No. 31
Monthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
HWPL NEWS | Law for Peace
| WARP Office
| Peace Education
˙ Footsteps of Egypt for Peace
˙ Advocacy of the Law for Peace in 2017
˙ Steady Growth Seen in the HWPL WARP Offices
˙ IPYG Stepping forward to the Youth Empowerment
˙ Together with HWPL Peace Educators for the Future of Our Children ˙ 3,500 Citizens in South Korea Participate in the HWPL National Marathon Festival
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Footsteps of Egypt for Peace Countries in the Middle East have been exposed to chronic conflicts since the advent of Islamic extremism and ensuing terrorism. Although states both inside and outside the region made efforts to cope with the challenge, there has been an upsurge in both violence and tension. In Egypt, the urgent need for peace and security came to the forefront following a series of violent acts of extremism, including the 2017 Palm Sunday church bombings that killed 45 people and the 2014 Tata bus bombing that resulted from a suicide bomber carrying explosives. As a result of such instances, the government of Egypt declared a state of emergency and established a supreme council to fight against terrorism and violent extremism. Even in such a dim environment, activities advocating peace both in Egypt and the world are currently underway. Inspired by the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) drafted by HWPL for the purpose of international peace and maintenance of security, prominent people from various circles have dedicated their efforts to the promotion of peace projects based on the spirit of the DPCW. Two representatives in the field of international law as members of the HWPL International Law Peace Committee who participated in drafting the DPCW are from Egypt. Furthermore, 21 WARP Office meet2   NOVEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS
ings have been carried out to pursue religious harmony through a comparative study of the scriptures by religious leaders from the country. Youth organizations affiliated with IPYG have also engaged in campaigns to raise awareness and gather support for peace based on the DPCW. Emphasizing the development of supporting campaigns for the values enshrined in the DPCW to be introduced at national and international levels, Dr. Said El Dakkak, Professor of International Law at Alexandria University and member of the HWPL International Law Peace Committee, said "Now we have this declaration, we have this already drafted and launched, but the hard work has started now. We have to go further, all the way, in the ways of the national level, the international level through the civil organizations, and inter-governmental organizations." Media representatives also made tremendous efforts to report the news of peace to citizens in the Middle East, and even the world, with the hope of civic participation in peacebuilding. Mr. Kamal Khalifa Abdelrahman Mahmoud, President of the Arab Foundation for Development and Peace, has contributed to such peacebuilding efforts on an international scale. Recognizing the importance of the role of the media in peacebuilding, he founded Alsalamnews to cover the news
Footsteps of Egypt for Peace of peace around the world, including those of HWPL. At the Conference for Global Peace Media Network in September 2017, as a part of the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, he highlighted the significance of communication and cooperation among countries and societies by saying, “Peace in its general sense does not mean the absence of conflicts, but rather the process of rooting a set of values, attitudes, traditions and lifestyles based on full respect for the principles of sovereignty, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and on dialogue and cooperation among nations and cultures. We see that everything beautiful in life comes from peace." “Since the press and the media are the most important pillars for spreading the concepts of peace in the world. I introduced other Egyptian journalists who love peace to HWPL and we all work together sharing the peace news with people in the region faster and more accurately.” This statement clearly expresses his strong faith in peace for his own country as well as how it is connected to world peace. He is now planning to open ‘HWPL News’ to exclusively cover the news of peace for HWPL and the DPCW in the Arabic language. With a rich legacy of civilization and advanced knowledge, Egypt is now
seeking to find a solution to peace for all humanity. These footsteps for peace with HWPL in Egypt demonstrate that it is the people with the spirit of peace on which the realization of peace rests in our times.
Alsalamnews Mr. Kamal Khalifa AbdelrahmanMahmoud founded Alsalamnews to cover the news of peace around the world
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Advocacy of the Law for Peace in 2017 One of the unique approaches to making peace as a sustainable legacy for future generations is the establishment of international law aiming to construct a world of peace. This can be implemented by forming peace as a fundamental value for coexistence in the global community through the incorporation of the elements necessary for a world of peace into a binding legal mechanisms. HWPL's Legislate Peace Campaign with its legal, cultural and social advocacy movements for peacebuilding has garnered fruitful results, including 630 events being held in 176 countries with over 1 million participants.
Promotion of the Legislate Peace Campaign and its Regional Specificity
The Johor Bahru Peace Carnival of Malaysia was held in March with the participation of local communities, including members of the government, royal family, citizens and students, aiming to enhance the civic consciousness of peace. From April to May, advocacy campaigns were hosted by schools designated as HWPL Peace Academies in India. Not only did students receive lessons about peace in class, but they voluntarily organized a Peace Walk event. Designing and making posters and flags with messages of peace, over 500 elementary school students participated in the event and it was reported by the local media.
Cooperation in Strengthening a Network of Peace in Countries among Civil Society Groups and Academia
The principle of peace offered by HWPL is based on public support for peacebuilding, represented by civil society groups. In January, the Declaration of World Peace, as the basis of the DPCW, gained official support from Hebron University in Palestine. Also, in June, the planning of the HWPL Peace Camp was discussed at VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands by representatives of law, religion, youth and women. Education with the topic of the dignity of life for migrant kids from Burundi was carried out in Antwerp, Belgium in the following month.
The Johor Bahru Peace Carnival in Malaysia
Savitri School of India Advocates the International Law for Peace
Adoption of the DPCW in International Organizations
Central America has two distinctly different faces; one is the best place to live (Costa Rica, from the Happy Planet Index by New Economics Foundation) and the other is the place with the highest murder rate in the world (El Salvador, from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report in 2015). On one hand, the region provides examples required for a world of peace including political stability, democracy, eco-friendly policies, and education, while on the contrary, continued violence, economic polarization, misunderstanding against ethnic groups and immigrants are still increasing social instability and potential conflicts in the region. In the midst of all, there has been a hopeful movement. The Central American Parliament (Diputados del Parlamento Centroamericano, PARLACEN), with 6 member-states, has now completed the official process of approval for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War after a year of discussion in the Commission of Peace, Public Security and Human Rights. The resolution includes the following; “It is intended that the Central American Parliament raise the flag of peace among the entire international community, taking this message to all governments, international organizations, civil society, political parties and others. Based on what was considered above and the legal basis invoked, the Commission of Peace, Public Security and Human Rights issues favorable report with amendments to the initiative AP / 1278-278 / 2016 the "DECLARATION OF PEACE AND CESSATION OF WAR". In the DPCW promoted by HWPL, the respect of human rights and international law is fundamentally promoted, especially the role of the states in relation to the promotion of Peace, Justice and Freedom.”
Representatives of NGOs from Afghanistan
Kids from Burundi Made Folding Fans with Messages of Peace in Belgium NOVEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS 5
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
Steady Growth Seen in the HWPL WARP Offices In the short three years from its official beginning, the WARP Offices, serving as a venue for the realization of peace by all religions of the world, have seen rapid expansion with 218 offices now operating in 126 countries. The HWPL Religious Peace Camp that began this year has further enhanced the level of understanding of, and harmony between, various religions. With approximately 2,500 representative religious leaders as participants, the comparative study on religious scriptures in WARP Offices has become the core support from religious leaders to seek true peacebuilding and harmony among religions based on correct understanding. This year participants have dedicated themselves to thoroughly researching what a "trustworthy scripture" should contain. Such accumulated work allowed religious leaders to reach an agreement as to the standard of a trustworthy scripture, which was further discussed at the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. A survey regarding possible attributes to clarify what a trustworthy scripture is and its requirements were conducted among religious leaders who participated in the WARP Office. 91 percent of all religious leaders participating in the WARP Office agreed that the following six attributes, 1) Good and Evil, 2) Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death, 3) The Spiritual Realm, 4) Cleansing of Sins, 5) History and Genealogy, and 6) Prophecy and Fulfillment, should be included for a religious scripture to be regarded as trustworthy. These attributes were also presented at the 3rd International Religious Leaders' Conference. Grand Ayatollah Seyed Reza Hosseini Nassab emphasized the role of religious leaders in engaging in the pursuit of religious harmony through the WARP Office by saying, “We should support the WARP Office discussions, as the significant link and the great network for the worldwide religious institutions and spiritual leaders, to show the cooperation and solidarity of all religious leaders, and to send the message of tolerance, peace and unity to all people around the world.”
HWPL WARP office 2017 Europe
36 Countries 44 Offices 344 Participants
24 Countries 42 Offices 623 Participants
Middle East 13 Countries 14 Offices 168 Participants 6 NOVEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS
24 Countries 31 Offices 336 Participants
22 Countries 101 Offices 880 Participants Oceania
5 Countries 6 Offices
44 Participants
3 Countries 6 Offices
129 Participants
Another fruitful outcome in 2017 was the HWPL Religious Peace Camp. This began in April at Phnom Penh in Cambodia and was subsequently held in India, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, China, Poland, Taiwan, Lithuania and the Netherlands. While the WARP Office meetings are conducted by religious representatives, the HWPL Religious Peace Camp provides citizens and students from different religious backgrounds the opportunity to learn and experience each other's religion and build up communication to reduce the barriers blocking proper understanding. One of the participants commented, “I was born as a Buddhist and had uncertain fear about Islam. But such thinking faded away as I joined the camp. When I entered a Mosque and met Muslims, what occurred to me was that they are the same people who believe God, seek truth and try to live with good heart as we Buddhists do.” “It is amazing that people from different religions can meet and communicate with each other about peace. I think peace and harmony of religions can be achieved as we continue to do this work,” said another participant from the Netherlands. From the 194 offices operating in 104 countries last year, HWPL's nonstop and steady work of peacebuilding with the expanded 218 WARP Offices in 126 countries and additional international communities has seen both quantitative and qualitative growth. With strong faith in the crucial role of religions in creating global peace, people with traditional differences have become one under the name of peace. It is in the hands of people with different religious backgrounds to come together for a peaceful world. WARP office
HWPL Religious Peace Camp
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
IPYG Stepping forward to the Youth Empowerment
IPYG, which has been working with approximately 846 youth organizations in 111 countries around the world (as of October 2017) for the cessation of war, participated in more than 200 activities and events in 44 countries just this year (between January and October 2017). Three of the most remarkable and noteworthy case examples of such activities have been selected for further explanation. First, IPYG has formed a strong relationship with members of other youth organizations through joint events that were organized in direct cooperation with those organizations. In particular, introductory and awareness-raising events of the peace work of HWPL and IPYG have been held in European countries, such as Poland and Georgia. Second, IPYG held artistic events in accordance with the culture of peace, such as the creation of a Peace Mural painting, a Peace Painting Competition, and the awarding of a Peace Prize, in order to promote and demonstrate Article 10 of the DPCW. In particular, IPYG hosted the Peace Walk, which has been an annual event since 2013, as an example of the importance of youth empowerment in creating a movement for the promotion of the true culture of peace. 8   NOVEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS
Third, in order to recognize the necessity of the role of the youth, as owners of the future, in creating a peaceful world for future generations through a deep understanding of one another that transcends diversity, language, and religion, the IPYG Youth Empowerment Workshop was held for the first time. It aimed to establish peace through the promotion of a multi-faceted understanding of issues from multiple perspectives and the nurturing of the youth to become leaders of the peace movement with a sense of ownership in regard to the future. The IPYG Youth Empowerment Workshop was founded in accordance with the spirit of the Declaration of World Peace and will continue to develop and implement youth sovereignty education through discussions with partner organizations of IPYG, such as those held respectively during the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. The 2018 Youth Empowerment Workshop is an event many are looking forward to with eager anticipation as it is to become the core project of IPYG, which will allow young people all over the world to grow into peace leaders who will protect their future and leave sustainable peace as a legacy for future generations.
Together with HWPL Peace Educators for the Future of Our Children
HWPL Peace Education Demonstration Countries This year was the year of demonstrating that HWPL Peace Education is an important tool necessary for spreading the culture of peace as the HWPL Peace Education Program was implemented in various educational institutions worldwide. Through this, educators and teachers who directly manage the classes learned the meaning and significance of HWPL Peace Education. In addition, educational experts who participated in the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit were also greatly impressed by this program and sympathetic to its ideals. HWPL Peace Education aims to educate children in a manner that will allow them to become peaceful citizens with the correct values for peace, as well as to promote and nurture intellectual growth in accordance with a culture of peace. HWPL devoted a great deal of effort for training teachers in order to spread the values and curriculum goals of peace education. This education was founded on the idea that peace should be guaranteed for the future of the younger generation, which is only possible if teachers are the first to become peace-makers. This year, peace education programs were initially established and implemented within nine schools from eight different countries. These selected demonstration countries include South Africa, India, Kenya, El
Salvador, Nepal, Thailand, Pakistan and Rwanda. Prof. Juan Carlos Torres, Professor of Don Bosco University and Director of the Master’s Program of Politics in the prevention of youth violence in the culture of peace has stated, “Because HWPL has created a tailored fit education where it isn’t a general class where students come and go but it is an education where it is made depending on the condition and situation of the students…and this is how the future generations will change through the HWPL Peace Education.” HWPL Peace Education focuses on educating children in accordance with the values of ‘Sanctity of Life’, ‘Loyalty and Filial Piety’, and ‘Co-Existence and Sustainability’. To this end, HWPL has been collaborating with educational professionals and teachers from all around the world to develop a variety of peace education content and curriculum material. With their foundation in the Declaration of World Peace, the textbooks of peace education are currently being developed and will be provided to the teachers of the pilot schools next year. Lesson plans will be organized to suit the level of the students and teachers will be able to operate a more active curriculum.
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
One Small Step for PARLACEN and HWPL, One Giant Leap for Mankind Exclusive Interview with Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima
2017 June
This year, the Central American Parliament, also known as PARLACEN, which aims to benefit all the member states in the region with the same policies of social welfare and education, saw a substantial and active support growing for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). It could not have been presented and approved if it wasn’t for Hon. Deputy Paula Lorena Rodriguez Lima, current Representative of Guatemala in PARLACEN, whose sincere and honest heart for peace inspired each of the 120 congressmen and congresswomen. When she received the Declaration in Guatemala from South Korea, she saw it is an initiative and “a declaration that details the yearning of having peace in the world”. Since PARLACEN is also an institution striving for peace, she did not hesitate to facilitate the procedures of the parliament to officially implement it. This is what she saw beyond the written principles of DPCW: “I do believe that the amount of wars within the countries are increasing because the values are being lost. Truly I would want that my children would never encounter a country that is deteriorating in the Central America or the world that would be losing values.” She saw the values necessary to sustain peace could be restored when the principles of the DPCW are implemented universally. When she pushed forward with this initiative, she met unexpected oppositions within the parliament. “Initially, what I did was to make it an initiative in the parliament where there are 120 deputies in session. Because there was some hostile information of HWPL in the internet, they didn’t want to approve it. It was rejected in the first month, second month and so forth.” 10 NOVEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS
One Small Step for PARLACEN and HWPL, One Giant Leap for Mankind 2016 Mar
eclaration LADDECLARACIÓN of Peace and DE LA PAZ Y Cessation of War EL CESE DE GUERRAS
As a long-time live witness to the workings of HWPL, she decided to stand firm on taking progressive steps towards its implementation. “I’ve had the advantage of being here now for the 3rd time in Korea [for the WARP Summit]. All the things I observed were positive things. I observed all the religions here included within the organizations. More than that, I was able to see all of the youth volunteers are intelligent youth with strong intellectual capacity. As a matter of fact, it [HWPL] is a noble organization whose only purpose is to search peace.
In all the months, I aspired to convince the deputies. During these 14 months I had to talk to every single one of congressmen and women to offer an explanation, the benefits, advantages, and the nobility of this declaration. And then it was finally approved. At last, it was approved.”
El 26 de mayo de 2016, el Secretario de Junta Directiva del PARLACEN, remitió la INICIATIVA AP/1278-278-2016 “DECLARACION DE LA PAZ Y EL CESE DE GUERRAS”, en la que figura como ponente la Diputada Paula Rodríguez Lima y otras firmas. En esta Iniciativa se insta a los Estados que conforman el Parlamento Centroamericano (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá y República Dominicana), que asuman y se adhieran a las acciones que viene realizando la Organización Cultura Celestial, Paz Mundial, Restauración de la Luz, en ingles Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), Iniciativa de Ley que promueve la aprobación en todos los países para poner fin a las guerras y conflictos internos de cada uno; tal es el caso de los países centroamericanos, donde hemos experimentado conflictos armados internos e incluso por diferendos territoriales; y lo que pretende esta Iniciativa de ley de HWPL, es que todos los países puedan vivir en paz. En el contenido de esta ley se enfatiza el interés de llevar un mensaje de paz y reconciliación entre los Países, y evitar el desarrollo de nuevos conflictos que conduzcan a guerras que puedan afectar el desarrollo político, económico, social de nuestros países. Debemos recordar el esfuerzo histórico realizado por la región centroamericana para el establecimiento de la paz con una visión integracionista, que permitió poner fin a los conflictos armados internos y el establecimiento de instituciones democráticas y pluralistas por medio de los acuerdos de Esquipulas I y II.
By no means could those 14 months of work be considered an easy process without obstacle. Truly, it could not have been possible without her unshakable vision for peace that coincided with the potentials the DPCW holds. “The DPCW has lots of transparencies and honesties and sincerities. If this is implemented in different organizations, this will totally help diminish corruptions and violence. If we expand further and implemented it even in education ministry, it can also help students bring this declaration into consciousness.”
Se pretende con esto que el Parlamento Centroamericano, levante la bandera de la paz entre toda la comunidad internacional, llevando este mensaje a todos los Gobiernos, Organismos Internacionales, Sociedad Civil, Partidos Políticos y otros.
FUNDAMENTOS DE DERECHO PARA EL DICTAMEN: 12 Avenida 33-04, Zona 5, 0105, Guatemala, Centro América PBX: (502) 2424 4600, FAX: (502) 2424 4610/13/16
Now that its approval has recently been made official, she hopes to see the document adopted even within the organizations of the American states, all other regional parliaments, and eventually make its way to the United Nations. NOVEMBER 2017 HWPL NEWS 11
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
3,500 Citizens in South Korea Participate in the HWPL National Marathon Festival HWPL’s “Legislate Peace Campaign” in Seoul Was Held in Collaboration with Local Communities
A peace campaign seeking both local development and global peacebuilding along with the participation of 3,500 citizens and members of an international NGO was held in Seoul, South Korea.
The participation fee from all runners will be contributed as a donation to help local underprivileged citizens and community development. Approximately $7,500 was donated by the HWPL members.
On 21 October 2017, HWPL held the “HWPL National Marathon Festival” as part of its “Legislate Peace Campaign” to advocate for the establishment of an international law for peace compatible with the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). Co-hosted by the Korea Confederation of Sports, a local NGO under the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the event served as a venue for local citizens to participate in a marathon and willingly provide voluntary donations for their local communities.
Dae Young Kim, a participant and university student, said, “A marathon itself has the purpose of continuing to run until reaching the finish line and keeping one’s pace. As I was participating in the peace marathon today, I came to think that peace itself can also be reached when all like-minded people keep running with their strong willingness and firm values for peace, no matter what others say.”
3,500 Citizens in South Korea Participate in the HWPL National Marathon Festival
The Legislate Peace Campaign Booth allowed all participants to understand the important aspects of the Declaration and learn about its purpose and vision for bringing peace in the world. All runners signed their support for the campaign and realized that their actions from today would help further the legislation of peace.
moment, there are many being sacrificed due to wars and conflicts. I think this (the campaign) will pave the way to end those unnecessary sacrifices and bring about peace. I believe that this is a shortcut for the world to encounter peace, and it will go beyond not only myself but also my family and even further to my country.”
Jae Hee Kim, a university student, said at the Legislate Peace Campaign Booth, “As each signature from citizens like us is collected, we know the DPCW will be realized eventually. I heard that, within the document, there are the contents and methods of prohibiting all weapons, thus ceasing all wars and bringing global peace.”
The DPCW, drafted by the HWPL International Law Peace Committee with 10 articles and 38 clauses, aims to advocate for international cooperation for peacebuilding through peaceful settlement of disputes, respect for international law in conflict prevention, and spreading a culture of peace. The Legislate Peace Campaign, in collaboration with international and local communities around the world, has received over 700,000 signatures of support for the DPCW to be introduced in international organizations and national governments worldwide.
She added, “I am participating in this peace campaign with my own hands. I believe that through my small actions the foundation of peace will be established. In the world that we live in, even at this very
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
We Stand for
“Legislate Peace”
Legal experts and CSO representatives gathered for the General Quarterly Meeting of the Legislate Peace Campaign at VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Students from La Wine Kyun Elementary School in the Ayeyawady region of Myanmar drew and painted their own pieces of peace.
Mr. Jean Bosco Kennedy NSHIMIRIMANA, President of the Association for Solidarity and Development, proceeded with peace education regarding the Sanctity of Life for the children at the Burundi Refugee Camp.
China: Shanghai Maritime University students visited Tian Tang Village Elementary School, Lingxi Town in Yongshun Province to convey HWPL peace education activities.
Students from the US, Germany, and Spain shared about instances of conflict caused by ethnic division at the Youth Empowerment Workshop in Poronin, Poland.
Gujarat Saurashtra University students of India learned about the significance of the DPCW and the need for its sustainable advocacy.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: IPYG members created mural paintings at the 93rd secondary school with a yearning for peace to be settled.
Taiz, Yemen: Many representatives from different sectors participated in the Legislate Peace Campaign to choose the utmost needed article of the DPCW within Yemen.
IPYG members in Krasnojarsk, Russia discussed future nuclear issues in regards to peace and the unification of the Korean peninsula.
Fiji Yat Sen Primary School students made a flower banner wishing for the flower of peace to blossom all around the world.
Monthly Newsletter of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light
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