Sediments | Portfolio of Haibo

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Sediments An Approach Towards Responsive Design.

Portfolio | Haibo XIAO

Haibo XIAO | Male | P.R.China | +44 7907993591 | Flat 11 Limetree Court, 12 Haling Park Road, South Croydon, United Kingdom, Postcode: CR2 6NE



Time unstoppably fleets, like a ever-running river, brushing every little stone of ideas and sand of thoughts.





As time went by, some sands have gone with the tide, while some stones remained, like sediments on the riverbed. Now, these Sediments are collected in this very portfolio.



Economy Laws Politics


Truth be told, I was dreaming to make a difference in this big world and intended to be an urban designer a few years ago, but then came to realize that I want to be more than an urban designer changing the world from a macro perspective in a certain field. Driven by the passion, I tried to understand design in a more comprehensive way by getting involved with the relationship between human, nature, society and technology. It is amazing to find better solutions for something we took for granted, in the field of architectural design, landscape design, industrial design, fashion design, etc.


CONTENTS Urban Design Big Scale Architectural Design Responsive Design Small Scale

Professional Skills


Miscellaneous Design

REnergize | Urban Design


Shan Shui Zhou Cheng | Landscape Design


The Hidden Unobtrusiveness | Museum Design


CONEcrete | Cone Research


Modern Memento | Subway Station Design


An Augmented Dimension | Traffic Solution


Design Chronology | Project List


The Craftmanship | Making & Photography


Solidified Liquid | Material Explorations


Infinite Growth | Cone Research


Frozen Motion | Mask Design


The Photo-frame Chair | Chair Design


Minimalism Lover | Jewelry Design


Space Fluidity | Space Design


Versatility | Miscellaneous Design Work


Project 1: The Hidden Unobtrusiveness | Natural Museum Design National Undergraduate Architectural Design Competition Type: Competition Work, 2010 Location: Nanjing,China Tutor: GAO Sheng



[ Site Analysis ]

Site in the Height-control Area

Located in the Ming Dynasty Palace Park in Nanjing city, this site used to be a vibrant city park with gentle slopes, attracting loads of people to come here for relaxing. It may not be a wise decision to rudely replace this park with an art museum. Due to the protection of the majestic traditional buildings, Nanjing Government made laws to control the construction heights to preserve the skyline of this area. With all this restrictions, keeping the park and hiding the museum underground seems to be a responsive solution. So why not leave the slopes as it used to be and build a semi-underground art museum?


01 A Hidden Unobtrusiveness Art Museum Design


l area

National Undergraduate Architectural Design Competition Type: Competition Work, 2010 Location: Nanjing,China Tutor: GAO Sheng

[ Context Analysis ]

Stand out? VS Hide in?

Nanjing City

The total area of this site is 5250 square metre, as for its land use, 70% of it is a city park, while civil facilities, roads, public square and others make up the rest. And different types of people like to visit here at different times on a daily basis.

Traditional Chinese Philosophy

Height Restriction Policy

City Park


Nanjing City is a rather modern, beautiful yet historical city with many well-preserved palaces from ancient China. Fortunately and unfortunately, this site sits right in the middle of one of those historical remains. So before starting this design project, I asked myself a question. Is it feasible to build a vibrant art museum in such an important historical area and minimize, at the same time, the impact it exerts to the surrounding district? Subway Station

Yes! As a win-win solution, this museum is buried with clearly no intention to interrupt the wonderful view of this historical city. And it is accessed by ramps and stairs going deep into the city park to discover again, from inside the museum, the park and the city. And basically, this design is based on uniting dualities: past and future, inside and outside, day and night, calm and dynamic, large and small, private and public.

Public Park

The Site

Government Office



Type and Amount of visitors in 24 hours


[ Design Philosophy ]

[ Design Strategy ] Site Conditions and Restrictions


Standing out?

Hiding in!

Due to the site restrictions and “Height Control” policy, it is not the best solution.

The character “Xian” has the meaning of “show”, “display” and “stand out”, which is the main trend in our society. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it suits all circumstances.

“Tian Ren He Yi” takes an extremely significant place in the traditional Chinese philosophy. It means the inevitable links and coexistence between nature and human beings.

there is a restrict construction height limit in Nanjing city today,in order to protect the skyline of the Ming Dynasty Palace Park Region.

the Ming Dynasty Palace Park is a very important scenic region in Nanjing,it needs a construction height control to ensure its viewing sight.

Disperse people stream?

Attract people stream!

this site was a city park before,a tall building in this area will cut off the connection between two sides of the site.

by remaining the city park as it used to be,this grassland on the roof of museum will provide citizens with a pleasant place to relax.

Keep the park

Hide the museum

Being invisible doesn’t mean the loss of functions or attraction. Since every detail has been considered, including the plan layout, support facilities, people flowstreams, it will be a container of infinite behaviors.


Open the sight!

To coexist with the surroundings, this museum will be “invisible” and shapeless by hiding the main structure under the city park, accordingly minimizing the intervening impacts.

“Cang” is the meaning of “hide”, but not equal with simply hiding things, it also means the wisdom of reaching the equilibrium of connotation and extension.

Block the sight?

[ Heat Contributions ]

[ Basic Solutions ]

10%-Activities of people

35%-Direct solar radiation

Grass sheild

25%-Electric appliances

30%-Thermal transmission

Wind cooling 13

[ Plan Drawings ]

[ Concept Diagram ]

[ Axonometric View ]

Layer 1

The remained public park is still functioning and it is getting more attractive because of the sculptural benches and art installations.

Step 1: Four Parts

This hidden museum contains three exhibition halls and a cafe and shop.

Step 2: The independece

Each part serves as independent units to adapt to different events.

Step 3: The Connection

The parts are connected for the continuous circulation and communication.

Layer 2 First Floor Plan

Two-story museum with multiple functions: 3 galleries, cafe,shop and staff offices

Layer 3

The landscape basement with the column grid system and the basement floor.

Step 4: The Original Site

This site is a former city park with square edges to the surrounding area.

Step 5: Import the Landscape

By importing the landscape into this site, there will be slight slopes in the middle.

Step 6: The Urban Context

This site is surrounding by subway station, university, park and goverment offices.

Ground Floor Plan

Step 7: Programming

Project the four parts into the lanscape of this site.

Step 8: Integration

Integrate the four functions with the existing landscape and urban context.

Step 9: The Supporting Facilities

Some supporting facilities,like toilets, staff room and storage room are inserted.

[ Circulation Analysis ] Step 10: Central Square 14

By rotating a box, we can get a central square linking all four parts.

Step 11: Grass Shield

With the grassland shield, the city park is remained and the meseum is greener.

Step 12: The Hidden Museum

With all these steps, a museum is wisely hidden under the city park.

15 Westside Street View

[ Design Rendering ]

[ Design Details ]

Section 1: Roof Structure


[ Section 1-1 ]

Section 2: Wall Structure

Close-up View 1

Close-up View 2

Detail View 1

Detail View 2

Detail View 3

Detail View 4 17

Project 2: Shan Shui Zhou Cheng | Public Square and Landscape Design Type: International Bidding Project,2014 Location: Jinying Square, Changsha, China Category: Public Building Role: Concept Design, Modelling and After Effects Mentor: LUO Jin




[ Urban Context ]


Changsha is famous for its nickname “Shan Shui Zhou

Cheng”, which means this city is formed by moutains, rivers and continents.

Shan Shui Zhou Cheng

The site located in the front of Hunan Broadcasting

Public Square and Landscape Design

“ Shan ” Mountain

“ Zhou ” Continent

Company(HBC) and it is near Sanyi Avenue, which is a

Type: International Bidding Project 2014 Location: Jinying Square, Changsha, China Category: Public Building Role: Concept Design, Modelling and After Effects Mentor: LUO Jin

very important one in Changsha. HBC wants to convey a new image of the representative of Changsha City to the public by this project. So one of the focuses of this project is blending the “Shan Shui Zhou Cheng” urban landscape into this design proposal.

“ Shui ” Water

“ Cheng ” City

New Image of HBC

Changsha City Freeform Landscape

Urban Context: Shan,Shui,Zhou,Cheng

Public Square

The initial aim of this project is to convey the message that Hunan Broadcasting Company(HBC) is stepping into the world-class broadcasting company level and trying to change the its public image, by transferring an underused car park in front of its headquater into an attractive and well-designed public park and commercial centre with underground parking. As a background research shows, the Hunan Broadcasting Company has been a representative of Changsha City for years. So the starting point is to look into Changsha’s nickname: Shan Shui Zhou Cheng, which means the city is closely linked with its mountain, river and continent. This design fully applied and embedded thses four elements into every aspect of this proposal in order to create a lively and charming public space for employees of HBC and citizens of Changsha City.




[ Design Imaginary ]

[ Design Elements ]

Shan | Mountain

Shui | River

Zhou | Continent

Cheng | City

Shan Shui Zhou Cheng



Master Plan

[ Design Inspiration ] Inspired by the concept of micro landscape and Japanese karesansui garden art, this proposal for the Jinying Square is based on the idea that what we are building is not just a piece of infrastructure, but also a natural intervention. So in order to include this complicated square very naturally into environment, the square itself has become a landscape. I expect that this project could enlighten us to think the relevance among human, nature and city.

Climbing Wall

[ Master Plan ]

Outdoor Runway


Water Screen Film


Commercial Mall



Project 3: Modern Memento | Subway Station Design Changsha Subway Station Design Competition, 2014 Location: Huangxing Square, Changsha, China Category: Competition Work Mentor: LUO Jing

A place where time stands still...

Introduction of Huang Xing Huang Xing (Oct 25, 1874 ~Oct 31, 1916) One of the Founders of People’s Republic of China; Leader of Modern Democratic Revolutionary; Best friend of the Great Sun Zhongshan. Huang Xing died of illness in Shanghai On October 31, 1916. And his coffin shifted with greatest honor to Mountain Yuelu in Changsha on April 15, 1917.



[ Urban Context ]


This subway station is situated at a prime location right in the middle of Changsha’s commercial heart and surrounded by varieties of modern malls and high-rise offices. Meanwhile, it is also the very place a significant history for Chinese people has happened. There are two stops of the Huangxing Square Subway Station, both of them were on the busiest commercial street of Hunan Province.

03 Modern Memento Subway Station Design

Changsha Subway Station Design Competition, 2014 Location: Huangxing Square, Changsha, China Category: Competition Work Mentor: LUO Jing

Modern Form

Changsha City

Huangxing Square

Historic Sculpture

The Contrast and Combination of Past and Future

Huang Xing, The Revolutioner

This site locates in a prime part of Changsha City, which is the core modern commercial centre of the whole city, or even the whole province. It is named after a rather significant figure of China: Huang Xing, the founder of People’s Republic of China. Out of these reasons, the history of old Changsha must be embedded into the most modern area in an appropriate way. As there are many historical scupture around the suyway station site, and also many very modern buildings with very clean lines and simple geometry, so maybe it is a good way to combine these two aspects together, by creating a modern momento to memorise Huang Xing in a seamless way.

Old Changsha 28

New Changsha 29

[ Mind Map ]

[ Material Analysis ]

Old Changsha

New Changsha

Glorious History

Prospective Future

Symbolic Sculpture

Memorial Monument

Minimal Surface

Tradiional Material Traditional Gray-white Granite

Modern Form

Local Wood

High transmittance glass curtain wall

Dark-gray matte paint

Dynamic Lines

Modern Momento The contrast and combination of past and future, by embedding the monumental scupture into the dynamic modern form.

Station Board

Modern Form Entry and Exit

Simple Lines

Glass Wall

Flower Bed

Granite Facade

Memorial Curvings

Rain Collector

Wooden Louver

Ventilation Pavilion

Monumental Scupture To find equilibrium between the present and the past is the core task of this design. The special location of this project gives this station a duality: a modern sculptural subway station and a memorial of history. It aims to offer an outlet for the memorization of the Revolutionary War in a modern yet abstract way. People can feel the heaviness of that dark period through the rough stone facade and the carvings of the epidermis and the Huang Xing revolution history. 30


[ Perspective View ]

[ Eco-system ]

[ Node View ]

Node View 1 The Guiding Board

Node View 2 The Ventilation Pavilion

Node View 3 The Guiding Board

Node View 4 The Ventilation Pavilion

[ Facade View ]



Project 4: The Augmented Dimension | The Cable-bus Stop Design A Possible Solution for Dimensional Traffic in Metropolitan Cities Type: Competition Work, 2010 Location: Hong Kong, China Tutor: GAO Sheng








[ Design Imaginary ]


Hongkong needs the Cable-car!

An Augmented Dimension The Cable-bus Stop Design

A Possible Solution for Dimensional Traffic in Metropolitan Cities Type: Competition Work, 2010 Location: Hong Kong, China Tutor: GAO Sheng I love Hongkong! It’s stable and amazing! Great!

Future Trend

Hong Kong


Wanna take a ride!

Underused footbridge

Dimensional Traffic for Metropolitan Cities

Let’s try it now!

Cable-car System

As we all may know, Hong Kong unarguably is a busy metropolitan city with heavy traffic everyday, especially during the rush hours. Any minor underground construction for the subway system or road extension plan would trigger serious traffic problems. Also, because of its mountainous landscape and many underused footbridges, I found a possible solution for the future of Hong Kong’s public transportation, which would fully use the leftover bridges and organise them into a cable car system. The cable car system is an updated version of the normal tourism cable car system, it is with greater capacity and it mostly runs vertically, so it is more stable and safer. Moreover, it will produce less pollution and provide a new way of public transportation for the dimensional traffic solution. Most importantly, it will be much easier to construct.


Cable car, I AM COMING!

Green pass for the disabled this way!

Good job!

A cable car on the footbridge?!

Daddy, I like that!

Omggg! Is that a cable car?

No more traffic jam?


What’s the problem?

As one of the world’s busiest and most developed regions, Hong Kong is famous for its well-developed subway network and convenient pedestrian bridges. Even so, at the rush hours of the day, there will still be severe traffic problems. Problems: 1.Over-population; 2.Heavy traffic; 3.Moutainous landscape; 4.Underused footbridges.

[ Solutions ] But, as a matter of fact, it’s not likely to add more roads or MTR lines in the busiest downtown areas. What we can do is to make the most of pedestrian bridges, and add another layer of transportation: CABLE-BUS, which is lager than a normal cable car and can transport more passengers at a lower cost of money and environmental price. Solution: Add another layer of cable-cars on the footbridge to extend the traffic network.

What’s Cable-bus?

Cable-bus is an updated version cable-car in addition with appropriate human scale and special care for handicapped people. Maximum Loading Capacity:1800kg Maximum Passenger Number:18

Why HongKong? Why Cable-bus? 1.Over-population Hong Kong is not only one of the busiest cities in the world, but also one of world’s most densely populated cities. In downtown areas, the population density reaches to amazingly 2.1 million per square kilometer. It’s an urgent task to develop the three-dimensional traffic system. 2.Landscape As a typical of the coastal hilly terrain landscape, Hong Kong is mountainous city with height differences. Cable-buses can adapt to the landscape more easily than other transportation means with a lower total cost. 3.Tourism Hong Kong is a world-class tourism city, cable-buses can provide a better way of appreciating the beauty of Hong Kong. 4.Energy-saving Because of it’s driven by green energy, cable-buses are eco-friendly. Meanwhile, its compact structure results in small amount of construction. What’s Cable-bus Stop?

The cable-bus stop is a three-layered construction above the road, which only exercises very little influence to the traffic of the streets. First layer is open for buses and cars. Second is an over bridge for passers-by to get across the road. Third layer is an intermediate station for cable-bus system to relieve the stress of public traffic and simultaneously provide a new way of sightseeing.

A better way to enjoy the beauty of Hong Kong!



[ Design Imaginary ]

[ Circulating Ropeway System ] In order to slow down the cable-bus in the station for passengers to get off and on easily and gracefully, the mobile cable-bus holder disengage from rails so that cable-bus can deorbit and run on the rollers inside the orbit when it came in the station; When it’s out of the station, cable-bus holder holds the hanging rails and is driven by a steel cable line on the rail to reach a higher speed.



Project 5: REnergize | Renewal of Industrial Zones CUPC 2012 Urban Design Competition Type:Competition Work,2012 Award:First Prize of HCU Location:Yiyang,China Partener:MO Fan Tutor:ZHOU Bo



[ Site Analysis ]


The site located in northern side of Longshangang area of Yiyang city, which is surrounded by Zhixi river and a mountain. It has a beautiful and fresh environment condition and it’s very livable. Because of its being located in the upstream section of the river, we need to replace the traditional industry with green and creative industries. The total area of this site is 30.89 hectare.

05 REnergize

Renewal of Industrial Zones CUPC 2012 Urban Design Competition Type:Competition Work,2012 Award:First Prize of HCU Location:Yiyang,China Partener:MO Fan Tutor:ZHOU Bo

[ Population and Gender ]

Iconic Chimney as a Landmark

Yiyang City

As is shown in the pie chart, male population is more than female’s. Due to the labor force outflow, the phenomenon of population aging is very obvious. Meanwhile, the proportion of children left behind is relatively high. These factors directly cause the lack of vitality in this area.

Factory Transformation

Re-energize The Industrial Zone

Labour Force Reflow

This area used to be the most prosperous district in Yiyang city. Unfortunately, it is now cold and deserted due to the outflow of people and poor infrastructure system. In order to bring back its glorious days and lively sceneries, we need to energize this zone. “Energize” in this urban design is mainly applied in three places: factory workshop, residential zone and industrial remains. First of all, factories and chimney are typical symbols of this zone, we decide to keep and transform them. As for housing, we introduce a new pattern of living to gain the interpersonal interactions by adding more public space... All we want is ENERGIZE the zone and find its lost memories.



[ Problems ]

[ Solutions ]

1.Labor force outflow Regional industrial structure is incomplete and it can’t provide enough job opportunities. Adult people are forced to going outside to hunt for jobs, leaving their children and parents at home.

1.Labor force reflows Replace traditional polluting industries with third industries, Thereby creating more job opportunities and attracting labor force back to the area.

2.Lack of vitality Due to the traditional polluting industries, environment has been somewhat polluted. Moreover, infrastructure in this area is rather inadequate. People don’t have activity and communication places, which directly make this region lack vitality. 3.Insufficient protection for historical buildings Since this area is a traditional industrial zone of Yiyang, some industrial buildings have already been an important symbol of this area. But historical buildings aren’t effectively protected.

[ Master Plan ]

2.Energize the zone Introduce new creative industries to reduce environmental pollution greatly, and upgrade the infrastructure, such as roads, public squares, parks, etc. By doing so we can make this area back to life once again. 3.Transform industrial factories Evaluate the quality of constructions. Dismantle the poor-conditioned constructions and retain and transform better-quality industrial factories into creative studios.

[ Concept Diagram ]

[ Design Description ]

[ Indexes ]

This area is planned to be a multifunctional complex made up of “6 zones”, “8 groups”, and “5 nodes”. In the future, there will be creative industry, exhibition galleries, industrial tourism, garden office, ecological houses, etc. in this area. It will be a model district for old industrial area renewal.

Total planning area: 34.4ha Total construction area: 16.6ha Floor area ratio: 0.48 Building density: 11.6% Greening rate: 35% Total roads area: 7.2ha Square area: 1.6ha Parking lot: 2650 Ground parking rate: 1.6% Water area: 2.2ha

[ Street View ] 46


[ Design Imaginary ]

Node 01

Node 02

Node 03

Node 04

Node 05

Node 06

Node 07

Node 08

[ Nodes ] 2.activity centre 4.central square 5.residential district 6.hotel 7.central plaza 8.hanging bridge 9.bridge 10.street pavilion 11.restroom 48

Node 09

Node 10

Node 11



[ Design Strategy ]

The transform and renewal of industrial factory zones


Strategy 1: House Green home equipped with large multifunctional terraces and communication space, focuses on people’s daily interaction.

Strategy 3: Chimney smart chimney with LED information lights serving as weather forecast landmark light tower.

Strategy 2: Corridor As a symbol of local history, hanging bridges connect old and new construction.


[ Design Goal ] A 24-hour thriving complex zone with mutiple functions.

Strategy 4: Factory Old factories with truss structure provide large space, which is very flexible. We can change it into studios, display galleries, etc.


Project 6: C NEcrete | Futuristic Architectural Design Exploration Team Members: Haibo Xiao | Liyuan Ma | Qiaochu Wang | Sanchutha Choomsai na ayuthaya Tutors: Daniel Widrig | Soomeen Hahm | Igor Pantic | Stefan Bassing The Bartlett School of Architecture | UCL Type: Design Research,2015-2016

CONEcrete Team, Research Cluster 6, MArch Architectural Design, 2015 - 2016 The Bartlett School of Architecture | UCL 2016.09

More Information: 52


[ Form Reference ] Inspired by the patterns in the artworks of Neri Oxman, Iris Van Herpen and so on, we were interested in the aggregation of simple compnents by arraying and stacking, in order to create some interesting patterns like spiral growth.


06 CONEcrete

Futuristic Architectural Design Exploration Team Members: Haibo Xiao | Liyuan Ma | Qiaochu Wang | Sanchutha Choomsai na ayuthaya Tutors: Daniel Widrig | Soomeen Hahm | Igor Pantic | Stefan Bassing The Bartlett School of Architecture | UCL Type: Design Research,2015-2016

Futuristic Architecture

The Bartlett, London Stacking, Interlocking, Arraying

The Infinite Growing Potential of Aluminium Mesh Cones

Form Reference Image 2: Metal Dress, Iris Van Herpen

Form Reference Image 3:

Bloom-the Game, Jose Sanchez & Alisa Andrasek

[ Material Reference ] For the hardening material, we tried to use the most common construction material----concrete, for its strehgth, stability and interesting patterns when combined with mesh.

Reinforced Concrete

Inspired by the research of self-organisational system by Michael Weinstock and various artwork by Nick van Woert, the CONEcrete project focuses on the digital form-finding process based on the L-system outcomes and agent-based Recursive Growth system, by setting sail from material properties and behaviours of aluminium mesh cone and reinforced concrete. Initially, this project started with one of the simplest geometries : cone, which can be stacked up into linear or spiral patterns and grow or branch out in to any directions and be continued at any nodes. Based on these features, we studied and researched about the L-system to generate various guide curves and then prototypes and design objects in multiple software platforms to mimic the natural growth logic of plants. Simultaneously, with the increasing complexity of cone aggregation, the reinforced concrete came out as a proper way to harden the form and give it architectural possibility and feasibility. What’s more, we developed the agent-based system called CONEcrete with three hierarchies: Agent, Segment, Guided aggregation, as a potential solution for the larger scale of aggregation. The combination of these may sparkle a more lightweight, flexible and continuously growing space potential, and hopefully, with the assistance of agent-based CONEcrete design system, it is promising to design complex forms more efficiently and accordingly fabricate them in a faster and more straightforward way in the futuristic architecture world.


Form Reference Image 1: Rapid Craft, Neri Oxman, 2005-2006

Material Reference Image 1: Untitled Project, Nick van Woert, 2011 Material: Kitty Litter, plaster statue, stainless steel, urethane

Material Reference Image 2: Untitled Project, Nick van Woert,2014 Material: Coal slag, steel and white bronze

Material Reference Image 3: RC6 Plex_e, Bartlett,UCL,2014 Material: jesmonite plaster, paster polymer, trisodium citrate , water


[ Initial Attempts ] According to the references, we tried to make some small physical sculpture by simply cutting and folding metal sheets. With these easily-made cone shape components, we used stacking and arraying to connect cones.

[ Tools ]

Side Array






4 Image 1: Metal sheet Image 2: Scissor to cut the sheet material Image 3: Pen to roll the sheet into cones Image 4: Plier to strengthen the cone shape

Simple cones

Cone Aggregation

Initial Attempt Model 56


Component Study | Geometry Study

[ Geometry Study ] We study three basic geometry shapes which are triangular base pyramid, rectangular base pyramid, and a simple cone. Both of the pyramid shapes allows more surface of connection, make it more easier to join side by side with another components. However the cone shape make it possible for 360 degree branching as well as create a spiral pattern when stacking linearly while the pyramid shapes with surface cannot.

Basic Shape



Triangular Base Pyramid

Side Array with Alignment

Side Array with Shift

Linear Stacking

Linear Stacking with Shift

Spiral Linear Stacking



• Surface make it easy for side array • Easy for Linear Stacking • Cannot create spiral linear stacking • With triangular base shape results in branching to limited direction • Surface make it

easy for side array • Easy for Linear

Stacking • Cannot create

spiral linear stacking •With rectangular base Square



Regtangular Base Pyramid

Simple Cone

shape results in branching to limited direction •Less surface make it difficult for side array • Easy for Linear Stacking • With circular base shape make it possible for spiral linear stacking • With circular base shape result in braching to 360 degree direction


Fabrication Research | Material Study

[ Material Comparison ] By comparing a wide range of materials, such as papaer, plastic sheet, felt sheet, aluminium sheet, prepreg carbon fiber and aluminium mesh, by its properties, deformability and price. We found the aluminium mesh is the best material for its flexibility, stability and ability to attach concrete.




Plastic Sheet

Felt Sheet

Aluminium Sheet

Prepreg Carbon Fibre

Aluminium Perforated Sheet

0.3 mm

0.5 mm

1.0 mm

0.1 mm

0.75 mm

0.5 mm

Shaping to a single Cone


Cones Aggregation



Fabrication Research | Cone Fabrication

[ Standardised Cone Making ] Making a cone is easy, just need some simple tools, like scissors and hands, to cut it along its mesh line, and roll it around some cone shaped object, like pencil or cone-shape 3D printing mold. If more preciseness is required, we can use the water jet machine to cut it.

Option 1: Manual Modeling


Step 2: Basic shape

Step 3: Roll the mesh

Step 4: Stack into the holes

Step 5: Cone made!

Step 1: Take out the mesh

Step 2: Basic shape

Step 3: Use the mould

Step 4: Roll the mesh

Step 5: Cone made!



Step 1: Cut the mesh

: 11

Option 2: Machine-assisted Modeling



Fabrication Research | Cone Standardization


[ 4-cone Segment System ]

[ Strength Test ]

1.Make standardized cones.(Cone Diametre:3cm, Cone Length: 9cm) 2.Make standardized cone segment.(By connecting at the 11th point and rotate 20 degree, the segments will have four possible growing positions) 3.Design guide curves 4.Apply the 4-cone segments onto the guide curves(By randomly choosing one of the four possible growing positions) 5.Branch out to form surfaces

We put each brach of diferent material on a frame, use a weigher to pull the branch down, and record the force when the branch is broken.

White Cement

PVA Powder

As a result, Concrete, and Concrete mix with PVA powder are the strongest material.

Load Bearing Unit kg







: 11

0 2 kg

2 kg

PVA Powder50% : Concrete 50%


Fibre Concrete

7 kg

9 kg

9 kg

7 kg

Load Bearing Unit kg



Step 1:Single components


Step 2: Stacking

Step 3: Branching

Step 4: Reinforced sculpture



Digital Exploration | Logic-finding

[ Complex Morphologies ] Agent Trails

Using Complex Morphologies to generate the guide curves, by using the attractors and repellors. Then using grasshopper to transform curves into cones.

[ Generation Process ]

Frame 65

Frame 95

Frame 715

Frame 815

Frame 915

Frame 450

Frame 515

Frame 615

Frame 1000

Frame 1115

Frame 1040

Curves with cone

Frame 35


Perspective View


Design Language | Branching Syetem

[ Generative L-system ] An L-system or Lindenmayer system is a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar. An L-system consists of an alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings, a collection of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols, an initial “axiom� string from which to begin construction, and a mechanism for translating the generated strings into geometric structures. L-systems were introduced and developed in 1968 by Aristid Lindenmayer, a Hungarian theoretical biologist and botanist at the University of Utrecht. Lindenmayer used L-systems to describe the behaviour of plant cells and to model the growth processes of plant development. L-systems have also been used to model the morphology of a variety of organisms[1] and can be used to generate self-similar fractals such as iterated function systems.

[ Generation Process ] Recursion 1

Recursion 2

Recursion 3

Recursion 4

Recursion 5

Recursion 6

Angle Parameters Curvature: 0;3;12; Branch: -39;69;45; Spiral: 39;39;-35;

Angle Parameters Curvature: 12;0;-6; Branch: 15;15;15; Spiral: 30;30;-30;

Angle Parameters Curvature: 15;0;-15; Branch: 15;15;15; Spiral: 30;30;-30;

Angle Parameters Curvature: 15;15;15; Branch: -30;60;45; Spiral: 30;30;-30;



Design Language | Bundle System

[ Digital Study ] The element of the pavilion legs and its ceiling are based on the previous column design. Moreover leg design is concerned bundles are placed on the bottom to make the structure rigid enough. Then, the bundles are braided until the top where they branch and meet the nearest curves from the others

Iteration 1


Iteration 2

Perspective View


Design Language | Branching Syetem

[ Guided Growth ] Using the guide curve as a the basement for the directional growth, we created two kinds of growth direction:one-directional growth and multi-direction grwoth, it could make this project to become more diverse.

[ Growth Process ]

Guided Grwoth Procedure

Step 1: Guide curve

Guided Grwoth Procedure

Guided Grwoth Procedure

Step 2: One-directional growth

Step 3: Multi-direction grwoth

Guided Growth Process

Guided Growth Process

Guided Growth Process

Key Frame 01

Key Frame 02

Key Frame 03

Guided Growth Process

Guided Growth Process

Guided Growth Process

Key Frame 04

Key Frame 05

Key Frame 06 Guided Growth Process

Digital Outcome Rendering



Design Language | Branching Syetem

[ Guided Growth ] We study the different curvatures created through 3 different connection points which are 1/4, 1/2 , and 3/4. With different cone diameter and length can create different curvatures.

[ Growth Process ]

Side View

Step 1: Bounding Box

Step 4: Segmented Growth Along the Curve


Step 2: Guide Curves

Step 5: Segmented Growth Along the Curve

Step 3: Symmetric Curves

Step 6: Segmented Growth Along the Curve

Perspective View


Design Development | Branching Bundles [ Branching Bundles ] Based on the two main design language, we tried to combine the branching system and bundle system in order to create some sculptural objects with structrural meaning and also with many future growing potentials.

Design Language

Design Language

Option 1: Bundle System

Option 2: Branching System

Design Language

Feature 1:

Branching system provides infinite growing possibilities to form larger aggregation.

Design Language

Feature 2:


Linear Aggregation



Bundle system provides this whole object the structual meaning and gives it recognisable pattern.

Branchy Aggregation


Design Development | Branching Bundles [ Digital Study ] Based on the two main design language, we tried to combine the branching system and bundle system in order to create some sculptural objects with structrural meaning and also with many future growing potentials.

Design Language

Feature 1:

Branching system provides infinite growing possibilities to form larger aggregation.

Design Language

Feature 2:

Bundle system provides this whole object the structual meaning and gives it recognisable pattern.



Design Setup | Branching System

[ Chair Study ] Using L-system to generate the branching structure, then optimizing line to create curves. Then using grasshopper to transform curves into our cones.

Sitting Object Design

Iteration 1

Sitting Object Design

Iteration 2 Sitting Object Design

Iteration 5


Sitting Object Design

Sitting Object Design

Iteration 3

Iteration 4


Physical Fabrication | Chair Fabrication

[ The CONEcrete Chair Fabrication ] We used 3 different sizes of cones for the chair fabrication. First started with seating part by using side connection, then building up the back part by branching with spiral pattern. Lastly, the legs part are the combination of linear stacking and spiral pattern.

Sitting Test of the CONEcrete Chair


Physical Model of the CONEcrete Chair


Physical Fabrication | Chair Fabrication

[ The CONEcrete Stool Fabrication ] We used only one size of cones for the stool fabrication. First started with seating part by using side connection, then building up the back part by branching with spiral pattern. Lastly, the legs part are the combination of linear stacking and spiral pattern.

Top View


Digital Model of the CONEcrete Stool

Physical Model of the CONEcrete Stool Leg Detail



Architectural Potential | Design Catalogue

[ Chair Design Chronology ] Based on the design languages and development, we designed several iterations of sitting objects. This is a list of the chairs we have designed in the order of time finished.

Chair Design Iteration 1


Chair Design Iteration 2

Chair Design Iteration 3

Chair Design Iteration 4

Chair Design Iteration 5

Chair Design Iteration 6


Architectural Potential | Design Catalogue

[ Column Design Chronology ] Based on the design languages and development, we designed several iterations of columns. This is a list of the columns we have designed in the order of time finished.

Column Design Iteration 1


Column Design Iteration 2

Column Design Iteration 3

Column Design Iteration 4

Column Design Iteration 5

Column Design Iteration 6

Column Design Iteration 7


Architectural Potential | Staircase Study

[ Staircase Design ] By applying different step patterns onto this basic staircase shape, we can get very different outcomes. Here are five of them.

Staircase Design

Staircase Design

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Staircase Design

Iteration 5


Staircase Design

Staircase Design

Iteration 3

Iteration 4


Architectural ArchitecturalPotential Potential| Spcae | SpcaeOption Design 1

[ Modular Boxes ] Mainly, we have designed six building elements:floor, ceiling, wall, column, staircase and outdoor steps. By staching them together, we can get a modularlised space.


Module Design

Module Design

Module Design

Element 1 Floor

Element 2 Ceiling

Element 3 Wall

Module Design

Module Design

Module Design

Element 4 Column

Element 5 Staircase

Element 6 Steps

Module Design

Module Design

Module Design

View 1

View 2

View 3


Architectural Potential | Spcae Option 1

[ Architectural Scenario ]



Architectural Potential | Spcae Option 1

[ Architectural Scenario ]



Architectural Application | Spcae Option 2

[ Raindrop Pattern Space ] Based on our design language and the study of minimal surfaces, we apply our cones onto the surfaces according to the rain drop pattern. And use three layers of different patterns: the primary base, the branching cones and the bundle cones to create an exciting space experience.





Original Surface

First Layer

Second Layer

Side View 98


Architectural Application | Spcae Option 3

[ Three-layered Minimal Space ] Based on our design language and the study of minimal surfaces, we apply our cones onto the surfaces according to the rain drop pattern. And use three layers of different patterns: the primary base, the branching cones and the bundle cones to create an exciting space experience.

Layer 1 Bundle Pattern

Front View

Layer 2 Branching Pattern

Layer 3 Raindrop Pattern

Back View

Layer 1&2&3 Three-layered Space



Architectural Application | Spcae Option 3

[ Architectural Scenario ]



Professional Skills This chapter mainly consists of four parts: Design Chronology (Project List); The Craftmanship( Model-making & Photography) Solidified Liquid(Material Explorations) and Infinite Growth(Cone Research). In these parts, I summarised other design projects that I have done in the past years,like museum design, primary school planning and so on. During the academic study, I have learnt how to make professional models and photography. Besides these academic achievements, I also tried to explore material properties by conducting some material tests. Moreover, I continued and expanded my research project from the Bartlett School of architecture.



-- --6-201 ----

High-rise Design London, 2016


I majored in urban design during my undergraduate years, and found it quite different from architectural design. My passion for design keeps me trying various design works in my spare time, including landscape design, street furniture design and concept



--20 13 ------


Random City

[ Design Chronology ]

07 ---------- -

Tower Design Chongqing, 2014



Observation Tower



------2 ---9 0 0 1 1 -- -------2010----------20

0 ---2

--2 ----08


Shelter Street Furniture Design Changsha, 2009

3D City Central Business District Planning Yiyang, 2014

Slices Pavilion Design Shanghai, 2010

Realm of Freedom Residential Zone Planning Yiyang, 2013

The Courtyard Interwoven High-rise Complex Design Yiyang, 2012


Library Design Beijing, 2011


Model Making Projects

The Craftmanship


A Meter of Sunshine

[ Hand-drawing ]

Pencil Sketch, 2012 297*190cm

[ Model-Making ] Explore the relationship between space, structure, material and proportion in a real sense.

“Art is nothing but a tool to express ideas.� ---------- Rabindranath Tagore

1. House model 2. Structure 3. Library 4. Rise 5. Residential Zone 2



3 5

A Tranquil Town Pen Sketch, 2011 297*210cm



Material Explorations | Resin Material

Exploration Project

Solidified Liquid

[ Resin Dripping Experiment ] In this material experiment, I firstly used a paper hanging on a string and started pouring F160 Polyol resin on the paper ball, the liquid will fastly solidify into a permanent form from the flowing liquid.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

[ Resin Freeform Casting ] In this material casting experiment, I firstly mixed the F160 Polyol resin and poured it into a pre-curved aluminium sheet, and there will be a free form object with the pattern from the casting mould.

Solidified Liquid

Step 1


Step 2

Step 3

The outcome from the Resin Dripping Experiment.


Material Explorations | Wax

[ Wax Casting Experiment ] In this material experiment, I firstly melted the solid wax into boiling wax liquid and soon poured it into the cold water to solidify the hot wax and make it form some beautiful cloud-like form. And then apply different pigment with different colours into the form.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

The Cloud The outcome from the Wax Casting Experiment. 112


Photography Projects

My Third Eye

[ The Captured Moments ] The sky turning black from blue, the city turning awaken from sleepy, the plants turning yellow from green, the building turning obsolescent from new…the world tells us the elapse of time through so many ways. And I found it more interesting and beautiful to explore the world through my third eye----camera. As is said by John Muir, “The mountain is calling, and I must go.” The world is fading, and I must record.




Shanghai | 2014

London | 2015

A Spiritual Rhythm New York | 2016


Cone Research | Infinite Cones Cone Research Project

Infinite Cones

[ Cone Aggregation ] Based on the CONEcrete project in the previous chapter, I researched about the complex aggregation of the simple geometry----cone, just by stacking them one by one. By doing so, we actually can have an infinite cone aggregation formation.

[ Aggregation Process ]

Step 1

Step 4


Step 2

Step 3

Step 5

Step 6

The Infinite Cone Aggregation 117

Cone Research | Infinite Cones [ The Cone Dress ] When browsing fashion magazines, I was sometimes bored of the similar and boring dress in vogus, they are safe choices but also tedious, So, in a lazy afternoon, I had an exciting thought: since I am an architect, why can’t I design a cone dress based on the Cone Research that I have done? Without a second thought, I used the design languages from the CONEcrete project and combined them according to a female body model. It all started from a simple cone, but with its infinite growing possibilities, this Cone Dress can actually achieve an infinitely changing form, by stacking cones in different positions. After finishing the fashion design work, I do find that there are certain similarities between fashion design and architectural design. Both of them are the combination of color, material, human scale, rhythm, contrast and proportion. This is amazing.

“I think of architecture as a piece of clothing wrapping around human beings.”

----Toyo Ito

The Cone Shoes

Close-up View


The Cone Dress

The Cone Dress

The Cone Dress

The Cone Dress

Side View

Front View

Rear View

Perspective View 119

Cone Research | Infinite Cones

[ Cone Cluster Aggregation ] Based on the Geometry Study in the CONEcrete project, I designed some digital sketches by arraying cone clusters and symmetric modelling.

Cone Cluster Aggregation

Running Horse Perspective View



Miscellaneous Design This chapter contains my attempt to jump out from the architetural design circle and gain an in-depth understanding of the meaning of our daily life. I am always hooked by some exciting ideas. One day I found a human face blown by the strong wind was very interesting, later on, I designed a mask based on some wind analysis to mimic that face. And when I got inspired in an art gallery, I tried to bring the art pieces into our daily life by combining a daily chair with art masterpieces, so there came the Photo-frame Chair, which can be customised according to the users’ preference and taste. Meanwhile, I designed various works and projects from the sudden inspiration from my daily life experience.



£200 UCL Doctoral School “Research Images as Art” Competition

Runner-up Award

Mask Design | Frozen Motion

Mask Design


Frozen Motion



Mask Design | Frozen Motion

[ Design Inspirations ] Based on a wind energy study and morphology analyses, this mask design work aims to simulate the wind force blowing on human’s face and capture this motional moment into a frozen art piece. The mask reveals a duality of calm and dynamic, lightness and heaviness, and colour and material.

Design Iterations

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3


A gradiant contrast between different materials


Front View


Close-up Detail

Close-up Detail


Chair Design | The Photo-frame Chair Chair Design Project

The Photo-frame Chair

[ Design Inspiration ] When staring some fantastic masterpiece of famous artists at an art museum, I was always inspired by them. I wonder what if we can appreciate the paintings at home. So some questions came to my mind: Can art combine with functions? Can I change a photo-frame into a chair, which not only can act as an art piece, but also can be easily folded up and stored? It’s artistic! It’s portable! It’s multifunctional! ......



A Photo-frame Chair!


[ Concept Diagram ]

The Photo-frame Chair Multi-function Furniture Design Type:Private Work , 2011

A Photo-frame

A Chair

Multiple choices of color and painting, and can be customised.



[ T-shirt Design ] Long before the our Graduation Party, I have planned to design a T-shirt for my class for memorization. And this dream came true in this summer. I put up three proposals, and my classmates voted and chose the third one, which stands out for its simplicity ,vigor and symbolications.

[ iPhone Case Design ] The same as many peers, I used to be a crazy fan of Apple products. Back to the times when Apple products just came out as a big success, many classmates would save every possible penny to buy the latest iPhone or iPad in order to show off before other mates. Instead, they barely buy anything beneficial to their health, or eat some healthy food during their adolescence. Ironically, they don’t even buy a real apple, which is more important to their body. This iPhone case was inspired from this weird phenomenon and designed to remind and encourage people to focus on a healthier lifestyle: bite a real apple, not the Apple logo. 130


[ Jewelry Design ]

[ Furniture Design 01 ]

According to my preference for rings, I designed this minimalism ring with an interesting bulge, for the benefit of fitting to different finger size and personal wearing preference.

Inspired by some patterns from nature and animals, I firstly designed some basic shape of tables and sitting objects and apply various pattern bump map onto the surfaces to create an exciting sensation when people are sitting on the objects. And this red lip table design is more complete with its reflection on the ground to form a complete mouth logo.

Furniture Design 01

Jewelry Design

The Lips

Minimalism Lover

Perspective View

Perspective View

[ Vase Design ]

[ Furniture Design 02 ]

Starting from the experience of putting a plastic bag in front of a box, this vase design is trying to create an illusion of a water-leaking box blocked with a plastic bag shape glass. It aims to create a stability in the unstability.

This green amber furniture design is inspired by the beauty of natural amber. Its lower truss structure is calculated to meet the minimum standard to support the upper table surface and sitting part.

Vase Design

Stable Unstability Perspective View

Furniture Design 02

The Amber Perspective View



[ Interative Installation Design ]

[ LED Installation Design ]

Inspired by the growth of flowers and crystal, each geometric shape is designed in an origami direction so it can be fabricated repeatedly and applied itself to fabric and to fit with its neighbor shapes. And by installing an interative device inside the geometries, this design can interative with people’s movement.

By repeating the basic and iconic outline of a house for 20 times, there will be a strong perspective view of the void space, created by the LED lights. People can walk through this to experience the space, time and spiritual warmth from the concept of home.

LED Installation Design House Travels Through Time Side View

LED Installation Design House Travels Through Time Top View

Interative Installation Design

Crystal Flower Perspective View


LED Installation Design

The Spritual Warmth Perspective View


Digital Explorations | Digi-Art Digital

Explorations Project

The Citizens

The Digi-Art

We Are Craving For A Revolution

[ A Digital Future of Art ] In this part, I am trying to explore the fantastic art world with the digital tools we have today, like Processing, Maya, Rhino, Grasshopper. By running different scripts and algorithm, we can have a automatically generated outcome with massive repetition and minor differentiation, which can be easily interfered by our artistic mind with some simple change in the code or script.

1 3 2


1. A Mild Revolution 2. The Rising Circles 3. Digital Reality 4. Sunset Kills A Man Softly 136


Digital Explorations | Digi-Art [ Digital Creatures ] In the digital world, we have every freedom to create any creatures or objects that used to only exist in our crazy minds. We can give life and passion to the creatures that we design.

The God’s Bird It is staring at you all the times, day and night, bright and dark.

Rise The liquid is freeing from the land.



Digital Explorations Curved Space | Digital | Space Sketches Fluidity Curved Space Study

Space Fluidity

[ The Fluidity of Space ] Based on a minimal surface study, I designed some curved surfaces with different complexity and hierarchies, from small pavilion to an exhibition gallery, by analysing the different types of structures.

small scale-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------big scale

The Fluidity of Space

Perspective View 1 140

















London, 21 October 2016


To W hom I t M ay Concer n

This let t er is wr it t en t o s t r o n g l y r e c o m m e n d H a i b o X i a o f o r a p o s i t i o n a t y o u r s t u d i o . H a i b o w a s o n e o f m y s t u d e n t s a t B a r t l e t t S c h o o l o f A r c h i t e c t u r e ’s G r a d u a t e A r c h i t e c t ural Design Pr ogr am m e wher e he gr ad u a t e d i n 2 0 1 6 ( M a s t e r o f A r c h i t e c t u r e ) . I n h i s t h e s i s p r o j e c t H a i b o ex plor ed digit ally dr iv en d e s i g n a n d f a b r i c a t i o n m e t h o d s w i t h a p a r t i c u l a r f o c u s o n s p r a ye d c onc r et e. Wit h his t eam he d e v e l o p m e n t a p a r a m e t r i c d e s i g n a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n s y s t e m a l l o w i n g us er s t o r apidly build inha b i t a b l e l o w - c o s t s t r u c t u r e s .

Haibo XIAO Male P.R.China 06/08/1991 +44 7907993591

09/2015~09/2016 MArch Architectural Design The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, London, United Kingdom • Major: MArch Architectural Design (with £5000 Bartlett Master’s Scholarship) • School: The Bartlett School of Architecture • Course: Algorithm-based digital design of architecture 09/2009~06/2014 Bachelor in Urban Planning The School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Hunan City University, Yiyang, China • Major: BEng Urban Planning (with ¥5000 National Encouragement Scholarship) • School: The School of Architecture and Urban Planning • Course: Two years of architectural courses and three years of urban planning courses

Haibo was one of t he bes t s t u d e n t s i n m y c l a s s t h i s y e a r. H e a l w a y s p e r f o r m e d e x c e l le n tl y a n d has a r em ar k able pr of es s i o n a l a t t i t u d e . I r e m e m b e r h i m a s a n i n t e l l i g e n t , d e d i c a t e d an d har d- wor k ing indiv idual. A n y a r c h i t e c t u r a l c o m p a n y, d e s i g n s t u d i o o r a c a d e m i c r e s e a r ch i n sti tu te would def init ely benef it f r o m h a v i n g h i m a s p a r t o f t h e t e a m . Pleas e f eel f r ee t o c ont act m e a t a n y t i m e . Sinc er ely,


• • • • • • • •

2009-2010 The Third-class Scholarship of University 2010 National English Contest for College Students (NECCS) Third Prize; 2011-2012 Merit Student of the Year 2012 First Prize of Urban Design of Hunan City University 2012-2013 National Encouragement Scholarship 2012-2013 The Second-class Scholarship of University 2015.11 £200 Research Image Competition of Doctoral School, UCL 2015-2016 £5000 Bartlett Master’s Scholarship, UCL


• • • •

Fluent English,IELTS overall band 7(L8.5, R6.5, W6.5,S 6.5) College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 Native speaker of Mandarin Chinese Conversational Cantonese

Daniel Widr ig Daniel Widr ig St udio Lt d / D i r e c t o r Bar t let t Sc hool of Ar c hit ec t u r e / L e c t u r e r



w w

w i

43 W h i t e P o s t L a n e London E 9 5 E N U K w . d r





+4 4 ( 0 ) 7 8 2 4 6 5 5 2 4 9 info(at) n i e . c o

l m

• Proficient in Architectal design platforms,such as Maya, Rhino, Grasshopper, Processing, SketchUp, AutoCAD, Keyshot, Artlantis Studio,etc. • Confident in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premier and Microsoft Suite. • Good at free hand drawing and making model • Familiar with both Windows OS and Mac OS 143

EPILOGUE Life is like a journey along the river. Some people prefer to stay in the comfort zone, trying hard to avoid the things unfamiliar to them. While, some people live like explorers, willing to experience the fascinating but risky unknown world with curiosity and passion. I personally prefer to be the enthusiastic explorer inside and outside of the comfort zone and try to have fun in all the possibilities during this journey along the river. These “Sediment� projects discreetly collected in this portfolio may not be the finest, however, they witnessed a young designer’s devotion, passion, progress and most importantly ambition. As time elapses and river runs, young man is stepping on his dream path to a more professional field and start the sediment-seeking journey, again.



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