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HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp in the Kingdom of Cambodia

HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Day 2

Day 1 2

Day 3,4 HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

CONTENTS • HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp’s Mission • Opening Message • Organizers and Participants • Program at a Glance

DAY 1 : G eneral History of World Religions

DAY 2 : C ause of Religious Conflicts & Disputes

DAY 3 : R esolution to Religious Conflicts & Disputes and the Religious Community’s Role for Peace

DAY 4 : R eflection

• Gallery

Day 1 Wat Ounalom Day 2 Al-Serkal Mosque Day 3,4 Picnic Campsite



o Families of peace around the world,

Let's end the war on this earth and make peace, an eternal legacy for the future generations. This is our mission and a special duty of Heaven as people born in this era. —Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL

HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp’s

Mission “ Peace through religious dialogue. ”

Our Vision HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp envisions a generation of youth freed from the borders of race, creed, and ideology. Together with the future leaders of the religious community, HWPL hopes to bridge the gap between religions through dialogue and cultural exchange.


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp


Message from the Organizer

I warmly welcome everyone to HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp. Everyone here and all people on this earth need and love peace. Yet we can all witness, with our own eyes, wars that have taken place in the past throughout the whole world and wars that are happening in the present time in some parts of our world, like Iraq, Syria, and other places. People who are living in the war and conflict zones are suffering so much and they are calling for help to save their lives. Among the wars and conflicts in the world that have occurred in the past and that are happening now, there are wars and conflicts caused by religions. By seeing what happened in the past, which caused a lot of suffering and destruction within humanity and by seeing the important roles of religions, HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp in Cambodia came to exist and we want all participants to:   - Learn about the general history of world religions   - Find the root cause and plausible resolution to religious conflicts and disputes

- Find the religious community's roles for peace - Experience cultural exchange

I hope that within these 4 days of camping, all participants will show strong commitment to learn and contribute your knowledge to make this Religious Youth Peace Camp fruitful and successful for the benefit of peace and happiness for humanity in the whole world. Thank you. Venerable Oeun Sam Art


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

Our Staff and Participants HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp in Cambodia was organized by the joint efforts of staff members from Cambodia and South Korea.


Venerable Oeun Sam Art

Venerable Ny Sokpanha

Venerable Lon Lay

Ms. Tarence Song

Venerable Sok Bonra

Venerable Eang Rithea

Venerable Khin Sophea

Venerable Mech Sochean

Venerable Soem Sim

Venerable Ken Horn

Venerable Chea Sopheap

Venerable Lun Lay

Venerable Chhon Bun Thoeun

Venerable Sim Sokney

Venerable Chhun Sophal

Venerable Som Sophoeun

Venerable Kul Chakriya

Venerable Soeu Meas

Venerable Brak Sam Ang

Venerable Nun Chann Thath

Venerable Ton Sopheak

Mr. Leng Vutheavy

Ms. Pring Chandy

Ms. Om Pothnita

Ms. Va Srey Deth

Ms. Chea Siek Ai

Ms. Om Prumlina

Ms. Chap Socheata

Ms. Voeurt Chanra

Ms. Yeri Cho

Mr. Tim Kim

Mr. Ian Seo


Ms. Sophie Lee


Day 1 General History of World Religions Date  April 1, 2017 Venue Wat Ounalom, Phnom Penh



Opening Speech

Ven. Oeun Sam Art Ms. Tarence Song

“The Importance of Religious Gathering in Religious Peace”

Ven. Penh Vibol


Ms. Tarence Song

Group Workshop “Self Introduction” Video : The Five Major World Religions - John Bellaimey “World Religions: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism”

Ms. Tarence Song

Closing Remark & Announcements


Guest Speaker Ven. Penh Vibol Lecturer at Preah Sihanouk Raja Buddhist University and Panna Sastra University of Cambodia

The Importance of Religious Gathering in Religious Peace Today in the world, we need people who do the actions more than just talking. Action works as the miracle. We have a lot of people who speak, but not many people walk their talk, manifest and turn their ideas into action.

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Group Workshop


Ven. Lun Lay

Self Introductions

Group1 Peacemaker Peace is a state of mind made by compassion and open-mind.

Questions  What are your future dreams?   Why have you participated in this camp?   What do you want to gain through this camp?

Mr. Tim Kim Group2 KCP Step (Korea Cambodia Peace Step) Together for peace

Ven. Chhon Bun Thoeun Group3 We Are One We are one

Ven. Dr. Chhun Sophal Group4 Maha Ghosananda No happiness without peace

Ven. Ton Sopheak Group5 Peaceful Minds A peaceful mind is the cause of happiness in life


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp


World Religion: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism True harmony and peace through understanding the history, culture, and beliefs of each other’s religion.

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Day 2 Causes of Religious Conflicts & Disputes Date  April 2, 2017 Venue Al-Serkal Mosque, Phnom Penh



Opening Speech

Ven. Oeun Sam Art Ms. Tarence Song

Video : Shadow Dance - HWPL “Peace in Islam”

Mr. Long Yes

Group Workshop “Role of Religion” “History of Religious Conflicts Around the World”

Ms. Tarence Song

Closing Remark & Announcements


Guest Speaker Mr. Long Yes Deputy Secretary General of Cambodian Muslim Alliance

Peace in Islam Peace is the symbol of Allah and all the people of Islam. All Muslim have the duty to respect Allah through their respect to each other by the words “As-salamu alaykum,” which means “Peace be upon you.”

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Group Workshop

Ven. Khin Sophea Group1

Topic  Role of Religion

Questions  1. W hat is the reason mankind seeks religion? (Why are you a religious person?)  2. W hat is something only religion can do for (offer) mankind?

Group Presentation

Mr. Tim Kim Group2

Ms. Pring Chandy Group3

Ven. Nun Chann Thath Group4

Ms. Chea Siek Ai Group5


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

1. M ankind seeks religion to find peace through having a relationship with God. To be a role model. 2. I t is only religion that can offer proper understanding of humanity and how to live life as a human being.

1. M ankind seeks religion to make them feel happiness and also to be a good person (discipline themselves to be a good person). Also, to find the purpose of their life. 2. I t is only religion that can offer how to worship and pray and to follow the rule to be a good person. Also, through religion Buddhists say no violence, no jealousy, no ambitious and this can be learnt through practice.

1. Mankind seek religion to gain peace and happiness. 2. I t is only religion that can solve our spiritual problems. This reduces suffering from our mind.

1. M ankind seeks religion to believe that religion can help mankind to avoid fear, provide philosophy of an educational mind and protect humans from suffering and fear. 2. I t is only religion that can offer belief to seek purpose and clinical psychology.

1. M ankind seeks religion to make everybody peaceful in mind. You have to be peaceful not from the outside, but it has to be from the inside. 2. I t is only religion that can comfort people from feeling fear. [If we have a religion] we don’t feel fear, we don't isolate each other, we do good actions together.

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History of Religious Conflicts Around the World We cannot deny the fact that religion played a part in conflicts and wars throughout the history of mankind. It is now time for religions to work together to achieve its original purpose, peace.


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

Group Presentation

Topic  Causes of Religious Conflicts & Disputes

Q1. What is the cause of religious conflicts?  Ven. Nun Chann Thath It is due to different ideologies. For example, if one member of the family has a different religion, they would want to promote his or her religion and ideologies. Then there may be conflict.  Muslim student Religious leaders want to gain power and take strong leadership among their followers. So some religious leaders teach their followers that only their religion is the best. Teaching them not to talk or associate with other religions because they are bad. This causes big conflict between different faiths.  Ven. Khin Sophea Leadership takes place when the leader has full knowledge, full compassion, love and kindness. When the leader lacks knowledge he or she or they might fight for territory. They may think they need to extend their land in terms of their religion [causing religious conflicts]. So power and leadership is a big factor in religious conflicts. We need more compassion.

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Q2.  To what extent are religious actions acceptable to protect their belief?  Ms. Pring Chandy Religious conflict arise due to the lack of tolerance and acceptance. The best way to protect and understand each other is through dialogue.  Ven. Chhon Bun Thoeun We can take action through dialogue. We come together and we talk face-to-face, man-to-man.  Mr. Ian Seo It should be done through dialogues. For example, in the case of Crusades, the war between Islam and Christianity, there was also a peace talk between the two sides during the war. After a really, really long dialogue they made a peace agreement and established a peace contract, which lasted for more than 10 years. So it is a historical example that we can make peace [through dialogue].

Q3.  Who should be held most responsible for the religious conflicts that arise?  Ms. Srey Deth Every individual has responsibility for their country, not only to their religion, but also to their country. They have their own respectful philosophy to respect the other people.  Ven. Sok Bonra The leaders of the religions at conflict, all people that belong to the religion at conflict and the political leaders of the region where the religious conflict is occurring.  Ven. Ton Sopheak Everyone. We all want peace. We want a harmonizing society.  Muslim student I think that if one religion has a conflict, not only do the people in the religious conflict have to solve it, but also the people in the region where the religious conflict is occurring have to solve it together. We have to help each other to solve it.  Ven. Nun Chann Thath The political leaders of that country lead the people, so they have to solve every conflicts, including religious conflicts. We need leaders to help people communicate and understand each other, to cooperate and to make discussions to give them a chance to get to know about each other.


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

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Day 3 Resolution to Religious Conflicts & Disputes and the Religious Community’s Role for Peace Date  April 3, 2017 Venue Picnic Campsite, Kompong Seila



Opening Speech

Ven. Oeun Sam Art

“Resolution to Religious Conflicts & Disputes and the Religious Community’s Role for Peace”

Ms. Tarence Song

Group Workshop “Resolution to Situations of Various Religious Conflicts”


Khmer Culture Presentation

Ven. Soem Sim Ven. Nun Chann Thath Ven. Ken Horn Ms. Pring Chandy


Ven. Oeun Sam Art

Peace Activity 1: Lighting the sign "PEACE"

Ven. Oeun Sam Art

Peace Activity 2: Campfire - "What if…" Peace Talk

Ven. Oeun Sam Art

Closing Remark & Announcements

Ven. Oeun Sam Art Ms. Tarence Song


Resolution to Religious Conflicts & Disputes and the Religious Community’s Role for Peace Any and all conflict is resolvable through dialogue. What is important is to understand the need for this dialogue and actively come together to find a solution to resolve the conflict at hand.

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Group Workshop

Ven. Ken Horn Group1

Topic   Resolution to Situations of Various Religious Conflicts

Group 1  Restoring the Holy Land

Ven. Kul Chakriya Group2

Group 2  Trying to make a religion a state religion

Group 3  Trying to make a religion a state religion

Group 4  Restoring the Holy Land

Ven. Soem Sim Group3

Group 5  Religious Extremists

Ven. Dr. Chhun Sophal Group4

Group Presentation

Ven. Ton Sopheak Group5


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

Different interpretation of religious scripture can cause conflict. We don't know what the real teaching is. We got lost. We have moved so far from the original. People use their own reasons to interpret differently and claim that it is the words of God. The UN alone is not effective. We have to focus on the local level, especially young people need to take actions for peace.

In Cambodia whose state religion is Buddhism, people are free to have any type of religion. Peace and harmony cannot be achieved by war. According to human rights, we cannot force anyone to have a specific religion. Under the good rule of government, religious practice can be pursued.

Every individual should feel free with any kinds of religion. No matter if you're Buddhist or Christian, we have to have freedom of what we believe. Governments should adopt a law to implement policies to protect the freedom of beliefs in their countries.

No one wants to live in war. To resolve the issue of conflict, countries should talk together supported by the third countries (as mediators). Intervention by the UN to determine clear border should be respected. Applying concession policy to facilitate third party involvement is necessary.

A peaceful mind makes a peaceful person. A peaceful person makes a peaceful family. A peaceful family makes a peaceful society. We can make dialogues to talk about how to solve the issues of religious conflict. Trying to understand each other is the first step.

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Culture Presentation (Cambodia)

Topic 1 General Information of Cambodia Presenter Ven. Soem Sim

“The Kingdom of Cambodia follows a policy of peaceful co-existence with its neighbors and with all other countries, shall not invade any country, or interfere in any other country’s internal affairs, directly or indirectly, and shall solve all problems peacefully with due respect for mutual interests.”

Topic 3 Smile of Peace Presenter Ven. Ken Horn

“The idea behind the four Faces was a solution to resolve the conflicts between Mahayana Buddhism and Brahmanism or Hinduism. It was impossible to negotiate and compromise and get people together because most of time they were very biased of one another other. So they tend not to provide a better solution. King Jayavarman VII thought that the four faces could represent the primary god. So those who believe in Hinduism would see that the four faces look like their god, their Brahma God, and they will go there and pay their respect to that god. And to Buddhism, it could represent the four sublime states of mind, which is about Loving-kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, and Equanimity.”


HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

Topic 2 History of Cambodia Presenter Ven. Nun Chann Thath

“In November 9, 1953 King Norodom Sihanouk made independence from the French. And at the time he also played a very important role to develop our country. His vision was to make all the people in the world like Phnom Penh city. A city with all the people smiling and happy.”

Topic 4 Culture Lesson - Cambodian Greeting Presenter Ms. Pring Chandy

There are 5 Levels of Sampeah Khmer. 1)  Chest Level: same ranking, same age person, friends, lower age 2)  Mouth Level: higher ranking person, bosses, older person 3)  Nose Level: children to parents or grandparents, students to teachers 4)  Eyebrow Level: King, Monks, sacred objects 5)  Above the eyebrow Level: Buddha, praying, Deva, Dharma, Gods

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Day 4 Reflection Date  April 4, 2017 Venue Picnic Campsite, Kompong Seila



Peace Walk

Ven. Oeun Sam Art

Korean Culture Presentation

Ms. Sophie Lee Mr. Tim Kim Mr. Ian Seo

Reflective Writing & Presentation Closing Ceremony

Ven. Oeun Sam Art Ms. Tarence Song

Commemorative Photo


Peace Walk

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Culture Presentation (Korea)

Topic 1 Introduction of Korea Presenter Ms. Sophie Lee

“The name ‘Bul-Guk Sa’ actually means ‘Temple of Buddha’s Country,’ so it is the Land of Buddha. The Buddhist monks at that time wanted to create a world of Buddha, a world of heaven on this earth.” Topic 2 Story of Arirang Presenter Mr. Tim Kim

“Arirang is consisted of two words ‘Ari’ and ‘Rang’. ‘Ari’ means first, beautiful and second, missing someone so much. ‘Rang’ is called ‘Nim’ in Korean and it is a prefix that is added to show our respect or longing for our loved ones.” “Arirang will be a song for all who love peace in the world. I hope that this session brought your heart closer to, not only to love your country, but also to make world peace together.” Topic 3 History of Korea Presenter Mr. Ian Seo

“In Korea, August 15th is the Day of Independence [from Japanese Rule] and we celebrate it every year. Many countries use the word ‘Independence Day,’ but in the Korean language we call it ‘Gwang Bok Jeol’. ‘Jeol’ means ‘Day’ and ‘Gwang Bok’ means ‘Restoration of Light.’ Restoration of Light means building a world of peace.” 28

HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp


Ms. Chap Socheata I found out lots of interesting topics, but I was mostly interested in the fact that religions never teach us to do bad things to anyone. Only the people themselves misunderstood and used the theory in the wrong way.  Ms. Om Pothnita  This event is so wonderful and interesting for youth like me because I have learned new knowledge to create peace with people in different religions. Before I attended this event, I had never known how to make peace between different religions.  Ven. Khin Sophea  Peace is a state of mind, which is hard to generate from those who have suffered from various situations of life through war, family depression, social impact and so on. Yet this program provides us with such a good idea, gathering of young initiatives who are willing to make a positive change all over the world by spreading out their innovative ideas to the next generation.  Ven. Lon Lay  I have learnt a lot from this event, especially exchanging religious knowledge among Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. I strongly hope it will happen again and again in Cambodia in order to promote and create more peaceful people around the world.  Ven. Ny Sokpanha  As a main Cambodian organizer, I’m very grateful to be able to facilitate and progress the whole event effectively since the beginning and to the end because of my personal pure compassion to spread the global peace forever.  Ven. Sim Sokney  To spread peace through the world we need connection. The connection between people and people, community and community, and finally state and state. Then we can, altogether, live in peace.  Ven. Soem Sim  This event is such a great one in my life experience. It touched my heart. I observed that peace is crucial for me and for all human beings. Without peace we cannot live in prosperity and harmony.  Ven. Soeu Meas  Peace is a short word, but it is meaningful. I think it is not only me that thinks we don’t need war, violence and insecurity, but also many many people around the world. So all the leaders in the world must love peace and resolve problems by not fighting each other.  Ven. Sok Bonra  During the camp there were various useful stimulations and contributions for improving not only local, regional and national peace, but also enhancing the promotion of global peace. It was very interesting to me and educated and shaped me to have more understanding, better knowledge to be a person who can sacrifice as much as I can contribute for global peace. D a y 4




HWPL Religious Youth Peace Camp

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