8th Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference: Essentially Me

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Essent ially Me


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Essent ially Me


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9:00 am . ..................Registration Opens / Breakfast (Grand Fellowship Hall) 9:20- 10:05 am ........................... Morning Activities Zumba with Adelicia (Grand Fellowship Hall) Healing Marketplace Rejuvenation Station 10:15 am............... Welcome (Grand Fellowship Hall) 10:40-11:55am........................ Workshop Session 1 (Adult Learning Center) 12:00- 12:35pm...........Marketplace and Networking 12:45-2:45............................Buffet Lunch/ Speaker (Grand Fellowship Hall) 2:50-4:05pm........................... Workshop session 2 (Adult Learning Center) 4:10- 5:15pm..............................Closing Ceremony (Grand Fellowship Hall) .............................................................................. Onsite child care is in the Multipurpose Room. .............................................................................. If you have any questions please check with a volunteer or at the registration table.

AFFIRMATION The following affirmation has been created to remind you of your personal commitment to being a healing agent in your life, in your community and thus for your nation. ________________________________________ I, your name here, own the power to heal my family, my community and myself. I understand that spiritual, physical, emotional and mental wellness is necessary to accomplish this goal. I know that there are fellow queens able and willing to aide me in this task of healing. I affirm to make this reality my life’s work.

I am part of the cure.

Organizat ional Overview Founded in 2004, what started as a pamper party turned into a day of empowerment and prestige. As a community service initiative Mothyna James, Miss Morgan State University 2003- 2004, sought to provide a day of pampering for women. However, in an effort to serve the whole woman, workshops, resource material and a keynote address were added to the relaxation activities. Thus, April 2004 marked the birth of The Heal a Woman, Heal a Nation (HWHN) conference held at Morgan State University sponsored by Vivian Ryan and the Office of Student Activities. The conference’s goal was to aid in fostering a relationship between collegiate women and women in the surrounding community. It persuaded its participants to look to each other and to become the vanguard for positive change within their communities. The uniqueness and originality of the HWHN conference stems from its target audience, this conference is not only marketed to collegiate and professional women but also women who live in transitional housing. In 2007 we underwent a slight name change to clarify our purpose and meaning. Now, The Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation conference has grown to incorporate several community partners including The Raising Him Alone Initiative, The Office on

Contact Us General Inquiries: info@partofthecure.org Conference Inquires: conference@partofthecure.org Phone: 443. 925.7805 Website: www.partofthecure.org

Minority Women’s Health and Malika Kambe Umfazi Sorority, Inc. In order to further its mission the Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference has grown to Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. is a community based organization that promotes holistic wellness for women and families through education, physical and mental health, economic and self empowerment. We heal our communities by first building and repairing the lives of women. HWHN believes that healthy, educated and empowered women produce healthy, educated and thriving communities.


Our vision is to gather, educate and encouragAe women from all cultures and backgrounds to utilize each other for our common goals of personal, community and nationwide advancement.


Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. will serve the needs of families by first building and repairing the lives of women through areas of health, education, economic and self empowerment.

Organizational Objectives

• To promote and foster strong healthy families in order to produce sustainable healthy communities. • To empower women to achieve their goals as working professionals and home builders. • To provide support and services which will empower women and girls to build and repair their lives in the areas of health, education, economic and self empowerment • To cultivate unity among women, by creating strong working relationships thus eliminating societal barriers in order to restore sisterhood

Peace and Blessings Family,

Letter from t he Direct ors

It is our pleasure to see you again and meet many of you for the first time. We are so excited to welcome you to the 7th Annual Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference! It is truly amazing that we have been so blessed to gather with you again in love, fellowship and empowerment. Traditionally, in many spiritual systems, seven is considered a divine number. Well, for us this year has proven that we “walk by faith and not by sight.” While, so many organizations have cancelled their health fairs, conferences, symposiums and the like, we are still here. This year we reviewed more proposals than ever for workshops, selecting only 12 out of nearly 40! We have more exhibitors, child care for our parents and a stronger team than ever before. However, the best part is YOU. We pray that you fortify your spirit and remember that essentially you are crafted for a divine purpose. Every woman serves as an eternal reflection of the divine. An unending, unbroken, truly everlasting reminder that at our core is a divinity that gives us a direct connection with the Supreme Being, therefore, by remembering and embracing this fact we are at the threshold of true healing. You have everything you need to change the world. This year we charge you with taking care of yourself first. As mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends we are pulled in multiple directions and sometimes we forget about the most vital thing that helps us to carry out these roles…us. Webster defines the core meaning of essence as “a: the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being b : the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence c : the properties or attributes by means of which something can be placed in its proper class or identified as being what it is” Who are YOU? What do YOU love? What are YOUR dreams? What do YOU do to bring yourself true JOY? Dive into the essence of yourself. The true you that resides within, beneath the shadow that the world casts onto you and aims to dictate who you are suppose to be. Find a quiet moment to reflect today, perhaps in the rejuvenation station. Use the tools and expertise available in your workshops. Most importantly, allow your sister friend to be your reflection and support each other in growth, love and healing. Remember, you, we, I… am Part of the Cure! Your Sisters,

Sister Mothyna Monokia Tyson Mothyna James-Brightful Monokia Tyson Visionary Director Executive Director


Dee Marshall A sought-after speaker, career and business coach, Coach Dee Marshall is the founder of Raise The Bar, LLC a coaching, training and development practice dedicated to helping women achieve their life goals. Her practice focuses is life skills and soft-skills, helping individuals to realize their full potential. Her challenge to women is seek meaning and purpose for your life, develop yourself personally and professionally and strive for continuous growth. Although she has been featured/covered by numerous media outlets to include MSNBC, ABC News, Black Enterprise and Heart and Soul Magazine, her latest and most visible role is her role as Makeover Manor Life Coach along side super glam squad Sam Fine, Paul Wharton, Lawrence Davis, Eric Ferrell, Nikki Kimbrough to name a few and host Essence Magazines’ own Mikki Taylor. Marshalls’ speaking and coaching credits span from the larger conference circuit to women’s ministries to College and University campuses. In 2006 she was a featured guest coach for Essence


arshall resides in the New York metro area where she is working on her book “A Fabulous Life Makeover” and a number of other projects…

Magazine Women Who Are Shaping The World. In the same year she began career coaching hundreds of women passing through Women For Hire career events the next year she was casted for Makeover Manor and this year she lit up the stage at Essence Young Women’s Leadership conference, which as a result of such a strong following among young women she has launched Raise The Bar Young Savvy Network dedicated to providing personal development for young women ages 18-30… Her other notable keynote addresses include: • • • • • •

Progressive Achievers Women Of Power, Newark Women’s Conference, Hofstra University, Women In Cable Telecommunications, Women Raising The Bar, Essence Magazine’s Young Women’s Leadership Conference • Radio One’s Women Empowerment Expo • AKA North Atlantic Region Conference • Howard University John H. Johnson School of Communication and many more… Marshall not only has a passion for inspiring, motivating and challenging women to be their best, she is an active member of First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens. As a community servant, she sits on the Board of Directors for the YWCA Central New Jersey, Public Allies New York and the Women’s Center for Education and Career Advancement. As a result of her service to people, she has received numerous awards but one in particular near and dear to her heart is 2008 recipient of Diamond Award of Excellence for Community Service. 

ky S Lounge Skin Care, LLC


Gotta Live Like We’re Dying Tracy (Eaddy) Ward





RTISTIC.M IRROR Marketing & D e s i g n

W W W . T H E A RT I S T I C M I R RO R . C O M I N F O @ T H E A RT I S T I S T I C M I R RO R . C O M

"I’m broken into more than just a million pieces trying to find more than just a million reasons to make peace make peace with my past my past that keeps fast forwarding itself into my future forcing me to face yesterday’s pain yesterday’s heartache yesterday’s shame…" I began creating the lines to this poem one evening as I drove on mental auto pilot, doing all the things I always do. Volunteering at this and that place, dropping off and picking up my children from all the extra-curricular activities I signed them up for because I refused to have them grow up like I did, giving the devil a free-for-all because I had too much time on my hands. My sister swears I’m overcompensating for wrongs I believe I’ve committed trying to master this thing called motherhood, but while at the UrbanAve31 Sisterhood Retreat in the fall of 2008, I realized why I’ve run myself ragged; I’ve been running away from myself. I had an “Aha” moment, as if lights were flashing before my eyes, showing me the road to freedom. I began to cry. All my life I’ve given of my time and talents to the point of physical and mental exhaustion because I believed it was the right thing to do. Though true, the deeper truth is that I felt more alive when overwhelming myself with the cares and concerns of others because it made me feel like I mattered and made a difference, instead of how I really felt, like I was suffocating, gasping for every single breath as I tip-toed on egg shells through life. I had mastered, or so I thought, the art of self-denial, and in doing so, was killing a part of me daily. It wasn’t physical, but every time I ignored my pain, I was forcing myself to exist in a world that I should’ve been living in. In May of 2009, the truth of this statement became more real than the habitual utterances I found myself saying since that retreat. May 17th I was celebrating having graduated Suma Cum Laude from Coppin State University

and May 20th I was mourning the loss of my family who had traveled to Baltimore to help me celebrate. My whole world came to a complete halt. Having to say goodbye to them caused me to look at my own non-lived life, how I’d been so afraid of dying that I hadn’t begun to live. The millions of pieces that I’d allowed myself to ignore being broken into was no longer a glued together heirloom in my Pandora’s Box. Having such tragedy come after such an amazing time in my life forced me to face myself--all the broken pieces of me. It’s been quite a journey, but my shoes are now laced and I’m finally taking steps. I’m tired of being uncomfortably comfortable. I’m tired of faking the funk of happiness. I’m putting on my cloak of transparency so that running from self is no longer an option. I’m ready to show God how grateful I am by ceasing to exist, but actually living in this fragile thing called life. As I walk, Kris Allen’s song, Live Like We’re Dying, plays in the background, instantly becoming the soundtrack of my new life, comforting the steps of my new route. “Sometimes we fall down, can’t get back up/ we’re hiding behind skin that’s too tough/…yeah, we gotta start looking at the hands of the time we’ve been given/ if this is all we got, then we gotta start thinking/ if every second counts on a clock that’s ticking/ gotta live like we’re dying.” 




Healing Village Marketplace

Grand Fellowship Hall

The marketplace closes at 3:00pm. HWHN Signature T-shirts, Books J & C Accessories jolyco@aol.com Jewelry Fran’s Candle Creations fran@francandlecreations.com 100% soy candles Angels for You ruthataylor2000@yahoo.com Collectible angels & broached pins Dona Style Fitness Debrabakerfitness.com Certified fitness instructor Sunshine Creations www.sunshinecreationsbyphil.com Journals, notepads, cards, shawls LaShonda Terrel, 5Linx www.5linx.net/genesistech Telecommunications & videophones Traci Orange thecandleexpo@verizon.net Candles, candle accessories Desha’s Designs Deshadesigns4u@hotmail.com Handbags, fragrant/ pure oils, jewelry Beadalicious www.beadalicious.biz

MySprity Msprity@aol.com Mobile Spa Toluwalase Suzzette Rink www.asheholistichealth.com www.deliciousrawdishes.com 5- Day Green Smoothie Detox/Cleanse PNC BANK Ramsey Harris www.pncbank.com LaTalya Palmer-Lewis Empowerment Life Coach and Trainer www.coachlatalya.com Books, CD’s Mary Kay Stacie Armstrong http://www.marykay.com/staceyarmstrong gifts (mother’s day) body care products Infiniti Naturals www.Taybutta.com Taybutta haircare products, Zuresh www.zuresh.com Beauty products, purses, etc. Jannah Designs, LLC www.jannahdesigns.net Clothing, jewelry Jewelry


Morning Workshops 10:40- 11:55AM The DIVA Principles Room 307 Mastering the 6 areas of “self” Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree “The DIVA Principles – Mastering the 6 areas of “self” to bring out the true Diva in you”. The six areas of “self” include selfconfidence, self-respect, self-love, self-discipline, self-control and self-image. Attendees will spend an ample amount of time working through each area, to take an assessment of where they are now, and will be given strategies and concepts to strengthen and grow in all facets of “Self”. This workshop promises to leave women wanting to be more and do more with their lives, given their new found strength and determination. 7 Keys to Discovering Your Blueprint for Balance room 312 Takeyah A. Young Still struggling to reduce stress? Want to feel better in your body? Tired of being overwhelmed? Procrastinating on taking control of your life? If you are serious about taking your life to the next level, this workshop is for you! Core Connection Lifestyle supports an


integrated approach to wellness and balance. In this workshop, you will learn Takeyah’s technique for exploring and setting goals for well-being. We will spend time reviewing the key areas of the Blueprint for Balance which was created to help clients live sustainable, balanced lives. Come learn what is the right approach for you and take action by tuning into your need to achieve greater balance.

prevent potential marriage relationship sabotage? This session is to be used as a tool to help women evaluate themselves and their relationships, and to position themselves to be married.

“I’m Tired of Being Single, I’m Ready To Get Married!” room 314 Jesse W. Jackson III

This workshop will begin with a poetic welcome, using art as therapy, followed by an icebreaker to promote shedding the layers and breaking down the walls. The icebreaker will be followed by a support group style discussion: this discussion is intended to create an environment conducive for breaking the silence and beginning the process of transforming one’s position from victim to victor over the trauma of sexual abuse. This workshop will be concluded with an exercise for emotional cleansing to purge one’s self of the guilt and shame associated with sexual abuseRising from the Ashes. Participants will be given the tools to continue the healing process in their daily

The purpose of this session is help women who want to be found, engaged, and married to the right man. This session will teach participants: Why our fathers have contributed to many of our bad relationship decisions. How to heal from bad relationships with men? Foolish choices women make in their relationships with men. What you should expect from a man. Where to meet a good man? How single women should approach finances in a relationship. Why online dating does not work. How to date for marriage and

Breaking the Silence: Lifting our Voices towards Healing After Sexual Abuse room 320 Nikasha Uqdah, Sista Tracy Eaddy-Ward, Maria Muhammad


10:40 – 11:55 AM

afternoon Workshops 2:50 – 4:05 PM

lives by being provided resources and ongoing support with a monthly “Breaking the Silence” session.

Yes You Can! room 307 Returning to School E. Samira Woods


MORNING Workshops continued

This workshop was designed to address the call made by President Barrack Obama for women to return to school and upgrade their skills. The workshop is appropriate for women returning to school regardless of their academic pursuit at the degree level or vocational trainings. Unlike youngsters, adults returning to school bring a unique knowledge base and life experiences that gives them an edge which is often overlooked.

of men of various age ranges, marital statuses, and professional backgrounds have been gathered together to provide candid and honest views of women, what they define as beautiful, and what they look for when seeking to pursue professional, personal or intimate relationships with women. This workshop will give women the opportunity to ask questions and hear real answers that address common misconceptions regarding beauty, physicality, personal esteem, relationship dynamics and more. Now it’s time to find out what men REALLY think and use it build a better YOU!

Back to the Basics room 318 Tiffany Lymon

Do You REALLY know what men want? room 320 Kim Green (facilitator)

The Vibrant Lotus Fitness & Rejuvenation Class room 314 Sa Mut A. Scott

Back to the Basics will teach how to reclaim control over their finances by making foundational, basic changes. In this workshop, we will teach participants how to live within their means without compromising their quality of life; how to make small changes today so they can have a substantial future impact and how to reframe their reality to help them embrace prosperity as a state of mind.

Ever wondered what men really think about women? What are their personal preferences? Do married men think differently about women than single men? Do men really pay attention to details (arched eyebrows, painted toe nails, fitted jeans)? This workshop is a panel and audience interactive discussion regarding the one question women often pose: What DO men want? A panel

The Vibrant Lotus Fitness & Rejuvenation program is designed to provide restorative healing to the body mind and spirit. Through a series of gentle yet powerful movements which beautifully blend Yoga, Chi Gong, and Belly/ womb dance for an optimal healing through movement experience that will benefit any age or skill level. Wear loose comfy clothing.

Introduction to Lupus by Lupus Foundation of America room 316 Jessica Gilbart ExplainS the importance of lupus awareness in your community and the effects of lupus in minority populations, 90 percent of whom are women. Come and learn the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of lupus so you can make a difference in your community!

5 Questions of Entrepreneurship room 316 Munir Bahar The 5 Questions of Entrepreneurship presentation is for individuals aspiring to become and remain successful entrepreneurs. The Answers to the 5 questions will help you to understand the framework for successfully starting and operating a new business. The 5 Questions can be applied by those who have not yet started or by those with multiple years of entrepreneurial experience. This workshop emphasizes that what successful entrepreneurs know, that like nature, business operates in cycles. Discussing the 5 Questions of Entrepreneurship, Munir Bahar, founder of New Business Services, LLC, presents a formula that will help you launch your business and a formula that will help you stay in business. Leave Your Fears at the Door and Open Your Mind to Endless Possibilities room 312 Tina Stith-Twine This workshop will teach you how to move pass those fears that are hindering you from being successful in life. In this workshop, you will learn how to stretch and believe in yourself. How to STOP allowing FEAR rent space in your mind and know that your goals are achievable and attainable for you. You will learn how to take CONTROL of your destiny-NOT FEAR! This workshop is going to be interactive, fun, relaxing and emotional for some. However, it will be a relaxed, fun environment that is going to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit and open

your mind to infinite possibilities. Loving Myself to Wellness: A Spiritual Approach To Healing Lupus room 318 Stephanie S. Franklin, Esq. Black women are often called “the mules of the world” because she shoulders the pain of the culture. These pains oftentimes compromise her health, thereby devastating her family, her community and most importantly, her individually. Black women are three (3) times more likely to develop Lupus, an elusive autoimmune disease that devastates the body, emotions and the soul, than white women. Deep emotional pain creates a “soul sickness” which manifests as physical illnesses. This interactive workshop will educate, discuss and explore the root emotional causes of Lupus, and the participants will create an individualized “Loving Myself to Wellness” plan utilizing the “Prescription to Wellness” model.


The HWHN Planning Committee is so grateful to our many wonderful presenters. Learn more about them and how to reach them below. Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree is the President and Founder of the Life Institute for Excellence, LLC, and the Elite Female Mentoring Organization in Baltimore Maryland. Mrs. Rice-Ogletree has lived a tumultuous life but her strength, courage, determination, and perseverance have made her into the beautiful women of God she is today. She is an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, published author, international co-author and

teen success coach. She is an exceptional motivator, full of life and passion. She encourages women to take control of their lives, grow to their full potential, and to live life boldly, exploring every option set before them with fierce determination. Kimmoly has expressed her views on many “talk radio” programs and has written several books concerning teen and women’s issues. To book Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree contact 410-655-2992 or visit www. elitefemalementoring.com Takeyah A. Young is the Founder and Director of Core Connection Lifestyle, a company dedicated to providing life essentials for wellbeing and tools for balanced living. Takeyah’s mission is to empower people to live their dreams in balance; connect the actions in their lives to their dreams; and inspire them to take living personally. Through health counseling, lifestyle coaching, and sustainable living consulting, she serves as her clients’ personal advocate for living an energized and passionate life. She is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Certified Yoga Instructor, Speaker and Educator with a private practice offering assistance countrywide. To get tips for healthy living, to discover your potential for growth, and to learn more about Core Connection Lifestyle, please visit www.coreconnectionlifestyle. com Jesse W. Jackson III is an internationally recognized male personal development expert, consultant, speaker, and author who has sold over 130,000 books. Dr. Jackson is the founder of Best Man Sports, Inc. He received both his Bachelors degree (B.A.1997) in Psychology, and his Masters degree (M.A.2002) in Counseling from Wayne State University, and has been in private practice since 1998.


afternoon Workshops continued • 2:50 – 4:05 PM


ur o Y y t p ! Ge Co ay!! d o T

Authors: Monokia Tyson & Mothyna James-Brightful

visit us online at www.partofthecure.org

In 2008, Jesse received his Ph.D. in counseling from Trinity Institute. Jesse is the founder of The Best Man Company, LLC, American’s #1 Male Enrichment and Prison Prevention Company. Dr. Jesse has authored five books, three which have become international best sellers including the male development classic, The Best Man: The Lessons That Fathers Have Not Taught Their Sons. In 2006, Jesse and his wife Kelley founded The Love & Marriage Institute, Inc., a love, marriage and family relationship education school. Nikasha Uqdah, is a co-founder of Phoenix Rising Baltimore, an organization that is committed to empowering women who have been victims of sexual abuse, assault, incest or rape. She entered into patient care as a certified nursing assistant and would later go on to become a Certified Medicine Aid and Emergency Medical TechnicianBasis. She has attained as Associates of Science degree as a Registered Nurse and has pursued a career in Oncology and Women’s Health. Ms. Uqdah graduated Magnum Cum Laude from the Villa Julie College in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Presently, she is both a Nurse Case Manager and Clinical Nurse. Ms Uqdah’s goal is to help the patien/ client realize that although we cannot always control what happens to us in life, we can control how we react to it.” For more information contact her today: PhoenixRisingBaltimore@ yahoo.com Sista Tracy Eaddy-Ward is a co-founder of Phoenix Rising Baltimore, an organization that is committed to empowering women who have been victims of sexual abuse, assault, incest and rape. As a Survivor of molestation, she sincerely believes in the greatness of God’s healing power, and it

has inspired her to do more to help others. In doing so she has partnered with Nation of Isla, Urban leadership Institute, Universal People Improvement Corporation, UrbanAve31 Movement, and Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation. She volunteers with the Waxter’s Center for Juveniles, Girls BELIEVE, the North East Middle School (NEM’S) girl’s development program, and many girls groups in various schools throughout Baltimore. Sister Tracy is a recent graduate of Coppin State University, with a B.S. in English, and a concentration in Journalism and a published author. For more information please contact her today: sunkentreasure_2000@ yahoo.com Maria Muhammad is the cofounder of Phoenix Rising Baltimore, an organization that is committed to empowering women who have been victims of sexual abuse, assault, incest and rape. She has partnered with several organizations in her role as a mentor counselor for the past 20 years; the Vanguard Class of the M.G.T.-G.C.C. in the nation of Islam in Long Beach, CA as well as Baltimore, MD. Operation R.O.C.I.T.: an organization that promotes the training of young people in ethical business practices and entrepreneurship. Sistas Growing Together, a program dedicated to reducing recidivism rates in young women released from prison. She is the founder of Literacy Rules! and is also on the Board of Directors of BCPC CDC. She is also an established business owner in her community. For more information please contact her today: maria@ bcpccdc.org Jessica Gilbart, M.S., CHES received her Master’s degree in Community Health Education from Towson University and has achieved the status of Certified Health Education Specialist. Over the past

10 years, she has developed and implemented wellness programs in community, residential, and hospital settings. In 2008, Jessica joined Lupus MidAtlantic as their Health Educator to promote lupus awareness in the community. Her outreach work includes providing education programs and support groups to lupus patients, their family, and friends. Tiffany L. Lymon is a strategic advisor and the President of Mind Over Money, LLC – an international business training and development organization. Since founding Mind Over Money, LLC, Tiffany has had the opportunity to serve as a small business coach, workshop facilitator and trainer for various national and international organizations and also the host of a successful series of workshops, Sensibili-TEAS. To stay engaged with her colleagues and clients, Mrs. Lymon serves on the Board of the National Association of Women Business Owners, Baltimore Regional Chapter, and is a member of the Financial Planning Association, Circle of Champions Seminars, and the Women In Business Network Of America and internationally she serves the FIA International Charity. For more info visit www. mindovermoneyllc.com E. Samira Woods is the Area Coordinator for the Adult Diploma Program at the Center for Literacy in Philadelphia, Pa. Samira is also a first year doctoral student at Walden University with a specialization in Adult Education and Leadership. She co-host an internet talk radio show “One Moment In Time” the 2nd & 4th Saturday at 11:00am (EST) of each month on www. blogtalkradio.com . Kim Green is an educator, community service activist and





PRESENTERS CONTINUED youth advocate who has spent most of her adult life supporting and educating individuals on the importance of continued education. With over 12 years experience in community service, Kim has worked with organizations such as Shule’, KUUMBA Afterschool/ Summer program, Institute for Life Enrichment, Mayor’s Office of Employment Development and others, to ensure that youth are engaged in positive academic and socially developing activities. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English and her Master of Science degree in Sociology from Morgan State University. She’s currently employed with BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life) as a Site Manager in several Baltimore City Public Schools. Tsanonda Edwards is an educator, youth advocate and mentor who has worked with children and families for over 15 years. Born and raised here in Baltimore City, he has worked with and for numerous organizations that have promoted the academic and social advancement of youth including Morgan State’s Office of Community Service, the PRAISE School for Boys under the coordination of the Urban Leadership Institute, The Mayor’s Office of Employment Development and BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life). A graduate of Baltimore City College High School, Tsanonda received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Morgan State University and his Master of Science degree in Human Services Administration with a concentration in Family Counseling from University of Baltimore. He is currently a 4th Grade Language Arts Teacher with Baltimore City Public Schools and spends his free time engaging in community service activities and learning from and with elementary school, high school, and college

age youth and their families.

start successfully.

Sa Mut A. Scott is a business owner & Spiritual Life Coach with a combined 25 years experience in health care, Spiritual Counseling, Rejuvenation and Wellness Coaching. As the founding director of a health care services firm, her agency served Princeton, Hightstown and Trenton, NJ area residents. Sa Mut is the Founder and Senior Life Skills Coach of Magical Mother Women’s Coaching and Empowerment Services which provides stress management, wellness coaching and rejuvenation workshops and seminars for women and youth of all walks of life. She is a Certified Yoga Instructor, and an avid supporter of complimentary nutrition and healing practices. Sa Mut is the author of Mastering A Joyful Life Book Series and of the celebrated column and radio show by the same name. Founder of the Joyful Life Wellness Conference, Sa Mut’s company hosts the only holistic wellness conference in the Trenton NJ region. www.magicalmother.com

Tina Stith-Twine is the Founder and President of Success Secrets, LLC. She is an author and President and Publisher of B Successful Publishing, LLC. She is the host on her online radio show Talk with the Success Chick. Tina is the author of a new book-How To Make Your Journey a Success-The 7 Secrets for Uplifting Your Mind, Body and Soul. If you would like to learn more about Tina or listen to any of her online radio shows visit her website at www.successchick. com or www.blogtalkradio.com/ successstartswithu. For booking engagements for coaching or speaking contact her at tina@ successchick.com.

Tax preparation, financial forecasting, and business formations, and business plan development, are matters that Munir Bahar provides expert guidance on to individuals and small businesses. Bahar’s professional experience is built on seven years of service and over 300 client engagements. Business education and execution are the two principle values Bahar imparts to his clients and the general public. Currently Bahar serves as principal of a Maryland-based business formations firm, New Business Services LLC. Providing business startup assistance to new and existing entrepreneurs, Bahar has carved an impressive niche in the world of small business. His objective is simple: to increase the number of small businesses that

Stephanie S. Franklin, Esq.,“Mecca,” is the Founder, President & CEO of Mecca’s Place, Inc., a global empowerment center that empowers individuals, families and communities. Ms. Franklin is an attorney, creative entrepreneur, metaphysicist, healer, teacher and philosopher who believes that one’s physical health is directly linked to her spiritual and emotional wellness. As CEO of Mecca’s Place and producer and host of the Mecca’s Place Radio Show, Ms. Franklin serves, teaches and inspires individuals to reach into their “soul” to find their power to transform their lives and the planet. To learn more about Ms. Franklin and Mecca’s Place, visit www.MeccasPlaceInc. org. Tune into the Mecca’s Place Radio Show on 1010 AM, WOLB Fridays at 10:00 am or log on to www.wolbbaltimore.com. Check out Ms. Franklin’s blog “Spring Into Love” at www.magicbaltimore.com and www.mybaltimorespirit.com. 

The HWHN Conference Planning Committee would like to acknowledge the following businesses, organizations and individuals for their generous support and contributions: Presented by Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc.

SPONSORS Rejuvenators

US Department of Health and Human Services: Office of Minority Women’s Health


PNC Bank AirTran Airways


Adelicia Villagaray Baltimore H.U.G.S. (Juan Nance) Be-Framed Gypsy Soul-Event Planning & Consulting Dee Marshall Daria Johnson Photo + Design. Itiba, LLC K.E.A.R., Inc. Kendrick Staley Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries Nashay Pendelton National Council of Negro Women- Morgan State University Chapter New Light Leadership Coalition Sherrie T. Howell, Attorney Sue-Ann’s Office Supply The Way You Duet Photography Two Brothers Catering WEAA 88.9FM All Participants All Volunteers

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