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When interviewing candidates there is much to be considered. It can be a time consuming process, but don’t worry we will help as much as we can to make sure it is stress-free!
Ensure your interviews are relevant to the role With an agreed structure this will help you keep to points which are of relevance. You don’t want to waste your time or that of the candidate. After all time is money! Cancelling an interview can leave a bad impression We ensure that you have the best candidates suited to the needs of your role. You don’t want to run the risk of losing them. Ensure colleagues are briefed on your recruitment policy and you can stand in for each other if required. Maintain good eye contact This will help ensure the client has confidence in the candidate, and likewise the candidate has confidence in the client! It also demonstrates being focused, determined and paying attention at all times. Know your next move after an interview Clients interviewing should be clear and precise on the procedure which will follow the interview so that the candidate understands what is going to happen and that they are fully briefed. They could potentially be the next star employee for your company. Follow up the interview when you have promised to Do not let candidates drift or be left wondering what is happening. Ensure they know when and how you will contact them and stick to it.
A bad interview can have a negative impact both for clients and candidates.