6th Annual Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference: Rejuvenating Sisterhood

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2nd Annual Part of the Cure Seminar Series FUN! PRIZES! SISTERHOOD!

Sessions Include: Physical & Mental Wellness Self– Empowerment Relationships Much More!!!

Coming June 2009!!!! To learn more visit www.partofthecure.org For more Information call: 443-927-7805

Letter from the Directors

April 18, 2009

Greetings, We pray this message finds you in peace. On behalf of the conference committee, we sincerely thank you for your support and welcome you to the 6th Annual Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference! Each year we enjoy the opportunity to offer this experience to our community in hope of reclaiming our communal sisterhood. We pray that this day lifts your spirit and empowers you to move forward toward your personal success. We believe that your success is our success and collectively we heal our communities. Thus, our theme this year is Rejuvenating Sisterhood. Imagine if all women, no matter the racial barriers or social class, treated each other like sisters? What would the world be like? How would our children be different? Under no circumstance, are we implying perfection, just the willingness to commit to healthy women and healthy communities. Just like family we may not always agree or even get along, but in the end we are always there for each other. As women in the 21st century, we must re-learn the lesson once lost, how to be supportive, encouraging and most important of all, a reflection of the divinity in each of us. Every woman is a precious gift from the Creator and must be treated as such. We are never all on the same page at the same time, but, will have some of the same trials and tribulations. It is time for us to come back together, to reclaim our children, reclaim our communities, and take back our lives. As women we collectively own the power to move mountains. However, if we continue to argue over molehills, how can we possibly get the big stuff out of our way? Let us claim the fact that we can rejuvenate, re-energize, and revitalize the life of sisterhood. I am my sister’s keeper, her best friend, her confidant, her reflection, and her support. Your Sisters,

Mothyna James-Brightful

Monokia Tyson

Mothyna James-Brightful Visionary Director Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation

Monokia Tyson Executive Director Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation

“I am Part of the Cure!”

Celebrity Mom Panel Meshelle Forman Shields

Actress/ Comedienne/ Motivational Speaker Meshelle has performed at the NAACP National Convention’s Act-So dinner and the Sally Jesse Raphael Show- in both settings she received standing ovations. Meshelle was featured on a five-city tour with, “The African American Women on Tour (2000), featuring Debbie Allen, Bertice Berry, Marcia Ann Gillespie, Debrena Jackson Gandy and other noted women. In addition, Meshelle has provided opening performances for Patti LaBelle and Regina Belle.

Dr. Mahalia A. Hines

Principal of John Hope College Prep High School, Chicago Mother of Hip Hop Artist & Actor Common Dr. Mahalia A. Hines is currently the principal at John Hope College Prep High School (6th –12th) in Chicago. Mahalia was the principal at Thomas Hendricks Academy a (pre-k-8) elementary school in Chicago. She is a mentor for prospective principals and a coach for first year principals for Chicago Public Schools’ Leadership Academy, and Advisor/Coach for new principals of small high schools in East Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Hines received her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Illinois, Masters from Northeastern University and Under-graduate degree from Central State University.

Dr. Brenda Green

Professor of English and Executive Director of the Center for Black Literature at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York Mother of Hip Hop Artist Talib Kweli Professor Greene’s research and scholarly work includes composition, African American literature, and multicultural literature. She is Director of the National Black Writers Conference and Greene is editor with Fred Beauford of Meditations and Ascensions: Black Writers on Writing, Third World Press, 2008

Sheron Smith

Author, Motivational Speaker Mother of Hip Hop Artist Mos Def Sheron Smith, mother of Grammy Nominated actor and rapper Mos Def. Sheron raised her family in a one of Brooklyn’s toughest neighborhood Roosevelt housing project. Smith is the author of Shine Your Light: A Life Skills Workbook. Smith, a sought after speaker, has a powerful story a single mother raising a highly successful son in a toxic society.

Cassandra Mack

Founder and CEO of Strategies for Empowered Living, Inc. Affectionately donned, *The First Lady of Urban Self-Help,* Cassandra Mack, MSW, bridges clinical approaches with practical approaches to empower women. Cassandra is a nationally respected consultant and author. She’s written and published several successful books including: The Single Mom’s Little Book of Wisdom, Cool, Confident and Strong: 52 Power Moves for Girls, and The Black Man’s Little Book of Encouragement.

Dana Bankins

Local Mother and Grandmother who has raised five sons Dana Bankins is a mother of five sons and a grandmother. Passionate about working with children and families Ms. Bankins is a Mentor Coach with the Institute of Interactive Instruction in Prince Georges County, MD. Bankins is a longtime resident of Baltimore City.

Conference Itinerary 9:00 am

Registration Opens

9:20- 10:05 am

Morning Activities (Tawes Center Lobby) • Self Defense • Healing Marketplace • Rejuvenation Station

10:15 am



Workshop Session 1

12:00- 12:35pm

Marketplace/ Networking


Luncheon with Celebrity Mom Panel


Workshop Session 2


Workshop Session 3


Closing Ceremony

If you have any questions please check with a volunteer or at the registration table.

Workshops Session 1-- 10:40- 11:55pm

Creating a Balanced Life: Takeyah Young Room: Coppin Center Lobby

Do you struggle with taking time to do the things you “really” want to do? Are you concerned about what to do to feel your best? The body constantly sends messages as to what it needs and it speaks volumes about our nourishment level. Core Connection Lifestyle supports an integrated approach to wellness and balance. Whether dietary, spiritual, career-related or physical, individual needs are examined and attainable goals will be set. Come learn what the right approach is for you and take action by tuning into your body’s needs to achieve greater balance.

Getting in Shape and Staying There: LaKisha Greenwade Room: Tawes Center Lobby

Tight N Right Enterprises LLC will provide a “Focus on Fitness” workshop for the woman on the go. Learn how to succeed in your fitness regiment by combating stress and negative emotions, picking the right foods, and beginning a workout program that works for you!

Eat the Cure “Taking Care of Me First”: Dr. Baruch Ben- Yehudah Room: Tawes Center Quiet Lounge

Think flight attendant: “In case of emergency place the oxygen mask over your face first.” The initial response is “but what about….The idea of saving yourself first is contrary to instinct. How is this important for you? If we don’t take the proper precautions the intent of helping our loved ones gets lost in our inability to take care of our own health. We all have loved ones who are looking to us for the answer, who are waiting for us to change so they can follow in our footsteps. There is no better opportunity than now to be that role model and demonstrating your commitment to others by: “TAKING CARE OF ME FIRST!” Participants in this interactive workshop will receive knowledge, resources, tools, and strategies which will enable and empower them to help themselves or others to achieve and maintain optimal health.

YES, WE CAN!: Rhonda Boozer Room: Tawes Center Game Room

Yes, we can take care ourselves! Yes, we can live life to the fullest, and yes, we can beat breast cancer! This informative and interactive workshop will address why women of color are diagnosed with breast cancer at lower rates than other women, but die at higher rates, and what we can do about it. You will learn why cervical cancer can also be a “silent killer.” Learn how nutrition, healthy lifestyle practices/choices, and taking charge of your own health can help save your life! As a special treat, there will be cancer survivors on hand to share their own stories of survival.


Session 2—2:30- 3:45pm “The Wealth Spa…”: Tiffany Lymon Room: Coppin Center Lobby

This workshop will empower women to take control over their financial past, present and future. In this workshop, I will provide women with action principles that can be applied to increase their net worth, their sleep quotient and their overall lifestyle.

One Life to Live-Rejuvenating the Dream: Brandy Adamson Room: Tawes Center Lobby

Women around the globe dream of building a thriving company but don’t believe it is within their reach – fear of failure, or admittedly fear of success keep many women from taking the steps to establish their business. You have one life to live – successfully present your talents to the world. Participants in this session will learn 9 steps to make their dream of entrepreneurship a reality.

Which Number One First?: Alison Velez Lane Room: Tawes Center Game Room

Balancing your gifts, talents, abilities, obligations, goals and desires requires purposeful planning and positioning. This workshop will offer strategies and solutions for goal setting, decision making and relationship building. Participants will prepare a visionary file folder to guide them in balancing their affirmations, attitudes and actions.

Mastering “A” Power, Positive First Impression: Doris D. Cutler Room: Tawes Center Quiet Lounge

This is a thought-provoking powerful session on how to master first impressions. Mastering a powerful, positive first impression will help form and brighten up your image for both personal and career development. This workshop is a must have for every woman seeking to know, understand and cultivate her purpose for next level living. There are 3 powerful parts to this workshop: • The A’s of A Winning Image: Attitude, Appearance & Associates • First Impressions “R” Lasting Impressions: Make Your First 5 Minutes Count • Effective Interviewing & Resume’: Knowing Where It Starts?


Session 3—3:50pm 5:05pm Healthy Relationships = A Good Life!: Dr. Cecil Gray Room: Coppin Center Lobby

You can have a great relationship, the kind of union that fulfills your wildest expectations, and gives you the kind of foundation and support that makes your life everything you ever imagined – and more. If this is what you want, Healthy Relationships = A Good Life is for you. This workshop will provide information that helps to empower couples to navigate through their relationship to come up with workable solutions and maintain joyful, healthy marriage. MESLD is not just great for marriages; however, the MESLD program is an incredible system works for all types of relationships, for any ages as well as any stages. During the workshop, participants will be provided with tools to support getting to a healthy relationship.

Creating A Stress Free Home: Maxine Dennis Room: Tawes Center Conference Room

This workshop will includes a meditation session and will consist of teaching women how to recognize signs and symptoms of stress, relaxation exercises (proper breathing and meditation), and mindful living (emotions, nutrition and breathing). The workshop is done in a relaxed environment where each topic is discussed and relaxation exercises done. We will create rejuvenating ambience with candles and relaxing music and teach the ladies jewels that they can start using today for Stress-Free tomorrows. (special emphasis on ways to cope daily in familiar (Mom, Single Mom, Spouse or Significant other) environments)

Love & Loyalty: “Am I My Sister’s Keeper?”: Ria Clark and Julie Wilson Room: Tawes Center Quiet Lounge

Love & Loyalty: “Am I My Sister’s Keeper?” is a small course in the dynamics of sisterhood. Learn how to portray other women as allies and not enemies. Women will learn to apply the fundamental principles of love and loyalty in order to be better friends and sisters. In addition to, increasing self esteem and abolishing feelings of jealousy and animosity towards one another. We will also teach the participants 10 steps on how to reposition themselves for a new life of LOVE, LOYALTY AND SISTERHOOD. Topics include forgiveness, motherhood and relationships.

Women and Depression: Staying on Our Feet: Maxine Bigby Cunningham and Kathryn S. Farinholt Room: Tawes Center Game Room

Depression is when the blues don’t go away. Depression affects our mood, mind, body and behavior; our families and our communities. Women experience twice the rate of depression as men, regardless of race or ethnicity. In this interactive workshop, participants will receive tools, strategies and resources for recognizing and managing depression and for supporting others who have this biologically based brain illness. Participants will receive keys for maintaining mental balance and “staying on our feet”.

Raising Him Alone Track (workshops designed for single mothers raising boys/ all participants are welcome to attend) These workshops run every session 10:40 am - 11:55 am, 2:30 am - 3:45 pm, and 3:50pm - 5:05 pm. Father Factor: Addressing the Pain of Our Sons Experiencing an Absent Daddy: Richard Rowe and Adeyemi Bandele Building: Grace Jacobs Room: 120

This workshop will provide single mothers raising boys with strategies to cope with the absence of the father in the life of their son. Most would agree that fathers play a key role in the development of male children. Whether its role modeling or teaching boys about the “world of men” the role of a father can’t minimized. With so many boys growing up without fathers the pain experienced by boys often causes issues with identity and self worth. Teaching mothers strategies to cope with the void of an absent father can reduce the likelihood that boys will become involved in self destructive behaviors.

Coping with the Day to Day Struggles of Being a Single Mother: Dr. Melva Green Building: Tawes Center Room: Fireside Lounge

Being a single parent can be a frightening experience for many mothers. Feelings of loneliness, guilt and isolation often plague single mothers. With the day to day responsibilities of working, being a parent and maintaining a balance life can be difficult. This workshop will focus on supporting parents feelings of anxiety and depression related to being a single parent raising a boy.

Making Ends Meet on a Tight Budget (Creating a Family Budget) - Stacie Price Building: Library Room: 004

Single mothers raising a family on one income can be challenging from making choices about food and prioritizing choices about things the family may need vs. things the family may want. In today’s economy sound decisions about your finances can help or hinder your family’s financial future. This workshop will focus on making solid financial decisions during tough times.

Mom’s Role in Supporting Manhood Development Among Boys: Darlene Brown Building: Coppin Center Gym

Often conventional wisdom would suggest that a mother can’t raise a boy to be a man. At a time when so many boys are growing up in single headed households mothers are accepting a greater role in helping their sons define manhood and masculinity. This workshop will support mothers in their quest to raise healthy productive boys to become men.

“It takes too much energy to be mad... I will love instead and move forward. “

Presenters The HWHN Planning Committee is so grateful to our many wonderful presenters. Learn more about them and how to reach them below. Creating a Balanced Life: Takeyah Young

Takeyah A. Young is the Founder and Director of Core Connection Lifestyle, a company dedicated to providing life essentials for well-being and tools for balanced living. Takeyah’s mission is to empower people to live their dreams in balance; connect the actions in their lives to their dreams; and inspire them to take living personally. Through health counseling, lifestyle coaching, and sustainable living consulting, she serves as her clients’ personal advocate for living an energized and passionate life. She is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Speaker, and Educator with a private practice offering assistance countrywide. To get tips for healthy living, to discover your potential for growth, and to learn more about Core Connection Lifestyle, please visit www.coreconnectionlifestyle.com

Eat the Cure: Dr. Baruch Ben- Yehudah

For over 20 years Dr. Baruch Ben-Yehudah has dedicated himself to improving the overall health and welfare of humanity, perpetuating the benefits of living a vegan lifestyle. Dr. Baruch is a naturopathic healer/educator, nutritional consultant, marriage counselor and a seasoned business pioneer in the health industry. Dr. Baruch developed a revolutionary concept called “Eat the Cure”, which shows us how we can cure ourselves from virtually every known ailment by taking a proactive approach to what we allow to enter our bodies. In 2007, Dr. Baruch began his tenure as a featured health expert on the ABC syndicated Michael Baisden show. His focus on the physical well-being of his clientele led Dr. Baruch to serving the broader community with the founding of the Everlasting Life Health Complex in Washington, D.C. and Capital Heights, Maryland.

Focus on Fitness: LaKisha Greenwade

LaKisha Greenwade is founder and President of Tight N Right Enterprises LLC. After graduating from The Ohio State University and working in Minneapolis, she moved to Baltimore, MD in 2005, where her business was born. As a result she won the Living in Purpose Entrepreneur’s award in 2005 and was recently featured for the CNN Black in America series. In Baltimore, LaKisha has served as a coach for Girls on the Run, teaching 3rd-6th grade girls the importance of self esteem while training them to run a 5K; as well as a board and committee member the Baltimore Urban League, Greater Baltimore Leadership Association. To learn more visit www.tightnright.com or call 410) 908-8103.

Yes We Can!: Rhonda Boozer

Rhonda Boozer is a Community Health Educator with The Baltimore City Cancer Program. The Cancer Program is a community-based initiative of the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center. To learn more visit www.umgcc.org or call 1-800-888-8823.

“The Wealth Spa…”: Tiffany Lymon

Tiffany L. Lymon is a strategic advisor and the President of Mind Over Money, LLC – an international business training and development organization. Since founding Mind Over Money, LLC, Tiffany has had the opportunity to serve as a small business coach, workshop facilitator and trainer for various national and international organizations and also the host of a successful series of workshops, Sensibili-TEAS. To stay engaged with her colleagues and clients, Mrs. Lymon serves on the Board of the National Association of Women Business Owners, Baltimore Regional Chapter, and is a member of the Financial Planning Association, Circle of Champions Seminars, and the Women in Business Network of America and internationally she serves the FIA International Charity. For more info visit www.mindovermoneyllc.com

One Life to Live-Rejuvenating the Dream: Brandy Adamson

Ms. Adamson is the CEO of Alive Incorporated, a firm providing clients with business consulting, brand management, marketing and coaching services. Ms. Adamson also publishes ALIVE Magazine, a bi-monthly publication for aspiring and current entrepreneurial women of color. This magazine motivates, inspires, and encourages women to bring dreams to life. A business and life coach, she coaches entrepreneurs and professionals to identify priorities and align their values and actions while developing effective strategies to make progress toward life goals. Ms. Adamson is also a public and motivational speaker. Her most requested programs are in the areas of empowerment, entrepreneurship and diversity. Ms. Adamson is a featured columnist. For more information, visit www.alivemagonline.com or email at coach@aliveincorporated.com.

Which Number One First?: Alison Velez Lane

Bio: Alison Velez Lane, Esquire is a private attorney, leadership coach and professional development trainer. “Clear and Creative Communication” and “Directed and Developed Leadership” are her core training and coaching themes. Alison is a Co-Founder of SisterWork, an online and in-person networking forum for Black women. She has served as President of the Alliance of Black Women Attorneys of Maryland and Chair of the Young Lawyers Division of the Bar Association of Baltimore City. Early in her professional career, The Daily Record distinguished her as one of “Maryland’s Top 100 Women” and the Baltimore Business Journal designated her as one of “40 Under 40” business leaders. Ms. Lane is completing her first book. Sister Work: Women Taking Care of Business. Alison is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, Bryn Mawr College and Western High School.

Mastering “A” Power, Positive First Impression: Doris D. Cutler

Doris D. Cutler is the Founder and President of Divine Images Network, Inc., a non-profit Women’s Empowerment & Image Consultant Group, dc Coaching Consultants, LLC, The ILS Empowerment Training and Resource Program, The Smart Women’s Series and The Carver Hall Family Strengthening Center all for Women and Children. Divine Images Network, Inc. is based in Prince George’s County Maryland where Doris currently resides with her family. She is affectionately known to many and prefers to be called, Dee Dee. For booking or coaching contact her today: ddcutler@divineimagesnetwork. org.

Healthy Relationships = A Good Life: Dr. Cecil Gray

Dr. Cecil Gray is a global man who serves local people. Dr. Gray serves as Pastor of Northwood-Appold United Methodist Church, Baltimore, Maryland. He currently teaches in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Morgan State University and in the Department of Theology at Africa University (in Zimbabwe). Dr. Gray is an author, lecturer, consultant and facilitator for numerous spiritual centers and community organizations in the US and abroad. Dr. Gray also serves as Program Manager of the Marriage Education and Servant-Leadership (MESLD) Healthy Marriage Program. MESLD is an organization that teaches skills and information to married couples and others to help sustain and revitalize marriages, families, the community, and our entire country. Dr. Gray is married to Sonya Hunt Gray and they are they thankful parents of daughter, Nettsaanett Amma Ruvarashe Victoria Hunt Gray. To contact Dr. Gray please call 410.323.6712 or visit MESLD online at WWW.MESLD.ORG.

Creating a Stress Free Home by Maxine Dennis:

Founder of Tranquil Blessings, LLC./Stress Free Kids Zone, was inspired to start through an obvious need she witnessed in her own family and community. She is a single mother of two girls of her own (12 and 5 yrs old), facilitates Court mandated Positive Parenting Classes in Prince Georges County, MD., facilitates Stress-Free Living Workshops nationwide for children and adults and is a Certified Massage Therapist. Experiences from the combination of these three things has shown her what mindful living (or the lack thereof) can do for a family. A commitment to providing families with information on taking care of themselves is the force behind her drive.

Love & Loyalty: “Am I My Sister’s Keeper?”: Ria Clark and Julie Wilson

Ria Clark and Julie Wilson are Co-Founders of SIRCLES, a non-profit Wellness Group for Women. As wellness coaches and motivational speakers, their charity work through SIRCLES encompasses domestic violence awareness, feeding the poor in our community, teen pregnancy and building healthy relationships. Ms. Clark and Mrs. Wilson have been on the 93.9 FM (Russ Parr Morning Show), Robyn Holden of 89.3 FM and appeared on Success Filled Living, a DC cable network show relative to people making a difference in the community. They have also spoken at various conferences and workshops throughout the Metropolitan area. They are also in partnership with the Adams House through the P.G. County Health & Wellness Division to mentor and conduct workshops to women in transition. For a calendar of upcoming events and more information about SIRCLES, please visit www.sircles.org

Women and Depression: Staying on Our Feet: Maxine Bigby Cunningham and Kathryn S. Farinholt

Maxine Bigby Cunningham is an author, public speaker and wellness advocate. She attended Goucher College and received a Masters of Public Administration degree from Syracuse University. Maxine was a senior executive in the federal government and she works with grassroots nonprofit organizations. She is also an ambassador for NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness). NAMI provides education, support and advocacy for persons who have a mental illness and for their families. Maxine’s efforts focus on mental health and: cultural competency, children, somatic effects, and spirituality. In 2008, Maxine published POWER WALKING, a Journey to Wholeness, her personal story of living with depression. Contact: maxinebigby.cunningham@gmail.com


Kathryn (Kate) Farinholt is the Executive Director of NAMI-Metropolitan Baltimore. She received her Juris Doctor from the Washington College of Law at American University. Kate practiced law in New York, Wilmington and Baltimore. Kate has worked with NAMI for more than 12 years at the local, State and national levels. NAMI-Metropolitan Baltimore was chosen as the “Outstanding Local Affiliate for 2004” from over 1500 affiliates. Kate helped develop and pilot national and local programs, is a national and state trainer and has served on major task forces relating to mental illness and criminal justice. Kate is a graduate of Leadership Baltimore County, is a Weinberg Fellow (Maryland) and received the 2008 national NAMI Executive Director Excellence Award. She is personal representative for her sister who has coped with paranoid schizophrenia for over 40 years. Contact: kfarinholt@nami.org; www.nami.org/sites/namimetrobaltimore

Making Ends Meet on a Tight Budget (Creating a Family Budget) - Stacie Price

Stacie L. Price is CEO and President of Visionary Financial Strategies, Inc. (VFS), an independent financial services brokerage firm that offers a diverse selection of insurances and investments. Ms. Price has been educating and servicing families across the U.S. for the past eight years in the area of financial planning. As an extension of her belief in the need for financial literacy, Stacie is also President of Generational Wealth, Inc., a company that holds financial literacy camps to empower and educate high school and college students about personal money management. Stacie majored in Economics and Information Management Systems at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. She was selected as one of Baltimore’s “40 Under 40” by the Baltimore Business Journal in September 2006 and was an invited presenter for the 2007 Black CEO Summit in Baltimore, MD. To reach Ms. Price visit her website at www.vfstrategies.com or email call 1-888-783-8656

Father Factor: Addressing the Pain of Our Sons Experiencing an Absent Daddy- Richard Rowe and Adeyemi Bandele Richard A. Rowe is the President and Chief Operating Officer of the African American Male Leadership Institute, which is a resource development, information sharing and advocacy organization. The primary mission of the AAMLI is to advocate for the optimal development of African American males and to connect African American men to family life. With over 25 years of experience, Mr. Rowe has provided training to hundreds of volunteers, educators and organizations. He has lectured locally and nationally on issues related to mentoring, male leadership and responsibility; enhancing single mother-son relationships; and fatherhood. Mr. Rowe graduated from both the University of Baltimore and Morgan State University. He is a contributing writer to several local and national publications and Web Sites, including Black Parenting Magazine, A Good Black Man. Com, The Journal of Black Manhood, and Black Fatherhood. To reach Mr. Rowe please visit www.aamli.org.

“I know self-love... is not selfish. “ 11

Naturally Redefined Sisterlocks™ is a method of hair locking without extensions, gels, or waxes that provides maximum stylability and encourages hair growth and health. Naturally Redefined specializes in the installation and maintenance of Sisterlocks™. Call to Schedule a Consultation Tamara Muhammad . 443.831.7119


naturallyredefined@gmail.com naturally

Healing Village Marketplace Tawes Center Lobby (The marketplace closes at 4:15pm)

Zuresh www.zuresh.com (Beauty & health products,)

Raising Him Alone Initiative www.raisinghimalone.com (Books, Information)

Alluring Creations by K.A.H. Karen.green@dhs.gov (Jewelry & Mother’s Day Baskets)

Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. www.partofthecure.org (books, t-shirts, bags)

Ida Clowney iclowney@aol.com (Dolls)

Coppin State University www.coppin.edu (Information table)

Success Secrets, LLC www.successchick.com 301-785-8998 (Book) Shea Essentials www.sheaessentials.com (health products, books, beauty products, product demonstrations)

MONAVIE Angela Ballard-Carr 202- 258- 3076 angcarr@hotmail.com (Health products)

Mary Kay Cosmetics/ Dana Style Fitness staceyarmstrong@marykay.com (Skin care products, beauty products, personal trainer services) Malika Kambe Umfazi Sorority, Inc. www.malikakambeumfazi.org (Information Table) Ryze n’ Shyne www.supremejustyce.com (Self-esteem items for girls, pooters, comic books, t-shirts,) Maryland Insurance Administration jmobley@mdinsurance.state.md.us (Information table) ShiMyer International www.shimyerinc.com (Jewelry, hand bags & accessories)

Traci Lynn Tonya Jones tonyajonest@aol.com (Jewelry) Frankie Nicole, Author of “Scratches” info@frankienicole.com (books) M2 Marketing Communications/ Legacies Ink Monica Morales Loving monica.loving@verizon.net legacyink@yahoo.com (concept marketing communications, targeted campaigns, intergrated print2web ) with About Time Resource ( production, color and volume printing, quality finishing, oversize images + mounting) Askia Printing askiaprinting@verizon.net www.xslaves.com (Afro-centric t-shirts)


Meet New Faces/ Networking Guide Name________________________________________________________ Business/Organization___________________________________________ Phone________________________ Email __________________________ Website______________________________________________________ More Info_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Name________________________________________________________ Business/Organization___________________________________________ Phone________________________ Email __________________________ Website______________________________________________________ More Info_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Name________________________________________________________ Business/Organization___________________________________________ Phone________________________ Email __________________________ Website______________________________________________________ More Info_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Name________________________________________________________ Business/Organization___________________________________________ Phone________________________ Email __________________________ Website______________________________________________________ More Info_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Name________________________________________________________ Business/Organization___________________________________________ Phone________________________ Email __________________________ Website______________________________________________________ More Info_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Name________________________________________________________ Business/Organization___________________________________________ Phone________________________ Email __________________________ Website______________________________________________________ More Info_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Affirmation The following affirmation has been created to remind you of your personal commitment to being a healing agent in your life, in your community and thus for your nation.

I, your name here, own the power to heal my family, my community and myself. I understand that spiritual, physical, emotional and mental wellness is necessary to accomplish this goal. I know that there are fellow queens able and willing to aide me in this task of healing. I affirm to make this reality my life’s work. I am part of the cure.


The HWHN Conference Planning Committee would like to acknowledge the following businesses, organizations and individuals for their generous support and contributions:

Presented by Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. and Coppin State University Office of Student Activities

Sponsors Rejuvenators About Time Resource ( ATR ) M2 Marketing Communications/ Legacies, Ink Raising Him Alone Initiative Institute for Interactive Instruction Open Society Institute - Campaign for Black Men and Boys


Platinum Tee’s Sue Ann’s Office Supply The Helene Fuld School of Nursing, Coppin State University


All Points Graphics Be Framed Daria Johnson - Photographer Gypsy Soul-Event Planning & Consulting Jennifer Combs- Public Relations Specialist Master Monique Washington- Self Defense Instructor Meshelle Forman-Shields Morgan State University Spokesman Newspaper National Council of Negro Women- Morgan State University Chapter Perry Sweeper - Graphic Designer Rebecca Tabb - www.rebeccatabb.com Sa Mut A. Scott Tiimothy Christmas - Photographer Tranquil Blessings - Rejuvenation Station WEAA 88.9FM All Participants All Volunteers 17

HEAL A WOMAN TO HEAL A NATION Organizational Overview

Founded in 2004, what started as a pamper party turned into a day of empowerment and prestige. As a community service initiative Mothyna James, Miss Morgan State University 2003- 2004, sought to provide a day of pampering for women. However, in an effort to serve the whole woman, workshops, resource material and a keynote address were added to the relaxation activities. Thus, April 2004 marked the birth of The Heal a Woman, Heal a Nation (HWHN) conference held at Morgan State University sponsored by Vivian Ryan and the Office of Student Activities. The conference’s goal was to aid in fostering a relationship between collegiate women and women in the surrounding community. It persuaded its participants to look to each other and to become the vanguard for positive change within their communities. The uniqueness and originality of the HWHN conference stems from its target audience, this conference is not only marketed to collegiate and professional women but also women who live in transitional housing. In 2007 we underwent a slight name change to clarify our purpose and meaning. Now, The Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation conference has grown to incorporate several community partners including Baltimore City Public Schools Community Schools Initiative, The Afro-American Newspaper and Malika Kambe Umfazi Sorority, Inc. In order to further its mission the Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference has grown to Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. is a community based organization that promotes holistic wellness for women and families through education, physical and mental health, economic and self empowerment. We heal our communities by first building and repairing the lives of women. HWHN believes that healthy, educated and empowered women produce healthy, educated and thriving communities.


Our vision is to gather, educate and encourage women from all cultures and backgrounds to utilize each other for our common goals of personal, community and nationwide advancement.


Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. will serve the needs of families by first building and repairing the lives of women through areas of health, education, economic and self empowerment.

Organizational Objectives

• To promote and foster strong healthy families in order to produce sustainable healthy communities. • To empower women to achieve their goals as working professionals and home builders. • To provide support and services which will empower women and girls to build and repair their lives in the areas of health, education, economic and self empowerment • To cultivate unity among women, by creating strong working relationships thus eliminating societal barriers in order to restore sisterhood

Contact Us

General Inquiries: info@partofthecure.org Conference Inquires: conference@partofthecure.org Phone: 443. 925.7805 Website: www.partofthecure.org


“The Raising Him Alone Campaign has helped me connect to organizations and information that has already helped me better support my family. I am raising five sons in Brooklyn. I need all the help I can get. I love the web site. Very useful information for me and my boys.” Wanda Peterson, single mother raising five boys Brooklyn, NY

Raising Him Alone (RHA) is dedicated to researching, designing, and implementing a campaign to support the social well being of single mothers raising boys. Through a series of intense community forums, workshops and support group initiatives, RHA seeks to increase access to resources in the areas of Health & Well Being (Mental Health), Educational Support & Advocacy, as well as Financial Literacy. Don’t believe the hype! Women across the United States regardless of educational levels and incomes find themselves raising children alone. For mothers of color this phenomenon has become particularly acute. In many communities “unofficially” as many as 80% of the mothers within a census track are single mothers. Get connected to the campaign by visiting www.raisinghimalone.com Facebook (single mother raising boys – group)


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