in short-term missions. As the world becomes a “Global Village,” thousands of people are responding to the world’s needs. Mission Discovery began in 1991 as an effort to serve Jesus Christ by combining and coordinating mission resources and US churches to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the world’s poor. Since Mission Discovery’s beginning, thousands of students and adults have served the poor and shared the gospel with thousands of people in Mexico, Jamaica, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala, Africa, and the US (AZ, CO, SD, MS, VA, TX, NV, NY, and TN).

Mission Discovery Teams serve as... LEARNERS—Our teams come to discover what God is doing in the world and get involved. We come by invitation, not invasion. We come not to teach but to learn. SERV ANTS—Our teams come not to be served but to serve in the same way the Lord Jesus Christ came...as a servant and friend. STORY TELLERS—Our teams have the opportunity to tell the story of what Jesus has done and is doing in our lives.

Mission Projects Mission Discovery offers 7-10 day projects to the Bahamas, Swaziland, Jamaica, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Kenya, and the US. Mission Discovery projects are unique. All Mission Discovery projects involve construction of a vitally needed building. Most also include evangelism opportunities. Then, Mission Discovery partners with international churches to insure good follow up of new believers.

Our Statement of Faith We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His Ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. We believe that for salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost. They that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

Graduating from High School is not automatic these days. We are proud that we have several Class of 2015 Hight School Graduates in our church family. We are putting together a slide-show to celebrate with them in this joyous accomplishment. If your child is a graduate this year, please send any photos and memorable moments to Minister Leroy so that they may be a part of the slideshow. Send your photos to: leroyhargrovejr@yahoo.com

Horizon Worhship Center’s Leadership Retreat

Sometimes it’s refreshing to come together and have a little fun. The leadership of Horizon Worship Center did just that. Although there were times dedicated to teaching and instruction, these leaders let their hair down and enjoyed themselves in the Lord.

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By: Minister Leroy Hargrove Jr.

Horizon Worship Center

These scriptures are the life changing, ever living, God breathed words of God.

2015 is here and already two months are practically gone. So, how are you doing thus far? At the end of 2014, we were reminded about how important it is to finish well. The question now is, how are you starting off the new year. Sometimes quick starts can be derailed with minor setbacks and discouragements. Many of us are inspired with huge ideas and great things we plan to do for God, the kingdom and even ourselves. But as usual, as soon as we get going the oppositon comes. So, what do you do when the momentum you’ve built up to kick start your life for the new year has been stifled, bamboozzled and even halted by Satan, people in your own camp...and by even yourself. Believe it or not, sometimes WE can be our own stumbling blocks. Alot of times, we can stand in the way of our own progress. As Christians, it’s easy to quote scriptures such as, “....greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world” or “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. The key to those scriptures is faith and belief in the author of them, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As our faith in Christ grows, we can’t help but to hold onto such scriptures and begin to walk in the truth and ability that they give us. These scriptures are not written just to fill the pages of a fairy tale book. NOOOOO...these scriptures are the life changing, ever living, God breathed words of God. They are used to remind us that when opposition comes, and opposition shall come, we can remind ourselves that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, the Spirit of God that dwells in us is greater and more powerful than any other outside force. These scriptures remind us that if Christ be in us, then we can do ALL things through Christ because He is the one who WILL and SHALL strengthen us! As we begin to live these scriputes, and draw from the life and truth that they give, we can revitalize those great ideas and great things we had planned for the kingdom. Furthermore, God will begin to download His wisdom and His knowledge on how to overcome and make moves against ANY and ALL opposition that may come your way. Amen!

I Can do ALL things Through CHRIST who Strengthens me!


Baby Nevaeh Dedication of

It is a joyous occasion when a soul is born into the Kingdom of God. On February 8, 2015 baby Nevaeh was dedicated to the Lord before her parents, (Kwame & Nicole Reed), God parents (Dr. Ilonka Alexander, Pastor Larry & Minister Zonerphia Williams) and the congregation of Horizon Worship Center.

Did someone say Cookies?

KaNeshe’s Gourmet Cookies Is still open Order yours today!!! Kaneisha Cobbs Ph.(512) 961-2186 Email: kaneshesgcookies@gmail.com Web: www.kaneshegc.com

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More issues coming soon!



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Dr. H.R. Brown, PhD. & Dr. Gayle P. Brown, PhD. Founders of Covenant Apostolic Network

Covenant Apostolic Network is coming to Austin. The conference will be held April 30th -May 2nd at the beautiful Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Austin. There will be 3 days and 2 nights of the Apostolic move of God in Austin. Conference members will experience God through the preaching and teachings of well established men of God, including Dr. Mark Chironna.

* Night Sessions: Open to everyone * Day Sessions: By registration only

Dr. Mark Chironna Mark J. Chironna has been in the people-helping business for more than four decades. With a media presence spanning almost 175 nations, his message of wholeness through the integration of the spiritual and psychological is heard across the globe. He has a father’s heart for emerging generations and serves as the Presiding Bishop of Legacy Edge Alliance, a worldwide fellowship of senior apostolic leaders and churches.

Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Austin 6505 N Interstate 35 Austin, Texas 78752-4346 (512) 454-3737

Registration fee: TBA

Support Kingdom

Our Vision That people from all ethnic groups and diverse backgrounds, come together in one place to form a grater union. This unity operating in love and mutual respect reflects the unconditional love of God. Our Purpose We are a ministry of transformation, called by God to make a radical change in people’s lives. Our Mission To lead people from all walks of life, into a growing and transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. We accomplish our mission by creating environments, in which people can come and grow in their intimacy with Jesus Christ, build relationships and reach out to others. If you have anything that you would like submitted to the HWC Newsletter, please see Minister Leroy Hargrove, or email at: newsletter@hwcaustin.com

Apostle B.W. Hines

Social Media: We’re connected, so check us out!!!

Horizon Worship Center 1006 E. Yager Lane, Ste., 115-A Austin, Texas 78753 (512) 391-0560 Email: info@hwcaustin.com Web: www.hwcaustin.com

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