Hwpl newsletter 2016 october en

Page 1

No. 18

HWPL NEWS Monthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light



Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light



WARP 2016 Overview


Grand Peace Festival Caught Eyes of Media


Moment of Peace Delivered Through Online Social Media


Communication of Commitments – Thoughts of Peace-building


Best photos on Peace Festival


DPCW Article VI - Dispute settlement



Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

WARP 2016 Overview A total of 825 state leaders, ministers, senior officials, experts in international law and education, religious leaders, youth and women leaders, and press from 130 countries participated in the 2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit. Across 6 different sessions, they discussed the concrete plan of actions to develop the DPCW as a legally binding document and to submit it to the United Nations. Let’s examine the image below the key results and conclusions drawn from heated discussion.

Int’l Religious Leaders Conference (1) ►  “Prophecy and fulfillment” was agreed upon by leaders from six religions as a defining attribute that validates a scripture to be trustworthy and true.

►  Through scripture comparison study, religious leaders at HWPL WARP Offices will be committed to searching for a trustworthy scripture which contains prophecy and fulfillment.


4th HWPL Int’l Law Peace Committee Meeting:

High-level Government

Officials (1), Ministers (1) ►  Establishment of support and cooperative relationship from the specialist group was suggested.

►  Building international cooperation with the IGOs was given as a development strategy.

4th HWPL Int’l Law Peace Committee Meeting:

Ministers of Education (1)

►  Participants agreed on the necessity of establishing peace education in the curriculum as means of spreading a culture of peace.

►  Participants agreed on the necessity of providing citizens with peace education based on the Declaration.

Advocacy forum for the DPCW (1) ►  Participants discussed provision of ‘peace education’ to increase the awareness among the public. ►  They presented effective ways of increasing awareness on the imortant role women and youth play in building peace and of increasing participation among women and youth. ►  HWPL will build a stronger network with civil society and other organizations.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

The 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Meeting “Cooperation with States for the Development and Introduction of the DPCW to the UN” SESSION I


Total participants: 33 Panel: 11 Audience: 19

Total participants: 39 Panel: 14 Audience: 21

Former Heads of State, Chief Justices, Speakers of National Assembly

Ministerial Level Officials, Justice, Specialists on Religious Law Ambassadors

[OVERALL OUTCOMES FROM THE PARALLEL SESSIONS] [1] Consensus on the core contents of the DPCW [2] Raising Awareness of the DPCW at all levels

(Civil society, NGOs, local authorities, central authorities, key officials in the UN, media)

[3] Establishment of cooperative relationship

- Not only with administrative bodies but also with legislative body of States   - International organizations like ILC, ILA, etc.

- Regional Unions like the African Union, OAS, CARICOM, etc.

[4] O rganizing conferences, forums, meetings, discussion sessions to introduce the DPCW to high-level officials and experts

[5] More active engagement of youth and women and domestic measures [6] Establishment of overseas branches of HWPL


The 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Meeting “Establishing effective ways of spreading a culture of peace” SESSION III Total participants: 19 Minister of Education, Human Rights, UN representatives, Principle of Law School, Professors

[OVERALL OUTCOME] [1] A s means of spreading a culture of peace, peace education should be established in the curriculum.

[2] I t should be reminded that alternative peace education should be available for those who cannot receive formal education.

[3] The activities on spreading a culture of peace by various means to raise awareness and

build an environment of peaceful coexistence with the local authorities, traditional and religious organizations should be continued.

- E .g. Peace conference/seminar, peace walk, appoint peace parks, peace monuments, peace museum, interfaith dialogue, media coverage, produce documentaries

[4] Peace Education at all stages of schooling to raise awareness on the necessity of legislating international law based on the DPCW should be established.

- E .g. Special lectures or classes, integrates DPCW to university courses

After the session, Professors from Palestine, Kosovo, Brazil, Philippines and Nigeria have expressed their interest to open a course on the DPCW in their curriculum.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Advocacy Forum for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War “Plan of Action for Advocacy to Intergovernmental Organizations, Governments, and the Public” PART I

Total participants: 131 Panel: 9 Audience: 121


Total participants: 180 Panel: 10 Audience: 170

Current & Former Heads of State, Representatives from Civil Society, Woman, Youth Organizations

[OVERALL OUTCOMES FROM THE PANEL DISCUSSION] [1] Consensus on the direction to urge the intergovernmental organizations, governments and the public to make DPCW into an international legally binding document

[2] I mportance on the cooperation and partnership with UN-related organizations, when urging the intergovernmental organizations

[3] Necessary to gain

- the support from UN, African Union, EU, ASEAN

-c onsensus from each continents and cultures, when gaining the support from the intergovernmental organizations and governments

-c onsensus first from the small nations whom suffered from the wars and conflicts

[5] Precedence of ‘peace education’ as to increase the awareness the public, which is one of the key factors to achieve the world peace

[6] Range of ‘peace education’ from short/mid-term activities such as seminar, conference, local community activities, media to long-term activity of school education

HWPL Plan of Action


1.  HWPL Network and Civil Society Movement

3.  State & Govermental Support

2.  “Legislate Peace” Campaign 4.  Implementation into the United Nation

HWPL International Religious Leaders Conference



Religious Leaders Meeting for Solidarity in Truth

Dialogue of Scriptures

175 Religious Leaders from 48 Countries and 16 religions

[OVERALL OUTCOMES] [1] The importance and need for religions to solidify under a trustworthy scripture was realized.

[2] T he need for religious leaders to engage in discussions to establish standards to help people of all faiths entrust their hopes in the scripture was agreed upon by the six panelists and audience members from PART II: Dialogue of Scriptures.

[3] “Prophecy and fulfillment” was agreed upon by six religious leaders as a defining attribute that helps validate a scripture to be trustworthy and true.

[4] R eligious leaders’ committed to help HWPL find a scripture with a unifying truth to bring an alliance of religions.

[5] Wars and conflicts on all levels can only truly come to an end when religious disputes cease to exist, and religions come to an alliance in solidarity under a unifying truth.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Grand Peace Festival Caught Eyes of Media International Media Coverage on the Peace Initiative of HWPL in the WARP Summit 2016 Journalists and reporters around the globe payed special attention to the movement of peace from the Korean Peninsula where a global-scale war devastated the region and international support sought the vision of restoration of human dignity and wealth of nations. The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the September 18th WARP Summit by the HWPL was a pioneering event where global leaders devised action plans for peace-building processes based on the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). Through various headlines, front pages, televisions and radio channels, the international press and media delivered messages of peace from important moments of debates on re-building our world with the value of peace as an everlasting legacy for our future generations.


Europe 9 countries

CIS 6 countries

Asia 16 countries

Middle East 11 countries Africa 13 countries

America 3 countries

Oceania 2 countries


417 media stations from 60 different countries


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

The Guardian, one of the renowned newspapers in Nigeria, carried a special report on sessions of the summit,

highlighting the discussion on advocacy plans of the DPCW in the international community through the international cooperation and civic participation, the center of peace-building processes of the HWPL.

The Speaking Tree, the Indian spiritual networking website, covered the news of the three-day summit on

the front page. Its special focus on Chairman Lee of HWPL in light of his dedication to global peace movement through the establishment of international legal foundation and religious harmony. “A new Gandhian global effort to end all conflict, that has its genesis in Seoul, is gaining momentum”, it said.

Le Matin, a prestigious newspaper in Morocco, highlighted the second day of the Summit, demonstrating the Card Section Performance by 12,000 IPYG members. Its news channel on TV also broadcasted the event.

In Bangladesh, Bangla News presented a quick overview of the summit with a particular interest in peace initiatives offered by Chairman Lee’s strong, inspirational appeal to 1,000 leaders from 120 countries who participated in the summit. 12   OCTOBER 2016 HWPL NEWS

Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, a national television network of Sri Lanka, reported that the global efforts

of and commitment to international law for peace have been underway through this summit. It also added Chairman Lee’s remark - “This (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) can be presented to the United Nations, when world leaders come together and support by signing it.”

PTV news of the Pakistan National Broadcasting Station, with 98 million viewers, paid close attention to the

Grand Peace Festival of Day Two, extolling spreading the spirit and culture of peace through the many performances by HWPL, IPYG and IWPG. In total, over 417 media stations from 60 different countries have covered this year’s summit. HWPL sincerely appreciates all reporters and stations that spread the news of peace to every corner of the world. As such news reaches more people and encourages their participation, peace shall come sooner.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Moment of Peace Delivered Through Online Social Media Participants of the WARP 2016 are committed to taking the role of peace-builder for the global community. Pictures and words that participants shared in their online social media capture unique insights of the peace initiatives discussed at the summit, which will the first step to spread the culture of peace. Over the barriers of different religious, national and ethnic backgrounds, people talked with each other, sang songs, held their hands together for the same goal – making peace in our times. The following is the unforgettable moment when the desire for peace resonated. from Facebook


from Instagram


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Communication of Commitments – Thoughts of Peace-building Advocacy Forum for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War

H.E. Hun Many,

President of Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia

Q.  What do you think about the movement of peace by HWPL including the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)? A.  I think what HWPL is trying to advance the DPCW is really important activism as well as important mission.

All the 10 articles show that we are moving in the right direction, starting by understanding what the cause is, what the challenge is that causes more conflicts and also human suffering. All of that, I think, making those words into movements, into action is also important for people to know. Not only (can we) actually write and propose our vision, but also we (should) gather together to share experience, knowhow, and (discuss) how we can actually commit all together to be the advocates of peace movement as well as cessation of war.

Q.  What is the value about peace without war to you?

A.  Cambodia has gone through decades of war. We know exactly the cost of not having peace. Conflict can make human suffering and break families apart. This is the message we need to bring to the youth to raise their awareness. Many people were born after the mass of conflict, so peace for them is something they already have in hand. We have taken for granted what we have already. I want to say that peace is very easy to lose. It is so much harder to maintain.


Q.  What are you going to do for cessation of war and achievement of the world peace with HWPL as an IPYG member? A.  I think we have the same vision, we have the same belief that not only peace is very important, but also

peace is achievable. What matters is what our action is. So I do hope that together in terms of collaboration we can co-organize, in which HWPL actually held the Peace March in Cambodia. And we do hope that in terms of my capacity of President of Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia we do actually join together and create new momentum of how to actually raise awareness among our youth to actually join together.

The 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Meeting – Group I, II

Rt. Hon. Hrant Bagratyan,

Former prime minister of Armenia

Q.  The discussion forum is accomplished. What is going to happen in the world?

A.  This law will be a good instrument against extremism, terrorism, war, and associations that will be good

base for sustainability of peace. If declaration will be adopted, then couldn’t all dangers be stopped right away? But this can be good steps for the world.

Q.  What do you think about the role of political leaders for the implementation of the DPCW? A.  The main idea is that this law which is now formed as a declaration should be adopted and approved by the

United Nations. Here we have representatives of many countries. Everybody says that it’s a good declaration, and together we can create a pressure on that to have this declaration law adopted by UN. OCTOBER 2016 HWPL NEWS   17

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

The 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Meeting – Group III

Ms. Anna Cervenakova,

Human Rights Expert, Czech Helsinki Committee

Q.  Why do you think peace education is important?

A.  Education is one of the most essential components of the culture of peace. Education of peace means

education of non-violence. We consider education of peace as an essential tool for raising up generations who will include (it) in their behavior and natural aspect of understanding the world where people can live in peace, harmony, and a world where violence will not be on a daily basis.

Media Forum for Advocacy of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Ms. Ana Yanci Espinoza,

Academy Director of Arias Foundation

Q.  What do you think was the main achievement of this forum?

A.  The most important part was that you

could feel everybody was very interested in the proposal. At the same time, everybody wanted to share his/her opinions and their ideas for a better results and how to go to all process to come into a legally binding document.


Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit

Ms. Denise Robinson,

Shadow Minister of Women in the Presidency of South Africa

Q.  What did you think about being a part of this festival?

A.  Well, I think it was all absolutely amazing. The costumes, the beauty of the movements were so well

trained. It just sends such a powerful message to everybody that we can work together and we can achieve peace. If we can work throughout the world like this towards peace, then I see hope for the world.

Conference for the Implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War Q.  We have many steps ahead for the implementation of international law. What is HWPL’s next step? A.  Government, NGO, and many educa-

Hon. Adly Hussein,

Chief Justice of Court of Appeal of Cairo

tion centers will have to cooperate with HWPL for peace. Next month, we will have a meeting. I will put all of these results in the conference. As I am also a member of ILA, and with one hand of the UN, I work with HWPL standing up for the declaration. That is what I will do as well as my colleagues. OCTOBER 2016 HWPL NEWS   19

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Best photos on Peace Festival

What does peace mean to you? Participants make gestures together to express the spirit of peace.

2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit Communication among different religions was the foundation of light that shines a world of peace.

Shining stars of peace embroidering the night sky

Peace-loving lights come together to shine in the world of darkness.


The Seoul Olympic Stadium was the very place where the Peace Festival of the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit was held. What kind of scenes did the event produce? HWPL PR Office chose six sensuous shots with the moments of peace-loving messengers.

Strongest and Warmest

The strongest and warmest ties under the name of peace make a family transcending nationality, ethnicity, gender and age.

Peace Orchestra “Grand Card Section”

IPYG members devote themselves to preparing the Card Section Performance, the ultimate blossom of the peace festival.

Panorama of Olympic Main Stadium from the sky

Cry with the desire for peace from 100,000 participants has overwhelmed Seoul.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

A Closer Look at the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War – Article VI The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) has been drafted with the intent of promoting the respect of fundamental human rights and international law, and of further involving States in the active protection of those rights. In this month’s newsletter, let us take a closer look at the Article 6 of DPCW. (The full text of the Declaration and its explanation booklet are also available at www.peacelaw.org)

6조 분쟁의 해결

Article 6 - D ispute settlement

1. States should recognize the obligation to settle their international disputes through peaceful means, including reference to the International Court of Justice, other judicial bodies, regional judicial arrangements, or through arbitration, mediation, conciliation, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution and in such a manner that international peace and security are not endangered. States should carry out any judgment or decision reached by a judicial body in good faith. 2. All States are encouraged to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in accordance with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court, without reservations, as a means of ensuring that disputes are settled peacefully and in accordance with international law.


Article VI Explanation [Article 6] Article 6 of the DPCW aims at promoting the strengthening of the dispute settlement mechanism at the international level. The declaration acknowledges two connected objectives: the prevention of disputes and – when disputes arise – the creation of an effective tool to solve them. These two elements of Article 6 go hand in hand, as the first reaffirms the duty to settle disputes in a peaceful way and the second aims at solving the contradictions that arise in the absence of a compulsory mechanism. With regard to the dispute settlement mechanism, the content of Article 6 DPCW is connected with two fundamental provisions: Article 2(3) UN Charter, which affirms the duty to settle disputes in a peaceful way, and Article 33 UN Charter, which lists the means that are available to peacefully settle international disputes.


2016 October | No. 18

HWPL NEWS Monthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Tel  +82 (0)2 514 1963   Fax   +82 (0)2 514 1961   Email  hwpl@hwpl.kr   Website  www.hwpl.kr

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