HWPL WARP Journal April 2021

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HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office Journal

April 2021 Issue

April 2021 HWPL WARP Journal


Africa 24

Europe 36

Middle East 9


Côte d’Ivoire



Saudi Arabia











South Sudan










Czech Republic


















United Arab Emirates


San Marino







United Kingdom

Republic of South Africa


CURRENT WARP OFFICES STATUS As of March 31, 2021 Total of 253 offices in 129 countries Europe 36 Countries 44 Offices

13 Countries 14 Offices Middle East Oceania

25 Countries 32 Offices Africa

3 Countries 7 Offices


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light


Asia 30





El Salvador














Sri Lanka






Myanmar (Burma)




Costa Rica





New Zealand






United States of America


Antigua and Barbuda


Trinidad And Tobago

Oceania 5

The Americas 37

5 Countries 6 Offices CIS 25 Countries 43 Offices Americas Asia 22 Countries 107 Offices


7th Anniversary of the January 24 HWPL Peace Day

01 7th Anniversary of the January 24 HWPL Peace Day

The Philippines is a country where more than 90% of its people are Christians with 83% of whom are Catholics. In Mindanao, where about 24% of its residents are Muslim, there has long been a conflict between native Muslims and Catholics who have migrated from the mainland.

In 2014, Chairman Man Hee Lee of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) visited the Philippines during the 8th World Peace Tour and invited Archbishop-emeritus Fernando R. Capalla as a representative of Catholics and Maguindanao governor Esmael G. Mangudadatu as a representative of Muslims to one place. He proposed to overcome the bloody 40-year long conflict which caused about 120,000 casualties and to build peace. “Raise your hand if you want peace!”


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

With Chairman Lee’s shout, about 300 people including armed soldiers, university students, and residents all raised their hands high. Chairman Lee, Archbishop-emeritus Fernando R. Capalla, and governor Esmael G. Mangudadatu signed a peace agreement proclaiming and urging for the cessation of a 40-year conflict in Mindanao and for achievement of peace. This is the “Mindanao Peace Agreement” signed in Mindanao, Philippines on 24 January 2014. On 25 May 2015, the Maguindanao government of the Philippines officially declared the 24th of January as the Mindanao Peace Agreement Day and invited Chairman Lee to the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Unveiling Ceremony of the Mindanao Peace Agreement Monument. In the following year, on 24 January 2016, the *Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), a Muslim political organization based on Mindanao Island forming the largest armed resistance group in the Philippines, invited HWPL Chairman Lee to the unveiling ceremony where they erected a world peace monument inside their camp.


7th Anniversary of the January 24 HWPL Peace Day

Additionally, this year on January 24th, an online peace conference commemorating the 7th anniversary of HWPL Peace Day was held. Organized by HWPL, this online peace conference was held in the form of a webinar with more than 2,400 pre-registered attendees from 70 countries including the Philippines, South Korea, US, Germany, South Africa, China, and more. This year’s event was held under the theme of “The role of peace education to create a peaceful world” with the aim of raising awareness of peace education around the world and establishing a global platform for peace educators to implement peace education in each country’s education system.

Following congratulatory messages from social, educational, religious, and political figures, which included the President of Court of Appeal of Cairo, former President of the UN Human Rights Council, former Adviser of the Ministry of Education of Guatemala, and Archbishop Emeritus of Davao Archdiocese of the Philippines, there was the commemorative address by HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee. Chairman Lee said, “Today, Mindanao is no longer a place of conflict. Rather, it has become a model of peace that the world looks upon. People in this region once pointed guns at each other. Now, despite differences in religion and ideology, they share food at the same table. Students who have been trained in murder are learning the precious value of life and peace through HWPL peace education.”

In addition, Dr. Ronald Adamat, the Commissioner of the Commission on Higher Education of the Philippines (CHED) who has made effort to realize HWPL peace education by integrating peace education curriculum into the higher education curriculum, presented the value of HWPL Peace Day and the progress of peace education in the Philippines. He said, “Youth will fight for peace but are not given yet enough skills, understanding, or opportunity to talk for peace. I wholeheartedly support HWPL Peace Education. It raises the awareness for our youth to become peacemakers— the much-needed values of the youth. Future leaders must work for the world’s positive transformation. Our children need to be educated on how peacebuilding works effectively. Through education, the building of a truly peaceful world can one day become a reality.”

After the event, Mr. Indubhusan Das was asked what values are needed for peace education as a religious leader. He answered, “Our answer for the education that is needed to attain peace is to look where hate, aggression, violence is coming from. We have to give up this material attachment and develop pure love for the Supreme. When we learn to identify ourselves with our spirit and soul, we will not create anger or violence towards others. This is the education we try to give to the world as the only solution to create peace and harmony.”

Another religious leader who attended this event, Ms. Mu-Aalima Amyna Shahnaaz Fakude, expressed her thoughts on the Mindanao Peace Agreement. She said, “I feel the Peace Agreement is solid, it is the People’s Agreement. The world needs a lot more people like the Chairman of HWPL. He was able to accomplish what many have wanted to but have not been able to achieve and his method is simply consultation towards consensus. I wish the world would emulate his example.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

The critical question is how does the world take that example?”

She also shared her belief in peace education saying, “After seeing the progress reports during the online conference, I appreciate even more, the work that HWPL is doing. I believe that interfaith leadership must collaborate and work to get to the ground to consult with, guide, and listen to the people on issues that affect them. Solutions are best implemented when they come from all the people mutually to realize lasting peace on a civilian, grassroots level. I believe.” ♣

* Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) A Muslim political organization based on Mindanao Island forming the largest armed resistance group in the Philippines. Deeply moved by the work for peace, Al Haj Murad Ebrahim, Chairman of MILF, has been working with HWPL since he attended the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit held in Seoul, Korea. * Introducing HWPL Peace Education HWPL Peace Education which consists of 12 lessons is a peace curriculum designed to train educators and students with value of peace by raising awareness on the importance of realizing a culture of peace. It is an efficient program with an integrated approach that can connect to existing national curricula from teachers who have experienced HWPL peace demonstration training. Also, it is said to be of great help in realizing the UN’s SDG 16 (Sustainable Development Goals 16) and improving the world peace index. Since 2016, more than 200 educational institutions in 34 countries including South Africa, India, Israel, Philippines, and more have been designated as HWPL Peace Academies, and the Ministry of Education in nine countries signed an MOA for cooperation in peace education.


5th Annual Commemoration of DPCW

02 Celebrating the 5th Annual Commemoration of DPCW: Religious leaders' efforts for DPCW

On March 14th, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) held the 5th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), under the title of “Marching on Toward Sustainable Peace in a Pandemic Era”. The commemorative event not only celebrated the 5th anniversary of HWPL’s Proclamation of the DPCW, but was held also to share the works and future plans of peace messengers from all levels of societies, who are actively building a culture of peace while dealing with the pandemic crisis. The webinar was joined by over 1,200 participants from 132 countries, including government and international organizations, religious leaders, the press, women and youth groups, and members of civic society.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Based on the principals of peace-building, the DPCW includes articles that emphasize the prohibition of the use of force, development of friendly relations, and peaceful resolution of disputes. It also emphasizes international cooperation based on interreligious dialogue and cultivating a culture of peace through civic participation. World peace cannot be achieved without resolving religious conflicts. Of the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW, HWPL’s WARP (World Alliance of Religions’ Peace) Office interfaith dialogues are operated on the basis of Articles 8 (Foster Religious Freedom), 9 (Promote peaceful coexistence amongst religious and ethnic groups) and 10 (Spread a culture of peace). WARP Offices has been held for comparative scriptural dialogues in 129 countries since 2014 to promote mutual understanding of different religions and stamp out religious discrimination HWPL WARP Offices also host dozens of religious peace camps around the world, providing participants with different religious backgrounds opportunities to learn about and interact with other religious groups and cultures. Participants discuss the causes of religious conflicts and solutions. They concluded the peace camps in general agreement that interfaith dialogue and mutual understanding are essential in achieving peace. Many religious leaders participating in the monthly WARP Office dialogues also identified with the principals of the DPCW and participated actively in the Legislate Peace Campaign activities to promote DPCW. Reverend Tshuma Masimango Katembo, Director of the Oneness Development Institute from the Democratic Republic of Congo’s, took upon himself an active role in supporting DPCW after realizing its importance as an essential legal instrument to herald peace for his troubled country. He promoted the DPCW at the grassroots level and gathered more than 20 thousand signatures in support of the DPCW while walking 10 kilometers each day to do so. Reverend Katembo also gave a rousing speech when he attended the 3rd Anniversary of HWPL WARP Summit in Seoul, Korea in 2017 to relay the horrors of civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and why the DPCW is necessary. He expressed to international press present at the Summit the need to pass DPCW’s United Nations nomination to stop disputes and restore peace. In an effort to promote the DPCW, Mr. Preetam Singh Shokar, a Sikh religious leader from Fiji, invited many from Fiji, including prominent figures to the South Pacific 5th Annual Commemoration of WARP Summit. The event was titled, “Legislate Peace - Implementation of the DPCW for Sustainable Development in South Pacific”. With his efforts and dedication to support the DPCW, many participants were encouraged to join in the movement as well. In Spain, various Legislate Peace campaign events were organized with the help of Imam Yihad Sarasua, who serves as Imam at Ishbilia Mosque. In line with the 6th Annual Commemoration of HWPL’s Declaration of World Peace, he held an event to draft peace letters in May, 2019. He also hosted the 5th AnnualCommemoration of WARP Summit in September in the same year at his mosque and explained the importance of the implementation of the DPCW to gather signatures for support at the civic level. Signatures and peace letters gathered were presented to the Prime Minister of Spain. Allama Sayed Abdullah Tariq, the head of India’s WORK (World Organization of Religions & Knowledge), has been active in hosting conferences in Delhi and Lampur, India, to realize the DPCW. At the conferences he held, he taught the principles and values of DPCW, specifically Articles 8 and 9 of the DPCW, which guarantees religious freedom and peaceful coexistence of the people, and


5th Annual Commemoration of DPCW

showed his support and expectations for DPCW by reciting the Declaration. As he spoke, Allama Tariq also promised that he “shall try to share with and spread among Indian society and masses, the principles and values of DPCW, and use the support of the masses to urge all political parties in India to include the DPCW in their manifestoes and to demand the Central and State governments and Union Territories to enact the articles of DPCW as legally binding Law.” News of the events also reached the masses through the Indian press. At the 5th Annual Commemoration of the DPCW, Allama Tariq presented his speech as a representative of religious leaders. His speech titled, “The efforts of religious leaders to realize the DPCW and the present and future of online religious peace activities,” explained the importance of religion’s role in spreading peace and hope during this pandemic. “Whenever humanity faces a difficult time era, there has been religion which gives them hope and courage to overcome crises. Religion has its power to narrow down differences among us, and unite us to be strong enough to break through obstacles… These efforts will fertilize the culture of peace when the current generation is in desperate need for hope.”

After the event, Mr. Rajarshi Roy, representative of Satsang UK Temple stressed the need to realize peace through education, saying “ We need to educate and teach the language of love, respect and peace. We will also have to explain to them that unless we (have) peace, we cannot survive and we cannot protect ourselves. Also, we cannot protect our future generation.” “If I start something good, then I can influence those who are close to me (to do) something good. That way, goodness will spread in the society and we can bring peace. So, although I am a small individual compared to 7 billion humans, but I have responsibility to bring (peace) in my own way. Imagine if each individual think in that way, then achieving peace is much easier,” he said, referring to the importance of individuals in achieving peace.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee emphasized cooperation and unity for the implementation of the DPCW at the commemoration. As such, we expect continued support and efforts from religious leaders. “Since the declaration was proclaimed, five years have passed. We are well aware of it. Now, we need to turn it into a reality. We need to create a peaceful world without war, a place of freedom, peace, and love, as a lasting legacy. Wealth and fortune cannot be a lasting legacy for future generations. Our duty is to leave a legacy of a warless world of freedom, peace, and love for our children and generations to come. I believe this is what we must do, and what I have been saying all along,” as explained by Chairman Lee.

HWPL International Law Peace Committee members have proclaimed the DPCW to the whole world. And the DPCW is now at the stage of being nominated as a resolution at the United Nations. Sadly, the world came to a standstill with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the process to implement the DPCW as legally binding law was stalled. However, we are unmoving in our positions and minds about achieving a world of peace. When the situation improves, we will strive towards implementing the DPCW as legally binding starting with the United Nations.


Special Letter for Family of Peace


Dear seekers of Truth and lovers of peace!

by Buddhapala Bhikkhu I feel inspired and encouraged to see the work of HWPL for peace and stability, it is so much needed at all times. Let us remember that we all seek peace and happiness, we may not be facing the direct effects of war and fighting but surely, we are always the receiver of its effect in some way or another. Suppose there is trouble happening in one part of the world between two religious communities, the effect will be felt somewhere among the people who also follow the same religious practice. The peace initiative of HWPL is the hope to end such troubles. Since Religion is followed by the majority on this earth, all the leaders and preachers have a tremendous role to play in keeping the peace. It’s a huge responsibility! I hear a lot of times from our Buddhist followers that people will only listen to a religious leader for advice. This shows how important is the role of a religious leader in society. The Blessed One said: “Ruler of gods, it is the bonds of envy and miserliness that bind beings so that, although they wish to live without hate, hostility, or enmity, and to live in peace, yet they live in hate, banning one another, hostile and as enemies.” Dighanikya no. 22 When religious leader reads their original text, one finds only peace-related words, then why disharmony should prevail? It is due to our relationship with the society that disharmony starts. It’s high time that every follower visits other religious communities and start a dialogue. One will be surprised to find that every other follower has almost the same teaching concerning peace. Misunderstanding and wrong propaganda can vanish by engaging in fruitful discussion and having a sense of tolerance.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

“All tremble at violence; life is dear to all. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.” Dhammapada Verse 130. Whatever religious denomination we identify ourselves with; at the core, we are all human beings with the same body and mind, with exact feelings, perception, and conditioning. Due to the geographical location, we look white, brown or black, we look short or tall, we eat bread or rice, but why should all these external differences become a source of division? It should become a source of appreciation; we should feel great about others. In today’s time, we have started to appreciate each other’s culture, it is due to international engagement, but we need a deeper connection with each other through the understanding that we all are the same human being. Different religions arose on this earth at different periods; before religion began, we all were just human beings. Why don’t we go to this same root that we all share? Let us always see someone as a human being before finding whether the person is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jain, etc. “Speak not harshly to anyone, for those thus spoken to might retort. Indeed, angry speech hurts, and retaliation may overtake you.” Dhammapada Verse 133. I encourage all the peace lovers and those who are working for it, to keep working for peace, because the work you do will affect you, others around you, and the whole earth. Let us understand that we live on a single and same planet earth! We breathe the same air, drink the same water, and eat the same food.

We are all ONE!!

May you all be happy May you all be secured May you enjoy good health May you all gain the ultimate happiness With Metta – Loving thoughts

Buddhapala Bhikkhu Mahabodhi Buddha Vihara Hyderabad – India


Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

04 65th

HWPL The Philippines Manila WARP Office Participants

1 Marcel Andres Tanguilan / Protestant Christianity (Methodist) 1

2 Mahendra Das / ISKCON


3 Samuel Aparri / Protestant Christianity (Shincheonji Church of Jesus) 3

4 Bjorn Capiendo / Protestant Christianity (Seventh Day Adventist)


5 Roberto Magbanua Mata / Islam 5

6 Carlos Angana / Protestant Christianity (Evangelism)


7 Acharya Prem Shankaranand Tirth / Hinduism 7

8 Maritez Cruz / Protestant Christianity (Methodist)



Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Topic: Conflict and Peace The Philippines is a country deeply connected to the HWPL peace movement. There were three visits to the nation during HWPL’s peace world tours in 2013, and on January 24, 2014, a civilian peace agreement was signed under the auspices of HWPL to end conflict and bring peace to the disputed Mindanao region. After attending the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit in September the same year and signing an agreement for interreligious alliance, the Philippines’ peace messengers returned to their home country and kept their promise by holding WARP office meetings from November. The Philippines, Manila WARP Office held its 65th dialogue on January 21, 2021, under the theme of “Conflict and Peace”. There were eight panelists representing Christianity, Hinduism, ISKCON and Islam. They gathered together to address misunderstandings and presented possible ways to resolve conflicts amongst religious groups. The panelists presented the histories of each religion, shared their own personal experiences, and explained the causes of conflict through the scriptures.

Q1. What are the factors that causes misunderstanding that lead to conflicts within your religion? Marcel Andres Tanguilan / Protestant Christianity (Methodist) Conflict has been with us since the inception of the United Methodist Church. It has grown over nearly fifty years in the soil of doctrinal and theological pluralism. United Methodism has produced many fruitful missions and ministries across the globe, yet nearly fifty years after the merger, we find ourselves entangled in a messy and increasingly untillable garden. There were many different and conflicting convictions about the nature of revelation and Biblical authority, as well as the authority and interpretation of Scripture. The question is in my perspective, how can we solve this conflict? The time has come for United Methodist leaders across the theological spectrum to come together for honest and honorable conversation about how to accomplish an “amicable separation” in the United Methodist Church. Scripture encourages us to live at peace: “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18) “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)


Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

Samuel Aparri/ Protestant Christianity (Shincheonji Church of Jesus) In the beginning, there is only God who is the source of peace but because of the existence of the devil, Satan the adversary, war, conflict and division began. Satan as the adversary of God, always interferes with the work of God. Conflicts, division and war is proof that Satan is now ruling the world, even in Christianity. If there is only one true God, there should only be one truth and only one understanding. Why then, are there so many religions and denominations today? Conflict and division are occurring not just in Christianity, but all over the world even in other religions. In Matthew 22:29, “believers are in error for not knowing the scriptures.” Because of Satan’s deception, there are misunderstandings of scriptures Roberto Magbanua Mata / Islam In Islam, we have two sources of Islamic Law: the primary source and the secondary sources. The primary source is the Qur’an. The Qur’an is the revelation from Allah given to Prophet Muhammad by Angel Gabriel directly. And the Sunnah includes the words and actions of the prophet and the actions of the companions of the prophet. Muslims will only have to follow the commandments of Allah and what the prophet had done. The secondary sources on the Islamic Law are the Izma or the consensus of the Muslim Jurist, the Ulama or Alim or opinions on particular issues. And the Qiyas, these are the extension of Islamic Value or Shariah. These are things that we have to understand and they create the four schools of thoughts, the four Madhahib for example the Shafi, the Maliki, Hanafi and Hanbali. These four schools of thought (and more) produce the Sunni and the Shia. And everyone knows about the conflict between these two. Acharya Prem Shankaranand Tirth / Hinduism Hinduism has five sects. The five sects worship together and no one has conflict at all. And I’m very much proud of this, being a Hindu priest. I do go to all temples, such as Hare Krishna temple of Vishna Sampradaya. There, I am welcomed as a priest. Everyone is welcome and we fast together. We have so many common days, such as fasting days, prayer days like Janmashtami. The entire Hindu society worships the Lords Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva and Durga. So in Hinduism all the sects are very much in harmony religiously, worshipping all the gods together. And we have the Sanatan Dharma, which is the eternal path of everyone, the eternal belief of the work on earth for every individual. What is Sanatan Dharma? Sanatan Dharma which is what we practice to benefit the entire humanity. The Almighty Lord created the Sanatan Dharma, the practice which has been going on for millions of years on this earth. So we don’t have any conflict within our Hindu practices, belief, and religion.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

Mahendra Das / ISKCON There are four factors that lead to misunderstanding and conflicts within the society. My first answer is disregarding or non-adherence to the four regulative principles: Mercifulness (no eating of meat, fish and eggs), austerity (no taking of cigarettes, alcohol and dangerous drugs), truthfulness (no gambling or speculation), and cleanliness (no illicit sex or no sex outside of marriage). Not following these regulative principles will lead to conflicts; internal conflicts within members and with others. The next one is not adhering to the sources of authority. There are three sources of authority. One is the spiritual master or the Guru. In our practice, we accept our spiritual master who guides our life. The second source are examples from saints and the third are the scriptures. So the scriptures are very important. Members should try to read the scriptures. And we basically follow our scriptures, the Vedas. Vedic scriptures which is regarded as the oldest scripture in the world. So these three sources of authority are very important. All members should have guidance from these three to guide their actions, their speeches and their thoughts. The third one is non-adherence to these basic practices: Sadachara (vaisnava etiquette: control of sensual gratification; anger; greed and lust), Satsanga (Proper association), Sadhana Bhaki (daily practice of devotional service), japa (Mantra Meditation), puja (Deity Worship), Smaranam(Hearing, reading scriptures), and Seva (Book distribution, Harinam Prasadam Distribution). The fourth is failure to internalize basic tenets: we are spirit souls (we are not this material body); we are part and parcel of God (Sat (eternal, the spirit soul does not die); Chit (full of knowledge); Ananda (full of happiness); we are meant to be servants of God; we are meant to respect and care for all living entities. Bjorn Capiendo / Protestant Christianity (Seventh Day Adventist) - Misunderstanding at times can happen because of a lack of dialogue. - Church members feel dissatisfied at times at how things are done in the church. - The Bible tells us that the root cause of interpersonal conflict is sin(Gal.5:19-20). - James also explains that fighting is the result of uncontrolled passions and desires (James 4:1-3). Anger, Greed, Hate, Gossip, Worthless perversions. Carlos Angana / Protestant Christianity (Evangelism) - Religious conflicts arise as followers or leaders of one religion take to the extreme and impose their own religious interpretation of beliefs on others with different religions. - Almost all Christian believers believed and claimed the Holy Bible or Sacred Scripture is the only authority and basis of truth (2Tim.3:15).


Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

Maritez Cruz / Protestant Christianity (Methodist) - Within our denomination, the common cause of misunderstandings that lead to conflicts is the desire to gain power within the church hierarchy. - Money is not the driving force behind power pursuit of power but the recognition and respect attendant to power that causes conflict and destroys human relationships.

Q2. In your perspective, how can we solve these conflicts?

Marcel Andres Tanguilan / Protestant Christianity (Methodist) I would like to share about the scripture and separation. The Scripture has much to say about conflict and unity in the church. Scripture also offers a couple of examples of how conflict was avoided or resolved. One is found in the account of Abram and Lot standing near Bethel looking over the land. Abram knew that the land could not support them both, so he offered Lot a way forward. Then Abram said to Lot, “Let there be no strife between you and me, and between your herders and my herders; for we are kindred. Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me. If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left. (Genesis 13:8-9) Abram’s willingness to bless Lot on his way forestalled what he recognized would be the probability of continued conflict. Even more pertinent to our moment is the conflict between Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:36-41). Preparing for a mission, Barnabas wanted to take John Mark. Paul opposed because John Mark had deserted them on a previous mission. A sharp disagreement arose between them. It was a question of how the mission would be carried forward and how personnel would be deployed. Paul took Silas. Barnabas took John Mark. The community commended them to the grace of the Lord. We often assume that Paul, Barnabas and John Mark remained in conflict which was never resolved. Yet, later from prison, Paul writes to Timothy and asks him to send Mark to him because he is useful to Paul in ministry (II Timothy 4:11). Paul’s and Timothy’s readiness to go their ways actually seems to have multiplied their ministry and laid the foundation for a renewed unity in the future. Samuel Aparri/ Protestant Christianity (Shincheonji Church of Jesus) In Isaiah 52:7, it says ‘how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”’ According to this verse, God brings peace to the world. On the other hand, Satan is the origin of conflict. We should capture and lock him up so peace will remain here on earth. In Revelation 20:2-3, it prophesies that the dragon will be captured and Revelation 19:6, there is also a time that God will rule again, God must dwell here on earth where


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

there is no Satan. This is what we call, the world of peace. That is the time that we can say that God truly rules again over the world.

Satan deceives people and creates conflict. To help people not to be deceived by Satan, God has been teaching the truth. Just as in 1 Timothy 2:4, God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. And to achieve this, there’s a big role for us religious leaders, we must understand one another. Let us eliminate first our walls, our conflicts, divisions among us human beings, then we should discuss and be one in finding the truth, regardless of our religion. Let’s continue looking for common ground by searching for the truth, the true answer for peace in the whole world. Roberto Magbanua Mata / Islam If all Muslims in the world only follow the four schools of thought, the Shafi, Maliki, Hanafi and Hanbali, they will respect each other. Because it is very clear that if our teaching conflicts or contradicts with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then one should forget our teaching and follow the teachings of Muhammad. The Qur’an and Sunnah are the only solutions for all Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked Allah to give Muslims these three things: Firstly, Muslims will not be under anybody. Secondly, Muslims will not be hungry. Thirdly, the unification of all Muslims. Prophet Muhammad said the (first) two were given by God but the last, which is unity, is not. Why? It is because it depends on how people govern themselves. If anyone removes one’s personal interest, we will be united as one. Acharya Prem Shankaranand Tirth / Hinduism Hare Krishna is a Supreme Being, Almighty the Supreme Soul, the soul of all souls, and Arjuna represents all of us, the entire humanity. So, what does (their conversation) tell us? There should be no ill will towards anyone. Whatever they are, whoever they are, we should respect them. We should befriend everyone and we should treat them with compassion. Whatever you do for the entire humanity, for the world, there should be no attachment so there will be no ego also. And we are equal in pain and pleasure, in sunshine or rain. And the last words Krishna said was to be always ready to forgive others; be the first one to forgive others. This practice will bring peace in the world because you don’t have any enemies, because you see everyone as your friend. So, practice friendliness, compassion, forgiveness, no ego and always be equal in rain or shine, in pain or pleasure. The second is to never keep an extreme mindset about your own practice. It brings conflict to the world, even within the religion. Krishna teaches to respect all beings, not only human beings but also other living beings like plants, and animals. Compassion to all people and living beings. They should have to be respected because if they are suffering by our actions for whatever reasons. They are cursed, and are in pain. These will come back to haunt human beings in the form of calamities such as the Corona pandemic and natural calamities.


Introducing WARP Offices worldwide

Mahendra Das / ISKCON Resolution of conflicts require active and respectful communication, mediation by higher authorities; intelligent, civil, conscientious and fruitful dialogues, and partial dissociation or ex-communication of non-adherents. In all processes, compassion and care is emphasized. The conclusion is that realizing that God owns everything, and we are born with nothing (except good and bad karma at birth). And if all basic tenets and practices as stated above are adhered to, then there will be no conflicts, and peace will reign within and without. Bjorn Capiendo / Protestant Christianity (Seventh Day Adventist) The Bible places great value on the ability to live at peace with one another (Ps.34:14), in unity (Ps.133:1), and harmony (Rom.15:5-6). At the same time, the Bible declares unequivocally that such peace is given only by God (2Thess.3:16) and lived out only as believers pattern their lifestyles after that of Jesus (Phil.2:3-8). Carlos Angana / Protestant Christianity (Evangelism) - Religious Tolerance. This means that we need to respect different religious views. - The reason why the scripture teaches us how to handle the word (2Tim.2:15) Maritez Cruz / Protestant Christianity (Methodist) - There should be a deeper understanding of what the position in church means – servant leadership. - The person who holds a church position is expected to serve others just like Jesus did. - Secondly, a more extensive scrutiny of the person’s character must be done before the person is nominated to a position.

Through the dialogue, panelists presented ways to resolve religious conflicts, such as respect and consideration for each other, returning to the fundamental teachings of religious texts, becoming one in the pursuit of truth. To achieve this, religious leaders who lead the masses play an essential role. Religious leaders who gather at WARP offices explore the teachings of scriptures, engaging with one another in religious dialogue beyond religious and denominational lines. These efforts are clearly leading the way in achieving world peace. We hope and look forward to the establishment of WARP offices in more places around the world in the future, and the gathering of more religious leaders to achieve a world of truth, love, peace and freedom. The dedication and efforts of religious leaders will speed up the realization of the world of peace.


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

05 76th

HWPL South Africa Cape Town WARP Office

Participants 1


1 Guru Medhavi Das / Hare Krishna 2 Swami Vidyananda / Hinduism 3


3 Brni Madhavi Chaitanya / Hinduism 4 Sister Nita Makanjee / Brahma Kumaris 5


5 Moulana Shafiek Nolan / Islam 6 Pastor Louis Duminy / Christianity


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Topic: Forgiveness of Sin In our scriptural texts and in the world around us, we have seen the inclinations of Man to deviate from morals, be it basic or religious. Humanity has contemplated the problem of and solution to their inclination to wrongdoing. In many cultures and places, the devout would train physically to get rid of mental attachments that they regarded as sin, such as clearing one’s mind by standing under waterfalls or inflicting pain on oneself. As such, laws and systems were set in place to limit destructive and immoral behavior but even this falls short of eradicating such behavior completely. It is religion that awakens our conscience to the problem of wrongdoing. On 28th January 2021, panelists representing Hinduism, Brahma Kumaris, Hare Krishna and Christianity explored the origin of this human inclination to sin and whether the original cause can be resolved in the 76th HWPL South Africa Cape Town WARP Office.

Q1. If mankind is naturally good, what is the origin of mankind’s wrongdoing or desire to do wrong according to your scripture/teachings? Guru Medhavi Das / Hare Krishna Our ‘original sin’ is to abandon our submissive service to God and to try to enjoy His world without Him. Due to our enviousness of God, we attempt to enjoy like Him, but will only meet with dissatisfaction and frustration. The example given is the hand trying to enjoy food without offering it to the stomach. In B.G.3.3637, Arjuna inquires, “by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force.” Krishna replies: “it is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with material modes of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world.” So, we become overwhelmed with desires to enjoy the things of this world and this creates all of our difficulties. Brni Madhavi Chaitanya / Hinduism Yes, mankind is naturally good. We all are. The main reason one does wrong is because of his desires. In chapter 2 of Bhagavad gita, Lord Krishna mentions to Arjuna, by merely seeing an object, problem does not arise but when he desires that “I must posses it now, somehow “ then problem starts because he will do anything to get the object. If his desire is obstructed then anger follows in such a person. Because of anger, a person is unable to think clearly, rightly and his intellect is clouded. This leads to doing that action which harms others. A person can go to any extent to fulfill his desires. Such action is called sins. The main problem in desiring something intensely is that I foolishly believe “that will give me joy, happiness.” The root cause is desiring of worldly objects because of firm conviction that it will give me joy.


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Moulana Shafiek Nolan / Islam Yes, mankind is naturally good. I reflected about the topic and I asked myself this theological question, was God forgiving before or after sin? In the Quran, one of the names of Allah Almighty is the “Most Forgiving”. Allah knows in His infinite wisdom that all of mankind and Jinn-kind for that matter, have the free will to either do good or bad. In Qur’an 91:7-8, “ And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it. And He inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness.” The soul inherently is inclined to good, at the same time it is also susceptible to wrongdoing. The devil who is normally blamed for all wrong and bad on earth has no power except to taunt, tantalize and provoke. The Quran states. “And Satan will say when the matter (judgment) has been concluded, “Indeed, Allah promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my aid. Indeed, I deny your association of me [with Allah] before. Indeed, for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment.” (Quran Ibrahim 14 verse 22) The intellect that the Almighty gave us is a particular tool for us to navigate to do what is right. The tool is there to make the choice to do good. Sound intellect will guide to morally sound deeds. And scripture and spiritual consciousness points us to follow goodness. Swami Vidyananda / Hinduism Creation is a made up of a combination of three qualities, which in the Sanskrit language are called sattva (good, pure), rajas (desire-based) and tamas (ignorance). (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14, Verse 5). Depending on which of these qualities are operating in the mind, the individual will behave accordingly. Wrongdoing is due to three factors: lust (desire), anger and greed (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16, Verse 21). These are born of the rajasic and tamasic states of mind (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3, Verses 37-40; Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14, Verse 8). These shroud the inner wisdom that is good. Hence, if the mind is in either of these two states, then there will be selfish thoughts and actions, which lead to destruction. Sister Nita Makanjee / Brahma Kumaris The fundamental aspect of our practices and teachings is soul consciousness, which is energy. The understanding of sin in our teachings is not so much the actions that we do but what precedes the action. Sin has been explained as that which degrades the energy. Souls are in their most impure stage. This is a stage of unrighteousness and falsehood. Truth is forgotten and the voice of conscience, or intellect that recognizes truth, is asleep. There is the ignorance of who I really am as a spiritual being, a soul. The result of that is that the mind is like wild horses running at a fast speed and the heart is broken into a thousand pieces


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seeking fulfillment in relationships. Desires are born as a result of this loss of feeling connected with the self. To compensate for that feeling of loss we tend to generate desires and wants. Pastor Louis Duminy / Christianity In every person is a desire to be good. Good deeds often bring joy and happiness to communities as well as individuals. However, sin begins in one’s thoughts. “But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” – James 1:14~15 Because of these sins, people begin to feel distressed and guilty as they are not acting according to their desire to do good. Apostle Paul explains this in Romans 7 where he says that although he wants to do good, evil is right there with him. The origin of mankind’s wrongdoing or desire is Satan and the sinful nature we are born with.

Q2. According to your scripture/teachings, how can that desire to do wrong be resolved?

Guru Medhavi Das / Hare Krishna In BG 3.41, Krishna instructs Arjuna and everyone, “Therefore, O Arjuna... in the very beginning curb this great symbol of sin (lust) by regulating the senses, and slay this destroyer of knowledge and self-realization.” And in text 3.43, Krishna says, “Thus knowing oneself to be transcendental to material, senses, mind and intelligence, one should control the lower self by the higher self and thus by spiritual strength conquer this insatiable enemy known as lust.” One has to purify material desire by engaging in works of devotion. Particularly, meditation on the names of God, the Maha-mantra is especially prescribed, in this age to cleanse the hearts of all inauspicious qualities. So, we have to regulate the senses. Also, in the Vedic understanding there is the idea that we should control what we eat. We only eat things that we will offer to God. Brni Madhavi Chaitanya / Hinduism Through controlling our sense organs. Don’t be a slave and follow your instinct to satisfy the senses. Discriminate, think, use your intellect and be honest with yourself. Had this world (objects, people etc.,) really given me joy? Is it of the nature of joy? If so then same person/object would be giving joy to everyone. Towards the end of Bhagavad gita chapter 3, Lord Krishna tells to Arjuna, “this desire that is there, don’t just get rid of it, kill it. Kill it for good.” How do we kill desire for outer things? We have to realize that the joy is not in the object but in my own Self.


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The point that mankind is naturally good is important. It tells me that I am pure by nature, but what has made me impure? By seeking joy outside when it is already within me. It is like a person who has thousands of dollars in his closet but is going out on the street and begging. We too go out into the world and beg for joy, attention, love, importance etc. But we don’t realize we already have that joy. We are that joy. It is like the ocean begging for a drop of water. I go on to think, “If I don’t have this person, this object, money or job, I will be devastated.” The whole Bhagavad gita teaching is this: realize the joy that you are. Don’t rely on outward things. Outer things are not going to be there all the time. Keep offering everything to the Lord, hold on to Him and He alone will be able to get us out of this biggest sin, and that is thinking I am limited, helpless, born and dying being. Moulana Shafiek Nolan / Islam The Quran mentions regular prayer, being conscious of the Almighty. Engaging in “spiritual immune boosters” and “spiritual vaccinations”, prescribed by the Quran and provided by Prophetic Guidance are the methods to help curb the desire to do wrong. Allah Almighty knows that man, to some degree, are prone to fall into wrongdoing. Hence, the Almighty is the Most Forgiving. And we need to continuously seek forgiveness to the Almighty, the Creator, and ask Him to guide our ways. Just as He forgave and guided our parents Adam and Eve when they fell victim to the devil’s trickery. “Then Adam received from his Lord [some prayers] words, and He accepted his repentance. Indeed, it is He who is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.” (Quran Al-Baqara 2 verse 37) Continued worship and seeking forgiveness will purify the soul, and enable it to withstand the temptations of sin. “He has succeeded who purifies it (soul), and he has failed who instills it [with corruption].” (Quran Ash-Shams 91 verse 9~10) Swami Vidyananda / Hinduism The task is to ensure that the mind remains in a state of sattva, to move towards God, then there will be wisdom and goodness (Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14, Verse 11; Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Verse 45). We can observe and study the state of our mind; whether it is in the state of sattva; in a pure, harmonious, peaceful and clear state. Sister Nita Makanjee / Brahma Kumaris It is very clear in our teachings, which is just one method: The Father (God) gives you the third eye of recognition with which to understand and experience. He has come to change night into day through knowledge and the Father comes to awaken the fortune of human beings. Fortune is the original goodness that we should reignite, reawaken to. The method is to consider yourself to be a soul and remember me, the Supreme Soul. This is the Fire of Remembrance through which sins, like impurities, will be burned. As I keep myself connected


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to that Source, automatically, impurities are removed. Things that lead to desires don’t hold power over me anymore, and my actions will then be aligned with the original nature and goodness. Pastor Louis Duminy / Christianity According to the Bible, from the perspective of God, the only way to resolve our desire to do wrong is to take away the source of sin, Satan. This is to prevent humanity from sinning further. Even if humanity’s sin is absolved, Satan can always taint the world with sin again. Believers must turn back to God, become familiar with what the will of God is and follow the narrow road (the minority) (Matthew 7:14) which is the road that is contrary to the wide and comfortable road of the majority being deceived by the serpent. Once again, the Creator God will always work for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28), and if we become part of His purpose, our desires will change from being influenced by the serpent to being in line with the desires and purpose of God, the Creator.

Many religions see mankind as being naturally good, but due to thoughts and desires, these thoughts turn Man away from goodness. To resolve the desire to do wrong, panelists explained the ways to do so: to regulate our senses and thoughts, to remember the Supreme being, carry out works of devotion, and thus ultimately find our way to the Creator. All religions acknowledge the fallibility of man to wrongdoing. Scriptures teach us how we should be aware of our vulnerability and tells us how to turn away from wrongdoing. Though there might be differences in the ways to do so, the common denominator is that we strive to do good and religion is a strong reminder to do so.

*Disclaimer: To encourage free speech in an open interfaith dialogue, we have shared minimal information of participating panelists in our dialogues.


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06 42nd

Netherlands Amsterdam WARP Office

Participants 1



1 Sajid Iqbal / Ahmadiyya 2 Indubhusan Das / Hare Krishna 3 Luka David Evans / Christianity


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Topic: About a Time of Corruption & a New Era (written in Scriptures) In conjunction with the first WARP Office meeting of 2021, the 42nd HWPL Netherlands Amsterdam WARP Office opened with the topic of Eras in religious scriptures. What does the old and corrupt era mean from the scriptures, and what a new religious era means? Additionally, what does scripture say about the distinct time periods and changes from one era to the next? Panelists explained from their respective scriptures to the above questions. In addition, panelists discussed prophecies and histories of the different eras in scriptures, and what believers should hope and believe in for a new era. The panelists not only expressed personal interest in the subject, but also engaged in lively discussions, proving that time periods, or eras, are indeed a topic of religious importance.

Q1. Does your scripture describe a time of corruption of the world and a time of renewal?

Indubhusan Das / Hare Krishna Yes, The Vedas describe a repeated period of 4 periods of time or 4 yugas: Satya yuga , Tretha yuga, Dwarpa yuga and Kali yuga. The first period of Satya yuga is most pious. It’s a period of 1.728.000 years. After that, Tretha yuga starts. Some degration is there but still a pious time of 1.296.000 years. This is followed by Dwarpa yuga, that takes up to 864.000 years. The period we are living in at the moment is called Kali yuga it takes up to 432.000 years. This is described as a period of shorter lives and cheating mentality and hypocrosy. Its tge most degraded time compare to the other yugas. In other yugas God was more in the centre in every house and family but in Kali yuga this is not. But the vedas describe that the period of this Kali yuga is called “dhanya kali yuga”, most merciful kali yuga, because God Himself has appeared in this time. Only 500 years ago, the Supreme Lord appeared in this world as “Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu”, in the district West Bengal, Navadvipa, He has given the proces to attain perfection of all devotion, pure love for God (Prema). This is the perfection of all religion and the natural function of the soul in its liberated state. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has predicted that after Him there will come a person who will spread this process of pure love for God all over the world and makes all religions into one process of pure loving devotion. It will create a big change in the world mentality, and God will be in the center of worship.


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Sajid Iqbal / Ahmadiyya The Quran and Muhamad, the prophet, mentioned corruption and renewal. God has raised a messenger among the latter people so that he will recite the signs, purify them and teach them the book and wisdom although they have been misguided. “It is He who sent to the unlettered [people] an apostle from among themselves, to recite to them His signs, to purify them, and to teach them the Book and wisdom, and earlier they had indeed been in manifest error. And to others from among them [as well] who have not yet joined them. And He is the All-mighty, the All-wise.” (Quran62:2-3) And among others who have not joined them, he is the mighty and wise one. God mentions that after sending Muhamad, the prophet, with complete teachings, there will be a time when people of faith start to forget his teachings. People in mosques, synagogues, and even churches say that they have a religion, but religion will not be in them, which means they will be void of faith. “When the sun is rolled up. When the stars are dimmed. When the mountains are set in motion. When the relationships are suspended. When the beasts are gathered. When the oceans are set aflame. When the souls are paired. When the girl, buried alive, is asked: For what crime was she killed? When the records are made public. When the sky is peeled away. When the Fire is set ablaze. When Paradise is brought near. Each soul will know what it has readied.” (Quran81:1~14) But the promised reformer will appear and bring people back to faith. That will be the renewal of the faith. Luka David Evans / Christianity In the Bible, it already prophesied that the corruption will come in this world. From the time of Adam’s sin, the sin and the corruption came in this world. Because of the corruption, people were separated from God. When we were with God, we were in peace and love. Not only has secular society and politics have become corrupt, the religious world has become morally and spiritually corrupt as well. In Revelation chapter18, it’s described as ‘Babylon’. Babylon was a city of corruption. So in the time of revelation, the corruption will appear. “With a mighty voice he shouted:‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.” (Revelation18:2-3) God wants to judge and end Babylon. But then in verse 4, it says; “Come out from Babylon, my people”, the people who believe in God. Here we can see God wants to end Babylon and the era of corruption. However, God promises a new world in Revelation21:1-4. A new world without suffering and loss. All things, including people will become new creations. Even the dead will be resurrected to this new world. In this world, the dead and the living will be changed and meet each other. A world without losing your loved ones. Because God will be with us, all creation will be restored to their


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original design. There will be no more suffering, deaths and tears. There will be no more fighting and wars, but only a world filled with love. “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Revelation21:5)

Q2. What would be the plans to renew the world, according to your scriptures? (Are there prophecies or bygone eras that describe this process of renewal?)

Indubhusan Das / Hare Krishna The soul only has the interest in loving God. So this new era is coming that we are giving up our bodily conception and we are understanding that we are all spirits and souls. And we are focused in our daily practice to express our love for God. So God will be in center in the new era and everybody will focus on loving service, loving devotion. And if you develop this love for God, automatically you will love all living entities even the animals and their feeling. Our nature is vegetarian not meat eater. We are creating a lot of diseases by eating meat. There will be the world based on pure love for God and all living entities. There will be only one process to worship God and God will be worshiped in the same way. This time will come soon but there has to be a lot of changes in the world. Before this time is coming, there will be fight, more people die, because many people have to have a chance to change. There also will be cleaning up coming. That’s why I say there is a dark period coming as well. Because not everybody to be in this selected group. They have a chance but they didn’t take it. People will kill each other in the name of God unfortunately, but one person will come and he will show that this is wrong way and we should love each other and worship God. And he will become the one whom people will follow. They will see and believe this person. Sajid Iqbal / Ahmadiyya The renewal of the faith is mentioned in Quran and by the prophet Muhamad as well. According to many verses in the Quran. “O believers! Shall I guide you to an exchange that will save you from a painful punishment?” (Quran61:10) God is the one who sent his messenger and the guidance with the religion of truth. And He will make it prevail all over religions. The perfect religion is given to Muhamad, and it is the final teaching that will prevail. This is the sign of renewal. There will also be a time when mosques and churches are full of people, but they will not have faith in them and forget true teachings. It will be three centuries after him, which will


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be the best time. And after these three centuries, a decline and the time of corruption will occur. Nevertheless, when the time of renewal comes, the messiah will come for renewal. “Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good that He will certainly make them successors in the land, as He did with those before them; and will surely establish for them their faith which He has chosen for them; and will indeed change their fear into security—˹provided that˺ they worship Me, associating nothing with Me. But whoever disbelieves after this ˹promise˺, it is they who will be the rebellious. Moreover, establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and obey the Messenger, so you may be shown mercy.” (Quran24:55-56) Luka David Evans / Christianity God explained the process of creating a new era by comparing it to the logic of a farming process. Roughly 3,400 years after the sin of Adam, God made a promise (Jeremiah 31) to create His kingdom of priests through those who are born of His seed. Therefore, God made a promise that two kinds of seeds will be sowed and that there will be two kinds of children; those who are God’s children and those who are the children of the devil. (Jeremiah 31:27, Matthew 13) Once those seeds were sowed and grown, there will be a time of harvest. And when harvest comes, those born of God’s seed will be ripe grain harvested to the barn while those who are born of the devil’s seed will be left in the field. This is how the two kinds of seed will be distinguished. In the time of harvest, Revelation 14 explains that Jesus the Lamb will return, standing on Mount Zion. The people who are with him at the place are called the first fruits offered to God. Mount Zion is where the spiritual heaven comes down to. The reason why these people are called the first fruits is because they are born of God’s seed and have been harvested. Therefore, the bible records a plan to create God’s new kingdom and new people from the Old Testament to be finally fulfilled as written in the New Testament. And this is akin to the process of sowing the seeds to reap a harvest as per farming logic.

As the moderator of the WARP Office dialogue observed, “It was interesting that all three religions have similar prophecies, such as the passing of old and corrupt times and the coming of a new era. Through the panelists, we learned that a new era will surely come, and that it will be an era of peace and love for everyone. Above all, it was a precious time to affirm that this is what the Creator wants for us.” The dialogue ended with a round of applause, with renewed hopes for a new era. HWPL Netherlands Amsterdam WARP Office hosted its first debate of the year and will continue to work hand in hand with religious leaders for a new era of peace and harmony.


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If you would like to have more information or have any inquiries regarding the HWPL WARP Offices, please contact us at info@hwpl.kr

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