No. 32
Monthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Peace Messengers
˙ Peace Messengers who Enlivened the Year 2017 ˙ Korean Civil Society Seeks Solidarity for Peace in Korea and Globe
˙ We Stand for "Legislate Peace"
˙ "The Starting Point is the Conveyance of the News of Hope to the World"
who Enlivened the Year 2017 ˙ Dear HWPL Members & Family of Peace,
˙ We Will Call Your Name
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Peace Messengers who Enlivened the Year 2017
Mr. Bojan Stojkovski
Journalist of Makfax News Agency in Macedonia From a country where prolonged violence and conflict have been a prevailing condition that threatens the daily lives of people, Mr. Stojkovski is a direct witness who is deeply aware of the role of the media in peace building. He says that the media and international cooperation are the driving forces that lead to the restoration of stability and solidification of democracy. As one of the main speakers at the Conference for the Global Peace Media Network in the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, he stated, “Daily reporting on peace initiatives and activities, like the ones that HWPL is conducting, is the best way for journalists to help towards the cause of world peace and in my opinion every journalist needs to be dedicated to this cause.” Regarding the need for establishing a global media network for peace with the advantage of diverse ap-
proaches in conflict resolution, Mr. Stojkovski also highlighted that journalists around the world should engage themselves in openly sharing their knowledge and experiences. “The international cooperation between professional journalists is something that can always contribute towards strengthening the media sector and thanks to HWPL, this will be a reality. I strongly believe that everyone can make a difference and as a journalist, by participating in this network, everyone can do his part to promote peace activities and to help achieve global peace.” Passion was evident in every work spoken during his speech. Dedicated to working as a journalist for 10 years, as well as participating actively as an HWPL Publicity Ambassador, he mentioned that his partnership with HWPL is one of the highlights of his career and it is something that he is extremely proud of.
For HWPL, the year 2017 was a quantum leap forward in terms of successful global peace advocacy projects, including, the Legislate Peace Campaign for the establishment of an international law for peace and the WARP Offices working for religious harmony. Such progress, to a large degree, can be attributed to the journalists who contributed to spreading the news of peace in every corner of the world. The following article presents two of these special messengers of peace who are working with HWPL as journalists.
Jean de Dieu Munyembabazi Editor in Chief & Country Manager at IGIHE Burundi
Despite rich cultural assets and natural resources that can enrich human civilization, Africa is currently facing the dim prospect of a bright future caused by political unrest stemming from ethnic and religious conflicts, subsequent migration to neighboring countries, poverty, lack of education and welfare and continual violation of human rights including forced labor. After participating in one of the IPYG peace events in Burundi advocating for peace that was held by young students, Mr. Munyembabazi from Rwanda started to think seriously about what is truly needed for the future of the youth. He asked all the journalists participating in the last summit back in September about what “freedom of speech” actually is. According to his speech, such concept is still a myth in most African countries.
fight it for me. I do not do this job for money but for the hope that one day, my country will also enjoy the freedom of speech where everyone will not be persecuted, jailed, or killed for their political views or membership - a country where everybody will live and enjoy life whether national or expatriate.” Mr. Munyembabazi has dedicated himself to reminding other journalists of their responsibility in challenging the force of silence through the news of peace and spreading this news as a gift for making a world of peace where future generations can enjoy their lives with freedom.
IPYG peace events in Burundi advocating for peace
He confessed that many African countries like Burundi are under an adverse condition in terms of journalism, since journalists who speak about freedom of speech are susceptible to imprisonment in the name of conspiracy of breaching national security. Despite such a negative environment he boldly proclaimed, “I know that if I do not fight this fight, nobody will
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Peace Messengers who Enlivened the Year 2017
Brother Francis Monari Kerongo
Grand Mufti Romas Jakubauskas
Brother Francis from Kenya held the first Hour of Peace (H.O.P.E.) Seminar in Kisii, Kenya last July with about 90 students at Kisii University. This seminar consisted of 5 different seminars, each teaching the important values of peace such as understanding, equity, sharing, cooperation and peace. Through these seminars the students realized how to practice peace in their daily lives and how to give back to their communities through their talents and passions. After attending this year’s WARP Summit, Brother Francis was inspired to continue this work as a messenger of peace for HWPL and bring the H.O.P.E. Seminars to other universities and students so that this culture of peace could spread throughout Kenya.
Grand Mufti Romas Jakubauskas, Grand Mufti and Chairman of the Sunni Muslim Religious Centre in Lithuania has recognized that religious leaders should take the lead in order to achieve world peace and has also acknowledged the importance of HWPL peace activities. For this reason, in joint coordination with HWPL, the Religious Youth Peace Camp was hosted in June 2017 in Lithuania in order to provide the opportunity for the youth to actively participate. They also operated the WARP Office in a Muslim mosque in order to allow the youth to experience and learn more about the work of the WARP Offices.
President of Horizon Over Walls (H.O.W.) Foundation
Grand Mufti Jakubauskas, regarding the responsibility for the peace movement, stated, “Religious leaders, of course because they are the leaders of their community, so they have to work more effortlessly for their achievements of these goals. They have to teach their communities and of course they themselves have to meet with other religious leaders to find the solution for the problems in the world. So, the biggest problem is to try to find solution for how to stop conflicts and wars in the world.” Grand Mufti of Lithuania
HWPL and its peace messengers who are working together as one are constantly making known the news of peace in places where it is invisible and conveying this news to their peers around the world in order to awaken their interest and participation in this work. In 2018 as well, activities to achieve peace will continue unceasingly throughout the world.
The Most Rev. Wattegama Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero After attending the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, the Most Rev. Wattegama Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero, President of Sri Subodharama International Buddhist Center, is now leading the way in spreading a culture of peace in Sri Lanka through his sponsorship of the “Mini WARP Summit” and the “1st Religious Youth Peace Camp” in the city of Kandy. He has stated, “I am so happy about the peace organization, HWPL. I am [attending] the annual summit for 2014~2017. Actually, the alliance of religious leaders pursued by HWPL is greatly engaging many religious leaders in this world. Because in all of the world, in every country, many religious leaders gathered at one place and they are working together as one family.
peace. I acknowledge that HWPL is doing great in this part. I am also very happy to join the HWPL peace work so I try to do my best and make commitment for bringing forth peace with HWPL.” President of Sri Subodharama International Buddhist Center
Mini WARP Summit in Sri Lanka
I think this event [will have] a very good result in the future in this world. I think I met so many different religious leaders, because I knew a few religious leaders in Sri-Lanka in Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism before, but when I attended the HWPL WARP Summit, I could meet more religious leaders, discussing and talking with each other about how everyone wants to be happy and wants to be at
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Korean Civil Society Seeks Solidarity for Peace in Korea and Globe
Chairman Lee of HWPL
Gi Woong Son,
President of the Korea Institute for National Unification
On November 25th, 1,200 social representatives, including youth and religious leaders, gathered at the “1st Peace Conference of Religious Leaders in Southeastern and Southwestern Regions for the Reunification of Korea” to discuss spreading a culture of peace and preparing action plans for the peaceful unification of the two Koreas in Daegu Metropolitan City, South Korea.
He drove his point home on the independent and peaceful unification through dialogue between the two Koreas, stating, “All guns must be put down immediately. We are one nation and one people. Why is it that we cannot step on our own land?” He also mentioned that the unity of religious scriptures and interfaith harmony are a shortcut towards global peace.
Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) which is under the UN ECOSOC and the organizer of this conference, delivered his speech on the need for the peaceful unification of Korea.
“Regarding religious peace, worldwide, many are participating in the HWPL WARP Office meetings to thoroughly examine each scripture to study and confirm the trustworthy ideas and concepts. When religious texts become united, religions will be united.” Chairman Lee again emphasized the importance of individual participation for peace, “I also cordially ask all citizens to become peace messengers to achieve international peace as a whole.”
Chairman Lee proposed the formation of a civil society network at the global level, as well as the legalization of the 10 Articles and 38 Clauses of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) and the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Offices, for dispute resolution on the Korean Peninsula and within the international community.
At the conference, Gi Woong Son, President of the Korea Institute for National Unification, advised that policy making towards North Korea
Korean Civil Society Seeks Solidarity for Peace in Korea and Globe
be oriented to induce peaceful unification by opening the eyes and ears of the people in the country with the values of freedom, democracy, human rights and welfare. Emphasizing the role of civil society in peacebuilding, he said, “Consistent efforts for reaching North Koreans through humanitarian approaches including religion, culture, art, sports and the environment should be carried out. These areas can avoid transferability of capital misused for military capabilities of the North.” Ven. Bup Ryun, chief priest at Kumdang Temple, pointed out that religious leaders are responsible for leading the work of peace and that one way of engaging in such a task is through HWPL’s World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Offices which promote the collective peacebuilding efforts by religions. “Now is the time religious leaders stand at the front for peace, a long-cherished wish of all humanity. The wall blocking religions will collapse as a result of our
efforts of understanding based on a comparative study of religious scriptures.” At the end of the event, the participants signed a peace agreement containing a resolution to support HWPL’s initiative for the cessation of war and world peace and to participate in projects for peace and religious harmony in the Korean peninsula. During the nuclear test by North Korea in September, HWPL hosted the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit to advocate collaborative governance for peacebuilding with the participation of 200,000 social representatives from the fields of politics, religion, media, education and women. This conference was hosted by the Buddhist Central Association for National Unification of Korea and was sponsored by the Ministry of Unification, the National Unification Advisory Council as well as several local community organizations.
Ven. Bup Ryun,
chief priest at Kumdang Temple
Joo Ho Young,
member of the National Unification
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
We Will Call Your Name
“ “
n September 2, 2015 a three-year-old Syrian refugee, O Aylan Kurdi, was found lying on the beach in Bodrum, Turkey.”
On October 21, 2016, a young refugee from Somalia who came to Germany to seek asylum and begin a new life in Europe was convinced by Neo-Nazis to throw himself from a tower block in Schmoelln, eastern Germany.”
These two children, as well as millions of other refugees, fled from their hometowns in order to avoid war, fear and hunger and sought a new life in another country where they could find freedom and peace. However, many of those who left, filled with the hope of a brighter future, were left stranded onboard boats, and some were finally pushed into the cold sea where their precious lives were taken and their dreams forever buried. Germany’s daily newspaper Tagesspiegel has posted a list of the refugees, numbering 33,293, who died 8 DECEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS
on the way to Europe from 1993 to May of this year, covering a total of 46 pages. Among these refugees, there were some instances of special circumstances surrounding their deaths, but most of them drowned in the Mediterranean Sea during their fateful journey. Even for those who had managed to make it to shore on the European mainland, there was only an even more terrible death awaiting them. Many refugees were sold as slaves through human trafficking auctions, some froze under harsh weather conditions, some were killed by violence, and still others lost their lives at refugee detention centers.
We wanted to leave a record of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants who were killed by the border control policies both within and outside the borders of the European continent.”
This statement was given by Tagesspiegel in light of the fact that the list of refugees around the world is getting longer and longer each moment. In an age that claims to be free of borders, millions of people are forced to live outside the traditional borders of their home countries. They flee from the horrors of hunger, drought and war that exist in their homeland which clearly reveals that people recognize refugees only as much as they do and the seriousness of the situations are created by the dismissal of the international community. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), from earlier this year, about 3,033 people are reported as dead or missing from the Mediterranean Sea, and this report of the 3,033 Mensch (Men) was published on the Tagesspiegel Newspaper’s official Facebook page “Spiegel Online”. Although Europe’s concerns and worries about the potential burden of accepting refugees, including an increased economic burden and anti-immigrant sentiment among the citizens, are continuing to increase, there are still many refugees that go on the long journey in search of freedom and peace and cross the sea that they cannot return from. Now, people around the world are responding positively to the position of Tagesspiegel, which has given a name to each person, one by one, with the intention of remembering each of them.
So far neither the state nor the law has been able to compensate for the lost lives of these victims. However, the most important thing that must occur even before compensation can be discussed, is that war and terrorism, the root causes of the increase in refugees, must be eliminated. As we are now living in the time when the tragedies occurring in the Mediterranean Sea are still ongoing, we must ensure that we have sufficient policies and proper enforcement powers to resolve this issue completely.
We must not pass on the current reality of these refugees to our descendants and we must ensure that there are no more names added to the list of the 33,293 refugees who lost their lives in the quest for peace. DECEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS 9
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
We Stand for
“Legislate Peace”
At the Safe World Trust School in Zambia, in the presence of journalists, religious leaders, and other important societal figures, participants discussed the current peace activities in Zambia and expressed their support for the DPCW.
Students at Narayani English Public Higher Secondary School in Nepal recognized the peace work of HWPL and IPYG and painted their ideas and thoughts regarding peace.
A Professor of International Law at the University of Prishtina in Kosovo introduced the principles of the DPCW to the university students, the future leaders of Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia, who then gave their signatures of support.
In Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Khishigsuren Saranbolor artists and members of IPYG painted murals together at the Ulaanbaatar 31st kindergarten with the hope of peace.
The Additional Secretary General of the Bangladesh Teachers Association explained about the need for peace education to the students of Sherabangla Ideal School.
The Director of the Tigray Youth Association in Ethiopia introduced IPYG’s peace activities to the youth leaders and members of the Tigray community.
South Africa
City council members and youth shared memories of participation in the WARP Summit 2017 and discussed peacebuilding plans in Cape Town, South Africa.
Students from Shamsul Hoque Khan School and College in Bangladesh took time to paint and present their thoughts regarding peace.
In Egypt, youth members from 7 NGOs discussed the role of the youth in promoting peace and signed their support for the DPCW.
The President of the Pakistan Youth Council gave three lectures on the importance of peace and the harm caused by war to elementary and junior high school students at the AL-AMIN public school & college.
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
“The Starting Point is the Conveyance of the News of Hope to the World” Interview with HWPL’s PR Team The HWPL PR Team has published the peace news of HWPL that is happening all over the world within a single, small book every month. This interview was held with a type of hopeful curiosity of being able to find the value of Article 10 of the DPCW, “Spreading a Culture of Peace”, within the work of the team. Let’s meet those who are exemplifying a daily life of peace by doing this work of clearly sharing the news of peace with a level of authenticity that is truly touching.
Q Please explain the background and purpose of the production of the HWPL Newsletter.
Hannah Jeon, Newsletter Editor: In just four short years since its establishment in 2013, HWPL and its many peace projects have received great interest and appreciation worldwide. The HWPL Newsletter was created with the purpose of announcing the news of HWPL, which is now running for peace and justice in the global community with tens of thousands of peace messengers. However, this news is not limited to only the stories of HWPL but instead seeks to find stories of peace messengers who share the same heart for peace. We are working to create a platform where all individuals are able to tell their own personal stories and explain for themselves their experiences with the processes and results of HWPL’s peace activities in their communities across the globe.
Q What have you done specifically in order to increase the frequency of reading for more Newsletters?
Ian Seo, HWPL PR Director: I have found that we can be one under the umbrella of peace despite coming from different countries and having different religions, nationalities, genders and ages. All people, especially children, who are suffering from the unrelenting violence and war that is occurring in many places around the world share the same sadness. I feel a deep sadness because of the pain that is being experienced around the world, and I believe that 12 DECEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS
HWPL, always with a loving heart, is the peace messenger that promotes true globalization. I believe that the world of peace that humanity has never experienced throughout all of history will be possible for the first time through HWPL. For this, the starting point is the conveyance of the news of hope to the world, which becomes the engine for the transmission of the values of the international law, inter-faith harmony and peace education that all aim for the world of peace.
Q What is something that you find worthwhile in the production of your Newsletter?
Hannah: Every month more people subscribe to and receive the newsletters from HWPL through our homepage. We often receive many messages regarding the stories viewers want covered in the HWPL Newsletter or are introduced to countries, communities, and individuals who have a sincere need for HWPL’s peace projects. Still, there are many who are frequently experiencing discrimination, alienation and injustice, so our sincere hope is that the HWPL Newsletter will help them to express their voices. I believe that working as part of the HWPL Newsletter editorial team is the most rewarding because the newsletter can be used as a tool to open a path to the restoration of peaceful coexistence for these individuals. We are pledging our time and effort to be more committed to not only the activities of HWPL but also the issues that many individuals can give even greater love and interest to.
“The Starting Point is the Conveyance of the News of Hope to the World” Q What is the most memorable peace content?
Ian: There was one time when a Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo sent a letter to HWPL explaining how in his country everyday there are women being raped in the streets and young boys being instructed how to kill. It was the first time the people, transcending national borders, had a moment of shedding tears with a heart filled with deep sadness. It was then that I felt that HWPL’s vision for world peace expressed in the values of the DPCW is even more real for those people. The news of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was also introduced to many media outlets in cooperation with HWPL, which helped journalists to join in this work of peace.
Q Please give a message to the messengers
of peace worldwide who are reading the Newsletter.
HWPL will work to illuminate the footsteps of sacrifice that have been made on this journey of peace and create a newsletter that will hopefully empower each person to become a messenger of peace that makes this world a better place to live in. You are the main character of HWPL’s Newsletter. As a loving family of peace living in this world together, let’s create a community that can share one another’s sorrow and joy. We must create the river of peace that all creation is dreaming of and leave it as an eternal legacy that can be inherited by future generations. Anything you would like covered regarding the news of peace is welcome, so please send us your comments.
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Dear HWPL Members & Family of Peace, As we look back on this year and reflect upon all the achievements that have been made towards peace in such a short period of time, everyone here at HWPL would like to extend our sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all of our family members of peace worldwide. Without your continued support and effort, a world filled with peace would still be an intangible dream only existing in the minds of those who have the desire for peace. Thanks to everyone who has partnered with and joined in the work of HWPL around the world, this year has seen great success. We also wish to show our appreciation for all viewers who continue to follow the news of peace through our newsletters and spread the message on their own social media channels. Even if the road to peace is filled with many obstacles and difficulties, if we join together hand-in-hand and walk this path together towards the same final goal, then nothing is impossible. In this coming year let us continue to work together as messengers of peace until peace can finally be left as a shining legacy for future generations. We look forward to your continued support as we watch the beautiful flower of peace bloom in even more communities worldwide.
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